Is it possible to guess at the full moon. Nineteenth lunar day. Auspicious time for love divination on the full moon

Since ancient times, the most effective and true divination It is considered fortune-telling on the full moon. It is during this period that all the most mystical and inexplicable happens. This is the time of witches, sorcerers and other dark forces. Even the new moon has a very high level energy, on the full moon, the power of the moon increases to the maximum.

Fortune telling full moon- quite a peculiar ritual. Not everyone dares to use it. Firstly, many are afraid to guess, especially on a full moon, for church reasons. After all, the church strongly recommends not to resort to any kind of magic, equating this with a great sin.

Many people are afraid to guess on the full moon, not only for religious reasons, but also because of the fear of dark forces. Indeed, any magic, and in particular the one that was used on the full moon, has great power and this causes fear. Therefore, people with a weak psyche are not recommended to choose such a powerful ritual.

In order for fortune-telling on the full moon to be true, it is necessary to follow some rules that all fortune-tellers and soothsayers use. Three hours before fortune-telling, it is necessary to take a vow of silence, and under no circumstances utter a single word. You also need to take care of your food throughout the day on which fortune-telling is scheduled. All day you need to drink water and eat bread, without eating other products.

Before starting fortune-telling, it is necessary to remove all jewelry, especially church ones. All icons in the house should be hidden. You need to guess in a quiet, secluded place. Under no circumstances should you cross your legs. Also, during fortune-telling, the use of electricity is not recommended: it is better to light candles.

There are a huge number of divination for love. Some of them are proven for centuries and used by millions of people. Some are known to units, passed down from generation to generation. Here will be given the most effective fortune-telling on the full moon for love, which, with the right approach, will surely tell the whole truth.

Fortune telling on the full moon with needles to test feelings

To test your love and the seriousness of the feelings of a loved one, fortune telling is used. It is held at home under moonlight from the window. Before you start fortune telling, you need to gather your thoughts and think only about your loved one. It is important to know that success is guaranteed only if you are completely confident in it.

For divination, you need to take a deep saucer filled with water, and two needles of different sizes. It is desirable that the needles are new and not used. By that needle, which is shorter, is meant own image, and what is more authentic - the image of a loved one, on whom fortune-telling is carried out. Both needles must be greased or butter. After that, you need to slowly lower the needles into a dish of water. By the behavior of the needles, one should judge the seriousness of the intentions of a loved one. If both needles remained lying on the water in an unchanged state, the feelings will remain the same. If the needles touch each other, this indicates a closer relationship or marriage. If the needles are completely closed with each other - you can judge strong love which will probably last a lifetime. If one of the needles sinks, this indicates the loss of feelings by the person whose needle has gone to the bottom.

Full moon divination with mirrors

This fortune-telling on the full moon for the betrothed is one of the oldest and most terrible fortune-telling. It allows you to see the spirit of your fiancé. Only the most daring girls decide to resort to it, since there are many scary stories that happened to those who used this divination. Some argue that the spirit of the betrothed comes out of the mirror and kills the naive girl. A story is known when a girl who decided to tell fortunes received a slap in the face from the image in the mirror and woke up only in the morning.

Divination requires two mirrors different sizes. Both mirrors are placed on the table, opposite each other, forming a tunnel. It is important before starting fortune-telling to set the table for two people: yourself and your betrothed. You also need to pour wine into glasses, light candles and sit down at the table.

When the table is set, and the mirrors are arranged, it is necessary to say in a loud, authoritative voice: “Narrowed mummer, come to dinner with me.” No image may appear in the mirror after the first utterance of the words, then you can repeat the cherished phrase several more times. Now you need to wait until the oval and facial features are outlined in the mirror. Usually you have to wait a long time: someone is lucky to see the betrothed in the first minutes, and someone waits all night. As soon as the face young man outlined in the mirror, you need to throw a sheet or towel over the mirror and shout “Chur me!”. Only after these words the image disappears. There are cases when girls looked at the image in the mirror for too long, which became clearer every second - this did not lead to anything good and kind.

This fortune-telling has been used in our country for a very long time, but it originated in ancient greece. The Greeks passed divination to other countries, and it gained immense popularity. Especially often they resort to it on the night before Christmas, when all the most mystical and unusual acquires maximum strength.

Full moon divination with spruce branches and a mirror

You should prepare a little for this fortune-telling: collect a few spruce branches. It is important to use fresh branches collected with thoughts of a loved one. On the full moon, in the period from 00.00 to 01.00, you need to write on a medium-sized mirror the name of your loved one or a desire associated with him. After that, you need to put a mirror under the bed and cover it. spruce branches. In the morning, you should see the result: if the inscription on the mirror is erased, love and happiness with the person you are thinking of are provided, if the inscription remains, it is not destiny to be with your loved one, but that means he is not narrowed at all. Sometimes there were cases when a cross appears on the mirror in the morning - this indicates an unkind sign concerning the person they were guessing at.

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The prediction of the future is difficult process. It takes into account external factors and inner state of a person. Fortune telling on the full moon has certain features.

The influence of the phase of the moon on fortune telling

The questioner turns to cards or other attributes with a request, formulates a question and tries to understand the signs received. If you choose the phase of the moon correctly, you will be able not only to know the future, but also to attract the desired benefits.

Divination does not always depend on the phase of the moon. Universal techniques are carried out at any time of the year. They give general information. At the same time, the person himself analyzes the received signs. The moon only affects special predictions.

The cycle is important for divination in such cases:

  • when the question concerns the feelings and hidden motives of a person;
  • if divination is combined with magical rituals;
  • when the moon strengthens a person, and divination confirms his guesses;
  • during the period of illness.

The moon affects the well-being of a person. During the period of the full moon, mental illnesses are exacerbated. The night star affects the perception of information. If the fulfillment of a desire does not happen soon, and the future with the chosen partner is not prosperous, then fortune-telling can do harm.

Online fortune-telling helps in the fulfillment of desires for the full moon, guarantees a meeting with a potential partner and improved finances. Online divination is not tied to the phase of the moon.


Divination is often combined with other magical rituals. The card chosen from the layout reflects energy flows associated with a specific issue. Therefore, the cards reflect the problem of a person or a question of interest to him, after which he receives a prediction.

If attraction is planned, then before the ceremony they create an alignment for the beloved. If a person does not experience reciprocal feelings or his heart is busy, any love magic capable of doing harm. With the help of divination, it will be possible to see what the future holds for partners if the attraction works.

Magic helps to attract money. According to the layout, the amount of money in the future is determined. Not all desires are fulfilled immediately. Before you spend attracting money on the full moon, you need to determine if the fortuneteller is damaged. Then you can not do without pre-cleaning. To attract money, love or good luck, rituals are performed that are fueled by the power of the moon.

Divination on the full moon

The full moon is a special time when secret magical actions are performed. It is dangerous to resort to forbidden or black magic on these days. Fortune telling is allowed if a person needs urgent advice.

Fortune telling on the full moon for money or love helps a person decide. It is better to use tarot cards. The classic deck consists of high and minor arcana. They reflect the environmental conditions and the inner state of the questioner. The full moon gives strength to help you accept even the most negative prediction. It is better to make only realistic wishes.

Divination for money and other benefits is carried out at night.

Moonlight must fall on cards or other attributes, which will charge the deck. Fortune-telling is carried out without witnesses. At the end, the deck is thanked and not used until the next cycle begins.

For the fulfillment of a wish

For the magic to work, you need to do the following:

  1. For speedy execution desires form a clear question in advance. A wish cannot be made without thinking it over.
  2. To attract good luck, prepare a candle, water, a transparent glass and a deck of cards.
  3. All the attributes are put on the window so that the moonlight falls on them.
  4. If the ritual is performed at home, the questioner should be alone.
  5. To attract wealth or love, to make any wish, a conspiracy is read over water, which should be illuminated by a candle.

The wish on the full moon, invoking wealth or love, is repeated three times. After that, a simple layout of three cards is created. The first card reflects the conditions under which the desire appeared, the second card demonstrates its strength, the last one tells what awaits the questioner in the future. It is important to consider each card. To make wealth come faster, the questioner drinks the charmed water.

For love

To correctly guess on the full moon for love in the future, use one of the Tarot layouts. It is allowed to guess the name of a potential partner. This type of fortune-telling is suitable in cases where the relationship does not suit the questioner.

There are several types of love divination on the full moon:

  1. "Seven Stars of Love"
  2. "Attitude towards me".
  3. "The Happiness of Man".

All these divinations during the full moon prophesy the future that both partners are building. "Seven Stars of Love" is a powerful technique that is carried out on the full moon. The layout consists of 7 cards:

  1. The first two characterize partners.
  2. The third card describes the relationship of lovers.
  3. The fourth speaks of the dangers on the path of the couple.
  4. The fifth card symbolizes good luck.
  5. The sixth will show secret thoughts.
  6. The last sign of the alignment for the future of the couple will tell about the development of the union.

“Attitude towards me” is a simple layout. To create it, Taro Manara is used. The layout consists of 6 cards: two talk about the past, two - about the present and the last - about the future. The scheme “Happiness of a person” is universal. The spread consists of 9 cards.

For the betrothed

On the full moon, girls manage to guess at their betrothed. At the same time, a ritual of attraction is performed. Fortune telling does not guarantee success in love, but helps to prepare for it. The alignment is done before going to bed, while asking a question about the appearance of the betrothed. In a dream, you will be able to see the facial features and figure of a potential partner. Before that, be sure to prepare mentally.

The layouts of "Women's Happiness" or "Swing of Love" are a simple witchcraft that will suit girls who are waiting for love adventures. The first scheme will tell you what the partner will expect from his beloved.

The cards reveal those qualities that the betrothed will like and those that will interfere with the creation of love harmony. "Swings of Love" say that success awaits the fortuneteller if he works on himself. To fulfill her cherished desire, the girl must improve herself. Fortune telling will tell you when you can meet your betrothed.


Rituals by moon phases used to make a wish come true or to attract love on a full moon without difficulty. The layouts allow you to see the hidden motives of business partners, the conditions for meeting with the betrothed, financial position fortuneteller.

There are a huge number of rituals on the full moon. The full moon is a special period of the time of day and year, not only in nature, but also in magic and esotericism in general.

It is believed that on the full moon you need to be benevolent, not to allow any negative thoughts as well as manifestations of negativity.

In all legends and fairy tales, dark forces came out precisely on the full moon, and on the full moon all important magical events took place.

This means that rituals on the full moon have special power.

To raise money

Raising money for a full moon

To start a ritual on the full moon to attract money, you need to prepare emotionally and energetically. To do this, cleanse the body, as well as the head - thoughts. After that, you can proceed to the rite itself.

The easiest ritual to perform on the full moon for money is that you need to stand with your back to the full moon, take a mirror, look in the reflection so that the luminary can be seen. Ask the moon to take away the lack of money. This ritual, as it were, reflects and unfolds the monetary energy back to the person.

There is another ritual to attract money. For three full moon nights, you need to put an empty wallet on the window so that it is charged with lunar energy, and then, on the very first nights of the new moon, perform the same ritual, but put money in your wallet.

For love

There are rituals for the full moon and for love. Of course, a simple ritual is to read a special mantra for love, while you need to read it in solitude, the first three days of the full moon. You also need to imagine love, how you are filled with it right down to every cell of the body.

On desire

There is such a rite on the full moon for desire. Everyone wants their wishes to come true. This will help a special rite. One simple ritual is to look at the moon, imagine clearly and clearly that the cherished wish has come true, imagine everything to the smallest detail, and then go to sleep.

Another rite on the full moon is to use water. You need to speak a glass of water, read your desire, also describing it to the smallest detail. then you can drink this water and wait for the fulfillment of desire.

good luck

You can perform rituals on the full moon for good luck. For example, the full moon itself, at night, you need to go out in solitude to the street, balcony. Look at the full moon, imagine how the whole body is filled moonlight. Mentally pour light first upper part body, then the body itself, then your heart. Three times you need to repeat the ceremony. Then take a silver coin, tell her the words of the ceremony, which speak of attracting good luck, kiss her and say thank you.

This ritual on the full moon is suitable not only to attract good luck, but also money and success in general.

For beauty

Girl preens near the mirror

There are rites on the full moon, which are associated with beauty, youth. Before the full moon, you need to take honey, olive oil, candles white color- ten pieces. Then, on the very full moon, perform the ceremony. Knead honey and oil in a glass plate, making circles, while you need to pronounce the words of the ritual. Also make circles from the imagination around the lit candles. The essence of the conspiracy lies in the beauty of the Moon and Fire, so that they help the fortuneteller in this matter. Then extinguish the candles, they can be used in other rituals. Use the rest of the honey-oily mass as a cream-mask for the body.

For weight loss

rituals for weight loss

The ritual of the full moon for weight loss must begin even before the start of the full moon. You need to mentally imagine what kind of result you want, then prepare energetically for both the ritual and the result. Next, you need to melt the wax from church candles, then roll small balls out of it. The number of balls should be equal to the number of kilograms that you need to lose, you also need to think about this in advance. Then roll everything into a big ball - this is a symbol of all the weight that is superfluous. Put under your pillow. On the night of the full moon, take out the ball, warm it up in your hand, imagine your result again, then draw a circle in the corner of the room and put this ball there. Then you can go to bed. And in the following days, you need to cut off a small piece from the ball, saying that it is excess weight. Melt it and throw it away. Approximately you need to calculate to be enough for one month, until the next full moon.

For the fulfillment of a wish

Wish Fulfillment

Full moon rites can be performed without necessarily looking at the moon at that moment. For example, to fulfill a wish, you can simply visualize your desire. It is known that all forces - magical and energy, at the moment of the full moon are activated, become stronger.

Therefore, a person has a lot of energy, he wants to live, to do something. Therefore, you can make a cherished wish and believe in its fulfillment. You need to guess no more than one - this is one of the basic rules for these rituals.

To health

On the full moon, you can perform a ceremony for health.
For example, a simple ritual is to get up at night, with your back to the moon, bend over, then say the words facing the moon. The meaning of the text is that the Moon takes away all ailments and excess from a person, for example, any disease.

If a person has a specific disease in some part of the body, then the ritual on the full moon for health is similar to the first. Only when tilting you need to take a little earth, then anoint your own with it. sore spot. Repeat three times. Then the earth is thrown over the shoulder of the left hand, then it is also spat out. At the same time, you need to be careful that no one interferes with the ceremony.

In any case, you can pronounce words that refer to the moon itself. The request and request that the disease go away with it.

In general, seeing a full moon without clouds is good luck. Usually, as noted by people, these days are always cloudy weather.

It must be remembered that traditionally all rituals aimed at destroying or delivering something are performed on the full moon. And, for example, on the new moon - on the contrary, in order to acquire something.

The main thing is to believe in the power of the rite and ritual and do everything right. And the result will be from the first days.

Fortune telling on the full moon is one of the strongest magical periods for divination. On this mysterious night, the connection between man and otherworldly forces will intensify. From ancient times The moon was considered a symbol of human intuition. Throughout the long existence of mankind, people are under the influence of lunar forces. So, let's learn how to use it to get questions that interest us.

Positive factors of divination for the full moon

The full moon is the night when the moon has a global impact on all living things, so many practicing magicians prefer to perform rituals for money, love and making wishes during this period. Now is the best time to perform rituals for improvement financial condition or increase your attractiveness and the fulfillment of cherished desires. And also the full moon is used to create protective amulets and saturation of strong energy into talismans.

During the rituals on the full moon in a person, the inner strength, the body's capabilities increase and intuitive reflexes become sharper. The full moon helps to get a true result in certain types divination, but remember that not all days are intended for magical actions.

The most successful for divination are the first six days of the full moon, and the most powerful rituals are performed on the night when the full moon illuminates everything around. On weekends, you can never find out the truth from the cards, and love is best guessed during the winter months. The autumn months are used for conspiracies for money and the fulfillment of desires.

It is strictly forbidden to guess on the full moon for people who have psychical deviations and suffering from high blood pressure as well as under stress. If you turn to statistics, it is proved that due to the exacerbation of mental imbalance, some people commit unreasonable acts. Try not to get physically injured these days, do not plan complex operations and remove yourself from stressful situations.

Preparing for divination

If you have a desire to spend a few days in a circle of acquaintances with a magical ritual, first of all decide for what purpose you will do this. If you just want to have fun, then serious preparation is not required. But if you seriously want to open the door to secret knowledge and attract money, you need to arrange everything correctly. What do we have to do.

  • Only those people who really believe in the process of divination should be present nearby. Ridicule and skepticism are out of place during magical activities.
  • Think carefully about your act, because any fortune-telling is one of the varieties of witchcraft and can carry consequences.
  • All prediction is an invasion of the future. You should not penetrate the secrets of the universe without a good reason.
  • Be prepared that the result of the prediction is not always positive, and in case of a bad scenario, you should not get hung up on it.
  • There is a fortune-telling method that is used only once in a lifetime. If you spend it again, you can call trouble on your family and destroy fate.
  • Strictly follow the rules that are written in the description of fortune-telling, otherwise a small mistake will become a huge problem.

In ancient times, only young unmarried girls were allowed to fortune-telling, but for ladies with a family, any fortune-telling was an unacceptable action. How more people associated with environment and knows how to feel the power of the elements, so the result of divination becomes more truthful. Before embarking on fortune-telling, learn to immerse yourself in the natural world, for this you can conduct meditations in nature and, turning off your consciousness from the outside world, listen to the rustle of the wind in the crown of trees.

On the day chosen for fortune-telling, turn off all distractions: phones, doorbells, TV, radio, computer and more. In order to cheer yourself up, you should not use recorded music, it is better to sing your favorite songs yourself. For the necessary environment, a lit fireplace is great, but if you do not have such pleasure, you can light candles by placing them on the floor, the number depends on your desire.

Study in advance and prepare all the necessary paraphernalia for the event. magical action. Once everything is ready, you can safely transgress to divination.

Varieties of divination on the full moon

The moon in the full moon phase is a good adviser in love affairs. It is she who is addressed a large number of girls to get to know your betrothed. What are the most truthful and easily accessible methods of divination?

Let's guess on the water

This type of divination is a simple, but quite truthful way to penetrate into secret world of your future. You need to tell fortunes so that the moonlight is reflected in the water, ideally you need to carry out the ritual on the shore of the lake, but it can be replaced with a bowl on the windowsill. To carry out a divination, you will need:

  • change from wallet
  • silk scarf,
  • deep dark bowl
  • two red candles
  • purified or melted water,
  • sheet of paper and pencil.

To prepare for divination, cover the window sill, which is supplied by moonlight, with a red silk scarf, place a bowl of water in the middle, and place lit candles on the sides and spread out the money. Next, turn off the light in the room and, standing near the window, mentally tune in to communication with the Moon.

Once fully relaxed, you can begin the process of obtaining information. When asking a question, bring left hand to the water and stare into the water, start writing down on paper all the thoughts that visit you, describe everything that happens to the water during divination.

At the end of the ritual, fold the paper and place it under the pillow. After a few days, re-read everything that you wrote, you will see some connection between the inscriptions and what is happening these days. Leave the water that you used until the morning, during which time it will be saturated with the energy of the moon, and it can be used to remove negativity by washing before going to bed. And money will become your amulet, carry it with you all the time and in no case spend it.

I want to know my fate

This divination is carried out in winter time, since the prediction is read from the frosty patterns on the mirror. To carry it out, dip the mirror into the water and take it outside so that the moon is reflected in it. Once the mirror is iced up, bring it back into the house and take a quick look at the patterns it contains. From these drawings, the future is read. Meaning of patterns:

  • rounded shapes portend that money will come to your house next year;
  • coniferous branches speak of huge number work in the future;
  • objects with right angles promise an accumulation of problems that all next year will persecute you;
  • triangle - predicts that the desire will come true;
  • an oval appeared, wait for a meeting with love;
  • randomness in patterns warn of illness.

Summarizing the above, we note that The moon is a powerful source of energy that you need to beware of. It can help you get all the answers you need and direct you to the right life path. However, by making serious mistakes while you are making or accessing it for fun, you run the risk of calling Negative consequences. Think carefully, do you need it?

During the new moon, the sun and moon are in the same zodiac constellation, and this opens up great opportunities for making magical rituals. This best period to start big things and fulfill desires. There is an opportunity to predict the future.

Preparing for divination

To perform the ritual, you need to prepare. Nothing special needs to be done, just think it over well and decide what is important and what needs to be achieved. At the onset of the new moon, a specific issue must be determined.

On the new moon, everything that has already happened is a thing of the past. And at this moment you can send your request to the Universe or decide on a desire.

On the day before the new moon, a candle is placed on the table, and objects symbolizing what is planned are placed around it: photographs, pictures, or something else. They will help you gain the support of the Universe.

Before the appearance of a new moon, you can perform a ritual of getting rid of ailments and love spells. And after its onset, they think of a successful start of new business and relationships.

Popular divination methods

Methods of divination in the new moon:

1. Pour water into a glass and put on the window behind the curtain. He must stay there until the full moon. Then this water is used for washing, reading a conspiracy: “As the month was thin, but it became full, so let me have a lot of good.” After that, all things should go smoothly, and desires should come true.

2. Ritual for beauty. Whipped protein is applied to the face as a mask. Then wash off with water. The yolk is buried under a rose bush. The beauty of flowers must pass to the person.

3. A conspiracy to fulfill a dream. You need to cut red paper into triangles and write specific desires on them. The vertices of the triangle are placed upwards. A beautiful photo of yourself is glued onto the sheet. It is desirable that she be with a smile. These triangles are hung on the south wall of the house. Everything must come true.

4. As soon as it appears new Moon, you must write out a receipt for the postal order in your name. Fill everything in as it should. The amount is large, but real. They put a date and a signature and hide it so that no one can find it or see it. Well, if there is a red envelope. The wish must be fulfilled within a week. Moreover, the hidden money can replace good news or gifts. But the amount must be real in translation.

5. Light candles and incense and write on a piece of paper or in a notebook: "I will do everything to achieve the fulfillment of desires." Then write down all the wishes for the next month. This leaflet is read every day.

6. If a man does not dare to propose, on the new moon you need to do something with your own hands and give it to him. In the near future he will propose marriage.

7. On the new moon, you need to clean the house well, swim and dress in clean clothes. Prosperity and prosperity will come to the house.

Rituals performed on the new moon do not harm anyone, and anyone can perform them. The most important thing is faith in the fulfillment of dreams.
