Valerie's lucky number. What is the meaning of the name Lera? What does the name Valery mean according to the church calendar


Meaning: The name Valeria comes from the Latin word "valere", like its male variation, and is translated as "strong" or "good health." Considered Orthodox. At the same time, often during christening, they use the synonymous name Kaleria instead, which is also firmly established in our everyday life ...

The female name Valeria is considered both Catholic and Orthodox. It is very popular in countries with a Russian-speaking population, is found in various forms in Western countries, and promises many good qualities to the girl named by him. Today this name is considered one of the most popular female names ...

Conversational options: Valera, Lera, Lerunya, Lerusya

Modern English counterparts: Valerie, Valerie

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the female name Valeria promises many important qualities to the bearers. Among them are a large number of authority, self-sufficiency, the ability to adapt, self-confidence, the ability to defend a point of view, creativity and fantasy, greed, inability to control one's own emotions, capriciousness and resentment, eloquence and talkativeness. From the bearers of this name, as a rule, excellent humanists are obtained: philologists, lawyers, lawyers, and not only. Also, Valery usually has a hidden creative potential, which is confirmed by the presence in today's stage of a huge number of famous personalities with this name.

In general, it is quite difficult to say what this or that Valeria should be, because, firstly, this name has a very unstable energy, according to experts, and secondly, astrological symbolism has too much influence on it: the sign of the Zodiac, the year according to the Eastern calendar and not only.

Advantages and positive features: sociability and sociability, justice and honesty, eloquence, imagination and creativity, initiative, diligence, the ability to notice what others do not notice, the desire to develop and improve.

Valeria treats badly people with a bad imagination, tedious, boring and sad. And Valeria also avoids communicating with people with a reputation once tarnished. If a person has already been seen once in a lie or self-interest, then she will definitely not communicate with such a person.

Interesting about the name Valery: Today the name Valery is considered one of the most popular in our country, and moreover, it is also found in Western countries and even in Central Europe, but in modified forms.

The nature of the name Valeria

The nature of the name Valery is such that throughout life the bearer of this name bestows unpredictability in actions, restlessness, committing many rash acts and a bunch of mistakes in assessing people. The character of the lady named so is complex in all respects without exception - it may seem that behind her kindness and decency lies a vulnerable and good-natured nature, but in fact this is not so. She is capricious, does not like when something does not work out, likes to impose her opinion on others, and does not tolerate when they argue with her, such is her character.

And the nature of this name also promises many other qualities, among which are the inability to adapt to what is happening around, unwillingness to listen to other people's desires and ideas, excessive activity and the inability to convince her of anything. Although, again, this is just a theory, and it can change, depending, for example, on the season of birth of the girl named Valery's name form.

Early childhood

Valeria in early childhood is a prankster, fidget, naughty and very spoiled person. This girl, due to the impact that the value of the name has, does not have enough patience, she is always on the move, indulges, runs, moves, does not sit still, always invents things for herself, plays pranks and at the same time imposes the same behavior on everyone around. Most often, a girl named after Valery has many friends, and she herself, although she is not a clear leader, becomes a ringleader, an organizer, a person who constantly has a bunch of ideas. It is not surprising that she has the same influence on many children that her name has, and it is also not surprising that the parents of all her peers complain about her behavior. But on the other hand, Valeria has such features as resourcefulness, daydreaming, developed imagination, imagination, which can only be envied, efficiency, mobility, energy, activity and anxiety. It is usually very difficult for parents to cope with such a child - a girl named Valeria has no sense of responsibility at all, and indeed, her life, at least at the initial stage, is full of rash acts, bad behavior, pranks and parental punishment. But she is kind, fair, always ready to help a person in need - for all this, by the way, you should also thank the significance of the name itself ...


A teenage girl named Valeria is still the same spoiled child, always looking for adventure, unable to live in peace, inventing things for herself and always going against fate. Getting along with this in one team is quite simple, because she is cheerful and optimistic, and never loses heart, even in the most difficult situations. But significance here can also have a negative impact, which is noticeable by several factors - firstly, Valeria is unreliable, secondly, this girl clearly lacks important qualities, such as responsibility, diligence, and commitment, and thirdly, she too restless and mobile, which has an extremely negative effect on learning. In general, in school, girls named Valeria rarely achieve real success - well, the person named so is not capable of living by the rules, studying, concentrating at important moments and unquestioningly obeying teachers. Parents will have a very, very difficult time with her. True, already at this stage, the impact on her nature of such a factor as the value of the name will begin to subside - the influence of the patron planet, the talisman stone and other factors will become more and more manifest ...

grown woman

In the future, already at the adult stage, closer to maturity, Valeria may become a slightly different person - in the future, such traits as peace, kindness, justice, good nature, integrity, goodwill, integrity, friendliness, eloquence, attentiveness and regularity will give her value. However, the value here no longer plays such an important role, such as, for example, the sign of the zodiac, under the auspices of which Valeria was born, or the sign according to the Chinese calendar. As for professional activity, Leramie usually chooses paths that intertwine with the upbringing of children, with multiple contacts with people, with communication and movement. This one can never live without movement, she is an adventurer, a person “without brakes”, as they say, but systematic and following only along the path of a personally drawn up plan.

The interaction of Valery's character with the seasons

Autumn - the autumn bearer of the name Valery, under the influence of the meaning of this season, will be balanced and calm, restrained, pragmatic, reasonable and logical. No one can piss her off - in any dispute she behaves calmly and confidently, answers to the point, and adheres exclusively to her own point of view, such is her character.

Spring - brings into this world a girl capricious and spoiled by the origin of the soul, easily getting used to everything good. Parental care will turn her into a sissy who wants one thing - that everyone serves her good. Likes to be in the spotlight, that everyone took care of her and served her - this leads to a lack of friends, but to the presence of suitors.

Summer - in the three months of his reign, a cunning, cautious, mercantile, assertive nature is born, she has a complex character. It is impossible to be friends with such a person, it is better not to rely on reliability - he will easily betray or deceive if he sees a benefit. The thirst for profit and gain gives rise to self-interest in her - a bad quality, as for a lady.

Winter - under her patronage, Lerochka is born proud and principled, but pessimistic and emotional. Any trouble infuriates her, she cannot resist obstacles, is weak, rarely achieves her goals. Such a one needs a protector, a knight capable of protecting and enclosing her. She has a difficult personality...

The fate of the name Valery

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Valery in relationships with men, in love, in marriage, and in personal relationships, everything is complicated here. Not only is fate in this case unpredictable, as well as the nature of the bearer of this name form, plus Lera does not tolerate when they try to manipulate her, which most men actually love to do.

Another big disadvantage that fate promises is that Valeria does not know how to trust men, she does not obey them, even being married to her beloved, secretive, too distrustful, and this can annoy the opposite sex. Although, on the other hand, if someone can instill confidence in her, then she will open herself completely and completely, devote herself to that person, and moreover, she will do everything to ensure that her soulmate is happy.

And the last moment - the fate is such in this case, which implies an ambivalent attitude towards family life. For example, Valeria can become a wonderful, responsible, serious, reliable mother and faithful wife, but she will never allow her husband to put all family and household chores on her. Four walls and everyday life, this is not for her - she needs adventures, new experiences, otherwise she will begin to fade and eventually think about betrayal. Such is fate...

Love and marriage

As a rule, Valerias are in no hurry to get married and try to remain independent and free as long as possible. But the amorousness of the bearers of this name sooner or later still makes itself felt. True, there is one “but” here - according to statistics, Valeria gets married two or three times ...

Valery's marriages are destroyed, usually through their own fault. The reason lies in such traits as resentment, capriciousness, jealousy and captiousness. Valeria simply cannot help but pay attention to the sidelong glance of her man at another woman. She immediately begins to be jealous, to get to the bottom of her man, to look for a catch. Naturally, this leads to quarrels, scandals and scenes of jealousy, which not every man can endure.

But Valeria, for sure, in the future, next marriage, will take into account all her mistakes and mistakes. She will not allow herself to allow the same and will try to control herself. And if she also comes across a man who is attentive, understanding, smart and tactful, then the marriage will be absolutely successful at all. Everything. what the bearer of this name needs for happiness is an understanding, kind and faithful husband in whom she could be sure, if not one hundred, then at least ninety percent.

Valeria as Mother

It is difficult to say what kind of mother a woman who received the name Valeria at birth should be, because in this case everything primarily depends on upbringing and on what kind of relationship Valeria herself had with her own mother. But one thing is for sure - she simply cannot be a bad mother. Well, how can such a sociable, kind, positive and optimistic woman be a bad mother? No way!

As for the upbringing of children, she will make every effort to him. She will always help her children achieve the desired result, she will always listen and try to understand, sympathize and give advice, she will never leave in a difficult situation. But it’s better for the fathers to take care of the upbringing in children of the qualities that they will need in adulthood, because Valeria herself is not too adapted to mature life ...

Responsibility, determination, reliability, perseverance and perseverance - all these traits in children are best brought up by the father. She will take care of the rest herself. She will try to make the life of her children as happy as possible, and at the same time she will treat both her son and her daughter equally.

Horoscope named after Valery


Aries - a girl named Valeria, born under this zodiac sign, scrupulous, but charming, domineering, but eloquent. This is an excellent boss, leader, not deprived of the ability to make friends and communicate. Knows how to manipulate people. Temperamental and devoted.


Taurus - this bearer of the name Valeria is scrupulous and calm, loves a monotonous life, has a complex character, hates frequent changes, is creatively developed, creative. Any business brings to the final whistle. Closed and shy - because of this, she is not popular in society. Often lonely - she needs a companion-friend.


Gemini - this zodiac sign and its meaning give rise to a cheerful, restless, flirtatious, optimistic, striving for perfection and eternal development nature with the name Valery. She is inconstant and indecisive at the same time - this interferes with her promotion. She loves novels, but is often disappointed in her chosen ones.


Cancer is a well-mannered and graceful lady, a homebody, developed and stable, reasonable and smart. Such a first thing will weigh all the pros and cons, and then it will act. Men are crazy about her, but with a collision with her exactingness and severity, all charm disappears.

a lion

Leo is a closed, but overly envious woman, mysterious, hiding all dreams deep in her soul. Wants to lead and rule. Lack of patience and responsibility hinders life. She rarely shows sincerity and good nature - she tries to seem like a kind of vamp woman. Idealist at heart.


Virgo is gallant and balanced by nature, diligent, has creative potential, easily survives all adversity, knows how to communicate with people and ingratiate herself with trust. Compatibility only with male slaves, those who know how to indulge their ladies, obey. The ideal wife, but too domineering.


Libra is a charming lady, sociable and pleasant, enthusiastic, carefree. Minus born under this sign and named after Valeria is irresponsibility and inconstancy. Because of these qualities, a rare case can be brought to the end, lazy and impatient.


Scorpio - promises nature irritability and emotionality. This woman will always be dissatisfied with something in a relationship, and therefore compatibility is not happy with the opposite sex. But she will not be unhappy - the craving for adventure will do its job, she will not be bored.


Sagittarius - here, having received the name Valeria from birth, she will be fidgety, and in adulthood she will become passionate, passionate, dreamy, energetic and frivolous. She never admits her mistakes - she can become angry if something does not go according to her plan. It is difficult with her - her mood is too changeable.


Capricorn is a pessimist by nature, a woman who is not able to simply enjoy life. In everything she will look for a catch or betrayal, and any joke about her will be perceived as an insult. She is strong and domineering, but a pessimistic attitude repels people, including gentlemen. It is difficult to please her, or rather impossible.


Aquarius is savvy and freedom-loving, narcissistic and confident in her own deeds. People respect her for perseverance and reliability, she will complete any task to the end, but there is also a minus - she is not ready to accept outside help. As a wife, she needs an unpredictable and adventurous lover.


Pisces - this sign will make a lady named Lera talented and pleasant in communication, hardworking and purposeful, successful, original and dreamy. Only a man-mystery can interest such a man. She will be faithful to her spouse, will become an ideal mother and an excellent housewife.

Compatibility with male names

The question of the compatibility of the name Valery with male name forms is very complicated and conceals many interesting factors, some of which have long been unraveled by researchers in this field ...

It turned out that the best connection in feelings is formed in a pair with such as Akim, Ostap, Taras, Fedor, Andrey, Kazimir, Yermolai, Pankrat, Pantelei.

The strength of marriage is guaranteed with such as Abraham, David, Klim, Maxim, Prokhor.

And you should not mess with Herman, Savva, Felix, Jan and Julius.

The name Valery is derived from the male name Valery. Like all representatives of masculine names, the girls named by him have strong character traits inherent in representatives of the opposite sex.

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Valeria are very purposeful and extremely strong-willed ladies. You should not enter into conflicts with the bearer of such a name, because the female cunning and male courage of this girl predetermine her victory in any dispute. Valeria does not succumb to difficulties, she is a born fighter who never gives up.

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    The meaning and origin of the name

    Girls have been named after Valery since ancient times. The origin and meaning of the name is associated with the Latin "valeo" - healthy. From Greek and ancient Roman, its interpretation is read as “hardy”, “strong”, “strong”. In the Orthodox calendar, the history of this name begins with Valeria of Caesarea, who was one of the first to accept Christianity and devoted her life to serving the Lord. In Catholicism, there are also references to the holy martyrs Valeria, so a girl can celebrate a name day in accordance with several dates.

    According to the church calendar in Christianity, the day of the angel of this woman is associated with Valeria of Caesarea - June 20. Adherents of other religions may choose a different time of celebration for themselves in accordance with the date that is closest to the birthday.

    For Valeria, the following meanings, signs, dates, days and symbols are happy and patronizing:

    patron planetsMercury, Pluto
    patronizing elementWater
    patron constellationsLeo, Scorpio
    patron saintsMartyrs: Valeria the African, Valeria of Milan, Valeria of Caesarea, Valeria of Limoges
    Day AngelMarch 31, April 23, 28, May 6, June 6, 7, 20, December 9
    stonesGarnet, emerald, malachite
    MetalsSilver, aluminum
    TreesCherry, Chestnut
    ColorsPurple, yellow
    totem animalHorse
    TalismansScarab beetle, lizard
    Lucky number in numerology8
    Important years of life18, 19, 20, 27, 30, 34, 38, 44, 50, 63, 67
    Lucky day of the weekTuesday

    Girls named Valeria are often called Leram in the family circle. An abbreviated version of the name is sometimes written down in official documents - Valerie, but this is not accepted in Russia, so the full spelling is most often used.

    Valechka, Lerik, Lerusya - these options are used as affectionate ones, but you should not abuse such abbreviations, since the sound of a name has a great influence on a person's character. To use all the advantages inherent in the name, parents should teach their daughter to present herself with a full name from an early age.

    Characteristics by zodiac sign

    An important aspect in the life of Valeria is the influencing constellation. Without this, it is difficult to give a complete decoding of the character of a woman. This girl always attracts the attention of others, but the characteristic behavior in relationships with people largely depends on her zodiac sign.

    Characteristics of Valeria according to the horoscope:

    Zodiac sign and date of birthCharacteristics of Valeria
    Aries (21.03 - 19.04)The influence of this constellation is expressed in the stubbornness and intractability of a woman. This lady will never compromise. Once she's made up her mind, it's impossible to change her mind.
    Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)This is a hardworking and intelligent girl. Valeria-Taurus is distinguished by an increased sense of responsibility, so you can always rely on her in everything
    Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)Valeria-Gemini is a rather controversial person. With this lady, people easily find a common language, but you should not trust her. Such a girl's plans change several times a day, she is unreliable and frivolous
    Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)She is a born wife and mother. For this woman, the family is the most important value. From a young age, Valeria-Rak dreams of getting married and devoting her life to housekeeping, caring for her husband and raising children.
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08)The Leo constellation gives the girl a special charisma, she is extremely attractive to the males, but it is not so easy to win her heart. This Valeria does not tolerate weak and insecure people next to her.
    Virgo (23.08 - 22.09)Born under this constellation is distinguished by realistic views of the world. This woman is practical and prudent. She is not dreamy and romantic.
    Libra (23.09 - 23.10)The constellation of oscillating Libra reduces Valeria's inherent decisiveness. The lady of this sign often suffers from self-doubt. As partners, she should choose a strong and strong-willed man who will take responsibility for her decisions.
    Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)She is a born warrior. For a Scorpio girl, there are no insurmountable obstacles, she always finds the right path to success, ruthlessly eliminating rivals
    Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)The charming Sagittarius lady is always in the spotlight, but this zodiac sign adversely affects the character of the purposeful Valeria. This woman does not know how to achieve what she wants, because with any problem she turns off the chosen path.
    Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01)The influence of Capricorn adds pessimism to the lady. The inherent cheerfulness of a girl fades in this combination, so Valeria-Capricorn often falls into depression. Living with her is hard, she is gloomy and cynical, but she cannot be accused of infantilism. The intelligence and wisdom of such a lady can only be envied
    Aquarius (20.01 - 18.02)The frivolity and charm of Aquarius give lightness to the serious and thorough Valeria. You can hardly get bored with this girl, but you should not rely on her in important matters. The Aquarius woman is not distinguished by fidelity and reliability, she can unintentionally betray a person by changing course by chance
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)Sweet and gentle Pisces are inherent in sensitivity and suspiciousness. This Valeria goes with the flow, but very often she is carried away into a fantasy world. She tends to idealize people, so she is often disappointed in them.

    The fate of Valeria

    Valeria's life path is thorny and changeable, but fate is favorable to her. This lady knows how to adapt to life circumstances, so she easily experiences ups and downs. The secret of this woman is in her strength, the hallmarks of Valeria are:

    • resistance;
    • endurance;
    • patience.

    It is difficult to piss her off, but if someone succeeds, then he gets what he deserves. Valeria is quite restrained and tactful, but in moments of anger this woman changes beyond recognition. The fury of this lady crosses out all the norms of morality and ethics laid down in her from childhood. However, few people have to deal with the rigidity of a girl; in ordinary life, she is sweet and friendly. She has many friends and acquaintances who sincerely love and appreciate her.


    Early childhood is the most important stage in the formation of Valeria's personality. The baby is rather capricious and self-willed, but she perfectly perceives the teachings of her parents. At the age of 3 to 5, she does not need to repeat instructions 10 times, she grasps everything on the fly. Valeria requires increased attention to herself, so parents should play with her more often, otherwise the girl will commit unseemly acts in order to attract adults to communicate with her.

    She does not experience problems with her peers, Valeria is not eager to become a leader, but she cannot be called an outcast either. This is a friendly and sweet girl who knows how to make friends and play calmly with the guys. However, Lera is rather selfish, so she is unlikely to share her toys with anyone. It is useless to wean her from greed, but you can teach the baby the art of compromise. This girl is very prudent, so she will gladly let her doll play in exchange for a chocolate bar.

    From an early age, Valeria feels her femininity and attractiveness. She loves to dress up and loves to show off in front of the public. This girl longs for admiration for her talents, which she can perfectly show in active activities. She will certainly achieve high results in creativity, so parents need to pay attention to her preferences and enroll Lera in classes:

    • dancing;
    • gymnastics;
    • swimming.

    Do not force Valeria to draw or play the piano, this girl is restless, she will suffer from a lack of mobility in such activities. She can develop in such areas only of her own free will, Lera categorically rejects any coercion.

    Young woman

    Valeria's adolescence passes smoothly. This girl does not cause any particular problems to her parents, but Lera herself experiences this period painfully. Changes in appearance cause her a lot of inconvenience and often turn into complexes. Public assessment is very important for Valeria, so she tries to look bright and beautiful, and if she finds a pimple on her face, the girl may refuse to attend school.

    She begins to be interested in boys quite early, but behaves with them clamped and constrained. Lera rarely enters into an intimate relationship with them before marriage, since her moral concepts are laid very deeply. She devotes most of her youth to study, she is rarely seen in a noisy company of peers. Usually Valeria chooses the same serious girl as her friend, with whom she then maintains a relationship all her life.

    Lera is responsive and responsible, if her parents ask her to complete some task, then she will definitely do everything. However, it is very difficult to accustom this girl to order. Chaos always reigns in her room, since accuracy is unusual for her. Material values ​​​​for her are secondary, therefore, in response to reproaches about her slovenliness, Valeria will report that she has no time to clean up, as she is preparing for lessons.

    Lera studies well, the intellectual and spiritual development of this girl can only be envied. She has an excellent memory, so she learns most of the educational material from the lessons, and in her free time she studies additional information on subjects to show off her knowledge and get high marks.

    Valeria gets married quite late, because she considers education and career to be the most important components of her life. She will never devote herself to the family, as she needs achievements and public recognition of her merits. Even if Lera meets a life partner in her youth, she first completes her studies, and only then thinks about marriage.


    By adulthood, Valeria acquires a truly feminine charm. Crowds of fans are circling around her, but this lady makes excessive demands on men. Only an accomplished and self-confident gentleman becomes her chosen one. This woman often associates her life with a man who is much older than her, as she is attracted to his experience and wisdom.

    She has a logical, masculine mindset, so she likes to communicate with members of the opposite sex. Valeria rarely succumbs to emotions and does not like it when someone raises her voice or becomes hysterical in front of her. In her close circle of friends, she allows only restrained and balanced people. She gets along well with others, but always keeps her distance, maintaining personal space.

    Lera does not get into other people's affairs, she is very reluctant to help people who ask her for something. This woman does not like to take on someone else's problems, but she prefers to solve her own.

    It is difficult to get close to her, but if someone succeeds, then in the person of Valeria a person finds a faithful and devoted friend and ally. She does not waste words, so she always keeps her promises. You can safely rely on this lady in any business, but you should not deceive her. Those named by this name have an extremely developed intuition, this woman instantly recognizes a lie. Valeria does not forgive betrayal, having lost her trust once, it is already impossible to restore it.

    Thanks to intuition, this girl often avoids unpleasant situations. The older she gets, the more she learns to trust her feelings. This woman accurately predicts the outcome of any business or relationship, so you can turn to her for advice.

    Characteristics of Valeria in various aspects:

    Aspect Description
    Health and psycheThis woman has a stable psyche and excellent health. However, Valerias have a tendency to be overweight, so they have to limit themselves in nutrition all their lives. The energy of this lady must find a way out in active activities, otherwise she is threatened with osteochondrosis, headaches and other diseases associated with neurology

    Valeria does not strive for leadership positions, she does not know how to manage people, but in her chosen profession she always reaches significant heights. She is close to creative areas where she can show off her talents.

    Often these women become actresses, singers, hosts of various events. They are bored with their daily activities. Each Valeria dreams of dizzying ups that will bring her public recognition. Even if this woman chooses the profession of a kindergarten teacher, she will be the best mass entertainer, who will be praised and respected by parents and leaders

    HobbiesDespite the seething streams of energy, Valeria does not like sports. She hardly forces herself to swim, run, do fitness, but she does it to keep fit. Lera devotes her free time to reading and various types of needlework, she loves to cook, but she does it all at will
    LoveValeria's love relationships are extremely successful. She is not prone to short affairs, so she behaves seriously with men. This lady loves to flirt, but if the gentleman goes beyond what is permitted, she immediately shows all her severity and rigidity. It is unlikely that someone will be able to spin an affair with her without obligations. This woman in every partner is looking for a future husband, and if a man is not suitable for her marriage, Lera will not even look in his direction. In love, she does not follow the feelings, but this woman knows how to love. This woman will envelop her chosen one with affection, care and tenderness. This is a very honest and faithful lady, she never cheats on her man, but she will not tolerate infidelity on his part either.
    MarriageIn marriage, Lera reveals herself, next to her beloved, she shows all the positive qualities. She is a good housewife and a wonderful mother. She knows how to manage money, so her husband does not have to worry about female extravagance. Comfort and peace reign in the house of this woman, but she will never get along with an overly neat man who finds fault with the mess. This lady does not know how to organize the space in accordance with generally accepted standards, but this does not mean that the warm blanket lying by the armchair lies there just like that - it was Valeria who put it there on purpose so that her husband wrapped himself in it when she ventilated the apartment
    SexThe sexuality of this woman shines through in her every gesture. The girl is passionate and temperamental, but she gives her sensuality only to those who are affectionate and gentle with her. She can not be called a hypocrite, but in sex she is quite conservative. She needs to offer experiments in bed very carefully, otherwise Valeria will show her coldness and detachment. She does not like hard sex, her intimate sphere of life is directly related to feelings in a relationship, so the manifestation of rudeness is unacceptable for her

    Compatibility with men

    When determining compatibility, the characteristics of the male name should be taken into account. Valeria most successfully develops alliances with carriers of the following names:

    Man's nameRelationship characteristics
    AlexanderWith this man, Lera is confident in the future. Disagreements rarely arise in such an alliance, because partners resolve disputes calmly, finding compromises
    AnatolyPowerful and responsible Anatoly is perfect for the role of a husband for this woman. Peace and harmony reign in this pair
    ArtemArtem endures the temper of a woman, so it is impossible to quarrel with him. This union is built on mutual respect, in which a man forgives his beloved for all her whims.
    BogdanBogdan and Valeria make the perfect couple. They have common interests and goals in life, so they confidently go through life together
    ValeryMutual understanding in this union arises on an intuitive level. The consonance of the names of partners has a positive effect on their life together
    VyacheslavWith this man, a woman has to take on a leading role in relationships, but this does not detract from the merits of Vyacheslav. These lovers rarely quarrel, but even after disagreements they reconcile very soon.
    MaksimThe union of this couple is built on crazy love. Maxim and Valeria are attracted to each other by sexual attraction, but in other areas of life they find a lot in common
    OlegWith Oleg, the girl shows all her femininity. This man becomes a strong support for a girl who appreciates the reliability of a partner.
    SergeiThis union is materially unstable, but both partners here develop spiritually and achieve harmony on an emotional level.
    Man's nameRelationship characteristics
    AlbertThis man is too powerful and independent. He puts pressure on the chosen one with his authoritarianism and demands submission, giving nothing in return
    AndreyIt is quite difficult to get along with Andrei Leray. He is no less selfish than she, so conflicts constantly flare up in the union.
    EvgeniyThe bearer of this name is weak in character; for an imperious and strong lady, he is not very attractive. Even if these partners fall in love with each other, soon the woman will get bored and leave her lover
    MarkIn this union, the hostility of two opposing personalities is often manifested. These man and woman cannot get along, they do not find a common language, they misunderstand each other and constantly quarrel
    SvyatoslavSvyatoslav does not cause respect from the girl. He is soft and supple, and this woman needs a strong and powerful man, whom she cannot suppress and drive under the heel.

    Famous personalities

    The name Valery is quite popular, so many ladies-stars glorified him in various activities.

    Famous people:

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that the whole life is going downhill and passing by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered a personal...

The name Valeria is popular all over the world. This sonorous name is clear in pronunciation to both Europeans and residents of Asia and Eastern Europe. Perhaps it was this versatility of pronunciation, along with the beauty of sound, that provided the name with such popularity.

latin roots

This female name came from the male as a derivative. Valeria is a name whose origin can be traced in a historical context. The male name Valery, from which it was derived, appeared in the Roman Empire as a generic Valerius. The name is derived from the Latin word "vale", which means "to be healthy", as well as from "valeo" - "to be strong, healthy." These

Latin words are rooted from the language group of the Indo-European languages. It is worth noting that it was this root that gave rise to other names - Valdemar. The most common version of translation and disclosure is strong, hardy, vigorous. The male version - Valery - is repeatedly mentioned in documentary evidence of that time. Women in the Roman Empire were called male names: in childhood - father, later - husband Valery. The history of the origin of the name notes this fact as the most probable.

Interest in him resurfaced in the 20-30s of the last century, when Valentina became the most popular, which led to the popularity of similar names, such as Valeria and Valery. Since then, it has been quite common, although it is not among the ten most popular.

Valeria is a name whose origin is also interesting because it exists in both the Catholic and Orthodox calendars. True, in the second case it sounds a little different - Kaleria, and is associated with the martyr Kaleria of Palestine.

Pronunciation options

The name Valery can be pronounced in different ways and includes various variants of diminutive forms. In French, it sounds like Valerie, in

Italian - Valeria, English - Valeri, another European version - Valerian. Abbreviated versions of the name - Lera, Riana, Lerusya, Lerik, Valya, Lerchik, Valka, as well as the male version with a touch of irony - Valera. As you can see, everything is limited only by fantasy, and the owner of this name does not have to be bored.

Famous Valerias

Those who want to know about people who bore the name Valery, the origin of the name can be traced to its owners. So, it is known that the wife of the Roman emperor Claudius was called Valeria Messalina. Emperor Diocletian had a wife, Galeria, after whom one of the provinces was named. In the Soviet period it was known

Ukrainian actress Mukhina was a famous psychologist who studied personality development. Valeria Larina is an artist of the Soviet period who worked in St. Petersburg, mainly in the portrait genre. Now this name is also repeatedly heard on the stage of theaters and concert halls, one has only to mention the singer Valeria, theater and film actress Valeria Lanskaya, TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, pianist and composer Valeria Auerbach.

Mysterious interpretation of names

The name Valery: origin and meaning allow astrologers and esotericists to draw up their vision of this name and what it carries in itself. The traditional interpretation has already been formed, so it is possible to voice the main parameters of the personality that are associated with its development. Valeria is a sensitive person, from childhood her mood depends on subtle and subtle changes in her worldview. She may wake up out of sorts, closing in on herself and sending sparks of discontent with her eyes, and after a couple of hours already be affectionate and beam with happiness. These changes should not be taken into account and try to argue them. The positive features of Valeria are sociability, inner magnetism, the desire to learn new things and please others. Negative features can be considered inconstancy in goals and desires. In her personal life, Valeria is often windy, she can get carried away and forget about her former boyfriend. Relations are most often broken off first, quickly and decisively. In behavior, it is unpredictable, it can get close on the first date, or, conversely, become impregnable for many months. People around love Valeria for her responsiveness, spontaneity, the ability to make friends and be faithful.

Amulets and symbols of Valeria

People often associate special things, signs, amulets with names and dates of birth, and the name Valery was no exception. The origin of the name suggested the day of her name day - June 20. Valeria's stones are emerald, garnet, jasper. Name colors

resonate with the color recommended natural green, blue, steel. Venus is considered the zodiac sign and the patron planet is a symbol of femininity and mystery. The season of such a sensitive nature could not help but become spring, and the lily was named the flower.

Many girls are addicted to horoscopes, and Valeria does not stand aside. The name, the origin of the chosen one is of keen interest to readers, so it is worth mentioning that the names Anton, Boris, Anatoly, Semyon, Evgeny have the best compatibility for the girl Valeria, but Yegor, Ruslan and Peter are recommended to avoid.

Choosing a name for a child

The origin of the name Valeria for a girl can be decisive in life, so it is very important to first find out the history of the name. When choosing it for a child

it is also important to evaluate the sonority and compatibility with the patronymic and surname. Those who have already chosen the name Valery know the origin and meaning by heart, because this name has excellent potential, health and strength.

Valeria- "healthy" (lat.)

If small Valeria I guess it's for a long time. It seems that no one gave a reason for this, but she is not in the spirit. Also, for no apparent reason, after some time it will become cheerful and affectionate, and again you should not puzzle over why this happened - you still won’t guess.

Having matured, it continues to be complex and unpredictable. She is contradictory in assessing events and people, inconsistent in her intentions, which naturally irritates those around her. However, such Valeria seems only to those who do not know her well. Relatives understand that at the heart of her some eccentricity lies vulnerability and hypersensitivity. A fleeting glance thrown by a husband at a woman passing by will not be noticed by anyone, but Valeria definitely notice. And as a consequence of this - her cool and incomprehensible act to many, a decidedly spoiled mood.

To strangers, she is most often wary and distrustful. In the harmless remarks of the mother-in-law, she will see a biased attitude towards herself, although another daughter-in-law in the same situation would react quite calmly.

Valeria a caring, economic wife, she has everything in order at home. He does not like to go to parties, to visit, he prefers home silence and communication with his family. Jealous, every new woman surrounded by her husband causes her many fears and suspicions, humiliating interrogations for her husband. Valeria's jealousy often destroys a successfully developing marriage at first.

Predisposed to allergies, bronchitis, Valeria has an unstable nervous system.

"Winter" Valeria cutting, excitable, frequent nervous breakdowns.

"Autumn" - more balanced, but still unpredictable. Can work as a fashion designer, musicologist, guide. Suitable for patronymics: Gennadievna, Fedorovna, Maksimovna, Semyonovna, Glebovna, Borisovna.

"Summer" - eccentric, conflict.

"Spring" Valeria- capricious, eccentric, always dissatisfied with something. Her vocation is to be an actress, artist, singer, fashion model. The name goes well with patronymics: Ivanovna, Emilyevna, Aronovna, Denisovna, Danilovna, Matveevna.

Valeria's unstable nervous system is due to the fact that her name comes from the male Valery. I do not recommend giving girls such names.

The meaning of the name Valeria option 2

1. Personality. Singing women.

2. Character. 83%.

3. Radiation. 88%.

4. Vibration. 94,000 vibrations/s

5. Color. Blue.

6. The main features of Valeria: will - susceptibility - excitability - intuition.

7. Totem plant. Cherries.

8. Totem animal. Cicada.

10. Type. They often intrigue: you never know if they will explode or sing. From childhood, you need to keep them in your hands.

11. Psyche. They can never sit still, they need to move all the time, dance and sing. Valeria m lacks balance and stability. Often, for greater courage, they show their anger in order to impress others. Strive for an active social life. Overconfident.

12. Will. Strong, sometimes just despotic.

13. Excitability. So strong that it makes them irritable and nervous. They express their feelings extremely violently, after which a long depression sets in.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. Valeria very fast, especially when it comes to loved ones. They are ready to defend them with teeth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.

15. Field of activity. More interested in their inner world than work. The best thing for them is the improvement of their own hearth. These girls love to help, Valeria can be allowed to cook and do other housework early. Most of all, they are suitable for professions that require communication with people - in the field of catering, trade, education.

16. Intuition. associated with their impressionability. They are charming and charming and perfectly able to use these qualities to their advantage.

17. Intelligence. Valeria has a synthetic mindset, she has a lively, well-developed imagination and an excellent figurative memory, she remembers for a long time what struck or alarmed her.

18. Susceptibility. Although they try to keep a distance, but this hides a highly developed sensitivity and susceptibility. Too restless.

19. Morality. They are equally pleased with both their own and other people's successes.

20. Health. Good, but they tend to be overweight. Possible disorders of the genitourinary system. You should lead a healthy and active lifestyle, play sports, especially water sports. They tend to abuse drugs, especially tranquilizers.

21. Sexuality. Strong and shows up early. However, they are sentimental and more loyal friends than it might seem. Family and social taboos can contribute to Valeria's sexual complexes.

22. Activity. Depends on the circumstances. They expect sincerity from friends, and if one of them deceives, they are able to take revenge.

23. Sociability. They love to receive guests, these are ideal hostesses. They adapt well and feel light and free everywhere. They sparkle with the joy of life. Valeria achieves some success not so much in the professional sphere, but in the realization of his own personality.

Conclusion. These interesting women are as charming as their totem - cherry blossoms, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

The meaning of the name Valeria option 3

Female name Valeria- This is a variant of the male name Valery. Unpredictable. Sometimes her behavior literally depends on which foot she got up from. If small Valeria I guess it's for a long time. It seems that no one gave a reason for this, but Valeria not in the mood.

Also, for no apparent reason, after some time she will become cheerful and affectionate, and again you should not puzzle over why this happened - you still won’t guess.

Having matured, it continues to be complex and unpredictable. Valeria contradictory in assessing events and people, inconsistent in their intentions. Naturally, such a character is not very conducive to itself. However, if you have the patience to win her favor or are just lucky to please her, you will have the most devoted friend who will stubbornly see only good in you, even if you do not deserve it. Anyone who can penetrate deeper into Valeria's character will see that Valeria's somewhat eccentric behavior is based on her vulnerability, hypersensitivity. A fleeting glance cast by Valeria's husband at a passing woman will not be noticed by anyone, but Valeria definitely take it. And the consequence of this may be an act incomprehensible to many, a decidedly spoiled mood.

Valeria has a wary and distrustful attitude towards strangers. In the harmless remarks of her mother-in-law, she can see a prejudiced attitude towards herself, although another daughter-in-law in the same situation would react to the words of her mother-in-law quite steadfastly.

A caring, economic wife, she carried everything in order at home. He does not like to go to parties, to visit, he prefers home environment and communication with his family. Jealous, every new woman surrounded by her husband causes her many fears of suspicion, humiliating interrogations for her husband. Valeria's jealousy often destroys a successfully developing marriage at first.

Valeria with such a difficult character will suit a man named Anatoly, Matvey, Semyon, Boris, Anton. With Albert, Mark, Cyril, Peter or Vladislav, she will have a hard time.

The meaning of the name Valeria option 4

Mystery of the name Valeria- from the Latin meaning healthy, strong.

Derivatives: Valera, Lera, Lerunya, Lerusya, Lerukha, Lerusha, Leka, Valya, Valeka, Valesha, Valunya, Valyusya, Valyukha, Valyusha, Vaka, Vava.

Folk omens.

If this day is rich in abundant dew, wait for the hemp harvest.


Character complex, rather contradictory, painfully sensitive. Valeria unpredictable in their unexpected actions and decisions. But those who are able to understand it, patiently delve into the causes of these contradictions, acquire a true, devoted friend. The kindness and tolerance of friends help Valeria to be more trusting and even.

The meaning of the name Valeria option 5

Meaning of the name Valeria- healthy, strong (from Latin)

  • Gemini.
  • Planet - Mercury.
  • Color - purple.
  • Auspicious tree - fig.
  • Cherished plant - lily.
  • The patron of the name is a monitor lizard.
  • Talisman stone - pomegranate.


Nature is complex and unpredictable. Valeria contradictory in assessing events and people, inconsistent in their intentions. But those who have enough patience for her acquire a true, devoted friend.

Valeria vulnerable, acutely sensitive - this is the basis of her wary and distrustful attitude towards life and people.

The meaning of the name Valeria option 6

Valeria- A woman is unpredictable. What is called - the mood depends on which foot you got up from. She is well aware that this does not paint her, but she cannot help herself.

Surrounding has no choice but to wait out her bad mood, but then Valeria become attentive and kind. She is wary of people, with difficulty changing her first opinion about them. Most often this opinion, alas, is negative. But if she really likes someone, she will become the most devoted friend.

Valeria a good, caring wife, a wonderful, loving mother. But she is overly jealous and will always find a reason for jealousy. Valeria- a businessman, in any profession he achieves perfection. Clear, collected, strict - she demands these qualities from others.
