The correct interpretation of Jesus dreams in the Bible. III. Principles of Christian interpretation of dreams. Dream Interpretation: What dreams of church bells

Brief entry from yourself.

These symbols are represented by the Christian Prophet-dream John Paul Jackson.

Before you begin to get acquainted with these symbols, I urge you to be very attentive first of all to the fact that you have the Holy Spirit about those characters that were directly in your dream.

Because very often, God improvises in our dreams so that we are not stored and not looked at the same symbols, although there are those that are mainly not changing ...

Very often, I noticed that the symbols described by the famous Christian dream prophets differ from the fact that sometimes, tells the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is very important to listen to it first. After all, if we misunderstand one or another dream, it may entail the consequences.

For example, imagine if Joseph or Magheli seemingly seeing angel in a dream, and what he reported to them would take their dreams, as accepted, only by symbols. I think it would hardly have been reacted as it was necessary. And it would cost at the price of many lives ... But they behaved in the way they prompted the Holy Spirit inside, and they took these dreams, in general, without any symbols, but as they were every interpretation and understanding of the characters. Therefore, their actions were correct.Therefore, you need to be very attentive to what the Holy Spirit says. Do not relax and learn to listen.

These symbols can only help us understand the dream to us correctly, but if you look at the dreams only through the prism of these characters, it can introduce an interpreter and a dream to a dangerous occult error, which will entail a lot of unpleasant consequences.

Therefore, always listen to the Holy Spirit and what he says.

Let the Lord bless you and give wisdom and a faithful understanding of dreams that he gives you.


John Paul Jackson.

How did you feel?

One of the most important things you need to remember about your dream - and it is important to do immediately after waking up - this is how you felt during sleep and the sensations that remained after your awakening.
Sometimes, "how you felt" in a dream can be barely distinguishable by emotion. And in such cases, most importantly, when describing, incorporate this is somewhere in your entry to sleep.

For example:

"When the dream began, I felt a bit alarming, but, in the process of sleep, I felt more and more comfortable."
In many ways, as in real estate, the three most important whales is the location, location and location, the three most important whales of the technical side of the understanding of your sleep is a context, context and context again.

Hello! Blood and bleeding bad signs. You are threatened with danger, you can get sick. Traders This dream promises bad trade, promises the ruin under the court. If you are in love, your young man will change with your girlfriend and marries her,

Dream Interpretation - Dream Interpretation - Smiling Entity

Do not worry at all. Since you did not kill anyone, then everyone was good. The image of a mother in a dream, does not indicate your mother in Javi. This is its projection, image. Your salvation from the gang on the mud, to Java means that you avoid negative emotions, and people that provoke such emotions. Your castle, your fortress, is communication with her friend and mother. The guy in the car, like a smiling essence, your spirit, well, or an angel (they just look like a terrible)

Interpretation of dreams from the dream house at the Sun

If some kind of man is close to whom of your friends or relatives need some kind of help, or it will soon be necessary, it will be connected with health. Help him you will. 1. What should be done go to St. Matron and ask to help him. 2. Advice to gain patience, and everything will be fine.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream house at the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Orthodox Cross ...

Such a dream, in which the cross is the Orthodox cross, icon with the image of Holy, so. Powerful religious symbols - personifies consolation, healing, the pain of loved ones and the need for protection, maybe there is such a guy who needs help and only you can help him.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream house at the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Wet Wet

Cleansing, relief. Dream Interpretation, if you use them constantly and it doesn't lie you, you should not completely ignore, it is possible to get rid of the person in time, which in the future could complicate your life. In general, general cleaning in every sense.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream house at the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Wet Wet

Inner critic looked at you. Given the fact that you have not remembered anything else and the fact that any criticism, including themselves, is very harmful, you can only say one thing: you are not so much better for yourself, you are much better.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream house at the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy from Former Guy

Your sleep refers to the category of household and fully reflects the experience and thought hidden in the subconscious mind, such dreams have more than 90%. So by and large pay attention to dreams, even bright should not be especially if the interpretation is difficult or frightened. Old dreams are all directed to confuse and intimidate a person! This is a paradigm of old energies. Here is an example of a new dream book that corresponds to the energies of the new era: pregnancy · Reflection of readiness to give life to a new vision of the world (worldview), a new idea or new relationship. · The need for the implementation of creative potential. · The possibility of birth of any new project. · Reflection of desire or fear of becoming pregnant (having a child).

Interpretation of dreams from the dream house at the Sun

Prophetic dreams. Predictions. Interpretation of dreams in the Bible

    Question from David.
    Hello, the question is about dreams. In my life, the dreams are for the first time so manifest that how do something come true or maybe earlier I did not pay attention to it? But the feelings, the premonitions were rarely summed up, such phenomena often have a lot for a long time ... I can't understand that all this means and how to interpret dreams? If you can detail. Thanks in advance.

Hello, David!

I'm afraid my answer will not suit you. But you wrote a believer Christian, and not psychic - Esoteric.

The main thing: there is a good and evil in the world!

God, Jesus Christ, their angels are good. Satan and his minions - the fallen angels are the side of evil. The task of good is to change the character of a person and save it for a happy life here, and then in eternity! The devil every way wishes to lead the believers from God, to interest him with any mysterity, so that the person did not recognize the God of love, his son - Jesus Christ, who gave life to the sins of mankind, and so that the believers did not study the Bible, did not analyze themselves for sins (in What the Bible is a good assistant) and did not try to get rid of them ...

For these purposes, the forces of evil uses a variety of methods, a large role of which belongs to mysticism, lzhechudesam and false representatives.

The Bible teaches that only God knows:

"So the Lord says, ... besides me there is no God, for who like me? ... let them erect the coming and future ... not long I announced you and predicted? " (Is. 44: 6,7,8)

"Who predicted it between them? I am the Lord, and there is no Savior besides me. I am predicted And saved, and announced "(Isa. 43: 9,11,12)

I argue from the beginning that will be at the end, and from ancient times what has not yet done " (Isa. 46:10)

"If what a prophet predicted the world, then only he admitted for the prophet, who truly sent the Lord, when the word came true of that prophet " (Ier. 28: 9).

"If the Prophet tells the name of the Lord, but the word will not come true and not turn, then I did not tell the word, but said this prophet on my keenness, - do not be afraid of him "(Dev. 18:22)

Here we clearly see that the creator claims that Only he is God and no one knows the future besides him! It is thanks to the past predictions, you can believe that the messengers are broadcasting from the Creator!

"For the Lord God does nothing without opening his secrets to his slaves, prophets" (AM 3: 7)

In the Bible, there are many predictions that came true. Read about the predictions of the Bible in my book "Get to know God." Chapter. But it is better to read the book entirely, there are many facts about the accuracy of the Bible. Also on the execution of prophecies partially can be read in the material

Today is the opinion that there are many predictors of the future - Nostarmus, Wang, etc. However, if you carefully examine the original sources, and not journalistic and writing work, you can see that they did not give specific predictions ... only common words confusing, vague Blurry wording! Such "cunning" predictions can be tightened under many historical facts. In the Bible, the prophets never said when the prophecies were announced. They clearly predicted what should happen!

Satan may calculate the future, knowing the present! And he can tell his man looking under the angel of God, the saint or relative from the light ...! But he can not see far ahead !!! For example, Satan knew that Hitler prepares a war, as he was present at all his advice. Satan knows that man is sick, for example, cancer, and maybe it is supposedly predicted ... and so on ...

If you believe that in addition to God, the power of evil can also predict non-nosed The future, it means to admit that Satan is stronger than God. But the Bible teaches the opposite! If you believe that the minions of the diazole will be slacking to God "in plans, in thought" for information about the future, then they steal - caress to the Creator of the Universe in his pocket, and God closes his eyes to it or does not notice !? But this is not possible, since the Bible contradicts the Bible and the nature of God, who warned that only he knows the future and through the commercial predictions you can find out his prophets!

I specifically made the introduction of predictions, despite the fact that the question was about the interpretation of dreams. The fact is that the interpretation of dreams, that is, the perception of them for prophetic, and predictions - these topics are connected.

Now, I hope you understand that only the creator knows and only God predicts him through the prophets.

In the Holy Scripture, the Creator stated that the prophets in a dream or in vision:

"Listen to my words: if you have the Prophet of the Lord, then I discover him in vision, in a dream I speak with him (Number 12: 6).

Knowing it, think about your dreams and premonitions!

There are two options:

1) You are a prophet, and God opens the future in dreams.

2) Your dreams and premonitions are only the fruit of the work of the nervous system and the brain, which means there is no point in trying to interpret the dreams.

God in the Bible spoke that the dreams were prophetic, given to them (the dreams of Pharaoh, the Babylonian king, Joseph ...). But there are I. simple dreams that are more!

"For the teraphims say empty, and things see false and they tell the dreams of false; They console emptiness; Therefore, they roam like sheep, love, because there is no shepher(Zeh. 10: 2)

"For this is how the Lord Savaof says, the God of Israel: Yes, your prophets that are among you, and your gadels; and do not listen to dreams your you dream…" (Ier. 29: 8)

"For in many dreamsas in a variety of words - many fuss" (Eccl. 5: 6)

You need to know that the dreams given by God, special. In the Bible, describing the lives of God's people in a temporary segment of several thousand years, they were very rare. At the same time, prophetic dreams no one could interpret, but only God's prophets. ATTENTION (!): God's prophets are not ordinary people, and the righteous, always clearly reading the law of God - his commandments, broadcasting, the instructions of the people, dreams and vision from the Creator and the student of people faith only in a single living God!

Do you feel about these prophets? Check your life with God's commandments set forth in the Bible! If you do not live according to God's law, your dreams and premonitions are vynet, which means that they do not need to try to interpret and pay attention to them. That is, these are your thoughts, experiences, dejasu (read about it the material from Wikipedia "dejavu"). Of course, some dreams can come true in full or partially, but these options scroll through your brain in a dream or yawa, and it does not mean that you have become a prophet God, as it would not want to think.

Valery Tatarkin

Recently, two remarkable images of God were born in pop culture. The first was created by George Burns, helping John Denwar in the film "Oh God!", And the second - James Earl Jones, giving special orders of Roma Dauni and delel the robe in the television show "Touch Angel". In the first case, God is represented by affordable and blessing, in the second it becomes more assessed and powerful.

The image of God is manifested in dreams in different ways. Often, God appears not in the guise of a person, but as something endowed with the divine principle (for example, in the form of religious icons, the Bible, etc.). In the end, sometimes in a dream, the sense of Divine Presence simply arises. The appearance of such a divine element in our dreams opens the way to Providence and suggests the solution to the problem with which we encountered in a dream. It happens, a divine character, as if warned by mistakes, stops us. This particularly often happens if a choice is opened leading to a forbidden act or relationship.

In such dreams it is important to estimate the content of the revelation received. Already the very fact of the appearance of Divine Symbolism deserves close attention. In a state of wakefulness, our ego denies the supernatural power of God. But during sleep, we are more open and arranged to communicate with the Almighty.

Try to decrypt information in this spiritual message. Is the deity that appeared in a dream the ideas about it, which you adhere to reality?

In a military case, there is a kind of identification code that helps determine how goodcoming the orders of the officer composition are fulfilled. Perhaps you should resort to the use of such an identification method before you accurately determine that in a dream you have visited the highest creature.

Before following you, check its content for compliance with the nature and nature of God.

Divine symbol frightened you, did he threaten you? Try to find a substantiation of your feeling.

Did the midnight guest trying to tell you something? Revise the problematic aspects of your life before you determine whether the sleep was invented.

Mysteriousness of sleep ... Who writes their scripts? Yes, such! For the last
A few nights, together with Putin, visited terribly launched in-
Ternat for defective children. Singing Stalin, discussing details
at home (he asked me to build me), he studied in Chinese special
Ze, demonstrated miracles, who surprised famous illusionists. From
Is it taken? What to do with seen? Run to the interpreters of dreams? Not on-
Run. Buy "dream book"? Hub such that you will live in fear,
And all thoughts are captured by the expected events.

A) What does the Bible say about dreams? "Dreams are with many
Care "(EcCl. 5: 2).

The body, passing through itself a daily mass of video and sound information,
Working, turns off the rumor and vision overnight. Eyes and ears need
in rest. But there, beyond reality, we see again and hear
Rome and actively participate in various stories. This is the soul, which
No night rest required.

Ancient cities were surrounded by walls. City Gate Open
During the day, they missed everyone and closed overnight. And remained
In the city of different people: travelers, merchants, crooks, spies ...
And everyone was taken for his work.

What happened per day, often becomes the idea of \u200b\u200ba scenario for sleep,
Roy extremely changed by the need of imagination and fantasy, and sometimes
Very similar to reality. I remember the past

In stagnation times for Christian youth was dangerous
To "knock out" the bus, for example for Maevka. Through friends we are
The tip "knocked out" and went to the mountains. We were prevented from the bottom of
Horn and prying eyes. I moved down. The place is excellent. But the day passed
Shower, herbaceous slopes Raskisley and we were trapped. Up to three o'clock in the night, we unsuccessfully pushed the bus to the top while in the neighboring col-
Hose did not find a three-axle "Ural".

A week later, we visited the church in another city. We are boys
Put in a separate room on the floor, like a macabria in a jar. In the corner,
There was the only bed. In the damp night one of the sleeping on the floor
Chil, something loud mumbling, grabbed the back of the bed and let's pull
her. Everyone woke up.

What are you doing?

Like what? Bus push.

Right Solomon, that with a lot of worries there are dreams. Build
Iler often continues to build in a dream. Lovely continues too
His meeting. Student - granite science granite. "In a variety of dreams
Many fuss, "- completes its thought (EKK. 5: 6).

But the reading Bible also knows other scriptures.

"Your elders, dreams will be the dreams."

"Your young men will see visions" (Acts 2:17).

Drows out in daytime, in noise everyday life can not hear
Voice of God. It is clearer heard in spiritual silence. Therefore, the Lord is
Gda uses sleep for a conversation with a man. Sleep Abraham, Joseph Dreams,
Dreams of Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh.

Closer to us: Lomonosov's dream, Abraham Lincoln and Mother of the Decembra
Star Ryleva (details in the book "Man"), the dreams of my
Community, and "Driver in three nights."

But dreams from God - it is not always infrequently, and they do not need how
Rule, in interpreters, "God says once and, if not hurt,
another time, in a dream, in a night vision, when the dream finds people, in
Time of dorms on the bed. Then he opens the ear and captured
owns his instruction to hide a person from any enterprise
Yatia and remove pride from him to hide him soul from the abyss ... "
Job. 33: 14-18. And every believer, at least once, saw such a dream.

I, too. But it was a dream read for a long life. And the rest -
An unpleasant set.

Interpretation of dreams

I have not yet been talking about "Dream Interpretation", but about the attempts of believing people
Throw out for yourself and other hidden meaning is seen. And here - grief

One here is such a believer, seeing something in a dream, raised all the whole night
family, believers and not believers, made everyone gets well dressed and
She said that God sentenced their family. This act discarded the neve
More farther from faith.

There are dreams attempts on someone's happiness, heart and family
peace. The husband saw in a dream that his wife flies with someone. And in another family
The wife saw the wrongness of her husband in a dream. Wake up with a hard sense
suspiciously look at the second half (no reference
Is it?) And now checking questions, and loving people gradually
turn into two iceberg in the same apartment.

There are dreams of temptations. On them a Christian can check the level

his righteousness. If I let something in a dream, then not everything
safely and reveal. Let it be even only at the level of thoughts
and fantasy. I personally unveiled myself in this way. And do not regret.

It is true, to interpret dreams from God can only those who have given such
gift. And such - units. And interpreters too much, and their intelligent
Vanya - lie.

This is the opinion of God himself.

"I heard that the prophets say, my name prophesy-
They say that they say: I dreamed, I dreamed. How long will it be
in the hearts of the prophets, prophesy false, prophesy deception
His heart? Will they think to bring my people before oblivion
My way through his dreams ... the prophet that saw a dream, let
And tells him as a dream. "

The Lord not every day gave revelations and instructions to your pro *
rocks. And the title of the Prophet obliged, and people went to them to find out the will
God's And they slipped into the area of \u200b\u200binterpretation of dreams. It annoyed state
Film: "Here, I am on the prophets of false dreams, says the Lord who
They tell them and introduce my people misleading with their deceit
We and the seduction, whereas I did not send them and did not command them. "
(Ier. 23:28, 32).

In addition to false prophets, there were a lot of those whose profession was
Interpret dreams and predict the future. They were called theraphims and broadcasts:

"Theraphims say empty, and things see false and tell
Dreams are false "(Ier. 10: 2).

And they are held by God on one article with gadels, wizards
and asterlets (astrologers). Ier. 27: 9.

Their crime is that they, firstly, bring lies and
put people to believe lies. Secondly, bring confusion to the people and
his thoughts are captured by the events predicted by them, which
Maybe never come true. Thirdly, all this is most often served,
Like God's will. Fourth, taking advantage of the fog in the concepts of the essence of sleep,
Demons knock down the landmarks and begin to own the minds of those who should
belong only to God. Basters pour water to the diabolian mill
And practically go against God.

Vecina dreams

Sleep is for many land, not touched by a plow. If we are
time lacking time to study the Bible, for creative work,
then night sleep watch is an extra 7-8 hours wonderful
time when you do not need to go to work, run to the market, sit in the kitchen,
Pushed in buses. In a dream, these interference absent there can be developed
To give the themes, write poems, catch coming from somewhere melodies. Only
before that you need to put yourself in order during the daytime, and before bedtime
drown in spiritual reflections.

Types of dreams

Hypnosis. Christian should be avoided. I was attended by
Speed \u200b\u200bof the hypnoticism of Vasily Yerömin. He pointing the hall on frozen
In various poses of people on stage, said: "I will leave. But on the walls of houses yet
Long will hang posters with my portrait. And any of them can look
Hollow on it, go to the state of the trance. And I can only free it
by phone or by telegram. I now have power over them. "

Another dream is a dream dream.

It also needs to go to it. It means to repent before
Lord and try to live holy. And when the last blow of the heart subsides
Central Asia, a wonderful dream will begin for a person in length in eternity. Or
The nightmare is the same duration, if not reconciled with God. it
And there is an eternity.

But there is a spiritual dream.

The body is full of energy and activity. The soul is also busy, but without
born over, without God (in one word) this existence is called
spiritual sleep. And such a word of God sounds: "Stand down, and
Cresses from the dead, and will highlight you by Christ. "

This is within our capabilities, otherwise God would not require
From us impossible.

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