The green chakra of the human heart. How, knowing the colors of the chakras, fill yourself with the necessary Chakra energy by colors and names

In yoga, there are such directions as anahata yoga, hatha yoga, kundalini yoga. The main task of the directions is to maintain the beauty and health of the human body, to direct energy in the right direction. The balance of thoughts and actions, the harmony of the body and soul is achieved through the opening of the chakras. They are painted in colors associated with certain organs, feelings and qualities of a person.

The color indigo, for example, is associated with loyalty and nobility. Its task is to improve sleep, treat muscle pain. In order to be happy and healthy, you need to know what each chakra is responsible for.

Chakras are energy formations that have spiritual, physical, energy and cultural significance for humanity. They will not be useful in everyday life if you do not know how to use energy correctly. In total there are seven chakras, painted in certain colors. They are located along the spine and process energy for further consumption. Only spiritual guides know how to see the source of energy.

There are three levels of chakras - lower, middle and high. In order to fill yourself with energy, you need to understand where they are and what they mean.

Lower chakras:

  1. Red chakra Muladhara, or Root chakra. Muladhara is presented in red, located at the base of the spine. Responsible for the physical manifestation of life, for the work of the genital organs and the removal of energy waste. The chakra is associated with blood - a symbol of life, well-being and prosperity. Muladhar receives strength from the Earth. It is through her that they are charged with energy, the reverse side of which is passion and the desire to live. The working capacity and endurance of a person depends on the correct functioning of the red chakra. Blockage of Muladhara means a disease of the back, legs, varicose veins.

  1. Orange chakra Swadhisthana. Responsible for pleasure, evokes associations with fruits, sun and warmth. It is located 4 cm below the navel. Svadhisthana concentrates positive emotions, pleasure and a sense of satisfaction. Affects the functioning of the liver, kidneys, lymph nodes. Her element is Water. The opening of the chakra will allow you to get rid of jealousy, stiffness, aggression and lust. The orange chakra gives a person cheerfulness, activity and youth.
  2. The yellow chakra of Manipura. Located in the area of ​​the solar plexus. Responsible for the work of the adrenal glands, gallbladder, spleen. It concentrates energy aimed at implementing plans, achieving success, self-realization. People who have Manipura open are self-confident, energetic, they know what they want. They make every effort to achieve their goals. Yellow is associated with gold, wealth and prosperity. This shade improves those qualities that contribute to the fulfillment of tasks. For example, ingenuity, ingenuity, memory. Manipura helps to overcome difficulties and achieve success.

Description and meaning of the middle and upper chakras

The middle chakra - Anahata - is colored green. Sometimes it is associated with a pink tone. Pink is formed from red and white, which ultimately gives tender love, affection for a partner. Green personifies spiritual harmony, tranquility, balance, the color of the soul. Anahata is located in the heart area, concentrates the work of the three lower and three upper chakras.

Anahata acts as a transformer that converts any energy into love. People with an open green chakra are distinguished by kindness, understanding, justice, loyalty. Always ready to help others. The green chakra calms the mind and feelings and balances positive and negative energy. When the chakra does not work properly, a person becomes irritable, conceited.

Upper chakras:

  1. Blue Vishuddha Chakra. Located in the throat area, it is responsible for a beautiful voice, hearing and creativity. Color is associated with lightness, airiness, dreaminess. People with developed Vishuddha are connected with the unearthly, divorced from reality. Blue energy is aimed at ensuring that people speak out, express their own opinion, tell the truth. Another function is the ability to hear yourself, your body, and other people. The chakra is responsible for the functioning of the throat, larynx, ears, muscles and hands. Violation of the work of Vishuddhi causes problems with auditory perception. A person with a closed blue chakra often suffers from tonsillitis, headaches and joint pains.

  1. Blue chakra Ajna. Located between the eyebrows, it is responsible for good eyesight, logical thinking, quick wit and memory. She is in charge of intuition, the ability to clairvoyance, the ability to see lucid dreams. A person with a developed Ajna is distinguished by extraordinary abilities. Leaves the physical shell and enters the astral plane. The blue chakra is responsible for the functioning of the brain and sense organs. Disruption in work leads to diseases of the ears, nose, lungs, eye disease.
  2. Violet Chakra Sahasrara. It is formed from two colors - red and blue, so the shade is very complex. Red represents passion, blue represents calmness, purple balances them. Sahasrara is located above the head, is an energy center. A person with an open chakra is attached to higher powers, feels a connection with God and the Cosmos.

Chakras are huge pools of energy. Each is responsible for certain organs and spiritual development. Improper operation of energy sources provokes many anomalies and concentrates negative emotions.

Filling yourself with energy

According to the teachings of Buddhists, the feelings, actions and emotions of a person should be in harmony. Balance is achieved through restoration and energy management. There are several exercises that help open the energy centers.

Meditation on the lower chakras

Meditation on red

Exercise allows you to transform passivity and negative energy into powerful positive. Opened Muladhara enhances the love of life, well-being, security.

  1. Take a lotus, half lotus or sit in a Turkish position. Massage the Muladhara area with the tips of your toes.
  2. When pleasant sensations appear and warmth spreads through the body, concentrate on the sensations.
  3. Visualize red. Imagine that you are sitting on a fluffy red carpet. Feel the softness and warmth of the pile.
  4. After visualizing the color, start chanting the LAM mantra. Feel how the tone and mantra become one.
  5. Imagine that the color red rises higher and fills you with warmth.

Performing the exercise for a few minutes, you will feel warmth and lightness throughout the body.

meditation on orange color

  1. Take a comfortable position, relax.
  2. Imagine enjoying a sea sunset.
  3. Hear the surf, the splashing of the waves. Feel the warmth of the sun.
  4. Adjust your breath to the surf. Breathe in when the waves rise, breathe out when they recede.
  5. Watch the sun sink below the horizon, turning the water orange.
  6. Imagine that the sun's rays are concentrated in Swadhisthana, freeing and opening it. After the orange disk of the sun disappears, soothing darkness will come.

Meditation on the color orange improves the functioning of the spleen, strengthens blood vessels and respiratory organs, and increases appetite.

meditation on yellow

To complete the exercise, you will need a large image of a yellow sun flower. For example, sunflower.

  1. Take a comfortable position, concentrate on the image of a flower.
  2. Carefully examine the seeds, stamens, leaves and petals.
  3. Close your eyes and restore the picture in all its details.
  4. Imagine that the solar plexus is located in the center of the flower. The petals are the Manipura chakra.
  5. Pay attention to the middle of the flower. Imagine that warmth is born in it, which fills the body.
  6. Slowly move your eyes from the black center to the yellow petals. As you inhale, direct sunlight into the third chakra.

Meditation on the yellow color puts thoughts in order, gives positive emotions.

Working on the lower chakras, they achieve harmony of thoughts, actions and emotions. Meditation on the upper chakras allows you to connect with God.

Meditation on the middle and upper chakras

Meditation on the chakras brings peace and tranquility, gives a feeling of lightness, allows you to comprehend the secrets of life.

Meditation on green

  1. Take a comfortable position, relax, restore the rhythm of breathing.
  2. Imagine Anahata in the form of a lotus, which is located on green juicy leaves.
  3. Watch the soft pink light radiate from the lotus petals. Fills you with love and tenderness.
  4. Imagine that the green light of the leaves surrounds the flower. Brings a feeling of lightness, calmness and serenity.
  5. Note that the tree of life grows upwards from the lotus. The vault is adorned with green gems.
  6. Tree branches are trials that are overcome. Imagine green buds blooming on the branches. New life brings peace, happiness and joy. Problems go away, harmony of soul and body comes in their place.

Meditation on Anahata is connected with love for oneself, loved ones, for the world as a whole. Eliminates envy, dissatisfaction with others. A person with an open green chakra accepts people with all the advantages and disadvantages.

meditation on blue color

Do the meditation exercise outdoors under a clear blue sky. If this is not possible, sit on the floor and imagine a clear sky above your head.

  1. Lie down on the grass and look up. Think about whether the sky is endless or has boundaries.
  2. Feel the tension release. Pure blue light enters you.
  3. Move your gaze to the sun. See through it. Think about the role of the luminary in your life.
  4. Pay attention to the beam that goes up. Sliding on it, leave the Earth and go to Space.
  5. Look around, study the stars, planets. Hear the sounds that the heavenly bodies make. Feel the pleasant vibrations that depart from them.
  6. Fill your body with cosmic music. Pass it through the blue chakra.
  7. When you feel ready, return to Earth.
  8. Now you can easily pass the path of spiritual development. Nothing will delay on the way, there will be no problems.

Meditation on Vishuddha promotes creative and spiritual development, relaxes and calms. However, it is dangerous to meditate on blue for a long time. Prolonged exercise causes depression.

meditation on blue

It is better to perform the exercise in the dark, but not late at night.

  1. Take a comfortable position, relax and close your eyes.
  2. Imagine that it is night. She wrapped the earth in a dark blue cloth.
  3. Birds, falling asleep in the trees, remember the past day. Imagine how high they fly. Feel the freedom of flight.
  4. Flowers close their petals, trying to keep the warmth of a sunny day. Experience the warmth and aroma of a fresh flower.
  5. Hear the waves of the blue sea. Feel their freshness and coolness.
  6. Feel how blue light haze envelops you. With it comes peace and serenity.
  7. You fall into a dream.

Meditation on the blue Ajna in the late evening will give you a quick sleep. In the morning you will feel energized and rested. If you meditate during the day, feel how all problems and worries go away with a blue haze.

Violet Meditation

For meditation, use a purple mineral. If there is none, prepare an image of an amethyst.

  1. Take a comfortable position, put a stone nearby.
  2. Gaze at the mineral, its shape and rich purple color. Imagine the variety of shades of amethyst.
  3. Amethyst symbolizes love, humility, inspiration and peace. Visualize qualities. Imagine love as a soft purple flower. Its petals bloom like a lotus.
  4. Imagine a spiritual path. It is lined with a billion stars of various shades.
  5. Raise your head up. See how violet light comes out of the Sahasrara, filling the space with a gentle shimmer.
  6. Close your eyes, let the glow through you. Get rid of worries and negative emotions. They dissolve into an amethyst radiance. Violet sparks lift you up, taking you to a new level of spiritual development.

Meditation on the Sahasrara is the last stage of a long journey. Overcoming this stage will help to merge with God and higher powers.

In order to fill yourself with energy, it is not enough to do exercises. It is time to concentrate on the part of the body that is associated with a particular chakra. Wear clothing according to the color of the chakra you are meditating on. The opening of the chakras helps to release from resentment, envy, negative energy. Having opened the blocked chakras, a person feels cheerfulness, a surge of strength, lightness. The state of the body improves, the perception of the world changes.

Chakras are energy centers that maintain a person's connection with the Universe, protect him from energy loss and help restore health. The success and well-being of people largely depend on them.

Everyone has chakras, and their work directly depends on what a person is doing. It is useful to develop chakras not only for healing the body, but also in order to avoid energy attacks, the evil eye, damage and other mental influences. It is important to keep the chakras open, otherwise closed channels can lead to many troubles in life.

Where are the chakras

The number of chakras for each person is individual, since the mental bodies are unique, just like the physical bodies. In addition, the number of chakras depends on how spiritually developed a person is, whether he strives for this. Site site experts believe that energy centers can be divided into two groups: in one of them - actively working chakras, and in the other - dormant, or unmanifested. They are revealed only if a person begins to work on himself, reaches a certain level of development and refuses negative traits of character and behavior.

It is believed that each person has seven main chakras located in certain places of the body. The well-being and luck of a person depends on how developed the chakras are.


This energy center is located in the coccyx area. The human aura in this place is colored bright Red color. Through the chakra passes a connection with the earth, which provides physical health, self-confidence, sexuality and emotions of passion. If dark or even black is mixed with the red color of the chakra, we can say that the energy channel is closed. At the same time, a person experiences apathy and even depression. He may develop blood diseases, general well-being will deteriorate.


The chakra is located where the spine meets the sacrum. Her color is Orange. The energy center is responsible for feelings, creativity, confidence and endurance, as well as sexual activity. The fact that the center is functioning poorly can be indicated by an admixture of black. In this case, apathy begins, unwillingness to engage in personal life, to create and comprehend new things. In men, a closed chakra directly affects the decrease or cessation of activity in intimate life.


The chakra is located in the solar plexus and is colored in yellow color. She is responsible for confidence and energy, gives the ability to manage money and gives leadership abilities. Violations of the functioning of the chakra affects cash flows, which begin to weaken. There are problems in communication, difficulties at work or in school. At the physical level, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract appear.


Next to the heart is Anahata, which is painted in green. Its function is the ability to love and give feelings to the world around. A properly functioning chakra ensures harmony and joy in life, helps to easily overcome difficulties and gain strength from communication with people. A closed channel gives rise to negative emotions, resentment and anger that destroy a person from the inside. He becomes . Health problems begin with frequent colds that develop into bronchitis, asthma, heart failure and breathing problems.


This chakra is located in the neck area. White color. The functions of the energy center extend to oratory, the ability to convince, the ability to hear and navigate in space. Chakra helps in creative professions, makes it possible to analyze and clearly express your thoughts. An energy channel that works poorly increases the risk of developing diseases of the spine and upper respiratory tract.


The energy center is located in the head and is colored indigo. The chakra is responsible for intuitive and mental abilities, compassion and participation. Thanks to this chakra, people often develop psychic abilities, which are called the "third eye". The lack of energy received from this chakra can cause all kinds of brain diseases, loss of vision and spiritual callousness.


The chakra is located at the crown, colored in Violet or purple color. Its function is the ability of a person to learn and assimilate new information. Thanks to this chakra, spiritual growth occurs, wisdom and the ability to defend one's opinion come. A closed Sahasrara channel impairs memory. Often clogged information channel leads to the development of fears, exacerbation of conflicts and diseases associated with loss of orientation in space.

The more each of us strives for knowledge and refuses negativity, the brighter the chakras glow. If you pay attention to physical and spiritual development every day, positive changes will occur in life. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Anahata chakra - located in the chest of a person and glows green. It is responsible for the most important feeling of a person - the feeling of love. In the physical body, the green chakra is responsible for the heart, lungs, bronchi, and circulatory system. It nourishes a person, influencing the psycho-emotional and spiritual life. Anahata chakra is associated with the element of air, it fills a person with love. the opportunity to grow and can thus increase from love for oneself to love for all living things and for the entire universe.

Life at the level of love brings joy to a person and brings him happiness. But the transition to this level is very difficult. The green chakra of a person is awakened by doing good deeds that are done in a state of harmony and out of a spiritual impulse.

Unbalanced green chakra on human body

The most important sign of an unbalanced Anahata is sentimentality, the inability to distinguish one's own problems from the problems of those around them, the desire to do something good for other people, in the hope of getting something good from their side. Dependence on feelings is also a sign of an unbalanced fourth chakra of the heart.

Another extreme may appear - the desire to give, along with the refusal to accept anything from other people. And thus not being able to experience the joy of someone being able to please you.

Another sign of unhealthy green chakras is guilt and shame. It may be the fault for other people's problems, for their suffering. You need to understand that everything should be in moderation, and by letting suffering through yourself, you thereby self-destruct. In order to balance the Anahata chakra, first of all, you need to pay attention to the three lower chakras and balance them first.

Balanced green chakra

With a balanced 4th chakra, a person feels his unity with everything that surrounds him, his life is filled with deep meaning. The feeling of compassion that he experiences ceases to oppress him and develops into action.

The feeling of love that is green chakra It has three levels - personal, universal and compassionate. When the fourth heart chakra awakens, a person enjoys the love of others. He strives to share his joy with everyone around him.

How to awaken the green chakra

The heart awakens a sense of compassion for those who do not love us. Even if our heart hurts from wounds, it needs to be resurrected. We need to understand and realize that we are that very love. This concept greatly softens the pain of loss. We must try to free ourselves from those dark feelings that are blocking our green chakra. Only in this case will a channel be opened through which love will come into our hearts. We must also love ourselves. Trust in the power of love and it will let reality guide you through life. Here are some phrases - affirmations for the heart chakra.

Psychologists have long noticed that the color content of the environment has a strong influence not only on the emotional, but also on the physical state of a person. The science of "color science" is engaged in the study of this phenomenon, and on the basis of the observations of specialists, a fairly effective method of alternative medicine was even developed - color therapy.

However, until today, the mechanisms of the effect of color on the human body have not been fully studied, although theories on this subject appear with enviable regularity. One of these theories was the assumption that colors are nothing more than natural food for centers of spiritual energy ( chakras). In other words, if a person gives preference to a certain color, then the chakra of the corresponding color is "starving", and strives to be satiated, absorbing colors from the environment.

How to restore the energy of the chakras with the help of color

According to the theory put forward, using colors that correspond to the systems of the body, emotional mood and parts of the body, you can easily restore the energy of the chakras and achieve harmony of the aura, body and consciousness. At the same time, not only the colors characteristic of the chakras will work effectively, but also the opposite ones (especially if the bioenergy centers are overexcited).

But first you need to understand what colors and chakras correspond to one or another system of the body, physical and energy body.

Correspondence of color and chakra to body systems

Sahasrara (7th chakra) - purple or white. Responsible for spirituality and affects the nervous and skeletal systems. The lack of purple is manifested in excessive modesty and the need for sympathy. With an overabundance of this color, there is a feeling of loss of connection with the inner world and a feeling of extraneous power on oneself. You can balance the chakra with blue or yellow.

Ajna (6th chakra) - blue. It affects the endocrine and immune systems, ears, eyes, face, pituitary gland. The lack of blue is manifested in forgetfulness, excessive superstition, constant doubts and envy. An overabundance can manifest itself in feelings of anxiety and fearfulness, depression and fear. You can achieve balance by using yellow or orange.

Vishuddha (5th chakra) - blue color. Affects the vocal apparatus and throat, mouth, teeth, esophagus, respiratory system and thyroid gland. The lack of color is manifested in the lack of ability for self-expression and ease of communication. Overabundance is characterized by harsh, categorical statements, fanaticism and resistance to everything new. You can solve the problem with the help of yellow and orange.

Anahata (4th chakra) - green color. Affects lungs and heart. Responsible for connection with nature and is the energy center of the body. The lack of green can cause envy, jealousy and loss of self-esteem. Excessive saturation of this color leads to a feeling of fear and apathy. You can achieve balance with the help of pink.

Manipura (3rd chakra) - yellow. Governs the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder and liver. Responsible for the functioning of the entire nervous system and intellect. Obvious signs of a lack of yellow can be low self-esteem, nervous disorders, intoxication, and depression. An overabundance can be evidenced by fear and anger. You can balance the chakra with the help of blue or light blue.

Svadhisthana (2nd chakra) - orange color. It affects the respiration and spleen, as well as the reproductive, digestive, muscular and lymphatic systems. Distributes energy throughout the body and is responsible for emotions. The lack of orange is manifested in the lack of vitality and depression. An overabundance can be indicated by inappropriate heroism and frivolity. Blue or blue color will help solve the problem.

Muladhara (1 chakra) - red color. Responsible for the lower spine, genitals, legs and reproductive abilities. It affects all major aspects of life (finance, work, family) and the ability to maintain clarity of judgment. The lack of red can cause disappointment and resentment. But its excess often leads to uncontrolled aggression and anger. Green, yellow and blue colors will help to achieve balance.

Sahasrara is the seventh chakra of the human subtle body. It is located on the crown of the head, near the crown of the head and glows purple. The symbolism of the chakra is a lotus with a thousand petals pointing upwards. The stem of this flower descends down the central canal.

The violet chakra is a boundless repository of knowledge, it is the center of human perfection, it is his connection with the Creator. It unites the energies of all. Sahasrara is the place that is called home, our life path begins here and we return to it at the end of our development. Our own energy field is connected to the Divine energy field through the seventh chakra. Thanks to the violet chakra, our understanding of the world becomes perfect, and we merge with the entire universe. We understand that the physical body is just our incarnation in the material world, and we ourselves are nothing but a part of the Divine consciousness.

Harmonious Violet Chakra - Sahasrara

With the opening of the crown chakra, all blocks that exist in others are removed and transferred to higher frequencies. A fully opened violet chakra ceases to receive cosmic energies, it itself becomes their source. Human consciousness at this level becomes quiet, deep and unrestricted. A person feels as if he has awakened from a dream and now lives in reality. His entire body is filled to the brim with Divine energy.

When the violet chakra is balanced, a person understands that all his thoughts and actions express the intention of the Creator. Radiating Divine light, he is able to open the hearts of all earthly beings. A person can find answers to all questions. Because everything that exists in the world exists in it - the Divine Being, with which it is one. He also realizes that gross matter is a thought form of the Divine Consciousness, and that the dense reality surrounding him is just an illusion.

Disharmonious work of the violet chakra - Sahasrara

The crown chakra cannot be completely closed. It is only more or less open. If the violet chakra is excessively closed, then the person separates himself from the world. He does not feel at one with him. Also, a person has a feeling of fear, which blocks the work of the lower chakras. As a result, he cannot adequately reveal his abilities and realize opportunities. A person cannot live in harmony with himself and the world around him, he does not feel confident in himself and in his future.

The lack of violet in the chakra, or the admixture of black in it, causes problems in the energy body. In order to clear violet chakra it is necessary to unwind the ball counterclockwise in its center. Like a black hole, it will absorb negative energy, transforming the chakra light and filling the body with pure violet energy.
