Dressing material for trophic wounds. MN00003 Dressings "Treatment of Trophic Ulcers". Dressings for trophic ulcers, types

Treatment of long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers (including in patients with diabetes mellitus) with the use of Koletex napkins

"Koletex" wipes are successfully used for the treatment of trophic ulcers, incl. in patients with diabetes mellitus. A range of wipes has been developed that are consistently used for treatment, depending on the stages of the process:

From antibacterial agents local application suggested antiseptics that are active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, incl. resistant to sulfonamides and antibiotics. In addition, the resistance of microflora to antiseptics (for example, chlorhexidine) develops slowly.

From funds, stimulating reparative processes during local therapy of long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers, including in patients with diabetes mellitus in the 2nd stage of treatment, an antioxidant was introduced into the medicinal composition of the Koletex napkins mexidol, an immunomodulator sodium deoxyribonucleate (derinat), a natural biologically active drug propolis - a bee waste product... The therapeutic effect of biologically active agents and antioxidants is associated with the prevention of the generation of a number of toxic forms of oxygen and lipid peroxidation products formed during damage, inflammation, and tissue ischemia. Antioxidants eliminate the secondary effects of inflammatory mediators, activate wound healing processes (Korovina M.A., Ivanov A.E., Polyakov P. Yu., 2001; Antonov S.F., Nikonov B.A., Churilova I.V. and et al., 2003).

A specially created textile-biopolymer base of “Koletex” napkins, in which the drug is impregnated, is the most optimal drug delivery system, serves as a “depot” for drugs, ensures their release into the underlying tissues within 48-72 hours. Moreover, sodium alginate gel creates an atraumatic protective layer on the surface of wounds, preventing traumatization of granulations during dressings. Sodium alginate is a natural biologically active preparation obtained from brown seaweed of the kelp family, contains a large amount of essential trace elements (copper, zinc, selenium, calcium, etc.), promotes tissue regeneration, stimulates the healing process, and has a hemostatic effect.

As a result of serious biological and clinical trials, we have recommended the consistent, selective use of Koletex napkins containing drugs selected depending on the stage of healing of wound surfaces in neurotrophic disorders caused by:

  • metabolic angioneuropathy (diabetes mellitus).
  • damage to peripheral nerves;
  • thermal injuries (frostbite, burns);
  • vascular disorders (lymphovenous insufficiency).

Indications for use the use of Koletex napkins for the treatment of non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers (including in patients with diabetes mellitus)

inflammation treatment and cleansing

(phase of formation of granulations, epithelialization and scarring)

Incl. in patients with diabetes mellitus

After plastic replacement of wound defects
(secondary sutures, autodermoplasty)

"Koletex-SHG" with chlorhexidine

"Coletex-MEX" with Mexidol

"Coletex-MEX" with Mexidol

"Coletex with furagin"

"Koleteks-SP" with propolis

"Koletex with propolis"

Coletex-M with metronidazole

"Koleteks-ADN" with derinat

"Koleteks-ADN" with derinat

"Coletex - AGGDM" with hydrocortisone, gentamicin, demixide and mexidol

Method of application of "Koletex" napkins for the treatment of trophic ulcers and long-term non-healing wounds (including in patients with diabetes mellitus)

in the 1st stage of treatment - inflammation and cleansing

OPTION 1 ---


Compound: " " - 5 pieces.; " " - 5 pieces.

The proposed set consists of 2 types of napkins "Coletex with chlorhexidine" and "Coletex with metronidazole".
Chlorhexidine is an active local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent (in case of individual intolerance, the Coletex with Chlorhexidine napkins can be replaced with the Coletex with Furagin napkins).

Application procedure:
The treatment is carried out in two stages. This kit provides the first stage of treatment. At this stage, dressings are performed once a day using napkins with chlorhexidine or metradidazole (alternating every other day).

OPTION 2 ---


  • outpatient treatment of trophic ulcers and long-term non-healing wounds of various etiologies, including in patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • treatment of bruises, superficial injuries, including in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Composition: "" - 5 pcs .; " " - 5 pieces.
Sterile! For topical use.

The proposed set consists of 2 types of napkins "Coletex with furagin" and "Coletex with metronidazole".
Furagin is an active local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent (in case of individual intolerance, the Coletex with furagin napkins can be replaced with the Coletex with chlorhexidine napkins).
Metronidazole has a wide spectrum of action against protozoa and purulent anaerobic wound infection.

Application procedure:
The treatment is carried out in two stages. This kit provides the first stage of treatment. At this stage, dressings are performed once a day using napkins with furagin or metradidazole (alternating every other day).
After a standard toilet, a napkin is applied to a wound or ulcer on its surface, having previously moistened it with distilled (boiled) water or saline from the side of the drug. If the napkin dries up, it must be kept moist by wetting it 3-4 times a day.
The napkin is fixed with gauze or tubular bandage. The napkin can be left on the wound for 24 hours. If the napkin sticks to the surface of the wound or ulcer, it must be soaked in distilled (boiled) water or saline before removing it.
After the disappearance or significant reduction of pain syndrome, reduction of discharge, cleansing of the wound or ulcer surface from purulent-necrotic plaque, the stage of treatment with the use of napkins "Coletex with chlorhexidine" and "Coletex with metronidazole" can be completed.
The decision to proceed to the second stage of treatment, in which the wound or ulcerative surface will be completely healed, should be made after consultation with the attending physician.

on the use of a set of napkins "Koletex" for the treatment of trophic ulcers and long-term non-healing wounds
in the 2nd stage of treatment - healing
(phases of formation of granulations, epithelialization and scarring)

OPTION 1 ---


  • outpatient treatment of trophic ulcers and long-term non-healing wounds of various etiologies, including in patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • treatment of bruises, superficial injuries, including in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Compound: " " - 5 pieces.; " " - 5 pieces.
Sterile! For topical use.

The offered set consists of 2 types of napkins "Koletex with Mexidol" and "Koletex with Propolis".
Propolis used locally as an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent (in case of individual intolerance, the “Coletex with propolis” napkins can be replaced with the “Koletex-ADN” napkins with derinat).

Application procedure:
The treatment is carried out in two stages. This kit provides the second stage of treatment - complete healing. At this stage, dressings are performed once a day using napkins with Mexidol or propolis (alternating every other day).
After a standard toilet, a napkin is applied to a wound or ulcer on its surface, having previously moistened it with distilled (boiled) water or saline from the side of the drug. If the napkin dries up, it must be kept moist by wetting it 3-4 times a day.
The napkin is fixed with gauze or tubular bandage. The napkin can be left on the wound for 24 hours. If the napkin sticks to the surface of the wound or ulcer, it must be soaked in distilled (boiled) water or saline before removing it.

OPTION 2 ---


  • outpatient treatment of trophic ulcers and long-term non-healing wounds of various etiologies, including in patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • treatment of bruises, superficial injuries, including in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Compound: " " - 5 pieces.; "" With derinat - 5 pcs.
Sterile! For topical use.

The proposed set consists of 2 types of napkins "Koletex with Mexidol" and "Koletex-ADN" with derinatum.
Mexidol- an antioxidant with a pronounced antihypoxic effect, has a wide spectrum of biological activity
Derinat (sodium deoxyribonucleate)- a biologically active substance, used locally as an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent (in case of individual intolerance, the Koletex-ADN napkins with derinate can be replaced with the Koletex-propolis napkins).

Application procedure:
The treatment is carried out in two stages. This kit provides the second stage of treatment - complete healing. At this stage, dressings are performed once a day using napkins with Mexidol or Derinatom (alternating every other day).
After a standard toilet, a napkin is applied to a wound or ulcer on its surface, having previously moistened it with distilled (boiled) water or saline from the side of the drug. If the napkin dries up, it must be kept moist by wetting it 3-4 times a day.
The napkin is fixed with gauze or tubular bandage. The napkin can be left on the wound for 24 hours. If the napkin sticks to the surface of the wound or ulcer, it must be soaked in distilled (boiled) water or saline before removing it.
Throughout the entire stage of treatment or before its completion, you should regularly consult with your doctor.
Complete healing of the wound (its epithelialization and scarring) indicates the end of the final 2nd stage of treatment.

In the treatment of trophic formations of the wound type, antiseptic dressings are one of the elements of complex therapy. This type of drug has a good positive effect due to the presence of such pharmacological properties as the rapid removal of inflammation in the epithelial tissues of the diseased leg, elimination of lymphatic edema of the extremities, suppression of pathogenic microflora, cleansing the ulcer from purulent exudate, if any. Based on the already established medical practice, the best drugs of this group are distinguished, which have demonstrated high efficiency indicators during the treatment of patients with trophic lesions of the epithelium. Let's try to understand in more detail what types of bactericidal dressings can rightfully be called the best.

How do the dressings help with trophic ulcers and how much do they cost?

Each type of medical dressing for a trophic type wound lesion of the epithelial cover of the leg has its own therapeutic properties and contains various active components that differentiate the bactericidal material by its species diversity and action on open wounds of the lower extremity. The following types of dressings are distinguished, as well as the peculiarity of their therapeutic effect.


During production, the textile fabric of a sterile dressing material is impregnated with an amorphous high-density gel, which, after fixing the dressing on the surface of the diseased area of ​​the skin of the leg, prevents bacterial and viral infections of all types from entering the open wound. Contains about 60% water in its composition, therefore it can be easily removed without causing additional damage. Promotes more accelerated regeneration of epithelial tissue. The cost of 1 dressing is from 170 rubles. The duration of wearing it is from 3 to 7 days.

With silver


The principle of operation of this type of dressings is that their tissue is impregnated with a weak saline solution. It is known that salt has a natural antiseptic property, destroys not only all known microbes, molds and viral strains, but also clears wound formations from purulent exudate. During the contact of the saline dressing tissue with the surface of the ulcer, a gentle cleansing of the wound formation occurs with the outflow of fluid overflowing with pathogens. In the first hours of using a sterile saline dressing, there may be a slight feeling of discomfort due to the effect of salt molecules on the organic tissues of the epithelium. The price of the medication is from 150 to 200 rubles.

With stellanin

In fact, it is a sterile piece of mesh tissue, which is abundantly impregnated with Stellanin ointment. This type of drug destroys the bacterial infection and promotes a faster rate of scarring of the skin areas of the lower extremities destroyed by the disease. Already after the first days of wearing a dressing with the addition of stellanin, inflammation of the skin of the leg, located in the circumference of the trophic ulcer, decreases, the edges of the wound formation are reduced, and the process of regeneration of epidermal cells is accelerated.

The cost of a stellan dressing is from 170 to 200 rubles per piece.


Dressings of this type are designed to stabilize the inflammatory process in trophic type wound formations, which do not heal for a long period of time, and the circumferential edges of the wound continue to collapse, increasing in diameter. The therapeutic effect of collagen dressings is achieved due to the presence of proteolytic enzymes in their composition. Suitable for the treatment of trophic ulcers, both in remission and showing positive dynamics in healing, and characterized by bleeding, release of lymphatic fluid and purulent exudate. Collagen dressings are the most expensive, and the cost of one such dressing will cost the buyer 2,230 rubles.

Hartman armbands

A sterile dressing from the German pharmaceutical company Hartman, designed to care for damaged skin areas, the integrity of which is compromised by the presence of certain pathogenic factors. It is an adhesive base on which a sorption pad is located, designed to absorb excess moisture and liquid released from an open wound surface on the leg.

Depending on the type of dressing and its intended use, it can be impregnated with an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory or healing drug. Sometimes the dressing material contains active components that have all three of the listed properties at once. The Hartman firm produces a large number of varieties of dressings designed for effective treatment of trophic neoplasms on the legs, therefore, the cost of the medication directly depends on the medication with which the textile fabric is impregnated. On average, the price for a medication starts at 300 rubles.

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How to properly apply a sterile wound healing dressing for trophic ulcers?

Before using a sterile dressing, it is necessary to clean the skin of the leg. To do this, it is enough to wash the lower limb with warm water using household or hypoallergenic baby soap. Then the adhesive tape in the form of a film is separated and a sterile bandage is applied to the wound formation, after which it is tightly fixed on the surface of the lower limb. It is necessary to pay great attention to how well the bandage is fixed, since the patient will have to walk with it for several days and it must be securely fixed on the leg. Free movement of fabric and dangling is not allowed.

In recent years, qualitatively new ones, representing a variety of plasters and napkins, have been added to the conservative methods of treating trophic ulcers. The peculiarity of these funds lies in their ability to thoroughly cleanse wounds of ulcers, eliminating infections. The composition of most products includes substances such as mexidol and trypsin, which have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and break down dead tissue. And so let's take a look: what wipes can be used for the treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs?

The action of antiseptic coatings

Sterile napkins for the treatment of trophic ulcers can be used in the case of non-healing, festering, moist wounds. Their action is due to the presence in the composition:

  • antibacterial agents. These are, as a rule, furagin, chlorhexidine, miramistin;
  • agents that accelerate the healing process. As a rule, these include mexidol, propolis, sodium alginate, derinat.

Among the most effective remedies in a number of napkins for the treatment of trophic ulcers are:

  • Activetex napkins;
  • products of the company "Hartman",
  • Proteox-TM;
  • Coletex;
  • Multiferm.

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the description of the active substances of the wipes, as well as the principle of their use.

Activetex napkins used in the treatment of trophic ulcers are made of knitted fabric. Their surface is coated with drugs combined with a gel-like polymer. The wipes have not only antiseptic, but also analgesic and healing properties. Dressings made on their basis are one of the main methods of treating long-lasting trophic ulcers.

There are several types of Activetex dressings, depending on the main active ingredient:

  1. 1. Activetex F, which are general purpose wipes. The active ingredient is furagin, which, with open ulcers, is able to suppress various microorganisms;
  2. 2. Activetex X, the main substance of which is chlorhexidine, which provides not only a powerful antiseptic effect, but also affects the resorption of hematomas;
  3. 3. Activetex HF. Wipes of this type combine both furagin and chlorhexidine, which increases the effectiveness of the dressing, aimed at treating contaminated and purulent wounds.

The use of Activetex products for the treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs provides a long-term effect - up to 72 hours. The dressings are changed depending on the amount of the separated substance. With abundant departments - daily, with moderate ones - after 2-3 days. The coating of Activetex products must be periodically moistened with water.

Hartman wipes for dressing, like Activetex, have a variety of types for the treatment and disinfection of trophic ulcers. Before using Activetex, first consult your doctor.

A significant effect is manifested when using the Atrauman ointment dressing napkin. These napkins are used for treatment, treatment of wounds at all stages of the wound process. These dressings contain fatty acids combined with neutral fats. They are suitable not only for effective disposal of trophic ulcers on the legs, but also provide painless use and are suitable for patients with high skin sensitivity.

Wipes from this manufacturer are also available in the form of an ointment dressing containing a neutral base, silver, and triglycerides of fatty acids. Suitable for use in trophic ulcers that pose an increased threat of infection.

The use of absorbent materials

In order to get rid of trophic ulcers on the legs, absorbent dressings are also successfully used, which are used in case of abundant discharge from wounds. It is used as an absorbent layer on top of medical wipes or for direct coverage of wounds on the legs. The main currently used medical dressings:

  • Tsetuvit E;
  • Biaten;
  • Voskopran;
  • Branolind N.

A trophic ulcer is a defect in the skin tissue that can take a very long time to heal. It occurs as a result of a violation of venous blood flow, both in the superficial and deep veins. The cause of this disease can be a neglected state of varicose veins. The most common place of deployment is the lower leg and foot. Today we will tell you how to treat this serious disease and what methods are used for this. Let us dwell in more detail on medical dressings.

Emollient powders

To treat the wound caused by an ulcer, antiseptic powders with a softening effect are used. They must not contain drugs with anesthetic effect. If a powder or ointment for treating a trophic ulcer contains anesthetic components, then they will have a corrosive effect on it. As a result, healing will be especially long.

Compression bandages

Rubberized squeezes are used to constrict blood vessels, they are useful even when the legs are inactive and at rest. If you do not move, this squeezing can cause minor pain. In this case, it is permissible to use a local anesthetic. Thus, pain is reduced, but only for a short time. After the doctor covers the wound with cotton wool and gauze, a regular bandage is applied. It is applied evenly from the metatarsus to the knee. In this case, squeezing should be along the entire length of the bandage.

The pressure on the ulcer wound itself should increase regularly, but not abruptly, but gradually. For these purposes, a foam rubber roller is used, which is placed over the wound site. With the help of such a roller, relief comes to the patient very quickly. The pressure must be strong enough. An exception may be people with arterial disease, as well as the elderly. Also, in the morning, you should apply an elastic bandage. You should walk with him at least 3 times a day, at least half an hour. It is especially useful to wear such a bandage while walking before going to bed. Thus, freeing the affected leg from venous stasis that has accumulated during the day. The elastic bandage is removed only when the patient is going to rest. That is, before going to bed or during the day's rest, when the legs are at rest.

Bandage effect

As we already wrote, a regular one is applied under the elastic rubberized bandage. Such an ordinary bandage should be worn for at least 2 weeks, moreover, without removing it even at night, while sleeping. Remember if you change every day dressings for trophic ulcers, they will take a very long time to heal. This is due to the fact that the dressing delays the discharge from the ulcer, which promotes healing.

Dressings can only be changed if bacteria have entered the wound - a putrid smell appears. In this case, changing the dressing every 2-4 days will only be beneficial. But before making a new overlay, it is necessary to treat the ulcer with a cotton wick or gauze swab dipped in olive oil or gasoline to treat wounds. Also, powders and ointments, which were written above, are perfect for processing.

The tissues surrounding the trophic ulcer should also be treated with zinc paste or oil. This is to keep the skin free from irritating discharge from the wound. And most importantly, it reduces the softening of the skin around the ulcer. This method of treatment helps to quickly clear the ulcer and contributes to the spontaneous disappearance of purulent crusts. When bright pink surfaces begin to appear in the affected area, that is, new tissue begins to form, we can say that the treatment was successful.

If the ulcer does not heal

If the cause of a trophic ulcer is deep vein inflammation, bandages should only be applied by an experienced phlebologist. With such a lesion, it is more difficult to heal, this process can last several weeks. Usually, a non-healing ulcer appears on the lower leg. If the case is especially severe and the ulcer does not heal in any way, the patient is assigned to bed rest for several days, preferably under the supervision of a doctor. Also, in this case, transplantation of various areas of the skin can be applied to hide the defect. But such a replacement is carried out only after the wound has been completely cleaned and after the blood circulation has been normalized.

What can not be done with a trophic ulcer

This is a serious medical condition, so it is very important to take the recommendations below seriously and follow them unconditionally. If the skin is affected by a trophic ulcer, do not apply wet compresses and rinse the affected area with water. If this rule is not followed, the skin will soften and blood stasis will form, as a result of which the ulcer will worsen. Here's another tip: don't wear slippers. Slippers disrupt the functioning of the muscular system and leg joints, and also negatively affect blood circulation, slowing it down. Better to use shoes with stable heels or low shoes. Never try to dry sores with a hair dryer or expose them to sunlight. These annoying factors will only hurt. Also, any self-medication - mechanical cleansing, moxibustion, can lead to an exacerbation of inflammation.

Where is it treated?

An experienced phlebologist should be involved in the treatment, and there are very few clinics where such doctors work. But our center has such specialists in its arsenal. We are always ready to provide assistance to everyone. Our offices are equipped with the most modern equipment, which simplifies the entire diagnostic process. We guarantee fast and effective treatment. Our center is exactly the place where you will leave your illness forever and regain healthy skin without ulcers.

Many patients face the problem of the formation of trophic ulcers, since a considerable number of diseases can lead to this. These pathological formations cause discomfort to the patient, therefore it is necessary to have information about the methods with which it is possible to quickly get rid of them.

A trophic ulcer is a wound on the surface of the skin that does not heal for a long time. They are formed as a result of impaired blood supply and metabolism of various diseases.

The diseases that provoke this disease include:

  1. Obliterating atherosclerosis of the arteries of the legs.
  2. Varicose veins.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Burns, frostbite.
  5. Lymphostasis.
  6. Autoimmune pathologies.
  7. Chronic dermatitis.

Also, trophic ulcers can form after damage to large nerve trunks of the lower extremities or as a result of long-term polyneuropathies.

Plasters for trophic ulcers of the lower extremities

Treatment of trophic ulcers with a patch is common. This is due to its high efficiency and availability. Also, this method is characterized by good tolerance by patients, since the risk of allergic reactions is observed in rare cases.

This tool is a napkin that contains antioxidant components - mexidol and trypsin. The therapeutic effect of using Proteox is achieved due to the proteolytic action of the patch.

The agent improves the metabolism of the affected tissues, stimulates the reparative processes in the pathological zone. Trypsin helps to cleanse necrotic elements, remove various secretions and exudates, and also breaks down blood clots.

Thanks to the plaster, fast healing of trophic ulcers is achieved without hyperactivity reactions. Its action begins immediately, you can delete it after 2 days from the moment it was applied.

Before using Proteox, it must be soaked in an antiseptic solution or in clean water. The site of trophic ulcer localization is wiped with chlorhexidine or miramistin, after which a napkin is placed on it so that the edges of the latter overlap the pathological formation by several centimeters, and fix it. The total duration of use of 1 patch is a maximum of 2 days. The duration of treatment depends on the size of the formation, usually the interval is 1-2 weeks.

This plaster from trophic ulcers has the ability to break down necrotic elements, thereby making the affected area clean. It also reduces the severity of pain and activates collagen production, which leads to the regeneration of the skin.

Multiferm contains chitosan and a special complex that has a proteolytic effect. The latter is obtained from the pancreas and liver of crabs.

The mechanism of use is identical with the use of Proteox wipes. In most cases, Multiferm is intended for the treatment of ulcers without purulent discharge, with a small amount of exudate. On average, 7-10 days of use is enough.

The Biaten dressing has a spongy structure, which consists of a special polyurethane, which ensures rapid absorption of exudate, and a hydrocolloid, which helps to fix the material.

The drug is used for trophic ulcers with a large amount of discharge, but in the absence of infection. Biaten is a hypoallergenic agent that can be left on the damaged surface for up to 7 days. In addition, the dressing absorbs quickly, which helps prevent additional infections.

Before applying the pathology zone, it is necessary to treat it with an antiseptic or saline solution, wipe it dry, and only then apply a medical bandage. The service life directly depends on the ulcer itself and is determined by the doctor.

Activetex dressing contains lidocaine, aminocaproic acid, chlorhexidine, vitamin E, eucalyptus and sea buckthorn oils. This patch is used in the treatment of non-healing, infected trophic ulcers, since it provides cleansing of damaged skin from pathological elements, pain relief, improves metabolism and accelerates the repair process.

The bandage is moistened with clean water, then applied to the ulcer itself.

Important! Activetex needs to be constantly moistened, due to this, a therapeutic effect is achieved, 1 napkin can be used within 3 days.

Dressings used for trophic ulcers

There is a sufficient number of dressings for the treatment of trophic ulcers. The choice of the remedy depends on the stage and complication, the tactics are determined only by the doctor.


In the manufacture of this material, it is impregnated with a gel that provides protection against pathogens and stimulates the repair processes in the affected area. The bandage is worn for up to 7 days, it can be removed easily and painlessly.

Silver bandage

These wipes contain antiseptics and a special mesh impregnated with silver. Metal dressings are effective in treating infected ulcers. Silver suppresses the multiplication of pathogens, these wipes also have a cleansing effect, provide drainage of the pathology zone.


These are dressings soaked in ointments. The therapeutic effect depends on the type of the main active ingredient. They have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, reduce swelling and pain. When treating trophic ulcers, wipes soaked with Levomekol, Vishnevsky's ointment, Bepanten, and zinc ointment are used.


In such dressings, the textiles are impregnated with a solution with a low salt content, due to which a bactericidal effect is achieved. In addition, these foot ulcer wipes are capable of destroying viral particles and fungi. Salt dressings also effectively drain the affected skin.

Terms of use

Before applying the material, the surface of a trophic ulcer must be treated with an antiseptic solution - Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. Doctors do not recommend using hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate because they are irritating. The skin around the ulcers also needs to be rinsed and kept clean. Baby soap is suitable for this purpose.

The skin is carefully dried, after which a medical bandage is applied. It must be tightly fixed; for this, additional materials are used.

Important! Self-administration of therapy is unacceptable, patients need to undergo examination and consultation with a doctor.


One of the main advantages of using dressings is the small number of contraindications. It is necessary to know their list in order to prevent the worsening of the situation.

  1. It is forbidden to use dressings if patients have hyperactivity reactions to their components.
  2. Burns in the affected area.
  3. In cases where the patient has to undergo electrical stimulation.

You should also exclude the appointment of these funds with concomitant therapy with drugs containing enzymes.


It is important for each person to have information about what trophic ulcers are, from what they appear and how to cope with them. Dressings with medicinal components are an effective method of getting rid of these pathological formations. They are convenient, affordable, well tolerated, and highly effective.

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