Loose brain nerve cells restored. Do nervous cells restored in humans

The human brain is the least studied and most "mysterious" authority of our body. It controls and coordinates all the functions of the human body, ranging from providing vital activity (so-called unconscious functions) and ending with behavioral (conscious) processes. The main functional cells of the brain are neurons, they are also called nerve cells.

Consider two electrodes: one negative and one positive, powered by a DC source and placed on the surface of an excited cell, for example, on a neuron acone. It should be remembered that simple pass electric current Through the electrodes, it does not cause reactions from the cell membrane, being sensitive only to changes in electrical energy. Thus, possible stimulation can occur only when closing or opening the chain.

A positive load on the surface of the membrane is growing on the anode, which emphasizes its polarization and leads to an increase in the depolarization threshold. This annectotus causes local hypopotability. Local potentials are changes in membrane potential, which relate only to a small section of the membrane and are removed at a distance of 1-2 mm from their source portion. They may occur either in the form of depolarization, or in the form of hyperpolarization and are produced by sub-step incentives. They are also called "graded potentials", since they have a variable amplitude, proportional intensity of the incentive.

Until recently, it was believed that neurons die irregularly and their number is not restored in the future. However, after a number of studies, scientists managed to establish that neurogenesis, or the formation of new neurons, still occurs in the brain of an adult. Basically, neurogenesis occurs in the hippocampus - the formation of a brain, which is responsible for the preservation, redistribution and assimilation of new information. But scientists do not exclude that neurons can both form in other brain departments, including in the crust of large hemispheres.

By agreement, the direction of movement of positive loads is considered to refer to the current movement. On the external surface Membranes Positive loads will be moved from more positive adjacent areas into an exciting, electronegative position. This local current reduces the degree of separation of loads in areas around a slightly depolarized area due to the excitation by a sub-stimulus.

The summation may be temporary if subliminal or spatial incentives are used sequentially in the same membrane region if subconscious incentives are used in very close membrane points. Table number. - Properties of local potentials and action potential.

Neurons are formed from stem cells, and not only neurogenic (capable of transforming exclusively in nerve cells), but also from stem cells of blood, which fall into the brain in the bloodstream. The speed of reproduction of neurons is small - for the year, the person restores about 1.75% of nerve cells. But the brain has another protective mechanism that called neuroplatidity. It lies in the fact that the functions of dead neurons take on nervous cells: they form new synaptic bonds, increase in size and thus compensate for the death of their "colleagues".

Potential receptors that are born under the influence of specific stimuli in the recipient cells of analyzers. Electrotonic potentials. Postsynaptic potentials arising in postsynaptic membrane, and can be exciting or inhibiting, which is expressed in depolarization or hyperpolarization of the membrane.

Spontaneously emerging potentials, in the absence of external excitation, with the help of cardiac cells of automatism from the excitotrophic nodular tissue of the heart, some small intestinal muscular cells or focal centers. The properties of stem cells make it useful for various clinical and medical studies, but their use increases ethical problems at present due to the fact that pluripotent stem cells occur from another living organism, which is considered man, namely a human embryo.

Relatively recently, researchers managed to establish that the hippocampus, a body in which new nerve cells are mainly produced, is able to grow, which means it is more effective. Moreover, the growth of hippocampus is possible even in adults and depends on the possibility completely from a person: hippocampus, like any other body body, can be trained. In this case, training is implied by constant strengthening and development of memory (exercises for memorizing new information, exercises for "extraction" from the depths of the memory of the already learned information), as well as exercises for locality oriented and in space. Why do intellectual exercises can contribute to the organic development of the brain? Neurobiologists still leave this question open, but the fact of such interconnection is evident.

The arguments in favor of overcoming this ethical barrier are the use of embryonic stem cells in potential treatment. serious diseases, including different species Cancer, and the fact that their collection is made only at the expense of embryos provided by clinics.

What is the difference between adults and embryonic stem cells?

The main difference between embryonic stem cells and adult stems is associated with their origin, that is, with the body from which they are going. Embryonic cells come from embryos to 7 days, which, in turn, can be donated or excessively produced during the process. Adult stem cells are either taken from adult organs or umbilical umbilicals. Researchers have shown that even after birth, a small group of undifferentiated cells is stored in the body, is considered a reserve if there are situations that impose their use.

How to restore nerve cells using nutrition

In addition, help your brain to restore nerve cells and it is possible to remove neurotoxins in faster using nutrition. Especially useful for brain seeds and nuts, dried fruits and fresh fruits, leaf vegetables (spinach, salad, sorrel), chicken meat and chicken eggs, raw carrots, black chocolate and natural honey. But any alcohol brain harms, how to harm him and some pharmaceuticals: hormonal agents, antidepressants, tranquilizers, sleeping pills.

The main inconvenience of these stem cells is that after their division, the number of daughter cells is very limited and inferior to embryonic stem cells. Another difference is the durability of embryonic cells that are able to maintain the ability to form any other type of cells even after several months or years of use and growth in the laboratory.

Why are studies are not conducted directly on adult cells?

Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells discovered among specialized cells in tissue or organs that have the ability to self-assemble and differentiate in the most important types of cells. The essential role of these cells in the living organism is to maintain the integrity and restoration of the wear of the tissue in which they are located. Such stem cells were identified in many tissues and organs. It seems they occupy a clearly defined specific area in the tissue, where they can remain undifferentiated even years until they are activated and will not begin to be divided into direct influence of tissue lesions.

There are medications that, on the contrary, are useful to the brain, because it improves its blood circulation, normalize the bloodstream and rheological properties of blood. These are nootropic drugs that the doctor may prescribe as a prophylactic or auxiliary with brainwater issues (including at elevated intracranial pressure, Often the cause of painful headaches) or with cerebral activity.

Among the organs that definitely contain adult stem cells: leather, liver. Adult stem cells, compared with embryonic stem cells, have certain advantages and disadvantages that indicate whether they are therapeutically useful. Among the advantages are the fact that there are no ethical problems with their use. In addition, in cases where the donor and the recipient are the same person, there is no risk of cell transplant transplantation immune system. If, however, the donor differs from the acceptor, the immune response of the host organism, leading to the transplant rejection, may occur.

In order to restore the nerve cells, you need a little: constantly use as many cerebral areas as possible. It will help not good exercises, which in the complex received the name of neurobika - aerobics for the brain.

Neurobika - just and with pleasure

If we consider from a grammatical point of view, "neurobika" is sophisticated wordconsisting of two parts: Neuro (neurons, if you remember, are called nerve cells and brain cells) and "abundance" (by analogy with aerobics, which means movement, gymnastics). That is, performing exercises that belong to the discharge of neurotic, you lead to movement (and quite energetic) your cells, including brainstorms. You will be surprised when you understand how simple these exercises are and that to bring the brain to the state of activity, only the smallest is needed.

But the researchers discovered three important drawbacks for adult stem cells that require caution and may even oppose their use in therapy. The disadvantages are: - First of all, the fact that they are mature cells and do not have a high ability to spread, in the sense that they can generate only certain types of cells in limited quantities. This observation is confirmed by experiments on animals demonstrating that stem cells of blood origin are capable of forming hepatocytes and cells to restore the integrity of the skin.

To bring the effect, neurobika should become an integral part of life. It is always enough to change your life in trifles today and is always enough to enhance the work of the brain. Sometimes we do not even suspect how many of our habits and actions and deeds are made to automatism, as far as we are predictable and calculated. Therefore, the gym for the brain should begin with the most seemingly integral actions of everyday life.

Almost this observation leads to the fact that adult stem cells can be used to treat a narrow spectrum of diseases. Taking into account that the body consists of billion cells, the specific search for stem cells corresponds to the notorious "needle in the fan cell." Even if they are identified, their number is small, they cannot be used for many purposes. In contrast, embryonic stem cells are easy to detect, since they form a dominant population of cells in the embryo body, almost any type of embryonic cell can play the role of stem cells.

Change your morningThe ritual of morning awakening has his own. As a rule, it is painted in minutes, and sometimes seconds. Here you get up, spend the morning procedures, cook breakfast, dress, accompany to work (to school, kindergarten) other family members ... and so day after day. You think you can make everyday affairs with closed eyes. And if you try and actually close your eyes, for example, dressing suit. Or go further - to choose a wardrobe with closed eyes, relying only on the senses? And your brain suddenly fastens: the tasks will be too unusual for him, but it is still necessary to fulfill them. Here are cells and move, activate.

Where do embryos come from for collecting cells?

However, embryonic stem cells have a fast division rate and can even be stored, therefore, if they need to be entered, it can be done immediately. Embryonic stem cells are determined by their origins. It should be noted that the donation is carried out only if the donor gives its legal agreement after a thorough explanation of the entire process. In research purposes, embryos obtained as a result of natural fertilization are prohibited. Excessive fertilized eggs frozen and stored in special containers if the first implanted embryo is not developed properly.

And you do not stop at the first stage. Try to clean your teeth with closed eyes (of course, look for the facilities for this too, blindly, to the touch). And then instead of the usual morning coffee and toasts, put on the table cup with fragrant herbal tea, breakfast not traditional sandwiches, but, for example, oatmeal cookie - and tasty, and useful.

Can the cell harvest germinate the embryo?

If this is normal, and the woman no longer wants to use embryos stored in the laboratory, they can be sacrificed, forming a source of embryonic stem cells. Recently, in the United States, a survey was conducted among those who used the services clinics on fertility issues, and more than half of them agreed to donate unused embryos. This topic is very contradictory among scientists. Over time, he was trying to find a way to preserve the viability of the embryo during the collection of stem cells.

Go to work with a new route

Most often, the route to work and back is also accustomed to the smallest detail. You can, of course, in order to activate brain cells, try to pass part of the way with closed eyes, but it will be unsafe for you and others. Therefore, it's better to perform such exercises on the street that will make you pay attention to life around. Do you know how many steps from your home to the bus stop (car park)? And what sign hangs opposite your favorite supermarket? Pay attention to these little things - and the first stage of neurobics for the street you have already overcame.

A possible approach includes collecting stem cells from non-existence of embryos, infant confusion clinics. Up to 60% of all embryos as a result of extracorporeal fertilization is not able to develop viable in product development. Studies conducted to establish the effectiveness of this method show that normal stem cells can be collected from such embryos, but their number is very small. Another method is reprogramming adult stem cells that behave like embryonic cells.

Give up their habits

And now it's time to surprise colleagues. Do not rush to the lunch break to rush into the smoking room. Get caramel from the box of your table and point them instead of the usual cigarette. Let others break their heads that it happened to you, and you, abandoning the traditional cup of coffee, continue to do neuro cake - in parallel with work.

Is the healing of any disease been done using stem cells?

IN latelyHowever, several groups of researchers who perform studies on mice have found new ways to create embryonic stem cells or their identical cell types. Thus, despite the fact that stem cells are theoretically a lot of practical applications, their research is still at the beginning. Such cells were used in therapeutic purposes over the years.

Are embryonic stem cells exposed to researchers

Researchers believe that until the expectations are realistic, the results of stem cell therapy, it can surprise even the most pessimistic.

Mouse over your table. Not as accepted, but also unusual: let every thing takes a new, unusual place for it. Of course, this location must be remembered, thereby once again straining your poor brain. Activate its work by putting a container with aromatic oil on the table. In Japan, for example, it is believed that Muscat and Cinnamon increase labor productivity, and the mandarin and lemon are beyond. If a work profile allows, bring the player to the office and listen to the recordings of various sounds: marine surf, singing forest birds. Or simply swipe the window - numerous sounds and noises will be burst into your usual space. Do not worry, nerve cells such shocks and loads only benefit - the more they are active, the longer they retain their performance.

Research and experiments conducted in last yearsIt has shown that these cells have the ability to resolutely affect many areas of medicine, from neurons like an ability of nucleation, hepatocytes, cardiomyocytes, cells, or endothelial, as well as the possibility of interaction directly with these cells by changing their genetic material for use in gene therapy. The main condition, however, does not proceed from the idea that stem cells will be universal for the treatment of any disease.

What diseases can be treated with stem cells?

All diseases known to date have a cell basis - a defect of cell replication, regeneration and restoration of tissues, which creates the soil for the development and self-interest pathological process. Given this fact, it is theoretically to say that any disease can be treated with stem cells. For example, after one, heartcards in the affected area, personal oxygen and nutrients For a longer or shorter time, lose their roles, which affects the functionality of the heart as a whole.

Read aloudWhen was the last time you allowed yourself such a luxury? Moreover, such an activity is extremely useful to the brain: while reading aloud, so many sections of the cerebral cortex are activated, how much never works when reading it. Engage in reading out loud family members. You can even turn the reading of newspapers or magazines by someone alone for all others in an excellent family tradition. Some of you will read out loud, and then you can discuss it. Pluses, as you can see, a lot: here and communication, and load for nerve cells, and collective (more precisely, family) pastime.

Do intimate in a new way

For those who are engaged in neuroquika, sex is just an inexhaustible source of inspiration. In sex, all the senses work, you only need to send them to them - to achieve a larger effect. Turn on the fantasy, make your brain work. Pleasant relaxing music, light dinner, romantic atmosphere, gentle touch - all this has to get pleasure and causes absolutely all body cells. This is where the brain is no time to relax - completely and next to the new sensations that need to be processed. Here you have a scientific reason to diversify intimate life.

Enjoy life

Do not be afraid of your new feelings and sensations. If your life flows relatively calm, go clinging on mountain rivers. If in the usual life you are tired of the mad rhythm and constant voltage, take the week and arrange the "Holiday of Nontalen". You can go to the cottage, by the way, here is another storehouse of neurotic exercises. Digging in the ground, caring for trees and flowers, caring carrots perfectly fits into the neuroker system.

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