Why do the labia minora protrude from the large ones. Labia augmentation: features, causes and consequences

Many women wonder why the labia are dark. After all, very often women, looking at themselves in the mirror, begin to notice that the skin of the labia is significantly different from the color of the vagina, and this seems very unaesthetic. What is usually associated with such changes?

Physical impact on the labia

The labia may start to darken for many reasons. One of them is physical impact. Very often, a woman does not even notice that she is wearing uncomfortable or too tight underwear, as a result of which dark age spots appear. The skin receives a lot of microtraumas during shaving.

In some women, the legs are positioned in such a way that friction forms between them during walking. Therefore, the skin begins to wear off in the region of the inguinal folds, and dark areas form. In such women, there is a greatly increased sweating in the inguinal folds, and this is another reason why the labia becomes dark.


Dark labia can be the result of a variety of inflammatory conditions. In addition to darkened lips, there may be swelling, hyperemia, swelling, discharge of an unpleasant color and smell, as well as small sores on the lips.

Dark labia can dramatically acquire such a shade if pityriasis versicolor disease is noticed. In this case, the large and small labia begin to itch strongly, and small transparent bubbles will be visible on them, which burst over time. If treatment is not started on time, then dark spots can move from intimate areas to the inner surface of the thigh. But not only lichen will indicate similar symptoms. Any fungal disease will have similar symptoms. After the treatment, the fungal cultures that caused the inflammation will disappear, but the pigmentation on the skin may remain.

If the labia began to contrast strongly with the skin on other parts of the body, this indicates the presence of serious diseases.

If the mucous membrane has acquired a black tint and a velvety surface, then this indicates a risk of stomach cancer. But cancer of the genital organs not only changes the pigmentation of the labia, but also thickens the surface of the skin.

Consequence of intoxication

Dark labia with a slight brown tint may be the result of constant intoxication of the body. Harmful substances can come from food, food, and they can also be inhaled while working in hazardous conditions. Toxic substances also enter the body in the form of drugs.

Dark labia during pregnancy

Very often during pregnancy, you can notice that the labia and vagina have acquired a darkish tint. Often pigmentation covers the nipples. Rarely neck and face. Such changes are called chloasma.

Such processes in the body occur due to a change in hormonal levels even in the very first stages of pregnancy. Thus, there is a constant preparation of the body for its new state. In the pelvic organs, blood circulation increases, which means that the load on the vessels located in the genital area also increases. The body responds to such an impact with pigmentation.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the effect on the labia area is significantly enhanced. You can notice that they become more elastic and soft, and more pigmentation appears.

Dark labia may be the result of the use of hormonal contraceptives, as well as other medications containing hormones.


Often, dark labia minora become so due to the appearance of venous stasis. In the first stages, the lips swell a little and change color slightly. And then they turn completely blue.

The most common cause of varicose veins is pregnancy or obesity, as well as a genetic predisposition. However, women with normal weight are also susceptible to this disease.

With varicose veins of the perineum, doctors strongly recommend that you maximize your activity and sit, stand, or sleep on your side as little as possible.

in intimate places

Dark labia minora is a problem faced by many women. However, today there are many ways to successfully deal with it.

First, exfoliate and thoroughly exfoliate the skin. After that, you need to apply a special whitening cream or serum. But it is best to do this a few days after peeling, so that there are no microcracks and scratches on the skin. In order to whiten the skin of intimate areas, you do not need to spend a lot of time and make hellish efforts. After two weeks of regular use of the whitening cream, you will already be able to notice the result. The skin will become more uniform and well-groomed, age spots will gradually begin to disappear.

Dark spots on the labia: whitening at home

Try squeezing the juice out of parsley and mixing it with rich homemade sour cream. Add a few drops of lemon juice to this and apply to problem areas for a few minutes. As soon as you feel a burning sensation, rinse immediately.

Cucumber puree copes well with this problem. If you add white clay to it, the effect will be achieved as quickly as possible.

A parsley mask will give a faster result, provided that you do it about three times a day for a week. The cucumber mask will show itself only after a few weeks of regular procedures.

Salon procedures

Many women are concerned about very dark labia. If this problem is observed regardless of inflammatory diseases, then basically it does not bring discomfort. But many girls believe that the dark labia and the area on the inner thigh look extremely unaesthetic, and therefore they are ready to take any measures to solve this problem.

In modern beauty salons, special procedures can be performed that whiten the skin, but they are not performed on the labia minora and mucous membranes. Several laser correction procedures can completely restore skin color and give it a more well-groomed appearance.

Whichever way you try to lighten your skin, use a nourishing cream afterwards.

Do not worry too much about the color of the intimate areas of your body. In these places, a woman's skin can actually have a darker shade. This is not a pathology, as nature intended. So if it doesn't make you physically uncomfortable, don't worry about it and keep enjoying life. After all, even the most harmless procedures can harm the body.

". I just have a big and fleshy pubis. I am very shy in the summer to wear trousers and open swimsuits, there is no talk of anything tight at all. Plus, the labia is still very sagging, peeking out of the thong, like some kind of rag. How bring all this into a divine form and how long will the rehabilitation period take?

". I know that some find hanging labia unattractive if they hang down and protrude beyond the labia majora. Some even

They do plastic surgery. those. circumcision. My boyfriend seems to like everything, but he still feels uncomfortable in bright light. In addition, I can’t wear thongs and a mini-swimsuit, because. I constantly feel the need to correct "there". I don't know, I'm thinking about having surgery."

". Today for the first time I learned that there is a surgical "intervention" to give beauty to the labia. Nature endowed me with beauty, but did not give beauty to my "charms" - the labia). I always wanted to ask this question to my gynecologist. I have very ugly, in other words I can't, saggy labia.They hang down by 5-7 cm like "elephant's ears", and have a red-blue color.I am embarrassed to go to the sauna, bathhouse and swimming pool, where you have to be naked, since this disadvantage is not hide. My husband likes it, but for me it's all just terrible. Why do I have such features? Can I fix them?"

In most girls and women, the genital slit is not completely closed, the large lips do not close tightly and long labia minora hang out of them. sometimes quite significant. In obese women, the genitals do not visually stand out, while in many thin women, the labia majora stand out between the legs in relief, forming a tubercle ("tubercle of Venus").

Over time or under the influence of certain factors, the female external genitalia change - change color, lose their tone, stretch, sometimes wrinkle. As a rule, sagging labia give their mistresses unpleasant and even painful sensations during physical activity, sitting, wearing tight underwear and tight-fitting trousers. As a result, irritations may appear on the skin of this area, sweating increases, and intimate hygiene becomes difficult.

From a medical point of view, this condition of the genitals is not considered a pathology and cannot directly threaten health. The problem lies in the aesthetics and discomfort of women during intimacy and in everyday life. If girls find their external intimate organs ugly, they become unsure of themselves, when having sex, they are embarrassed to be naked in front of their beloved man and even in front of a beautician or gynecologist. It is not uncommon for situations when in showers, saunas, locker rooms of fitness clubs and other places the noticeably hanging labia of a naked girl become the subject of increased attention and discussion among friends or others.

And even despite the fact that there is no generally accepted norm for the size, color and length of the labia minora, nevertheless, most girls and women prefer that they do not protrude much because of the large ones, do not hang down and do not stand out much in a standing position, especially when looking at their intimate area from behind.

Sagging labia can be eliminated in only one way - through plastic surgery labioplasty, which will reduce the length and correct the shape of your intimate places.

At the consultation of a specialist in intimate surgery of our center, you will be able to discuss your problem, find out the best way to solve it, and clarify the details of the operation. The main way to eliminate this problem is the operation of labioplasty.

In addition to surgical correction, procedures for contour plastic surgery of the anogenital region can be performed. Injection rejuvenation of intimate areas allows you to increase the tone, change the shape and size of intimate organs, moisturize the mucous membrane of the vestibule of the vagina, enhance sexual sensations by increasing the G-spot and clitoris.

Carrying out procedures for rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid in combination with plasma therapy and delicate care procedures allows you to recreate aesthetically attractive forms, get rid of existing difficulties and achieve sexual attractiveness at any age.

Our capabilities and extensive experience in plastic surgery of intimate places will help in eliminating your delicate difficulties. Improving the appearance of the external genitalia also leads to an improvement in the quality of sexual life, both psychological discomfort and mechanical difficulties associated with hanging down of the labia disappear!

  • Book an appointment with a specialist

  • Discuss the situation at the reception

  • Find out what can be done and how.

What a horror girl. Do not do any operations and stop complexing. It's hard to find you, someone with big lips. To me personally. Yes, I know many men. really like it big what would be. If your partner doesn't like it and, God forbid, he encourages you to have an operation, kick him in the neck. Believe me. you meet exactly your person. who will carry you in his arms and go crazy with you. And adore your big lips

Large labia minora are quite normal and there is nothing to worry about. Yes, sports can, of course, interfere, but if a loving person doesn’t like it, then this is a gross mistake. Although who cares. I confess. For example, it will give me more pleasure to have fun with my beloved girlfriend if she has small labia of a large size. Excites much more than usual.

And by the way, making love is the best, most enjoyable and rewarding sport. It uplifts the mood, trains the muscles of the whole body, calms and improves the nervous system, relieves fatigue, irritation, treats insomnia and charges with positive for the whole day, if you do morning love exercises. Like this.

I think that the biggest problem is still sports, but here, most likely, it will be enough to simply choose the most suitable underwear - and the problem will be solved. As for how your boyfriend feels about this - I think that if in fact there is an impression that this is annoying him in any way, then you should talk to him before fantasizing further. Between loving people, such a topic should, in theory, be discussed without problems, without shame, without complexes - otherwise what kind of love?

Besides all that, you know what. But we each have some kind of distinctive feature that makes us unique, one of a kind. It can be anything, even such an intimate detail))

Yulyasya, you write that it seems to you that this is annoying your boyfriend, but you are together. So it really does seem. It seems to me that everything is in order, this is not a physical deviation, this is just a physiological feature - someone has big ears, someone has a small nose. Nature decides everything.

If this interferes with YOU personally in sports, then contact the appropriate specialist, but believe that the operation to reduce the labia will be an unnatural and incorrect intervention. (Yes, your doctor will probably tell you that.)

By the way, if the small labia is large, this indicates the temperament of a woman. And there is nothing wrong with that. Read how they are divided in the Kama Sutra or here, and you yourself will understand everything. So do not worry, but rather be proud that you have them. And if a man understands the female anatomy, then it will attract him, and not scare him away. The main thing is not to complex about this. And another tip, look at the classification of the labia with your partner, this will be useful information for both him and you.

"I think this is stressing my boyfriend" - is the key word here seems or are you sure?

Each person has different physiological characteristics of the body, and this is normal. If your young man loves you, then this will be just a small trifle that is easy to close your eyes to.

Now I will also answer in the same way that this problem worried me very much and, of course, I was interested in the Internet, in literature, and doctors, even asked my friends.

The answer of the gynecologist struck me: she said that, according to statistics, 30-40% of women have large labia minora. 40% - this is almost half - I did not think that there were so many of them.

She said that there is nothing wrong with this - it is not a pathology, and therefore it is not dangerous. Just a feature of nature. It is worth paying attention to this, if they hurt or itch - then see a doctor.

1 "But" - oncological consequences are possible - it immediately stopped me. I have already decided that I will not do it - I have cancer patients in my family.

Sexually transmitted diseases are possible and low sensitivity of the lips is provided - also not an unimportant minus.

She also said that after giving birth, they will again stretch to their previous size. That is, after such an operation, it is impossible to give birth.

She said to buy soft linen and her size - then the sponges will be in direct contact with the linen - they will be fixed, but there will be no pain. If they are - not your size. You can gently wrap them with your finger before putting on underwear.

My man really liked this feature of mine (they broke up and now I’m alone - I’m writing from past experience). He even said that there were half like him, if not more. I don’t know if I lied or not, but the indicator of 50-50% is very good. He even made me happy. I want to arrange a survey in the social. network still

Find out if the assumption of the former is confirmed, that sympathy (or how to say) is 50% to 50%. The results of the survey will be posted in the comments in 7 days.

If big labia prevent you from doing sports, then what can we say about men.) If everything depended on it, then there would be no good athletes among men, but in fact now men's standards exceed women's (moreover, the sports standards of women with small labia also small, and not vice versa). And if you also dance well, then there is definitely nothing to worry about. This is all a joke, of course, but with a grain of truth. Maybe, of course, this leaves some imprint on feminine hygiene, with which I am little familiar, but everything else is a matter of taste. At least in sex - for sure. There are things in it that are easier to do with large labia than with small ones - and this is your highlight. And whether your partner can, whether he wants to take advantage of this is a matter of his personal characteristics and the characteristics of your relationship, and not just the size of the labia.

This is good. Very. Since women with large MPGs are in the minority, and a man can have such fiery feelings for a woman with similar lips that he will be ready for almost anything for her sake. How many men like it? Answer: half - plus or minus 7 percent, judging by the polls. What to do if a woman has a complex about this? You can realize the magnificence of the gift of nature yourself, or you can turn to those who can help in this survey. Is this a physiological problem? No, it's not. This problem is purely psychological. Consequently, its solution is carried out psychologically. Why is it good if women with big lips are in the minority? For the same reason that it is good when there is an emerald, and not a simple piece of glass.

Large or small labia - there is no difference. They don't really affect anything. You need to love yourself and accept yourself as you are, then everyone else will treat you the same way. You have a wonderful husband, you have been living with him for so long, he even erases his socks. – so he doesn't care about your lips at all. Therefore, we must stop thinking about them and enjoy life. And if in sports it somehow interferes, then you need to choose the appropriate underwear and clothes, and everything will be fine.

Continuation of the conversation about the woman's perineum, plastic surgery, the beginning

If it’s purely uncomfortable for yourself - forget it, you can’t get rid of women’s complexes, instead a new one will come, this is from fixation on yourself. If a man spoke out, the problem is serious, because. means - everything is really anti-sex. Do not listen to local advisers, men love everything neat, and protruded labia are called bad words.

What difference does it make what the perineum looks like, you don’t live with a vagina, but with a person, I personally don’t care, genitals and genitals, you don’t need to be smart, it’s better to do kegel exercises and everything will be fun for everyone.

Not everyone is ready to do some stupid cosmetic surgeries for the sake of a man, because some are loved the way they are. And men like completely different things.

Because if a man has a very small penis, then it is physically impossible to receive special pleasure from him. But the appearance of the vagina, although different for everyone, does not affect the sensations during penetration.

Feelings during sex can be increased with a simple piercing, plus there are a lot of things in sex shops to increase sensations.

I cut myself one small lip, being not in a relationship. Because she has pissed me off since childhood. Especially if you run or do sports, it was very painful. But if a man had told me normally, without fanaticism, that it was possible to cut it off, that if it was inconvenient, I would not whine about masculinity. I would calmly say the same thing to a peasant that it would not be bad to tighten the eggs, if necessary. It happens that men hang knee-deep and rub too. I don't see what the problem is. You might think that there are only rags sitting here who obey men in everything, and not normal couples, where easy communication is without subtexts and manipulations.

Not saying, as a local historian, piercing is not necessary. It only hurts if the jeans or underwear are tight.
And the men are worried. Type "oh, but I won't hook it? Not sick?"

For some, a significant problem with plastic. Not everyone is content with cockscombs between their legs, if the means to get rid of it allow. You treat carious teeth, cut your nails, perform surgeries as needed.

In general, if a man says something bad about what is given by nature, especially about the appearance of the vagina, then this is a nightmare. These men should be sent immediately. I know a lot of very beautiful girls who were jerked off by stupid assholes with remarks about their appearance: either their breasts are small, then their legs are short, then their buttocks are flat, now they got to the genitals. Moreover, the men who drive their girls into complexes always do not represent anything themselves and can only command. I feel sorry for the girls who run for operations because of the men and consider themselves dumb, when in fact they are very beautiful.

If it really rubs and interferes with the crotch of a woman, then it is already necessary to clean it up. But if a purely peasant said, but she herself didn’t think about it, then in FIG this labioplasty.

I'm talking about the clitoral hood piercing. It depends on the structure - with a suitable structure and with the correct puncture of the pier, it additionally stimulates the clitoris. Especially with cunnilingus sensations increase much.

Just just the other day from a beautiful friend, with a perfect figure, with an awesome face, etc., I heard that she had a boyfriend who told her that her vagina was too closed, and it was kind of dumb and not sexy that she had nothing sticks out. And this thread reminded me of that. And Ira is kind and good, and it really pissed me off that some asshole said such a thing to her. The real story is what a man of my friend said, and, judging by the comments, there was more than one such case. Until recently, I had no idea that someone was even worried about this.

When I saw the small labia peeking out live in the locker room, I, of course, did not like it. It's like everything is turned out. I didn't even think it would happen. But, damn it, this world has already gone crazy - they cut off everything for themselves, sew it in, remake themselves as soon as possible and impossible. This is tin.
You need to take care of yourself, but surgery is an extreme measure.

I just read about lips and labioplasty on the Internet. It's true. They say that if the sensitivity is not ale, then cosmetic surgery helps.

My favorite closed, underdeveloped crotch, Scandinavian type, looked b and looked. But they themselves are to blame for allowing this. As he put himself from the very beginning, so it will go. Not him, so the other will spread rot in the same way. Many more dolls themselves subconsciously choose their assholes, unfortunately. I immediately try on the situation for myself. If I had a man with saggy balls. Would I tell him? Yes, I would say. Normal, no offense. Would I expect from him the reaction of an offended princess? No. Why do I need princesses in a relationship. For me, a partner is first and foremost a friend. And friends talk openly about a lot of things.

I'm telling you, assholes specially beauties are notorious, so that life would be easier.

Men of acquaintances, acquaintances of acquaintances, etc. The same cripples, I guess, like sagging genitals, I administer in sports. resources where they post chicks, sometimes naked, and even slightly hanging crotch in men cause a lot of disgust.

Why would you tell him about it? For him to have an operation?

In short, mine said that it is ugly when the rags hang.

If you are doing this only to increase sensitivity, then do not suffer nonsense.
Complex further, what. Not prohibited by law.

I don't care who has a crotch and penis. I can't sleep with them. And if people are in harmony with themselves, then well done. Anything is better than listening to all sorts of assholes and going under the knife to please them.

Certainly. I would say, cut your hanging balls, otherwise they hit me on the thighs when we fuck in doggy style.
What's so funny? Everyone has their own pens, someone is steaming because of the navel and nothing. Someone anus whitens.

There are pretty genitals, but I agree. We crawled out of the crotch, sealed up with another pipe. Our whole life in the literal sense depends and revolves around the perineum, how can you treat your dear ancestor so carelessly?

I don’t know, I don’t see anything beautiful, but I would be glad if I had such a vagina.

Of course, I am not an expert, but I do not see beauty in the genitals, either in male or female.

Dear author, do you know that in Eastern countries, women are circumcised so that they do not enjoy sex, they cut off the labia minora and the clitoris. You will regret very much later that you deprive yourself of such joy, if you are not going to live a sexual life, then you can cut everything for yourself.

How can a lip rub when running, if it can hang down by 1 cm, or even less.

I'm just talking about sticking out - I don't understand sticking out. For me, more than half of the types are generally the same.

I love big small labia! It's insanely sexy! They only turn me on with lips!

And I'm madly in love with big small labia, it's more pleasant in sex! Casanova had a lot of women, and he settled on a girl with large small labia, because the sensations with such the best, he did not cheat on her!

Craving for undeveloped genitals - subconscious pedophilia.

I have everything even and neat, I would not want the lower lips to stick out from under the upper ones.

Someone likes how sagging you are, well, but someone doesn’t. What a painful reaction and attempts to prove to everyone that a hanging vagina is beautiful?

So the third peep is even nothing. The most common type of genitals. And the small lips are very small. When I wrote about rags, I meant ears half a meter long. Really there are lips so long that horror. And the most terrible, so for me, the 2nd. Such a crotch will be able to fly up a campaign on its wings.

I think it's also a matter of perspective, maybe 3 swells when excited and looks about the same.

I like it when at least a little, but small lips are visible. If everything is completely closed, then like an underdeveloped girl.

What do you think about the need for labioplasty for the labia minora?

Many women who are sexually active take care of the aesthetic appearance of the groin area. To be attractive in this intimate area, they resort to various methods of depilation, intimate haircuts, piercings and tattoos. However, in some cases, all these tricks become insufficient, since there are certain problems in the anatomical structure of the external genitalia. Women who have labia of different sizes are often seriously complex about this. They are embarrassed to wear a bathing suit during the beach season or even tight shorts or trousers, and during sex they often feel stiff and shy. Asymmetry of the labia is a fairly common reason for seeking qualified help from plastic surgeons.

Most often, the asymmetry of the labia is congenital. The degree of its severity can be different, and if different labia do not interfere with the normal life of a woman, then this is not considered a pathological condition, but refers to the individual features of the anatomical structure of the external genital organs. Traumatization can also lead to a change in the size of one of the labia. Women injure the external genitalia during childbirth, during sex, during falls, and so on.

Labia piercing is one of the reasons why women have different labia. Also at risk are women suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases of the vulva. Sometimes asymmetry can appear after a sharp weight loss.

Unpleasant consequences of the asymmetry of the labia

If a woman has small or large labia of different sizes, then in most cases this does not affect her ability to have an active sex life, conceive and bear a child. However, in some cases, asymmetry causes a number of inconveniences:

  1. The occurrence of rubbing in the groin area: due to the different size of the labia, it is very difficult to choose the right underwear for yourself. As a rule, tissue folds form in the area where there is one or less labia and there is free space. Friction causes constant discomfort, which affects the psychological state of a woman, and due to tissue trauma, there is a high risk of various infections;
  2. Discomfort during intercourse: in cases where the asymmetry is significant, this can lead to certain inconvenience during sex. And if the physical inconvenience can be very minor, then the psychological stress that a woman experiences when she is naked in front of a sexual partner significantly reduces the quality of her sexual life;
  3. Embarrassment when visiting a gynecologist and beautician: for many women who have asymmetry of the labia, going to the gynecologist or beautician for depilation is accompanied by unpleasant feelings of embarrassment and shame. And although qualified specialists will never allow themselves to comment on such a condition (except if it is associated with gynecological pathology), the woman still experiences psychological discomfort;
  4. Difficulties in playing sports: a certain form of clothing for gymnastics, dancing or aqua aerobics emphasizes the existing asymmetry of the labia in a woman, which can adversely affect her well-being during exercise;

The main complaint in women with asymmetric labia is dissatisfaction with their appearance. Most of the fair sex turn to plastic surgeons not because of physical discomfort, but in order to improve the appearance of intimate areas.

How to solve a delicate problem

Plastic surgeons deal with the problem of asymmetry of the labia. Surgery is an effective way to correct the shape and size of the small or large labia. Labiaplasty at the present stage is a common and fairly simple operation to perform. Most often, if the labia minora is of different sizes, then the woman decides to remove the excess tissue on one of the lips. For this, the following methods are used:

  • classical linear plastic surgery of the labia minora;
  • wedge-shaped plastic of the labia minora;

Performing classical linear plastic surgery, the surgeon excised excess tissue on the labia minora along its edge. After that, the wound surface is sutured with an intradermal suture. For the seam, only self-absorbable threads are used.

The method of wedge-shaped plasty consists in applying markings in the form of the Latin letter “V” to the labia, while its base should be directed to the enlarged part of the lip. Excess tissue is removed by excision and the lip is sutured with an intradermal suture.

If a woman is faced with the problem of an enlarged size of one of the labia majora, then the correction is carried out by removing excess fat from it. In cases where the labia majora, on the contrary, needs to be enlarged, lipofilling is used. The essence of this method is the introduction of the patient's own fat or biopolymer gel into the lip tissue.

Any type of surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia. If during the operation there were no complications, then the woman returns home on the first day after the correction of the size of the labia.

Preparation for surgery

Despite the fact that it does not apply to long and complex operations, a woman, deciding on this procedure, must undergo a certain examination of the body. Before the operation you should:

  1. Visit a gynecologist and undergo a gynecological examination with a mandatory smear on the flora from the vagina;
  2. You also need to do PCR studies for major sexually transmitted infections. Even if at the time of the examination the woman has no complaints of itching, burning or discharge from the vagina, chronic, sluggish infections can be detected;
  3. Clinical blood test: to exclude anemia and signs of inflammatory reactions in the body;
  4. Clinical analysis of urine: to assess the function of the kidneys and the state of the organs of the urinary tract;
  5. Coagulogram: the most important study before any surgical intervention. The area of ​​​​the external genital organs of a woman has a good blood supply, so you need to make sure that the blood coagulation system is in a normal state;
  6. Also, standard studies include analysis for hepatitis B, syphilis and HIV infection;

Contraindications for surgery

As with any surgical intervention, labiaplasty has a number of contraindications:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the external and internal genital organs;
  • The operation is not performed during menstrual bleeding;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Diseases of the blood system, manifested in the form of clotting disorders;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Any pathological conditions of the body, accompanied by fever and severe intoxication;
  • Diabetes;

It should also be borne in mind that plastic surgery is not performed on girls under the age of 18. Exceptions are cases when asymmetry leads to permanent trauma and inflammation of the perineal tissues.

Possible Complications

When deciding on an operation, every woman should remember that any violation of the integrity of the tissues of our body can lead to the development of various complications:

  1. Attachment of infection: during the operation on the labia, a wound surface is formed, into which, if the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate. Therefore, when choosing a clinic and a specialist to whom you entrust the correction of your intimate areas, make sure that he is properly qualified and has all the conditions for the operation;
  2. The appearance of scars: if the sutures are applied poorly, then soft tissues can grow together unevenly and with the formation of a scar;
  3. Sensitivity disorders: the labia minora are classified as erogenous zones on a woman's body, so their damage can lead to a decrease in sensitivity and a decrease in the intensity of pleasant sensations during sex;
  4. Opening of bleeding: this situation most often occurs in cases where a woman was not fully examined before the operation and did not reveal a pathology of the blood coagulation system;

In most cases, women are satisfied with the results of labiaplasty. Complete healing of the postoperative wound after 18-20 days. During this period, a woman should refrain from sexual intercourse.

Modern women direct all their efforts to maintaining a beautiful appearance, and sometimes the aesthetic appearance of the intimate area excites them more than the condition of their hair, skin or physique. A common situation of concern is saggy labia. It is believed that the large labia should cover the small ones so that they do not come forward.

There are cases when the labia minora stick out very strongly. Such a phenomenon in which the external organs have a size that goes beyond the normal range is called hypertrophy. A woman has an asymmetric structure of organs, skin areas in the "bikini zone" are stretched and become longer. For this reason, the labia minora hang outward beyond the anatomical boundaries. Deformation can cause discoloration of intimate organs.

Labia defects

Statistics show that in the world one third of women have enlarged labia minora. Experts believe that this is normal when they look out at 5 cm. If the size of the intimate organs is more than 6 cm, the girl may need to consult a gynecologist. The problem is solved with the help of surgery. However, many girls believe that large and small labia, protruding more than 1 cm, look ugly.

It is important to understand: labia hypertrophy is not a disease, but an individual feature of the female body. Medical intervention is required if the condition interferes with sexual life, restricts physical activity, or causes other discomfort.

In addition, women often face a problem when they have: skin folds are folded unevenly and often have different lengths. It is noted that it is this problem that causes more excitement among women.

The only treatment is surgery, but it is not always safe for health. Before taking any action, it is important to find out why the deformity occurred and whether the correction will harm the body.

Despite the fact that some stages and types of deformation do not cause harm, women strive to ensure that the organ looks normal. Large small labia make it impossible to wear small elegant lingerie, cause complexes that prevent a girl from visiting the beach or pool. Hypertrophy causes problems in sexual life.

Types of hypertrophy

In medicine, there are four stages of hypertrophy:

  1. The labia minora protrude no more than 2 cm.
  2. They protrude by 4 cm. At this stage, a woman may experience discomfort while walking or.
  3. The skin is stretched up to 4 cm, the skin dangles, inconvenience occurs when riding a bicycle or sitting.
  4. The external organs have increased by more than 6 cm. At the last stage, the woman begins to experience very strong irritation in the intimate area during movement.

There are three types of deformation that are not considered normal for the female body:

  • change in shape that interferes with sexual life and intimate hygiene;
  • a significant increase or decrease in the size of the organ, disrupting the normal structure of the external genitalia;
  • bluish skin of the labia.

Causes of hypertrophy

Sagging of the labia can be triggered by a sharp decrease in body weight or the onset of adulthood. Over the years, the skin in the perineum loses its elasticity. Wrinkling or stretching often happens after childbirth. Women of climatic age are most susceptible to an increase in the volume of the labia: the skin loses its brightness, its edges become flabby and uneven.

In adolescents and nulliparous girls, genital deformity is rarely observed. However, in young people there is wrinkling of the skin in an intimate place: flabbiness is less pronounced and is not striking.

Hypertrophy in infants is due to problems that may have arisen during fetal development, or prematurity.

Heredity often causes skin deformation. To find out whether hypertrophy is caused by a genetic factor, it is enough to find out from close relatives whether their labia were stretched or of different sizes. The deformation caused by heredity is formed during adolescence or after the onset of sexual life.

External organs increase due to aggressive or prolonged sex. Injuries, piercings in the intimate area and surgery can also increase the size of the skin. In this case, cyanosis may be observed.

Among diseases, inflammatory processes can most often stretch the labia. The skin in the "bikini zone" turns blue.

They can be deformed due to the high content of male hormones in the body.


Labiaplasty is the only way to correct sagging skin. This type of surgical intervention has already managed to prove itself well in women. Labia correction is safe for health if you follow the doctor's instructions, since labioplasty has a list of contraindications, namely:

  • inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • infectious diseases;
  • oncology;
  • mental disorders;
  • preparation for childbirth;
  • minority.

If the patient has one of the contraindications, she should not undergo surgery. In addition to consulting with a specialist, a woman needs to undergo an examination. Doctors require blood tests to detect hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and take a swab for the flora.

The intimate area must be shaved for the operation. At the request of the patient, the doctor can take a photo of the lips before the start of the correction, so that she can compare the result with the previous state of the “bikini zone”.

Labiaplasty is performed using local anesthesia and a mild sedative. The operation lasts less than an hour: all this time the patient is in a supine position. The legs are wide apart and fixed. Peeping lips are treated with an antiseptic, a disinfected tissue is placed on the skin around them. Excess skin is trimmed, and the operation ends.

After childbirth, women may experience a change in the size and shape of the labia majora. In this case, the plastic surgeon is engaged in the correction. Loose tissues are trimmed and the wounds are sutured with dissolvable threads.

Side effects

A woman may experience pain in the intimate area after cutting off excess tissue. Symptoms disappear within a week, the patient begins to feel normal. A month later, the woman returns to sexual life without any problems. It is better to postpone sports for a while and return to them, subject to approval from the doctor.

What are the complications after labioplasty? On the labia may appear scars, scars, bleeding, the skin will become bluish. Sometimes the sensitivity is reduced, which deprives a woman of the opportunity to enjoy during intimacy with a man. Inflammation and infection may develop after labioplasty.

Complications are rare, more than 90% of patients were completely satisfied with the result.

How the labia should look like, a woman decides for herself. If the condition of the organs satisfies her and her partner and does not cause harm to health, there is no need for an operation.

Sunday, June 11, 2017 00:02 + to quote

What a horror girl. Do not do any operations and stop complexing. It's hard to find you, someone with big lips. To me personally. Yes, I know many men. really like it big what would be. If your partner doesn't like it and, God forbid, he encourages you to have an operation, kick him in the neck. Believe me. you meet exactly your person. who will carry you in his arms and go crazy with you. And adore your big lips

Large labia minora are quite normal and there is nothing to worry about. Yes, sports can, of course, interfere, but if a loving person doesn’t like it, then this is a gross mistake. Although who cares. I confess. For example, it will give me more pleasure to have fun with my beloved girlfriend if she has small labia of a large size. Excites much more than usual.

And by the way, making love is the best, most enjoyable and rewarding sport. It uplifts the mood, trains the muscles of the whole body, calms and improves the nervous system, relieves fatigue, irritation, treats insomnia and charges with positive for the whole day, if you do morning love exercises. Like this.

I think that the biggest problem is still sports, but here, most likely, it will be enough to simply choose the most appropriate underwear - and the problem will be solved. As for how your boyfriend feels about this - I think that if in fact there is an impression that this is annoying him in any way, then you should talk to him before going any further. fantasize. Between loving people, such a topic should, in theory, be discussed without problems, without shame, without complexes - otherwise what kind of love?

Besides all that, you know what. But we each have some kind of distinctive feature that makes us unique, one of a kind. It can be anything, even such an intimate detail))

Yulyasya, you write that it seems to you that this is annoying your boyfriend, but you are together. So it really does seem. It seems to me that everything is in order, this is not a physical deviation, this is just a physiological feature - someone has big ears, someone has a small nose. Nature decides everything.

If this interferes with YOU personally in sports, then contact the appropriate specialist, but believe that the operation to reduce the labia will be an unnatural and incorrect intervention. (Yes, your doctor will probably tell you that.)

By the way, if the small labia is large, this indicates the temperament of a woman. And there is nothing wrong with that. Read how they are divided in the Kama Sutra or here, and you yourself will understand everything. So do not worry, but rather be proud that you have them. And if a man understands in female anatomy, it will attract him, and not scare him away. The main thing is not to complex about this. And another tip look

about the classification of the labia with your partner, this will be useful information for both him and you.

"I think this is stressing my boyfriend" - is the key word here seems or are you sure?

Each person has different physiological characteristics of the body, and this is normal. If your young man loves you, then this will be just a small trifle that is easy to close your eyes to.

Now I will also answer in the same way that this problem worried me very much and, of course, I was interested in the Internet, in literature, and doctors, even asked my friends.

The answer of the gynecologist struck me: she said that, according to statistics, 30-40% of women have large labia minora. 40% - this is almost half - I did not think that there were so many of them.

She said that there is nothing wrong with this - it is not a pathology, and therefore it is not dangerous. Just a feature of nature. It is worth paying attention to this, if they hurt or itch - then see a doctor.

1 "But" - oncological consequences are possible - it immediately stopped me. I have already decided that I will not do it - I have cancer patients in my family.

Sexually transmitted diseases are possible and low sensitivity of the lips is provided - also not an unimportant minus.

She also said that after giving birth, they will again stretch to their previous size. That is, after such an operation, it is impossible to give birth.

She said to buy soft linen and her size - then the sponges will be in direct contact with the linen - they will be fixed, but there will be no pain. If they are - not your size. You can gently wrap them with your finger before putting on underwear.

My man really liked this feature of mine (they broke up and now I’m alone - I’m writing from past experience). He even said that there were half like him, if not more. I don’t know if I lied or not, but the indicator of 50-50% is very good. He even made me happy. I want to arrange a survey in the social. networks yet - to find out whether the assumption of the former is confirmed, that sympathy (or how to say) 50% to 50%. The results of the survey will be posted in the comments in 7 days.

If big labia prevent you from doing sports, then what can we say about men.) If everything depended on it, then there would be no good athletes among men, but in fact now men's standards exceed women's (moreover, the sports standards of women with small labia also small, and not vice versa). And if you also dance well, then there is definitely nothing to worry about. This is all a joke, of course, but with a grain of truth. Maybe, of course, this leaves some imprint on feminine hygiene, with which I am little familiar, but everything else is a matter of taste. At least in sex - for sure. There are things in it that are easier to do with large labia than with small ones - and this is your highlight. And whether your partner will be able, whether he wants to take advantage of this is a matter of his personal characteristics and features your relationship, not just the size of your labia.

This is good. Very. Since women with large MPGs are in the minority, and a man can have such fiery feelings for a woman with similar lips that he will be ready for almost anything for her sake. How many men like it? Answer: half - plus or minus 7 percent, judging by the polls. What to do if a woman has a complex about this? You can realize the magnificence of the gift of nature yourself, or you can turn to those who can help in this survey. Is this a physiological problem? No, it's not. This is problem exclusively psychological. Consequently, its solution is carried out psychologically. Why is it good if women with big lips are in the minority? For the same reason that it is good when there is an emerald, and not a simple piece of glass.

Most women, when there are any problems in gynecology, are in no hurry to visit a doctor to find out the cause. The reason for this is a feeling of embarrassment and fear of hearing a diagnosis. One of the problems of an intimate nature is an increase in the labia. Sometimes, along with this problem, symptoms such as vaginal discharge, pain, redness, itching and burning in the perineum can also be observed. Why can the labia increase in women?

The reasons for this phenomenon of an intimate nature can be very different. Some of them require immediate treatment, while others go away on their own.

Why are the labia enlarged?

The reasons for the increase in size may be as follows:

  1. Contact with a partner. The enlargement of the labia occurs due to blood flow as a result of sexual arousal. In most cases, the labia will return to their original size within a few hours. Treatment in this case is not required, but if they remain enlarged for a long time, you should seek the advice of a doctor.
  2. Pregnancy period. Fat tissue accumulates in the lower abdomen and genitals, which provides warmth for the fetus. After the birth of a baby, all female organs will return to their original appearance.
  3. Bartholinitis (inflammation of the Bartholin gland). With this disease, the Bartholin glands located at the entrance to the vagina become inflamed. The cause of inflammation of the glands is sexual infections. The early stage of the disease is characterized by the formation of an abscess, and the vagina and lips increase in size and turn red.
  4. Thrush (candidiasis). Together with pain and itching, an increase in the labia is one of the symptoms of the disease. Most often they appear during sex and urination. In view of the fact that both partners can catch candidiasis, treatment should also be joint. If only a woman is treated, during sex there is a high probability of re-infection. In addition, the infection is transmitted through someone else's underwear and other items. Candidiasis develops against the background of weakened immunity, malnutrition, hormonal disruptions, and poor-quality underwear. Itching that occurs in the genital area leads to an increase in the labia as a result of a constant desire to scratch. Having cured candidiasis, all genitals will return to their normal state.
  5. Herpes virus. The disease is transmitted during contact with a partner. If a woman's immunity is greatly weakened or she often changes sexual partners, then the risk of the disease increases. Herpes is characterized by the following symptoms: swelling, redness of the skin of the genitals, itching, ulcerative formations and blisters with fluid inside, fever, general malaise. There is pain when urinating. Symptoms of herpes are noticeable only during the period of exacerbation, the rest of the time the disease is asymptomatic.
  6. Vulvitis (inflammation of the external genitalia). Causes of the disease: long-term use of drugs (especially antibiotic treatment), a number of diseases, an allergic reaction, high humidity of the genital organs, non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene. An increase in the labia is the main symptom that speaks of the disease along with general malaise, redness of the skin of the genital organs and a burning sensation.
  7. Vulvodynia. The disease is characterized by pulsating pain sensations, they occur suddenly, but can be in the body for a long time, after which they subside suddenly. Pain syndrome occurs while walking or during sex. In some cases, the disease can cause swelling of the labia majora. Pathology can be provoked by: infections, somatic pathologies, narrow and squeezing underwear, nerve damage.

The cause of an increase in the labia can also be pathologies in a chronic form and allergies.

Increased labia: when to sound the alarm?

The symptoms listed below are the reason for an immediate visit to a doctor for diagnosis and treatment:

  • change in smell, color or consistency of vaginal discharge;
  • discomfort in the vaginal area, itching, burning;
  • the appearance of seals (self-diagnosis by palpation);
  • the appearance of neoplasms on the skin of the vagina.

Treatment Methods

Whatever the cause of labia enlargement, it is best not to try to get rid of the problem on your own. A qualified doctor can identify the cause and prescribe appropriate measures to eliminate it. Therefore, you need to visit a gynecologist.

If the cause of the increase in size is candidiasis, it is recommended to take immunostimulating drugs and vaginal suppositories. Vulvodynia is a pathology, it is provoked by thrush, if it is wrong to start therapy, be treated with hormonal drugs. Vulvodynia is also characterized by severe pain, so antispasmodics are also needed. Your doctor may also prescribe antihistamines and antidepressants. With bartholinitis, antibacterial drugs are indicated, and with vulvitis, antiseptics.

If the cause lies in diseases of the body systems, for example, the endocrine system, then the treatment should be aimed at strengthening or suppressing its functions.
