Papillomas in the intimate part. Medicinal and folk methods for removing genital warts. The doctor will conduct a number of studies, namely

Papillomas in intimate places provoke a lot of inconvenience, which affects the quality of human life. From what growths appear, and how to deal with them with medications and folk remedies, modern methods of removal.

Papillomas in the intimate area cause great discomfort

The reasons for the appearance of papillomas in intimate places

Papillomatosis or human papillomavirus is able to pass latently for a long time. The main impetus for its development can be a significant decrease in the body's immune forces.

The following reasons affect the awakening of the virus:

  • hormonal disruptions in the body in women after pregnancy or as a result of prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction;
  • an infectious cold;
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics, immunosuppressants, corticosteroid drugs;
  • pathologies of a venereal nature, herpes infection, inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • constant stress, emotional stress, chronic fatigue;
  • disruptions in metabolic processes.

Long-term colds can awaken HPV

These factors lead to immunodeficiency, which is a favorable environment for the awakening of the papillomavirus.

Are papillomas contagious in intimate places

The main feature of papillomas on the genitals is their high level of transmissibility. You can catch a disease that will later manifest itself on the genitals during sex with an infected partner, as well as through household contact (through bed linen, towels).

Symptoms in women and men

The main sign of papillomatosis is the appearance of growths in the groin, which look like loose lobules, collected in piles, resembling broccoli inflorescence or a rooster's comb.

Localization locations:

  • in men - on the scrotum, around the head of the penis, near the urinary canal, in the folds between the legs;
  • in women - on the vulva (on the large and small labia, in the vagina, on the pubic part), in the cervix;
  • independence from gender - on the skin in the perineum between the genitals and the anus, around the anus and inside the anus (rarely).

The glans penis affected by papillomas

Warts on the genitals are brownish or beige. If their integrity is violated (intercourse), they can cause pain and discomfort, bleeding.

Types of papillomas in the intimate area

Inguinal growths have their own differences and types:

  1. Filiform papillomas. At the beginning of development, small yellowish bumps appear, which eventually develop into elastic threadlike formations.
  2. Flat papillomas. Rounded small bumps that blend in color with the skin. They are rare, but they can cause inflammation in the genitals, itching, burning, painful sensations.
  3. Condylomas (pointed). Elastic growths, in appearance, look like a large number of small lobules that have grown together.
  4. Papillomas of the bladder and urinary tract. Mostly men are affected.

On the female organs, or rather inside them, genital warts most often develop. You can see them during a gynecological examination.

What are the papillomas in intimate places and how they look, shown in the photo.

Filamentous papillomas

Flat type of papilloma

Genital warts

Are papillomas dangerous?

Papillomas of any variety can carry latent danger.

  1. In the event of injury, the build-up begins to spread to healthy areas, which leads to the growth of unpleasant formations.
  2. An infection can penetrate into the damaged tissue of the papilloma, which threatens the development of inflammation of the inguinal zone.
  3. High tendency of papilloma to go to the oncogenic stage, especially those that affect the woman's cervix.

Papillomas in the intimate area can develop into oncology

Very rarely, papillomas develop into cancer among males, but they are capable of provoking other serious pathologies of the genitourinary system (phimosis, paraphimosis).

Treatment methods

The papillomavirus cannot be removed from the body, but it is quite possible to put it into a dormant state.

The following methods allow you to do this:

  • removal of papilloma;
  • drug treatment;
  • the use of folk remedies.
Therapy for papillomatosis should be complex and combine several methods at once.

Removal of papilloma on the genitals

Timely detected papillomas respond well to treatment and do not have time to harm a person. You cannot try to fix such a problem on your own, otherwise you can provoke serious complications.

Which doctor removes?

If suspicious formations on the genitals are detected, it is necessary or a venereologist. In situations where the warts have become large and darkened, it makes sense to get it.

A venereologist will help get rid of papillomas in an intimate place

The specialist helps to get rid of unwanted growths and conducts special treatment aimed at preventing relapse.

Do I need to delete?

In the early stages of papillomatosis, warts are not inconvenient, so doctors may prescribe medication. When the growths are large, they are often injured, bleed and hurt, and inflammation develops in the genitals due to the addition of other infections, papillomas must be removed. This will avoid cancerous growths.

Does it hurt to delete?

Excision of warts occurs under anesthetic. Depending on the procedure, unpleasant sensations are possible: burning, tingling, tingling, slight soreness. Most often, papillomas are removed painlessly.

Modern disposal methods and their cost

Elimination of papillomas in intimate places can be carried out by several methods. How much it costs to remove depends on the size of the wart and the type of procedure.

  1. Surgical method- the growths are excised with a scalpel, and the place is treated with a special solution and tightly bandaged. The manipulation takes place under local anesthesia. Price - from 450 to 1500 rubles.
  2. Electrocoagulation. Papillomas are cauterized with high-frequency current. As a result of this procedure, irreversible processes occur inside the growths and they disappear. Price - from 400 to 800 rubles.
  3. Cryodestruction - removal with liquid nitrogen - allows you to painlessly eliminate the neoplasm. The affected areas are treated with liquid nitrogen, which provokes darkening, drying and death of papillomas. Cost - from 300 to 600 rubles.
  4. Radio wave removal. Cutting off warts is carried out with a radio wave scalpel, which acts exclusively on the affected tissue, does not affect the healthy epidermis and does not leave scars. Price - from 500 to 1000 rubles.
  5. Laser treatment- the most popular and effective way to combat papillomas. In addition to cutting the growth, the laser beam gently cauterizes capillaries and injured areas, which helps to prevent inflammation, bleeding, and scarring. Price - from 650 to 1600 rubles.
  6. Cauterization with chemicals. To remove flat growths and genital warts, podophilin and podofilox preparations are used. After treatment of the affected areas, crusts remain, which disappear on their own after 2-3 days.

Laser removal is the easiest and most popular method

Removal of papilloma should occur only after a complete examination, which excludes the malignant nature of the formations. Otherwise, serious complications can be provoked.

Drug treatment

Doctors try to treat minor lesions of the genitals with papillomas with pharmaceutical preparations for internal and external use.

The Panavir medicine helps to remove growths and prevent recurrence of human papillomavirus infection. The tool is available in the form of a solution for injection and a gel, which allows you to act on the virus from the inside and outside.

A good antiviral drug is Viferon (suppositories, gel, ointment). The medicine not only suppresses the development of infection, but also stimulates the body's immune forces.

Viferon is an effective antiviral drug

Another effective remedy for papillomas is Oxolinic ointment. The substance has a detrimental effect on the infection, inhibiting its reproduction.

Acyclovir tablets and cream have a high antiviral effect. The remedy well stimulates the body's protective barrier and suppresses infection.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, the doctor can prescribe several drugs for local and systemic use at once. Your approach allows you to achieve long-term remissions of the disease.

How to get rid of folk remedies

How to treat human papillomavirus infection at home? For this, traditional medicine has effective and proven recipes.

For 2-3 weeks, the injured areas must be treated with castor oil. For best results, the oil should be gently rubbed into the growths for 7-10 minutes. The frequency of the procedures is several manipulations per week.

Castor oil is a good remedy for getting rid of papillomas at home

When applying the juice, it is important not to touch the healthy areas of the skin.

Iodine from papillomas on the genitals

Wipe the benign tumor daily with iodine solution. An antiseptic substance not only dries out, but also disinfects, which stops the development of infection.

Iodine stops the development of infection

It must be remembered that folk remedies alone cannot overcome the disease. They must be used in complex medical therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment during pregnancy

Papillomas in the intimate area during pregnancy can grow strongly and further interfere with childbirth. To avoid this, doctors prescribe laser excision of the growths and treatment with antiviral substances. During gestation, it is allowed to use Viferon, Betadine.

The papillomavirus detected during the period of childbearing must be treated without fail, since it threatens to infect the fetus (most often during the passage of the child through the birth canal) and cause the baby to damage the nasopharynx and larynx with warts.

Papillomas on the genitals are an unpleasant and very dangerous phenomenon, since with prolonged non-treatment, there is a high probability of developing cancer. Therefore, it is important not to hesitate to see a doctor if suspicious growths are found in the groin.

Treatment of papillomas in intimate places is a complex procedure, which should include antiviral and drug treatment, hardware methods for removing neoplasms. It is important to understand the characteristics of sensitive areas so as not to harm the skin and mucous membranes.

Reasons for appearing in intimate places

The human papillomavirus can live for many months or years in the human body and is manifested under the influence of certain factors. Often people do not even know that they are carriers of the virus, infecting others.

HPV is transmitted by:

  1. Through sexual intercourse with an infected person. The barrier method of protection is not a 100% guarantee that the disease will not enter the body.
  2. From mother to child through the passage of the birth canal or the transmission of certain strains through the placenta.
  3. Close contact with the infected mucosa. Such intimacy is possible outside of sexual contact.
  4. Household transmission - through the use of common hygiene items, visits to saunas, swimming pools.

After infection, the incubation period is long - from 5 weeks to a year. If after this time the virus does not appear, it is suppressed by the immune system. But the person remains contagious.

There are a number of factors that trigger the manifestation of the virus:

  • weakened immunity due to previous diseases;
  • stress, fatigue, psychoemotional disruptions;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcohol;
  • pregnancy;
  • avitaminosis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • long-term antibiotic treatment, taking hormonal drugs.

Danger to men and women

More often, a man is a carrier of the virus, condylomas in intimate places rarely appear. Sometimes on the penis, around it there are pointed papillomas, similar to the bumps of scarlet color. They can cause Bowen disease or bowenoid papulosis. There is a danger of degeneration into malignant formations. In addition, if papillomas appear in the urethra, it will bring significant discomfort when urinating. The male body often fights the papillomavirus better.

The risk of genital warts in women is higher, some strains are symptoms of cervical dysplasia. In the presence of such neoplasms, it is necessary to be regularly examined by a doctor in order to exclude all risks. In 100% of women with cervical cancer, HPV of dangerous strains was found in the blood (16, 18, 31, 35, 33, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68). Female external genitals are more prone to papillomas.

Medication treatment

Medicines for multiple or single papillomas in intimate places can be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is excluded.

Medicines to combat growths can be in the form of an ointment, cream, solution, or aerosol.

  1. Ferozol is widely used to eliminate genital warts. It is produced in the form of a dark brown liquid with a characteristic phenol odor. The substance helps to cauterize the growth and significantly affect the molecular composition of the formation. Ferozol is used to treat papilloma up to 5 times a day, once a week.
  2. Aldara is a 5% cauterizing cream, applied to genital warts three times a day, avoiding getting the drug on the mucous membrane of the intimate zone.
  3. Cryopharma is an analogue of cryodestruction. Produced in a special bottle. Affects the formation of low temperatures. The substance is applied to the genital warts, after which it begins to collapse and disappears.
  4. Panavir is a natural remedy for papillomas based on potato extract. Has a mild action, suitable for use in the genital area. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  5. Condilin is an emulsion that is applied to the formation. The tool is used twice a day for two days, then a break for 4 days. It is important not to touch the skin around, so as not to damage it.
  6. Solkoderm or Solkovagil - as part of an acid concentrate, use only after consulting a doctor. There is a danger of overdose, allergic reaction.

All preparations can be safely used on the skin around intimate areas. It is forbidden to smear or do cauterization with genital warts on the vagina or cervix at home. There is a risk of leaving permanent non-healing wounds.

Review of antiviral and immunomodulatory agents

Taking antiviral medications is an important component in the fight against papillomas. In combination with the rest of the treatment, it helps to stop cell division, stimulate the immune system to fight the virus. The tablets must be drunk from papilloma in intimate places and the partner of the infected.

Alpizarin It is used to treat papillomas, genital warts and warts. The tablets have a natural base and affect the DNA of the virus. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
Cycloferon Quite popular pills actively fight infection, have immunomodulatory properties. The drug should be taken according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.
Isoprinosine An effective complex medicine for papilloma. The tool has many contraindications, it is used purely according to the recommendations of the doctor.
Novirin Fights infection, helps restore weakened immunity.
Allokin Alpha The substance is widely prescribed to patients suffering from chronic papillomatosis, and carriers of the oncogenic type of the virus. Available in powder form for injection.

Any medication should be taken solely as directed by a doctor after HPV diagnosis. Tablets and solutions of this category have a large list of contraindications.

Removal methods

After a doctor diagnoses HPV, medications are prescribed and it is necessary to choose a method for removing the neoplasm. In the presence of genital warts on the cervix, in the vagina, local therapy with ointment or cream is not possible. The doctor will select the method that will be most effective in a particular situation. It is important to remove the papilloma so that a new one does not grow in its place.


Burning out warts with a laser is a popular method that is approved for removing formations in pregnant women. Leaves no residue, painless. It can be used to remove warts in the vagina, uterus.


The destruction of the neoplasm occurs with the help of liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of low temperatures, the growth dies off. The procedure does not bring pain, the wound heals quickly, but several sessions are needed. Not used for mucosal, vaginal or urethral growths.

Radio wave

The most gentle and popular method. It is painless, and practically no trace remains at the site of removal. But this method is contraindicated for people at risk of developing an oncological process. It is carried out using special frequencies of the radio waves of the device.


The papilloma is destroyed by the current. After the procedure, a thermal burn remains at the site of formation, which can bring discomfort, soreness, the wound heals for a long time. Several procedures may be required.


It is carried out in a hospital with a scalpel. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the skills and experience of the operating surgeon. Removal should be complete so that there are no cells left for reproduction at the site of the papilloma. After the procedure, dressings and medications are needed to exclude inflammation.

If you remove the neoplasm, but do not use drug therapy, the situation will surely repeat itself.

Review of folk remedies

Alternative medicine has its own methods of eliminating papillomas in the genital area in its arsenal. Doctors consider such methods dangerous, there is a risk of damaging the skin and mucous membranes, and missing the moment of cell degeneration.

Folk remedies are often dangerous, their use is possible after consulting a doctor. If you decide to be treated this way, understand that you are personally responsible for the consequences.


Saturate a cotton swab or bandage with aloe juice and attach to the growth. Change as it dries. The duration of therapy is unlimited, the plant is absolutely safe.


It is necessary to use celandine for papillomas in intimate places with extreme caution so as not to cause extensive burns. It is necessary to rip off the stem of the plant, which appears with yellow juice, to process the lesion site. The course of treatment lasts until the formation disappears.

You can use a pharmacy serum or "Supercleaner", the technology is the same. Gradually, the growth will begin to die off.

The use of celandine on mucous membranes is prohibited.


The leaves of a houseplant must be cut lengthwise and secured with a plaster with the pulp down. Wear the bandage until the leaf dries, it is permissible to use it twice a day. The effect will appear with daily use after 2-3 weeks.

Iodine must be dissolved with water 1: 1 and the affected areas must be lubricated. An antiseptic will dry out the papilloma and stop the infection. Lubrication of mucous membranes with iodine will cause burns.

Castor oil

Another recommended method is castor oil. You can buy it at any pharmacy. It is necessary to apply the oil to a cotton swab and treat the affected area. You can repeat the event for 5 days, after which the result will appear.


Alternative medicine offers other ways to get rid of genital warts. Among which:

  1. Garlic tincture. 200 g of garlic is crushed, the gruel is mixed with vodka 1: 1. Lotions are made from the mixture and applied to the affected areas.
  2. Potato juice is drunk half an hour before meals. They can also treat papillomas externally.
  3. Trays in herbal decoctions. Healers believe that the infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort, wormwood and other useful herbs can be used to remove genital warts.

Without complex therapy, folk remedies will only harm the skin, papillomas will appear again and again.

Features of treatment during pregnancy

A woman who is a carrier of the papillomavirus runs the risk of transmitting the disease to her child. Despite the fact that this happens rarely (about 4-7% of cases), doctors will advise you to remove warts or perform a cesarean section. Then the risk of transmission will be minimized.

Pregnancy is stressful for the body. Against the background of a decrease in immunity, HPV may wake up, and existing neoplasms will begin to multiply. If papillomas begin to grow in intimate places, at the entrance to the vagina, this can interfere with childbirth. In this case, the removal of genital warts is recommended.

An experienced doctor will prescribe moxibustion with liquid nitrogen or laser removal. The procedure will not harm the child or woman.

The issue of eliminating genital warts in pregnant women should be discussed with the doctor after a set of tests, taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular situation. It is important to understand the risks and choose an effective, safe method.

Often during pregnancy, an independent cure for papillomas occurs. This happens when protective functions are activated in a woman's body. Instead of spreading the manifestations of the virus, they can disappear forever. This often happens after childbirth.

The use of traditional medicine is excluded. Traditional medicine advises to get rid of genital warts only with hardware techniques.

Papillomas are small benign lesions up to 1 cm in diameter that most often occur on the skin. However, there are also cases of appearance on mucous membranes. They are caused by the papillomavirus, which can be in a dormant state in the body for many years and only under the influence of certain factors manifest itself. Neoplasms develop slowly, but against the background of reduced immunity, the number of papillomas and their size can increase dramatically.

Within the hospital, the growths can be removed using a laser or coagulation. However, many people do not want to use expensive procedures and begin to decide how to remove papillomas in intimate places at home.

Causes of occurrence

HPV can exist in an inactive form for decades or not show its presence at all. Due to a number of factors, against the background of a weakening of immunity, it is activated, begins to multiply and spread. These factors include:

  1. Stress, both physical and psychological.
  2. Hormonal disturbances or changes due to pregnancy, prolonged use of birth control pills or other hormonal contraceptives.
  3. Chemotherapy.
  4. A sharp suppression of immunity.

Symptoms of HPV in the intimate area are manifested by the appearance of warts around the anus and in the perineum area. Formations are easily traumatized. There may be:

  • bleeding;
  • pain;
  • unpleasant smell.

It is highly likely that the affected areas will cause other infections to develop.

Infection with the papilloma virus occurs sexually (both during traditional sex and in other cases) and through common items in baths, saunas, swimming pools.

Cauterization of papillomas with medication

It is impossible to cure the papilloma virus. During therapy, the symptoms are stopped, the human immune system is activated and the HPV is introduced into a dormant state.

In complex. Removal of the growths themselves occurs by cryodestruction, the use of ointments and creams, adhesive tape. With all these methods, formations will succeed. The main thing is to know which drugs to buy and how to use them.

In case of damage to the skin and mucous membrane, Cryopharm is effective, which freezes the wart without severe pain. It is enough to apply the substance to the neoplasm, being careful not to touch the healthy skin around it.

To prevent this, you should use the help of loved ones. The result of using Cryopharm appears immediately, and the complete disappearance of the papilloma is observed in a week.

A special adhesive tape purchased from a pharmacy will help get rid of the wart in 3 hours. It is enough to stick it on the problem area and wait for the specified time, then moisten it with water and remove it together with papilloma.

Cauterization of papillomas at home is done with the help. The destruction of the structure of education occurs at one time and is accompanied by painful sensations for several days after the procedure.

Dermainsta gel helps to painlessly and quickly get rid of growths by applying the drug to the wart and not rinsing it off within the time specified in the instructions. The result will be visible in the morning.

It is important during the treatment period to remember that it is not enough to get rid of papillomas - antiviral agents must also be taken. To do this, take a selected complex of vitamins and minerals. A positive result can be obtained with the use of Isoprinosine, Viferon, etc.

The use of folk remedies

Treatment of papillomas involves the use of traditional medicine recipes. Folk remedies are capable of acting no worse than pharmacy ones, while they are absolutely safe even for children and pregnant women.

Since the activation of HPV occurs against the background of a decrease in immunity, the first step should be to improve the state of health. To do this, every day and until the formations disappear completely, take a glass of potato juice, instead of tea, drink tincture of rose hips, echinacea, nettle, plantain, horsetail, lemon balm and dandelion roots. In small quantities, you can use St. John's wort, clover, dill seeds, tricolor violet, calamus.

The location of the growths in such a place implies the use of gentle preparations, which include egg white. It is applied to problem areas and allowed to dry, then a second layer is applied. This is done for several days in a row.

Applied to the papilloma and covered with a plaster, after 6 procedures, it is able to completely separate the neoplasm from healthy skin.

If you need to get rid of formations not on the mucous membrane, an ointment from kerosene and walnuts can be an effective enough remedy. For its preparation, a mass of ground green nuts is poured with kerosene in a 2: 1 ratio and left for 3 weeks. Then it is filtered and used 2 times a day. The product can be stored for a long time in a cool, dark place.

Use of plants

Has proven itself well. Papillomas dry out due to the acid at the base of the plant. It is best to smear the growths with pure juice from a freshly plucked flower or buy an infusion at a pharmacy. You need to apply the liquid every 2 days for a week until the warts disappear.

If you add chaga and a series to celandine, prepare an aqueous tincture from them and freeze them, you can apply ice cubes to neoplasms 3 times a day for 3 minutes until they fall off.

It is allowed to treat growths with the following plants:

All these plants act with different intensities. Some will cope with the disease within a few days, while others will take a month.

Treatment of the disease during pregnancy

Before having a child, any woman puts her health in order. But abrupt changes in hormonal levels can lead to the activation of the human papillomavirus and the spread of unpleasant neoplasms throughout the body, including in the intimate area.

Self-medication during this period is strictly prohibited. Even the most harmless ointment purchased at a pharmacy can harm the health and condition of the fetus. Even herbs and plants are not an exception. The enzymes that make up them can have unexpected effects on a pregnant woman. It is important to immediately contact a specialist, undergo a comprehensive examination and, on the basis of analyzes, receive effective and harmless treatment.

Doctors often decide not to do anything with papillomas. In most cases, the growths go away on their own after the normalization of the woman's hormonal background.

Removal of growths is highly recommended in cases of itching, burning, foul odor and vigorous growth. To minimize the harmful effects, laser correction is used without the use of anesthetics. The procedure itself takes no more than 10 minutes, and unpleasant sensations from it may remain for several more days.

Warts in the intimate area are a serious problem; neither men nor women are insured against them. These growths not only cause a lot of inconvenience, but also carry a potential danger. Often this type of papillomas becomes a provocateur of the development of oncology. But don't panic. Now this inconvenience is easily eliminated by a drug method, and if the tablets and ointments do not cope with the hated papilloma, you can resort to the cosmetological procedure for removing the build-up.

Warts are a skin defect, the appearance of which is associated with infection of a man or woman with the human papillomavirus. According to medical research, HPV is found in the blood of every third inhabitant of the planet. This pathogen is the most widespread in the world. Men fall ill with it closer to 27 years, women by 23. Also, according to statistics, about 30% of adolescents are infected with the disease.

The patient may not even be aware of the presence of an infection in his body. A condition for the manifestation of HPV is necessary. The virus multiplies and becomes active only when the immune system is weakened. A clear sign that this process has started is the appearance of papillomas in different parts of the body, not only in the genital area. The incubation period lasts from 30 to 90 days. All this time, the clinic is hidden.

Common causes of the manifestation of the virus:

  • Regular stress and anxiety;
  • Lack of nutrients, micro and macro elements;
  • Avitaminosis, which is observed in the off-season;
  • Advanced forms of chronic diseases;
  • Addictions (addiction to tobacco, drugs and alcohol);
  • Long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • Exhaustion of the body. This condition occurs with great emotional and physical stress;
  • Chronic sleep deprivation;
  • Nervous system problems;
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • Disruptions of metabolism;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Hormonal imbalance.

The initial stage is characterized by the formation of one or two papillomas. After that, extensive condylomatosis begins to develop. This is the name of a chronic ailment in which growths appear in large numbers. This is very bad, as a wart, which is oncogenic in nature, can occur.

They are infected with the human papillomavirus in several ways:

  • In case of violation of the rules of personal hygiene. If you use someone else's underwear, a towel, sit on a dirty toilet and wash in the same bathtub with an infected person, then you can become infected with HPV with a probability of up to 99%;
  • During the examination by a gynecologist. This will happen when the instruments and the medical chair are poorly handled;
  • During intercourse with an infected partner;
  • The infection can pass from mother to baby during childbirth;
  • When injuring the genitals. For example, careless shaving can cause the virus to enter the skin.

Neoplasms are localized in places such as:

  • pubis;
  • clitoris;
  • penis skin;
  • labia;
  • Cervix;
  • anus;
  • vaginal wall;
  • frenulum of the penis;
  • penis head;
  • member base;
  • entrance to the urethra.

Types of intimate papillomas

Condyloma is small in size from 1 to 3 centimeters. It consists of the upper layer of the skin and the mucous membrane of the genitals, perineum, changed by the virus. The growths have a rough structure. Papillomas look like small balls.

Condylomas are often grouped together. These connections are kept on one leg, sometimes they fit tightly to the body. Often, in the middle of these conglomerates, you can see areas of healthy skin. Outwardly, the accumulation of growths looks like a head of cauliflower.

Intimate papillomas differ in location and appearance:

  • Inguinal (pubic) papillomas. Initially, these seals may look like yellow tumors, but after a while they turn into threadlike formations;
  • Flat build-up. Usually the same color as the entire skin, slightly convex. They can become inflamed, cause severe itching;
  • Elastic warts. Divided into small parts. They arise in the bladder. Most often, men suffer from this type of formations.

Signs of papillomas

Usually the symptomatology of condylomatosis in intimate places is pronounced. A person immediately senses that something is wrong in his body.

Papillomatosis has the following manifestations:

  • Unpleasant sensations while urinating. The patient may feel a burning sensation, cramps, or severe pain;
  • Itching in the genital area;
  • The appearance of flesh-colored or pink seals;
  • The appearance of growths with a hard stratum corneum;
  • Painful sensations during intercourse;
  • Blood drops after intimacy. They occur in the event of injury to warts.

Medical checkup

A dermatologist or infectious disease specialist can diagnose a lady with papillomatosis. But since we are talking about seals in the intimate area, then you cannot do without a gynecologist.

There are a number of neoplasms that do not manifest themselves in any way. This group includes papilloma of the cervix. A woman can only find out about the problem during an examination by a gynecologist. Often this dangerous growth becomes noticeable only when the cervix is ​​treated with a 5% solution of acetic acid.

After examination and colposcopy, the doctor directs the patient for a PAP test, which will show the presence or absence of atypical cells. The second diagnostic method is polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This test is done to accurately determine the type of human papillomavirus with which the patient is infected.

If the gynecologist considers it necessary, he can prescribe a biopsy and histological examination of papilloma particles. This will determine the nature of the seal.

A man is being examined by a dermatologist and urologist. Very often, condylomas move from the intimate zone to the perianal areas of the skin, and in this case, a proctologist's consultation is required. The doctor will use the finger method to check for growths in the rectum.

Danger of papillomas

Intimate warts are not just a skin defect. Warts are fraught with danger. They can appear on the cervix and lead to cancer of this organ. Oncology in most cases develops after injury to the growth. Most often, the formations are damaged on the pubis, inside the vagina and those located on the head of the penis. The transformation of the seal into a cancerous tumor is a sad consequence of injury to the papilloma.

Inflammatory processes occur inside the warts. Sometimes they pass against the background of a deterioration in the general condition of a person. Also, because of the growths, difficulties arise with urination, intercourse is complicated.

Do not forget about the psychological side of this ailment. A person's thoughts are concentrated on this problem, he has complexes that will interfere with a full-fledged sexual life.

How can papillomas in intimate places be treated?

The build-up will not disappear on its own. For the treatment of papillomatosis, you need to see a doctor. The specialist will choose a method to combat the disease, prescribe the necessary drugs.

There are three main ways to get rid of genital warts:

  • removal of papillomas in intimate places with a hardware method;
  • drug therapy;
  • folk remedies.

Removal of growths in a cosmetology clinic

In the clinic, warts are removed in the following ways:

  • surgical intervention;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • radio wave method;
  • laser excision.

Classical surgery

Surgical intervention is performed with a scalpel. Before the procedure, the place is treated with an antiseptic solution. The operation takes place under anesthesia, so it won't hurt. Cost - from 1500 rubles.

Modern medicine very rarely uses a scalpel to remove genital warts. Scars remain after a surgical knife - a common cause of infertility in women. In addition, this method provides for dressing and daily treatment of the wound, and the intimate zone does not allow this.


You can get rid of papillomas using an electric current. This method is considered one of the safest. During the procedure, the cells of formation are destroyed, and the seal dies off. Electrocoagulation is of the spirit of types: contact and non-contact. In the first case, a special pistol is attached to the wart, which sends high-frequency pulses. In the second method, the waves are, as it were, sprayed onto the papilloma. This type is called plasma destruction.

Electrocoagulation has its advantages:

  • there is an opportunity to conduct a histological examination of a removed warts (with laser excision, there is no material left for examination);
  • healthy skin does not suffer;
  • the doctor regulates the strength of the impulses, which is impossible with nitrogen therapy.

The cost of the procedure is from 400 to 800 rubles.

Removal by current is contraindicated in oncology and hemophilia. The method is prohibited for people with nervous system problems and patients with diabetes.


Cryodestruction is the freezing of papilloma. Liquid nitrogen will painlessly solve an intimate issue. The substance acts on a wart like a bitter frost. The papilloma turns black and falls off. Treatment of one build-up costs from 300 to 600 rubles.

Cryotherapy has many disadvantages. Firstly, after it, large scars remain, or, as they are called in gynecology, adhesions. This defect causes infertility and sluggish inflammation of the female organs. Secondly, nitrogen is able to injure healthy pieces of skin.

Radio wave surgery

Papillomas can disappear when exposed to radio waves. Now it is one of the most common treatments for intimate warts. The operation is bloodless and sterile. The patient is given an injection with a local anesthetic.

The Surgitron apparatus dries up the papilloma. It changes the electrical current into radio waves and sends them to the center of the warts. As a result of such manipulations, all the liquid comes out of the wart. The dried build-up falls off on its own. The procedure takes place in a non-contact form, which eliminates the risk of dirt and infection in the wound. Rehabilitation lasts 2 weeks.

If this method was used to remove warts from the cervix, then within a month women may have abundant yellow discharge. You should not be afraid of them - the mucous membrane is renewed. However, during this period one should refrain from trips to the sea and long exposure to the sun. Also, the first time you need to be careful not to exercise and not lift weights.

When removing papillomas from the genitals, the patient cannot wet postoperative wounds for 3 days. Do not use soap on these areas. All bans are lifted after 7 days.

Radio wave therapy is not used for:

  • Cancer diseases;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases of the kidneys, heart and lungs, namely, with insufficiency of these organs;
  • Epilepsy;
  • All forms of hepatitis;
  • Glaucoma;
  • High blood and eye pressure;
  • During your period. The best period for manipulation is the first week after the end of your period.

The operation costs from 500 to 1000 rubles. The price depends on the size of the warts.

Laser therapy

You can remove papillomas with a laser. This type of excision is performed under local anesthesia. Its advantages include the short duration of the operation and the bloodlessness of the process. Laser removal eliminates the risk of inflammation. The manipulation field does not leave scars, since the beam cauterizes the capillaries at the sites of their dissection.

The method is prohibited during pregnancy and if there is a suspicion of oncology. During the period of breastfeeding, a doctor's consultation is needed.

The price of laser excision is from 650 to 1500 rubles. The more condyloma, the more expensive the procedure.

Drug therapy

In the pharmacy, you can find a huge arsenal of remedies that will help cure warts. An indispensable drug in the fight against warts is Acyclovir. Release form: tablets and ointment.

The composition of the medicine includes:

  • povidone;
  • sodium carboxymethyl starch;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • silica;
  • magnesium.

Acyclovir is an antiviral agent. It is prescribed for the treatment of infectious skin diseases. Each tablet is a real weapon against the virus.

Viferon gives a good result. Suppositories are inserted into the anus. The remedy kills the infection and strengthens the immune system. For the treatment of external intimate warts, it is recommended to use Viferon gel or ointment.

Oxolinic cream also removes the main cause of papillomas. The ointment prevents the virus from multiplying. The medicine has practically no contraindications.

Panavir is a Russian drug that contains plants. It is available in various forms, but gel is most suitable for genital warts.

This tool:

  • eliminates itching;
  • reduces the risk of the problem returning;
  • promotes rapid tissue renewal;
  • resistant to water;
  • removes inflammation;
  • does not allow papillomas to spread to healthy parts of the body.

An alternative to ointments and gels will be cauterizing the wart with chemicals. Usually use Verrukacid, Kondilin or Papillok. The composition of the preparations includes herbal ingredients and alkalis.

Traditional method of treating genital warts

Alternative medicine offers a range of recipes for warts and papillomas. For internal reception, you can prepare a homemade infusion of burdock. You will need 1 teaspoon of dry herb. Chopped burdock is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. The broth is used 4 times a day for a quarter of a glass.

Another option is possible. 50 ml of apple juice is added to 100 ml of wine, then everything is mixed. Now you need to chop 2 cloves of garlic and half a lemon. This gruel is added to the liquid. Everything is infused for 3 hours, then filtered and consumed 1 spoonful once a day.

It is forbidden to use garlic, celandine, lemon and onion for the treatment of genital warts externally. The sap of these plants is very aggressive, it can burn the mucous membrane of the intimate areas. It is also not recommended to use iodine solution.

Papillomas are small benign tumors (0.2-10 mm). Their formation can be observed on the skin, mucous membranes, intimate places. The provoking factor of their occurrence is HPV, the treatment of which, like other viruses, is not yet available to modern medicine.

The lesions grow very slowly, but weakening of the immune system can have a significant effect on them. Their number and size can increase dramatically. The methods of dealing with overhanging warts today are the use of laser therapy, coagulation, as well as various treatment options available to be performed at home.

The decision on how to remove papilloma in intimate places, body and mucous membranes at home should be made only after visiting a specialist. At the appointment, the doctor determines the type of skin problem, stipulates possible measures that can be taken to solve it, and also informs the patient about precautions and how best to cure and remove the discomfort and problem.

How to treat papillomas in intimate places?

Treatment of papilloma in intimate places requires special attention. In the case of breakage, circumcision of neoplasms, the risk of growth and degeneration of warts into cancerous tumors increases.

From the typical manifestation of the introduction of the papillomatosis virus into the body, the pathological process that develops on the genitals, the skin of the perineum and in the anus differs by a number features:

A high level of infection, which is about 100% in the case of sexual contact with a partner who has signs of this disease;
Research results show that the development of malignant tumors occurs precisely against the background of growths developing in the area of ​​intimate places (cervical cancer);
Men, as well as women, are equally at risk and more likely to contract the virus through unprotected intercourse.

The high rates of the spread of HPV, manifested in intimate places, are due to the fact that the skin of the genitals does not have a thick structure and is often traumatized, which contributes to the easy penetration of the papilloma virus into the layers of the epithelium and fixation in them.

What causes papillomas in intimate places?

In addition to sexual transmission from an infected partner, growths on the skin and mucous membrane of intimate areas can appear due to the following reasons:
The use of hygiene products for an infected person (washcloths, towels, joint visits to saunas, baths, gynecological procedures performed using reusable instruments);
Infection of children from the mother during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal;
Carriage of HIV infection;
Stressful situations;
Hormonal imbalance in the body;
Excessive physical activity;
Long-term treatment with antibiotics, immunosuppressants, glucocorticoids, cytostatics;
Taking oral contraceptives, using vaginal rings, spirals, etc.;
The influence of unfavorable production and environmental factors in the area of ​​residence.

Which doctor should I contact with papilloma in an intimate place at the initial stage?

With the help of modern methods of diagnosing diseases, during a medical examination of various types, more than 600 types of papilloma viruses can be detected. In most cases, the neoplasm is benign and is treated with a drug such as oxolinic ointment.

A frequent symptom of the presence of HPV in the body of men is the appearance of papillomas on the penis, on the skin of the scrotum and around the glans penis. Growths can also form in the anal area in both sexes. A female body affected by one of the types of virus can manifest the presence of the disease by the formation of warts on the surface of the skin of the labia minora, in the internal genital organs (in the vagina, on the surface of the cervix).

Often, people do not know which doctor to contact with papilloma in an intimate place at the initial stage of the development of this disease. This fact is due to the negligence of the population, whose representatives, in most cases, are dismissive of their own health, skipping scheduled checks by gynecologists and andrologists. But not only these doctors are able to determine the type of viral infection. If there are signs of its manifestation, everyone has the opportunity to contact surgeons, urologists, dermatologists, oncologists. Specialists in these areas of medical care by their appearance are ready to determine the type of neoplasm and prescribe, adequate to the situation, treatment.

Cauterization of papillomas in intimate places will stop the development of the virus?

The surgical therapy offered by specialists is an effective measure, thanks to the application of which the question "cauterizing papillomas in intimate places will stop the development of the virus?" becomes rhetorical:
Cryotherapy. It is an effect on warts with low-temperature nitrogen. Allows to relieve the patient of visible papillomas in intimate areas;
Application of a laser installation. The method is able to assist in the process of removing papillomas, regardless of the place and depth of their localization. After completing the measures, the patient does not have scars, the regeneration of the skin occurs quickly;
Radio waves. The action of the device is aimed and eliminates the risk of injury to the tissues adjacent to the papilloma. Healing takes 2-3 days.

Cream for papillomas in intimate places based on celandine how to prepare at home?

One of the most used methods of home treatment that can give tangible results in the process of combating growths is the use of celandine. Due to the presence of active acids in the juice of the plant, contact with it has a detrimental effect on warts.

So, celandine from papillomas in intimate places, reviews of which are in every discussion of the problem of skin diseases, is practically a panacea for this ailment. It can be used in various forms (squeezed juice, leaves, infusion, pharmacy collection). The maximum effect is shown by the use of celandine as part of a special cream, which everyone has the opportunity to cook at home. To do this, add alcohol or vodka to the crushed plant and let the mixture brew in a dark place for three days. Oil is added to the infusion to obtain a medicinal cream. The mixture is applied pointwise. To protect healthy skin around neoplasms in intimate areas, you should use a regular oily cream.

During pregnancy, papillomas appeared in intimate places what should a woman do?

Official statistics show that the cases of transmission of HPV from a pregnant woman to her unborn child are scanty 4-8%. In most cases, the viral units detected during the gestation period are excreted from the mother's body naturally. Their clinical symptoms disappear, since childbirth is a natural mechanism for spontaneous self-healing from papillomatosis.

If papillomas in intimate places interfere with a woman during pregnancy, then cutting them out in a dermatologist's office or freezing them with liquid nitrogen is an adequate method of solving the problem. The question of the expediency of treating diseases for expectant mothers should be resolved on a purely individual basis and under the strict supervision of a doctor.

How to remove papilloma in intimate places at home?

How papillomas are removed in intimate places depends on several factors at once: the number of formations, their size, and the age of formation. There are several methods at home.

Their main division into groups is as follows:
Therapeutic agents. They represent the following drugs: Kondilin, SuperChistotel, Podofillin, Cryopharm, Wartner;
Traditional medicine: lemon, apple and potato juice, celandine.

In the process of home treatment, it is important to maintain the strength of the body, taking measures that make it possible to increase immunity: taking vitamins, herbal medicine (infusion of burdock, St. John's wort, sage, plantain)

Medicine for papillomas in intimate places folk methods of preparation

There are also folk methods for preparing medicines for papillomas in intimate places.

Their use can relieve the patient of growths without resorting to the use of expensive medical services:

  1. Banana peel. She, in a crushed form, wipe the surface with papillomas 5-6 times a day. Provides the desired effect without causing irritation on healthy skin. Relevant if it is necessary to treat problem areas in especially delicate intimate places;
  2. Tea tree, lemon and licorice. The oils of these plants are mixed and applied to the surface of the papillomas twice a day;
  3. Aloe vera and feathery Kalanchoe. A leaf of an adult plant is cut longitudinally and applied to the papilloma, fixing with a plaster, for 4 hours. The duration of treatment is at least 10 days.

Cryodestruction of papillomas in intimate places as a method of treating benign growths

Cryodestruction of papillomas in intimate places, as a method of treating benign growths, is a rather popular procedure today. This method of influencing neoplasms is to use low-temperature substances (liquid nitrogen with a temperature of -196 degrees). Pathological changes are destroyed without damage to healthy tissues around the problem area. The lesions formed after removal heal quickly without forming rough scars. The procedure is painless. The duration of the influence is determined by the type and depth of penetration of the wart roots.

Immediately after performing the manipulations, puffiness forms on the treated area of ​​the skin. After, the appearance of a blister is observed, indicating the course of the inflammatory process, provoked by cell death. After 2-3 weeks, the natural restoration of the epithelium begins. The final cure and healing of the formed foci is diagnosed after half a year.

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