Butovo training ground. And one more touch to the fake - The mind of cold observations and the heart of sorrowful remarks. Fake about Butovo training ground. Everything is sucked from the finger. The myth of the "Butovo training ground" became the gathering point of anti-Russian forces, just like the Great Victory Day.

The myth of the "Butovo training ground" became the rallying point of anti-Russian forces, just as the Great Victory Day is the rallying point of patriotic forces. They are both liberal and blatant. Each handshake person should remember the endless multitude of "innocent victims of the Bolshevik experiment killed by the tyrant" buried at the Butovo training ground.
A museum, funds are being created, a whole Butovo cultural tradition is being created, etc.
And the king is naked. In fact, there is nothing to rely on.

Let's search.

We go to the site http://www.sinodik.ru/?q=static&id=2 Project site.
Project Manager - I. V. Garkavy ([email protected]) (Write a letter)
Notice a desovetizer on the editorial board Fedotova M.A., Doctor of Law, Professor, Chairman of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights at that time. (now I don’t know what position he holds. What is understandable)

They write:
“It is very important that the database will be constantly updated with new information. Over time, its Internet version on the site www.sinodik.ru should become a kind of electronic encyclopedia of the historical monument Butovo training ground. "

Completely without reference to some of the most dull source of the reader is introduced to the topic:

“In the mid-1930s. on the eve of the mass executions, the NKVD Economic Department took care of looking for places for burials. Three such objects were allocated near Moscow: in the area of ​​the Butovo village, ...
Local residents were told that practice fires would be fired in the vicinity of their villages. After the notorious order of NI Yezhov No. 00447 of July 30, 1937, mass executions began here. In total, from August 8, 1937 to October 19, 1938, 20,761 people were killed at the test site. The first execution under these orders was carried out on August 8, 1937. On that day, 91 people were killed. "

And off we go: how the executions were carried out, how the executed were brought in, when, on what, accompanied by someone, etc. It is interesting, but there are no sources. From the word GENERAL.
Garkavy writes as if he himself was a participant in the executions. We will not believe it. It does not go away by age.

“Already in 1994, a group of believers, according to a sketch by D. M. Shakhovsky, erected the Poklonniy Cross, at the same time the first liturgy was served in a camping tent church on the territory of the polygon.<…>By the works of Fr. Cyril and members of the church community, work began on the improvement of the territory of mass graves ...»

Pay attention: social activities are already underway, everything is already as if everything has been known for a long time, no one is afraid - what if a mistake? But only

“In August 1997 In August 1997, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, archaeological excavations were carried out on a small area of ​​the landfill. A section of the burial ditch with an area of ​​12.5 m2 was uncovered. The remains of 59 people were found on the open surface of the burial. In total, 13 ditches have now been identified, with a total length of almost 900 meters.

Not a word about whether something was found or not, but
“On August 9, 2001, by the decree of the Government of the Moscow Region, the Butovo training ground was declared a historical and cultural monument of local importance. Together with the protected zones, the total area of ​​the historical monument was about 3 square meters. kilometers. In 2005-2006, the territory was landscaped and embankments were made over the burial ditches. "
- ops, and already embankments. We covered everything. Like covering their tracks. But what about the investigation, gentlemen-comrades? What about the expertise? Not a word.


“In 2002, at the initiative of the parishioners of the church and relatives of the victims, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, in order to coordinate the efforts of state, religious and public organizations to create a memorial complex Memorial Scientific and Educational Center "Butovo".

Its main statutory goal (attention!) -"In the restoration of historical justice through the maximum possible preservation for future generations of spiritual, scientific and aesthetic values ​​created by people who died during the years of mass repressions".
So far, nothing has been heard about the mentioned created values.

"Through the joint efforts of the Center and the Parish, a Museum of the Memory of the Victims is being created, for which the parish restored the building of the former commandant's office of the Butovo special zone of the NKVD."
Further - honestly:
“It is based on the execution lists of the NKVD, covering the names of 20,761 people published in the memory books“ Butovo training ground ”. Gradually, scattered documents and testimonies are gathered around this list, the analysis of which can only be carried out when the database is created. "
- that is, there was no analysis and no work. Well, what are the execution lists? Let me see! Where did you come from like a grand piano from the bushes?

But maybe we will go to the section "Documents and certificates", and there we will see the fruits of the works of the guardians of historical memory?
No, it's empty. Virginly empty. http://p8.inetstar.ru/docs/ or http://www.sinodik.ru/docs/

In chapter "Research" -
"From the notes of the holy martyr Sergiy Sidorov, who was shot at the Butovo training ground on September 27, 1937"
His story about the funeral of Patriarch Tikhon is presented. Everything.
The story of a relative of the repressed. She remembers relatives. The story ends like this:

“In 1962, Boleslav Stanislavovich received three certificates:“ Rehabilitated for lack of corpus delicti. ” The years of death were indicated: 1942, 1943. They allegedly died in the camps during the war from some kind of disease.»
And an indistinct attempt to somehow connect it with Butovo.
"Then nobody knew about Butovo".
Can we rely on THIS as evidence? - No.
One more work: Smirnova T.A.Portrait of Count Yuri Olsufiev.
We read the portrait. Where is Butovo? Here's Butovo: in the last line.

"Saying goodbye to life, I would like to say goodbye to it here." 10/23 July 1933, Staraya Ladoga 12.
He was shot on the cold night of March 14, 1938 at the Butovo training ground near Moscow. "
Is there any logic? There is no logic. To hell with logic! A matter of national importance.

It was a warm-up. Now for your attention another study, the author is unknown. I took it.
* * * *

The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.
(Dr. Goebbels).

There is a lot of talk now about this place.
The term "Russian Golgotha" has already been introduced into circulation, anyone can google and find a million links on this issue, from dry documentary to yellowness of various levels.

I hadn’t heard anything about the landfill before, and this historical period was always interesting to me, therefore, having heard out of the way, I decided to climb in more detail on the net, take a look.
Well, I worked out enough material to see that they were all copied: it is repeated everywhere that
"Only according to official data, in the period from August 1937 to October 1938, 20 765 human"
(although according to other data, by the way, lying on the site dedicated to Butov - " in Moscow and the Moscow region, 27,508 people were sentenced to capital punishment for the period from 1935 to 1953 "), everywhere it is said that for the burial of so many people with a bulldozer (in some places - with an excavator, and in one place even a certain hybrid" bulldozer-excavator "is described, even its name is given -" Komsomolets "(which is already an obvious invention - such was not, and they certainly did not give their own names to the excavators,) special ditches were dug, everywhere it is reported that “200, 300, 500 people were shot per day. The ditches filled up gradually. ", and the filled-in ditches themselves are clearly visible in aerial photographs.

The same facts, the same numbers, in general, the source is clearly the same, most likely a book "Butovo training ground. 1937-1938". M., Institute of Experimental Sociology, 1997.

Although some (in general, without doubting either the numbers or the facts), nevertheless notice inconsistencies and try to calculate (pure mathematics):

“The execution of sentences in Butovo was carried out by one of the so-called firing squads. According to acting commandant, it consisted of 3-4 people, and in the days of especially mass executions, the number of performers increased. The special detachment, according to the driver of the NKVD motor depot, consisted of 12 people.
Let's say that the maximum number of performers was involved - 12 people. This means that each of them managed to kill 46-47 people. The convicts were not "mowed down" in bursts, no: they were individually shot in the back of the head. How long could this procedure take - withdrawal from the barracks in two, a direct shot, return to the barracks for new ones doomed to death? Let's take a minimum time of 10 minutes. So, the executor spent 470 minutes on the execution of 46-47 sentenced - that's almost 8 hours of continuous murder! "

The explanation is simple - they drank vodka in liters, so they shot so accurately for eight hours in a row. It is hard to believe, of course, - to jam the viper all working day, and even at the same time all this time it is clever to handle both small arms and a sober prisoner, yes. Not to mention alcohol intoxication and delirium tremens - apparently, only Yezhov's NKVD officers could function without interruption in this mode for a whole year.

In general, many doubt the numbers, but then they correct themselves:

"There were four gunmen working in Butovo. But, let's say, on February 28, 1938, 562 people were shot at the firing range. It's hard to imagine that everyone," in the back of the head, "killed more than 140 people.", after all, who wants to believe - will believe: "So, either there was help, or automata."

I'm not a specialist, I could be mistaken, but as far as I know, machine guns as such have appeared in service with the Red Army only since 1941, the Shpagin submachine gun ( PPSh) - v 1941-1942 year, and before that the NKVD could only use the Fedorov automatic rifle, but, again, as far as I know, it was not produced from the USSR, but and the weapons in the NKVD were only "pistols (Mauser)", and "The operational staff of the NKVD, the operational and command staff of the militia were to be armed with a three-line rifle, a pistol and 2 hand grenades. The rank and file were armed with a three-line rifle and 2 hand grenades."

And of course, appetites are growing: "The list of 20,000 is considered incomplete, they say that hundreds of thousands were shot here," says the director of the Butovo Memorial Scientific and Educational Center Igor Garkavy" - and in some publications they already boldly say that on Butovo there are hundreds of thousands of those shot.
(on my own: if you go to the website of the Butovo Project http://www.sinodik.ru/?q=static&id=2
, we will see in the calendar "On this day at the Butovo training ground" for today, April 27, that, according to the Project, 68 people were shot on that day. In total, there were 5 dates in April when the executions were carried out: 5,7, 11,14 and 27 April. In March - 8 dates. In May - 7. And months in two years - 24

Well, one can understand Garkavy, now Butovo is his job, he quite skillfully squeezes money from the budget for this business:

"To begin with, we had to stop the construction here, in Drozhzhino, a microdistrict of several multi-storey buildings ... it was decided to preserve this place as a historical monument ... This question was put before the joint board of the Government of Moscow and the Moscow Region. , but in fact the restoration of the surviving wing of the estate. We assumed it was in this building to organize a museum. We need funds for our archival work, current work, because we need supplies, equipment, and at least some kind of salaries for people ... The deeper we are working on this project, the more problems still arise, and mostly purely domestic ones. the issue of communications: primarily electricity. We need to supply gas, everything needs to be changed. "

In general, though " About Butovo, as a place of mass executions and burials ", not a word was said either during the" Beria rehabilitation "or during the" Khrushchev thaw " and also nowhere to be found " not a single document, not a single order, at least indirectly confirming the existence of the special object Butovo", but some kind of information stuffing still happened, and from him the information is distributed by the method of a damaged phone.
Question - sorry for the rhyme - where did the stuffing come from? And why? Little did it happen, and so it was in the thirties? Why and who needed to aggravate?

"In the Central Archives of the FSB there is a fund number 7, containing acts on the execution of sentences, in which no one before 1991 did not look. It was there that the Group Mozokhina documents were found, indicating that in 1921-1928. burials of victims of repression were carried out in the very center of Moscow on the territory of the Yauzskaya hospital, from 1926 to 1936. - at the Vagankovsky cemetery, and from 1935 to 1953. - partly burial, partly cremation of the executed was carried out in a Moscow crematorium at the Donskoy cemetery. These documents contained clear instructions to the commandants of the cemeteries (who, along with many other communal services, were then part of the NKVD system). The picture was as follows: for each fact of burial or cremation there was a memorandum in which they asked to accept so many corpses (about 10-20 per day) with a list of names ".

Is it clear now. Accounting and control. However, the volumes are not the same. Little bloodlust. And here

"In 1991, through the efforts of a public group under the leadership of M. Mindlin, lists of executions were discovered with marks on the execution of sentences."

Or like this: "At the end of 1991, in the archives of the Moscow Office of the MB were discovered previously unknown, unregistered 18 volumes of cases with instructions and acts on the execution of sentences on executions of 20675 people in the period from August 8, 1937 to October 19, 1938."

In the other place: “And only at the end of 1991, in the archives of the Moscow KGB Directorate, previously unknown and nowhere registered materials were discovered. from the "veterans" of the NKVD, whose name the powerful department did not want to open, certified their signatures and confirmed the presence of "special objects" in Butovo and in "Kommunarka" ".

"The declassification of the Butovo landfill was not without a journalist: he turned out to be A.A. Milchakov, son of the repressed first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee A.I. Milchakova", which the "groped" the polygon, "based on simple logic" - like, they were shot in millions, but on the territory of the Donskoy you can't put everyone down, somewhere it was necessary to bury the shot.
And here is Yagoda's dacha in Butovo, as well as the NKVD rest house, as well as the NKVD shooting range - this is it, everything grows together.
Well, Milchakov made a TV report (when - it is unclear, but I suppose, also in 1991, who remembers the wave of that time, will understand everything - the road is a spoon for dinner).

Documents, as I understand it (18 volumes), except for a group of researchers, no one has seen, although the lists of those executed are posted on the net, or here (not scans, however, but in Word format).
That's all the documents. In Word format. And most of the links (who are not too lazy to google on their own, will be convinced for themselves) - to words of unnamed "locals" and what a certain

"Employee of the FSB Public Relations Center, former Deputy Head of the Rehabilitation Group, FSB Colonel M. Ye. Kirillin"(the speeches of this colonel generally wander from publication to publication? I wonder if this is a real person at all, and if so, where is he now - is it in America or Britain, like his colleagues Suvorov and Kalugin).

Journalists, as usual, paint: "Hundreds of people ... silently wander along narrow paths between thirteen filled ditches, which stand out noticeably against the background of the earth. Twenty thousand silent skulls under this earth, twenty thousand restless souls among these rare trees ..." ...

On the other hand, it is known that

“In 1997, partial archaeological research was carried out: one of the burial ditches was opened. On an area of ​​only 12 square meters, burials in five layers were found; experts counted the remains of 149 people here. and mapped 13 burial ditches. But the research has not been completed, answers to many questions have not yet been found. "

It would seem that these questions must be answered! It is not all the same to refer to rumors, to the words of anonymous "former NKVD drivers", to 18 volumes of "previously unaccounted for archives" M. Mindlina" , as I understand, and have not seen, and which have already been published in a six-volume archive.

After all, if, as they write, in fact, up to half a thousand people were shot per day, then it is necessary to carry out exhumation, reburial, in general, to provide the world with evidence, and for those killed - a worthy rest.

After all - "Thirteen ditches filled to the brim with dead people like mud."
Although no one is going to do this, as I understand it, they will immediately build a museum and a memorial complex, not really understanding what was happening there.
Maybe because:
- Were the remains of specific people found?
- No. This requires, apparently, some very complex research.
Judging by the excavation done in 1997, there are no intact remains of, say, a human skeleton. Everything is mixed there ... They filled up the ditches with anything, garbage. "

Rubbish. From 20 to 100,000 victims were covered with garbage so that found only 149 people.It is explained like this: " it is simply impossible to identify individual remains now : those executed lie so tightly that archaeologists who have recently excavated 12 square meters have found the remains of 149 people. ".

We found 149 at 12 meters, then, as I understand it, we multiplied this figure by the approximate area of ​​the ditches, so the puzzle came together with the answer that was suggested by Mindlin's group. For some reason, I recall the case with the discovery of another mass grave site (I can't find the link, but the story on the network is known, many should remember it), about which it was immediately announced - here it is, another evidence of the crimes of the NKVD (and there the children's remains were found , women, etc.) - in general, just gathered to erect another monument to the victims, it turned out that this is a plague burial of the thirteenth century.

In Butovo, the Butovo Memorial Center has already been created, work is underway on "creation of a memorial complex on the site of the former special zone of the NKVD-FSB" Butovo " and also write that "A database is being created" Victims of Mass Terror, Shot at the Butovo Range by the NKVD in 1937-1938. With the support of Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (grant No. 06-01-12140v) unique software is created. Work is underway to digitize documents and photographs. The publication of this Database on the Internet is being prepared ", but for some reason it seems to me that the word "grant" is the key here and it is not worth counting on the appearance in the network of digitized documents confirming the mass shootings in Butovo in such a volume.

Especially when, already knowing about the "unexpectedly found" 18 volumes, the undocumented stories of unknown eyewitnesses and the colonel M. E. Kirillina, you read that FSB allocated this polygon to the Patriarchate almost voluntarily, moreover, at first they did not want to, but then "These issues were resolved unexpectedly quickly." and then "At the expense of the Moscow government, a road from Varshavskoye Highway was practically rebuilt in Drozhzhino. A bus was launched here, a regular service was established. This route was organized precisely so that people would come to the burial site.", then it becomes clear that the case was sanctioned from the very top, the most striking evidence of which is not even the FSB, but the fact that Luzhkov backed down from building a residential neighborhood there.

Already, "Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II laid a new stone church in Butovo," and "Putin bowed to the victims of the" Russian Golgotha ​​"."

Something seems to be that this whole terrible story with the testing ground is another anti-Soviet myth, moreover, it is called upon to bind the USSR and Hitlerite Germany more tightly. It is not for nothing that almost all publications mention such recognizable details as the actual ditches, the "gas chambers" in which the prisoners were gassed (yes, we are told that the NKVD did this even before the war, before the Nazis), as well as such the facts that before the execution of the prisoners they stripped naked and then plundered things - everything is like in fascist concentration camps, just put an equal sign, not to mention the fact that the whole point is like a carbon copy of the Katyn execution case, about which many copies have already been broken.

After all, it's almost official: "Butovo training ground is one of the largest in Europe places of mass executions and burials of victims of political repression."

And of course, "Our short memory and lack of repentance for the sins of communism, as it was in post-fascist Germany, will inevitably lead Russia to a new year 1937".

In general, to the point, I all mean that: does anyone have information on the landfill - except for that yellowness, rumors and the number 20,765, in general, what lies everywhere on the Internet and is distributed under a carbon copy from one and the other dubious source?
Has anyone already subjected the information to scientific analysis? I critically tried to comprehend it and, perhaps, check it (my text, of course, does not pretend to be anything like that - there is neither time nor skills, just the topic interested). If there is info, share it, pliz.

I have no doubt that in the thirties harsh lawlessness was going on, I do not in the slightest wish to underestimate the size of this tragedy, but I would like to know if this whole story with the training ground was falsified.
I would like to clarify.
Purely for yourself. For now.

On common sense, it seems to me more and more that the story with the test site is pure Goebbels. Everything is too neat in the official version and too many unanswered questions remain on the merits.
I do not believe that four (or even 12) people could deploy such a massacre using only revolvers. I do not believe that prisoners were taken to Butovo to be shot; this is now the outskirts, and in 1937, when Moscow was five times smaller, and the roads are five times worse, no one would drive paddy wagons every night (one road for three hours to two ends, plus gasoline, plus depreciation). The sentences were carried out in the basements and courtyards of prisons, there are tons of documentary evidence, and the corpses were taken to the nearest special cemeteries - it is possible that one of them was Butovo, and prisoners were really buried there for thirty years, but between the mass burial and mass execution still makes a difference, right?

I do not believe that these so often mentioned ditches were dug specifically for executions - Butovo was officially a shooting range, and every equipped shooting range must have fortification and trench nets for training soldiers in conditions close to combat. Tales that some new types of weapons are being tested at shooting ranges are all jaundice, although there are such tests, in 99 percent of cases the shooting range is used for shooting practice and running soldiers. Hence the trench lines, which, I think, with the onset of the war and the approach of German troops to the capital, were reinforced and re-equipped for military operations as lines of defense. After the war, they, apparently, were partially covered over time, and partially they were used as waste bins (hence the garbage in the ditches). We must not forget that in the area of ​​the landfill there was previously a manor, and then - warehouses of the NKVD and the rest house of the NKVD, therefore some part of the filled ditches may simply be traces of the laying of communications - gas, water, sewerage. In general, until the remains with traces of bullets are presented, as well as some sane documents on the executions at Butovo, the story can be questioned.
For the mass grave in Katyn, for example, there are whole libraries, photo libraries and even video libraries, but for Butovo - as I understand it, there are no documents, except for the mentioned collection "Butovo training ground. 1937-1938".

By the way, about mass graves - Did any of the journalists even try to think that a hecatomb of this scale (and, as they say, sprinkled with a "thin layer of earth") is a guaranteed epidemic in the area?

How many crows should hang over the landfill, how many dogs and wild animals should come to tear graves, what hordes of rats should settle at the feast, what smell should stand for kilometers around, and how quickly a plague will sprout in a global grave, carried by groundwater - and all this is next to the capital?
And how muchbleach must be poured into the ditches to avoid this - what a "thin layer of earth" here, according to the sanitary standards of actions to prevent epidemics when performing mass graves (mass graves) during the war, according to the sanitary standards of action that I have deducted somewhere (mass graves) during the war, at least 100 grams of bleach should be poured per kilogram of cadaveric weight, and close settlements - half a kilo. Let's calculate the volume of chlorine delivery to Butovo?

And so far there are no official results of exhumation - with traces of bullet holes, carbon analysis of the remains (to make sure that the burial is not the thirteenth, say, century, and also not a nineties bandit hideout for the corpses of hostages), as well as shell casings, etc. - to check the weapons from which the shots were fired, after all, by and large, the Germans were there too, and the fighting was there, so who the 149 people found and who killed them still need to be established), - in general, while everything is based on such a shaky foundation, the whole story evokes little trust.

In fact, only the surnames given are documented (as well as - as they say, biographies and summaries of the sentences of the executed), and, I think, they are all real - only this is where and from what documents they were taken, so far it is not very clear - after all, according to During the period from 1935 to 1953, 27,508 people were sentenced to capital punishment in Moscow and the Moscow Region, and about 800,000 people were sentenced to death throughout the country, so the names will be enough for more than one polygon.

In the meantime, the following theory seems to me the most probable: after the August 1991 coup, on the wave of anti-Sovietism and the destruction of all the institutions of the USSR and its ideology, the "memorials", who in general are always used in the dark, were thrown these "unexpectedly found 18 volumes", as well as confirmation events that were made by unnamed persons, as well as professional disinformers. This was inspired by the Yeltsin mafia in order to support the ideological justification of their anti-Sovietism, which, in turn, was the first step towards personal enrichment. However, at that stage, Yeltsin coped without Butov.
By 1993, the whole idea was clear. And the second wave of Butovo history coincides with the time that followed the shooting of the Palace of Soviets and the appearance of the term "red-brown", Mark Deutsch then wrote articles that began with the words "as you know, fascism and communism are expressed more modestly), in general, the information that the executioners of the NKVD surpassed the executioners of the SS came in handy.

Well, the Butovo epic received another renaissance in 1995, when Yeltsin was elected for a second term (who still remembers "vote with your heart"), and when the USSR was painted in such colors and with such Goebbels methods that it was even creepy. Why then there was no global injection of information that hecatombs of such a scale were found in the near Moscow region, I do not know - most likely, they simply did not have time to prepare the material so that it would be perceived more holistically. Indeed, even now, after ten years of work, as we can see, even a cursory glance makes us ask a lot of questions. Or maybe other, more effective methods were found, or they simply abandoned the idea for other reasons.

However, the fact that this project is not being promoted as it could, but it is not being closed (and we understand that Luzhkov would gladly build a residential neighborhood there, regardless of how many people are buried there) suggests that he is being held back as a bargaining chip for the future. Just in case. Moreover, as time goes on, people are getting stupid, it is becoming easier to manipulate them, and in another five to ten years no one will ask the slightest question whether there was a boy.

The following materials, in continuation of this.

The myth of the "Butovo training ground" became the rallying point of anti-Russian forces, just as the Great Victory Day is the rallying point of patriotic forces. They are both liberal and blatant. Each handshake person should remember the endless multitude of "innocent victims of the Bolshevik experiment killed by the tyrant" buried at the Butovo training ground.
A museum, funds are being created, a whole Butovo cultural tradition is being created, etc.
And the king is naked. In fact, there is nothing to rely on.

Let's search.

We go to the site http://www.sinodik.ru/?q=static&id=2 Project site.
Project Manager - I. V. Garkavy ([email protected]) (Write a letter)
Notice a desovetizer on the editorial board Fedotova M.A., Doctor of Law, Professor, Chairman of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights at that time. (now I don’t know what position he holds. What is understandable)

They write:
“It is very important that the database will be constantly updated with new information. Over time, its Internet version on the site www.sinodik.ru should become a kind of electronic encyclopedia of the historical monument Butovo training ground. "

Completely without reference to some of the most dull source of the reader is introduced to the topic:
“In the mid-1930s. on the eve of the mass executions, the NKVD Economic Department took care of looking for places for burials. Three such objects were allocated near Moscow: in the area of ​​the Butovo village, ...
Local residents were told that practice fires would be fired in the vicinity of their villages. After the notorious order of NI Yezhov No. 00447 of July 30, 1937, mass executions began here. In total, from August 8, 1937 to October 19, 1938, 20,761 people were killed at the test site. The first execution under these orders was carried out on August 8, 1937. On that day, 91 people were killed. "

And off we go: how the executions were carried out, how the executed were brought in, when, on what, accompanied by someone, etc. It is interesting, but there are no sources. From the word GENERAL.
Garkavy writes as if he himself was a participant in the executions. We will not believe it. It does not go away by age.

We read on.
“Already in 1994, a group of believers, according to a sketch by D. M. Shakhovsky, erected the Poklonniy Cross, at the same time the first liturgy was served in a camping tent church on the territory of the polygon.<…>By the works of Fr. Cyril and members of the church community, work began on the improvement of the territory of mass graves ...»

Pay attention: social activities are already underway, everything is already as if everything has been known for a long time, no one is afraid - what if a mistake? But only
“In August 1997 In August 1997, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, archaeological excavations were carried out on a small area of ​​the landfill. A section of the burial ditch with an area of ​​12.5 m2 was uncovered. The remains of 59 people were found on the open surface of the burial. In total, 13 ditches have now been identified, with a total length of almost 900 meters.

Not a word about whether something was found or not, but
“On August 9, 2001, by the decree of the Government of the Moscow Region, the Butovo training ground was declared a historical and cultural monument of local importance. Together with the protected zones, the total area of ​​the historical monument was about 3 square meters. kilometers. In 2005-2006, the territory was landscaped and embankments were made over the burial ditches. "
- ops, and already embankments. We covered everything. Like covering their tracks. But what about the investigation, gentlemen-comrades? What about the expertise? Not a word.

But “In 2002, at the initiative of the parishioners of the church and relatives of the victims, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, in order to coordinate the efforts of state, religious and public organizations to create a memorial complex Memorial Scientific and Educational Center "Butovo".

Its main statutory goal (attention!) -"In the restoration of historical justice through the maximum possible preservation for future generations of spiritual, scientific and aesthetic values ​​created by people who died during the years of mass repressions".
So far, nothing has been heard about the mentioned created values.

Already and "Through the joint efforts of the Center and the Parish, a Museum of the Memory of the Victims is being created, for which the parish restored the building of the former commandant's office of the Butovo special zone of the NKVD."
Further - honestly:
“It is based on the execution lists of the NKVD, covering the names of 20,761 people published in the memory books“ Butovo training ground ”. Gradually, scattered documents and testimonies are gathered around this list, the analysis of which can only be carried out when the database is created. "
- that is, there was no analysis and no work. Well, what are the execution lists? Let me see! Where did you come from like a grand piano from the bushes?

But maybe we will go to the section "Documents and certificates", and there we will see the fruits of the works of the guardians of historical memory?
No, it's empty. Virginly empty. http://p8.inetstar.ru/docs/ or http://www.sinodik.ru/docs/

In chapter "Research" -
"From the notes of the holy martyr Sergiy Sidorov, who was shot at the Butovo training ground on September 27, 1937"
His story about the funeral of Patriarch Tikhon is presented. Everything.
The story of a relative of the repressed. She remembers relatives. The story ends like this:
“In 1962, Boleslav Stanislavovich received three certificates:“ Rehabilitated for lack of corpus delicti. ” The years of death were indicated: 1942, 1943. They allegedly died in the camps during the war from some kind of disease.»
And an indistinct attempt to somehow connect it with Butovo.
"Then nobody knew about Butovo".
Can we rely on THIS as evidence? - No.
One more work: Smirnova T.A.Portrait of Count Yuri Olsufiev.
We read the portrait. Where is Butovo? Here's Butovo: in the last line.

"Saying goodbye to life, I would like to say goodbye to it here." 10/23 July 1933, Staraya Ladoga 12.
He was shot on the cold night of March 14, 1938 at the Butovo training ground near Moscow. "
Is there any logic? There is no logic. To hell with logic! A matter of national importance.

It was a warm-up. Now for your attention another study, the author is unknown. I took it.
* * * *

The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.
(Dr. Goebbels).

There is a lot of talk now about this place.
The term "Russian Golgotha" has already been introduced into circulation, anyone can google and find a million links on this issue, from dry documentary to yellowness of various levels.

I hadn’t heard anything about the landfill before, and this historical period was always interesting to me, therefore, having heard out of the way, I decided to climb in more detail on the net, take a look.
Well, I worked out enough material to see that they were all copied: it is repeated everywhere that
"Only according to official data, in the period from August 1937 to October 1938, 20 765 human"
(although according to other data, by the way, lying on the site dedicated to Butov - " in Moscow and the Moscow region, 27,508 people were sentenced to capital punishment for the period from 1935 to 1953 "), everywhere it is said that for the burial of so many people with a bulldozer (in some places - with an excavator, and in one place even a certain hybrid" bulldozer-excavator "is described, even its name is given -" Komsomolets "(which is already an obvious invention - such was not, and they certainly did not give their own names to the excavators,) special ditches were dug, everywhere it is reported that “200, 300, 500 people were shot per day. The ditches filled up gradually. ", and the filled-in ditches themselves are clearly visible in aerial photographs.

The same facts, the same numbers, in general, the source is clearly the same, most likely a book "Butovo training ground. 1937-1938". M., Institute of Experimental Sociology, 1997.

Although some (in general, without doubting either the numbers or the facts), nevertheless notice inconsistencies and try to calculate (pure mathematics):

“The execution of sentences in Butovo was carried out by one of the so-called firing squads. According to acting commandant, it consisted of 3-4 people, and in the days of especially mass executions, the number of performers increased. The special detachment, according to the driver of the NKVD motor depot, consisted of 12 people.
Let's say that the maximum number of performers was involved - 12 people. This means that each of them managed to kill 46-47 people. The convicts were not "mowed down" in bursts, no: they were individually shot in the back of the head. How long could this procedure take - withdrawal from the barracks in two, a direct shot, return to the barracks for new ones doomed to death? Let's take a minimum time of 10 minutes. So, the executor spent 470 minutes on the execution of 46-47 sentenced - that's almost 8 hours of continuous murder! "

The explanation is simple - they drank vodka in liters, so they shot so accurately for eight hours in a row. It is hard to believe, of course, - to jam the viper all working day, and even at the same time all this time it is clever to handle both small arms and a sober prisoner, yes. Not to mention alcohol intoxication and delirium tremens - apparently, only Yezhov's NKVD officers could function without interruption in this mode for a whole year.

In general, many doubt the numbers, but then they correct themselves:

"There were four gunmen working in Butovo. But, let's say, on February 28, 1938, 562 people were shot at the firing range. It's hard to imagine that everyone," in the back of the head, "killed more than 140 people.", after all, who wants to believe - will believe: "So, either there was help, or automata."

I'm not a specialist, I could be mistaken, but as far as I know, machine guns as such have appeared in service with the Red Army only since 1941, the Shpagin submachine gun ( PPSh) - v 1941-1942 year, and before that the NKVD could only use the Fedorov automatic rifle, but, again, as far as I know, it was not produced from the USSR, but and the weapons in the NKVD were only "pistols (Mauser)", and "The operational staff of the NKVD, the operational and command staff of the militia were to be armed with a three-line rifle, a pistol and 2 hand grenades. The rank and file were armed with a three-line rifle and 2 hand grenades."

And of course, appetites are growing: "The list of 20,000 is considered incomplete, they say that hundreds of thousands were shot here," says the director of the Butovo Memorial Scientific and Educational Center Igor Garkavy" - and in some publications they already boldly say that on Butovo there are hundreds of thousands of those shot.
(on my own: if you go to the website of the Butovo Project http://www.sinodik.ru/?q=static&id=2
, we will see in the calendar "On this day at the Butovo training ground" for today, April 27, that, according to the Project, 68 people were shot on that day. In total, there were 5 dates in April when the executions were carried out: 5,7, 11,14 and 27 April. In March - 8 dates. In May - 7. And months in two years - 24

Well, one can understand Garkavy, now Butovo is his job, he quite skillfully squeezes money from the budget for this business:

"To begin with, we had to stop the construction here, in Drozhzhino, a microdistrict of several multi-storey buildings ... it was decided to preserve this place as a historical monument ... This question was put before the joint board of the Government of Moscow and the Moscow Region. , but in fact the restoration of the surviving wing of the estate. We assumed it was in this building to organize a museum. We need funds for our archival work, current work, because we need supplies, equipment, and at least some kind of salaries for people ... The deeper we are working on this project, the more problems still arise, and mostly purely domestic ones. the issue of communications: primarily electricity. We need to supply gas, everything needs to be changed. "

In general, though " About Butovo, as a place of mass executions and burials ", not a word was said either during the" Beria rehabilitation "or during the" Khrushchev thaw " and also nowhere to be found " not a single document, not a single order, at least indirectly confirming the existence of the special object Butovo", but some kind of information stuffing still happened, and from him the information is distributed by the method of a damaged phone.
Question - sorry for the rhyme - where did the stuffing come from? And why? Little did it happen, and so it was in the thirties? Why and who needed to aggravate?

"In the Central Archives of the FSB there is a fund number 7, containing acts on the execution of sentences, in which no one before 1991 did not look. It was there that the Group Mozokhina documents were found, indicating that in 1921-1928. burials of victims of repression were carried out in the very center of Moscow on the territory of the Yauzskaya hospital, from 1926 to 1936. - at the Vagankovsky cemetery, and from 1935 to 1953. - partly burial, partly cremation of the executed was carried out in a Moscow crematorium at the Donskoy cemetery. These documents contained clear instructions to the commandants of the cemeteries (who, along with many other communal services, were then part of the NKVD system). The picture was as follows: for each fact of burial or cremation there was a memorandum in which they asked to accept so many corpses (about 10-20 per day) with a list of names ".

Is it clear now. Accounting and control. However, the volumes are not the same. Little bloodlust. And here

"In 1991, through the efforts of a public group under the leadership of M. Mindlin, lists of executions were discovered with marks on the execution of sentences."

Or like this: "At the end of 1991, in the archives of the Moscow Office of the MB were discovered previously unknown, unregistered 18 volumes of cases with instructions and acts on the execution of sentences on executions of 20675 people in the period from August 8, 1937 to October 19, 1938."

In the other place: “And only at the end of 1991, in the archives of the Moscow KGB Directorate, previously unknown and nowhere registered materials were discovered. from the "veterans" of the NKVD, whose name the powerful department did not want to open, certified their signatures and confirmed the presence of "special objects" in Butovo and in "Kommunarka" ".

"The declassification of the Butovo landfill was not without a journalist: he turned out to be A.A. Milchakov, son of the repressed first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee A.I. Milchakova", which the "groped" the polygon, "based on simple logic" - like, they were shot in millions, but on the territory of the Donskoy you can't put everyone down, somewhere it was necessary to bury the shot.
And here is Yagoda's dacha in Butovo, as well as the NKVD rest house, as well as the NKVD shooting range - this is it, everything grows together.
Well, Milchakov made a TV report (when - it is unclear, but I suppose, also in 1991, who remembers the wave of that time, will understand everything - the road is a spoon for dinner).

Documents, as I understand it (18 volumes), except for a group of researchers, no one has seen, although the lists of those executed are posted on the net, or here (not scans, however, but in Word format).
That's all the documents. In Word format. And most of the links (who are not too lazy to google on their own, will be convinced for themselves) - to words of unnamed "locals" and what a certain

"Employee of the FSB Public Relations Center, former Deputy Head of the Rehabilitation Group, FSB Colonel M. Ye. Kirillin"(the speeches of this colonel generally wander from publication to publication? I wonder if this is a real person at all, and if so, where is he now - is it in America or Britain, like his colleagues Suvorov and Kalugin).

Journalists, as usual, paint: "Hundreds of people ... silently wander along narrow paths between thirteen filled ditches, which stand out noticeably against the background of the earth. Twenty thousand silent skulls under this earth, twenty thousand restless souls among these rare trees ..." ...

On the other hand, it is known that

“In 1997, partial archaeological research was carried out: one of the burial ditches was opened. On an area of ​​only 12 square meters, burials in five layers were found; experts counted the remains of 149 people here. and mapped 13 burial ditches. But the research has not been completed, answers to many questions have not yet been found. "

It would seem that these questions must be answered! It is not all the same to refer to rumors, to the words of anonymous "former NKVD drivers", to 18 volumes of "previously unaccounted for archives" M. Mindlina" , as I understand, and have not seen, and which have already been published in a six-volume archive.

After all, if, as they write, in fact, up to half a thousand people were shot per day, then it is necessary to carry out exhumation, reburial, in general, to provide the world with evidence, and for those killed - a worthy rest.

After all - "Thirteen ditches filled to the brim with dead people like mud."
Although no one is going to do this, as I understand it, they will immediately build a museum and a memorial complex, not really understanding what was happening there.
Maybe because:
- Were the remains of specific people found?
- No. This requires, apparently, some very complex research.
Judging by the excavation done in 1997, there are no intact remains of, say, a human skeleton. Everything is mixed there ... They filled up the ditches with anything, garbage. "

Rubbish. From 20 to 100,000 victims were covered with garbage so that found only 149 people.It is explained like this: " it is simply impossible to identify individual remains now : those executed lie so tightly that archaeologists who have recently excavated 12 square meters have found the remains of 149 people. ".

We found 149 at 12 meters, then, as I understand it, we multiplied this figure by the approximate area of ​​the ditches, so the puzzle came together with the answer that was suggested by Mindlin's group. For some reason, I recall the case with the discovery of another mass grave site (I can't find the link, but the story on the network is known, many should remember it), about which it was immediately announced - here it is, another evidence of the crimes of the NKVD (and there the children's remains were found , women, etc.) - in general, just gathered to erect another monument to the victims, it turned out that this is a plague burial of the thirteenth century.

In Butovo, the Butovo Memorial Center has already been created, work is underway on "creation of a memorial complex on the site of the former special zone of the NKVD-FSB" Butovo " and also write that "A database is being created" Victims of Mass Terror, Shot at the Butovo Range by the NKVD in 1937-1938. With the support of Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (grant No. 06-01-12140v) unique software is created. Work is underway to digitize documents and photographs. The publication of this Database on the Internet is being prepared ", but for some reason it seems to me that the word "grant" is the key here and it is not worth counting on the appearance in the network of digitized documents confirming the mass shootings in Butovo in such a volume.

Especially when, already knowing about the "unexpectedly found" 18 volumes, the undocumented stories of unknown eyewitnesses and the colonel M. E. Kirillina, you read that FSB allocated this polygon to the Patriarchate almost voluntarily, moreover, at first they did not want to, but then "These issues were resolved unexpectedly quickly." and then "At the expense of the Moscow government, a road from Varshavskoye Highway was practically rebuilt in Drozhzhino. A bus was launched here, a regular service was established. This route was organized precisely so that people would come to the burial site.", then it becomes clear that the case was sanctioned from the very top, the most striking evidence of which is not even the FSB, but the fact that Luzhkov backed down from building a residential neighborhood there.

Already, "Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II laid a new stone church in Butovo," and "Putin bowed to the victims of the" Russian Golgotha ​​"."

Something seems to be that this whole terrible story with the testing ground is another anti-Soviet myth, moreover, it is called upon to bind the USSR and Hitlerite Germany more tightly. It is not for nothing that almost all publications mention such recognizable details as the actual ditches, the "gas chambers" in which the prisoners were gassed (yes, we are told that the NKVD did this even before the war, before the Nazis), as well as such the facts that before the execution of the prisoners they stripped naked and then plundered things - everything is like in fascist concentration camps, just put an equal sign, not to mention the fact that the whole point is like a carbon copy of the Katyn execution case, about which many copies have already been broken.

After all, it's almost official: "Butovo training ground is one of the largest in Europe places of mass executions and burials of victims of political repression."

And of course, "Our short memory and lack of repentance for the sins of communism, as it was in post-fascist Germany, will inevitably lead Russia to a new year 1937".

In general, to the point, I all mean that: does anyone have information on the landfill - except for that yellowness, rumors and the number 20,765, in general, what lies everywhere on the Internet and is distributed under a carbon copy from one and the other dubious source?
Has anyone already subjected the information to scientific analysis? I critically tried to comprehend it and, perhaps, check it (my text, of course, does not pretend to be anything like that - there is neither time nor skills, just the topic interested). If there is info, share it, pliz.

I have no doubt that in the thirties harsh lawlessness was going on, I do not in the slightest wish to underestimate the size of this tragedy, but I would like to know if this whole story with the training ground was falsified.
I would like to clarify.
Purely for yourself. For now.

On common sense, it seems to me more and more that the story with the test site is pure Goebbels. Everything is too neat in the official version and too many unanswered questions remain on the merits.
I do not believe that four (or even 12) people could deploy such a massacre using only revolvers. I do not believe that prisoners were taken to Butovo to be shot; this is now the outskirts, and in 1937, when Moscow was five times smaller, and the roads are five times worse, no one would drive paddy wagons every night (one road for three hours to two ends, plus gasoline, plus depreciation). The sentences were carried out in the basements and courtyards of prisons, there are tons of documentary evidence, and the corpses were taken to the nearest special cemeteries - it is possible that one of them was Butovo, and prisoners were really buried there for thirty years, but between the mass burial and mass execution still makes a difference, right?

I do not believe that these so often mentioned ditches were dug specifically for executions - Butovo was officially a shooting range, and every equipped shooting range must have fortification and trench nets for training soldiers in conditions close to combat. Tales that some new types of weapons are being tested at shooting ranges are all jaundice, although there are such tests, in 99 percent of cases the shooting range is used for shooting practice and running soldiers. Hence the trench lines, which, I think, with the onset of the war and the approach of German troops to the capital, were reinforced and re-equipped for military operations as lines of defense. After the war, they, apparently, were partially covered over time, and partially they were used as waste bins (hence the garbage in the ditches). We must not forget that in the area of ​​the landfill there was previously a manor, and then - warehouses of the NKVD and the rest house of the NKVD, therefore some part of the filled ditches may simply be traces of the laying of communications - gas, water, sewerage. In general, until the remains with traces of bullets are presented, as well as some sane documents on the executions at Butovo, the story can be questioned.
For the mass grave in Katyn, for example, there are whole libraries, photo libraries and even video libraries, but for Butovo - as I understand it, there are no documents, except for the mentioned collection "Butovo training ground. 1937-1938".

By the way, about mass graves - Did any of the journalists even try to think that a hecatomb of this scale (and, as they say, sprinkled with a "thin layer of earth") is a guaranteed epidemic in the area?

How many crows should hang over the landfill, how many dogs and wild animals should come to tear graves, what hordes of rats should settle at the feast, what smell should stand for kilometers around, and how quickly a plague will sprout in a global grave, carried by groundwater - and all this is next to the capital?
And how muchbleach must be poured into the ditches to avoid this - what a "thin layer of earth" here, according to the sanitary standards of actions to prevent epidemics when performing mass graves (mass graves) during the war, according to the sanitary standards of action that I have deducted somewhere (mass graves) during the war, at least 100 grams of bleach should be poured per kilogram of cadaveric weight, and close settlements - half a kilo. Let's calculate the volume of chlorine delivery to Butovo?

And so far there are no official results of exhumation - with traces of bullet holes, carbon analysis of the remains (to make sure that the burial is not the thirteenth, say, century, and also not a nineties bandit hideout for the corpses of hostages), as well as shell casings, etc. - to check the weapons from which the shots were fired, after all, by and large, the Germans were there too, and the fighting was there, so who the 149 people found and who killed them still need to be established), - in general, while everything is based on such a shaky foundation, the whole story evokes little trust.

In fact, only the surnames given are documented (as well as - as they say, biographies and summaries of the sentences of the executed), and, I think, they are all real - only this is where and from what documents they were taken, so far it is not very clear - after all, according to During the period from 1935 to 1953, 27,508 people were sentenced to capital punishment in Moscow and the Moscow Region, and about 800,000 people were sentenced to death throughout the country, so the names will be enough for more than one polygon.

In the meantime, the following theory seems to me the most probable: after the August 1991 coup, on the wave of anti-Sovietism and the destruction of all the institutions of the USSR and its ideology, the "memorials", who in general are always used in the dark, were thrown these "unexpectedly found 18 volumes", as well as confirmation events that were made by unnamed persons, as well as professional disinformers. This was inspired by the Yeltsin mafia in order to support the ideological justification of their anti-Sovietism, which, in turn, was the first step towards personal enrichment. However, at that stage, Yeltsin coped without Butov.
By 1993, the whole idea was clear. And the second wave of Butovo history coincides with the time that followed the shooting of the Palace of Soviets and the appearance of the term "red-brown", Mark Deutsch then wrote articles that began with the words "as you know, fascism and communism are expressed more modestly), in general, the information that the executioners of the NKVD surpassed the executioners of the SS came in handy.

Well, the Butovo epic received another renaissance in 1995, when Yeltsin was elected for a second term (who still remembers "vote with your heart"), and when the USSR was painted in such colors and with such Goebbels methods that it was even creepy. Why then there was no global injection of information that hecatombs of such a scale were found in the near Moscow region, I do not know - most likely, they simply did not have time to prepare the material so that it would be perceived more holistically. Indeed, even now, after ten years of work, as we can see, even a cursory glance makes us ask a lot of questions. Or maybe other, more effective methods were found, or they simply abandoned the idea for other reasons.

However, the fact that this project is not being promoted as it could, but it is not being closed (and we understand that Luzhkov would gladly build a residential neighborhood there, regardless of how many people are buried there) suggests that he is being held back as a bargaining chip for the future. Just in case. Moreover, as time goes on, people are getting stupid, it is becoming easier to manipulate them, and in another five to ten years no one will ask the slightest question whether there was a boy.

Hello friends!

Twice I came across offers to me, as an archaeologist, to investigate the mass graves of the repressed! The former Chief Archaeologist of Moscow A.G. Veksler asked me to. He was annoyed by the members of the Memorial Society with their millions of repressed !!!))) And the fact that they must be unearthed !!!

On the territory of the Butovo burial ground. And in Sukhanovo. "Eyewitnesses" showed the places where you need to dig !!! I removed people from the new building excavations in Moscow (very necessary, and where every person was on the account !!!) and transferred them to these pretzels, who wanted to unearth the allegedly dead and repressed. There are crosses everywhere, trees were tied up with some kind of rags. Purely - someone kamlal and I ended up in a pagan burial ground !!!))) (((

For a week we dug pits there at the behest of "witnesses" - not a single burial was found !!! Only time wasted! (((

Original taken from alexandr3 v

Original taken from pontokot to Butovo training ground: Lies are a weapon of the libertariat or how the legends and myths of perestroika were born

Original taken from arctus in Fake Butovo training ground. No casualties and no evidence of executions

The myth of the "Butovo training ground" became the rallying point of anti-Russian forces, just as the Great Victory Day is the rallying point of patriotic forces. They are both liberal and blatant. Each handshake person should remember the endless multitude of "innocent victims of the Bolshevik experiment killed by the tyrant" buried at the Butovo training ground.
A museum, funds are being created, a whole Butovo cultural tradition is being created, etc.
And the king is naked. In fact, there is nothing to rely on.

Let's search.
We go to the site http://www.sinodik.ru/?q=static&id=2 Project site.
Project Manager - I. V. Garkavy ([email protected]) (Write a letter)
Notice a desovetizer on the editorial board Fedotova M.A., Doctor of Law, Professor, Chairman of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights at that time. (now I don’t know what position he holds. What is understandable)

They write:
“It is very important that the database will be constantly updated with new information. Over time, its Internet version on the site www.sinodik.ru should become a kind of electronic encyclopedia of the historical monument Butovo training ground. "

Completely without reference to some of the most dull source of the reader is introduced to the topic:
“In the mid-1930s. on the eve of the mass executions, the NKVD Economic Department took care of looking for places for burials. Three such objects were allocated near Moscow: in the area of ​​the Butovo village, ...
Local residents were told that practice fires would be fired in the vicinity of their villages. After the notorious order of NI Yezhov No. 00447 of July 30, 1937, mass executions began here. In total, from August 8, 1937 to October 19, 1938, 20,761 people were killed at the test site. The first execution under these orders was carried out on August 8, 1937. On that day, 91 people were killed. "

And off we go: how the executions were carried out, how the executed were brought in, when, on what, accompanied by someone, etc. It is interesting, but there are no sources. From the word GENERAL.
Garkavy writes as if he himself was a participant in the executions. We will not believe it. It does not go away by age.

We read on.
“Already in 1994, a group of believers, according to a sketch by D. M. Shakhovsky, erected the Poklonniy Cross, at the same time the first liturgy was served in a camping tent church on the territory of the polygon.<…>By the works of Fr. Cyril and members of the church community, work began on the improvement of the territory of mass graves ...»

Pay attention: social activities are already underway, everything is already as if everything has been known for a long time, no one is afraid - what if a mistake? But only
“In August 1997 In August 1997, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, archaeological excavations were carried out on a small area of ​​the landfill. A section of the burial ditch with an area of ​​12.5 m2 was uncovered. The remains of 59 people were found on the open surface of the burial. In total, 13 ditches have now been identified, with a total length of almost 900 meters.

Not a word about whether something was found or not, but
“On August 9, 2001, by the decree of the Government of the Moscow Region, the Butovo training ground was declared a historical and cultural monument of local importance. Together with the protected zones, the total area of ​​the historical monument was about 3 square meters. kilometers. In 2005-2006, the territory was landscaped and embankments were made over the burial ditches. "
- ops, and already embankments. We covered everything. Like covering their tracks. But what about the investigation, gentlemen-comrades? What about the expertise? Not a word.

But “In 2002, at the initiative of the parishioners of the church and relatives of the victims, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, in order to coordinate the efforts of state, religious and public organizations to create a memorial complex Memorial Scientific and Educational Center "Butovo".

Its main statutory goal (attention!) -"In the restoration of historical justice through the maximum possible preservation for future generations of spiritual, scientific and aesthetic values ​​created by people who died during the years of mass repressions".
So far, nothing has been heard about the mentioned created values.

Already and "Through the joint efforts of the Center and the Parish, a Museum of the Memory of the Victims is being created, for which the parish restored the building of the former commandant's office of the Butovo special zone of the NKVD."
Further - honestly:
“It is based on the execution lists of the NKVD, covering the names of 20,761 people published in the memory books“ Butovo training ground ”. Gradually, scattered documents and testimonies are gathered around this list, the analysis of which can only be carried out when the database is created. "
- that is, there was no analysis and no work. Well, what are the execution lists? Let me see! Where did you come from like a grand piano from the bushes?

But maybe we will go to the section "Documents and certificates", and there we will see the fruits of the works of the guardians of historical memory?
No, it's empty. Virginly empty. http://p8.inetstar.ru/docs/ or http://www.sinodik.ru/docs/

In chapter "Research" -
"From the notes of the holy martyr Sergiy Sidorov, who was shot at the Butovo training ground on September 27, 1937"
His story about the funeral of Patriarch Tikhon is presented. Everything.
The story of a relative of the repressed. She remembers relatives. The story ends like this:
“In 1962, Boleslav Stanislavovich received three certificates:“ Rehabilitated for lack of corpus delicti. ” The years of death were indicated: 1942, 1943. They allegedly died in the camps during the war from some kind of disease.»
And an indistinct attempt to somehow connect it with Butovo.
"Then nobody knew about Butovo".
Can we rely on THIS as evidence? - No.
One more work: Smirnova T.A.Portrait of Count Yuri Olsufiev.
We read the portrait. Where is Butovo? Here's Butovo: in the last line.

"Saying goodbye to life, I would like to say goodbye to it here." 10/23 July 1933, Staraya Ladoga 12.
He was shot on the cold night of March 14, 1938 at the Butovo training ground near Moscow. "
Is there any logic? There is no logic. To hell with logic! A matter of national importance.

It was a warm-up. Now for your attention another study, the author is unknown. I took it.
* * * *

The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.
(Dr. Goebbels).

There is a lot of talk now about this place.
The term "Russian Golgotha" has already been introduced into circulation, anyone can google and find a million links on this issue, from dry documentary to yellowness of various levels.

I hadn’t heard anything about the landfill before, and this historical period was always interesting to me, therefore, having heard out of the way, I decided to climb in more detail on the net, take a look.
Well, I worked out enough material to see that they were all copied: it is repeated everywhere that
"Only according to official data, in the period from August 1937 to October 1938, 20 765 human"
(although according to other data, by the way, lying on the site dedicated to Butov - " in Moscow and the Moscow region, 27,508 people were sentenced to capital punishment for the period from 1935 to 1953 "), everywhere it is said that for the burial of so many people with a bulldozer (in some places - with an excavator, and in one place even a certain hybrid" bulldozer-excavator "is described, even its name is given -" Komsomolets "(which is already an obvious invention - such was not, and they certainly did not give their own names to the excavators,) special ditches were dug, everywhere it is reported that “200, 300, 500 people were shot per day. The ditches filled up gradually. ", and the filled-in ditches themselves are clearly visible in aerial photographs.

The same facts, the same numbers, in general, the source is clearly the same, most likely a book "Butovo training ground. 1937-1938". M., Institute of Experimental Sociology, 1997.

Although some (in general, without doubting either the numbers or the facts), nevertheless notice inconsistencies and try to calculate (pure mathematics):

“The execution of sentences in Butovo was carried out by one of the so-called firing squads. According to acting commandant, it consisted of 3-4 people, and in the days of especially mass executions, the number of performers increased. The special detachment, according to the driver of the NKVD motor depot, consisted of 12 people.
Let's say that the maximum number of performers was involved - 12 people. This means that each of them managed to kill 46-47 people. The convicts were not "mowed down" in bursts, no: they were individually shot in the back of the head. How long could this procedure take - withdrawal from the barracks in two, a direct shot, return to the barracks for new ones doomed to death? Let's take a minimum time of 10 minutes. So, the executor spent 470 minutes on the execution of 46-47 sentenced - that's almost 8 hours of continuous murder! "

The explanation is simple - they drank vodka in liters, so they shot so accurately for eight hours in a row. It is hard to believe, of course, - to jam the viper all working day, and even at the same time all this time it is clever to handle both small arms and a sober prisoner, yes. Not to mention alcohol intoxication and delirium tremens - apparently, only Yezhov's NKVD officers could function without interruption in this mode for a whole year.

In general, many doubt the numbers, but then they correct themselves:

"There were four gunmen working in Butovo. But, let's say, on February 28, 1938, 562 people were shot at the firing range. It's hard to imagine that everyone," in the back of the head, "killed more than 140 people.", after all, who wants to believe - will believe: "So, either there was help, or automata."

I'm not a specialist, I could be mistaken, but as far as I know, machine guns as such have appeared in service with the Red Army only since 1941, the Shpagin submachine gun ( PPSh) - v 1941-1942 year, and before that the NKVD could only use the Fedorov automatic rifle, but, again, as far as I know, it was not produced from the USSR, but and the weapons in the NKVD were only "pistols (Mauser)", and "The operational staff of the NKVD, the operational and command staff of the militia were to be armed with a three-line rifle, a pistol and 2 hand grenades. The rank and file were armed with a three-line rifle and 2 hand grenades."

And of course, appetites are growing: "The list of 20,000 is considered incomplete, they say that hundreds of thousands were shot here," says the director of the Butovo Memorial Scientific and Educational Center Igor Garkavy" - and in some publications they already boldly say that on Butovo there are hundreds of thousands of those shot.
(on my own: if you go to the website of the Butovo Project http://www.sinodik.ru/?q=static&id=2
, we will see in the calendar "On this day at the Butovo training ground" for today, April 27, that, according to the Project, 68 people were shot on that day. In total, there were 5 dates in April when the executions were carried out: 5,7, 11,14 and 27 April. In March - 8 dates. In May - 7. And months in two years - 24

Well, one can understand Garkavy, now Butovo is his job, he quite skillfully squeezes money from the budget for this business:

"To begin with, we had to stop the construction here, in Drozhzhino, a microdistrict of several multi-storey buildings ... it was decided to preserve this place as a historical monument ... This question was put before the joint board of the Government of Moscow and the Moscow Region. , but in fact the restoration of the surviving wing of the estate. We assumed it was in this building to organize a museum. We need funds for our archival work, current work, because we need supplies, equipment, and at least some kind of salaries for people ... The deeper we are working on this project, the more problems still arise, and mostly purely domestic ones. the issue of communications: primarily electricity. We need to supply gas, everything needs to be changed. "

In general, though " About Butovo, as a place of mass executions and burials ", not a word was said either during the" Beria rehabilitation "or during the" Khrushchev thaw " and also nowhere to be found " not a single document, not a single order, at least indirectly confirming the existence of the special object Butovo", but some kind of information stuffing still happened, and from him the information is distributed by the method of a damaged phone.
Question - sorry for the rhyme - where did the stuffing come from? And why? Little did it happen, and so it was in the thirties? Why and who needed to aggravate?

"In the Central Archives of the FSB there is a fund number 7, containing acts on the execution of sentences, in which no one before 1991 did not look. It was there that the Group Mozokhina documents were found, indicating that in 1921-1928. burials of victims of repression were carried out in the very center of Moscow on the territory of the Yauzskaya hospital, from 1926 to 1936. - at the Vagankovsky cemetery, and from 1935 to 1953. - partly burial, partly cremation of the executed was carried out in a Moscow crematorium at the Donskoy cemetery. These documents contained clear instructions to the commandants of the cemeteries (who, along with many other communal services, were then part of the NKVD system). The picture was as follows: for each fact of burial or cremation there was a memorandum in which they asked to accept so many corpses (about 10-20 per day) with a list of names ".

Is it clear now. Accounting and control. However, the volumes are not the same. Little bloodlust. And here

"In 1991, through the efforts of a public group under the leadership of M. Mindlin, lists of executions were discovered with marks on the execution of sentences."

Or like this: "At the end of 1991, in the archives of the Moscow Office of the MB were discovered previously unknown, unregistered 18 volumes of cases with instructions and acts on the execution of sentences on executions of 20675 people in the period from August 8, 1937 to October 19, 1938."

In the other place: “And only at the end of 1991, in the archives of the Moscow KGB Directorate, previously unknown and nowhere registered materials were discovered. from the "veterans" of the NKVD, whose name the powerful department did not want to open, certified their signatures and confirmed the presence of "special objects" in Butovo and in "Kommunarka" ".

"The declassification of the Butovo landfill was not without a journalist: he turned out to be A.A. Milchakov, son of the repressed first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee A.I. Milchakova", which the "groped" the polygon, "based on simple logic" - like, they were shot in millions, but on the territory of the Donskoy you can't put everyone down, somewhere it was necessary to bury the shot.
And here is Yagoda's dacha in Butovo, as well as the NKVD rest house, as well as the NKVD shooting range - this is it, everything grows together.
Well, Milchakov made a TV report (when - it is unclear, but I suppose, also in 1991, who remembers the wave of that time, will understand everything - the road is a spoon for dinner).

Documents, as I understand it (18 volumes), except for a group of researchers, no one has seen, although the lists of those executed are posted on the net, or here (not scans, however, but in Word format).
That's all the documents. In Word format. And most of the links (who are not too lazy to google on their own, will be convinced for themselves) - to words of unnamed "locals" and what a certain

"Employee of the FSB Public Relations Center, former Deputy Head of the Rehabilitation Group, FSB Colonel M. Ye. Kirillin"(the speeches of this colonel generally wander from publication to publication? I wonder if this is a real person at all, and if so, where is he now - is it in America or Britain, like his colleagues Suvorov and Kalugin).

Journalists, as usual, paint: "Hundreds of people ... silently wander along narrow paths between thirteen filled ditches, which stand out noticeably against the background of the earth. Twenty thousand silent skulls under this earth, twenty thousand restless souls among these rare trees ..." ...

On the other hand, it is known that

“In 1997, partial archaeological research was carried out: one of the burial ditches was opened. On an area of ​​only 12 square meters, burials in five layers were found; experts counted the remains of 149 people here. and mapped 13 burial ditches. But the research has not been completed, answers to many questions have not yet been found. "

It would seem that these questions must be answered! It is not all the same to refer to rumors, to the words of anonymous "former NKVD drivers", to 18 volumes of "previously unaccounted for archives" M. Mindlina" , as I understand, and have not seen, and which have already been published in a six-volume archive.

After all, if, as they write, in fact, up to half a thousand people were shot per day, then it is necessary to carry out exhumation, reburial, in general, to provide the world with evidence, and for those killed - a worthy rest.

After all - "Thirteen ditches filled to the brim with dead people like mud."
Although no one is going to do this, as I understand it, they will immediately build a museum and a memorial complex, not really understanding what was happening there.
Maybe because:
- Were the remains of specific people found?
- No. This requires, apparently, some very complex research.
Judging by the excavation done in 1997, there are no intact remains of, say, a human skeleton. Everything is mixed there ... They filled up the ditches with anything, garbage. "

Rubbish. From 20 to 100,000 victims were covered with garbage so that found only 149 people.It is explained like this: " it is simply impossible to identify individual remains now : those executed lie so tightly that archaeologists who have recently excavated 12 square meters have found the remains of 149 people. ".

We found 149 at 12 meters, then, as I understand it, we multiplied this figure by the approximate area of ​​the ditches, so the puzzle came together with the answer that was suggested by Mindlin's group. For some reason, I recall the case with the discovery of another mass grave site (I can't find the link, but the story on the network is known, many should remember it), about which it was immediately announced - here it is, another evidence of the crimes of the NKVD (and there the children's remains were found , women, etc.) - in general, just gathered to erect another monument to the victims, it turned out that this is a plague burial of the thirteenth century.

In Butovo, the Butovo Memorial Center has already been created, work is underway on "creation of a memorial complex on the site of the former special zone of the NKVD-FSB" Butovo " and also write that "A database is being created" Victims of Mass Terror, Shot at the Butovo Range by the NKVD in 1937-1938. With the support of Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (grant No. 06-01-12140v) unique software is created. Work is underway to digitize documents and photographs. The publication of this Database on the Internet is being prepared ", but for some reason it seems to me that the word "grant" is the key here and it is not worth counting on the appearance in the network of digitized documents confirming the mass shootings in Butovo in such a volume.

Especially when, already knowing about the "unexpectedly found" 18 volumes, the undocumented stories of unknown eyewitnesses and the colonel M. E. Kirillina, you read that FSB allocated this polygon to the Patriarchate almost voluntarily, moreover, at first they did not want to, but then "These issues were resolved unexpectedly quickly." and then "At the expense of the Moscow government, a road from Varshavskoye Highway was practically rebuilt in Drozhzhino. A bus was launched here, a regular service was established. This route was organized precisely so that people would come to the burial site.", then it becomes clear that the case was sanctioned from the very top, the most striking evidence of which is not even the FSB, but the fact that Luzhkov backed down from building a residential neighborhood there.

Already, "Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II laid a new stone church in Butovo," and "Putin bowed to the victims of the" Russian Golgotha ​​"."

Something seems to be that this whole terrible story with the testing ground is another anti-Soviet myth, moreover, it is called upon to bind the USSR and Hitlerite Germany more tightly. It is not for nothing that almost all publications mention such recognizable details as the actual ditches, the "gas chambers" in which the prisoners were gassed (yes, we are told that the NKVD did this even before the war, before the Nazis), as well as such the facts that before the execution of the prisoners they stripped naked and then plundered things - everything is like in fascist concentration camps, just put an equal sign, not to mention the fact that the whole point is like a carbon copy of the Katyn execution case, about which many copies have already been broken.

After all, it's almost official: "Butovo training ground is one of the largest in Europe places of mass executions and burials of victims of political repression."

And of course, "Our short memory and lack of repentance for the sins of communism, as it was in post-fascist Germany, will inevitably lead Russia to a new year 1937".

In general, to the point, I all mean that: does anyone have information on the landfill - except for that yellowness, rumors and the number 20,765, in general, what lies everywhere on the Internet and is distributed under a carbon copy from one and the other dubious source?
Has anyone already subjected the information to scientific analysis? I critically tried to comprehend it and, perhaps, check it (my text, of course, does not pretend to be anything like that - there is neither time nor skills, just the topic interested). If there is info, share it, pliz.

I have no doubt that in the thirties harsh lawlessness was going on, I do not in the slightest wish to underestimate the size of this tragedy, but I would like to know if this whole story with the training ground was falsified.
I would like to clarify.
Purely for yourself. For now.

On common sense, it seems to me more and more that the story with the test site is pure Goebbels. Everything is too neat in the official version and too many unanswered questions remain on the merits.
I do not believe that four (or even 12) people could deploy such a massacre using only revolvers. I do not believe that prisoners were taken to Butovo to be shot; this is now the outskirts, and in 1937, when Moscow was five times smaller, and the roads are five times worse, no one would drive paddy wagons every night (one road for three hours to two ends, plus gasoline, plus depreciation). The sentences were carried out in the basements and courtyards of prisons, there are tons of documentary evidence, and the corpses were taken to the nearest special cemeteries - it is possible that one of them was Butovo, and prisoners were really buried there for thirty years, but between the mass burial and mass execution still makes a difference, right?

I do not believe that these so often mentioned ditches were dug specifically for executions - Butovo was officially a shooting range, and every equipped shooting range must have fortification and trench nets for training soldiers in conditions close to combat. Tales that some new types of weapons are being tested at shooting ranges are all jaundice, although there are such tests, in 99 percent of cases the shooting range is used for shooting practice and running soldiers. Hence the trench lines, which, I think, with the onset of the war and the approach of German troops to the capital, were reinforced and re-equipped for military operations as lines of defense. After the war, they, apparently, were partially covered over time, and partially they were used as waste bins (hence the garbage in the ditches). We must not forget that in the area of ​​the landfill there was previously a manor, and then - warehouses of the NKVD and the rest house of the NKVD, therefore some part of the filled ditches may simply be traces of the laying of communications - gas, water, sewerage. In general, until the remains with traces of bullets are presented, as well as some sane documents on the executions at Butovo, the story can be questioned.
For the mass grave in Katyn, for example, there are whole libraries, photo libraries and even video libraries, but for Butovo - as I understand it, there are no documents, except for the mentioned collection "Butovo training ground. 1937-1938".

By the way, about mass graves - Did any of the journalists even try to think that a hecatomb of this scale (and, as they say, sprinkled with a "thin layer of earth") is a guaranteed epidemic in the area?

How many crows should hang over the landfill, how many dogs and wild animals should come to tear graves, what hordes of rats should settle at the feast, what smell should stand for kilometers around, and how quickly a plague will sprout in a global grave, carried by groundwater - and all this is next to the capital?
And how muchbleach must be poured into the ditches to avoid this - what a "thin layer of earth" here, according to the sanitary standards of actions to prevent epidemics when performing mass graves (mass graves) during the war, according to the sanitary standards of action that I have deducted somewhere (mass graves) during the war, at least 100 grams of bleach should be poured per kilogram of cadaveric weight, and close settlements - half a kilo. Let's calculate the volume of chlorine delivery to Butovo?

And so far there are no official results of exhumation - with traces of bullet holes, carbon analysis of the remains (to make sure that the burial is not the thirteenth, say, century, and also not a nineties bandit hideout for the corpses of hostages), as well as shell casings, etc. - to check the weapons from which the shots were fired, after all, by and large, the Germans were there too, and the fighting was there, so who the 149 people found and who killed them still need to be established), - in general, while everything is based on such a shaky foundation, the whole story evokes little trust.

In fact, only the surnames given are documented (as well as - as they say, biographies and summaries of the sentences of the executed), and, I think, they are all real - only this is where and from what documents they were taken, so far it is not very clear - after all, according to During the period from 1935 to 1953, 27,508 people were sentenced to capital punishment in Moscow and the Moscow Region, and about 800,000 people were sentenced to death throughout the country, so the names will be enough for more than one polygon.

In the meantime, the following theory seems to me the most probable: after the August 1991 coup, on the wave of anti-Sovietism and the destruction of all the institutions of the USSR and its ideology, the "memorials", who in general are always used in the dark, were thrown these "unexpectedly found 18 volumes", as well as confirmation events that were made by unnamed persons, as well as professional disinformers. This was inspired by the Yeltsin mafia in order to support the ideological justification of their anti-Sovietism, which, in turn, was the first step towards personal enrichment. However, at that stage, Yeltsin coped without Butov.
By 1993, the whole idea was clear. And the second wave of Butovo history coincides with the time that followed the shooting of the Palace of Soviets and the appearance of the term "red-brown", Mark Deutsch then wrote articles that began with the words "as you know, fascism and communism are expressed more modestly), in general, the information that the executioners of the NKVD surpassed the executioners of the SS came in handy.

Well, the Butovo epic received another renaissance in 1995, when Yeltsin was elected for a second term (who still remembers "vote with your heart"), and when the USSR was painted in such colors and with such Goebbels methods that it was even creepy. Why then there was no global injection of information that hecatombs of such a scale were found in the near Moscow region, I do not know - most likely, they simply did not have time to prepare the material so that it would be perceived more holistically. Indeed, even now, after ten years of work, as we can see, even a cursory glance makes us ask a lot of questions. Or maybe other, more effective methods were found, or they simply abandoned the idea for other reasons.

However, the fact that this project is not being promoted as it could, but it is not being closed (and we understand that Luzhkov would gladly build a residential neighborhood there, regardless of how many people are buried there) suggests that he is being held back as a bargaining chip for the future. Just in case. Moreover, as time goes on, people are getting stupid, it is becoming easier to manipulate them, and in another five to ten years no one will ask the slightest question whether there was a boy.

The myth of the "Butovo training ground" became the rallying point of anti-Russian forces, just as the Great Victory Day is the rallying point of patriotic forces.

They are both liberal and blatant.

Each handshake person should remember the endless multitude of "innocent victims of the Bolshevik experiment killed by the tyrant" buried at the Butovo training ground.
A museum, funds are being created, a whole Butovo cultural tradition is being created, etc.
And the king is naked. In fact, there is nothing to rely on.

Let's search.

We go to the site% C2% A0 "target =" _ self "> http://www.sinodik.ru/?q=static&id=2 The site of the" Project ".
Project Manager - I. V. Garkavy() (Write a letter)

In the editorial board, we notice the desovetizer Fedotov M.A., Doctor of Law, Professor, Chairman of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights at that time. (now I don’t know what position he holds. What is understandable)

They write:
“It is very important that the database will be constantly updated with new information. Over time, its Internet version on the site www.sinodik.ru should become a kind of electronic encyclopedia of the historical monument Butovo training ground. "

We find an article by I. V. Garkavy and L. A. Golovkova, members of the editorial board: "Butovo training ground in the past and present"
We read.

Completely without reference to some of the most dull source of the reader is introduced to the topic:
“In the mid-1930s. on the eve of the mass executions, the NKVD Economic Department took care of looking for places for burials. Three such objects were allocated near Moscow: in the area of ​​the Butovo village, ...
Local residents were told that practice fires would be fired in the vicinity of their villages. After the notorious order of NI Yezhov No. 00447 of July 30, 1937, mass executions began here. In total, from August 8, 1937 to October 19, 1938, 20,761 people were killed at the test site. The first execution under these orders was carried out on August 8, 1937. On that day, 91 people were killed. "

And off we go: how the executions were carried out, how the executed were brought, when, on what, accompanied by someone, etc.

Interestingly, there are no sources. From the word GENERAL.

Garkavy writes as if he himself was a participant in the executions.

We will not believe it.

It does not go away by age.

We read on.
“Already in 1994, a group of believers, according to a sketch by D. M. Shakhovsky, erected the Poklonniy Cross, at the same time the first liturgy was served in a camping tent church on the territory of the polygon.<…>By the works of Fr. Cyril and members of the church community, work began to improve the territory of mass graves ... "

Pay attention: social activities are already underway, everything is already as if everything has been known for a long time, no one is afraid - what if a mistake? But only

“In August 1997 In August 1997, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, archaeological excavations were carried out on a small area of ​​the landfill. A section of the burial ditch with an area of ​​12.5 m2 was uncovered. The remains of 59 people were found on the open surface of the burial. In total, 13 ditches have now been identified, with a total length of almost 900 meters.

Not a word about whether something was found or not, but

“On August 9, 2001, by the decree of the Government of the Moscow Region, the Butovo training ground was declared a historical and cultural monument of local importance. Together with the protected zones, the total area of ​​the historical monument was about 3 square meters. kilometers. In 2005-2006, the territory was landscaped and embankments were made over the burial ditches. "
- ops, and already embankments. We covered everything. Like covering their tracks. But what about the investigation, gentlemen-comrades? What about the expertise? Not a word.

“In 2002, on the initiative of the parishioners of the church and relatives of the victims, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, the Butovo Memorial Scientific and Educational Center was created in order to coordinate the efforts of state, religious and public organizations to create a memorial complex.

Its main statutory goal (attention!)

- "in the restoration of historical justice through the maximum possible preservation for future generations of spiritual, scientific and aesthetic values ​​created by people who died during the years of mass repressions."

So far, nothing has been heard about the mentioned created values.

Already, "Through the joint efforts of the Center and the Parish, a Museum of the memory of the victims is being created, for which the parish restored the building of the former commandant's office of the Butovo special zone of the NKVD."

Further - honestly:
“It is based on the execution lists of the NKVD, covering the names of 20,761 people published in the memory books“ Butovo training ground ”. Gradually, scattered documents and testimonies are gathered around this list, the analysis of which can only be carried out when the database is created. "

- that is, there was no analysis and no work.

Well, what are the execution lists?

Let me see!

Where did you come from like a grand piano from the bushes?

But maybe we will go to the section "documents and evidence", and there we will see the fruits of the work of the guardians of historical memory?

No, it's empty.

Virginly empty. http://p8.inetstar.ru/docs/ or http://www.sinodik.ru/docs/

In the "Research" section -
"From the notes of the holy martyr Sergiy Sidorov, who was shot at the Butovo training ground on September 27, 1937"
His story about the funeral of Patriarch Tikhon is presented. Everything.


The story of a relative of the repressed. She remembers relatives. The story ends like this:

“In 1962, Boleslav Stanislavovich received three certificates:“ Rehabilitated for lack of corpus delicti. ” The years of death were indicated: 1942, 1943. They allegedly died in the camps during the war from some kind of disease. "

And an indistinct attempt to somehow connect it with Butovo. "Nobody knew about Butovo then."

Can we rely on THIS as evidence? - No.

One more work: Smirnova T.A.Portrait of Count Yuri Olsufiev.

We read the portrait.

Where is Butovo?

Here's Butovo: in the last line.

"Saying goodbye to life, I would like to say goodbye to it here." 10/23 July 1933, Staraya Ladoga 12.
He was shot on the cold night of March 14, 1938 at the Butovo training ground near Moscow. "

Is there any logic? There is no logic. To hell with logic!

A matter of national importance.

It was a warm-up. Now for your attention another study, the author is unknown ...
* * * *

The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.
(Dr. Goebbels).

There is a lot of talk now about this place.

The term "Russian Golgotha" has already been introduced into circulation, anyone can google and find a million links on this issue, from dry documentary to yellowness of various levels.

I hadn’t heard anything about the landfill before, and this historical period was always interesting to me, therefore, having heard out of the way, I decided to climb in more detail on the net, take a look.

Well, I worked out enough material to see that they were all copied: it is repeated everywhere that

"Only according to official data, in the period from August 1937 to October 1938, 20,765 people were shot here."
(although according to other data, by the way, lying on the site dedicated to Butov - " in Moscow and the Moscow region, 27,508 people were sentenced to capital punishment for the period from 1935 to 1953"), everywhere it is said that for the burial of so many people with a bulldozer (in some places - with an excavator, and in one place even a certain hybrid" bulldozer-excavator "is described, even its name is given -" Komsomolets "(which is already an obvious invention - such was not, and they certainly did not give their own names to the excavators,) special ditches were dug, everywhere it is reported that “200, 300, 500 people were shot per day. The ditches filled up gradually. ", and the filled-in ditches themselves are clearly visible in aerial photographs.

The same facts, the same numbers, in general, the source is clearly the same, most likely a book "Butovo training ground. 1937-1938". M., Institute of Experimental Sociology, 1997.

Although some (in general, without doubting either the numbers or the facts), nevertheless notice inconsistencies and try to calculate (pure mathematics):
“The execution of sentences in Butovo was carried out by one of the so-called firing squads. According to acting commandant, it consisted of 3-4 people, and in the days of especially mass executions, the number of performers increased. The special detachment, according to the driver of the NKVD motor depot, consisted of 12 people.

Let's say that the maximum number of performers was involved - 12 people. This means that each of them managed to kill 46-47 people. The convicts were not "mowed down" in bursts, no: they were individually shot in the back of the head. How long could this procedure take - withdrawal from the barracks in two, a direct shot, return to the barracks for new ones doomed to death? Let's take a minimum time of 10 minutes.

So, the executor spent 470 minutes on the execution of 46-47 sentenced - that's almost 8 hours of continuous murder! "

The explanation is simple - they drank vodka in liters, so they shot so accurately for eight hours in a row.

It is hard to believe, of course, - to jam the viper all working day, and even at the same time all this time it is clever to handle both small arms and a sober prisoner, yes.

Not to mention alcohol intoxication and delirium tremens - apparently, only Yezhov's NKVD officers could function without interruption in this mode for a whole year.

In general, many doubt the numbers, but then they correct themselves:

“There were four gunmen working in Butovo. But, let's say, on February 28, 1938, 562 people were shot at the firing range. , either there was help, or machine guns. "

I'm not a specialist, I could be mistaken, but as far as I know, machine guns as such appeared in service with the Red Army only in 1941, the Shpagin submachine gun (PPSh) - in 1941-1942, and before that the NKVD could only use the Fedorov automatic rifle, but, again, as far as I know, it was not produced from the USSR, only "pistols (Mausers)" were in service in the NKVD, and "The operational staff of the NKVD, the operational and command staff of the militia were to hand grenades. The rank and file were armed with a three-line rifle and 2 hand grenades. "

And, of course, appetites are growing: "The list of 20,000 is considered incomplete, they say that hundreds of thousands were shot here, says Igor Garkavy, director of the Butovo Memorial Scientific and Educational Center."- and in some publications they boldly say that hundreds of thousands of those who were shot lie on Butovo.
(on my own: if you go to the site of Butovo's "Project" http://www.sinodik.ru/?q=static&id=2 "target =" _ self "> http://www.sinodik.ru/?q=static&id=2
, we will see in the calendar "On this day at the Butovo training ground" for today, April 27, that, according to the Project, 68 people were shot on that day. In total, there were 5 dates in April when the executions were carried out: 5,7, 11,14 and 27 April. In March - 8 dates. In May - 7. And months in two years - 24

Well, one can understand Garkavy, now Butovo is his job, he quite skillfully squeezes money from the budget for this business:
"To begin with, we had to stop the construction here, in Drozhzhino, a microdistrict of several multi-storey buildings ... it was decided to preserve this place as a historical monument ... This question was put before the joint board of the Government of Moscow and the Moscow Region. , but in fact the restoration of the surviving wing of the estate. We assumed it was in this building to organize a museum. We need funds for our archival work, current work, because we need supplies, equipment, and at least some kind of salaries for people ... The deeper we are working on this project, the more problems still arise, and mostly purely domestic ones. the issue of communications: primarily electricity. We need to supply gas, everything needs to be changed. "

In general, although "About Butovo, as a place of mass executions and burials", not a word was said either during the "Beria rehabilitation" or during the "Khrushchev thaw", and also nowhere was "not a single document, not a single order , at least indirectly confirming the existence of the special object Butovo ", but some kind of information injection nevertheless occurred, and from it the information is disseminated by the method of a damaged telephone.
Question - sorry for the rhyme - where did the stuffing come from? And why? Little did it happen, and so it was in the thirties? Why and who needed to aggravate?

"In the Central Archives of the FSB, there is a fund number 7, containing acts on the execution of sentences, which no one looked into until 1991. It was there that the Mozokhin Group found documents indicating that in 1921-1928 the burials of victims of repression were carried out in the very center of Moscow on the territory of the Yauzskaya hospital, from 1926 to 1936 - at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, and from 1935 to 1953 - partly burials, partly cremations of the executed were carried out in the Moscow crematorium at the Donskoy cemetery. (which, along with many other communal services, were then part of the NKVD system.) The picture was as follows: for each burial or cremation there was a memorandum in which they asked to accept so many corpses (about 10-20 per day) with a list of names " ...

Is it clear now. Accounting and control. However, the volumes are not the same. Little bloodlust. And then "In 1991, through the efforts of a public group under the leadership of M. Mindlin, lists of executions were found with marks on the execution of sentences."

Or so: “At the end of 1991, in the archives of the Moscow Office of the MB, 18 previously unknown, unregistered 18 volumes of cases with orders and acts on the execution of sentences on executions of 20,675 people in the period from August 8, 1937 to October 19, 1938 were discovered. "

Elsewhere: “And only at the end of 1991, previously unknown and nowhere registered materials were found in the archives of the Moscow KGB department. ... One of the "veterans" of the NKVD, whose name the powerful department did not want to open, certified their signatures and confirmed the presence of "special objects" in Butovo and in "Kommunarka" ".

“The declassification of the Butovo training ground was not without a journalist: he turned out to be A.A. Milchakov, the son of the repressed first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee A.I. on the territory of the Donskoy you cannot put everyone down, somewhere it was necessary to bury the executed.
And here is Yagoda's dacha in Butovo, as well as the NKVD rest house, as well as the NKVD shooting range - this is it, everything grows together.
Well, Milchakov made a TV report (when - it is unclear, but I suppose, also in 1991, who remembers the wave of that time, will understand everything - the road is a spoon for dinner).

As I understand it (18 volumes), no one has seen the documents, except for the group of researchers, although the lists of those executed are posted on the net, or here (not scans, however, but in Word format).
That's all the documents. In Word format. And most of the links (who are not too lazy to google on their own, will make sure for themselves) - to the words of unnamed "local residents" and to what the group was told by a certain "Employee of the FSB Public Relations Center, former Deputy Head of the Rehabilitation Group, FSB Colonel M. E Kirillin "(the colonel's speeches generally wander from publication to publication? I wonder if he is a real person at all, and if so, where is he now - is it in America or Britain, like his colleagues Suvorov and Kalugin).

Journalists, as usual, paint: "Hundreds of people ... silently wander along narrow paths between thirteen filled ditches, which stand out noticeably against the background of the earth. Twenty thousand silent skulls under this earth, twenty thousand restless souls among these rare trees ..." ...

On the other hand, it is known that "In 1997, partial archaeological research was carried out: one of the burial ditches was opened. On an area of ​​only 12 square meters, burials in five layers were found; experts have counted the remains of 149 people. The ditches were carried out in the summer of 2002. Experts have identified and mapped 13 burial ditches. But the research has not been completed, answers to many questions have not yet been found. "

It would seem that these questions must be answered! It is not all the same to refer to rumors, to the words of anonymous "former NKVD drivers", to 18 volumes of "previously unaccounted for archives", which, as I understand, no one except the "public group led by M. Mindlin" has seen, and which have already been published six-volume archive.

After all, if, as they write, in fact, up to half a thousand people were shot per day, then it is necessary to carry out exhumation, reburial, in general, to provide the world with evidence, and for those killed - a worthy rest.

After all - "Thirteen ditches filled to the brim with dead people like mud."
Although no one is going to do this, as I understand it, they will immediately build a museum and a memorial complex, not really understanding what was happening there.
Maybe because:
- Were the remains of specific people found?
- No. This requires, apparently, some very complex research.
Judging by the excavation done in 1997, there are no intact remains of, say, a human skeleton. Everything is mixed there ... They filled up the ditches with anything, garbage. "

Rubbish. From 20 to 100,000 victims were covered with garbage so that only 149 people were found. It is explained like this: " it is simply impossible to identify individual remains now: those executed lie so tightly that archaeologists who have recently excavated 12 square meters have found the remains of 149 people. ".

We found 149 at 12 meters, then, as I understand it, we multiplied this figure by the approximate area of ​​the ditches, so the puzzle came together with the answer that was suggested by Mindlin's group. For some reason, I recall the case with the discovery of another mass grave site (I can't find the link, but the story on the network is known, many should remember it), about which it was immediately announced - here it is, another evidence of the crimes of the NKVD (and there the children's remains were found , women, etc.) - in general, just gathered to erect another monument to the victims, it turned out that this is a plague burial of the thirteenth century.

In Butovo, the Butovo Memorial Center has already been created, work is underway on "creation of a memorial complex on the site of the former special zone of the NKVD-FSB" Butovo ", and also write that "A database is being created" Victims of mass terror who were shot at the Butovo range of the NKVD in 1937-1938. The publication of this database on the Internet is being prepared, "but for some reason it seems to me that the word" grant "is the key here and it is not worth counting on the appearance on the network of digitized documents confirming the mass executions in Butovo in such a volume.

Especially when, already knowing about the "unexpectedly found" 18 volumes, undocumented stories of unknown eyewitnesses and Colonel M.E. these issues were resolved, "and then," at the expense of the Moscow government in Drozhzhino, the road from the Varshavskoe highway was practically rebuilt. A bus was launched here, a regular route was established. it becomes clear that the case was sanctioned from the very top, the most striking evidence of which is not even the FSB, but the fact that Luzhkov has backed down from building a residential neighborhood there.

Already, "Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II laid a new stone church in Butovo," and "Putin bowed to the victims of the" Russian Golgotha ​​"."

Something seems to be that this whole terrible story with the testing ground is another anti-Soviet myth, moreover, it is called upon to bind the USSR and Hitlerite Germany more tightly. It is not for nothing that almost all publications mention such recognizable details as the actual ditches, the "gas chambers" in which the prisoners were gassed (yes, we are told that the NKVD did this even before the war, before the Nazis), as well as such the facts that before the execution of the prisoners they stripped naked and then plundered things - everything is like in fascist concentration camps, just put an equal sign, not to mention the fact that the whole point is like a carbon copy of the Katyn execution case, about which many copies have already been broken.

After all, almost officially: "Butovo training ground is one of the largest places in Europe for mass executions and burials of victims of political repressions."

And, of course, "Our short memory and lack of repentance for the sins of communism, as it was in post-fascist Germany, will inevitably lead Russia to a new year 1937".

In general, to the point, I all mean that: does anyone have information on the landfill - except for that yellowness, rumors and the number 20,765, in general, what lies everywhere on the Internet and is distributed under a carbon copy from one and the other dubious source?
Has anyone already subjected the information to scientific analysis? I critically tried to comprehend it and, perhaps, check it (my text, of course, does not pretend to be anything like that - there is neither time nor skills, just the topic interested). If there is info, share it, pliz.

I have no doubt that in the thirties harsh lawlessness was going on, I do not in the slightest wish to underestimate the size of this tragedy, but I would like to know if this whole story with the training ground was falsified.
I would like to clarify.
Purely for yourself. For now.

On common sense, it seems to me more and more that the story with the test site is pure Goebbels. Everything is too neat in the official version and too many unanswered questions remain on the merits.
I do not believe that four (or even 12) people could deploy such a massacre using only revolvers. I do not believe that prisoners were taken to Butovo to be shot; this is now the outskirts, and in 1937, when Moscow was five times smaller, and the roads are five times worse, no one would drive paddy wagons every night (one road for three hours to two ends, plus gasoline, plus depreciation). The sentences were carried out in the basements and courtyards of prisons, there are tons of documentary evidence, and the corpses were taken to the nearest special cemeteries - it is possible that one of them was Butovo, and prisoners were really buried there for thirty years, but between the mass burial and mass execution still makes a difference, right?

I do not believe that these so often mentioned ditches were dug specifically for executions - Butovo was officially a shooting range, and at every equipped shooting range there must be fortification and trench nets for training soldiers in conditions close to combat. Tales that some new types of weapons are being tested at shooting ranges are all jaundice, although there are such tests, in 99 percent of cases the shooting range is used for shooting practice and running soldiers. Hence the trench lines, which, I think, with the onset of the war and the approach of German troops to the capital, were reinforced and re-equipped for military operations as lines of defense. After the war, they, apparently, were partially covered over time, and partially they were used as waste bins (hence the garbage in the ditches). We must not forget that in the area of ​​the landfill there was previously a manor, and then - warehouses of the NKVD and the rest house of the NKVD, therefore some part of the filled ditches may simply be traces of the laying of communications - gas, water, sewerage. In general, until the remains with traces of bullets are presented, as well as some sane documents on the executions at Butovo, the story can be questioned.
For the mass grave in Katyn, for example, there are entire libraries, photo libraries and even video libraries, but for Butovo, as I understand it, there are no documents, except for the aforementioned collection "Butovo training ground. 1937-1938".

By the way, regarding the mass graves, did any of the journalists even try to think that a hecatomb of such a scale (and, as they say, sprinkled with a "thin layer of earth") is a guaranteed epidemic in the area?

How many crows should hang over the landfill, how many dogs and wild animals should come to tear graves, what hordes of rats should settle at the feast, what smell should stand for kilometers around, and how quickly a plague will sprout in a global grave, carried by groundwater - and all this is next to the capital?
And how much bleach should be poured into the ditches in order to avoid this - what a "thin layer of earth" is there, according to the sanitary standards of actions I have deducted somewhere to prevent epidemics when performing mass graves (mass graves) during the war, per kilogram of corpse weight should be poured at least 100 grams of bleach, and near settlements - half a kilo. Let's calculate the volume of chlorine delivery to Butovo?

And so far there are no official results of exhumation - with traces of bullet holes, carbon analysis of the remains (to make sure that the burial is not the thirteenth, say, century, and also not a nineties bandit hideout for the corpses of hostages), as well as shell casings, etc. - to check the weapons from which the shots were fired, after all, by and large, the Germans were there too, and the fighting was there, so who the 149 people found and who killed them still need to be established), - in general, while everything is based on such a shaky foundation, the whole story evokes little trust.

In fact, only the surnames given are documented (as well as - as they say, biographies and summaries of the sentences of the executed), and, I think, they are all real - only this is where and from what documents they were taken, so far it is not very clear - after all, according to During the period from 1935 to 1953, 27,508 people were sentenced to capital punishment in Moscow and the Moscow Region, and about 800,000 people were sentenced to death throughout the country, so the names will be enough for more than one polygon.

In the meantime, the following theory seems to me the most probable: after the August 1991 coup, on the wave of anti-Sovietism and the destruction of all the institutions of the USSR and its ideology, the "memorials", who in general are always used in the dark, were thrown these "unexpectedly found 18 volumes", as well as confirmation events that were made by unnamed persons, as well as professional disinformers. This was inspired by the Yeltsin mafia in order to support the ideological justification of their anti-Sovietism, which, in turn, was the first step towards personal enrichment. However, at that stage, Yeltsin coped without Butov.
By 1993, the whole idea was clear. And the second wave of Butovo history coincides with the time that followed the shooting of the Palace of Soviets and the appearance of the term "red-brown", Mark Deutsch then wrote articles that began with the words "as you know, fascism and communism are expressed more modestly), in general, the information that the executioners of the NKVD surpassed the executioners of the SS came in handy.

Well, the Butovo epic received another renaissance in 1995, when Yeltsin was elected for a second term (who still remembers "vote with your heart"), and when the USSR was painted in such colors and with such Goebbels methods that it was even creepy. Why then there was no global injection of information that hecatombs of such a scale were found in the near Moscow region, I do not know - most likely, they simply did not have time to prepare the material so that it would be perceived more holistically. Indeed, even now, after ten years of work, as we can see, even a cursory glance makes us ask a lot of questions. Or maybe other, more effective methods were found, or they simply abandoned the idea for other reasons.

However, the fact that this project is not being promoted as it could, but it is not being closed (and we understand that Luzhkov would gladly build a residential neighborhood there, regardless of how many people are buried there) suggests that he is being held back as a bargaining chip for the future. Just in case. Moreover, as time goes on, people are getting stupid, it is becoming easier to manipulate them, and in another five to ten years no one will ask the slightest question whether there was a boy.

Why does the Butovo landfill not have the official status of a mass burial site?

Why did the authorities not carry out exhumations at the Butovo training ground - there was only a partial church exhumation with an unclear legal status and an unclear result?

The head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Volokolamsk, on the air of the Pozner TV program commented on the statements of sociologists about the growing popularity of Joseph Stalin among the residents of Russia. In his opinion, those who consider Stalin an outstanding figure should "sober up."

Let's go to the website of the Butovo project "Calendar of Memory" sinodik.ru. Head - Garkavyi I.V., in the editorial board - Fedotov M.A., professor, chairman of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights, who announced that one of the main tasks of the Council he sees "de-Stalinization of public consciousness."

We find an article by Garkavy and Golovkova, members of the editorial board: "Butovo training ground in the past and present." Without any reference to the sources, it says:

“In the mid-1930s. on the eve of the mass executions, the NKVD Economic Department took care of looking for places for burials. Three such objects were allocated near Moscow. In the vicinity of the village of Butovo ... local residents were informed that practice shooting would be carried out nearby. After the order of N.I. Ezhov No. 00447 dated July 30, 1937, mass executions began here. In total, from August 8, 1937 to October 19, 1938, 20,761 people were killed at the test site ... "

Of these, 330 are glorified as saints. “It is clear that the Grace of God is not measured in numbers, but, nevertheless, on the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church, no places have yet been revealed where a greater number of God's saints would rest in the relics,” says the rector of the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, Archpriest Kirill Kaleda.

The head of the assembly of Butovo new martyrs is Metropolitan Seraphim of St. Petersburg (Chichagov).

“In 1994, a group of believers erected the Poklonnaya Cross, and then the first liturgy was served on the territory of the polygon. By the works of Fr. Cyril and members of the church community, work began to improve the territory of mass graves ...

A veneration cross brought by water from Solovki and installed in 2007 at the Butovo training ground near the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia

That is, social activities are already underway, already everyonebelieverseverything is extremely clear - although only “in August 1997, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, a section of the burial ditch with an area of ​​12.5 sq. m. The remains of 59 people were found. In total, 13 ditches have now been identified, with a total length of almost 900 meters ... ”And not a word about whether something was found in these or not.

“On August 9, 2001, by the decree of the Government of the Moscow Region, the Butovo training ground was declared a historical and cultural monument of local importance. Together with the protected zones, the total area of ​​the historical monument was about 3 square meters. kilometers. In 2005-2006, the territory was landscaped and embankments were made over the burial ditches ... "

Those on, have already covered everything - as if they had covered their tracks. And where are the investigations, examinations on charges of enormous gravity? They are not even in sight: it is said believes in the word - and believers believe!

And in 2002, “on the initiative of the parishioners of the church and the relatives of the victims, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, the Butovo Memorial Scientific and Educational Center was established. Its main statutory goal is "to restore historical justice by preserving for future generations the spiritual, scientific and aesthetic values ​​created by people who died during the years of mass repressions."

But what are these "values"? Silence again. But the construction of a bridgehead for de-Stalinization continues.


Until now, statements like: “The communists destroyed all the nobles, all the peasants, all the intelligentsia, all priests. Tens of millions of people were shot - the whole flower of the nation. It was a disaster for our country, throwing it in its development, perhaps a century ago. " These notorious liars pretend that they do not know that the real number of victims, according to reliable documentary data published long ago, is at least a couple of orders of magnitude lower. And additional research, carried out for about 20 years by the staff of the "Memorial" society, only confirms this objective historical statistics.

But at the same time, the research and publishing activities of Memorial residents cannot be assessed positively. While searching for and introducing into scientific circulation the historical documents related to the topic, various factual specifics, which, of course, allows a more open-minded understanding of what happened, the employees of Memorial, at the same time, are inventing new myths about the Bolsheviks' malice. However, even with this shortcoming, the work of society as a whole should be recognized as positive, because from the specificity that is revealed, the historical truth emerges by itself, subjecting the newly composed myths to the deepest doubt.

Among the editions of "Memorial" is the series "Butovo training ground. 1937-1938. Book of memory of victims of political repression. Issue 1-7 ", M., 1997-2003. Formally, the series was released by the Permanent Interdepartmental Commission of the Moscow Government for the Restoration of the Rights of Victims of Political Repression, but from the list of persons directly involved in the work, it is clear that it was carried out overwhelmingly by memorials.

In the 7th issue of Butovo training ground, general statistics were published on persons who were executed at this place by mass shootings in 1937-1938. Data extracted from genuine archival documents are presented in extensive tables, which does not immediately reveal the essence. I made a reduction of this statistic, as a result of which I got the following picture.

A total of 20,761 people were shot and buried, of which 19,903 were men (96%) and 858 were women (4%).

Of these, 5 595 people. (27%), executed under criminal and mixed articles (issue 7, p. 311 and 5, issue 6, p. 195-199), have not been rehabilitated until now. Although, according to the 7th issue I have at my disposal, it is not possible to establish exactly whether among them there were also those who were shot, but still unrehabilitated, solely on political charges. In so far as it remains to assume that there were such, too, but in a relatively very small number. Rehabilitated for the period up to October 2003 15 166 people. (73%). Of the latter, investigative cases were found for 15,101 people, including 15,095 with sentences. The sentences for six have not yet been found. This raises two questions: on what basis were they rehabilitated: 1) 65 people. (15 166 - 15 101), if they have not been found at all, it seems, forensic documents, and 2) six more (15 101 - 15 095), if it is not established on what charge and by the sanction of which instance they were executed ? On what basis were they excluded from the contingent of criminals, assigned to the contingent of victims of political repression and rehabilitated? According to unreliable data, or in other words, according to rumors?

However, this figure (71 = 65 + 6) as a whole does not significantly affect the general statistics, therefore, despite the ambiguity with these people, it is generally possible to use it.

The overwhelming majority of political sentences were passed on the so-called. "Troikas" at the NKVD of the USSR, including 9 589 people. (64%) - in the Moscow region. (1992 of them were prisoners of Dmitrovlag, who worked on the construction of the Moscow-Volga canal), 77 people. - across the Ryazan region. and 9 people. - in the Oryol region. 5 400 people (36%) were executed according to the verdicts of the NKVD commission of the USSR and the prosecutor's office of the USSR. In addition, 17 people. was sentenced to execution by a special board of the Moscow Regional Court and 3 people. - A special meeting at the NKVD of the USSR.

Judging by the just presented list of the instances that passed the sentences, the facts of specific culpability were not even checked by the rehabilitation authorities at all. Simply, all the sentences passed by the "troikas" were declared unjust, and on this basis all those sentenced by the "troikas" to execution were rehabilitated. And this circumstance does not add clarity. After all, the "troikas" passed sentences not only for political, but also for criminal offenses. Of course, not all sentences for criminal offenses were justified, it can even be assumed that they were not justified in the majority, but to recognize as victims of political repression those who committed serious criminal offenses (for which the death penalty was imposed), only on the basis that the sentences were pronounced not in an adversarial trial, but by the "troikas", in my opinion, incorrectly.

However, about this ambiguity, it remains to build only assumptions, but it is therefore better to refrain from categorical statements.

Based on the above data, we can confidently state that women in the contingent of those shot at the Butovo training ground constituted an overwhelming minority, about one twenty-fifth. Some of them were criminalized. Estimated based on the overall ratio of political and criminal, she made up about a quarter of all women, or about 215 people. Accordingly, an estimated 643 women were executed on political charges.

For 20,222 people (97%) age data available. The oldest was born in 1856. birth (i.e., he was 81 or 82 years old), the two youngest - born in 1923. (i.e. they were 14 or 15 years old). But minors in the general contingent of those executed were negligible (born in 1922 - 8, born in 1921 - 25; but in 1920 and 1919, there were already 59 and 102 people, respectively). It is similar with the elderly (b. 1857 - 0, b. 1858 - 3, b. 1859 - 2, b. 1860 - 4, b. 1861 - 8, b. 1862) - 10, 1863 - 12, 1864 - 10, 1865 - 19, 1866 - 20, 1867 - 33, 1868 - 58 , B. 1869 - 63, b. 1870 - 103).

The highest "densities" by age contingent (more than 500 people (2.5%) per year of birth) are in 1892-1900 (this group includes the years of "record holders" 1898 (629 people, 3.1%) and 1896 (577 people, 2.9%)) and for 1902 - 1910. (The "leaders" were born in 1903, 1905 and 1902 - respectively 554, 553 and 544 people (2.7% each)). 1912, 1888 and 1901 stand apart. R. (respectively 535 (2.7%), 524 (2.6%) and 428 (2.1%) people), which allows expanding the age "density" up to 1884 - 1915. (for each of which there are more than 400 executed), which corresponds to the age of 1937-1938. from 24 to 52 years old.

National composition. Of the 15,101 "political" ones who still have investigative files, the clear majority (8,724 people, 58%) were Russian. They are followed by Latvians (1,325 people, 9%), Poles (1,176 people, 8%), Jews (878 people, 6%), Ukrainians (755 people, 5%), Germans (649 people. , 4%), Belarusians (423 people, 3%) and Hungarians (165 people, 1%). Representatives of all other nationalities were rounded down to less than 1% (i.e., less than 0.5 in the percentage period).

The clear predominance of Russians does not raise questions. As for the representatives of other peoples, the next in number were unexpectedly not Ukrainians and Belarusians, but Latvians, Poles and Jews. As for the Latvians, Poles and Germans, they were mainly charged (in some part and justified) of espionage, because the intelligence services of Latvia, Poland and Germany were really active in the USSR at that time. The same, apparently, should be said about the Hungarians, whose share was clearly disproportionately higher than the representatives of especially numerous nationalities (including Tatars, for example, who were shot in Butovo 67 people). But at the same time, among the Latvians, Poles and Germans there were many ardent Bolsheviks, true representatives of the Leninist guard. To the extent that it is legitimate to speak of unjustified espionage mania here, however, it is difficult to judge its actual extent by the texture under discussion.

As for the share of Jews, its clearly disproportionately high size can be explained by the relatively high social activity of the representatives of this nationality and the persistent manifestations of anti-Semitism.

The data on the level of education of those executed refute the widespread myths that the communists allegedly destroyed the entire intelligentsia or that it was clearly predominantly executed. Of 14 686 people. executed on political sentences, for which there is data on their education, a clear majority, 9,216 people. (63%) were illiterate, semi-literate and had a lower education (however, only 249 of them were illiterate (about 2%), and about 6% were illiterate). Secondary and incomplete secondary, including spiritual and military, education, had 3 623 people. (24%), higher and incomplete higher, including spiritual and military, had 1847 people. (13%), including unfinished - in 364 people. (3%). Thus, only about 10%, or 1,483 people, had completed higher education, including 39 spiritual and 26 military, and most of all had a lower education - 8110 people. (55%). In total, the proportion of people from illiterate to those who did not study in technical schools, gymnasiums and secondary schools accounted for two-thirds of the entire contingent, with a clear predominance (55% of the total) who received only 2-4-grade education.

According to the professional and social composition, there is information for 15 115 people. (from the contingent of the politically repressed). Most of the workers - 2 743 people. (eighteen%). Apparently, this group should include the majority of those enrolled in the category of railway workers (663 people, 4%), service and trade workers (603 people, 4%), watchmen, security workers (483 people, 3% ), transport workers (except railway) (482 people, 3%), workers of artels (388 people, 3%), handicraftsmen (208 people, 1%), firefighters (100 people, 1%), doctors, medical staff, healthcare workers (94 people, 1%), pilots 10 people. In total, 5,774 people are recruited in these categories, or 38%.

Next in terms of number are office workers - 2,086 people. (14%), economists, accountants, financial workers - 911 people. (6%), administration of factories, factories, trusts and other institutions - 628 people. (4%), engineering and technical workers - 443 people. (3%), teachers of schools, colleges, technical schools and universities - 246 people. (2%), cultural workers, athletes - 188 people. (1%), suppliers - 187 people. (1%), students and postgraduates - 171 people. (1%), military personnel - 84 people. (1%), scientific workers - 75 people. (1%), lawyers - 72 people. (hereinafter, less than 1%), police officers - 53 people, NKVD officers - 48 people. In total, 5,192 people are recruited for this group of employees and representatives of the intelligentsia. (34%).

To the next group I included collective farmers and state farm workers 1,327 people, 9%, individual peasants 400 people, 3%, agronomists 18 people. Total peasants, or employed in agriculture, 1745 people, or approx. 12%.

Further, persons without specific occupations - 923 people. (6%), pensioners, dependents, housewives, disabled people - 414 people, 3%, and prisoners in prisons and ITKs - 102 people. (1%). In total, 1439 people are obtained in this category. (approx. 10%).

Attention is drawn to the very small number of executed party and Komsomol workers - only 30 people.

A group of 935 people stands out especially in the statistics given in the book, which the compilers called "those who were shot for their faith." This classification, of course, does not stand up to the slightest criticism. According to the data obtained from the 1935 census and from the monitoring carried out in later years, it follows that for the period of the second half of the 1930s. in the USSR, half of the population was believers. There was no article "for faith" in the Criminal Code. In general, this is clearly a stupid anti-communist invention. Almost anyone could have been shot in the atmosphere of that time without real guilt, especially, as can be seen from the above figures, if they managed to be born a Latvian or a Pole. But it never occurs to anyone to blame the then regime for genocide against Latvians, Poles, or the deliberate extermination of economists and accountants, who were shot in Butovo by 911 people. And with regard to the "believers", propaganda hype is blown up to the skies. At the same time, the group of those “shot for their faith” by the compilers of the collection is divided into categories of clergy (717 people) and “laity - representatives of different confessions” (218 people). In the last group, apparently, the compilers of the collection included everyone, in whose investigation files they found information that they were believers. To classify them on this basis as “shot on faith” is an obvious rigging, falsification of history.

It is known that many clergymen, to put it mildly, were disloyal to the Soviet regime. In Belarus, for example, during the fascist occupation, half of them went directly to cooperate with the invaders, although in this republic in 1937-1938. the clergy were repressed, as in other republics and countries. Therefore, they had more chances of being repressed than, say, accountants. However, more accountants were shot in Butovo. A note in the 7th edition of the collection states: "Of the victims for the faith at the Butovo training ground, the Russian Orthodox Church as of December 1, 2003 canonized 268 people." (p. 311). The political background (bias) of canonization seems to me so obvious that I will not even comment on it.

About partisanship. Of 15,104 people executed by political sentences, 13,043 people (86%) were non-partisan. Communists, including former ones, as well as members of foreign communist parties and candidates for members of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, 2,054 people. (fourteen%). There is no data on party membership for four people. Three members of the Bund and the PPS. There is no information about the members of the Komsomol in the book, however, given that their main "density" falls on people over 23 years old, their number and share clearly did not exceed the number and share of communists.

So, a typical person executed in Butovo by political verdict was an approximately 40-year-old non-partisan working man who graduated from the Central School of Arts before the revolution. In other words, on the basis of these socio-demographic data, it can be assumed that they were shot mainly on false denunciations and "for a long tongue" or that former urban small businessmen and kulaks predominated among those executed (it is known that only a third of dispossessed people were exiled, of them a third fled from the stage or place of exile; in addition, there were many who complained about dispossession; one way or another, they moved to the cities, and the rescript issued in March 1937 on the production of mass repressions provided for the execution of former kulaks in the first place). However, both assumptions do not exclude each other, apparently, both of them were enough, but, accepting them, we get a logical explanation for the obvious predominance of workers and small materially responsible employees (accountants, supply managers, etc.).

In conclusion, about the time of executions and arrests. The peak (3165 people) falls on September 1937, and more than a thousand people a month were shot in the period from August 1937 to June 1938 (however, in January 1938, 546 people were executed. ) and in April 1938, 882 people were shot (apparently, April was also cold?)). By the time of arrests, March 1938 is the “leader” (2,840 people). For the period from December 1935 to July 1937 there were few arrests - from 0-1 to 126 per month. In August and September 1937, there is a sharp surge (2,327 and 1,661 people, respectively). Thus, the bulk of hasty cases with execution sentences occurred in August-September 1937, as well as in the period from January to May 1938. Most of the arrests and executions occurred in February and March 1938 (2,649 and 2,840 arrests, respectively). and 2,326 and 2,335 executions).

Sachkov V.N.

About the shooting of minors

In the course of the already mentioned trial on the claim of Yevgeny Dzhugashvili against the radio station "Echo of Moscow", the defendant's side presented documents about four minors who were executed in accordance with this decision. All four, according to the documents, were persons born in 1921 and were shot in the period from December 19, 1937 to March 14, 1938. That is, these are indeed persons of 16-17 years old, and they were indeed buried at the Butovo training ground.

Three of the four - Alexander Petrakov, Mikhail Tretyakov and Ivan Belokashin - were accused of being in a prison group for criminal offenses, "which is hostile to the existing system, systematically engaged in counter-revolutionary agitation and robbing inmates."

The fourth, Ukrainian Anatoly Plakushchiy, who was also serving time for a criminal offense, was accused of “on his own initiative, out of mischievous and hooligan motives, tattooing one of the leaders of the Communist Party with a tattoo on his left leg, above the knee. He accompanied his act with offensive expressions, that is, he was accused of a crime under Art. 58 p. 10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR ".

All these four, frankly speaking, are not attracted to "prisoners of conscience" in their pure form. But it's not only that.

The age of these persons indicated in the submitted documents raises serious doubts. Firstly, it is shown only by the year, and not by the full date of birth, which is at least strange. Secondly, all four were charged with Article 58 of the Criminal Code, and, as already mentioned, it did not fall under the Decree of April 7, 1935. That is, either the authorities, making the charge, deliberately violated the current legislation, or these persons were still older than the specified age. (Then what does Stalin and the country's top leadership have to do with it? That the law is not being violated on the ground now? And Putin is always personally to blame for this?)

And one moment. According to the legislation in force at that time, persons under age could not be held in prisons and colonies together with adult criminals. From the materials presented, it follows that all the four who were subsequently shot were kept on a general basis. Consequently, there are reasons to doubt that these persons were indeed minors and that the information about their age corresponds to reality.

On the Internet, Stalin's "accusers" write about Misha Shamonin, a thirteen-year-old homeless child. He allegedly stole two loaves of bread. Someone caught him and called the police. The criminal investigation department came and took Misha. It was possible to shoot in the USSR from the age of fifteen (???), although some argue that from the age of twelve. But the investigator really wanted to be shot and therefore corrected the date of birth in the documents so that the boy was fifteen. You can't jump out of the "funnel" driving through Moscow at night to the dark, deserted, outskirts of Butovo ...
As a result, Misha Shamonin was sentenced to capital punishment by the troika of the USSR NKVD in the Moscow Region. He was shot at the Butovo NKVD training ground near Moscow.

How does this compare with reality?
1) Based on the decision of April 7, 1935, the teenager was not subject to execution;
2) Troikas did not consider cases of minors;
3) At the Butovo training ground, they were executed on political charges;
4) Vyshinsky should have known about this case (if he was guided by a secret directive)
5) Again, according to the secret directive, this should be an exceptional case. What is exclusiveness?
6) One investigator could not organize all this, there would have been too many questions for him.
7) In fact, apart from the photograph, there is absolutely no information.

In the lists of the Butovsky test site, he is listed in 1922, that is, 15 years old. How it is "known" about the theft and about the two-year increase is not clear. The meaning of this action is also unclear: for the theft of 2 loaves, even government-owned, execution was not supposed to be either 13 years old, or 15 years old, or adults. If they did shoot, then why add age? Well, and, as usual, in the same revelations, contrary to all logic, mutually exclusive statements coexist:
1. Stalin ordered to shoot from the age of 12;
2. It was possible to shoot from the age of 15, so the investigators attributed two years to Misha.
The first statement implies this:

Here, however, there is not a word about executions, and the then criminal code for the crimes listed in the resolution promised from a fine and corrective labor (beatings, theft, minor bodily harm without harm to health) to 8-10 years (injury and murder). The execution was supposed only for "a murder committed by a serviceman, under especially aggravating circumstances" - but the children could not be servicemen. In addition to the code, the famous "decree 7/8" of 1932 was in force, which provided for execution for the theft of state or public property (under aggravating circumstances - for example, committed by "kulaks" or officials, or systematically or on a large scale) or 10 years ( in other cases). However, instructions and explanations to this decree forbade it to be applied for small single thefts, for thefts committed "out of necessity", etc.
The second statement (that it was possible to shoot from the age of 15) is generally not clear where it came from. From the age of 15, it was ordered to imprison the children of "enemies of the people" if they (children) are "socially dangerous" (order of the NKVD of 08/15/1937). But here, too, there was no question of executions, and the homeless child could hardly be the son of the "enemy".

By the way, there are legends about the Butovo training ground, there is even a list of children who were shot there. True or fiction, I recommend reading.

And yet, one execution of a minor in the USSR was

This happened already when the notorious Decree of April 7, 1935 became invalid.

On January 27, 1964, 37-year-old housewife Larisa Kupreeva and her son Georgy, who was not even three years old, were brutally murdered in Leningrad. The criminal hacked to death a woman and a young child with an ax, stole money and a camera, set fire to the apartment, trying to cover up his tracks, and disappeared.

The offender was detained three days later - he turned out to be 15-year-old Leningrader Arkady Neiland. The future killer was brought up in a dysfunctional family, from the age of 12 he lived in a boarding school, from where he repeatedly escaped. At the age of 14, he began his working career, but was noted only by truancy and attempted thefts. Neiland had several police reports on the facts of petty theft and hooliganism, but the case did not reach the court. Three days before the murder, he was again detained on suspicion of theft, but he managed to escape. As Neiland later testified during interrogations, he was angry and decided to take revenge on everyone by committing a "terrible crime." At the same time, the teenager wanted to get money to go to the sea in Sukhumi.

Armed with an ax, which was also previously stolen, Arkady Neyland went to the "case". He chose the victim by chance. The perpetrator wanted to rob a rich apartment, and the leather-upholstered front door served as the criterion of "wealth" for him.

Neiland introduced himself as a postal worker, and Larisa Kupreeva let him into the apartment.

During the interrogation of the murderer, disgusting details of the massacre surfaced. For example, Neiland admitted that he had already filmed a dead woman with a camera found in an apartment in obscene poses, intending to subsequently sell the photographs.

The killer cooperated with the investigation and at the same time kept himself confidently, believing that the most terrible punishment did not threaten him.

And in fact, according to the legislation in force at that time, the death penalty did not threaten Arkady Neiland as a minor.

However, on February 17, 1964, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a resolution allowing the use of capital punishment against minors - execution.

The decree was adopted immediately after the murder committed by Neiland, as usual, at the request of the workers. The problem, however, was that, according to the formula "the law has no retroactive effect," this decision could not apply to Neiland himself.

But Nikita Khrushchev, who was in power, did not pay attention to such "trifles". As in the case of the currency dealer Rokotov, the legal norms in the "Neiland case" were sacrificed to the opinion of the first person of the state.

On March 23, 1964, Arkady Neiland was sentenced to capital punishment. Despite protests from the public, prominent lawyers, international organizations and even, according to unverified information, the intercession of the then Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Leonid Brezhnev, the verdict was upheld.

... And what was happening in other countries at that time?

It turns out that in a number of countries around the world during the 20th century, the execution of juvenile criminals was commonplace. Moreover, in a number of countries it remains so to this day.

According to Amnesty International, between 1990 and 2007, there were 56 cases of the death penalty for juvenile offenders worldwide in nine countries: Iran, Yemen, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and the United States.

For almost the entire 20th century in the United States, the laws of various states allowed the death penalty for persons aged 13-14 years. It was only in 1988 that the US Supreme Court banned the use of the death penalty for persons under 15 years of age.

And finally, in 2002, the US Supreme Court, by five votes to four, ruled to ban the death penalty for criminals under the age of 18 throughout the country. Thanks to this decree, the death penalty was abolished for 72 juvenile criminals, for whom it was replaced by life imprisonment without parole.

And how was it in tsarist Russia under Nicholas II?

During the suppression of the revolution of 1905-1907. the death penalty was widely applied to adolescents under 18 years of age.
As the author of the study “Death Penalties in Tsarist Russia. On the history of executions in political trials from 1824 to 1917 "S. S. Usherovich:
“Tsarist laws provided for the replacement of execution with hard labor for minors and minors. But in the era of military-field "courts" these laws "became obsolete" and executions of minors took place almost throughout Russia "

So, among the 11 peasants who were hanged in March 1908 in Kherson, whose execution prompted Leo Tolstoy to write, was 17-year-old Yurchenko.

In Czestochowa, on September 22, 1906, 4 minors were shot. In Novorossiysk on January 17, 1907, the execution was carried out over those who had barely reached the age of 17.

On November 5, 1907, 17-year-old Nikolai Pchelintsev was hanged in Penza by a court verdict. As a member of a group of communist anarchists, he participated in a number of expropriations and terrorist attacks, including the assassination of the head of the Penza-Vyazemskaya depot I.A. As a minor, he took over the murder of the non-commissioned officer, but did not wait for leniency.

Babanie (17 years old). Executed in Saratov in January 1908 in the process of a group of Peter the Great's maximalists, for the destruction of landlord estates, expropriation and terrorist acts.

Alexander Gringoff (17 years old). He was shot in Mitava in November 1906 for participating in a combat squad.

Ivan Mirkovsky (17 years old). He was shot in Lublin in January 1906 for the murder of the station chief.

Jan Ruman (17 years old). Executed in Riga on December 7, 1906 for active participation in the revolutionary movement.

Gergard Sherven (17 years old). He was shot in Revel on January 6, 1906 for participating in the uprising of farm laborers.

16-year-old Andrei Kologrivy, Afanasy Savchenko, Ivan Svistun, Vasily Tura were hanged in Elisavetgrad on January 13, 1909 on suspicion of participation in a terrorist act.
But if the death penalty of minors for murder and terrorist attacks can still be justified, then what about the following facts:
Graudyn (17 years old). He was shot in the Riga district on February 12, 1906 for not betraying his father, who was hiding from a punitive expedition.

Schulmeister (father and son 15 years old). Executed in Riga on August 14, 1906 for providing shelter to the “forest brothers”.

At the Khilok station (Transbaikalia), General Rennenkampf, who commanded the punitive expedition, shot 4 young men and a 15-year-old boy just because they beat the driver and thereby “contributed to the overthrow of the existing state system” (literal expression from the indictment).

15-year-old Rudolf Alfred and Piotr Dijka were shot on January 8, 1906 in Wolmar for singing revolutionary songs.

On January 9, 1906, the punitive detachment of Baron Sievers shot two brothers Pihelgas - 15-year-old Anton and 16-year-old Peter, for being in the revolutionary circle of students.

On September 18, 1906, seven teenagers aged 14 to 19 were shot in Bakhmut for distributing illegal literature.

If we talk about the age of bringing to criminal responsibility in general, then according to the pre-revolutionary legislation, criminal responsibility began from the age of 10 (!!!).
So in 1914, there were 1,521 children in tsarist prisons aged 10 to 13 years. Those were the times ...

Butovo training ground is a hard historical truth

There are currently no documents on mass graves in any places, in any case, such documents are not issued. The Butovo landfill, as a place of mass graves, was established on the basis of interviews with witnesses, in particular, excavators who dug ditches at the Butovo landfill. The Butovo landfill, as a place of mass graves, is also established on the basis of the testimony of the acting director. the commandant of the AHU A.V. Sadovsky, who told about this at one time to the employees of the Moscow department of the KGB. In the early 1990s, the prosecutor's office was involved in the investigation of the Butovo test site. Pits were made at the landfill, and the results of the study showed the presence of mass graves. The presence of mass graves is evidenced by photography, which shows how and in which direction the ditches went. http: //xn--80aaaabhgr4cps3ajao.xn--p1ai/-public_page_9320
A person who, most of all, should care about establishing the truth, about making it public as much as possible. In the name of the dead for the living who he revered.

But the answers surprise him. Here are the excerpts:

Interviewer Lyudmila Belkina clearly indicates her desire to find out the truth:
“... I met him at the exhibition“ Orthodox Rus ”in Moscow at the end of January this year. There was a separate stand "Butovo - Russian Golgotha". I had heard before about the Butovo training ground, where thousands of people were shot, many priests ... and I have long wanted to know more about it. Attention was drawn to the exposition by a large panoramic photograph: on a clear spring day, at the Butovo training ground, many priesthoods, surrounded by laity, are serving a solemn service. An extraordinary silence emanated from the photograph. I asked Dmitry to tell us about the Butovo training ground. We were sitting on some boxes and talking quietly in the middle of this noisy exhibition ... "

The desire is explicable. There is no person who would not like to understand this. Certain hopes are pinned on Dmitry Grishin.
And Dmitry tells.
- about the future stone temple at this place;
- that they learned about the landfill not from archives, but from private conversations;
- that this test site was used for shelling new weapons created at the Podolsk plant;
- about the chilling procedure of the execution - with a note that no one knew about it, but we know about these details only from someone's oral story. (In fact, no one knows now);
- testimony of witnesses - no;
- instructions for firing squads - no;
- there is only oral evidence that they were brought there to bury those shot in Moscow prisons until the 50s.

Still, I still can't believe it. With respect to the narrator, we are waiting for the denouement. The most important thing.
Here it is:

Have all the graves been raised?
- Of course not. It is simply impossible now.
- Were the remains of specific people found?
- No. This requires, apparently, some very complex research. Judging by the excavation done in 1997, there are no intact remains of, say, a human skeleton. Everything is mixed there. Because there, only at the beginning, people were buried in small burial pits. The executions soon took on such proportions that a powerful excavator dug ditches three meters deep and 150 meters long. After another shooting with the help of a bulldozer, bodies were sprinkled in a thin layer, new victims lay on top of these bodies. All this was completely inhuman. They filled up the ditches with anything, garbage.
- And the remains of the executed people are now impossible to find and identify? But how many holy relics of martyrs are here ...
-Apparently, it is possible by modern means of science, but it is even difficult to imagine how much money it will require.

And something in general - found? Found. Unidentified remains of 149 people. It can be: anyone from any era.
But they boldly talk about 21,000, and nothing else as repressed ...

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