Not difficult but very effective diet. The best diets for fast weight loss at home

For one reason or another, girls, and even some men, periodically have a need to lose weight in an amazingly short time. As a rule, a strict diet helps them to fast weight loss, which should have a menu of products with a minimum calorie content, be effective and safe for the body. There are many similar power systems, but not all of them fully meet the above requirements. Read on to find out which option is best for you.

What is a strict diet

This is the name of power schemes that provide a large plumb line in a short period of time. Fast diets for weight loss is a serious test for the body, so only those people who are not shaken in health are allowed to sit on them. All hard programs different diets, but there are a few general rules to follow:

  1. Be sure to drink plenty of purified water.
  2. It is recommended to take useful vitamin complexes.
  3. The total calorie content of food consumed per day is a maximum of 1200.
  4. Be sure to take time to exercise, but you can not overexert yourself.
  5. It is not allowed to eat sweets, fried foods, pastries, fatty foods and foods with fast carbohydrates.

Rigid weight loss programs have a number of advantages:

  • it takes up to one and a half kilograms of weight per day;
  • a person gets used to eating in smaller portions, not only with a diet, but also at ordinary times;
  • there is an effective bowel cleansing;
  • puffiness subsides;
  • improves metabolism.


  1. The body receives little vitamins, nutrients. This can lead to diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys.
  2. If you turn to hard diets too often, then the body will get used to it. As a result, the plumb line will be smaller each time.
  3. Rapid weight loss is accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger, because of which a person is stressed, he has weakness, irritability.
  4. The diet of the majority is too monotonous, so it is difficult to withstand them.
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • a drinking diet cannot be followed by people prone to puffiness;
  • age under 18;
  • allergies to foods that form the basis of the diet;
  • chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys;
  • recovery period after operation;
  • hypertension.

Hard Diet Options

Nutrition systems differ not only in diet, but also in their duration. There are strict nutrition systems for quick weight loss for a few days, a week, two. Each option provides a different plumb line and this is the main criterion that you need to pay attention to in order to make a choice. In addition, you need to take into account your taste preferences, make sure there are no intolerances to any products, this will help you to choose the best rigid diet for you.

For a week

This way to lose weight is one of the most effective and fastest. Menu for the week:

  1. In the first two fasting days The body needs to get used to a low-calorie diet. In each of them it is allowed to eat three eggs (boiled) and a kilogram of apples. It is better to limit yourself to water, but you can afford tea.
  2. Breakfast of the third day - two boiled soft-boiled eggs. Lunch - 150 grams of boiled beef and a little spinach. Dinner - cucumber salad with cabbage, one hard-boiled egg.
  3. The fourth day will have to starve. In the morning it is allowed to eat a boiled egg, in the afternoon a piece of steamed fish with vegetables (you can’t fry it). In the evening, you should limit yourself to two soft-boiled eggs and a cup of unsweetened tea.
  4. On the morning of the fifth day, drink weak coffee. Boil and eat one egg. Dine on two tomatoes. Dinner - boiled fish with half a cucumber.
  5. Breakfast of the sixth day - soft-boiled egg and a cup of herbal tea. Lunch - 100 g of boiled veal and beetroot salad. Dinner - 100 g of steamed turkey and an egg.
  6. Over the last day, you can gently return to your normal routine. For breakfast, you will need to eat one egg, toast with cheese and tea. For lunch, you need to cook 150 g of baked veal with salad. Dinner is very light - toast with tomatoes, chamomile tea.

For 3 days

Thanks to this nutrition scheme, you will be able to lose up to three kilograms, and if you get out of it correctly, then up to five. A rigid diet for 3 days is based on the consumption of low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and lean meat. Dinner should be no later than four in the evening. Menu:

  1. Breakfast with lean borscht, and for dessert, eat three dried apricots. For lunch, pour 50 g of cereal with yogurt, stew some vegetables in water. Dine with grapefruit and 200 ml of kefir.
  2. On the morning of the second day, eat a couple of baked potatoes sprinkled with dill and a tomato. Dine on a sandwich with a thin slice of ham, carrot salad and a glass of fermented baked milk. Dinner - boiled egg and yogurt.
  3. On the third day, have breakfast with a slice of salted cheese and two small tomatoes. Lunch menu - 250 g of cottage cheese and a few lettuce leaves. Eat grapefruit and green tea.
  1. Make the fourth day curd.
  2. In the next three days, completely give up salt. Boil or steam food.
  3. For the next two weeks, make the menu so that you do not exceed the maximum rate of 1300 kcal.

Weight loss by 20 kg

It is very difficult to achieve such a result and you should understand it well. A rigid diet for weight loss of 20 kg is divided into 5 blocks of 4 days each. Observing it, you must give up playing sports. Menu:

  1. Days 1-4. In the morning - 160 g of fat-free cottage cheese, a large sour apple and green tea. Lunch - 120 g of rice, 180 g of boiled chicken without skin, 200 g of salad (carrot, cabbage, beetroot, spinach).
  2. Days 5-8. Breakfast is a cup of tea. During the day, cook 200 g of steamed white fish fillet, 100 g of buckwheat and one boiled egg. Supper 200 g of vegetable salad and green tea.
  3. Days 9-12. In the morning it is supposed to eat 200 g of salad, and in the afternoon drink only green tea. It is recommended to have dinner with boiled beans and 200 g of steamed chicken breast.
  4. Days 13-16. Morning - low-fat cottage cheese (150 g), weak coffee. Day - 200 g of steamed broccoli. Evening - 200 ml of green tea.
  5. Days 17-20. Drink green tea in the morning, eat 200 g of steamed white fish and vegetable salad in the afternoon, have dinner with 200 g of rice with tomato.

For 5 days

A rigid diet will help you lose up to 5 extra pounds. A rigid diet for 5 days involves meals by the hour. The daily menu is the same:

  • 7:30 - unsweetened tea;
  • 9:30 - coarsely grated carrots mixed with olive oil;
  • 11:30 - 200 g boiled chicken fillet;
  • 13:30 - sour apple;
  • 15:30 - hard boiled egg;
  • 17:30 - apple;
  • 19:30 - 5-7 pieces of prunes;
  • 21-30 - 200 ml of kefir.

Products for fast weight loss

There are many foods that will speed up weight loss. As a rule, products that promote rapid weight loss have a fat burning effect. If you want to improve your figure, eat more:

  • bell pepper;
  • blueberries;
  • cabbage;
  • buckwheat;
  • carrots;
  • beets;
  • celery
  • cucumbers;
  • spinach;
  • pumpkins;
  • zucchini;
  • turkey fillet;
  • Luke;
  • lean beef, boiled or grilled;
  • squid;
  • watermelons;
  • apples
  • radishes;
  • grapefruits;
  • raspberries;
  • spinach;
  • fat-burning spices (horseradish, ginger, cinnamon, black and red pepper, chicory, mustard);
  • lean beef;
  • greens;
  • pineapples;
  • lemons;
  • cranberries;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cod;
  • tomatoes;
  • chicken fillet;
  • oatmeal;
  • avocado;
  • melons;
  • kiwi;
  • drain;
  • strawberries.

If you want to lose weight, avoid:

  • fast food;
  • flour and especially muffin;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sweets;
  • smoked meats;
  • potatoes;
  • fatty meat;
  • canned food;
  • meat broths;
  • sausage products.

extreme diets for weight loss

You have already managed to make sure that there are a lot of options, but it’s still hard to decide which one to stop at. Learn the most effective diets for very fast weight loss, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by a huge number of positive feedback online. Remember that the choice must be approached very seriously, not for a second forgetting about your health. Assess the state of your body, set a realistic goal and only then make a decision.


You can sit on this from one day to a month. The longer the rigid drinking diet is, the more you can lose. Key rules:

  1. You should completely abandon solid food in favor of liquid and not deviate from the menu.
  2. The monthly diet is allowed to be repeated only after a year.
  3. It is necessary not only to eat liquid food, but also to drink water.
  4. vitamins, fish fat take extra.
  5. There should be four to five meals a day.
  6. If you play sports, then train at a minimum intensity.

The most rigid diet for fast weight loss has the following advantages:

  1. Foods for a drinking diet are very easy to prepare.
  2. Already in the first days of losing weight, you will feel cheerfulness, a surge of strength and energy.
  3. With a diet with such a menu, the body is perfectly cleansed.

Allowed to use:

  • non-carbonated mineral water without salt;
  • chicken, meat, fish, vegetable broths (only homemade);
  • unsweetened natural compotes;
  • vegetable puree soups;
  • low-fat fermented milk and milk drinks;
  • kissels and fruit drinks;
  • fresh squeezed juices.
  • solid and semi-solid products;
  • sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, marinades;
  • food additives;
  • canned food;
  • alcohol;
  • butter and animal fats;
  • drinks with caffeine;
  • pork, lamb broths;
  • soda.


An incredibly simple and affordable option for those who want to lose weight in one week. Groats for this food system should be poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2, closed with a lid and insisted overnight. You can not salt it, add oil too. Buckwheat diet for 7 days is represented by two varieties:

  1. Strict. During the day, you can eat any amount of buckwheat. You can only drink water or herbal teas.
  2. Moderately rigid diet for fast weight loss. It is allowed to eat any amount of buckwheat. During the day, you can drink a liter of kefir and as much water as you like.


You have to follow it for a week. In the diet should be only foods rich in protein. Not allowed a large number of complex carbohydrates. Rigid protein diet prohibits eating sweet fruits, vegetables rich in starch, canned food, semi-finished products, confectionery. Approximate option daily menu:

  1. Breakfast. 4 boiled egg whites, 150 g of oatmeal on the water (adding sugar and salt is prohibited).
  2. Dinner. boiled chicken breast(150 g), steamed broccoli.
  3. afternoon tea. 50 g steamed tuna, 100 g rice, tomato.
  4. Dinner. 180 g fat-free cottage cheese with a tablespoon of crushed nuts.


This option is effective, albeit strict. Kefir diet minus 10 kg per week prohibits the use of fatty, alcohol, sugar, flour, salt, sweets, because all these products overload the liver. Every day you need to drink one and a half liters of low-fat kefir (divided into equal portions) and one additional product per day:

  1. 4 boiled potatoes sprinkled with herbs.
  2. 150 g boiled chicken fillet.
  3. 120 g boiled beef.
  4. 120 g boiled fish.
  5. Any number of vegetables or fruits.
  6. Only kefir and water.
  7. The same diet as on the sixth day.

rice diet

You should eat according to this program for three, maximum four days, and during this period you will be able to get rid of 5 kg. A rigid rice diet requires prior bowel cleansing. You can make a special enema or drink laxative drug. Cook yourself a glass of rice every day. Eat it in five doses in equal portions. It is allowed to drink water, green tea, herbal decoctions, natural juices. If it's really hard, eat an apple or a fresh stalk of celery.

low carb

Eating according to the following program for two weeks, you will lose 5-8 kg. The Fast Low Carb Diet is low calorie but not too hard to follow. Be sure to drink a lot of pure water during the period of weight loss. Alcoholic drinks, fruits, juices are strictly prohibited. One of the daily menu options:

  1. Breakfast. A small grapefruit, tea, a thin plate of salted cheese with a slice of brown bread.
  2. Dinner. 215 g fat-free cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. l. beans, a slice of gray bread, unsweetened tea.
  3. Dinner. 125 g boiled meat or lean fish, tea, a few cherry tomatoes.

Diet Models

Every woman worries about how the girls on the cover of magazines always look perfect. They are saved by a strict diet of models, which was calculated for three days. It is difficult to eat on it, but you can lose from one to one and a half kilograms per day. You can stick to this nutrition system once a month, not more often. Menu for the day, from which any deviations are strictly prohibited:

  1. Breakfast (9:00). 200 ml of water, one egg, soft-boiled.
  2. Lunch (12:00). 185 g fat-free cottage cheese, unsweetened green tea.
  3. Dinner (15:00). 125 g fat-free cottage cheese, lemon wedge, green tea without sugar.

Consequences of a strict diet

Express programs can be harmful to health, especially if you break the rules. The danger of rapid weight loss is as follows:

  1. Decreased performance.
  2. The nails become brittle, the condition of the hair and skin may worsen.
  3. Perhaps the development of atherosclerosis, colitis, urolithiasis, gout.
  4. Menstrual cycle goes astray.
  5. There is a risk of disruption of the functioning of the digestive system, the appearance of problems with the liver.

Video about the toughest diets for fast weight loss

If you dream of losing weight, but still have not decided how best to do it, watch the following videos and it will be easier for you to make a decision. Thanks to the video, you can learn the features of the most popular rigid diets, their advantages, disadvantages and secrets. Remember that in order to have a beautiful figure, you need to make some efforts, but the final result is definitely worth it.

grapefruit diet

Carrot diet for fast weight loss

Skinny Diet

Everyone who has tried this diet confirms 2 facts: this diet definitely has an effect and it is significant; it's not hard to follow. Here is the basic technique:
Preparatory stage
You should start from the most important.
Eliminate from your daily diet the so-called "bad" carbohydrates, which cause an increased "release" of insulin. First of all, white sugar is sent “under lock and key” in its pure form or in combination with other products. You should categorically refuse all sweets, including sugar, honey, jams, sweets, chocolates and ice cream, canned fruits and compotes, concentrated fruit juices and sweet carbonated drinks. Remember that sugar dissolved in liquid is absorbed much faster, and that sugar is often hidden in foods such as sauce.
Sugar substitutes are allowed.
Try to avoid processed foods, such as white rice or white flour bread, which food industry adds white sugar, and with a very generous hand. Instead of white rice, eat only unpeeled (brown) or wild rice. You should especially refuse corn and potatoes in any way of their preparation.
Start eating only “good” carbs. These include coarse grains and some starchy foods such as beans and lentils, as well as most fruits and vegetables. They contain a maximum of fiber and a minimum of glucose and, unlike "bad" carbohydrates, do not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar.
Try to stick to the principle separate power supply according to the familiar scheme - "proteins and fats are separated from carbohydrates." In this case, the body will have to increase the production of energy from its own fats, which leads to weight loss. Never mix "bad" carbs (sugar, White bread, flour, starchy food), with lipids (meat, eggs, vegetable oils).
If possible, avoid prepared foods that contain both carbohydrates and fats (chocolate, avocado, liver, fried potatoes, pastries, full-fat dairy products, canned food). Sausages and sausages pose a considerable danger, since they contain starch, as well as a large amount of hidden fat.
Properly balanced food should be, first of all, rich in proteins, fiber and be limited in carbohydrates and fats.
You will be surprised how comfortable your body can feel!
Eat fruit. Under the condition of a “hungry stomach”, they are digested in 15 minutes and perfectly stimulate the intestines. Thus, the volume of the stomach will be filled with low-calorie foods. Remember that fruits should be eaten strictly on an empty stomach.
Abstain from all types of alcohol for at least a week. This applies especially to beer. Only a small amount is allowed light dry guilt. Drink less liquid during meals to avoid diluting stomach acid. For the same purpose, do not drink immediately before meals. By the way, fruit juices are best prepared on their own. After all, unlike purchased drinks, they do not contain "fast" sugar.
If you are invited to a festive feast or guests come to you, remember the simplest rules, the observance of which will not harm your body.
- out of many delicious meals try to choose "healthy" and eat them as slowly as possible, learn to enjoy food, and eat beautifully;
- start your festive meal with a salad of fresh vegetables - this dish is suitable for any drinks;
- chew food thoroughly, do not rush to “mind” everything in one sitting;
- try not to arrange assorted fish, meat and other dishes on a plate, choose one thing, preferably the least fatty;
- remember that strong alcoholic drinks increase appetite and dull vigilance in relation to food (and not only!). If it’s completely impossible to give up alcohol, give preference to dry wines. They at least useful for digestion and metabolism.
Look no longer at the table, but at those who are sitting next to you, give them compliments and support small talk. Talk more, eat less.
And, of course, try not to miss a single dance. Dancing is a good relief during a feast.
The most important factor leading to the development of obesity is low physical activity. At the same time, even normal amount food intake is excessive, since the calories that enter the body are not burned in the process physical activity and turn into fat. Therefore, more movement.
Drink only water! At least 8 glasses a day! Excess water is stress for the body. The more you drink, the more stress hormones your adrenal glands secrete, because it is these hormones that are “fat-burning”. Increase your daily intake by about 2.5 liters. Remember: You need still water! But it's not only that.
Additional pluses: “Burning” fat is accompanied by the formation of toxins. When there are too many of them, the body stops fat metabolism so as not to get poisoned. Water flushes out toxins, and the body gives the go-ahead to continue destroying fats.
Stock up on patience in order to consistently and persistently put all these tips into practice. Have you consciously or unconsciously spoiled your appearance during for long years, and there is no way to return your lost physical attractiveness within a month or two. This takes some time, and success in this depends on yourself and the experience of the doctor supervising you.
Losing weight means not only improving health, but also regaining youth.
Trust my experience. You will feel ten years younger.

First stage

The first stage should be started from the second clean day after the CD (critical days).
The first stage lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. The main task of the first stage is the removal of dependence, i.e. weaning the body from "fast" carbohydrates and simultaneous gentle cleansing gastrointestinal tract with restoration normal microflora intestines. At this stage of the passage of my methodology, you will need some restrictions. Before proceeding with the cleansing of the intestines, it must be unloaded.

I will give, as an example, the average diet per day for those passing the first stage of the methodology:
In the morning, on an empty stomach: a glass of water (200g).
a glass of "Activia" (or any low-fat kefir with bifidus or lactobacilli) without sugar and aromatic additives (pay attention to the expiration date);
a handful of a mixture of nuts: (pine nuts are preferable), almonds, walnuts, no more than a full tablespoon;
a handful of bran (or fiber) from 40 to 100g;
after 1.5-2 hours - one apple (eat with seeds);
after 0.5-1 hour - Meridia capsule (used only as directed by a doctor).
salad "Greek" or any other of any vegetables and lettuce, 1-1.5 teaspoons of unrefined olive or linseed oil(the amount and time of use is not limited, but the amount of oil per daily serving is unchanged, no more than 1-1.5 teaspoons).
At night: right before going to bed - the protein of two eggs or a glass of warm milk 1.5% fat.

During the day: 2-3 cups of green tea without sugar (possible with a substitute, except for fructose), 1.5-2 liters of raw water, amino acid vitamins (prescribed by a doctor).
In addition to the indicated diet, it is allowed to eat 2-3 more apples, but not earlier than one hour after any meal or one hour before it.
In these two weeks, it is advisable to eat only apples from fruits, but grapefruits are also allowed. You can not mix different fruits in one day. Completely prohibited: bananas, beets, carrots.
Main principle: NO HUNGER!
If you only feel the initial signs of hunger, immediately eat an apple or a handful of bran.
All these days, meat and fish products are completely excluded. Protein deficiency is partially compensated by nuts, dairy products and egg protein.
If you did everything correctly, then the weight loss by the end of the second week will be about 5 - 7 kg. You can proceed to the second stage of the program.

Second phase
The main goal of this stage is direct weight loss against the background of further bowel cleansing and metabolic restructuring. This period can last quite a long time until you get close to the optimal weight for your body.
At this stage, the restrictions are no longer as strict as in the first two weeks. These restrictions will smooth out moderate portions of low-fat cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, fish, and seafood. It is best to cook them boiled, steamed, but not fried, and periodically interchange them in the diet.
It is worth noting that the first problems may arise at this stage. And the main one is that the more you lose weight, the slower the process. Finally, there comes a moment when the body, tired of fighting with overweight, all your persuasion answers with a categorical refusal. Everyone has this moment in their own time. It depends on the correct fulfillment of the conditions of the methodology and features specific organism. The length of the second stage depends on the reaction of your body and the initial amount of fat mass. As a result of passing this stage, you should get as close as possible in terms of your indicators to your normal weight. But I always recommend keeping some, insignificant amount of adipose tissue, at least for one year.

The third stage at this stage is the consolidation of the desired weight.

weight loss - cult modern society. Someone is trying to fit themselves to the standards of external beauty, and someone is just trying to maintain their health. But everyone wants a quick and long-term result. Most the right way for weight loss, it is to contact a nutritionist who will prescribe a long-term diet. A person is always trying to find a shortcut, and a rigid power system comes to the rescue.

Pros and cons of a strict diet

A rigid diet is a radical restriction in nutrition for a certain period of time. Such a system can only be useful if it is not long-term. Such a diet should not be followed for more than a week. During this time, the body will be cleansed, and the pancreas will rest from fatty and sweet foods. But a long-term restriction in food can significantly harm the body:

  1. The metabolism will slow down.
  2. There will be avitaminosis (lack of vitamins).
  3. There will be a lack of energy, which will lead to weakness and fainting.
  4. Possible failure of the endocrine system.
  5. Brain activity will slow down.

Diet Rules

Each diet has its own rules and peculiarities in nutrition. But all of them are united by several conditions that must be met for rapid decline weights:

  • After consulting with a doctor, purchase a vitamin complex at a pharmacy. You should start taking vitamins before the diet, continue during and after the dietary restriction.
  • Always drink plain water. About two liters per day.
  • Get enough sleep. All radical dietary restrictions are stressful for the body, you should not add to it a lack of rest.
  • Avoiding any form of alcohol.
  • Limit your intake of salt, sweets and fatty foods.

Subject to these not complicated, in execution, rules, overweight will leave easily and without much harm to health.

We lose weight in a month

Buckwheat diet

During the week, only buckwheat should be consumed. Buckwheat is rich in vitamins, and also helps to cleanse the body. It should be mentioned that this diet has two options:

  1. Eating raw cereals without salt. Buckwheat is washed, doused hot water and pour kefir at night, in the morning the cereal swells and can be eaten.
  2. Plain boiled buckwheat, instead of salt, you can use seasoning or soy sauce.

In both cases, buckwheat can be eaten in any quantity, but always in small portions. Do not forget about water. Subject to all the principles of the diet, in a month you can lose almost 20 kg with the first option, and up to 10 kg with the second.

citrus diet

Very effective, but difficult, in execution, diet. Few people can withstand eating only oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and kiwi for a month. Such nutrition can lead to loss of strength, and even cause allergic reaction. Therefore, before starting to lose weight in this way, it is worth visiting a doctor. Losing weight claim that for a month of such nutrition it takes up to 20 kg. But the weight can easily come back after the diet ends. The menu is simple:

  • breakfast - fruit; boiled egg 1 PC.; freshly squeezed lemon juice or lemon water;
  • lunch - orange; 3 kiwis;
  • dinner - grapefruit; lemon water;

At the end of the day you can drink kefir. The diet should be followed for 30 days.

potato diet

The most amazing diet ever. After all, usually during weight loss, potatoes are banned. It turned out that such drastic measures were in vain. This vegetable is rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP and C, as well as magnesium, iron and phosphorus. You can endlessly list the benefits of potatoes, but the most important thing in the diet is that it is satisfying, so there will be no strong feeling of hunger. But don't run and eat now mashed potatoes with butter. This system also has its own nuances:

  1. The norm per day is no more than 2 kg of potatoes.
  2. The vegetable should either be baked in the oven or boiled in uniform.
  3. Sugar and salt are prohibited, seasonings are also not allowed.
  4. By the end of the diet, it is allowed to bake potatoes with herbs.

After a week of such nutrition, the results will be visible. Lightness will appear in the whole body, and kilograms will begin to melt before our eyes. For a month it may well go up to 10 kg.

protein diet

The most popular food system in our time. Even celebrities resort to her help. The essence of the diet: the complete exclusion of carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, sugar and salt. Only pure proteins are allowed. You should eat every three hours in small portions. Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: two egg whites and skim milk omelet; a slice of cheese; tea.
  • Snack: kefir or natural yogurt.
  • Lunch: boiled or oven-baked chicken breast; salad from white cabbage and tuna seasoned with natural yogurt; green tea.
  • Snack: fermented milk product (kefir or yogurt).
  • Dinner: cottage cheese, boiled broccoli.

Proteins saturate the body, so this diet is quite satisfying, but at the same time effective. It takes 10-15 kg per month. But nutritionists forbid to observe it for more than a month.

Diets for 7 days

The most frequent request on the Internet: "How to lose weight in a week?". Experts are skeptical about such issues, assuring that in such a period of time it is not possible to achieve great results, without stress for the body. But people find a way.

Drinking diet

The most rigid diet, according to many. Within 7 days, only liquids should be eaten: meat broths, juices, tea, compotes, kefir, milk. In a week, the body will lose at least 5 kg.

cucumber diet

The weekly diet includes only cucumbers and kefir 1.5% fat. The amount eaten is not controlled. The main thing is not to break. Only in this case, at the end of the week, losing weight is waiting excellent result: weight loss of 5-7 kg and a completely cleansed body.

Favorite Diet

A diet that has gained popularity recently. Every day, throughout the week, you should follow the basic rules in nutrition:

  • The first day is drinking. All types of liquids are allowed. Limit sugar and salt intake.
  • The second day - vegetable. We eat vegetables raw, steamed or boiled. Potatoes are banned.
  • The third day is drinking. We only drink drinks again.
  • Fourth day - eat fruit. Ban on bananas and grapes.
  • The fifth day is protein. We lean on all types of protein: meat, fish, dairy products.
  • The sixth day is drinking.
  • The seventh day - we gradually leave the diet. For breakfast, any porridge, for lunch, fish and salad, and for dinner, cottage cheese.

For 7 days of such nutrition, you can lose up to 7 kg.

Rigid three-day diets

A three-day nutrition system can hardly be called a diet for weight loss, rather it is a cleansing of the body at home.

apple diet

The essence of the diet: throughout three days eat only apples. They can be baked in the oven or eaten raw. But if a person has an ulcer or gastritis, such a nutrition system is categorically contraindicated for him. For 3 days of such a hunger strike, almost 3-5 kg ​​go away.

watermelon diet

The basis of the diet is the consumption of one product of a person. The daily diet of a person who is losing weight should not exceed 5 kg of watermelons. Watermelons are an excellent choice for cleansing the body. The diet is very difficult to follow. But those who have tried it on themselves, assures that the result is worth all the effort. Contraindications are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. Weight loss can be up to 5 kg.

Contraindications to the use of diets

In any diet, the main thing is not only to hold out for several days, but it is important to maintain the result and not harm your body. Therefore, before any diet, you should visit a therapist. Also, a rigid power system has contraindications:

  1. Age up to 20 years.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Low hemoglobin.
  5. Daily high physical activity.

Today, every third "sits" on a diet and for others it is perceived as the norm. It must be remembered that the most important thing for a person is his health. The wrong approach to weight loss and nutrition can undermine it. A rigid diet is used only in extreme cases; for long-term weight loss, it is better to use proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

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How much time is spent trying to pick up and try out an effective diet for yourself, and you also want to noticeably lose weight, and also consolidate the result, and also so that physical exercises are kept to a minimum. Among the many schemes proper nutrition and numerous diets, there are so-called express diets. For many women, this diet is known as a "hard diet". What diets fit into this category? The effectiveness of hard diets? Their danger to the body and the consequences ...

Already from the name itself it becomes clear that many cannot adequately withstand such a diet. The essence of this event is to lose as many extra pounds as possible in the shortest possible time. Such diets are very popular and effective, although there are opponents of such nutrition, because after a strict diet, relapses of chronic diseases and a decline in immunity are possible. This can be easily avoided, you must strictly adhere to nutritional recommendations and smoothly exit the diet. At its core, a rigid diet for quick weight loss consists of a monotonous and monotonous menu. It should be understood that this kind of diet is a strong blow to all body systems, so it is worth resorting to them only in isolated cases. It is recommended to repeat the course of the diet only after six months, or even a year.

It is also not advisable to reduce the recommended portions of food or increase the duration of the diet. Believe me, you will be able to lose weight anyway, strictly adhering to the chosen diet. The main point of the diet is a significant reduction in calories consumed and an increase in the amount of water you drink. It’s worth starting smoothly, gradually removing fatty and fried foods from the diet, and when you get used to such a restriction, you can move on to the active stage (strict diet).

There are several different weight loss programs with a strict diet. They differ only in permitted products and the duration. In this case, all the options below are effective, you only need to choose the right one.

The diet is designed for a week, but if desired, it is permissible to extend it up to 14 days. All that is required of you is to follow the recommended amount of food and not add unnecessary products to the diet. The menu is made taking into account physiological characteristics body and adapted to the process of rapid weight loss.

Diet Basics:

  • day 1 and 2. This time is considered the adaptation period of the body, during which it is rebuilt to function with a minimum amount of calories received. At this time, you can eat apples in not limited quantity and three boiled eggs. Increase the liquid to 1.5 liters. You can drink coffee, tea and juices (of course, without sugar), but they are not taken into account in the volume of liquid;
  • day 3. Here, food intake is already divided into several meals, breakfast should consist of two eggs, it can be either boiled eggs or a steam omelette without salt and spices. For lunch, you can eat a portion of boiled or steamed beef with celery or spinach. For dinner, but not just before bedtime, the meal consists of a vegetable salad and a boiled egg. Do not forget about the required amount of water;
  • day 4. Breakfast consists of a boiled egg and rye bread. For lunch, you need to cook low-fat sea ​​fish with vegetable salad. Two eggs and a cup of tea or brewed coffee are allowed for dinner. During the day, it is worth drinking about 1.7 liters of water;
  • day 5. In fact, the fifth day is a mirror image of the previous day. The same products are allowed, but in reverse order. Vegetable salad can be replaced with a couple of fresh tomatoes;
  • day 6. This is meat day. White poultry or lean parts of beef and veal are allowed. Morning should start with a portion of meat with a couple of boiled eggs. For lunch, again meat, but with vegetables. Dinner consists of meat with celery or spinach;
  • day 7. A smooth transition from a rigid and limited diet to the usual diet. We start the morning with boiled eggs with tea. In the afternoon - meat and salad. In the evening, you can afford a salad of greens and vegetables with tea or coffee.

If coffee or tea has a stimulating effect on you and after these drinks it is difficult for you to fall asleep, then in the evening they can be replaced with a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Such a diet should not be continued for more than one week. The fact is that if you follow a diet more long time, irreversible processes begin to occur in the body, which can lead to serious consequences. In a week you can get rid of seven kilograms excess weight.

The main part of your diet should be yogurt, up to 1.5 liters per day. The fat content of kefir should not exceed 1%. on the first day, you should drink a liter of kefir and eat up to 200 grams of boiled potatoes, dividing it into several meals. On the second day - kefir and 350 grams of low-fat boiled or steamed meat. If you prefer poultry, then it should be white meat. The third day involves the consumption of kefir with apples, which can be eaten up to seven pieces. The menu of the fourth day consists of kefir with 150 grams of cottage cheese, it is better to take low-fat and unsweetened varieties. The diet of the fifth day is kefir and dried fruits (up to 150 grams), it can be dried apricots or raisins. The next day, you should stock up on kefir and any other fermented milk product(150 grams) reduced fat. On the final seventh day, it is only allowed to drink kefir.

When following a diet, you need to drink enough water. Tea, juices and coffee are not allowed in this diet!

This type of diet causes a lot of controversy and doubt among doctors. Yes, the diet is really effective and allows you to lose about 10 kilograms. But at the same time, drinking or is considered the most difficult and harmful to the body. Therefore, many women consider it as emergency measure for fast results. For the body, this is a strong load and, based on this, it should be excluded, for the duration of the diet, physical exercise and avoid psychological stress.

During the diet, your diet will consist only of liquid. So, on the first day you can drink only 1.5 liters of water. On the second day, a liter of skimmed pasteurized milk can be added to the amount of water. On the third day, we do not add any of the new products. The fourth day involves adding a vegetable salad to the menu, from products that do not contain starch. On the fifth day of the diet - milk and water (a total of 2 liters). The sixth day is a smooth transition from a strict diet to proper nutrition, a couple of eggs, lean meat and vegetable salad are allowed. The seventh day of the diet is designed to consolidate the result, during the day you can drink 500 ml of milk or kefir.

Such a diet is very exhausting for the body and is not recommended for women who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac or genitourinary system. A few days before the start of the water diet, it is good to start taking a vitamin complex.

Buckwheat is a universal product for weight loss. And the diet, the main component of which is buckwheat, is considered the most loyal and safe for women. Buckwheat contains a lot beneficial vitamins and trace elements that are able to support the body during food restrictions. It is important to understand that the diet will be more effective and useful if the cereal is not boiled, but simply brewed with boiling water overnight. Porridge should be prepared without adding salt or sugar, and butter should also be avoided. It is allowed to eat buckwheat with the addition of a spoonful of honey once a day. On average, the daily norm of buckwheat is 3-5 servings. In this case, the menu can diversify the following products:

  • fruits (first meal);
  • eggs;
  • salads from fresh green vegetables and herbs;
  • low-calorie types of yogurt (better than homemade);
  • drinks that do not contain sugar and dyes.

The ease of this diet lies in the fact that quite a lot of different dishes can be prepared from buckwheat. If you want to complicate the menu and achieve great results in losing extra pounds, then you can reduce the entire diet to the consumption of buckwheat, kefir and apples.

This diet does not require cessation of sports activities and can be followed up to 1.5 months. The main part of the menu is protein products, which can be combined with legumes and fresh vegetables. At integrated approach, which will include diet food, regular exercise and a course of massage, you can lose up to 7 kilograms per week. Required products:

  • lean meats;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • seafood cocktails;
  • egg whites (only proteins! You can afford only one yolk per day for 5-6 proteins);
  • greens and vegetables (without starch).

Meals should be broken down into frequent meals in small portions. Evening meals should consist mainly of fresh vegetables. It is recommended to use a small amount as a dressing olive oil. At the same time, the consumption of a small amount of salt and spices that speed up metabolism is allowed. A couple of times a week, breakfast can include toast from rye bread or unsweetened fruits. The duration of the diet depends on the goals and excess weight at the beginning of the weight loss program.

From any diet, you need to smoothly exit, gradually increasing the amount daily allowance calories. This applies to rigid diets in the first place. You can easily save the received a short time the result, for this you just need to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and a week after the end of a strict diet, start active sports. The main difficulty for a woman who is on a strict diet is the constant struggle with a feeling of severe hunger. But, with all the negative aspects, the positive aspects are still inherent in such diets. So, with the help of a rigid diet, you can:

  • significantly reduce the coefficient of adipose tissue in the body;
  • it is good to clean and unload the intestines;
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

There are several rigid diets that are characterized by a limited diet both in terms of the amount of food consumed and the calories that enter the body. Nutritionists are categorically against such methods of getting rid of excess weight. But if the decision is positive, then it is worth studying all the pros and cons of such a transformation.

Read in this article

Is it possible to lose 20 kg on a rigid diet

Doctors say that this is "from the realm of fantasy", but there are real examples the fact that people lost weight immediately by 20 kg in a very short time. We are not talking about a week, but in a month it is quite possible to achieve such a result.

Naturally, this will be the toughest diet of all that exists, a person is very difficult to tolerate such dietary restrictions, so the following points should be taken into account:

  • Rigid diets can be observed only with absolute health, which in principle is excluded with excess weight. IN last resort it is worth making sure that there are no diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems.
  • To achieve the result, it is necessary to completely abandon salt, sugar, any spices, fatty foods, fried, smoked and pickled, pastries and confectionery. The basis of the diet of the most rigid diet is vegetables and fruits, but even in this category of food there are exceptions. For example, it will be impossible to eat bananas, carrots, and more.
  • You will need to exercise. This rule is generally controversial with a rigid diet. A meager diet will certainly provoke weakness, even dizziness may appear. And how, in this state, the body will also perceive physical activity, it is very difficult to predict.

If there is a desire to quickly get rid of excess weight, then you need to calculate your own strength and be patient. It is highly desirable to hold such an “event” under the supervision of specialists, and they will certainly give recommendations to implement their plans at least a month in advance.

Menu for the week

It is easy to make it yourself if you follow the following recommendations:

    • Fast carbohydrates must be completely excluded from the diet. We are talking about pastries, sweets, confectionery. Such products include polished rice, and any purees, and those that are sold with the mark "quick boiled".

The fact is that in such dishes the glycemic index is very high, so they definitely will not bring any benefit to the body. But it is fast carbohydrates that are quickly and permanently deposited on the hips, waist and abdomen. In addition, when eating such products, there is a sharp release of insulin into the blood, which provokes an acute attack of hunger.

    • The menu should contain slow carbohydrates: unprocessed cereals, whole grains, durum wheat pasta, potatoes. The latter product must still be consumed in limited quantities, since it contains a lot of starch. Slow carbs quickly saturate, exclude gastronomic breakdowns.
    • Only 200 g per day is allowed pasta from durum wheat or cereals, can be replaced with baked potatoes. To achieve the desired result, these products should be introduced into the menu before 16-00, since later it will be difficult for the body to cope with their processing.
    • Dairy products, even with the most rigid diet, must be present in the diet. But it is preferable to use those whose fat content is not more than 1.5%. This will reduce the calorie content of the dishes, but will not at all reduce their nutritional value.

Many losing weight introduce “zero” dairy products, fat-free, into the menu, but in this decision there is some danger to general health- calcium from them is absolutely not absorbed. Per day, 400 - 500 ml of milk, yogurt or kefir are allowed, no more than 50 g of hard cheese or 200 g of granular cottage cheese.

    • The amount of fat should be sharply limited. This also applies to the choice (it is better to give preference to turkey, rabbit, chicken, veal), and replacing salad dressings with natural unsweetened ones, soy sauce, lime or lemon juice. You can only afford 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil per day.
  • Drinking regimen involves drinking at least 2 liters of fluid per day. It is allowed to introduce tea and coffee into the diet (without milk, cream, honey, jam and sugar), a decoction of rose hips. To avoid swelling of the upper / lower extremities and face, it is worth most daily dose liquids to drink in the morning.

Considering that only 1200 Kcal should be ingested per day on a strict diet, you can use the following menu example:

  • Morning - a maximum of 100 g of cereals or legumes. It can be, for example, cottage cheese casserole without sugar and sour cream, oatmeal, rice or buckwheat porridge (with salt, but on water) or granular with a small addition of pieces of fresh fruit.
  • Day - seafood, meat, vegetables, grains, fish, 100 g of each product. It is recommended to prepare "complex" dishes - fish with vegetables, baked in the oven / boiled veal with vegetable salad and porridge from bulugur / from buckwheat flour with boiled shrimps and fresh vegetables / chicken steam cutlets, vegetable stew, cottage cheese with fruits.
  • Evening - any in unlimited quantities, vegetables and fish, 200 g each. The body will benefit from white fish with vegetables from the oven, tomato gazpacho soup, meat casserole, seafood or grilled vegetables.

Snacks are also allowed, which may include fruit jelly without sugar, apples, citrus fruits, juices with pulp. It is important that during such meals the portion should not exceed 200 g / ml.

Unloading days on a strict diet

They are recommended to be carried out no more than once a week and if such aggressive weight loss lasts more than 2 weeks in a row. Unloading implies the intake of no more than 800 kcal per day, and this can be achieved by eating one dish during the day. It can be, for example, vegetable soup without meat - you need to eat 1 liter of it per day, distributing it over 5-6 meals.

From drinks it is allowed to drink tea, a decoction of rose hips and water, and coffee should be discarded.

Fasting day is the strongest stress for the body, even if it has been in a state of weight loss for a long time. Therefore, it is worth abandoning any training, physical activity, but you don’t need to lie on the couch either - a leisurely walk on foot or on a bicycle will be very appropriate.

Variants of short rigid diets

The considered method of body weight correction can only be used for a short time, a maximum of a week - this is the recommendation of dietitians. You can apply one of the following rigid diets:

  • If, after a strict diet, you return to your usual way of eating and living, then the lost kilograms will return very quickly and, quite possibly, with big increase. Doctors recommend to continue to follow the rules rational nutrition with the exception of pastries, sweets, desserts, fatty meats and alcohol.

It is important to understand that each body reacts differently to drastic restrictions in nutrition. With the appearance of constant dizziness, fainting, frequent nausea, vomiting, trembling upper limbs(tremor of the hands), cramps in the legs, pain in the abdomen (the area of ​​the anatomical location of the intestine) and other uncomfortable sensations, you must urgently seek qualified medical help.

An independent way out of a strict diet in this case is fraught with serious consequences that can even lead a person who is losing weight to the operating table.

A strict diet is a quick way to lose weight that is completely frowned upon by dietitians. If you already set the goal of quickly restoring the figure in front of you, then you need to go towards it competently and without the likelihood of harming your own health.

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