Pearl barley: benefits and harms for a woman's body. Barley diet - the most effective options


Many diets originate from the origins of cooking, include fruits, cereals and dairy products. Pearl barley diet is no exception, it involves a decrease in the consumption of carbohydrates and fats and the normalization of metabolism (metabolism). Barley is one of the cheapest cereals and, at first glance, does not cause much confidence. It is filling and heavy, but at the same time very useful.

What is the use

When studying the composition, it was found that pearl barley contains everything vital necessary substances for the full functioning of the body. The main advantages of the product:

  1. 1. Surprises with a set of useful elements, contains a wide range of vitamins, folic and niacin, special dietary fiber.
  2. 2. The high content of amino acids, in particular lysine, promotes the production of collagen, which is very beneficial for the skin.
  3. 3. The composition of cereals includes almost the entire periodic table: a high content of magnesium and potassium will strengthen cardiovascular system, and micro and macro elements contribute to the restoration of health in general. During the diet, no additional admission vitamin complexes not required.
  4. 4. Complex carbohydrates who are here in a large number, split for a long time, thereby providing energy for long time... Eating a little pearl barley in the morning, you get energy for the whole day.
  5. 5. The product contains 2 times more phosphorus than any other porridge. This factor affects the acceleration and normalization of metabolism, phosphorus also stimulates the work of brain cells.
  6. 6. There is so much fiber in it that not only the work of the intestines is activated, the digestion process improves, but also all excess is removed from the gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract).
  7. 7. Barley is an excellent antiviral and antibacterial agent... It will speed up the healing process of herpes and ease allergic reactions.

The beneficial properties of cereals provide not only the role of an ideal product for balanced nutrition, but also determine its high dietary properties.

Diet restrictions

The pearl barley diet is considered quite tough and in the early days can cause strong feeling hunger and bouts of nausea. This is where its cons end. To make it easier to transfer the diet and get the greatest effect from it, follow these simple rules:

  • exclude flour, sweet, pork from the diet. This will not only speed up the process of losing weight, but also help to consolidate the result;
  • drink enough liquids. Plain water, or mineral water without gases, a glass of low-fat kefir is allowed at night. The total volume of water drunk per day should be 1.5-2 liters;
  • do not use during the diet, and also limit the consumption after its end, smoked meats, alcohol, coffee, all fatty foods;
  • improve the physical state and small physical activity will help to enhance the effect of the diet;
  • when you exit the diet, you should gradually add variety to your diet. For the first time, at least once a day, continue to eat barley porridge.

Correct use of the dietary product and adherence to the above recommendations will improve health and lose weight. Do not repeat the diet more often than once every 1.5-2 months.


Despite the limited diet, the diet has several options. Depending on the duration and rigidity of the menu, you can lose from 4-5 to 12 kilograms. It is also important to properly cook barley porridge.

Recipe: soak the cereal in the evening. When measuring the right amount, keep in mind that when cooking it will be 5 times more, so you should not soak too much. Fill the barley with water in a ratio of 1: 5. In the morning, drain the remaining water, add half of the original volume fresh and cook for 30-60 minutes over moderate heat, then wrap well for 30 minutes. Do not add salt, seasonings, or oil to your porridge.

Free option

In this diet, the diet is formed individually. It is allowed to add seasonings and a little oil to the porridge, and dilute the diet with vegetables and fruits. It is forbidden to consume only the products listed above.

Eliminate fats and sugar, and choose dinner as light as possible. On such a diet, you can hold out for a longer time. In the first few days, only the liquid will go away, and only then the fat deposits will begin to break down.

The arbitrary option is not so tough and effective, it is designed for weak-willed losing weight.

5 days (hard)

At the end of the diet, you will lose 4-5 kilograms. It is allowed to eat only pearl barley, cooked without salt and oil. But the amount of porridge per day is unlimited. In addition to water and mineral water without gas, it is allowed to drink herbal infusions and green tea... After 5 days, be sure to quit the diet.


Differs in variety and balance.

  • for breakfast, porridge with the addition of one grated apple or several prunes;
  • for lunch, you can prepare a light vegetable salad for porridge or add a piece of lean meat or fish;
  • for dinner, about 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of kefir.

Drink an unlimited amount of fluids throughout the day. After 7 days, the diet should be discontinued and gradually switched to a normal diet.


The first impression is lightness in the body. Due to the removal of excess fluid, toxins and fat, not only get rid of unwanted pounds, but also improve metabolism, normalize bowel function for a long time.

The condition of the skin will improve - it will look younger and more elastic, swelling and swelling will go away, and you will get a fresh and healthy look. The pearl barley diet gives a persistent and stable result, so there is often no need to repeat it.

To improve health, lose weight and simply cleanse the body, one of the diet options will be the ideal solution, it is the most useful and most budgetary option. Eat healthy and keep your body healthy.

In the ranking of cereals that effectively reduce weight, barley is in the lead. This cereal, which is useful in all respects, quickly saturates, therefore, it does not allow overeating. This allows it to be widely used during the diet. A very famous cereal is barley - the benefits and harms for losing weight will depend on the quality and quantity eaten, it has many useful properties for human body... For this reason, barley porridge is included in the diet for many diseases.

What is barley

Before arguing whether it is possible to eat barley while losing weight, you need to figure out what kind of cereal it is, and what its benefits are. For the first time, it was mentioned in the Bible, porridge made from barley was used for breakfast by royal persons, it was constantly on the soldiers' menu. In Russia, pearls were called pearls, and pearl barley received such a name because of its rich chemical composition... Pearl barley grains are white, sometimes with a yellowish oval shade.

What barley is made of

Barley is the very first, according to scientists, domesticated culture. This cold-resistant plant, growing even in the far north, is what barley is made of. Groats are made by cleaning barley grains, which are then polished and ground. Several options are obtained from the same grain: Dutch, pearl barley, yachka, which depends on the degree of its processing. Pearl barley undergoes minimal grinding, therefore retains a maximum of useful substances.

Barley composition

Pearl barley is effective for losing weight and preserving youth because it is rich in amino acids, for example, lysine. This substance takes part in the production of collagen, which helps to maintain the elasticity and smoothness of the skin. The set of vitamins contained in barley can be envied by any other cereal: A, B, E, PP, D. In terms of the amount of fiber, it even surpasses wheat porridge... Pearl barley is rich in the following microelements:

  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • bromine;
  • chromium;
  • strontium;
  • cobalt;
  • molybdenum;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

Nutritional value of pearl barley

Since pearl barley has a rich composition, its nutritional value is also great. Barley with a diet for weight loss saturates the body with the necessary micro- and macroelements. Not every cereal has this benefit. Undergoing heat treatment, the nutritional value of barley only increases. 100 grams of ready-made porridge contains:

  • fiber - 15.5 g;
  • potassium - 279 mg;
  • sodium - 9 mg;
  • carbohydrates - 77.33 g;
  • proteins - 9.86 g;
  • fats - 1.15 g;
  • sugar - 0.8 g;
  • poline saturated fat- 0.557 g;
  • monounsaturated fats - 0.148 g;
  • saturated fat - 0.243 g

Calorie content of barley

Nutritionists claim that best product for weight loss is difficult to come up with. When losing weight, pearl barley supplies the body with energy, improves metabolism, and prevents the deposition of subcutaneous fat. The dry calorie content of barley is 315 calories per 100 grams. The most dietary porridge is boiled in water - 109 kcal / 100 g. If you cook it with pumpkin, the calorie content will decrease to 63 kcal / 100 g. The energy value of a dish cooked with milk will be 156 kcal / 100 g.

Why barley is useful

Each mineral and vitamin is responsible for its function. Vitamin A, present in pearl barley porridge, improves immunity, preserves vision, strengthens the nail plate. Vitamin B provides normal work nervous system, does healthy hair... On this beneficial features pearl barley does not end there. "Pearl" groats contain the most valuable component - hordecin, which has a powerful antibacterial and antifungal effect.

Barley is famous - the benefits and harms for losing weight will be discussed below - for its absorbent properties. It removes toxins, provides Good work gastrointestinal tract. In addition to these, cereals have other medicinal properties:

  • enveloping;
  • anthracite;
  • antipyretic;
  • antiviral;
  • antispasmodic;
  • softening.

For women

Regular consumption of pearl barley (barley) porridge leads to a general rejuvenation of the body. Lysine and Vitamin E slow down aging, and the skin looks radiant. Selenium contributes to the prevention of breast cancer. The benefits of barley for women are enormous. When building correct diet nutrition, so as not to harm female body, pearl barley porridge will cleanse the intestines of harmful substances, blood vessels- from cholesterol, will increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

For men

If you believe the reviews of a strong half of humanity, then regular use pearl barley porridge enhances masculine strength, helps to prolong sexual intercourse. A great benefit of barley for men is the long-term feeling of fullness after consumption. This is especially important for business people who do not have time for snacks, lunches or dinners. In addition, as a result of the use of barley, blood sugar decreases, which is beneficial for diabetics, and also increases the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases.

The benefits of barley porridge

It is extremely important to include barley in children's menu starting from 2-3 years old. The use of pearl barley porridge for child's body is to maintain immunity, eradicate colds and viral diseases... Groats provide the growing body with all the components necessary for development. Due to the high content of phosphorus, the child activates brain activity, which helps him to absorb faster educational material.

Barley for weight loss

How to remove extra pounds without feeling hungry? Barley porridge for weight loss is the most the best option... Properly cooked cereal helps to lose kilograms, while a person does not experience hunger cramps in the stomach. In addition, unprocessed cereals are the best diuretic that can remove excess water and puffiness. Using barley for weight loss, the first result can already be seen in a week.

There will be no harm if, at the first stage of weight correction, you eat porridge in large quantities, because it is not high in calories. This will help the intestines get rid of harmful substances faster. At the second stage of losing weight with "pearl" cereals, fat is burned, therefore, it is not recommended to eat porridge in large quantities. One plate is enough so that the feeling of hunger does not appear for several hours.

Is it possible to lose weight on barley

Nutritionists treat barley differently. Supporters of the pearl barley diet note excellent cleansing ability and increased metabolism, which helps to quickly bring the figure back to normal. Opponents of eating barley porridge are advised to take into account the harm and contraindications, especially for pregnant women. So is it possible to lose weight on barley? Yes, if you cook crushed barley, eating it with low-calorie foods: fish, lean meat, vegetables, dried fruits. Such a multi-component food will not harm the body and will not allow you to get fat after leaving the dietary regime.

How to lose weight on barley

Groats are great for weight loss, so there are several options. dietary menu... However, when thinking about how to lose weight on barley, one must not forget about general recommendations: drink a lot of water (up to 2 liters / day), do not sit on a mono-diet for a long time, follow a dietary diet after leaving it, so as not to get better again. The toughest but most effective is the 5-Day Grain Diet. During these days, you can eat porridge in unlimited quantities, but you need to cook it without salt and spices. A glass of kefir is allowed at night, and during the day - green tea and rosehip broth.

Pearl barley diet

In the seven-day version, the pearl barley diet provides for the addition of prunes and apples to the morning porridge. For lunch, boiled cereals are ideally combined with boiled fish and vegetable salad, and for dinner you can add a glass of kefir and / or a little low-fat cottage cheese. The weekly diet allows a small amount of spices (not salt!) To the main diet: black and red pepper, curry, cinnamon, etc. You can add some fruits with a low sugar content: green apples, apricots, cranberries, papaya. During the diet, it is important to properly prepare the porridge. Recipe:

  1. Pour 200 g of cereal with a liter of water. Leave it on for 12 hours to swell.
  2. After the time has passed, add three more glasses of water. Cook for half an hour over low heat.
  3. After remove the pan from the heat, cover with a towel. Leave it warm for another 15 minutes. About a kilogram of porridge is obtained from a glass of cereal.

Fasting day on barley

A one-day diet is called a fasting day not because of effective weight loss, but due to the fact that it helps the body to rest from an excess of food, freeing it from toxins and toxins. Its essence consists in the use of barley porridge in unlimited quantities in small portions. It is imperative to observe the drinking regime, since barley grains remove a lot of liquid. A fasting day on barley will not only reduce weight and improve health, but also save the family budget. This type of unloading is efficient, economical and available to everyone, without exception.

Barley harm

It is not recommended to eat barley porridge for people with high acidity of the stomach. This is due to high content gluten, which provokes development chronic diseases organs of the digestive tract. Due to the long-term digestibility, it is undesirable to give barley grits to children under 3 years of age (newborns are very puffy from it) and women during pregnancy. Barley can harm people prone to allergic manifestations as some components of the cereal can cause allergies. With a large amount, porridge often causes increased gassing.

Video: the use of barley for weight loss

The benefits and harms of barley are not a subject of heated debate. Most of us are cool about this product, to say the least, and see it more as a part of diet food... But few people know how much value is actually hidden in this cereal.

Pearl barley: beneficial properties for women

Good nutrition is the key to beauty and health. To maintain a radiant look: strong bones and teeth, shiny hair, tightened skin and a peppy spirit must be consumed daily great amount useful elements.

Pearl barley is a complete product containing many substances necessary for the female body.

It satisfies part of the need for B vitamins, which are needed for normal blood formation and regular renewal of epidermal cells.

The condition of the skin, digestive organs and nervous system depends on the timely intake of the body nicotinic acid... Only 100 grams of pearl barley provide 18% of this need.

Pearl barley contains the necessary phosphorus, cobalt, copper, manganese, molybdenum and chromium. Minerals strengthen bones and teeth. Their presence ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system and heart. Trace elements are responsible for the functioning reproductive system, the production of sex hormones and normal fat metabolism.

Pearl barley contains most of the necessary fatty acids... She happens to be full source nutrition, therefore it often serves as the basis for a mono-diet. On a diet of pearl barley, the body is least of all deficient in any substances.

Regular consumption of pearl barley helps to cleanse. Among grains, pearl barley is the leader in fiber content. Plant fibers not only remove all excess from the intestines, but also create favorable conditions for the development of beneficial bacteria.

V folk medicine infusion of barley is used as a medicine against lumps in the chest. A decoction of the cereal itself is considered a strong lacticidal agent. It is useful to drink it after childbirth to establish lactation.

Benefits and harms during pregnancy

What are the benefits of barley for pregnant women? For women in position, it can be used as a vitamin supplement. Despite not very pleasant taste Pearl barley is one of the richest in terms of the content of trace elements and amino acids. It has everything you need to normal development fetal trace elements, vitamins and fatty acids.

Global attitudes towards gluten this moment not unambiguous. Some scholars believe that the use of this vegetable protein increases the likelihood of developing diseases of the joints and heart in the future. Others, on the contrary, note that against the background of excluding gluten from the diet, immunity decreases and the balance of intestinal flora is disturbed.

Slimming application

Barley is an ideal slimming product. It contains a minimum of fat and easily digestible sugars.

The cleavage of one polysaccharide molecule requires more energy than is released after its decomposition.

The pearl barley diet promotes rapid and effective weight loss. Its advantage is that it does not deprive the body of the main useful elements. On a pearl barley diet, you can easily get rid of several kilograms without sacrificing the beauty of the skin and the strength of the bones.

Pearl barley diet

There are two ways to lose weight using barley. The first one is very difficult. This is a mono diet. It must be observed within 5-7 days. There is only barley porridge without salt, oil, sugar and any seasonings.

Boiled cereals should be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the evening it is soaked in cold water... Drain in the morning, add water again and cook for half an hour.

Boiled barley replaces the entire diet. In addition to it, you can drink weak green tea and clean water.

The drinking regime must be observed without fail. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. The liquid, together with fiber, cleanses the intestines from accumulated decay products. Helps to remove toxins and normalize metabolism.

It is not easy to sustain such a diet. But the effort spent will surely pay off with good results. With the help of a mono-diet, you can correct your figure, get rid of the abdomen and "ears" on the hips, say goodbye to edema and tighten the oval of the face.

The name of pearl barley porridge came from of English language... There the phrase "pearled barley" literally translates as "pearl barley". Indeed, pearl barley is very similar in appearance to pearls. Despite the fact that "pearl" porridge is not an exquisite dish, it is very useful and is often used in the diet.

Is it possible to eat barley porridge while losing weight

Barley porridge contains a lot of fiber. And those who have already studied some weight loss diets and low-calorie meals already know that fiber is chief assistant when losing weight.

Thanks to this substance, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins, and digestion is normalized and metabolism is accelerated. If you love pearl barley porridge, then this dish will just perfectly fit into your diet.

The process of cleansing with the help of this porridge begins immediately, already in the first days, toxins begin to be removed and a feeling of lightness appears.

In addition, it has been proven that it is barley porridge that quenches your appetite for a long time, which means that you will not want to make regular snacks, which are so harmful to your figure. The feeling of fullness will be present for a long time.

Chemical composition and calorie content

With the goal of losing weight and improving the body, it is imperative to study the main products for weight loss. As for pearl barley porridge, it is a source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Among the vitamins in this cereal there are vitamins A, E, D, vitamins of group B. There are quite a lot of micro- and macroelements: phosphorus, manganese, copper, chromium, molybdenum, magnesium, iron, zinc. All these elements play a vital role for the body and make this porridge incredibly healthy.

For example, phosphorus is essential for strong teeth and bones, and copper reduces the risk of AIDS. Lysine is also present in pearl barley. Lysine is an amino acid that helps our skin to be healthy and supple. Also, this substance has antiviral action and prevents colds.

If we talk about the calorie content of barley, then it is close to buckwheat and oatmeal... The cereal itself has 320 kcal per 100 grams. If you cook porridge in water, then its calorie content will be only 109 kcal per 100 grams.

In milk, it will be slightly more calories, but not much - only 150 kcal per 100 grams. The low calorie content of this dish made from boiled pearl barley allows you to eat it quite often while losing weight.

Benefit and harm

As already mentioned, barley porridge is very useful and not only for weight loss. We can talk about its benefits for a very long time, so let's highlight the most important points:

  • improves digestion;
  • reduces the level bad cholesterol in the blood, which means it prevents blockage of blood vessels;
  • lowers blood sugar and is prophylactic from diabetes mellitus;
  • improves immunity and increases the body's ability to fight infections;
  • improves condition thyroid gland thanks to iodine in its composition;
  • improves skin condition, normalizes vision.

Can barley porridge be harmful? It's hard to talk about harm as such, it's more of a warning. After all, barley is a rather heavy product for the stomach, so you should not overeat. You should also be careful of those people who have contraindications to it.

How to eat porridge for weight loss

One of the strictest diet options is the mono diet. On a pearl barley diet, you can only eat porridge, while you must not forget about drinking enough. You need to drink at least one and a half liters per day.

Moreover, it is recommended to drink in between meals, and it is better not to drink the porridge itself. A milder diet option involves adding other foods to the diet. For example, barley porridge can be varied healthy fruits, berries or dried fruits.

You can also include lean meat or fish in the diet, fruit for an afternoon snack, and in the evening you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir. The main rule that should be followed if you are losing weight on barley is not to convey.

You need to eat only when you feel a slight hunger. The meal should be finished when the feeling of satiety has appeared. And now in more detail about how to cook dietary barley porridge.

Barley porridge recipes

Option number 1

Most the best way making barley for weight loss is a porridge in water without salt and spices, and also not seasoned with oil. Preparing such a dish is not difficult.

In fact, you will need more time than an hour if you want to cook a truly healthy diet porridge... In the evening, you need to soak the cereals. To do this, pour 1 glass of pearl barley or less into a saucepan and pour 1 liter of water.

You can cover with something so that nothing gets into the pan. It will swell overnight. Drain and add fresh water in the morning - about 3 cups (750 ml).

We put the saucepan on low heat and cook for about 40 minutes. Look at the state of the porridge - it should become thick. Then remove the pan from the heat and let the porridge brew. Do not remove the lid, or even better - wrap the pan in a towel.

If there is no time for soaking or you just forgot to do it in the evening, then you can do this: pour the washed cereal with the same amount hot water and simmer over high heat for about 5 minutes.

After that, drain the water, and throw the cereal itself into boiling water. Next, you need to cook for about 40 minutes. At the end, we also set aside the pan so that the porridge reaches the desired consistency.

Option number 2

If you do not adhere to a strict diet and want to diversify the pearl barley porridge, then you can cook it with zucchini, especially if their season has begun.


  • pearl barley - 1 glass;
  • zucchini - 500 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Caloric content: 102 kcal / 100 g.

Boil the barley according to the previous recipe. While the porridge is reaching, you can do other ingredients. To do this, cut the zucchini into slices and let them stand in salt water so that they give off all their bitterness.

At this time, peel the tomatoes and cut into cubes. In a preheated skillet, first put the zucchini and then the tomatoes. When the vegetables are half cooked, add the cooked porridge and let them simmer for another 10 minutes.

Add salt and pepper to taste. You can also garnish the dish with fresh herbs.

Sample diet menu

There are many options for weight loss diets on barley porridge. Some of them involve the use of only one porridge, the only exception is kefir at night. We offer a more varied diet, but no less healthy.

The diet must be adhered to for 7 days. The diet is about the same for every day.

Breakfast: 250 g of pearl barley in water, you can add pre-soaked prunes (a few things) or grated apple.

Lunch: 250 g of pearl barley porridge on the water, 100 g of vegetable salad, seasoned with 1 tsp. sunflower oil, 100 g of boiled meat or fish.

Snack: 100 g fat-free cottage cheese.

Dinner: 200 g of pearl barley porridge and a glass of kefir 0% fat.


In spite of nutritional value pearl barley, not everyone will benefit from it. Contraindications include, first of all, flatulence and increased acidity stomach. This cereal belongs to a number of foods that cause fermentation in the stomach.

There is a lot of gluten in it, so this porridge is strictly prohibited for those people who have gluten intolerance. Young children are also not advised to give it, especially under the age of 3 years.

Barley porridge saturates the body well and the feeling of hunger goes away for a long time, but you should also not overdo it and eat large portions - it is also harmful to the body.

The effect is

I adhered to the diet very strictly. She ate 3 times a day and only barley. Moreover, I did not cook the porridge, but soaked it for 12 hours. Then, when it swells, you can cook for 30 minutes and leave for 10 minutes under the lid. All this is very long and dreary, so you need to prepare food in advance. But if there is no time to prepare, you can cook porridge for an hour. But less nutrients will remain in it.
At a time, I ate 200 grams of barley porridge without salt. The satiety lasted for 2-3 hours. Instead of snacks, I drank green tea, rarely black coffee with milk. The effect of the diet is noticeable the very next day. The belly fell off, as if deflated. The feeling of lightness did not leave me throughout the day. On the 5th day, when I was very tired of the nasty pearl barley, I added cottage cheese and kefir to my diet. The last 2 days I have been eating barley again.
For a week of such a strict diet, it took me 4.8 kg. I left the diet carefully, adding protein to my menu, then fats and very few carbohydrates.
Weight still makes me happy. I connected fitness, thanks to which I tightened the muscles of the abdomen, legs and arms. The pearl barley diet is surprisingly not the most difficult and more effective than many mono diets.

It's not tasty...

It is the 5th day of my refusal from everything in the world, except for pearl barley and water. Girls, this is awful! There is a hunt, a hunt for a walk, but I am lying exhausted and without mood. I don't want to look at pearl barley anymore, but from its smell begins to feel sick.
Apparently, tomorrow I will have to return to my usual regime, otherwise I will completely fade away.
And it all started quite cheerfully. The first and second days of the diet were difficult, but at least satisfying. I ate my fill in the morning and forgot about my diet until the evening, I did not want to eat at all.
Barley normally cleans out the intestines, but I noticed the effect only on the third day. I sat on the toilet for half a day. The insides washed well, but at the same time I felt a weakness, similar to dehydration. Even though I drink a lot of water, it doesn't go away.
The pearl barley diet is not very simple. I don't even know which mazahist invented it. It's just torture!
In 4.5 days I lost 6 kg. This is more than I expected. But not with the same efforts ...
In general, from such a diet I have ambivalent impressions.
So far, I put a two, in 10-15 days I will add a review with the final result. If the weight does not return, then I will raise the mark to 3 points. More, alas, she does not deserve.

How to survive and lose weight

Pearl barley is not the most delicious product, but very healthy. For a long time I was going to clean it up, and at the same time lose a few kilograms. I adhered to it for 5 days. This is the minimum, it is better to sit for 10-14 days, but it is very difficult.
The first 2 days were the hardest. I constantly looked into the refrigerator and almost fell out. It is morally difficult to limit yourself to one barley, even without salt and spices.
On the third day, I reminded myself of plankton. The head did not think at all, the body was all wadded, uncontrollable. Then I decided, in order to somehow help myself, I need to add honey to the diet. They useful material contains (nutritious, high-calorie), and good for the brain. However, it was not enough.
I started drinking vitamins. Only later did I feel better. With grief in half, I withstood this mono-diet and I do not regret it at all. In less than a week, I lost 5.5 kg. Now I eat everything in a row, but I do not eat after 6. The weight has not changed!
Pearl barley diet only for strong people... But if you do not break, then she will delight you with a good plumb line.
By the way, contrary to my expectations, barley does not cleanse the intestines. On the contrary, I had difficulties with going to the toilet (drank forlax).
In general, the impressions are more positive. Sometimes you can sit on it.

Small result

The diet attracted by its economy. It is focused on the consumption of barley porridge, which is very affordable and inexpensive. You need to cook it by pouring cold water and insisting throughout the night. In principle, this is how it is recommended to cook all cereals to maximize their beneficial properties.
In general, impressed by the cheapness and the promised results, I started the diet. Duration - 7 days. The promised weight loss is 6-7 kg.

Porridge can be eaten in any quantity and at any time, but due to the fact that during cooking it cannot be salted or any other seasoning used, you will not eat a lot.
I was tired of the taste of porridge already on the 2nd day. Therefore, the monotony is a clear disadvantage.
I ate 4-5 servings of porridge a day. Approximately 150-200 grams at a time. But it was difficult to eat this portion, although I was hungry. Appeared desire eat vegetables and fruits.
As such, I did not feel weak, since barley is a carbohydrate that gives energy.
The plumb line per week is only 4 kg. When I saw this final result, then upset. I expected much more from her. Now I will never adhere to such mono-diets again, as I was not happy with the result.

Cheap and effective

I restore my figure after childbirth. I'm on a diet for the 4th day. But I don't stick to it strictly. In addition to barley, I eat a lot of fresh apples and cucumbers. Once a day - chicken or beef. On my condition and on quality breast milk this diet did not affect in any way.
Barley has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. I myself noticed that now my intestines are working like a clock. No constipation. I do not sleep or pepper porridge and other products.
Fat leaves the face noticeably. Households say I'm thinner. Glad to hear it! But the tummy does not want to give up fat, it still weighs, flabby.
I also really like that this diet is not expensive. Even if you buy porridge in packages, you won't spend much. And one package is enough for at least 7 days. If you take a kilogram, then in general it turns out a trifle.
In three days I threw off 1 kilogram. With a height of 166, I weigh 62 kg, and I was 63.2 kg. Let's see how it goes next. But while there is an incentive and desire.
While I'm in the mood to think that the pearl barley diet is not so bad. Personally, I can easily withstand it, without stress, despite a very busy daily routine (mommies will understand).
Maybe not very tasty ... But this is the tenth thing. The main thing is to throw it off, at any cost, except for the loss of health!

Not the most best diet

Pearl barley, in my opinion, is an "empty" porridge. There is very little useful in it, in fact - to fill the stomach and okay. What a pity that I found out about this after a full 5-day pearl barley diet.
To be honest, it was not very tasty and even disgusting! You need to eat porridge without salt, butter and any seasonings. She starts to feel sick already on the 2nd day. However, 1 kg stably flew away per day, based on the fact that I ate from 250 to 300 grams of barley porridge per day. Once I ate an apple and a pear.
Theoretically, barley porridge can cleanse the body, but I did not notice it myself. No laxative effect, no increased sweating I did not have.
The mono diet is difficult and tasteless, so be prepared to be offended by the whole world. Health is relatively normal, with the exception of muscle weakness.
5 kilograms flew away quickly, 3 of them returned a week later. So at the end of the diet, keep yourself in control, do not swoop in on sweets, otherwise the weight will return and bring extra pounds with it.
The diet is not more harmful than all the others, perhaps even somewhat more gentle. But painfully tasteless! If you really need to lose weight, you can try.

Far from ideal

In my opinion, the diet is very controversial, its benefits are greatly exaggerated. I will not argue with the fact that pearl barley itself is very useful. It contains a bunch of vitamins and useful amino acids. In particular, lysine is responsible for the production of collagen in the skin, and there is a chance that it will not sag so much when losing weight. And B vitamins normalize carbohydrate metabolism... But all the nutrients are lost in 40-60 minutes of cooking, leaving empty cereal for mechanical filling of the stomach.
In the hope of saving at least something, I cooked cereals in a slow cooker. All the advantages of a diet are reduced only to cheapness and simplicity. I tried to sit on it only once, without any digression, I ate only buckwheat and washed it down with only water, since nothing else is possible. Not very tasty, but bearable, beauty, as you know, requires sacrifice.
As a result, she developed flatulence, constipation, weakness and dehydration, although she drank 2 liters of water as usual. The chair after the cancellation of the diet was getting better for a long time. The lost 3 kg is not worth it.
The diet is clearly inferior to buckwheat, at least kefir and fruits are allowed there. Although barley is many times more satisfying. If, after many years of food debauchery, you switch abruptly to such a diet, then neither the brain nor the stomach will understand this, it will be difficult. It is suitable only for those who are prepared and morally resistant to goodies.

I do not advise, it is dangerous to health

The mono diet is very strange. Although you only need to observe it for 5 days, it was incredibly difficult for me to survive them. The scarcity of the diet is incredible, except for simple water and porridge, nothing is possible.
I drank a multivitamin complex in parallel, otherwise the body would have felt a clear lack of vitamins.
This diet assumes complete refusal from salt, which is also not ideal, you can earn specific dehydration. And this is many times more dangerous than just starvation.
I still added some salt to the porridge, but quite a bit. Otherwise, it is even impossible to stuff it into yourself, this is not oatmeal, which you quickly swallowed and forgot.
On the third day, I added fish and an apple to the diet so that the body would not start a riot.
First, I wanted to eat.
Secondly, I began to feel weakness and slight dizziness. In the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening, I ate 200 grams of porridge each, an afternoon snack was an apple one, and for an afternoon snack there was a steamed fish.
I draw your attention to the fact that after a diet, you need to continue to control yourself, and not pounce on cakes and sweets for joy. Otherwise, everything lost will return in double volume, the body does not forgive bullying.
In total, I lost 5 kg, but I hardly want to repeat this experience in the future.

A diet for creative rethinking and customization

In general, the body normally survived such a shake-up. Lost kgs have not returned general well-being didn't get worse. On the contrary, a pleasant lightness appeared in the body, as if by hand the lethargy and drowsiness were removed. The pearl barley diet is categorically contraindicated for people with problems. digestive system, especially in its most ascetic form. In principle, on barley, if you approach it wisely, you can also lose a lot of excess weight. I, so to speak, creatively reworked the diet. Complemented it with suitable foods and drinks.
In parallel, my diet consisted of a lot of greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, herbal teas and a spoon linseed oil... The fruit was given a twist from the gate, since there is a lot of sugar in them, which enters the bloodstream very quickly.
This customization helped to prevent the digestive disturbances that cereals can lead to, and to ensure a balanced, non-empty diet.
As a result of such nutrition, 4.8 kg were consumed in 5 days, 200 grams did not reach the promised 5 kg. I got out of the diet very smoothly, gradually adding all the usual products. Except harmful and unhelpful, of course.
In general, the body normally survived such a shake-up. The lost kg did not return, the general state of health did not deteriorate. On the contrary, a pleasant lightness appeared in the body, as if by hand the lethargy and drowsiness were removed. The pearl barley diet is categorically contraindicated for people with digestive system problems, especially in its most ascetic form. In principle, on barley, if you approach it wisely, you can also lose a lot of excess weight.

There is also a positive in my weight loss on pearl barley. I perfectly cleaned the digestive tract, pearl barley is in fact the same brush. So now I feel that the heaviness in the stomach has disappeared after eating. It is unlikely that I will dare to repeat my experiment, but experience is experience, I'm still glad. And 2 kilos, by the way, came back after the first late dinner with her friends.
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