Seam after cesarean section. Postpartum period after cesarean sections

The postoperative period after the cesarean section depends on the characteristics of the operation carried out. It should be understood that surgical intervention accompanied by significant damage to several tissues. There are also negative consequences of anesthesia. All these changes require a woman to comply with a number of special rules aimed at rapid health restoration.

Cesarean section accompanied by the consequences for general well-being of a woman. It is necessary to consider such phenomena as:

  • presence and processing of seam;
  • the appearance of the separation from the uterus;
  • drug removal;
  • treatment of genital organs;
  • the appearance of lactation.

All these processes must be carefully monitored. If a woman does not know what you can do after Cesarean, you need a doctor's help. The attending physician will explain what to do and how to behave after surgery.

Execution after surgery

Surgical intervention is carried out under the influence of anesthesia. Modern doctors use two types of anesthesia. Many patients are carried out under general anesthesia. This allows you to eliminate psychological trauma in the woman in labor. But this method has a negative impact on the patient's condition in the postpartum period.

In the first days, Cesarean's departure is carried out by medical personnel. The feminine is prohibited to get up and walk for several days. This is due to the residual action of anesthesia. Under the influence of the drug may occur various pathology nervous system. Most patients celebrate dizziness and strong nausea. If in the first days of the fever tries to sit down or get up, these phenomena are enhanced.

Anesthesia also affects the child's health. A small amount of drug enters the body of the fetus in the process of surgical intervention. The substance causes a decrease in the motor activity of the kid. It becomes sluggish. For a long time, the child sleeps. A reflex can also be disturbed. Such kids can abandon their chest. For this reason, a large number of children born with the help of an operation is fed by artificially mixtures.

The drug used for anesthesia is completely washed out of the body for the fifth day. After that, the body begins to recover. The first sign of the removal of the substance is strong pain In the area of \u200b\u200bthe seams. To reduce soreness, you need to use analgesic drugs. A large number of analgesics excludes breast feeding. The tool must only be selected by a doctor. An independent intake of analgesics can lead to the development of problems at mom or child.

The second sign of eliminating the substance from the body is to reduce dizziness. Woman begins to feel better. Its condition is normalized.

SWU treatment

The postpartum period after the cesarean section requires a proper seam care from a woman. The incision with this intervention may have a different shape. Often to remove the fetus doctors cut the abdominal area in physiological fold. In this section, the scar formed on the site of the wound will not be noticeable. Also, such a cut allows minimizing the risk of damage to the child.

If the woman was exposed to emergency, the wound can be located longitudinally. Such an intervention allows the doctor to quickly give the child access to oxygen. But the wound will be walled for a long time. The scar after the longitudinal emergency cross section is rough.

The edges of the cut are fasten different ways. Most doctors use a silk and self-sessing thread for this purpose. Silk fiber does not leave the tracks on the tab. This thread is superimposed on the outer edges of the wound. Muscular tissue is fastened with self-soluble thread. The complete disappearance of the nodes occurs in a few weeks. The uterus is stitched by the same material. With an emergency cesarean section, some are sometimes used. They are made of medical metal that is not exposed chemical reactions In the patient's body.

After the operation of the seams should be processed correctly. In the hospital, the processing of seams is carried out a procedural nurse. The surface of the wound is washed antiseptic solution And is abundantly lubricated by the drying drug. For this, the hospital uses a diamond greens. It is less likely to use Fuccin. After careful cleaning, the seams are closed by a postoperative cloth. The bandage is made of natural materials and has a special pad. It does not stick to the wound and removes painlessly. The first week of the seam is processed 2 times a day. In the second week, processing can be reduced to one time.

A woman should understand that the wrong and untimely cleansing of seams can lead to the development of complications, which are difficult. If the patient will correctly care for the wound, then the removal of the seams occurs on 10 days after surgery.

The first days should learn to get up correctly. This will help avoid discrepancies of the seams. For this, the patient falls on the side and descends his legs from the bed. After that is accepted sitting position With a straight back. Only after that you can get up. All movements must be smooth and slow.


Not all fencers seams are heal without complications. The first days after the cesarean section of the doctor monitors the state of the wound. Incorrect care and pollution of the wound can lead to such a problem as a discrepancy. This problem Arises due to high physical exertion. To understand what you can do if there are seams, you should consult with your doctor.

If the processing of the wound is carried out with violations, the risk of inflammation has appeared. It appears due to severe wound pollution. On the wound surface there are pathogenic microorganisms that change the fabric. Strong pollution is also fraught with suppuration. Pump in the context may appear due to the accumulation of leukocytes, dead cells and microorganisms. To eliminate the cause of the suppuration, you should revise the therapeutic process.

After the cesarean section, a woman should follow the discharge from the wound. Sukrovitsa should appear on its surface. This fluid is formed in damaged tissues and contains a large number of leukocytes. If it does not appear, you need to report this to the doctor. Probable reason is the formation of the cavity between the fabrics. It is possible to reduce the risk of complications using a drainage that is installed in the seam after the operation.

Sukrovitsy may also stand out. If the suture of blood is long time, possible cause Castle bleeding is considered. The patient conducts an urgent ultrasound examination, which allows you to establish the cause of the ailment. So that the healing occurred correctly, you should follow the appointed treatment.

A rare channel appears on the seam. It is formed due to partial storage of threads after the operation. Fabrics surrounding thread are inflamed. Forms purulent liquid. Gradually, tissue cells die. Cell atrophy contributes to the formation of the channel. On the surface of the seam, a tumor filled with pus is formed. It can open it yourself. Healing a fistula channel long. If, during palpation, the patient noticed a painful seal, it must necessarily report this to the doctor.

Selection after surgery

Woman after cesarean section should closely monitor the discharge. Recommendations concern the first 4 weeks of the postoperative period.

Pregnancy women begins with embryo attachment to the wall of the uterus. For this, endometrium is formed in it. This tissue to the beginning of ovulation consists of several layers and has a thickness of 12 mm. In the process of pregnancy, the endometrium continues to settle. Fold flakes. After surgical intervention, flakes are mixed with blood and liquid. This mixture of doctors is called Lochia. They should be output from uterine cavity Alone. A few days of Lochi abundant. Thanks to this feature, it is recommended to use special postpartum stripswhich are able to absorb a large volume of fluid. Some time of allocation has a dark color. From the second week there is a change in the quality of Lohi. Allocations become bright, the volume decreases. By the end of the first month of the postoperative period of selection stop.

Not always, Lochi are a sign of purification of the uterus. If the discharge of blood is observed in the discharge, you need a doctor's council. Long selection Blood can lead to a worsening of the well-being of a woman. There is a risk of bleeding. It should urgently look for its reason. From great blood loss, a woman can perish.

Do not confuse Lochi with ordinary monthly. Menstruation after Cesarean can begin six months or more. If the selection appears earlier, the help of a specialist is necessary. Inspection of the gynecologist will eliminate the discrepancy internal seams.

Start lactation

Restrictions after cesarean section arise and due to the onset of lactation. The ability to breast feeding occurs under the influence of prolactin. This hormone is formed in women's body Under the influence of natural generic activities.

Before starting, the pituitary scaffolds produces oxytocin. He helps the uterus to shrink. It also helps to increase the level of prolactin. Hormone allows milk glands to produce liquid. In the first days of the breast, a colostrum appears. This fluid contains a large amount of nutrients for the child. Gradually, the colostrum is replaced by milk.

Surgical intervention is appointed by a doctor at the end of the last trimester. Often Cesarean is held at 37 weeks. At this time, the body does not begin a prepar preparation. Oxytocin and prolactin is not formed.

The growth of prolactin can occur at the end of the first week of the postoperative period. To speed up the appearance of milk, you can use the following methods:

  • frequent attachment of the child to the chest;
  • receiving stimulating drugs;
  • receiving mixtures to enhance lactation;
  • compliance with diet for nursing.

Many women ask what can be done to increase lactation in hospital conditions. Doctors advise more often to apply the child to the chest. A sucking reflex makes the kid to take an empty gland. Under the influence of massiferous movements, milk begins to be more active. If there is no possibility to apply a child, you can use the special apparatus.

The breast pump can be purchased at any pharmacy store. There are two types of breasts: manual and electric. The manual apparatus is applied to the chest and with the help of a special lever, a woman can join. Electrical appliance More convenient to use. It is not necessary to keep it. When contacting with breasts, a vacuum is formed. Such an apparatus allows to increase blood circulation in the chest and increase the influx of milk.

When driving cesarean section postoperative period It takes place in the hospital. To increase the volume of milk, it can be consistent with other feminines. Many women know that you can take a special mixture that increases lactation. You can also use special diet. It is necessary to increase the consumption of solid grade cheese and sour cream. Milk may also help. It is produced in the form of tablets and sold in pharmacies. Before using the Council, you need consultation of the attending physician. He will say that it is impossible to use lactation.

But lactation after the operation is not always possible. Many women do not appear milk. The prohibition of breastfeeding can also give a doctor. The reasons for the prohibition is to receive antibiotic drugs, negative consequences of anesthesia, antibacterial therapy.

Intimate problems

All patients are interested in when sex life is possible after Cesarean. Permission to the beginning of sexual activity depends on the duration of the postoperative period. The doctor is interested in the condition of the seam in the uterine wall. Before sex life, set the following phenomena:

  • completion of purification of the uterus;
  • termination of contractual activity;
  • the formation of a dense scar;
  • no genital infection.

On the second month after the operation, the doctor conducts a control examination of the uterus. It is carried out using an ultrasound. On the screen, the doctor examines the presence of residual fluid in the cavity. If blood cluster is found, there is a risk of hidden bleeding. The presence of fluid does not allow a woman to have sexual contact.

An important point Research is considered to study the thickness of the scar and the cessation of contractile activities of the smooth muscles of the uterus. The normal thickness of the scar tissue should be 2 mm. If it is less, the risk of rupture of the uterine wall in the process of sexual intercourse appears. Resolution is given only to the tissue achievement necessary thickness.

The state of the vagina microflora should be studied. Caesarean section after surgery increases the chances of replacing healthy microflora pathogenic. Risk arises due to damage to the inner layer of the uterus. The body of each woman contains conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Under the influence of surgical intervention, flora may change. In this case, the doctor explores the smear to the microflora composition. If it does not have pathogenic microorganisms, the doctor allows sex life.

The first contact after the operation may be unpleasant for the feminine. The muscles of the uterus are restored completely only by the end of the fifth month. The scar also hurts pain. Gradually, the uterus takes normal sizes. Sex life is normalized.

Reducing libido

Not always the sexual activity of a woman in the postoperative period is restored immediately. Sometimes problems appear. Libido reduction can occur the following reasons:

  • psychological condition;
  • unnecessary experiences for the child;
  • fatigue;
  • bad state of health.

During the first month of the house, a woman can undergo stress. It arises due to hormonal perestroika. So that the patient does not fall into depression, close must support and help. Gradually, a woman gets used to a new status. Sexual activity will come to normal.

Also, the libido is reduced due to the activity of prolactin. Against the background of lactation, a woman is experiencing permanent alarm for a child. Only a psychologist will help to reduce the alarm.

There is a place and fatigue. Staying in hospital conditions for a long time tires the woman in labor. After the operation, it needs to be rest. At home, it turns out not to rest. Cleaning, cooking, feeding and bathing does not allow to stay. In this case, help can change the situation.

The problem with intimate life arises and due to the deterioration of the appearance. Fearners are shy to nude. It is impossible to reduce weight into the postoperative period with the usual methods. Diet is prohibited due to lactation. Active physical activity It falls under prohibition due to surgery. For the return of the figure will take some time. To support mom, a man must explain everything positive traits Her new status.

Cesarean section allows you to avoid a large number of problems that can cause natural childbirth. Recovery after the operation should be carried out according to the rules that the doctor voices. Correct actions of the patient will reduce the postoperative period.

Caesarean section is an obstetric operation, during which the fruit and the seasites are extracted from the uterus through an artificially created incision in its wall. A team of surgeons (operator and 2 assistant), anesthesiologist, operating sister, medical sister-anesthesisist, midwifery, neonatologist is involved in the operation.

Features of conducting birth through caesarean section

Currently, the cesarean section is performed with a transverse section in the lower labeled segment. This technique provides relatively small injuries of the uterus, creates conditions for healing and forming a full-fledged scar. During the operation, the following points are distinguished:

  • exercise
  • opening of the lower segment of the uterus,
  • removing the fetus and last
  • stitching the wall of the uterus
  • and layer stake abdominal wall.

Depending on the methodology and complexity of the operation of cesarean section, during the birth, its duration is on average 20-25min.

After the operation on the lower abdominal department, an ice bubble is a 1.5-hour bubble, which helps to reduce the uterus.

Previously, the question of the planning plan is solved in women's consultation or medical centerwhere the patient is monitored during pregnancy. The survey is carried out not only by the doctor obstetrician-gynecologist, but also doctors of other specialties: therapist, oculist, endocrinologist, dentist, if necessary, neuropathologist, surgeon, orthopedic. In the presence of any diseases, these specialists give their recommendations on making pregnancy and conclusion about the method of conducting childbirth. The final decision on the method of delivery is taken by the doctors of the maternity hospital.

Each maternity hospital has its own features of the operation, anesthesia, maintaining a postoperative period. Therefore, it is better to choose a hospital in advance. Independently a patient, not possessing professional knowledge In this area, can not make such solutions. As a rule, the doctors of women's consultation are sent to the hospital for 1-2 weeks to the alleged period of childbirth.

Determination of the deadlines by cesarean section

The lifetime can be determined in the following ways:

according to the date of the last menstruation - take 3 months and add 7 days;

with the well-known date of conception - take 3 months and 7 days or add 266 days (38 weeks);

on the movement of the fetus - repeated movements are felt at about 18 weeks, and at first parties - at 20 weeks;

according to ultrasound research.

If possible, the day is chosen as close as possible by the date of delivery. At the same time, the wishes of the patient itself are taken into account. Your agreement on the operational delivery and transfusion of blood components (only if necessary) the patient assures in writing.

Preparation for cesarean operation

When preparing a pregnant woman planned operation Cesarean section in the hospital is carried out additional examination of a pregnant woman, including

  • study of biochemical blood indicators,
  • definition of blood group and rhesus factor
  • the study of the vaginal smears discharged for the presence of gonococci, Trichomonad,
  • determination of the purity of the vagina,
  • inspection therapist and by testimony - inspection by other specialists.

If necessary - medical correction Revealed deviations in a state of health. On the eve and on the day of operation, an examination of anesthesiologist is necessary. In addition, in preparation for the planned operation, a comprehensive assessment of the state of the fetus is required: fetomonitorial and ultrasound studies with dopplerometry in the vessels of the "Mother - Placenta - Blood system", amnioscopy.

In the case of a planned caesarean section, a patient or her relatives must pass 300 ml of plasma in advance (liquid part of blood), since during surgery, blood transfusion may be needed. Outloplasmorism is carried out in those hospitals that have their own blood transfusion separation. This procedure No negative impact on the health of the mother or state of the fetus, the lost plasma is restored in the body in 2-3 days. This eliminates the possibility of infection various infections, including HIV, hepatitis C and V.

When emergency operation It is necessary to collect anamnesis in detail, including an allergic and hemotransphusion, to conduct an objective examination of the pregnant and evaluate the state of the fetus. In terms of forecast, a planned caesarean cross section is better than extra.

Before the operation of the cesarean section, a complex of hygiene measures is carried out: the hair on the pubic and abdomen is swollen, pregnant ever should take a hygienic shower. It is important to sleep well, so the night is better to accept anything soothing (according to the doctor's recommendation), it will help to cope with quite explained excitement. On the day of operation, it is impossible to drink or eat. For 1 second to operation, cleansing enema is carried out. Immediately before the operation already on the operating table in bladder A catheter is entered, which is removed several hours after the operation. These measures make it possible to prevent complications from the kidneys.

Types of anesthesia with cesarean sections

Operational intervention on the abdominal organs should always be carried out so that the patient does not feel pain. Therefore, a surgeon with anesthesiologist should carefully select an anesthetic method. At the same time, they proceed from the safety and adequacy of anesthesia for pregnant women, take into account the interests of the obstetrician-gynecologist, so that conditions for a comfortable and fast operational intervention can during the anesthesia. When choosing an anesthetic method, the possibilities and preferences of the anesthesiologist also take into account.

Anesthesia with a cesarean section may be general and regional.

Indications K. general anesthesia With caesarean section are:

  • patient desire,
  • physiological features pregnant
  • preventing the implementation of the regional blockade,
  • significant blood loss,
  • the need for immediate execution of operational delivery.

The testimony for regional anesthesia during cesarean section includes:

  • the request of the guin
  • improving the communication of the mother and fetus, as the patient is conscious until the child removes and can see and hear his child immediately after birth.

However, both anesthesia methods with cesarean sections have their advantages and disadvantages. To the choice of anesthesia during the Caesarean section of the sections during childbirth, it is necessary to approach comprehensively.

Indications for childbirth through caesarean section

Every year, the frequency of cesarean section grows. In the West, due to the development of insurance medicine, in Russia - due to the introduction of a system for monitoring the intrauterine state of the fetus. Indications for performing cesarean cross-section currently quite a lot. They are associated with the original health of the mother, burdened by an obstetric and gynecological history, the intrauterine state of the fetus during pregnancy.

There are absolute testimony for the operations that are obstetric situations in which to extract the fetus through natural generics is impossible or presents a serious risk to the health of mother and the life of the future child. Thus, absolute readings exclude vaginal generic permission, i.e. Caesarean section is a choice in these situations. The presence of absolute testimony requires the obligatory execution of cesarean section, relative readings need to be justified. The group of relative testimony includes diseases and obstetric situations that may adversely affect the state of mother and fetus, if the delivery is carried out through natural generic paths. At the same time, the question of the operation is unambiguously solved difficult.

Absolute testimony to Cesarean section

Anatomically (narrowing pelvis III, IV degrees) or clinically narrow pelvis.

Threatening uterus break.

Detachment of a normally located placenta.

Incomplete preview of the placenta with the inability to stop bleeding.

The inferiority of the scar on the uterus (the scar on the uterus after corporate cesarean sections, fresh or very long-time scar, signs of thinning of the scar on the basis of an ultrasound).

Prelations of umbilical cords as indications for Cesarean section.

Urinary fistula, cervical cancer, outdoor genital organs, rectum, bladder.

Pelvic presence in large fruit (in the case of the alleged mass of the fetus over 3500g).

Exostosis, tumors in a small pelvis, scar cable changes.

Cross and stable fetal position.

Incorrect insertion of the docking fetus.

Vices for the development of the uterus and vagina.

Rhow conflict.

Progressive intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus, impaired uterine-placental blood flow.

Relative readings for Cesarean section

Anatomically narrow pelvis I and II degrees of narrowing in the presence of other adverse factors (large fruit, pelvic prediction of the fetus, improper insertion head, transferred pregnancy, etc.).

Incorrect head insert.

Pelvic prevention of the fetus.

Transferred pregnancy at the black tribal ways of pregnant to childbirth in combination with other obstetric complications.

The age-related primary (over 30 years old) in the presence of other adverse factors for the natural delivery. Age itself is not an indication for the operation. The older woman, the greater her luggage of chronic diseases. However, it all depends on the mood of pregnant. In your power to cope with many of these factors.

Haded obstetric or gynecological history (stillbirth, non-peculiarization of pregnancy, long-term infertility, etc.).

Large fruit as testimony to Cesarean cross section.

Pup view.

Complications in childbirth: weakness and discoordination of generic activities, rigidity (bad disclosure) of the cervix, insufficient elasticity of tissues, especially soft tissues of the genital paths, which can lead to their rupture, violation of the contractile function of the uterus and the poorly open cervix - it can lead to a generic Child injury.

Indications for Cesarean section due to the interests of the fetus

Most indications for operational delivery are due to concern for the conservation of health as mothers and the fetus, i.e. are combined. In some situations, testimony from the mother or fetus prevail. The testimony of cesarean section, due to the interests of the fetus, belongs:

  • threatening asphyxia of the fetus,
  • hemolytic disease of the fetus,
  • multiple pregnancy
  • facial insertion head.

Some extragenital diseases (hypertension of the 2nd and 3rd degree, myopia high degree) Require the implementation of caesarean section in the interests of the mother. Sometimes in the process of generic activity, it is necessary to change the plan for conducting birth in favor of operational delivery, although initially all the data were in favor of conducting birth through natural generics.

Features of care after childbirth by caesarean sections

The first three days after the cesarean section of the patient is in the ward intensive therapywhere there is a round-the-clock observation of its condition: general well-being, pulse, arterial pressure, the frequency of respiration, the magnitude and tone of the uterus, the number of seals from the sex tract, the function of the bladder. In the first day after surgery, urinary violation requires a bladder catheterization every 6h.

As a rule, anesthesia is required in the first 2-3 days of the postoperative period, in the future it is gradually refused. In the ward of intensive therapy

  • infusion metabolic therapy is carried out,
  • saline solution is introduced to replenish fluid loss,
  • antibacterial therapy is prescribed in order to prevent possible complications, as well as drugs that contribute to the reduction of the uterus and normalizing function gastrointestinal tract.

Rehabilitation after cesarean section in the postpartum department

After anesthesia, with a cesarean section, for the first time the patient helps to rise 6 hours after surgery. Sitting into bed and stand allowed at the end of the first day, gradually increasing physical exertion.

Translation into the postpartum separation, as a rule, is carried out for 2-3 days. The child at this time is in the children's office. After the translation from the Chamber of Intensive Therapy begins more active motor mode. Now a woman herself can care for the child, feed him and swaddle.

As for the diet, then

  • in the first day after cesarean section, it is allowed to drink mineral water without gas.
  • For 2-3 days, the diet is expanding - you can eat boiled meat beef, low-fat broth.
  • From third day it is possible full nutrition With the exception of those products that are not recommended when breastfeeding.

If there are no special contraindications caused by the state of the mother and the child and the woman does not receive antibiotics, then breastfeeding can be resolved on the third day after the operation. Usually on the fifth days after the operation is carried out ultrasound procedure uterus.

With a prosperous period of the postoperative period, the woman is issued for 6-7 days after the cesarean section. Care is needed and assistance from family members so that they make part of their homework.

Some time after the operation, a woman can feel weak, increased fatigue, painfulness in the seam area.

Diet nursing mother after cesarean sections

Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of a woman after childbirth: it must be balanced, based on natural products. All fried dishes are excluded, only boiled and stewed products are used. From the diet of the mother it is necessary to exclude:

products with high allergenic (eggs, chocolate, peanuts, shrimps, crabs, caviar, salmon and ketto, pickles and marinades, seasonings, strong coffee, canned food);

products causing fermentation processes in the intestines, which disrupts the function of the gastrointestinal tract (grapes, etc.);

Beating after cesarean section should be 5-6 times a day, for 30-40 minutes before feeding the child, this contributes to the best secretion of milk. It is also necessary to use special food for nursing mothers (cereal and dry dairy products), take vitamin and mineral complexes in the form of drugs or drinks.

The daily diet of a nursing mother after cesarean section includes:

  • meat (beef, low-fat pork, chicken, turkey);
  • non-fat varieties of fish (cod, pike perch, carp);
  • milk I. dairy products (kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurts);
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat);
  • fats (creamy and vegetable oil, sunflower, olive, soybean);
  • vegetables, fruits, dried fruits.

History of Caesarean section

The history of Cesarean section leaves deep ancient times. There are contradictory opinions about the origin of the name of the operation. It is believed that the term "Caesarean section" occurs on behalf of Guy Julia Caesar, which was removed by an abdominal way, for which he received the name of the shipyard. The beginning of the history of Cesarean section can be considered the end of XVII. BC, when the Roman emperor Numa Pampilius issued a law on which the burial of pregnant women was prohibited without prior to extract the child by vigorously and cut the uterus. Later, this rule was included in all laws of most European countries and was preserved so far.

The first reliable cesarean section on a living woman was made in 1610. Surgeon by Trutman from Wittenberg. In Russia, the first operations of Cesarean sections were made by I. Erasmus in the city of Perne, 1756, and V. M. Richter in Moscow, 1842. The beginning of the second stage is 1876, when G. N. Rain and independently of him, Porro offered to remove the uterus after extracting a child, since it was a source of bleeding and infection.

The next stage of the development of the cesarean section was marked by the use of silver thread to impose a seam to the uterus in 1852. F. E. Polin. The introduction of the uterine seam abroad is associated with the name F. Kekhler, who performed the operation in the peasant house and imposed three-row seams on the incision, it is considered the founder of cesarean operations in the lower segment of the cross-cutting uterine.

Currently, great attention is paid to the improvement of the technique of the cesarean section, the exquisition of suture materials, new antibiotics for prevention gnove and septic complications, improving the methods of anesthesia, as well as an assessment of the viability of the scar on the uterus after the cesarean section.

In some countries, the frequency of the cesarean section comes to 80-90%. In the subconscious of many women, light labor is associated with operational. However, those who had the chance to transfer this operation, often remember this and fear to move again. What is so scary to restore after the cesarean section, what should be ready and what will be the advice and recommendations?

Natural and operational childbirth is equally dangerous for a woman. But Cesarean section seems simple only to someone who has never done him and was not present at the operation. And if an independent woman can even give birth to one, then caesarean section is fraught with serious complications without proper medical care, especially in the first day after the operation. It is important to know what can and what can not be done at this time.

What is the difference from ordinary birth

Despite the fact that there are uniform recommendations on the technique of performing cesarean sections, each doctor operates with the "his highlight". Differences are also indicative of operational childbirth. One period of recovery after the first completed cesarean section is completely different - after the third intervention. Each subsequent operation is more difficult for both a doctor and a woman. That is why there is a strange maximum amount Generates caesarean - perfect two, but not more than four. Although there are examples of successful five and more operations performed by one woman, but this is more exception than the rule. Caesarean section differs from natural childbirth The following factors.

  • Can be performed without battle. The concept of "planned caesarean section" means that the operation will be carried out not with the beginning of the bouts when the body matured to childbirth, and even before them. According to the testimony, intervention can be carried out up to 37 weeks. This affects the speed of the arrival of milk, the psychological mood of a woman and its subsequent recovery.
  • Operational child extraction. If after natural genera pain focuses in the crotch area, then after Cesarean - on the stomach in the seam area. The recovery affects the transverse (in the form of a "smile" or longitudinal (on the white line of the abdomen) was a cut. Each movement after the operation is associated with a reduction in the muscles of the press and the tissues of the front abdominal wall, which causes pain.
  • It is necessary serious anesthesia. Operational childbirth can be held with spinal anesthesia ("injection in the back") or under endotracheal anesthesia. In the first case, a woman is conscious, but does not feel pain. The drugs introduced into the spinal space have an analgesic effect for a few days, so the newly-made mothers do not need additional painkillers. Endotracheal anesthesia implies the intubation of the trachea, "turning off consciousness", breathing through the IVL apparatus. After the operation, the wound hurts, since from the moment the consciousness is included in the woman, the action of all drugs ends. After such anesthesia, an additional intake of analgesics is necessary.

Often, women after Cesarean sections note that all physiological processes have somewhat slowed down - the milk comes later, the uterus is slower slower. All this is due to the artificially imposed process, to which the body could still be ready. The choice of the method of anesthesia and the features of the cesarean section depends on the clinical situation and are determined by the doctor.

Why harder to recover after surgery

Recovery after cesarean section flows longer than after natural genera. Due to this as follows:

  • big blood loss - about 600 ml of blood loses a woman with an uncomplicated operation, hence weakness, lethargy, increased fatigue;
  • wound healing - excess subcutaneous fiber in the field of abdominal nose can lead to poor and long-term healing of the seam, its discrepancy;
  • pronounced pain - the area of \u200b\u200bthe wound, especially in the first three days after the cesarean section, strongly hurts with each lift from the horizontal to the vertical position;
  • the child can be separate - Often, the operation is performed according to the testimony from the fetus, while the kid may be in resuscitation or children's compartment for some time, which aggravates the postpartum psycho-emotional state of the woman.

Features of recovery after cesarean section

Most difficult period - First week and month. Physical ailment is enjoying the psychological burden, which increases the likelihood of the development of postpartum depression. During this period, assistance is important not only doctors, but also close relatives.

First day

After performing cesarean section (usually about 40-60 minutes) Woman is translated into resuscitation department At least two hours. Most often, the feminines are observed here during the day, after which they are transferred to the postpartum separation.

In resuscitation, dynamic control is carried out, drug recovery is carried out by intravenous infusion of solutions and drugs. The basic rules of prosperous recovery are as follows.

  • Carefully get up. It is forbidden about six to eight o'clock after anesthesia. You can roll over in bed, lifted, moving legs. After the cesarean section, it is necessary to get up for several days to slowly, so as not to provoke the drop in pressure and faint. First, it is recommended to lift, then lower my legs, sit just a little and only then get up. Better if someone is near - nurse, relatives.
  • Nothing is. After the cesarean section, it is impossible to have nothing about 20 hours. After that, it should be started with broths, light food.
  • Monitor urinations. By the end of the first day, in the absence of complications, you can ask to remove urinary catheter, then urinate yourself. First time a woman may not feel strong urges to the toilet. You must independently empty the bladder, soon the sensitivity will be restored.

By the end of the first day you can safely get up, go wash, drink broth. Movements should not be sharp. Mother's baby is not given yet. If endotracheal anesthesia was performed, some time can be felt in the throat or unpleasant feeling. Nothing terrible, these are traces of intubation, which will be held independently.

First week

The average duration of stay in the hospital - about a week. During this time, the woman masters feeding, learns to care for the baby. The following tips will help to recover faster during this period.

  • Purchase bandage. Any tension of the press muscle will lead to pain. The bandage helps to slightly reduce it, the main thing is to choose the size and comfort of wearing.
  • Use special linen. For feeding - bras with easily barbed nipples. They are simple and easy to use. Instead of ordinary pants, you can use disposable and even with built-in gaskets. Such underwear will save time and will be convenient, from the point of view of hygiene. As an intimate cosmetics, a simple baby soap is suitable.
  • Handle seam. While a woman in the hospital, seam after cesarean section processes medical personnel twice a day. This prevents infection and speeds up tissue regeneration. Usually remove the suture material from the skin to the fifth seventh days.
  • Drink a lot and is good. Abundant drink necessary for recovery water balance After blood loss. It is also important for normal lactation. Drinking at least two liters of fluid per day. The food in the first week should be light, but useful. The signal that the intestine has earned "- the rice and extinguishing of gases. In the diet, low-fat broths, chicken meat, dairy products, porridge, vegetables can be used only in baked and boiled form (carrots, potatoes, apples). In the category of the fact that it is impossible to eat after Kesarev, gas-forming products, heavy fat, smoked, salted food. The fermentation and rotting they cause in the intestines can aggravate the healing of tissues.
  • Sleep with the baby. At first, a woman should be resting to preserve the remaining forces. The kid is ideal for ideal - immediately after feeding, the crumbs is useful to lie next to him.
  • Adjust lactation. During his stay in the hospital, it should be fully established lactation. In women, after the cesarean section, milk is in the third and fifth day. Until that time, the baby should be brewed with a colostrum, properly applying crumb. At this time, they simply "hang" on the chest - so the child stimulates lactation at mom, this is the norm. If necessary, you can use the milk pump or sinking the mixture.

The first week is the most difficult for mom and baby. Medical staff, support for relatives and pre-thought-out necessations of essentials come to the rescue. The healing of the seam after the cesarean section by the amount of statement is complete, so the entire suture material is removed.

First month

After extracting home, the woman feels significantly better, but may remain psychologically depressed, especially when different complications. Finding into your usual environment as the hostess, the newly minted mother can grab all things in the house. However, he follows.

  • The seam . After discharge of seam, which remained after the cesarean section, you need to process only on the recommendation of the doctor. It is usually used "chlorhexidine", a diamond greens, you can even iodine. If necessary, the gynecologist will recommend means for healing, for example, Panthenol, Levomecole.
  • Selection. By 42 days after delivery, bleeding from sex tract should end. This is evidence that the total regeneration of the uterus occurred. From this point on, those who do not support lactation can go monthly.
  • Milk. The first month is the most important for breastfeeding. The needs of the kid daily increase by 10 ml, reaching for the second month of approximately 200-300 ml per feed. Not always milk products occur at such a pace, so women, even repeated, need to be patient.

In the first month, it is better to stay with a baby around the clock. The crumb feels familiar smell, so calm. Apply to the chest is recommended on demand. At this time, the kid can literally "hang" on his chest. Therefore, all duties around the house are better distributed between close relatives. The rapid recovery after the cesarean section will be only if the woman is enough to rest, eat well and will be psychologically calm.

The rest of the time

The postpartum period lasts 42 days. By this time, the main period of recovery after the cesarean section is completed, only a few pair unnecessary kilograms. From this time, women can already carry out the main work on the house, but should not be extended by physical exertion or starvation. The diet consists of the preferences of the mother and tolerance of the products of the baby (if lactation is supported). By this time you can already take a bath, visiting the sauna is better to postpone a couple of weeks.

At this time, a woman can face the following problems.

  • Indigestion. Often women note constipation, as well as a disorder of intestinal peristals with bloating and abdominal pains after execution spinal anesthesia. Such distant consequences can not always immediately connect with a cesarean section, women can be long and unsuccessfully treated independently - the right nutrition, herbs, means of constipation. But often the help of professionals is needed, a visit to which should not be postponed.
  • Hemorrhoids. The violation of the chair provokes stagnation of blood in a small pelvis and the appearance of hemorrhoids, anal cracks.
  • Niza's numbness. During the execution of the cesarean section, the nerve endings are damaged at the layer of opening of the tissue. It is especially noticeable to reduce the sensitivity in the field of scar and next to it - numbness. It takes everything in different ways, but not earlier than in three to six months.

By this time, many fall into postpartum depression. Often "oil in the fire" adds reflection in the mirror, dropping hair, brush nails, permanent feeling fatigue and lack of sleep. It is important to organize your life, a place to sleep. It is recommended to paint the time for shopping, the hike in the hairdresser. Sports after the cesarean section can not be engaged in no earlier than in three months. If there were some complications - even later.

Sport classes

Do not extend yourself physical Loadsand trying to return the old figure. On average, the normalization of weight occurs in the year. It all depends on the intensity of metabolism, the number of kilograms gained per pregnancy. If a woman supports lactation, weight will leave faster, because the process of the formation of milk is a lot of energy.

Minimal sports is recommended to start no earlier than after 42 days after delivery. You can practice charging, elements of gymnastics, yoga, breathing exercises. It should not strive to immediately reach the level before childbirth in terms of approaches or training time - the load should be gradual. If a woman feels pain or malaise, it follows as an indicator of a sharp increase in the load, which is not worth doing.

Three months later the following exercises are well suited for recovery after cesarean section:

  • scandinavian walking;
  • jogging;
  • swimming;
  • yoga and similar directions.

Shaping, aerobics and other serious loads are better postponing for a couple of months.

Problem places of women after childbirth - belly, sides and buttocks. It should be understood here if the perfect press was not before, it would be no youwhere. You need to start with the normalization of the weight, and the exercises for training the abdominal muscles can be started after three months from the date of birth. Professional sports and serious loads can be returned not earlier than six months later.

Stretched belly skin, especially after tooling large fruit Or twins, triple, may not leave without additional surgical intervention. The same applies to the divergence of direct muscles - diastasis. Any plastic operations It is possible only after the end of the breastfeeding and the six-month break after it.

Intimate relations

Throughout the period after delivery, the bloody discharge from the vagina continues, the sex life is prohibited. On average, it is a month. After that, the couple can start love relationship. The man should show attentiveness to the woman, watching the reaction and understanding of her fear. Multicious painful sensations are permissible, which will pass over time. If there is a doubt, it is better to consult a doctor.

When any restrictions end

The main limitations relate to the first six-eight weeks after childbirth. Sometimes this period is called the "fourth trimester", it is important for both mom and baby. After that, you can enter your old habits, watching the reaction of the body, not exile and not causing pain.

If the Caesarean section has passed without complications, almost all restrictions are removed after half a year. In difficulties during intervention, the large blood loss or the extended volume of operation, the gap increases to the year.

It is important to understand that the cesarean section in any case leaves the mark on the health of a woman. The severity of adhesive disease and other functional disorders cannot be predicted. Some women feel absolutely healthy, others noted periodic pain at the bottom of the abdomen, when swollen, with loads. The body of each woman is individual.

When you can give birth again

The next pregnancy after the cesarean section should be planned. It is recommended to withstand a pause of one and a half or two years, as it is not very simple to recover after the cesarean section, even with normal overall health, it turns out not very soon.

In the opposite case, the likelihood of complications for a woman and the fetus increases. Pregnancy before this period more often leads to the following:

  • improper location of the placenta;
  • germination of placenta tissue through a scar and sometimes in the bladder;
  • more often there is a detachment of "kindergarten" at different times.

The postoperative scar will already heal by the month, but only six months are full-fledged fabrics in this area.

Cesarean section - a serious operation. Not always the postpartum period passes smoothly both after the first birth and subsequent. Rehabilitation after cesarean section lies in a more gentle attitude towards itself, restricting physical exertion for two to three months after surgery.

After the operation to extract the fetus at the bottom of the belly of a woman remains a low-apparent scar. Most often, he has the shape of a longitudinal fold over the pubic, quickly heals and loses the original bright color. Its length can be about 12-15 centimeters. At the same time there is another incision, in the uterus. Proper seam processing after cesarean section - very an important stage postoperative period. This procedure requires responsibility and competent approach.

Over time, the scar becomes a little care. At first, he acquires a pronounced crimson tint that rushes into the eyes. However, literally during the year acquires a view of a thin thread.

During and after the cesarean section, there is always the likelihood of development. bacterial infection. In the postoperative period, the reason for this often becomes wrong care For the injury or neglect of personal hygiene rules.

Finding on the surface of the wound, bacteria instantly begin to multiply. The plot of their concentration is quickly inflated. As a result of inflammation postoperative Swine. May be observed:

  • the emergence of small painful seals, hot to the touch;
  • purulent discharge from wounds, fistula;
  • purulent abscess;
  • increased body temperature

Infection can be overcome by antibiotics. Besides acute inflammation It is capable of entrusting additional surgical intervention. The use of such treatment methods is undesirable during the breastfeeding period, can negatively affect the newborn child.

There is a chance of developing another complication. After the cesarean section, seams can diverge. The reason for this becomes reinforced physical exertion, incorrectly selected underwear or premature start of sexual life.

The scar on the uterus heals a week after surgery, at the same time the skin scar is formed. To maintain a seam in a healthy state, you will need regular caring care.

Caring for postoperative seam occurs in two stages. At first, experienced nurses help women. Inspection and processing of seam after cesarean should be held daily in the morning hours. For these purposes, green or other antiseptic means are used. In addition to the disinfection of the wound, the medical staff overdues a new sterile bandage. Such procedures are carried out up to the statement.

Since at first, the seams are quite palpably hurting moms who born with the help of cesarean sections, some time have to endure the unpleasant sensations that are increasing during the processing of the wound. In order to reduce soreness, women often assign painkillers.

As a rule, after a week, the nurse removes the seams and the dressing. Most often women are given recommendations how to handle seam after Cesarean section of the house.

After that, the processing of the scar must continue for another period of time. After the discharge of women to independently care for him at ordinary home conditions.

How to handle seam after cesarean at home

The order of care for postoperative seam at home is pretty simple. It includes:

  • regular hygienic procedures;
  • antiseptics processing;
  • wearing postpartum devices;
  • moderate physical exertion;
  • performance special exercises

Compliance with uncomplicated rules will help speed up the healing process postoperative wound and restore the former physical form.

Hygienic procedures

If the healing process proceeds satisfactorily, immediately after removing the seams, women are allowed to take a shower (not a bath!). At the same time, it is impossible to intensively rub the scar or use rigid washcloths. Wash it better than an ordinary economic soap, known for its antiseptic properties.

We must not forget about thorough care for women intimate places. It is necessary to wash the genitals at least 2 times a day to prevent bacteria from entering. It is recommended to conduct independent douching. Miramistin or chlorhexidine will be suitable for this purpose.

Antiseptic treatment

Processing is carried out after taking the shower. Pre-scar must be wiped with a soft towel dry. It is important to know what to process the seam after the cesarean section. Traditionally, an inexpensive and efficient antiseptic is green. It is perfect for processing wounds and scars. The minus can be left her traces on underwear. To avoid this, as well as protect the scar from unwanted contacts, you can attach a sterile disposable napkin.

In some cases, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, a sterile solution of manganese or furaciline is recommended instead of the greenf. For the procedure, you can use cotton swabs. Maminating them in the antiseptic, it is necessary to gently process the entire seam. Also in the pharmacy you can purchase a special nozzle for processing wounds. The procedure is performed daily, better time For her will be the morning.

Usually, when discharge, the doctor informs the patient about how much to handle seam after cesarean. Traditionally, the manipulations are required for two weeks after the seams are removed.

In addition, it is necessary to know than to process the seam after cesarean for effective resorption and healing of the scar. Treatment of skin seam vitamin E largely contributes to its greater elasticity and the formation of a low-challenging scar. Pick up effective drug A qualified specialist will help to dissolve the scar.

Wearing special postpartum devices

In order to protect the postoperative cut from friction and a decrease in uncomfortable sensations, the use of special postoperative bandage or pulling postpartum pants. In addition to protection, they will provide a more rapid restoration of the former shape of the abdomen.

Bandage No need to wear 24 hours a day, you should remember the benefits of regular air baths for the seam.

Moderate physical exertion

Inner seam requires no smaller care. His healing occurs pretty quickly, within a month. At first, a woman should not raise more than 4 kg and make sharp movements, and in case of discomfort, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Performing special exercises

Half a year after the operation, exercise pose a threat to the body of the woman who gave birth. In addition, they can affect the production breast milk. However, in the future, sports will become an excellent way to restore and improve physical form.

At first, it will be useful to sleep in a position lying on the stomach. This will not only help speed up the postpartum reduction of the uterus, but also strengthens the abdominal muscles.

After cesarean, the following lightweight gymnastic exercises are allowed:

  • alternating stresses and relaxing of pelvic muscles;
  • stomach retracts and pelvis raises;
  • flexions, extensions, rotational movements of hands and foot of the lower extremities;
  • corps and shallow squats

The focus should be paid to the exercises, for which the abdominal muscles should not be affected. Even the easiest exercises are recommended only to those women who during the postoperative period are not observing unwanted complications.

If pain or pulling sensations appear during exercise - their execution must immediately stop.

During the recovery period, it is necessary to carefully observe the correct formation of the scar. The healing of the seam after the cesarean section proceeds gradually. At first, the surface of the wound is covered with a thin film of newly formed skin cells. Over time, this layer becomes thicker. A pronounced crimson shade of the scar after several months begins to change its painting.

With a change in the color of the scar, the use becomes cosmeticscontributing to the decrease in external signs of scarring and healing seam after cesarean. For a visual demonstration of the correctness of seam care procedures, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the useful video.

Handling postoperative seam (cesarean section) - video

Caesarean section is a rowing surgery that is produced by extrem in the uterus to extract the child. This is a common operation that is carried out with a number of pathologies, and is practiced for a long time. Future mothers who need to go through such interference, as well as women who have recently resolved from labor in such a way, are interested in many questions regarding this procedure. What will shov look like after Cesarean sections, will he look ugly? How do you need to take care of it, and at what symptoms you need to beat the alarm? We will give answers to these and many other questions in this article.

Types of seams after cesarean section

The appearance of the seam and a number of other points depends on what type of cut was made by the surgeon in the process. In general, the seams can be horizontal, vertical and internal. The corporate incision is made in acute hypoxia of the fetus or significant bleeding during childbirth, after it remains vertical type. This is not the most beautiful seam that will be visible in the future, however emergency measures Forced to use this approach. The scars of the seam after the section will have a nodule view, the lower part of the abdomen will not look too beautiful. However, such an incision is rarely practiced, the scope of its application is only emergency cases when there is no special choice.

InformationIf a planned caesarean section is done, the cut is made horizontally, above the pubic, in the natural fold of the body, and therefore it will be almost inconspicuous, especially if the seam is taken carefully and without breaks, intradermal.

The internal seams are used directly on the uterus, they can have a diverse type, and here the doctor makes his choice, based on the risks present, creating conditions for the speedy healing. At the same time, self-sessive synthetic materials are used.


For the first time, the seam after the cesarean section is processed in the hospital, and during the period of finding the patient in her care take care of the seams. In the future, it is necessary to continue care at home. As a rule, the means and frequency of their use are prescribed doctors when discharged or in front of it, from the doctor you can get individual appointments and recommendations, depending on what seam after the cesarean section was imposed, as the healing process is underway, and so on. But a number of recommendations remains common to any case.

For any complications of the seam after the cesarean section is processed by antiseptics - iodine, green. Usually, in the absence of complications, the seam is handled another week after discharge, this happens enough. Mechanical damage - rubbing the seam, and others, it is worth excluding, it is also necessary to wear a special bandage to support the abdominal wall. It is worth noting the following list of the most important recommendations:

  • It is impossible to raise weight exceeding the weight of the baby;
  • Do not lie much, you need to walk more, but to avoid excessive loads;
  • A month after the operation, it is possible to start using funds that will make seams less noticeable - recommendations on this subject should ask their doctor.


The first processing of the seams after the cesarean section is held in the hospital, once a day, as part of the planned care for patients and dressings. In the future, it will be necessary to continue this at home - the doctor will give detailed recommendations Before discarding. As a rule, care is performed once a day, by processing seam antiseptic means And changing bandages. If the doctor gave the other recommendations for certain periods of processing and healing - it is necessary to perform them.

How much does seam heal after the cesarean section?

Every woman in labor, which is to go through the cesarean section, bothers how much pains will have to tolerate, care for the seam, what time it will heal. This information will be easier to submit to the table:

Remains pain syndromeIt is necessary to take analgesics. After the second day, the shower is usually allowed.

Clean the brackets, an extract from the hospital, it is necessary to continue care at home. Seam after cesarean section begins to overcome.

6-8 weeks

A rather dense formation of scars, you can safely take a bath. But the seam still remains solid, may be sick.

You can start performing special exercises prescribed by a recovery doctor.

The scar was practically formed, but there is a feeling of numbness in this area - the nerve fibers have not recovered.

Returns sensitivity, nerve fibers are formed.

Only by this period, such seams are considered fully healing.

AdditionallyThe healing of the seam after the cesarean section is a long-term process, even if no complications are observed. And if any difficulties arise - the healing process may be and much longer. In general, indicators in terms are quite approximate, since each organism is individual, everyone has its own regeneration rate, inclinations. And because if there are some deviations from generally accepted indicators, and there are no problems or pathologies - this is also normal.

Possible complications

Becoming the topic of complications associated with seams after cesarean section, it is worth considering more. In what cases a woman should be alarming and urgently access to doctors, and what manifestations are considered the norm? It is worth knowing this in all nuances.

Problems of seam can bring not only in the restorative period, but also much later, years later. At first, attention should be attracted by the bleeding of a seam or hematoma - they can sign about medical errors, problems with the ears blood vessels, with an inacker or early removal of seams.

ImportantSuture inflammation is another problem that may be relevant on early timing. In this case, there is usually an increase in temperature, purulent or bleeding from the seam, redness or edema. In this case, it is worth consulting a doctor immediately, it dangerous stateAt which antibiotics and special ointments are prescribed. If you run such a problem, in the future it can be solved only by surgical path.

Among the later complications it is necessary to note the ligature fists, which arise from the rejection of the seams of the seams after the cesarean section or infection - hot, the painful seal of red should be removed by the doctor, do not solve the problem with its own. Keloid scars with complications as such are not considered, this is a cosmetic defect that is easily eliminated today.

What to remove the seam after the cesarean section?

Despite all the efforts of doctors appearance The seam after the cesarean section can be extremely not pleased to the woman - especially if we are talking about the vertical type. Is there any way to remove it today, can it be done, and how is it running? These questions are concerned about many women. There are options, and they should be used.

Good results gives laser removal Scarma, and in addition, liquid nitrogen, ultrasound is widely used. Miscellaneous ointment and creams are actively used, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, or in a cosmetic store. Applicable also hormonal agents, chemical peeling, and also a surgical approach in the form of excision of this scar. If desired, you can get rid of the scar - or make it as imperceptible as possible. And it is also worth noting that some women who have decided not to give birth in the future, simply make a beautiful tattoo on the spot.

Sooze after cesarean sections

Nothing surprising is that the seam after the operation hurts, no - because under it is wound up to the uterus. In the first days, he can hurt very much, and in this case, doctors offer analgesics - they can be removed by pain syndrome. Pains can last a week, this is the norm.

Analgesics are prescribed immediately after, it is morphine and its derivatives that will not suffer the first days. Next applies analgin and other nonteroidal products with anti-inflammatory effect. It is impossible to make arbitrary painkillers - they must write to the doctor, taking into account lactation and other relevant, individual aspects. The suture will be sick will be about 2 months with longitudinal dissection, and about 1.5 - with a transverse, if the correct care is ensured, and there will be no complications. In the event of complications, the seams after cesarean sections can and longer. A minor pulling pain may occur periodically for another year.

The scar is fed and fastened

Selecting a small amount of transparent sucrovitsa for the first week after surgery is quite a normal phenomenon on which it is not necessary to focus. However, blood isolation, and even more so, in a pus from the seams after the cesarean section, should cause anxiety - this is an occasion to appeal to the doctor. Bloody issues They may indicate problems with the ears of the vessels, and others, even more serious problems of the body. Purulent allocations, discharge with the smell, especially accompanied by raising the temperature and other symptoms - this is a direct reason to consult a doctor immediately. Also should not be silent if the selection is glad and normal, but do not stop too long. Itching is another reason for attention.

AdditionallyIf the seam is scratched somewhere in a week - this is the normal moment of the healing process. However, it is impossible to scratch it. But if he burns, there are other unpleasant feelings, then you should tell a doctor about them, and as soon as possible.

When can you wet seam caesarean?

To take a shower for the first time after the cesarean section is usually allowed two days later - if the seam is normal for this period. A short-term exposure to water will not be dangerous already on this period, and after taking the shower it is recommended to treat the wound surface. After discharge from the hospital, you can take a shower anyway anyway. However, it is worth understanding that it is impossible to rub the seam with the washcloth, and once again Touch it is not worth it. A month later, a half can already take a bath, but without too much enthusiasm.

ImportantTo swim in open water bodies, bath procedures in the first months after healing it is worth it to be proceeding, in this regard there are increased risks.

Seal over the scar

Seal in the seam area after cesarean section, and in particular, above it may have a different nature, and if such arises, it is worth consulting a doctor for final diagnosis. If purulent phenomena are excluded, seals may occur due to the cluster of lymph over the scar. This is seroma, and she usually heals himself. If it does not go through for a long time, it is worth consulting a doctor.

A complex healing process, accompanied by infection, can also create seals that must be treated after accurate diagnosis at the doctor's. Colloid scars, growing cartilage fabric - All this sometimes leads to seals. If you have doubts about the nature of the seal, and even more so if it causes you anxiety, pain, discomfort - the doctor's consultation will definitely not be superfluous. Contact a specialist who, if necessary, will conduct an ultrasound seam, examines the causes of the appearance of seals that may even have autoimmune Nature due to rejection by the body of materials in which the wound is invented, or to be formed due to their low quality, period.

Seam after Cesarean

As a rule, the discrepancy between the seam after the cesarean section becomes a complication, relevant for 6-11 days, when the threads are removed. The reason for this may be lifting weights more than 4 kg, which is unacceptable. Also, problems of this kind may arise due to infection, which prevents normal overgrowth. Neaccurability When changing dressings or improper care, also can lead to such a consequence - sputtering after cesarean in different directions. In any case, regardless of what could cause discrepancies, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, such a complication does not tolerate deposits or attempts to solve the problem on their own.

Seam after the second cesarean section

It is known that Caesarean operation does not interfere with new pregnancies in the future, when the seams tauchery and the body will recover. However, what will look like a scar after the second cesarean, what will be the features of care for him? It is worth knowing in advance.

In general, the seam after the second cesarean section will not differ anything, and the specificity of the operation remains the same, only the manipulation will take a little longer. When holding a second caesarean, the old seam is excised, as no incision is carried out on it. The healing process after the second caesarean will take a few more time, and also the duration of the period accompanied by pain may be higher, and the painful sensations for the initial period are more intensive, but the relevant medicines and competent care allow you to minimize these negative manifestations.

InformationAfter repeated cesarean section, it will be formed longer, and it should be carried out particularly carefully. In addition, it must be remembered that the risk of inspired phenomena and other negative aspects, complications, during repeated operation increases.

Removing seams

As a rule, the seams are removed before discharge, about the sixth day after surgery, depending on the healing speed, the presence of complications may vary. Removing seams is a fairly fast procedure at which the extreme nodules are removed, and then the thread is carefully removed from the skin. The question often arises how painful it is to remove the seams after such an operation. Depending on the painful rock People judge in different ways, and therefore it is impossible to correct the feelings, but as if Tony was, many women saying that in the intensity these sensations coincide with the feeling of eyebrows. It is impossible to talk about the extreme pain of such procedures.

The seams are removed by the doctor, before and after this procedure, antiseptics are processed. Some women note a decrease in pain after removal, but in any case it must be remembered that the treatment process is not over yet, and for full formation It will take many more months. The period of removal of seams creates certain risks up to the discrepancy of the edges of the wound, and during this period it is necessary special attention Perform medical recommendations. And in particular, it is not necessary to abandon the postpartum bandage, which is able to create good support for tissues after surgery.

ImportantOn the day of the removal of seams after the cesarean section and in the following days, it is necessary to closely closely to physical exertion, reducing them to a minimum, it is categorically impossible to raise anything heavy.


If it was about a decent care of the seam after the operation of cesarean section, compliance with medical recommendations and the absence of complications, the consequences will be minimal. So, the first 3 years after this procedure, doctors recommend excluding the risk of pregnancy - this is one of the main medical recommendations.

InformationSeam can generate some unpleasant feelings - so, in many girls, he creates an insensitive zone, itchies and tingles even after years after the operation, and it is quite possible. Colloidal scars and other cosmetic defects are also a very typical consequence for such an operation, but if necessary, they can be prevented or reduced by using modern cosmetic drugs and procedures.

A lot of seam problems can create upon subsequent pregnancy. It is noted that it is for such a period that a maximum of risk in its field has. Many women celebrate pain and discomfort, in late pregnancy. This is due to spikes, which are always formed during the healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and it is they who give rise to pain, because of which they should not worry much if at least 2 years have passed after Cesarean. However, the gynecologist should learn about it, he will check the state of the seams, if necessary, it will be able to assign ointments and creams that will help reduce pain and make seam more elastic.

Competent and attentive care for the seam after cesarean section in the postoperative period eliminates the main part of negative consequences, and if he helated properly, then nothing hurts the young mother to live a full life.

Seam Correction After Cesarean Section

The first year after the operation of the seam is only formed, and at this time it is important to provide it with appropriate care with the use of those drugs, which are relevant to one or another period of healing according to the recommendations of the doctor. With the right approach, the correction after the cesarean section may not need and do not need - especially if from the second month the drugs that contribute to healing and the normal formation of the seam will be applied. If you don't like something in it externally in the first months - you should not hurry with the cardinal methods of correction, because after a year this area will look completely different. Moreover, most of the cardinal methods are not performed on fresh seam, and therefore someone can hardly agree to offer you the most effective procedures.

But as soon as the seam touches and stops changing outwardly, in a year or two, you can use how surgical method Seam correction with excision and mass of cosmetic solutions in the form of a laser, liquid nitrogen, and many other offers.

AdditionallySimilar seam is adjusted in the same way as any other scar. And for him, all the same methods that can be provided with any cosmetic clinic remain relevant. Just wait for the full healing of the seam - and you can go to one of them to pick up optimal option Getting rid of such a cosmetic defect.

However, when choosing an approach, it is worth deciding in advance whether you want to have more children, or these gods were the last for you. In some cases, the seam correction method after the cesarean section excludes the possibility of touching this area in the future. Or makes it extremely not recommended - in the future it can cause new complications if it comes to repeated caesarev.

Thus, the seam after the cesarean section will give you a minimum of hassle if it will be ensured by proper care and attention, and about any anxiety symptoms The doctor will be reported in a timely manner. After such an operation, you can live for the same life, have more children - when complying with all medical recommendations, of course. Cesarean section and seam after it is pain, cosmetic defect, but modern medicine and cosmetology reduces such manifestations to a minimum. In addition, as a reward for all this, you can enjoy maternity even at risk of severe childbirth and in emergency cases.

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