Evolved souls and their abilities. Levels of development of the soul. A.M: Here, please, in more detail - what does it mean

What is the perfection of the soul?

- At the household level, it consists in acquiring life experience, new knowledge, in the development of feelings and intellect, and on the energy plane, it is building up one's own energy potential.

– Due to what is the evolutionary growth of the soul?

- By developing it through life situations.

– Is it possible to accelerate the progression of the soul?

“The evolution of the soul cannot be accelerated. This should be understood as follows: as it is given, so it will develop. For this, programs are drawn up that determine fate.

– Is every soul given the right to evolve?

- No, not everyone. There are also degradation programs.

- Why do people give such programs?

– To test the strength of qualities acquired in the past or

to make up the missing ones.

– But how can degradation be encouraged, and shouldn’t a person fight against it?

“Of course we have to fight. This is the meaning of the test: they determine to what extent a particular soul can sink under adverse conditions. It may not go down, but simply stop in development at the same level, if the internal qualities

strong: such a person will neither drink nor use drugs. He will simply close in a narrow circle and will automatically perform the assigned work. If the degradation program is focused on acquiring the missing qualities, then the soul follows a negative path and gains the necessary energies. At the same time, it is not necessary for a person to become a villain; some forms of activity contribute to the development of negative qualities. For example, calculators, programmers, the military can generate negative energies through activities that are necessary for society.

– If a personality has risen high in development, does it no longer descend again, or does it begin to move downward again at some point?

- Why did you decide that involution is possible?

– People have a theory that a person first rises up in development, and then begins to turn in the opposite direction. It descends back into matter. It's like a pendulum swinging - first in one direction, and then in the other.

– No, that is absolutely not true. How can a person, having risen very high, sink again! His consciousness becomes completely different, and most importantly, this is already energetically impossible. He will experience a repulsion of low level energies. But if we talk about the average level of a person, then he can go down if he engages in drugs or alcohol, because alcohol, like a drug, turns off consciousness and a person already acts mechanically, destroying himself, burning the accumulated energy, and since its volume decreases, falls the energy potential of the soul and it goes down. But this applies only to the average level of development. High souls are not capable of this, therefore they do not go down. People build a regularity about the pendulum development of souls, confusing some facts. For example, the soul of a person can inhabit the body of an animal, descending one step lower, but this is a punishment, and this happens very rarely. Secondly, the souls of high personalities are brought down to perform special missions. But this is required not for their development, but in order to lift others up. Of course, these are also isolated cases.

– How highly do you value the righteous?

- The righteous, like alcoholics, are different, so sometimes the activities of an alcoholic can be regarded higher than the righteous. There are such righteous people who do not notice behind the striving for the rightness of their actions the harm that they bring to others. They seem to do everything right, and fight for the truth, and others from this - only evil. A person should be judged by results, by what he gives to others. So are alcoholics. There are low, rude individuals, and there are also quite harmless ones who only sleep and do not cause much harm to others. There are also such alcoholics, programs

which are strongly intertwined with the programs of other people and allow us to identify their negative properties. Alcoholics create situations that bring out the qualities of other people. Therefore, such low individuals have to be valued not for their personal qualities, but for the negative that they show in others.

– Why does human development go only through difficulties?

- Because, as practice has shown, a person is not able to sympathize with someone without experiencing difficulties himself. And I need to develop positive qualities in his soul, therefore, the more a person overcomes obstacles, the higher his level of consciousness becomes. Good things only corrupt the soul. An easy and calm life does not contribute to the acquisition of high spiritual qualities and the necessary energy potential of the soul.

– Each nation has its own ways of improvement?

- Yes. Each has features of improvement, but not some separate routes. Everyone has the same paths on Earth, everyone goes through difficulties.

– Can the cultivation of the soul take place without difficulties?

- Options for development programs can be very different. High personalities can have a calm life. They see a higher goal and aspire to it. They no longer need difficulties, since the necessary qualities of character have been acquired, the energy potential has been recruited, and all that remains is to consistently go towards the goal. And low indies

species do not know where to go, rushing from side to side, because the intellect does not allow finding the desired orientation and it must be developed forcibly. Difficulties help to gain life experience and develop thinking. A high personality will itself make every effort to accelerate its development, so difficulties can, on the contrary, slow down its progression.

– Is it possible, by changing the material from which the soul is created, to change its nature and the way of perfection?

- Can. But another way will be no longer for your Earth, but for other worlds and planets, since it is the matter of the world, its energy, that sets the way for perfection.

- From what world do souls begin their development, which pass through the stage of progression not through a person? Where does their evolution begin?

- It can be explained in different ways: from a certain moment of evolution, because a person does not have complete and correct knowledge about the universe. We can say that the evolution of the soul begins with the laboratory in which it is created; or you can take a starting point from the world to which it is sent initially. But if we talk about the laboratory version of its creation, then it must be clarified that the soul can be considered eternally existing, because it is assembled from particles that have been eternal.

– But S.*, Yu.*, – we call the cosmic names of the two Highest Hierarchs, – what process of evolution did you go through? After all, when they appeared, the Earth did not yet exist.

“They went through other worlds, a different path than man. There are worlds that you can't even imagine. There is such a life going on that it is impossible to convey through your concepts, that is, it is impossible to convey images about those worlds that are understandable to you.

- Can you show, at least approximately something, so that we can compare with something?

The contactee is shown a picture in which the called Hierarchs are far below in relation to the Earth, saying by this that They began in their development much lower than a person. And for us, this is already a fact by which one can judge that different souls begin their evolution from different worlds, from different Levels, but this does not prevent them from rising very high. Some souls are even capable of overtaking others in their progression.

- If there are some low worlds, this does not mean that everyone in them is hopelessly stupid. Souls, living many lives, one way or another, gain a lot of experience and knowledge.

– But in these worlds, life was more complicated than on Earth, or was it easier?

Everything is very difficult everywhere. Nothing is easy. Even We now have our own difficulties and difficulties.

What is the meaning of constant suffering?

- In the improvement of the soul, in the development of such qualities as sympathy, compassion for one's neighbor, kindness, selflessness. Only by suffering, a person is able to come to such spiritual properties, and consequently, to Me. Satiety and wealth develop qualities in a person, that is, the type of energies that lead him to the Devil.

What is the meaning of human existence? Many people claim that only in love.

– Love is one of the stages in the development of the earthly Hierarchy. It is divided into different stages, of which the lowest limit of love is love for a man, the middle one for all mankind, and the highest one for God. But above love is a sense of duty and higher consciousness, which do not allow wrong actions and always know what to choose. In My Hierarchy, Essences change the scale of values ​​in relation to the earthly one. But everywhere the progression of the personality is paramount, therefore: The meaning of life and any existence in any world is the perfection of the soul. Every moment should bring knowledge, feeling, understanding of the new. Each individual must develop to My State in order to become a strong support for Me and a faithful assistant in business.

– For a person, there are only two directions of development: towards you and towards the Devil?

– There are two main directions, but there are several paths leading to Me and to the Devil. I will name the main ones.

Positive paths leading to God:

1) The path of virtue: love, selflessness, helping others;

2) The path of creativity;

3) The path of development through medicine;

4) The way of calculation and programming associated with creativity.

Negative paths leading to the Devil:

1) The path of evil: murder, deceit, money-grubbing, hatred, aggression;

2) The way of calculation and programming without creativity;

3) The path of automatism.

4) The path of degradation.

– How many lives on Earth should a person live in order to move to the first Level of the Divine Hierarchy?

– There are one hundred Levels for the earthly plane. But the soul does not always pass exactly this number. There are souls that develop slowly and can remain at one level for several incarnations or programs, and there are those that develop rapidly and are able to go through two or three Levels in one life, so they quickly move into the Hierarchy. One hundred Levels of the earthly plane is one hundred Levels of the earthly Hierarchy.

– What structure does the Earthly Hierarchy include?

– This construction belongs to Me (God)*, but I work within its boundaries together with the Devil. The Earthly Hierarchy is destined for the perfection of the initial souls, that is, the newly created souls, who begin their development from the physical world.

– After passing a hundred Levels on Earth, does a person get to the first Level of your Hierarchy?

- Yes. But there are souls who, even on Earth, leap ahead in development, so they can immediately get to the second Level of the Hierarchy.

2. Program

– Does any soul, regardless of the form it is in, develop according to the program?

- Yes. Any stone, grain of sand has its own program of connection, existence, separation. All worlds and spaces, not to mention the forms inhabiting them, progress only according to the program.

- Who makes programs for a person?

– Negative System in which programmers work.

We were somewhat puzzled by this answer, since we believed that a person does everything at the behest of God, and therefore, looking for support for our old ideas, we clarified:

– But you manage the development of these programs?

- No, Devil. He makes all the programs for the Earth,” God paused for the message to settle down in our concepts, and continued: “I set goals and directions for development to Him, and he develops the course of events and everything else in relation to them. He works for My purposes.

His answer presented the Devil for the first time in a completely new way, which needed to be comprehended in conjunction with other knowledge.

- So, the Devil makes a program for each person?

– To be more precise – the System that He manages, His developers. But all goals are Mine. I give to Him. And if I say what qualities I need to get in a person, then he develops methods on the basis of which these qualities appear. But the main thing that I provide to a person in programs is freedom of choice, which takes into account the desires of the individual and allows her to develop in the desired direction. I need highly spiritual, strong personalities.

– Does the soul get used to the new program before its implementation?

- Before being sent to Earth, only souls above the average level of development are introduced to the future program. And while she is in the “thin” world, she gets used to the new program. But not everyone enjoys life. Low souls do not introduce prospects. They are just sent.

Why doesn't everyone like the programs? We believed that when a person gets used to his life, he likes it very much.

- Not. If everyone lived the same way, then everyone would like it, since there would be nothing to compare with: everyone would live either in prosperity or in poverty, but equally. And when people have a comparating moment, from which they begin to understand what is good and what is bad, then naturally, many do not like a poor existence.

– Where is the program recorded in the soul of a person?

“It does not enter into the soul itself. The program is written in shell.

- People are inferior, so their program is written on shells. And where do they write down the program of the Higher Ones?

- Also on the shells. They have protective and permanent shells. Nothing is ever written on the soul itself. The Program is associated with different constructions, this already depends on the degree of development of the Higher Personalities, since Their construction at the lower levels of the Hierarchy and the Higher ones differs from each other.

– Who draws up programs for the Higher Hierarchs?

– Each lower level of development of the program is made up of a higher level, therefore the higher hierarchs are made up of even higher ones on the steps of evolution.

– When the program of a person’s soul is changed in the process of life, what structures are changed in it: in the center-brain, in the brain of the sex, in the spinal cord, and so on?

- Depending on the program, changes can be made either to some separate parts of the structure or to all at once.

- Who decides what designs to make changes?

– In accordance with the program drawn up, these instructions are given by the Founder of the given soul, who controls its development.

- If a correction is made in a person's program, then how is the new situations of the changed program linked with the already existing programs of other people?

“At the same time, all the programs of people associated with this individual are being amended. They change the program of one person together with all the docking programs.

“But changes in the program lead to changes in situations. So, some people can already fall out of a person's life?

- Yes. He just never meets them.

REINcarnations. DEATH.


– Does the human soul develop after death in the “subtle” world after passing through purgatory and the separator?

– The development of the human soul never stops, but continues both in sleep and after death – (see the relevant chapters)*.

– Where does the soul develop faster: in the physical world or the “subtle” one?

- Naturally, in the "thin" world. The physical shell of a person consists of matter, in which time, and, accordingly, all reactions are slow. The very time of movement of physical matter flows more slowly than time in the "subtle" world. In addition, the physical shell is rough and drowns out the “subtle” manifestations of the soul. It is difficult for her to express herself because of the very coarse matter. In the "thin" world, everything is different, but on Earth she is like in a spacesuit. It’s faster without a material body also because true knowledge is revealed to her there, not the same as you have on Earth, where everything is distorted and wrong. In the “subtle” world, the soul remembers everything better, but in the physical world, her memory is closed. In addition, there is a very low level of information on Earth, and most of the knowledge is wrong. If the soul develops faster without a body, then for what purpose is it lowered to the very bottom of dense matter, to our physical world? After all, could it begin its development from the astral plane?

– You see, in the physical world for this Unit, certain accumulations must be accumulated, the energy of the corresponding quality, which the soul cannot receive in any way in the “subtle” world. There is a different kind of energy. And what it needs for future progression, as a foundation, is laid only in the material basis. In addition, in the material world, the goal of educating the soul is better achieved. In the “subtle” plane, she remembers everything and cannot make additional mistakes, not because of her high consciousness, but because of her good memory and fear of punishment in the form of karma. And when the soul is in a physical body, its memory is blocked, and if stable qualities of character are not developed in it, then it will make mistakes and make mistakes until it develops high qualities.

Making mistakes, the soul gains more experience, it perceives the situation not in one version of execution, but in many. She has more positive qualities. Matter allows the soul to gain more positive and negative experience. The perfection of the soul in a material body is valued more than if it simply existed at the energy level. The generated energies are cleaner, better, and the potential of the soul is greater.

- So, the most basic energy is produced on the physical plane?

- Not the main one, but the most necessary for this type of soul. People from Earth go to a certain pyramid in the Hierarchy. And their design is so multifaceted that it must begin with the material world. There are other constructions of souls that do without the physical plane, that is, as they were made, they immediately begin their development on the “subtle” plane. So each type of soul has its own basis, and man begins with the Earth.

– How does the soul develop in the “subtle” world?

– She is also given a program, but it differs from the earthly program, because there are other conditions of existence, other situations.

– The soul in the “subtle” world is also guided by one of the Teachers, or is it already developing there by itself?

– The soul is also guided by the Determinant*, maybe the same one that led it on the earthly plane, or maybe another. Not everyone is able to lead both in the physical world and in the "subtle". In this case, the Determinant must have a wider range of knowledge, combine information about the two worlds, have more experience than a simple Determinant leading the individual in one plan.

– When a soul passes from one world to another, when it sheds its shells, does it acquire energy or lose it?

- The soul acquires. With shells, she sheds her defenses like a space suit, and everything that she has accumulated remains with her. The more it develops, the more it acquires, accumulates. The higher the soul rises, the more it improves. In addition, in the process of ascent, she receives additional information, as, for example, at the moment many people receive new knowledge about the higher worlds, and this contributes to additional spiritual growth.

- A person reincarnates on earth many times. What is the role of reincarnations?

– Working off karma, successive passage of the Levels of the earthly plane, that is, a consistent set of components of the composite of the soul. The more a person reincarnates, the richer his composite becomes.

– Are there souls that do not have reincarnations?

– Reincarnation is a figurative concept, but the essence * of this process is present everywhere and always. It, for example, takes place in the Hierarchy, that is, the transition from Level to Level can be considered a reincarnation. It also happens in the physical body of a person every second of time, because when the soul is perfected, it fills itself with something new every moment. And this is already a reincarnation - a complete qualitative renewal, a transition to a new state.

– Are there souls who incarnate once on one planet, the next time on another, and so on?

- Yes, I have.

- What is the purpose of this?

– Again, for faster improvement. But this method is used for temperamental, very intelligent souls who need varied and very active processes.

– Is there a process of reincarnations similar on Earth anywhere else?

– Yes, there are material planets on which everything is similar. Everything is dual.

- What is duality? - In the relativity of the structure.

- Artists love to play other people's lives. Is not their activity based on the memory of past reincarnations?

- Memory here, of course, does not matter. They are given a special program to show the possibilities of one soul under different circumstances to manifest themselves in different ways. The purpose of artistic activity is to show people how one and the same person, in accordance with the program, which in this case is the scenario, can behave inadequately, feel differently, and he himself can be completely different from himself from life to life. But such a profession, of course, is based on the principle of reincarnation.

– If a person has a strong desire to protect someone, did he have something in the past related to the protection of others and therefore the memory of the past is probably triggered in him?

– No, it is not necessary. Behavior can be related to the program. And according to it, a person needs to intervene in some situation to protect another, in order to work out his karma. Everything has to do with karma.

- If a person in one life is engaged in the improvement of the physical body, are the skills of owning the body transferred to another life?

- Depends on what. If you take bodybuilding, then no, but if you take the ability to dance, then yes.

- Is the ability to levitate or possess telepathy transferred to a new life?

- Not. This program.

– Why is it done in such a way that a person gains qualities by going through many short lives, and not one long one? Couldn't he have lived a life of, say, a thousand years and worked out everything he needed?

- Firstly, short lives help to target a person, as he constantly goes to the wrong place. Each program corrects its development in the right direction. Secondly, one body does not allow one to obtain the quality of energies that are required. One body gives a constantly defined mindset, thoughts, feelings, creates a certain monotonous uniformity. And it greatly interferes with the comprehensive development of the individual. Everything should be different for a person, therefore different bodies are used in the process of reincarnations.

Billions of souls have lived on Earth throughout the existence of mankind. Where did they go?

– Those who have reached the proper level of perfection have passed into the Hierarchy. Those who have not reached, continue to incarnate, or have moved to other worlds. But now at the turn of the year 2000, as you know, there will be a sorting of souls, and very many of them will be destroyed.

– And in the past, too, were there many failed souls that were destroyed?

– No, we have not destroyed before. There are periods in which the maturity of souls is tested. And mass rejection just falls on such periods, which correspond to the completion of development cycles.

- Failed souls are constantly destroyed at the time of such transitions?

- Yes, all the time.

- And yet, in each next civilization, such defective souls again appear?

- Not always. There are very successful civilizations.

– Where do these constantly degrading Units come from? Why do they appear?

– Errors in the program are allowed.

– What soul is considered unsuccessful and subject to destruction?

- Basically, these are souls who constantly killed in all their lives.

- And what kind of souls?

– Those who fall under the influence of the negative System follow the path of temptation. But I must say, every time has its own scale of moral norms, its own spiritual values, therefore, the reasons for which souls are destroyed can be different. But if you come to a common denominator, then basically they will decode * for inhumanity towards others. Destroy some souls of murderers who sold themselves to the Devil in earthly life. They hope that if they come over to His side, He will take them under His protection. But all the souls on Earth are Mine, and I decide what to do with each: give them to Him or decode them. It also happens that the souls of killers are so primitive that they have nothing to appreciate. And the Devil does not need them, He refuses them, therefore they are destroyed.

- No, except for those who are decoded, the rest of the souls are eternal. That is, the verification qualification exists for all souls. But if they pass it, then they pass into eternal existence.

– Does it happen that low souls are instilled in one generation, and more elevated ones in the next? Is there an alternation of souls of different degrees of development through generations?

– Yes, you definitely noticed that. There is an alternation in the level of development. Souls for one generation are selected in order to perform specific tasks, for example, the generation of destroyers at the moment should be replaced by the generation of creators. But there is always an evolution of souls.

– Was there such a change of generations before?

– The change of souls occurs from generation to generation. Usually, the souls are influenced by the time factor and the general program that unites them and sets them some kind of common goal. The goal determines the nature of the behavior. But of course, souls are necessarily selected for quality. And that's how the cycle usually goes. The wheel of incarnations is spinning, but on and on. Nothing is ever repeated. Evolution is constantly taking place, but everyone develops evenly, and they also move forward evenly.

– Is there a replenishment with new souls?

– Yes, definitely.

“Now there are a lot of base souls among the youth. Where did they come from?

– That's it – now, – God said thoughtfully, with a slight thoughtfulness. “These are the souls that are supposed to be decoded. They are to be removed, but…

- He paused - they are given the last chance to show their best qualities to save themselves. Let's see who shows up.

– Approximately how many times does a soul need to reincarnate in order to move to a higher world: twenty, fifty, a hundred times?

Everything depends on the souls themselves. For some, a hundred reincarnations are not enough.


– The number of people on Earth is constantly changing. What is it connected with?

- With the needs of the Earth and Space. People are energy carriers. Through them, the necessary energy is transferred to the Earth, and through them, the Cosmos receives energy of a different type for its needs, that is, through a person, the circulation of energies between the Earth and the Cosmos takes place. As your planet develops, its activity changes, becoming either larger or smaller, and in accordance with this, the planet requires either more or less energy. Different places on Earth also require different numbers of people. In those areas where the planet is densely populated, there is an intense exchange of energies. Therefore, the population is directly dependent on the needs of the Earth. And its activity, in turn, is connected with the needs of the Hierarchical Systems. When They need to receive a large amount of energy from the Earth, they include in it the corresponding processes in which a person is involved. So everything is interconnected, and the population depends on the needs of the Cosmos and the Earth.

Is the population under control?

- Necessarily. Each person is born with a specific purpose, and whether he fulfills it or not depends on himself. But population control is ongoing, and We know what the population is at a given point in time more accurately than your extras.

How are people on earth counted?

- We can determine how many people there will be at one time or another, given the freedom of choice of a person in life situations, since we know where which situation leads and how it ends according to the program. Each moment of time involves a certain number of people in event pictures and removes a certain number. The size of the population at one time or another depends on the freedom of choice of a person.

- On the earth plane more negative shower?

No, not negative ones. They cannot be called as such, since they have not yet formed. Here, on Earth, is the beginning of the development of souls. Almost the very beginning. Here is their school, here they are taught and educated. And what they will become, will be seen later.

- Are they redundant? positive souls?

- There are no extras. Why are you asking about the extra ones?

– There are always some tolerances in quantities.

– No, we have everything exactly. The need for souls is determined by calculation. If they are not enough, new souls are made. And there are no extras. The enumeration is launched for further improvement, each has its own exact place. Maybe just a lack, - He highlighted the last sentence with intonation, - because of some poor-quality designs of the souls themselves, because of their poor conduct in life or because of weak programs, when souls have to be rejected, that is, decoded.

– The production of human souls specifically for the Earth is infinite or limited?

- Limited. Any world, any planet is designed for a certain maximum, that is, a specific number. There are restrictions on everything.

– Does the Hierarchical System, which owns a large number of souls, have an advantage over the System, which owns a smaller number?

- Yes, he does.

– What advantage?

– The advantage of a set of energies. Each soul produces energy, so whoever has more of them gains more energy, and therefore becomes stronger.

– Do you produce souls periodically? Let's say you created a certain number of souls for two thousand years, then you take a break and educate them. After this period, part of the souls will be decoded, you get a shortage, and for this reason you again make new souls.

– Souls have to be produced constantly and for many reasons. If we talk about the time factor, then any time requires a certain number of Units for development. They fill specific volumes both in the Hierarchy and in all My Universes. They are the working units that build and rebuild all worlds, so the need for souls is always there. That is, if we talk about their number, then in any volume it is a specific number, but for the reason that any volume, reaching the end of the development cycle, passes to higher planes of existence, taking with it developed souls, then new Units of the previous level of development. Therefore, in the general universe, their production does not stop.

– When you move to a higher level of the new Hierarchy, will you stop the production of new souls?

– When I move higher, many souls will not go with Me, because I give them the right to independence. They will go side by side, that is, they will stand on the same level as I, but will continue their independent development with their Hierarchy. For this reason, I will have to complete my own Hierarchy.

– It turns out that souls are mainly produced for the lower worlds?

– Souls begin their development in the low worlds, but then rise higher, replenishing the High worlds. However, the need for the production of new souls comes from Above. If there are not enough souls above, then they are first created, then sent down, but at the request of the Above, from where they then replenish the higher worlds.

– Is it possible to make such a construction of the soul, so that it does not start from the low world, but, for example, at least from the first Level of the Hierarchy?

– The first Level requires a very large energy potential of the soul and a large number of internal energy components. They must be developed by the soul itself, and not brought into it from outside. The quality of the soul is lost, so this option does not suit me.

– Is there such an option at all?

- Yes maybe. But it doesn't suit me. Do you understand what happens? If we put as many qualities into the soul as it is required, for example, for the first Level of the Hierarchy, then the soul will then have to give a lot to Us in return. We have everything built on self-sufficiency. And in order to make such a return, the soul will need an enormous speed of development. It will be such a speed that will begin to interfere with the development of the others who are in the same world. That is, in this case, for such souls, there must be a separate Hierarchy with a tremendous rate of development, so that the soul can earn the necessary for itself and at the same time pay off its debts associated with its production. But with such an earthly Hierarchy as yours, you develop slowly, systematically and gradually. You go from a low Level - and consistently repay your debts. But if you let such souls into the earthly world, as you say, then they will simply knock you over with their pressure if they exist in parallel with you.

– Is there any balance between positive and negative souls on the earthly plane?

- Such a balance can be, but it is not obligatory. Basically, positive souls are grown on Earth, intended for work in My Hierarchy. And the Devil receives any rejection, those who have not gone along the Divine path. But the Devil also seeks to get as many souls from the Earth as possible. Such is the physical system of the structure of the world.

- Why is the rejection of souls? Isn't everything you do perfect?

– My plans are perfect, and marriage happens in the work of the Systems subordinate to Me. Marriage, which concerns souls, does not refer to their construction, but to the psyche, the human consciousness. It is difficult to predict how a person will behave in a given situation. That's why he was given freedom of choice. But it is usually difficult to predict the behavior of an individual in the early stages of his development, when he is very low, and it is not known how he will start and what he will do next. The lower soul is very sensitive to lack of energy. Since she has very little of her own accumulations, therefore, when she lacks some kind of energy, she can freely go not where We would like. And it has to be erased. We can say that this is the zero level of the development of the soul, which is dangerous and at which the soul can go into a dead end.

– And souls are erased from a higher level of development, and what does this mean?

- Souls are erased to the energy Level "50" on the earthly plane, that is, if the soul gains an energy potential equal to 50 conventional units, then it will no longer be destroyed as a person. The erasing process consists in cleaning the soul from all the energy developments that it has managed to do. They erase everything, all her personal qualities, that is, they decode her. It becomes clean and can start from scratch, that is, all over again. But her own "I" disappears forever. For souls with an energy of 50 and above, it remains.

– Are there any other indicators by which souls are destroyed?

- Souls are not completely destroyed, as these are very expensive designs. Erasure or decoding consists in clearing the permanent structure - the matrix - from the energies with which the individual filled it during his stay on Earth. This energy is extracted from the permanent basis, matrix cells, scraped, cleaned. The process of decoding is very painful for the soul, it's the same as tearing pieces from a living body. And since the feelings of the soul are not turned off, it feels this whole operation in full. Hence the legends about hell, in which sinners are tormented. And there is no exaggeration in this, because the degraded personality is split into its component parts. Each type of soul energy is disconnected separately. Parts must be disassembled in a clean state.

– Who is involved in this separation process?

- This is a very unpleasant job, one might say - dirty, so it is done by individuals from the negative System of the Devil.

- The energy of the soul is 50 conventional units. How long does it take for the soul to gain it?

- The number of incarnations can be different, since the speed of development of individuals is different for everyone. But usually, when a soul incarnates on Earth 10 times, that is, lives 10 lives, then they definitely look at what result it has come to, what energy it has gained. And if, approximately in such a period, she gains an energy level of "50", then the road to evolution is open for her. If there are fewer energies, but both positive and negative qualities are accumulated in the soul, then it is given the right to manifest itself in subsequent incarnations. If in ten lives the soul gains very low qualities, that is, it degrades, and its energy reaches zero, then the question arises of decoding the soul. But first such a fallen soul is offered to the Devil. He considers what qualities she has acquired, after which he either takes her for himself or refuses, and then she will be decoded. There are such souls that even the Devil does not need. This is the marriage that has to be made up.

A part of My souls passes from the positive System in this way into the negative System of the Devil. But there is no reverse movement: from the negative System to the positive one. The devil does not allow a single soul to return back. That is His principle.

– Who decides that some soul is unsuitable for you?

– There are Higher Personalities who evaluate the qualities of the souls of both Me and the Devil. And, of course, there is a channel for the transition of degrading souls from My System to the negative one. When the Devil takes a degraded soul from Me, He pays Me for it, that is, gives energy of a certain quality, but equivalent to the structure of the given soul. Nothing is given or done for free.

– But when the soul enters a negative path of development, since it evolves, does it mean that it somehow gains positive qualities, such as, for example, discipline, an increase in intellectual abilities? Is she getting smarter?

– Yes, the Devil has discipline and it is very strict. The difference between My System and His is like between a person's life in freedom and in prison. He has the strictest discipline. And He develops the thought process in His souls with the help of strict programs, achieving that each subordinate's thought process becomes absolute, but, of course, opposite to the thinking of My souls. My souls will think in one direction - good, His - in the opposite direction.

– So, there is a division of souls for the positive System and the negative one?

- Not only. There is also a neutral Medical System, where the souls of doctors with a high degree of medical knowledge are sent, and some souls who love to engage in rescue or assistance. From the earthly plane, souls pass into three Hierarchies, but only after each one has completed a full cycle on Earth. According to the acquired qualities, We look at the direction in which it is preferable to develop further. But the main choice that is given to the soul in the course of development is choice between good and evil. These two paths form the souls themselves in different ways. And the mechanism of their separation lies within themselves. If we imagine this process figuratively, it looks like this: doing good deeds, doing something disinterestedly, from a pure heart, the soul produces “light” energies that fill its volume and contribute to the ascent upward, that is, to My Hierarchy. When doing evil, the soul produces "dark, heavy" energies.

gies that fill its volume. These energies, like a stone, pull her to the bottom. Here, you don't even need to follow the person. Everything happens automatically.

– There are more negative people on Earth, so more souls pass into the Hierarchy of the Devil?

– No, there are more of My souls. The common people are mine. He creates, creates good things.

Why does China have such a large population?

- This is due to the energy of the Earth in this place and with special methods of educating souls. We have already talked about the first, and as for the second, for example, in China, as well as in Japan, a very large population density has been created in order to develop certain qualities of character in them: they must learn to appreciate every piece of free space, rationally use a small space . And this knowledge comes through tightness, through all sorts of everyday little things. For each nation and race, their own difficulties have been invented - and this is the peculiarity of the improvement of their souls. There are no nations that do not suffer. Nobody on earth lives in paradise. They suffer both from poverty and from wealth. Each nation must improve in something separate. So, in Russia - poverty, through it the soul is improved. And in America the soul suffers from satiety, from idleness. But in the process of reincarnations, each Unit passes through one and the other.


1. What souls are valued for

– What is considered the most valuable in your Hierarchy?

“Of course, soul, Suti.

What determines the value of a person's soul?

- I will talk about three main categories: souls of initial, average and high. The value of a soul that has just been made is mainly determined by the components that We have invested in it. There is nothing more to appreciate her for, because she has not worked out anything yet. These are the young souls or, as you call them, the "low ones." But at the first stage, for example, after the first life, its value is determined by already developed qualities. The value for souls of average development is determined by the state of its energy pumping * and the increasing level of development. The energy potential* of the soul appears. The value of high human souls is determined by the same characteristics, but two more indicators are added - the level * of the soul's potential and power *.

– Is the potential of the initial soul great, if compared with the potential of a person who has reached the hundredth Level?

– Of course, their potentials are not comparable with each other, because We invest a minuscule amount in the initial soul in comparison with the accumulations that it reaches even at the fiftieth Level. That is, if in the initial soul the energy potential of each cell is equal to one (see Fig. 6), then the average person will already have fifty in each cell. This is cellular energy pumping. The potential of the soul is made up of the sum of all these cells. Of course, everything is indicative. Maybe more or less. But when the soul develops, its pumping and overall Power increase.

“And the value of the souls of the Determiners is determined in exactly the same way?” Or do they have something different?

- No, it's the same. Their soul structure is similar to yours. In fact, Determinants are calculators. I'm just suggesting a choice of profession when souls come to Me: either one or the other. Development at the stage of planetary perfection is a separate stage of development, it is creativity. And the other path is the stage of managing, calculating, leading some person or entity*. This is mechanical control. It just refers to the determinants. They go through their stage, increasing their potential, power, and their indicators are many times higher than those of an ordinary person. So We appreciate them for the same data.

- What determines the value of the souls of the planets?

- Power. Everything is the same as in humans, but in larger units. The construction of the soul is the same, and the same soul of a person, upon reaching the appropriate development, passes into the stage of perfection into the form of a planet, but, of course, at will.

2. Buying souls

- One of the contacts said that souls can be bought and sold. Why can you trade souls? It seems to us that people cannot be sold, that this is very bad?

- Do you compare with your world?

- It's hard to explain to you. But Our world cannot be compared with yours. We have a different mode of existence, different concepts.

“But the sale of souls is done with their consent, or is it determined by the purpose of the sale?”

Everything is determined by purpose. However, this rarely happens.

– But the consent of the soul is enlisted or not?

“She knows that she is doing her duty and that she is entering a new stage of development. It's like a person, let's say, moves to another country. Your athletes, for example, sell themselves to other countries and also start a new life. Here is some analogy with this. And also in reverse order, that is, if We need some special quality of the soul, which We do not have, then We also buy for ourselves. But souls are recruited and sold not only in Systems, but similar relationships exist within the same Level. Of course, this is all about the lower worlds. For example, one Qualifier can buy the desired soul from another Qualifier. There are no such relations in the middle and high worlds.

- What kind of relationship is this when one Determiner can buy someone's soul from another? For what reason?

- Now there is a division of souls. As you divide your property, souls divide in certain periods. Even in one Hierarchy there are many Hierarchical Systems with different specializations, therefore each System tries to select as many Units as possible that are most suitable for itself in terms of qualities. So you have, for example, any production can recruit or buy certain specialists for themselves - people with the qualities they need for their activities.

- So, right now between the cosmic Systems there is a division of souls, as we are going through a transitional period?

- Oh sure. Only not between cosmic Systems, but Hierarchical. In My Hierarchy there are only Hierarchical Systems, and they conduct observations and work with the Earth, therefore souls are sorted out by them. Such distributions always occur at transitional moments. Spiritually the highest souls enter My Hierarchy. And those that remain are sorted out by the rest, as I already said: medical, negative. During these periods, the purchase or repurchase of souls also takes place.

- The analysis of souls depends on what kind of energy a person was able to gain during his life?

– Yes, it is the qualities of energies accumulated by the soul that affect where the soul goes. According to internal qualities, distributions take place, so that no one can remain offended - what you have gained over the long years of your life, you will receive. Now this division has become especially aggravated due to the fact that many souls are being destroyed, and the rest will be distributed, will be redeemed by the Hierarchical Systems, which will manage the purchased souls as their own property, and will develop them in the direction that They need.

“Soul recruitment takes place every millennium?”

- Disassembly happens when there is a mass destruction of defective souls, as in this period. Basically, this happens during the change of eras, because here it is still connected with codes. They have a very good effect on general changes.

- What is left with the Determinant, from whom the soul that he led through life was taken or bought?

– The determinant remains with energy, like a person with money. He is paid very dearly for his soul, or rather, as much as He needs. Let's say this: a person was bought from the Determinant, who was supposed to work out energy of a certain quality for him in sixty years. This is the amount of energy, for sixty years, they give Him. And a person is bought and transferred to the production of another energy. And it will be controlled by another Determinant.

- So, when they buy a soul, they pay with energy?

- Yes, we have a monetary measure - energy.

– Does it happen that for a person they give a planet or some kind of world?

- It happens, of course, and such. They can give for you. People are all different.

3. Freedom for souls

What is freedom for the soul?

- Freedom for the soul is the desire to have no limits, no restrictions on actions.

– Restrictions for spiritual actions or physical ones?

Everything is said only about the soul, not about the body. But when she is in the body, her freedom is more limited than when she is outside the body. For the soul, the main freedom is the freedom of creativity, and not the freedom to be outrageous or mess around, as the average person understands it. A righteous soul can be free only in creativity. But the truly free soul considers itself outside the body. When she enters the body, she partially loses her freedom, becoming chained to the material form, and on a subconscious level she experiences suffering from this. Therefore, when it is released from the body at the time of death, the soul experiences joy.

– Can a soul incarnated in a body be happy?

– Yes, if she is given a program of action that will correspond to her spiritual needs.

– A sense of happiness, probably, is experienced by recognized musicians? Their soul is constantly in creativity.

- Yes, at the moment of creating music they experience special sublime feelings that are unknown to an ordinary person. But the same state is experienced by the souls of artists, sculptors, poets and other creative people. Being detached from the whole world, they plunge into a special state of creation, which gives a feeling of happiness. For them, freedom in creativity is the main factor of improvement. But, of course, each individual understands freedom in accordance with the level of his development. A low individual will see happiness in the freedom to create outrages or satisfy his low desires. We can say that each level of development has its own freedom and happiness. However, neither one nor the other is ever complete and lasting, otherwise a person will completely stop in cultivation. Happiness is a brief moment when the soul achieves something.

4. Experiments of earthly scientists with a soul

– Recently, there was an article in one of the newspapers, which said that scientists were going to grow the body of a person without a head, so that later they would use his organs to replace diseased organs in other people. Will Your Hierarchical Systems instill souls into such bodies?

– No, these bodies will remain without a soul. But you have already learned to combine heads with other people's bodies. And if the head of a monkey or another animal is sewn to a body without a head, then the soul will already be in it. Any head has a soul, but, of course, not of a person, but of the animal to which it belongs. The head is the bearer of the soul. Whose head is grafted, that individual will have a soul.

– And such experiments are allowed to be done from Above?

“Such experiments are already being done successfully.

- What are they needed for? To develop the potential for creativity?

- This is done for the development of science. A person needs to try his abilities. He has much to learn here on Earth.

– Can the body exist and develop if the soul is not infused into it? Can there be non-spiritual bodies like robots?

– No, such bodies cannot exist. If the body is grown without a head, then this is a completely different matter, not like a body with a head. The difference here is big... But in experimental isolated cases there were people without a soul, but this is only, we repeat, in experimental variants.

– Did the Higher Determinants make similar experiments?

– If We experiment something with Ourself in the Higher spheres, then this is repeated with you on Earth. That is, our experiments are your experiments.

- Is it possible to somehow define such a person who has no soul? Are there any criteria?

We are talking now about a body without a head. And on Earth all people have souls. The determinants do not allow anyone to be born without a soul.

“We know that souls are created artificially. One type begins its development immediately from the stage of man. And at the same time, the souls of animals pass into the human body. It turns out that there are two types of souls on Earth?

– Yes, two types of souls are created for the earthly world. Although souls are also created for other worlds, and the forms they inhabit are countless.

– Why were two types of souls made for the Earth?

- Let's clarify that two types are only for your physical world. Creatures also live in the parallel worlds of the Earth. But as regards specifically the material plane, such types of souls were required due to the need to generate energies of a certain quality. Souls passing through animals give a special range of energies, as their emotions are arranged differently. They produce other radiations.

– Lower?

- Not. Their coloration is different. But we can say - even more pure than that of a person, because these souls are simpler and purer in themselves. Take children - they are naive and unsophisticated, they perceive everything trustingly, without any bad intentions. So are the souls that have passed from the animal world.

– Do these two types of souls differ in the level of development?

– Souls descended from animals stand at a lower stage of development. And the souls that do it directly for a person are higher in development, but coarser in quality.

- And the structure of showers is much different from each other?

- You can say, only half, almost half.

– Do the souls that go through animals go through a longer path of development than the human soul?

– Yes, they have to develop much longer than the soul, passing only through the form of a person. But both those and others eventually reach the same Level of development, only the first ones, coming from animals, reach it later.

– When the soul of an animal is first introduced into a human body, does this soul go through any preliminary preparation? Or is she immediately given a new program, and she immediately begins to act in the required way?

- No, she is simply given reserves of new knowledge, which she then has to work out. Reserves of some non-instinctive processes and necessary skills of behavior in society are also given.

– And the old instincts can also break through?

- Certainly. In such people, instincts remain and are present in their behavior almost constantly until they rise to a higher Level. Although individual instincts break through even after many lives.

– In the animal world itself, on what does the incorporation of the soul of an animal into a particular body depend? For example, on what basis is a soul infused into a herbivore or a carnivore? On what indicators does the choice of body depend?

- The choice of the body depends on the composition of the energy that the soul must accumulate.

- But, let's say, can the soul, after being in the body of a herbivore, be placed in the body of a predator and in this way acquire the missing components?

- It should be noted that all predators in terms of the level of development are lower than herbivores. The first lower stage is predators, and the second, higher one is herbivores. I'll explain why. In predators from constant killings, there is an accumulation of "dirty" energy. Therefore, by the method of instilling his soul into the body of a herbivore, it is purified in the process of existence.

- But, as a rule, the herbivores themselves are killed: both humans destroy them and predators.

- Yes, they kill him, but not himself. And this is important. – Is it possible to argue that when a predator kills, he earns karma for himself and then works it out in the body of a herbivore?

“The lower animals have no karma. And the higher ones, who already understand what's what, have it. In animals at their highest stage of development, karma is already at work. And on the lower level, the principle of their development is simply arranged differently.

- Predators kill to develop some fighting qualities in their souls?

- Not. This is the stage of their development.

- Aggression in a person is manifested from his animal basis, that is, from souls that have passed from the animal world?

- Not. Aggression is also included in the program with a negative goal. And those are necessary for earthly existence.

- At one of the communication sessions, it was said that our contactee in the past was in the physical shell of a small planet. Why did her soul begin to evolve through the form of the planet?

“She completed her stage of existence in a human form on Earth, a long time ago, after which she continued cultivating in another state.

“Why is she back in the human body at this moment?”

– It took a great potential to receive energy from Us and transfer it to Earth.

“So her soul was originally created and built as the soul of the planet?”

- No, you did not understand. She went through the stage of cultivation on Earth and other planets in the form of a human. Further, it rose higher and, in order to increase its power, began to pass through the planetary stage in the physical shell of the planet. More precisely, it was developing in several planets, which contributed to the growth of its overall energy potential, overall power.

“So she has a very old soul?”

- Not very old. By cosmic standards - average.

– Does it often happen that the soul of the planet is infused into a human body?

– No, not often. This happens mainly when you need to do something grandiose, to make some kind of world shifts. It happens very rarely, but it happens - at the moment when the contactee was reminded of her past existence, then for a moment the memory of the past was partially opened, and she felt like something huge, majestic and difficult to convey to human concepts. She felt herself in a different form, with a different level of comprehension of things and processes, a different vision of the world around her.

- Souls can exist in the form of animals and the form of planets, so they can exist in different forms?

Everything depends on the level of development of the soul. There are lower forms, there are higher ones, so if the level of development of the soul is low, it can be in the form of an animal or the initial form of a person, that is, there is an adjacent stage: the highest level of an animal is sometimes equated with the lowest level of a person. The difference between them is in the programs of behavior, and the souls are very similar in terms of the composite. The highest level of a person and the lowest level of a small planet can also be similar (see Fig. 7).

- Can a person be returned to the body of an animal for some reason?

- They can, but it happens very rarely.

Does this come as a punishment?

- There are two options here. The first is a real punishment. You have had cases on Earth when some animal behaved very intelligently and somewhat non-standardly compared to other relatives. This is exactly the first option, when a person is returned to the body of an animal as a punishment. And the second option: a person is returned to the body of an animal, because in the process of life his soul loses some of its energy components that it should have had. That is, a person went down the path of degradation, for example, he became an alcoholic or there was simply a loop in development on playing football. Further development of such hobbies did not go. There has been degradation. For this reason, a person has lost a lot of points, that is, he has not scored the composite components necessary for the soul.

In this case, the soul can be returned to the form of an animal of the species in which the soul was before. Only in this species, and in no other. And the soul again in the animal stage gains the energies it lacks and can live a short life, after which it returns to the human body and begins to improve according to the human program, as it were anew. But since she missed time in development, at the new stage the soul gains those qualities of a person that were lost in the failed incarnation, plus a new program is added that ensures its progression at the next stage, that is, the soul goes through a double program in one life.

- For what purpose is evil, aggression put into the human program?

- To educate other people, to work off karma. A person is not able to distinguish bad from good without comparison, because the level of his development remains low so far. But even with illustrative examples of opposites, many are still not able to understand whether they themselves do good deeds or bad deeds, whether they follow a positive path or a negative one. Take any middle-level person and try to analyze his life. It will have more negatives than positives.

People often think that if something is allowed in society, then it can be used by them for personal purposes, and do not want to see that this is the path of degradation or evil. For example, you are now allowed to open various establishments, but many of them lead to corruption, not progress. Some countries choose the path of wars, rather than peaceful negotiations in the regulation of controversial issues, that is, a person is already sufficiently aware of good and evil and, nevertheless, chooses the path of evil. This speaks only of his low consciousness. Therefore, such a soul must be confronted with evil more than once, so that it can feel for itself what someone else's aggression is and how disgusting its face is. Therefore, putting aggression and evil into the program is a method of severe education for the slow-witted.

– Can good souls also be intentionally planted with evil for some purpose?

- Yes. But these qualities may not be revealed, it all depends on the circumstances, on the path that the soul chooses. She can process negative energies into positive ones through situations when she makes a choice in the direction of good and, for example, does not kill, but saves.

– We know about the presence of cosmic souls on Earth. What are these souls?

- For the physical world, this is the third type of souls incarnated in the form of a person. Usually these are souls that had their initial development not on Earth, but in other worlds and sent to your world with a specific mission. They are stronger, stronger. They have great past experience.

– Do they differ from earthly ones in terms of the quality of the material of the soul?

- No, their material is identical, but the power itself is higher.

– What is the difference between the incarnation of earthly souls and cosmic ones?

– Cosmic souls are not attached to the Earth, and earthly souls are intended only for the Earth, that is, they are embodied on it until they complete a given development cycle.

“And what will happen to them then?”

“They will move on to higher levels of cultivation, if, of course, they deserve it. Everything depends on the soul itself: if it has not sunk lower, and the soul can fall low, then it will go higher; and if it degrades, it will be sent to worlds even lower than the Earth, or it can be decoded.

– What is the difference in the preparation of earthly and cosmic souls before sending them to Earth? Perhaps more shells are put on cosmic souls?

– Cosmic souls have a different structure of construction than earthly ones. The latter have very coarse shells, because they are formed on the material plane from the components of the Earth itself. The shells of the Earth and the earthly type of a person are identical and differ in the roughness of their construction. Shells for cosmic souls are created by special Hierarchical Systems. They are much thinner and stronger than earthly shells and are put on the soul before it descends.

- Then it turns out that when a cosmic soul is sent to Earth, they put additional shells on it for protection?

- They don’t wear special protective ones, but those that are required for work. They have their own permanent shells and, since the souls themselves are higher in development, in potential, than earthly ones, they do not need special protection. Any earthly soul is weaker than them. Only additional shells are required for descending into coarser matter and holding it in its density for a given time.

– How does the path of earthly souls differ from cosmic ones?

– Cosmic ones are sent specifically for some purpose. They come here very rarely, they can incarnate once and then go to their world, or maybe several times, depending on the tasks set.

– If cosmic souls incarnate only once in our world, then they do not have great karma? Or, on the contrary, here on Earth they work out some kind of offense?

– In fact, cosmic souls are souls that have come from the Hierarchy. It would be more correct to call them hierarchical souls. These are usually missionaries, prophets. Either these souls are sent to your world at the request of the Earth. The planet needs some kind of alien or very high energy, which it does not have, and then the corresponding soul is sent here, which brings it the required energy with its incarnation.

– Is there any difference in attitudes towards earthly and cosmic souls after death? After all, some will return to Earth again, while others will leave it forever.

– Our hierarchical souls are fulfilling a mission, and We ask more of them. And the earthly ones are sent to the separator and there they are held accountable for their deeds. Cosmic souls, or hierarchical ones, bypass the separator.

– Which souls take longer to prepare for incarnation into the world: terrestrial or cosmic?

– Cosmic souls are also different, from different worlds. Therefore, when compared with the earth, some of them are prepared faster, others longer.

- And if we compare the speed of development, who improves faster?

“Here, too, it is different. Terrestrial souls go through their own path of evolution in duration, cosmic souls - their own. And there are a lot of advanced people among people. Under the conditions of the Earth, they were able to reach a very high level of development and passed into the Hierarchy. In any world there are those who are advanced and those who are lagging behind, so that even within the same world, some souls quickly achieve perfection, others slowly.

- Is it possible to say that all living beings in our Universe are created according to the structure according to a single principle?

- The principle of development is the same for them, but the principle of structure is different, since the structure depends on the conditions in which the soul finds itself.

– Does development depend on the form into which the soul enters?

- No, it does not depend on the form.

– Is the soul aware of what form it falls into?

“Usually not, because creatures that are in the same form always seem cute to each other, although in fact they can be ugly. But without comparison, they don't know it. In addition, the generally accepted opinion, if it belongs to the majority, can take an ugly form as a standard of beauty, and consider a truly beautiful form as ugly. So even the comparison may not always be objective.


- Where do the souls of the planets come from?

- There are two kinds. Some create directly for the form of the planet, others come from other forms.

- The soul of the planet is made up of the same energy components as the human soul?

– Yes, special energies from other planets are collected, connected together, docked and grown.

- Are there separate laboratories for this, or are the souls of man and planets created in one place?

No, in different places. The souls of the planets are created by specialists of a higher order.

– Are the energies from which the souls of man and the planet are produced different in quality?

- Certainly different.

– Do planets have higher quality energy?

- Not. In man, the energy for the creation of the soul is taken more subtle, higher.

- It turns out that the human soul is created from a higher matter?

- Yes, higher. The fact is that the soul of the planet is very powerful, and the subtle energy will not withstand the loads that fall on the planet.

- Where does the material body for the soul of the planet come from?

– It is created by planetary systems. In a certain set of chemical elements and energy components, a program of the connection sequence and a time factor is laid, like a gene code that begins to unfold after an explosion, which is considered the moment of its birth. The introduction of additional energy from the outside leads to an explosion, which is the moment of switching on all reactions. The planet reaches a certain size immediately at the time of birth, that is, after the explosion. All this is calculated: what dimensions are required and from which its growth should begin. The planet is growing, expanding from the formed clot of matter. The expansion comes from within. That's how it's programmed. Growth and stages of development are included in the program. And when the physical form is completely ready, it has its own standards, the soul is invested in it, after which the planet becomes alive.

– What is the difference between the incorporation of the soul into the human body and the body of the planet?

– The process of moving in is basically the same. There are minor differences.

- The planets have two types of souls: some come from other forms, the second are created specifically for the planet. Is there any difference between the indwelling of such souls?

- Yes, there is. This is due to their different construction. The soul, which improved in a different form, built itself and, in accordance with the presence of the right to choose, filled its matrix with various energies, therefore its incorporation will always have some individual characteristics. And the introduction of special new souls of the planets will be standard.

“What other difference is there between a soul that comes from another form and one that is directly made by the new soul of the planet?”

– There are many differences: in construction, in energy. A soul coming from another form must go through a very long way of development in order to meet the requirements of the planet in terms of power. But at the moment of incorporation, both that soul and the other are on the same level, corresponding to the planetary requirements. And further, already in the process of development, the soul, again made for the planet, will give a greater return than, for example, the human Unit, the universe in the same form, because the new soul is empty, and it needs to work harder to fill its matrix with the appropriate energy. This is a significant difference. The soul of the planet will have more returns.

- And what power should the human soul gain in order to be infused into the body of the planet?

What units are you asking?

– At least in the Earth Levels.

- Planets are also different, big and small, so the souls that are infused will be different in power. For the smallest planet, there may be the last Level of the earthly plan - the hundredth, but for a large one - such a Level will already be insufficient, and a much higher one must be taken.

- Due to what does the soul of a person gain such power that it can even be instilled into the body of the planet?

- Due to severe trials, due to the program, work, due to the large number of lives. However, there is a sub-option here: for the planet, they can take a soul whose program is designed for a small number of lives, but very active ones. In this case, the soul has less choice, and it quickly gains the required power. My souls are on this path.

- And if it happens the other way around: a soul from a very large body, for example, a planet, is infused into a small body, a person, and what difficulties arise? After all, the soul has great potential, and the body can not dock with it?

– Of course, there may be a mismatch. In these cases, a protection is placed on the body into which the soul is infused, which keeps the soul inside, preventing it from flying out. More precisely, this is not a protection, but a special frame that is located outside the body to keep everything inside. A soul with a high potential will always strive to fly out of a less powerful body, so additional structures are required to contain it inside.

- Such a person will have a powerful field around him?

- Necessarily.

– Do psychics all have such a powerful framework?

– No, not necessarily. There are such psychics who are powerful personalities, but developed in a monotonous way.

– They are not inhabited by the souls of the planets?

No, not planets. The souls of the planets are very rare on Earth in human bodies. This doesn't happen often. Basically, such infusions are made to correct the Earth.

– Are there degrading planets?

- Yes, but very few.

– What factors lead the planet to degradation?

– Non-acceptance of another life on oneself.

Is the planet capable of doing something? Are the minerals she creates part of her creative processes?

- You can say that. But what it consists of, everything is included in the program, and one comes to replace the other in accordance with the stages of development, as in a person. Creativity opens at a certain stage, but it creates mainly by thought. She has well developed thought processes.

The human soul develops through suffering. And through what processes does the soul of the planet develop?

– Mainly through the mental activity of her level. She works with energies.

– But the very soul of the planet can suffer from any causes?

– Yes, when it is located, for example, in the negative field of some world or when the correspondence between it and the worlds located on it is violated, it suffers.

– Does the soul of the planet produce such kind of energy as spiritual?

- Certainly. Her mental activity is very diverse. She has her own methods of working with different types of energies, including spiritual ones. It's just that this is a very high frequency range, that is, the most “subtle” energies are involved in mental activity, grouped and, passing through the shells, fall into the matrix of the planet. She also has cleansing bodies.

– Is the spiritual form of energy the highest for her? Yes, just like a human.

– And for other Essences?

- This is the highest for material bodies, and for the rest - the range of high energies is not limited. And the higher the Level of the Essence, the higher the level of its spirituality. And for the planet and man, the spiritual form of energy is the Absolute, as long as it develops in the physical body.

– What is the next stage in the development of the planet after being in the physical body?

“Just like with humans, it passes into a new form of existence, higher than the previous one.

- Do the stars do the same?

- And the soul of the planet in the course of development can pass into the shell of a star?

– No, this does not happen. They have a slightly different structure. The soul of a planet is for the planets, the soul of a star is for the stars.

– When a planet ends its physical life, where does its soul go?

They have the same path as humans. Everything is the same: there are sorters, and repositories, their personal Determinants leading them through the program, and so on.


– Do souls develop according to certain rules in every world?

“Laws exist everywhere. There are general, relating to absolutely everyone, and there are private, relating only to specific worlds.

– Are there worlds where souls develop very quickly?

- There are places where they develop rapidly, and there are places where they develop slowly.

What are these worlds?

“These are energy worlds.

– On what is the development of the soul based in them?

– In any world, the soul is improved by acquiring life experience. Only the processes of being can be organized in completely different ways, because all worlds are different from each other, in them both time is different, and space is arranged differently.

– Can any soul exist in any world?

- No, each soul exists for its own world, and for others it must still develop. The soul must meet certain qualities and a certain program. The mismatch of qualities, and consequently, energy, can lead to the fact that it will be crushed in the world, which does not match in potential. Each world is characterized by its own programs for individuals, so the soul, according to the structure of its construction, must be ready to fulfill them. Therefore, until she gains the necessary qualities, she remains in the world to which she corresponds in terms of parameters.

“Now energy is being brought down to Earth from outer space. Will it help the souls of people to rise to a higher level? Similarly, for example, in physics, in order for an electron to jump to another orbit, it is given additional energy.

– The descending energy is intended specifically for the Earth, but not for people. Although, of course, the overall energy level of a person rises due to the fact that his shells are saturated with the same energy, but temporarily, while they are on Earth. When a person dies, all energy will disappear.

What then does a person need to rise above?

- Self improvement.

– Intellectual work and so on?

- Intellectual is not always required. The main thing is the perfection of the soul, - He singled out the last word in a special way with intonation.

– Are the determinants of the Earth also releasing some kind of energy to it now?

– What is the difference between the energy descended to the Earth through people and the energy descended directly to it?

– The Earth is well aware of the energy that is sent to it in the usual way, without you, contactees, and it has already got used to it. And the energy that passes through you remains hidden for her. The planet does not know anything about it, and does not know that in this way it is transferred to another orbital. This is where the difference lies.


Let's make short generalizations of the main provisions about the human soul, dwelling on the main points and creating the integrity of its perception so that there are no misinterpretations, because the human brain constantly adjusts the truth to its fiction.

The soul is an energy structure intended only for the earthly plane of existence, consisting of temporary and permanent components. It has a complex structure based on the trinity and a self-developing matrix, originally spiritualized by God. In other worlds, a similar construction bears a different


1) The trinity of the soul consists in the presence in it of positive, negative and Managerial parts, which are a mechanism for the struggle of opposites, leading the soul to perfection. The soul cannot be completely positive

or completely negative: a given percentage of the opposite energy (one percent of its total volume) is necessarily present in it, because such is its construction, created by God in his own image.

The managerial part, which heads the first two sectors: positive and negative, is the leading one. Development management occurs on the basis of programs set from Above, which are connected with the Management part.

The management sector is growing at the expense of its own energy accumulations, and the positive and negative parts of the best accumulations (that is, the highest energies) are also transferred to it. Therefore, its energy base increases threefold. But in relation to the total volume, it always occupies half, and no matter how the total energy volume of the Unit increases, and no matter how the ratios within it between the positive and negative parts change, the Management sector will always make up half of the total volume of the soul.

2) The construction of the soul also includes a special particle that orients the Unit* towards individuality. Uniqueness in development, that is, the factor of individuality, was originally laid down by God in its design. Therefore, the longer individuals develop, the more they become different from each other.

Any individual improves not only for himself, but for a specific volume in the general Volume* of Essence, because he is an integral part of it and he is initially predetermined that place in Nature, which he must replenish and in which he will continue his progression from a certain stage of improvement. A similar direction in development, leading to further work in a given Volume, is also determined by the same particle.

3) But while the soul is on Earth, it goes through the stages of progression associated with the material plane of existence, and therefore has such constructions that are intended only for this world, that is, temporary shells (or "thin" bodies).

Temporary shells are protective and serve as layers of filters that collect into their volumes a low spectrum of energies that is not allowed into the Higher worlds, and therefore they are dropped at the moment the soul leaves the body. The shells linger in the cleansing layers of the Earth, designed to cleanse souls from "dirty" energies. The soul sheds all temporary shells, or bodies. And she has one docking and other permanent "thin" bodies.

4) The permanent construction of the Unit includes, in addition to the permanent shells, the most important constructive part of the soul - the matrix.

The matrix has the ability to self-adjust as the cells are filled with the required types of energies. The matrix, as the principle of accumulation of energies by the soul, is used only up to the middle of the Hierarchy of God, then there is an increase in volumes not from the inside, but from the outside, that is, from the outside, the required larger volumes are added. For a person, the matrix is ​​being built up only from the inside. Energy accumulation starts from the low spectrum and continues towards high frequencies.

After a certain Level of development, when the matrix is ​​filled with the required energies, the soul passes into the state of the Essence, that is, a higher stage of perfection, and can be transferred to other higher worlds located in the Hierarchy of God.

The development of the soul is carried out due to the accumulation of energies of various types, entering the cells of the matrix and creating the qualitative characteristics of the personality.

In each cell there is only one type of any energy that makes up quality. One cell is one quality. How many cells are filled, so many qualities of the soul. All cells together make up the texture of the soul or its composite. Any soul has an individual composite, that is, a qualitative composition of energies.

Any cell is filled with a homogeneous type of energy over several lifetimes until a certain quantitative state is reached, which fixes the code of the cell.

The cell receives pure energy of one quality, that is, a high range, corresponding to the frequency of the energies of God or the Absolute. And all the dirty energies of the low range are retained by the outer shells and are not allowed inside the matrix.

When the original matrix is ​​filled with energies, it is completed from the inside with new cells, that is, as the existing cells are filled, empty cells are built up for the next fillings. All this is regulated by digital codes, since each cell has its own code. The code for the initial soul is constant, but when it begins to develop, the energy accumulations of the cells change their digital codes.

5) The code guides the soul to the quality and quantity of energy required. The codes correspond to the energies of the world in which the soul is to develop, therefore, in accordance with the code, the energy of the required quality enters the cell. Since the code expresses the required quantitative volume, which corresponds to the complete filling of the cell, as it is filled with energies, the code will change. And due to the fact that all cells are interconnected by certain digital ratios, a change in a digit in one cell leads to a change in all other digital values. Therefore, the matrix codes are constantly changing.

6) Any cell carries a certain energy potential corresponding to the amount of energy in the cell. The energy potentials of the cells, summing up, create the total energy potential of the soul. This also adds to the energy potential of permanent shells. The energy potential is an important indicator in the distribution of souls on the Levels of the Hierarchy, since the energy potential of the soul must correspond to the energy potential of the given world.

The process of improvement leads to a gradual increase in the potential of the individual. And the larger it becomes, the higher the personality rises along the Levels of the Hierarchy of God. And the personality itself becomes larger in size, hence the artists draw the Higher Essences in the paintings very large compared to a person.

During the transition to a new world, the matrix and permanent structures are put on additional shells from the matter of this world. These shells also serve as protective ones and at the same time are designed to be filled with new energies and to generate a more powerful potential by the Unit. They also carry out the processes that connect the matrix with the external environment.

The higher the soul rises in development, the more powerful its energy potential, power, and the more energy pumping becomes per unit volume. The very principle of the soul's perfection, which just contributes to the increase of its energy potential, lies in the passage of situations set by the program. The set of energy in the matrix occurs through actions, processes of thinking, feelings.

7) God creates all matrices the same. But why is it said that the soul is a constructive form intended only for the Earth? The fact is that when the same matrices are sent to different worlds to start the evolutionary path, they are connected with temporary structures (on Earth - shells) that have protective functions: they protect the matrix and permanent "thin" bodies from damage and foreign interference, and also perform other special functions that depend on the specifics of the worlds themselves. Therefore, a matrix with permanent additional constructions in earthly conditions is called a soul, a matrix with special additions in another world will already be something else. In the Hierarchy, this is the Essence. So everything depends on the protective and auxiliary structures that adapt the matrix for life in this or that world. They create differences in forms of existence.

External forms are always different from each other, there are no similar ones. But those elements that are used to create an internal structure are always the same, that is, the initial structures are identical, but the fillings make them different in the course of development. As a result, progression leads souls to constructive and qualitative differences.

An external form, such as, for example, a human body, is necessarily linked with the technological processes that it must produce in a given world. Therefore, the form of a creature depends on the type of energy that this world consists of and the technological processes of energy processing in which this matrix is ​​involved.

The human soul was created by the Spiritual System of God, and the material shell for it was created by the Highly Developed Material System according to its analogue. Only God and his closest assistants from the Hierarchical System of Angels are engaged in spiritualization.

Two types of souls are destined for the Earth. The first type passes through the animal stage. This is the animal type of souls.

The second type is an empty matrix, the initial stage of which begins immediately from the stage of a person, his first Level on Earth, and therefore can be called the earthly type of souls. That is, some souls go through the stage of the animal, others do not. And this is their qualitative difference. Of course, the first type of souls is also created by God, and in terms of the construction of matrices it is identical to the souls that begin development from the human stage. But they start from different starting points. And this is important, because it is the beginning that makes them different from each other.

If we compare these two types of souls, we can identify the following differences in them. The first type has already accumulated some energies into the matrix by the time of entering the human body, and the second type has not accumulated, its matrix is ​​empty, and all initial energy accumulations begin in the human body directly according to the program. The second type of souls takes longer to create, but develops faster and the quality of such souls is tougher. However, both those and others reach the required level of development, only for different periods.

Souls from other material worlds, similar to the earthly ones, or from the Higher Level of the Hierarchy can also be infused into the human body. This is the so-called cosmic type of souls. The former accumulate in their matrix the earthly type of energies that they need for some purpose, while the latter perform a specific mission and therefore, in terms of the degree of development, they can stand much higher than all other earthly souls.

What is the perfection of the soul?

It is also necessary to concentrate the reader's attention on this and at least briefly make some explanations, since a person still cannot understand why he lives and why he suffers. Of course, one can talk endlessly about the purpose of life, but let's be brief.

The meaning of human life, like that of any other being, is to improve one's soul and the souls of those below.

Each individual must develop, and this includes: raising the level of intelligence, consciousness, refinement of one's feelings and perceptions, expansion of consciousness. Every minute of life should bring a new life experience to a person, enrich him with new knowledge and information. A person must grow morally, spiritually, aesthetically, and creatively, learn everything that has been created by mankind, move from material knowledge to the comprehension of the “subtle” and Higher worlds.

Each individual must not only develop himself, but also directly pull up those below him or create conditions for their development.

Man on Earth is perfected through suffering and trials. This is the method of education with God.

Tests help to reveal human weaknesses and vices, increase the energy potential and power of the soul, and suffering has the goal of teaching a person to sympathize with others, sympathize with their failures, feel their pain and resentment. If you are in pain, feel bad, do not inflict the same on others - the consciousness of the sufferer should come to such a conclusion. Having experienced the bad, a person is obliged to strive for goodness, for nobility, for high morality, for those higher spiritual foundations that give rise to the highest qualities of a human character, allowing him to move into the Hierarchy of God. Who develops opposite qualities from suffering and trials, becoming embittered and hating others, he passes into the Hierarchy of the Devil.

The main meaning of life is to develop to the present Level of God. And this is not a mystical task, but the real goal of every person. You just need to feel with your heart which paths and goals lead to God, and which ones lead to the Devil. Make no mistake in choosing.

When you choose awareness, you go through different stages of spiritual development.

You change, consciousness expands, but sometimes there are periods of disbelief in yourself and a lack of understanding where to go and how to act.

In this article, I will talk about stages of spiritual development. In describing them, I relied on my own experience.

Therefore, I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth.

This material will help you navigate where you are now on your spiritual path and understand what to do.

I hope after reading you gain confidence to boldly move forward.

1. "Sleep mode"

If you are reading this article, then you have already moved to the next stage. Otherwise, it is unlikely that she would have caught your eye.

I suggest, nevertheless, to remember what happened to you when you were still in a “sleeping state”.

People who are at this level are completely immersed in the 3D world. They have a lot of unresolved issues.

They live in hope that someday in the morning they will open their eyes and find that their problems have evaporated on their own.

But that doesn't happen. More precisely, it happens, but only if you are engaged in self-transformation.

Some problems do disappear. This side effect from engaging in spiritual practices supported by regular activities.

What does it mean? In meditation, you declare that you are freeing yourself from resentment towards your mother, in life you try to be tolerant of the qualities of her character, set boundaries, etc.

You do not just speak, but confirm your words with actions.

At this stage you have victim consciousness prevails.

If you compare the 3 stages, then at this level you suffer the most. At the same time, you cling with a stranglehold to your suffering.

And you don't want to understand - it depends only on you whether to suffer or be free.

Because it’s hard to accept the fact that you yourself attracted all the terrible circumstances of life. You have done this to yourself.

At this stage you NOT ready to take responsibility for your actions and thoughts.

Therefore, many twist their fingers to their temples and laugh when they hear about the materiality of thoughts, about the laws of the universe, and so on.

At the same time, a huge number of people believe in horoscopes, divination, predictions and God knows what else.

Because it is easier to believe in all sorts of fables than to face the truth and admit: Yes, it was I myself who created these circumstances with my thoughts, fear, anxiety, condemnation.

Being responsible is no easy task. Therefore, most people on the planet do not dare to go further. They're just not ready.

One of the reasons is the unwillingness to hear what they want to tell you. Find out the rest from the article.

At this level, people are divided into several categories:

ossified materialists

These people do not want to expand their views in any way and admit that there is something more in the world than material goods. That there are other points of view, different from their concepts of the structure of life.

Doubters (loyal)

But they do not seek to take this or that position seriously, because everything suits them anyway.

They listen to the advice of the sages, even read articles on spiritual topics, but they do not have a serious need to change their lives.


Such people are looking for their way, answers to questions, but they cannot find it in any way. I belonged to this category.

These are people who have found their true self through a traumatic event.

I searched for my answers until I was ready to accept this challenge and awaken. Until then, all information on this subject was not available to me, or I did not see it and could not perceive it.

I was looking for a local solution to the problem, but I had to look globally, widely.

Need to have courage to stop running away from the problem and face it. Often this happens when the old way of life is already unbearable.

Each person has his own time and his own trigger - a moment, an event, after which an epiphany occurs.

But until then, you pass by and don't see the obvious.

2. Spiritual awakening

At this stage of spiritual development, you are encouraged because you have made a huge quantum leap in the upward spiral of development.

Until you get stronger in new beliefs, there is a danger of returning to the previous stage.

Therefore, the support of not only like-minded people, but also spiritual mentors is important here. And it is precisely during this period that their help is especially felt.

They lead you until you're strong enough to take your strength.

Here you only learn to take responsibility, realize it and begin to actually apply the universal laws in life and monitor how they work.

At this stage the foundation of spiritual knowledge is being laid.

At first, you strive to tell everyone and everyone about what has been revealed to you, to convince others, to help with advice.

Remember how you told your parents and peers as a child about what you yourself had just learned.

But remember that you made this discovery for yourself. Don't force your point of view on others.

Each person has at least one sore subject, which brings him, in the end, to catharsis, and then to the moment when he is ready to wake up.

This is enough to start spiritual growth.

You've dealt with a big problem, reached a new level, and can even share your experience with other people who are in a similar situation.

Your soul remembers the peak point of vibrations, sensations that you have reached, and seeks to experience these feelings as often as possible.

So you strengthen your spiritual core and forever cut off the path back.

From now on, if you fall into the matrix, you will somehow get out of this state.

At the previous stage, general dissatisfaction, fatigue, boredom, bad mood, complaints about the world were the norm for you.

And if we compare these two polar states: flight, inspiration and consciousness of the victim, the soul, of course, chooses a new, high one.

This state is your anchor, which will always keep you vertical.

It is impossible to be constantly in balance and harmony, but let you be glad that the consciousness of the victim is now a temporary phenomenon.

If you do not change yourself, your true Self, this guest will appear less and less in your life.

Look for the support of like-minded people, strengthen the spiritual core. The article will help you with this.

3. Conscious creation

When you recognize your power, declare to life that you are a creator, feeling from the inside that this is really so, you move on to conscious creation.

If at the previous stage you could be compared with a teenager who already understands a lot, but has no experience, now you confident in their beliefs and his strength.

Even if you fearfully proclaim your truth, believe me, this is only at first.

It all depends on your past beliefs, their depth and courage. Everything will come with time.

At this stage of spiritual development, the desire to talk about one's discoveries, how the world works, either disappears altogether, or takes on a different form.

Now you accept that people have the right to their opinion, they can be wrong, they have the right to make mistakes, even to their own detriment.

You are ready to share experience only if you have been asked about it (and more than once). You respect the boundaries of others and their will.

You are more balanced and calm. There are cases of falling into the matrix, but you no longer scold yourself for it, but allow yourself to live this state.

The main reasons for falling out at this stage are the lack of an internal resource and cyclicality (periods of rise and fall).

According to many spiritual teachings, all human beings are in reality spiritual beings in the human journey. We reincarnate into a human body in order to develop and go through the stages of soul development.

Our ultimate goal is become fully aware and capable as unique individuals of expressing All That Is. It's a long way, but that's okay, because the soul is eternal.

Soul evolution

The journey of the soul is essentially a process of evolution. It means the growth of awareness that occurs gradually, progressively progressing through different levels or stages of consciousness.

How do we develop our consciousness? By passing various tests in physical form. They make us make important choices in the direction of "soul search" and mobilize us to discover and use our inner resources.

But why in physical form? Why would a perfectly happy spiritual being choose to settle in the physical world with all its limitations and difficulties?

Only in this way can we experience a state of complete separation of ourselves from others and from the rest of reality.

Only by entering this physically separated human form can we to know oneself as beings in one's own right, the right to choose and not just like… well… undifferentiated wisps of energy.

Existing in a physical body throws our experiences and choices into extremely stark contrasts in a way that is not possible in any other way. Only in this way and in no other way will we learn who we are and how to become all that we really are.

In other words:

35 steps of reincarnation

We are here to know ourselves and be all that we can be, step by step. According to the teachings of the entity known as Michael, there are 35 steps in the process of reincarnation.

The body and personality you have now are just the vehicles you have chosen for this next step in your journey.

Why 35 steps. Not 10 or 100?

Because, according to Michael, we go through five major stages of evolution in reincarnation. Within each stage, there are seven increments, or levels, that must be completed. Yes, it's like a computer game: 5x7=35

Each single step requires at least a lifetime to complete. But, as a rule, it takes much more than one life to complete each step. In the reality, the whole journey of 35 steps takes more than a hundred lives.

So, let's look at our journey in more detail. Let's start with five main stages, or stages of the evolution of the soul in reincarnation.

five stages

Michael's teachings describe a sequence of five "cycles" or stages in the evolution of the soul. They are named by analogy with the stages of human development:

Stage 1: Infant soul.
Stage 2: Baby Soul (also known as Baby Soul).
Stage 3: Young soul.
Stage 4: Mature soul.
Stage 5: Old soul.

Each of these five stages of the soul corresponds to a certain degree of development of abilities and self-consciousness within an individual soul.

As the soul passes through each stage, the focus of attention changes, more experience is gained, and as a result, expanding consciousness.

The same path of evolution of the soul was determined by the hypnotherapist. His pioneering research has been published in the bestseller Journey of the Soul. Life between lives.

The books of Newton and his students are based on the recordings of thousands of consultations of people who, in hypnotic regression, recall their experiences of living between lives. From a higher point of view of their soul, they can explain what happens after death and before birth.

The book includes information about levels of consciousness, according to which the incarnating souls evolve.

M. Newton and others discovered that souls between lives exist in light form, and each soul radiates a certain color of the spectrum, which indicates her current level of consciousness.

The spectrum starts at white (all colors), then goes through red, yellow, green, blue, dark purple and violet. From low to high frequency.

Least evolved souls "beginners" - have a pinkish tint. The most - those that are approaching the end of the entire reincarnation cycle - have a blue tint.

Although the spectrum is a continuous medium, Dr. Newton found that five distinct stages or stages of development can be identified within this medium, from stage I to stage V.

They can be mapped in the five stages given in the teachings of Michael, from baby soul to old soul.

For example, souls in the middle (or third) stage of reincarnation are referred to in Michael's teachings as "young souls" and are in what Newton called "Stage III". Their color yellowish or with a golden hue.

Incidentally, both Newton and the essence of Michael identify higher levels of soul evolution that do not involve reincarnation.

The stages of reincarnation (or the age of the soul) can also be compared with the stages of metamorphosis (rebirth) that we observe in nature. For example: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly.

However, in reincarnation, changes do not occur in physical form, but in the way of consciousness, especially in the form of self-consciousness and, as a result, in the way of communicating with others.

Characteristics of Soul Age

Soul age affects how a person lives, thinks, acts, and communicates with others.

Stage 1 - Baby Souls

baby souls focus on the immediate needs of survival. They thrive in simple environments close to nature.

They are savage tribes living in remote places where they hunt, fish, gather, primitive farm or herd.

However, in today's society, they may be seen as uncivilized simpletons or rednecks, and may even be considered psychopathic or developmentally disabled.

Psychologically, Infant Souls are naive impulsive and "out of morality", act on impulse or instinct, with little or no thought of the consequences.

Because they lack both social understanding and self-control, they are capable of committing antisocial or immoral acts without any sense of guilt.

So they do not fit well into modern society and may end up in prison or psychiatric wards.

Despite lacking moral principles, social literacy, or culture as older souls understand it, Infant Souls are in some ways completely innocent, with no pretense or hidden agendas.

Stage 2- Baby showers

Unlike Baby Souls, Baby Souls carefully consider the rightness and wrongness of their actions. In life, they care about security, well-being, structure and order - strictly only this way and not otherwise.

They like to live in communities built on strict principles (for example, "Amish"). Baby souls are perceived by older souls as "reliable" - strictly conventional and conformist.

Their beliefs and their actions are mostly rule-based, so they are often orthodox, ultra-conservative, strictly follow traditions and certain moral principles, can be straightforward, religiously devout, and always mindful of law and order.

However, they sometimes succumb to temptation or outbursts of anger and break their rules but then they may experience feelings of guilt and shame.

They sharply distinguish between right and wrong actions of people, including their own, although they have little understanding of the motives underlying them. Bad behavior is sinful, that's all.

Stage 3 - Young Souls

Young souls tend to extroverts ready to sail, worldly, frantic energetic, sassy, ​​likes to compete and participate in politics, ambitious and self-centered.

Life at this stage is about thinking about yourself and asserting yourself as a person. Young Souls are more ego-driven than others and are eager to make their mark on the world. They tend to be attracted to some form of worldly success: fame, fortune, power, glory.

In fact, they are more afraid of death than souls in other stages, and those who are unsure about life after death may aspire to make a big impact on the world stage in real life in order to create some sort of symbolic immortality for yourself.

Young souls cling to their own opinions with the certainty that their own perspective is the right perspective and their way forward is by far the best way.

They understand their own program very well, but don't really question it often.

Stage 4 - Mature Souls

Mature souls tend to be more reflective than younger souls. with a growing understanding of self, empathy for others and a desire for truth. Life for them is less about proving themselves and more about exploring the "right relationship."

The mature consciousness of the soul is no longer egocentric in the sense of limiting its own perspective and secret plans by rules, but is able to take into account the many points of view and plans of others.

In fact, there is a tension here between "what I want" and "understanding what you want", or between the personal and the interpersonal.

It makes life a lot more difficult—sometimes a lot. On the one hand, mature souls reject limited values ​​and prejudices. But, on the other hand, they able to empathize with those who hold such values.

Firm beliefs give way to a sense of ever-changing perspectives: "It all depends on how you look at it."

This disappearance of solid ground can be extremely stressful, but it is where the search for deeper meaning and self-understanding begins, whether it be art, psychology, philosophy or spirituality.

Mature souls tend to question everything, including their own motives. They are fascinated by the spiritual search (literally).

Stage 5 - Old Souls

From Old souls as if emanates some depth, solidity and wisdom, which is immediately noticeable. In children, this can be even more obvious (imagine: an old head on young shoulders).

In order to overcome the stresses and conflicts of the Mature Soul, the Old Souls have sense of inner balance and freedom– freedom to enjoy existence in this world, but not to belong to it.

Compared to younger souls, they are relatively calm, reserved, harmonious and stable, unattached to social structures and cultural expectations, confident in their own existence, personal inner strengths, and in their understanding of others.

On the other hand, finding yourself in a world that is so contradictory, chaotic, frenetic and superficial can be extremely depressing. For Old Souls the purpose of life is to find true purpose and self-expression.

As such, they tend to go their own unique way in life without judgment or attachment, which can seem very strange and eccentric to younger souls.

Late stage old souls are consciously involved in the evolution of all things and often focus on teaching spiritual wisdom to those in need.

Note. These descriptions highlight the differences between the stages. In reality, the transition from one stage to another occurs gradually.

For example, a person at the beginning of the Mature stage will act primarily as a Young Soul, but with certain elements of the Mature Soul nature manifesting.

Lessons from each stage

Here are the five stages of soul evolution through human reincarnation, as well as typical cognitive experiences associated with each stage:

So we begin reincarnation as Baby Souls, absolute newbies to physical existence. In this first stage, we are, frankly, in a state of incompetence and horror.

But passing various tests and making our choices, we learning and growing. We are slowly moving from Baby Souls to Baby Souls to Young Souls to Mature Souls.

Finally, we enter the fifth stage as accomplished Old Souls, the experts of human existence.

As Infant Souls, we learn to make choices in order to survive. The choice of Baby Souls is related to moral codes and ethics. Choosing Young Souls leads to excellence and achievement. The choice of Mature Souls is related to relationships, while the Old Souls choose to achieve oneness with the Tao.

Thus, the Infant Soul may have difficulty understanding the Old Soul's choice, while the Older Soul probably has more understanding of the nature of the Younger Soul's choice, having already had such an experience. Michael via Victoria Maria

Soul stages in the human population

Six or seven billion people on the planet span the entire range of stages, but the average is somewhere just above the middle of stage three (see table below).

In other words, this world is currently dominated by Young Souls, whose main task is self-improvement in relationships.

7 steps within each stage

Each stage has seven separate steps. These are called "levels" in Michael's teachings, so at each stage we move from level 1 to level 7.

The name "levels" can be a little confusing (since Newton calls the five basic steps "levels"), so I sometimes prefer to call them "steps".

So, each stage (stage) of reincarnation has seven different levels(steps) of learning.

For example, we start the journey in Step 1 as Baby Souls, study this lesson, then do Step 2 as Baby Souls, and so on. Upon completion of the 7th step of the Infant stage, we begin the 1st step of the Child stage.

First steps at any stage is the study of life at this new stage of evolution, the passage of the necessary lessons and the acquisition of appropriate experience. Later steps concern the expression of these lessons, which demonstrates this level of consciousness in action.

For example, in the Young Soul stage, the first three steps—from Level 1 Young Soul to Level 3 Young Soul—reveal the meaning of free will and self-determination.

The last three steps, from Young Soul level 5 to Young Soul level 7, demonstrate the meaning of free will and self-determination in action. The middle step - Young Soul Level 4 - is about integrating the lessons learned.

The first step or level of any stage is that we fall into the water. The last step is to teach others how to swim.

1st level
Initiation into a new stage. "Fingers in the water" The first glimpses of a new consciousness. We are aware that there is a whole new way of being before us, and we are responding to the call, although so far it has been beyond our understanding.

2nd level
Foundation building. Inputs and outputs. Comparison and opposition of old and new consciousness. We come to understand the existence of something on a higher level, although it is still "ahead", not quite within us.

3rd level
Challenge Awareness. Taking a decisive step. We are firmly committed to actively comprehend and explore the new consciousness.

4th level
Integration. We relax in it, "enjoying the water." Now we identify ourselves with this way of understanding ourselves, life and others - this is our truth. We fully integrate and strengthen the new consciousness in our own being.

5th level
Expression. We spray, calling: "Look at me!". We openly share and communicate our new, true sense of self and meaning in life. We feel the urge to spread our truth, the need to "go public with it."

6th level
Demonstration. Presenting value and benefit to others. "Be a lifesaver." Our new consciousness is being tested. We also burn all the unworked karma that has arisen in the first steps of this stage.

7th level
Mastery. Top performance. At this level, we fully understand and control our consciousness. We know exactly what we are doing. We can feel like a role model. Hmm... What's next?

This sequence of seven steps is repeated at each stage, making up only 35 steps from the beginning of reincarnation to its end.

In case you're wondering, I'm at level 5 of the Mature Soul stage. My current life lesson is to outwardly express my mature soul consciousness.

Many lives

So we begin our evolutionary journey at Step 1 of Stage I as Level 1 Baby Souls and end at Step 7 (Level) of Stage 5 (Stage) as Old Souls of Level 7.

Only 35 steps. And for every single step, at least one life is required. One step can be taken in one life, but more often this step is stretched over more lives..

Therefore, the initial life can be taken only as a "tasting", followed by one or two more, which will actually be required for mastering.

Sometimes life is interrupted, then the soul will simply have to start again in the next life. Moreover, some lives go by for other reasons rather than a specific intention to develop.

For example, some life can be undertaken. Some lifetimes pass primarily for the experience of death, for karmic reasons. They can be very short, on the order of days, weeks or months.

Taking into account all the gaps in the non-physical state between lives, one step is usually completed in about 100-300 years of Earth time.

The whole journey of 35 steps usually takes more than 100 lives. Therefore, the entire journey is likely to take about 7-8 thousand years. Perhaps much more if the population is small and there are few opportunities for implementation.

Questions and answers

Coming back again and again sounds terrible. Why don't we just give up and get it over with? Can't I just decide this is my last time?

You can't skip any of the steps and don't want to (from a soul point of view). You have chosen a movie, bought tickets, walked into the hall and start watching the movie, and you cannot immediately go to the end credits by eliminating the viewing process.

Basically, it's more like a computer game. You get into the game because you want to, and at some level you really enjoy playing.

You know full well that you need to master the entry level before you can move on to the next level. That's the whole point of the game.

Who sets the rules?

There is no tyrannical deity who controls the game, who forces you to participate in it and decides who gets to "graduate" and who does not. It's just the natural dynamics of life and the evolution of consciousness.

A tadpole cannot suddenly transform into an adult frog. The child cannot suddenly take up a professional career or family responsibilities.

There is a natural, inevitable sequence to go through. And we all signed up for it. But why? What is it all for?

At the level of the spirit, or essence, everything is one, everything is love, everything is joy. All this is very good, but consciousness strives to feel more and more, to experience the full abundance and fullness of life.

How does this happen?

Dividing into billions of conscious entities, each with their own experience and perspective, and each with their own choice of what they want to experience.

Any soul can choose to continue to dive into All-That-Is, albeit with little sense of self.

Alternatively, any soul may choose to experience life in a separate physical form by interacting with other souls in their physical forms. This is the best way to feel like a person.

Why are we here?

We have all made this choice: to use the human form as a vehicle for the soul, to help us become more aware of ourselves, to realize what amazing beings we are.

The goal is to experience every possible experience that allows us to become more and more aware and fearless, just as we are at our core.

We start out as helpless children for whom the experience of separate existence is truly terrible.

But we end up as self-sufficient, perfect beings for whom human existence is the most amazing way of life, to feel joy, freedom and share our fullness, love with the whole universe.

All Eastern teachings say that there is a concept soul age. And this is no coincidence, because the probability is very high that it really goes through a whole chain of reincarnations. And in each specific life, she accumulates experience, which, in the end, brings her closer to the Higher cosmic forces or, in our understanding, to God.

Soul Age

How long does the soul live?.. According to the ancient scientist and thinker Pythagoras, the soul of each person is born on the material plane fifteen times. And only after that she gets sufficient experience of the knowledge of the Divine and has the opportunity to go to the higher worlds.

The physical condition of a man, as a rule - the result of his usual age - has little to do with the real age of his soul. And this sometimes gives rise to the strangest, at first glance, thoughts, sensations and even complexes in people. In any case, many people have felt and continue to feel some discrepancy, let's say, between the external and the internal, regardless of the era in which they lived or live.

Sooner or later, it becomes obvious to people walking along the road of self-knowledge that their true "I" is not attached to the physical body and can exist separately from it.

How long does the soul live and how many times have we already lived?

Determining the true age of the soul is not easy, but possible. There are various methods that allow a person who is in a certain state of altered consciousness to restore the memory of past lives with the help of his subconscious.

Feelings will be different for everyone. For someone, karmic memory will manifest itself in the form of pictures, for someone - in the form of sensations. Practicing such techniques, it becomes possible for a person, as it were, to evoke various kinds of events from the subconscious, “sealed” in his karma. As a result of such amazing discoveries in oneself, it is not difficult to understand which events from past lives could lead to certain events in the present life.

A kind of matrix of reincarnations can also be calculated by date of birth - this, as a rule, is successfully done by esoteric numerologists.

Age is a state of mind

And then - how, how environmentally friendly, as it is customary to say now, a person lives his life, most often, is reflected in his physical plane.

Knowing your past lives and everything connected with it has many positive aspects. After all, if we manage to remember the events associated with previous incarnations, then at least we will no longer make the same mistakes in our current life. Because it is realistic to realize that this has already happened once and has not brought any benefit to the soul.

Almost all the skills and talents to which a person is predisposed from childhood were brought up in past lives preceding his appearance. Thus, having behind them a certain predisposition to their destiny, many great scientists, poets and philosophers, in the process of self-realization, to some extent, were already able to touch their karmic experience and subsequently, during their lives, already being in a certain energy flow, consciously perfected their skills and abilities.

Soul young and old

How to determine at what age or at what stage of maturity is your soul? Let's talk now not about numbers, but about the essence of these states. The maturity or youth of the soul is determined by the decisions that we make in our life constantly and every minute. In other words, the essence of the answer to this question lies in the nature of our choice.

Young souls , in accordance with even this simple definition, exist so far on the lowest levels of the earth's evolutionary hierarchy. Obviously, their life is largely determined by the interests of a material or physiological nature. Moreover, such can be both the souls who for the first time turned out to be “humanized”, and those - strange as it may seem - that have passed the path of development of an animal.

Have you noticed that some faces have their physiognomic counterparts among the most diverse types of living beings?.. Have you thought about whether this is by chance?..

In one of the testimonies-descriptions of such a phenomenon, I came across a curious eyewitness account of how her communication for several days looked like with a woman who, by all indications, was a dog in her last incarnation: her vocabulary was dominated by the words yelp, bark, muzzle, paws, tail, mouth, etc.; she preferred to eat raw minced meat and meat with a bone, champed, licked her hands - and so on and so forth.

At first glance, this may seem more than a strange analogy. But facts, as you know, are stubborn things ...

If you listen to what people usually worry about, those who are at an early stage of comprehension, you cannot help but notice that everything that comes out of their mouths, as a rule, concerns what they are directly doing or seeing now. Their entertainment is predominantly associated with pleasures of a bodily nature. In a word, both in essence and in form, these are, for the most part, people with obvious archetypal features, “digging through” their current life, so to speak, for the time being, the lower layers of the universe.

If we consider the other side of the manifestations of their spiritual youth, then these, in general, can be quite attractive traits of character, reminiscent of the reactions of inexperienced and open to the world children.

Of course, an attempt to determine the real age of the soul is a rather arbitrary thing, because certain archetypes in their pure form are not so common. But they do meet from time to time. However, it is obvious that the majority of the population on our planet are still quite young souls. And this does not depend in any way on the degree of their education, or on their social position.

Moreover, today there is a situation everywhere where the more primitive and undeveloped spiritually an individual is, the more he is on a higher level of society. Such a person, as a rule, is satisfied with everything and the only thing that worries him is how not to lose these ephemeral, from the point of view of higher knowledge, his positions and receive even more confirmation of the material nature of his earthly “power”.

old souls These are already awakened spiritual substances. They have gone through many earthly life lessons. They have great experience and great knowledge. But - often the problem is that they also do not remember themselves before their birth, being, like most, in a state of some kind of amnesia ... Therefore, it is very important for such people recall about their karmic and universal duties, for they came to Earth not just like that, but with a great mission of the Teachers.

Some signs of an old soul

Here I would like to try, in a fairly short and intelligible form, to designate those moments and signs that certainly indicate that the people who possess them belong to the category of souls who have been on our Earth more than once ...

I'm sure I've been here a thousand times before and I hope to come back a thousand more times. - Goethe

And to put it quite simply - such people feel much older and more experienced, compared even with their peers in terms of physical age.

So, you are the owner of an old soul if:

  • You enjoy being alone.
  • You love the truth, try to comprehend wisdom and acquire knowledge.
  • You are inclined to spiritual search.
  • You feel and understand the frailty of life.
  • You are prone to introspection.
  • You are able to see the whole situation.
  • You are not a materialist.
  • You were a child who did not adapt well to society.
  • You are careful in dealing with the outside world and are in a state of some detachment from it: observant, patient and calm.

Levels of soul development and their tasks

If we continue to consider this concept of “soul”, which is fragile in all respects, in the proposed vein (and this approach exists among many researchers), then let's remember the obvious: at each stage of his life, a person has to solve certain problems.

The same thing happens with the soul. What task she will have to solve in her next incarnation on the physical plane will determine the level of her present development or the experience already accumulated before.

As already noted, such information can be obtained through numerological calculations. We will tell you about this in more detail in our special section, but for now we will simply designate this kind of “Maslow's Pyramid” - but in its esoteric expression, based on the link to chakram ("circle, wheel, disk" - translated from Sanskrit).

Chakra is the place of intersection of psychoenergetic channels in the subtle body of a person, through which his life energy flows.

The first level of soul development

A person who is in his spiritual development at this level is associated with the chakra Muladhara. His task is to learn to go through the difficulties of life without becoming angry, without fear, meeting problems and hardships with joy and without looking for the guilty. In other words, one must learn to be hardy: both physically and mentally. Develop responsibility, discipline and a sense of duty.

Failure to fulfill this task of the first level entails problems in the material sphere, difficulties with housing, loss of life opportunities.

Second level - connection with the Svadhisthana chakra

At this stage, it is important to create a family. Learn to build harmonious relationships with others: relatives, parents and children, members of the opposite sex. One must learn to be flexible and adaptive in dealing with others. However, it is equally important to subordinate your desires and passions to reason, to sublimate your sexual energy into social realization and your development of a spiritual order. Otherwise, any relationship will bring with it problems up to the loss of loved ones.

The third level of development - the Manipura chakra

The main thing here is control over your emotions. Development of the mind and one's mental body. It is important, as they say, to “turn on your head” more often. But seriously - stop living in the power of emotions, moving on to a logical analysis of events and situations. You have to learn how to make money.

Often, people at this level are prevented from being financially prosperous by all sorts of acquired limiting stereotypes regarding money. Therefore, you need to master the laws of cash flows and learn how to accept them in your life. At the same time, without forgetting, however, that money, for all its importance and attractiveness, nevertheless, there is nothing important in life.

What happens if a person does not fulfill these tasks of the third level is quite understandable: problems with implementation in society, lack of money and, as a result, family problems.

Fourth level: Anahata chakra

Here a person has to solve many complex and multifaceted tasks. It is also important that emotions do not interfere with this. The way out of this is the accumulation of new knowledge, the expansion of the worldview and the opening of your heart, which will help you see the people around you with different eyes: at the level of the soul.

It is also important for the fourth level to realize the beauty of our world, to bring love into it through our knowledge and creativity. Otherwise, you will have problems with accepting yourself and others, as well as loneliness and depression.

Fifth level - Vishuddha chakra

Self-expression, creation and creativity are the priorities that need to be mastered at this level. And also - to become a master of building relationships with all people without exception. To also help them develop their talents and skills. Most often, the representatives of the fifth level have strong verbal energy and they are given the talent to help change the world with the help of the word.

What are the risks of not doing the above? Life's lack of demand and, as a result, the loss of the desire to live. And although, as they say, having lost your head - you don’t cry for your hair - the occurrence of problems with hearing and vision against such a background is also not excluded.

Sixth level - Ajna chakra

Here it is important to accept karmic laws and get rid of life illusions. This, as a rule, is preceded by a large number of different strength tests, which contributes to the awakening of knowledge, skills and abilities in many people. Those at this level are good advisers and mentors who can help others get out of the most difficult situations by finding unusual solutions for this.


1. Different ways of improvement

What is the perfection of the soul?

- At the household level, it consists in acquiring life experience, new knowledge, in the development of feelings and intellect, and on the energy plane, it is building up one's own energy potential.

– Due to what is the evolutionary growth of the soul?

- By developing it through life situations.

– Is it possible to accelerate the progression of the soul?

“The evolution of the soul cannot be accelerated. This should be understood as follows: as it is given, so it will develop. For this, programs are drawn up that determine fate.

– Is every soul given the right to evolve?

- No, not everyone. There are also degradation programs.

- Why do people give such programs?

– To test the strength of qualities acquired in the past or

to make up the missing ones.

– But how can degradation be encouraged, and shouldn’t a person fight against it?

“Of course we have to fight. This is the meaning of the test: they determine to what extent a particular soul can sink under adverse conditions. It may not go down, but simply stop in development at the same level, if the internal qualities

strong: such a person will neither drink nor use drugs. He will simply close in a narrow circle and will automatically perform the assigned work. If the degradation program is focused on acquiring the missing qualities, then the soul follows a negative path and gains the necessary energies. At the same time, it is not necessary for a person to become a villain; some forms of activity contribute to the development of negative qualities. For example, calculators, programmers, the military can generate negative energies through activities that are necessary for society.

– If a personality has risen high in development, does it no longer descend again, or does it begin to move downward again at some point?

- Why did you decide that involution is possible?

– People have a theory that a person first rises up in development, and then begins to turn in the opposite direction. It descends back into matter. It's like a pendulum swinging - first in one direction, and then in the other.

– No, that is absolutely not true. How can a person, having risen very high, sink again! His consciousness becomes completely different, and most importantly, this is already energetically impossible. He will experience a repulsion of low level energies. But if we talk about the average level of a person, then he can go down if he engages in drugs or alcohol, because alcohol, like a drug, turns off consciousness and a person already acts mechanically, destroying himself, burning the accumulated energy, and since its volume decreases, falls the energy potential of the soul and it goes down. But this applies only to the average level of development. High souls are not capable of this, therefore they do not go down. People build a regularity about the pendulum development of souls, confusing some facts. For example, the soul of a person can inhabit the body of an animal, descending one step lower, but this is a punishment, and this happens very rarely. Secondly, the souls of high personalities are brought down to perform special missions. But this is required not for their development, but in order to lift others up. Of course, these are also isolated cases.

– How highly do you value the righteous?

- The righteous, like alcoholics, are different, so sometimes the activities of an alcoholic can be regarded higher than the righteous. There are such righteous people who do not notice behind the striving for the rightness of their actions the harm that they bring to others. They seem to do everything right, and fight for the truth, and others from this - only evil. A person should be judged by results, by what he gives to others. So are alcoholics. There are low, rude individuals, and there are also quite harmless ones who only sleep and do not cause much harm to others. There are also such alcoholics, programs

which are strongly intertwined with the programs of other people and allow us to identify their negative properties. Alcoholics create situations that bring out the qualities of other people. Therefore, such low individuals have to be valued not for their personal qualities, but for the negative that they show in others.

– Why does human development go only through difficulties?

- Because, as practice has shown, a person is not able to sympathize with someone without experiencing difficulties himself. And I need to develop positive qualities in his soul, therefore, the more a person overcomes obstacles, the higher his level of consciousness becomes. Good things only corrupt the soul. An easy and calm life does not contribute to the acquisition of high spiritual qualities and the necessary energy potential of the soul.

– Each nation has its own ways of improvement?

- Yes. Each has features of improvement, but not some separate routes. Everyone has the same paths on Earth, everyone goes through difficulties.

– Can the cultivation of the soul take place without difficulties?

- Options for development programs can be very different. High personalities can have a calm life. They see a higher goal and aspire to it. They no longer need difficulties, since the necessary qualities of character have been acquired, the energy potential has been recruited, and all that remains is to consistently go towards the goal. And low indies

species do not know where to go, rushing from side to side, because the intellect does not allow finding the desired orientation and it must be developed forcibly. Difficulties help to gain life experience and develop thinking. A high personality will itself make every effort to accelerate its development, so difficulties can, on the contrary, slow down its progression.

– Is it possible, by changing the material from which the soul is created, to change its nature and the way of perfection?

- Can. But another way will be no longer for your Earth, but for other worlds and planets, since it is the matter of the world, its energy, that sets the way for perfection.

- From what world do souls begin their development, which pass through the stage of progression not through a person? Where does their evolution begin?

- It can be explained in different ways: from a certain moment of evolution, because a person does not have complete and correct knowledge about the universe. We can say that the evolution of the soul begins with the laboratory in which it is created; or you can take a starting point from the world to which it is sent initially. But if we talk about the laboratory version of its creation, then it must be clarified that the soul can be considered eternally existing, because it is assembled from particles that have been eternal.

– But S.*, Yu.*, – we call the cosmic names of the two Highest Hierarchs, – what process of evolution did you go through? After all, when they appeared, the Earth did not yet exist.

“They went through other worlds, a different path than man. There are worlds that you can't even imagine. There is such a life going on that it is impossible to convey through your concepts, that is, it is impossible to convey images about those worlds that are understandable to you.

- Can you show, at least approximately something, so that we can compare with something?

The contactee is shown a picture in which the called Hierarchs are far below in relation to the Earth, saying by this that They began in their development much lower than a person. And for us, this is already a fact by which one can judge that different souls begin their evolution from different worlds, from different Levels, but this does not prevent them from rising very high. Some souls are even capable of overtaking others in their progression.

- If there are some low worlds, this does not mean that everyone in them is hopelessly stupid. Souls, living many lives, one way or another, gain a lot of experience and knowledge.

– But in these worlds, life was more complicated than on Earth, or was it easier?

Everything is very difficult everywhere. Nothing is easy. Even We now have our own difficulties and difficulties.

What is the meaning of constant suffering?

- In the improvement of the soul, in the development of such qualities as sympathy, compassion for one's neighbor, kindness, selflessness. Only by suffering, a person is able to come to such spiritual properties, and consequently, to Me. Satiety and wealth develop qualities in a person, that is, the type of energies that lead him to the Devil.

What is the meaning of human existence? Many people claim that only in love.

– Love is one of the stages in the development of the earthly Hierarchy. It is divided into different stages, of which the lowest limit of love is love for a man, the middle one for all mankind, and the highest one for God. But above love is a sense of duty and higher consciousness, which do not allow wrong actions and always know what to choose. In My Hierarchy, Essences change the scale of values ​​in relation to the earthly one. But everywhere the progression of the personality is paramount, therefore: The meaning of life and any existence in any world is the perfection of the soul. Every moment should bring knowledge, feeling, understanding of the new. Each individual must develop to My State in order to become a strong support for Me and a faithful assistant in business.

– For a person, there are only two directions of development: towards you and towards the Devil?

– There are two main directions, but there are several paths leading to Me and to the Devil. I will name the main ones.

Positive paths leading to God:

1) The path of virtue: love, selflessness, helping others;

2) The path of creativity;

3) The path of development through medicine;

4) The way of calculation and programming associated with creativity.

Negative paths leading to the Devil:

1) The path of evil: murder, deceit, money-grubbing, hatred, aggression;

2) The way of calculation and programming without creativity;

3) The path of automatism.

4) The path of degradation.

– How many lives on Earth should a person live in order to move to the first Level of the Divine Hierarchy?

– There are one hundred Levels for the earthly plane. But the soul does not always pass exactly this number. There are souls that develop slowly and can remain at one level for several incarnations or programs, and there are those that develop rapidly and are able to go through two or three Levels in one life, so they quickly move into the Hierarchy. One hundred Levels of the earthly plane is one hundred Levels of the earthly Hierarchy.

– What structure does the Earthly Hierarchy include?

– This construction belongs to Me (God)*, but I work within its boundaries together with the Devil. The Earthly Hierarchy is destined for the perfection of the initial souls, that is, the newly created souls, who begin their development from the physical world.

– After passing a hundred Levels on Earth, does a person get to the first Level of your Hierarchy?

- Yes. But there are souls who, even on Earth, leap ahead in development, so they can immediately get to the second Level of the Hierarchy.

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