Treatment with honey: what diseases does honey treat, recipes. Stomach treatment with honey Treatment with honey recipes use

Honey is very useful for health, so it is very often used in folk medicine. Honey normalizes the functioning of many internal organs, improves blood composition, enhances immunity, is a powerful source of energy, protects the body from premature aging.

Honey normalizes the physiological functions of the body, therefore it must be recommended for the complex treatment of various diseases.

Honey is often used in cosmetic preparations, as it softens the skin well, improves its tone, eliminates dryness and flaking.

Honey is a good nutrient. The main nutrients of honey are carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, etc. When glucose and fructose are broken down, a large amount of energy is released, which is necessary for the vital processes of the body.

Honey treatment: folk recipes .

It is good to treat almost all eye diseases with honey - lubricate the eyes. Boil 1 teaspoon of honey for 2 minutes. in a glass of water. When the honey water cools down, make eye lotions from it 2 times a day for 20 minutes in the morning and evening. The same water should be dripped into each eye 2-3 drops 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Rinsing the mouth and throat with a solution of water and honey relieves inflammation of the tonsils, in addition, cleans the teeth, making them white: 1 tbsp. Dissolve a spoonful of honey in 1 glass of warm water.

The beneficial properties of honey make it possible to use it as an excellent harmless sleeping pill. Honey has a calming effect, induces sound sleep, regulates bowel function: 1 tbsp. Dissolve a spoonful of honey in 1 glass of warm water. Drink at night. Give the child 1 teaspoon of honey at night. Honey strengthens the baby's nervous system and retains moisture in the body during a night's sleep.

With a lingering cough, pneumonia, bronchitis: honey (preferably lime) - 1300 g, finely chopped aloe leaves - 1 glass, olive oil - 200 g, birch buds - 150 g, lime blossom. Before cooking, put the aloe leaves plucked and washed with boiled water for 10 days in a cold and dark place. Melt the honey and add chopped aloe leaves, steam the mixture well. Separately, in 2 glasses of water, brew birch buds and lime blossom, boil for 1-2 minutes, pour the strained and squeezed broth into the cooled honey. Stir and pour into 2 bottles, adding olive oil equally to each bottle. Store in a cool place. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. Shake well before use.

For hemorrhoids, insert a candle of candied honey into the anus.

For constipation: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive or linseed oil, mix thoroughly with egg yolk and 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and diluted with 3/4 cup of water. Take 1 tbsp. spoon every 2 hours.

Useful properties of honey are used to strengthen hair: in slightly warm boiled water - not higher than 40-50 ° C - add honey: for 1 liter of water 2 tbsp. spoons. Lubricate the head with this water and rub into the scalp 2 times a week.

In case of liver disease: mix 1 kg of honey with 1 kg of black currant. Take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals. Continue until the end of the mixture. A mixture of one spoonful of honey with apple juice is effective, taken in the morning and evening.

For the treatment of colitis, it helps to eliminate constipation: take 80-100 g of honey per day, dissolved in apple juice or in cold water. Take 3 times daily before meals.

To lower blood pressure in hypertension:

a) mix 1 glass of honey, carrot juice, horseradish juice with lemon juice. Store in a glass jar with a tight lid in a cool place. Take 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day 1 hour before meals or 2-3 hours after meals.

b) mix 1 glass of honey, carrot and beet juice, horseradish juice with the juice of one lemon. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day one hour before meals. The duration of treatment is 1.5 - 2 months. Grated horseradish should be pre-infused in water for 36 hours.

Insomnia treatment.

Honey is the best sleeping pill, it has a calming effect on the body. Honey is a sugar processed by bees, it does not need to be digested and is ready for the body to assimilate. 20 minutes after consumption, it enters the bloodstream.

For insomnia, especially with chronic fatigue, a cup of honey with the addition of three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar will help you. You can keep a jar of this mixture in your bedroom by taking two teaspoons of the mixture before bed. Half an hour after you go to bed, you will fall asleep. But if it doesn't, take two more teaspoons of the mixture. In case of extreme weakness, you may need to take a few spoons, and if you wake up at night and feel that you cannot sleep anymore, take more.

Such a remedy is much better than the usual "sleeping pills"; this method is based on satisfying the natural needs of the body, especially since honey is harmless.

Honey is already a good sleeping aid in itself, but when combined with apple cider vinegar, it is more effective.

Runny nose. Honey treatment recipe.

If you add honey to the juice of raw red beetroot, you get an effective remedy for the common cold: combine about a teaspoon of honey with 2.5 teaspoons of beetroot juice.

For a runny nose, instill 4-6 drops of the mixture into each nostril 4-5 times a day. Such treatment is especially helpful for children with enlarged adenoids in the nasopharynx. It is clear that these drops do not relieve the child of adenoids, but until the issue of surgery is resolved, they significantly improve nasal breathing, temporarily stop the secretion of mucus from the nose.

Treatment of the nervous system.

With neurosis of the heart, neurasthenia, hysteria, natural honey is widely used. In case of neurasthenia, it is recommended to take flower honey at 100-120 g per day for 1-2 months in the morning and in the evening at 30 g, and in the afternoon 40-60 g. Before going to bed, for half an hour, honey must be diluted in a glass of water at room temperature.

After 1-2 weeks after the start of treatment, patients have a good sound sleep, a feeling of vigor, and increased efficiency.

With the listed diseases of the nervous system, for their more successful treatment, the effect of honey can be enhanced by adding royal jelly and pollen to it.

For diseases of the peripheral nervous system, beekeeping products are also used. Medotherapy is widely and with great success used in neurological diseases such as sciatica, sciatica, intercostal and other neuralgias, myositis, polyneuritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Treatment of bronchitis.

1. Prepare an infusion of five components. Take in equal proportions (for example, 100 g each) vodka, honey, jam juice (cherry, raspberry), black tea and sugar, mix everything and heat to a boil, but do not boil. Cool the resulting mixture, strain and take (depending on the severity of the disease) 1-2 tablespoons before meals. Colds and coughs will disappear in a few days.

2. Take three glasses of fresh milk, four tablespoons of natural honey, 300 g of black currant grated with sugar. Boil milk, cool to 60 degrees, dissolve honey in it and slowly pour into a bowl with grated black currant, stirring occasionally. Take 20-30 g two to three times a day.

3. An effective onion cocktail against a strong cough. Add 500 g of peeled and chopped onions, 40 g of sugar, 50 g of honey to 1 liter of water and cook everything over low heat for three hours. Then cool, pour over. Take 4-6 tablespoons a day.

4. Will help relieve cough and wormwood infusion. It is simple to prepare it: insist 3 tablespoons of chopped wormwood for two weeks in half a liter of vodka in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Take one tablespoon three times daily with meals until it feels better.

5. In the radish, make a well for 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Cover the radish with honey with coarse paper and leave for 3-4 hours. The syrup is taken 3-4 times a day before meals and at bedtime.

Cough treatment.

Simmer 1 lemon over low heat for 10 minutes. It will soften, especially the rind, and more juice can be squeezed out of it.

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice with a juicer. Pour the juice into a glass, add 2 tablespoons of glycerin. Stir the glycerin and lemon juice thoroughly, and then top up the glass with honey.

The dose of cough syrup is adjusted according to the circumstances. If you have a rare cough, take 1 teaspoon throughout the day. Shake the mixture before use.

If coughing at night bothers you, take 1 teaspoon at night and another at night. If you have a severe cough, 1 teaspoon in the morning, getting out of bed, "one more before lunch, one in the afternoon, and one more in the evening, after dinner and at night.

Catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Honey treatment recipe.

Linden flowers and raspberries, crushed in equal amounts. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water. Strain. Add 1 tablespoon of honey (preferably lime). Take warm at night.

Chopped raspberries - 2 parts, chopped coltsfoot leaves - 2 parts, crushed oregano herb - 1 part. Brew a tablespoon of the collection in a glass of boiling water. Boil for 5-10 minutes and drain. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and take warm overnight.

Linden honey - 1 tablespoon, a glass of warm water. Drink as tea warm at night.

Chopped black elderberry flowers - 1 tablespoon. Brew in a glass of water. Strain. Add 1 tablespoon of honey. Take warm at night.

Dried black elderberries - 1 tablespoon. Brew boiling water in a glass. After 20 minutes, strain and add 1 tablespoon of honey. Take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.

Chopped linden flowers - 1 tablespoon. Brew in a glass of water and drain. Add 1 tablespoon of honey. Take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.

Dried raspberries - 2 tablespoons (or fresh - 100 g). Brew in a glass of water. Without separating the berries from the broth, add 1 tablespoon of honey and take warm overnight.

Honey - 1 tablespoon, warm milk - a glass. Take at night.

Melilot tea (from 1 tablespoon of herbs) - a glass, honey - 1 tablespoon. Take 0.5 cups at night.

Diseases of the mouth and throat.

For the treatment of inflammatory processes of the gums, mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, as well as sore throats, rinses are most often used.

Chamomile flowers - 1 tbsp. spoon, honey - 1 teaspoon. Brew the flowers in a glass of water. After cooling, strain and add honey.

Linden flowers - 1 part, oak bark - 2 parts. Mix. Brew 1 tablespoon in a glass of water. After cooling, strain and add 1 teaspoon of honey.

Linden flowers - 2 parts, chamomile flowers - 3 parts. Mix. Brew 1 tablespoon in a glass of water. After cooling, strain and add 1 teaspoon of honey.

Liver treatment.

Inflammatory diseases of the biliary tract and their dyskinesias are the most common cause of the development of hepatic pain syndrome.

In these cases, honey is very useful, especially when combined with pollen and royal jelly (dosage: 30 g three times a day, pollen 0.8 g three times a day and royal jelly 0.05 g twice a day) ...

Take a teaspoon of honey and half a glass of apple juice in the morning and evening.

Honey, olive oil, lemon juice - in equal parts. Mix. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.

Honey in the nutrition of infants.

The main food for all infants (except mother's milk) is cow's milk, diluted and sweetened.

Honey in this sense is irreplaceable. Most children tolerate it, and in addition to being sweet, it is an excellent mineral supplement to those minerals that make up milk; honey also contains a small amount of protein; it has antiseptic properties, has a slight laxative effect.

In addition to these advantages, it has a delicate aroma that enhances its taste. The main value of honey is to supply the child's body with a complex of mineral elements necessary for its growth and development.

When using honey in baby food, add one or 2 teaspoons of honey to 8 ounces of infant formula. If the child is fortified, it is recommended to increase the amount of honey by half a teaspoon. On the other hand, with weak stools, the amount of honey is similarly reduced.

Babies (toddlers) who receive honey rarely suffer from abdominal pain (gas) as the quick absorption of the honey prevents fermentation.

Hello friends!

Over the weekend, friends invited us to their dacha to celebrate their tenth anniversary of life together.

They say they don't need gifts, the main thing is our presence.

Well, I couldn't go empty-handed. My wife and I decided that honey scrubs for a bath are a great gift option.

Both budgetary and helpful.

Friends are just lovers of the bathhouse, so they liked the present very much. And what benefits honey brings, and not only when used externally, I will tell you further.

Honey - useful properties

Honey is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral.

Before the discovery of insulin, homeopathic physicians used honey to treat diabetes and recommended that patients eat honey instead of sugar. The Indians of northern Mexico increased the incidence of diabetes when they stopped eating honey, replacing it with sugar. The healers of the tribe noticed the relationship between these two events and began to water the sick with natural honey dissolved in tea with manzanilla (a type of sherry). As a result, the signs of diabetes in patients have noticeably decreased.


Diabetics and people with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) should consult a professional doctor before using honey for medicinal purposes.

  1. A teaspoon of natural honey, given to the child before bedtime, acts as a sedative, helps to fall asleep faster and to avoid enuresis.
  2. Honey increases the energy level, vitality of a person and gives strength. Not for nothing, during the ancient Olympic Games, athletes followed a diet that included a large amount of natural honey.
  3. The cough responds well to honey treatment. For colds, drink a glass of hot milk with a teaspoon of honey at night.
  4. Honey does not induce fermentation in the stomach, so it can be used to suppress acid indigestion.
  5. Honey, mixed with ginger, lemon juice and warm water, relieves nausea and invigorates.
  6. Consuming natural honey can help reduce muscle cramps. They are due to low levels of calcium and high levels of phosphorus in the blood. Honey balances these levels.
  7. Honey is used in the treatment of anemia, as it contains many useful substances, especially iron and copper, and the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood depends on the required amount of these elements in the body.
  8. Honey is used for all types of intestinal disorders, as it is an excellent antibacterial agent.
  9. When the blood sugar level is low, the person feels tired and has a rapid heartbeat. Honey removes these negative sensations. There is even a saying in India - "Honey will strengthen a weak heart, a weak brain and a weak stomach."
  10. Honey contains many enzymes necessary for the normal digestion of food.
  11. Honey is an excellent remedy for various wounds. After all, it has antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties that destroy microbial infections and promote rapid wound healing.
  12. Eating natural honey can help reduce triglyceride levels in the body. Their high content can lead to cardiovascular and other diseases. Artificial honey, on the contrary, leads to an increase in the amount of triglycerides.

Honey is often used for cosmetic purposes. To improve the complexion, mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1-2 tablespoons of almond or olive oil (you can use jojoba oil), apply to the skin of the face and neck. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash off with cool water.


Another option for a nourishing honey mask: mix green or white clay with natural honey. Apply to face, wait 20 minutes and rinse. After such procedures, your skin will be smooth and beautiful.

  • Honey combined with grape juice is an excellent remedy for gout, arthritis and joint pain.
  • Eating honey can help you lose weight. Honey has the opposite structure to fat, so it helps break down fat. If you are in the process of losing weight, then drink a glass of mineral or ordinary water with a teaspoon of honey dissolved in it in the morning on an empty stomach. If you wish, you can squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into it.

Thus, even by eating sweets, you can improve your health. Just remember that only natural honey has beneficial properties, which has not undergone any thermal treatments, since they destroy its medicinal properties.

Honey is quite high in calories, it is sweeter than sugar, and 100 grams of honey contains about 300 kilocalories.

Due to the presence of potassium, honey has the ability to destroy bacteria. It creates an environment in which bacteria simply cannot live. Bacteria exist in a humid environment, in which they develop most actively, and potassium deprives them of this moisture, which leads to their early destruction.

For a long time, no one believed that honey was capable of destroying bacteria. But a Colorado-based bacteriologist who works at a local agricultural college researched honey's health benefits. He conducted many tests during which bacteria were placed in honey.

The results of the study were positive. Honey did kill germs. Weaker microbes, such as typhoid microbes and the like, could not withstand even a day. The stronger ones, the causative agents of typhoid fever, lasted for two days.

Those microbes that were in the water and in the intestines died after five hours, and those that caused chronic bronchopneumonia disappeared on the fourth day.

Microbes that cause diseases such as pleurisy, purulent abscess and peritonitis die after ten hours, as do dysentery microbes. Subsequently, the experiments that were carried out by the scientist were repeated by others, but the results invariably remained the same.

Honey contains the following nutrients: magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, chlorine, calcium. These are all natural elements, because they come from the soil, then enter the plants, from which the bees extract nectar. Accordingly, the richer the soil with these minerals, the more they are contained in the composition of honey.


Dark honey contains more copper, iron and manganese than light honey. Therefore, the use of dark honey is more preferable. It is the iron content that makes honey the most useful, since iron is inextricably linked with hemoglobin and its content in the blood. Iron supports and stimulates the ability of hemoglobin to retain oxygen.

Besides it, honey contains a lot of manganese, which should also be included in your daily diet. Manganese also helps to restore the level of hemoglobin in the blood, thereby being an auxiliary component for iron, and also affects growth and is beneficial for the function of the gonads.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), which is part of honey, is necessary for us to regulate reproductive functions and growth, it has beneficial properties for the thyroid gland, nails and skin.

Honey contains useful nicotinic acid, which takes on a significant role in the body's processes, promotes the elimination of cholesterol, and dilates blood vessels.

Honey, whose health benefits are extensive and multifaceted, has the following advantages over other sugars:

  • the body absorbs honey very quickly and easily
  • it is a mild laxative
  • does not irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract
  • is a sedative. Soothes and Relaxes
  • unlike sugars, it is easier and easier for the kidneys to pass it
  • has therapeutic properties

Many people, especially in our time, experience a lot of stress and suffer from nervous disorders. As a result, a lot of sedatives are purchased in pharmacies, most of which, in addition to the direct sedative effect, have many side effects, since they contain substances harmful to human health. Can honey be compared with these preparations? After all, this is a natural and incredibly healthy product that is also able to calm and relax.


Watch a video of the medicinal properties of honey:

Types of honey

It is known that the taste, smell, color and density of honey are directly dependent on the nectar collected by the bees. The nectar, in turn, is collected from various plants. The nectar that bees collect from flower fields dominated by one type of plant is called monofloral, and the one that is collected from flowering forbs is called polyfloral.

Useful beekeeping products

For example, propolis. A resinous dark substance that is produced by bees and is used by them to isolate the hive.

The beneficial properties of propolis are that it kills bacteria, thereby being a good prevention against many diseases such as tonsillitis, flu and even skin diseases. In addition, propolis has a positive effect on the gums and oral cavity, which is why it is included in many toothpastes.

A special oil is made from propolis, which is used to eliminate calluses, in addition, it has soothing and soothing properties, which makes it an excellent remedy for coughing.

Another waste product of bees is royal jelly. Most often it is combined with other drugs and formulations. Royal jelly has a salty - sour taste and a yellow-white color. Its beneficial properties include normalizing metabolism and is considered an antibiotic agent.

It is actively used in cosmetology, as it relieves inflammation well, dilates blood vessels, tones up and has anti-aging properties.

Honey is a source of health and energy. This product is widely used in traditional medicine. Due to its chemical composition, unique properties and characteristics, it is used in the treatment of many diseases. By combining honey with different ingredients, different therapeutic effects can be achieved.

Treatment features

Honey treatments are popular because they are safe and effective. Traditional medicine recipes using honey are varied. It is combined with various plants, foods, oils. Such funds are used for burns and wounds, skin and gynecological diseases, in order to lose weight and strengthen the immune system.

Honey therapy helps with cardiovascular diseases, gastritis, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases. Honey is also used for cosmetic purposes. The properties of the products of the vital activity of bees help to eliminate the symptoms of chronic diseases. Honey is considered safe in the treatment of children. It is useful to chew this product in honeycombs ... This procedure brings good results for diseases of the oral cavity, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract.

Lemon and honey treatment

Many people know that citrus fruits and beekeeping products have medicinal properties, but few know how to properly use them to treat certain diseases. It is recommended to carry out the therapy raw. These ingredients should not be added to hot tea as the high temperature will neutralize their properties.

This tool is useful in the fight against colds, viral diseases. A combination of lemon, eliminates fever, cough, chills, runny nose. Doctors recommend eating this medicine in case of angina pectoris.

To prepare the product, you will need the following ingredients:

  • head of garlic - ½ pc.;
  • nectar - 100 milliliters;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

The listed ingredients must be chopped, mixed. Take 1 tablespoon. The effect is noticeable after several doses.

Gastritis treatment

Honey is very useful for gastritis, as it acts as a sugar substitute. This product contains many nutritious and valuable elements. Honey for gastritis should be eaten, both with low and high acidity of stomach juice. The only prohibition on use is individual intolerance to products, allergies.

Due to the medicinal properties of a quality product, the acid balance is normalized. With the correct use of honey the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and microbes in the gastrointestinal tract occurs. Honey also has a regenerating function, due to which the process of regeneration of the affected tissues and areas is noticeably accelerated. This product is rich in minerals, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

With high acidity, you need to dilute 1 tablespoon of honey in 250 milliliters of warm water, drink 2 times a day 1.5 hours before meals. The full therapeutic course is two months. Overuse of pure concentrated honey can lead to heartburn and other symptoms. So that the use of this product does not lead to the formation of complications, it is necessary to dilute it with milk, tea and other liquids. It is recommended to take these drinks in the morning on an empty stomach. You can prepare decoctions using medicinal herbs and plants, mixing with honey.

With low acidity, beekeeping products are mixed with butter, eaten three times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals. You can prepare a drink: dilute ½ tablespoon of honey products in 200 milliliters of cold water. Drink 2 times a day 1 hour before meals. Thus, you will enrich the body with vitamins and help it recover.

Pancreatitis treatment

The main problem with inflammation of the pancreas is pressure on the secretory function of the digestive system. For the treatment of pathology, a strict diet is required. Such a diet implies fractional food intake, the absence of harmful and heavy products in the diet. Honey in remission with pancreatitis is on the list of approved foods. It is not recommended to eat honey during an exacerbation.

Honey is considered a simple carbohydrate - a monosaccharide containing glucose and fructose. Honey is a natural antiseptic, rich in a complex of vitamins and important elements. If you use it on an empty stomach, the protective functions of the human body are strengthened. The resistance of the pancreas increases, remission is noticeably prolonged, and the regeneration of damaged areas is accelerated.

For the treatment of inflammation of the pancreas, it is recommended to chew on a honeycomb, which differs in its chemical composition. The active substances contained in the honeycomb attack harmful organisms and bacteria, but do not affect the beneficial and healthy intestinal microflora. The honeycomb contains bee wax, which affects the restoration of peristalsis and motility of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

The use of honeycombs helps to cleanse the digestive tract, regardless of the form of a chronic ailment. However, you should use the honeycomb carefully so as not to provoke an exacerbation. When damage to the pancreas occurs, painful sensations localized in the abdomen begin to appear. Honeycombs will help suppress pain, discomfort.

The honeycomb can be chewed three times a day for twenty-five minutes. The duration of therapy is associated with the individual characteristics of the organism. Basically, about 1.5 months.

Do not forget about contraindications. The main ban on the use of beekeeping products in honeycombs is allergy, intolerance. It is recommended to take a tolerance test and consult a doctor before use.

Used by traditional medicine to treat almost any disease. In this article, you will find several simple recipes that help with various ailments and serve to prevent them.

It is traditionally used for colds. Hot tea with honey is perhaps the simplest and most affordable healing "medicine".

Sometimes, instead of ordinary tea, herbal teas and infusions are used; add lemon to tea,. This drink helps the body to quickly defeat the disease and restore immunity. But honey's possibilities are not limited to treating flu and colds.

Honey and salt to strengthen the gums

Take 2 parts of honey and 1 part of salt, mix thoroughly (it should completely dissolve). Rub the resulting mixture into the gums several times a day.

Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and aloe juice with 2 tablespoons of vodka. Apply the resulting mixture to the sore spot as a compress for arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and rheumatism. Repeat the procedure until the pain disappears.

Honey and nuts for rejuvenation

This remedy is recommended for restoring health after an operation or a serious illness, with a general weakening of the body.

To prepare it, you need to take 0.5 kg of honey and walnuts, as well as 200 ml of aloe juice. Aloe leaves should be kept in the refrigerator for 7 days before juicing. Chop the nuts, mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator. Take within a month 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a 10-day break.

Honey elixir for the prevention of cancer

The recipe is not very simple, but very effective. It is useful to take this remedy not only for the prevention of cancer, but also for strengthening the immune system; It is also recommended for those who are weakened by illness or surgery - the elixir will help restore strength.

You will need:

  • 300 ml of aged cognac (8-12 years old);
  • 300 ml of flower honey;
  • 300 ml of aloe juice;
  • 300 g dried rose hips;
  • 300 g dried pine buds;
  • 300 g of chaga;
  • 60 g of dried yarrow herb;
  • 15 g of dried wormwood herb;
  • 3 liters of boiling water.
Grind the vegetable raw materials, put in an enamel pan, pour boiling water over and heat without boiling. Remove the pan from the heat, wrap it up. Insist for a day, then strain. Add honey, aloe juice and cognac to the resulting infusion, mix thoroughly, seal and leave at room temperature for 4 days. Store the finished medicine in the refrigerator. Take continuously for six months 3 times a day, 30 ml for half an hour before meals.

Milk and honey for a night cough

If a cough keeps you awake at night, heat a glass of milk, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 fresh chicken egg to it, mix well. Before going to bed, drink this mixture in two doses (0.5 cups each). Repeat every night until the cough has subsided.

Honey with garlic for the flu

A very simple and affordable recipe that will help during epidemics. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey and minced garlic. Eat the resulting mixture before bedtime with boiled water. Repeat the procedure until recovery.

Honey tincture with herbs for atherosclerosis

This tool is used not only in the treatment of atherosclerosis, but also for its prevention. To prepare it, you will need an infusion of medicinal herbs: put in a thermos 1 teaspoon of dried crushed motherwort herb and marsh creeper, knotweed leaves and red clover flowers, pour 2 cups of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain.

Mix the herbal infusion with 0.5 kg of may honey, add 0.5 l of high-quality vodka, seal. Insist in a cool dark place for 3-4 days. Take until the end of the tincture, 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals. If you need to repeat the course, you should take a break for 10 days.

Warming drink with honey

This drink is recommended for the prevention of colds if you are very cold. It will also help if you still could not protect yourself from the disease - it will alleviate the symptoms and speed up recovery.

Boil water, adding lemon zest, honey, vanillin and cinnamon to taste. Pour in vodka, stir and drink hot. For 300 ml of boiling water - 150 g of honey, 0.5 l of vodka, 1 lemon; cook as needed to keep warm.

Honey and rose hips to strengthen the heart muscle

Pour 1 tablespoon of dried rose hips with 2 cups of boiling water, put on fire, boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, wrap. Insist for half an hour, strain, add 1 tablespoon of honey, mix. Take within a month, 2-3 times a day, 0.5-0.25 cups of the mixture half an hour before meals.

Of course, this is a negligible part of the healthy recipes with honey for health. There are a lot of them in the piggy bank of traditional medicine. But remember: folk remedies do not replace official medicines and qualified medical care.


It is especially useful for men, as well as for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.


Respiratory tract diseases, used as a diuretic.


Contains a lot of iron and protein: cleanses blood vessels, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, increases the level of hemoglobin. Recommended for pregnant women and people suffering from chronic gastritis with high acidity.

Helps with gastrointestinal and kidney diseases, strengthens blood vessels and immunity.


Gastrointestinal diseases. Dissolved in water (2-3 tbsp. L. Per glass) - for insomnia and headaches.


Gynecological diseases, hemorrhoids and asthenia. It has a diuretic and expectorant effect.


For colds, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Helps in the treatment of liver, kidney, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the heart muscle.

Lugovoi ..

Possesses antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended for headaches, stomach pains, palpitations, insomnia, and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


Heart disease, bronchial asthma, osteochondrosis, neuralgia, especially of a cold nature. It has a tonic effect.

Honey water ...

Dissolve one teaspoon of honey in a glass of raw water. We get a 30% solution of honey, which is identical in composition to blood plasma. Honey in raw water forms cluster bonds (structures it). This increases its healing properties. Honey water is absorbed by the body quickly and completely.

Honey water effect

If the label says PURE is probably pasteurized. It is best to buy only honey, the label of which says: RAW or UNPASTERIZED. The difference is that pasteurization of honey neutralizes all enzymes in it.

Weight loss:

Every morning, half an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before bedtime, drink a mixture of honey with cinnamon (powder), previously brewed in a cup of boiling water. If taken regularly, it will reduce the weight of even the fattest person. Also, regular intake of this mixture does not allow fat to accumulate.



Recent research has shown that the sugar content of honey is beneficial rather than harmful for maintaining strength. Elderly people who take honey and cinnamon in equal proportions improve concentration and mobility.
Dr Milton, who did the research, says that taking half a tablespoon of honey and cinnamon in a glass of water every day, after an empty stomach in the morning and after noon, at about 3 p.m., when vital functions begin to decline, increases vital functions during several weeks.

Arthritis sufferers can take 1 cup of warm water with 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 small teaspoon daily, morning and evening. cinnamon. Even chronic arthritis can be cured regularly.
In recent studies led by the University of Copenhagen, it was found that when doctors prescribed their patients a mixture of 1 tbsp. honey and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon before breakfast, after a week, 73 out of 200 patients had pain completely, and within a month most patients who could not walk or move because of arthritis were able to walk without feeling pain.


2 table. spoons of honey and 3 tsp. cinnamon mixed with 2 glasses of warm water reduces blood cholesterol levels by 10% within 2 hours. As with arthritis sufferers, taking the mixture 3 times a day normalizes cholesterol even in chronic patients. In the same magazine, it is mentioned that people who take pure honey with food on a daily basis also complain less about cholesterol.


Daily intake of honey and cinnamon strengthens the body's defenses and protects against bacteria and viruses. Scientists have found that honey contains many different vitamins and iron. The constant intake of honey enhances the ability of white blood cells to fight bacterial and viral diseases.

Inflammation of the bladder:

Take 2 tables. tablespoons of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of honey, stirred in a glass of lukewarm water. This kills the germs in the bladder.

Hair loss:

In case of hair loss or baldness, you can lubricate the hair roots with a paste from a mixture of heated olive oil, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon before washing your hair for 15 minutes. Then rinse your hair with lukewarm water. Even 5 min. enough for the effect to be noticeable.

Skin infections:

A mixture of honey and cinnamon (in equal amounts) applied to the affected parts of the skin heals eczema, fungus and all other types of skin infections.

Pasta from 3 tbsp. tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Lubricate pimples before bed and wash off the next morning with warm water. Acne will disappear completely in 2 weeks.

Insect bites:

A mixture of 1 part honey and 2 parts warm water with the addition of a small tsp. rub cinnamon slowly into the itchy part of the body. It is noticed that the pain decreases after 1-2 minutes.


Cinnamon powder sprinkled on 2 tablespoons honey, taken before meals, reduces acidity and helps digest the heaviest foods.

Stomach upset:

Cinnamon honey relieves stomach pain and also heals ulcers.

According to studies in India and Japan, cinnamon honey has been shown to reduce bloating.


Mixture 1 tsp. cinnamon and 5 tsp. put honey on a sore tooth. Can be done 3 times a day until the pain subsides.

Smell from the mouth:

Residents of South America rinse their throats with a hot solution of honey and cinnamon first thing in the morning in order to maintain a pleasant smell in their mouth for the whole day.

Hearing loss:

Take equal proportions of honey and cinnamon every morning and evening.


Sufferers of colds should take 1 tbsp. warm honey with 1/4 tsp. cinnamon 3 times a day. It cures almost all chronic coughs, colds and frees up the nasal passages.

A Spanish scientist has proven that honey contains a natural element that kills influenza bacteria and saves people from getting sick.

Recent studies in Japan and Australia have shown that stomach and bone cancers can be successfully treated. Patients with these types of tumors should take 1 tbsp daily. a spoonful of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon for a month 3 times a day.


Tea with honey and cinnamon, taken regularly, delays the onset of old age.
1 l. cinnamon, brewed in 3 glasses of water and chilled + 4 l. honey. Drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day. Keeps the skin fresh and soft and delays aging.

A simple recipe for a sore throat ...

A simple and very effective recipe for a sore throat:
you need to cut a few lemons, pour it all with honey and add a little ginger.
Close in a jar, refrigerate for 2-3 months and when the mixture becomes jelly-like, dilute with a spoon with warm water - the medicine is ready!
Be healthy!

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