How to bint the ankle elastic bandage. How to cut the ankle elastic bandage? Bandage eight on ankle

Three bones are a large and small ber, the feet's bone - form an ankle joint. Its functionality is provided by a ligalar apparatus - three groups of connective tissue, which fix the bones among themselves. Bundles maintain the stability of the joint, somewhat limiting the mobility of its components. They also "control" the rotation, assignment and putting the foot.

When the movement of the foot is exceeding the permissible, the bundles of the ankle may be tangled. In the people, such injury is called tensile ligaments.

Tensile bonds of the ankle joint occurs when exceeding the permissible volume of foot movements

The ligaments passing along the outer ankle are most susceptible to him. Why does the splashing of the ankle joint arise, how many heals, and what events will speed up recovery?

The leading cause of the stretching of the doctor is called the leading of the leg when the ankle moves sharply in the dodge, and the heel - the internal heel is converted. This situation is familiar with almost all high-heel lovers. If the unsuccessful "start" in the shoes on the heel is accompanied by a crunch or a crackle, it is necessary to suspect a complete bundle break or bone damage.

High heel peeling - one of the most frequent reasons for stretching

Sometimes the tendon-ligament apparatus is weakened from birth, or there are congenital changes in the configuration of the foot, then the slightest traumatic impact is fraught with tension of ligaments.

And only 6 patients out of 1000 damage to the binder apparatus of the ankle joint comes during sports battles. Most often, emergency assistance is required by skips and skiers, in which, with a sharp braking at high speed, the rotational movement of the feet is carried out inward, followed by tension of the ligaments.

Among other reasons for the "oversight" of the ligalar fiber - overweight, gravity transfer, excessive motor activity caused by professional necessity, as well as a number of diseases - flatfoot, arthrosis and inflammatory phenomena in the joint.

Ay, hurts!

Depending on the volume of damage - a complete or incomplete gap - isolated 3 degrees of tensile bonds of ankle, for each of which features are characteristic:

  • Degree 1.- resolveing \u200b\u200bfibers of ligaments. Edema and pain in the ankle, small. The victim is seamless;
  • When tensile bonds of ankle joint 2 degrees The swelling of soft tissues is expressed, the victim is experiencing severe pain, hematoma is formed in the joint area. Movement is difficult;
  • Symptoms of tensile bonds of ankle joint 3 degreesspecify the full break of ligaments: injury is accompanied by strong edema with extensive hematoma and hemarthrosis; Local hypotherma or increasing body temperature. A sharp pain does not make it possible to stand on the leg or take a step, but the stop at the same time is unnaturally mobile.

What to do when tensile ankle?

With a significant injury - if the victim cannot rely on the leg - should be called "ambulance" and provide the victim first aid, which, when tensile an ankle consists in maximum immobilization of the joint by imposing Longets from the "primary" means.

For this purpose, a non-screens board is used, which is bought by, covering the shin, ankle and knee.

With a rustling tension of the ankle joint, an eight-shaped bandage is superimposed. It is fixed by making the coil at the level of the ankles, and gradually, eight-shaped twists, fall on the foot.
Be sure to make the injured area and give the affected preparation against pain.
Sometimes a complete gap requires plaster.

How to treat a tensile bundle of ankle?

Having received a qualified assistance of a traumatologist or surgeon, the treatment of tensile bonds of the ankle continues at home.

How to fix foot

Within 7 days, damaged ankle needs fixation and full unloading. Fixators - Bandage or Teyp (held by the bandage elastic plaster) - should not be left for more than 2-3 hours. They should not be too tight, otherwise the vessels adjacent to the injured tissues will be compressed and the sinusiness will increase.

Tipping when tensile bonds of ankle will help fix the foot

Tipping ankle joint when tensile tensions are properly performed as:

  • Patient laid; feet at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • The lifting of the foot is lubricated with vaseline and impose 2 shock absorption lining on it, covering them all damaged area;
  • 3-4 Tape strips wrap the shin. Strips must be laid must be laid;
  • Of the 3 subsequent strips form "stirring", overlapping the lower bandage;
  • Close "Stirling", making 7-8 turns from top to bottom towards the foot. Strips laid mustlest;
  • The foot turns into 2-3 strips of a teip and, consolidating it on the rise, move the foot to the sole and hardened under the heel;
  • Tapes around the heel and fasten it in that part of the ankle, where the rise began to fix. Stripes break off;
  • Fixed the heel, imposing a new band of a tape across the foot and spending it through the sole;

A more affordable and universal fixation means is an elastic bandage - indispensable in the case when treatment of injury is accompanied by plastering.

How to impose an elastic bandage on the ankle:

  • Moving in a circle, form the beginning of the dressing a little above the ankle;
  • By binting the heel, twice capture the foot;
  • Next, the bandage is moved by cruciform movements: from the foot to the shin and again on the foot;
  • Once again, returned to the shin several times embrace ankle and fix the bandage.

How to impose a bandage you will learn from the video:

In addition to the elastic bandage and tepe for ankle when tensile, ligaments use special fixators - elastic medical, suspending inflammatory process, or rigid, providing maximum immobilization with serious injury.

For basketball lovers, special sneakers with a retainer are also produced.

How to remove edema

Breast and stretching ankle with a tumor for several days "puts" victims of the victim.
To reduce the feet of the foot, it is recommended to lie down, lifting the legs up.

In the first day on the covered gauze, the injured plot impose ice compresses. Make them, withstanding 15-20 minutes, further - a half-hour break - and the sore place is cooled again.

The next day, go to warming procedures. Hot heated, warm baths relax muscles, accelerate the blood flow, contributing to healing.
In the absence of bone injuries, the swelling will come to the 3rd day, and hematoma, even large after 4 days.
If, after 14 days after stretching the bonds of the ankle, the tumor does not pass, it should be visited by a doctor, which will recommend detailing the effects of injury by X-ray examination and MRI.

How to anesthetically

Anti-inflammatory therapy is a mandatory component of the treatment of tensile bonds of ankle joint.

On the first day, severe painfulness will facilitate Ketanov, Analgin, Renalgana. On the second day they are replaced with tablets.

Since the third day, treatment is made more intense, connecting to it, - when tensile bonds of ankle, these are drugs contributing to the anesthesia - nicoflex, finalgon, as well as blood outflow and "resorption" of hematoma - Throcksevazin, Doluben, Lyoton, Indusovin.

Mazi will be adolent and help to remove swelling

Is it possible to walk when tensile bonds of ankle?
You can walk if it does not hurt. In the presence of pain, the doctors-orthopedists and traumatists do not recommend "loading" ankle, or advise moving, relying on the crutches.

How to restore "stretched" ligaments?

Not serious injury allows you to start rehabilitation from 3-4 days.

Such an early start prevents the joints of the joint and atrophy of his muscles.


Easy gymnastics will speed up the restoration of the borders of the ankle after stretching:

  • Very effective flexion-extension of ankle, incl. with a little burde; Rotation to them;
  • Go carefully on the room, bending and flexing your fingers and go through them;
  • Move from the heel to the toe fingers and back;
  • Foot with the legs of the chair, pull to yourself.

More exercises when tensile bonds of ankle, you will learn from the video:


Start it with a favorable course from 2-3 days. When tensile bonds of ankle joint, massage starts from stroking and kneading the area just above the location of damage. Then, covering the adjacent muscle tendons and trying to penetrate the joints into the joints, the ankle himself strokes and tritour.
Massage effect contributes to the excess of exudate and resorption of subcutaneous hemorrhages, speeds up the splicing of ligaments.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

It is prescribed with a decrease in pain, in a complex with LFC and massage. When tensile tensions of the ankle joint, physiotherapy includes treatment with laser and paraffin, diadardherapy and UHF. To accelerate lymphatic and increase the tone of vessels, magnetic therapy is also used.

Read more about physiotherapy treatment methods Read

Folk remedies for tensile bonds of ankle

With the permission of the doctor, at home, the treatment of the ankle stretching is useful to complement with natural means.

The best of them are various binding and compresses - will help quickly cope with the swelling when tensile bonds of ankle and make it easy to make painful sensations:

  • Bint or gauze moisten in vodka, impose in place of damage. Top to cover with cellophane film and cotton (can be wool cloth). Leave for 6-8 hours. Similarly make compresses from warm milk. Already on the second day, swelling subsides;
  • 2 onion heads skip through a meat grinder, mix Cashitz from 1 tbsp. Salt. To impose on an ankle layer of gauze, top - a mixture, and cover gauze. You can mix onion cleaners with a mixture of two grained potatoes, cabbage sheet and sugar;
  • It is possible to greatly alleviate pain and inflammation using a compress from a diluted up to 50%: when tensile bonds of ankle, it is posed for 15-20 days per hour;
  • An excellent effect gives a combination of 50 ml of the diluted preparation with 30 ml of water and a 2% novocaine solution with the addition of 1 ampoule of the hydrocortisone solution. Withstand the compress for 40 minutes.

More recipes of folk remedies for the treatment of stretching ligaments, you will learn from the video:

Instead of imprisonment

The most unpleasant consequences of the stretching of bonds of ankle - with the increasing attitude towards it, the "breaking" of the joint and the high probability of repeated injuries in the future is possible.

Therefore, do not neglect the advice of the doctor, and be healthy!

With various diseases of the ankle joints, it is necessary to fix the limb to remove the load from the sore feet and speed up the recovery. For this, bandages with an elastic bandage are used, in addition, there are special bandages and orthoses, with which you can fix the sore leg.

It is very important to properly impose a bandage so that it will benefit. Usually dressing are made in the procedural office, but you can also do it yourself, if we seize the right technique. And to cure faster, you need to comply with all the recommendations of the doctor and take medicine.

Elastic bandage

The bandage should not be done independently for diseases of the joints and injuries, the condition of course improves, but the cause of the disease will remain. If the joint hurts because of inflammation, then after removing the symptoms, it will still continue to collapse and will eventually stop moving at all, so it is necessary to be treated under the doctor's supervision.

The eight-shaped bandage on the ankle joint is considered to be the most effective in the treatment and prevention of diseases, but it is very important to impose it correctly. Best of all, if the patient is trained by the technique of a specialist, and the first few procedures will spend independently.


When performing a dressing, you must take into account the following points in order to eliminate complications associated with incorrect overlap:

  • It is impossible to impose a bandage if there is a wound, it first needs to be processed, it's best if you do a doctor, so you can seek help as soon as possible.
  • If the joint is deformed or discovered, the elastic bandage on the ankle is forbidden, you need to urgently go to the hospital;
  • It is not necessary to impose a bandage after active movement, you need to lie down and relax at least 20 minutes, it is best to fix the leg after night sleep. Leisure Leg is necessary to remove the possible edema.
  • It is recommended to put a sock bandage, it will eliminate the tightening of the ankle. If you tighten the dressing too tight, the blood circulation in the tissues will break, so the main thing is not to overdo it;
  • You need to make a dressing carefully and carefully, it is impossible to hurry. The bandage must lie down smoothly without folds and skin lumen.
  • You don't need to spin the bandage in advance, since the risk of tugging the legs increases. You need to take a twisted roller in your hand and make a free end to the leg, performing the necessary manipulations gradually unwind the roll.
  • Elastic bandage must be applied if the patient moves. When a person is in a state of rest, the bandage needs to be removed, and the leg is massaged to improve blood circulation.
  • The bunch of ankle must be tight enough, while after it is bleaching fingers can get a blue shade, which quickly disappears if you start moving. But if after 20-30 minutes after overlaying the bandage, tingling of the leg appeared, the ankle ends or pulsates, then the bandage was pulled and it is necessary to urgently remove and massage the leg.

The bandage from the elastic bandage is not recommended to impose independently without visiting the specialist. Injuries are different, and in each case the doctor will choose exactly the bandage that will be more effective, so during injuries you need to take the patient to the hospital as soon as possible.

If the situation is emergency and to deliver the patient to the doctor is not possible, then you can apply a bandage yourself. It is important to note that it is necessary to do it correctly, without dragging the bandage, but fixing it is quite tight. It is very important to make sure that there is no fracture or a strong dislocation, in such cases, the refusal to visits the injury can be dangerous to the patient's health.

To perform the bandage, you will need an elastic bandage and clips to fix it.


  • It is necessary to take an elastic bandage and wrap it 3 times around the leg, it is very important that the bandage lay exactly and does not frow it, you should not drag the shin too much;
  • After that, you need to take the bandage to the outside of the foot and lay the end of the bandage, it is impossible to stretch much;
  • Then you need to put the bandage through the inner side of the foot, turning it around not how many times and reducing back to the outside;
  • Next, you need to repeat several times the revolutions, not much dragging the bandage, at the end to fix the bandage with special clamps.

It is necessary to remove the dressing carefully, first remove the clamps, after which you need to slowly unwind the bandage in the reverse order, rushing and tear the bandage should not be sharply. Keep the bandage is needed in a crumpled form in a dry and cool place. It is usually erased every 5 days or as dirty.

It is very important to correctly clean the material so that the material is not spoiled. It is erased exclusively with hands using ordinary soap, it is impossible to unscrew the fabric very much, otherwise it is deformed, you need to squeeze the bandage slightly and decompose on clean tissue, it is impossible to dry in a suspended state.

The elastic bandage is a universal means used in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes when injury to the joints and tension of ligaments.

Often, the therapeutic bandage is superimposed on the area of \u200b\u200ban ankle, which is exposed to an increased load during outdoor activities or work.

Writing the leg and foot with an elastic bandage warns the swelling, eliminates pain, reduces the load on the damaged area. And the stamped scebs or ruptures are healing much faster. But that the recorded bandage helps the desired therapeutic effect, it is important to know how to use it competently.

Properties bands

The elastic bandage is a dense and soft strip of fabric, preserving. The bandage is made of synthetic materials, lycra or cotton.

Products used in compression therapy are divided into three types. If the strip is drawn by 70% of the initial length, then elasticity is considered small, by 140% - medium and 150% and more - maximum.

The length of the dressing depends on what kind of joint it will be imposed. Thus, it is enough to 1.5 meters of tissue for rayful articulations, and for ankle - up to 2 meters.

The functionality of the fixing product is provided by two parameters:

  1. people's pressure is the level of compression of tissues, which is determined when the muscles are in a relaxed state.
  2. Working pressure - created by a bandage when loaded on soft tissues.

In the form of elastic dressings divide on tubular and tape. The latter are standard elastic products, which includes pins or paper clips to fix.

Tubular dressings are soft and tight knitted tubes. Products differ in width. If necessary abandoning an ankle elastic bandage Similar type, then sizes number 4.5 or 6 are used.

Indications for use

The elastic bandage is imposed on an ankle joint with intensive physical exertion. The indication of the operation of the fixing bandage is the break and tension of the ligaments. At the same time, the tight bandage is used with the gypsum tire so that the patient can develop the damaged leg after injury.

Also, the product is used to treat bruises, subsidiaries, dislocation. The elastic bandage is used in arthritis, arthritis, feet. When inflammation of soft tissues, the bandage is superimposed along with ointments to create a compress effect.

When injury to the ankle joint, Ortez is often used. It repeats the articulation lines and may have a shape of a boot, golf or sock.

The product is put on damage to the limbs for their maximum rapid recovery after the fracture. Also, the device is used at:

  • paresay ankle;
  • flatfoot;
  • excess weight;
  • valgus Stop deformation;


How to impose an elastic bandage

How to choose a bandage?

So that the elastic bandage on the ankle is imposed correctly, when it is elected, it is recommended to follow a number of rules. An important factor is the length of the dressing. For the binting of the lower extremities, doctors advise to give preference to a bangoo by a 2-5 m.

Regarding the degree of fixation, then bindings that have medium or low elasticity are suitable for the leg and foot. And the products with the greatest elasticity are used in varicose veins.

It is desirable that the manufacturer's material is natural. It is recommended to choose a cotton that is well adjacent to the skin, passes air, does not create discomfort, absorbs moisture.

How to bandage ankle area correctly?

Each person who has injured, stretching or breaking the ligaments of the lower extremities, should know how to properly impose an elastic bandage on ankle. According to doctors, the best way to fix the patient joint is the eight-shaped winding. But this technique is quite complicated, requiring special skills.

The bandhold instructions state that it is necessary to bring the bandage to the eight way to adhering to the following scheme:

  1. byspetion starts with an ankle area, circular motion promoting elastic material with fingers.
  2. Then wrap the heel, and after - double girth fixed the foot.
  3. The bandage moves up with special eight-shaped movements, forming a cross-shaped bandage on the shin (wrecking from foot to the ankle, then the eight is made and the bandage is returned to the foot).
  4. The affected joint is tired of several revolutions. Next, elastic strips are tied and fixed.

How to fix ankle elastic bandage?

The bandage is most convenient to wind from left to right. The roll must be kept right hand, and its end is left. Wash the bandage is needed by both hands: at the same time unwinding the roll and laying the imposed layers.

Elastic material Traumatologists are advised to wind in the morning or after a fifteen-minute vacation of the patient in a position lying down with their legs raised up. When applying a dressing, it is important to ensure that each subsequent layer covered on 1/3 of the previous reservoir.

Bint is desirable to wrap 15 cm below and above the bonds of ankle joint. The bandage should not crawl off the legs, unwind, prevent natural blood flow.

The spout of the elastic product is carried out, which avoids the separators of the material, transmitting soft tissues. Doctors recommend using an elastic bandage while driving. If a person rests or sleeps, then the locking fabric is desirable to remove, and the area of \u200b\u200boverlay is a little massage.

Those who are difficult to wind up elastic products by hand doctors recommend wearing bandages. Orthodox use rules:

  • the retainer is worn in position sitting on a seamless sock made of natural fabric.
  • Initially, ortes wear no more than 30 minutes, gradually time increases.
  • Bandage cannot be used in the presence of open wounds and inflammation of the skin on the sore leg.

How to understand that the bandage is imposed wrong?

Specialists know how to binding an ankle with an elastic bandage correctly, pay attention to the color of the fingers after the winding. Falangi can occasure, but after the physical activity of the limb will again get a normal tint.

The fact that the fixation of the limb was made incorrectly, testifies to the appearance of pulsation and numbness in the foot after half an hour after the binting. This indicates that the bandage is too tightened, it must be removed immediately and massage the shin.

Other states pointing to incorrect bandage imposition:

  • cyanosis - the skin acquires a blue tint due to the violation of venous outflow.
  • Insufficient immobilization of the joint - indicates that the bandage needs to be more secure.
  • Cooling of the limbs - when tight the imposition of a locking product, blood circulation is broken, nutrition of tissues, which requires a re-conducting binting procedure.

Typical errors when overpacing bandage

People who do not know how to properly appreciate the elastic bandage on ankle, often make mistakes when using a healing bandage. So, a weak footing of the foot does not limit the mobility of the ankle, does not create a compression effect. Therefore, it is necessary to repeated more tight binting of the leg.

The second common error is the use of a short elastic bandage. With an insufficient length of the product, there is a need to save on the imposition of layers, which leads to a decrease in the level of compression, immobilization of the joint.

Too long bandage on the area of \u200b\u200bthe damaged segment of the leg is also impossible. After all, a large number of layers increases pressure.

Other common mistakes appearing when overlapping elastic fabric:

  1. incorrect pressure distribution. With competent bandage, the maximum pressure should be in the field of the shin, and the minimum - in the knee zone.
  2. Failure to complain of indents between the turns. This leads to the fact that the limb is obtained only to the lower leg, not the knees.
  3. Uneven imposition of layers. Promotes the creation of incorrect compression.
  4. Large distance between the turns. With such an error, the elastic material does not have the expected therapeutic effect.

Elastic bandage care

The use of an elastic bandage for an ankle can be long. The service life increases due to hygroscopicity, density, elasticity of material.

The bandage needs to be washed every week by hand in warm water washing or baby soap. At the same time, the material is forbidden to rub much, it can only be gently compressed for no more than 5 minutes.

After washing, the elastic bandage is neatly squeezed and placed on a terry towel. Dry the product is needed horizontally. If you put it on the battery or hang on the rope, it is deformed.

Bandage care and extension of service life depend on the product storage rules. It should be kept in a dry, dark place in the screamed form.

In which case, you need to immediately contact the doctor?

The ankle cannot be tied up with an elastic bandage, when there is bleeding, an open wound or a strong deformation in the field of the leg or foot. In this case, the use of sterile napkins is recommended.

When offset to the injured surface, cold compresses are applied. If bleeding happened, then put the harness on the leg. But in any case, the victim needs medical care.

It is necessary to refer to the doctor if after 14-20 days the use of elastic bandage does not pass edema. Otherwise, post-traumatic complications will develop - fibrosis, ivory, ulcer, cystosis.

There are also a number of states that require compulsory medical consultation before booking:

  • infectious or inflammatory skin diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus, accompanied by vascular and trophic complications of 2-3 degrees.
  • Closing arterial lumen with endarteritis, rayo and atherosclerosis disease.

Advantages and disadvantages of elastic bandage

Like any other medical product or drug, the elastic bandage has pros and cons:

Benefits disadvantages
Reliability and long-term fixation Blood circulation disorder due to illiterate use of the product
Multiple use Premature wear with improper operation
Universality of use that allows you to use an elastic bandage not only for ankle, but also for other joints To extend the life of the product, you need to properly care for it (erased by hand, dry on natural fabric in a horizontal position)
Easy to use (the bandage is easy to impose or remove that it does not require careful preliminary training) To overlay a locking dressing, certain skills are needed.
Efficiency (one elastic bandage can replace 20 gauze bandages) Wrong binting leads to the development of a number of complications (swelling, skin sinusiness, poor fixation), slowing the healing process of injured ankle

If you apply an elastic bandage on an ankle joint in injuries, bruises or tensile ligaments, then the process of regeneration is accelerated.

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As medical statistics, an ankle injuries make up about 57% of all the injuries of the lower extremities. This is due to the fact that the bone joint is from below, therefore the weight of the whole body is valid. As a rule, injuries happen after a jump or sharp foam converting when the support is broken on it.

When stretching or dislocations, the elastic bandage will help restore the ankle. This remedy reliably fixes the leg in a static position, preventing the recurrence of injury and without disturbing blood flow. To speed up the restoration of the ankle joint, you need to properly apply (impose) an elastic bandage on ankle. Usually, this procedure is carried out by doctors, but everyone can be kicked up correctly. How to impose an elastic bandage on ankle? You will read about this and many other things in our article.

Pros and cons of the use of an elastic retainer

The elastic harness perfectly fixes the ankle, prevents damage to the surrounding tissues, reduces the load on the damaged leg. With regular wearing, painful sensations are reduced, edema disappears, exchange processes on the sore plot are accelerated.

Elastic bandage on ankle creates a compressive effect. That is, after binting the fabric, the injured area is squeezed, the bandage does not allow them to disperse. Then the restoration of the ankle after injury is accelerated.

Doctors allocate the following advantages of the use of elastic harness when tensile or dislocation of ankle articulation:

  • The same bandage can be applied many times. For example, a gauze bandage is wears after the first application;
  • After overlaying, the bandage perfectly fixes the leg, not slipping, not deformed;
  • Elastic bandage is a universal tool that can be used in damage to different joints;
  • The gulling bandage provides high-quality compression for the whole day;
  • The imposition of a fixing bandage is not so complicated as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to explore the scoring technique, then the victim will not be forced to regularly apply for the help of physicians;
  • Tensile dressings are made of durable materials, due to which they are resistant to strong stretching. 1 Band is able to replace 20 ordinary gauze bandages. Based on this, the medical device saves money.

The elastic bandage is necessary athletes, active people who are most susceptible to injury. Despite all the advantages, the tight bandage has its cons, as a rule, this is due to the violation of the appliance technique:

  • To binting your foot yourself, you need to master the right technique;
  • With excessive compression disrupts blood flow;
  • With an insufficient tight bandage, the harness does not record the ankle, which threatens relapses;
  • The elastic bandage requires special care if you are going to apply it repeatedly. Otherwise he will be in disrepair;
  • When damaged fasteners, the harness will constantly fall from the limb.

This medical device is used to fix the tire during the injuries of spongy or tubular bones.

When an ankle binting is applied to an elastic bandage

The locking bandage is used with different injuries of the legs:

  • Sprain. This injury most often occurs as a result of the semitting of the foot. Then you need to fix the battlefoot, and do not load for several days;
  • Ligament rupture. In this case, the limb is immobilized by plaster for 10 days. Then put a cross-shaped bandage for 14 days;
  • Inflammatory defeat of the joints and the surrounding ligaments (arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis);
  • Mechanical damage in which the integrity of the bone compound capsule is disturbed;
  • Crick.
  • Closed damage to soft tissues.

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For the objects described above, bandages with an average and high degree of extension are used. They provide uniform load on the fabric. Clamps are used during the recovery after the sublifting limb or to prevent injuries during active sports. In addition, elastic bandages are used to prevent vein diseases in people who have a whole day on their legs, raise gravity or professionally play sports.

How to bint the ankle elastic bandage

The cruciform or 8-shaped bandage is used to fix the dressing material, immobilize the ankle (especially when tensile). It helps reduce pain and speed up the restoration of the ankle joint. The bandage is very tight. For the procedure you need to prepare an elastic bandage and scissors.

Fixing bandages are sold in pharmacies or orthopedic salons. To fix the damaged limb, it is recommended to buy a tape from 1.5 to 2 m. If the desired size is absent, then you can purchase a bandage, the length of which reaches 5 m and cut it in half. The width and density of the qualitative means should be uniform. When choosing, you need to take into account the density of the product.

In case of inclination to varicose veins, give preference to less elastic devices that guarantee reliable fixation, support damaged vessels, normalize blood flow and prevent pain.

Such a means is more suitable for fixing the leg after surgery. To accelerate the restoration of the limb after stretching and dislocation, more tensile bandages are used. They are perfectly fixed, but at the same time do not interfere with movement, allow you to reduce pain and prevent relapse.

In order to clue correctly (winding) an ankle with an elastic bandage, you need to follow the following rules:

  • If there is an open wound on a damaged area, then before the bandaging it is necessary to process it with an antiseptic;
  • If the joint is repeated, then the gulling dressing is forbidden to impose. In this case, you need to seek medical care;
  • To eliminate swelling, you need to impose a bandage in the morning. After a long walk or other physical exertion, it is forbidden to make binting;
  • To avoid strong joint compression, the bandage is applied to the leg sock. So you can control the blood flow;
  • Out the bandage with smooth layers, follow the lumen and folds;
  • During the procedure, unwind the elastic ribbon gradually so that it evenly covered the affected area;
  • Do not leave a cruciform bandage for the night, take it closer to the evening, and then massaging ankle to restore blood flow;
  • Overweight with tension, but make sure that the ankle does not have a sense of numbness or tingling. When unpleasant symptoms appear, loosen the bandage.

Observing the recommendations described above, the patient will be sure that the procedure will only benefit. Alone to impose a cross-shaped bandage should be in cases where the victim is impossible to urgently hospitalize. It is important to detect cracks and fractures in time to avoid complications. How to bandage ankle elastic bandage eight:

  • Prepare a bandage whose width ranges from 15 to 17 cm;
  • Sent people, explain the essence of the procedure;
  • To stop freely hung, put the roller, a book or a pillow under it;
  • If there is an open wound on the foot, then process it with antiseptic solution, cover with a clean napkin or a selection of tissue;
  • Spend the binting from left to right, the main part of the bandage Take the right hand, and the end is left;
  • First, do 2 - 3 rounds around the bottom of the left side of the ankle;
  • Then wrap the bandage around the foot, lock on the back;
  • Then go back to the shin, consolidating the bandage on it;
  • Then repeat the manipulation of 8 times to ensure reliable fixation;
  • Finish the binting on the bottom of the ankle, wrapping the bandage around it 2 times, fix the dressing with the help of special fixtures.

Cross-shaped bandage completely immobilizes the injured joint, which avoids the re-injury to this area. It is worth paying for the degree of bandage tension: in the ankle area, tighten the bandage stronger, slightly higher (in caviar) reduce the density. Do not strongly squeeze the leg under the knee, so as not to break the blood flow. To check the degree of tension, impose the fingers under the dressing.

Signs of misconfiguration

It is incorrectly to understand the tissue of the ankle with an elastic bandage, according to the following signs:

  • Fingering fingers. Such a symptom occurs with too tight binting. As a result, blood outflow from the veins is disturbed. To avoid the problem, you need to listen to your feelings during the imposition of a dressing;
  • The stop pale or frowning. Such an effect also appears when the bandage is excessive. This is due to the violation of the inflow of blood from the arteries;
  • Lack of compressive effect. This is due to the fact that the degree of tension of the bandage is minimal or affected used the wrong bandage. Then the ankle remains movable.

When such sensations appear, you need to remove the bandage, and re-impose it.

How much time can we wear a dressing

The question is quite relevant about how much time you need to wear an elastic flavor of ankle. It depends on the nature of the injury, the characteristics of the body of the victim. On average, elastic bandages are worn about 2 weeks. The final decision on the duration of wearing the retainer depends on the traumatologist.

Many patients are interested in how long you can wear an armband during the day. Wearing time depends on the degree of patient activity. If the affected all day is on the legs, the bandage will need to be changed. Otherwise, the likelihood of blood flow is increasing. The duration of exploitation of the bandage after surgery depends on many factors. Consult on this issue can only attending a doctor.

Bandage care to extend the service life

Elastic ribbon can be applied for a long time. It is made of material that perfectly absorbs moisture, resistant to strain and wear. The washing of the medical device must be carried out at intervals of 7 - 10 days. If a person often stretches ligaments, then he should be stocking 2 - 3 rolls of bandage.

Elastic bandage in a washing machine with the use of synthetic powders is not recommended.

Doctors advise manual washing in warm water using ordinary washing soap. To purify the bandage, you can use delicate gels that are used for washing children's things. The elastic ribbon is forbidden to rub enough to gently compress the fabric in the soap solution so as not to disrupt the structure. There will be a few minutes for washing, it is not necessary to pre-pump the product.

After washing, the elastic ribbon should not squeeze, pull it out or unscrew.

To dry the device, put it on a terry towel or cotton fabric that will quickly absorb moisture. Manufacturers are recommended to dry the product in a horizontal position. Hanging the rope or battery elastic bandage is not worth it, as it is deformed. In compliance with these rules, you will increase the life of the retainer.

Apply the bandage for the imposition of the dressings is possible until it remains elastic.

After it stretches, stops providing a sufficient degree of fixation or breaks, you need to buy a new bandage.

Than you can replace the elastic tape

If you need to replace the elastic bandage, then you need to choose a fixture with a high degree of elasticity and compressive effect. Only in this case the replacement will be full. Alternatively, you can use:

  • Gauze bandage;
  • Compression knitwear;
  • Elastic bandage (fixing sock);
  • Ortez (orthopedic device in the form of sock, boot or golf);
  • Other .

The question is quite relevant among patients with an ankle injury about what is better - an elastic bandage or orthosis. The elastic bandage under the observance of the imposition technique evenly distributes pressure on the patient area. Ortez supports, stabilizes and unloads joints. The method of applying orthosis depends on the stiffness of the device.

Bandage is used in hovering injuries or tensile ligaments. Hard fixators are necessary for the treatment of injuries in which you need to limit or completely immobilize the joint.

Soft orthosis act about the same way as an elastic bandage for an ankle, they are used to prevent injuries and immobilizing bone joints when injected or stretching. Hard orthoses are shown in severe injuries: breaking ligaments, dislocation, recovery after the fracture. The decision to choose - Bandage or Ortez, accepts an orthopedic after diagnosis.

Not all patients know that it is better - an elastic bandage or a fixing sock. The elastic bandage is made of a tensile material that passes air, which allows for support to be supported by the damaged joint and avoid the development of microorganisms under it. This adaptation reduces discomfort, pain and inexpensive.

The main advantage of the fixing sock compared to the elastic bandage is the lack of the need to bint the sore leg.

The stretchable bandage is more convenient in use, so doctors recommend to give preference to it. However, it should be remembered that the bandage can be used for all joints. Thus, the elastic bandage is an important device that will help to prevent and speed up the restoration of the ankle joint after injury, avoid relapses and complications. The medical device will immobilize the ankle and relieve the well-being of the victim before the doctor's inspection.

On the feet every day there is a large load, an ankle is often traumed. Therefore, the lock for an ankle when tensile ligaments and other damage is the first aid. Such bandages (or) are needed in order to immobilize the joint, prevent the development of complications. If it does not take measures on time, an ankle deformation, accompanied by an increasing inflammatory process, can occur.

In what cases requires a retainer

Ortesa are used to treat and prevent diseases of the ankle in both adults and children. The bandage on the ankle joint may be required in such situations:

  • when tensile or ,;
  • with an increased load on the lower limbs (during sports workouts or performing severe physical work);
  • upon receipt of the injury of the foot;
  • for rehabilitation during the postoperative period;
  • during the treatment of diseases of the joints (arthrosis, arthritis, etc.).

We carry the retainer is appointed by the attending physician. You should not make such a decision on your own, because you can harm your health. The fixing bandage is prescribed not only for treating diseases, but also in preventive purposes.

The main task of the bandage is the fixation of ankle. That is, the joint can move, while not deviating to the side. The use of bandage has a number of advantages. First, the possibility of injury to the ankle is significantly reduced (if it comes to prophylaxis). Secondly, pain is reduced. In addition, the healing process passes much faster. Another ankle retainer helps to avoid re-damage to the joint.

Selection of fixative

Choosing a bandage on ankle, you need to consider certain parameters:

  • the nature of the disease and the degree of gravity;
  • the size of the abolition of the patient and its possible anatomical features;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases, such as vegetative dystonia or skin diseases (allergies, scabies, eczema).

Bandages can be represented in soft, hard and semi-rigid form. Each of the dressings is used in a certain case. In addition, soft dressings, in turn, are divided into several subspecies.

  1. Soft (elastic). This option is used to prevent diseases, as well as treating small injuries. The lock is well tightened by ankle, providing reliable protection against possible damage. Elastic bandages will help people who have forced to spend a lot of time on their feet, as well as professional athletes (during training or competition).
  2. Protective. One of the types of elastic bandage used at. The bandage prevents microbes from entering the wound, has an antiseptic effect.
  3. Drug. Such an elastic retainer helps the rapid healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  4. If the patient suffers from hemarthrosis, a gulling elastic bandage is used. She quickly stops bleeding. There is also a corrective retainer used to cure the pathologies of an ankle, for example of closet.
  5. Semi-rigid. This retainer is often used with insignificant injury, tensile ligaments. Thanks to special belts, the bandage can be securely secured on the ankle.
  6. Hard. Such an armband is used in particularly difficult cases. The lock is equipped with rigid side inserts (plastic, metal, silicone), allowing to fix ankle in the same position. In addition, such a bandage is equipped with straps or laces. Such products are used after fractures when plaster has already been removed. Only a traumatologist can assign such an immobilization bandage.

Size definition

To correctly determine the size of the bandage, certain measurements should be made. First of all, you need to measure the length of the foot. Next, determine the coverage of the leg, ankle and ankle. These indicators must be compared with the information indicated by manufacturers on finished products. Each manufacturer may have a unique dimensional grid, so you need to check the source data with the table provided.

By purchasing the lock, remember that it cannot be worn around the clock. Recommended at least several times a day to shoot a bandage, process the surface of the foot with an antiseptic and only after 30 minutes to wear it again.

Orthez needed in the sitting position. The addictive to the locking bandage can take several weeks (and dumping too). If orthesis is used to treat injury, gradually increase the load on the damaged leg, bringing it to the norm. How much the leg heals, so much wears the lock.

If you are recommended by a semi-rigid or hard bandage that should be worn under shoes, get comfortable sneakers for several sizes more. So you will be as comfortable as possible. The health of the musculoskeletal system is a guarantee of high-quality life, full of interesting events, so even minor injuries need timely treatment.

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