Summary from the militia of Novorossia 5. Note from journalists. European media refused to broadcast Ukrainian propaganda videos about Donbass

Summary from the militia of Novorossia 5.07.2015 (updated)

07/05/2015, message from the center of operational interaction:

23:05. Donetsk. Kuibyshevsky district, 1-2 sites: under the firing of the heavy helical artillery of the Nazis with for example, Zap.

22:40. Donetsk. P.Sparatak: under the shelling of heavy helical artillery, rifle fight. Metro, Airport (New Terminal): Rifle battle. Improving the activity of UAV.

22:20. Donetsk. Sands: rifle fight. One enemy battery for f. Speed \u200b\u200bdestroyed.

22:00. Donetsk. The four fire positions of the Nazis on the Western, North-West direction from Donetsk are active.

21:55. Lugansk. Stanitsa Luganskaya: a dense intense battle using all types of rifle and artillery of different calibers.

07/05/15. Message from the head of the district administration of Ivan Prikhodko.

"The Army is leading a massive shelling of the Kiev district of Donetsk. Under the fire turned out to be a Putovskaya grove. The shelling began around 21:00 and continues until now. There are no information about the affected and destruction yet."

07/05/15. Message from the milkovka militia.

"Very strong echoes of artillery are in touch in Gorlovka. From the south-west, very far, but heard clearly. There is also a hard way. This is Donetsk, I'm even afraid to imagine what is happening there ... Clarified, Jasinovaya district under powerful firmware. Svetlodarsk is active Actively Upnet Martsy. "

Message from Mortarorov: "Donetsk bombed hard, something heavy. Heavy bats on Putilovka, battle in the sands-airport. Raises very much. From the standpoint in Avdeevka, Ukronacists lead the art printing P.Sparatk. Stanitsa Luganskaya: a dense intense battle with all species rifle and artillery of different calibers. "

07/05/15. Operational summary.

19:50. The artillery positions of Ukronacists in N.P. Zarya are active, the shelling N.P. Hermalyk.
21:10. Donetsk.
From the direction of the experienced Ukronacists, shelling from the heavy helical artillery district of Putilovka and (possibly) Jasinovaya.
21:17. Donetsk.
From the standpoint in Avdeevka, Ukronacists lead the acting P.Parak.
21:20 to 21:30 Response fire.
21:40 Response fire

"Active artillery positions of Ukroscists in N.P.Zar, the shelling of N.P. Hermalyk is shelling. Mariupol also hears the roar now. Gorlovka. From N.P. Noise worked out the tank of Ukroscists. Start working Rowers in the mine 6 \\ 7 while sluggish."

Message from the Minister of Defense of DNR V. Kononov: "Ukrainian security officials did not take their divisions from widely according to the demilitarization plan. The demilitarization agreement was broadly concluded. We have diverted our units. Wide is in lowland, the strategic height occupy the HSU. They are not depart, although they must. "

07/05/15. Message from the military bar John Tust.

"Questions of residents of Novorossssia Ride the head of the OSCE Mission Alexander Gugu. Probably, everyone noticed that the OSCE appeals are in many reports from the shelling sites and most often go down to the question" Where is the OSCE look at? ". Tonight, one and a half hours ago I am in the course of exclusive Blitz interviews with the Deputy Special OSCE Monitoring Mission Alexander Khugom addressed him this question. Here is the exact transcript of my question and his answer (translation from English - my, video full interview with subtitles will be on Monday on the 17 channel):

John Trust: "When I visit various places after (and sometimes during) shelling - people are very often asked:" Where is the OSCE Mission? Why aren't they here and do not come? " Many similar questions from residents of Donetsk, Gorlovka and other cities. "Why does OSCE mission ignores such cases? And why they are so afraid to become witnesses [shelling], [learn] who began, as it happened ... such cases are often ignored and [since] Resistors ask me - and now I relay him to you "

Alexander Khug: "Yes, I know. This is clear that citizens in these hot spots are very desperate being shelled weekly weeks and months ... fifteen months already these people suffer from shelling both from the DPR and the Ukrainian side. We are the only ones who are visiting these places other than journalists, but we cannot always be everywhere at the same time. The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission does not ignore such incidents. If we can not be in place - then only for good reasons: it is or too risky, or it happens where it should not have happened. We have four hundred eighty-nine observers in Ukraine and this, of course, a large amount - but it is not enough to cover all the places of hostilities that [suddenly] arise near the distinction line. "

07/05/15. Message from correspondents of the "Save Donbass" Foundation.

"Simple joys and sadness of Donbass in wartime.
Summer in full swing, children bathe in a pond.
Volunteers of the Foundation are delivered by humanitarian assistance to old men.
Read the Fund Truck ...
Life goes to your woman. "

07/05/15. "Military summary from the Deputy Commander of the Corps of the DNR Basin's Ministry of Defense.

"The intensity of shelling by the Ukrainian side over the past day amounted to 32 violations of the cease-fire regime. On the territory of the republic, 120 minutes of caliber 82 and 120 mm were released. "The enemy also applied anti-tank agents, anti-aircraft installations, grenade launchers and small arms. According to reports, the territory of the Donetsk airports, the Gagarin mine in Gorlovka, Dokuchaevsk, the village of October, Lozova, Spartak, Zhobunki, Nikolaevka and Stal, were hit by the shelling.

Briefing Alexander Zakharchenko. Head of the Donetsk People's Republic. 07/05/2015

"Deputy head of the headquarters of the 1st SME OMP of the Ministry of Defense of the DPR" Voevoda "that the world is waiting for a big war. States want to crush Russia, but will not come out. States and the EU are collapsed, and Russia will be."

"Deputy head of the headquarters of the 1st SME OMP of the Ministry of Defense of the DPP" Voevoda "on how the war began, about the defense of the Donbass and the continuity of his defenders. Interview took Alexander" Hussar "."

July 5, 2015. Fighter "Dava", InterBrigade Pota, about the military situation in the Marinki area
David's militia, call sign "Dava", InterBrigade Spot on the air "Actually" program

07/05/15. Message from the militia.

"Ukrainian occupiers burn the crop of bread in the DPR. The Armed Forces opened fire in the Telmannsky district. As a result of the shelling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement, the Tauride burns 100 hectares of wheat. The massive shelling on the part of the Armed Forces led to a large-scale fire - 100 hectares of wheat is burning. The shelling lasts more than 40 minutes. Under the fire of the punisher, the population itself was also there. Information about the victims and victims are not yet, but it is known that there are destruction in the settlement. The population of the Telmanian district has repeatedly subjected to shelling from the Ukrainian security workers. Currently, the village has continued. Ukrainian occupiers Attempted several times attempts to burn the fields in the DPR, this case has become the most successful of all the attempts of punishers leave Novorossia without bread. "

"Interviews with the Cossack 1-regiment of the Cossack National Guard of the Great Troops of Donskoy N.Platov (now the regiment is transformed into a 6th separate Cossack Half. Platov. LNR).
"To the trenches of neo-Quarters approximately 3 km. It is not clear there who are not clear who, all the creatures in a pair, are rotating, "the Cossack told our warlock. - shells every night. No silence regime is observed. Shells mainly the peaceful population. Want to configure him against us. Watch out of tanks, artillery. It turns out the tank shoots and leaves. It is difficult to get into them, hide in Zelenka.
Moskal I would catch and hung on a tree for intimate places. He closed water: people in the village live without water.
Residents of the territory occupied by the Nazis in Lisichansk and other settlements, let them come to us and look like we live here. And then they tell them on TV there that we live here like when Gestapo. We have people want to work, they receive pensions. Children in the autumn will go to school. ""

07/05/15. Message from the local resident.

"Today at 5:20 pm in Donetsk, a powerful blow was inflicted and a strong smoke was observed."

Message from Eduard Basinur: "The most massive shelling over the past day from the position of the 11th motor standard battalion was subjected to Spartak. In total, one militant was injured. Losses among civilians over the past day is not."

07/05/15. Message from the militia of LNR.

"WWU has recently broke the cease-fire mode. From the direction of the village of Crimean Novoyadar district, Kiev security forces fired from the gun of the BMP of the grooves from the gun. Decoration from the height of 175.9 in the village of PGT Slavonerbsk from AGS (automatic grenade ladders), grenade launchers and a 120 mm caliber mortar (5 min). Kiev security forces re-fired at the Slavserbsk region from the height of 175.9 from a mortar of a caliber of 82 mm (5 min). Slavserbsk region again subjected to shelling from the height of 175.9 from the anti-aircraft installation. From the side of the village Lugansk was made by the shelling of the monument area by Prince Igor from LNG (Machine Anti-Tank Grenade), an anti-aircraft installation and small arms. Plumnotnik Prince Igor again fired by Ukrainians from the village of Lugansk from BMP, LNG, AGS and Rifle Weapons. "

07/05/15. Analytically notice from the Military Observer Boris Relovina ("Colonelcassad").

"Today, the anniversary of the retreat from the Slavonic-Kramatorsk agglomeration. Materials on this topic I had a lot, so the thesis.
1. The immediate military cause of the leases of Slavyansk, the operational environment in which the Slavic group was after the junta breakthrough in Nikolayevka.

The fate of her in the case of seating in Slavyansk would be unloccinated, after taking Nikolayevka, the enemy would strengthen the barriers in the area of \u200b\u200bthe road to Kramatorsk and in the face of a lack of supply, it would just be overwhelmed by the city of artillery, while not having a significant number of equipment, the garrison of Slavyansk Could show offensive activity, under the conditions of multiple superiority of the enemy in the power. The reasons for the fall of Nikolaevka are quite trivial, in the context of the superiority of the enemy's forces (in tens of tensions), the militias could not cover the wide front and build the echelonized defense. As a result, the attack, Nikolaevka was cut off, the Motorola Group turned out to be actually surrounded by attacking the attack from the front, "Miner,", along the way, removing mines from a tan hazard direction. Most of the anti-tank agents had not worked in arms from the militia. Upon the fact of the latter, I had a chance to talk with people who directly forward the party of weapons to Slavyansk. No 12,000 automata (there simply did not have so many people - about 2,500 people retreated in Donetsk) there was certainly not there, but there were interesting moments on anti-tank funds - part of the pturhov were non-working plus what worked, it was often incorrectly applied - not operators. Actually, when the junta shows a few trophies on his video, which she managed to capture in Slavyansk, there can be seen among them that the very game of defective pits (about what the disputes are still boiling on this - negligence is or conscious sabotage).
As a result, in the open area, the enemy tanks during massive support for artillery pretty easily broke through the defense of the militia cutting the last road to Slavyansk on which the supply was going on. Actually, in June, it was revealed that the main problem was not even in the arms shorter, which was already quite a lot, but in the lack of anti-tank agents, artillery and tanks. Therefore, until the end of August, the tank groups of the enemy and in the DPR and in the LDR, the front easily broke through and went to walk along our reasons for a big depth, which later played with an opponent's joke when these breakthrough turned into boilers.

2. Leave not only Slavyansk, but also Kramatorsk, Druzhkovka and Konstantinovka had to be for military considerations (the enemy is just as easily, using the lack of anti-tank agents and technology, cover the position of the militia and go to communication), and due to the fact that in the rear Gurnsons of the junta in Artemovsk continued to remain (the tank base was not captured and the increasingly valuable junta was subsequently taken out from there - the base of seizing the base was broken) and in Soledar (where there were grid-arms warehouses), which were guarded by special forces (plans to seize warehouses, too There were, but they were not realized - part of the weapons from these warehouses was bought by militias and legal entities). Accordingly, with further activation of actions, the enemy could act in the operational rear of the Kramatorsk group relying on these garrisons.
From a military point of view, the situation for Slavyansk worse has worsened since June - Fal Liman fell, the militia suffered a sensitive defeat under Jampol. It was hardly held by the position in Semenovka and the outskirts of Slavyansk. The offensive that Junta began on July 1, managed to stop only at the end of August. On the video below it is clearly visible how critical there was a position on the fronts, when everything hung on the hair.

Then he seriously told the view that militias would wait and the war would not last long (what happened further, few people foresaw).

3. The way out of the surgical environment from the point of view of losses was relatively successful, but not without loss - as a result of the error of the commander, the armorroup was killed and the opponent was able to cover the tail of one of the columns in one of the columns. From the point of view of personnel, it was possible to withdraw almost everyone, although some came out of the environment a few days later wandering on the enemy's reasons, including with battles.
There was no "free corridor" naturally not, the enemy expected the shooters to passively sit in Slavyansk until it was plated by a double ring of the environment and treat artillery. In the Secret Help of the SBU captured under Debaltsevo (the document was to remain secret until 2019) of July 3 In addition to the overall assessment of the forces of the militia, it contained allegations that Slavyansk will continue to defend . At the same time, the certificate indicates that the management of the DNR is preparing for "evacuation" from Donetsk. In this regard, the opponent's intelligence missed the preparatory activities related to the departure from Slavyansk, so the shooters reached tactical suddenness.

4. The arrival of Strelkova in Donetsk mixed all the maps of "Peacemakers" who were preparing to pass the city. Several earlier, in June, they easily handed over Mariupol (probably for the same reasons for which he did not take it in September - most likely an agreement existed in June with Akhmetov, which he would be given to Mariupol to preserve his empire - according to one of the active The participants of the Mariupol resistance, who took part in the seizure of the Ukrainian military and events on May 9, for the effective development of the uprising in Mariupol, then a couple of cars were required with automatic machines, which were so there and did not profit), where, as well as in Donetsk, the Ukrainian authorities and Ukrainian militia persisted . After the arrival of the shooter from Donetsk, officials and security officials submitted to Junta fade and as later recognized the former mayor of Donetsk Lucanchenko, if the shooters did not return to Donetsk, "the conflict would have been exhausted", which actually confirmed the presence of a conspiracy in order to give Donetsk Junta / Akhmetov in early July 2014 (about which in June, consultations with Akhmetov and Kolomoisky were conducted). In addition to Lukyanchenko and Indulsion, Pushilin and Khodakovsky, Khodakovsky, then lost their posts. Actually, the hysterical grazing of Strelkova, which began exactly then, is a consequence of the torn plans that gave the shooters. And judging by the fact that the injury does not stop (the truth is now it's rather an attempt to appoint a shooter, as there are many questions on the Donbas in 2014), in fact, even if he is never allowed to return to the DPR, he fulfilled his main task, Thereby ensuring a place in history.

5. In fact, the shooters decided the main task. After refusing to enter the troops to Ukraine, which occurred at the end of April 2014 and losing the Slavician of his military significance in the rear of the grouping of Ukrainian troops covered the border from the Russian Federation, the Gamelov Group decided the task of covering the creation of the People's Republic of the People's Republic, sanking under Slavic the main forces of the enemy. This task was successfully solved, it was won 3 months, during which, despite the sabotage in Donetsk, the peaceful protest times of March-April 2014 converts into an armed militia, which in July-August could give a worthy rebuff (with the help of "Northern Wind" Of course) the regular Ukrainian army (which despite a number of operational success suffered a number of hard lesions). This is the most militia, now has already been transformed into an army, which ensures the defense of the republic.

In addition to the time won, the shooters brought out the most fired and experienced armed core of the uprising, which played a crucial role in the fighting of the summer of 2014.
Saved troops took part in the first surroundings of this war, when the southern boiler was formed, whose creation arrows his hand.
Some of those who came out then with Rowers and today occupy the most important positions in the leadership of the Republic (for example, "CEP" recently was I.O. Minister of Defense) or are well-deserved heroes, like "Motorols". The shooters saved them too, for future victories, while it was expected that all these people would die in Slavyansk surrounded and did not prevent the junta to take Donetsk. Moreover, some even demanded that they kill Poroshenko's style there, demanding at any cost to hold already surrounded by Debaltsevo. What out of this comes out, we saw in the winter viewing terrible shots from the boiler and the roads of retreat.

Therefore, a year after leaving Slavyansk, it is quite obvious that it was the right step, which was coupled with the previous months of the enemy's skating under Slavic, allowed DPR to stand in the most difficult moment of his formation, so the shooters are certainly one of the actual founding fathers of the DPR is simply in fact His deeds. As the recent survey showed, in Russia, the shooter in Russia is positive, precisely as a military. On the "Russian Spring" (the readable site in the war in Novorossia, for the 2014th year of the shooters became a man-year - along with the brain, poor, prince and an unknown militia). So as a whole, the difficult decision taken by Riflem was adopted by society (although it is obvious that no one is delighted with the cities surrendered), despite the attempts of opponents of the shooter to hang all dogs on him.
As Churchill said about the operation of "Dynamo" - "of the war not won evacuation." And the remaining of Slavyansk is certainly not a victorious operation - it was a forced decision in the critical military-political situation, which was in early July around Slavyansk and Donetsk. Time only confirmed the correctness of this decision, as despite last year's disbelief, the DPR exists and will exist further, including thanks to the shooter. "

07/05/15. Report from Denis Grigoryuk.

"Slavyansk. In \\ in Ukraine a holiday. All patriots celebrate the celebration of the Kiev authorities a holiday called" Liberation of the Ukrainian Slavyansk. "This action is accompanied by a zhovto-blaty symbolism. The whole city is stuffed with Ukrainian flags and coat of arms. Thus, the Ukrainian government wants to disagree that they are The uprising is suppressed and they need to submit to the new regime.

At that time, the new Ukrainian authorities suggests dances on the bones, in Donetsk, ordinary residents of the Donetsk People's Republic were reached on the rally-requiem for the dead peaceful residents of Slavyansk and honor the memory of the fallen militia in the battles for the freedom of Donbass. So far, in the Ukrainian "Slavyansk, the Local" Local "go to the support of Ukraine, in the capital of the DNR, people with sorrow and genuine emotions came to the eternal fire to impose flowers in honor of the innocently killed ordinary residents of Slavyansk who did not agree with the illegal public coup in February 2014 and took advantage of the right to self-determination. But it was taken away. They took exactly the same as freedom of speech. Peter Poroshenko assures that Ukraine is now free than ever before. But this is a lie. For freedom, you have to die. For your own rights, it is necessary to pour blood rivers. For the right to live freely you have to die.

Exactly a year ago, Slavyansk left the troops of the Donetsk People's Republic. It was decided to bring troops to preserve the lives of fighters. There was no defense to defend the city. The Ukrainian military pulled all the hard technique to a small but proud and free-willed city of Slavyansk. The city was erased from the face of the earth. He was trying to clean it for the mercenary goals of the Kiev authorities.

In the battles for Slavyansk, many militia died. Freedom fighters destroyed the Ukrainian army. It is in this way Poroshenko and the company struggling with dissent. All dissenters will be killed. Killed, but not forgotten.

Have you ever seen men's tears? Today I saw them. Real harsh men mourned their combat comrades who gave their lives, covering the waste of DPR troops. A group of several volunteers remained to cover their brothers in arms, so that they could get out of the city.

It is there on the rally, I realized what real men's friendship means. Even more than friendship. This is a real male fraternity. Not always, the brothers in the blood feel like each other as the brothers in spirit. Spiritual communication is more and stronger than physical relationship. It is because of spiritual communication that soldiers cannot hold tears. Military tears are comparable, probably only with mother's tears who lost the child. Those who never experienced such kinship will never understand what the person loses his brother in arms feeling at such moments. These emotions are felt even at a distance. Donbass warriors stood and clenched fists from anger, from sorrow, from injustice. They are ready to tear into pieces of those who killed their brothers.

I am sure that that hour will come when each murdered peaceful resident and the warrior of the Donetsk People's Republic will be rejoiced. Not long to send the new Kiev authorities. Slavyansk and other cities of Donetsk People's Republic will be free again. "

07/05/15. Video from NEWS Front Warborors.

"In the division" Bryanka of the USSR ", new anti-tank hedgehogs were admitted for weapons." They already live with us for weeks 2. I rehabbed the muzzles on our soldiers' hacks, "the fighters are joking."

07/05/15. Message from Eduard Basinur.

"The intensity of the shelling by the Ukrainian side over the past day was 32 violations of the cease-fire regime. Also, the enemy applied anti-tank funds, anti-aircraft plants, grenade launchers and small arms. According to reports, the territory of Donetsk, the Gagarin mine in Gorlovka, Dokuchaevsk fell under the shelling, October , Lozovoe, Spartak, Jobunes, Nikolaevka and stame. "

Message from Mortarorov: "Currently heard explosions in Gorlovka in the district. Min. Representatives of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission recorded 152 explosions in the district of the Donetsk Airport. At 9:40 in N.P. Explosions were widely heard. With 06:05 Until 07:00 In the area N.P.Starognatovka, a rifle battle was walking with the use of mortars. From 01:30 and until 07:00 in N.P. Marinka went rifle batches using mortars. "

07/05/15. Video from NEWS Front Warborors.

"Researcher KubSU, Candidate of Biological Sciences Nikita Volchenko, on the ether of the program" In fact ". The leading program is Sergey Veselovsky.
Nikita Volchenko: the reserve of volunteers in Ukraine comes to an end. At the primary stages of the Ukrainian crisis, the percentage of residents who were ready to participate in so-called peacekeeping operations was noticeable. The resource of voluntary formations is clearly already exhausted, since they began to limit the departure of the draft age beyond the country. Ukraine clearly limits its territory and slows down the movement of people. In general, it does not look like democracy, European values \u200b\u200band rules that are postulated by the current leadership of the country. "

07/05/15. Message from journalists.

"In widely there are no militia fighters of the DPR, - OSCE

In widely there is no fortunciation forces of the DPR. This was stated today to journalists from the deputy head of the OSCE Mission in Ukraine Alexander Khug.

"We did not notice any signs of the presence of the DPR forces. Strengthening, checkpoints, private houses that previously occupied the forces of the DPR, are now abandoned, "he noted.

Recall that earlier, July 1, the official representative of the DPR in the negotiations of the Contact Group on the Peaceful Settlement Denis Pushilin said that the People's Republic unilaterally declared a broadly demilitarized zone.

Alexander Khug testified that today the situation in broadly normalized, the fighting ceased. At the same time, about 80% of residential buildings were destroyed in the village.

"A special monitoring mission today has been fixed strong destruction, especially in the southern part of the village. According to our estimates, 80% of homes are destroyed and not subject to recovery. The whole territory was covered with unexploded ammunition. They can be seen everywhere, "said Hug.

The village is widely located between the occupied Mariupol and the DNR-controlled authorities of the DNR Novoazovsky, until recently it was one of the most stressful sites near the line of contact. "

"Kiev television drivers struck the ability of the RF General to answer their question in Ukrainian. Correspondents of the Ukrainian television channel Inter praised Lieutenant-General, Commander of the 29th Communarily Army of Russia Alexander Romanchuk, who arrived with the check in the village widely as part of a joint center for control and coordination (SKKK ) The cease-fire regime in the Donbas, for the excellent knowledge of their language.

During the press approach, the correspondent in Ukrainian asked to introduce themselves to the Russian military and was very surprised when he answered him in the same language: "Romanchuk Oleksandr Voloddimirovich, the filthyar is suspended by the Center for Coordination Control."

Yeah you have Garni Ukrainian, I was surprised by the reporter of the TV channel.
"You have Tup," Lieutenant-General Romanchuk answered him.

According to the event of events, LifeNews correspondent, during a visit to the village, representatives of the joint center for the control and coordination of the cease-fire regime in the Donbas, which includes representatives of Russia, Ukraine and the OSCE, checked the conditions for compliance with the cease-fire regime. "

07/05/15. Video from NEWS Front Warborors.

"The fighter with the call sign" Khan "talks about his way of becoming from a simple peaceful citizen before the defender of Novorossia, and also expresses his wishes of Poroshenko and Hunt." Han ": at the end of April, when the checkpoints were organized, I performed like one of the organizers. We Collected tires, each did everything that he could. People brought sticks, we stood with batons, made spikes from the remedies, equipped the checkpoint. Then, on the SBU, I switched to the "Shield" organization, where I got acquainted with the leader Yaroslav. After went At the front. Was on Mospino, Gorbachevo-Mikhailovka, where we built fortifications, dots, digging the trenches and so on. In the army never served, everything learned everything during the battle. Most of all I remember how the shell from the Gaubitis flew right into the bludge where we Satisfied. I looked at the stove and saw it cracks. "

News Front: So that you wish Poroshenko and the whole junta.

"Han": I wish Poroshenko to be in the tank with those young guys he sent to the war. Let him feel on her skin. And the junta will be in the dumps and look at the cracked ceilings, the breakdowns of the shells and will experience the whole pain. "

07/05/15 Message from journalists of the Federal News Agency.

"Girl Sniper from Serbia: Everyone who is against Russia, my enemy. The correspondent met in the DPR of the militia fighter, who came to the Donbass from the distant Serbia to protect his Russian brothers. Sniper girl with a bangman does not hide the face - she is in his native Serbia Out of the law for fighting in the militia of the DNR. Back to her there is no path.

Give life for Russia

Baghir, tell me what led you on this war.

In Serbia, when I watched the news and saw the suffering of our Russian people in the Donbas, I was very hard. I had a feeling that you need to quit everything, give my life to Russia, the preservation of the Russian people in the Donbas.

Many condemn me for it, they say that they do not need to risk their lives here. We arrived here without a "b" plan, we came here to stand until the end, from gratitude, first of all, with your king Nikolai I, who was the first to send his soldiers to help Serbia, and who retained our Serbian Orthodox Church.

Saint John Shanghai and Russian monks who came to Serbia retained faith and church, and for this, too, thank you very much to our Russian brothers. And if now there was no Russia, it would not be Serbia.

I know, now in Serbia such a policy - we are preparing to enter the EU, and the people do not ask what he wants, what we want, and what we need. I know that in Serbia I am now a terrorist, and it is very hard for my parents, but what to do, just ... just need ... just need very big thanks ...
Brother - Help your brother

How many Serbs share your opinion that the Russian people and the Serbian people are brothers?

Sure. There is an old Serbian proverb: "If it is a good older Russian brother, then it will be good and younger Serbian brother." When your president, Vladimir Putin arrived in Serbia, the banners immediately appeared: "Putin, please, Save Serbia." We have a very strong spiritual connection with the Russian people. Just no words to describe how strong it is.

Tell me, Baghir, when the whole story started with Maidan, which then turned into a civil war in Ukraine, how did the Serbs react to this situation?

For fellow citizens, I can not say anything, I can express my feelings and opinion. First, I, as an Orthodox girl, is very hard to condemn Ukraine, and condemn ordinary people who sin. The world knows that this is a fratricidal war, here brother kills his brother.

Of course, everything goes from Kiev, this is a real fascism, and of course America participates in it. Serbia can now mobilize two million Serbs that can come to the Donbass. I have information that as soon as Serbia goes to NATO, Serbian troops will perform on the side of Ukraine. Of course everything is the cause of America. Well, if this happens, I'm the first wearing the Serbian flag, and let my compatriots shoot in me.

I would give my life, for the time that it was calm here, they just don't want it. NATO, who is now with Poland and Germany and with all who are now in Ukraine - they are glowing. Serbia is now for Russia, for the Russian people and support comes from all Serbs.
There are no paths

Tell me, have a lot of your brothers, our brothers, came to the Donbass fight?

Of course, a lot came, came from the Serbian information security agency that sends information, including about me. Well, what to do, it's impossible to return back to me now.

You said it is impossible to return, and what does the Serbian volunteer threaten? Correctly I understand that you were declared mercenaries in Serbia?

And were there any sanctions against Serbian volunteers who went to Donbass and returned? Serbian government put them in prison, arrested?

Yes, yes, immediately at the airport. Immediately at the aerodrome they were arrested. But those who wanted to get to the Donbass, it was necessary to go smarter. By bus Belgrade - Budapest, from Budapest to Uzhgorod, Uzhgorod - Chop, Chop - Kiev, Kiev - St. Petersburg, then in Rostov-on-Don.

Of course, there were problems at once on the Ukrainian border, there I was interrogated there: "Why are you going to Kiev, why did you come, for some reason, why it is."

I have a European passport, I say: "I need a visa to Ukraine." But as soon as they learn that I am from Serbia, immediately hang a label "Terrorist". The first time I came simply as a civilian face, and like all the Serbs, I knew perfectly well that Ukrainians would not like Serbia. This is very sorry, because 80 years ago, the Transcarpathian region was under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and this region, our Patriarch Paul presented to the Moscow Patriarchate. Of course, the church was first divided, then the people, and then problems began and here in the Donbas.
We are from Donbass

But Donbass is also not someone else's land for you.

Of course, Donbass is my Earth, now if I ask me "Where are you from?", I will answer: "Of course" from the Donbass. "

Tell me, Baghir, did you participate in big operations, for Ilovaisk and so on?

Of course, we went to the round, I cleaned the round, then went into the rakeodub, it was very scary there.

We were not far there.

Yes, yes, it was very scary, a lot of our people died, and then went to Debaltsevo. There was an imperial legion, there was a lot of losses. We found a military American soldering there, found a lot of American.

So, of course there is no America here. As it usually happens, America sent instructors to the Ukrainian side, and they themselves arranged a fun life. I have a photo where two dill bumps simply turned over, broke, American instructors, of course, taught how to ride the car, but the boys had no experience.

Are you planning to stay in the Donbas?


Alpatient enjoyment

There are a variety of rumors, including quite proven that volunteers from those states that were involved in the Balkans were involved in the war, in particular Croats ...

Yes, yes, it's true. And it is very ... I have no words. I have no words, because once we captured one Croat, he told us ... I have no words, so much hatred, he said that he came here not to save Ukraine, but because Serbs. "I came for the Serbs, you can kill them here," he said.

I do not understand this. And I do not want to understand this. Why such hatred. Of course, the Lord is the council of suffering, and here is the council. As the Lord gave the power to the Emperor Konstantin and Tsarice Elena, when they were sanitious, and they had very few soldiers. And they drew a cross on each shield and therefore won many enemies. In the rakeodube, our was very small if the enemies would hear it, let them know, Serbs, there were 40 people, and their eight thousand ...

What do you think is waiting for Serbia? And how will the relations between Serbia and Russia grow further, given the fact that Serbia is now marking in the EU, more precisely, it is trying to ingress it in every way?

Everyone who opposes Russia is my enemy. Serbs love Russia. Serbs are always for Russia. And of course, there are many enemies on our land - this is our Ministry of Defense, everything ... All ... President, Premier ...

Not for money

He answered the questions of the correspondent of the fan and another Serbian volunteer with the call sign.

Huntsman, I understand that you have given the same reasons for war, because of which Bagiir came. How do you generally see the future of Donbass? What will happen to Donetsk and Lugansk republics, how do you see them? As part of Russia or as independent states?

Of course, they should be with Russia. I came here not for the sake of self-proclaimed states and the Donbass, but for the sake of Russia, this is our duty to her. Many people think that there is a very big salary, in Serbia they say that we get "2-3 thousand dollars." So, I was given a salary for 3-4 months, and it was 15 thousand rubles. More precisely for almost five months. We came here not for money. We came here to preserve the Earth, first of all for the sake of Orthodoxy, it's like a debt to Russia, and thanks of course.

The situation in Serbia is now very bad, I have a spiritual mentor there, Ilya's father from the optical desert and Mother Marina. They say: "Serbia will quickly become a Catholic country and quickly enter NATO." Each country wants something from Serbia, but we think that Russia will always be for us. Real Serbs will never turn back to Russia.

Tell me what you think about the current situation in Kosovo?

I can't say anything about Kosovo. It hurts, I can not talk about Kosovo.

Do you think you will ever return it?

With Russia - yes.

Huntsman, tell me, what did you do before the war?

Everyone than needed. Sports, construction.

And how old are you?

You, judging by the fact that you are removed without balaclava, you also cut off the way back?

On the first day, as I arrived, I took a photo and posted on Facebook. And although in the photo I was in Balaclava, after two or three days I was on the "Peacemaker" website - they wrote there - "Ivan Ivanovc came to fight for the DPR."

They want to show what the Serbs are beautiful, - with a laugh said Bagira. "

07/05/15. Message from Mortarorov.

"The invaders over the past day detained on the way to DPR and LNR 12 trucks, who were carrying more than 500 tons of goods for civilian national citizens. Even the vital to the civilian population, for the junta is considered smuggling. At the same time, this information was reported that at the control point. "Zaitsevo" in two citizens officers of the State Program seized missions. "

Message from Boris Rives: "Regarding widely, our infantry in the village is not now. The junta is also in no hurry, fully occupy the village, as it is not enough that it is almost completely destroyed, it is also mined. The OSCE has suggested that DPR and Hunt jointly demining the village. But before that it is unlikely to come, the junta refused to jointly patrol the ruins of the village with representatives of the DPR. In general, the new defensive line of the VSN passes from Sahanki, the junta still sits at the heights to the west of widely, the reconnaissance is sometimes striking. Report That only in the LDP today was under Fven wounded. Well, in general, you can imagine the heat of what is happening. Almost every day 10-15 killed on both sides and several dozen wounded. "

07/05/15. Writer, journalist, head of the Union of Writers LNR Gleb Bobrov on the ether of the program "In fact".

"Gleb Bobrov: Ukraine's news is the news of the madom. Today there is some kind of collective madness in Ukraine, I spoke about it repeatedly. People live in a state of cognitive dissonance. Reality in itself, but what is happening in the heads of some Ukrainians - By itself. State schizophrenia demolfits people and leads to some paradoxes. "

07/05/15. Commentary from I.I. Streletova:

"For the general information, I can say: you need to stay. Many people are addressed to me with a question - is it worth going volunteers and whether to defend" individual areas ". And I answer: you are not defending the" Panov ", but Russia. Way time.

In 1611, King Sigismund was asked by Smolensk, at that time submitted to the king Vasily Shui. Siege lasted a year. During this time, the Shuisky overthrew and "Semiboyarschina" swore the son of Sigismund - Korivichu Vladislav, the Polish garrison entered the Kremlin. But Smolensk garrison continued to fight for a few more months in absolutely, it would seem meaningless situation. And then, after the fall of the city, released by the king, wandered on Rus. And he did, in the end, to Nizhny Novgorod, where he became the basis of the 2nd militia of the prince of Pozharsky. But the point is not even in this, but in the fact that after a year siege, the tired army of the king Sigismund refused to go further to Moscow - "planting the kingdom" Vladislav and for the most part went home.

Yes, while the situation deteriorates, but it has deteriorated in the period described - as continuously. And in 1941, it was much worse in September and in October than in July and August. And in 1942, the situation at the beginning of autumn was worse than in the fall of 1941. So what? Numerous surroundings followed the "bayonets to the ground"? While there are people who are ready to fight for the Donbass - it's not so easy to pass it. But if there are no such people or there will be quite a little - it will be surrendered, as the "extra" pawn in the game in the "giveaway". "

07/05/15. Message from "Russian Spring".

"Ukrainian military and militants" Idar "blew up on their own mines: five dead.

In the Lugansk region In the area of \u200b\u200bthe 29th checkpoint today, July 4, a group of Ukrainian servicemen was undergraduated on Mine, five people were killed - two Aidar battalion militants and three military from the 24th Brigade. On this page on Facebook wrote Aidar Action "by the surname of Efremov.

According to him, three soldiers were injured.

"Sad news from the 29th checkpoint. Today, a group of fighters blew up on Mine. Two people were killed from the 24th mechanized team and one "Idarovs". Another person from our battalion in extremely serious condition, the second of our 300th will live for sure. In addition, two of the 24-ki were injured. Data on the wounded / dead can still change, "the Aidar Action wrote.

Later, he said that the wounded militant "Idar" died in the hospital, another military personnel of the 24th Brigade also died. "

07/05/15. Video from volunteer with call sign "Moscow".

"In the summer, everyone went on the Cottages and on vacation, as a result of which the user's activity was sharply fell. It is worth shooting something today and one after another to use important topics, if there are few views, which means that you have some important information Until the small number of people and maybe you should wait until the autumn, stopping the section "says Moscow"? Edak, I have something for the summer on all topics, and there will be nothing to say, but it is important to me that as many Ukrainians can hear me as much as possible. By virtue of this, for the first time, I spend a test for seasonal activity and the next video will take off only after 100 reposts of this video. Maybe in the evening there will be a hundred, and maybe at the beginning of the fall. "

In the Donbass artillery fire was destroyed by the position of the VSU.

This is reported by Ukrainian "Volunteers" from the Foundation "Return Alive".

"Almost a dozen shells destroyed one of our advanced positions, weapons and thermal imagers," the report says.

The location of the position is not specified.

Ukrainian militants blew up on a minefield under Gorlovka when trying to penetrate the DPR

LDP shelling card: furnishings on the co-force line per day. September 24, 2018.

Special project "I am not afraid": Lydia Lavshuk. Issue No. 58.

The victims from the shelling of the drone of the VSU told about what happened

Explosion in a residential building in the LDP: four injured

The tragic grenade incident occurred in the residential building of the village of Georgievka Lugansk People's Republic: four people were injured in varying severity.

"In the village of Georgiyevka, Lutuginsky district in a residential building from the explosion of manual grenade (presumably RSD-5) received fragmentation wounds of varying severity of four people," the department says.

All victims: Two women and two men were delivered to the Lugansk Republican Clinical Hospital. All four were injured in varying severity: there are heavy.

Logic of the VSU: We have undergone a cruel shelling - there are no losses, and "shooting"

In the reports of the so-called operation of the United States (OOS) of Ukraine no longer hide the use of various weapons against the People's Republic of Donbass. In the fabulous games of the implementation of Minsk agreements, the Ukrainian command has ceased to play, and therefore it speaks about the deposition of blows on the DPR, which is a violation of all obligations assumed.

As a result of strikes by Ukrainian security forces in a neighboring territory, four people died, four were injured. In the headquarters of the OOS, they declare that they are all "militants." This is called representatives of the Armed Forces of the Republics of Donbass in Kiev.
In order to somehow justify its actions in the Donbas, in the headquarters of the Ukrainian operation, it was announced that "there was a retaliatory fire."

"Since the beginning of the current day, the enemy fired the position of the united forces three times, including from heavy weapons. Thus, the supporting points of our troops near the settlements of the Crimean and widely invaders were fired from grenade launchers, large-caliber machine guns and small arms, and in the southern defenders carried out fire raids using mortars of 120th caliber. LOSS Among the personnel of the United forces not".

If there are no losses, then the question arises: was it shelling from the side of the DPR, not to mention some "firewood with the use of mortars"? And one more question: what do Ukrainian "Vityazi" do in the area widely, if this area should refer to the demilitarized zone?

Meanwhile, the operational command of the DPR reports that 11 settlements of the republic, including Dolomite, Zaitsevo, Vasilyevka, a wide beam, and others underwent shelters on the part of the Armed Forces.

For those who want to help the fighters of the divisions of the Armies of DPR and LNR in the fight against the circulators: Map Sberbank 4276 3800 5378 2368 or Yandex-wallet 410012273300268

or payment for the MTS phone (not kiwi) +79780454589

    Summary with fronts

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 30, 2019

    In spite of any agreements on "full, comprehensive and indefinite truce" from the front continues to receive information about the shelters of the settlements of the DPR and LNR. Over the past day, Ukrainian punishers violated TC.N. "The ceiling mode" in the DPR. The shelling at the Donetsk direction was subjected to areas of the village "Labovskaya" and Staromihylovka, the capital of the airport, the city of Yasinovataya. A total of 2019 ...

    31.12.2019 8:13 10

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 28 - 29, 2019

    The situation over the entire front line continues to remain tense. Donetsk People's Republic for two days Ukrainian militants broke 7 times TC.N. "Fire stop mode." Hosted sites were subjected to settlements on Donetsk, Gorlovsky, Mariupol directions. The enemy used BMP, BTR, RPG, LNG, large-caliber small arms. The US strategic drone conducted exploration over the Donbass and Crimea. In the Donbas, the exchange of prisoners of war was completed. Lugansk People's Republic with ...

    30.12.2019 12:37 17

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 27, 2019

    From the front continues to receive information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR. Over the past day, Ukrainian militants violated TC.N. "The cessation mode" in the LDP. The races of the village of Lower Lozovaya and the village of Golubovsky were shelling. In the Donetsk direction, the Ukrainian occupiers increased six times the number of shelling of the DPR territory. Shelling on the Donetsk direction was the regions of the capital airport, the villages of the mine. Abakumova, Zhabichevo, ...

    28.12.2019 17:50 10

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 26, 2019

    From the front continues to receive information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR. Over the past day, Ukrainian militants violated TC.N. "Silence Mode" in LNR. The shelling was subjected to the villages of the bottom Lozovaya and Kalinovka. In the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian militants released almost 50 ammunition on the territory of the republic. The races of the village of Staromihaylovka in the Donetsk direction and the village of Shakhty 6/7 in the Gorlowsk direction were shelling. The shelling continued ...

    27.12.2019 19:05 13

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 25, 2019

    The so-called "truce" continues in the Donbas. From the front continues to receive information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR. Over the past day, Ukrainian militants once violated the "silence regime" in LNR. The shelling was subjected to the village of Lower Lozoe. The fire was conducted from 82 mm mortars. In the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian militants released over 100 ammunition in the territory of the republic. In the head of the enemy's shelling ...

    26.12.2019 18:40 15

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 23, 2019

    Photo from here from the front comes information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR. Over the past day, Ukrainian militants violated TC.N. "The ceiling mode" in the DPR. The areas of the village of Spartak and the village of Zhabichevo are subjected to shelling at the Donetsk direction; In the Gorlovsky direction - the village of Dolomit, on Mariupol - Sela Kominternovo. In the Lugansk direction, Ukrainian militants released over 25 ammunition on the territory of LNR. Per…

    24.12.2019 15:12 28

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 21, 2019

    The furnishings on the contact line remains tense. Donetsk People's Republic From December 21 to December 22, Ukrainian militants fired at the settlements of the DPR from the mortars, the armament of BMP, various types of grenade launchers and small arms in Gorlovsky, Donetsk and Mariupol directions. The total amount of ammunition applied by an opponent is 238 units. For two days, Ukrainian punishers were broken 15 times the so-called "mode ...

    23.12.2019 16:00 35

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 19, 2019

    From the front continues to receive information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR. Over the past day, the OSCE recorded 107 explosions in the Donbas. This is reported in the 1990 daily report of the organization of December 18, 2019. In the DNR, Ukrainian militants over the past day have been violating TC.N. "The cease-fire mode", having released over 90 ammunition over the territory of the DPR. It is noted that shelling ...

    20.12.2019 18:38 16

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 18, 2019

    In spite of any "armition agreement achieved" from the front continues to receive information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR. Over the past day, Ukrainian militants fired at seven settlements in the DPR. The shelling was subjected to: the village of Main "Labor", the "Volvo Center", Mineral, Alexandrovka (Donetsk direction); villages wide beam and dolomite (Gorlovskiy direction); Sahanka village (Mariupol direction). Official reports from NM DNR ...

    19.12.2019 18:34 24

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 17, 2019

    The so-called "truce" continues in the Donbas. From the front comes information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR. Over the past day, Ukrainian militants once violated TC.N. "The cessation mode" in the LDP. The shelling was subjected to the village of Veloy. The fire was conducted from Arms BMP. In the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian punishers were broken 10 times "the cease-fire mode" in the DPR. Shelling was underwent: settlements of the "Labovskaya" mine, mineral, ...

    18.12.2019 17:14 22

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 14 - 15, 2019

    The situation over the entire front line continues to remain tense. Donetsk People's Republic in two days Ukrainian militants broke 10 times TK.N. "Fire stop mode." Hosted sites were subjected to settlements on Donetsk, Gorlovsky, Mariupol directions. The enemy used BMP, BTR, RPG, LNG, large-caliber small arms. Another group of Ukrainian and foreign reporters arrived at the occupied territory of Donbass to create staged videos. Lugansk ...

    16.12.2019 11:09 17

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 13, 2019

    From the front continues to receive information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR. Over the past day, Ukrainian militants have violated TC.N. "The ceiling mode" in the DPR. Shelling were underwent: Dokuchaevsk, the villages of the Main "Labovskaya" and Alexandrovka (Donetsk direction); Village of the Gagarin Mine and Wide Beam (Gorlovskaya Direction); Sahanka village (Mariupol direction). Ukrainian occupiers in the evening, December 13, fired out the outskirts of Gorlovka, ...

    14.12.2019 16:29 17

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 12, 2019

    From the front continues to receive information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR. Over the past day, Ukrainian militants nine times violated TK.N. "The ceiling mode" in the DPR. The shelling was underwent: the villages of the Mine "Labor", Mineral, Staromihylikovka, Yasinovaya, District of Donetsk Airport, Spartak (Donetsk direction) village; Shakhty villages named after Gagarin and Golmovsky (Gorlovskaya direction); The village of Kominternovo (Mariupol direction). Official reports from nm ...

    13.12.2019 19:03 16

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 11, 2019

    The so-called "truce" continues in the Donbas. From the front comes information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR. During the day, Ukrainian militants once violated TC.N. "Silence Mode" in the LTR Area Area. Shelling subjected to the district N.P. Logvinovo. On the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian militants were broken by the "cease-fire" mode. Under the fire of Ukrainian militants were: villages Dolomit, Golmovsky (Gorlovskaya direction); District "Volvo Center", villages ...

    12.12.2019 18:22 15

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: 09 December 2019

    Photo from here the so-called "truce" in the Donbas continues. At the Donetsk direction under the fire of Ukrainian militants, it turned out to be: a cheerful village, a cool beam, the village of Main "Labovskaya", the "Volvo Center" mine, the capital airport (Donetsk direction); village of Mine named after Gagarin (Gorlovskoye Direction); White Kamenka village, Kominternovo (Mariupol direction). The shellings continued throughout the day. From 13:45 to 13:50, shelling from the Ukrainian ...

    10.12.2019 16:01 23

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbas War: 07- December 8, 2019

    The furnishings on the contact line aggravated. Donetsk People's Republic From July 07 to December 8, Ukrainian militants fired at the settlements of the DPR from the mortars, the armament of BMP, various types of grenade launchers and small arms in Gorlovsky, Donetsk and Mariupol directions. The total amount of ammunition applied by an opponent is 213 units. For two days, Ukrainian punishers 22 times violated the so-called "termination mode ...

    9.12.2019 14:51 20

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 06, 2019

    Over the past knocks, Ukrainian militants once violated TC.N. "Silence Mode" in LNR. Shelling was subjected to the area N.P. Red Liman. On the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian militants were nine times violated the "cessation regimen", having released over 30 ammunition on the territory of the DPR. Under the fire of Ukrainian militants were: villages Dolomite, Zaitsevo, Mine named after Gagarin (Gorlovskoye Direction); Spartak village (Donetsk direction); Village Sahanka (Mariupolskoye ...

    7.12.2019 13:47 23

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 05, 2019

    The so-called "truce" continues in the Donbas. From the front comes information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR. Over the past day, Ukrainian militants broke 7 times TC.N. "Silence Mode" on the contact line with DPR. Under the enemy's fire were: Dolomitsky village (Gorlovskoye Destination); Yasinovataya, Vasilyevka and Spartak village, the villages of the "Lodkovskaya" mine and Alexandrovka, (Donetsk direction); Village Sahanka (Mariupolskoye ...

    6.12.2019 17:27 14

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 03, 2019

    The so-called "truce" continues in the Donbas. From the front, information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR is received daily. Over the past day, Ukrainian militants fired at the territory of the DPR six times. The enemy shelling was subjected to the "Volvo-Center" district and the terminal of the Donetsk airport in the north of the capital (Donetsk direction), as well as the village of Novolasp in the south of the DNR (Mariupol direction). Official reports from NM DNR and ...

    4.12.2019 14:34 26

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 02, 2019

    The situation on the front line in the Donbass remains tense, the battles continue on the Donetsk and the Gorlovian directions of the front. On the eve of the Donbas destroyed two ethiper elite division of the Center for Special Operations of the SBU. Summary of NM DNR: Over the past day, Ukrainian militants opened fire in the areas of settlements of the republic. In the Gorlovsk direction, the punisors of the 59th Brigade of Shapovalov from the mortars caliber 120-mm, hand ...

    3.12.2019 15:12 22

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: November 30 - December 01, 2019

    Donetsk People's Republic for two days Ukrainian militants violated TC.N. "Fire ceasefire mode", released 70 units of various ammunition at the front-line territories of the DNR. Hosted sites were subjected to settlements on Donetsk, Gorlovsky, Mariupol directions. The enemy used BMP, BTR, RPG, LNG, large-caliber small arms. Lugansk People's Republic From November 30 to December 1, Ukrainian punishers 1 time ...

    2.12.2019 14:49 19

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: November 28, 2019

    Despite the so-called "truce", from the front continues to receive information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR. Over the past day, Ukrainian militants violated TC.N. "Truce" in the DPR. Shelling from the enemy was underwent: settlements of Mine 6/7, named after Gagarin and Dolomit (Gorlovsk direction); The village of Lozova, the villages of the "Lodkovskaya" mine, Staromihylovka and Alexandrovka (Donetsk direction); Sakhanka village, ...

    29.11.2019 15:48 33

    Summary with fronts

    Editorial office "Folk journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: November 27, 2019

    Despite the so-called "truce", from the front increasingly comes information about the shelling of settlements of the DPR and LNR. Over the past day, Ukrainian militants nine times violated TK.N. "The ceiling mode" in the DPR. The shelling was underwent: the villages of the Mine named after Gagarin and Bayrak (Gorlovskoye Direction); village Staromihaylovka (Donetsk direction); Sahanka village (Mariupol direction). In the Luhansk direction Ukrainian punitive ...

05/05/2018 | Communication reports, photos and videoseyewitnesses. Chronicleevents of day oneinformation tape. Updated asadmission information around the clock.

Overview of relevant and combat information from the John Yuz military bar.

"Donbass today: Fighters" Azov "rob peaceful citizens, the Armed Forces are running with advanced, artillery and Tanks of the Armed Forces are hit by Gorlovka. The National Guards and Fighters" Azov "are robbed civilians in the blocks. Ukrainian media reported" mass flight "of citizens from LTR. Last News of Novorossia - in the review of the Federal Agency News.

Operational atmosphere
In the Gorlovsky direction on the settlements of the Donetsk People's Republic of the Republic of China, Ukrainian troops applied blows from 122-mm artillery and tanks. In addition, 120-mm and 82-mm mortars were used, infantry combat vehicles (BMP) and armored personnel carriers (BTR), grenade launchers and small arms.

On the Mariupol direction, the Kiev security forces fired the positions of the Armed Forces of the DPR from anti-tank grenade launchers, BMP and BTR. The localities of the Donetsk directions were fired from 82-mm mortars, machine guns and combat vehicles.

The total number of ammunition issued in 12 cities and villages of the republic was 590 units. The cease-fire mode is broken by Kiev soldiers 27 times.

The Lugansk People's Republic has fired more than usual. Eight attacks have been recorded using mortars of various calibers, BMP and BTR, as well as grenade launches of various types in almost all directions. As a result of the act of aggression of the VSU, one soldier Sun LNR died.

Hu run with advanced
On the next adventures of Ukrainian paratroopers from the 80th landing assault brigade of the VSU reported the intelligence of Luganchan. On April 29, there are several military personnel, pretty "having accepted on the chest", went to the sickness and left the position.

On the way, the soldiers met a peaceful resident from the city of happiness and took a car, threatening with weapons. To this day, paratroopers are not found. In this case, the command of the brigade, this fact from the higher management hides.

Residents of Avdeevka complained to the military DPR
The operation of the united forces (OOS) brought residents of the regional problems controlled by the VRUs of the Dombassa. Thus, the inhabitants of Avdeevka, who witnessed the crime of paratroopers from the 25th separate brigade, told the War of the Republic on the lawlessness of the fighters of the Ukrainian army.

In one of the empty houses of the city along Nekrasov Street, three brigade fighters conducted an unauthorized search. Upon his return home, they were charged with cooperation with the "separatists", after which people were exported in an unknown direction.

It is noteworthy that the Fighters of the Armed Forces presented certificates signed by the Commander of Oos Sergey Nais personally. The fate of people is unknown, but six-brigade six primers live in their house.

National Guard robs of civilians
Also, after the entry into force of the OOS regime on May 1, in Volnovakha at one of the headquarters of the Ukrainian military under the pretext of "official need" for the capture of the saboteurs, a car was selected from a civilian from the city of Kurakhovo Ivanov Vitaly Sergeevich. The arguments of the victim about the inadmissibility of such actions were ignored.

Mitsubishi Galant, vigorous in an unknown direction, failed to find. A man no longer hopes to return the car. Moreover, with his comrades there was a previously similar case. Separated by National Guards The UAZ car managed to find only a long time later. He was listed as a trophy technician in the state of Nationalists "Azov", which "mined him during the fighting."
Ukrainian media: "People are running out of the ERD"

On Friday, an interesting material appeared in the ribbons under the Kiev, which said that people were massively scattered from the Donbass republics. According to the media, the Citizens of the DPR for a snoze are selling housing with all property and run "where the eyes look"

Interesting are media arguments: as evidence, an advertisement for the sale of real estate in one of the Enakievo communities on the social network was made. For 5 thousand US dollars, it is offered to buy a house with all furniture and appliances in one of the adjacent settlements. Photos of the house and the state of home utensils are not given. By the way, for the suburbs of Enakievo, this is a very considerable price for housing.

But for Ukrainian media of the "evidence" of more than enough - the "mass flight" of residents of the republics "proven". "

Urgent message from NM LNR.

"In the Newark district between the settlements of Smolyaninovo and Muratovo, there are two rocket complex" Point-U ". The distance from the settlement of Muratovo to the contact line is 30 kilometers, and the maximum firing range of this missile complex is 120 kilometers."

Message from the militia. "From 05:30 District Airport-Spartak-Yabp under a mortar clamping 82 and 120mm. Also armored vehicles, rifle and to / to machine guns. All morning, the Bahi is heard in the side of the platforms - in the west of Donetsk."

Message from NM LNR.

"Ukrainian security forces on Saturday morning began shelling villages located in the north of the LDP. From the village Novotoshkovskoye, a targeted shelling of the village of Donetsk is leading. The enemy is covered by civilians as a living shield: Military caliber 120 millimeters are installed directly on the streets of the residential sector."

Message from the militia: "Ukrainian security forces from the beginning of the" Easter "truce 826 times violated the cease-fire mode, five civilians were killed, 25 were injured."

Message from the militia.

"After 03:00, the shellings were recorded by the SUS in the following directions: 10: 05-10: 30 - N.P. Wide-N.P. Kominternovo; 10: 00-10: 30 - N.P. Water-n. P. Leninsky; 08: 00-08.30 - N.P. Novotroitsky - N.P. Dokuchaevsk; 06: 35-07: 35 - N.P. Zhovanka - N.P. Zaitsevo; 06: 30-07: 00 - N.P. Bogdanovka - N.P. Petrovsko.

Official reports from MO DNR (E, Basinurin) and NM LNR (A.Marochko).

From MO DNR: "The situation on the lines of combat contact continues to remain tense. Over the past day, the Ukrainian occupation forces fired at the area of \u200b\u200bfour settlements, for which the enemy has released twenty-min by a caliber 120 and 82 mm, and also applied BMP, grenade launchers and small arms.
On the Mariupol direction, the areas of three settlements were attached, on which the terrorists were released nineteen minutes, of which ten - a caliber of 120 mm. In addition, anti-tank controlled rockets, grenade launchers and small arms were used.
In the Gorlovsky direction, the enemy was fired by the areas of four settlements from artillery attitudes and mortars, releasing thirteen shells by a caliber of 122 mm and ninety-three mines. Also used BMP armament, automatic grenade launchers and small arms.
In just a day, Ukrainian bands are twenty five times violated the cease-fire mode.
As a result of the shelling of the occupiers, two soldiers of our armed forces were injured.

Yesterday, our defenders of the Donetsk airport were recorded preparation and holding of another provocation aimed at a false accusation of the republic's armed forces in applying the arms prohibited by Minsk agreements, as well as the shelters of the civilian population.
So, about 15 hours a group of people arrived at the territory of two civilians to the area of \u200b\u200bthe airport, to the territory, temporary-controlled Ukraine. After some reconnaissance activities, one of the cars was left in the middle of the field. Then the car arrived by the militants was made shot of a manual anti-tank grenade launcher.
Among the militants were attended by people with cameras who removed the shelling process on video.
According to the data of our intelligence, representatives of the Ukrainian TV channel "ICTV" and "Radio Liberty" work in the area for two days.
We do not exclude that in the near future to the videos of the burning car taken on mobile phones in the near future, professional reports of journalists, allegedly, "by chance" in the area, will be added to the Internet.
As we see, provocation, so carefully planned by representatives of the 74th Central IPSO (information and psychological operations), failed.
It is very grieving that the religious organization "Christian Salvation Service" participated in this provocation, the purpose of which should be the restoration of peace in the Donbas. And in fact, these volunteers, just in line with, so also "pour oil into the fire" of this war.
As you understand, our servicemen did not open the fire, but only watched this theatrical formulation into optical instruments. This wonderful absence of victims can also be confirmed, among the passengers of the car, despite the supposedly sudden fire.
Does anyone believe that with an unexpected hit in the passenger car, the anti-tank missile, someone can remain there.
In a word - a base fake! "

From NM LNR: "Kiev security forces over the past day have been released over 40 ammunition on the territory of the republic. This was reported today at a briefing official representative of the People's Militia of LDP Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Markko.
He noted that the situation in the responsibility zone of the defense department of the republic remains tense, over the past day, Ukrainian security officials broke the cease-fire regime.
"The shelling was the position of our divisions in the areas of settlements of grooves, Veselogorovka, Frunze and Kalinovo. In the shelling of the Armed Forces, 120 mm and 82 mm mortar, armament of BMP, grenade launchers and small arms, "said Markko.
"In total, over 40 shells, mines and grenades were released in the republic," the lieutenant colonel said.
Kiev security forces in violation of Minsk agreements are exploring the positions of the People's Militia of the LPR using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in the Three Inspection area and Svetlodarsk.
"We already stated that Ukrainian security forces introduce the practice of using UAV for attacks on the position of the People's Militia of the LDR and Diversions," he said.
"At the moment, the Armed Forces of Ukraine use the drones of type" Lelk-100 "and the Phantom type for airborne intelligence of positions in the areas of threefambenk and Svetlodarsk," said Lieutenant Colonel.
"I want to recall that in a memorandum aimed at implementing a peaceful plan of September 19, 2014, there is a ban of flights of combat aviation and unmanned aerial vehicles along the entire line of contact," added Markko. "

Message from the militia.

"The shelling on the part of the Armed Forces in the following directions were recorded: N.P. Wide-N.P. Sahanka; N.P. Avdeevka - N.P. Yasinova; N.P. Talakovka - N.P. Kominternovo; N.P. Avdeevka - N.P. Mineral; N.P. Vodyna - N.P. Dzerzhinskoe; N.P. Novotroitsky - N.P. Dokuchaevsk; N.P. Widely - N.P. Sahanka. "

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