Good health - health and vigor is evident. Good health or beauty secrets

Everyone wants to be healthy, because when there is no health, nothing is joy. We offer you a selection of 30 tips to help you be healthy and stay in excellent mood. And what else is needed for happiness?

1. Start each new day with a smile. Try to charge a positive and good mood.

2. After the awakening, drink a glass of pure water or fresh juice.

18. Learn to be alone with you. Try to relax and sit quietly on the chair, having pre-enabled pleasant music.

19. At least once in two weeks, visit the bath or sauna.

20. Carefully make sure that you eat. If possible, exclude products, which contains sodium gluconate.

21. Become a punctual person. Always come on time on business meetings and never be late.

22. Training Brains: Sleep Sudoku, play various intelligent games, read as many smart and useful books as possible.

23. Learn foreign languages. They will use you on travel and help in communications with other people. 10 reasons why teach English.

24. Details of your appearance. Visit the gym or pool at least once a week.

26. Start a diary and record all your successes and achievements there. Concentrate on personal victories and then there will be even more.

27. Watch how you communicate with other people. Be polite and extremely correct in your statements. Communicate culturally exclude in your vocabulary.

28. Divens your life. Do anything extraordinary, for example, jump from a parachute or go on the hitchhike trip. Expand your comfort zone.

29. Become unique. No need to try to be like someone. Create your own individual style and stick it.

30. Learn unconditional love. Love the world around you, help other people with what you can. Give the surrounding positive emotions, and then they will definitely respond to you.

Have a nice day, mood and well-being!


Stresses, emotional breakdowns, pessimism. How do you know these states! Depression has become a global social problem today. Recent studies in the field of psychiatry have shown that a person can control the fluctuations in mood and with the help of some uncomplicated techniques to win over poor well-being without the use of antidepressants.

The book of the famous American psychotherapist David D. Burns will help you learn emotional self-regulation, overcome depression, improve self-esteem and performance. She will tell you what to do if you feel that "rolling into the abyss" or you do not want to live.

We remind you that the slogan of the "Self-Help" series:

"If you do not help yourself, you no longer help you"!

David Burns.


A few words thanks


Part one. Emotional-cognitive therapy

Chapter first. Step forward in the treatment of emotional disorder

The first principle of cognitive therapy

Second principle

Third principle

Chapter Second. Diagnosis of mood - the first stage of cognitive therapy

Table 2.1. BDI test

Interpretation of BDI test

CHAPTER THREE. Ways of the emergence of a bad or good mood. Feelings and thoughts

1. Maximism

2. Common conclusion from single facts

3. Psychological Filtering Events

4. Disqualification positive

5. Handling conclusions

6. Exaggeration and Understanding

7. Conclusions based on emotions

8. "One could"

10. Accepting responsibility for events independent of you

Table 3.1. Types of violations in the cognitive process

The key to the answers

Feelings are not a fact

Part two. Practical use

Chapter fourth. First step to self-esteem

Improving self-esteem

Special method of raising self-esteem

Chapter Fifth. Laziness and fighting her

Daily activity routine


Daily record of dysfunctional thoughts

Method of positive forecasts

"But" - not a refutation

Self-binding art

Objectives that interfere with the cognitive process (CMKP), and assignments to help the cognitive process (SPKP)

The chicken on the grain peel

"I want, but should not"

First Law Newton

A distinct representation of success

Consider only what gives back to account

The analysis "I can not"

The system "I can not lose"

What before?

Chapter Six. Verbal judo

Step first - sympathy

Self-control method


Head seventh. How the attacks of the malice on the irritability coefficient

Navako zero scale

Who is angry with you?

Develop a desire

Cool down your dust

Method of imagination

Change rules

Learn to expect rationally

Competent intrigues

Reduced obligations

Strategy of negotiations

Proper sympathy

dress rehearsal

Ten rules that need to know about their malice

Head of the eighth. How to deal with the fault complex

Cycle of guilt

No guilt to blame

1. Daily record of dysfunctional thoughts

2. Method reduction obligations

3. Learn to keep your weapon

4. Method "Do not cry!"


6. Development of prospects

Part of the third. "Real" depressed

Ninth chapter. Sadness - not depression



Loss of loved

Sadness without experiences

Part fourth. Self-defense and personal growth

Chapter Tenth. Root cause

Dysfunctionality scale

Dysfunctionality scale

Explanation of the SDF test

Chapter eleventh. OK

The essence of the problem

Path to independence and self-esteem

Analysis of victories and lesions

Fear before criticism - solid "no"

Nobody is to blame in one's own loneliness.

After disapproval or rejection


Chapter twelve. Thirst for love

About love do not ask

Loneliness and independence

Waiting for joy

Analysis of negative thoughts

Chapter thirteenth. Work and personal advantages

Four ways to self-esteem

Rational Answers

Chapter fourteenth. Try to be medium. Thickening thirst for perfection

Error - it's great!

Part fifth. Lightness and suicide

Fifteenth head. I choose life

Assessment of suicidal inclinations

Illogical parcels for suicide

Part of the sixth. Daily stress

Chapter Sixteenth. As I implement my beliefs

Taming hostility

Humility with ungrateful: a woman who could not say thanks

Fighting uncertainty and helplessness: a woman who decided to commit suicide

Part seventh. Physiology and mood

Chapter seventeenth. Tips for antidepressants treatment

In search of "black bile"

Drug therapy in terms of cognitive

David Burns.

Good health

New therapy of moods

Moscow veche * Perseus * Act 1995

Good well-being: new mood therapy / per. from English L. Slavina - M.: Vese, Perseus, Act, 1995.- 400 C- (Self-Help) ISBN 5-7141-0092-1.

BBK 88.5 b 51 UDC 159.923

The series was founded in 1994. Translation from English L. Slavina

Publishers notify about the acquisition of exclusive rights to publish in Russian Book David D. Burns "Good well-being". Any publication of this book released in Russian without a contract with publishers will be considered illegal.

ISBN 5-7141-0092-1 (Vese) ISBN 5-88421-034-5 (Perseus) ISBN 5-88196-375-X (ACT)

David D. Burns. Feeling Good. THE NEW MOOD THERAPY

© 1980 by David D. Burns, M. D. All Rights Reserved.

© Edition in Russian. "Perseus", "Veche", Act, 1995

© Translation. L. Slavin, 1995

© Decoration. "Perseus", 1995


I am very glad that David Burns wrote a public book on the problems of mood fluctuations, which caused great interest and admiration among professionals. Dr. Burns held years of tense studies, analyzing the causes of the emergence and methods of treating depression, and clearly showed the role of self-help in the treatment of this disease. This book is an extremely useful guide for people who want to master the methods of self-regulation of mood.

A few words about the development of cognitive therapy can be interesting to readers of this book. Soon after the start of the professional activity of a practitioner in the field of traditional psychoanalytic psychiatry, I enthusiastically engaged in research, which could be experienced by confirming Freud's theory regarding depression therapy. However, the results obtained by me were not quite well agreed with this theory. My search led to the emergence of a new, confirmed by numerous studies of theory on the causes of depression. The studies have shown that a person who is subject to depression seems to be "lost" for society due to inconsistencies to generally accepted ideas and, accordingly, is doomed to the collapse of all hopes, deprivation, humiliation and trouble. Further experiments showed a significant difference between the self-esteem of a person, subject to depression, its expectations and aspirations, on the one hand, and its valid achievements, often very lowered, on the other. The conclusion made me was: depression violates the process of understanding one or another situation; A person who is subject to depression thinks about himself surrounding his people and his future negatively. Such pessimism affects the mood of man, his motivation and relationships with other people and ultimately leads to a complete spectrum of psycho-physiological symptoms characteristic of depression.

What ? This is a state when we feel good in all respects: physically and spiritually, we are in harmony with all the world around the world and expect only the best and excellent life from life.

How to save good health always?

Unconditional love is the best way for this, but not every person knows all of his environment without any conditions: one thing is: one thing is to say, and quite another thing - to do. To learn in any situations to give the surrounding only positive emotions around, and without any expectations to help everyone who needs it is not as easy as it seems. However, it is not so difficult to start doing this: start with a smile - because sincere, warm smile should not be worth us any effort, and joy and happiness can bring a lot to people.

In addition, unconditional love for another always begins with love for himself, and we never taught us. Therefore, for a start, you should plan your days so that time for rest is enough, and not to cut this time without extreme need, sacrificing your welfare in the name of dubious values \u200b\u200band ideals.

In the morning, with a call of alarm clock, most people "choose" from bed, and do not always have time to have breakfast, going to work. Stresses start on the road when the car or bus falls into the "cork", and at work - continue: we often come there not to sleep and annoyed. The day is "twisted", and there is not enough time even on a full dinner, not something for rest; And in the evening we are in a hurry home, where the family and everyday duties are waiting - there is no time for themselves.

Rest and good health

But it is possible to rest not only in the free time, but also in working: many experts are confident that labor productivity depends on it.

Coffee "and" smoking "breaks can hardly be considered rest, especially in the second case: the use of coffee is a bit, and from smoking - one harm. Instead of spontaneous sounds, plan the day so that several times, after a certain time, arrange 10-minute breaks, not counting the dinner. To strive to return to work after lunch, if there is time left, it should not: this is your legal holiday. It is better to go outside - at any time of the year, and with bad weather you can calmly sit and read something fun and positive. For those who work at the computer, short breaks are needed every 50 minutes. If very little time, go out at least to the toilet room, rinse (or spray) face with cool water, try to perform several simple "warm-up" movements, and check the office several times during the day. More colleagues for work can make a slight massage: even 1-2 minutes of massage of hands and shoulders will bring a considerable relief to stress muscles.

Not everyone knows that special breaks associated with features and specifics are provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It helps to reduce fatigue and timely change of activities, and you need to change one type of activity to another when you are not yet tired.

Many office workers are often a state called the "illusion of physical fatigue." Having come home, do not rush to accept the desired horizontal position; At least, do not stay in it more than 15 minutes. Rest in the form of "felting" on the sofa of the TV will not bring anything good: the nervous system is overloaded even more. Summer go to the street, walk, run, ride a bike, go to the pool; In winter, you can also walk, and to visit the sauna or bath at least twice a month.

Take a shower or bath after work, it is not before bedtime, but immediately at the arrival of home. The sooner you do, the better you will take fatigue and you can relax in the remaining time: the water is bluled not only the dirt, but also a negative energy.

Do not drink black tea or coffee in the evening, and drink the infusion of herbs - ordinary chamomile or mint, and instead of a seating from a TV or computer, read a good book - it also helps calm down and relax.

On weekends, who has a sediment work, you need to walk more, move, engage in any sport. Those who work standing, do exercises for relaxing leg muscles, make massage and foot baths; Great blood circulation in the legs of cycling, swimming and sports walking.

Plan a weekend so as not to think about work: go to the theater, to a concert or just to the cinema, go to nature. Holidays in nature with kebabs and alcohol, which has become the usual view of the rest for the "medium" Russians, is unlikely to be useful for well-being; Nobody cancels kebabs, but in parallel with this you can plan a long walk through the forest, collecting mushrooms, berries or healing herbs.

But what does not need to be done on the weekend, it is to sit at home, take part-time or "work at home", spend all day in the kitchen and engage in global cleaning. Although, if the transformation of the "dirty" apartment in a clean cozy house brings you peace of mind, and not physical fatigue - please yourself in this way.

Nutrition for good well-being

About nutrition now says a lot. Recall briefly that in Russia the image is connected to the climate. In winter, little sun, and the weather is cold and often cloudy; Weakness, irritability, depression and insomnia arise.

In order for the body "just enough", turn on fresh greens, bright vegetables and fruits, omega-3 products (sea fish, seafood, nuts, unrefined vegetable oils, etc.), eggs, dairy products, cheese, red meat and sub-products .

Do not skip breakfast, and better eat porridge on the water than sandwiches and coffee; Slow over the day - fruit, dried fruits, nuts, natural yogurt.

Reduce salt consumption - its accumulation delays the output of toxins; Remove canned food and semi-finished products; Stop mixing incompatible products; Do not eat on the move and at night.

Refuse hard diets: make up a healthy diet once and for all, and combine different products, with different tastes, as in Ayurvedic kitchen - moderately sour, salted, sweet, etc.

Drink enough clean water (up to 1.5 liters) and summer, and in winter: well-being is possible only with a normal water balance in the body.

Healthy sleep for good well-being

To sleep healthy, it is necessary to go to bed no later than 23 hours, but I should not sleep in the afternoon, especially in the second half.

It is better to sleep heads north or east to avoid dissonance with electromagnetic fields of the Earth.

The bed should be smooth and strong enough, and the pillow is small and not soft: the spine will normally, like the brain circulation, and the wrinkles on the face and the neck will not appear long. Ideally, the pillow is better to remove at all: not everyone can sleep, but you can try to sleep, suddenly it turns out.

Pose during sleep is also important: it is recommended to sleep either on the side, or on the back, and in the stomach should not - the internal organs, and the spine, and the skin. The air temperature in the bedroom should not be higher than 20 ° C, however, in our apartments in winter, much hotter, and the temperature differences are not uncommon. Check the room before bedtime, and try to sleep with an open window, but do not allow drafts.

Have you ever wondered what kind of health and what does it depend on? After all, this is one of the most important factors determining the quality of our life. If you can put it, then the well-being of a person is a holistic expression of the unity of body and mental processes.
The human well-being affects performance not only to favorable, but also in difficult, critical moments of life. Human well-being is a consequence of a real idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of our actions, about our importance for others. The well-being of a person depends on what we ourselves think about yourself, others believe in other self-assessment. The human well-being predicts a person when and to what extent he should be active, is it possible to count on others or only on yourself. In the well-being of a person, not only the spiritual gamut of man is reflected, but also its temperament, health, activity style and communication with others. People who have good health create an atmosphere, which not only has, but also obliges others. When man's health is normal, it does not prescribe and does not limit our actions. For good health, favorable conditions are needed everywhere where the person works and happens.
You can even withdraw some factors on which the human well-being depends:
- relations with people;
-cake in gene memory;
-nontrretent state of a person;
- Human production.
We will focus a little on our physical component. Everyone understands that Just as good is largely due to the health of the human body. If a person is sick, his poor well-being is provided to him if a person is healthy, then he does not leave him well-being. These are capital truths from the category: "It is better to be healthy and rich ...". But few understands the pretty such simple thing too: all health and therefore human well-being depends on the state of its immune system.
The immune system of a person is his shield from all sorts of external aggressors and, therefore, if human immunity is not in order, he does not have to speak about health. Often, the person himself does not suspect that his immune system has long been "junk" and he is sick and sick, his bad well-being is being overwhelmed and he becomes even stronger. It is like a vicious circle.
In today's difficult time it is hard to find a completely healthy person. After all, a person is dependent on all: from ecology, from nutrition, from a psychological atmosphere surrounded. That is why the poor human well-being gradually becomes the norm of life. And we already do not suspect that in fact our natural state is good health, you just need to know how to return it.
Improving well-being You can achieve in different ways. For example, our food is largely affected by improving well-being. Now we will list some of the many products that have a beneficial effect on our improvement in well-being:
-Med (good in fighting with stress);
-lovy salad;
-moloco, cottage cheese, yogurts;
red fish;

But, as we have already said, good health provides a healthy immune system. Therefore, to improve well-being, we
We advise the transfer factor. This is a universal immune corrector of natural origin, which does not have completely no side effects, no age limitations. Transfer factor is the drug that will provide you good health For many years, because The best preparation to maintain the immune system and therefore and we do not know your health.
But remember that good health is the same as bad well-being - it is, first of all, your attitude to life or in a simple way is your estimate and nothing more. Remember that life is beautiful in any of its manifestation and reasons for disorders.

The application of the transfer of factors in a variety of life situations is described very detailed on the corresponding page of this site.

Our life is full of concerns, and after a hard work day very often we feel fatigue, headache and gravity in your feet. Is it possible to save good well-being for the whole day? How to regain the vigor and freshness? These simple secrets of well-being will help you solve these and other problems!

This notorious Zozh

As it tribal does not sound, but the reasons for constant fatigue often consist in the absence of a healthy lifestyle. Site includes not only the rejection of bad habits and proper nutrition, but also emotional state and physical training. This is not a set of rules and obligations, this is a lifestyle.

Food must be correct

We all hear a lot about proper nutrition, but what does it imply? Nutrition must fit your age, it should take into account the needs of the body in certain elements, as well as your taste preferences.

Here are some simple secrets affecting well-being:

  • during the day, we need to eat in small portions, without waiting when the stomach is filled to failure (as you know, saturation occurs much earlier than we realize it);
  • there are no night, it is not recommended, since during sleep all processes slow down;
  • preferred needed fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as fresh juice;
  • food must be balanced, meat dishes are better to use in the morning;
  • useful to organize unloading days.

Love, stress and good well-being

Many, probably heard that love wraps, gives strength. This is true. How to quickly remove fatigue? Of course, fall in love! Love is the best recipe for health, youth, beauty. Your chronic fatigue will go into the past, as the endorphine produced (hormone of happiness) strengthens the immunity. Simply secret - and good health is provided to you: you need to find a loved one. Are you still searching? This is not a problem, give your love relatives and loved ones.

How to defeat fatigue if you are constantly in a state of anxiety or stress? Perhaps this faith is your work or fight Friend. Anger and negative emotions need to learn to suppress in themselves. The relationship between malignant diseases and the emotional state of man is known. The more we experience negative emotions, the greater the likelihood of serious diseases. Think of good, learn to switch your thoughts and operate with them like a switch button. Only positive emotions will help you overcome all the vital difficulties.

Movement - Life

With the advent of new types of equipment, our life becomes more convenient and at the same time immobilized. But our body is simply necessary to move. How to defeat fatigue if we do not even want to move? The movement launches our body: it starts better work blood circulation, our internal organs wake up, breathing becomes deeper, and oxygen enters all cells of the body. And here is a simple advice of good well-being: do not be lazy to make hiking daily, remember, even five minutes of running on the spot are able to extend your life. You may need to store, then forward, go to the one that is located away, especially since there are so different shares and discounts.

Sleep and rest

Simple secret of your well-being, especially in the morning, is a healthy dream. Mandatory condition - Purge! Teach yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time, in this case your body will work as a watch. Before bed, air the room.

Rest is not just a vacation, you need to relax every day, making breaks at work and at home. In addition, rest does not always have to be passive. Believe me, leaving the sofa has not added anyone to anyone. Better think about how to make a relaxing massage or jogging.

If you use simple secrets of good well-being, then you can forget about headaches and bad mood, and for a long time.

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