Potassium in foods - a list of foods rich in potassium. Best Sources of Potassium

Potassium, like many other substances, has great value for the stable activity of many systems and organs. If the trace element enters the body irregularly, intermittently, its lack causes various violations. Suffering nervous system human: deficiency of vitamins and microelements is one of the main reasons, nervous breakdowns. To replenish potassium stores, nutritionists recommend revising your diet so that it includes foods containing a large amount of this substance. Potassium performs the following functions:

  • Regulates the work of the heart.
  • Promotes the production of enzymes.
  • Improves the removal of fluid from tissues and muscles.
  • Protects tissues and blood vessels from the formation of plaques and deposits.
  • It contributes to the saturation of brain tissues with oxygen, which ensures the normal activity of the brain and nervous system.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes.

List of foods containing potassium

Many foods are rich in potassium: there is a lot of it both in the usual cereals and in. Conventionally, such products are divided into two categories: plant and animal origin. To avoid a decrease in the content of potassium and other useful trace elements in foods, eat vegetables and fruits raw, as well as steam or boil them. From a long stay in the air, potassium loses its properties, so it is better to eat only fresh, freshly cut fruits and vegetables.

herbal products

Grocery list plant origin, which contain potassium, is impressive. Conventionally, it is divided into 4 categories: fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereals,. Each group of products has its own characteristics of use. Fruits and vegetables that grow in our area are best eaten as they ripen, and dried fruits in winter. Cereals and cereals are consumed all year round.

Fruits vegetables:

  • potato;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin;
  • currant;
  • bananas;
  • melons;
  • watermelons;
  • oranges;
  • carrot;

Dried fruits:

  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • figs;
  • prunes;
  • almond;
  • peanut;
  • pine nuts;
  • cashew nuts;
  • walnuts;


Animal products

Animal products - important source potassium, which is found in different types of meat. To quickly eliminate the deficiency of this trace element, eat diet varieties meat and fish containing a small amount of fat. For better assimilation potassium include in the diet of both animal and plant foods. Potassium-rich foods include:

  • whole milk;
  • salmon;
  • halibut;
  • cod;
  • tuna;
  • sardines;
  • flounder;
  • yogurt;
  • rabbit meat;
  • beef;

Where is the highest amount of potassium

The maximum of this substance is found in products of predominantly plant origin. Some nutritionists claim that black tea is extremely rich in potassium, but other researchers refute this. Therefore, we recommend replenishing the stocks of this necessary trace element from other sources. The maximum amount of potassium is found in:

  1. dried apricots;
  2. cocoa;
  3. coffee;
  4. wheat bran;
  5. raisins;
  6. almonds;
  7. peanuts
  8. parsley;

Table of products containing beneficial trace elements

The issue of saturating the body with vitamins and microelements must be approached responsibly: an excess of some microelements is no less harmful than their deficiency. In addition, it is important to observe their ratio. So, great importance has a potassium-sodium balance. Potassium and sodium should be supplied to the body in a ratio of one to two. The functioning of the body also depends on the intake of such an element as. Here is a table of the content of these substances in food:

Potassium (mg/100 g)

Sodium (mg/100 g)

Magnesium (mg/100 g)










fried sausage


cocoa powder

whole bean coffee

wheat bran


Potassium is one of those key minerals without which the very existence of our body is impossible. It affects the performance of vascular structures, muscles, kidneys, heart, endocrine glands, brain.

Potassium is one of the most important chemical elements for our body. His the main role(together with sodium) - ensuring the normal functioning of cell walls. Another extremely important property is to maintain the concentration of the main nutrient for the heart (magnesium) and its physiological functions.

The role of potassium in the human body:

The importance of potassium is explained by the fact that it is the main cation of the liquid of all cells. Moreover, about 98% of all potassium is located in the intracellular pool.

The functions of potassium are multifaceted. This macronutrient:

  • maintains fluid balance, helping to remove excess fluid;
  • provides adequate acid-base metabolism;
  • regulates muscle activity, affecting both their neuromuscular excitability and contractions;
  • coordinates the heart rhythm;
  • prevents sclerosis, preventing the accumulation of sodium in the vessels;
  • improves oxygen supply to the brain, activating mental activity;
  • removes toxins and allergens.

Potassium, which comes from the food we eat, enters our bloodstream, being absorbed into small intestine. It is excreted along with urine and (to a lesser extent) with stool. The potassium requirement for a typical adult ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 mg. It increases in sports enthusiasts, overweight people, in patients using diuretic drugs.

Causes of potassium deficiency:

  • Hypokalemia (lack of potassium) may result from unbalanced nutrition, in which the intake of potassium in the body is insufficient, for example, as a result of an exhausting diet. Athletes and people involved in heavy physical labor increased sweating a large amount of this trace element is lost.
  • Potassium deficiency can occur in people taking certain diuretic drugs, therefore, during treatment with diuretics, periodic monitoring of the concentration of potassium in the blood is necessary.
  • In conditions accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, there is also a loss of many trace elements, including potassium.
  • The use of large amounts of alcohol, coffee and sweets also contributes to the “washing out” of potassium from the body.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency in the human body:

With insufficient intake of potassium in the body, a person develops hypokalemia, dropsy. There comes a disorder of the functions of the heart and skeletal muscles. Prolonged deficiency can lead to the development of acute neuralgia. To prevent this, it is necessary to include foods containing potassium in your diet.

Since potassium does not accumulate in our body, its content can drop very quickly. The symptoms of this are general weakness, nervousness, low blood pressure, swelling, constipation, deterioration of hair and nails, their weakness and fragility. Against the background of potassium deficiency, the work of the kidneys, adrenal glands, heart is disturbed, skin cells suffer, as evidenced by the long healing of wounds. Dry skin, erosions and ulcers of the mucous membranes can also indicate a potassium deficiency.

With a significant lack of potassium, disorders of the functions of the heart muscles are possible, expressed in rhythm disturbance (arrhythmias). Signs of potassium deficiency in human body are nonspecific, therefore, if, at first glance, causeless weakness, irritability, or other symptoms described above appear, it is required medical consultation. May be, feeling unwell caused by a lack of potassium. Preparations containing this element are taken only as directed by a doctor after an appropriate examination. Uncontrolled reception medicines containing potassium can lead to hyperkalemia (excess potassium), which is also harmful.

Foods rich in potassium:

Let's first find out which foods contain potassium. So, among the fruits we can note dogwood, peaches and dried apricots, apricots, raisins, apples, grapes, cherries, currants. From vegetables sources of potassium are: potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes, peas, beans.

From animal products, potassium is found in cod, hake, mackerel, squid, beef, veal, and pork.

Let's remember the foods rich in potassium known to us. Bananas are probably the first thing that comes to mind. It's right. But the list of plant crops - sources of potassium, is much more extensive. Record holders in this regard are dried grapes (known to us as raisins), dried apricots, bananas, peaches and apples. Somewhat poorer than this chemical element are watermelons, melons, pears and strawberries.

An interesting fact is that dried fruits are significantly ahead of fresh fruits in terms of their potassium content.

Sufficient consumption of such products helps to prevent the deficiency of this mineral in the body, therefore - and serious problems with health.

Potassium in food, tables:

Potassium in seafood:

Potassium in vegetables:

Potassium in nuts, seeds, legumes:

Potassium in fruits and berries:

Product Potassium content in mg, per 100 grams
grape 255
peach 363
apricot 305,0
Cherry 256,0
a pineapple 321,0
banana 350,0
mulberry 350,0
dates 370,0
avocado 280,0
dried apricots 1150,0
raisin kishmish 751,0
prunes 864,0
dried pears 872,0
dried apples 450,0
black currant 350,0
blueberry 372,0

It is worth mentioning separately how important potassium-rich foods are for the heart. Scientists see a direct relationship between the symptoms of heart disease and the content of potassium in the human body. Not surprisingly, potassium is one of the most important chemical elements for muscle contraction, including the heart.

It is believed that the lack of this mineral in the diet can double the likelihood of developing a heart attack. We think it is now clear why for normal functioning of cardio-vascular system foods rich in potassium are needed. A diet for the heart, among other things, should include various vegetables, buckwheat, nuts, dried apricots, prunes.

Potassium refers to the mineral elements that are essential for the proper functioning of the human body.

It supports the normal activity of any soft tissue, regulation of water-salt metabolism, as well as acid-base balance.

With his help from blood vessels sodium salts are removed from excess water, slags and toxic substances, but at the same time the required concentration of magnesium is preserved, which is necessary for good nutrition of cardio-vascular system.

The right amount of this element in the human body helps him to remain energetic and hardy. Where and what contains potassium is described in this article.

Potatoes and milk are often cited as potassium-rich foods. However, it is important to consider the whole food as a whole, and not just individual nutrients in her.

So, potatoes do contain a lot of potassium. At the same time, it is also characterized elevated level fast-digesting carbohydrates, scientifically named "glycemic index" and "glycemic load". Regular use eating potatoes and other foods with a high "glycemic index" can make weight management more difficult, as well as increase the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. For this reason, the Healthy Eating Pyramid recommends minimizing the consumption of potatoes and similar foods.

It is not difficult to provide the body with the necessary daily norm of this microelement. It can be found in a variety of foods (which food contains the most potassium in the table below) that are eaten daily. But, at the same time, you need to take into account some rules for their selection and preparation.

vegetable origin

The presence of potassium in foods in one quantity or another is noted practical in any vegetables, fruits, herbs and cereals. Apricots, bananas, avocados, peaches, potatoes, porcini mushrooms are especially rich in it. Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, peas, parsley, tomatoes, garlic and spinach. From cereals the largest number This mineral element is found in buckwheat and oatmeal. Also a lot of potassium is found in dried fruits, walnuts and pine nuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts and cashews.

To be obtained from herbal products maximum amount potassium, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations for their use:

  • Give preference to fresh and elastic vegetables and fruits that do not have any damage;
  • To store plant products purchased or collected on your site, choose dry and cool places;
  • If vegetables and fruits are used in culinary preparations where heat treatment, then it is better to boil them for a couple or bake. Since with prolonged soaking or boiling in water, almost all potassium will pass into it;
  • Cleaning and cutting of products should be carried out immediately before use;
  • All plant products contain the maximum amount of potassium during the ripening period, so in winter you can replace some fruits with dried apricots, raisins or prunes;
  • Cereals should not be strongly boiled;
  • It is better to buy nuts in an unpeeled form, since harmful substances quickly form in them in the air.

High Potassium Foods of Animal Origin

In addition to plant foods, there are many animal products that are high in potassium. These include: milk, fatty kefir and cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, cheeses, beef and rabbit meat, liver, different kinds fish, eggs.

  • Since these products are perishable, it is necessary to choose the freshest and, if possible, eat them or heat them;
  • If necessary, meat, liver or fish can be frozen for a short time (no more than a few months). At the same time, they need to be washed, divided into portions that will be used at one time. Each piece must be wrapped in foil or cling film. The optimum temperature for storing frozen meat is from minus twelve to twenty-four degrees;
  • If meat or fish products are stored in the refrigerator and not in freezer, then they should be put in a plastic or glass container with a lid. The temperature should be from zero to minus three degrees. Shelf life no more than two days;
  • If for some reason it is not possible to put the meat in the refrigerator, then you can store it for up to a day in a cool place, after greasing it with citric acid or vinegar, or pouring yogurt or kefir.

What foods are high in potassium: table

The product's name Potassium content per 100 g, mg % of daily allowance
Cocoa (powder) 1600 80
Apple juice 120 5
grape juice 150 6
Fruits, vegetables and greens
apricots 305 12
Oranges, grapefruits 197 8
Avocado 450 17
watermelons 110 4
Bananas 350 14
Grape 255 10
Pears 155 6
melons 120 5
strawberries 160 6
Peaches 362 14
Apples 278 11
green onion 260 10
Potato (in uniform) 630 26
eggplant 238 9
Peas (green) 285 11
Peas (dried) 731 29
White mushrooms (dried) 3937 159
White mushrooms (fresh) 470 20
White cabbage 285 13
Brussels sprouts 375 15
Kohlrabi 370 14
Carrot 200 8
sea ​​kale 970 48
Cucumbers (fresh) 141 6
Sweet pepper (fresh) 162 7
Parsley 760 33
Salad 606 24
Beet 288 13
Tomatoes (fresh) 290 13
Pumpkin 204 8
Beans (fresh) 260 10
Beans (dry) 1100 44
Garlic 260 10
Spinach 774 31
Dried fruits and nuts
Raisin 830 33
Dried apricots 1800 70
Prunes 864 35
Almonds and pine nuts 748 30
Peanut 658 26
Walnuts 450 18
Cashew nuts 553 22
Hazelnut 717 28
Milk products
Milk 146 6
Hard cheese) 100 4
Brynza 112 4
Kefir 146 6
Butter (unsalted) 15 1
curdled milk 144 6
Fatty sour cream 95 4
Fat cottage cheese 112 4
Buckwheat 380 15
Barley 172 7
Wheat 211 8
oatmeal 362 14
Rice 100 4
barley 205 8
Meat products
Meat (lean) 263 10
Liver (beef) 277 11
A fish
Pink salmon 335 13
Halibut 528 21
Cod 340 13
Tuna 350 14
Sardine 385 15
Salmon 420 17
Rye bread) 208 8
Eggs (chicken) 140 5

The table shows which foods contain the most potassium: dried porcini mushrooms, cocoa, dried apricots.

Why potassium is important: norm, deficiency, excess

The content of potassium in the cells of the body ranges from one hundred and sixty to one hundred and eighty grams. The daily intake of potassium should be different categories people from one to five grams. One gram is enough for children, one to two for teenagers, two for adults, five for people engaged in heavy physical labor, pregnant women and athletes.

Watch the program about the functions of potassium in the body with recommendations for food:

IMPORTANT: The absorption of this mineral element occurs very quickly, and it is also quickly excreted from the body through urine and sweat. Therefore, the required amount of potassium must be replenished every day. Potassium is absorbed by the body by ninety percent.

Potassium deficiency in the body may be accompanied by:

  • muscle weakness;
  • convulsions;
  • arrhythmia;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Frequent urination;
  • constipation;
  • The appearance of bruises and ruptures of small vessels.

The reason for the appearance of a lack of this element can be various diets that exclude many foods. This can be caused by excessive sweating during heavy physical exertion or sports. Constant consumption of overly salty foods and frequent stressful situations leads to the accumulation of sodium in the body, which is excreted with the help of potassium, which leads to its deficiency. Long-term use of diuretics also leads to the leaching of large amounts of potassium from the body.

IMPORTANT: Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, excessive coffee and sugary confectionery also lead to large losses of this mineral element.

An excess of potassium can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • Overexcitation;
  • anemia;
  • Paleness of the skin;
  • Violation of the work of the heart muscle;
  • edema;
  • Loss of strength;
  • Numbness of limbs.

Most often, kidney diseases lead to an excess of potassium in the body, when there is a weak urination and this element is poorly excreted from the body. It can also be caused by taking certain medications.

As can be seen from the above, potassium is very important element to maintain human health, in particular for the heart. But, both its deficiency and excess are quite dangerous.

And since the symptoms that accompany them are quite common and can indicate any other disease, then in this situation need to see a specialist.

He will appoint biochemical analysis blood and other examination, on the basis of which it will determine the content of potassium in the body.

If there is any deviation from the norm, then appropriate treatment will be prescribed to increase or decrease the level of potassium. In this case, it will be useful to know which foods contain potassium, where its content is highest.

In contact with

If at physical activity reduces muscles - it means that the body lacks potassium. This micronutrient helps to work the muscles. And including the most important muscle of our body - the heart. Potassium is essential for the heart. For example, it improves myocardial activity in case of metabolic disorders.

Together with sodium, potassium normalizes the work muscular system. But at the same time, foods containing potassium seem to displace sodium-containing foods. So you need to carefully monitor the balance of these elements in the body.

Potassium compounds provide normal functioning soft tissues that make up blood vessels, capillaries, muscles, liver, kidneys, brain cells, glands internal secretion and other organs. Potassium is found in the intracellular fluid. Thanks to potassium salts, excess water is effectively removed from the body, edema is quickly eliminated, and urine excretion is facilitated.

Signs of deficiency

One of the main signs of a deficiency of this trace element is fatigue, muscle weakness. Possible dry skin, dull hair color, poor skin regeneration. Metabolic disorders, disruptions in the rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle, and even heart attacks also speak of a lack of potassium. And in the end - a stomach ulcer and dysregulation of blood pressure, problems with the heart and in general with all organs.

Signs of an oversupply

It's as bad as a flaw. An excess of potassium in the body manifests itself in the form of agitation, adynamia, dysfunction of the heart muscle, increased urine output, discomfort in the limbs. An excess of potassium can lead to heart problems, the deposition of potassium salts in the ligaments, increased risk urolithiasis. In some cases, the case may end in paralysis of the limbs.

What foods contain potassium

Most potassium is found in honey and perga (bee pollen recycled and sealed in honeycombs). And also in apple cider vinegar . The advantage of these products is that the potassium in them has already been processed by bees or in the process of vinegar fermentation. Therefore, unlike other foods, potassium from honey and vinegar is very well absorbed.

Contains potassium and herbal products: potatoes, beans(a lot of potassium in soy, beans and peas), watermelons and melons, bananas. Of course, in green leafy vegetables- perhaps the richest and most useful summer product. rich in potassium Rye bread. There is a lot of potassium in carrots- for example, when daily requirement adult in potassium 1.1-2 g, in a glass carrot juice contains 0.8 g of potassium.

In winter, a source of potassium can serve dried fruits(especially dried apricots) and nuts(primarily almonds and pine nuts).

Animal products also contain potassium, but in smaller amounts. More than all this useful trace element v beef, milk and fish.

How to cook properly to preserve the beneficial properties of potassium

Potassium does not tolerate cooking and soaking. He goes into the water. Therefore, if you are going to boil vegetables, then you will have to drink the broth too, in order to get maximum benefit. In some cases, such as when soup is being cooked, this is possible. But it’s better not to soak or boil potatoes for a side dish, thereby “killing” all its benefits. The vegetables are best roasted or eaten raw. Of course, this does not apply to legumes and cereals.

How much potassium do you need

Approximately 2 g per day for an adult. When engaging in heavy physical labor or sports, the dose should be increased to 2.5-5 g per day.

What removes potassium from the body

Potassium is required more with constant muscle tension. But not only. Stress negatively affects potassium levels. Remove potassium from the body sweets, alcohol, and caffeine.

Every Monday read about healthy eating at AIF-Kitchen

Each product has some useful vitamins, minerals ... In this article you will learn in which products is. Potassium is found in almost all foods, the most famous of which are vegetables, especially leafy greens and bananas.

If the body lacks this microelement, this can affect the work of the main human mechanism - and also appears chronic fatigue. An interesting fact is that potassium affects the brain cells, causing a feeling of satisfaction and well-being.

A lack of potassium can lead to diabetes.

For many years, scientists who have been studying this microelement prove that it plays a vital role in the life of any person.

With every study done, scientists say that potassium deficiency can lead to hypertension, stroke, gout, osteoporosis, rheumatism, and heart and intestinal pain.

In practice, there were cases when potassium deficiency led to a significant deterioration in memory.

The microelement Potassium itself has various advantages:

Potassium can improve brain function

Lack of Potassium (otherwise K-deficiency) primarily affects the quality of the brain. This can be explained by the fact that this mineral works as an assistant in supplying brain cells with oxygen, and when the amount of potassium decreases, the functionality of the brain is significantly reduced.

One of the first signs that the body has a lack of a microelement can be attributed fatigue and the inability to focus on important things. In this state, a person can be until the elimination of the lack of potassium.

A normal amount of potassium in the body protects the heart from various diseases.

Moderate potassium intake may protect a person's heart from the development of various heart diseases and stroke.

This biologically active element regulates blood pressure and heart rate, and this reduces the load on the arteries and heart muscle.

Note that most K-containing foods are good sources of antioxidants, which also has a good effect on the functioning of the heart, and the whole human body.

Potassium strengthens human muscle mass

The trace element potassium is one of the main components for strengthening muscles. If you wish to increase your muscle mass, or just to maintain muscle health, you should pay attention to what you eat.

Introduce foods that are rich in potassium into your diet, such as bananas, avocados, dried apricots,.

Potassium, which is found in fruits, helps muscles recover quickly and keep them in good shape.

Potassium maintains fluid levels in the body

It is imperative to maintain the balance of water in the body, since the performance of absolutely all body systems depends on it.

Reception of the daily norm of potassium helps to maintain water balance. With this ability, Potassium resembles other trace elements - calcium and sodium, because they also control water balance organism.

Potassium can bring blood pressure back to normal

Potassium will help bring blood pressure back to normal.

If you are tormented high pressure, think about whether the amount of potassium in your body is normal?

This microelement can relax blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

Potassium can strengthen not only muscles, but also bones

Everyone knows that on bone tissue calcium and fluorine have a good effect, but these are not the only microelements that are beneficial, potassium can also be attributed to them.

Since the human is made up of different systems and subsystems that work in a complex, they must be kept in good shape, and for this the body needs a complete set of micro and macro elements.

The exact use of foods containing potassium, calcium and fluorine will protect against osteoporosis, make bones much stronger.

Potassium is an anti-stress mineral

If the nervous system is healthy, then the whole organism is healthy. One of the important roles for nerve cells plays potassium. If you feel increased nervousness and tension, this may indicate a K-deficiency.

If there is not enough mineral in the body, there is a decrease in the body's ability to withstand stress, which after a while can lead to hypertension and various more serious violations work of the nervous system.

Potassium has a beneficial effect on metabolism

Deficiency of potassium in the body possible reason excess weight.

If you have been trying to lose weight for a long time, and the weight still does not go away, then you should not rule out that you may not have enough potassium in the body.

When the amount of this trace element is low, the metabolism worsens, because it helps the body cope with food, improves the work of other minerals, which in turn are important for the good course of metabolic processes.

You need to reconsider yours, and add potassium-rich foods to your diet, then it will be easier to get rid of excess weight.

The video will tell you about the benefits of potassium for the body:

Potassium relieves muscle spasms

When there is a lack of potassium, a person begins to suffer from convulsions and muscle spasms. Even the smallest imbalance of minerals in the body can be manifested by pain and discomfort in the muscles.

The interaction of potassium with the kidneys

The interaction of potassium is not as simple as with the rest of the organs. On the one hand, potassium is an important nutrient that reduces the risk of urolithiasis, since the salts contained in potassium reduce the acidity of the blood.

And if you look at this "couple" from the other side, then there is a category of people who are forbidden to take potassium without a doctor's supervision. This is a group of people suffering from kidney failure. In such people, against the background of their illness, hyperkalemia is formed, ignoring which can even lead to unexpected cardiac arrest.

Potassium found in food

Orange juice contains potassium.

The most famous high-potassium food is the banana.

First, it is worth noting that most foods with potassium are among vegetables and fruits (especially among dried fruits).

It is very important to include beans in the menu, chicken eggs, chard, spinach and, such a set of products is able to give the body potassium in an amount of 150% of the daily requirement.

Other foods that contain potassium include: potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, beans, avocados, peas, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, Orange juice, bananas, orange, strawberries. Such products are divided into groups, depending on the concentration of potassium in them:

  • Low-potassium (per 100 g of product less than 100 mg of the mineral);
  • Medium containing potassium (100 g of the product - 150-250 mg of the mineral);
  • WITH high content potassium (100 g of the product - 251-400 mg of the mineral);
  • With a very high content of potassium (100 g of the product - 400 mg and more of the mineral).

Also on the Internet you can find a table of potassium content in different products.

How to keep the presence of potassium in foods

Potassium is one of the minerals that remain stable during storage. fresh produce. Long-term storage of food slightly affects the concentration of the substance in the products. In order to maintain the amount of potassium in foods, no additional measures need to be taken.

But it is worth knowing that upon contact with water, almost all of its potassium passes into it. Keeping the potassium content at the maximum level after heat treatment allows the traditional rules of cooking: the shortest cooking time and the least amount of water. For example, vegetables can be dipped immediately into boiling water, and instead of boiling, the product can be baked.
