The pain threshold has increased. How to distinguish a low pain threshold from a high pain threshold? What are high and low pain thresholds

Pain is subjective. Everyone has a level of pain threshold beyond which it is no longer possible to endure pain. Understanding your pain threshold level means you feel good about your body.

What is pain threshold?

Pain threshold is a specific level of irritation of many nerve endings. The reaction to this irritation is a pain test. No people are the same, so no two field threshold levels are the same. One person will calmly endure the pain of the injection ("the mosquito bites"), while the other is experiencing unbearable suffering.
If a person cannot tolerate even a minimal level of exposure to a source of pain (for example, with an injection), then a low level of pain threshold is determined. In the case when a person suffers pain without deteriorating health, a high level of pain threshold is determined. It is noteworthy that the pain threshold can decrease if a person is very tired, mentally exhausted, overworked, or if there is a lack of B vitamins in the body.

What does the pain threshold depend on?

The zones of nerve endings, which are called nociceptors, react to pain in the human body. They are found throughout the body. The level of "pain sensation" depends on the functioning of the nociceptors.
Athletes have a higher pain threshold because they have to constantly experience micro-doses of pain. The level of pain threshold is determined by the degree of fitness of the body. The pain threshold is determined by genes, but also very strongly depends on the physiological characteristics of a person, his working conditions and the degree of health.
In 2012, Dr. Patrick McHugh, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Huddersfield Department, began researching the biochemical element tetrahydrobiopterin, or BH4, which is responsible for pain relief. The aim of the study is to understand why 15% of people have little or no response to pain. The research findings could help create a cure for people with low pain thresholds. Dr. McHugh's research is still pending.

Is it possible to increase the level of pain threshold?

Yes, you can. For example, if you constantly expose the body to small doses of pain, then after a while the level of the pain threshold rises in this part of the body. For example, if you insert needles into the skin every day, then in this place the skin will become coarse, the nerve endings will stop responding to the source of pain. You can get used to the pain.
If you constantly influence the nociceptors with a constant force, or increase the level of exposure, then there is an opportunity to increase the level of susceptibility of nociceptors. Neurologists note that a high level of pain threshold in those people who lead an active lifestyle, have a positive attitude, eat right and are constantly involved in sports.
An interesting fact is that you can psychologically "adjust" the level of pain threshold for a certain situation (for example, to go to the dentist or get vaccinated). If you work on your feelings and adjust yourself to the fact that “it doesn't hurt at all,” then everything will go much easier.

How many “painful” types of people are there?

Neurologists divide people into 4 nociceptive pain types. To measure the level of pain threshold, a special device is used - an algesimeter.
Low pain threshold and low pain tolerance interval
People of this type cannot tolerate any level of pain at all. All medical procedures are best performed under local anesthesia to avoid pain shock.
Low pain threshold and long pain tolerance interval
People of this type do not tolerate pain well, but unlike people with a low interval, they can psychologically adjust themselves to a "light" procedure.
High pain threshold and insignificant (small) tolerance interval

Hyperalgesia develops as a result of damage to nociceptors (local pain centers) or peripheral nerves. Abnormal sensitivity to pain stimuli is one of the components of neurotic pain that occurs in conditions such as:

  • (occurs most often);
  • postherpetic neuralgia;
  • complex regional pain syndrome that develops as a result of trauma or inflammatory processes;
  • central post-stroke pain.

In addition, hyperalgesia can occur with psychological disorders - impaired self-perception, hysterical algia.


Pain that occurs when tissue is damaged is called acute or nociceptive pain. It occurs due to irritation of peripheral pain centers (nociceptors), which transmit impulses to the central nervous system. Acute pain corresponds to the degree of influence on the tissues and regresses after their healing. This is its difference from neurotic pain, which persists after the complete recovery of the affected areas or appears without damage.

Depending on the mechanism of occurrence and localization, primary and secondary hyperalgesia are distinguished. The primary one manifests itself in the area of ​​tissue or nerve damage, the secondary one goes beyond these limits.

Primary skin hyperalgesia is associated with damage to nociceptors and an increase in their sensitivity under the influence of biologically active substances (serotonin, histamine, kinin), which are released during injury. In addition, dormant (inactive) nociceptors are involved in the process. These factors lead to an increase in afferent stimulation of neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. As a result, secondary hyperalgesia is triggered, leading to a significant decrease in the pain threshold and an expansion of the area with increased sensitivity, which spreads to healthy tissues.


The main symptom of hyperalgesia is intense pain in response to a relatively weak stimulus (heat, cold, mechanical or chemical). It is diagnosed if contact with warm water (above 36º), cold, non-aggressive chemicals (weak acid solutions) or objects causes strong discomfort. For example, patients with increased pain sensitivity complain that they experience burning pain when they cool.

Skin hyperalgesia with mechanical irritation can be:

  • static - occurs with light pressure with a blunt object or tapping;
  • dynamic - appears as a result of a needle prick or touching the skin.

If a person feels pain in response to non-painful stimuli (light touch, stroking), this phenomenon is called allodynia. Allodynia and hyperalgesia have a similar mechanism of origin.


Diagnosis of increased susceptibility to pain is carried out on the basis of a neurological examination, which includes a number of tests, including checking the reaction to heat, cold, pain (needle prick). In addition, electroneuromyography is performed - a procedure that allows:

  • assess the ability of muscle fibers to respond to stimuli;
  • measure the speed of passage of impulses along the nerves.

Additionally, studies are being carried out aimed at identifying the pathology that caused hyperalgesia.


The tactics of treating skin hyperalgesia is determined by the specifics of the underlying disease. But, in addition to influencing etiological factors, the goal of therapy is to influence the pathophysiological mechanisms of pain. For this, the following drugs are used:

  • local analgesics - lidocaine, capsaicin;
  • adjuvant analgesics (anticonvulsants and antidepressants) - carbamazepine, valproic acid, amitriptyline;
  • opiates - tramadol.

Medicines are combined with each other according to schemes that are selected individually. Treatment of hyperalgesia is complemented by non-drug methods - psychotherapy, balneotherapy, physiotherapy, and so on.


The prognosis for hyperalgesia depends on the severity of the underlying disease. In most cases, through treatment, it is possible to achieve a sustained reduction in pain sensitivity.


Prevention of hyperalgesia consists in adequate treatment of diseases that can lead to damage to nerve fibers.

It has been noticed that especially people who panic in the dentist's office, even novocaine does not save them from pain. Such sissies usually treat their teeth under general anesthesia. For those who know how to control themselves, and local anesthesia is not needed. But the ability to endure suffering is determined not only by the emotional state. The reserves of patience given to a person ... are programmed in the genes.

It is vital for each of us to know our own type of pain sensitivity. This information is no less important than information about weight, height, blood type and other characteristics of the body.

Depending on the characteristics of the perception of pain, nature has divided people into four categories.

I. "Touchy"

Low pain tolerance threshold. Representatives of this type of suffering are categorically contraindicated! Such people sharply perceive pain (not only physical, but also mental) and by their nature they are not able to endure it. These are commonly referred to as people with thin skin. They are vulnerable and impressionable natures, prone to melancholy and loneliness. For them, entering a treatment room is like crossing the threshold of a torture chamber. In such a situation, calls to pull yourself together do not bring results - you cannot argue with physiology!

Take it for granted: you need to protect yourself from injury and, if possible, avoid painful medical manipulation. If this is the case, ask your doctor to take heightened measures against suffering. It is allowed to put a filling on a tooth only under local anesthesia, and to remove it - under anesthesia. The same rule applies to childbirth and so-called minor surgical interventions: for example, for an ingrown nail or appendicitis. They are usually done under local anesthesia, and in your case it should only be general, otherwise a formidable complication may arise - pain shock.

II. "The little Mermaid"

Low threshold of pain sensitivity, but, at the same time, an amazing ability to courageously endure suffering. Remember, the underwater witch, who turned the mermaid tail into a pair of slender legs, predicted to their owner that her every step would be like a dagger strike? However, if you are of this type, do not curse fate. As a reward for the torment, she endowed you with the ability to experience deep feelings, the gift of devotion and the talent of empathy, in a word, she did everything to make you feel the fullness of being every minute.

Keep in mind that pain can be more easily tolerated by mentally preparing for it. People with a rich imagination (and you probably belong to them) will help a little psychological tricks. Try to imagine the pain as a large balloon being released little by little. When only the limp shell of past suffering remains in your hands, mentally set it on fire or throw it into the trash bin.

III. "Sleeping Beauty"

A high threshold for pain tolerance, so representatives of this type may seem insensitive at first. They do not notice a weak pain, but as soon as it becomes a little sharper, a violent reaction immediately follows. There is practically no reserve of patience. Under the mask of the external calmness of the "sleeping beauty" there is a tense inner life, the echoes of which occasionally burst outward in flashes of strong emotions - joy, anger, sadness.

Most importantly, don't let suffering throw yourself out of balance. To relieve anxiety and nervous tension that exacerbate discomfort, take a herbal soothing tea. During procedures that require patience, listen carefully to yourself. Sitting in the dentist's chair, experiencing sudden pain? Ask your doctor to stop treatment and administer local anesthesia. Otherwise, a visit to the dentist may result in fainting, or even painful shock!

All people perceive pain in completely different ways: for some, a banal vaccination becomes a difficult test, while others can easily withstand any medical manipulations without resorting to pain relief. This is due to the fact that every living organism has a characteristic threshold for pain sensitivity.

What is pain threshold

Pain threshold is an indicator of the degree of irritation of the central nervous system, which is accompanied by pain.

The highest pain intensity that a living organism can tolerate in a given situation is considered to be its pain tolerance level. At the same time, according to the characteristics of the effect that deliver pain, it is impossible to determine the indicators of the pain threshold or the level of tolerance.

It is generally accepted that the pain threshold of the human body is laid down at the level of genes, so everyone will have a unique response to identical stimuli. One will suffer from unbearable pain, while the other will feel only mild discomfort.

A high pain threshold is possessed by those who feel pain only with a very strong impact. Those with a low threshold are less tolerant of pain and experience discomfort even with minimal impact.

Doctors say that with weakened immunity, which is caused by a deficiency of B vitamins or overwork of the body, there is a risk of lowering the pain threshold.

Studies have shown that women have a significantly higher pain threshold than men, and its maximum level is observed during labor.

This means that the level of pain tolerance directly depends on the overall picture of the hormonal background, namely on the endocrine system of the body, which secretes estrogen. However, the fairer sex is more vulnerable psychologically, which is manifested by fear and tears, even with the slightest pain.

Types of pain perception

Doctors identify 4 types of pain sensitivity.

Princess on the Pea

Owners of this type have a very low pain threshold and a similar pain tolerance interval. They can hardly tolerate even the slightest painful effects and light physical activity.

As a rule, these are melancholic, vulnerable natures who prefer loneliness. Before any medical procedure, they need to be persuaded for a long time, because they cannot withstand even minor pain. To prevent pain shock, all procedures, and even more so surgical interventions, are performed under general anesthesia.

the little Mermaid

They are characterized by a low pain threshold and a long pain tolerance interval. They can hardly tolerate painful effects, but they are able to calm down and courageously survive medical manipulations. They are loyal, impressionable people, prone to empathy and compassion.

sleeping Beauty

These are the owners of a high pain threshold and a short tolerance interval. These characteristics make it possible for the body to not respond in any way to minor pain. But a violent reaction will be the result of the slightest increase in irritation, because the patience of this type is completely lacking.

They are able to hide strong tension under the guise of absolute calm, which is manifested by emotional outbursts.

The Steadfast Tin Soldier

This is the name for people with a high pain threshold and a large interval of its tolerance. They are able to ignore the manifestations of painful sensations of any strength and endure physical exertion without problems. As a rule, successful and self-confident individuals with leadership qualities are characterized by such abilities.

How to determine

An algesimeter is used to determine the level of pain threshold. The essence of the device is the effect of certain irritants (high pressure, high temperature and electric current) on delicate areas of the skin, as a rule, these are the areas between the toes and hands. The strength of the effect gradually increases, which makes it possible to determine the lowest and highest sensitivity indicators, the difference between them is the pain tolerance interval.

How to raise

The level of pain threshold is determined by the functioning of nociceptors - "bare" endings of nerve cells distributed throughout the body. Constant exposure to these places forms the body's protective properties against external stimuli.

It has been proven that indicators of pain tolerance depend on emotions, the physical condition of the body, and sometimes on the time of day. This means that the pain threshold can be controlled.

Several methods will help to increase its degree, the main task of which is to produce the hormones of happiness - endorphin and serotonin.

  • Eating spicy and bitter foods (mustard, red pepper, horseradish and others) that burn the tongue, forcing the body to defend itself and produce endorphins.
  • Eating foods that promote the production of serotonin - nuts, bananas, eggs, milk, turkey meat.
  • Anger is the psycho-emotional excitement of the body, which mobilizes all forces. This is an excellent one-time option for raising the pain threshold, but regular outbursts of negative emotions, on the contrary, will lead to depletion of the body and a decrease in the level of resistance to pain.
  • Sex. Pain-dampening endorphins are produced in large quantities during sexual intercourse.

Pain is a protective reaction of the body, so it is important not to overdo it with an increase in the pain threshold, but to maintain its natural level.

It has been proven that people who are cheerful, cheerful, leading a healthy lifestyle most often have a high threshold of pain sensitivity.

Under the "low pain threshold" should be understood as a person's high sensitivity to any type of pain. It is generally accepted to consider this parameter not only as an individual physiological feature of a particular person, but also as a characteristic that can be applied to an entire nation.

Basic medical experiments

Interestingly, in the course of many experiments, the researchers were able to establish a sensational fact that the pain threshold is different in people of different nationalities. For this, people from different countries were offered to experience painful sensations of varying intensity. So, it turned out that the British are representatives of a low pain threshold, since at the test stage they could not withstand the applied loads, at this time the Libyans continued to endure. The inhabitants of the Far North also have a low pain threshold.

Scientists are inclined to the theory that these indicators are proof that representatives of a certain people have this feature of the body at the genetic level: good or low resistance to pain.

In addition, during the analysis of various sports competitions, in particular representatives of martial arts (boxers, kickboxers, etc.), it was found that the "southern" peoples are more resistant to pain. We are talking about Kurds, Africans, Arabs. Also, Caucasians can be attributed to the owners of "special" endurance. At the same time, the northern European peoples demonstrated the opposite. Thus, the Norwegians, Irish and British have a low pain threshold.

Asians (Japanese, Chinese) can also be classified as representatives who are unable to endure pain. Compared to the Europeans, they showed a rather weak result during the tests. At the same time, they were exposed to various devices, injections (causing migraines) and in other ways. In medicine, various types of pain are known: heat, cold, ischemic and others. For the purity of the experiment in the medical center, representatives of different races were influenced by many types of pain sensations. Thus, the study carried out can be called very objective and sufficiently reasoned for this theory to become a confirmation of the fact: ethnic differences in overcoming pain do exist.

Naturally, other experiments that were carried out within a certain race also demonstrated fluctuations and proved that factors such as profession, age, gender, material well-being, social status, etc. can affect the level of pain threshold. But these results are already relevant to the topic. another theory is less ambitious than research carried out between different peoples.

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