Ice jams and ice jams on rivers. What is congestion? How to solve the problem of traffic jams in different countries of the world

Congestion is the accumulation of ice in a channel that restricts the flow of a river, causing water to rise and overflow. The congestion usually forms at the end of winter and in spring when rivers open up during the destruction of the ice cover. it consists of large and small ice floes.

Blockage is a phenomenon similar to ice blockage. However, firstly, jam consists of an accumulation of loose ice, while a jam is an accumulation of large and, to a lesser extent, small ice floes. Secondly, ice jam occurs at the beginning of winter, while ice jam occurs at the end of winter and spring.

The main reason for the formation of a blockage is a delay in the process of breaking up the ice on those rivers where the edge of the ice cover moves from top to bottom. Crushed ice moving from above meets the still undisturbed ice cover on the way. The sequence of opening the river from top to bottom is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for the occurrence of ice blockage. The main condition is created when the surface velocity of water flow during opening is significant (0.6-0.8 m / s and more). Various channel obstacles, for example, sharp turns, narrowings, islands, a change in the slope of the surface from high to low, only intensify the process.

Gaps are formed on rivers during the formation of the ice cover. A prerequisite for the formation is the formation of intra-water ice and its entrainment under the crust of the ice cover. The surface current velocity (more than 0.4 m / s), as well as the air temperature during the freezing period, is of decisive importance. Gaps are formed on islands, shoals, boulders, sharp turns, in places where the channel narrows.

The main criterion for classifying congestions or congestions is their capacity. They are categorized as catastrophically powerful, strong, medium and weak. A catastrophically powerful jam or jam is defined as follows: add 5 m or more to the calculated maximum level of spring flood, for the strong - from 3 to 5 m, for medium - from 3 m or less. In case of slight congestions and zhozhora, no corrections are introduced into the values ​​of the highest water levels of the spring flood.

Ice jam is a short-term phenomenon. The high level usually lasts from 0.5-1.5 days. The period of the filling level is longer, up to 3 days. The decline in the level usually occurs in 10-15 days.

Surges are the rise in water level caused by the impact of wind on the water surface. Such phenomena occur in the sea estuaries of large rivers, as well as in large lakes and reservoirs.

A wind surge, as well as floods, congestion, jam, is a natural disaster if the water level is so high that cities and towns are flooded, industrial and transport facilities are damaged, and agricultural crops are damaged.

The main condition for the occurrence of surges is a strong and prolonged wind, which is characteristic of deep cyclones. The main characteristic by which one can judge the magnitude of the surge is the surge in the water level, usually expressed in meters. Other quantities are the depth of propagation of the surge wave, the area and duration of flooding.

The surge level is influenced by the wind speed and direction. For sea estuaries, the common thing is the coincidence of the surge in time with the ebb or flow. The smaller the slope of the water surface and the greater the depth of the river, the greater the distance the surge wave propagates. That is why on large rivers with a small slope, the wave spreads over much greater distances than on small ones.

Surge floods often cover large areas. The duration of flooding usually lasts from several tens of hours to several days. The larger the reservoir and the shallower its depth, the larger the surges reach.

Jam: According to GOST R 22.0.03; A source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Cm … Synonym dictionary

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

1. ZATOR1, congestion, husband. 1. Stop, delay in movement from the accumulation in one place of objects moving in the same direction, people (colloquial). The crowd went to the checkout without a queue, and it was a traffic jam. Come on in, don't jam. Tram jam ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

- (from the verb to overwrite). A term known in Russia since the 16th century. and denoting a set of bread (flour) products, diluted with water and left for fermentation during fermentation, brewing and distilling. Mash with flour (grain, bran) ... ... Culinary vocabulary

congestion- ZATOR, hall, traffic jam ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms for Russian speech

ZATOR, ah, husband. Delay in movement from a congestion of moving people, objects, traffic jam (in 3 values). At the intersection, a z was formed. H. ice. | adj. mash, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

- (Blocking) sticking of individual ice floes between the abutments of bridges, shoals, islands, etc., blocking the path of the ice drift and clogging the river bed. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine dictionary

In the prom. microbiol. media prepared for fermentation by saccharification of starch raw materials. Saccharification is carried out with malt or mold amylases. For example, potato gold in alcohol production. (Source: Microbiology: Dictionary ... ... Microbiology Dictionary

- - traffic jam. EdwART. Automotive Jargon Dictionary, 2009 ... Automotive Dictionary

1. ZATOR, but; m. 1. Delay or stop in movement due to the accumulation of people, objects, etc. moving in the same direction; an accumulation of people, objects, etc., which impedes movement. Z. on the road. Z. cars in the alley. Form h. in move … encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Colonizer, Sergiy Zalevsky. Having rocked the shipyard, the corporation “M. Sh. Tech "repairs its development and development - the stem of the noses" ШІ Colony "on the right is a folding road. Alekrym credits, required germs of Colonies, and Max ... eBook

On the rivers of Russia, flowing in different physical and geographical zones, the formation or clearing of the water surface from ice, as a rule, does not occur simultaneously along the entire length of the river. As a result, jam-and-jam phenomena are formed, which cause sharp rises in water levels, leading to winter floods.

Gaps occur in the autumn-winter period in areas where sludge is intensively formed with a sharp change in the slope of the water surface. They are formed by entraining accumulations of sludge formed by particles of in-water ice under the ice cover. The formation of jamming is accompanied by a significant decrease in the free cross-section of the channel.

The congestion is an accumulation of ice floes that have arisen in connection with the destruction of the ice cover during ice drift, and is also accompanied by a decrease in the free area of ​​the flow.
On rivers and downstreams of waterworks, there are two main types of jamming - diving jams and hummocking jams. The former are formed when ice floes are carried under the ice cover. This type is found mainly on narrow rivers (up to 100 m wide) when individual ice floes approach the ice edge, formed as a result of the breakdown of the banks or during the period of ice passing through the hydroelectric complex. Hummocking jams are formed during the movement and accumulation of ice mainly on wide rivers when the ice cover breaks as a result of the passage of release waves or spring floods.

Hummocking jams can form both in the presence and in the absence of connections between the ice cover and the river banks.

The ice cover freezes to the shores, as a rule, in severe winters on narrow watercourses. On medium and wide rivers, especially in the lower reaches of hydroelectric complexes, it is in a floating state, i.e., it is not rigidly attached to the banks.

Ice jams on the rivers of Russia are formed in those places where the transporting capacity of the channel is relatively low. The formation of jams on rivers flowing from north to south usually begins in the lower reaches of the main channel (Volga, Kama, Oka, etc.), and on rivers flowing from south to north (Northern Dvina, Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Kolyma and etc.) - in the upper part of the basin, especially in areas with a “dangerous” river morphometry (with a strong curvature of the channel, sandbanks, islets, etc.).

The intensity of the formation of jams, their thickness and the duration of their existence are determined by the ice conditions before the opening of the river and the peculiarities of hydrometeorological and hydraulic conditions during the spring flood.
Ice jams reduce the transporting capacity of the channel and cause sharp and high rises in the water level in rivers, which leads to flooding of vast territories.

Winter floods and the impact of ice during the spring ice drift on economic facilities, hydraulic and transport facilities and aquatic ecosystems cause significant economic damage and cause temporary disruption of the ecological balance in water bodies.
On the rivers of the North, North-West, Siberia and the Far East of Russia, the water level during the period of congestion, as a rule, exceeds the level of spring floods or autumn floods. This is also typical for mountain rivers.

Frost - an ice massif formed on the surface of the earth, ice, reservoir, watercourse or engineering structure as a result of freezing of periodically flowing natural or man-made waters. It is customary to distinguish between natural, accompanying and artificial ice. The former are formed as a result of freezing of underground, surface or water pouring out onto the freezing surface in natural conditions that existed before the start of construction or other development of the territory. The reasons for their formation are most often the natural unloading of groundwater and near-surface groundwater, freezing of aquifers, fluctuations in groundwater flow rates, alternating melting and freezing of snow with a frequent transition through 0 ° С, liquid precipitation.

Concomitant icing can occur during the engineering arrangement of the territory - the creation of embankments and excavations, the laying of pipelines, the construction of roads and bridges, during the erection of power transmission towers, buildings and other engineering structures. These icings are formed as a result of a violation of the natural water-thermal regime of the underlying soils, which leads to freezing of the aquifer and the acceleration of the outflow to the surface of ground and underground waters, as well as as a result of the application of an external load on the ice cover and the discharge of industrial and domestic water in winter.
Artificial ice is created by purposeful supply of water to the selected (created) freezing surface.

Natural ice is distinguished by size: 1 - small (up to 1000 m3); 2 - medium (1000 ... 10,000 m3); 3 - large (10,000 ... 100,000 m3); 4 - very large (100,000 ... 1,000,000 m3); 5 - gigantic (over 1,000,000 m3). At the place of ice deposition, ice, lair, slope, slope, flat, etc. are distinguished. By the type of ice-forming waters, ice is distinguished: surface, ground and mixed waters.

On the territory of Russia, ice accumulates about 94 km3 of water (45% - in river ice and 55% - in groundwater ice). The area of ​​all icing reaches 128 thousand km2 - about 1% of the permafrost area. The most widespread ice masses are in mountainous areas. The average thickness of groundwater ice is 2–2.5 m, the maximum thickness reaches 10–12 m, and the area is tens of square kilometers. The largest ice masses are found in the continuous permafrost zone. So, the largest ice in the world is located in the Ulakhan Valley of the Moma River - the right tributary of the Indigirka River and is called Bolshaya Momskaya, or Momsky Ulakhan-Taryn. Its area is over 100 km2, thickness is from 3 to 8 m and volume is about 0.5 km3. The relative ice content of the territory, especially in the North-East of Russia, in some places exceeds 4–5%, reaching in some cases 10%. River ice is formed on almost all rivers from 10 to 700 km in length. On rivers of greater length, ice, as a rule, does not form.

The ecological role of ice processes is manifested, first of all, in the redistribution of melt runoff (leading to its slowdown); in the difficulty of obtaining food by animals under ice crusts; in the impact on the microclimate (decrease in the temperature of the warm period) and types of plant communities in ice fields; in the possibility of using ice ice as a source of water supply and refrigerant.

The icy areas of the valleys in winter are often impassable for transport. Overlapping near roads and other structures leads to slumping and subsidence of the subgrade, heaving of bridge supports, rapid crushing and crumbling of concrete. Ice build-up in culverts and drainage ditches can cause ice build-up on the roadway itself, making it difficult or impossible to drive on the road. And during spring floods, this leads to erosion of the roadway.

Ice build-up in mine workings (in adits and shaft shafts) can make them unusable. The formation of artificial ice as a result of wastewater discharge leads to the surrounding area and the development of thermokarst processes.

Congestion- blocking of the channel by a stationary ice cover and piling up of ice floes during the spring ice drift in narrowings and on bends of the river channel, constraining the current and causing the water level to rise in the place of ice accumulation and above it. Mash floods are formed in late winter or early spring, and arise due to the non-simultaneous opening of large rivers flowing from south to north. The opened southern sections of the river in their course are dammed up by the accumulation of ice in the northern regions, which often causes a significant increase in the water level. Mash floods are characterized by a high and relatively short-term rise in the water level in the river.

Spark- ice plug, accumulation of intra-water, loose ice during winter freeze-up in narrowings and on bends of the channel, causing the water to rise in some areas above the level of the main river channel. Severe floods are formed at the beginning of winter and are characterized by a significant, but less than with a congestion, rise in the water level and a longer duration of the flood.

The main reason for the formation of a blockage is a delay in the process of breaking up the ice on those rivers where the edge of the ice cover moves from top to bottom. Crushed ice moving from above meets the still undisturbed ice cover on the way. The sequence of opening the river from top to bottom is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for the occurrence of ice blockage. The main condition is created when the surface velocity of water flow during opening is significant (0.6-0.8 m / s and more). Various channel obstacles, for example, sharp turns, narrowings, islands, a change in the slope of the surface from high to low, only intensify the process.

Gaps are formed on rivers during the formation of the ice cover. A prerequisite for the formation is the formation of intra-water ice and its entrainment under the crust of the ice cover. The surface current velocity (more than 0.4 m / s), as well as the air temperature during the freezing period, is of decisive importance. Gaps are formed on islands, shoals, boulders, sharp turns, in places where the channel narrows.

The main criterion for classifying congestions or congestions is their capacity. They are categorized as catastrophically powerful, strong, medium and weak. A catastrophically powerful jam or jam is defined as follows: add 5 m or more to the calculated maximum level of spring flood, for the strong - from 3 to 5 m, for medium - from 3 m or less. In case of slight congestions and zhozhora, no corrections are introduced into the values ​​of the highest water levels of the spring flood.

Ice jam is a short-term phenomenon. The high level usually lasts from 0.5-1.5 days. The period of the filling level is longer, up to 3 days. The decline in the level usually occurs in 10-15 days.

In what sciences and areas of human activity is this word used? What are the causes of traffic congestion and how are they dealt with in progressive countries and cities of the world? You will find answers to all these questions in our article.

Congestion is ... Definition and Use of the Term

This term is used in several scientific disciplines and areas of human activity. Although the meaning of the word "congestion" is about the same. Synonyms for it are: traffic jam, delay, hitch and others.

What is congestion? In the broadest sense, it is a slowdown or time delay in the movement of any objects (people, particles, cars, and so on). Moreover, all these objects or bodies must move in the same direction.

Most often, the term "congestion" is applicable when it comes to traffic. In this case, it is often replaced by the word "cork". The term is also widely used in hydrology. In this science, it means the accumulation of ice floes of various sizes in river beds and watercourses. River congestions occur, as a rule, in early spring, provoking a rise in water levels and floods.

What is traffic congestion?

Residents of large cities are already accustomed to standing in traffic jams on the way to the robot or returning home from it. What is a traffic jam? What is he like?

When the number of cars moving along the road exceeds its capacity, a traffic jam or congestion occurs. Its development proceeds rapidly and like an avalanche: in just a few minutes an entire city street can be paralyzed. Traffic jams should not be confused with the so-called burly "hawk" or temporary queues of vehicles in front of traffic lights.

Curiously, the problem of traffic jams dates back to the 17th century! Of course, there were no cars in those days. But there were carriages, the number of which was off scale.

In 2006, a new road sign was established in Russia, which is called "Congestion". The sign is temporary. Seeing him before the fork, the driver can choose an alternative route to go around the problem area.

Causes of traffic jams and how to solve them

There are many reasons for congestion on city roads. Let's try to highlight the most common ones:

  • daily and weekly population movements;
  • serious emergencies;
  • repair work on important highways;
  • presence of unregulated road crossings or problematic intersections;
  • the presence of narrowings on the carriageway;
  • blocking traffic on the roads for the passage of important persons, officials, etc .;
  • difficult weather conditions (fog, snowfall, ice, etc.).

Different countries and cities try to deal with traffic congestion in different ways. Building additional junctions, improving intersections, correctly adjusting traffic lights and widening the carriageway are the classic methods. In the most developed states of the planet, scientists are actively involved in solving this problem, using the latest computer technologies and developments.

The Brazilian city of Curitiba can be called a reference example in the fight against traffic congestion. Local authorities have brought the work of public transport here almost to perfection. In many metropolitan areas of East Asia, this is done using quotas (as, for example, in Singapore). Here, a person needs not only to buy a car, but also to acquire a quota (permit) for its use within the city.

But in Athens, they approached the issue in a non-standard way. In the Greek capital, on even days, only those cars with numbers ending in an even digit are allowed to enter the streets of the city. On odd days, the opposite is true.


After reading our article, you learned what congestion is. This is a delay in the movement of people, cars, or any other object pointing in one direction. Traffic jams are not limited to streets, highways or highways. The accumulation of ice floes on rivers during their opening in the spring is also called congestion.

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