The best alternative to egg white is quail eggs. The benefits and harms of quail eggs for the human body

Despite their miniature size, spotted quail eggs are nutritious, differ good taste and contain a variety of useful substances.

The use of this product is especially necessary for the strong half of humanity. However, not everyone knows how to properly use quail eggs to maintain and restore men's health.

Medicinal properties

Quail eggs contain such a rich set of substances necessary for us that they can be called health ampoules.

One chicken egg is equal in weight and volume to five quail eggs, which contain much more than chicken:

  • vitamins of group B, stimulating appetite, digestion and metabolism, increasing vitality, contributing to the growth of children,
  • potassium - 5 times,
  • iron - almost 5 times,
  • protein - by 20%,
  • nicotinic acid, which is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, muscle pain, improves the activity of the pancreas,
  • amino acids,
  • calcium, which restores bone tissue in case of fractures, improves the activity of the heart and the functioning of the muscular and circulatory system,
  • cobalt,
  • phosphorus, which is involved in all types of metabolism and is part of the tissues of the brain and nervous system
  • copper,
  • many others necessary for the body minerals.

Quail eggs on the menu will never cause an allergic reaction.
Doctors even advise feeding them to babies on artificial feeding. In addition, this product has a tonic effect on the body.

American scientists in the course of the study revealed the undoubted benefits of quail eggs. Eating this product is even shown to alleviate the condition in some diseases:

Eating quail eggs will strengthen the immune system and restore the activity of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Elderly people note the cessation of the process of hair loss and tooth decay.

Interesting fact: quails practically do not get sick and have an increased resistance to bird infections such as salmonellosis. This contributes heat body, reaching 42 degrees. Therefore, when keeping quails, there is no need to treat them with antibiotics. This means that spotted eggs can be eaten raw, getting a full set of trace elements that are destroyed during heat treatment. This is another advantage of quail eggs over chicken ones.

What are useful for men?

Researchers from Bulgaria have established interesting fact: turns out, quail eggs are more effective than viagra. They even made a Molodist cocktail, which includes half a glass of Cola, 20 grams of rum or cognac, a slice of lemon, a couple of fresh quail eggs and a little sugar. The miraculous effect of the cocktail lies in the rich content of trace elements in quail eggs.

Men in Germany eat four quail eggs in the morning with a sip alcohol infusion walnuts, and are very satisfied with their own potency.

The systematic intake of quail eggs for 3 months will have a beneficial effect on your body. Moreover, the quail shell is the most valuable. It is based on calcium carbonate, which is easily digestible, as well as 27 elements of the periodic table - fluorine, iron, copper, manganese, sulfur, zinc, molybdenum, phosphorus, silicon, etc. Silicon and molybdenum are especially important for biochemical reactions in the body , which are extremely few in our daily food.

The crushed shell of quail eggs, added to dishes, has a powerful therapeutic effect at total absence side effects and bacterial contamination. Excess eggshell will not be deposited on the bones and will not provoke the onset urolithiasis because they are completely eliminated from the body.

Is there any harm and contraindications for use?

Quail eggs can still harm the body, as they found in their protein ovomucoid. This substance can cause allergic reactions, especially in childhood. For an adult organism, this allergen is practically not dangerous.

Be careful when eating quail eggs those who suffer from protein digestion problems. This occurs with diseases of the kidneys and liver, in which doctors recommend completely eliminating protein food. In this case, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

From the usual overeating of quail eggs, you can get an elementary indigestion, and with uncontrolled use - speed dial weight.

Traditional medicine recipes

Many recipes for eating quail eggs have been invented. We have already talked about German men drinking 4 quail eggs on an empty stomach. In Bulgaria, this dietary product is added to pies, boiled and fried potatoes, okroshka, and generally everywhere.

Quail eggs can be eaten raw, boiled, fried and even marinated. They are actively used in many recipes national cuisines.

How is it right to use this dietary product? There are several simple and convenient recipes:

  • Cocktail "Youth"- very useful tool, fast problem solving with potency. You need to mix half a glass of sparkling water, a tablespoon of lemon juice, cognac and honey, and two quail eggs. A drink with an unusual taste is ready for daily and effective male treatment.
  • Simple drink recipe well proven in the treatment of male problems. First you need to prepare alcohol tincture partitions of walnuts. Then, on an empty stomach, eat 4 quail eggs and drink them with a tablespoon of tincture.

Thus, the facts show that quail eggs have incredibly beneficial properties for men's health. To maintain potency at the level, you only need to add to daily diet quail eggs.

Male sex hormones are synthesized when contained in the body full spectrum amino acids, the deficiency of which immediately leads to a violation of potency (how to increase potency with folk remedies read). Therefore, quail eggs with their unique rich composition perfectly cope with male problems, and are effective in the treatment of prostate adenoma.

The benefits of quail eggs for male body to restore sexual function have long been proven. The main advantage of the dietary product is the absence of cholesterol (find out how?) in their composition. different ways eating eggs allows you to diversify the diet in all sorts of ways.

Humanity discovered the unique properties of quail eggs a very long time ago.

The first mention of this product is found in the papyri of the ancient Egyptians and even in old recipes Chinese doctors. It was from China that quails were taken to Japan, and smart Japanese became interested not only in poultry meat, but also in eggs.

After the bombing of Hiroshima, the Japanese began to use this product to remove radio from the body. active substances. They also noticed that eggs have a good effect on mental development children.

The Japanese government, having learned benefits of raw quail eggs, introduced a law on the regular use of this product in the amount of 2-3 pieces daily.

The achievements of the Japanese were used by Russian scientists when a terrible tragedy happened at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Quail eggs were given to children to normalize appetite, relieve fatigue, dizziness, nosebleeds.

Compared to chicken eggs, quail eggs contain much more B vitamins, four times more iron, five times more calcium. It is an irreplaceable source of vitamin A, phosphorus, cobalt, copper and other amino acids.

They do not cause diathesis, therefore they are recommended for inclusion in the diet of even infants.
The optimal and doctor-approved dosage of this product is as follows:

  1. no more than two pieces under the age of 3 years,
  2. no more than three pieces under the age of 10 years,
  3. no more than four pieces under the age of 18,
  4. no more than five pieces under the age of 50 years.

But, despite all the advantages of eating this product, there are certain limitations.

  1. The first is the cholesterol contained in this product. People in whose blood elevated level cholesterol, should be attentive to your diet and follow the norms allowed by your doctor.
  2. The second is liver disease. The yolk enhances the contractions of the gallbladder, and can also provoke the outflow of bile, so people with cholelithiasis this product should be avoided.

Useful properties of quail eggs are unique. Thanks to an amazing set of substances, quail eggs strengthen immune system, improve the work of the stomach and intestines, heart, blood vessels.

What are the benefits of quail eggs

Many parents are faced with acute respiratory diseases in babies. As soon as the child goes to school or kindergarten after the sick leave, the disease again takes over. The reason for this is a weak immune system.

For the prevention of acute respiratory diseases actively use quail eggs, they help to reduce the risk of getting sick with acute respiratory infections several times. And if the baby is still sick, the disease proceeds easier and faster.

  1. A positive effect from the use of the product is observed in patients with hypertension, anemia, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma.
  2. Medicinal properties of quail eggs allow pregnant girls and the elderly to keep their teeth with a lack of calcium in the body.

Bulgarian specialists have identified another problem with this product. unique property- improvement male potency. They came up with an egg cocktail that includes quail eggs. The Germans traditionally eat several raw eggs on an empty stomach and wash them down with a tablespoon of vodka. Such a breakfast allows them not to complain about potency until old age.

From tyrosine, which is contained in quail eggs, they even make cosmetical tools for face. Many European brands add tyrosine to expensive shampoos and creams that have a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Useful properties of quail egg shells

When asked for the first time by Krompecher, a doctor from Hungary, he, along with his colleagues, carefully studied the eggshell and found out that it was affordable and good source calcium, perfectly absorbed by the human body.

  1. A lack of calcium leads to serious problems with health - rickets in the smallest, loss of teeth, problems with the spine, in the elderly there is an increased fragility of the bones. If calcium metabolism is disturbed, other ailments arise - allergic reactions, frequent colds. Calcium preparations used in medicine are hard to digest, and therefore are not highly effective.
  2. The most valuable shell is quail. It consists of almost 90% calcium carbonate, it also contains iron, copper, fluorine, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, silicon, molybdenum and a number of other useful elements that are very few in ordinary food.
  3. Adding pre-crushed shells to the diet gave excellent results without any side effects.

It's hard to overestimate favor of the shell for the little ones from the age of one. During this period, the processes of formation bone tissue are especially active, and calcium is extremely important for the formation of the skeleton and teeth.

The inclusion of the shell in the child's diet will prevent rickets and anemia. Doctors also claim more rapid healing with osteoporosis.

Shell therapy strengthens hair, nails, relieves bleeding gums, helps fight insomnia, constipation and even asthma.

You can add the shell directly to food.

Even better useful material from the shell are absorbed in the form of a special calcium solution. It is crushed and stirred in water, insisted for several hours. The resulting water is used for brewing teas, coffee drinks, soups.

The shell is a reliable assistant in water purification from heavy metals and also chlorine!

Most doctors agree that one quail testicle is best eaten on an empty stomach, a few minutes before meals. The rest are usually consumed during the day and until the evening, in several meals (or in the main dish). As a rule, this is their main benefit. But what if you can’t eat a raw egg, despite the fact that it is so necessary for the body? In this case, it makes sense to subject it to heat treatment.

How long does it take to boil a quail egg? On this account there is a large number of opinions, but they all obey the main rule: do not overdo it with cooking. That's why best option: 1-2 minutes. That is how much time is enough for the testicle to become ready-made and at the same time not to lose such important beneficial substances.

For those who are wondering how exactly you can use quail product, we offer a range of recipes for all occasions.

The first recipe is hearty

If you still decide to try a raw quail egg, but you just can’t force yourself to drink its contents on an empty stomach, why not go for an easy trick? How long will it take you? Just 30 minutes.

You do not like to eat potatoes, and are you on a diet in general? Then you can cook a light porridge. Add some quail eggs and enjoy pleasant taste low-calorie meals every day.

Recipe two - juicy

As you know, quail testicles can not only be eaten, but also drunk. Why not cook on their basis delicious cocktail in a couple of minutes?

  • To do this, take the required number of eggs (as much as your age is supposed to), your favorite fruit juice and a spoonful of honey.
  • Mix all the ingredients in a mixer and you can safely consume your nutritious and delicious drink for breakfast, lunch or dinner. By the way, this glass of healthy liquid can be given to drink to your child.

Recipe three - classic

What could be more natural than an egg omelet? Not only chicken, but also quail eggs are perfect for this purpose.

  • To make a fragrant omelette, you will need ten eggs, some milk, cheese and herbs.
  • Beat the eggs with a whisk, then pour in 5 tablespoons of milk.
  • Put the omelette to fry and a minute before it is ready, pour a little grated cheese and herbs into it.

Your fragrant breakfast or dinner is ready! Feel free to treat them to all your relatives, including a child who will happily gobble up a healthy quail egg omelet on both cheeks.

The fourth recipe is healing

Surprisingly, quail eggs can be used as prophylactic, as well as medicinal. Depending on what disease attacked your body, you can use certain ingredients to improve your health.

  1. If you have a heaviness in your stomach, try a simple and effective recipe: mix three quail eggs with a teaspoon of sugar and pour 30 grams of cognac. The infusion can be drunk for several days.
  2. Maybe you have a high temperature and you don’t want to knock it down with medicines? Then we advise you to use a handful of quail eggs to improve your condition. You just need to prepare the remedy correctly.
  • Just dilute five pieces of raw eggs with a spoonful of sugar.
  • As soon as the mixture turns white, you can mix it with half a glass of vodka. Drink only a couple of days. This proven remedy based on quail eggs will help you in short time get rid of the heat. Although children, of course, it is better not to give such funds.

Can you eat the shell?

Very often people ask themselves the question: is it possible to eat the eggshell that remains from the quail egg. In fact, it is not only possible, but also necessary. The shell contains substances necessary human body, namely: calcium, fluorine, copper, phosphorus and many others. If you eat the shell for food, you can not only follow preventive measures, but also achieve positive result in the treatment of certain diseases.

For example, if you have dry and brittle nails, use the shells of hard-boiled or drunk raw quail eggs. It is enough to crush it into powder and mix with lemon juice. This drug can be consumed every other day in a teaspoon.

Calcium, which is found in the shell, may be useful in the prevention serious illnesses such as rickets, brittle teeth, weak bones, etc. That is why it is possible and necessary to give shell-based powder to a child. Do not forget to use both quail eggs and such a useful shell of this product yourself.

Video "On the benefits of quail eggs"

These are quail eggs. A bird of the order Galliformes, subfamily Partridge. The eggs are spotted in color, the spots are usually Brown color. They are small size, weighing up to 12 g. Their shell is very fragile. With the integrity of the shell, quail eggs can be stored at room temperature about 30 days, and in the refrigerator they are stored up to 60 days. A quail egg is a whole pantry of valuable nutrients. In terms of the amount of active substances, quail eggs are much superior to the eggs of other birds. The first mention of these eggs dates back to the time of the pharaohs and the first Chinese dynasties. Already in those ancient times, quail eggs were used in medical purposes. The most popular in our time, eggs have become thanks to Japan. In our country, quail eggs are currently used not only as a delicacy, but also as a remedy.

Useful properties of quail eggs

Quail eggs contain proteins rich in amino acids such as threonine, tyrosine, glycine, lysine, histidine. Compared to a chicken egg, quail contains more,. It contains 5 times more and; more in 4.5 - , much more and . Quail eggs consist of 12-14% protein, and chicken eggs - 11%. They are also ahead chicken eggs according to the content of vitamin B12, A, B1, B2, also vitamin PP (), glutamic acid, aspartic acid. Mineral composition: , potassium, phosphorus, iron. Calorie content of quail eggs 168 kcal. They are used for diets, since by using them you can get the maximum of nutrients, minerals and vitamins - with minimal calories.

Medicinal properties of quail eggs

Beneficial features these little eggs are approved by medicine. Regular use quail eggs in food favorably affects the health of children and adults. The benefits of eggs for bones and the entire musculoskeletal system are especially noticeable. They are used to treat the heart and kidneys, pancreas and liver, stomach and prostate. For healing and treatment, it is recommended to use quail eggs without a break for about 3-4 months. FROM therapeutic purpose the use of raw eggs is recommended, but it is possible to eat fried and boiled. But do not forget that with prolonged processing, some vitamins are destroyed. obvious benefit for children: quail eggs contain the whole complex the child needs vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Moreover, they practically do not contain allergens. Even if the child eats more than the allowed amount at a time, then diathesis does not threaten him. Eggs have a neutral taste and interesting color, so children eat them with great appetite. But it is better to try to give the child as many eggs as they should by age. It looks something like this: you need to start taking eggs with half an egg, gradually increasing the intake. 1-2 eggs - for children from 1 to 3 years; 2-3 eggs - for children from 3 to 10 years old; 4 eggs - for children from 10 to 18 years old; 5-6 eggs - people from 18 to 50 years old; 4-5 eggs - people 50 and older. For children, eggs help strengthen the immune system, improve physical and mental form improve memory and nervous system. Contribute better development child and increases his resistance to diseases and viruses. In just 14 days from the start of eating quail eggs, their beneficial effect on the entire body becomes noticeable. Elderly people are advised to consume quail eggs to reduce joint pain, as well as to improve hearing and vision.

They increase vitality if you drink on an empty stomach an egg mixed with juice of fruits or vegetables, with honey. limitless benefits for women- due to its composition, eggs replenish the body of a pregnant woman and her child with all essential substances, relieve attacks of toxicosis and heartburn. When taking eggs in pregnant women, teeth are not destroyed, due to great content potassium, phosphorus and iron. The nervous system and memory are also strengthened, lactation increases in postpartum period. Used in the treatment of infertility. Also great benefits for men- quail eggs are able to saturate prostate essential vitamins, amino acids and minerals that increase potency, slow down imminent ejaculation, and also has healing effect with prostate adenoma. Quail eggs are used to treat diseases: diabetes, chronic cholecystitis, tuberculosis, anemia, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, as well as diseases of the heart, stomach, thyroid gland, kidneys, liver, nervous system. Since quail eggs have a minimum amount of cholesterol, they perfectly cleanse blood vessels and blood, restore normal arterial pressure, increase the level of hemoglobin, remove radionuclides, which is especially valuable when exposed to radiation. In cancerous diseases, the substance lysozyme contained in eggs can destroy the membrane of harmful cells and stop their development. Used to treat the shell of quail eggs. Its powder is used to prevent diathesis and calcium deficiency in children, to relieve heartburn, to strengthen nails, hair and gums. Used for constipation, irritability of the nervous system, insomnia, fractures for more rapid accretion bones.

Contraindications to the use of quail eggs

Now there is a lot of controversy around quail eggs: what outweighs them - harm or benefit? Some argue that quail eggs have no contraindications, but only one benefit. That these eggs do not have cholesterol and cannot be carriers of salmonella bacteria, since the body temperature of quails is 42 degrees, which does not favor the development of these bacteria. Others refute them, believing that there is still cholesterol in quail eggs, in very small quantities that are not dangerous to life and health. But it is recommended to consume quail eggs only in boiled form in order to prevent the risk of salmonellosis, the bacteria of which may still be contained in a quail egg. To reduce the risk of eggs, it is best to wash before eating. When buying quail eggs, be sure to look at the date of manufacture and check the integrity of the eggs. And it is not at all recommended to use quail eggs for those who have an individual intolerance to quail egg protein. This is extremely rare, but still ... Be careful and healthy!

Quail is a medium-sized bird up to 20 cm weighing up to 150 grams. It will fit in the palm of an adult.

The view is easy to domesticate. He is not very picky about food. For a whole year in a row, the female lays one egg a day, and sometimes even two. A quail egg weighs little: an average of 10-12 grams. In length, such a testicle is almost half the size of a chicken, and in volume - in all four.

In Russia, quail eggs are considered more of a delicacy than an everyday food. But in the countries South America(Brazil, Colombia) Not a single hot dog or hamburger sold on the streets can do without hard-boiled tiny eggs.

IN South Korea and even more interesting! Large packages with already cooked "quail fruits" are a popular position from the shelf of any supermarket. Known for their unusual approach to cooking, the Japanese love to add raw quail eggs to sushi and other dishes.

Composition and calories

There is an opinion that quail eggs are incomparably richer in composition than ordinary chicken eggs. Alas, this is a delusion.

Both quail eggs and chicken eggs will be useful for the human body. Comparison of two products allows you to speak about a fighting draw, and not the undisputed leadership of one of the products.

Support the output with a table about chemical composition per 100 grams of eggs. () These are 8-10 pieces of quail and 1.5-2 chicken.

*DV = Daily Value of Substance for an Adult.

A brief nutritional note.

Equally rich calories, proteins, fats and quail eggs and chicken. FROMThe ratio of vitamins and trace elements gives a draw on most points.Quail eggs brightly leading only for vitamin B 2 and iron.

Benefit and harm

How will quail eggs be useful for you and how to use them without fear?

The list will be long due to the rich composition.

  1. Our miniature heroes are less likely to provoke allergies than their chicken and duck counterparts. It is best to start complementary foods in young children with quail samples.
  2. The high iron content makes the product valuable for anemia. In general, healthy person with a normal diet, a pronounced deficiency can quickly form in only three minerals. Iron is one of them. Therefore, to secure against a repeated decrease in hemoglobin in women and children, it is worth taking a closer look at the motley kids.
  3. A large amount of proteins and a meager proportion of carbohydrates are beneficial for gaining muscle mass and effective weight loss.
  4. All the essential amino acids, as well as a significant amount of vitamin B 12. The latter is indispensable for the qualitative reproduction of genes, provides a high concentration, good memory and emotional stability. This is the number 1 product for brain and nervous system health, especially after the age of 40.
  5. Easily digested, “spare” the stomach, suitable for gastritis and digestive disorders.
  6. High content folic acid makes the product especially valuable for pregnant women. Normal intake of the substance insures against malformations in nervous system child.
  7. Vitamin D helps boost immunity, reduce risk cardiovascular pathology And degenerative changes in nervous tissue.
  8. Phosphorus is important for bone, teeth and brain health.
  9. Vitamin A is necessary for the skin and organs of vision, as well as a powerful antioxidant.
  10. and participates in the antioxidant complex and vitamins A, C, E.

The widely replicated "main disadvantage of our heroes" - cholesterol - is an erroneous myth. modern medicine I have already changed my fear into a neutral attitude. This is due to a deeper understanding of why vascular atherosclerosis develops.

On growth cholesterol plaques inside the vessels, it is not so much the cholesterol that comes with food that is actively influenced, but the one that the body itself produces in response to inflammation of the intima. And most importantly Negative influence It is not dietary cholesterol that has an effect on systemic inflammation, but an excess of sugars in the diet and a combination of sugars with trans fats.

Myths about health and quail eggs

The useful properties of many products are often exaggerated and even completely distorted. Below we will dispel the most common myths.

"Quail eggs cure diabetes."

No, it's not. Eggs of any birds, of course, are healthier for diabetics than cakes and sweets, but special medicinal properties no sample has. Their main advantage in diabetes is that they are rich in protein and are slowly digested, so they do not lead to jumps blood glucose.

"Quail eggs contain good/bad cholesterol."

Cholesterol from food is the same for all products, be it eggs, meat or milk. At the end of the 20th century, it was believed that foods high in cholesterol were harmful to health. Nowadays, it has been established that cholesterol obtained from food does not enter the bloodstream immediately during digestion. It is used by the body as construction material- for the synthesis of enzymes and hormones.

Thus, the level of "good" and "bad" cholesterol in the blood does not directly depend on whether your diet is rich in cholesterol. Other factors come to the fore among the causes of deviations in the lipid profile. For example, and excess weight, as well as an abundance of trans fats and sugars in the diet.

"Quail eggs cure allergies."

The truth is that allergies to samples from quails are much less common than to eggs from other birds. They have no therapeutic effect. They will not save you from allergies to dust or plant pollen.

Quail eggs and salmonella

It is often heard that the body temperature of a quail is much higher than that of a chicken, and therefore the germs of salmonella die in quail eggs, but not in chicken eggs.

This is a false and dangerous statement.

  • In fact, the average body temperature of a chicken is 41 ° C, and a quail is 42 ° C ()
  • To protect yourself from Salmonella bacteria, eggs of any bird are recommended to be heated to at least 70°C for 10 minutes.

An extra degree in a quail is not enough to save us from bacterial infection. And even if we assume that there are no bacteria in the egg itself, infection can occur in different ways.

  1. From infected birds kept together with healthy ones.
  2. Contact with food contaminated with salmonella.
  3. From non-observance of hygiene rules by those people who raise poultry.

There is always the same risk from raw or short-cooked egg dishes from any bird (!). Therefore, the safest option is to boil hard-boiled or cook scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs with frying on both sides.

Quail eggs: how to determine freshness

Fresh eggs are difficult to distinguish from old ones only by outward signs. Often the egg is already stale, but there is still no characteristic smell. What to do?

Let's pay attention to a funny experience with water. The experiment cannot be repeated in the store before purchase, but it helps to understand what to expect from the weight of a fresh egg.

Here step-by-step instruction: quail eggs - how to check freshness in water.

  1. Place the egg in a deep bowl of water.
  2. If it sinks and lies on its side, then it is absolutely fresh.
  3. If the egg is standing in water, resting on the tip, it has already grown old outside the farm. It must be boiled hard, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning.
  4. If the sample floats, then it is not suitable for food.

Look at the photo. Top fresh egg lies flat in the water, and the two lower (three-week) stand upright.

Why does this method work? porous eggshell well passes molecules of water and gases. The older the egg, the lighter it becomes. The bottom line is, if you're sensitive enough to baby weights, always choose eggs that feel heavy for their size.

Cocktail with quail eggs

From the above, it is easy to guess that we do not risk eating raw eggs. And it's not that the recipe excites taste preferences: with or without a banana, with herbs for weight loss or citrus juice for youth, for men for potency or for women and skin turgor.

It is especially harmful to succumb to persuasion about the benefits of quail cocktails for children. There are extremely irresponsible calls. For example, the excitement about schools in Japan, where allegedly all kids are offered such drinks in canteens.

And even if we found confirmation of such agitation, then for us it is not the Japanese miracles of hygiene that outweigh, but the uncertainty of Russian farms and human factor. The technology, which in Japan every day brings the product closer to 100% purity, is unlikely to take root in our area with the same guarantee.

Once again: salmonella and other infections are no joke. Harm is possible from raw egg any bird.

Why run into a disease if an egg is 10 minutes away from the status of a safe food?! They threw it into a slow cooker or into a saucepan on the stove, during this time they planed a salad - and a nutritious breakfast is ready. Little trouble.

See the video below for more recipes.

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