List of remedies for rapid healing of wounds. How to quickly heal a wound

The wound process is a set of sequential changes occurring in the wound, and the reactions of the whole organism associated with them.

Conditionally, the wound process can be divided into general reactions of the body and wound healing itself.

General reactions

The complex of biological reactions of the body in response to damage during the wound process can be considered as two successive stages.

Phase one

Within 1-4 days from the moment of injury, excitation of the sympathetic nervous system is noted, the release of hormones of the adrenal medulla, insulin, ACTH and glucocorticoids into the blood. As a result, vital processes are enhanced: body temperature and basal metabolism increase, body weight decreases, the breakdown of proteins, fats and glycogen increases, the permeability of cell membranes decreases, protein synthesis is suppressed, etc. The significance of these reactions is to prepare the whole organism for life in conditions of alteration.

In the first period, a moderate increase in body temperature, weakness, and decreased performance are observed.

In blood tests, an increase in the number of leukocytes is detected, sometimes a slight shift in the leukocyte formula to the left, and protein may appear in urine tests. At profuse blood loss there is a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit.

Second phase

Starting from 4-5 days, the character general reactions due to the predominant influence of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Growth hormone, aldosterone, acetylcholine are of primary importance. In this phase, body weight increases, protein metabolism is normalized, and the reparative capabilities of the body are mobilized. With an uncomplicated course, by the 4th-5th day, the phenomena of inflammation and intoxication are stopped, the pain subsides, the fever stops, the laboratory parameters of blood and urine are normalized.

Healing wounds

Wound healing is the process of repairing damaged tissues with the restoration of their integrity and functions.

To close a defect formed during injury, three main processes take place in the wound:

Collagen formation by fibroblasts. During wound healing, fibroblasts are activated by macrophages. They proliferate and migrate to the site of injury by binding to fibrillar structures via fibronectin. At the same time, fibroblasts intensively synthesize substances of the extracellular matrix, including collagens. Collagens ensure the elimination of tissue defect and the strength of the formed scar.

Epithelialization of the wound occurs as epithelial cells migrate from the edges of the wound to its surface. Completed epithelialization of the wound defect creates a barrier for microorganisms.

The tissue constriction effect, to a certain extent due to the contraction of myofibroblasts, ensures the reduction of wound surfaces and wound closure.

These processes occur in a certain sequence, which is determined by the phases of wound healing (phases of the wound process).

Phases of wound healing according to M.I. Kuzinu (1977):

Phase I - inflammation phase (1-5th day);

Phase II - regeneration phase (6-14 days);

Phase III - the phase of scar formation and reorganization (from the 15th day from the moment of injury).

Inflammation phase

I phase of wound healing - the phase of inflammation, proceeds in the first 5 days and combines two consecutive periods: vascular changes and cleansing of the wound from necrotic tissues. Vascular reactions and extravascular changes occurring in the wound are closely related.

The period of vascular changes. In response to trauma, a number of disorders develop that affect the microvasculature. In addition to the direct destruction of blood and lymphatic vessels, which contributes to the violation of the outflow of blood and lymph, a short-term spasm occurs, and then a persistent paretic expansion of microvessels. Participation in the inflammatory reaction of biogenic amines (bradykinin, histamine, serotonin), as well as the complement system, leads to persistent vasodilation and an increase in the permeability of the vascular wall.

A decrease in perfusion leads to a deterioration in tissue oxygenation in the wound area. Acidosis develops, carbohydrate and protein metabolism... During the decay of cellular proteins (proteolysis), K + and H + ions are released from the destroyed cells, increasing the osmotic pressure in the tissues, water retention occurs, tissue edema (hydration) develops, which is the main external manifestation of inflammation.

Prostaglandins, metabolites of arachidonic acid, released from destroyed cell membranes, take an active part in this phase.

The period of cleansing the wound from necrotic tissue. In cleansing the wound the most significant role play shaped elements blood and enzymes. Already from the first day, neutrophils appear in the tissues and exudate surrounding the wound, and lymphocytes and macrophages appear on days 2-3.

Regeneration phase

The II phase of wound healing - the regeneration phase, takes place from 6 to 14 days from the moment of the appearance of the injury.

Two main processes take place in the wound: collagenization and intensive growth of blood and lymphatic vessels. The number of neutrophils decreases and fibroblasts - cells migrate to the wound area connective tissue with the ability to synthesize and secrete extracellular matrix macromolecules. An important role of fibroblasts in wound healing is the synthesis of connective tissue components and the construction of collagen and elastic fibers. The bulk of collagen is formed precisely in the regeneration phase.

At the same time, recanalization and growth of blood and lymphatic vessels begin in the wound area, which contributes to the improvement of tissue perfusion and nutrition of fibroblasts that need oxygen. Concentrate around the capillaries mast cells that promote capillary proliferation.

Biochemical processes in this phase are characterized by a decrease in acidity, an increase in the concentration of Ca2 + ions and a decrease in the concentration of K + ions, and a decrease in metabolism.

The III phase of wound healing - the formation and reorganization of the scar, begins approximately from the 15th day and can last up to 6 months.

In this phase, the synthetic activity of fibroblasts and other cells decreases and the main processes are reduced to strengthening the formed scar. The amount of collagen practically does not increase. Its restructuring and the formation of cross-links between collagen fibers occur, due to which the strength of the scar increases.

There is no clear border between the regeneration phase and scarring. Maturation of connective tissue begins in parallel with the epithelialization of the wound.

Factors affecting wound healing:

The patient's age;

Nutritional status and body weight;

The presence of a secondary wound infection;

The immune status of the body;

The state of blood circulation in the affected area and the body as a whole;

Chronic concomitant diseases (diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors etc.).

Classic types of healing

With a possible variety of options for the course of the wound process, depending on the nature of the injury, the degree of development of microflora, the characteristics of the violation of the immune response, they can always be reduced to three classical types of healing:

Healing by primary intention;

Healing secondary tension;

Healing under a scab.

Healing by primary intention is the most economical and functionally beneficial, it occurs in a shorter time with the formation of a thin, relatively strong scar.

By primary intention, surgical wounds heal when the edges of the wound are in contact with each other (connected by sutures). The amount of necrotic tissue in the wound is small, the inflammation is insignificant.

Only wounds without an infectious process heal by primary intention: aseptic operating or accidental wounds with minor infection, if microorganisms die within the first hours after injury.

Thus, in order for the wound to heal by primary intention, the following conditions must be met:

No infection in the wound;

Tight contact of the edges of the wound;

The absence of hematomas, foreign bodies and necrotic tissues in the wound;

Satisfactory general condition of the patient (absence of general adverse factors).

Healing by primary intention occurs in as soon as possible practically does not lead to the development of complications and causes small functional changes. it best type healing wounds, to which one should always strive, to create the necessary conditions for it.

Healing by secondary intention - healing through suppuration, through the development of granulation tissue. In this case, healing occurs after a pronounced inflammatory process, as a result of which the wound is cleared of necrosis.

Healing conditions by secondary intention:

Significant microbial contamination of the wound;

A significant defect in the skin;

The presence of foreign bodies, hematomas and necrotic tissues in the wound;

Unfavorable state of the patient's body.

There are also three phases in secondary intention healing, but they have some differences.

Features of the phase of inflammation

In the first phase, the phenomena of inflammation are much more pronounced and the cleansing of the wound takes much longer. At the border of the penetration of microorganisms, a pronounced leukocyte shaft is formed. It contributes to the separation of infected tissues from healthy ones, demarcation, lysis, sequestration and rejection of non-viable tissues occur. The wound is gradually clearing. As the areas of necrosis melt and the decomposition products are absorbed, the intoxication of the body increases. At the end of the first phase, after lysis and rejection of necrotic tissues, a wound cavity is formed and the second phase begins - the phase of regeneration, the peculiarity of which is the emergence and development of granulation tissue.

Granulation tissue is a special type of connective tissue formed during wound healing by secondary intention, contributing to the rapid closure of the wound defect. Normally, without damage, there is no granulation tissue in the body.

Healing under a scab - Healing of a wound under a scab occurs with small superficial injuries such as abrasions, damage to the epidermis, abrasions, burns, etc.

The healing process begins with the clotting of blood, lymph and tissue fluid on the surface of the damage, which dry out with the formation of a scab.

The scab performs a protective function, is a kind of "biological dressing". Rapid regeneration of the epidermis occurs under the scab, and the scab is rejected. The whole process usually takes 3-7 days. In the healing under the scab, mainly biological features epithelium - its ability to line living tissue, delimiting it from the external environment.

Weeping wounds are damage to soft tissue structures. The skin is the body's natural barrier and has many functions.

The superficial skin is exposed to aggressive environmental influences.

Orthopedist-traumatologist: Azalia Solntseva ✓ Article reviewed by a doctor


There are various degrees of damage. Localization: skin, blood vessels, bones, sometimes internal organs.

With non-healing wet trauma, inflammation occurs. Scars form during the healing process. Treatment consists of regular dressings, antibiotics, and disinfectants.

Drying ointments

To treat with drying agents means using ointments and gels.

Means that protect the skin from infection:

  1. Levomekol. Disinfecting, drying ointment has an antibacterial effect, prevents the formation of pus. Improves the activity of the immune system, actively combats pathogenic microorganisms. Usage: for weeping injuries, suppurations, the agent is applied with a syringe, directly to the lesion.
  2. Solcoseryl. Regenerating, drying ointment composition. Promotes the production of new cell fibers, stops the process of fluid formation. Application: apply ointment to the affected area, no more than 2 times a day. Apply to semi-closed dressings. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. There are no contraindications.
  3. Povidone iodine. Gel medication with a regenerating, anti-inflammatory, drying effect. The gel penetrates deep into the dermis, neutralizes the lesion, restores the skin structure, and prevents the formation of scars and scars. Application: rubbed onto the wound surface, washed off after 25 minutes. Contraindications: renal pathology, allergic reactions to iodine, not recommended for children under the age of six.

The listed drugs have antimicrobial, drying properties. Before use, consult a doctor.

Healing remedies

When the dermis is traumatized, a person experiences pain, discomfort.

In order to avoid negative consequences and complications, wound healing agents are used that prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and accelerate regeneration skin:

  1. Bepanten. Wound healing cream, effectively cares for damaged skin, which separates exudate. The components of the cream normalize tissue metabolism, enhance the healing process.
  2. Eplan. Regenerating, wound-healing medicine, has an analgesic, bactericidal effect. It is applied directly to the lesion, several times a day. It can be used as a compress.
  3. Argosulfan. Healing cream based on salt (silver). The drug heals the dermis, has an antibacterial effect. Used to treat weeping wounds, purulent lesions, trophic ulcers, burns.

The choice will depend on the location, area and severity of the lesion.

Antibacterial drugs

During the treatment of weeping wounds, sterile dressings are used.

  • Furacilin solution;
  • Sodium hypochlorite;
  • Miramistin;
  • Okomistin.

Antiseptics reduce the release of exudate.

If the wound continues to get wet and does not heal for a long time, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Treatment is carried out:

  • Streptocidal ointment;
  • Mafenid;
  • Streptonitol;
  • Fudizin (gel).

The funds are applied to the wound surface, a sterile dressing or tampon is applied over it. Often, Xeroform or Baneocin powder is used to treat the skin layers.

Healing process

If the injury oozes, does not heal for a long time, there is a possibility of a secondary infection. The result is a weeping surface.

The immune system tries to fight inflammation on its own, which increases the production of excess blood plasma.

On the foot

Damage to the skin on the leg with the release of fluid occurs as a result of injuries, varicose or erysipelas, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus.

The main task of treatment is to create a systematic outflow of fluid. With congestion purulent fluid inflammation spreads to nearby tissues.

In a hospital setting:

  • processing with antibacterial solutions(Dioxidine);
  • for pain symptoms, pain relievers are used (spray Lidocaine, Xylocaine);
  • to cleanse the necrotic masses, the powdered medicine Trypsin is used (the napkin is moistened in the preparation, applied directly to the affected area).

With shallow weeping injuries on the legs, therapy is carried out at home. Salicylic or Ichthyol ointment is used.

Streptocide (tablets or powder) is used as an antiseptic. Before applying ointment formulations, the skin is treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Reasons for a long delay

Weeping wounds that do not heal for a long time indicate the presence of pathology in the body and the addition of an infection.

Why abrasions on the skin do not heal:

  1. Improper treatment of wound surfaces.
  2. Diabetes. With the disease, the limbs swell, blood circulation is impaired, the activity of the immune system decreases. The cells of the dermis are undernourished.
  3. Age criteria. The immunity of the elderly is weakened. Therefore, the body is not able to independently fight inflammatory processes, regeneration slows down.
  4. Lack of vitamins in the body. The wound does not heal with vitamin deficiency.

Cell regeneration slows down in people diagnosed with cancer, obesity, exhaustion, HIV.

Liquid oozing

The fluid that oozes from the wound is lymph. Its discharge is normal, natural phenomenon... It removes salt impurities, proteins, toxins, and water from tissue structures. Then it returns them to the circulatory system.

If the ichor is not abundant, there is no cause for concern. It is recommended to carry out the prescribed course of treatment.

The abundant flow of lymph from the wound surface is affected by:

  • Poor dermis treatment;
  • polluted ecology;
  • alcoholic beverages and nicotine;
  • the presence of vascular and dermatological pathologies;
  • excessive physical activity.

Process and dry

Any wound, regardless of its location or origin, needs to be treated.

  • to provide Free access to the damaged area of ​​the skin;
  • touching the wound surface is allowed with gloves or tweezers;
  • should be cleaned of contamination, rinse the damaged area with clean water;
  • apply an antiseptic (initially treat with hydrogen peroxide, then brilliant green or iodine);
  • cover the area with a sterile gauze cloth;
  • stop the blood (if any).

Independent use of medicines (gels, ointments, powders) is prohibited. The received injury is examined by the doctor. Then a course of treatment is prescribed.


Any weeping wound, including a burn, is accompanied by bacterial infection. Humidity occurs when the immune system is unable to cope with inflammation.

Treatment of weeping burns consists of systematic dressings, taking antiseptics and wound-healing drugs. ...

It is they who are able to ensure the outflow of fluid, tissue regeneration, and prevent the development of inflammatory processes

Step-by-step therapy of weeping lesions:

  1. Antiseptic treatment. These include Miramistin, Furacilin.
  2. A hygroscopic dressing is used, which is changed every 2-3 hours.
  3. When changing the dressing material, the damage is treated with an antiseptic. Then superimposed antibacterial drug Betadine. He is able to dry the skin.
  4. In the presence of pain, pain relievers are used (tablets, aerosols, injections).
  5. In case of purulent injuries, ointment compositions Levomekol, Levosin are applied under the bandage.

After elimination of inflammation, the use of a burn patch is recommended. At the stage of healing and scarring of the skin, Solcoseryl ointment is applied under the bandage, at least 4 to 6 times a day. Vitamins of groups A, C, E are taken in complex with the main therapy.

Folk recipes

Together with pharmaceuticals for the treatment of weeping injuries are used traditional medicine that are prepared at home:

  1. Potato juice. Fresh potatoes rubbed with a grater. The juice is squeezed out. A sterile napkin is moistened in the liquid, applied to the wound, and bandaged. The compress is applied before bedtime. The medicine draws out the bacterial exudate.
  2. Onion. Vegetable (1 large head) is grated. The gruel is laid out on a gauze cloth, applied to damage (20-30 minutes), 4-5 times a day. The drug reduces puffiness and cleans the surface.
  3. St. John's wort oil. The leaf and inflorescence (100 grams) of St. John's wort are finely chopped, a golden mustache (50 grams) is added. The mixture is poured olive oil(250 ml). The container with the medicine is covered with paper, infused for 15 - 20 days in a warm place. The product is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. The napkin is moistened in the drug and applied to the wound 2 - 3 times a day.

Folk remedies are used after consultation with your doctor.

Open purulent wound

The therapy is carried out:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • detoxification measures (toxins are removed from the body);
  • medicines that stimulate the immune system.

The goal of treatment in the formation of a purulent focus is to cleanse an open wound, reduce inflammation, and eliminate pathogenic bacteria.

For an accelerated process of skin regeneration, the following is prescribed:

  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • liniment Synthomycin;
  • ointment composition of Tetracycline.

Medicines applied to the bandage. Application once a day, preferably at bedtime. To eliminate pus from extensive wounds, drainage is installed.

What is prohibited

For effective treatment weeping abrasions are recommended to follow certain processing rules. If the wound does not heal for a long time, you need to seek the advice of a surgeon.

What is forbidden to do with weeping injuries:

  1. Interrupt treatment. The dressing is carried out every day, in some cases 2 - 3 times a day.
  2. Treat trauma with contaminated materials. Bandages, gauze dressings, nets for fasteners must be sterile.
  3. Bandaging with not clean hands. If there are no sterile gloves, the palms of the hands are washed with soap and treated with an antiseptic.
  4. Rip off dried bandages. They are soaked with water.
  5. Use expired drugs, violate the rule of the instruction.

If, during therapy, the amount of fluid to be separated has increased, the wound has grown, throbbing pain, swelling or redness appear, and all parts of the body ache, it is recommended that the injury be examined by an experienced surgeon.


With the wrong therapy, weeping ulcers and wounds spread, affecting large areas of the skin and nearby tissues.

Treatment and healing of weeping wounds

5 (100%) 6 votes

Scratches after playing with a cat and abrasions from an unsuccessful landing on the asphalt, scuffs from new shoes and a torn off burr, a ripe boil that leaves behind a "crater" and a cut after a careless shave - all this refers to wounds.

Any damage to the integrity of the skin - perfect path for the penetration of pathogenic bacteria present everywhere and everywhere. Improper wound care can result in slow healing, scarring, suppuration, and even sepsis.

But let's not talk about the sad. Moreover, pharmacists have many solutions to this problem. It remains to find out which ointments, sprays and creams for wound healing are the best and deserve a crown place in the home medicine cabinet.

the best ointment for wound healing


The cost of a tube containing 20 g of ointment is about 200 rubles.

Advantages... The main active ingredient of Solcoseryl is deproteinized calf blood dialysate. Translated into human language this means that the cells from which new tissue is "built" during wound healing are already freed from proteins and the human immune system does not need to "sniff" trying to determine whether it is a friend or an enemy. Human immunity perceives this substance as neutral, which minimizes allergic reactions. In addition, the starting material (the blood of healthy calves) is dialyzed - it is freed from impurities unnecessary to humans.

All these complex and incomprehensible processes provided Solcoseryl with the desired effect: it accelerates tissue regeneration, improves the growth and maturation of young cells, prevents the formation of exudate (the very fluid that makes the wound "wet") and stimulates the formation of collagen fibers. Given the wide spectrum of action of Solcoseryl, it is recommended for the treatment of wounds of various origins - from bedsores to burns.

disadvantages... As impressive as the list of benefits is, there have been no clinical studies on the active ingredient. This is due to objective reasons - the specific properties of the dialysate itself, but nevertheless ...

In addition, despite the preparation that the blood product undergoes, it remains a biologically active substance, which means that people with a tendency to allergic reactions should use this ointment with caution.

conclusions... A number of specialists and the patients themselves speak favorably about Solcoseryl, but the lack of an official conclusion on the clinical effect of the drug makes the score to be lowered by 1 point. But the 9 remaining points assigned to Solcoseryl are honestly deserved.

Reviews. “In winter, my skin cracks at my fingertips, and so the cracks bleed. I heard about Solcoseryl by chance, and now this is my favorite, best remedy, the wounds really tighten in the shortest possible time. It is better not to apply it to a wet wound right away - it stings, but if it dries up a little, then it's a nice thing! ".

the best spray for wounds and burns


The cost of a 130 g aerosol bottle is about 320 rubles

Advantages... The active substance - dexpanthenol - acquires interesting properties on the wound surface. It is transformed into pantothenic acid, which is a participant in regenerative processes. So, after applying Panthenol to a sunburn, abrasion, postoperative suture, etc., the process of cell growth is activated in the skin, which "tightens" the wound.

The release form is another plus of the drug. Wounds, the touch to which causes pain, calmly tolerate the spray of Panthenol - the light texture of the aerosol ensures uniform application of the product without unpleasant sensations.

disadvantages... At the most detailed examination, no significant shortcomings are found in Panthenol.

conclusions... The ability to use Panthenol to treat wounds in pregnant women and children (one click on the spray and the child does not even have time to suspect that he is being "treated"), the effectiveness in a wide range of skin lesions (from banal abrasions to blistering dermatitis) give every right to name this remedy for treatment of wounds one of the best and give it a score of 10 points.

Reviews. « When traveling to the sea, Panthenol became a real salvation: she was burned so that she thought to see a doctor. The pharmacy advised Panthenol. I can say that immediately after application there is a feeling of pleasant coolness, the burning sensation and pain soothes. And from the bubbles on the shoulders not a trace remained. The only drawback is that it is expensive, if you use it often, it is not enough for a long time. "

the best ointment for healing purulent wounds


The cost of a 40g tube with ointment is about 130 rubles.

No matter how you protect the wound from external influences, germs can always get into it. Inhabiting the wound surface, they actively grow and multiply, and the result of their vital activity is wound suppuration.

In this case, the famous Levomekol will not allow the infectious process to spread to the surrounding tissues: it contains chloramphenicol, a substance with antimicrobial action. This ointment will become a real boon for those who have small and not very wounds that are their usual companions in life, or when the immune system is not very strong and fights bacteria without much enthusiasm. The spectrum of action of Levomekol is quite wide, which allows it to reduce the activity of not one, but several types of pathogens. Of particular interest for the "wounded" are Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, as well as staphylococcus aureus - the most common pathogens that cause suppuration of wounds.

disadvantages... For all its power, Levomekol is not omnipotent. Treatment with this ointment for a wound that is infected when the wound surface comes in contact with raw meat or fish (it is not uncommon for a cut and infection to occur when cutting fish), as well as with soil, may not impress either you or your doctor.

conclusions... Levomekol does not apply to new drugs that "either help or not." It is a proven remedy for healing infected wounds and prevention of infection if you are not sure about the correctness and effectiveness of antiseptic treatment. Therefore, deserved 10 points out of 10.

Reviews. “The ointment is just amazing !!! They also say that Soviet Union could not do anything. Bacteria got into the wound on the hand, festered, the green stuff didn't take anymore. I took an ointment - literally in 1 day the wound cleared up and began to tighten. There are no words simply. "

the best first aid for eye injuries


The cost of a bottle with a solution of 10 ml. is about 270 rubles.

Advantages... Unfortunately, wounds can appear not only on the skin. The notorious apple of an eye suffers from injuries as often as knees or elbows. But if a cut on a finger can be treated with ordinary brilliant green, then with eye injuries such a first aid will lead to irreversible consequences.

Ophthalmoferon - ophthalmic drops wide range actions that have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, analgesic effect. In fact, these drops are intended for the treatment of diseases accompanied by damage to the tissues of the eye. But a foreign body or a burn (a fairly common injury when cooking a dish in boiling oil) needs quick and correct help. Ophthalmoferon will ease the symptoms and give you time to get to the doctor without the risk of adding a bunch of infections to the injury.

disadvantages... The only identified drawback of Ophthalmoferon is the dislike of many people to bury something in their eyes. But this does not apply to the effectiveness and safety of the drug, so it has no "drawbacks".

conclusions... The best first aid for eye injuries and for the treatment of a wide range of infectious and inflammatory diseases. 10 points out of 10!

Reviews. “I do not presume to criticize other drugs, but in comparison with them, Ophthalmoferon drops are simply excellent. It took us three days to get rid of the conjunctivitis, and the grandson, left for the summer, took the medicine perfectly. I didn't pinch my eyes, there was no irritation. recorded as mandatory for the first aid kit. "

the best remedy to prevent scars and scars from wounds


The cost of a tube containing 15g. gel is about 2800 rubles.

Advantages... Often timely and correct treatment not enough attention is paid to skin injuries. The most common complication is the formation of keloid or hypertrophic scars. This is not only unaesthetic, but also unpleasant: if the scar is located on the skin of the flexor surface of the arms or legs, every movement can cause discomfort.

Dermatix is ​​intended for the treatment of already formed (but fresh!) Scars, as well as prophylactic agent in cases where the appearance of a scar is very likely (postoperative sutures, lacerations, etc.). The product contains organic and inorganic silicon compounds that maintain uniform and constant skin moisture and prevent the growth of keloid tissues that form scars.

disadvantages... The gel must be applied in a very thin layer. So thin that after 4-5 minutes, when you touch the skin, your fingers feel nothing but a dry surface. Otherwise, stubborn stains will remain on your clothes. In addition, Dermatix does not have an antiseptic or anti-inflammatory effect. If there is a possibility of wound infection, treatment must be supplemented with other drugs.

conclusions... The effectiveness of Dermatix is ​​quite high if used immediately after the skin has healed. But the price of the drug can hardly be attributed to democratic and affordable for everyone. Therefore, 9 points out of 10.

Reviews. « I had a scar over my lip, a small stitch. I was very afraid that it would remain so. Therefore, useDwith ermatics, it began as soon as the seam was healed. I smeared it for three months, twice a day, in a thin layer. Now it is not visible at all, I am very pleased with this toolm ".

the best universal remedy for wounds


The cost of a bottle with a solution of 20 ml. is about 110 rubles.

Advantages... The spectrum of action of this solution gives the impression that a panacea still exists. The bactericidal, emollient, analgesic, wound healing, protective effect allows you to cover the whole range of problems created by the wound. Moreover, Eplan can be used for any skin damage - from chemical and sunburn, to acute acne or its consequences in the form of unattractive red nodules.

But that's not all. Itching after an insect bite quickly resolves after using Eplan, and before working with industrial or household chemicals, applying the solution to the skin will protect it from these chemicals.

disadvantages... It is logical to assume that in such a rich list of advantages, there must necessarily be some kind of catch hidden. But even with the most skeptical attitude to various kinds of "panaceas", it was not possible to find it.

conclusions... Effective, inexpensive, versatile. Eplan earned the highest mark: 10 points out of 10!

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A wound means an injury in which the skin, muscles, tendons, internal organs, and bones are damaged. Usually, healing occurs in several stages, but not everyone knows what wound granulation is.

The wound healing process includes the stages of inflammation, granulation and epithelialization. In addition, healing can be with primary and secondary intention, as well as under a scab. How complex the injury is and how all the phases pass depends on how quickly the victim will heal.

Stages of wound healing

Healing, any wound goes through several stages:

  1. Inflammation... The body first of all reacts to a wound by producing substances that clot blood. Blood clots form, blocking the vessels. They interfere with the development of severe bleeding. Further, cellular reactions occur, leading to inflammatory process, a new tissue begins to grow - granulation, which is impossible without the participation of fibroblasts. In cases where wound treatment requires sutures, they are removed after a week, but if there is tension under the suture, this can lead to the divergence of the wound edges. This happens because a scar has formed at the edges of the wound, and not granulation. The inflammatory stage lasts an average of 5-7 days.
  2. Granulation wounds. With a favorable course of the healing process, after a week from the wound, the stage of granulation of the wound begins. For a month, the damaged area continues to fill with maturing granulation tissue, which includes inflammatory cells, connective tissue and newly formed vessels. Successful granulation is impossible without cytokines and enough oxygen. Towards the end of this phase, new epithelial cells grow on the granulation tissue, and the edges of the wound are connected with a bright red scar.

Granulation tissue has different kind depending on the stage of its development. Normal tissue initially looks like a soft-grained tissue, covered with a cloudy, gray-greenish coating, juicy, rich in thin-walled vessels, which makes it bleed easily. In later periods, the tissue becomes paler, denser, the graininess disappears, turning into a whitish dense scar.

Granulation tissue consists of six layers that gradually merge into each other:

  • superficial leukocyte-necrotic layer
  • superficial layer of vascular loops
  • layer of vertical vessels
  • maturing layer
  • layer of horizontally located fibroblasts
  • fibrous layer
  1. Epithelialization... This stage of healing begins immediately after granulation is complete. This phase lasts for almost a year. The epithelium and connective tissue completely fills the lesion space. The scar brightens, because there are much fewer vessels in it than initially. As a result, a healed wound is covered with a scar, approximately 85% strength compared to healthy skin.

All these stages of wound healing are highly individual, their duration depends on many factors, including the general condition of the patient and the care of the injury.

Pole stage of granulation

Leukocytes will play not the last pole in the paña granulation.

So, pana granulation is a difficult process in which the following types of cells take part:

  • leukocytes;
  • thick cells;
  • plazmacites;
  • hycytocytes;
  • fibroblasts.

Fibroblasts, which produce the delivery of the collagen after the granulation reaches the edges of the pan, play a special role. In the presence of wide hematomas, if there is a large amount of exudate or non-cut tissue in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe position of the pan, the process of shifting the fibers to the

Important! The most pronounced activity of the fibroblasts is observed on the 6th day after the formation of the damage. And the process of the granting lasts for a month.

Grainings provide a temporary fabric, which, after the performance of its function, is subject to regression and is replaced by a python fabric. The morphological basis of granulation is the cells outside the forming cells. The tissue, which grows in the process of healing the damage, envelops these cells, increasing in volume. Outside granulation looks like a delicate pink fabric.

Granulation formed in the process of healing also perform a bathroom function, separating non-vital tissues. Similar ischemicized tissue yields after the healing of the wound is automatically regressed by licking. When treating the wound with a surgical method, non-vital tissues are removed mechanically.

Caring for a wound during the initial healing phase

The optimal solution for the speedy recovery of damaged tissue seems to be the regular use of dressings. Disinfection is carried out here with solutions of potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide. These substances are applied warm to a gauze swab. Next, a careful soaking of the wound is performed, which excludes touching the injury with your hands - this can lead to the development of infections.

Treatment of injured areas in the granulation phase

The granulation tissue has a delicate, loose structure. It can be easily damaged by careless touching or carelessly changing the bandage. When treating a wound, you should be as careful as possible.

It is not allowed to wipe the surface of the damaged area with cotton pads, tampons.

Only irrigation of the wound with warm bactericidal solutions is permissible.

There are several types of treatment for injured tissue:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Medication;
  • Home treatment;

When choosing a method of treatment, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the wound, as well as the peculiarities of its healing.

Physiotherapy treatment

Of the specific methods of accelerating regeneration, the method of ultraviolet irradiation should be distinguished. When using it, the surface of the damaged area is cleaned from pathogenic microflora, and the regeneration processes are significantly accelerated. This method will be especially relevant for slowly forming, sluggish granulating tissue.

Indications for the use of radiation:

  • Wound infection;
  • Profuse purulent discharge;
  • Weakened immunity and, as a result, a violation of the repair mechanisms;

However, other methods of treatment are also used to speed up the healing of the damage. Most often they resort to medication treatment of the surface of the wound.

The use of drugs at the granulation stage

Correctly selected medication promotes faster epithelialization of the wound. As a rule, with hypergranulation, doctors recommend using gel forms of drugs. Whereas if the surface of the damaged area dries out too quickly, ointments are used.

Essential medicines used in the granulation stage

One of the most popular drugs prescribed at this stage is Solcoseryl. Suture granulation, healing of damaged areas after burns and other injuries of the skin are accompanied by the appearance of unaesthetic scars. Solcoseryl promotes the formation of more uniform connective tissue that looks much more natural.

Home wound treatment in the granulation phase

In the presence of a simple injury, in which only the superficial outer layers of the epithelium are affected, you can resort to folk ways treatment. A good solution here is the imposition of gauze dressings soaked in St. John's wort oil.

The presented method contributes to the early completion of the granulation phase and active tissue renewal. To prepare the above remedy, it is enough to take about 300 ml of refined vegetable oil and about 30-40 grams of dried St. John's wort. After mixing the ingredients, the composition should be boiled over low heat for about an hour. The cooled mass must be filtered through cheesecloth. It can then be used to apply bandages.

It is also possible to heal wounds at the granulation stage using pine resin... The latter is taken in pure form, rinsed with water and, if necessary, softened by gentle heating. After such preparation, the substance is applied to the damaged tissue area and fixed with a bandage.

Options for the further development of the granulation stage

If the first and second stages of wound healing passed without complications, then gradually the damaged area is completely covered with dense scar tissue and the regeneration process is successfully completed.

However, sometimes the mechanisms of tissue repair fail. For example, necrotization of the areas adjacent to the wound occurs.

This condition is extremely dangerous for the patient and requires immediate surgical intervention.

A necrosectomy is performed - an operation to excise dead tissue. If the wound is infected with pathogenic microflora, the healing process may take a long time. Antibiotics are used to restore normal tissue regeneration .

The granulation stage of the healing of the damaged area is complex adaptation mechanism aimed at the earliest separation internal environment organism from adverse external influences. It ensures the formation of new layers of tissue to replace the damaged ones. Thanks to the granulation stage, the trophism of the injured area is restored and the protection of other, deeper tissues is provided.

Surgical intervention

With a delay in granulation processes, the formation of deep wound passages is possible, in which an accumulation of purulent streaks is observed. In such cases, it is difficult to clean the wound due to the use of ointments and gels. Elimination of unpleasant complications most often occurs through surgical intervention. V this case the specialist makes an incision, removes purulent accumulations, disinfects the wound, and then applies counter-openings.


So we figured it out, wound granulation - what is it? As practice shows, one of the defining conditions for accelerating the healing process is differentiated treatment. Correct selection also matters. medications... All this contributes to the speedy granulation of the damaged area and the formation of new, healthy tissue.

Everyone gets minor cuts, cracks, abrasions, minor burns or others in the course of their daily activities. superficial wounds skin. These small wounds are often very annoying without being serious enough to warrant a visit to the doctor. These changes are usually not dangerous, but they can cause immense discomfort. This is why it is very important to speed up the healing process. So how do you quickly heal a wound?

Acute and chronic wounds

Wounds are classified as acute and chronic. Sharp ones occur after cuts or operations. Such wounds heal quickly (2-7 days) and if properly cared for, they are not a serious problem. Chronic wounds that do not heal within a week, even though hygiene is maintained. In this situation, it becomes necessary not only to treat wounds, but, above all, to find the reasons for this. Non-healing wounds may indicate a serious illness of the body.

Chronic wounds are more likely to affect older people. There may be several reasons. Worse tissue regeneration, inability of the elderly to treat a wound, serious illness, for example, is difficult to treat a diabetic wound (persistently high blood sugar damages the arteries, a process that ends in injury and even amputation of the foot) or venous insufficiency when the wounds are the result of a malnutrition of the tissues of the leg.
A wound that doesn't heal within two weeks should be a cause for concern. Especially when there is additional symptoms- redness, swelling, or pain that indicate infection or inflammation. You should then go to a doctor immediately to determine the cause. The earlier the treatment is carried out, the better the chances for quick healing.

  • 1. Formation of wounds

In order to understand what are the possibilities of accelerating the process and what substances can affect the healing process, it is worth referring to the individual stages of the process. Skin damage triggers inflammatory response, which leads to the accumulation of fluid on the surface, which contains, among other things, growth factors, and whose main function is to stimulate proliferation and migration immune cells to the wound area. These substances work best in a humid environment, and drying an open wound significantly lengthens the healing process. Under the influence of the above factors, epithelial cells and intact hair follicles grow, covering the site of injury and leads to the formation of new epithelium covering the wound. In this case, the wound heals without scarring.

  • 2. Stages of wound healing

As we can see, the healing process is complex and involves many defense and regeneration mechanisms in our body.

First of all, very important for the healing process proper cleansing wounds. The skin should be cleaned under the stream cold water or an inert liquid such as saline. The use of substances containing alcohol, iodine to cleanse damaged skin is not desirable, and the use of such compositions can further irritate the skin and cause large wounds. In addition, such opening of the wound causes drying, which delays the regeneration of the epidermis and makes it an easy target for microbes. In order to speed up the healing process, keeping the surface of the wound moist is essential. This environment delays the formation of the crust. It is worth after cleaning the wound, apply a substance that provides a moist environment in the area of ​​damaged skin.

Several types of bacteria always live on human skin, which usually do not pose a danger to the body, but during damage to the skin, there is a risk of infection. In addition, in the event of wounds, abrasions and burns, we are exposed to a number of bacteria during external environment... That is why the drug applied to the wound surface must have antibacterial properties.

  • 3. Acceleration of wound healing

A good choice for these minor skin lesions combination drug in the form of an ointment for topical application to the skin. Dosage form provides sufficient moisture to the wound so that the healing process continues as quickly as possible. It is desirable that such a composition have an active ingredient composition with antibacterial activity. The effect of antibiotics reduces the risk of emergence of resistant strains.

Healing stages

Wounds, scrapes, cuts happen every day. To make it easier to understand first aid in such cases, you should know the four stages of treatment:

1. Inflammation

The body's immediate defense reaction to any injury is to expand blood vessels to speed up the transport of blood to damaged tissue - the blood vessels become more permeable, which allows fluids and white blood cells (leukocytes) to be transported from the blood to the tissues. The increase in blood flow causes unpleasant but transient symptoms:

  • - an increase in tissue temperature due to an increase in blood circulation;
  • - redness due to vasodilation (vasodilation);
  • - edema caused by the exudation of blood to the tissues;
  • - pain due to increased tension and excess fluid in the tissues.

2. Thrombus

After being injured for at least 10 minutes, depending on the extent of the injury, the body forms a clot (thrombus) that joins the edges of the wound to prevent excessive blood loss.

3. Removal of dead tissue.

White blood cells begin the process of absorbing microorganisms, dead cells and foreign substances, after cleaning the wound area. Then damaged cells allocate chemical substances to stimulate blood flow and attract more white blood cells at the site of injury. Dead white blood cells containing excess microorganisms and decomposition products are partially removed through lymphatic system and partially form a purulent discharge.

4. Wound healing.

In the following days, common tissues and epithelium grow, replacing the damaged skin surface. In the case of extensive injuries, a scar is formed over the entire surface of the wound. The immune system and white blood cells play another important role in producing antibodies that help the body fight infection. Therefore, the healing process goes smoothly if the patient's general health is good. Weakening the immune system significantly reduces the body's ability to fight infections and impairs wound healing. Fever, which occurs with extensive trauma from infection, is part of the defense mechanism - it helps fight infection (increased body temperature does not contribute to the development of harmful microorganisms) and speeds up the healing process (fever increases the flow of blood and nutrients to the damaged area).

First aid

  • - Stop the bleeding

A bleeding wound requires immediate application of direct pressure. A piece of clean, moisture-absorbing material, such as gauze bandages, towels, or a tissue, is placed in place of the wound and pressed firmly. If possible, the victim himself should clamp the wound, because he knows best with what force to do it. In general, pressure stops bleeding within 1 to 2 minutes. If blood seeps out, apply another layer of material and continue pressure. It is safe to apply a sterile compress to open wounds. Very heavy bleeding can be stopped quickly with a styptic.

  • - Decrease in pressure in damaged blood vessels

Wound treatment should be done as soon as possible to prevent infection and injury to the skin. The entire area around the injury site is washed with soap and water, hydrogen peroxide, antiseptic or water. This reduces the number of bacteria, foreign objects and debris that threaten the wound. The wound (wound surface) should be gently washed with water and gauze or a cotton swab 2 times a day, from the wound outward to avoid contamination of skin bacteria. Then stick on the patch and leave it overnight. The patch should only be applied when the wound is wet.

  • - Dressing material for wounds

Exposure to air causes crusts to form, which slows down the growth of new cells. Therefore, a sterile bandage with plastic or gauze smeared with petroleum jelly is applied to the wound. This prevents the wound from drying out and allows a small amount of air to flow. Cell regeneration is faster in moist tissues.
After the bleeding stops, wrap elastic bandage the wound, in the right direction - the blood should flow freely. The dressing must be controlled, it must not interfere with blood circulation.

Ways to Accelerate Wound Healing

In modern restorative medicine hygiene without the use of chemicals is preferred. The method of maintaining hygiene affects the rate of healing of all skin lesions. Chemical cleaning of the wound with products (soaps, gels, shampoos, etc.) can irritate the wound and delay the healing process, but cleaning is necessary to prevent secondary infection.
Therefore, the original solution is to maintain daily hygiene using natural air-water sterilizing effect. Thanks to this, the healing process goes smoothly, intensifies and happens much faster. In addition, the microbubbles perform a unique micromassage that stimulates blood flow within the wound. For these reasons, consistent use of microbubbles in daily hygiene will significantly reduce the appearance of scars.
Japanese water nanotechnology specialists have developed and patented home medicinal bubble generators in the form of shower heads and systems, bath faucets.

Traditional medicine for healing

Herbal infusions and oils can be added to the bath to further enhance the therapeutic effect.

Wound healing herbs.
The compress is soaked in a cooled and strained solution of herbs, and then applied to the wound. Recommended infusions: nettle, sage, yarrow and St. John's wort.
Ointment for wounds.
The best are ointments containing broad-spectrum antibiotics, for example, Fenistil or Bipanten. People using antibacterial ointments show 30% faster healing and less scarring. Popular ointments containing preservatives can cause allergies - redness and itching around the wound, which can cause a secondary infection. Preparations containing components are better alternative for local treatment wounds with pharmaceuticals. Recommended: green clay, honey, ointments based on echinacea, arnica, calendula and oregano, broom oil, coconut, argan oil and essential oils to support wound healing:

  • rosemary oil;
  • bergamot essential oil;
  • patchouli oil;
  • rose oil;
  • geranium oil.

Allantoin facilitates the separation of necrotic tissue and wound cleansing, stimulates the epidermal mucous membranes and skin. Hyaluronic acid as a component of the skin plays a key role at all stages of wound healing: accelerates scarring of wounds and clot formation (by at least 3 times faster). Promotes the renewal of the epidermis. Hyaluronate containing preparations are recommended as a supplement for the healing of all types of wounds.

A DOCTOR is required to be consulted in the following cases:

  • - the blood from the wound pulsates and its color is light red - this may be due to damage to the artery;
  • - it is not possible to remove all foreign bodies from the wound;
  • - trauma to a place where the scar should not be, for example, the face;
  • - there is pus or redness around the wound around the edges of the wound wider than a finger;
  • - a large wound in which the bottom is visible - it needs to be sewn up!
  • - the wound is deep and can damage blood vessels, nerves, tendons, ligaments and / or muscles (for example, puncture wounds.)
  • - wound caused by a bullet - gunshot wound;
  • - any wound to the head, severe abdominal wounds and chest;
  • - the injury does not begin to heal within 24 hours;
  • - need injections against tetanus. The large surface of the wound and its contamination with soil, objects that were in the ground, dust are indications for the administration of anti-tetanus serum. If you do not remember when you last received a dose of vaccine, be sure to see a doctor on the day of your injury!

If the wound does not heal - the reasons

It is true that chronic wounds are difficult to heal, especially in the elderly. However, wound problems are often associated with non-compliance with the rules of behavior - the wrong choice of hygiene, medication or neglect. Very often, therapeutic measures are aimed only at the wound, and not at removing the cause. And this is a mistake! Wound healing depends primarily on the underlying disease.

The most common mistakes that prevent wounds from healing are changing dressings too often.

The rule is that the dressing should be changed as often as necessary and as little as possible. In the case of chronic wounds, it is changed once a week, and with abundant discharge from the wound - every 2-3 days. Frequent change damages new, soft tissue and disrupts reparative processes.

The second mistake is to pour disinfectant liquids (for example, hydrogen peroxide or salicylic alcohol, as well as iodine) into the wound.

Wounds are also not treated with antibiotics. These disinfectants and antibiotics damage healthy cells and delay wound healing.

The safest environment for a wound is normal saline and drugs that prevent the entry of pathogens and infections from the outside, but do not damage the wound environment. Petroleum jelly or zinc based ointment also cannot be classified as a good solution. They are only used to protect the skin around the wound.

  • 1. Wounds are washed saline, 0.9% or Ringer's solution. Disinfectants such as alcohol, iodine or hydrogen peroxide should not be used because they destroy newly formed very delicate skin and granulation newly formed tissues.
  • 2. Avoid frequent and excessive application of ointments, creams and gels to the wound (without consulting a doctor).
  • 3. The wound should be kept in a moist environment, thanks to modern dressings. They do not stick to the wound surface, so they do not cause tissue damage and pain.
  • 4. The skin around the wound is nourished with preparations with slightly acidic PH, which inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • 5. The wound should not have any contact with clothing and the dressing should be positioned to prevent contamination.
  • 6. Depending on the stage of healing, the doctor will indicate the frequency of dressing changes, preferably once a week.

Preparations for rapid wound healing

There are hundreds different types drugs. They can be divided into the following types:

  • hydrogels (for example, Intrasitegel, aquagel) - capable of absorbing exudate, maintaining high humidity, and also possessing cleansing properties, which leads to the hydration of necrotic tissues;
  • hydrocolloids (for example Granuflex, Tegasorb), which are in the form of layered plates and upon contact with exudate forms a gel that occurs during the granulation process;
  • dextromers (For example, Acudex, Debrisan) - dressings consisting of polysaccharide grains, upon contact with wound exudate, form a gel; Used to treat large, deep, and infected pressure ulcers
  • alginates dressings (for example, Kaltrostat, Tegagel.) - Dressing materials, natural polysaccharides obtained from seaweed with very high absorbing properties;
  • semi-permeable polyurethane film (for example, Opsite, Tegaderm.) - Able to provide free evaporation from the surface of wound exudate, but not permeable to water and bacteria from the outside.

How to speed up wound healing?

1. Medicines used topically

The classic patch or bandage has now replaced the so-called hydrocolloid dressings. Preparations of this type Fenistil for wounds. The hydrocolloid acid creates optimal conditions for wound healing. Provides sufficient moisture to dry wounds, absorbs excess wound exudate, protects against external factors... As a result, the hydrocolloid dressing accelerates tissue repair and reduces scarring. Such a bandage can be applied to the wound surface, such as minor abrasions, cuts and wounds - bedsores. They should not, however, overlap with purulent wounds. The drugs are applied directly to the wound. Alternatively, you can apply a regular bandage or plaster over the top.

To accelerate the healing of serious wounds, Solcoseryl is prescribed in the form of a gel to a wet wound and Solcoseryl ointment to a dry wound and Curiosin gel. The drugs are applied to the cleansed wound 2 times a day. The active ingredient of Solcoseryl is dialysate from the blood of calves, which facilitates the access of oxygen and nutrients to the cells inside the wound. In Curiosin, the active ingredient zinc hyaluronate provides adequate hydration, a corresponding response of inflammatory cells.

For slowly healing, purulent wounds, drugs can be used to speed up the cleaning. Ichthyol ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect, slightly astringent. It can be used for boils, 2-3 times a day. The drugs may temporarily irritate the skin.

The newly formed skin must be properly hydrated and externally nourished. It is necessary to apply ointments or moisturizers with allantoin (Alantan), dexpanthenol (Bephanten, Dermopanten), vitamin ointments. The creams are safe and can be used several times a day for adults and children.

2. Diet and nutritional supplements to speed up healing

For large cuts, surgical wounds, it is important to supplement the amount of vitamin C in the body. Together with the amino acids lysine, proline, it participates in the formation of collagen, which is a kind of scaffold for cells. The body cannot synthesize vitamin C and lysine, so it must get them from food. Lysine-rich foods are hard cheeses, legumes, fish, and meat. Take vitamin C supplements with a high content of 1 g, preferably of natural origin.

Before operations, as well as to promote skin regeneration, it is worth enriching your diet with omega-3 preparations, taking flaxseed oil, B vitamins, especially vitamin B5, vitamin A and E.

What to eat to speed up healing?

It should be borne in mind that the wound healing process is supported by carnosine. Typically, the main sources of carnosine are beef and pork. If, however, by different reasons, the patient cannot eat meat, it is necessary to take preparations containing carnosine. It is believed that carnosine helps in the healing of pressure sores (and prevents the formation of new pressure sores), but in fact it helps in the healing of all wounds. Colostrum, or the first milk that forms after childbirth, is unique immune system support. Colostrum accelerates the healing of all types of wounds.

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