Is it possible to breastfeeding cookies. Oatmeal cookies with breastfeeding: benefits and harm, proven recipes

What cookie for nursing mothers is better to choose? And should it be used? Many women in feeding the baby are afraid to include in their menus those or other products. Their fears are understandable. After all, various substances present in the mother's diet can be transmitted with milk child. As the body of the baby will be reacting, it is impossible to predict certainly. Someone eats ordinary food with almost no exceptions, and this does not affect the child. Other women stand only to try a piece of new food, as the baby immediately reacts to it.

Cookies are a great option for reinforcements. In addition, mom, which and so limits himself in nutrition, sometimes you want something delicious, sweet. Do not completely refuse cookies. Simply pick up a suitable baking variety. Use cookies in a reasonable amount. It will be enough for 2-4 pieces per day. Excess of flour products can provoke problems with a chair in the baby, cause colic and gas formation.

For nursing mom, a grade of cookies with minimal nutritional supplements are suitable: lean, gallery, oatmeal. You can even try special flour products for baby food. Confectionery crackers, rams, drying - also a good option. In the manufacture of cookies, flour, sugar, eggs, oil, milk, various nutritional supplements, as well as cocoa, honey, jams and other ingredients are used. Many of these products can cause allergies in the baby. Therefore, it is important not to harm, especially at the initial stage of breastfeeding.

Enter cookies in the diet of a nursing mother you need consistently. First, eat one portion of baking, watch the baby's reaction during the day. If a child is worried about something (constipation, rash on the skin and so on), then refuse to eat in food this product for a while. With good perception, you can gradually increase the number of cookies. But at first, keep watching the baby. Over time, you can try other types of baking.

Galetny cookies - what is it?

The ideal option for nursing mom is a gallery cookie. When it is produced, it is not used by PBC: butter, eggs, milk and other calorie components. Or they are part of the minimum quantity. The dough is mixed mainly on the water. Such a confectionery can be considered a dietary product. Gallery cookies are unlikely to allergic in an infant.

There are a wide variety of baking this variety. It is usually bright solid cookies with characteristic holes on the surface. Dough dry, crunchy, slightly sweet. In stores there are such products under the names "Lachy", "protracted", "Maria" and others, as well as "hanging bran biscuits".

It is this kind of cookie that is recommended to children, as well as people who observe a diet. It has a long shelf life, from six months to one or two years. This confectionery can be simple (with low content of various oils) or more fat.

Useful properties of oatmeal

For nursing mothers it is very important to get full nutrition. Oatmeal cookies are not only delicious, but also useful. It contains a large amount of fiber. He is recommended pediatricians to women feeding baby breast milk.

The cookie contains many slowly digestible carbohydrates. Therefore, it can create a feeling of satiety for a long time and provide the body with the necessary energy. In addition, the incoming bunting contains a lot of vitamins. It contributes to digestion and displays slags.

Buying oatmeal cookies, preference to the form that consists of natural ingredients. Avoid various substitute products in the composition, as well as food additives. For example, it is better if instead of margarine and various substitutes will be present butter.

The most delicious oatmeal cookies are cooked with your own hands. Recipes for baking this confectionery product are pleased. They require minimal costs of products and time. The harmful components in this case are excluded. Such baking is well used, drinking with milk.

Cooking cookies for yourself

Homemade baking is much more useful than industrial goods. It can not be doubted. It is unlikely that someone will add chemical stabilizers in their own preparation products. For nursing mothers, homemade cookies are preferable to any purchased confectionery.

You can cook various types of cookies. The bleaching process will not take much time, and the benefits of this product is obvious. You can prepare products for a few days. Of course, a woman with an infant is difficult to distinguish a little free time. But for myself a loved one and your baby is worth trying.

To baking, at first they will fit the simplest recipes of cookies. Preference to those culinary masterpieces for which fewer sugars and various combined components are required. Try various options. Cookies do not apply to main dishes, prepare it as needed.

Recipe for simple gallery cookies

Excellent baking for nursing mothers. The dough for the gallery cookie does not contain a drift, various fats and harmful additives, so it is unlikely to allergic or another reaction in the baby. Low-calorie product.
To obtain about 400 grams of cookies, the following ingredients will need:

  • wheat flour - 2.5 glasses;
  • pure drinking water - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar sand - 3 tablespoons;
  • you can add vanillin to taste.

All components, except for flour, stirred in a bowl. Then flour and knead the dough about 10 minutes. It turns out steep, nelite. The dough should be rolled out and cut the figures with a glass or molds. The oven is pre-heated to 200 degrees. A little vegetable oil is added to the baking sheet and the cookies are laid out. Exposure time - 5-7 minutes. For the preparation of this harmless product will take no more than half an hour.

Method for cooking oatmeal for nursing mom

There are various recipes of biscuits from oatmeal. The composition of such a product is greater than the gallery baking. You can try the simple recipe for delicious oatmeal.

Required ingredients:

  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • oatmeal flakes - 1 cup;
  • water - 60 ml;
  • egg chicken - 1 piece;
  • butter creamy - 40 grams;
  • sugar sand - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - the third part of the teaspoon;
  • bustyer (soda harated) - 1 teaspoon (optional).

Egg with creamy oil is whipped to a homogeneous consistency. Sugar sand is added and whipped again. Then poured salted water. Crumpled oatmeal in the meat grinder is added to this mixture, stirred. Introduce flour with a bustle and knead the dough. The resulting mass is rolled with a rolling pin, cut the billets of the desired form. The bottom of the man was lined with parchment paper and laid cookies. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees about 15 minutes. The product is obtained crispy, beautiful golden color. If you wish in cookies, you can add dried fruits and reduce the amount of sugar.


Nursing mothers can buy cookies or prepare it yourself. By purchasing a product in the store, read its composition, since various manufacturers may include all sorts of food fillers. Therefore, biscuits of one species, but different brands, can differ much from each other. In order to reduce the cost of goods, not the most useful components can be added to the composition.

An excellent version of sweets for nursing mothers is cookies prepared at home. The baking process does not take away a lot of time. You can be confident in its utility for you and security for the baby. Nevertheless, do not fond of flour products, everything is better to observe the measure.

Try at first less high-calorie products with low sugar, dye and food additives. Later you can go to other varieties of cookies. Simple control over the kid reaction will help avoid problems. Start with small portions, gradually increasing them.

A nursing mother is obliged to adhere to a special diet, not in order to reset the extra kilograms scored during pregnancy, although this is an important argument. The diet is needed for the health of the newborn, because everything that uses the mother, in the natural food is intimately infant.

When choosing food, the first place comes to the question of their balance and benefits, because only in this way you can provide yourself and the kid by all the necessary valuable components. But what about sweets? Is oat biscuit safe for breastfeeding?

Composition and benefit

The beneficial properties of this delicacy are due to its composition. It is worth noting that only when using high-quality components, it will benefit the body. The main ingredient is oats, or oatmeal, which contains a lot of fiber. Therefore, the use of this delicacy in reasonable quantities improves digestion, contributes to the removal of slags and toxins from the body.

Element% of the norm per 100 gImpact on the body
Vitamin B1.5.3 It contributes to strengthening the nervous system, participates in energy exchange, improves the work of the brain, synthesizes hormones that improve mood.
Vitamin RR9.7 It is important for the functioning of the digestive system, reduces cholesterol levels, improves the condition of the skin.
Potassium3.6 Together with sodium, water balance is involved, eliminates chronic fatigue syndrome, is important for soft tissues.
Magnesium3.3 Normalizes the work of the heart, affects reproductive functions, normalizes the digestive system, participates in the formation of bone tissue.
Phosphorus8.6 It is necessary for the functioning of the kidneys, normalizes the metabolism, participates in the regeneration of cells and the formation of bone tissue.
Iron5.6 It is necessary in the processes of blood formation, the formation of hemoglobin, regulates growth processes, warns anemia, improves the condition of hair, leather.

Is it possible at gv

Oatmeal cookies nursing mom is allowed, even recommended. The delicacy is recognized as a non-allergy product, and with independent manufacture it is very useful. It provides the body with a charge of energy, promotes rapid saturation that does not pass for a long time. It is worth noting, with all the harm of the sweet, there is also benefit from it.

When used, serotonin is produced - hormone joy. Sweet use contributes to the elimination and prevention of depression, which is relevant for a woman in the postpartum period, when the body's hormonal restoration occurs.

The cookie consists of: butter cream, sugar sand, salt, oatmeal flour or flakes, soda and eggs. Some of these products may harm the infants, but small doses of cookies are not able to have a negative impact on the newborn.

Oatmeal cookies in the first month

  1. Sweet causes a newborn bloating and colic.
  2. The use of a sweet woman does not recommend gynecologists. After childbirth, the microflora of the vagina is restored. Sweets can provoke the development of thrush, which will subsequently be treated with medical drugs, which will negatively affect the child on the GW.

Introduction to the diet

Oatmeal cookies during breastfeeding begins to be used in accordance with the recommendations on entering the diet of new products.

  1. It is necessary to start with a small portion, no more than ½ cookies, mainly in the first half of the day, so that after observing the reaction, the infants.
  2. In the diet, over the past two days there should be no new products. Otherwise, it will not be understood that it could cause a negative reaction.
  3. If the reaction is not followed for two days, the portion can be increased, the recommended amount is 3 pieces per day.
  4. If the infants responded negatively, the following sample is better postponed for 3-4 weeks.

How to choose oatmeal cookies

To the selection of cookies produced by industrial way, it is necessary to approach with special care. It is important to pay attention:

  1. The composition: there may be flavors, preservatives, stabilizers in it.
  2. Shelf life: What it longer, the more chemical components cookies contains.
  3. Appearance: It must have a loose surface, without deep cracks, be bright.
  4. Additives: It is not recommended to use cookies sprinkled with sugar, with the addition of chocolate crumb. It is better to give preference to the liver with the addition of green: sesame, flax, seeds of chia, sunflower or pumpkins, nuts.

Recipe home cookie

Using industrial production cookies, nursing mom should be remembered that natural components can be replaced by harmful. Eggs on powder, sugar for cheap substitutes. They are able to cause allergic reactions in infants. Cooking cookies yourself, the best option! This process is unemployed and will not take much time. The quality of the product will not cause doubt.

Necessary components

The recipe is pretty simple. You will need:

  • wheat flour - 130 g;
  • oatmeal - 85 g;
  • egg;
  • butter creamy - 45 g;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • sugar sand - 25 g;
  • ripper - 3 g

Capture scheme

  1. Egg mix with sugar sand, salt, add oil and mix it thoroughly.
  2. Add Ripper. It can be replaced by soda, greased vinegar, or lemon juice.
  3. Oatmeal flakes chop with a blender, meat grinder.
  4. Connect flour, flakes and pour to the bulk. Knead the dough.
  5. If desired, it is recommended to add: chopped nuts, sesame, flax seeds, chia, sunflower, pumpkins or dried fruits.
  6. The addition of 100 g of cottage cheese will increase the benefits of the finished product, and the taste will be stunning.
  7. Roll out, cut the cookies of arbitrary shape, put on the baking sheet, lubricated with oil and bake at 180 ° C about a quarter of an hour.

Baking independently oatmeal cookies with GW, sugar can be replaced with a banana, raisins, dates or dried up - it will be useful, less calorie and tasty. Also, sugar can be replaced with more useful cane or coconut sugar, as well as maple syrup. These are natural sugar substitutes. If you use honey instead of sugar, you need to be extremely careful, because this beekeeping product is a strong allergen.

Oatmeal for nursing mothers - tasty and useful delicacy. The main thing is to carefully approach the choice of high-quality product or prepare it yourself. It is important to remember: a healthy baby - happy parents!

Young mothers, nursing baby breasts, are simultaneously faced with a huge number of restrictions, including those who have not even been tested during pregnancy.

Most of the familiar food after the birth of the child turns out to be for a woman under the ban, because of the risk to harm the baby gastrointestinal tract or cause allergies.

And most often the question arises: what cookie can be nursing moms: oatmeal, sandy, with stuffs covered with icing, and is it possible at all?

Is it possible to nursing moms cookies? Pros and cons

To avoid possible problems, the future mom still at the stage of pregnancy should be understood that it will be possible to eat after delivery, and what is impossible.

Cookies, at first glance - innocuous sweetness, but how much we can find the pros, so many cons of this product.

Cookies - fast snack available at any time of the day.

Breast children spend a lot of time on their hands, often wake up at night, breastfeeding takes hours. Sometimes a woman can even find time for a day to eat normally. In this case, the cookie becomes an excellent snack. It is convenient, but immediately turns around and minus - the uncontrolled eating of cookies can lead to a violation of digestion, slowing the metabolism. The cookie is still not able to replace the full nutrition, you need to remember and try to use only as a one-time snack.

Cookies - an affordable source of carbohydrates, and carbohydrates give energy to the body to maintain vital activity.

If you figure it out, it turns out that the cookie contains fast carbohydrates that cannot sufficiently saturate the body, but lead to a weight set.

Sweet cookies contribute to the production of hormones raising the mood.

This is important in conditions of stress, lack of sleep and general weakness after delivery. But here you need to know the measure, because sweet can easily cause allergies in a newborn.

Knowing all the pros and cons of cookie, nursing mom you can try to introduce it into the diet, but it is necessary to care carefully and carefully follow the behavior of the baby in order to notice in time if a bloating or an allergic reaction appeared.

What cookie and how much can be nursing moms?

When choosing a cookie, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the product. So, you should leave the purchase on the store shelf if it contains:





Any additives E.

All of these components can lead to allergies in infants. If you use cookies during breastfeeding period, then you need to try to extract the maximum benefit from it for the body or at least not harm. The safest types of cookies that can be nursing mothers are:


Cookies "Maria";


Drying and Kalachi;


In addition to the allergic reaction, a large number of even sweet baking in the diet of mothers can cause the baby with the tummy and lead to an irregular chair. Portion of cookies depends on the individual reaction of the kid and its age:

Immediately after delivery, even unsweetened varieties should be eliminated;

By the end of the second week, if the baby does not bother you can try 1-2 pieces of dry or oatmeal biscuits;

By 1-1.5 months, the mother can eat 5-6 pieces of unsweetened cookies;

From 3 months you can try sweet varieties, but limit consumption all the same 5-6 pieces. Cookies with icing and artificial food additives should be excluded for the entire breastfeeding period.

How can I replace the cookie nursing mom?

Breastfeeding lasts at least a year. For such a long time it is difficult to limit yourself, especially if the nursing mother was sweet to childbirth. For this period, it is possible to replace cookies no less tasty and much more useful products.

Cheesecakes in the oven. For their preparation, no oil is not necessary, cheesecakes consist of cottage cheese, flour and eggs. In essence, it is protein, and not carbohydrate delicacy. To diversify their appearance and add taste and use, some mothers admitted to add vegetables, fruits or juice. Carrot cheesecakes have a sweet taste and a beautiful crust, with beetted juice are rich in iodine and iron, with a filling from dried fruits on taste quality better than any cookie.

Homemade oat cookies. Nursing mothers you can use your favorite recipe for home cookies, in which there will be only freshly proven products and oat flour instead of wheat. Such a cookie replaces several porridge spoons, and is not an empty and useless product. Due to the fact that the cookie consists of a hammer of oatmeal, it is rich in useful tissue, removes toxins from the body and absolutely does not harm the child.

Pancakes from oatmeal. Another kind of delicacy from oatmeal and useful breakfast. One big pancake is equal to portion of porridge and has all its useful properties.

Cornflakes. If I want to quickly nice something, you can not come up with anything better cornflakes. In their composition there are only corn flour, salt and water. Despite the considerable caloric content, such "correct" flakes are a source of complex carbohydrates, and therefore will benefit mom and will not affect the quality of milk.

Homemade candy. Moms, whose kids have already grown a little, can afford to tea homemade candy from dried fruits. They consist of twisted raisins, kuragi and nuts, the resulting mass is divided into balls and is fumped into cocoa. If none of these components individually provoked allergies in a child, then the mother can eat such sweets, not fearing for the health of the baby. Again, you should remember how much more than 4-5 small balls per day.

How to choose shopping oat biscuits, which can be nursing moms?

Oatmeal cookies, perhaps, the only benefit of health.

The composition of oatmeal cookies on approved GOST is very strict:

Wheat flour of the highest grade;

Oat flour;


Such a cookie contributes to the cleansing of the intestines and the improvement of the digestion of women, displays cholesterol, improving the quality of the vessels and facilitating the work of the heart, does not contain sugar and does not cause an allergic reaction in kids.

In addition, such a cookie contains less so-called "empty" calories and gives the body of mom good energy, including for milk generation.

Of all this, we conclude that it is oatmeal that can eat nursing moms from the first week of the life of the baby. You can only choose according to the composition that the standard is stated.

If the mother feeds the newborn breast, she has to be removed from his diet. Some of them can cause allergies or increased gas formation, others contain in the components harmful to the rapid body of the child. But during the period when many prohibitions are superimposed on the usual food, so I want to pamper yourself with something delicious. One of the options for nursing mom can become oatmeal.

Benefit and harm of oatmeal cookies

Oatmeal cookies - a product, in most cases, not causing allergies, therefore, not prohibited when breastfeeding. The cookie includes the following products:

  • butter;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • eggs;
  • oatmeal or flour from oats.

OVES contains a large amount of fiber, which is favorably acting on the body of a nursing mother, helps him to recover faster after delivery.

Water contains a lot of fiber

Useful properties of fiber:

  1. Promotes rapid saturation, reducing the risk of overeating and the appearance of excess weight.
  2. Slows down the process of digesting food, absorption of fats and carbohydrates. Reduces blood sugar levels.
  3. It is a favorable environment for the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.
  4. Improves digestion processes.
  5. For a long time provides the body with energy.
  6. Cleans the body from slags.
  7. Helps in the treatment of constipation, prevents bowel disease.

It is believed that for its benefits, this cookie is not inferior to oatmeal. In addition to fiber, it contains many vitamins and trace elements.

Oatmeal cookies - useful dessert, usually not causing allergies

Creamy oil and eggs in the composition of cookies can cause an allergic reaction or colic in the baby, but it is extremely rare. Many children's doctors do not recommend using oatmeal biscuits in the first 2-3 months of the child's life. Entering a new product should be gradually starting with a small amount. About the day you need to observe the reaction of the baby, if nothing unusual happens - you can eat cookies further. A day is allowed to eat up to 3-4 pieces. If the body of the child poorly responded to oatmeal cookies eaten by mom, then with its introduction to the diet, it is better to postpone.

Oatmeal biscuit will bring more benefits if you cook it yourself at home. So you will be sure that it does not contain harmful ingredients.

In the shopping cookies most often there are many additives: dyes, flavors, preservatives, etc. Instead of natural eggs, powder substitutes are added to them. And also oatmeal cookies are often made with different additives: chocolate, icing and so on. All this is undesirable to use a nursing mom.

When you can use oatmeal and in what quantities

Oatmeal recipes There are many. Cookies made without adding eggs and sugar, you can eat already in the first month after childbirth. After all, eggs in the composition of the product can cause an undesirable reaction from the body of the kid.

Cookies cooked according to the classic recipe, it is better to introduce into a diet when the child turns 3-4 months. To this age, the kid's body will strengthen, will decrease or finally pass the problems with the tummy.

We should not forget that we need to try a new product. We must gradually, gradually increasing the amount and observing the well-being of the kid. Well, remember that everything is good in moderation. Even if the child normally responded to oat biscuits, you should not eat his kilograms.

Recipes of oatmeal cookies for nursing mothers

You can cook Oatmeal Cookies yourself at home, it will not require high costs and will not take much time.

For the preparation of baking according to the classic recipe you will need:

  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • water - 50-60 ml;
  • creamy oil - 40 g;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • soda - ½ h. Spoons (you need to extinguish with vinegar);
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Creamy oil mix well with egg, add sugar, salt and water.
  2. Oatmeal chopped with a blender or meat grinder and mix with the egg mass. To the components to add soda, wheat flour and knead the dough. Finished dough roll out the rolling pin and with a glass cut cookies of the desired size.
  3. Bake oatmeal cookies need to be baked, pre-lubricated oil, at a temperature of 150-180 degrees about 20 minutes. Cookies must be twisted and become crispy.

Eggs and sugars in oatmeal biscuits are undesirable in the first months of the child's life

Such cookies, due to the content of eggs, is better not immediately after the birth of the baby, but after 3-4 months.

Recipe for oatmeal, permitted in the first month (without eggs and sugar)

Cookies made without the use of eggs can be found in the first month of the baby's life. Prepare it like this:

Oatmeal biscuits from bananas with adding dried fruits can be served from the first days

  1. Two banana cleaned, renovate fork.
  2. Add to bananas 1.5 cups of cried oat flakes, vanillin and pinch of salt. Mix well and leav at room temperature for 30 minutes for swelling.
  3. Dried fruits (raisins, kuraga, prunes) rinse, quivel and cut into small pieces. Add dried fruits to the dough, mix well.
  4. Stay with a spoon cookies on a baking sheet, pre-lubricated with oil. Bake up to lift about 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Ready cookies are well baked, does not scatter and keeps the form. Banana-based dough and additive in the form of dried fruits give the liver sweet taste, enriched with vitamins and useful trace elements.

And one more recipe, where honey is used instead of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind 1 cup of oat flakes.
  2. Add to flakes 0.5 h. Spoons of soda, greased vinegar, and 0.5 glasses of crushed nuts (or sunflower seeds).
  3. Add to 90 gr. sunflower oil and 3 tbsp. Spoon honey. If Honey too thickened, you need to pre-melt it in a water bath. Sunflower oil is better taken fragrant.
  4. All ingredients are well mixed and with the help of two spoons lay cookies on a cooked baking sheet. From above, every cookie append a little for a fork.
  5. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees about 25 minutes.

Honey to add to the dough in a small amount

In this recipe it is worth being careful with honey and nuts, they also cause allergies in a newborn. For the first time, you can add these ingredients in a small amount and look at the reaction of the child.

Good time, dear readers.

With the birth of a child, life begins to resemble a flashing kaleidoscope - in the stream of endless cases and worries almost the time remains for themselves. And so I want to translate the Spirit, drink hot tea with something sweet.

Today, the topic of our article is oat cookies with breastfeeding. Why is this dessert useful? How easy and quickly can you cook it? And in general, can the nursing mom?

It is possible to eat oatmeal cookies with a nursing mom, but only if it is your own cooking. In the purchase of a product contains a lot of fats, preservatives, taste improvers, often a palm oil is present - all these ingredients have a negative effect on the health of the crumbs, can provoke strong allergic reactions.

Homemade oat biscuit is useful because:

  • charging energy;
  • for a long time eliminates the feeling of hunger;
  • enhances the synthesis of endorphins - the mood is improved, the manifestations of stress disappear, sleep normalizes;
  • sodium helps the muscles to recover, improves the quality of blood;
  • magnesium - indispensable for normal metabolism, improves regeneration processes;
  • selenium - strengthens immunity, improves the appearance of hair, leather;
  • vitamin B1 - stimulates brain activity, antioxidant;
  • retinol - has a rejuvenating effect, which has a beneficial effect on vision, the operation of the musculoskeletal system.

Oatmeal cookies contain fiber, dietary fiber, which helps to normalize digestion, remove toxins from the body, normalize cholesterol levels, prevent sharp blood sugar jumps. This product can even consume children who suffer from diathesis.

Oatmeal cookies in breastfeeding newborn - possible contraindications

Restrictions for the use of dessert from oatmeal a little, as well as every new product, it can trigger the appearance of allergies in crumbs.

If someone from your loved ones are allergic to sugar, it can pass and the baby - so try to replace it in a fructose cookie recipe or dried fruits.

Avenine protein is present in oat flakes, gluten in small quantities - with celiac disease, this product is not recommended. If you have problems with the pancreas, then you can not eat baking from oatmeal.

Oatmeal cookies are quite calorie, so if you decide to reset a few kilograms after childbirth, it will have to refuse.

How to use oatmeal cookies during lactation

We have already found out whether it is possible to familiarize oatmeal cookies, now it remains to familiarize yourself with the nuances of the safe use of dessert.

Oatmeal cookie use during lactation

  1. Homemade cookies can be consumed from the second month after the birth of the baby. The purchase of the product is introduced into the diet when the crumb will turn 3 - 4 months, while carefully monitors the reaction of the child.
  2. First you can eat one cookie, better - in the morning. If, during the day, the baby will not rash and redden skin, there will be no problems with a chair, you can gradually increase the daily dosage.
  3. If you decide to pamper yourself with baking from oatmeal, then there should be no other new products in your diet during the day.

If you do not want to recover, limit the consumption of cookies 3-5 pieces per day.

Oatmeal recipes for breastfeeding

If you decide to cook the cookie yourself, you need to stock coarse flour - it contains the maximum amount of useful substances. It can be purchased in the store, or saming oatmeal yourself.

Recipe for useful oatmeal cookies for nursing motherswe were found very carefully - there are no products in its composition that can provoke allergies from your crumbs, a sea of \u200b\u200buse with a minimal calorie calorie.

If you want to make dessert somewhat sweeter, add 1 to 2 h. Fructose, instead of a banana can take a pear or an apple, replace raisins by any dried fruits or homemade candies.

What will be required of the ingredients:

  • oatmeal flakes - 150 g +75 g;
  • raisins - 40 - 50 g;
  • ripe banana - 1 pc.;
  • linen seed - 30 g;
  • water - 120 ml;
  • sesame - 35 - 40 g;
  • soda hated lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • some salt.

How to cook:

  1. Grind in flour 150 g of flakes, make a puree from the banana. Turn the oven by 120 degrees.
  2. Connect all the ingredients, add the remaining non-stroke flakes.
  3. Test dishes tighten the film, leave for an hour at room temperature.
  4. Make balls, add. - You should get not very thick cake with a diameter of about 6 cm.
  5. Stand off the parchment, spread the blanks at some distance from each other.
  6. Bake half an hour.

Another recipe - the original

What will take:

  • oatmeal - 300 g;
  • flour buckwheat or wheat coarse grinding - 180 - 200 g;
  • sour cream with a low fatness percentage - 100 -110 g;
  • soft butter - 120 -130 g;
  • sugar - 180 - 200 g;
  • soda harated - 1 tsp;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. Flakes roll on a dry pan to a uniform golden shade about 7-10 minutes - the fire must be weak. Turn on the oven by 180 degrees.
  2. Grind flour flakes.
  3. Connect the sour cream, butter, sugar, salt, soda, take a little bit to a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Add both types of flour - the dough should be thick.
  5. Make small pellets.
  6. Bake 15 minutes.

Homemade cookies - a wonderful reason for culinary experiments. And when your crumb will grow up, he will be happy to participate in the preparation of a delicious and useful dessert.

A few words in conclusion

Today you learned almost all about the benefits of oatmeal with breastfeeding, learned to cook it. Tell us in the comments, how do you cook a delicious dessert for yourself and baby. Share an article with girlfriends in social networks - a friendly conversation about the goodies, what could be better?

Desserts bring together women in any case: and when they try during tea, and when they are sharing their recipes on the forums. Do you agree with this? Then - write, tell, participate. We will be very happy.

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