How to treat the pancreas during an exacerbation. The best way to cure an exacerbation of the pancreas: therapy secrets. What to do with an exacerbation

Exacerbations of pancreatitis can occur due to:

  1. Not proper nutrition:
    • Binge eating
    • Non-compliance with the diet
    • Uneven nutrition, fasting
  2. Nervous feelings, stress.

How long does an exacerbation last?


The first signs of exacerbation of pancreatitis:

  • abdominal pain radiating to the back
  • bitterness in the mouth
  • vomiting of bile
  • frequent stools, liquid with an admixture of fat

Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage are further complicated by the fact that pain and vomiting are difficult to stop even with medication.

In such a situation, you should not self-medicate, urgent hospitalization will help to cope with an exacerbation.

Neglect of inpatient treatment or taking prescribed drugs leads to more and more damage to the gland tissue, complicating the further course of the disease and its treatment.

Aggravation during pregnancy

Chronic pancreatitis, in itself, with the exception of the acute form of the course, is not a contraindication to conception and bearing of a fetus. With a disease such as pancreatitis, you should plan pregnancy for a period of stable remission and do not forget about diet. However, even with strict adherence to the diet and doctor's recommendations, an exacerbation of the disease may occur. Read on and how to relieve pain.

Self-medication is unacceptable during pregnancy. If you develop any symptoms that cause discomfort, seek immediate medical attention. Symptoms of an exacerbation of pancreatitis in a pregnant woman are similar to standard symptoms in adults.

Nausea and vomiting should also alert expectant mother, because exacerbation of pancreatitis is easily confused with toxicosis

What to do in case of an exacerbation?

With an exacerbation of pancreatitis, it is important to stop the pain. And make a few lifestyle changes to prevent more relapses:

  • It is necessary to change the diet to the most gentle one, eat cereals, low-fat soups, baked fruits, dietary beef.
  • Break food down into smaller portions and eat a little more often.
  • Apply cold to the left hypochondrium

Antispasmodics and enzyme preparations must be at hand.

If you have not yet been prescribed them, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist.

If there is an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, you should immediately stop irritating the gastrointestinal tract, exclude food for the first two days.

  • Drink still mineral water or unsweetened rosehip decoction.
  • On the third day, you can introduce jelly and slimy soups, cereals into the diet.
  • Cut out solid foods for a week or two.

At home, with an exacerbation of pancreatitis, pain can be relieved only with ice or foot massage. Accept medications antispasmodics before the arrival of an ambulance is not recommended.

Treatment in the acute phase

From the menu, slimy soups and cereals, vegetarian soups and porridge on the water are acceptable.

First of all, it is necessary to stop the pain (antispasmodics and analgesics are prescribed) and to create functional rest for the stomach (to provide an abundant alkaline drink).

Medicines for exacerbation of pancreatitis:

  • Also, the course of treatment includes inhibition of proteases and kinins, drugs are injected intravenously.
  • In the future, it is necessary to eliminate the swelling of the pancreas, diuretics are prescribed.
  • Then you should deal with the restoration of vascular microcirculation with the help of heparin and antiplatelet agents. Correction of exocrine insufficiency is carried out using polyenzyme drugs.
  • If a concomitant inflammatory process is detected, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are prescribed.

Diet for pancreatitis - the basis on the path to remission

With an exacerbation of pancreatitis, treatment at home is unacceptable, since in 10% of cases this disease is treated by surgical operation when diagnosing organic changes in the stomach.

Anti-inflammatory drugs that can be taken during an exacerbation:

  • paracetamol,
  • ibuprofen,
  • diclofenac,
  • dexalgin,
  • ketans

Antispasmodic drugs:

  • drotaverine
  • papaverine
  • mebeverine

  • panzinorm
  • creon
  • pangrol


  • rabeprazole
  • ranitidine

Diet with exacerbation

Since this disease is subject inpatient treatment, a diet for exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is prescribed by a doctor. The menu of this diet is called table number 5p. The first two days food is excluded, it is recommended plentiful drink- mineral waters like "Borjomi". In the future, the gradual expansion of the table with gentle dishes.

Diet for pancreatic pancreatitis during exacerbation must be strictly observed and departures from appointments are unacceptable.

Everything that can be eaten during an exacerbation of pancreatitis is recommended for the daily use of patients. These dishes will only be useful for normalizing digestion. Drinking with exacerbation of pancreatitis should be alkaline mineral water, jelly and rosehip decoction.


Watch a video clip on how to treat an attack of pancreatitis:

Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is a problem faced by millions of people around the world. A special rhythm of life, poor-quality nutrition, stress, unfavorable environmental conditions and other provoking factors lead to the development of gastrointestinal diseases of varying severity.

Pancreatitis is a common pathology associated with dysfunction of the digestive system. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process that occurs in the pancreas due to the untimely activation of enzymes by the body.

This condition is dangerous because tissue is damaged if food is not properly digested. internal organs... In addition, there are accompanying illnesses such as gastritis or irritable stomach syndrome. Development of an ulcer is possible.

The peculiarity of the inflammatory process in the pancreas is that the pathology can proceed for a long period without visible symptoms... Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is dangerous condition... It cannot be stopped without taking a whole series. When the appearance characteristic symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor. Pancreatitis has a separate ICD-10 code. It belongs to the group of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (class 11). The combination K85 means pathology. Variants starting with K86 are - chronic course disease.

The pathological process of biliary pancreatitis comes from two main forms: chronic and acute. You can learn more about this.


This condition is the most dangerous. It often ends internal bleeding... Therefore, the patient must be urgently taken to the hospital and provided with medical assistance.


The state of the pancreas in pancreatitis in the acute stage is determined using different methods research. First, the patient is tested. it standard procedure... The list includes biochemical analysis urine, blood and feces.

To choose the tactics of treatment in the clinic, you will need to carry out gastroscopy, ultrasound and X-ray abdominal cavity... In difficult cases with exacerbation of pancreatitis, the most informative indicator is the result of magnetic resonance imaging.

except instrumental methods studies conduct a series of special tests that reflect the level of pancreatin, lipids and calcium in the blood. All patients diagnosed with pancreatitis are tested for glucose, especially with diabetes mellitus.


Exacerbation of pancreatitis is an indication for hospitalization. Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. First, the pain syndrome is removed. For this, antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs based on ibuprofen, paracetamol or diclofenac are used.

The patient is shown inhibition of proteases and kinins. For this, droppers are placed. Edema of the pancreas is removed with diuretics, after which the capillary network of tissues is restored with drugs based on heparin. In case of a threat infectious contamination due to severe damage to the organ, antibiotics are prescribed. The list and rule of admission necessary are prescribed by the attending physician.

Pancreatic function is supported enzyme preparations, such as or Pangrol. Prevention of exacerbation of pancreatitis includes adherence to a diet and the principles of fractional nutrition. Almost always, during the period of remission, the patient should regularly take enzymes. They are drunk in courses prescribed by a doctor.


People with pancreatitis must constantly monitor their diet. Meals should be split 6-7 times. Small portions are a must to maintain wellness... The menu should be composed in such a way that there are no fatty, smoked, fried and spicy foods in it.

It is better to give preference to dietary meat and poultry, vegetarian soups and cereals. It is recommended to use cereals and vegetables baked or stewed in water as side dishes. Do not overuse sweets.

Avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks and coffee. It is useful to drink jelly, rosehip broth, weak tea and mineral water without gas.


The negative effect of the inflammatory process in the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis manifests itself gradually. The destructive effect of the disease leads to the emergence of a whole, such as an ulcer, fistulas in the tissues of the organ, cystosis.

During an exacerbation, inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis) is possible. Patients who have had pancreatitis for a long time develop exocrine insufficiency and diabetes... In the case of frequent and severe exacerbations, the gradual destruction of pancreatic cells becomes the impetus for their mutation and the appearance of a malignant tumor.

Especially carefully it is necessary to monitor the health of women who are suffering.

The remission period can last for several years. While doing simple rules prevention and healthy way life exacerbation of pancreatitis proceeds in more mild form and lends itself to quick docking. A regular visit to a doctor increases the chances of identifying and treating pathology in time.

The pancreas plays an important role in the life of the body. The most common disease to which the gland is exposed is pancreatitis, i.e. inflammation of her tissues. Treatment of the pancreas with exacerbation of inflammation can occur in different ways. In spite of high level modern medicine, some patients prefer folk remedies.

Symptoms of exacerbation of pancreatitis

Symptoms of exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas can be of the following nature:

  • severe pain in the upper abdomen. Pain sensations may increase if a person lies on their back;
  • dizziness, stool disturbances, vomiting;
  • after drinking alcoholic beverages, fried, spicy, fatty foods appear severe pain in a stomach;
  • feces acquire a mushy consistency, bad smell and dark color; number feces increases;
  • nausea, flatulence, belching;
  • weight loss due to partial or complete absence appetite.

Note! The first signs of an exacerbation of the pancreas may appear on early stages diseases. It is recommended not to eliminate the symptoms, but to start treating the disease itself.

Basic principles of treatment

Treatment for exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas in mandatory should only take place under the supervision of the attending physician. Traditional methods cannot completely eliminate the cause of the disease and are used as additional therapy. In addition, self-medication can significantly aggravate the disease, which requires surgery.

Painful sensations at the stage of exacerbation cannot be eliminated with the help of conventional painkillers. Very often doctors use narcotic analgesics.

The use of droppers with saline solutions... If none of the medications helps to eliminate the disease, surgical treatment is prescribed:

  1. Removal of dead tissue from the gland.
  2. Removal of the gallbladder.
  3. Creation of an artificial outflow of pancreatic juice.


How to treat an exacerbation of the pancreas? For complete recovery the patient must adhere to the diet without fail. The diet will be effective if the following dishes are included in the diet:

  • low-fat dairy products;
  • non-acidic cottage cheese;
  • steamed or oven baked pudding;
  • wheat crackers, bread;
  • pureed vegetable soup;
  • ground porridge cereals, pasta;
  • steamed egg whites;
  • vegetable puree;
  • baked fruits, vegetables;
  • dried fruits or compotes from them;
  • jelly, jelly, mousse;
  • rosehip tea.

The diet for an exacerbation of pancreatic inflammation will change based on improvement or worsening of symptoms.

Note! Even if the signs of the disease disappear, it is not recommended to include salty, spicy, fried, smoked foods in the diet.


Having compiled a diet menu with an exacerbation of the pancreas, the doctor prescribes drugs for drug treatment... The choice of drug depends on the stage and symptoms of pancreatitis.

If a person is faced with the first symptoms of the disease, he may wonder how to treat the pancreas during an exacerbation of pancreatitis. To eliminate symptoms, the patient is prescribed drugs of the following groups:

  • choleretic;
  • sedatives;
  • calcium;
  • corticosteroids;
  • complex of metabolites;
  • enveloping.

How exactly to treat an exacerbation of the pancreas, the doctor makes a choice based on the general clinical picture... Most often you need to take enzyme agents, which help restore normal digestion, because the pancreas is temporarily excluded from this process.

Enzyme forte is excellent for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. To lower acidity, it is better to give preference to Omeprazole.

Note! Only the doctor, after examining and assessing the patient's condition, prescribes what to drink with an exacerbation of the pancreas. Self-treatment may cause adverse reactions, drug overdose can disrupt food breakdown processes.

Effective drugs

Not only proper nutrition with exacerbation of the pancreas is important, but also the timely prescription of drugs aimed at improving general condition and eliminate the disease. For pancreatitis, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antispasmodics. On acute stage good results are shown by Platyphyllin, Papaverin, Baralgin.
  2. Preparations based on medicinal herbs- Nigedaza, Oraza.
  3. If the disease has passed into a chronic stage, the patient needs to take antisecretory, psychotropic, antispasmodic drugs and microgranules of Pancreatin, Octreotide.

Note! Psychotropic drugs appoint only in extreme cases.

Medicines that are not recommended for exacerbation of pancreatitis

The patient should know not only the menu for exacerbation of the pancreas and what medications can be taken, but also pay attention to drugs that are used in minimal quantities or should be completely excluded.

Note! An overdose of any medication in the acute stage of the disease can lead to serious complications.

The use of drugs that contain bile, such as Festal, Digestal, Enzistal, is better to be excluded altogether, because they are contraindicated during an exacerbation of the disease.

With moderate and severe course the acute stage of pancreatitis, you need to abandon the drug Creon.

Disease prevention

To prevent the occurrence of pancreatitis, you need to choose a diet. What to eat with an exacerbation of the pancreas, the doctor will tell in detail at the reception. It's important to stick to daily allowance water consumption - 2 liters. You should also stop drinking alcohol and tobacco products, because they negatively affect not only the pancreas, but also other organs. It is necessary to regularly carry out fasting days to cleanse the intestines.

If a person has an exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas, you must immediately go to the hospital. It is not recommended to resort to folk remedies and self-medicate, because any medicines, herbs have their own contraindications and side effects, which can significantly aggravate the already existing situation.

The pancreas plays a key role in the functioning of the body. The most common pathological process that an organ is exposed to is pancreatitis (inflammation in its tissues).

Treatment of the pancreas with an exacerbation of the inflammatory process occurs in different ways. Despite the high level of current medicine, some patients resort to alternative therapy.

To know how to treat the pancreas during an exacerbation, you need to consult a specialist.


A considerable number of provoking factors of exacerbation of the pancreas are known. But often pathological changes are observed due to:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • non-compliance with dietary nutrition;
  • the use of certain medications;
  • intoxication;
  • exacerbation of gallstone disease;
  • stressful situations and excessive psycho-emotional shocks;
  • acute infectious processes.

Even a single consumption of alcohol or alcohol-containing beverages can cause an exacerbation chronic form pancreatitis.

At this stage, an increase in the activity of enzymes occurs, under the influence of which the tissue and walls of the affected gland will be irritated, edema and intense pain in the peritoneal region will occur.

Sometimes getting rid of the causes of the disease contributes to the rapid relief of an attack of the disease, but the aggressive form of inflammatory changes in the pancreas is treated only in stationary conditions.


Manifestations of exacerbation of the gland can be confused with symptoms of other pathological processes in gastrointestinal tract, but you cannot not feel them.

The patient is often disturbed by intense pain in the abdominal cavity. The most pronounced manifestations of the disease will be:

  • acute pain in the left side, radiating to the back or shoulder blades;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting reflex that is difficult to stop;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • an increase in temperature indicators, shortness of breath and chills;
  • decrease in body weight.

The most dangerous symptomatology will be an increase in body temperature indicators to critical indicators, accompanied by chills.

Such a manifestation often signals a secondary formation inflammatory processes, often resulting in internal bleeding.

Duration of exacerbation

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by a long period of exacerbation. Basically, it lasts 5-7 days, but in a situation with a severe pathological process, the duration is 10-15 days.

The duration of the exacerbation is due to the inability of the affected organ to quickly restore damaged tissues and impaired functioning of the gland.

Directly because already at the initial manifestations of pathology, the patient needs to consult a specialist.

When an exacerbation of the pancreas is not cured in a timely manner, chronic pancreatitis turns into recurrent, therefore, periods of exacerbation will appear more often and will be protracted.


The state of the pancreas, the severity of damage to its tissues and functioning is determined by means of various diagnostic techniques... Mostly the patient is assigned:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • Abdominal ultrasound;
  • gastroscopy;

First aid

In the presence of acute and intense recurrence pathological process intense pain sensations appear, which are of an increasing nature.

The consequence of such discomfort will be unconsciousness and shock, so the patient will need immediate hospitalization.

Before the arrival of doctors with an exacerbation of the pancreas, it is necessary:

  • Guarantee the patient's peace of mind. The patient needs to take a semi-sitting or semi-recumbent position. This will make it possible to reduce blood flow to the affected organ and stop the development of inflammation.
  • Do not eat food. For 3 days, it is optimal for the patient to refuse to take any food. This will make it possible to reduce the production of enzymes.
  • Apply cold to the affected organ. A cold heating pad or ice helps to eliminate swelling and painful sensations.
  • Use antispasmodics.

It is prohibited in a domestic environment:

  • Take anesthetics (for example, Analgin, Spazmalgon), since their effect makes diagnosis difficult.
  • Use enzymes (for example, Mezim, Festal), as they aggravate the situation.
  • The stomach is washed out on its own. It is permissible to induce a gag reflex when the patient is nauseous.

Exacerbation of the disease in question is a very complex condition that is characterized by painful sensations and intoxication.

In such a situation, it is required to contact a specialist as soon as possible and start therapy, and before that, take emergency measures.


In case of disturbances in the work of the pancreas, treatment is prescribed by a specialist, taking into account the patient's well-being.

If you have unpleasant symptoms and there was discomfort, you need to take action. The main goals will be:

  • elimination of pain;
  • unloading the affected organ;
  • stimulation of self-recovery of the gland.

Drug therapy

The decision to use any medication is made by the attending specialist. In each situation, treatment can vary significantly, taking into account the complexity of the symptoms and the stage of the pathological process.

For the treatment of the disease, drugs of the following subgroups are prescribed:

  • Antispasmodic drugs. The main manifestation of an attack will be painful sensations. Sometimes the discomfort is so intense that it cannot be tolerated. The agents from the subgroup of antispasmodics, which have a vasodilating and myotropic effect, help to improve the patient's well-being. For quick relief of pain during exacerbation of the pancreas, it is optimal to use injectable drugs. For example, No-shpa or Papaverine. Such drugs have the smallest amount side effects... During intravenous administration of these means, their influence will come immediately, which is extremely important for the psychoemotional state. But Papaverine, No-shpa are characterized by quite short term impact. Platyphyllin is capable of eliminating intense pain for a long period, but in comparison with other antispasmodics, it has a large number of contraindications and side effects. In the presence of shock state narcotic anesthetics are used.
  • Enzyme medicines. Exacerbation of the disease is very often associated with enzyme deficiency... Therefore, enzyme agents play an important role in pancreatic therapy. They can be divided into the following groups: single-shell (Penzital, Mezim, Pancreatin) - inhibit the activity of the affected organ, reduce swelling and eliminate painful sensations and two-shell (Pancitrate, Creon) - are covered with an acid-resistant shell. Some of the drugs under consideration (Digestal, Festal) are contraindicated for the gland during the exacerbation of the disease, since they include elements of bile that stimulate pancreatic activity, increasing pain.
  • Other medications... When an exacerbation of the disease occurs, the patient develops concomitant pathologies. Therefore, therapy during an exacerbation will be aimed at restoring the functioning of the pancreas, as well as maintaining the work of other organs. For this purpose, blockers are used. histamine receptors and antacids(Almagel, Phosphalugel) to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, choleretic, antibacterial drugs in the presence of a bacterial infection.

All of the above means are prescribed by a specialist, the dosage is selected individually for each patient.

When pancreatic exacerbation therapy in conservative ways did not give the expected effect and the risk of appearance dangerous consequences, doctors perform surgery.


Diet food is important element therapy during an exacerbation of the disease.

A properly compiled diet and following a doctor's prescription will make it possible to relieve the digestive organs and give them peace.

The ban on the use of any food products is valid for 3 days. It is only allowed to take alkaline mineral water up to 2 liters per day.

After that, liquid and semi-liquid dishes are introduced - soups, jelly. You need to eat them in small portions 5-6 times a day. Alcohol of any strength, fatty, spicy and fried foods are prohibited.

The basis is taken diet food No. 5, which is designed to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract.

It includes the components necessary for the body, and also excludes harmful products.

If you follow a gentle diet for 3-5 months, it is possible to achieve a stable remission and significantly reduce the number of medications used.

It is extremely important to satisfy the need for protein, therefore, almost immediately after fasting, it is recommended to enter into the menu meat products... Optimally saturate the diet with lean meats.

Before cooking, it must be cleaned of veins and crushed. During the recovery process, it can be consumed in one piece, either baked or boiled.

Since insulin is produced inside the pancreas, it is forbidden to eat sugar for a month after an exacerbation. When the condition stabilizes, it is allowed to make jelly and fruit compotes.

After the first 7 days of the disease, it is permissible to include in the diet low-fat varieties steamed fish and cutlets.

Diet include cod, pollock, perch and navaga. Canned fish and meat, salted, dried and dried fish are prohibited products for the entire duration of therapy.

Traditional therapy

There is an opinion that to eliminate acute form pancreatitis is possible in a domestic environment by means of alternative therapy.

But modern gastroenterologists argue that the use of a variety of herbal and medicinal plants able to give positive effect and improve the work of the organ only when chronic stage illness during remission.

Using such drugs during an exacerbation is fraught with dangerous consequences.

According to experts, folk therapy it is possible to apply in order to eliminate some negative manifestations.

To improve the outflow of bile and normalize the liver, it is permissible to use corn stigmas, rose hips, immortelle.

In order to improve the patient's psycho-emotional state, chamomile, lime and mint decoctions are used.


To prevent an exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease, gastroenterologists recommend:

  • adherence to dietary nutrition No.5;
  • complete refusal to take alcohol;
  • constant undergoing diagnostics and visiting a specialist;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • control of the content of cholesterol and sugar in the bloodstream;
  • the use of enzyme agents prescribed by a doctor;
  • elimination of the toxic effect on the body of the chaotic use of various medicines;
  • implementation of therapy in specialized sanatoriums.

An exacerbation of the pancreas is a rather complex condition that requires immediate assistance from specialists.

To improve the patient's well-being and prevent recurrence of the disease, it is extremely important to strictly follow all medical prescriptions and take preventive measures of the inflammatory process.

If you consult a doctor in time, the prognosis of pathology in many situations is positive.

Useful video

Chronic and acute pancreatitis have an adverse effect on the body as a whole and often lead to damage to other vital organs, so it is important to know how to treat the pancreas during an exacerbation and in remission in order to avoid serious and irreversible complications in the future.

Symptoms of an aggravated pancreas

The term "pancreatitis" refers to diseases of the pancreas of an inflammatory nature, leading to irreversible changes in this organ. Chronic pancreatitis has a staged course:

  1. Remission phase- asymptomatic or low-symptom course of the disease, expressed by moderate pain syndrome in the left abdomen, mainly after taking "heavy" (spicy, fatty) food and during periods of hunger.
  2. Stage of exacerbation of pancreatitis... Symptoms are pronounced and appear in conjunction with each other.

The frequency of exacerbation episodes depends on the severity of the disease, manifesting from 2 times a year to a continuous recurrent course.

When pancreatitis of the pancreas is exacerbated, the following symptoms appear:

  • pain syndrome: pain localized in the left hypochondrium, extending to the epigastric region, or shingles, aggravated in the supine position. Sometimes patients only complain of back pain;
  • prolonged nausea;
  • vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • diarrhea up to 6 times a day;
  • oily, mushy, bulky stools;
  • rumbling in the stomach, increased gas production;
  • loss of body weight;
  • anemia;
  • endocrine disorders: dry skin, stomatitis.

Pain is the main symptom of pancreatic inflammation. They are long lasting, intensifying 30 minutes after eating.

They can appear paroxysmal, lasting from several hours to 3 days, or have a permanent character.

If all symptoms indicate an exacerbation of pancreatitis, home treatment is impractical and can be life-threatening. The patient needs a qualified health care in the person of a gastroenterologist who will tell you how to treat the pancreas during an exacerbation.

Treatment principles for pancreatic inflammation

If the pancreas has become aggravated, you should immediately call a doctor without trying to stop the attack on your own with analgesics. In most cases, therapy is carried out in a hospital setting.

The main therapeutic measures with exacerbation of pancreatitis include:

  1. Hunger for up to 3 days with the subsequent transfer of the patient to a diet. If necessary, intravenous glucose and saline are prescribed.
  2. Cupping pain syndrome and relieving spasms.
  3. Enzyme replacement therapy - taking medications containing pancreatic enzymes.

In the presence of complications, they resort to surgical methods.

Drug therapy of the pancreas during an exacerbation

Pharmacotherapy during exacerbation solves the following tasks:

  1. How to soothe pain?
  2. How to remove the inflammatory process?

To solve these goals, combined drug therapy is used:

  • analgesics: paracetamol, analgin;
  • antispasmodics: baralgin, no-shpa, papaverine;
  • antisecretory drugs: omeprazole, and antacids: hephal, maalox, phosphalugel;
  • the synthetic hormone of somatostatin - ocreotide;
  • polyenzyme drugs: pancreatin, creon;
  • prokinetics: domperidone, trimebutin.

Attention: Accept medications can only be prescribed by a doctor. Most drugs require intravenous administration in a hospital setting.

Diet therapy for the pancreas during an exacerbation

An important goal of treating pancreatitis in the acute phase is to immobilize the secretion of pancreatic juice. For this, the patient is shown hunger for 1 to 3 days from the onset of the disease. It is allowed to drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day.

Transition to natural nutrition produced gradually - the diet of food slowly expands and its volume increases.

Approximate power supply diagram

Course of the disease Allowed Products special instructions
Aggravation, intense pain syndrome Hunger, mineral water or boiled water, rosehip broth up to 2 litersThe duration is regulated by the doctor (up to 5 days, in special cases up to 2 weeks).
Moderate pain syndrome Carbohydrate food: dairy-free cereals, dietary cereal soups without meat, vegetable purees, jelly, rusk, biscuits, bread not freshly bakedConsumption of food in small portions 4 - 6 times a day.
The fading period of the disease Proteins are added: hard-boiled eggs or steam omelets; fish soufflé, chicken, rabbit, beef soufflé, steamed meatballs, cottage cheeseFood only in mashed form, a portion should not exceed 300 g.
Remission exacerbation Fats are added: you can cook food with the addition of butter and sunflower oils; baked apples, fruit and berry compotes. The patient switches to diet No. 5p (sparing option)The patient gradually switches to dietary table No. 5p (extended version)

In the period of remission, the patient must adhere to the diet for up to 2 months. The total calorie intake should correspond to 2500-2800 per day, divided into 5-6 meals. For this purpose, table number 5 is assigned according to Pevzner.

Diet number 5p

Video - Aggravation of the pancreas

Prevention of exacerbations of pancreatitis

Stopping an attack of pancreatic inflammation does not mean complete recovery. To the patient chronic pancreatitis who have undergone an exacerbation requires dispensary observation from a therapist or gastroenterologist during the year.

Complex preventive measures includes:

  • diet food;
  • rehabilitation in sanatoriums with mineral waters within 3 to 4 weeks;
  • physiotherapy;
  • phytotherapy;
  • taking polyenzyme drugs (pancreatin, creon) in courses for 4 to 6 weeks;
  • according to indications, taking choleretic drugs and antispasmodics;
  • complete cessation of alcohol and smoking.

With a timely visit to a doctor with an exacerbation of pancreatitis and the further implementation of medical and preventive recommendations, the prognosis of the outcome of the disease in most cases is favorable.

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