St. John's wort oil and its uses. The healing plant St. John's wort and its oil St. John's wort oil tastes like

At the end of June - July, St. John's wort blooms with yellow flowers, a plant that, for its healing properties, is popularly called a remedy for 99 ailments. In medicine, dried herb and St. John's wort oil are used. The latter form was also used in cosmetology.

Basic or Essential?

St. John's wort oil is obtained in various ways:

  • The method of maceration (infusion on neutral oil) or extraction with carbon dioxide is a basic cosmetic. Macerate is a less stable form and has a short shelf life (2-3 months). But it can be made at home. Whereas carbon dioxide extract can be stored for a whole year without changing its properties.
  • By steam distillation - ether. Its output from the feedstock is extremely low. Therefore, the essential oil of St. John's wort is an extremely expensive remedy. And if we consider that in its healing properties it differs little from the basic one, then it is not widely used in cosmetology.

Homemade recipes

At home, you can make macerate from both fresh grass and dry raw materials. This is very valuable considering that it does not have a long shelf life. And in fact, and in another case, the stems and leaves of the plant in the flowering phase are used.

  1. From freshly harvested plants. Do it on the same day when they are still full of vitality. Go through and fill a third of a liter jar with flowers (or the tops of flowering plants), add oil there (olive oil works well, but you can use sesame, sunflower or corn). To prevent the oil from going rancid, the raw materials and hands must be dry. Place in a sunny window for 21 days. Cover with a paper towel, fasten it to the neck so that the moisture evaporates. After 21 days, strain through cheesecloth, do not squeeze. Pour into a clean jar and close the lid. Store in a dark place.
  2. From dry plants. To do this, 150 grams of crushed leaves and flowers are added to half a liter of olive (sunflower) oil and placed in a water bath. Keep on low heat for an hour, then leave for two or three days, then strain, bottle and put in a dark place.


St. John's wort oil contains many useful elements:

  • vitamins A, C, E and PP;
  • carotene;
  • minerals;
  • various micro and macro elements;
  • tannins;
  • fatty acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential substances.

Beneficial features

In dermatology, St. John's wort is used for all kinds of skin lesions: burns, frostbite, acne, bruises, inflammation.

St. John's wort oil is easily absorbed into the skin without leaving an oily sheen. After just a few minutes, it shows its soothing and regenerating properties.

In cosmetology, it is a real balm for dry, inflamed and problem skin.

Suitable for oily and combination skin. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties and therefore can be used against acne.

Perfect for dry skin. Prevents dehydration and restores the composition of the hydrolipid layer of the dermis.

"Loves" his sensitive, irritated and allergy-prone skin. Useful properties have found application for the treatment of porous skin, serve as a unique cleansing and whitening agent.

St. John's wort oil (especially essential oil) slows down skin aging because it is a powerful antioxidant.

Other properties include the elimination of couperosis on the face. The oil is rich in flavonoids, vitamin C, which will strengthen the capillaries, make them more elastic, soften the skin and reduce swelling.

Face recipes

There are many recipes for using St. John's wort at home:

  • For acne. Rub the skin with oil overnight. After two weeks, the acne will go away. For prevention, wipe your face with it 3 times a week.
  • From rosacea. take 1 tbsp. slightly warm a spoonful of St. John's wort oil and add a few (2-3) drops of rosemary or cypress essential oil, wipe the areas of the face affected by rosacea. After half an hour, rinse with warm water, apply a moisturizer.
  • For bruising and inflammation. Soak a napkin or cotton pad with oil. Apply several times a day.
  • From burns and abrasions. Lubricate the damaged areas with St. John's wort 2-3 times a day, without covering.
  • For dry skin. Mix 1 tsp. oatmeal (grind in a coffee grinder), 2 tbsp. watermelon pulp and half a tsp. St. John's wort oil. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes.
  • For irritated skin. Apply for 15 minutes a mixture (in equal proportions) of St. John's wort, grape seed and honey oils.
  • For narrowing the pores. Mix egg white with 1 tsp. St. John's wort extract and 5 drops of tea tree oil. You can add 1 drop of Leuzea to the mixture.

Features of use and contraindications

St. John's wort oil has phototoxic properties (makes the skin sensitive to the sun's rays). Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to use it in its pure form. Before use, it must be mixed with another base oil, so that the proportion of St. John's wort is 10-20%. Undiluted only point application is permissible.

Other contraindications for use include pregnancy and lactation, as well as individual intolerance.

St. John's wort is a completely unremarkable herb. Behind the "brutal" name are hidden harmless small yellow flowers on tetrahedral legs up to 80 cm high. It blooms at the end of June, and it is at this time that the plant is famous for its nutrients, so the collection of herbs is most often assigned to the middle summer.

John's wort received the formidable name for certain reasons. The fact is that it contains substances that, when they enter the mouth of an animal, exhibit a photosensitizing effect. From this, the skin of the animal becomes very light-sensitive, up to burns.

Healing decoctions, infusions are prepared from the plant, and used as part of various oils. St. John's wort oil is made by oil extraction. At the end of the process, the hood turns out to be of a beautiful wine color. It is used both as a medicine and in various cosmetic procedures.


Behind the nondescript look of St. John's wort hides a whole baggage of useful compounds that benefit the body, and, of course, all the beneficial properties of St. John's wort are inherent in the oil prepared from this ingredient.

It contains such an element as cineon. Thanks to him, St. John's wort oil helps with prolonged depression, fatigue, nervous tension, migraines. Cineon improves the functioning of the nervous system and stimulates tissue repair.

Hyperozide and saponins fight edema with a diuretic effect. Rutin strengthens the vascular walls, while vitamins C, P and B strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of viral diseases and strengthen the heart muscle.

Beneficial features

As can be seen from the composition of St. John's wort oil, it is rich in elements that a person needs for the normal functioning of his nervous, digestive, urinary and immune systems.

It perfectly suppresses depressive states and has an analgesic effect. The elements that make up St. John's wort regenerate tissues, fight edema, and help with alcohol addiction. In addition, St. John's wort oil is an excellent antiseptic and has antihelminthic properties. In addition, it has a hemostatic effect and is often used in folk medicine to heal wounds.

Anti-inflammatory properties are also inherent in this plant. That is why St. John's wort extract is widely used in gynecology for the treatment of erosion, adhesions, inflammation, amenorrhea and infertility.

The list of problems that St. John's wort is capable of fighting is quite long:

  • depressive conditions;
  • joint pain;
  • heart diseases;
  • diseases of the stomach and digestive system;
  • bladder disease;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • infectious diseases;
  • loss of elasticity of the skin of the face, wrinkles;
  • problem skin, acne;
  • neurological problems.

Possible harm and contraindications

The oil has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when using it.

  • The product is not recommended to be used in its pure form. Previously, it should be stirred in any other vegetable oil so that the proportion of St. John's wort extract is 15-20% of the total volume of the mixture. It is allowed to use it in its pure form as a point.
  • This product should not be used before sunbathing due to its phototoxic properties.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as individual intolerance are also contraindications to the use of this product.
  • At elevated temperatures, as well as pressure above the norm, the use of St. John's wort oil is prohibited.
  • It is highly discouraged for laboratory technicians who use radioactive elements to use St. John's wort oil.

Application methods

St. John's wort oil is a universal remedy that is applicable in various fields of medicine and cosmetology.

In cosmetology

St. John's wort manifests itself well in solving cosmetic problems in the form of rashes, redness and acne. In addition, St. John's wort oil is suitable not only for oily and inflamed skin, but also for dry, dehydrated skin, restoring the hydrolipid balance in the epidermis.

The ether of St. John's wort has powerful regenerative functions. It rejuvenates the cells of the epidermis, restoring elasticity to the skin and protecting it from premature aging.

There are many ways to use this oil on the skin to solve many cosmetic problems.

Remedy for skin rosacea


  • St. John's wort oil - 10 g;
  • rosemary ether - 3 drops.

To prepare the product, you need to warm up the oil and add rosemary ether. Then, using a cotton swab, wipe the entire surface of the face with the composition and leave the product on the skin for 30 minutes.

After the procedure, the oil can be washed off with a wash gel and a cleansing mask can be applied or simply applied with a cream.

Anti-dryness mask


  • crushed oatmeal flakes - 5 g;
  • watermelon pulp - 20 g;
  • St. John's wort oil extract - 5 g.

To prepare the mask, it is necessary to mix all the ingredients until smooth and apply in a dense layer over the entire surface of the face for 25 minutes. Finally, the mask can be removed with a damp towel.

Banana and cream mask


  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • cream - 1 teaspoon;
  • St. John's wort extract - 2 tablespoons.


  • mash the banana with a blender;
  • combine mashed potatoes, cream and plant extract;
  • apply the mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes;
  • at the end, rinse off the remnants of the mask with warm water.

For dry skin

For skin with signs of dryness in the form of flaking, a gelatin mask is suitable.


  • gelatin - 10 g;
  • St. John's wort oil - 5 g.


  • dissolve gelatin in warm water;
  • add oil extract to gelatin and mix the mass well;
  • apply the mask on the face with a cosmetic brush and leave to dry;
  • the mask should be removed after half an hour by pulling one end of the formed film to the side.

Complexion enhancement mask

  • sour cream - 10 g;
  • lemon juice - 5 drops;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • St. John's wort oil - 5 g.

To prepare the mask, it is necessary to peel the tomato from the skin, having previously doused it with boiling water. This will make the skin easier to remove. Then mix all the components of the mask into a homogeneous substance using a blender in one bowl and apply the mixture to the cleansed face for no more than 8 minutes. Then its remains are removed with a damp cloth.

Mask for dehydrated skin


  • dry chamomile flowers - 20 g;
  • St. John's wort extract - 10 g;
  • milk - 300 g.

To prepare the mask, you need to take a small saucepan, pour milk into it, add chamomile flowers and put on low heat. The flowers should be boiled for no more than 10 minutes. Then the broth should be infused for 2 hours, then it is filtered through a sieve to remove flowers. The plant extract is added to 2 tablespoons of the strained broth, mixed and this mixture is applied to the face. After 5 minutes, the face is washed with the remaining decoction and rinsed with plain water.

Anti-irritation mask


  • grape seed oil - 10 g;
  • St. John's wort oil - 10 g;
  • honey - 10 g.

After mixing all the components, the mask is applied for 15-20 minutes to cleansed skin. After it is washed off with warm water using a small amount of foam for washing.

For tightening pores

If the pores are enlarged, then a mask based on St. John's wort and tea tree oil can be used to solve this problem.


  • St. John's wort oil extract - 5 g;
  • tea tree oil extract - 4 drops;
  • chicken egg white - 1 pc.

All ingredients of the mask are mixed and distributed over the entire surface of the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, for 10-15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the remnants of the mask are removed with a damp cloth and washed with foam and gel.

This oil is also included in the top of the best remedies for deep wrinkles on the face, which clearly deserves attention from the fair sex fighting the signs of aging.

Facial firming mask

  • St. John's wort oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • cucumber pulp - 1 pc .;
  • starch - 1 tablespoon.

All components of the mask are mixed in one bowl using a blender. Then the mask is applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.

Hair Mask

Using St. John's wort oil on hair helps to strengthen hair follicles, prevent hair breakage and dryness, help with hair loss and eliminate dandruff. It also enhances the natural shine of the hair and helps fight itchy scalp. It is recommended to use it only on oily hair, as well as on combined hair, as the extract of St.

The procedure for use is very simple. The oil is rubbed into the hair roots, left on for a while and then washed off with detergents. For the appearance of a visible result, this process is repeated every 10 days for 3-4 months.

Masks with St. John's wort are often used in combination with other ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair and follicles.

Firming egg and honey mask


  • St. John's wort oil - 10 g;
  • honey - 10 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.

All components are mixed with each other and the resulting mixture is applied to the hair roots and along their entire length. Covering the hair with a film and then a towel, leave it on the hair for 1 hour. After the mask can be washed off with shampoo.

Hair Loss Mask


  • shampoo - 10 g;
  • St. John's wort oil - 10 g.


  • mix the ingredients of the mask;
  • wet your hair a little;
  • apply the mask to the hair roots and along the entire length and leave for 10 minutes;
  • after the expiration of time, wash off the remnants of the mask with shampoo.

Anti-dandruff mask


  • honey - 5 g;
  • St. John's wort oil - 20 g.

To prepare a mask, you need to mix honey and oil, apply the mixture with massaging movements on the scalp. For the best result, you should perform a five-minute massage, and then leave the mask on your hair for 1 hour. Then it is washed off with water and shampoo.

Oily roots and dry ends

If the hair is oily at the roots and dry at the ends, then a mask with olive and St. John's wort will moisturize the ends and dry the scalp.


  • St. John's wort oil - 20 g;
  • olive oil - 10 g;
  • burdock oil - 20 g.

To prepare the mask, you must mix all the ingredients and apply the oil mixture to the scalp and hair from roots to ends. The duration of this mask is 2 hours. Then it is washed off with shampoo, if necessary several times, since the oils from the hair are not washed off immediately.

A mask with St. John's wort oil and kefir will help with excessive oily hair


  • kefir - 200 g;
  • oil essence of St. John's wort - 20 g;
  • honey - 10 g.

Before performing the mask, remove the kefir from the refrigerator and leave it on the table until it reaches room temperature. Then oil and honey are added to it, the mixture is well stirred and applied to the roots and hair, leaving the mask for an hour under a film and a towel. Then the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water and shampoo.

In gynecology

The use of St. John's wort oil in the treatment of gynecological problems must be approved by the attending physician. Only after consulting a specialist is it recommended to use St. John's wort ether in the fight against female ailments of various origins.

St. John's wort oil is used in the treatment of cervical erosion. To do this, use ordinary tampons, which are dipped into a container with St. John's wort oil to fill them with this product. Then such homemade phytotampons are used at night for 10 days.

As a folk remedy for the treatment of ailments

Due to its antiseptic, antiviral, healing, regenerating properties, St. John's wort oil extract is used to treat many diseases, as well as in the complex therapy of various diseases as a folk remedy.

  • Angina, stomatitis, pharyngitis. For treatment, 1 teaspoon of oil is absorbed 5 times a day.
  • Burns. St. John's wort extract is used to lubricate the affected area of ​​the skin.
  • Stomach ulcer. Treatment with St. John's wort oil occurs for 40 days in a composition with celandine oil.
  • Vitiligo. Treatment is performed by wetting gauze in oil and applying it to problem areas for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 40 days.
  • Rheumatism, dislocations, diseases of the spine. Treatment is carried out by lubricating and rubbing oil on painful areas.

Home cooking options

St. John's wort oil can be made by anyone at home. To do this, you need freshly picked flowers of the plant in the amount of 30 g and olive oil. Other vegetable oils such as almond, flax and sunflower oils can be used.

200 g of oil is poured into a glass dish (preferably with a lid) and flowers are added. It is closed and placed in a dark place, for example, in a closet. After 45 days, the readiness of the St. John's wort oil can be checked by its color, which should change from yellow to reddish. The oil is filtered through a fine strainer, the finished product is poured into a dark glass storage jar.

Oil can also be prepared in an unconventional way using white wine.


  • 500 ml of wine;
  • 500 g St. John's wort.

The ingredients for the manufactured product are mixed in a glass container and left in the cabinet for 3 days. After this infusion is placed on the stove and the liquid is evaporated from the mixture on minimal heat. The resulting substance is filtered and stored in a dark glass dish. The resulting product relieves redness well and heals skin frostbite.

You can also use dry material to make oil essences. Flowers are dried after picking at the dacha, and in urban settings they buy the finished product at the pharmacy.

To make oil from dried flowers, take 1 part of the plant and 2 parts of your favorite oil (olive, corn, almond). After mixing the ingredients, put the mixture in a bowl, put it in a water bath and leave it there for 3 hours. After such heating, the mixture is removed for 3 weeks in a dark place and then, after filtering the oil, it is used as directed.

And finally, some more tips for using this amazing and useful product, which were tested in practice by the people who used it and confirmed their effectiveness.

  • St. John's wort oil works better and gives a good result when heated, so before using it directly, you should warm it up to body temperature, but not more than 40 degrees.
  • If the balsamic herbal smell of St. John's wort turns out to be unpleasant, then you can fix it by adding a few drops of ylang-ylang or orange essential oil. The citrus aroma covers well any specific odors.
  • St. John's wort oil, like any oil product, is not washed off immediately, so you do not need to wet your hair before using the detergent. First, you should apply shampoo to the hair roots, massage the scalp well, go through all the hair and only then direct a stream of water onto the hair.
  • St. John's wort is a good helper in the treatment of many ailments that a person faces, but he cannot become a panacea. You should never give up modern methods of treating a particular disease, which are shown by your doctor, giving preference to herbal treatments with St. John's wort oil.

You will learn more about St. John's wort oil in the following video.

There are many plant oils with healing effects. In terms of its effectiveness and beneficial effect on the body, St. John's wort oil stands out among them - its properties and use, of course, deserve our attention. Over the long history of using this unique product, many positive reviews and recipes have accumulated. called a plant for 99 diseases. An oil emulsion made from it not only retains many of the beneficial properties of the plant, but also acquires new ones due to the oily base.

St. John's wort oil - useful properties and contraindications

The medicinal properties and use for medical purposes of St. John's wort oil are explained by its rich biochemical complex. He also defines some contraindications, although it is worth noting that there are not so many of them. The first thing to start considering the properties and uses of St. John's wort oil is the composition.

When extracted from plant raw materials St. John's wort, a large amount of flavonoids, essential compounds, resinous substances, carotenoids, vitamin C, tannins and phytoncides, of which most are derivatives of dianthrone, hypericin and pseudohypericin, are transferred to the base oily base.

The healing properties of St. John's wort oil and application

Thanks to such a rich set of biologically important substances, this remedy has a certain spectrum of healing effects. They determine the use of St. John's wort oil in official and folk medicine. The tool has the following effects:

  • wound healing
  • bactericidal
  • drying
  • epithelizing
  • antispasmodic
  • pain reliever
  • sedative
  • nutritious

For the treatment of skin problems

Many skin lesions (irritation, peeling, burns, cracks, wounds, bites, ulcers, abscesses, pustules and other inflammatory formations) are effectively treated with St. John's wort oil. This remedy is also used for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease. Very often, sea buckthorn oil is used for this purpose, but St. John's wort is not inferior to it in healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

For treatment, the damaged surface is lubricated with an oily liquid several times a day. Alternatively, you can apply an oil compress. St. John's wort oil also helps with vitiligo (white spots on the skin). In this case, you will need exactly the compress, which is applied for 40-60 minutes a day. The course of treatment is a month. After that - a break of two weeks and again a monthly course of treatment.

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

St. John's wort oil extract is useful not only for external use, but also for internal use. In particular, drinking it is useful for gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers. Under its influence, wounds on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract are healed faster, inflammation is relieved and ulcers are healed. External use of this remedy is also indicated for hemorrhoids.

In addition, the oil emulsion of the sickle wort (as this medicinal plant is also called) helps with constipation. Its use is useful for poor bile secretion. For oral administration, a less concentrated preparation is suitable. It is consumed 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Application for osteochondrosis

Outwardly, St. John's wort oil is used as a nourishing and light anesthetic for osteochondrosis. Its active ingredients are well absorbed and quickly penetrate into the connective tissue of the spine. As a result, the cartilage is strengthened and regenerated. With this tool, it is convenient and useful to do not only rubbing the problem areas of the back, but also massage.

The use of St. John's wort oil in gynecology

The instruction for this drug says that it can be successfully used for some gynecological problems. So, with the appearance of irritation in the vagina and inflammatory processes (for example, erosion of the cervix), tampons soaked in St. John's wort are used. For faster treatment, they are placed at night. The procedure is repeated until complete recovery.

The use of St. John's wort oil in cosmetology

It is useful to add this emulsion to cosmetic products for the face (for example, to masks) or to massage with it. As a result, the walls of the capillaries are strengthened and thereby the manifestations of rosacea are reduced.

The anti-inflammatory properties of St. John's wort oil are worth using in the fight against acne and herpes. The agent is applied pointwise - only to the site of inflammation. For the face, the remedy also helps with dry skin.

St. John's wort oil extract will be useful for those who want to quickly get a quick, even and beautiful tan, as this remedy stimulates the production of melanin in the skin. It is not at all necessary to buy an expensive tanning agent; you can use St. John's wort oil for this purpose.

It is useful to add it to nourishing hair masks. The substances contained in the herb of this plant strengthen the hair follicles, reduce the oiliness of the scalp and the manifestations of seborrhea.

St. John's wort oil - contraindications

The constant use of this agent inside requires special care. When used externally, it is safe even for newborns. In order for St. John's wort oil to bring benefit, and not harm, during the course of treatment, you need to remember about contraindications. There are a number of situations where this drug is undesirable for regular medicinal use. This list includes:

  1. High blood pressure.
  2. Taking birth control pills.
  3. Taking antidepressants.
  4. Upcoming anesthesia during surgery.
  5. Prolonged sun exposure.
  6. Individual intolerance.

How to make St. John's wort oil

This product can be freely purchased at the pharmacy, the price for it is low. But if desired and in the presence of medicinal raw materials, it is easy to prepare it with your own hands. Since this is not a distilled ether, it is made by infusion. The essential oil from St. John's wort also exists, but the process of obtaining it is expensive, so the price is also high, it is not easy to find and buy such a remedy. These liquids also differ in color. Real ethereal is a light green shade with a delicate aroma. Oily extract obtained by infusion - with a reddish tint.

At home, there are several ways to make St. John's wort oil, among which you can choose the simplest and most affordable for yourself. But note that not all the herb of St. John's wort is required to make an oil preparation, but only flowers.

The first way

Fresh inflorescences of St. John's wort are poured with any vegetable oil (even linseed oil - the beneficial properties will only increase from this) in a ratio of 1:10. Infusion should last at least two weeks in a darkened place. The finished product must be filtered.

With any method of preparing St. John's wort oil, it must be shaken periodically during infusion.

Second way

This recipe produces a more concentrated oil of St. John's wort. For one part of the inflorescences, two parts of the base oil are taken. As already mentioned, it can be anything - olive, sunflower, almond, peach,. The last three oils are preferable if you are going to use the product for cosmetic purposes on your face. In this case, the elixir is insisted for at least three weeks.

Third way

You can also make St. John's wort oil from dry herbs. To do this, it is crushed and poured with any base oil in a 1: 2 ratio. The container is placed in a water bath and heated for 3-4 hours. It is advisable to close the dishes with a lid so that useful substances do not collapse, in particular hypericin, which is unstable to light.

After heating, the liquid is additionally infused in the traditional way (in the dark and warm) for about two weeks. After that, it is filtered and poured into a dark glass bottle.

Fourth way

A somewhat unusual recipe that has survived to this day in folk medicine. One part of the flowers is poured with alcohol (it needs three times more). Alcohol extraction is continued for 12 hours. Then the base oil is added to the same container, it should be six times more than vegetable raw materials.

All contents are placed in a water bath and heated for three hours. During this time, the alcohol will have time to evaporate and only St. John's wort extract will remain in the emulsion. It is believed that with this method, the maximum extraction of useful substances occurs.

Knowing what St. John's wort oil is used for, you can safely prepare it and use it for the benefit of health and beauty. It is not demanding on storage conditions, which means that it is convenient to take it with you on the road, for example, to the sea or to the country, where there is always a risk of getting burned. The chemical composition, medicinal properties and use of St. John's wort oil unambiguously speak of its usefulness and safety.

Health and beauty to you!

Hello dear readers. Often at the edge of the forest, along the edges of a forest plantation or on the side of the road, you can see a real miracle of nature: green bushes with bright yellow fragrant flowers very similar to stars. This St. John's wort is a plant known to many, which is widely used in traditional medicine, folk healing recipes, and cosmetology. Decoctions, infusions on water and alcohol, and so on are prepared from it. This is practically no secret to anyone. Did you know that there is also St. John's wort oil, the properties and application of which will be considered today. How to make this health elixir at home? I will not forget to tell you about this. No wonder we pay so much attention to this wonderful plant. It is used by humans as one of the main ingredients for the preparation of dozens of natural medicines.

Very effective, since ancient times. Even then it was said that without St. John's wort it is impossible to cure an ailment, just as bread cannot be baked without wheat! After studying this information, St. John's wort is likely to take its rightful place in your home. We will consider all the details regarding St. John's wort oil. The benefits and harms will be considered including.

What is contained in St. John's wort oil

Naturally, an article about this incredible plant would not be complete without its composition, which predetermines its healing properties. Undoubtedly, they are influenced by the method of preparation of a particular drug based on it, and the peculiarities of its use in each individual case. But, about them - a little later. About the composition - right now:

Vitamins A, E, groups P and C (as well as others, but in less significant concentrations).

Mineral substances (micro- and macroelements), most of which are iron, copper, zinc, iodine.

Tannins, tocopherols and flavonoids.

Kypericin, St. John's wort essential oil, nicotinic acid, carotene.

But, the full composition of St. John's wort oil cannot be predetermined in advance due to the fact that it is not always known what the chemical composition of the oil on which it was infused or which was added for its complete stabilization.

Visually, in appearance, St. John's wort oil is very easy to identify. It has a shade that is not very pronounced, but very distinct in order to see it. Along with the redness, high-quality St. John's wort oil must be fairly transparent. Besides all this, it is liquid and, at the same time, highly oily.

St. John's wort oil - medicinal properties and uses

They (properties), which characterize the area of ​​its application, cover a fairly wide range of various pathological conditions. It can also be used for their effective prevention. By the way, this oil is also used internally, not only as an external preparation.

If you are interested in more detailed information about the herb St. John's wort, then you can familiarize yourself with it in the article "." Well, today our whole conversation will be about St. John's wort oil. So, about the properties of St. John's wort oil.


In order to eliminate inflammatory processes, as a rule, pharmaceutical preparations are used - products of the pharmaceutical industry. But, in the fight against inflammation of soft tissues and mucous membranes, St. Now he is confidently "regaining" his position, looking at the increasing emphasis of many people on natural remedies used in alternative medicine.


Proven laboratory, confirmed in practice: the oil extracted from St. John's wort, on its basis, destroys various strains of viruses, bacteria and effectively fights harmful fungi. Why is it important? The main reason, and it alone may be quite enough: the above "organisms" are the main provocateur of most diseases (those that are of an infectious nature). And if you eliminate the cause, you can get rid of the risk of an ailment, and also - very significantly speed up the healing process if the disease has already begun.

Wound healing

For mechanical injuries, thermal and chemical burns, and so on, St. John's wort oil is one of the most desirable remedies. After all, in addition to disinfecting the wound, it helps to accelerate the regeneration of soft tissues, due to which even those wounds that have caused discomfort for a long time and do not heal, heal very quickly and leave only barely noticeable scars (their severity, in many respects, depends on the nature, scale, depth of the wound itself).

Pain reliever

It can be used both as a local agent and as a general one (internally). Do you always rush to the pharmacy for pills when you have a headache or teeth, aching legs or bruises? Indeed, pharmaceuticals are one option. And most of them are affordable and quite effective. But don't forget about the side effects of most of them. But St. John's wort and, in particular, its oil, almost do not have them, having practically no contraindications.


These properties of St. John's wort will come in handy for their application in the field of gastroenterology and not only. The oil acts, in this regard, quickly, providing a pronounced long-term effect. Another of its advantages, which must be mentioned, is St. John's wort, and the products made from it, including oil, do not cause addiction and dependence.


The nervous system is one of those areas of the human body that St. John's wort oil has an extremely positive effect on. In particular, it has a long-term sedative effect, helps to improve sleep, can be used as an effective antidepressant, and so on. On the basis of St. John's wort, not only home remedies are prepared, but also pharmaceuticals, which are then distributed through pharmacy chains.


This oil is able to almost twice accelerate the regeneration of the body's soft tissues, as well as to get rid of abrasions, bruises, edema resulting from injuries, and so on. So, it quickly, almost immediately after application, penetrates the skin, starting to act. It dissolves blood clots (bruises), stimulates cell division, and neutralizes edema.


Due to the fact that St. John's wort oil contains a unique and extremely rich vitamin and mineral complex, it perfectly nourishes the skin and every cell of the body with which it comes into direct contact or to which it is delivered through the bloodstream (some of its individual elements). Therefore, the body will be very grateful for such a natural gift. And especially the skin.


It (allergy) manifests itself externally, but its "epicenter" is inside. So, St. John's wort oil eliminates both. Often it is used by allergy sufferers, especially during the flowering period of certain plants, the mass "invasion" of poplar fluff, and so on. And this greatly facilitates the condition of thousands of people every year!


Rubbed into the skin (lower limbs, face, hands), the oil reliably, and for a very long time, relieves of edema, helps to normalize the water-salt balance in the cells, with all the positive aspects that follow from this!

The oil of this plant (St. John's wort) is recommended to be used (if you have no contraindications for it) for burns, ulcers, erosion, herpes, periodontal disease, stomatitis, for neurological and some mental diseases, for sprains, injuries, inflammation of the skin and internal soft tissues , bruising, bruising, vitiligo, dermatitis and eczema, for taking care of sensitive and oily skin, for cuts, infected wounds, abscesses, frostbite, childhood diathesis, allergic dermatitis, rosacea on the face, impaired metabolism, deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body, sleep disorders and so on. The area of ​​application of this unique healing agent is really mega extensive.

St. John's wort oil at home - how to make

It is much more useful, effective and safe than the overwhelming mass of pharmaceutical drugs. And at the same time, it can be prepared and used even at home, which automatically saves you from long walking to doctor's offices, financial expenses for expensive and, often, harmful drugs and similar unpleasant moments. St. John's wort oil is very easy to prepare at home, here are some recipes.

Recipe number 1

You need to take 500 milliliters of quality oil (olive or unrefined sunflower oil, and if the choice is not so gorgeous, then sea buckthorn or, in extreme cases, corn). The oil is heated in a water bath. Almost at the very beginning of this process, you need to pour into the dishes, directly into the oil (the dishes are only enameled!) From 100 to 130 grams of dry or fresh flowers of St. John's wort.

If the flowers alone are not available in the required volume, then you can use the entire top of the plant as a whole, previously, carefully, chopping it with a knife and a wooden kitchen board.

Boil the oil in a water bath for about 25-29 minutes. Remove it from the bath, cover and leave to infuse for 3-4 days in a dark place at room temperature.

After it has expired, strain and refrigerate, pouring it into a glass bottle and sealing it tightly with a lid. The shelf life in such conditions is no more than 5 months.

Recipe number 2

30 grams of young flowers (recently blossomed), you need to grind thoroughly in any convenient and affordable way, observing basic hygiene standards. Place the resulting gruel in a glass bottle, pouring olive oil on top. Do not close the bottle. So leave everything for 4 days in a warm room, once a day, just slightly shaking the mixture that will play. Fermentation will end in 4, maximum 5-6 days. After that, the bottle should be tightly sealed with a lid, leaving in a sunny place. Keep there until a red, rather bright, liquid substance is formed.

In terms of time, this will take about 1-1.5 months (depending on the air temperature, the volume of the preparation being prepared and other factors). A liquid is formed in the container: water, and on top is an oily base, that is, the oil itself, directly. It must be separated, poured into a bottle, corked, kept in a cool dark place (a refrigerator is the best option). Shelf life: up to 8 months.

To enhance the properties, you can add to the oil about 1-2% concentrates of any of the essential oils: lavender, marjoram, rosemary.

St. John's wort oil benefits and harms, how to take internally and externally

It, as already mentioned earlier, can be used both as an external means and as an internal one. St. John's wort oil has a lot of useful properties, the main ones of which have already been said quite a lot. But, there is one more very important point. And in no case should you let him out of sight. This is the harm of this remedy. It is, of course, not as expressive as its medicinal ability, but it cannot be completely ruled out, although it occurs in very rare cases.

The first thing that needs to be emphasized: St. John's wort is a powerful plant in terms of biological effects on the body. And it is impossible to use it through measure in any case. How to take it and how much - I'll tell you a little later. And now back to the doses: it is not recommended to exceed them!

Further, regarding the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers, excessive flatulence, and so on - these are all symptoms in which St. John's wort oil helps very quickly and well. But, if you use it for too long a period of time (months), then its effect is radically opposite, causing an exacerbation of these conditions.

Estrogen and progesterone (hormones of synthetic origin) may not be fully absorbed if this oil is taken along with them, internally. Therefore, if you use these drugs and oil at the same time, consult your doctor.

Do not combine St. John's wort with plants such as lemon balm or. This combination is too "heavy" for the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for the liver with kidneys.

How to take St. John's wort oil internally and externally

In the first case, it is most often used in the form of special applications, rubbing, baths, and so on.

The area of ​​application depends on how the oil is used. For example, baths - for problems with feet: peeling, cracking. For 2 liters of water - 100 milliliters of oil. Use 2-3 times a week for 2 months.

Applications, rubbing are used for wounds, edema, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and so on. The first - every other day, within 4-5 weeks. The second - every day for 2 weeks. After a few months, the courses can be repeated.

Internally, the oil is used for gastritis, allergies, inflammation, pain, insomnia, and so on. In each specific case, of which there are dozens, its own dosage is calculated. But, generally speaking, the internal method of consumption is as follows: twice a day, a teaspoon at a time, one hour before a meal or two hours after it. The course is about two weeks. It can be repeated every 2-3 months several times a year.

You can buy St. John's wort oil at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself at home from the flowers of the plant. Moreover, you already know how to make St. John's wort oil at home.

St. John's wort oil for face

It helps with excessive oiliness or, conversely, dry skin, the oil is used in face masks with other components. Nourishes it, eliminates inflammation, fights dermatological diseases. The skin of the face, thanks to the oil, becomes healthy, clean, elastic.

To achieve this effect, you need to wipe it with oil dipped in a cotton pad, every day, morning and evening, after which, after 30-40 minutes, wash your face with warm clean water.

St. John's wort oil for hair

It can be rubbed directly into the scalp, curls, scalp, putting on a plastic bag on top for 30 minutes. Apply - every day for 3 weeks.

The courses are repeated 2-3 times a year. It helps to strengthen hair, improve its structure, eliminate oily gloss, get rid of dermatological diseases.

Can St. John's wort oil be used for babies and during pregnancy?

There are no contraindications to this, but before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor. After all, oil has a powerful effect on the body, which should be borne in mind when using it by children or pregnant women. Don't forget this!

Contraindications to the use of St. John's wort oil:

Impotence and urticaria.


Increased body temperature.

Individual intolerance.

St. John's wort, known as one of the basic medicinal herbs in herbal medicine and folk medicine, fully retains all its unique properties of a "wound healer" in the base oil, which is obtained by infusion in other oils (not to be confused with St. John's wort essential oil obtained by distillation). A thin, unusual oil that stands out from the herbaceous group is obtained from a perennial branchy plant with amber buds of inflorescences, which grows as a weed, wild "grass" in the part of the CIS close to Europe, in western Siberia and in the Central Asian mountain valleys.

In the West, St. John's wort is better known as the herb of St. John or John the Baptist (connected with the legend that St. John's wort blooms most intensively on June 24, the day when Christians celebrate the birth of John the Baptist), and the domestic name of this plant appeals to the ability to increase sensitivity to the sun in pets, cause poisoning, inflammation, skin ulcers or even death of animals. St. John's wort oil has been known for a long time, its popular name - red oil - indicates not only its characteristic color, but also respect for its healing abilities.


St. John's wort oil is obtained by two methods - the classical, maceration, or infusion of flowers in oil and a newer method of extraction with carbon dioxide. In both the first and second cases, stems with inflorescences are used, but the properties of the oils differ significantly.

  • St. John's wort extract obtained with the help of carbon dioxide is often stabilized with antioxidants - alpha-tocopherol and the same carbon dioxide extract of rosemary, which allows the composition to retain all its properties for a longer period and even under the influence of light.
  • St. John's wort oil obtained by classical maceration has less strong healing properties, because it is much more unstable and sensitive to the storage environment. Unlike the extract, it cannot be used for a whole year without any fear - the fresher the oil, the better. If you buy infused macerate, its properties will largely depend on the oil used. Extra virgin olive oil optimally reveals the properties of St. John's wort.

The composition of St. John's wort oil is unpredictable in many ways. The fatty acid content should be looked at by the properties of the oil in which it was infused or added for stabilization. But the rest of the chemical composition is always based on a very high proportion of tocopherols and flavonoids, an admixture of tannins, micro- and macronutrients, azulene, provitamins and vitamins A, groups P and C, cypericin, St. John's wort essential oil, nicotinic acid and carotene.

Outwardly, St. John's wort oil is very easy to recognize: thanks to cypericin, it has a distinct red tint (in macerate - with brown notes), while the oil should be absolutely transparent, liquid, but noticeably oily.

Healing properties

The healing properties of St. John's wort oil cover a fairly wide range of anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic characteristics. It is excellent, has a general sedative effect, has a pronounced analgesic effect and can be used as a sedative.

Effectively healing the skin, St. John's wort oil promotes accelerated treatment of abrasions and wounds, burns, bruises, all types of skin dermatitis and rashes. The anti-inflammatory effect of St. John's wort oil is complemented by the ability to penetrate deeply into tissues and skin, contributing to the resorption of bruises, hematomas and bruises, tissue regeneration. It is also effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Use in cosmetology

In the cosmetic field, the most active are the soothing and regenerating properties of St. John's wort oil. It helps to maintain a normal, healthy skin condition during excessive stress and stress, to restore and normalize, not allowing the modern rhythm of life to affect the condition of the skin, not only of the face, but also of the hands. Among the base oils, St. John's wort is one of the most powerful antioxidants.

But the most pronounced properties of St. John's wort oil in the care of prone to allergic reactions and overly sensitive skin. It is an ideal care product for combination, problematic, oily, dehydrated and rash-prone skin. St. John's wort oil is effective and as a moisturizing and emollient additive for dry skin, it avoids moisture loss, normalizes the hydrolipid balance.

St. John's wort oil demonstrates high efficiency in the treatment of sun and thermal burns, helps to quickly get rid of the crust after a herpetic rash, has an anti-couperous effect, and prevents capillary fragility. At low concentration, it promotes fast tanning.

St. John's wort oil mixed with base oils is excellent as a massage agent. This is one of the most effective base oils for working with oily hair, including fighting dandruff, strengthening hair, accelerating hair growth in case of baldness and seborrhea. With regular use, it tones the hair in a darker and "richer" shade.

Application features

It is strongly discouraged to use St. John's wort oil in its pure form, because it can cause significant skin sensitivity to sunlight. Likewise, you should not use pure oil as a base and a vehicle. Before use, it is dissolved in another plant or base, preparing a diluted version with a content of St. John's wort extract in a fraction of 10% to 20%. The aroma of the oil completely retains all the shades of the scent of the plant inflorescences, it is quite easy to guess.

St. John's wort oil perfectly penetrates the skin without leaving an oily sheen and demonstrating fast antioxidant and anti-inflammation effects. The effect after application to the skin is largely determined by the oil to which it was added. It does not cause an unpleasant sensation, but it must be used with caution before sunbathing and take into account the increased susceptibility of the skin to their effects.

When applied, after a few minutes, it shows its soothing and regenerating properties, perfectly removes excessive oily skin. Due to deep penetration and active influence at the cellular level, it is able to stimulate active internal changes, cause a qualitative transformation, including of damaged skin.

The use of St. John's wort oil depends on the effect you want to achieve.

  • Diluted 10-20% oil can be used to improve or prepare mixtures for the care of normal, oily, dehydrated skin, in cleansing lotions and masks for problem skin, for regenerating balms, shampoos, etc.
  • It is an excellent base for the care of problem areas, a base for massage and a product for applications and cosmetic compresses.
  • In case of sprains, injuries, inflammation of the skin, bruises and bruises of various origins, linen napkins soaked in oil are applied, and the places of burns, wounds, abrasions are gently lubricated several times a day without covering.
  • St. John's wort oil allows you to calm down, get rid of various and depressive conditions when added to the bath (with preliminary mixing with sea salt).
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