What if the dog ate the sock. Intestinal obstruction. What if the dog swallowed the rubber ball? Puppy swallowed a foreign body symptoms

Dogs love bone bones, but sharp edges and pieces can harm the digestive system. If the pet shows lethargy, coughs, refuses to eat, dies with belly and body, and when the intestine is emptying, blood is visible - these are signs of damage to the intestinal walls and other organs of the digestive tract by fragments of bones.

When the dog ate the bone, and later there were signs of bad well-being, she needs to be the first help at home, and then carry to the veterinarian.

Not dangerous for dogs Chicken bones of young broilers. They can be given in boiled or raw form. They are easily overcoiled and podiatiles for healthy dog \u200b\u200bteeth. If the dog ate chicken bone from the bird from the supermarket, do not worry.

Much worse for the health of pets chicken bones of rustic nurses, which were grown for more than a year. Bones of poultry bones are rigid and strong, with fault, have hazardous sharp edges, which can cut the intestines or stomach of the dog, to rush into the walls of the organs, cause inner bleeding and the death of the animal. At the first symptoms of damage to the internal organs, the dog should be taken to the veterinator on X-ray.

The dog ate the fish bone

Fish bones are very thin and sharp. They are not visible on X-ray, only an experienced specialist can detect them. On the one hand, fish bones are not very dangerous for the life of a pet. They do not overlap the respiratory tract, do not lead to suffocation. However, stuck, the needle-like bones cause unbearable pain, the dog begins to whine, suffering from insomnia, to abandon the water and food.

If the dog ate the fish bone, and that is stuck in the larynx, you can get it with a tweezers. For this, one person fixes the mouth in the open position, the other, armed with a sterilized alcohol with tweezers, should pick up, reliably clap the bone tip and one confident movement pull it out of the larynx.

A dog that swallowed the bone cannot be offered hard food, because it can still stronger stroke into the fabric, or to grasp it. This will make it difficult to pull a stitching subject. If it is impossible to help the dog at home should always contact the veterinarian. Specialists in the inspection of larynx use the oral expander.

Veterinarians strongly advise not to give adult dogs and puppies tubular bones. They can be simply swallowed entirely or are sprayed on small pieces with sharp edges. And in that, and in another case, the nurse is harmful.

What dangers can wait if the dog ate the tubular bone:

  • Infection from chicken, rabbit, beef or pork bones, if the killed animal suffered from infectious diseases. Even high temperatures during cooking do not destroy some types of bacteria in the bones.
  • Damage to the fragile enamel of dairy teeth puppies, and the overacting of indigenous teeth of adult dogs. The sharp edges of the tubular bone are often damaged.
  • The bones and their fragments are not digested by the gastrointestinal tract of dogs, but they are crushed into dense masses. This causes constipation, gas formation.
  • Sharp fragments, the dog may be stored. Bone particles can damage the esophagus, stomach, intestines, cut the walls of the organs, cause peritonitis.

Dog owners must follow the behavior and status of the dog after they noticed that the pet swallowed the bone. If the dog has begun to cough, right up to vomiting urges, wheezing, falling, taking weakness, pain, difficulty in swallowing, it is necessary to give her urgent help.

What if the dog swallows the bone and got sick:

  1. It is necessary to examine the mouth with a flashlight. If the bone dug into the rear wall of the larynx and is visible, try to pull it out with hands or tweezers.
  2. If the pet coughs, small dogs are taken for the rear paws and lifted. Big dogs tip down their heads. Foreign objects overlook with a strong air jet with a sharp exhale.
  3. When a dog cannot dare, fed to the bone and chips, use the reception of gamelich. The dog is pressed back to itself, the brush, assembled in the fist, is located in front of the stern. In the diaphragm area, 4-5 sharp presses make fist. If after that the bone did not come out, the urgent hospitalization of the animal is required.
  4. In the pain in the abdomen and blood in the wheel masses, the dog is given from a syringe without a needle 10 ml of vegetable oil, which facilitates the outflows of bone bones from the intestine.
  5. It is recommended not to give food and water with a dog for 3 days. The hunger strike helps to restore the damaged walls of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. When the dog begins to feel better, and blood ceases to go out with the wheel masses, a strict diet must be observed for several days. The dog is fed bread, operated in milk, and oatmeal. Solid food is temporarily not given.

Opinions about violent. For some types of bones, the pet react positively.

Young healthy dogs from swallowed bones suffer from not much and quickly restored from damage. But nevertheless, with serious symptoms of unreasoning, it is necessary to refer to the branch to facilitate the state of the pet and avoid complications.

People love to make dogs as pets, it is especially characteristic of alone, but seeking individuals.

Young animals Quite often can eat any knowingly invading item, which can bring a lot of negative consequences for their digestive tract in particular and the body as a whole. Therefore, the owners need to carefully follow their dog all the time.

But it is not very often able to keep track and the dog eats different, sometimes causing surprise objects, such as socks.

Why can a dog eat socks?

Do not forget that any dog \u200b\u200bis a carrier of the genes of wild ancestors and their instinctive base. Dogs are representatives of predators, in nature they are constantly in search of food. Similarly, they come in houses, but sometimes it turns out that they eat inedible items that they are mistaken for edible, for example, because of their smell.

Socks, especially those who worned for a long time, publish strong smellwhich is very annoyingly affects the sensitive receptors of the olfactory system of the dog, while the hunter instinct works and the animal can swallow them.

Danger of sock ingestion

If you get into the stomach, the sock can break on the threads due to the effects of the aggressive gastric juice, it can go down the intestines (if it is small compared to the stomach size), and may be stuck in the stomach.

If the product is stuck in the stomach, it can lead to non-digestion of food and later to peritonitis. The most inspired by swallowing cotton socks, such products will be more and more to swell from the inner moisture, leading to the reinforcement of food and bloating of the stomach. Without the consequences of the animal in this case, it can be fatal in this case.

What if the dog ate

If the dog ate the sock and he did not come out naturally along with the chair, the owners will need to take certain measures.

If the sock is swallowed recently, less than 6 hours ago, you can try to call in animal vomiting, in order for the sock to come out with the vomit masses. Vomiting causes the following ways:

  1. With salt. Salt can neatly pour into the root of the tongue or make a salt solution and enter it inside the dog with a syringe.
  2. With the help of mustard. Mustard has annoying properties and applied to the root of the tongue, it can cause vomiting.
  3. With hydrogen peroxide. Experienced dog breeders are particularly praised by this method as extremely effective and efficient. Hydrogen peroxide together with clean water mixed in a ratio of one to one and further, with a syringe, poured into the lamen dog.

In the event that the sock is relatively recently swallowed, you can try to extract it with an endoscope, naturally not independently, and with the help of veterinarian.

The use of vaseline oil as a laxative will help if after swallowing the sock has passed more than 12 hours and it has not come out natural way. Vaseline oil should give a dog every two hours to the desired effect, it should not feed the dog.

Vaseline oil will not harm the body of the dog and will come out of it in a constant form, as it will not be absorbed by mineral and the organism.

If the sock does not come out of the stomach, despite the measures taken, it will be necessary to refer to a qualified veterinarian to carry out an intra-proprietary operation to extract the product from the stomach of the animal. After such an operation, mandatory observance of the postoperative rehabilitation regime, wearing a special bandage, the reception of antibacterial drugs, vitanominotherapy, dosage walks, avoiding conflicts with other dogs.

Prevention measures in the stomach dog socks

The main measure of prevention of negative consequences of eating a dog socks is cleaning of all socksEspecially cotton, from the dog's reach area.

Permanent and thorough cleaning of home space from potentially dangerous items for dogs will be the key to the calm of the owners and the health of their pets.

It will be worth the periodic competent training of a dog for the formation of a negative attitude towards wearest products and fabric items.

Eating knowingly inedible objects, in particular socks, may also be an indicator of the general nervousness and anxiety of the dog. Compliance with the mode of walking, balanced nutrition, games - all this will reduce the disturbing level of the dog and will lead to greater harmonization of the relationship of the dog and man.

What actions can not be taken if the dog ate sock

In no case can you shout on the dog if she swallowed the sock, because it is already in a stressful state. If the body is in the stressful situation, the state of the gastrointestinal tract may worsen, spasms may occur.

If the dog swallowed the sock at the owner, he should not try to pull him independently if he already got into the esophagus - it could lead to much greater trauma. It should not be independently trying to pull out the stomach sock, with the help of a massage of the abdomen, it can also lead to a deterioration of the situation.

After the accurate state of fact, keep calm and accurately follow the above actions.

It is very important to remember that the laxative need to give precisely vaseline, and not vegetable or olive oil.

To begin with, we will talk about safety technician: do not allow situations in which a dog has a desire and the ability to have packages.

  • Close the messenger bucket (if necessary - on the valve!).
  • Do not leave unattended packages with purchases (meat, sausages in packaging). (Do not leave without packaging too if you want to get you food.)
  • Any packaging from under anything tasty should be immediately emrolled in an inaccessible place for the dog. Packages without an attractive smell of dogs are rarely swallowed, but such perverts are found. In this case, you can only arise: hide all packages, do not leave the dog unattended, in your absence, lock the pet in a safe place (cells for dogs - it is not evil and not violence, it is a safe house for the absence of the owner).
  • Watch the pet on a leash and / or in a muzzle.

But, I think, if you read this article, the above tips were late.

What to do if the dog has already ate the package

If the dog ate the package - do not fall into a panic. It is very likely that it will come out naturally, especially if the dog sprudhes him.

Watch the status of a dog for several days: if vomiting appears - do not feed the dog, do not give her any medicines and immediately deliver it to the doctor, warning that the dog recently ate the package.

The doctor will hold a series of X-ray pictures with contrast (it will take several hours, you will have to leave a dog in a hospital or come several times) to identify intestinal obstruction. X-ray without contrast can be useless: polyethylene does not delay X-ray rays, but the first shot is usually done before the introduction of a contrast agent. If the intestinal blockage is confirmed, surgical intervention will need. (And no, "Many X-ray" is not harmful to your dog!)

A very rarely a foreign body can lie in the stomach for a long time, without showing itself until the time. At some point it shifts and clogs the intestines. Even if you are sure that your pet has recently, nothing "such" is not swallowed, do not refuse the X-ray study with the contrast to identify intestinal obstruction, if the dog has a stubborn vomiting.

Ultrasound on indirect features can also help identify intestinal obstruction, but X-ray with contrast is still more reliable.

If the dog does not bother, wait for the package exit natural way. For reliability, it is possible to give vaseline oil (not the Castor region and no other oil%!) - It will make it easier for the output of the feces. Vaseline oil (sold in a pharmacy) is given inside, at the rate of about 1 teaspoon per 10 kg of dog weight, 2-4 times a day, before the appearance of the chair. It should not give it longer than a couple of days: oil violates normal suction processes in the intestine. If, after the dog's defecation, only half of the package came out, and the residue sits tightly in the intestine - do not pull over the hanging part. Just do the scissors what it turned out outside, and wait until the rest comes out itself.

And always, always hide with dogs packs and other packaging. The dog will not make any conclusions from the occurrence and, if any opportunity, will eat again that it attracts.

We all love to play with your pets in a ball or other toys. But what if in the process of the game or by negligence, your favorite swallowed this very ball? At first glance, this problem may not seem like such both terrible, but in fact this "little trouble" can cost your animal life!

All the danger of this situation lies in the intestinal blockage (intestinal obstruction), which the foreign object is created by the petroleum. And sharp items can cause intestinal rupture. The fact is that the objects of the right shape (oval and round), which are capable of passing through the globage lumen, can be greater in diameter than the lumen of the esophagus, since it is very wide that dogs are very wide, because they do not chew food, but swallow Large pieces. If these items are still resistant to the effects of juices and enzymes in the stomach, but passed through the esophagus, the subtle intestine becomes the next obstacle.

What is the mechanism of this phenomenon? It is true that both the esophagus and the intestines are a very elastic organ capable of great stretching. Moreover, the inner surface is enjoyed by the mucous membrane, which contributes to the sliding of the feed masses, and the walls are equipped with rings with smooth muscles, which provide pushing the content in the underlying departments. Here and hides the answer - it is a strongly abbreviated smooth muscles forms a spasm around the foreign object, fixing it tightly in the lumen of the authority. Next, a local circulatory disorder occurs, tissue necrosis and intestinal break. Death comes as a result of peritonitis.

Most often, the surgeons of the veterinary center "Zovet" have to be removed: rubber balls, balls, children's toys, potatoes, threads, chicken bones, and more.

The symptoms of intestinal obstruction are general ailment, nausea, lack of chair, abdominal soreness.

How do you need to behave with suspicion of swallowing your pet a foreign object?

First, in no case are in no case attempt to cope with this problem independently, for example, letting pets petroleum oil. Moreover, it is impossible to give animal drugs that cause vomiting that reinforce the intestinal peristry.

This will not only do not help your pet, but also aggravate this situation.

You should immediately Contact the veterinary clinic. And the sooner you do it, the greater the chances that your favorite can help without the use of a surgical method for extracting a foreign body (operation). Also in this situation it is important to choose the right choice of veterinary clinic. Due to the fact that even with a timely handling of the clinic, it is not always possible to make a diagnosis " intestinal obstruction"Based on the physical (inspection) and x-ray examination, since not all swift items X-ray-repeat and palpatorially detected.

In the veterinary center "Zowet" there is a necessary one, namely: Gastroscope, Olimpus colonoscope. Due to this, not only the diagnostic studies of the gastrointestinal tract of animals are effectively carried out, but also effectively the extraction of foreign objects from the stomach using an endoscope (in a minimally invasive way). The main thing is not to tighten and turn to the clinic on the same day when your pet swallowed the ball!

Doctors of the veterinary center "Zowet" are always happy to help your pets and are ready to help at any time of the day.

Hello! Jack Russell Terrier Puppy 6 months. What was swallowed (presumably a piece of "cream" bought in a specialized store), 5 days ago. Keeps, but not intense. Eats and drinks without visible inconvenience. Excreicated (3-4 times in the evening) short as if asmatic attacks. There is no pain, cheerful, graft. Yesterday began to flow from the eyes. I am alone intensively. We live abroad. There is no opportunity to visit the doctor.
How dangerous is what is happening? Can the body himself right? The stuck subject sits clearly in the field of trachea. From the throat is not viewed. Caused a puppy sneezing, did not help ... what to do? Help me please!

It is difficult to advise you any particular option to get rid of a puppy from trouble, not knowing what the "hrying" is actually made, whose piece swallowed your puppy. As far as I know, the "cream" can be made both from natural (tendons) and from artificial (plastic) materials.

If the "hrying" is natural, then maybe you are in vain, and this state of the puppy will be held by itself.

If it does not pass for a long time, then before turning to the veteriner, try to pour it (in the mouth of the mouth) of vaseline oil. However, it makes it difficult to say how much exactly the puppy should be poured this fluid. Still, vaseline oil is laxative. Try to start to give no more than one tablespoon.

Also, when swallowing a solid object, an example, glass, rubber, wire, was ourselves to give it to eat Caster with milk and bread.

You can clean the stomach and using the following methods. A solution from the table salt is prepared at the calculation - one teaspoon on 500 ml of warm water. The finished solution is given to the dog as well as liquid medicine (infusion for the cheek) before the occurrence of vomiting.

As a submitted vomit, you can use the following:

1. Salt salt - two teaspoons on a glass of warm water. Pour forcibly through your mouth with a fringe.

2. Mustard is one tablespoon on a glass of warm water.

Watch carefully when the puppy will tear. If you notice the foreign object already in the throat, quickly try to grab it with your hands and pull out from there.

If nothing of the above helps, still need to contact the veterinarian. Contact the veterinary clinic in which the gastroscopy is carried out, perhaps the foreign body will be removed by removing with a flexible endoscope through the mouth.

Many foreign bodies, even very large, in dogs can freely pass by the intestine.

Perhaps your puppy will need a x-ray and operation. Especially if you are not quite sure that it is he swallowed.

Puppy all pulls in the mouth. Make sure that there were no small objects in the reach area, needles, pens, children's machines, etc. Another problem with the content of the puppy is the subjects surrounding it.

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