How to behave in the bath if you came there for the first time. Getting rid of extra pounds in the bath with the help of masks, scrubs and body wraps

Bath procedure is a whole science, which has its own rules. Bath relieves fatigue and stress, cleanses the skin, relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation. The bath has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, the work of the cardiovascular system, and increases physical tone. Do you know how to take a steam bath in a bath so that the effect of the procedure on the body is the most effective?

You need to go to the bath no earlier than an hour and a half after eating. Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed before the start of the bath procedures. If after heavy physical exertion you need to relax a little, then after mental work you can immediately go to the steam room. When entering the bath, you must remove jewelry, glasses and preferably contact lenses. There is no need to fuss in the bath. Only a calm and unhurried atmosphere will help to relax and give rest to the nervous system. Steaming is better in the morning. In the morning, at 9-10 o'clock, your body is full of energy, so it can easily endure the load that the heart receives. The steam room is a kind of training, in some cases replacing physical activity.

What to take with you to the bath?

Going to the steam room, you need to take two terry towels, a bathrobe, a broom, shampoo, and slippers with you. One towel is needed for drying, and the second for sitting in the steam room. This is especially important if you visit a public bath or sauna. Despite the mandatory disinfection after each visit, it is not recommended to sit on the bench without putting a towel or sheet on it. In the bath, it is advisable to wear a hat that protects the head from overheating. Today, manufacturers offer special hats for baths and saunas of any design and cut. Bath mittens, which can be bought in the kit, will help cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum.

A broom for bathing procedures deserves special attention. It is believed that massage with a broom helps the skin acquire a healthy color, relieve spasms and pain in the spine, and the resinous substances released by the broom disinfect the air in the steam room, help with bronchitis, colds and flu.

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How to steam in the bath

Before starting the procedure, you need to wash, dry your skin and enter the steam room. If you are cold, you must first dip your feet into a container of warm water, gradually adding hotter water. Only after you warm up you can enter the steam room. The body needs to be prepared for the heat, so do not immediately climb to the top shelves.

It is better to start steaming at a temperature of 60 ° C. It is quite easy to adapt to this temperature, after 3-4 minutes you can increase the temperature. Since the temperature in the bath fluctuates depending on the level of the shelves, after raising the degrees, you can lower yourself to the lower bench. It is better to lie in the steam room so that the body receives an even amount of heat. After you have sweated well, you need to get out of the steam room and rinse with water. To harden the body, you can turn on a cold shower for 5-10 seconds or plunge into the pool.

On the second entry into the steam room, take a broom with you. If it is fresh, it is enough to rinse it a little, and it will be ready. A dry broom after rinsing should be put in a basin with warm water. After that, it will become soft, and a pleasant smell will appear in the steam room. If there is high humidity in the bath, the broom can be placed on the highest shelf, where it will steam itself. When using a broom, you need to force air to the body with it, and not beat it, as many do. You have to work smoothly, like a fan. You need to start from the legs: they go through the feet, legs, buttocks, back and arms, and then back. Only after the body has got used to the broom, you can lightly whip. The foliage should be tightly adjacent to the skin, for this, press it against the body.

To increase the heat in the bath, you need to splash hot water on hot stones of 200-300 grams. In a heated and dry bath, the temperature should not increase, but only the amount of steam should be added. It must be remembered that in high humidity it is more difficult to breathe, because. the air becomes heavy. It is best to maintain the optimum ratio of humidity (20-40%) and temperature (60-80 °C).

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Features of soaring in the Russian bath

It is better to take a steam bath in a Russian bath together. In the steam room, you need to breathe through your nose, because with nasal breathing, dry air is moistened, and hot air is cooled. Steam in the bath should be in several visits, gradually increasing the time of the steam room. Before the first entry, you need to take a shower, the temperature of which is 35-38 ° C. At the end of the procedure, you need to use soap to wash off the fat from the skin. The traditional Russian banya is, of course, a banya with a whisk.

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Which broom to choose for a bath?

Oak has long been famous for its anti-inflammatory properties. It perfectly cleanses the pores, makes the skin supple and matte. An oak broom is suitable for people with problem skin. In addition, oak relieves stress, calms the nervous system, prevents an increase in blood pressure in the steam room, so it is advisable to use such a broom for people prone to hypertension.

Nettle broom is best used after physical exertion. It helps relieve muscle fatigue and joint pain. Such an action of a broom is associated with a local irritant effect of nettle. Nettle broom is dipped in hot water for a few seconds, and steamed with it only after the body is warmed up. You need to beat with light strokes, otherwise it will quickly become disheveled.

Eucalyptus broom is an excellent prevention of colds. Eucalyptus vapors treat sore throats, runny noses and coughs. Eucalyptus leaves contain 1-3% essential oil, which provides its medicinal properties. In the bath, it is recommended to press the steamed broom to your face and breathe through your nose for 5 minutes. The disadvantage of the eucalyptus broom is its shape. It has long leaves, and the branches are flexible and thin, so they are inconvenient to work with. Given the healing properties of the eucalyptus broom, it must certainly be present in the “arsenal” of a lover of bath procedures, but for frequent trips to the steam room, you can use a birch broom.

After a parka with a birch broom, the skin becomes ugly and clean. Birch accelerates wound healing, has a calming effect, cleanses problem skin. Birch broom helps to improve lung ventilation and sputum discharge. Such a broom is indispensable for smokers and asthmatics, after the first procedure it will become easier to breathe. Birch leaves are rich in essential oils, vitamin C, tannins. You can wash your hair with infusion of a broom, it will give strength to your hair and destroy dandruff.

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Bath masks and essential oils

Before entering the steam room, it is useful to apply special masks. They improve perspiration, nourish and cleanse the skin.

Creamy honey mask prevents the skin from drying out. To prepare it, you will need 250 g of honey, 250 g of cream or sour cream, a pinch of salt. The mask is applied in a circular motion on the abdomen and thighs. Salt in this case acts as a scrub, cleansing the pores of pollution. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off.

An oatmeal mask is applied to the face. For its preparation, it is necessary to soak 1 part of the flakes and mix with 1 part of sour cream. Apply for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water.

To whiten the skin, you can prepare a mask of cottage cheese (1 tablespoon) and dry algae (1 tablespoon). You need to apply it for 10-15 minutes, rinse with water.

Hair masks show good results. The composition of many shampoos from the pharmacy series includes brewer's yeast. Such a healing mixture can be prepared independently. To do this, you need 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. spoon of brewer's yeast, 1 teaspoon of burdock or sunflower oil. The mask is applied with massaging movements for 15 minutes, washed off with warm water.

It is useful to use essential oils in the bath. They will help improve well-being, improve mood, rejuvenate the skin. For colds, aromas of lavender, eucalyptus, coniferous pine, tea tree, peppermint, lemon are useful. They need to be applied at the rate of 2-3 drops per 5 square meters. m. It is best to put a few drops of essential oil in a bucket of water and splash it on hot stones. Such water can be poured onto the shelves, it will serve as an excellent disinfectant. You should stay in a room with a high concentration of essential oils for no more than 20 minutes.

Sandalwood and lavender oils will help calm the nervous system. Rosemary, cedar, lemon, ginger, pine, juniper, lemon, nutmeg and orange oils have tonic properties. Essential oils of clove, cypress, lemon balm and thuja will help restore strength after physical exertion.

To disinfect the air in a bath or sauna, it is recommended to use a mixture of chamomile, eucalyptus, green tea and oregano oils.

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How many times a week can you visit the bath?

It all depends on how you feel and the state of your body. For some, once every two weeks is enough, and someone gets used to visiting the steam room 2-3 times a week. Contraindications for frequent bath procedures are regular exacerbations of chronic diseases, severe vegetative disorders, hypertension, frequent headaches.

In one hour spent in the steam room, a person loses weight from 0.5 to 1.5 kg. This is due to profuse sweating, therefore, both in the bath and after the bath, you need to drink plenty of water. Together with sweat, you lose toxins, and by drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices after a bath, you saturate the body with biologically active substances.

And its views, as well as determining that right for you, I offer a small "washing" educational program about the most popular national steam rooms and how to properly behave in them.

Because, unfortunately, often we only think we know, instead of actually knowing.

The tolerability of a bath by different people depends on their psychological mood, general state of health, and individual characteristics of getting used to the bath.

Therefore, the duration of stay in the bath and the order of procedures taken cannot be the same for everyone, but there are general provisions.

Russian bath

Let's start with the popular Russian bath. In a wet (or Russian) bath, the temperature should not exceed 60 degrees at 70-90% humidity.

To determine these indicators, each bath must be equipped with a hygrometer.

Before entering the steam room, rinse yourself in the shower (women, wash off your makeup!). But in no case do not wet your head, so as not to cause it to overheat in the steam room.

After a light wash, before entering the bath shelves, you need to dry yourself with a towel, because the moisture on the body prevents sweating. Yes, and do not forget that the bath is not a social event. All jewelry should be left in the locker room.

First run

Entering the steam room, do not rush to climb onto the topmost and hottest shelves, as your skin, respiratory and cardiovascular systems are not yet prepared for high temperatures. How to do it? There are many options and methods.

You obviously paid attention to how athletes prepare for the start: first, they thoroughly stretch their muscles with light jogging, then they rub their joints.

This introductory part is called a warm-up, its purpose is to prepare the various organs and systems of the body in such a way that the upcoming work is done better and with less effort, and the risk of injury is minimized, if not zero.

"Warm-up" in the bath has a similar purpose. Preliminary heating of the body at a relatively low air temperature, as a rule, causes the necessary expansion of the vessels of the skin, "turns on" sweating. When this stage is completed, you can start steaming directly.

Some bathers have an opinion that the first entry into the steam room should be regulated by a certain number of drops of sweat that rolled down from the nose.

But based on this, some people will have to sit in anticipation of such drops for 15-18 minutes, which can lead to overheating. Some begin to sweat (under equal conditions) in the third minute, others need 8-10 minutes for this.

In addition, on the basis of long-term observations, it was found that if people agreed in advance to go to the bathhouse, i.e. psychologically prepared themselves, and gathered a benevolent company, then the mechanisms of perspiration begin to act faster.

Sophisticated vapers are best first lie down on the middle shelf, to head and legs were on the same level. It is even better that the legs are slightly higher than the torso and head (in modern steam rooms, special footboards in the form of rails are installed on the shelves).

This arrangement facilitates the work of the heart.. If the conditions of the bath do not allow you to bathe lying down, then you should sit without hanging your legs from the bench, but keep them on the bench itself. The position of the body in the steam room is unphysiological if the legs are lowered down.

BUT Standing up puts you at risk for heat stroke., because the air temperature at the level of the head is 10-20 ° higher than at the level of the body, and even more so the legs; in addition, your muscles and joints are in a tense position, which should not be allowed.

In order to evenly warm all parts of the body, it is necessary after a while change posture- first lie on your side, then on your back, on the other side and on your stomach, alternately exposing one or another part of the body to the hot steam. And further: in the steam room, you should always breathe through your nose.

During nasal breathing, hot air passing through the nasopharynx is cooled, and too dry air is moistened.

After warming up for 5-7 minutes, do not get up sharply on your feet - you risk momentarily lose balance and even consciousness.

A minute before leaving the steam room, sit down if you were lying down to prepare the circulatory system for a standing position. It is interesting, by the way, to note that when steaming lying down and with brooms, such phenomena are not observed.

If you are not afraid of the cold, then after the steam room you can pour a basin of ice water over yourself or, after rinsing in a warm shower, dive into a cold pool for a few seconds.

Tempering manipulations will improve metabolism, strengthen the body as a whole and stimulate the nervous system. A contrasting change in temperature stimulates metabolism, which means it helps to reduce weight if there are problems with its excess.

The main thing is not to overcool. Blue lips and goose bumps signal you that you are a little overzealous.

How to check your temper?

There is a simple test by the German doctor Kestner. Apply a piece of ice 2-3 cm thick to the skin of the forearm for 10 seconds. Remove the ice and watch for changes in skin color.

If redness occurs 1-2 seconds after removing the plate and disappears almost immediately: congratulations, you are a hardened person!

If the redness did not appear immediately, but after half a minute or later, and lasted much longer than 2 seconds, you are not yet hardened enough to dive into icy water or jump into the snow.

But if you regularly train your blood vessels with a bath, then after a while your skin will react differently to this simple test.

A prerequisite is to go to the rest room after a 5-7-minute stay in the steam room and relax for 7-10 minutes. You can take a dip in the pool first.

If you want to continue to sweat very much after the exit - soak your feet in a basin of warm water- sweat will flow in a stream.

A thick wave of fragrant steam seems to envelop the body with a hot compress, providing, in addition to warming, the effect of inhalation of the respiratory tract with essential oils.

Along the way, the nasopharynx is cleared, the bronchi expand, which improves breathing, and, consequently, increases oxygen consumption. At the moment of giving steam, it is better to lie down. The effect in this case will be greater, and the load on the heart is less.

People who dream of losing weight should especially take this into account, since Much more fluid is lost lying down than sitting or standing.

Before each subsequent visit to the steam room (and there can be from 3 to 6 of them, depending on the state of the body and the goal), you need to rest for 15-20 minutes. After each subsequent visit, the rest time should increase.

No wonder the sages said: "A person must rest before he gets tired, and not only after he gets tired."

Take a steam bath with a broom!

If you decide to take a steam bath with a broom, then this is best done during the second or third call. Trained people steam up to 3 times. Between visits to the steam room, contrast procedures are taken.

The entire bathing procedure should not take more than 3-3.5 hours, and in total you can stay in the steam room for no more than 40-50 minutes, regardless of the number of visits.

It must be firmly remembered that the duration of the bathing procedure and especially being in the steam room is determined not by the clock, as is often done, but by the state of health: each person should feel when he should stop bathing.

Even in the bath, you really want to drink - under the influence of heat and humidity, some minerals, in particular calcium, potassium, and sodium salts, are “washed out” of the body with sweat.

Many, of course, solve this problem with beer. But to me personally, this option does not seem optimal. It is much better to quench your thirst with natural juices - at the same time, the loss of these substances is replenished.

But if you approach the matter with all responsibility, then there is no better drink for a bath than fresh hot herbal tea. It's a simple matter - brew at home and bring in a thermos, and the pleasures are the sea. Yes and benefit

And since ancient times, a "miraculous" drink has been used in folk medicine - a mixture of juices of carrots, radishes and beets with the addition of a small amount of honey.

And, of course, the final touch of the procedure - exfoliating and nourishing the skin, as well as hair masks. Usually they “peel” the skin on the last visit to the steam room or after it. Then various masks are applied.

Finnish sauna

In addition to the Russian bath common with us and (we also consider it “ours” in the old fashioned way). The heat of the sauna is easier to bear due to the low humidity of the air (10-20%).

At the same time, a person sweats heavily and actively, but the sweat instantly evaporates from the surface of the body, cooling it. “It is impossible to mix these two crafts” - Russian and Finnish baths. In the Finnish bath, they don’t “give in” - that is, they don’t splash water on the heater, this can lead to a burn of the skin overheated by steam.

They sit in the sauna, sweat, warm up. At the same time, a felt cap or a thick woolen cap should be put on the head to protect the brain from overheating. And make sure your hair is dry. before entering the steam head, in no case should you wet.

First run- warm-up, for 3-4 minutes, then for a couple of minutes in a pool with cool water (up to 18 ° C), a little rest - and the second run for 8-10 minutes (how long you can stand it). The body is red-hot, and already cold water (10-12 ° C) is perceived as heavenly coolness.

Then rest and repeated visits- how much and for how much - according to your desire and well-being.

Despite the fact that from time immemorial the bath has enjoyed the reputation of the best medicine among the people, it, like any drug, requires compliance with certain mandatory rules.

  • It is desirable to go to the bath in a good mood, not hungry (but not on a full stomach) and, God forbid, drunk!
  • An important general requirement is the principle of gradualness. Soaring should be preceded by a kind of warm-up, preparing the body and especially the blood vessels for entering the steam room.

    The time spent in the steam room should not be too long (3-5 visits for 8-10 minutes each). Overheating is not allowed.

    You should not wet your head - dry hair protects the head from overheating better.

    To drink in the bath you need only ordinary or herbal tea, juices, mineral water, infusion of kombucha.

Touching did not deceive - the forest along the river stood strong, pine, smelling of dry moss and grunting in the wind with slender centuries-old trunks. There was about a kilometer from the field border to the water, so there was no need to be especially afraid of the fence: a village of seven yards is not able to ruin such thickets either for firewood or outbuildings, even if it tries very hard. Lumpun turned out to be quite a decent river: five meters wide, with clear water and a sandy bottom, over which small fish roamed. Andrei immediately wanted to go fishing - but he had no idea if there were such simple things as a fishing line or a fishing hook in the sixteenth century? Although - you can always order a hook from a blacksmith, but instead of a fishing line - use a thin string. You can get a sinker for sure - since there is a squeak, there must be lead.

Diligently turning away from the flywheels and oiling - what will he do with them here? - Matyakh walked a couple of kilometers along the coast, then turned back to the village, stopped at the edge of a yellow field of rye.

- My estate! he said solemnly and listened to what was happening in his soul.

Nothing. As he felt like a twenty-year-old conscript sergeant, he remained. I wanted to go home. Hug my mother, get drunk and cuddle Verka from the apartment opposite, drive Formula 1 on the computer, fall into a nightclub. To give in the forehead to some sucker who imagined himself to be a cool Rambo. There was always a feeling in my soul that only six months were left before the order. The service is about to end - and tuk-tuk, Christmas trees flash through the windows of the fast train.

Andrei shook his head, moved along the field to the nearest boundary and turned towards Cut. He walked for five hours. The end of summer is in the yard. It's getting dark soon.

True, the sergeant still miscalculated the time, and when he reached the house, it really began to get dark.

- Father! - I saw him from the porch Lukerya. “We are already worried. Varka stopped the bath, as ordered, and burns the candles. How to call you by your patronymic, boyar?

At first, Andrei was surprised that a woman almost one and a half times older than him was going to address her by her first name and patronymic, he was about to wave it off - but he caught himself in time. Still, he is not just a neighbor here, but a boyar. Master. And Lukerya, by the way, is his slave, no matter how strange it sounds. Boyar Umilny gave.

It was by the name of the boyar that he chose the patronymic:

Andrey Ilyich! - In which case you can always say that he did not remember his father, but named himself in honor of his savior.

- So I would go to bathe, Andrey Ilyich. There is no right on you, but the water is cooling.

- So, behind the house, father. Between the apple trees, so that, God forbid, a fire would not spread to the house ...

It turned out that the bathhouse could not be seen from the road because of the house, which blocked it, along with the whole garden, with its hulk. The door, illuminated from within, stood out as a bright rectangle, and the sergeant was once again surprised at how bright the candles seemed in the dark. In the waiting room, he threw off his belt set, undressed, grabbed a candle and padded barefoot into the steam room. It wasn't that hot, but the oblong stove with a cauldron stuck in the middle gave enough heat to relax and sweat. But as soon as he stretched out on the shelf, the front door slammed loudly. Matyakh raised himself on his elbows, cursing himself for not taking a weapon and looking around the room. Two wooden buckets, three buckets, a tub, a trough. You can somehow try to brush off the tub if the enemy is alone and without a spear or sword ...

But two naked figures quickly leaked inside, both of which were already quite familiar to Andrei.

- Uh ... What are you doing? he asked hoarsely, covering his shame with his hands. Meanwhile, the “shame”, who had not seen the female body for who knows how many months, desperately tried to get out, stretch out, strained with all his might, trying to look out even at the edge of the flesh.

“It’s us,” Varya announced cheerfully, as if this explained at least something, and splashed something on the stove near the chimney. There was a menacing hiss, the room was filled with clouds of steam smelling sour with beer, and now it was really hot in the bathhouse.

“Now we’ll steam it ...” Lukerya rustled with a broom, moved closer, resolutely laid the sergeant, who didn’t know what to do, on the shelf, walked hot leaves over the very skin. - Varya, look at the boundary, how dug in. We're being careful here...

Andrei felt how the branches of the broom tickle his scrotum, touch his manhood, which is already ready to explode from a long abstinence and such inhuman bullying.

- Andrei Ilyich, - Varya came close, slid her pink nipples over her shoulder with her large, but well-kept girlish breasts, pulled him off the shelf. - You and me with a broom guys ...

She turned her back to Matyakh, leaned over, almost shoving her still cool pink ass away, and the sergeant could not stand it any longer. Surrendering to eternal instincts, with one strong blow, he rushed to the calling flesh, and if he had missed, he would probably have pierced the peasant woman through and through. Varya howled, scratched the damp wall with her nails - but it was too late to beg for mercy. Andrey would not be able to stop now even under fear of death, he fought forward time after time, feeling how everything in the lower abdomen seemed to turn to stone, harden, become insensible - until he suddenly exploded with hot bliss, taking all his strength to the last drop.

Matyakh retreated, settled on the shelves, no longer able to be embarrassed, enjoy, or rejoice - and Lukerya immediately took possession of him:

- Let's add a couple in a moment ... From good ... And with a broom, a broom ...

Istoma gave way to warmth, warmth to pleasure. In the meantime, he was lightly quilted with birch branches a couple of times, doused, turned over, flogged again and doused. This time, he was able to roll over on his own.

“You can’t see the boundary at all ...” the puffy woman sang softly and quickly whispered something in the girl’s ear. She giggled, moved closer, poured hot water on Andrei's head, leaned on his chest, at the same time pressing her right hand to the boards:

“Ay, boyar, there is no beard at all yet. But we will wash our hair, brush our hair, comb our hair ...

Under her jokes, Matyakh felt how someone again showed a lively and quite tangible interest in his manhood. And the latter quickly reciprocates. But he could not rudely push away the girl who was engaged in hair. What’s more, I haven’t experienced any bad feelings yet. Rather, on the contrary. Although, of course, he did not show interest in Lukerya. But he didn't shy away either. Andrei quickly ceased to understand in general - is he being caressed or raped?

However, as often happens, one of the main organs of the body had its own opinion on this matter, and soon a wave of pleasure swept upward again, sweeping away stupid thoughts. Varya splashed more beer on the stove, she and the hostess began to alternately sweep each other with brooms, pouring themselves over. And when, after some time, they again remembered the landowner, Matyakh almost completely came to his senses.

“Look how it grows ...” Lukerya nodded to the girl, stroking the young man’s manhood with impudent spontaneity.

“Why should he wither…” Without waiting for anything else to be done to him, Andrey jumped off the shelf, hugged Varvara, put her in his place, slowly stroked one breast, the other, slid his palm down, between her legs. The cook squeaked plaintively, but did not dare to resist. The sergeant spread her knees, just as slowly entered and began to make his way with short strong blows to an unknown but desired goal, while stroking her hair, touching her nipples, shoulders, lips with his fingertips. Now it was the girl's turn to moan from impotence and pleasure, and the feeling of infinite power over her allowed her to explode again with immense sweetness and drown in blissful bliss.

After recovering a little for the third time, Matyakh hastily rinsed himself and left the steam room. He realized that he could not endure such a “wash” for a long time. Health is not enough. With difficulty distinguishing the road in the darkness, he reached the porch, got up, dived into the passage, gropingly turned to the left, found a trestle bed and stretched out on it to his full height.

The candle in the door appeared when he was almost dozing off.

- Bring the pike heads, Andrey Ilyich? he recognized Varya's voice.

“Take it,” Matyakh got up, shook his head, driving away the dream. - And they told me to lay a trestle bed.

“I’ll do it, Andrey Ilyich,” the girl obediently nodded, and a cheerful, fervent thought suddenly appeared in the sergeant’s head:

"And it's good to be a landowner ...".

The Russian banya is considered the wettest, as it warms up to high temperatures (60 C and above) at 100% humidity. Because of this, the pulse reaches up to 200 beats per minute, the pressure rises, and you should not stay in the steam room for more than 5-7 minutes.

During construction, the Russian bath is sheathed inside with “bath” wood species, such as: birch, pine, linden, oak, which, when the bath is kindled, begin to release healing oils and resins.

In Russia, everyone went to the baths, from young to old, but in enlightened Europe they preferred to fill the aromas of the body with perfume, and not to wash.

During the stay of Peter I in Paris in 1717, by order of Tsar Peter, a bathhouse for Russian soldiers was erected right on the banks of the Seine. In it they soared, and then rushed to swim in the river. When the French asked if the soldiers would catch a cold, the tsar replied that the French air softens them, and the Russian bath makes them stronger.

Banya on black, one of the varieties of the Russian bath. It differs in that there is no chimney in the oven and the smoke goes inside the bath, settling on the walls, warming up and disinfecting them. It turns out that in the old days, children were born in just such baths, because they considered the black bath to be the most sterile place!

A broom for a bath is a primordially Russian invention. Only in the Russian bathhouse do the bathers whip each other with a broom to expel the slags.

The first public baths for citizens began to be built by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the 18th century. They belonged to private individuals.

Experienced bath attendants do not drink beer and other alcoholic beverages: alcohol and heavy wort increase dehydration and block the removal of toxins.

Foreigners have always been surprised how Russians, after a bath, especially in winter, run out and plunge into the hole. It turns out that bathing burns up to 1000 calories.

A century ago, calling a woman a "banner" was considered a terrible insult, because earlier the words "banner" and "prostitute" were synonymous.

In Russia, since 1743, by a Senate decree, it was forbidden for men to wash together with women in "commercial" baths. That is why Russia avoided the syphilis epidemic that swept across Europe.

Before the wedding, there was a tradition in the villages for the bride and groom's mother to take a steam bath together. She watched how healthy and virgin the future daughter-in-law was.

After a good steam room, a person who correctly performs all bath procedures loses up to 2 kg in weight in one visit.

You can talk a lot about the benefits of the Russian Bath, but everyone knows this ..

In addition to hygiene, the bath contributes to the prevention of many diseases, helps to remove toxins and toxins.

In Russia, they called it "kicks out the sickness"

The expression "Enjoy your bath" is a greeting and a wish of good health to someone who has just taken a steam bath or washed.

There are two versions of the origin of this turnover:

1. In Russian baths, the hottest place was almost under the very ceiling, where there was a shelf-platform on which they steamed. Steam rose from hot stones poured with water. The one who went to the bath was wished for a light steam, that is, such a steam that quickly rises from the hot stones upwards.

2. In baths, steam could mix with carbon monoxide, from which people often burned out. This steam, in contrast to the light, good steam, was called heavy. Therefore, they wanted a light couple.

Let's go to the bath, a few important rules

It's no secret that the bath has a healing effect.

But, how to bathe in a Russian bath in such a way as to achieve the desired result? After all, sometimes, when a person comes to the bath and does not know the basics of soaring, he can harm his body with an insane one-time load and forever say: “no” to such a miraculous remedy as a birch or oak broom.

To prevent this from happening, consider, for starters, a few simple rules:

☀ Before the bath, you should not overload your body with food. To suppress your appetite, eat something light.

☀ For hygienic purposes, before starting bath procedures, take a shower, but do not wet your head, otherwise you risk causing it to overheat.

☀ Remove all accessories if possible

When entering the steam room, do not forget to put on a hat or cap on your head, which will also prevent the possibility of overheating.

☀ The best time for bath procedures is individual and depends on your biological clock. However, it is believed that in the morning the body is most prepared for such procedures. Do not forget that the bath, with the right approach, can stand next to such physical activities as running and walking.


If you decide to follow the entire procedure and achieve maximum effect - do not forget about the broom. Choosing a broom is a whole science, of course, it is better if you prepare it yourself in June-July. But if you did not have such an opportunity, you can buy it by choosing the color and size - all the quality, as they say, "on the face."

At the moment, there are many varieties of bath brooms: linden, birch, oak, eucalyptus, coniferous ... And they all differ in their effect. For example:

Birch broom has a good effect on the skin, narrowing the pores and having a healing effect. Eucalyptus broom vapor helps to cope with colds and upper respiratory tract diseases. ETC. ETC.

☀ Having chosen a broom that suits you, do not forget to “steam” it before starting the bath procedures.

To do this, a sufficient amount of hot water is poured into the basin, where a broom is placed for soaking. Once your broom is softened, it is ready to go.

☀ Sufficient time should be allotted to the bath so that, being in the steam room, do not rush and enjoy several visits.

☀ Go to the steam room 2-3 times with short pauses, after which you definitely need a long rest.

☀ If you are unwell, it is better to postpone the bath for the next time.

☀ In the bath, the main thing is a gradual load, so you should not immediately throw half a basin of water on hot stones.

☀ If someone enjoys the contrast of temperatures, he can take a dip in the pool or rub himself in the snow.

☀ Natural drying is welcome, that is, sitting in the dressing room, without using a towel, you must dry yourself.

☀ After leaving the steam room, at least 20 minutes must pass before you go out into the fresh air. During this time, you can take your time to wash, take a shower, collect your belongings.

☀ The duration of the optimal entry into the steam room at a temperature of 90 degrees and a humidity of 10 percent is 10 minutes, followed by a 10-minute rest.

☀ They take a broom with them to the second entry into the steam room.

☀ Water is poured onto the stones with a special scoop of 0.2 liters. It is important not to overdo it, because if the humidity of the air increases, it becomes difficult to breathe.

☀ Many people feel thirsty after a steam bath. Therefore, you can drink kvass, mineral water. Green tea is very useful in such cases. But those who want to lose weight should not drink liquids for 2 hours after the bath.

How to steam

Stroking, lashing, whipping with a broom is like a real massage that stimulates blood circulation, increases sweating and energizes. Movements should be soft, flexible, and the broom should lightly touch the body, only pumping up heat. It is important that it is always moist and fluffy.

The steam intensity is determined by the temperature in the steam room. If it is high, they whip it gently with a broom, if not very - sweepingly. They usually start with stroking movements from the feet to the hips and abdomen, chest and neck. Then the legs, stomach, chest and arms are vigorously whipped. They finish by rubbing: with one hand they hold the handle of the broom, with the other they press the foliage to the body. Inhale its aroma more often, it will become a true massage for the lungs.

Sweat removes from the body a maximum of unnecessary and harmful. By the way, this is why experienced bath attendants do not wipe it, but clean it off with special scrapers so that the sweat does not soak back.

And that is why you need to drink a lot in the bath: all the incoming liquid will come out, taking with it toxins, pollution and other dirt. In addition, heat relieves tension, relaxes muscles, soothes.

What and how to serve in the steam room

Herbal infusions give not only a pleasant smell, but also have a beneficial effect on the body. The heated essential molecules of plants increase their activity many times, thanks to which we leave the steam room literally saturated with benefits.

For example, eucalyptus steam contains 40 most useful components. Mint improves mood and calms nerves. Linden repeatedly increases sweating and treats colds. There are lovers of beer, kvass and even tobacco steam. Cigarette smoke is unhealthy, but brewed tobacco treats problematic skin.

First, hot water is splashed on the stones to cool them slightly. Then - a diluted infusion, and then - water again. Infusion can also be sprinkled on walls and floors. But do not water those present - mixed with sweat, it will give an unpleasant odor.

On a note

Overheating is often due to low sweating.

The fact is that sweat cools our skin, entering the so-called thermoregulation chain.

If it does not appear, body temperature and blood pressure rise sharply. And the body signals this dizziness.

To activate perspiration, massage your body with a soft mitt or towel. Honey helps too.

The fruit acids included in its composition exfoliate the skin, free the pores from impurities and facilitate perspiration.

In principle, any exfoliating procedures help (the easiest way is to do a peeling in the shower right before entering), as well as diaphoretic teas.

It is better not to drink black tea and coffee in the bath: they excite the nervous system, which is absolutely useless for a relaxed body.

Beer is also despised by experienced bath attendants: alcohol and the heavy wort of this drink increase dehydration of the body and block the removal of toxins. In the bath, it is better to drink mineral water or herbal tea.

Well, who doesn't love a bath? Only those who have never been there, because, having been in the bath at least once, a person can no longer resist it and goes there again. And not in vain. After all, the bath is very useful both for health and well-being, and for beauty.

No wonder the bath was very popular in Russia. Now this bath is called Russian, because it has a number of differences from other similar baths. First of all, it is distinguished by the wood of the wall decoration, as well as the method of firing in it. In addition to the Russian bath, there are also Finnish, Japanese, Turkish baths. All of them, having the same meaning, differ from each other. And the meaning of the bath is that it is infinitely useful.

You need to go to the bath as often as possible, of course, not every day, but once or twice a week will be just enough. The bath will allow you to relax and rest your body and soul from everyday troubles and difficulties. In addition, the moral pleasure that you get from an hour and a half stay in the bath cannot outshine anything for a very long period of time.

In addition to the fact that the bath has a positive effect on the mental state of a person, it has a very positive effect on his health. When the body is heated with steam, a large amount of sweat is released, while the pores are cleansed, toxins are released, the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, and acquires an even beautiful color.

The bath is useful for colds, because the steam warms the whole body, removes all bacteria along with sweat, so a person recovers faster. And one more thing, the bath is a great way to lose weight. Together with sweat, slags with fat are also removed, the metabolism is accelerated. As a result, without making much effort, but by regularly visiting the bath, you can lose weight very decently.

An integral and traditional part of the bath is a broom. At a minimum, it creates wonderful smells of grass and greenery, which you will not always feel even in summer. And as a maximum, a broom is an excellent massage that enhances the effect of the bath several times at once. You need to choose a broom according to personal preferences. It can be oak, birch, linden, coniferous, eucalyptus and so on.

They differ in their features of action on the human body. So, a birch broom helps to rid the skin of various pimples and pimples on the back and chest, promotes rapid healing of wounds, soothes and relaxes. The smell of birch uplifts and gives strength, relieves stress. In addition, a birch broom should be used for colds - it helps to quickly remove sputum and allows you to breathe freely.

Oak broom has a very positive effect on the skin, it cleanses it well, helps to remove toxins, and also has a scrub effect, removing dead cells from the skin.

It is known that a decoction of linden is used in the treatment of kidneys. Therefore, if you have such problems, it will not hurt you to use a linden broom in the bath. It has a diuretic effect, which has a positive effect on the body, while it will help those who are trying to lose weight. In addition, linden broom works well in the treatment of colds. To quickly get in shape, relieve tension and get rid of a bad mood, you should use a nettle broom in the bath. It has a pronounced smell that will tone the whole body. Nettle broom is used to relieve pain in sciatica, and a bath with such a broom is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.

After steaming in the bath, you can wash yourself, remove all the dirt and dust from yourself, as well as wash off the sweat and substances removed with it.

And one more thing to remember before entering the bath - be sure to remove jewelry and jewelry, as they heat up under the influence of steam and can burn the skin.

The bath has always been considered one of the best ways of treatment, healing and relaxation, so let's not neglect the heritage of centuries and we.
