Yellow spots on the eyelids. Causes of the appearance and methods of removing yellow spots on the eyelids of the eyes Yellowness around the eyes in men causes

The condition of the facial skin means a lot for the aesthetic appeal of a person. And any defects, including yellow circles under the eyes, cause obvious psychological discomfort. Because of what they arise and how you can get rid of an unpleasant problem - these questions should be answered by a specialist.

Causes and mechanisms

Facial skin is an important indicator of health and lifestyle. And many cosmetic problems are associated with deviations in the functional state of the body. If we are talking about the yellowing of the area around the eyes, then for your own peace of mind, first of all, you should exclude the following factors:

  • Diseases of the digestive system (liver and biliary tract).
  • Carotene jaundice.
  • Lipid metabolism disorders.
  • Hypoxic conditions.
  • Adherence to bad habits (smoking, alcohol).
  • Lack of sleep and chronic fatigue.

Among other conditions involved in the appearance of yellowness under the eyes, one can also name an increased sensitivity of the facial skin to sunlight (ultraviolet). Local causes also include the sequelae of trauma, such as a bruise or bruise at the “blooming” stage. It is at this time that the affected area around the eyes is able to take on a yellow color.

The causes of yellowing of the skin in the periobital region can be local or systemic processes. But in most cases, this is a signal for increased attention to their own health.


To find out the origin of skin changes, you will have to consult a doctor. It is the specialist who has sufficient experience and knowledge to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis and make an appropriate conclusion. Interview and examination are the main methods used by the doctor at the initial stage. If we are talking about systemic pathology, then it is often required to examine not only the skin of the face and eyelids, but also other areas of the body.

Digestive system diseases

The first thing to think about in this situation is true jaundice. It occurs with diseases of the liver and biliary tract. In persons with pathology of the digestive tract, jaundice has a parenchymal or mechanical nature. The first is associated with liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, Gilbert's syndrome, etc.), and the second is due to impaired patency of the biliary tract (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, pancreatic tumors).

Yellow circles under the eyes, combined with discoloration of the sclera and other areas of the body, may be accompanied by symptoms suggestive of digestive problems. These include:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Severity and pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • Feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

In some conditions, jaundice is completely asymptomatic - for example, in patients with Gilbert's syndrome. But most often it manifests itself against the background of an already developed clinical picture.

Carotene jaundice

Local yellowness on the face sometimes occurs due to excessive consumption of carotene - provitamin A. They are rich in foods such as carrots, pumpkin, tangerines. An overdose of this substance leads to the development of carotene jaundice, which is manifested by uneven staining of the skin - changes are mainly visible on the palms and soles, face (including around the eyes), ears.

Usually this condition proceeds without disturbing the state of health. But in some cases, additional symptoms are likely. With a pronounced overdose of carotene, you can expect:

  • Enlargement of the liver.
  • Hemorrhages on the skin.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Convulsions.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • To whom.

As you can see, the situation in a number of cases takes a very serious turn, when you cannot do without medical assistance.

Jaundice is not only caused by changes in the body - the consumption of large quantities of foods containing carotene is also accompanied by similar symptoms.

Lipid metabolism disorders

Yellow spots under the eyes in women can appear due to disorders of cholesterol metabolism. In this case, there is a risk of xanthelasmus formation on the skin of the eyelids. This is what flat yellow plaques are called, which look like spots or stripes. Such formations around the eyes are often combined with the accumulation of cholesterol in the elbows, knees, or mucous membranes (xanthomas). Sometimes this condition becomes common.

It should be noted that lipid metabolism disorders are a proven risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis and associated cardiac pathology (angina pectoris, heart attack), ischemic strokes, angiopathy of the lower extremities. An imbalance in fat metabolism accompanies diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and other diseases. Therefore, this issue needs close attention, especially among people over 40 years old.

The consequences of trauma

Of the local pathological conditions associated with the appearance of a yellowish color around the eyes, one cannot fail to mention bruises or hematomas. This is a common consequence of facial injuries (bruises). The fact of mechanical damage is difficult to miss, because it is accompanied by pain. And in addition to them, the following appear on the skin:

  • Puffiness.
  • Redness.
  • Abrasions and bruises.

The bruise at first has a bright burgundy color, then it gradually fades and becomes greenish, and at the end it turns yellow. This is a natural process associated with the conversion of hemoglobin that has trapped under the skin into bilirubin and biliverdin.

Additional diagnostics

To establish the cause of yellowness under the eyes, additional diagnostics are often required. It is definitely impossible to do without it in case of systemic pathology, when the doctor needs to determine changes in metabolism and the structural and functional state of internal organs. To do this, appoint:

  • General blood and urine tests.
  • Biochemical analysis (bilirubin, ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, lipid spectrum, glucose, coagulogram).
  • Ultrasound of the liver and biliary tract.
  • Doppler sonography of the carotid arteries, etc.

A patient who deals with a cosmetic problem sometimes has to appear to related specialists, for example, a gastroenterologist, and in case of facial bruises, one cannot do without an examination by a traumatologist.

Only a full-fledged diagnosis will show why there are changes in the skin color in the periorbital zone. And it is impossible to do this without medical intervention.


If yellow spots appear in the eyelids and under the eyes, then the treatment tactics will be determined by their origin. Systemic pathology, of course, requires adequate correction, which may consist of taking medications:

  • Lipid-lowering (atorvastatin, rosuvastatin).
  • Hepatoprotectors (Essentiale, Antral, Heptral).
  • Choleretic (Cholosas, Hofitol).

Of course, the tactics of therapy are determined on an individual basis, so only a doctor can talk about a specific list of drugs. General activities will also help to remove yellow circles under the eyes:

  • Balanced diet.
  • Adequate rest and sleep.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Stay in the fresh air.
  • Physical activity.

This will help boost your overall health and improve your complexion. If we approach the problem from a cosmetic point of view (with the exclusion of other reasons), then the complex of correction may include:

  • Sunscreens.
  • Whitening masks (with potatoes, cucumber).
  • Compresses from parsley juice, tea leaves.
  • Contrast washings (hot and cold water).
  • Decorative cosmetics.

The problem of yellow circles under the eyes worries many women. The reason for this condition can be both completely harmless changes of a cosmetic nature, and systemic pathology that requires increased attention. The measures for correcting the defect, which are prescribed by a specialist after an appropriate diagnosis, also depend on this.

Yellow circles around the eyes in women and men occur due to a number of reasons that must be addressed immediately. As a rule, the state of the whole organism as a whole is also assessed, therefore, if a person has yellow circles under the eyes, this is an alarming symptom.

Everyone knows that skin is an indicator of human health. As soon as changes are noticeable on the skin, it means that the same changes occur with the internal organs. The skin, along with the ENT organs and the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxic substances from the body. If this process is disrupted (by clogging the pores, for example), most of the harmful substances will remain inside the body and spread by blood throughout all organs.

When it comes to yellow circles under the eyes, the indicator system works differently here. Sometimes such circles are harmless and do not pose a great threat to the body and human health. But, as a rule, they go away within a short period of time on their own. In situations where yellow circles around the eyes are supplemented by other symptoms of intoxication (body temperature rises, nausea, chills, vomiting, deterioration of the general condition appear), a suspicion of a malfunction of the hepatobiliary system arises. In such situations, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Yellow circles around the eyes: causes

There are a number of reasons that can lead to the appearance of yellow circles under the eyes:

  1. Diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
  2. Chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, insomnia.
  3. Bad habits, frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking.
  4. Stress.
  5. A long period of a person's stay in a confined space, without sufficient access to oxygen.
  6. A long period of a person's stay in direct sunlight.
  7. Excess keratin. In this situation, they are not talking about a disease, but about a symptom that will pass on its own.
  8. Genetic predisposition.
  • in case of violations of the liver or biliary tract, an appearance occurs in the eye;
  • with pathologies of the digestive tract, there are problems with digestion, nausea and vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

If the symptoms worsen and cause severe discomfort to the person, it is dangerous to delay a medical consultation. In addition to yellow circles under the eyes, hands and mucous membranes turn yellow.

Early detection of symptoms will help to start early treatment and get rid of the disease in the initial stage. For some pathologies, this is extremely important.

Yellow-green circles under the eyes - what do they indicate?

The appearance of yellow-green circles under the eyes indicates the same pathologies as the appearance of yellowness around the eyes. Another shade is due only to the individual color of human skin. An interesting feature is the fact that such circles under the eyes can occur due to wearing glasses.

The metal frame, when worn frequently, oxidizes and leaves green-yellow circles on the skin, which disappear on their own after a few days without glasses. If the circles have not passed, the reason is different.

Yellow-brown circles under the eyes

The appearance of yellow, with a brown tint, circles under the eyes indicates circulatory disorders. A similar phenomenon often occurs at the time of dysfunction of the liver, when the organ is unable to independently cleanse the blood of toxins and toxins. As a result, there is an expansion of blood vessels, stagnation of blood around the eyes. Dysfunction of the gallbladder also causes a similar symptom.

It is carried out by several specialists: a therapist, a gastroenterologist.

Possible diseases

Yellow circles under the eyes are an alarming symptom that you should pay attention to and consult a doctor

Yellow spots under the eyes in women and men are often caused by elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood. A similar symptom indicates the presence of diseases of the internal organs.

  1. Hepatitis is a disease most often viral, characterized by inflammation of the liver. It is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition, the appearance of yellow circles under the eyes, the appearance in the eyes.
  2. Addisson's disease is a rare endocrine disorder caused by chronic adrenal insufficiency. The disease is characterized by a violation of the synthesis of cortisol, as a result of which the skin turns yellowish-bronze.
  3. Cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis - characterized by a violation of the outflow of bile, after which direct bilirubin enters the bloodstream, staining the skin color. Concomitant symptoms are attacks of nausea and vomiting, constipation, sharp pain in the epigastrium.
  4. Malaria, hemolytic pathologies - cause yellowness of the skin and yellow circles under the eyes.
  5. Pancreatitis - acute and chronic, can cause severe abdominal pain. Shingles pain. The skin turns yellow.


The reason for the appearance of yellow circles under the eyes can only be at a doctor's appointment. The specialist conducts examination, interviews with the patient. After that, if necessary, if the doctor suspects diseases of the internal organs, the following is indicated:

  1. Laboratory research: blood and urine tests.
  2. Hardware studies: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, CT.

After receiving the results of the examination, the doctor indicates the final diagnosis and prescribes a complex treatment, which depends on the main disease.


Treatment for yellow circles under the eyes is aimed at eliminating the main disease that caused the unpleasant symptom.

Diseases of the liver and biliary tract require an appointment:

This is not the whole list of drugs, since the full range of measures is carried out strictly individually with the determination of the dosage and duration of taking the funds.

If the yellowness under the eyes is NOT pathological (not associated with diseases of internal organs), cosmetic procedures are shown in the form of:

  1. Finger massage.
  2. Exercises for the eyes.
  3. Use of masks and compresses.

In this case, yellow circles under the eyes go away faster.


If you do not want to become the owner of yellow circles under the eyes, watch your diet, avoid bad habits. This is the most effective prevention method.

  1. It is also important to normalize your sleep and rest routine. The sleep period should not be less than 8 hours.
  2. If you often sit at the computer, you need to periodically rest, go out into the fresh air.
  3. Those who regularly spend time in direct sunlight are advised to limit their skin exposure to UV rays.
  4. Those who love dieting need to reconsider their diet and try to avoid rigid diets.
  5. It is important to avoid oxygen starvation, and often walk in the fresh air.

A timely visit to the doctor will help to quickly heal the disease. Do not self-medicate and delay the healing process.

If you notice that you have yellow circles under your eyes, then you should definitely pay attention to your health condition.

After all, the appearance of yellowness can be a symptom of serious diseases, which sometimes require immediate treatment. But, first of all, you need to understand what causes lead to yellowness in the area around the eyes and what lies behind this.


As a rule, the state of our body is always reflected on the skin of the face. Therefore, if you notice the appearance of unattractive yellowness, then this is a serious reason to think about the fact that you have health problems. Moreover, both serious pathologies of the gallbladder and liver, and ordinary fatigue can provoke the appearance of yellow circles under the eyes.

If, in addition to the skin around the eyes, the sclera (whites of the eyes), tongue and palms turn yellow, then this is a clear sign of jaundice. This disease appears, due to an increase in the blood of the bile pigment - bilirubin, which signals serious, sometimes very dangerous pathologies of the gallbladder and liver. It is mainly accompanied by symptoms such as: feeling unwell, weakness, heaviness in the right abdomen and nausea. In this case, you should immediately contact a doctor who will prescribe the following mandatory tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • tests for the content of bilirubin;
  • analysis for markers of viral hepatitis;
  • Ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder.

Yellow circles under the eyes can also occur due to the ingestion of a large amount of food pigment of this color, which causes the so-called pseudo-jaundice. This is not any pathology and does not require any treatment. Most often, pseudo-jaundice appears after eating a large amount of carrots or citrus fruits, about 2 - 3 kg.

The rarest cause of yellow circles under the eyes is a genetic predisposition. As a rule, they appear from childhood and accompany a person all his life. In this case, there are no reasons, and, accordingly, there is no treatment. The only thing you can do is just mask them.

However, the most common cause of yellow under eye circles is an unhealthy, unsparing lifestyle and bad habits. Namely:

  • frequent lack of sleep;
  • overwork;
  • smoking;
  • constant stress.

In this case, you should: give up cigarettes, give your body a rest, often go out into the fresh air and get enough sleep. These simple rules will not only help get rid of yellowish circles under the eyes, but also have a positive effect on overall health.

Treatment and prevention

Needless to say, the methods of dealing with circles around the eyes directly depend on the cause of their appearance. Therefore, first you need to exclude the presence of any diseases. This can only be done by an experienced doctor who, based on the test results, will make a diagnosis.

So, if the appearance of yellow circles under the eyes is not due to the presence of a disease, then you should, if possible, establish a lifestyle:

  • get enough sleep, because everyone knows that healthy sleep has a positive effect on the body, and therefore on the condition of the skin of the face. You just need to pay attention to the fact that the number of hours of sleep for each person is individual. Therefore, there is no need to adjust to generally accepted standards. After all, 6 hours are enough for someone, and 9 is not enough for someone;
  • give up bad habits, namely cigarettes. It has long been proven that smoking has a negative effect on complexion. Under the influence of this addiction, the skin ages faster, dries up and turns yellow;
  • adjust nutrition: a healthy, balanced diet is the key to a beautiful complexion and a good figure. Therefore, overly strict diets, fried and fatty foods should be abandoned;
  • fresh air: sometimes the appearance of yellowish circles under the eyes is due to oxygen starvation (hypoxia). Therefore, regular 15 minute walks in the park can help solve this problem.

In addition, folk remedies can help get rid of circles under the eyes. For example: you can use ordinary raw potatoes, which should be grated, laid out on cheesecloth, and then applied to the area around the eyes. You need to keep such a compress for 30 minutes.

Grass ice also copes well with this problem. It is prepared from a decoction of chamomile, which must be cooled and poured into standard ice molds. Wipe the skin around the eyes with herbal ice 2 times a day (in the morning and before bedtime).

It should be noted that if you still have yellow circles under your eyes, you do not need to let everything go by itself. After all, as mentioned above, they can be a symptom of a serious and dangerous disease, which is best diagnosed at an early stage.

To monitor your appearance is a paramount necessity today, because they are greeted, as they say, by their clothes. Any little thing can spoil the image and, as a result, the impression that you make on others. Yellow circles under the eyes are difficult to disguise, but they are immediately evident. Probably everyone has faced such a nuisance at least once. But few people pay serious attention to this, but in vain. Yellow circles under the eyes, the causes of which are associated with any abnormalities in the body, can be a cause for concern and a trip to the doctor.

Yellow bruises under the eyes can also appear simply due to unfavorable environmental conditions, lack of sleep, improper diet or taking any medications. The skin in this area is thin and very susceptible to any influence, both external and internal. If yellow circles appear under the eyes, the causes for men and women may be slightly different (although most often the yellow spots under the eyes all have a similar etymology).

When are yellow circles under the eyes harmless?

An unforeseen problem - yellow circles under the eyes suddenly appeared. The reasons for women in particular can cause a number of experiences. Of course, an attentive attitude to your health is commendable, but it is stupid to run to the doctor because of every little thing. Think carefully about the last week of your life, or rather the factors that can affect your skin condition. Often there are yellow spots under the eyes, the cause of which lies on the surface and does not pose a threat.

Why are there yellow circles under the eyes, if everything is absolutely normal with the general state of health? Here are the most common origins of this problem:

  • mechanical damage to the skin (blow or something similar). This can also provoke yellow circles under the eyes, reasons that are much more common in men;
  • too long exposure to sunlight. Excess UV light easily damages the delicate skin around the eyes and sometimes causes yellow circles under the eyes;
  • high content of products with coloring pigments (carotene). Yellow bruises appear under the eyes, the causes of which lie in the ability of this dye to accumulate in the body. Carotene is found in high amounts in orange and yellow vegetables and fruits such as carrots or citrus fruits;
  • excessive smoking or alcohol consumption. Very often there are yellow bags under the eyes, the reasons for which are in the wrong lifestyle and regular intoxication, not to mention the general harm of such substances to the body.

If, after analyzing the last few days of your life, you find one of the points described above, then you should simply exclude this particular link from your everyday life. Then you don't have to ask questions about what caused the yellow bruise under the eye, how to quickly remove it.

A healthy lifestyle is the best prevention of any troubles!

Yellow circles under the eyes are the most dangerous causes

If the reasons described above do not cause serious concern and it is simple to correct the situation in these cases, then sometimes yellow bags under the eyes appear, the causes of which are much more significant. The most dangerous case is liver problems. This indicates the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood, a special bile pigment, the content of which in a healthy person is quite insignificant.

In case of impaired functioning of the liver and urinary tract, this substance is actively released into the blood, and the skin around the eyes, the thinnest and most delicate, is just an indicator. Yellow circles appear under the eyes, and then the sclera (the visible part of the white of the eye) are painted in a dull yellow color. All this is accompanied by heaviness and unpleasant sensations in the right side.

If you observe such symptoms in yourself - immediately go to the doctor! Self-medication in such a situation is unacceptable!

Yellow bruises under the eyes, less formidable causes

In addition to problems with the liver and biliary system, a number of different diseases can be diagnosed for this problem. What do yellow circles under the eyes mean? As a rule, any serious diagnoses can only be judged by chronic, persistent bruising. If they appear from time to time, do not sound the alarm.

Yellow under the eyes, the causes of which are in malfunctioning of the kidneys, are no less dangerous. It happens that yellow circles under the eyes in women and men appear with Addison's disease, or chronic renal failure. In addition to this symptom, changes in skin color are observed in places of constant contact with clothing and in the genital area. Abdominal pain appears, the general condition of the body worsens (weakness, malaise, fainting).

Sometimes there are yellow circles under the eyes, the causes of which are closely related to the environment. Today we live in a constant lack of fresh air. The body does not receive enough oxygen, the quality of sleep decreases, and the load on all defense systems increases. This is why yellow circles under the eyes are so common.

Yellow-blue circles under the eyes, or even greenish ones, can appear when taking antibiotics and other complex medications. This may indicate personal intolerance to any of the components of the medication.

Yellow spots under the eyes, which are caused by malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, can warn you of the danger. In this case, the circles have a pronounced brown tint.

Yellow circles under the eyes in men

What has already been said is a common reason for everyone. As it turns out, yellow circles under the eyes cause less varied causes in women than in men. The strong half of humanity has more different factors for the manifestation of this problem.

Yellow circles under the eyes in men appear due to prostate infections. They sometimes have a pinkish-red hue. If you start this ailment, then at first there will be unbearable pain when urinating, and then a completely complex inflammation of the entire genitourinary system.

How to remove yellow spots under the eyes?

We figured out the reasons. Yellow circles under the eyes in women raise one question - how to get rid of them? If you have undergone a consultation and a full examination by specialists and did not find any serious disturbances in the work of the body, then you can cope with this problem on your own.

How to remove yellow circles under the eyes? If concealing with concealers is not your thing, here are a few different home remedies. The effectiveness of each method directly depends on the thoroughness of the approach to this problem. Massages, compresses and masks always require a regular and systematic approach, otherwise it makes no sense to ask the question "How to remove a yellow black eye?"

Massage technique

Any yellow circles under the eyes (the reasons in this case are practically irrelevant) can be neutralized with a simple finger massage:

  1. Before the procedure, it is recommended to thoroughly moisturize the skin with a cream to avoid damage and stretch marks.
  2. Without allowing the cream to be absorbed, proceed with the massage itself. First, gently, without pressing, stroke the problem area in a circular motion. In this case, the skin should not move or stretch, be careful.
  3. Then, in the direction from the nose to the temples, lightly pat on the area where the yellow bags under the eyes are especially pronounced. Repeat movements are required for 3-4 minutes, no more.
  4. With the pads of your middle fingers, move from the bridge of the nose to the sides, while making small circular movements. This exercise will help to disperse the blood and lymph (most often yellow spots appear under the eyes, the cause of which is a violation of the microcirculation of fluids).
  5. After the procedure, wash yourself with cool water and let the skin "breathe", do not apply any cosmetics.


An equally effective method, proven by generations, is to whiten problem areas of the skin with the help of compresses. Perhaps this is the most common answer to the question "How to remove yellow spots under the eyes?" The most commonly used tea or potatoes.

Take a large potato, peel and grate to a gruel state on a fine grater. Wrap the resulting mass in squares made of sterile medical gauze (the size of the squares is about 15 by 15 cm). Place the resulting compresses on closed eyelids and under the eyes. Keep it for about 15-20 minutes, and then wash off the starch.

Another type of lotion is tea. Soak two cotton pads or just a piece of cotton wool in freshly brewed black or green tea. Choose a simple tea, without any additives and flavors. Keep the compress on your eyes for about 30 minutes. It is recommended to do this procedure before bedtime. This mini mask also helps to get rid of puffiness around the eyes.

Temperature contrast

Yellow under the eyes can be removed, and the likelihood of its reappearance can be prevented with the help of contrasting compresses. You will need one large lemon, the juice of which must be squeezed into 0.5 liters of mineral water. This composition must be frozen in a regular ice cube tray.

Every morning and evening you need to wipe the problem area with ice cubes, and after 3-5 minutes apply gauze or cotton wool soaked in warm water (but not hot, up to 38 degrees!). Repeat this temperature change 3-4 times. Do not apply cream or makeup immediately after the procedure, let your skin rest. This approach will make the yellow spots under the eyes just an unpleasant memory.

Preventing yellow spots under the eyes in women and men

Preventive measures are just as important as correcting an existing problem. Remember that yellow under the eyes, which are related to lifestyle causes, can be prevented with a couple of simple rules.

First, the correct way of life. Do not get carried away with alcohol, smoke as little as possible, and it is better not to smoke. Secondly, actively move, so as not to allow fluids to stagnate in the body. Do not forget about nutrition, less salt and unnatural additives (dyes, preservatives, flavors, etc.) that accumulate in tissues.

Sunglasses will not help prevent UV-related yellow circles under the eyes. Just choose a quality frame. Occasionally, the materials from which glasses are made oxidize and increase the yellow tinge around the eyes.

You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, or better just focusing on your individual needs. After work, do visual exercises, give your eyes a rest.

Why do yellow circles under the eyes in women cause so much anxiety? Why are yellow circles under the eyes in men most often ignored? This is another, main advice - be attentive to yourself and your loved ones. Your appearance, and even more so the state of health, deserve a careful and careful attitude.

For a variety of reasons, yellow circles under the eyes appear at least once in a lifetime. Of course, this is not yet a reason to panic, but do not neglect the signals of your own body. The appearance of this problem is a good reason to listen to your well-being and give yourself due attention. Love yourself, whoever will do it for your benefit!

Skin manifestations can indicate various problems in the human body. Yellowness around the eyes is often associated with an inappropriate lifestyle, or is a manifestation of another serious medical condition that requires immediate treatment.

Causes of yellow circles under the eyes

The appearance of yellow circles under the eyes can be caused by external and internal factors. At the same time, some situations require a revision of lifestyle or nutrition, while others require medical intervention and drug treatment.

Photo 1: Lack of sleep, smoking and stress can provoke the appearance of yellowness under the eyes. A sedentary lifestyle also contributes to the disease. Source: flickr (marshmala).

External factors

Among the external influences on the appearance of yellowness around the eyes, there are:

  • Eating large quantities of fruits and vegetables containing yellow pigment. With such a change in pigmentation, the sclera remain white, and the general state of health does not change in any way. To get rid of yellowness, it is enough to reduce the amount of such products.
  • Sun sensitivity. In spring and summer, when ultraviolet rays are very active, pigmentation around the eyes may change in people with increased skin sensitivity. For elimination - it is enough to use protective goggles from the sun.
  • Wearing metal-framed glasses all the time may cause yellow-green circles. This is due to the oxidation process, and to remove it, it is enough to wash your face and clean the frames.
  • Some people have personality traits where the skin is consistently yellowish.

However, there are situations when you should urgently consult a doctor.

Important! If the ailment is accompanied by other pains in the body, you should contact a specialist for diagnosis.


Basically, there are two diseases that are accompanied by a change in pigmentation around the eyes.

Increased bilirubin

Bilirubin is a bile pigment that should not exceed 20.5 mmol / L in the blood. If, having passed the test, you saw that it is higher, it means that there is a violation of the liver and biliary tract.

With this disease, not only the skin around the eyes turns yellow, but the proteins themselves become yellow. And also there is heaviness in the right side, nausea, itching and general malaise.

Important! If you notice changes in complexion around the eyes and whites that have become yellow, then you should immediately contact a specialist and take a blood test.

Bronze disease

Chronic adrenal insufficiency, which is also called Addison's disease. Not only under the eyes, but also other areas of the skin acquire a characteristic yellow-bronze color.

First of all, changes in the color of the epithelium appear at the places of friction of clothing against the body, in scars after operations and on the external genital organs. Additionally, there is abdominal pain, weakness and fainting.

Such a disease requires immediate treatment under the supervision of doctors.

What can be done

Before proceeding with the treatment of the consequences, you should find out the cause.

Advice: to exclude diseases, take a biochemical blood test.

To eliminate the problem, if it is associated with lack of sleep or stress, you can resort to massage the area around the eyes, give yourself some rest.

The following methods are also effective:

  • gymnastics for the eyes, relieving stress;
  • hide circles with a corrector, which, in addition to the tonal effect, usually has other useful properties;
  • face masks and compresses;
  • contrast procedures using ice.

Photo 2: To prevent the appearance of yellow circles under the eyes, you need to monitor the daily regimen and diet, avoid alcohol and tobacco abuse. Spend more time outdoors.
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