What time is 1 month old. In which age begin the periods of girls and how they proceed. Monthly during pregnancy

Monthly girls begin to approximately from 12 to 14 years. However, sometimes it is normal or later than menarh (first menstruation). As a rule, girls begin menstruation at about the same age as their mothers. And in the last 10-20 years there is an earlier puberty of girls. Most likely, it is associated with full nutrition and lifestyle. The girl does not starve, which means that, in her normal concentration, the main female hormone is produced - estrogen, which regulates sexual maturation and continues effect on the reproductive system.

Always the first periods of girls occur after the formation of secondary sexual signs. Approximately 9 years old girls begin to grow rapidly (often in growth overtake boys). They appear their hair under mouses, dark hair on the legs and on the pubis, sometimes on the chin and above the lips. Next (no more than 2-3 years) menstruation begin. Before this responsible torque, a girl can appear on the face, small transparent discharge from nipples. By this time, the mother must already be explained by the daughters that the changes occur in their body, which represents menstruation from girls, what is their cyclicality and, of course, about hygiene in critical days.

Despite the fact that now there are mini-tampons that can be used to virgins, preference should be given to good hygienic pads. Mama should disturb themselves in advance that their daughters have no lack of hygiene data, since even with scant menstruation, the gaskets must be changed at least 2 times a day.

And what to do, if the men's men's 11, 12 years old are often delayed? We are accustomed to the fact that menstruation must come regularly, and even small deviations from the norm indicate some problems in the body. But adolescent girls are different. 2-3 years after the menarche cycle will be installed, that is, menstruation can begin a little earlier than the term and a little later, in one month there are abundant, and in other scarce, as well as painful. You should not bother with pain, you can talk with a doctor on the possibility of receiving spasmolitics in critical days. Scooty monthly - it is also not scary. But the abundant can be dangerous if they are really very abundant ... It is dangerous if the gaskets have to change more often than once every 2-3 hours. You should also consult a doctor with delays for longer than 3 months (the reason for this often becomes observance of strict diets for weight loss), long-term menstruation (longer than 7 days), and also, if the gaps between monthly bleeding are less than 21 days.

Monthly girls for 15 years and older are more regular. By this time, the period of puberty ends slowly. By 18-20, girls have a shaped figure on the female type, regular menstrual cycle and can conceive and make a child without difficulties and complications.

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The first periods of girls are considered to be the beginning of the gynecological age, are indicated by the term "menarche". Menstruation indicates that significant changes have occurred in the organism of the girl. Begins the training of the body to conceive, tooling pregnancy. The restoration of the menstrual cycle will occur for 3 years. Therefore, the appearance of first monthly does not guarantee readiness for childbirth.

Approximately 2 years before the start of menstruation, the body begins restructuring. Teen changes beyond recognition. Just during this period, complex relationships between parents and daughter appear. It is considered normal if the period of the girls begin between the ages of 12 and 14 years. Along with this, there is the concept of early puberty when menstruation begins at 9 years old. There is a place and late menarche when menstruation come in 16 years. The menstrual cycle is a complex process in which the genital system is involved, endocrine, central nervous. All components of one process should be ready for this. Many internal and external factors affect the appearance of the first monthly factors.

The presence of the first monthly does not mean that they will go regularly from month to month. Possible break to 6 months, which is also considered a normal phenomenon. It is impossible to predict the nature of the selection. But they are rarely abundant. Often the first menstrual blood discharge is scarce or moderate. A lot of blood is a sign of pathology or illness.

Factors affecting the occurrence of menstruation

Approximately 2 years before the start of menstruation, the girl's body begins to change physically. The girls begin to form women's damages. Mom guesses what it may be for this, and the daughter continues to conduct a carefree lifestyle, not paying attention to significant changes. Delay or can the following factors.

  • Genetic predisposition. Doctors allocated a pattern - monthly daughter begin at the same age that mom. If the mother happened at 9 years old, then the arrival of menstruation at this age does not consider the deviation. The same situation and late Menarche.
  • Physical development. Girls begins to grow breasts, the hips are rounded, a waist appears. This happens under the influence of sex hormones that prepare the body to adult life. If accelerated physical development is observed, it means that critical days will come before. There is a pattern - monthly beginnings when the girl is reached 45 kg. Full girls begin the monthly faster.
  • Psycho-emotional state. The state of the nervous system affects the setting of the monthly cycle. Under the influence of strong stress and constant nervous voltage, menstruation can come ahead of time or much later. The same factor affects the duration of critical days, the nature of the discharge, frequency.
  • Nutrition girls. Full diet is a pledge of full development. If there is a shortage of vitamins, mineral substances and other useful components, monthly will be delayed.
  • Health problems in the past. Influence the term of the first monthly trauma in girls in the field of genital organs, serious viral diseases, diseases of the internal organs. A photograph of health can clarify the doctor.
  • The presence of diseases. The cause of the delay may be deviations in the functioning of the endocrine system, inflammatory processes of the sexual system, incorrect development of organs.

The influence of some factors can be loosen. For example, change food, create a favorable situation to calm the nervous system. Diseases are getting rid of the right timely treatment. But it is almost impossible to accelerate physical development or affect genetics.

Signs of first monthly

Menarche often occurs suddenly, unexpectedly. Although this process is preceded by many changes in which the onset of first menstruation is determined.

  • Physical changes. Together with increasing breasts, rounding the thighs, hairs in the pubic area begin to appear, armpits. The activities of the sebaceous glands increases. This follows an excessive sweating, the appearance of acne on the face, chest, back. In some girls, teenagers often begins to hurt the head, dizziness appears, periodically.
  • Changes in the psyche. The nervous system is subjected to a colossal load. Changes start occurring 2 years before the girl's menstruation. There is nervousness, mood swings, plasticity, depression, nervous breakdown, excitability. All these signs are enhanced on the eve of critical days.
  • Allocations from the vagina. Approximately 3 months before the first monthly period, the girls appear in the form of white. On the panties, the teenager discovers white or yellow stains. Over time, their number increases. On the eve of critical days, there are many of them. If the girl does not experience burnback, itching, the phenomenon is considered the norm. The presence of unpleasant sensations indicates the development of thrush under the influence of the work of hormones.
  • Painful feelings. Approximately, and for 3 days the abdomen. This is due to the work of the uterus. The organ is reduced to turn the epithelium layer. First of time it will be able to hardly. The process is accompanied by pain, weakness, poor well-being.

Starting from 12 years old, the teenager needs to be preparing psychologically to the arrival of critical days. Conduct a delicate conversation, explain what. What to do when the first monthly starts. Mom needs to be prepared for this, buy pre-gasket. A teenager must carry a means of hygiene in a secret portfolio pocket, handbags. In case the first monthly begin at school. It takes a long time to give birth.

Features of the first menstruation

An adult woman has a menstrual cycle lasts 28-30 days. Duration of menstruation from 3 to 7 days. In girls teenagers, the cycle is irregular. The delay can be up to 3 months. If the arrival of regular menstruation is delayed, you need to visit the doctor. Usually, the menstrual cycle is restored by 18 years or within 2 years after the start of the first menstruation.

The number of discharge is also ambiguous. With a well-established cycle, the volume of lost blood is almost the same. What you can not say about monthly girls. The first periods are characterized by a small blood release. Brown allocations may be present instead. If the first monthly is accompanied by bleeding, you should consult a doctor. Many selection should not be.

Painful sensations in the abdomen appear 2 days before menstruation. Disappear on 3 day after the start. This is a normal phenomenon, since the body occur in the body associated with the end of the egg development cycle. If the pain is strong, you need to show the girl to the doctor.

The first periods of girls are accompanied by a common weakness, dizziness, drowsiness. We can give soothing drugs in the form of tincture Valerians or herbal tea from chamomile, melissa, mint. Eliminate pain can be analgin, paracetamol, citragon. Many tablets do not give.

Hygiene products

The first periods of girls begin unexpectedly for themselves and suddenly for Mom. As a means of hygiene is better. They can be purchased either their own manufacture. For the most part, it all depends on what the mother enjoys the mother. In any case, the gasket must be high quality. You can first buy a means with the designation "Normal", with the image of 3 droplets. And also gaskets for daily use with 1-2 drops.

In the manufacture of gaskets, it is necessary to use pure natural material. Most often, cotton, cotton wool, gauze, bandage. The easiest way is to wrap the cotton wool, to sew a piece of cellophane to the panties. Putting your own manufacture to attach with panties to panties. On the Internet you can find a pattern, a detailed description of a more complex process of manufacturing the gasket.

Despite the fact that tampons are widely used by modern women, girls are better from this hygiene to protect. There are a lot of reasons for this. From toxic material tampons, to the threat of the development of gynecological diseases. More details can explain a qualified doctor.

Hygiene rules during menstruation

It is very important to explain the girl how to behave during menstruation. Enhanced physical exertion on the eve, during menstruation lead to the occurrence of pain, bleeding. If the first periods of girls begin at school, they should consign in the classroom home. In the body there will be unusual changes that can scare the girl. Need support mom. This is especially true when menstruation begins at an early age.

The arrangement procedure should be carried out at least 2 times a day. Use pure warm water without intimate hygiene products. In the water you can add a little manganese. This substance will reduce the number of pathogenic harmful microorganisms that develop in blood discharge. Menuing gaskets should be filled. With scant discharges, hygiene products change every 5 hours.

The first monthly - stress for a girl, an important event for mom. Better when the teenager is ready for this, than everything will fall suddenly. Early sex education should occur in a child affordable for a child, according to its age. If the girl does not trust mom, you can take it to a consultation with your doctor.

Critical days - regular, monthly and familiar phenomenon for women. But once regulates come for the first time - in his youth. The periods of girls begin in a relatively early age of 11-15 years and mean the beginning of puberty. The start of the new "adult" life can occur earlier or later the right age, and this can be explained by a variety of factors. The predecessors of menstruation will always be other changes in the body and the appearance of the girl, which marked the emergence of menstruation. How to prepare a child to a new stage of life, and what accompanying symptoms can be expected - we will examine on points.

How to prepare a girl

Each attentive and caring mom will always notice changes in his child's life. Menstruation comes for the first time in a period from 10 to 16 years, and in rare cases these time can stretch from 8 to 19 years. At an early or later, the beginning of critical days can affect a large number of reasons, but, in any case, the upcoming periods will have preceding changes in the appearance of the girl and its internal well-being. The responsibility of each mother's daughter, will morally prepare the child to the beginning of menstruation. It is necessary to explain what menstruation is why they begin and for what purpose they exist.

The beginning of the menstruation is the main sign of the beginning of puberty in adolescents. This is a peculiar update of female genital organs, which occurs every month to prepare a female body for future pregnancy. With the beginning of puberty, there is an intensive production of women's hormones, which alternately replace their concentration depending on the occurrence of the cycle. It should be convinced of the child not to be afraid of these changes, and explain what it means special growing and "transformation" from the girl in the girl.

In this period, the figure is changing, breasts grow, hair appears in places where there were no problems before, and problems of excessive operation of the glands (sweating, dandruff and fast contamination of the head, acne and acne) are possible. The arrival of menstruation is often accompanied by malaise and abdominal pain, it also needs to foresee and stock safe pain relief drugs. All this mother must clearly explain to his daughter, but before conversation, it is necessary to get acquainted in detail with all the processes of the female organism itself.

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From which the deadline for the appearance of menstruation

When men in girls begin, many factors are influenced. The main ones are the physical and physiological features of the body. It is considered to be 11-16 years old for the start of menstruation, but deviations are possible in a large or smaller side.

Factors that may contribute to the shift of the first monthly:

  • hereditary features;
  • previously transferred diseases;
  • racial affiliation;
  • physical exercise;
  • food;
  • emotional condition;
  • mode of life;
  • pathology or disease in the body.

If the girl in early childhood suffered severe diseases and long-term accepted drugs, then menstruation can come later. As the reason for the delay of menstruation can serve as a small body mass and the thinness of the child. On the early arrival of critical days, as in the late, always affects a hormonal background or violation of the sexual system.

What should be the first monthly

When the production of follicularity and luteinizing hormones begins in the pituitary and hypothalamus, the ovaries begin to function and the first monthly arrive. During this period, there is an intensive development of reproductive organs, the ripening of eggs and an increase in the endometrial layer in the uterus. The first monthly is the beginning of the menstrual cycles that will regularly take up to the climax (45-50 years).

Menstrual bleeding is rejection of the upper layer of the mucous meter, which occurs under the action of hormones, if no fertilization occurred. In this period from the genital organs, the dark red blood of the mucosa of the consistency is released, it is about 50-100 ml in volume. On the first day of bleeding is not too abundant, and their peak accounts for more often on the second day, after which the amount of blood released is recession. Critical days are individually, but should fit in time from 3 to 8 days.

The very first periods can be shorter than duration and not too abundant. The first months after the start of menstruation, the cycle may be irregular, but later it is installed, and the regularity of critical days appears. Usually the cycle ranges from 28 to 35 days, but there are deviations depending on individual characteristics and hormonal background.

Signs of the first monthly approximation

In order for the starting periods, they did not surprise and mislead the girl, it should be prepared in advance and aware of the coming changes. The first menstruation does not start suddenly, it will always have previous symptoms that will manifest in the form of change in appearance, condition or behavior of the girl. Attentive parent will always notice these changes.

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Signs of the approaching menstruation in girls:

  • begins to grow;
  • there is a set of weight;
  • hair growth begins on the pubic, under the mouse, on the legs and arms;
  • blesley discharge from the vagina;
  • mood change;
  • intensive secretion of glands (sweat, sebaceous);
  • PMS in all its manifestations.

The listed features may manifest itself a single, and can also be in the complex. Almost all changes are associated with the beginning of the production of female sex hormones, which begin their intensive work in the body of a teenage girl. Directly 1-2 days before the start of bleeding, the girl can disturb discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen and in the chest.

How is the first menstruation and how to prepare a child

The duration and abundance of the first menstruation is most often individual and manifest themselves in different ways. Monthly can last from 3 to 8 days, with the most abundant discharge in the first 2-3 days. The first and second day of menstruation are often accompanied by pulling pains at the bottom of the abdomen, which are considered the norm. After the signs of the approaching menstruation were noticed, the girl should always have a means of personal hygiene and gaskets.

After the occurrence of menstruation, the process is started with the ripening of eggs, ovulation occurs, which means it is possible to get pregnant. It should be explained to the child that the beginning of menstruation - means incense, and tell about sexual relationships and safe sex. It is important to familiarize yourself with the Rules of the necessary hygiene in the days of menstruation, as blood is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Early menstruation

Early menstruation is considered menstrual bleeding, which began before 11 years. These periods can be considered the norm if the girl has such a genetic feature in the family. In cases where premature menstruation is not related to hereditary signs, you should contact the gynecologist to clarify the causes of this anomaly.

Late menstruation

Late menstruation is considered to be the monthly, which began later than 15 years. The delay of menstruation can occur on a variety of reasons, including: lifestyle, disease, physical condition and psycho-emotional background. Late menstruation is possible in girls who are actively engaged in sports or have a small body weight. In any case, too late arrival of menstruation should be concerned and cause to visit the doctor.

Female organism, unlike male, has its own characteristics. Nature is so arranged that the woman shelters and give birth to a child. In its body, starting with adolescence, complex biological processes associated with sex ripening and the beginning of menstruation occur. It should be known at what age the periods begin with girls.

In the ovaries, female sex glanes, complex chemicals are synthesized and stand out into the blood - hormones, which are called progesterone and estrogen. They affect the metabolic processes in the body, causing secondary sexual signs, the onset of menstruation.

In follicles, eggs ripen. Regular maturation capable of fertilization of eggs is observed from the occurrence of puberty. If the egg cell is not fertilized, menstruation begins. The ripening of the follicle and the release of eggs from it in women corresponds to certain days between the two menstruation, which is called ovulation.

The first menstruation shows for starting puberty, which happens gradually. Menstruation is an external manifestation of an important and complex process of transforming the girl in a girl. Girls should know that intimate proximity, regardless of young age, can lead to pregnancy.

First monthly girls

According to statistics, earlier, the periods began in girls when they reached 17-18 years. And how many years do girls start periodly at present? Now the first monthly marks are marked in earlier than a hundred years ago. Some critical days are 12-13 years old, and East representatives even 10-11 years old.

If menstruation appears very early, earlier than 9 years, it indicates premature puberty.

How old start?

If the critical days have come aged 11-16 years, this is considered to be a normal phenomenon from the point of view of medicine.

If the monthly starts up to 11 years, then parents need to know that the reason for this may be:

  • unbearable physical exertion for this age;
  • violation of hormonal balance;
  • unbalanced power supply.

Later, the offensive of puberty at 16-20 years is associated with:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • insufficient development of ovaries;
  • violation of pituitary functions.


Approximately 2 years before the onset of critical days, the girls begin to change markedly:

  • They become more feminine, the emotional mood changes, the forms of the body are rounded, the chest increases markedly.
  • In the armpits and on the pubis, the appearance of dark lips, the external genital organs increase slightly in size.
  • In the body there is a hormonal restructuring, from the enhanced work of the sebaceous and sweat glands on the face, the back of the girls appear and acne appear.
  • The roots of the hair on the head quickly fat.
  • 2-3 months before menstruation appearances, there is a discharge from the vagina of a whiten or yellowish character.

At the next stage, 3-4 months before the beginning of the first days of menstruation, the girls begin to feel unprecedented apathy or aggression, they are bothering minor, headaches, they become plasticia and offended.

All these signs should not be ignored by adults, they must psychologically prepare a girl to the offensive of a new stage of development - to sexual maturation.

What should be menstruation?

It is known that the body loses from 50 to 100 ml, sometimes more blood during menstruation. They cause pulling or grapple-shaped pains, general weakness, fatigue, head is spinning, headaches are noted, some may have manifestations of nausea and vomiting.

Important moments

Does the visit need to go in the gynecologist?

If there are no explicit reasons, after the first menstruation, the gynecologist is not regularly visiting the cabinet. Moms must record their girls to the gynecologist for inspection at 14-15 years to make sure there are no health problems, their proper development.

To visit the gynecologist there are reasons after the start of menstruation:

  • There is several times in a row too short period of monthly periods of 1-2 days or menstruation lasts more than a week. In the first case, this suggests that hormones are insufficiently produced, the ovarian functions are broken. In the second case, this indicates a weak contractility of the uterus.
  • Blood allocations go too abundantly, it is necessary to change tampons and gaskets.
  • After the first monthly menstruation interrupted, the pause was about 6 months.
  • After installing a normal cycle of menstruation, the cycles began to be impaired (longer than 5 weeks or shorter 3 weeks).
  • There are large ones in the discharge.
  • If abundant discharges with blood clots are noted, the girl has a belly ache and the head is spinning, the body temperature is raised, intestinal disorders are accompanied by vomiting and nausea.

All these symptoms indicate problems in the health of the girl.
Of all the foregoing it follows that when the onset of the first monthly approach is approaching, the mother must talk in advance about possible changes in the organism of the daughter.

On the video about the first menstruation

The first monthly (menarche) is an important stage in the life of the girl, and not only physical, but also on the psychological level. To this event, you need to prepare in advance so that it does not stress.

Talking on this topic is desirable to begin a year before the start of the teenager in the age of about 11 years. By this point, girls already appear small white-colored release from the vagina, pointing to the activation of sex hormones.

The first periods appear most often aged 11-16 years. With later sexual development of menarh, girls appear closer to the majority. Cases when menstruation occur in the eight of the age, also not uncommon. Deviations from the norm of the beginning of the monthly are considered an abnormal phenomenon. In the case of overly early or late menstruation, you need to contact the doctor.

To how many years begin periods, a number of factors are influenced:

  • suffered in fairly early age of disease (chronic tonsillitis, meningitis, encephalitis);
  • features of physical development (body weight and growth);
  • heredity;
  • rhythm of life;
  • diet;
  • psycho-emotional state;
  • territory of residence;
  • nationality.

It is noted that the suffered severe diseases are reflected in the timing of puberty. In this case, girls begin menstrual allocations significantly later than their one year old.

If Mama Mamarh appeared at a rather young age, then the beginning of the monthly daughter at 10 years is normal. In addition, puberty begins later, if there is not enough vitamins and minerals. In order for the child to be fully developed, a sufficient amount of nutrient and beneficial substances should receive from an early age to the body.

As a rule, the yuzhanok monthly occurs significantly earlier than adolescents of Western and Eastern nationalities.

It is customary to consider the emergence of menstruation from girls in 12 years. A deviation is allowed to a larger or smaller side. The beginning of menstruation in 11 years or 16 should not cause concerns. If Menarche is observed too sooner or later, you need to consult a doctor.

How is the first menstruation and how to prepare a child

The main signs of menstruation are bleeding. They are scarce and moderate. On the first day there is a slight volume, and it increases on the second. After that, the amount of selection goes to the decline. Lasts monthly for the first time from three to seven days.

At the same time, no appearance of such sensations as weakness and discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen is not excluded. These symptoms are often observed in subsequent menstruation.

Blood discharges accompanied by pain syndrome are able to cause panic in a teenager. Mom must immediately explain the girl that menstruation is a natural process that every month has been observed in women of reproductive age.

  1. What is menstruation. Allocations appear monthly and last approximately the same period of time, but there are insignificant failures in the chart during the first two years.
  2. Compliance with the rules of hygiene. In the blood, various microorganisms can develop, capable of causing an inflammatory process in the organs of the urogenital system.
  3. The risk of intimate proximity. The occurrence of menstruation is a signal that the girl began the reproductive age - and its body is ready for fertilization. Upon joining sexual connection, there is a risk of becoming pregnant, and this is undesirable at an early age. In the process of childbirth, both mother and a child may suffer. A teenager must be aware than the disorderly connections and unprotected intimate intimacy.

It is important to explain the girl, and how to recognize. You can read more about this in our separate article on the site.

Features of the menstrual cycle

The duration of the cycle in adolescents is from 21 to 35 days, but not always immediately installed. Often it takes up to two years. During this period, the norm is considered.

The gaps between the two first menstruation can reach six months. Do not panic on this occasion. At this age, the reproductive function is not yet formed completely. For this reason, prolonged breaks. If the interval becomes excessively large, you need to consult a gynecologist. Such long intervals between the monthly may indicate malfunctions in the body.

As soon as the first menstruation appeared, the girl needs to teach the calendar, which will be marked by the days of the beginning and completion of menstruation. In the first years, when the cycle is not yet installed, such data will not be especially useful, but in the future it is difficult to do without them. With this information, the doctor is significantly easier to diagnose if any violations arise.

Last monthly no more than a week. Only in rare cases they are abundant, and often have a poor character. After a time, the cycle is completely installed, and the release is increasing in the amount.

Hygiene and diet during menstruation

Girls in the period of menstruation must comply with the rules of intimate hygiene. Need no less often in three hours. With longer use, the means of bacteria begin to multiply intensively, the body is applied significant harm.

When the periods begin with girls, the mother must tell about how to use gaskets:

  • before each replacement wash with soap hands;
  • avoid using overdue products;
  • do not acquire gaskets with aromatic fragrances;
  • give preference to more expensive products;
  • do not store funds in the bathroom.

As soon as the girls began with menstruation, you need to immediately choose suitable underwear. It is recommended to give the panties made from natural materials, and the thongs are refused.

During menstruation, it is not recommended to take a bath. The best option is twice a day. In addition, it is necessary to wash at least three times a day and use it is not an ordinary soap that destroys the microflora, and the means of intimate hygiene, which contains lactic acid.

In critical days you need to observe a diet, but not limit yourself in food. You should reconsider your diet and eliminate sharp dishes from it. Such food can provoke a strengthening of bleeding from the uterus.

Do I need to visit the gynecologist

When the teenager will begin menstruation, it is not necessary to regularly visit the children's gynecologist. Only with the appearance of such signs, as unpleasant separation, pain syndrome and a violation of the menstrual cycle in girls, is not worth postponing a visit to the doctor.

If everything is normal, then the inspection is carried out at the age of 15-16 years. The gynecologist assesses intimate health and determines how correctly develops. After the start of intimate life, the doctor already needs to be handled annually.

Consultation of a children's gynecologist is required with the following violations:

  • the duration of menstruation is less than three days or more than seven;
  • excessively abundant allocations;
  • after the first menstruation appeared, menstruation is not observed more than six months;
  • cycle failures after its full installation;
  • the presence of blood clots.

With the appearance during monthly excessive pain, strong dizziness, hyperthermia, nausea, as well as vomiting and diarrhea for medical help, you need to contact without delay.

What is menstruation

Menstruation is blood discharge from the uterus, which are observed with regular frequency. It is due to their appearance of rejection of the uterine shell, if the egg cell was not fertilized.

If we talk about the term "menarche" and what it is, the explanation is quite simple. When the monthly went for the first time, this definition applies. In the future, blood discharge is called menstruation.

From a scientific point of view, allocations are a rhythmic process, which is repeated after a certain period of time. During this period, the old layer of endometrial occurs, and the menstrual liquid begins to flow out of the uterine cavity, most of which is blood.

Many girls are interested, for which you need monthly. Simple words, menstruation is a way to update the layer of the uterus, which systematically changes, is brazed and restored. The main goal of this process is the possibility of conception. In fact, the functioning of the reproductive system has only one goal - fertilization of the egg and tooling the fetus.

Phase cycles

The menstrual cycle is divided into several phases:

  1. Endometrial rejection. Lasts from one to several days. Immediately after that, the rapid growth of the uterine layer begins.
  2. Phase proliferation. Losts from the fifth to the fourteenth day of the cycle. At the end of this period, the endometrium layer becomes the maximum.
  3. Phase secretion. She begins on the 15th day and continues until the 28th. The growth of endometrial in this period is terminated, and preparations for the rejection of the egg or acceptance of it begins.

Menstruation in the girl is a sign of major changes in the body that affect not only the critical organ, but also other systems.

Changes in the body

Since the beginning of the period of puberty, adolescents are noted changes that are visible to the naked eye:

  • forms become round and feminine;
  • hips are expanding;
  • the chest increases in size;
  • the development of genital organs is observed, an increase in their size and the acquisition of a dark shade;
  • the hair on the pubic and the armpits are beginning to grow;
  • pimples on the face and back are noticeable, arising due to the hormonal restructuring of the body;
  • there are abundant allocations of white;
  • the hair on the roots is fat.

The first signs of menstruation in girls are not only external, but also internal. The signal that the occurrence of menstruation is approaching, these sensations can act:

  • discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • headache;
  • mass alley and increased federation.

Symptoms of first monthly

Symptoms in front of the menual girls are not always observed. Often the appearance of blood secretions are not preceded by characteristic features. A teenager learns that the first periods began, only noticing the dark spots on underwear.

The most frequent symptoms that signal the start of menstruation:

  • downtry mood changes;
  • increased fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • apathy or excessive excitability;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • lack of appetite and nausea.

How to choose hygiene

Select funds for intimate hygiene needs competently and responsibly. If this is the first menstruation, then use the tampons is not recommended. The enendometrium motherboard should go out, and these products impede this process. The girl who collided with the monthly for the first time will be suitable for gaskets.

It is not recommended to use with a high degree of protection during menarche. A teenager will be difficult to understand when the gaskets need to be changed. You should not save. The more often the hygiene items will be replaced, the less the risk of penetration of bacteria into the body.

Gaskets with an excessively low degree of protection during this period are not recommended. The girl is still not experienced enough to avoid leakage, and simply may forget to replace the tool at the right time.

How much wait regular menstrual cycle

Monthly girls in the first time irregular. Only in rare cases, the menstrual cycle is installed immediately. Most often, the selection appears with large intervals and differ in duration. Such a cycle in girls can persist up to two years.

After this time, the schedule comes back to normal, menstruation begins at the same time intervals. If the cycle has not been established two years after the emergence of the first monthly, then you need to examine the gynecologist and find out the cause of such violations.

Learning to conduct a menstrual calendar

Teenage girls need to teach a special calendar, because the cycle disorders indicate not only possible pregnancy, but also on developing diseases. As soon as the first periods appeared, the dates of the beginning and end of menstruation should be noted. With this data, it is possible to determine when menarche begin, and prepare for it.

There are two ways to keep the calendar:

  1. Buy a small calendar and celebrate the days of menstruation. Consider the first day of the cycle taken a date when menstruation began. The cycle is completed at the time of the following selection. So the girl will always know when should come monthly.
  2. The second way implies a deeper analysis. Here is already described symptoms of selection. Due to this, in the case of the presence of a disease, after three months of observations, find out the full picture of it. Based on calendar data, the doctor makes the right conclusions and assigns adequate therapy.

You need to conduct a menstrual calendar not only to learn in advance that the period will soon begin. With it, it is possible to plan the conception or prevent it. In the process of diagnosing pathologies, this data can also be useful.

The appearance of the first menstruation is an exciting moment for every girl. The main thing is that it be morally prepared. It is extremely important that Mom spent a conversation with the growing daughter in advance and told about everything related to such changes in the body.

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