Youth parties in the apartments. What is an entry: we understand the intricacies of youth slang. A sea of ​​alcohol and a better mood

Not every person can understand the slang of modern youth. For example, what is an enrollment? Let's figure it out.

The word "registration" means to stay overnight, "register" to someone for one night. As a rule, such a pastime is associated with drinking alcohol, sex, loud music, smoking cigarettes, etc. Previously, this word was used by representatives of hippies who gathered in whole groups at someone's apartment. Today, the entry is characterized as a large-scale party in the apartment of a person who is ready to receive a large number of visitors and provide them with proper fun.

It would seem that everything is clear: teenagers gather at their friend's, get drunk, debauch, get high and turn the whole apartment upside down. In fact, not everything is so sad. The entries have a small set of rules that each participant in the event must adhere to. These include:

  • Politeness to all those present at the registration;
  • No questions about bed. As a rule, most guests sleep on the floor;
  • You can not touch the things of the owner of the apartment and take them outside the home;
  • The use of the bathroom and landline telephone is only possible with the consent of the owner.

Also, the organizers of the registration can establish additional rules that are needed to control the party.

Images from the film "Project X Dorvali"

Types of entries

The most interesting thing is that there are several types of entries at once, each of which has its own name.

  • Legion. It is considered the safest type of registration due to the fact that all those present know each other and gather not so much to drink alcoholic beverages as, for example, to communicate on interests. Interestingly, initially, guys gather at the legions, who then invite girls to visit, and often strangers, for example, from VKontakte. Legions are held about 3-5 times, after which the guys start to get bored with such an environment.
  • Flat. It's the same entry, but much more secure. As a rule, young people gather on the flat in order to do what they love, which can be listening to music. It is noteworthy that in the language of informals the word “flat” means a “hard” party with the most unfavorable conditions for a party.
  • On the side. An unsafe entry for the reason that complete strangers gathered on a social network gather on it. The problem may be that at the very last moment the registration can simply be canceled.
  • Submarine. It would seem that this is quite a familiar appointment, during which the company gets together and closes in an apartment or goes to the country for a few days in order to have a good time. However, throughout the entire "submarine" you can not leave the apartment (cottage), while all electrical appliances are completely ignored. Phones are also not allowed. Thus, the effect of complete distance from the familiar world is achieved.
  • Hustle. Translated from English, this word means hustle and bustle. As you might have guessed, hustle is the name given to those listings where such a huge number of people gather that the apartment simply cannot be overcrowded. Not everyone likes such listings, at the same time it is much easier to get to know people with whom, among other things, you can hang out with next time.
  • road party. As you might guess, this is a party that takes place on the way somewhere. Most often, a road party can be seen in a sleeping car compartment.
  • Entry-sausage. This funny name was given to the party, where there was not a single girl who promised to attend this event.

And finally, it’s worth telling you that VKontakte entries are popular today. A certain user collects complete strangers at his place, who hang out all night long, or even several. Finding such entries is not difficult - just use the search in VK. Just remember that such events can end in tears!

We often come across the slang word “fit in”, but don’t know what it means? We will tell you where it came from, what a registration is and what young people actually do on it.

What is an entry in youth slang

Inclusion is a party at the apartment. To fit in with someone means to come to visit, to receive an invitation.

Although the word is indeed slang, it did not appear recently. It was used back in the USSR. The meaning was the same - a free apartment for the rest of the company.

The first entries are overnight stays among members of the hippie subculture. Free housing was difficult, and many companies huddled in the same apartment for several days, without stopping the fun.

Modern registrations also imply a sleepover party. The party turns out to be noisy and long. Not without alcoholic beverages.

Teenagers organize such parties in the absence of their parents. Sometimes the registration lasts a couple of days, or even a week - depending on the period when the apartment, country house or cottage is free.

Listings: types, rules, how to get there

There are several types of subscriptions:

1. Unexpected entry.

The most innocent kind of entry. It's not even a party, but rather an unplanned sleepover. If a person has nowhere to spend the night, he “fits in” for the night with one of his friends.

Sometimes you can find these kinds of announcements (invitations and requests for a sleepover) in various groups on social networks, but this is not safe.

2. Legion.

A group of friends get together and then invite girls over. Most often through social networks.

It may be the other way around: a company of girls invites guys to their get-together.

A harmless club party. The guys listen to their favorite music together, play video games and communicate. This option does not exclude alcohol, but it is not obsessed with its presence.

The participants in such a list are people who know each other or online interlocutors who are members of the same thematic groups in social networks.

4. Submarine.

A kind of game for the company.

A certain number of friends gather in an apartment, house or country house, stock up on food, drink and everything necessary, and lock themselves up for several days. The bottom line is that you can’t leave the living space and use gadgets.

Members of the submarine communicate with each other, get to know each other and have fun. A closed space does not exclude conflicts, but any other party also does not insure against possible quarrels.

Participants should be minimally familiar with each other, otherwise everyone will scatter in the corners and the party will not work.

5. On the side.

An unsafe type of entry that collects strangers. This usually happens on the Internet.

6. Road party (Road party).

One of the most problematic parties in terms of organization and reaction of others. Hanging out on the way somewhere: to another city, to a music festival.

Many companies organize such a check-in right on the train, in a separate compartment. Some do it in open compartments of second-class carriages, which disturbs other passengers.

7. Crush (Hustle).

The expression "the apple has nowhere to fall" is just about this entry. The party involves such an incredible crowd of people that there is literally nowhere to sit.

The main audience is friends, friends of friends, and so on. One likes such pandemonium, others prefer to run away from such parties or not come at all.

8. Sausage party (Sausage party).

So they jokingly call a party to which none of the invited girls came. The meaning of the name is not worth explaining.

There are some basic unspoken rules on any listing:

  • respect the personal space of other party participants;
  • do not take the sleeping place you like: the owner of the house himself must offer you an overnight stay first, and then a place for her;
  • do not touch, try on or take away the personal belongings of the owner of the apartment without permission;
  • bring some drinks or food with you to the common table, especially if you expect to drink and eat what you like.

They say that the entry was a success when all the participants in the party had a good time. Each company understands this concept differently: someone drinks alcohol, someone has fun dancing and fooling around with their peers.

A reminder to parents: Due to the youth party scandals of the past year, listings have become associated with something immoral and unhealthy. However, this is just a name for a youth party.

If you are worried about your child, then first of all think about the company to which he goes, and not about the sensational slang name for the party.

Inscription is a slang term for a party or hangout among young people. The approximate age of participants is from sixteen to twenty-three years. Anyone can become a participant in this celebration of life, if the main company accepts it. A check-in takes place in a residential area, most often at a friend's house. The decisive vote belongs to the owner of the apartment, he determines whether to invite a specific person or refuse.

Types of entries

  1. Scheduled. The planned entry takes place according to a predetermined scenario. It is planned from two days to several weeks, the invited young people are carefully selected. Alcohol is purchased in advance. The total score is divided among all.
  2. Sudden. The idea of ​​gathering a large number of people comes in the morning, by the evening the party is already gathering. People come in a hurry, there may not be enough food and alcohol.
  3. Two friends (Two Friends). A party is a small drinking party of two or three people. Passes at home, with moderately alcoholic drinks (wine, beer, cider). Overnight stay is organized by the owner of the apartment.
  4. Mass gathering. A party with a huge number of people, all rooms are occupied, an incredible amount of alcohol and food. Unfamiliar personalities also come to visit, a friendly atmosphere reigns at home, contact is immediately established with strangers.
  5. Holiday entries. The difference between a holiday entry and another type lies in the reason for the gathering of people, friends gather in honor of a specific event. They eat and drink for several days, with an overnight stay the whole company stays with the owner of the house or apartment. Alternatively, the company rents a house for a couple of days.

Stages of gathering for a party

The starting point is the desire to have fun, to gather friends, to relax, to relax. The age category of young people is sixteen, eighteen years old. Teenagers gather at the home of the owner of a free apartment.

Stages of unbridled fun:

  1. Notifying friends (determining the number of guys).
  2. Fundraising.
  3. Purchase of products.
  4. The heat of the party.
  5. The ending.

Friends notification

Parents left, left their child alone at home, then the fun begins. Adolescence, the desire to play tricks, to show their "coolness" are rushing out. Initially, there is a mass mailing of messages to your friends that "the house is free." Intrigued young men and women, interested in the process of creating bacchanalia, decide to meet with the new owner of the dwelling. There is a discussion of the composition of the participants, with a shortage of the required number among close friends, old contacts, liked personalities, unfamiliar young people are recalled.


When the number of guys per square meter goes off scale, the next stage takes place - fundraising for the party. Young boys and girls, calculate the subsequent costs. Alcohol is an indispensable attribute of such "home parties". Consume heavily alcoholic beverages:

  • vodka;
  • tequila;
  • Bacardi;
  • tincture.

Do not disdain the usual draft beer. Some manage to bring moonshine. Yes, schoolchildren drink drinks with seventy percent alcohol. For the purchase of drinks, food, napkins, the whole company is thrown off or “nishtyaks” are brought.

Purchase of products

Having replenished the budget with a friendly company, a crowd of young guys storm grocery stores. The question arises, will alcohol be sold? Russian law allows you to legally sell alcoholic beverages from the age of eighteen, violating the law, the seller faces administrative responsibility. Schoolchildren legally circumvent the law - they take an adult comrade with them. Having bought alcohol, do not forget to take juices, lemonades, water with gas. Snacks are chips, crackers, snacks, products that do not require cooking - semi-finished products. In addition to alcohol, drinks, food, cigarettes, tobacco, hookah coals are purchased.

The heat of the party

Having bought everything you need, having unloaded the goods at home, the owner waits for the evening in order to activate the party. The onset of evening marks the opening of the entry. Young people actively communicate, have fun, drink alcohol. The whole highlight of the entry is permissiveness, it is allowed to drink, fool around, smoke and possibly have sexual contact. Schoolchildren feel euphoria, get a lot of new emotions, permissiveness and even depravity are felt. Parents do not see the bedlam going on at home. Calling your son or daughter, the moment is activated - "quiet everyone, mom is calling." The whole company calms down together, the music is turned off, laughter is restrained in every possible way. Parents, falsely convinced that their child is doing homework peacefully, calm down. After saying good night, the calls stop. The party continues to grow. Loud music plays, the entrance is filled with smoking teenagers. Unaccustomed young people become ill from drinking alcohol. On the balcony, young smokers organize their conversation.

End of enrollment

This action takes place until five or six in the morning. Some stay overnight with the owner of the apartment, someone orders a taxi and goes home, the girls are escorted home by the guys.

What not to do on enrollment?

Having analyzed the events taking place at the registration desk, we will consider some taboos. You should not attend this party for non-drinking individuals, there is a high probability not to resist and give up before the onslaught of the crowd. A follower of a healthy lifestyle, at a minimum, will try alcohol. A non-drinking person, surrounded by a company of hot young people, is like a red cloth for a bull. The game "get the non-drinker drunk" begins. Naturally, the young man wins, who managed to persuade him to skip a couple of glasses of a teetotaller.

The party provides for an impressive number of people, the owner has to keep order and different companies. Alcohol has a peculiar effect on fragile organisms, in addition to cheerful courage, attacks of aggression occur. Noticing a flash of uncontrollable rage behind you, you should calm down. Seeing a brewing fight, the best solution would not be to provoke further developments, but to calm down the young people.

Consequences of registration

A big get-together sometimes means big consequences. The overwhelming number of drunk people in one room cannot remain without a trace. Consequences of enrollment:

  • alcohol intoxication;
  • pogrom of the apartment;
  • complaints from neighbors;
  • Increased social status in the eyes of friends.

Alcohol intoxication is the inability of the body to digest a large amount of alcohol consumed. Symptoms of intoxication: vomiting, short-term memory loss, disorientation, chills, hangover. The unaccustomed body is shocked by the incredible amount of alcohol drunk. It is difficult for the body to cope with the onslaught of alcohol and, having decided not to digest the poisonous substance, it pushes the contents of the stomach out.

The pogrom of an apartment is the most common occurrence. A noisy party is accompanied by broken glasses, torn furniture, broken small decor items. Naturally, the presence of garbage, dirty dishes, countless scattered bottles. Collective cleaning eliminates the consequences in a few hours. Having destroyed an interior item, you should buy an identical product, or confess to an accidental unforeseen circumstance.

Complaints from neighbors are regulated by verbal agreement. Turning down the music while smoking cigarettes outside the stairwell. It is better to take into account the wishes of a sleepy, disgruntled neighbor.

Otherwise, the party will be disrupted by a visit from law enforcement. I'll have to explain the purpose of gathering young people late at night. In order not to take it to extremes, the ability to negotiate and respect for personal space will be useful.

Increasing social status, Congratulations! Having arranged a mass party, avoiding negative consequences, you can pass for a hospitable and cheerful person. Feel free to add this memorable evening to your basket of coolness.

What do you need to sign up for?

The motive for organizing an inscription is the desire to unite friends, find new ones, strengthen existing ties, and show one's importance. Fun, drunken frenzy and dancing are only secondary consequences. Teenagers try to live an adult life, start smoking, pursuing the only goal - to be accepted by the company. The positive aspects are the expansion of the circle of contacts, involvement in social life, new contacts. Growing up, young people get tired of drinking, new ways of self-realization, spending leisure time appear.

Generations change, entertainment changes. What is it, adults and representatives of the younger generation ask questions.

Let's figure out what a registration is among young people, why it is so popular, how to get there and how safe it is.

The entry is a youth event, so to speak, which ends with an overnight stay with a large company in one place. The word comes from the verb "fit in": fit into an apartment, fit into a party.

Now joining is one of the ways to have fun, just hanging out. Young people gather in a free apartment, drink alcohol, play, laugh, dance. In the morning, of course, everyone calms down and falls asleep eight of us on a single bed. If you're lucky. And if you're not lucky, they sleep on chairs or on the floor.

The entry originated in the hippie movement. Constantly traveling, without money, but with a huge number of acquaintances, hippies came to a strange city and fit in for the night with friends. And then it didn't necessarily end in fun, sometimes it was just a way to spend the night.

Such holidays, as happens with young people, usually have no purpose or reason. Sometimes the only reason for enrolling is that the parents went to the country, and the apartment was left empty. This is how young people hide from adults: there is no need to return home drunk, no one will scold or turn off the Internet.

Varieties of entries

It is interesting that there is a division of entries into types: flat, hustle, submarine. Each one has its own rules and structure. In fact, modern youth in Russia do not use these terms, but it is interesting to read about their classification.


The meanings of flat are contradictory: on the one hand, it is a calm entry where young people with common interests gather, for example, to listen to music, and on the other hand, it is a tough party without rules. The second meaning is common among informals.

Flat came from the English "flat" - "apartment". Perhaps this is one of the first designations for sleepover parties and came into the Russian language from abroad.


An overnight stay based on interests is considered a legion: the main purpose of such an entry is to chat, play your favorite game or discuss the news. This is the most peaceful of all types of listings. Its peculiarity is that the number of guys and girls should be equal. Sometimes guys gather first, and then they call unfamiliar girls to themselves through social networks.

As the name says, a submarine is an inscription with a rejection of the outside world. The company gathers in some place, in an apartment or in a country house, and does not use any means of communication for several days. Products and alcohol have already been bought, it remains only to enjoy the people around.


Hasl is a place with a huge number of people. You won’t be crowded at such overnight stays, you will definitely have to sleep standing up. We can only hope that the neighbors do not call the police. Now hustle is a rare occurrence: after such a party it is difficult to return the apartment to a habitable form.

road party

Roadparty is a party on the way somewhere. Most often, it is arranged in a train car.


This is the name of the party, which all the invited girls prodinamy, did not come. A sort of forced bachelor party.

What can you do on enrollment?

Enrollment depends on age. The teenagers are going to have a drink. Children under 18 will get an incredible amount of alcohol, and this will be their main occupation. After all, they run away from adults.

The older people get, the less they drink and the more they talk. Students on the registration list have conversations in the kitchen until the morning, a twister, maps, films. Here, alcohol serves as a tool to relax and untie the tongue.

Night parties almost always involve dancing: the speakers are at full volume, and everyone is already jumping to the latest hit.

Usually, the entry includes exciting night walks around the city for a new portion of alcohol. Leads the walk, of course, the most sober. It always turns into an incredible adventure: someone will fall, someone will run away, someone will not want to go anywhere. It is good if such walks are made on foot, and not drunk by car.

Sometimes there are drugs on the listings. At such parties, either only your own, or all completely unfamiliar - it's a dangerous business, you can't let anyone spill the beans.

If all people are acquaintances, the rules are long-established, then the danger is minimal. A threat to life and health occurs only when the level of alcohol in the blood is too high. But in such situations there is always a sober person who will call an ambulance.

If the company is brand new, there is definitely danger. Especially if the registration is in a foreign city. At such parties it is better not to drink too much: here they can rob and hit.

How can I get enrolled?

Friends and acquaintances usually gather at the registration, so to get to it, respectively, you need to be someone's friend or good acquaintance. Often the list of guests is well-established: a long-established company gathers with the same staff in different places.

If there are no such acquaintances, you can arrange an appointment yourself: you appoint a day, gather people, buy alcohol, and, voila, you are already at the registration.

If you still don’t want to clean your apartment all day, then there are alternative options to get on the list.

  1. With the help of social networks. There are special groups on VKontakte for people with and without free apartments.
  2. With the help of forums and various sites. Just like in the social network: there are entire sites dedicated to night parties.
  3. Meet avid party-goers and ask them to take with you. In such a situation, you may have to pay for alcohol or snacks for the whole company.

When looking for an entry, the main thing is to decide what exactly you are looking for: an entry is both a simple overnight stay in a foreign city, and a party with alcohol.

The rules of conduct depend on the entry form. If this is a night party with a huge number of people, seas of alcohol and it is not clear who is the owner, then there are no rules and cannot be. You can’t keep track of everyone, at such overnight stays they can steal money and break a Chinese porcelain vase.

It happens that the rules are set in advance by the owner: for example, come in a suit or bring drinks with you.

If the company is friendly, everyone is familiar with each other, the unspoken rules have long been formed.

  1. Keep the house safe and sound. Of course, while drunk, you can break a cup, tear a curtain, and burn a tablecloth. The landlord knew what he was getting into. But it's better to apologize.
  2. Clean up after yourself: wash the dishes, shake out the ashtray, vacuum. Usually one of the girls does it in the morning.
  3. To help each other. If someone is already clearly enough, they try to protect him from alcohol, if necessary - to sit with him near the sink.
  4. Don't hit on other guys or girls. Even an unconscious state does not justify harassment of a member of an already established couple. If a young man is free and no one likes in this company - please.
  5. The cost of alcohol and food is shared by all. If it's not a birthday, then, as a rule, each participant makes a monetary contribution to the table and drinks.

It's best not to break these rules. Otherwise, this company is unlikely to invite again.

If no one in the group knows each other, then the rules of conduct are the same as in ordinary guests.

  1. Behave yourself.
  2. Do not touch other people's things without permission.
  3. Clean up after yourself.
  4. Don't spoil anything.
  5. Don't be rude to anyone.

The rules of conduct are strictly individual for each company. If there is no certainty, it is worth taking a closer look at the others at the beginning of the party: how much they drink, what they do, how they talk.

First of all, you should think again. The consequences of the destruction of a crowd of drunken youth are unpredictable. You definitely need to be ready to clean the apartment and, possibly, make repairs somewhere.

If the entry is implied with alcohol, then it will not be superfluous to comply with the following conditions.

  1. Remove all fragile and dear things.
  2. Remove carpets and rugs. Otherwise, they will have to be washed for a long time from traces of shoes or undigested food.
  3. Replace sheets and towels with ones you don't mind.
  4. Remove small and crumbling items: suddenly someone wants to scatter cereal around the apartment - it will take a long time to collect.
  5. Offer to collect the necessary amount in advance for alcohol and snacks.
  6. Warn that you definitely can’t touch and where you can’t go. For example, sit on the windowsill or go into the parents' room.
  7. Make sure all invitees understand the rules.

When the fun starts, it's better for the landlord not to stay sober. Otherwise, he will worry too much about the state of the rooms, and the party will fail. Although…


In general, registration is just an overnight stay with a company. It can be with alcohol, or maybe just with Monopoly. For young people, registration is not just a way to relax and hide from adults, it is a way to get to know each other and get closer.

If you are young and beautiful, then you want to "have a good time", spend time with benefits for the body and stomach. To do this, advanced youth gathers at someone's "hut" in order to spend the weekend and not only with sense, feeling and arrangement. A similar process in adolescents is called "fitting in". What does Vika mean in youth slang? Before continuing, I recommend reading a few articles on the topic of youth slang, for example, who is Vanilka, what does Eblan mean, who is Gooch? This term was borrowed from the word " write in", that is, add to the list of invitees. It is an analogue of the word "overnight", that is, citizens come to someone's apartment with their food, drink and " glamorous kiso". ashamed of your behavior.

Usually it happens like this, someone's "parents" are dumped in the country, and this person has the opportunity to invite several people, only ten - twenty individuals. During the whole process, someone will break, tear or soil something, and the whole event is accompanied by noisy fun, loud music, conversations in the style of "do you respect me?".
Basic " cymus"in the list, this is not booze, and not drunken dancing, this is seeeeex. When everything calms down, the most interesting begins, the copulation of everyone with everyone begins, so the guys need to look after their ass, otherwise in the dark you can be confused with a nyasha.
The list that only guys came to is called the sausage list, probably because only males will drink, without kawaii chan.

entry is a party, usually an overnight stay

Generally the word entry", first appeared among the hippies, and means a place where you can stop for the night, wash and relax. You are entered only on one condition that in return they will expect a return service from you, a place where you can throw a tourist rug and a sleeping bag, boil tea, and put yourself in order. In this case, "inscribed" is a flat, where other hippie citizens constantly live.

Do not worry if your son or daughter goes to entries Because people are inherently social creatures, and they are not comfortable being alone. A person definitely needs to get approval from the outside, establish contacts, improve and develop his personality, share information with others, etc. And for all this, you need to constantly be in a team, so a moderate entry has not hurt anyone yet, you just need to understand when to stay.


I’m sitting in the basement and wondering why I’m not at the reception, and why don’t I thump?
