Greedy man: what to do. Greedy Men: How to recognize them, what to talk about them? Bearing and greed How to find out that the lover is greedy

There is no such woman who would like to get himself in lovers. Men's generosity has always been and will be very attractive quality. Degree of misfortune chief Each woman is assessed in its own way. Some ladies diamond in the ring seemed small, and his donor receives a label "greedy lover". And someone and the package of products from the nearest store seems manifestation of unprecedented mental latitudes.

Greedy, smart or poor

The reluctance of the men to silence money and unnecessarily to bother not always characterizes it as a nitrified Uchager. Secured representatives of strong sex with high status know the price of money. They can give a large amount by paying for the quality of the suite, but will not spend money in the casino. And this is a reasonable approach.

Embrance and greed of unidentic qualities.

A tearsful man can invest money in the arrangement of joint housing, learning something useful, his health and health of his woman. Satisfy the unreasonable pricks of the chosen is only a weak or not very clever person.

Greedy lovers can not be classified men with low income. They do not have to wait for gorgeous gifts, but they do not have love relationships with "stars", but with "one field berries". Men who do not have high status find women under to become: with low requests that realize that it is useless to pull money from a poor lover. He simply has no money.

It happens that the girl who is accustomed to luxury falls in love with a non-oligarch man, but possessing other attractive qualities. Roman such a couple is called Mesallians. This is a relationship between people from different social layers. In this case, the girl should not expect that the lover will give her auction fur coat on the first date. Gifts and concerns will be simple, inexpensive. And this will not mean that the cavalier is greedy.

There is a category of women whose requests are prohibitively high. They consider themselves as a valuable prize for a man that they think: everyone must have a priori. Such women are forever hungry before gifts and attention. What is the reason for itself to yourself and men, it is difficult to determine.

Such women even the most generous man may seem greedy, just because he did not get the moon from the sky.

Before blaming the greed of the lover, it will not be superfluous to look at yourself: Are questions to the election adequately adequate? Doesn't they attract a man only material security? If one of these questions can, not cry the soul, answer "yes", then Zhaden is not a lover at all.

The status of the relationship

First you need to decide what a man is meant by a lover.

It is derived from the words "love", "love", so it will reasonably consider all types of beloved and lovers of men associated with a woman with sensual relations.

What are the manifestations of greed in men who are in the status of a young man, cohabitant, lover and husband? How to behave with such characters? Every woman should know about it.

Greedy young man or friend

At the stage, when the relationship is still born, men usually exhibit their positive qualities and smooth negative. To win the sympathy of the girl, followed by, the young man shows her the best version of himself. If a woman is truly pretty man, he will be generous in this period not only to emotional manifestations of feelings, but also on their material incarnation - gifts.

If the presents at the beginning of relations chosen does not give, then you should not immediately suspect a man in miserism. He can show his feelings otherwise: to pay to pay coffee, taxi, buys a girl's favorite cornflowers from street flowers and provides other pleasant signs of attention. Not all, even the most wealthy men, tend to give their girlfriend during this period something expensive expensive. This is only a stage of recognition of each other, people evaluate prospects for further creation of a couple.

Cute surprises, pleasant joint pastime, small joys without rich gifts are normal for the initial period of relationship. Not in vain, it is called "candy-bought", and if the present is made, the donor should be sincerely thank.

You can suspect greed in the chosenness if:

  • he does not want to spend a penny even for trifles;
  • buying something fastening the heart, because it is necessary, and all the thrill from parting with the annular sum is reflected in his face;
  • if a friend proposes to go to an event with a paid entrance, and the man will frow it mournfully, anticipating the waste of money: it can openly show
  • indignation of "shameless reliating", and offer to walk in the park, since there is no need to spend money;
  • declares that there should be a companion to pay for entertainment, since it she wanted to go;
  • pronounces such a phrase: "All the girls mercantile, I suffered a lot from them, so I can't buy ice cream."

What to do with him

If the signs of miserism are apparent already in the initial period of relations, you need to know that the generosity will not appear. It is clear that the miser, the worker does not want to invest in the conquest of the heart of the beloved. Such behavior may mean that its value for the cavaller is low, it is not in love.

Is it worth spending your time on such an individual? What leads a man in this case? Why does he invite a girl on dating, fooling her head? Everything is simple: Sunny Jadda recorded a lady as a friend and simply spends time from it from nothing to do, so he does not want to give his money for it. In addition, communicating with the girl, Macho feeds a sense of self-esteem, especially if he sees, which is sympathetic to his companion.

It happens that the case is not in the lowest significance of a woman for the Uhager, but simply in greed and misfortune. This is his character: he got used to live, saving every penny. Although sometimes the in love is able to miss the subject of their passion at the courtroom.

A woman should think well what will happen next if the relationship will receive development, and whether it is necessary for it.


The word cohabitant a couple of dozen years ago had a somewhat derogatory shade. So called a man consisting with a woman in the extramarital sexual connection. Now the phrase of civilian husband, implied by a man (young man, lover), with which a woman lives under one roof, has a joint life, but is not his wife. A woman performs all the responsibilities and functions of the wife, without being such. Thoughtful, loving spouse is, but there is no officially fixed commitments.

Some civilian husbands put a sign of equality between cohabitation and personal freedom.

All this very places an ever toast lover to become nimble and greedy. Why spend money on a woman, if she and so with him, takes it on any conditions and does not require anything.

There are such women who, being in a civil marriage, begin to adapt to fuse, show excessive care for a man. By doing so, they hope that he will understand and appreciate what kind of treasure, and will soon make a proposal of hands and hearts. As practice shows, this may not happen. Much above the likelihood that a man will relax and can turn into a home cat, lazy and greedy. But not all the cohabitants are such, and not all women living in a civil marriage seek to raise the stamp in the passport.

Signs of a greedy lover-cohabitant:

  • does not work (and not going), lives at the salary of the Civil Wife;
  • it works, but his money belongs only to him, and the income of his wife is common;
  • having a good income, prefers not to spend money on marks or gifts to his woman either gives once a year what cheaper;
  • does not do men's home, does not pay specialist services who can fulfill these things for him.

How to do it

It would not be necessary to bring the situation to such a finale. If it happened, then from this situation you can go out. A woman needs to spend a serious conversation with the chosen one on the topic of his misfortune, in which directly designate the problem, calmly tone, without a bag. Example: "I love you very much, but I'm not satisfied with the fact that you don't find yourself a worthy job for two years. I'm tired of working for two. " Then the civilian wife needs to go. Truly, that is, to move out of the apartment, if it is removable. If the territory of residence is the ownership of a woman, then collect things of your loved one. Then you need to wait for action from the nimble cohabitant. However, it is important to be ready to lose it forever.

This technique is designed to identify love from the sophistant-cohabitant. Such an act of a woman should intensify its elect, encourage him to commit actions to improve the situation in relationships.

If there are no serious actions (access to good work, the proposals of the hand and heart, the undertaking of household expenditures) did not follow, it should be concluded that the importance of a woman in this pair was low. The prospect was the probability of immersed in working with his head and become an abandoned greedy lover either pull it on himself all his life without being able to rely on the t. husband in emergency situation.

If the cohabitant does not return the chosen, either does not show himself and does not take anything, then this means that the place for a more worthy man was freed in life. Only henceforth it is not necessary to take on other people's duties and provide a healthy, independent person.


The lover is usually called a person who is in relations with a married woman or himself is married, but has a relationship on the side.

If a woman enters into such relationships, she can count on the generosity of his chosen one, provided that he wishes to show it. However, in some cases, men lovers believe that it is so generously giving their lovely caresses, and they do not need to be invested in relations materially. If a woman is married, her lover has the full right to assume that the chosen must provide a husband.

Not all lovers are such, there are also generous specimens that are breeding a mistress for the soul and indulge in her gifts and signs of attention. A man must remain a man, and exorbitant misfortune does not imply a woman, even in the position of the mistress.

Signs of a greedy lover:

  • missed even on a bouquet;
  • comes to his mistress on all finished: eats, drinks, sleeps, believing that it should be so;
  • it does not offer to pay even such small expenses as an account in a taxi or cafe.

How to behave

The easiest advice is not to enter into such relationships. Of course, most women want to be the first and only for their beloved. And the mistress is forced to hide and always stay in the shade. The likelihood that everything will change is doubtful.

If the lady suits the status of a mistress (and there is a lot of such women too), but the lover turned out to be stupid, it is worth deciding that she needs from these relationships. If we put a sensual pleasure on one scale, which gives a lover, and on another excessive fitness, what will be weighty? Is it possible to accept the greed of the lover for the sake of ghostly pleasure? It is always a woman to decide.


Having lived several years in legal marriage, some wives are surprised to notice that the husband (once passionate, energetic and hardworking), somehow passed. Alsomely relaxed, nothing does in everyday life, I do not please the gifts, became greedy. Such transformation contributes to excessive guardianship from the wife, as well as its natural laziness, cooling of feelings to the spouse or all causes, combined.

The situation is largely similar to the description of the greedy cohabitant. There is one significant difference: taking a woman married, a man officially agrees upon obligations towards it. He gives a promise to participate in the family life, bring her material contribution to it, take care of the spouse and children. If the greedy cohabitant can still say that nothing should anyone, then, from the side of the legitimate husband, it is extremely dishonest. He is the head of the family, the breadwinner, the leader, and he can not refuse his duties.

Signs of greedy husband:

  • does not work and is not going, lives at the expense of his wife;
  • having a good income, considers each penny, allocated to his wife, requires a report and walks for the excess product bought by it;
  • does not give gifts, it does not lead to the movies, restaurants, cafes, museums, i.e. there, where it is required to pay for myself and for my spouse;
  • stingy towards her children;
  • if you need to pass money on a school tour or repair in the classroom, it is poured into the scandal;
  • does not like to receive guests because of undesirable costs of treat;
  • constantly kipping something, postpones my money, do not hesitate to use the income of the wife;
  • he spends its money only on himself, providing all the other family expenses to pay for his wife.

This is an impressive list of the qualities of the greedy husband. Live with such a person is not easy.

Models of behavior with such a person

If it happened so that the woman knitted her fate with a greedy man, and there was no longer live further, there are two possible options for action.

If the husband is simply exorbitantly a meager, and there are no children from the pair yet, you can use the technique described in the situation with the greedy cohabitant. It is necessary to designate the problem and make competent care without screaming and quarrels. Before you do this, you have to be ready that Jadda may not be rushed after to keep. It is important to think well what happens if the husband won't return the spouse? Is it possible to put up with greed for saving relationships with your husband? It should be borne in mind if children will appear in the future, the spouse's misfortune can spread to them.

If you still have to get along with the greed of your husband, and the decision to save the family was accepted, the action plan will be different. You need to try to convey to the spouse that there is such a problem from his side. He can take this note and try to behave differently.

The role of a lover and mistresses is unlosable. The person is forced to become a partner to someone who hides it in various ways. If a woman starts her lover, then he must, on the one hand, love her, wearing on his hands and chew, on the other hand, to maintain the secret of their connection, not to declare himself. Let's just say the role of a lover is not impressive. That's why a woman may face the fact that her greedy ..

Although this article will go about lovers in this article, we will say that inherent in all men, regardless of their role. An greedy can be a man both in the role of a beloved person and as a husband. Since no woman wants to contact, it should be learn to immediately recognize it.

What does man encourages to be greedy? Is it possible to get around this quality and get the desired? If you meet with a greedy partner, you probably want to change its quality. It makes you having lost something, which should share with you a close and native person.

What is greed? This property consistent with the lack of desire to share valuable things. A person does not want to give what they want to get others from him. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that at least two people always participate in this process. It may be that in fact a person is not greedy, just a partner for too much requires him.

A person is asked, and he does not give. Is this a sign of greed? If he does not give absolutely everything, he will not ask him, apparently, he is either greedy or does not feel warm feelings for his petitioner. If the individual selectively gives something, but it is divided by other things, it is impossible to call it greedy. Most likely, the partner asks for it that he can not give or what he does not have.

Greed does not occur just like that. It is a consequence of the absence or limitedness of the subject in humans. For example, a woman asks for money from a man, and he does not give them. Greedy? Perhaps this is how the man looks in the eyes of a woman. But it is likely that the cavalier does not have the amount of money that he asks him, or he wishes them to spend on other things.

The barrier of "greed" to bypass is almost impossible, as greed is the absence of some kind of things in such a quantity so that the person can give her without thinking. You do not give the partner your last dress or shirt. But if there is a dozen dresses or shirts in the closet, then you will not be sorry to give one of these wonderful things. Thus, a greedy person often when the questioned is in limited quantities. If he gives up, he will remain with nothing.

Greedy or smart?

Usually, a woman goes into a love relationship, a wildliness of lovers, in order for new warships to give her what she has no longer gives her. Often, men only at the beginning of relations are distinguished by their generosity. They give flowers, gifts, sweets, water along various fascinating institutions. However, when the relationship took place, the marriage is even registered, for some reason the men cease to consider it necessary to spend money on their ladies. This greed or manifestation of the mind, we'll figure it out further.

Not every man who does not spend money on a woman can be called greedy. There are quite a large number of men who simply proceed from reasonable reasons. They can purchase a bouquet of flowers, but may not consider it necessary to spend money on a similar surprise daily, because it spoils fast enough. A woman wants to receive flowers daily, and a man does not want to work exclusively to acquire perishable flowers. If the woman had offered her to buy a dress, since she didn't have a different outfit, most likely, a man in this case would not regret money.

It should be distinguished by miserness from rationality:

  1. When a man is greedy, it is manifested in everything: he does not want to pay for a woman's passage, does not pay bills in cafes and restaurants, gives a woman enough cheap gifts, although it works a lot and earns a large amount of money.
  2. When a man is rational, he spends money, just not for everything. He will pay the bill in the restaurant, the passage of a woman in a taxi or will acquire her a gift. However, it will not spend daily, because he may not have so much money as a woman wanted. He may have plans to accumulate money to attach into some kind of project. He can generally have debts for which they pay. A man would love to give more, just he can not because of some reasons.

Every woman would want. However, all the wishing oligarchs do not have enough. So it turns out that the woman chooses among the average men who have a limited amount of money. If a woman wishes a mink coat, then a man cannot afford such a gorgeous gift, unless it starts to save money, refusing a woman in other surprises.

At first, the woman starts her husband on whom he lays hope that he will peel it with jewels, and then turns her lover, who, most likely, is also no different from her husband on material wealth. Undoubtedly, a woman now gets twice as many gifts in the presence of both men immediately. However, these gifts are probably cheap, useless and rare.

It turns out that a woman is looking for a not a loved one, but "wallet with money." If so, then she really can start meeting with a greedy man. The cause of the greed of a man can be the fact that his woman chose not in love, but by calculation. She meets with him for money, and he also does not consider it necessary to spend on her with his blood earned. So it turns out that a greedy woman who is looking for not love, and the money receives a greedy man who has money, only he does not want to spend them on her.

Destroying misappropriate

Not always women are looking for men for the sake of money, however, there may be stingy cavars, which even candy will not buy. If a man is really noise, it destroys any relationship, even if they are secret. Most likely, a woman will not want to put up with the greed of a man, which is to some extent correctly: why should she spend time on who does not give her anything?

A man in all a century was considered a getter. It mines not only for his family, but also for all women with whom it is found. That is why women seek to meet with rich ukhazhrahs. This desire is dictated by the desire for a luxurious life, when a woman will not worry about anything and everything will have. And all this without much effort! While a man makes money, she thinks how to spend them. Of course, this approach is also wrong if a woman wants to hang on the neck of a man, even if he is her husband.

Poorness can be the result of many factors:

  1. Lack of sufficient money.
  2. Special upbringing.
  3. Special relation to money hunters.
  4. Life salary to salary.
  5. Permanent fear of the crisis.
  6. The desire for permanent accumulation.

There is another category of men who are constantly everyone. They do not know how to save or earn in sufficient quantities, but they know how to spend fine. It is better not to mess with such men, because they even at their mistresses begin to occupy money, which is not returned. If you do not want to become a victim of a man who took and did not give either at all asked you to become his guarantor, then it is better to run from the eternal debtors.

How to deal?

Men's greed is a consequence of constant discontent of women and the irrepressive desire to overfers them. So that you are not encountered with the misfortune of your boyfriend, follow the following way to fight:

  • Speak a man about your desires that you need to buy, but do it rarely and in relation to those things that you really need. A man will nice to make you useful gifts. Do not ask for various baubles and robbing money. Let a man manage to make money to spend money, and you can buy something.

It is better to ask rarely, but aptive. At the same time, do not forget the man to thank for all gifts. Even if the surprise was presented unexpectedly, without your knowledge, thank you for him. The man spent on you and is waiting for only one - thanks that he wakes him and wake up again to you to do something pleasant.


Not from all men need to run, even if they stop spending a lot of money on women. However, all lovers should be left if they are not spent on women at all, constantly talk about their money problems, about raising prices, rise in price of life, etc. Man must solve his money problems - this is his main task. If he can only whine and dissolve Nyuni, then it is better not to spend his time for him.

Run if the man is not spent at all, while he earns money. In this case, he found a free mistress, who does not want to spend. If you continue to meet him, then you are really cheap. And if you refer to love feelings, then understand that the man does not like you, if he does not even spend his money on you.

Greed by nature

Even love for a woman will not help such a man. While he will not revise his attitude to the world and money, he will remain greedy.

What in the end to do if the lover is greedy?

A woman should remember that she is looking for her husband, but just a lover. She already has a husband, no matter how material adversities it has possessed. The lover may not be too rich, but so generous, as far as his finance allows him.

A greedy lover is a dangerous man. He, it turns out, no woman does not conquer, and she is given to him as a cheap toy. Woman should understand the absurdity of such relationships and break with a greedy lover.

Despite the fact that relations are not official, even the lover must conquer and delight his mistress. It provokes and causes emotions from them, it creates intrigue and some aura of happiness in their relationship. A man who gives, gets as much joy as a woman who takes. After all, a woman in such a situation becomes grateful so much that she gives lover, for what he tried. This interchange is considered normal and natural.

Photo: Iakov Filimonov /

A greedy man, this is an interesting topic worthy of talking about it in detail and consider "Zhadin" in all angles. Of course, women do not like greedy men, but I want justice to note that under the definition of a "greedy man", every woman understands its exclusively.

1. Greedy acquaintance.

A variant of relationships that is accepted to characterize as "meet", this is when a man and a woman together spend time to disperse everyone to her home. By and large in these, no one should no anyone, but, as psychologists say, it is in these relations the men are most generous. And why? Right! Because the process of gaining production, the "candy-bought-bought" stage is called, because at this time the girl is made to give candy and bouquets. According to psychologists, at this stage, it is possible to calculate the "Zhadyin", if a man does not give flowers at all, does not indulge the candy, tickets to the cinema you buy yourself and the account in the cafe divide equally. Someone calls it a modern model of relationships, someone believes that independent woman is buying everything herself, but psychologists are confident that if there are neither flowers or gingerbread from the fan from the fan, then in the future greedy will bloom even more lush color.

Attention! At this stage, a familiar man is not obliged to buy you expensive, fulfill all your "Wishlist" and hire on the resorts. Not obliged, but may if he wants. In general, as it were, it is the norm, if at all in such a question there is a notion of "norm", during the period of courting it is precisely to care for a girl, as it was taken by the impact of centuries, i.e. Show care and give cute and touching trinkets.

History from life (sign of explicit "greed" or just disinterest in this girlfriend):

During the evening romantic walk along the waterfront, the guy (25 years old) and the girl (21 years old) passed by the flower beds, which loudly offered a guy to buy a bouquet for a girl. The guy asked the girl: "Want?", The girl nodded in response and smiled. Then the guy approached the merchant and chose the cheapest bouquet, then he began to bargain (with a girl) knocking the price. All the fact that the girl did not stand the humiliation and left.

2. Greedy cohabitant.

The cohabitant differs from the acquaintance only to the fact that he no longer need to care for the girl, he got everything he wanted, but not going to marry. Therefore, as a rule, in the so-called "civilian" marriages, male greed blooms the most lush color. Cohabitant, it's kind of and not a wife, in which it is somehow taken to invest emotionally and financially, and already kind of and not a friend, the interest and attention of which (as well as sex) must be conquered. Cohabitant, it's like a priori to all the finished woman, so greedy men adore "civilian" marriages.

History from life:
A man (41 years old), a woman (32 years old) and her child (2 years) decided to live together. As it was accepted, he shot the apartment, paid for the shot half, while all the products and "soer-rive" bought a woman for their money, fed, he looked and put her baby she also savings. A man on "his" money could afford to buy everything he wants, at the same time, he was not going to ask the Council at his cohabitant.

An explicit sign of greed, it's when the cohabitant also does not work or works from time to time and spends all his money exclusively on his beloved.

3. Greedy husband.

Normal men when marrying (of course, if it is not an alphony) perfectly understand that the wife is at least for a long time, but as a maximum, for life. And that is why the wife is stupid. You will not believe, but some men get married for real love, and it is impossible to save on a beloved person a priori. That is why in normal (again it is a word, in "normal", how to determine the normality of greed?) Families are usually a common budget and shared purchases. What to buy today is your mother's boots or a dad costume, and maybe a bike son, is also solved together.

History from life:
Family as a family, the average, dad is working, Mom sits at home with three children. The budget in the family is separate, this means that Dad provides himself and children, pays the rent, buys food to the house, and mom dresses exclusively for his money. On the most money that managed to earn random earnings or with their parents. And, by the way, in this family are all satisfied with such a state of affairs.

An obvious sign of a greedy husband, this is when the wife is reported for every bulb, bought in the store, walks in the stitched pantyhose, and the husband chains the new "Lexus" and yells on children for torn wins.

4. Greedy lover.

And gifts, it is always there. A normal woman on a relationship with a married man will never agree, but those who want to shake the "fat cat" are agreed. As a rule, normal lovers ("normal" again sounds completely abnormally, but, nevertheless) perfectly understand that the human relationships to their mistress cannot give, that they humiliate her, a priori puts lower wife, therefore compensate for spiritual experiences with good and expensive gifts. As if a greedy lover, this is a completely wrong lover, and in the people of such not the lover, and the Letun-interceptor.

History from life:
A deep-married kolya (45 years old) comes to visit a long diluted Ole (42 years), "the gift itself" comes, drinking oline coffee and deals with Olya sex on the Olya sofa. And then leaves for a foreign car to his home in a well-furnished large-sized apartment with his wife and a dog, with a good pedigree (at his wife and the dog).

Afterword: of course, women themselves are still confused in definitions, some consider a greedy man who brought them to rest in the Crimea, instead of Paris, and others are confident that if "Favorite" took money for the melted cheese, who bought for dinner, then this is normal, "MOGSWARDERS".

Tanya and Maxim were an excellent couple, on which all their friends were equal. Tanya - Mnitsa and Beauty, defended the dissertation last year. Maxim - Master for all hands, hardworking and economic. Tannins of girlfriends have always put Maxim as an example with their men. They say, you can not know anything, and Maxim myself and the kitchen gathered, and I connected the washing machine, and I went to Poland for the cottage. But once in the evening, when girlfriends got together, this ideal crashed. Tanya that evening as if broke out ...

Girls, - she began to sigh, - how hard with him! He is not just nimble, he is a real whore. Maxim over the past three years not only never bought me colors, he "saws" me for each of my earned ruble. He goes to the "far" store just because there is 2 rubles cheaper. And on the market ... If you knew what was going on on the market! At first he will cost all the tents and finds out all prices. Then he chooses a tent where the goods are cheaper than everything and begins to bargain. Personally, I just get a shame. The seller sees that in front of him is decently dressed, you can even say, a sleek man, and behaves like a beggar ...

What is the problem?
And the problem is that an adult, an absolutely formed person does not even assume that he is a whining that he leads himself, to put it mildly, unculturally and consumer.
"I do not consider myself a feet," says Dima. - I'm just a rational man. - And begins to tell what a bitch was his former girl Ira:
"Imagine," he complained. - For $ 150, Irka's surcharge took part-time job. I came home the evil, tired and drove on me because of the unwindy dishes. And I said to her:
- Ira, why do you need the second job, if you "no" come back home? It would be better if you worked on one, but a kind and fluffy and dishes came soap. I earn well.
"Dima, I didn't see your money into your eyes," Ira snapped. - I don't even know how much you earn. And I need money to care for your studies and your mother help. And in the summer I want to go to go.
How this statement was born Dima! He just went out of himself:
- What is your business to my money? Do you live and do not need anything? What do you have nothing? Or do you walk barefoot on the street? ..
After a few months, Ira with Dima broke up. Since then, Dima only does that he tells his friends about the bitching and greediness of the former friend. And in his eye, the log does not notice ...

Skuperatory test

Presents. Meeting with a whining, do not really count on gifts. Those rare cases when he decides to give you something, be sure to be your birthday or the New Year. But the value of these gifts is entirely emotional, and not real, just like in the game KVN:
- I thought for a long time to give: - Primary, cassette with good video recordings - expensive ... Therefore, I decided to give a postcard.
In addition to the postcards, you can count on a modest bouquet, a box of candy or a completely useless statuette or a vase.

Flowers. If your lover is whining, you can be sure that he believes "thrown on the wind." Maximum what you can hope for, are three cloves on March 8 or wildflowers ("drove by car, gathered at the road ...")

Dating. Measurement dates are monotonous. They all come down to walking around the city, because it is incredibly cheap. You are sadly looking at the neon showcases floating past the coffee shop and inhale the aroma of freshly baked buns, for which, alas, the buyer will never "go broke."

Transport. Taxi is "taboo" for whining. If you are worrying about your own security, you decide to call a taxi to get from the house of the boyfriend to your own, you will see a disapproving look and offer to stay "His". And no one thing is that you are not doing what to disintegrate that you do not have a toothbrush, a hair dryer and cosmetics. Of course, you can leave for a taxi, but you will pay for him. It's not even that a public transport trip will be paid by your friend, especially if it is a minibus. Often, the girl whipping has to pay the most.

Spiritual values \u200b\u200babove all. Shopefully constantly emphasizes that it appreciates kindness and selflessness in girls. At the same time, he tells how the former girl mercilessly "Dailed", and strongly declares that no longer allowed. You understand that these words belong to you and that the signs of attention will not wait.

Vacation. That man-scooter will pay your joint travel on, not even hopeful. He may unexpectedly leave one, saying that "you are not enough. He was offered to take two weeks of vacation" and he instantly flew through the "burning trigger." And if you still go together, the question of "share participation" will rise in expenditures anyway. Here are two options for the development of events. The man will declare you about it directly or in the middle of his holidays he has "suddenly" the money will end, and for everything will have to pay you alone.

Hard times. Even if you are not a lover to complain about financial difficulties, in the life of each woman there are times when there are no money. Shopeful will miss your ears of your complaints of a serious material situation. But even if notice, it will be limited to simple sympathy. The most "wide" gesture, which is capable of buying, it is to suggest to give you money in your or busy from relatives. Both options will assume that you should return debt. If (do not give God!), You will not return this money (and even if he has enough tact not to refer them to you), he will never offer his help.

How to deal with the whispereness of the boyfriend?

It would be naive to assume that the score will be corrected. But you can try to correct his behavior. The main thing is to act gradually and patiently.
1. 50 to 50. If you notice that you buy all the products alone, pay for the apartment and buy DVDs for your evenings, you need to stop and think about it. It is necessary to divide costs at least in half. To do this, you can record all costs, and the list of costs to put on the prominent place - so that "all" can be seen. In the end, you can even openly offer to pay for all half.
2. Pity. You can put pressure on pity, saying that you have absolutely no money. At the same time, it is absolutely necessary to lie. From time to time, financial difficulties have each. But you do not need from "pride" and "self-essential feelings" about them to be silent and ask for money from pensioners' parents, forcing them to be upset because of your vital vitality. Tell me about your problems a man - perhaps he wants to help.
3. Cunning.You can go for a trick border with immediacy. For example, as if nothing had happened to her man, what a gift for the other day I handed her Vadik, that I presented to Katka her sashik ...
4. Perturbation. In the end, you can even indignant and express our dissatisfaction with the fact that "after all" you do not receive even the boxes of favorite candy or several gerberas.
5. Organization. If you do not hope for the generosity of your cavalor, take care of your gift herself. When a favorite asks about what you want to get as a gift, do not be modest and saying "choose myself." Name that a gift that you really want. If the cavalier does not bother to ask about it, hint. In extreme cases, you can pass the mission of "Alerts" about the welcome gift to your girlfriend or your shared friend.
6. Jealousy. You can try to cause jealousy from a man, saying that the manager Anatoly almost every day brings you sweets, and the Zavorosis Anatoly Nikolaevich only gives you the right to choose to choose the most beautiful folders, diaries and other stationery.

Of course, there is little to correct the border hopes. Therefore, for yourself, you should immediately decide: either to accept, or disperse. True, when you diverge, a situation may arise as in that joke:
Girl: You are so scooter! I will never come out for you

Your favorite has already told you that fashion came up to pull money from gullible girls? And did he not take a missing view from the supermarket office, waiting for you to get money for yourself? Or maybe he loves to visit empty hands? If you answered these questions positively - congratulations, next to you, Zhardde.

Every greedy male Zhaden in his own way. Showing habits differ from the springs of the bump. Kurkula does not confuse with Skopidom. Yes, and the miser with the buyer is greedy each on his way. But I hate them all the same. I am for the removal of the gland that ensures the receipt of greed into the human body. And, swing, it has nothing to do with mercantility. Just male greed is disgusting in principle.

I understood it a long time ago. In that, an early course, when school years rolled to the sunset, I got the first adult worker. He was high, good-natured and suffered painful greed. He worked in a serious organization, earned well and did not apply to the needy layers of the population. But it was necessary to see that his illness pulled him. For example, having bought a pack of tea to employees of your department (among them was my sister), he shared the cost on the calculator and approached each of the girls earning, by the way, much less than he, with a strict message: "Seventeen kopecks with you."

Once I walked with a dog in the park near the house, and he alleged me, accidentally met. We chatted, the mood was excellent. And suddenly I unbearable I wanted to eat the cake "potatoes". "Do not eat - die on the spot," I understood, the cavalier caused me to save me. Pretty quickly he returned with a bag. "How much is?" - I asked the mockery, heard about his crumbling habits. "Two rubles," - blushing, a worker confessed. I handed it to him, and he lowered them in his pocket with undisguised relief.

But my satellite of life in two bills melted my heart, in the third month of dating Ucharmal inviting to fly to Paris. Voyage managed - we were worn at the Parisian cafe. "What kind of rich is growing here!", "Ege-Ge, Lena, you won a jackpot!", "The wealthy person is immediately visible," the head flashed. And then, at home, I found a loan agreement in his books for a decent amount signed a week before the trip. It is stupid, I know, but in those moments, when I read the contract, in my heart crawled (and crawled) the main love of my life.

The foregoing, it is quite possible, I do not paint. Yes, what does not paint there, I'm sure - if I had more seriously to the money or, at worst, stretched to those who seriously applies to them, for sure my life would have formed more reasonably.

Therefore, I insist - the girl should be able to understand the stages of male greed!

A penny ruble coarse!(greed of life)

Remember - a man who, without having broken, you swam up the "rigging" and deprived of hope for favor, can actually be just a naschard, and even more economical!

Maybe he focuses on kopping? And he is sorry to spend money not what you are on you, but even on my own. He wears shoes to eight years old and stretches the soup saucepan for five days, but stubbornly postpones the money to buy an apartment. Most often, its plans are carried out. An calculating girl without requests will live with him, his shoes and soul pans in the soul!

Another tells you and you: "We need 25 thousand dollars on the car of my dreams." It will not walk in the restaurant on a wide leg, it will buy household appliances and wallpapers, and the software for a computer is on Juno, but on the appointed time you will be with a breeze to ride his dreams!

A practical husband is good luck in the life of a girl and a great vital life.

What to do:

Ploy to the depths of your soul and determined their attitude to money. If you postpone the monthly at least 10% income, if you do not physically buy a thing outside the sale season, and rest solely on the last minute tickets (and better at the dacha in aunt), the problems of male greed should not be disturbed. In the nearest Saturday, leave for a product small-winding base, your prince may well be there.

Two hundred rubles? But!(Exotic greed)

The current examples of greed of rich rich is almost harmless and partly funny. My rosulor brother Max, in the years of his youth, a shirt-guy and a generous soul, today successfully engaged in publishing business. He and family goes for Christmas to Paris, hunts with friends in the Far East and is quite capable of buying a wife decoration worth ten thousand conditional units. Precedents were.

However, he allows himself amazing things. When Max comes to blacksmithing to choose environmentally friendly products, he turns out of a succeeding businessman in scandalous squat. Having learned the price of the product of the product from the rosy aunt or Eastern Uncle, Max screams to the entire market: "Two hundred rubles? But! You are crazy! "

His wife was accustomed to her husband's leaving sections and, by going to a safe distance, Krotko observes his publisher, desperately and fiercely pulling thirty rubles.

What to do:

To enjoy life. I will never believe that you will be upset by the insufficient number of tips issued by the waiter in the cafe to the depths of the soul. The alert if his drawing will be wrapped with a proposal to introduce in the home the book "Household costs" with a daily evening discussion and building the schedule for the reduction dynamics.

Wife By moving at a safe distance, Krotko observes his publisher, desperately pulling up the thirty.

Bottle of water (theater greed)

My friend Yana earns and does not apply to men from a consumer point of view. The more interesting was the meeting of Yana with a former fan.

At the Institute for her, Jura was courted. He was in love with nervous tick, but at that time did not correspond to Janin ideas about the beautiful. Yura did not give up and told her every day - anyway, you will be mine. She never answered him reciprocity, and they had not seen almost ten years. And then accidentally met.

It was a meeting worthy of a Hollywood film. Yura looked convincingly. Dear SUV, excellent costume, clock, shoes, besides Yana, as it should be on the plot, I did not have time to wash my head in the morning and, leaving the car where there was a parking place, hurriedly stepped down the street, when it was intensely rustling tires, Yura Stopped nearby.

They decided to have lunch together. The meeting place enjoying the situation of Yura chose a pathetic institution in the center. A former unlucky fan, now heading the board of the bank, continued to confine that she will be with him. True, he was already married. But Yana was not concerned about conventions. She was interested in a new Jura. In the final of the meeting, Jura was meaningfully said that tomorrow he was completely free.

Yana realized that he meant, and at night fastened about the deck of the yacht or the "Astoria" presidential issue, the rose petals and the cold Dom Perignon on the night table. After all, it is precisely that, according to her ideas, the president of the bank furnished his dating. Especially with a woman's dream.

Reality exceeded all its expectations. A sparkling jeep stopped at an unbelong hotel for enlightenment. In a small room, a romantic cavalier took out a bottle of mineral water from a plastic bag, offered a dream woman to drink a driver and started a business. Yana did not want to meet the second meeting.

What to do:

Conclusions: Jura simply disaven Yane. Get, they say, I like it, as in the second year, nagim and siema. Nobody is insured against this situation. But it is better to stay away from the people with whom you are not very beautiful in the course of life. So, for every fireman.

Why do you need money?(Address greed)

Often, male greed is selective. Who among us in the office does not have an employee from whom you neither whip, nor a gingerbread that is not shaky than five hundred rubles, going to buy a cider birthday gift for a colleague. But who, without blinking the eye, lay out three thousand dollars for the likely skateboard model.

Same with women. One causes his proceeding attack. The second is an attack of Eastern generosity. If the situation is married, he can easily tell his wife about material difficulties, limiting its necessary needs. At the same time, the mistress will be opened a limit loan.

My neighbor is a picture from a fashion magazine, he is stylish and dearly dressed, his car causes a complex of social inferiority from the neighbors, and the briefcoding of crocodile skin is just a work of art. But you would see his wife! I often watch it goes to walk with a dog in a niza jacket and shapeless jeans.

What to do:

Throw this bump! Election greed is even greater than greed, spreading at all evenly. The object of generosity is also relenting too. Tomorrow, Zhardda will change the addressee of his best qualities.

Keys on the table! (Educational greed)

Many of the nonsense men constantly make themselves be greedy with women. What flight should he spend money signs on the girl who do not fall on his head from the blue sky (which is clean truth)! In addition, men are very afraid that the girls are interested in the exclusively bank account.

Lena met with Sergey two years ago. She was almost desperate - organizing his own business, she did not cope with his control. Lena had to take a loan, sell the car and think about selling an apartment. Sergey turned out to be the shoulder, to rely on who we all dream! He helped to bring order in the affairs, and soon solemnly handed the keys to the car.

Lena expensive paid for the right to ride her! It was worth it to do something wrong, for example, to file not hot tea, it began: "In my opinion, someone does not appreciate that I do for him." Lena warmly divided him.

Further more. She was delayed for ten minutes - at home I was met by a lion roar: "Keys on the table!" She returned the keys, he crushed. Then they put up, then the keys took away again. Soon her patience burst. Lena broke up with Sergey, and at the same time with the car. Put the keys on the table, ahead of his request about it.

The next day, Lena descended a loan and bought himself exactly the same car. Only now, no one takes the keys.

What to do:

Take legs in hand. Empathy of such manipulators ended in the middle group of kindergarten. Just now he believes that he can afford more expensive toys.

Account in half (Greed Civilized)

My girlfriend Lisa shares my radical views on the Zhadin. With Andrey, they met six months before starting to live together.

At the time of the courting, she did not notice anything suspicious for Andryusha. They dined in good establishments (accounts always paid). Flowers, pleasant little things - everything was like people. Surprises began later.

To begin with, he suggested share costs. Lisa received payment of Internet spending, telephone accounts (all phones, including it and its cellular) and buying products. Andrei noblely left the service of cars, his and lysine, and utility bills (a joint life began in his apartment).

Lisa, was offended, but Andrei said it was a normal European approach. Here they are, the consequences of one-year internship in Germany!

Soon they are going to travel, Andrei has already suggested Lisa to take half of the costs. Lizaveta in thought: Or is it lagging behind the normal European approach to expenses, or did she just get a disguised joy?

What to do:

Get used to In the end, millions of people live like this. And they live quite happily. Imagine in consolation that you are married, for example, beyond the Frenchman. And then regularly demonstrate him the breadth of the Russian soul. In the order of cultural exchange.

Alena Zhuravleva

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