What is part of the Vitamin B 12. Vitamin B12: Who needs, what is responsible for and how to calculate the deficit. How b22 is absorbed

Vitamin B12 is considered the most mysterious representative of this group of organic compounds. This combined name of four biologically active substances, which contains cobalt. Of these, cyanocobalamine has the greatest influence on the human body, directly involved in the metabolism. B12 is unique in nature - it is synthesized by tiny bacteria, algae, mold, yeast. Actually, in the scientific world there are still disputes on the classification of cyanocobalamin, and, according to some data, it is more correct to be considered a microorganism itself. There are two ways of receipt b 12 in the body:

  • from food (food additives);
  • by synthesizing microorganisms directly in the intestine.

What do you need vitamin B12 body

Scientists who studied his properties in the XX century were awarded the Nobel Prize. In particular, the breakthrough is the proven effectiveness of a substance in the treatment of severe anemics. But even besides this, the effect of vitamin B12 on the human body is incredibly large:

  • promotes tissue updates;
  • contributes to the right mental and physical development;
  • stands out appetite;
  • resists the accumulation of excess fat in the liver;
  • stimulates the work of leukocytes (immunity);
  • reduces irritability;
  • supports the normal functioning of the nervous system:
  • promotes general mental equilibrium;
  • necessary in the treatment and for the prevention of depressive states;
  • improves the condition of hair and skin;
  • it has a positive effect on the reproductive function.

How to strengthen its effectiveness

If we talk about the interaction of B12 with other vitamins and substances, then it is separated by its duet with folic acid (B9). One substance determines the effectiveness of another. Especially such a "union" is important in the context of the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the development of erythrocytes and DNA components. The perfect addition to folic acid and cyanocobalamin - Vitamins B1 and B6.

Cottage cheese, cheese and yogurt rich in calcium contribute to the sufficiency of the substance at the expense of calcium. A good combination is also - B12 and Vitamin D. For better assimilation of all listed items, it is necessary to go to the sun more often.

Note that B12 is poorly absorbed together with food rich ascorbic acid.

Danger of deficit

The disadvantage of B12 and B9 leads to anemia. During running cases - malignant (pernicious), when the amount of white blood cells is reduced, as well as there is a pathological increase in their size. The shortage of cyanocobalamina can lead to the development of multiple sclerosis and paralysis, disorders of the heart muscle and acute psychosis. This substance needs quite a bit (1-3 μg per day), but its lack can turn into a catastrophe.

The benefit of vitamin B12 for the body of the child was investigated by Norwegian scientists. Their conclusions are: for children, the substance is indispensable since the maternal womb. The kids experiencing a lack of cyanocobalamin are lagging behind in their studies, they decrease the activity of the brain.

Interestingly, adhering to the traditional food culture, it is almost unrealistic to "earn" the B12 deficiency in childhood. Usually the problem occurs in the kids of vegetarians, which refuse meat, liver, eggs and milk even at the stage of pregnancy.

As manifest

Signs of lack of vitamin B12 in the body at first it is difficult to recognize. The liver is gradually increasing, uncomfortable sensations appear in the digestive tract and intestines. If you take the blood test, then the low hemoglobin level will be found. The symptoms of vitamin B12 deficit are also:

  • insomnia and, on the contrary, "chronic" drowsiness;
  • constant unreasonable fear;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • "Goosebumps" in the eyes;
  • increased fatigue;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • heart palpitations;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • hair loss;
  • peeling and pallor skin;
  • suddenly enhanced cravings for flour products;
  • irritability;
  • changes in character (evilness, gridness).

The complexity of the diagnosis of the state is that most of the "visual" symptoms of the B12 deficiency are nonspecific, that is, they can accompany other pathologies. But if there are even two or three listed signs, it is important to consult a doctor. To confirm the condition, the doctor will send to the analysis of the definition of the total vitamin B12 in the blood serum.

How often are diagnosed

European scientists concluded that a healthy person total during life requires only 38 mg of cyanocobalamines from the outside. Visually - this is one grappling rice. The fact is that the body itself synthesizes the substance and supports its optimal level. B12 accumulates in the liver. From there, cyanocobalamin is excreted with bile, and immediately absorbed again. This complex process is called "reabsorption", or enterogeptic circulation. The reabsorption process is cyclically repeated for more than 15 years, and only after the deficit will begin. But this is provided that the person is absolutely healthy and all systems and organs work correctly. If there are pathologies, the B12 deficit in the menu will manifest after three to four years.

Who in the risk area

B12 deficiency is more often a problem that manifests itself in old age. In some cases, doctors associate age changes in nature (in the people - "senile insanity") precisely with a lack of cyanocobalamin. Also in the risk area:

  • people who abuse alcohol;
  • smokers;
  • patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies, especially intestines and liver;
  • vegetarians.

Another possible reason for the lack of B12 is a long reception of diuretics, hormones and neuroleptics, which accelerate the washingage of the cyanocobalamin naturally. This effect has modern "magic" means for rapid slimming. Their long-lasting reception often causes avitaminosis.

Daily norms and what products to close the need

The easiest way to increase vitamin B12 in the body is naturally - there are products rich in vitamin B12. Doctors consider the optimal norm for a healthy person 1-3 μg per day. In some cases, this indicator grows:

  • during pregnancy - 4 μg;
  • with breastfeeding - 4-5 μg.

Also increase the recommended average daily dosage advised to lovers of wine, smokers and elderly people. Below is a table of products containing vitamin B12 in large quantities, and, importantly, in an easily digestible form.

Table - High Cyanocobalamin products

ProductAmount B12 per 100 g
Yoghurt (3.2%)0.43 μg
Milk (2.5%)0.4 μg
Telichery (beef) liverUp to 60 μg
Salmon2.8 μg
Beef2.6 μg
Mutton2 μg
Marine scallops74.2 μg
Shrimp0.8 μg
Sardines11 μg
Cod1.6 μg
Goose eggs5.1 μg
Chicken eggs0.52 μg
Atlantic herring10 μg
Trout4.3 μg
Mackerel15.6 μg
Dry extract of beer yeast0.4 μg
Cheese1.5-2 μg

What products contain vitamin B12 yet? Where to look for a suitable source of cyanocobalamin people who abandoned animal food? In this case, you can pay attention to laminarium (algae) - in 100 g of sea algae contained 9 μg of substance. Bran, legumes and green leafy vegetables (if they were grown in open soil) with regular use contribute to the internal synthesis of cyanocobalamin.

According to reviews, vegetarians replenish the reserves of vitamin medication. However, there are a number of contraindications on additional reception of drugs with high content B12. For example, it is impossible to do this during angina, thromboembolism, blood diseases.

Risks overdose

Back in the 50s of the twentieth century, they started talking about whether the vitamin acquires harmful properties. In particular, there may be causes of skin diseases. Modern studies confirm that in combination with some strains of bacteria P. acnes Cyanocobalamin causes inflammation on the skin. In particular, the so-called "pink acne". But this connection is rather double, since the lack of cyanocobalamin reduces the resistance to inflammation, including skin.

However, the elevated level of this substance (hypervitaminosis) is the state of the rarest. As a rule, it develops as a result of inaccurate dose in the form of injections. Overviews are possible:

  • fat deposits in the liver, provoking the development of cirrhosis and fibrosis;
  • sword;
  • vessel thrombosis;
  • heart problems;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • an allergic reaction, right up to anaphylactic shock;
  • sharp set or weight loss;
  • symptoms of food poisoning, including stomach disorder;
  • fatigue, irritability, problems with the central nervous system.

If the pathological excess of the B12 norm is revealed, then the situation will allow natural antibiotics - onions, garlic and cranberries. They make it difficult to sucking the substance, and contribute to the speedy elimination naturally.

Injection to reduce weight

Some modern courses for weight loss, which patients pass inpatient, suggest (along with a diet and reception of other drugs) Cyanocobalamin injections intramuscularly. Adherents of this technique argue that this way stimulates metabolism and updating liver cells. However, doctors and nutritionists have repeatedly criticized this approach. What will turn out so serious treatment in the long run - not studied.

Doctors insist: Connections from natural food are best assisted. Therefore, instead of injection and tablets, just save the table with information about what contains vitamin B12. And build your diet with a loaf at her.

In Itamin B12: its benefits and harm. What is it necessary, in which products contains B12 and how it is better to learn. About this and many other things you will learn from this article.

Vitamin B12: For what is needed. Lack of B12: Symptoms

Just as told about vitamin B12: Do not recalculate all articles, interviews with well-known scientists and doctors, nutritionists, etc. Everyone who is not too lazy, noted in the subject. Why don't we talk about vitamins and minerals and other important elements that provide the normal functioning of the human body? Of course, the next time you will need to talk about vitamin B13, and there it is slowly going to one of the most important, but much less frequently mentioned in the press vitamin B17 (anti-cancer, its quite a lot is inside the bones of apricots).

But all his time, the queue will come to them, and today, as it should be, the theme of the day or even decade - Vitamin B12!

Vitamin B12: why it is needed

Without going deep into the details, let's say that this is an immanent hematopoease element, i.e. He participates in the process of blood formation. This is the key role of vitamin B12. Thus, if a person has found a lack of B12, then you need to be alerted, because This can directly lead to such consequences as anemia, and it in turn leads to various diseases of the liver and kidney, as well as to the dysfunction of the nervous system. Such a cunning disease as multiple sclerosis can develop due to the lack of this vitamin.

Also, total fatigue in the morning, excessive concern and neurosis - all this may indicate that it would be nice to check the level of vitamin B12 in the body. In short, due to the shortage of this vitamin, doctors, almost the transformation of a person in a disabled and threat of autoimmune diseases, forgetting to mention that the prescription of the drug for receipt inside when it is necessary to quickly increase its content, can lead to the same consequences that They threaten nothing to see any people, allegedly suffering from the lack of this vitamin (or not allegedly).

Vegan and Vegetarians and Vitamin B12

If you approach the question from all sides, it would be very superficial to argue that in the same anemia, which, according to the vitamin B12 specialists, is the root of all problems, only the lack of B12 is maintained. There are many other factors involved in hematopoies: From the physiological side, the destructive processes occurring in the spinal column here (as is known in the spinal cord, the blood formation process takes place, although the doctors cannot come to consent); The lack of other vitamins of the group B, because the whole group is responsible for the blood formation (not only one B12); lack of iron; Inadequate operation of the respiratory system, which is responsible for gas exchanges between oxygen and carbon dioxide, can also lead to an imbalance of nutrient ratio in the body.

Therefore, to consider B12 separately from other elements at least unprofessional. But this is the situation of things in modern science that the synthesis prefers the analysis, and the average person has to rely on the opinions of doctors and the so-called "discoveries" of modern medicine. From here and happens about the following. If you have screwed my head, you are annoyed, feel irritability or nervousness and at the same time you or even, then the diagnosis to you immediately without a survey is a lack of B12.

Why is that? Well, how, because vegetarians and vegans are in the risk group. They do not consume animal meat or generally abandoned food of animal origin, and in nature there are no other sources of vitamin B12. It is produced exclusively by bacteria. There is no in her plant form, simply speaking. So, who does not eat pigs, the sentence. However, not so fast. Even suggesting that a lack of B12 leads to the development of anemia, I want to ask where the doctors take statistics from? Published studies and conclusions are often coming to the CIS countries from abroad. Is there alone vegetarians live? Who does not have enough B12? Those who are several times a day have meat products or seafood? Where does it come from there a lack of synthesized exclusively by bacteria and arches B12? Completely incomprehensible.

Vitamin B12: the name and features of the assimilation

So why are NEegetarians suffer from lack of B12? This also has an answer. The whole essence in his assimilation. In order for the external factor of Castla learned, the work of the internal factor of Castla is important. The internal factor of Castla is an enzyme with which the external factor of castela, i.e. Vitamin B12, will be absorbed by the body. We will return to this a little later, but while I figure out with the names behind which Vitamin B12 is hidden. The external factor of Castla is one of the names of vitamin B12.

It can still be called cyanocobalamin due to the chemical structure, because In the center of the Corrinic structure of vitamin there is a cobalt ion, which forms 4 bonds with nitrogen atoms, one with dimethylbenzimidazole nucleotide, and the last 6th connection remains free. It is she who subsequently plays an important role in which form will accept B12. If a cyano group joins the 6th connection, then this form will be called a cyanocobalamin. Such a name is most about hearing. If there is no cyano group, but a hydroxyl group, then hydroxocobalamin will turn out. If the methyl residue joins, methylcobalamin will receive. If there will be 5 "-deoxoidal residue in this place, we will get kobamimide. All of them belong to the group of kobalamins.

How is B12 absorbed?

With the very aforementioned internal caste factor, which is produced in the stomach, the external castla factor can be absorbed in the intestine. In the 12-rosted intestine, vitamin B12 is released from the R-peptide complex, then it connects to the internal factor of castela (this is very important, because the internal factor protects the external destruction, or rather feeding with intestinal bacteria during the passage of the gastrointestinal The tract) and then, coming to the lower departments of the intestine, will be assimilated by the body.

In which products a lot b12

Where contains vitamin B12? According to doctors, Vitamin B12 is contained exclusively in animal products. In particular, it is much in the so-called "depot" B12: kidneys and animal liver. In man, stocks B12 are postponed there. At the same time, we face a reasonable question: where are the animals themselves, especially the same herbivorous cows, get B12 if it is not in plant food.

On the nutrition of animal food, you can hardly talk about the presence of useful bacteria in the intestine. Otherwise, how many cases of lack of B12 would be observed because of its inadequate absorption in the body? It turns out an interesting paradox. Those who consume food of animal origin are very often unable to learn this vitamin. It turns out that the consumption of animal meat for the sake of obtaining B12 does not benefit for the reason that the body is polluted by the disintegration of animal products in the intestine, and without a radical change of diet, you can hardly talk about cleaning the gastrointestinal tract for a longer period of time.

In another case, it will have to make a compromise and try to use B12 from animal food, knowing that for the most part it will not be assimilated and may have to use some kind of additives. But perhaps the pharmacological industry and is invented for such people who do not want to abandon well-learned habits. They have no time nor the desire to seriously think about the question, but it is much easier to order over the Internet. Those or other additives. There are many of them, there is from what to choose.

In which products contains vitamin B12

Some scientists came to the conclusion that products containing vitamin B12 are not only meat products, but also it is in honey, hemp milk, flax seed, nettle, spirulina and chlorell. So for those who do not hoped for their own organism and does not think that it is already working well enough to synthesize B12 independently, you can remember the list, in which products contains B12, and from time to time include them in your diet.

So in vain put a cross on vegetarians and vegans. They have from where to take the external factor of Castla. Over time, their body will learn how to synthesize this vitamin in the intestine, so the need for the above-mentioned products can disappear. But often we consume that or that food is not at all because we need it, but simply because we like it. So, if you have to add straw in salads or cook soup out of it, then why not.

There is also an opinion that many wilders, i.e. Herbs growing in forests contain many useful elements with which official science is just beginning to get acquainted. They are started to open, so it is possible that in the future science will be aware of much more vitamins of the same group in or open the famous new elements.

So if you have a desire to cultivate a healthy microflora in your intestines, it would be an ideal option, the decisive of many questions related not only with B12, but also as a whole with the adequate work of the organism digestive system. You can still continue the conversation on the topic of vitamin B12. In this thread, the point is not yet set. There are many open questions. You must decide for yourself how can you go. There is nothing permanent in the world and very much uncertain. The ability to live in harmony with uncertainty is a sign of a big mind, as Emmanuel Kant said.

Vitamin B12 is an indispensable substance in the human body, which is responsible for many important functions. When the lack of vitamin B12 in the body occurs, various unpleasant symptoms and pathology occur. Some of them are dangerous and lead to irreversible consequences. For which the body needs vitamin B12 than useful B12 - read further in our article.

All vitamins are extremely important for the body, some of them accumulate and are saved for a long time without requiring constant replenishment of stocks. However, water-soluble, like B12, needs regular replenishment.

What is used vitamin B12:

  • improves blood composition and protects the blood system;
  • strengthens immunity, normalizes skin regeneration processes;
  • participates in the formation of nervous and brain cells;
  • supports metabolism and proper assimilation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • responsible for the correct development of the brain, nervous system and bones in children;
  • gives cheerfulness, performance and endurance;
  • controls appetite, not allowing a person to overeat;
  • responsible for resistance to emotional and psychological stimuli, soothes and eliminates excessive nervousness, which is especially important for women;
  • enhances memory and concentration, and improves the operation of the vestibular apparatus.

The vitamin B12 is indispensable for people prone and stroke and infarction, since its elevated dose is able to protect against these pathologies. Together with this vitamin works especially qualitatively, protecting against heart disease.

The special effect of vitamin on the nervous system and brain activity guarantees a positive mood and lifting of spirit, as a result of which a person has more strength, desires and aspirations, and depression and apathy arise much less often.

Another component participates in generation holinwhich normalizes a fat exchange, stimulates the splitting of fats, and also normalizes heart rhythm and strengthens the heart muscle.

Increased dosages of this substance and athletes who need to maintain a large muscle mass - because vitamin B12 stimulates the natural growth of the muscles and protects them from exhaustion.

Vitamin B12 norm for children and adults

Reducing the norms of vitamin B12, as well as any other vital substance, is not recommended. Interestingly, the fact that in different countries recommended doses may differ, and the age is always taken:

  • up to 1 year, it is necessary to use at least 0.4 μg per day;
  • up to 3 years - 1 μg;
  • up to 6 years - at least 1.5 μg;
  • up to 10 years - at least 2 μg;
  • after 10 years - at least 3 μg.

Paul, weight, growth in this case are not taken into account. Also, the upper limit of the norm is often considered to be an indicator of 9 μg for an adult (without special recommendations for the increase in dose).

With elevated mental and physical exertion, with the presence of bad habits, the dosage of vitamin B12 increases by 25%.

What products contain b12?

Vitamin B12 is a component that is most contained in animal products, therefore vegetarians and children of vegetarian mothers often suffer from its lack:

  • most contained in beef liver - up to 60 μg per 100 g; in pork liver is already 2 times smaller, in a chicken sub-products on average at 17 μg;
  • in seafood Also a lot of vitamin - 20 μg in octopus, 12 μg in mackerel and a little less in sardines;
  • in simple pork and lamb contains 2 μg, and in beef - 2.6 μg, whereas in rabbit - 4.3 μg;
  • cod contains 1.6 μg, and in Karp - 1.5 μg;
  • in crabs there are 1 μg of vitamin;
  • in eggs and sour cream, it contains about 0.5 μg B12, and in solid cheese it is about 1.5 μg.

Indications for use B12

Vitamin B12 is available in ampoules and tablets. They differ in the concentration of substance, as well as the method of its use and dosage. In which cases prescribed vitamin B12. - in tablets, intravenously or intramuscularly:

  • high rigor diet or veganism (full refusal of animal products);
  • infectious diseases;
  • chronic anemia;
  • liver diseases;
  • kidney problems;
  • radiation sickness;
  • bone injuries and skin disease;
  • polyneurite, Kauzalgia;
  • neuralgia;
  • various forms of sclerosis;
  • gTI diseases that contribute to the destruction of B12;
  • constant stress;
  • prevention of vitamin deficiency in the use of acids and drugs that destroy his absorption;
  • malignant tumors of the stomach;
  • cyanide poisoning;
  • dystrophy in children;
  • atrophy of optic nerves and permanent migraines;
  • alcoholic psychosis.

Taking vitamin B12 intramuscularly or intravenously possible only on the recommendation of the doctor, and it is recommended to drink vitamin complexes on their own, in which there is this trace element. It is especially important to use them for prophylaxis during the period of increased loads.

Symptoms of lack of vitamin

The lack of vitamin B12 is felt nonresopically, it is formed gradually, starting weak symptoms:

  • there is a feeling of tingling in their hands and legs, it may occur to itch;
  • language nipples are slightly inflamed;
  • the skin of the palms can darken a little, but the face and other parts of the body are yellow, often appear "goosebumps";
  • often there is a feeling of numbness of the skin.

At the first signs, you always need to contact the clinic to check the level of vitamin.

Development of anemia as a result of lack of B12

If the vitamin in the body is constantly lacking, anemia is gradually developing due to a lack of blood body formation. The metabolism is violated, the work of other organs.

May appear anemia 2 types:

  • megaloblastic anemia is developing due to the lack of vitamin in the diet;
  • pernicious anemia appears due to the problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which the stomach does not allow you to absorb vitamin.

In parallel with the anemia, the pathologies of the CNS are developing, for whom are characteristic: dizziness, headaches, ringing in ears, violations, ataxia and excessive irritability.

Also, on the part of the GCC, constant constipation appear, reduced appetite, or, on the contrary, diarrhea. Food is absorbed bad, ulcers may appear, gastroduodenitis and inflammation in the duodenum.

Vitamin Complexes with B12

Vitamin enters most of the polyvitamins, but there are special complexes that offer increased concentration. The most popular pills:, neurobin, junigam, Comiliphene, Binavit ,. Take them need courses. Vitamins in ampoules are appointed only by a doctor!

An independent assignment of vitamin B12 and its uncontrollable application will lead to negative consequences, so it is important to maintain a reasonable approach to the use of artificial additives.

I will start with the fact that B12 is not even vitamin, but a whole group of nutrients containing cobalt.

This community includes the cyanocobalamin (it is also kobalamin), hydroxocobalamin, as well as two coherence varieties of the substance - methylcobalamin and 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamine.

I understand the names of them are terrible, but suddenly someone will come. I just say that they called them because because of the presence of cobalt. And he will continue to try you no longer frighten by these three-story terms, except that the most famous people are, and this is methylkobalamin and cyanocobalamin.

The most common form of vitamin B12 is cyanocobalamin. The use of cyanocobalamin is very multifaceted, because it is this kind of B12 basically and enters our body.

Methylcobalamine is slightly different from the most popular B12 form in structure. It can be obtained from cyancobalamin in laboratory conditions. At the same time, from the point of view of action to the human body, methylkobalamin is quite capable of replacing the cyanocobalamine in the treatment of a number of pathologies associated with the disadvantage of B12.

Addison-Burmer's disease can be found in red language.

Vitamin B12 was opened as a result of studying the illness of Addison-Burmer (it is also called the pernicious form of anemia). By the way, it is the development of this ailment directly dependent on the deficiency of B12. Almost a century, this disease was considered incurable, until once it turned out that it could be defeated by serum made from raw liver.

Interestingly, Cyancobalamin was allocated in the middle of the twentieth century at once two scientists who did it independently of each other. They were called E. Smith and K. Folkers.

I hope you understand how unusual substance we study today. After all, the nature of the origin of vitamin B12 is surprising and the very nature of the origin of vitamin B12: the fact is that it produces the simplest microorganisms.

And so that B12 is normally learned by our organism, he needs to "dock" in it with a special protein substance in the stomach (the internal factor of Castle) and also with a number of nutrients.

Where should we take such a strange and so necessary for the body of vitamin? What products contain vitamin B12? Most people live calmly and do not even ask this global for vegetarians.

Well, and we have to somehow solve this problem for yourself. And that's why. It is believed that Vitamin B12 can be obtained only from the products of animal origin. Is it true? And that, then it turns out

Fortunately, not everything is so unambiguous in this world. And the one who is looking for a way out always finds it. I am sure that the thinking raw food and vegans do not have problems with this substance. And fanatically customized citizens who fully switched to the plant diet and not wanting to hear anything about B12, they may well get into the risk zone. Let's understand where the danger is lurking.

Immediately I want to report that B12 is thermal resistant - that is, it is quite capable of "survive" in food even at high and low temperatures.

I will not list your products of violence, where Vitamin B12 is contained. After all, this article is for those who want to refuse meat and fish, maintain their health at the proper level. Perhaps those vegetarians who are called "lacto" or "OWO", or even "Ovolatto" may well produce this important vitamin of eggs, dry milk or, for example, from cheeses (Russian, Cheddar, Dutch).

Although I personally suspect that it is not entirely true with cheeses. If they are cooked on a raw enzyme of animal origin (obtained from the stomach kids-calves), then they may well contain the same B12. But this is no longer pure vegetarianism, agree. For someone, this question is principled!

If you buy vegetarian cheeses with a microbial component, then this vitamin there is most likely present in small quantities.

There is also information that B12 can be obtained from cow's milk, sour cream, fermented milk drinks. That's just the vitamin we needed in these products contains negligible - less than 1 MGK per 100 g.

Need vitamin B12? Try to eat algae!

It is believed that the source of vitamin B12 is some vegan products: food or beer yeast, mushrooms, seaweed, tofu cheese, pasta miso. That's just all this is also very controversial, because plants are simply not able to accumulate B12 in the quantities we need.

It is believed that the same spirulina, which supporters of a healthy lifestyle speak so often, contains B12. However, studies have shown that it is just a substance similar to it. To date, this issue remains open, since the impact of spirulina to level B12 in the body was not analyzed in clinical conditions.

But recently, more and more information began to appear that the level of B12 in the body in pure raw foods and vegans with great experience really below the norm, and over the years spent on live food, it decreases.

Here I want to make an important addition: if before or raw foods you regularly used the products of animal origin, then in the next few years, the deficiency of B12 does not threaten you.

This vitamin has a property to be maintained in the body. Agree, pretty good news! However, I advise you to keep your hand on the pulse and look for a high-quality source B12, because it is easier to prevent the disease than spending the forces and funds for its treatment!

German scientists suggest that the global lack of this vitamin on a strict vegan diet can develop only after 5-6 years. But we are all different ...

Many raw materials, reading on the Internet of pseudo-scientific articles, can begin to argue. Like, " do you know that vitamin B12 is synthesized by the intestine microflora?»We know! That's just not every raw food, unfortunately, can boast of the ideal state of this organ. The path to it is a crimson and a thorny - through cleaning and long-term nutrition of living food without breakdowns and with the observance of a set of nuances.

If you had an ideal digestive system ...

Moreover, do not forget about the factor of Castle, which was already discussed above. It is external and inner. External is just the same B12, which is produced by bacteria and accumulates animals, which people are then eating or getting with their milk. Yolks of eggs also contain this vitamin, as it is necessary for the development of embryos.

The internal factor is produced in the stomach with feed B12 coming from the outside. Together they fall into the small intestine and are absorbed into the blood. And then the connection of the external and internal factors of the Castle is sent to the liver, where they are stored for the benefit of the entire body, and they are spent depending on the needs of the body.

If you eat mostly fruits and vegetables (that is, food with low protein), then they are very quickly digested in the stomach - without the abundant release of gastric juice and the corresponding enzymes.

Thus, the internal factor is simply not produced in sufficient amount for the body, as well as does not enter it outside. The liver, without getting B12, begins to spend its reserves, and they very soon are depleted. And raw foods begin to feel ailment.

Oh! B12? And if I find?

I suspect that the opponents of living nutrition can cling to this argument: here, they say, no one is not a natural diet for a person. However, nature, as you know, are much wiser to those who are considered to be reasonable.

I suggest a little reflecting and think about, and where are the cows that eat exclusively vegetable food, take B12? After all, supporters of meat refractors advise us to take this vitamin from beef or other similar sources - flesh of birds, fish, pigs. It seems that the listed creatures do not eat like that. How do they produce this valuable substance?

Sources of obtaining B12 in these creatures two. Let's simulate yourself such a situation. Cow eats grass. And together with the unwashed greenery, various bacteria fall into the body, and also worm bugs, which are also food of animal origin.

Delicious! ..

Moreover, (awkwardly write about it, but since we disassemble such a serious question, then you have to "open all the trumps"!) Animal vegetarians in a natural habitat receive B12 from their own feces. Let's call this phenomenon with a scientific term - "coprofagi".

Scientists have proven the fact that animal coprophages (dogs, rats, mice, monkeys, rabbits, chinchillas) are trying to thus get the nutrients missing nutrients.

In young individuals, these animals of the intestine microflora are not yet able to split the plants to fully. That is why half-welded food (in other words, excrement) is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals, including B12.

For people, this option of obtaining this vitamin, of course, is not acceptable. But those of our ancestors who have not yet known what the fire is hardly had the concepts of sanitary and hygienic standards. In other words, washing fruits and vegetables played with humanity here such a dick joke. In addition, few people now fertilize the harvest manure, and in vain!

But back to our vitamin B12. It turns out, vegans and rawls do not get it any natural ways. Marketers took into account this fact and with great enthusiasm produce various ethical products enriched in B12: Dry breakfasts, snacks, bread, flakes and other industrial pieces. You can easily find them in large supermarkets and online stores with an appropriate orientation.

However, a person who wants to eat only live foods is unlikely to buy listed goods. What is the way out? Only one - look for natural vitamin complexes and preparations with B12.

Take Vitamin B12 from Bald is a relevant solution.

It is best to choose for yourself proven dietary supplements or vitamin complexes and take them according to the instructions - usually it is 1-2 tablets per day. After the course B12 it is better to pause, pass tests and, if necessary, repeat the reception of drugs.

I want to draw your special attention to the injection of cyanocobalamin. They should be done in the event that the deficit of this substance is close to the critical mark and there are already alarming symptoms that I will tell now. The number of injections to withdraw such an acute state should define a specialist based on your tests. In preventive purposes, the injection of B12 can be done once a month.

To prevent this, I advise you regularly - at least once every six months - take tests for the content of B12 in the body.

In various laboratories, its norms may be different. However, on average, in an adult, the level of this vitamin should be no less than 300-400 pg / ml, and in general it ranges from 100 to 700 pg / ml. At the same time, in parallel, it is necessary to track the level of homocysteine \u200b\u200b(norm - from 5 to 12 μmol / l). If it is higher than the permissible, then it's time to take action.

I wrote a lot about the importance of this substance for a person, and now I want to tell you more about what the body of Vitamin B12 is needed.


Vitamin B12 in the human body performs very important functions:

  • Takes part in the production of red blood cells.
  • Promotes the synthesis of DNA molecules - transmits information for the most red Taurus from the previous item.
  • It is a participant in the process of producing nerve cells - with a lack of B12, they are deprived of a protective myelin shell and die away.
  • Promotes the effective absorption of protein and amino acids.
  • Promotes carbohydrate-fat exchange in the body.
  • Helps the cells of our body absorb oxygen.
  • In the Commonwealth C - Folic Acid - produces choline, which is responsible for the normal operation of the brain and good memory.
  • Beneficially affects the mucous membranes of organs - retains their active state.
  • Increases the ability of immune cells to resist external aggressive factors.
  • Improves quality and increases the amount of spermatozoa.

As you can see, the use of B12 in the body is quite wide, therefore it is important to regularly replenish its reserves.

Tired? I don't want anything? Check the level of vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is fraught with serious complications in the body - muscle weakness and other motility disorders, depression, anemia. These ailments are clear indications for the use of vitamin B12.


Externally, this is manifested in the form of a number of symptoms:

  • the appearance of the wound and yasers on the mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • painful sensations in the language - a feeling of burning, tingling;
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • depression, apathy;
  • headaches;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • fatigue with minor physical exertion;
  • loss of appetite;
  • tingling in the tips of the fingers and legs and their numbness;
  • spins in the back;
  • the skin pallor and the appearance of a yellowish shade on it.

So that you do not have a shortage of vitamin B12, it is important to know how much it is necessary to get it with food.

The daily rate of this substance for babies is from 0.4 to 0.5 μg, for children from year to 3 years - 0.9 MHC, for children from 4 to 8 years old - 1.2 μg, for children from 9 to 13 years - 1.8 μg, for adult men and women - 2.4 μg, for pregnant and lactating women - from 2.6 to 2.8 μg.

From the beginning of 2011, I adhere to vegetarian nutrition, of which one and a half years were in pure raw materials. I grow two vegetarians - one from birth (too was on live food with me), and the other - with conception. Currently, we use dairy products and sometimes eggs in the baking, which we are treated. Additionally, I give children and accept natural vitamins with content B12. We have no listed symptoms, everyone is healthy.

And how do you decide for yourself this important question? Where do you get the necessary B12? Did you decide to take vitamin B12 additionally? Do you know how to prick vitamin B12? Do you use methylcobalamin or cyanocobalamin? Or do you think all this is terrible fairy tales paid by meathers?

Vitamin B12 What is the body, symptoms of deficiency, what are the best sources

Vitamin B12 deficiency is considered one of the leading nutritional deficiencies in the world. The 2004 study showed that vitamin B12 lack is a serious problem in many parts of the world, including the United States, India, Mexico, Central America, South America and in some areas of Africa, but not distributed in Asia (with the exception of vegetarians) ().

Vitamin B12 benefits your mood, energy level, memory, heart, skin, hair, digestion and many other organs, and systems. Vitamin B12 is also an important vitamin to eliminate the hypofunction of adrenal cortex; for multiple metabolic functions, including enzyme production, DNA synthesis and hormonal balance; as well as maintaining healthy nervous and cardiovascular systems.

In connection with his colossal role in the body, the lack of vitamin B12 can manifest itself a variety of different negative symptoms, many of which are very noticeable, for example, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, such as depression, as well as chronic stress.

Vitamin B12: Benefits, Disadvantages and Food Sources

Vitamin B12 helps the normal functioning of the nervous system: it helps to maintain the health of nerve cells (including those that are needed to transmit signals with neurotransmitters) and helps to form a protective coating of the nerves, called myelin sheath of the cell. This means that when the levels of vitamin B12 are low, almost every cognitive function may suffer.

Vitamin B12 (sometimes also called hydroxycobalamin, kobalamin,) also helps digestion and heart health, so the deficit can lead both disorders of digestion and in high risk of cardiovascular disease. It can enter the body from food sources, by injection or intramuscular administration of vitamin B12 of hydroxycobaline.

Estimated National Institute of Health (NIH), somewhere from 1.5 to 15 percent of people in developed countries, vitamin B12 () is experiencing. Other studies, such as held American Journal of Clinical Nutrition In 2000, it is shown that this number may be even higher - up to 39% of the population may suffer from lack of vitamin B12 ().

Products of animal origin are the best food sources of vitamin B12, including natural dairy products, eggs, organic meat, wild fish, organic bird and meat offal. According to Nih., vegetable products, naturally, do not contain vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 can be found to a certain extent in enriched vegetable products, such as food yeast, enriched cereal products and. Nevertheless, the artificially added vitamin B12 in vegetable products, apparently, is not as well absorbed as vitamin present in natural sources of animal origin.

Nitamin B12 shortage

Vitamin B12 deficiency is often difficult to detect, especially considering how common is his symptoms, such as a sense of fatigue or worsening the concentration of attention. The diagnosis of lack of vitamin B12 is usually based on measuring the level of this vitamin in serum. However, there are alarming research data that about 50% of patients with diseases associated with vitamin B12 deficiency have its normal levels when testing ().

There are more accurate verification options available to identify the deficit, but usually they are not prescribed to patients if they have not been detected anemia or no heart-related symptoms (). So, if you suspect that you may have a lack of vitamin B12, but your initial blood test shows that its level in your body is normal - you can talk to your doctor about holding repeated tests, especially those who check the high level Homocysteine.

Symptoms of lack of vitamin B12 may include: ()

  • Constant feeling of fatigue (chronic fatigue);
  • Muscular pain and weakness;
  • Joint pain;
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath;
  • Feeling of dizziness;
  • Bad memory;
  • Inability to concentrate well;
  • Sentiment changes, such as increased depression and anxiety;
  • Heart problems, such as heartbeat;
  • Dental problems, such as bleeding gums and ulcers in the mouth;
  • Digestive problems, such as nausea, diarrhea or spasms;
  • Bad appetite;
  • A more serious deficit may also cause the form of anemia, called malignant anemia - a serious illness that can cause memory loss, confusion and even dementia.

Risk factors for vitamin B12 deficit

Who is most susceptible to risk of vitamin B12 deficiency? Older people with digestion disorders are one of the most vulnerable groups. This is due to the fact that the organisms of the elderly, as a rule, produce less gastric acid, which is necessary for proper conversion of vitamin B12.

Since animal products are usually the best sources of vitamin B12, those who adhere to and does not use any animal products, most likely there will be a lack of this vitamin. Thus, both elderly people and vegans and vegetarians are recommended to receive vitamin B12 () daily.

To other groups of population, prone to higher risk of vitamin B12, include smokers (since nicotine can block absorption), alcoholics, persons with anemia and people with diseases of the digestive system, such as Crohn's disease.

  • Infants 0-6 months: 0.4 μg.
  • Babies 7-12 months: 0.5 μg.
  • Kids 1-3 years: 0.9 μg.
  • Children 4-8 years old: 1.2 μg.
  • Children 9-13 years old: 1.8 μg.
  • Adult men and women older than 14 years: 2.4 μg.
  • Pregnant women: 2.6 μg.
  • Women nursing: 2.8 μg.

Compared to other vitamins, we do not need a very large amount of vitamin B12, but we need to replenish its margin daily. are water-soluble and easily washed out of the body, therefore, to maintain the recommended level in our blood flow and prevent the lack of vitamin B12, we need to often eat foods rich in vitamins B.

Nih.recommends adults older than 50 years to take vitamin B12 daily or consume rich, or artificially enriched products. The recommendation is to take from 25 to 100 μg per day, since this amount was identified, supports a healthy level of vitamin B12 in the elderly.

Vitamin B12 can be taken in the form of tablets, in the drops that you put in the tongue or in the form of oral spray. Sometimes the elderly is better to take vitamin B12 in the form of droplets or oral spray, because they have problems with the assimilation of vitamin in the gastrointestinal tract.

Since Vitamin B12 is water-soluble, the body has the ability to withdraw (with urine) any excess that he does not need. As a result, Vitamin B12 is considered safe and non-toxic, although it is always better to adhere to the recommended quantity and not take large doses of any additive.

What is needed vitamin B12 organism and what is the benefit

Vitamin B12 is required by the human body for the following reasons:

1. Helps support energy levels

Vitamin B12 benefits your metabolism, because it is necessary for converting carbohydrates into suitable glucose in the body. Glucose from carbohydrate products is used to produce energy. That is why people with vitamin B12 deficiency often experience fatigue. Vitamin B12 is also required to transmit signals using a neurotransmitter that helps your muscles shrink and gives you energy for the whole day, preventing fatigue.

2. Prevents memory loss and reduces the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases

The lack of vitamin B12 can cause various neurological and mental disorders. Due to its role in the health of the nerves and the transfer of nerve pulses, vitamin B12 is important for normal cognitive functions and is used to reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and dementia (dementia) (,).

3. Improves the mood and helps the nervous system correctly function

One of the most studied useful properties of vitamin B12 is its ability to help in a healthy regulation of the nervous system, including a decrease in such mood disorders, as depression and anxiety. Vitamin B12, along with folic acid, is necessary as the primary defining factor of one-carbon metabolism, which produces a compound called SAM (S-adenosylmethionine). SAM is crucial for neurological function associated with stress and mood control (,).

Vitamin B12 is necessary for concentration and cognitive processes, such as training, so the lack of B12 can lead to difficulty concentration and increased risk of attention violations.

4. Plays a role in maintaining heart health

Vitamin B12 helps prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, which is very important, given the fact that heart disease is currently the cause of the number one mortality worldwide. Vitamin B12 helps reduce the increased level of homocysteine, which is now considered the main risk factor for the development of heart diseases (). Homocysteine \u200b\u200bis an amino acid, and at its blood levels affect the levels of vitamins B, including vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 helps protect against cardiovascular states, such as heart attack or stroke, lowering high levels of homocysteine \u200b\u200bin the blood. There are also some evidence that B12 can help control the high level of cholesterol and high level of blood pressure. Vitamins of group B are also able to control atherosclerotic diseases in which people are formed cholesterol plaques in the arteries, which is fraught with the development of serious heart diseases ().

5. Need for healthy skin and hair

Vitamin B12 is needed for healthy skin, hair and nails, because it plays an important role in cell division. Vitamin B12 contributes to improved skin health by reducing redness, dryness, inflammation and acne, and can be used externally for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. It can also reduce hair loss in adults and can help strengthen nails.

6. Helps in digestion

Thanks to its role in promoting the development of the digestive enzyme, Vitamin B12 is necessary to maintain healthy metabolism and splitting products in the stomach. It is also useful for the gastrointestinal tract, as it helps to maintain the normal intestinal microflora. Eliminating harmful bacteria in the digestive tract and the creation of favorable conditions for beneficial bacteria is an important point in preventing digestive disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease (BC or bowls of the intestine.

7. Required for healthy pregnancy

Vitamin B12 is needed to create nucleic acid or DNA - the main genetic material, which is used to create the entire body of a person. Therefore, vitamin B12 is not only the main nutrient for growth and development, but also a vital component of healthy pregnancy. Vitamin B12 also interacts with folic acid in the body, so it can reduce the risk of congenital defects, such as defects in the development of the nervous tube.

8. can help prevent cancer

The benefits of vitamin B12 is also due to its potential to reducing the risk of developing cancer. Vitamin B12 additive is currently being studied as a way to reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, especially when taking together with folic acid (). Some preliminary studies show that Vitamin B12 benefits the immune system, potentially helping to prevent cancer, including cervical cancer, prostate gland and colon.

9. Helps produce red blood tales and prevent anemia

Vitamin B12 is needed to create a healthy level of red blood cells. It helps prevent anemia type, called Megaloblastic anemia, which leads to such symptoms as chronic fatigue and weakness ().

What products contain vitamin B12: list

According to National Institute HealthIn order for the body to help vitamin B12 from food, two steps and experience of using natural additives of this vitamin is necessary.

First, hydrochloric acid in the stomach separates vitamin B12 from the protein to which Vitamin B12 is attached in food. After that, vitamin B12 binds to the protein produced by the stomach, which is called an internal factor, and is absorbed by the body ().

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