Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists tell their favorite jokes. Biographies from a to and Komsomolskaya Pravda Journalists list

At the beginning of the week, the website of Komsomolskaya Pravda published a column by Ulyana Skoibeda with the subtitle “Sometimes you regret that the Nazis did not make lampshades out of the ancestors of today's liberals. There would be fewer problems. " The speech in the text was about the words of the oppositionist Leonid Gozman, who in his blog equated the Soviet counterintelligence SMERSH with the Nazi SS troops. Gozman was outraged by the series about the valiant employees of SMERSH, and Skoybedu, in turn, was outraged by the fact that "liberals are revising history in order to knock the ground out of our country from under their feet."

The words about the lampshades from the ancestors of the liberals caused a scandal on the Internet, which resulted in calls to boycott KP. Later, the provocative statement was removed from the site. Editor-in-chief of the newspaper Vladimir Sungorkin named the phrase "ugly", however, referred to the fact that Ulyana Skoybeda "blurted it out in an emotional heat". Sungorkin added that he would reprimand the journalist, but at the same time noted that the words of Gozman, whom he called “an ideological madman,” still seem offensive to him. The State Duma has already taken up the opposition’s statements; Komsomolskaya Pravda has so far escaped with a warning from Roskomnadzor - for violating laws on the media and on countering extremism.

Lenta.ru asked several well-known journalists who once worked for Komsomolskaya Pravda to talk about how a column with anti-Semitic statements could appear in the newspaper, what has changed in the newspaper in recent years, and how it stands out from other Russian press ...

Olga Bakushinskaya, columnist, worked at Komsomolskaya Pravda from 1995 to 2006

When I started working at "Komsomolskaya Pravda", such things could not appear there even close. But the newspaper gradually changed - this became especially noticeable when Yeltsin resigned. The press began to change in principle, but Komsomolskaya Pravda, in my opinion, especially. It was in the early 2000s that people of extreme right-wing nationalist views came to it. I cannot say that this was never felt in Sungorkin. Another question is that he would never betray his views in the words of Skoybeda - simply because he is a good journalist and a rather intelligent and cautious person.

The readership has also changed a lot in recent years, because what kind of feed to put out - such consumers will come. I think that the person who is now reading Komsomolskaya Pravda likes everything, and he fully supports Skoybeda's position. In this sense, the newspaper satisfies its readers. Sungorkin is also a very good businessman, and partly he is doing it now because it is profitable.

Komsomolskaya Pravda has always had a lot of emotions from journalists, and this was its big plus. Your look, if you knew how to express it well, was greatly appreciated. But before, at least, you had to confirm your emotions with actual events. I'm afraid the balance has now shifted.

I cannot say that Komsomolskaya Pravda was or is now in any special position. The point is, rather, that now you can print something like that in any publication and there will be no big scandal - marginality is not just allowed, it has become a kind of general line. See what statements the deputies allow themselves to make. In any normal frame of reference, this is a criminal case and social rejection. And here you can say whatever you want, you will also be given an order. So Sungorkin is not the only one here - he is like everyone else.

Many journalists who once worked for Komsomolskaya Pravda do not really like to talk about a modern edition. Quite frankly, it hurts us a lot that it happened. Earlier, when you said that you worked at KP, everyone understood that you had a strong school and that you were a real journalist. And now it is becoming more and more inconvenient to mention this. But I am still proud that I worked for KP - it was a good newspaper.

Alexey Sinelnikov, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Moi District", worked at "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1995 to 2007, at the time of leaving he headed the editorial office of the site

I don't really follow what Komsomolskaya Pravda is writing now, but I cannot say that I am very surprised. Ulyana Skoybeda is by nature such a boy-woman who waves a sword on every occasion. In addition, the biting manner is, in principle, cultivated in Komsomolskaya Pravda - it is important that the articles are sincere and reach the audience. Sungorkin generally takes good care of the ability of journalists to throw out what is in their hearts. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” is so valuable for the general reader that it is so unkempt.

But, in my opinion, there was a bust with this column, as well as with some of the previous columns of Ulyana. Unfortunately, this story reflects the state of the entire society. We do not know how to stop in time, we do not know how to negotiate - the nature of the discussion has acquired painful features on both sides. For me, both points of view are unacceptable: Ulyana committed lewdness, but Gozman with his position is just as disgusting to me. My grandfather got into the penal battalion, probably behind him were the same machine guns of people from the NKVD. I have no complaints about them, it was a war, there were completely different conditions.

There is an opinion that many things are forgiven for Komsomolskaya Pravda. But in the case of this column, I would speak not about power, but about society. Most people will not rebel against the newspaper, will not boycott it, not a single advertiser will refuse to cooperate. If such a story happened in Europe, the state there would not even have to intervene in the situation - there ordinary readers would say to the newspaper: "That's it, come on, goodbye." We ourselves are quite inert, so we - the Internet community as part of the inhabitants of Russia - can be ignored. We will shout about this on the Internet and switch to the fact that the Americans beat us 8: 3.

At the same time, I do not think that Sungorkin is completely indifferent to the reaction of the public. In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" not animal-like people work, they can apologize, can explain how it happened. But it seems to me that a newspaper with such a huge audience still needs to be more careful.

Valery Simonov, worked at Komsomolskaya Pravda from 1988 to 1997, rose from the first deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper to the chairman of the Council of Komsomolskaya Pravda, and then the editor-in-chief of the publication

I don’t want to comment on this scandal because I don’t think it is particularly outstanding. In my opinion, such a situation has recently happened often in different media, so I do not want to stand in a pose and judge an individual journalist or publication. There is already such a genre in journalism - stirring up a scandal. In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" this story just sounded so loudly, because it suddenly touched on such an acute topic.

When I was the head of the newspaper, there were other laws of journalism. Then the responsibility of the publication for publications and the personal responsibility of the journalist for their words were incomparably higher. Of course, there were scandals and high-profile materials in "KP" - without this the newspaper could not exist at any time, and "Komsomolskaya Pravda", frankly, was always allowed a little more than the rest of the monsters of the newspaper market. But those scandals were more significant, interesting, or something. The current "Komsomolskaya Pravda" has retained many generic features, including a tendency to outrageous, a desire to be a pioneer in those topics that society is customary not to discuss aloud.

During my creative career, my attitude towards the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda has changed a lot. I have probably experienced the whole range of feelings that exist between people and newspapers - from great love to hate. Now I treat my colleagues from "KP" with quite a benevolent interest. I will not say that "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is the publication from which I start all day, but I follow it. There are many names from the old guard that interest me.

Azer Mursaliev, editor-in-chief of the Kommersant publishing house, was a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda in the 1980s

I have not read the article by Ulyana Skoybeda, so it is difficult for me to judge this scandal. Now I hardly read Komsomolskaya Pravda, since our publications and KP occupy completely different niches. The newspaper I worked for was completely different - it was designed for what is now called the elite, for an intelligent reader. She was, of course, a massive newspaper, even got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most circulated publication. But now mass publications have become different, they assume a different level of audience development. Now its readers are people who watch the TV channels NTV, TNT. Perhaps the fact is that over the years society has changed a lot, stratified.

I worked for a newspaper in the last years of the Soviet Union and the first years of the new Russia, then she did not strive for such scandalousness. But in general, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" has always published polar opinions, sharp, resonant articles. In Soviet times, Komsomolskaya Pravda was really in a special position: it was allowed a little more than other major publications, or it allowed itself what others could not. But what is happening with the newspaper now, I do not know.

I have a good attitude to Vladimir Sungorkin, I think that he is a talented and successful media manager. I worked with him for many years and I think he is an intelligent person with a balanced attitude. He never held radical or extremist views. I do not think that Sungorkin gave the assignment to write such a column, but the fact that he later deleted the phrase that caused indignation from it speaks rather in his favor.

Vladimir Mamontov, President of Izvestia Publishing House, worked at Komsomolskaya Pravda from 1990 to 2005, at various times held the posts of first deputy editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, and then editor-in-chief of the publication

I think Sungorkin did not see this [Skoybeda's article]. In any case, this is unacceptable and needs a clear explanation to the public. There can be no two or three opinions. I remember that I myself wrote that many critics of Russia would not have been in the world if the Russian and Soviet "muzhik", "cattle" had not saved Europe. He just took some of them out of the oven. Managed. But here it is different: here is a mockery. As well as Gozman's comparison of Smersh with the SS. Ulyana succumbed to the provocation, but this is impossible. Yes, and without provocation, you cannot write like that.

Seventh - last - week of vision restoration according to the method of Professor Zhdanov. I didn't relax, on the contrary, I increased the load! Eye exercise - 7 times a day. I repeat the first FIVE exercises 10 times. Exercises 6 - 12 - ONE time. Palming (massage of the eyes with the palms) - as you get tired.

The finish

Already calmly I read newspapers, texts on the monitor with the naked eye. And I even print. And the hand still reaches for the glasses. Apparently, he became close in 20 years. I see, I understand that these "crutches" are no longer needed, but I cannot part at all. I am looking for an excuse to vilify for another day or two: I urgently need to submit the article, suddenly I won't have time without them, I will slowly print. Another treacherous little thought spun in my head: maybe extend the slightly scheduled time, smoothly move from +1 to +0.75, and only then ... Professor Zhdanov explained the "strangeness" of my behavior. People who decide to restore their eyesight develop a psychological inferiority complex towards the end of classes. Especially with those who are nearsighted. It seems that without glasses you will not see something very important in life. “Experience shows that at the finish line it is necessary to decisively take off the glasses. You will be overwhelmed psychologically for a week or two, and then you will forget about them. Eyesight will be restored. "

He decided to "suffer too much" away from his spectacled temptress - Klava. Computer keyboards. Took a two week vacation. And on Sunday, September 22, on the day of his 60th birthday, he gave up on his small homeland 400 km from the capital. I left my laptop at home. And so that there was no temptation, he decisively broke the +1 glasses he bought recently. Although back in July it was problematic to read in the doctor prescribed +2.5 and I wore +3.

Why do I need them now? The experiment is over!

In recent years, a hundred kilometers from my father's house, from the constant fixation of the situation on a difficult track, a strong tension appeared in the eyes. I had to slow down, break my eyes abruptly, rotate to throw off the glazing. Now all 400 km of the eyes looked at the track tirelessly. No glazing. (Over the past three months, I wound 400 km there and back three times - the effect persisted.)

The second discovery was made the next morning in the village, going into the forest. I used to collect mushrooms without glasses. But now he noted with surprise that the grass, foliage, needles look brighter, livelier than before. I thought it was the night rain that washed the forest. However, the nature looked much more colorful on the following trips. Not to mention the fact that he brought more mushrooms home than in previous seasons. (Although this fact, if desired, can be attributed to a rich harvest of boletus boletus.)

It turns out that in just seven weeks I not only got rid of my senile presbyopia, began to read, work on a computer without glasses, as planned, but also improved my vision. A pleasant surprise.

As Zhdanov predicted, during these two weeks I completely lost my spectacled inferiority complex. Returning to Moscow, I did not even remember about the eye crutches. As if he had not worn for two decades.

If I took a month's leave right away, then in the village, deprived of the opportunity and DUTIES to type on a computer, I would have achieved the goal of a week in 4, maximum 5. The law: the less you wear glasses, the faster your vision is restored! But I conducted the experiment in real conditions of a big city. In working mode. Without changing anything in the schedule, lifestyle, habits, nutrition.

Don't waste your time!

Perhaps the main question for beginners and those who are just planning to practice according to the Zhdanov method is where to get time for training? So much, they say, has been written in the newspaper! Don't worry, friends. The professor and I specially gave a detailed description of the trainings so that everyone could understand what to do and how to do it. It takes little time to complete. If you have a passionate desire to get rid of your glasses, is it really difficult to allocate 5-7 minutes several times a day for palming and exercising?

Think better how much time you waste every day on planning meetings, meetings, meetings, smoke breaks, queues, commuting, etc. Use these wasted hours and minutes wisely. Draw with your eyes on the walls, windows in conference rooms, offices, savings banks, hospitals, shops, hairdressers, bus salons, subway cars ... A colleague recently reported that in the gym he manages to train his eyes simultaneously with his muscles.

Watch your favorite movie in the evening, the program - bam! - at the most interesting place, the advertisement popped up. Calm down, citizens! Don't click the remote - it's useless. Television bosses agreed to launch commercials simultaneously on different channels. Rub your palms until warm, close your eyes and surrender to palming. Let your eyes take a break from the flickering screen. In advertising telepauses, you can also do eye exercises.

Again, remember - eye training must be strictly performed incrementally until you lose your glasses. Don't stop halfway. After a seven-week experiment, in order to consolidate my success, I continued to purposefully do eye exercises and other exercises for another month. Gradually reducing the time and number of classes. Now I don't do it on purpose. Tired eyes at the computer - three-minute palming! I ride in the subway, minibus - I do exercises for Zhdanov purely on the machine, in order to keep in shape, not to waste time. Not every day already. If the weather is clear, I am doing solarization in the sun. I really like this main exercise to relax the eyes (alas, Moscow now rarely indulges in sunny days). That's all my current occupation.

I said that I did not trust the journalists of Komsomolskaya Pravda. In response, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" invited me to visit on the radio to discuss my position. The military journalist of the KP, Colonel Viktor Baranets was invited as an opponent. As a result - two hours of live broadcast with lies, substitution of concepts and personal attacks. But this, as usual, only worries me, because the next day, in the morning on the main page of the KP website and all day on the radio, such a non-judgmental, excellent teaser for the final program sounded, in which the editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda radio Victoria Sukhareva with colleagues discussed the evening broadcast with the following conclusion: “We have an honest Colonel Baranets and there is a provocateur and manipulator Ksenia Sobchak ...”.

The ether with me and Baranets, you can evaluate it yourself, the morning final

For me, the "honest Colonel Baranets" really opened up when I asked him how such a patriot and keeper of spiritual bonds relates to the fact that his grandson lives in Monaco and posts wonderful photos of a war game in a suit with pink ears on Instagram hare?

Instead of an answer, I heard some kind of stream of consciousness, from which I could only understand that my father slept with heifers, and I was a prostitute. "Honest" radio KP turned off the microphone for Baranets so as not to completely disgrace him. But yes, God bless him. With the former military correspondent, who says that being an unbiased journalist today is "a betrayal of the Motherland," perhaps you can only talk about abstract and pleasant topics: for example, about his son's work as vice president at Gazprombank or about the climate in Monaco.

However, the "honest" KP journalists in the morning program explained the colonel's reaction: “Baranets realized that all the rules had already been violated, and something had to be done. He says: “Ksenia, dear, and where does the grandson from Monaco? Let's talk about journalism! ”- which, of course, is not at all true! You can verify this by listening to this excerpt:

And here you can listen to how, on the most honest radio, the aunts on the air funny gag a radio listener who called to say that he agreed with my position. This is to the question that even after making a live broadcast, these people continue to lie, retelling it, and distort the obvious things for everyone who heard our conversation with their own ears.

Now to the essence of our conversation with Baranets. Once again, I will briefly show with examples how exactly Komsomolskaya Pravda lies and “misses” unnecessary facts, and how “propaganda technology” works.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" does not cover the troubles taking place on the Ukrainian side, because its correspondents Kots and Steshin do not cross the front line, allegedly for reasons of "security". And to send a correspondent to the other side of the front for Sungorkina, apparently, was a bit of a problem. You can compare the reports of Komsomolskaya Pravda from Donbass with Western media or Russian publications that have not yet become a “mouthpiece for state propaganda”. But I decided to compare the reports of the Russian "Komsomolskaya Pravda" with the reports of her "daughter" in Ukraine, which is published under the license of the Russian publishing house "Komsomolskaya Pravda" by the media holding of Sergei Kurchenko, who left Ukraine with Viktor Yanukovych and lives in Russia. Given his location, he is clearly loyal to Russia and it is unlikely that his publications will publish open slander against Russia.

The descriptions of events by Komsomolskaya Pravda publications in Russia and in Ukraine generally often differ. For example, the seizure of the headquarters of the Ukrainian Naval Forces in Crimea. The Russian edition writes that the building was seized by the wives of the Ukrainian military! “About three hundred local residents gathered at the checkpoint. "Give us back our husbands!" - chanted the wives of the Ukrainian military. And they asked: “Don't shoot!”…. - And then the people rushed to the entrance gates .... Took them down in a matter of minutes ... pulled the flag of Ukraine from the flagpole and raised the Russian tricolor. "

According to the "Komsomolskaya Pravda-Ukraine", "The self-defense of the Crimea began an assault on the headquarters of the Ukrainian Navy. The masked self-defense demolished the gate at the headquarters checkpoint. Among the attackers, in addition to the militants, there are women portraying the "outraged population."

The situation was exactly the same with the seizure of the Belbek airport (Russian version and Ukrainian version) and other objects in Crimea.

If Komsomolskaya Pravda cannot figure out which of its publications is writing the truth, then it makes no sense to compare its information with other media.

But back to technology.

Consider the fraud using the example of Mariupol

1. Special correspondents Kots and Steshin do not go to Mariupol, but cover the events from the side of the militia. The data of the Ukrainian "Komsomolskaya Pravda" are not provided. The investigation is published with the following text: “Who killed 30 residents of Mariupol? The civilized world community, as usual, hastened to conclusions and traditionally blamed the militias for the terrible tragedy. " And here is one of the excerpts from the report: “Now we will find this school in the satellite image ... In the first photo on the left in the frame, we see a small extension in the courtyard, which is also visible in the image from space. There can be no mistake. Comparing these two photos, we determine: the shell came from the west, that is, from the center, that is, from the territory controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, "war correspondents Kots and Steshin conclude.

2. According to the law of the genre, after this "reportage", justifications of the militias are needed. The next day, Kots and Steshin, go to the Oktyabr village, from where, according to Kiev, Grady could shoot at a residential area of ​​Mariupol, and write the material: “The militias of the southern front of Donbass:“ Tell the Mariupol people - we didn’t hit them. Let them deal with the Ukrainian army. "

3. On the same day, the OSCE published a report on the shelling of Mariupol, which indicated that the shelling was conducted from the territory of the village of Oktyabr, controlled by the DPR. Many foreign and Russian mass media wrote about the OSCE conclusions. It was from the village from where Kots and Steshin made their reportage (On the air, the military correspondents replied that they were writing the text in a hurry). "Pravdivaya" "Komsomolskaya Pravda" writes "just about the village" October, without mentioning that it is located on the territory controlled by the DPR.

The shelling of Kramatorsk was covered in the same way.

Later, Mr. Sungorkin in an interview with Ekho Moskvy explained: “Since she was very agitated (and she can be understood:“ I’m a journalist, but I was imprisoned ”), she wrote a rather angry report. It was published in KP Ukraine, where she worked from. In the Moscow [edition of Komsomolskaya Pravda] I did not put it, because, I think, this report is biased. And by the way, there were many details that were not objective. "

Forgotten graves

In early 2015, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" published a note about the burials near Odessa of the Ukrainian military with signs "surgical waste". The link led to some bloggers. But the scandal with the unmarked graves in Pskov of Russian paratroopers, allegedly killed on the territory of Ukraine, was simply not noticed. Amazing myopia !!! Sungorkin, when asked by Echo Moskva, whether the KP was conducting an investigation or covering the funeral of the Pskov paratroopers, replied: “I don’t remember. I really don't remember. It was a pretty old story. "

Russian paratroopers on the territory of Ukraine

Russian edition publishes

“… The performances of the captives boil down to the following: they arrived at the exercises in the Rostov region and, when making a night march, fell behind the column and, without noticing, crossed the border. “We were just driving through the fields. When we drove into the village, a tank with a Ukrainian flag had already passed, and then we understood. They began to look where our people were on the road, and then they opened fire on us. We got off the BMD, and the second shell hit it, "the soldiers admitted."

The first time the Russian "Komsomolskaya Pravda" decided to write about our military in Crimea, when Vladimir Putin spoke about "polite people." But Sungorkin replies harshly to the reproaches of his colleagues: “You, too, had a lot of situations when you, sticking your tongue in a certain place, kept silent. As now, you are all lying about what is happening ... ".


“Komsomolskaya Pravda” is very fond of writing about mercenaries: Women who introduced themselves as residents of Donbass shouted at me about mercenaries on NTV, and they invited me to go to the war zone to see everything with their own eyes. But what a bad luck, the war correspondents of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Kots and Steshin, who see the war with their own eyes, tweeted to a reader's question

Today, on Victory Day, we remember our front-line soldiers. And, of course, Leonid Korobov, the legendary war correspondent who worked for Komsomolskaya Pravda. It would be nice for many of today's journalists to learn from people like him - not to be afraid of anything, to be on the front line and do their job, no matter what.

At first, they did not want to take him as a correspondent - he was the secretary of the military department and had to "grow". But Korobov did not wait, and went to work. They were searched in the editorial office of the young otvetsek. A few days later, Marshal Voroshilov himself phoned the editorial office: “Here your correspondent is taking an interview with me, so don't scold him.” Of course, the editors appreciated the act - it was almost impossible to get close to Kliment Efremovich. And our colleague could. After that, of course, he was taken to the state.

Leonid Korobov was a unique journalist. It was he who, when the Soviet Union and Germany were still friends, interviewed Hitler in Munich. He was the first to meet with the writer Alexander Kuprin - immediately after his return from emigration. He made reports on the rescue of the Chelyuskinites. When the first metro line was opened in Moscow, I jumped into the carriage where Stalin and Kaganovich were traveling. And, taking out a dictaphone, he began to ask the leader how he was with our metro. “You are working well, comrade! How have you not been shot yet? " - Stalin joked. And he redirected the young journalist to Kaganovich.

He was indeed a brave journalist - it was not for nothing that he was the first Soviet correspondent to receive the Order of Lenin. He accomplished a real feat - he took command of the battalion, replacing the killed commander at the combat post. About people like him, these lines are written - "with a watering can and with a notebook, and even with a machine gun." One day he rented a secret camp. And then he told - if he was caught, then he had a way out. He put the cassette with the photo in his mouth. And, if anything, I would just chew it up and eat it. 12 times he crossed the front line, exposing himself to incredible danger in order to do his job well for the good of the Motherland. But, perhaps, his most important journalistic victory was his presence at the signing of the act of Germany's surrender. Several years ago they wanted to assign his name to a school in his native Yuryev-Polsky. And in 2013, an exposition of his memory was opened there.

Despite the fact that Leonid Alekseevich left us in 1971, he is remembered and honored by many in our country. His family is certainly proud of such a grandfather. We remember, we are proud of our deeds, we honor the memory of Leonid Alekseevich Korobov! A heroic warrior, a talented journalist and writer and a wonderful person, a kind father and legendary grandfather! Congratulations to everyone on the Victory Day! " - the son of the military commander, Maxim Korobov, said to the Komsomolskaya Pravda.

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