Soft vowel sounds. What are the different consonants - hard and soft

Some voiced and voiceless consonants form pairs.

When forming consonants [p], [l], [m], [n], [j],

Voiceless [x], [x "], [c], [h"], [w "] do not have paired pits of voiced consonants.


1. The sound [j] in school practice is designated [th "].

2. The sound [ш "] is denoted in writing by the letter u or some consonant combinations. The horizontal bar at the top means that the sound is long.

Paired voiced consonants at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants, that is, in a weak position, sound like unvoiced consonants paired with them. This phenomenon is called stunning.

Paired voiceless consonants before paired voiced consonants, that is, in a weak position, sound like paired voiced consonants. This phenomenon is called voicing.

Strong positions for voicelessness-voicedness for consonants are positions before vowels, before sonorants and v.

Consonants are divided into hard and soft sounds. When pronouncing hard and soft sounds, the position of the tongue is different. Some consonants form hard-soft pairs.

When writing, the softness of consonants is indicated by:

1) using a soft sign: dove, dictionary:

2) using the letters e, e, yu, i, and: remote, linden.

Before soft consonants, the softness of consonants is not always indicated: bow - ba [n "t"] ik.


  1. § 3. SPELLING OF CONSENTS (testable and unverifiable, voiced, voiceless and unpronounceable consonants; double consonants; consonant combinations)

Today, almost all children know the letters and the alphabet already in early childhood. However, it is recommended that you learn the letters without naming the letters as they sound in the alphabet. Letters must be taught with sounds. Speaking about the letter “B”, it is necessary to call it [b], not “bh”. This is to make it easier for the child to combine letters into syllables and words.

However, the world of sounds is not limited to this. And when the baby grows up, he will have to master such concepts as vowel sounds, hard, soft, paired, voiceless and voiced consonants. I invite you to talk today about such different sounds. We will talk about this in a fairytale form, in the form that is closest to children's perception. I invite you to phonetic tale . This is an expanded version of the tale of sounds presented in.

So, friendly letters live in hospitable. And the sounds created a large Kingdom called Phonetics.

Kingdom of Sounds - Phonetics

In the kingdom of the sounds of the Russian language Phonetics lived together - lived together vowels and consonants sounds. Each sound had its own house. The houses were painted red for vowel sounds, and blue for consonants. But the roofs of all the houses were white and changed on their own when sounds came to visit each other.

In total in the kingdom 42 inhabitants: 6 vowels [a], [e], [o], [y], [and], [s] and 36 consonants. They lived together and often went to visit each other. And every time they visited each other, magic happened: as soon as they held hands, new sounds for new words were obtained.

The vowel sounds loved to sing. Therefore, music was always played in their houses. But the consonants could not sing at all. But they were very flexible and always and in everything "agreed" with the vowels. At the same time, they could become hard or soft ... For example, the sound [n]. In the word "saw" sounds soft, but in a word "dust"- firmly. And all because the sound [and] softened [n], and the sound [s], on the contrary, gave firmness.

This is how consonant sounds, when holding hands with vowels, become soft or hard at their request.

However, there were also "naughty" sounds in the kingdom. And although they lived in blue houses and were called consonants, they did not want to change in any way. And this happened on a day when idly sitting on benches, they argued over who is more important: vowels or consonants. And the sounds [f],[NS] and [c] decided to become independent and not obey anyone, especially the vowel sounds. They proclaimed themselves hard sounds that will never, under any circumstances, become soft! And as proof of their firm decision, they painted the white roofs of their houses in dark blue.

But compliant and non-conflicting sounds [SCH],[th] and [h] they were very upset and afraid that the balance of the ratio of sounds would be disturbed in the kingdom and decided to remain soft forever. And so that all residents of Phonetics knew about this, they painted the roofs of their houses green.

However, soon 2 more inhabitants appeared in the kingdom of Phonetics - soft and hard signs. But they did not violate the unity of the sound world. The soft sign helped the consonants to become soft, and the hard one - hard. They built themselves white houses and they all healed peacefully and amicably.

But the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Phonetics were famous not only for their hard and soft characters. Many of them had and still have their own special preferences. Some of the sounds loved the sound of falling leaves, while others loved the sound of rain. They even built separate quarters for themselves so that in one - the bell always rings loudly, and in the other - as under a dome - it is dull and noisy ... voiced and voiceless consonants ... And a river flows between the quarters.

So the sounds [p], [l], [m], [n], [y], [b], [d], [c], [d], [g], [h] settled in the quarter with a bell ... And in a quiet quarter - [n], [f], [t], [w], [s], [k], [x], [q], [h], [u]. And some of the letters became so friends that they connected their houses with bridges. So there is a bridge between the sounds p-b, f-v, t-d, w-w, s-z and k-g. it paired consonants .

This is how the amazing Kingdom of Phonetics lives. Sounds visit each other, change, adjust, make noise, shout, sing ... They have fun. And in this fun words are born, from them sentences that make up our speech. By the way, it happens ... But by the way, we'll talk about it another time.

How to learn soft and hard consonants

These are the complex relationships between sounds. To make it easier for my son to draw phonetic schemes of words, we made very convenient clouds with him. It is very easy to determine the hardness or softness of consonants based on them.

Read about how we learned hard and soft consonants with the help of clouds.

How to distinguish voiced and voiceless consonants

And a very simple technique helped us to make it easier for the child to distinguish between voiced and voiceless consonants. Place your palm against your neck as you name the sound. If the sound is ringing, then vibration (trembling) of the vocal cords is felt. If the sound is dull, there will be no vibration.

For the same purposes, we used the picture with houses and bridges across the river, which you saw above.

Enjoy your acquaintance with the world of Phonetics!

All the best!

Speaking is very important for the social life and development of the individual. Much attention in the study of the native (or foreign) language is paid to colloquial speech - the correct pronunciation of phonemes. There are many words that differ only in individual sounds. Therefore, special attention is paid to the functioning of the organs of speech and sound production.

Sound production

Sound production occurs as a result of human mental and speech activity. The vocal apparatus consists of the diaphragm, larynx, epiglottis, pharynx, vocal cords, nasal cavity and mouth, uvula, palate (soft and hard), alveoli, teeth, tongue, lips.

The tongue with the lower lip is actively involved in sound production. The teeth, palate, and upper lip remain passive.

The production of sounds (phonemes) includes:

  • respiration - breathing,
  • phonation - the use of the larynx and vocal folds to create phonemes,
  • articulation is a job for sound production.

Noisy (deaf) Russian

There are exactly 33 letters in the Russian language, and there are much more sounds - 42. There are 6 vowel phonemes consisting of a pure voice. The remaining 36 sounds are consonants.

In the creation of 16 consonant phonemes, only noise is involved, which is formed as a result of overcoming by the exhaled air stream of certain obstacles, which are interacting speech organs.

[k,], [n,], [s,], [t,], [f,], [x,], [h,], [u,], [k], [n], [s ], [t], [f], [x], [c], [w] - voiceless consonants.

To learn how to determine which consonants are deaf, you need to know their main features: in what way and in what place they are formed, how the vocal folds are involved in their production, is there palatalization in pronunciation.

The formation of noisy consonants

During the production of voiceless consonant phonemes, the interaction of various organs of the speech apparatus occurs. They can close with each other or form a gap.

Deaf consonants are born when the exhaled person overcomes these obstacles. Depending on the type of obstacles, deaf phonemes are divided into:

  • occlusive explosive [k, n, t, k, n, t];
  • occlusive slit (affricates) [c, h,];
  • slotted (fricative) [s, f, x, w, s, f, x, w].

Depending on the places where barriers are formed, deaf phonemes are distinguished:

  • labial [n, n];
  • labiodental [f, f];
  • front-lingual dental [s, s, t, t, ts];
  • anterior-lingual palatine-dental [h, w, w];
  • posterior lingual posterior palatine [k, x, k, x].

Palatalization and Velarization

Noisy phonemes are classified according to the degree of tension in the middle of the language. When, in the process of sound production, the anterior and middle regions of the tongue rise to the hard palate, a palatalized consonant (soft) dull sound is born. Variable (hard) phonemes are produced by lifting the root of the tongue to the posterior region of the soft palate.

6 soft and 6 hard noisy deaf phonemes make up pairs, the rest have no pairs.

Paired voiceless consonants - [k, - k], [n, - n], [s, - s], [t, - t], [f, - f], [x, - x]; [c, h, w, sch,] - voiceless unpaired consonants.


The combination of all the work of the individual organs of the vocal apparatus involved in pronouncing phonemes is called articulation.

To make speech understandable, you need to be able to clearly pronounce sounds, words, sentences. This requires training your vocal apparatus, practicing the pronunciation of phonemes.

Having understood how deaf consonants are formed, how to pronounce them correctly, a child or an adult will master speech much faster.

Sounds [k - k, x - x,]

Lower the end of the tongue, slightly move it away from the incisors of the lower jaw. Open your mouth. Raise the back of the tongue so that it touches the border zone of the raised soft and hard palate. By means of a sharp exhalation, the air overcomes the obstacle - [k].

Press the end of the tongue against the lower front teeth. Bring the middle and back of the tongue closer to the middle-back region of the hard palate. Exhale - [k,].

In the production of phonemes [x - x,], the organs of speech are arranged in a similar way. Only between them there is not a bow, but a gap.

Sounds [n - n,]

Close your lips, leave your tongue free to lie, move the tip slightly away from the lower incisors. Exhalation. An air stream breaks through the lips - [p].

The lips are positioned the same. Press the end of the tongue against the incisors of the lower jaw. Raise the middle of the tongue to the hard palate. A sharp jerk of air overcomes the lip barrier - [n,].

Sounds [s - s,]

Stretch your lips, close your teeth almost. Touch the front teeth of the lower jaw with the end of the tongue. Bend the tongue, lifting the middle back to the palate. Its lateral edges are pressed against the upper chewing teeth. The air flow follows a groove in the middle of the tongue. Overcomes the gap between the alveolar arch and the anterior dorsum of the tongue - [c].

The phoneme [s,] is pronounced similarly. Only the middle of the tongue rises higher, and the front one bends more (the groove disappears).

Sounds [t - t,]

Parse lips. Put the end of the tongue against the incisors of the upper jaw, forming a bow. A jet of exhaled air forcefully breaks through the barrier - [t].

The position of the lips is the same. Press the tip of your tongue against the lower incisors. With the front of the tongue, touch the upper alveolar arch, creating a bow. Under the pressure of the air jet, the obstacle is overcome - [t,].

Sounds [f - f,]

Pull the lower lip in a little and press the upper incisors to it. Raise the back of the tongue to the back of the soft palate. On exhalation, the air passes through the flat gap formed by the lip and teeth - [f].

Lips and teeth in the same position. Move the tip of the tongue to the lower incisors. Raise the middle part of the tongue to the palate. The air stream penetrates through the labiodental cleft - [f,].

Sound [c]

Sound is produced in two stages:

  1. Stretch slightly tight lips. Press the end of the tongue against the front lower teeth. Raise the front of the tongue, closing with the hard palate (just behind the alveolar arch).
  2. The air flow enters the oral cavity. Bend the tongue a little - raise the middle part, lower the back, press the lateral edges to the chewing teeth. The bow turns into a gap and the air comes out - [c].

Sound [h,]

Phoneme formation consists of two phases:

  1. Round slightly and push lips. With the end and front of the tongue, press against the hard palate and alveolar arch, creating a barrier.
  2. Push out the air: a gap will be formed at the place of the bow between the tongue and the palate. At the same time it is necessary to raise the middle of the tongue - [h,].

Sound [w]

Pull slightly rounded lips. Raise the end of the tongue to the formation of a narrow passage with the palate and alveolar arch (1st slit). Lowering the middle of the tongue, raise its back (2nd slit). Press the edges to the chewing teeth, forming a bowl. Exhale smoothly - [w].

Sound [u,]

Pull the lips slightly and round. Raise the end of the tongue to the alveolar arch, without pressing, so that a lumen remains. Raise the tongue to the hard palate (except for the front part), press the edges against the molars of the upper jaw. Exhale slowly. The central part of the tongue goes down, creating a groove through which the air flow passes. The language is straining - [u,].

In a speech stream, deaf consonants are adjacent to other phonemes. If a vowel follows a noisy phoneme, then the lips assume a position for articulating the latter.

Comparison of noisy deaf and voiced phonemes

Voiced are phonemes, in the formation of which both voice and noise are involved (the latter prevails). Some voiced ones have paired sounds from among the deaf.

Paired voiceless consonants and voiced sounds: [k - g], [k, - g,], [p - b], [p, - b,], [t - d], [t, - d,], [ s - s], [s, - s,], [f - s], [f, - s,], [w - w].

Voiced and voiceless unpaired consonants:

  • [y, l, m, n, p, l, m, n, p] - voiced (sonorous);
  • [x, h, n, x, c] - noisy deaf.

Lettering noisy phonemes

Writing correctly is just as important as speaking. Mastering written speech is associated with even greater difficulties, since some sounds on paper can be written in different letters or letter combinations.

Deaf consonants when writing are conveyed by similar letters if they are in strong positions.

By deafness-voicedness: before a vowel, [v - v,], other noisy (applicable to paired deaf!).

By hardness-softness: before a vowel, [b, m, g, k, n, x, b, m, g, k, n, x,] - for sounds [s, s, t, t,], at the end the words.

In other cases, to determine the correct letter (or a combination of letters) for a voiceless consonant phoneme, certain rules of the Russian language must be applied. And sometimes you just need to memorize the correct spelling of words (vocabulary).

All consonant sounds in Russian are divided according to several criteria, including the principle of voiced-deafness. This pronunciation characteristic affects whether the voice is used when pronouncing the sound or not. Studying this topic is very important for understanding the basic principles of the phonetic system, because voiceless consonants are a very important part of it.

What is a voiceless consonant

Deaf consonants are produced only by noise, without the participation of the voice. When pronouncing them, the vocal cords are completely relaxed, the larynx does not vibrate.

Paired and unpaired voiceless consonants

Most of the sounds that fall into this category have a voiced pair. What sounds these are, you can find out from the table “Deaf consonants in Russian”.

Thus, in Russian there are 11 voiceless consonants with a voiced pair. But there are also unpaired - these are sounds such as [x], [x ’], [h’] and [u ’].

They cannot become voiced regardless of position.

A special mnemonic phrase helps to remember all the voiceless consonants that are in Russian: “Styopka, do you want a shchets? - Ugh!". But it will not help to remember their pairing by hardness-softness, since voiceless consonants that have a pair are represented in it only in one variety - either hard or soft.

Consonant stun rule

In Russian, there are cases when a voiced consonant letter is written in a letter, and in speech it turns into a voiceless consonant sound. This happens, for example, when a voiced letter appears at the very end of a word, as in the word mushroom, the transcription of which will look like [grip].

Due to the fact that voiced consonants at the end are stunned, it is often difficult to reproduce such words in writing. However, there is a simple way to check which letter to use: you need to change the word so that the consonant appears before the vowel, for example, mushroom - mushroom. Then it will immediately become clear what needs to be written. The same applies to cases when there is a voiceless consonant at the end, and on the letter it is voiced "according to the general rule." You can check which letter is spelled in the same way: shout - shout, lot - lot.

Voiced consonants located in the position at the beginning and in the middle of a word can also be stunned if they are followed by a voiceless consonant. This is easy to understand with an example: booth [booth].

What have we learned?

Deaf consonants are such sounds, during the formation of which the larynx does not vibrate, that is, the voice does not participate. They consist only of noise. Most voiceless consonants have a voiced pair, but there are four unpaired sounds of this type — [x], [x ’], [h’], and [u ’]. Due to the rule of stunning consonants, when pronouncing those consonants that are voiced in writing, they pass into their voiceless pair. This happens if they appear at the end of a word, as well as when there is another voiceless consonant in front of them.

In this chapter:

§1. Sound

Sound- the minimum unit of sounding speech. Each word has a sound shell, consisting of sounds. Sound correlates with the meaning of the word. Different words and forms of the word have different sound design. The sounds themselves do not matter, but they do an important role: they help us distinguish between:

  • words: [house] - [volume], [volume] - [there], [m'el] - [m'el ']
  • word forms: [house] - [lady´] - [house´ ma].


words written in square brackets are given in transcription.

§2. Transcription

Transcription is a special recording system that displays sound. The characters are accepted in the transcription:

Square brackets representing transcription.

[´] - stress. The stress is put if the word consists of more than one syllable.

[б ’] - the icon next to the consonant denotes its softness.

[j] and [th] are different meanings of the same sound. Since this sound is soft, these symbols are often used with the additional designation of softness:, [’’]. On this site, the designation [th '] is adopted, which is more familiar to most of the guys. The softness icon will be used to make you more accustomed to the softness of the sound.

There are other symbols as well. They will be introduced gradually as you become familiar with the topic.

§3. Vowel and consonant sounds

Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants.
They have a different nature. They are pronounced and perceived differently, and also behave differently in speech and play different roles in it.

Vowels- these are sounds, when pronounced, the air freely passes through the oral cavity, without encountering obstacles in its path. Pronunciation (articulation) is not focused in one place: the quality of the vowels is determined by the shape of the mouth, which acts as a resonator. When articulating vowels, the vocal cords work in the larynx. They are close, tense and vibrate. Therefore, when pronouncing vowels, we hear a voice. Vowels can be pulled. You can shout them. And if you put your hand to your throat, then the work of the vocal cords when pronouncing vowels can be felt, felt with your hand. Vowels are the basis of a syllable, they organize it. There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels. For example: he- 1 syllable, she- 2 syllables, guys- 3 syllables, etc. There are words that consist of one vowel sound. For example, unions: and, and and interjections: Oh !, Oh !, Ooh! other.

In a word, vowels can be in stressed and unstressed syllables.
Stressed syllable the one in which the vowel is pronounced clearly and appears in its basic form.
V unstressed syllables vowels are modified, pronounced differently. The change of vowels in unstressed syllables is called reduction.

There are six stressed vowels in Russian: [a], [o], [y], [s], [and], [e].


Words that can only consist of vowels are possible, but consonants are also necessary.
In Russian, there are much more consonants than vowels.

§4. The way consonants are formed

Consonants- these are sounds, when pronounced, the air encounters an obstacle in its path. In Russian, there are two types of barriers: a slit and a bow - these are two main ways of forming consonants. The type of obstruction determines the nature of the consonant sound.

Slit formed, for example, when pronouncing sounds: [s], [h], [w], [g]. The tip of the tongue only approaches the lower or upper teeth. Slotted consonants can be pulled: [s-s-s-s], [w-w-w-w] . As a result, you will hear a good noise: when pronouncing [s] - whistling, and when pronouncing [w] - hissing.

Bow, the second type of articulation of consonants is formed when the organs of speech are closed. The air flow abruptly overcomes this obstacle, the sounds are short and energetic. Therefore, they are called explosive. You won't be able to pull them. These are, for example, the sounds [n], [b], [t], [d] . This articulation is easier to feel and feel.

So, when pronouncing consonants, noise is heard. Noise is a hallmark of consonants.

§5. Voiced and voiceless consonants

According to the ratio of noise and voice, consonants are divided into voiced and deaf.
When pronouncing voiced consonants are heard both voice and noise, and deaf- only noise.
Deaf people cannot be pronounced loudly. They cannot be shouted.

Let's compare the words: House and cat. Each word has 1 vowel sound and 2 consonants. The vowels are the same, but the consonants are different: [d] and [m] are voiced, and [k] and [t] are voiceless. Voice-deafness is the most important sign of consonants in Russian.

pairs of voiced-deafness:[b] - [n], [h] - [c] and others. There are 11 such pairs.

Pairs for deafness-voicedness: [n] and [b], [n "] and [b"], [f] and [c], [f "] and [c"], [k] and [g], [k "] and [g"], [t] and [d], [t "] and [d"], [w] and [g], [s] and [z], [s "] and [ h "].

But there are sounds that do not have a pair on the basis of voicedness - deafness. For example, the sounds [p], [l], [n], [m], [y ’] do not have a voiceless pair, while [c] and [h’] have a voiced pair.

Unpaired in deafness-voiced

Voiced unpaired:[p], [l], [n], [m], [y "], [p"], [l "], [n"], [m "] . They are also called sonorous.

What does this term mean? This is a group of consonants (9 in total) with pronunciation features: when they are pronounced in the oral cavity, obstacles also arise, but such that the air stream, passing through an obstacle makes only a slight noise; air flows freely through an opening in the nasal cavity or mouth. Sonorous are pronounced using a voice with the addition of minor noise. Many teachers do not use this term, but everyone should know that these sounds are voiced unpaired.

Sonorants have two important features:

1) they are not stunned, like paired voiced consonants, before the deaf and at the end of the word;

2) in front of them, voicing of paired voiceless consonants does not occur (i.e., the position in front of them is strong in terms of voicelessness, as well as in front of vowels). For more information on positional changes, see.

Deaf unpaired:[c], [h "], [w":], [x], [x "].

What is the easiest way to memorize lists of voiced and voiceless consonants?

The phrases will help to remember the lists of voiced and voiceless consonants:

Oh, we didn’t forget each other!(There are only voiced consonants)

Foka, would you like to eat some checz?(There are only voiceless consonants here)

True, these phrases do not include hardness-softness pairs. But usually people can easily figure out that not only hard [s] sonorous, but also soft [s "], not only [b], but also [b"], etc.

§6. Hard and soft consonants

Consonants differ not only in voicelessness, but also in hardness and softness.
Hardness-softness- the second most important sign of consonants in Russian.

Soft consonants differ from solid the special position of the language. When pronouncing hard, the entire body of the tongue is pulled back, and when pronouncing soft, it is shifted forward, and the middle part of the tongue is raised. Compare: [m] - [m ’], [h] - [z’]. Voiced soft sounds higher than hard ones.

Many Russian consonants form hardness-softness pairs: [b] - [b ’], [c] - [c’] and others. There are 15 such pairs.

Pairs of hardness-softness: [b] and [b "], [m] and [m"], [p] and [p "], [c] and [c"], [f] and [f "] , [h] and [h "], [c] and [c"], [d] and [d "], [t] and [t"], [n] and [n "], [l] and [l "], [p] and [p"], [k] and [k "], [z] and [z"], [x] and [x "].

But there are sounds that do not have a hard-soft pair. For example, the sounds [w], [w], [c] do not have a soft pair, while [y ’] and [h’] have no hard pair.

Unpaired in hardness-softness

Solid unpaired: [w], [w], [c] .

Soft unpaired: [th "], [h"], [w ":].

§7. Indicating the softness of consonants in writing

Let's digress from pure phonetics. Consider a practically important question: how is the softness of consonants in writing indicated?

In Russian, there are 36 consonants, among which there are 15 pairs of hardness-softness, 3 unpaired hard and 3 unpaired soft consonants. There are only 21 consonants. How can 21 letters represent 36 sounds?

For this, different methods are used:

  • iotated letters e, e, y, i after consonants, except w, w and c, unpaired in hardness-softness, indicate that these consonants are soft, for example: aunt- [t'o't'a], uncle -[Yes Yes] ;
  • letter and after consonants, except w, w and c... Consonants denoted by letters w, w and c, unpaired solid. Examples of words with a vowel and: no wea- [n'i' tk'i], sheet- [l'ist], cute- [cute'] ;
  • letter b, after consonants, except w, w, after which the soft mark is an indicator of grammatical form. Examples of soft-signed words : request- [prose'ba], stranded- [m'el '], distance- [gave ’].

Thus, the softness of consonants in writing is conveyed not in special letters, but in combinations of consonants with letters and, e, e, u, i and b. Therefore, when parsing, I advise you to pay special attention to the adjacent letters after the consonants.

Discussing the problem of interpretation

School textbooks say that [w] and [w ’] - unpaired in hardness-softness. How so? We hear that the sound [sh ’] is a soft analogue of the sound [sh].
When I studied at school myself, I could not understand why? Then my son went to school. He had the same question. It appears in all children who are thoughtful about learning.

Confusion arises because school textbooks do not take into account that the sound [ш '] is also long, but the solid [ш] is not. Pairs are sounds that differ in only one feature. A [w] and [w ’] - two. Therefore, [w] and [w ’] are not pairs.

For adults and high school students.

In order to maintain correctness, it is necessary to change the school tradition of transcribing the sound [ш ']. It seems that it is easier for the guys to use one more additional sign than to face an illogical, obscure and misleading statement. It's simple. So that generation after generation does not rack their brains, it is finally necessary to show that a soft hissing sound is long.

For this, in linguistic practice, there are two icons:

1) a superscript over the sound;
2) colon.

The use of an accented mark is inconvenient because it is not provided for by the set of characters that can be used in computer typing. This means that the following possibilities remain: the use of a colon [ш ’:] or a grapheme denoting the letter [ш’] . It seems to me that the first option is preferable. First, the guys often mix sounds and letters at first. The use of a letter in transcription will create a basis for such a confusion, provoke an error. Secondly, the guys now start to learn foreign languages ​​early. And the [:] icon is already familiar to them when using it to indicate the longitude of sound. Thirdly, transcription with the designation of longitude by the colon [:] will perfectly convey the features of the sound. [ш ’:] - soft and long, both signs that make it different from the sound [ш] are presented clearly, simply and unambiguously.

What advice is there for the guys who are now studying using generally accepted textbooks? You need to understand, comprehend, and then remember that in fact the sounds [ш] and [ш ’:] do not form a pair in terms of hardness and softness. And I advise you to transcribe them as your teacher requires.

§eight. Place of consonant formation

Consonants differ not only according to the signs you already know:

  • deafness-voicedness,
  • hardness-softness,
  • method of formation: bow-slit.

The last, fourth sign is important: place of education.
Articulation of some sounds is carried out by the lips, others - by the tongue, its different parts. So, the sounds [n], [n '], [b], [b'], [m], [m '] - labial, [v], [v'], [f], [f ' ] - labiodental, all the rest - lingual: front-lingual [t], [t '], [d], [d'], [n], [n '], [s], [s'], [s ], [z '], [w], [w], [w':], [h '], [q], [l], [l'], [p], [p '] , middle lingual [th '] and posterior lingual [k], [k ’], [g], [g’], [x], [x ’].

§nine. Positional changes of sounds

1. Strong-weak positions for vowels. Vowel positional changes. Reduction

People don't use spoken sounds in isolation. They don't need it.
Speech is a stream of sound, but a stream, organized in a certain way. The conditions in which this or that sound is found are important. The beginning of a word, the end of a word, a stressed syllable, an unstressed syllable, a position in front of a vowel, a position in front of a consonant are all different positions. We will figure out how to distinguish between strong and weak positions, first for vowels, and then for consonants.

Strong position one in which sounds are not subject to positional changes and appear in their basic form. A strong position is allocated for groups of sounds, for example: for vowels, this is the position in the stressed syllable. And for consonants, for example, the position in front of the vowels is strong.

For vowels, the strong position is stressed, and the weak one is unstressed..
In unstressed syllables, the vowels undergo changes: they are shorter and are not pronounced as clearly as under stress. This change of vowels in a weak position is called reduction... Due to the reduction, fewer vowels are distinguished in the weak position than in the strong one.

Sounds corresponding to stressed [o] and [a], after hard consonants in a weak, unstressed position, sound the same. The normative language in the Russian language is "akane", i.e. nondiscrimination O and A in an unstressed position after hard consonants.

  • under stress: [house] - [dam] - [o] ≠ [a].
  • without stress: [d a ma´] -home´ - [d a la´] -dala´ - [a] = [a].

Sounds corresponding to stressed [a] and [e] sound the same after soft consonants in a weak, unstressed position. Hiccup is considered to be the normative pronunciation. nondiscrimination NS and A in an unstressed position after soft consonants.

  • under stress: [m'ech ’] - [mach’] - [e] ≠ [a].
  • without stress: [m'ich'o'm] - sword 'm -[m'ich'o'm] - ball 'm - [and] = [and].
  • But what about the vowels [and], [s], [y]? Why was nothing said about them? The fact is that these vowels in a weak position undergo only a quantitative reduction: they are pronounced more concisely, weakly, but their quality does not change. That is, as for all vowels, an unstressed position for them is a weak position, but for a student these vowels in an unstressed position do not pose a problem.

[ly'zhy], [in _lu'zhu], [n'i' t'i] - both in the strong and in the weak positions, the quality of the vowels does not change. And under stress, and in an unstressed position, we clearly hear: [s], [y], [and] and write the letters with which these sounds are usually denoted.

Discussing the problem of interpretation

What vowel sounds are actually pronounced in unstressed syllables after hard consonants?

Performing phonetic parsing and making transcription of words, many guys express bewilderment. In long polysyllabic words, after hard consonants, not the sound [a] is pronounced, as school textbooks say, but something else.

They are right.

Compare the pronunciation of the words: Moscow - Muscovites... Repeat each word several times and listen to which vowel sounds in the first syllable. With the word Moscow everything is simple. We say: [maskva´] - the sound [a] is clearly audible. And the word Muscovites? In accordance with the literary norm, in all syllables, except for the first syllable before the stress, as well as the positions of the beginning and end of the word, we pronounce not [a], but another sound: less distinct, less clear, more like [s] than [ a]. In the scientific tradition, this sound is designated by the sign [b]. So, in reality we say: [мълко´] - milk ,[xyrasho´] - OK ,[k'lbasa´] - sausage.

I understand that by giving this material in the textbooks, the authors tried to simplify it. Simplified. But many children with good hearing, hearing clearly that the sounds in the following examples are different, cannot understand why the teacher and the textbook insist that these sounds are the same. Actually:

[v a Yes ] - water '-[v b d'inoy '] - watery:[a] ≠ [b]
[dr a wha '] - firewood´ -[dr b in'ino'th '] - wood burning:[a] ≠ [b]

A special subsystem is made up of the realization of vowels in unstressed syllables after hissing ones. But in the school course, this material is not presented at all in most textbooks.

What vowel sounds are actually pronounced in unstressed syllables after soft consonants?

I have the greatest sympathy for the guys who learn from textbooks that offer on-site A,NS, O after soft consonants, hear and transmit the sound "and, inclined to e" in transcription. I think it is fundamentally wrong to give schoolchildren as the only option an outdated pronunciation norm - "ekane", which is much less common today "hiccups", mainly among deeply elderly people. Guys, feel free to write in an unstressed position in the first syllable before the stress in place A and NS- [and].

After soft consonants in other unstressed syllables, in addition to the position of the end of the word, we pronounce a short weak sound reminiscent of [and] and denoted as [b]. Speak the words eight, nine and listen to yourself. We pronounce: [in 's'm'] - [b], [d'e' v''t '] - [b].

Do not confuse:

Transcription signs are one thing, but letters are quite another.
The transcription sign [ъ] denotes a vowel after hard consonants in unstressed syllables, except for the first syllable before stress.
The letter ъ is a solid sign.
The transcription sign [b] denotes a vowel after soft consonants in unstressed syllables, except for the first syllable before stress.
The letter ь is a soft sign.
Transcription characters, unlike letters, are given in square brackets.

End of word- a special position. There is a clarification of vowels after soft consonants. The system of unstressed endings is a special phonetic subsystem. In it NS and A differ:

Building[building n'iy'e] - building[zda'n'iy'a], opinion[m'e' n'iy'e] - opinions[mn'e' n'iy'a], sea[mo're] - seas[mo'ra], in 'la[vo'l'a] - on the outside[na_vo'l'e]. Keep this in mind when doing phonetic parsing of words.


How your teacher requires you to designate vowels in an unstressed position. If he uses a simplified transcription system, that's okay: it's widely accepted. Just don't be surprised that you actually hear different sounds in an unstressed position.

2. Strong-weak positions for consonants. Positional changes of consonants

For all consonants without exception, the strong position is position before vowel... Before vowels, consonants appear in their basic form. Therefore, when doing phonetic analysis, do not be afraid to make a mistake when characterizing a consonant in a strong position: [dach'a] - dacha,[t'l'iv'i' zur] - television,[s'ino' n'ims] - sino 'nims,[b'ir'o´ zy] - birch,[karz "i´ us] - baskets... All consonants in these examples are before vowels, i.e. in a strong position.

Strong positions in voice deafness:

  • before vowels: [there] - there,[I will] - I will,
  • before unpaired voiced voices [p], [p ’], [l], [l’], [n], [n ’], [m], [m’], [th ’]: [dl’a] - for,[tl'a] - aphid,
  • Before [in], [in ’]: [your’] - mine,[ringing] - ringing.


In a strong position, voiced and voiceless consonants do not change their quality.

Weak positions in deafness-voicedness:

  • before paired by deafness-voiced: [weak] - sweet,[zu' pk'i] - zu'bki.
  • in front of deaf unpaired: [aphva 't] - girth, [fhot] - entrance.
  • at the end of a word: [zup] - tooth,[dup] - oak.

Positional changes of consonants for deafness-voicedness

In weak positions, the consonants are modified: positional changes occur with them. Voiced speakers become deaf, i.e. are deafened, and the deaf - voiced, i.e. voiced. Positional changes are observed only in paired consonants.

Stunning-voicing of consonants

Stunning voiced occurs in positions:

  • before paired deaf: [fsta 'v'it'] - v turn,
  • at the end of a word: [clath] - treasure.

Sounding the deaf happens in position:

  • before paired voiced: [kaz'ba'] - NS with wha '

Strong positions in hardness-softness:

  • before vowels: [mate ’] - mother,[m'at '] - crumple,
  • at the end of a word: [out] - out,[out ’] - stench,
  • before the labial-labial: [b], [b '], [p], [p'], [m], [m '] and posterior lingual: [k], [k'], [g], [g ' ], [x [, [x '] for sounds [s], [s'], [s], [s'], [t], [t'], [d], [d '], [n ], [n '], [p], [p']: [sa' n'k'i] - Sa'nky(genus. pad.), [s'anq'i] - sled,[boo lka] - bou'lka,[boo l'kat '] - boo lkat,
  • all positions for sounds [l] and [l ']: [forehead] - forehead,[pal'ba] - firing.


In a strong position, hard and soft consonants do not change their quality.

Weak positions in hardness-softness and positional changes in hardness-softness.

  • before soft [t ’], [d’] for consonants [c], [z], which are necessarily softened:, [z’d’es ’],
  • before [h ’] and [w’:] for [n], which is necessarily softened: [by 'n'ch'ik] - donut,[ka 'm'n'sh': uk] - ka 'the messenger.


In a number of positions today, both soft and hard pronunciation are possible:

  • before soft front-lingual [n '], [l'] for front-lingual consonants [c], [h]: snow -[s'n'ek] and, to piss off -[z'l'it '] and [evil']
  • before soft front-lingual, [z '] for front-lingual [t], [d] - raise 't -[pad'n'a't '] and [pad'n'a't'] , take away -[at'n'a't ’] and [atn'a't’]
  • before the soft front-lingual [t "], [d"], [s "], [z"] for the front-lingual [n]: vi' ntik -[v'i'n "t" uk] and [v'i' nt'ik], pe´ nsya -[p'e' n's'iy'a] and [p'e' ns'iy'a]
  • before soft labial [v ’], [f’], [b ’], [p’], [m ’] for labial: enter -[f "p" isa 't'] and [fp "is'at '], ri´ fme(date pad) - [r'i' f "m" e] and [r'i' fm "e]


In all cases, positional softening of consonants is possible in a weak position.
Writing a soft sign with positional softening of consonants is wrong.

Positional changes of consonants based on the method and place of formation

Naturally, in the school tradition it is not customary to present the characteristics of sounds and the positional changes occurring with them in full detail. But the general laws of phonetics need to be learned. Without this, it is difficult to do phonetic parsing and complete test tasks. Therefore, below is a list of position-related changes in consonants according to the characteristics of the method and place of formation. This material is a tangible help for those who want to avoid mistakes in phonetic parsing.

Assimilation of consonants

The logic is this: the Russian language is characterized by the assimilation of sounds, if they are similar in some way and at the same time turn out to be close.

Learn the list:

[c] and [w] → [w:] - sew

[h] and [f] → [f:] - squeeze

[s] and [h ’] - at the root of words [NS':] - happiness, account
- at the junction of morphemes and words [w ’: h’] - comb, dishonorable, with what (a preposition followed by a word is pronounced as one word)

[s] and [w ’:] → [w’:] - split

[t] and [c] - in verb forms → [c:] - smiles
-at the junction of the prefix and the root [cs] - pour out

[t] and [c] → [c:] - unhook

[t] and [h ’] → [h’:] - report

[t] and [t] and [w ’:] ← [c] and [h’] - Countdown

[d] and [w ’:] ← [c] and [h’] - counting

Assign consonants

Assimilation is a process of positional change, the opposite of assimilation.

[g] and [k'] → [x'k '] - light

Simplifying consonant groups

Learn the list:

vst - [st]: hello feel
zdn - [zn]: late
zd - [ss] : under the bridle
lnts - [nts]: Sun
ndc - [nts]: Dutch
ndsh - [nsh:] landscape
ntg - [ng]: x-ray
pdc - [rts]: heart
rdch - [rh ’]: heart
stl - [sl ’]: happy
stn - [sn]: local

Pronunciation of groups of sounds:

In the forms of adjectives, pronouns, participles, there are letter combinations: wow, him. V a place G in them is pronounced [in]: him beautiful blue.
Avoid reading letter by letter. Say the words him, blue, beautiful right.

§ten. Letters and Sounds

Letters and sounds have different purposes and nature. But these are related systems. Therefore, the types of ratio need to be known.

Types of ratio of letters and sounds:

  1. The letter denotes a sound, for example vowels after hard consonants and consonants before vowels: weather.
  2. The letter has no sound of its own, for example b and b: mouse
  3. The letter denotes two sounds, for example, iotated vowels e, e, y, i in positions:
    • the beginning of a word,
    • after the vowels,
    • after dividing b and b.
  4. A letter can denote the sound and quality of the preceding sound, such as iotated vowels and and after soft consonants.
  5. The letter may indicate the quality of the preceding sound, for example b in words shadow, stump, firing.
  6. Two letters can denote one sound, more often a long one: sew, compress, rush
  7. Three letters correspond to one sound: smile - yes -[c:]

Test of strength

Check your understanding of the content of this chapter.

Final test

  1. What determines the quality of a vowel sound?

    • From the shape of the oral cavity at the time of pronouncing the sound
    • From the obstacle formed by the organs of speech at the time of uttering a sound
  2. What is called a reduction?

    • pronunciation of stressed vowels
    • unstressed vowel pronunciation
    • special pronunciation of consonants
  3. For what sounds does the air stream meet an obstacle on its way: a bow or a gap?

    • Vowels
    • Consonants
  4. Can voiceless consonants be pronounced loudly?

  5. Are the vocal cords involved in pronouncing voiceless consonants?

  6. How many pairs of voiceless consonants form?

  7. How many consonants do not have a voice-deafness pair?

  8. How many pairs of hardness-softness Russian consonants form?

  9. How many consonants have no hard-softness pair?

  10. How is the softness of consonants conveyed in writing?

    • Special badges
    • Combinations of letters
  11. What is the name of the position of sound in the stream of speech, in which it appears in its basic form, without undergoing positional changes?

    • Strong position
    • Weak position
  12. What sounds have strong and weak positions?

    • Vowels
    • Consonants
    • For all: both vowels and consonants

Right answers:

  1. From the shape of the oral cavity at the time of pronouncing the sound
  2. unstressed vowel pronunciation
  3. Consonants
  4. Combinations of letters
  5. Strong position
  6. For all: both vowels and consonants

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