Business: production of refrigeration, commercial equipment for shops. Freezer business plan

1. SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT 2. ESSENCE OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT 2.1. Description of the project and proposed services 2.2. Features of the project organization 2.3. Necessary equipment 2.4. Other technological issues 3. MARKETING PLAN 3.1. The state of the market for dry cleaning services 3.2. Market trends and market development forecast 3.3. Market pricing 4. FINANCIAL PLAN 4.1. Initial data 4.1.1. Tax environment 4.1.2. Nomenclature and prices. 4.1.3. Sales plan 4.1.4. Direct costs 4.1.5. Fixed costs 4.1.6. Number of personnel and wages 4.1.7. Capital costs 4.2. Calculation of revenue 4.3. The need for initial working capital 4.4. Investment costs 4.5. Sources, forms and conditions of financing 4.6. Profit and loss forecast 4.7. Traffic forecast Money 4.7. Assessment of the economic efficiency of the project 4.7.1. Investment efficiency 4.7.2. Performance indicators 4.7.3. Financial viability of the project 5. RISK ANALYSIS 5.1. Sensitivity analysis 5.2. Project Risk Assessment APPENDICES

  • BUSINESS PLAN Opening of a wedding salon in Pskov

    1 SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT ............................................... .................................................. ............ 5 2 ESSENCE OF THE PROJECT .................................. .................................................. ................... 7 2.1 Description of the project and product range ........................ ...................................... 7 3 MARKETING ANALYSIS ........ .................................................. ................................ 14 3.1 Overview of the market for wedding services and salons .......... .................................................. ....... 14 3.2 Competitor Analysis ....................................... .................................................. ............ 18 3.3 Agency promotion strategy ................................. ............................................. 20 4 FINANCIAL PLAN. .................................................. .................................................. 4.1 General Description of the Approach to a Financial Plan taxation ........................................ 22 4.2 Tax environment ... .................................................. ............................................ 22 4.3 Nomenclature and price. .................................................. ..................................... ...

  • Business plan: Opening a company for the installation of 3D self-leveling floors

    1. SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT 2. ESSENCE OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT 2.1. Description of the project and proposed services for the installation of 3D floors 2.2. Features of the project organization 2.3. Information about the project participants 2.4. Location of the project 3. MARKETING PLAN 3.1. Market overview of services for the installation of 3D floors in the Tyumen region 3.2. Main trends in the market 3.3. Consumer analysis. Segmentation of consumers 3.4. Review of potential competitors 3.5. Market pricing 4. ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN 4.1. Personnel plan 4.2. Schedule of work on the project 4.3. Sources, forms and conditions of financing 5. PRODUCTION PLAN 5.1. Description of the process of providing services 5.2. Raw materials, materials and components 5.3. Other technological issues 6. FINANCIAL PLAN 6.1. Initial data and assumptions 6.2. Nomenclature and prices 6.3. Investment costs 6.4. The need for initial working capital 6.5. Tax deductions 6.6. Operating costs (fixed and variable) 6.7. Cost calculation 6.8. Sales plan 6.9. Calculation of revenue 6.10. Profit and loss forecast 6.11. Cash flow forecast 6.12. Analysis of the effectiveness of the project 6.12.1. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the project 6.12.2. Project efficiency indicators 6.12.3. Net Present Value (NPV) 6.12.4. Internal income rate ...

  • Laundry business plan, 2012

    1. Project summary 1.1 Project concept 1.2 Project investment 1.3 Financial results of project implementation 2. Description of the laundry services industry 2.1 Structure and dynamics paid services population 2.2 Consumers of laundry services 3. Characteristics of the services provided 3.1 Choice of equipment 3.2 Technological process of the laundry 3.3 Factors determining the choice of technological parameters of equipment 3.4 Other technical parameters 3.5 Variants of a complete set of laundries different types PRIMUS equipment 3.6 Warranty service and repair 3.7 Additional equipment 4. Sales and marketing 4.1 Selection of specialization 4.2 Promotion of laundry services 4.3 Pricing 4.4 Pricing policy in the field of laundry services 4.5 Sales plan 5. Production plan 5.1 Requirements for premises and calculation of rent 5.2 Renovation of premises 5.3 Purchase and installation of equipment 5.4 Obtaining the necessary approvals for the operation of the laundry 5.5 Start-up and adjustment works 23 5.6 Calculation of the productivity of the laundry equipment for servicing the hotel and restaurant 5.7 Personnel 5.8 Raw materials and materials 6. Organizational plan 6.1 Organizational structure 6.2 Selection of premises 7. Financial plan 8. Evaluation project effectiveness 9. Risk assessment 10. Appendices

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    There are two main trends in the socio-economic development of the region. The first is associated with the high rates of development of the industrial complex, which have been maintained since the 4th quarter of 2006. The industrial production index in the 1st quarter of 2007 amounted to 111.2% (the average Russian indicator is 108.4%). Among the leaders: metallurgy - 112.6%, production of machinery and equipment - 153.7%, vehicles - 110.2%.

    The second trend is the continued good dynamics of consumer demand. At the beginning of 2007, retail trade turnover grew by 27.3% in current prices or by 20.6% in comparable prices (i.e. adjusted for inflation). This is facilitated by the development of retail trade networks, the inflow of funds from nearby regions, and the development of consumer lending. Another factor is the growth of monetary incomes of the population, which in January-February current year increased by 21.2% compared to the beginning of last year, and wages, an increase of 31.8%. Moreover, the salaries of public sector employees are growing even faster: in health care - by 40.7%, in cultural institutions - by 38.1%, in education - by 33.5%.

    The investment attractiveness of Yekaterinburg is highly appreciated. Analysts of Uralsib Bank released a rating of Russian regions, comparing them in five parameters: economic growth, consumer demand, income growth, mortgage development, and attractiveness in general. According to these parameters, the aggregate investment attractiveness index distinguishes six Russian regions: St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Tatarstan, Moscow Region, Krasnoyarsk and Kemerovo.

    According to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Sverdlovsk Region, in 2006 the total volume of foreign investments in the economy of the Sverdlovsk Region (including ruble receipts converted into US dollars) amounted to $ 1,389.8 million. This is 27.1% more than in 2005.

    The largest growth in investments in 2006 fell on metallurgical production (by 24.6% against the level of 2005), communications (an increase of 1.8 times) and financial activities (8.3 times).

    Construction in Yekaterinburg. The construction market in Yekaterinburg has been developing very rapidly over the past five years. Growth is observed in all directions.

    Residential Properties... In January-March 2008, 40.1% more housing was commissioned than in the past. The number of issued mortgage loans in the first quarter exceeded the level of the same period last year by 1.7 times, and by volume - twice.

    Commercial real estate. In recent years, a number of large commercial facilities have been commissioned. Among them are the Aqua Park, the first Park Inn chain hotel in the region, the largest Renault and Ford auto centers in Europe, the Sports Palace, Cancer center, Hospital of War Veterans, International Sector of the Airport, Information and Analytical Center of the Railway. Hyatt hotel, Great Eurasian University are being designed and built; skyscrapers "Antey" and "Guardians of the Urals" - part of the project for the development of the business quarter "Yekaterinburg-City".

    Already, the city is in second place in Russia in terms of provision of residents with shopping and entertainment centers. A significant number of them have been opened in recent years: IKEA, Metro, Antey, Hermes Plaza, Greenwich, Karnaval, Park House and others. However, experts are confident that the period of extensive construction shopping centers, associated with the arrival of large federal and foreign trade networks, will last another 1.5-2 years.

    Prospects for the commissioning of new office space (250-300 thousand square meters annually over the next five years) also indicate the continued trend of creating modern business centers. The demand for office space is due to the high level of business activity, the formation of new companies, the expansion of existing ones, the move to new premises of firms that rented offices in the buildings of scientific institutes and factories.

    Industrial facilities. The pace of construction of new production facilities lags far behind the housing market and retail and office centers. Most often in this sector we are talking about the reconstruction of buildings and, accordingly, about the reconstruction of existing engineering systems. The same can be said for medical, cultural and sports facilities.

    Most of the facilities under construction and reconstruction are immediately equipped with air conditioning and ventilation systems. Residential buildings are an exception. It is assumed that the installation of the air conditioning system will be dealt with by the end buyers and "residential buildings with artificial ventilation can be counted on one hand."

    Industrial giants also contribute significantly to the overall investment climate. Among them are the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant - Uralmash, Turbomotor Plant, Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering, Uralkhimmash, Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant and others. These companies, along with such investors as Uraltransgaz and Yekaterinburgenergo, have the greatest influence on the development of the construction and, consequently, the climate market.

    The forecast of the analysts of the magazine "Climate World" clearly shows the trends towards the development of the Yekaterinburg climate market. The annual growth in sales of HVAC equipment in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region averages 25%. Taking into account new projects under construction, the rate of development of the market for sales of air conditioners increases by an average of 22.5%, and the rate of development of the market for sales of ventilation systems - by 35.8%. Based on the judgments of Moscow analysts on the forecasts of the Russian climate systems market regarding saturation, saturation in the near future will concern sales of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Then the implementation of services will be only at the beginning of its development! Below is a graph of the forecast of sales of climate control equipment for the period from 2010 to 2019 (Fig. 2), and it follows from this that in the next 10 years the market capacity will only grow due to new projects under construction, and the trend towards an increase in demand for services will increase ...

    The direction of servicing refrigeration equipment in the areas of food retail and public catering would be promising. On the this moment in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region there are more than 24,192 food and catering retailers. And there are only 135 service organizations! This means that there are 180 companies per service company. Considering that out of these 135 firms - 1/3 of the individual entrepreneurs, which carry out the entire service process from start to finish on their own, i.e. in one person, it clearly follows that they will not be able to quickly and efficiently provide service to such a part of customers. Most of these service establishments do not have special service licenses or professionally trained service engineers. From the foregoing, it should be concluded that the service center for servicing climatic equipment should also develop in the direction of servicing refrigeration equipment (quick freezing chambers, refrigerated cabinets and other high-tech equipment).

    One more consumer group remains unaffected - individuals who have air conditioners, ventilation and refrigerators at their homes, apartments, dachas, cottages. One huge audience that will constantly need good specialists for the maintenance and repair of their refrigerators, air conditioners and ventilation. In Yekaterinburg, the population is 1.5 million people, in the Sverdlovsk region, 4.5 million people. All of them have at least one refrigerator, and about 7% of the population have air conditioners - these are people with high and middle incomes. This means that funds will also be found to maintain their equipment. You just need to work carefully with them. Let's present an approximate picture of the consumers of the services of the service center (Table 2).

    Table 2. Consumers of the service market

    Consumer market segment

    Forecast of the share of market capture of services,%

    In kind, units

    Pis. Prog.


    Ventilation and air conditioning systems

    Refrigeration equipment

    Repair of equipment


    Ventilation and air conditioning

    Refrigeration equipment

    Ventilation and air conditioning


    Training of specialists

    So, from table 2 it can be seen that the market is represented by three main segments: industrial, semi-industrial and household. These enterprises are divided according to the possible production areas and the size of the capacity of the climatic or refrigeration equipment used. The table shows the approximate market share of consumers of services, repair of equipment and training of specialists are presented optimistic, pessimistic and the most probable option development of events.

    2.3.2 Analysis of the consumer market

    In order to identify the needs for the services provided by the service center, to identify how consumers are aware of what they need, what else the consumer would like to receive along with the services provided for the service, it is necessary to conduct an analysis. V in this case the marketing research "Analysis of the market of consumers of services of ventilation and air conditioning systems" is considered.

    Methods of collecting information.

    The method of telephone survey was used. Calls were made to officials working in the organizations included in the sample.

    Sample description.

    In the course of the study, 209 organizations working in various fields of activity were interviewed. The sample included large stores, trading firms, publishing houses, news agencies, equipment manufacturers, manufacturers of consumer goods, creators software, restaurants, sports clubs, construction organizations, TV companies.

    The respondents included decision-makers on the purchase and operation of climate control equipment. Among them were employees of various levels: directors, deputy directors, general managers, heads of economic services.

    Most of the individuals included in the sample (79%) are owners of HVAC equipment.

    This report demonstrates the possibilities of using marketing research in the adoption process management decisions.

    Statement of research objectives.

    Before the start of the study, a survey was conducted among representatives of companies selling HVAC equipment, aimed at making the consumer research as effective as possible. It was suggested to choose the most interesting from the list of research problems:

    Determine how important the maintenance of the equipment is for the customer at the time of the purchase.

    Identify the list of services that were included in the cost of the purchased equipment. Thus, we will see what the consumer was guided by - to reduce the price due to additional services, or to a full range of services, even with an increase in prices.

    Identify those services that are "imposed" on the client for additional fee having no value for him.

    Perhaps find marketing ideas to identify new types of services.

    Show what services and in what volume the consumer actually uses, i.e. objectively determine the usefulness of each type of service.

    Determine if the company has specialists who are able to provide service, and what range of work they can perform.

    To reveal the attitude of respondents to the quality of services provided and to find "weak points", thereby identifying ways to improve the quality of service.

    Find out what, from the point of view of the consumer, an acceptable warranty period for the equipment.

    Determine the degree of consumer awareness of the range and scope of services, as well as specific "gaps" in awareness.

    Show if this or that organization needs additional climatic equipment. If so, with what range of additional services.

    Based on the needs of stakeholders, a questionnaire was drawn up, used for the purpose of interviewing consumers.

    Consumer attitudes towards services.

    Attitude towards service at the time of purchase. Chart 1.

    Posted on

    At the time of purchasing climate control equipment, service was not important for 39% of respondents, it was of some importance for 34%, and was of great importance for 27%.

    In relation to services, depending on the answers to the questions "When buying climate control equipment, how important was the list of services provided by the supplier for you?" and "What do you think is more preferable: to save on the cost of services, taking on the risk of breakdown of climatic equipment, or pay more, but get the whole range of services?" four groups of consumers were identified (Fig. 4):

    “Uninterested”: the service was not important at the time of purchase, and they consider it more expedient to save on the service (number 1 in the diagram).

    "Freeloaders": the service is important, but they prefer to save money on it (number 2 in the diagram).

    "Cautious": the service is not important, but they want to receive the full range of services for climate control equipment (number 3 in the diagram).

    “Interested”: service is important, and they prefer to receive the entire range of services for climate control equipment (number 4 in the diagram).

    The last group has the largest number.

    Consumer behavior. Diagram 2

    Services included in the equipment price.

    We studied the list of services that were included in the price when purchasing HVAC equipment. Diagram 3 (Fig. 5) shows what percentage of buyers received this or that type of service (1 - design, 2 - installation, 3 - diagnostics, 4 - maintenance, 5 - minor repairs, 6 - major repairs ).

    Services included in the price. Chart 3.

    So, the cost of services includes, as a rule, design, installation and diagnostics. Maintenance, minor repairs and major repairs are carried out free of charge (under the warranty) in just over a quarter of cases. Consequently, most of the HVAC equipment sellers operating on the Russian market ignore the importance of providing consumers with services that do not meet the wishes of the customers.

    Willingness to conclude a contract for the provision of services.

    It was found out what services consumers would conclude a contract for when buying climate technology. The distribution is obtained, shown in diagram 4 (Fig. 6) (1 - design, 2 - installation, 3 - diagnostics, 4 - maintenance, 5 - minor repairs, 6 - major repairs).

    The number of consumer groups. Diagram 4

    We explain the relatively less interest in design, installation and diagnostics by the fact that consumers expect to receive these services free of charge in the process of equipment delivery. Most consumers find it prudent to take care in advance to ensure the stable operation of the equipment through appropriate contracts. Shopping campaigns should be aware of this fact and take care of making appropriate suggestions to the consumer.

    Annotation of the full report on the study of consumers of climatic equipment services.

    The conducted marketing research of service consumers showed that the main share of HVAC equipment buyers are interested in servicing their equipment and prefer to receive the full range of services - 57% of respondents. The attitude to service at the time of purchase was insignificant for 34% of buyers of climate control equipment, and for 27% of buyers it was of great importance. Services included in the purchase price are design, installation and diagnostics, the rest: maintenance and repair - these services are provided free of charge under the warranty, therefore, most sellers of HVAC equipment operating on the Russian market ignore the importance of providing services to consumers, which does not correspond to the wishes of customers.

    Buyers of HVAC equipment are ready to conclude a contract for the following services: maintenance and repair of HVAC equipment. This suggests that buyers are poorly informed about the provision of such services and the possible conclusion of a contract. And sellers care little about providing service to their customers.

    The information obtained is useful for making or adjusting the following management decisions:

    · Organization of purposeful work with each of the groups of consumers, segmented in relation to services;

    · Improvement of consumer information on the principles of operation and maintenance of climatic equipment;

    · Provision of services required by consumers;

    · Improving the quality of service.

    2.3.3 Competitor Analysis

    In terms of the dynamics of sales volumes, the number of companies and brands represented, the one and a half million Yekaterinburg is similar to the recognized leaders of the Russian climate market - Moscow and St. Petersburg. This can be partly explained by the fact that the leading climate companies in both capitals have chosen the city as a springboard for the development of the industrial Urals, gas and oil provinces of Siberia.

    In Yekaterinburg alone, the climate market numbers about 160 companies and small teams, although according to some data the total number of participants reaches 300. Of these, 20-30 large companies are engaged in both the industrial and retail sales segments (almost all of them say that they work in both directions). These companies collectively cover most assembly and service markets. There are about 100 small companies in the private segment. In addition, about 30 “one-season” companies appear and disappear every year.

    In terms of sales, among the major climate companies in the city in the retail segment, one can single out the owners of a developed retail network: Belka-Iset, Belka-Ural, DomKlimat, as well as Daichi-Ural. Mainly in the industrial segment are Ninth Trust-Yekaterinburg (former Klimat-Prof), Rosenberg-Ural, SMU-5. Among the companies operating in both segments are Aeris, Viking-S, Air, DataKrat Climatic Systems, Euroclimate, Climate Control, Rutena-Ural, SVK-Engineering , "Svyaz-Seti", "Thermoengineering", "Termoexpert", "TOM-UPI", "Ural climate company", "Uralenergosanmontazh", "Ekovent" and others.

    Many distributors in Moscow and St. Petersburg operate in the Urals market exclusively through their dealers. These are Biocond, VTS, Daichi, Eurohit, Nimal, Elita, United Elements and others. For example, the Daichi-Ural dealer network numbers about 120 companies in the Uralsk federal district... Distributors have their own warehouses, which significantly speeds up the delivery of equipment. They also provide technical and advertising support - most have reimbursement programs advertising costs depending on the volume of purchased equipment, they conduct or assist in holding seminars on new technology.

    A number of federal companies organize regional distribution warehouses based on local firms. For example, on the basis of “DataKrat Climatic Systems”, warehouses “AYAK” and “Rusklimat” were created, on the basis of “Techinservice” - “Arctic”, on the basis of “Ekovent” - a warehouse of “United Elements”.

    The city has branches of federal companies that provide a full range of services (supply, installation, maintenance of equipment): these are Ventrade, Aeroprof. But their market share is small, since, according to representatives of local companies, "work in the Urals region is fraught with many difficulties for nonresident businessmen." Nevertheless, in the next 2-3 years, the arrival of other capital companies is expected.

    Companies from other regions of Russia are represented in the Urals: the manufacturer of air ducts "Provento" ( Nizhny Novgorod), Sevur (Khanty-Mansiysk), Klimatekhnika (Izhevsk).

    There are about ten chain stores in the city. Among them are federal Eldorado (air conditioners DeLonghi, LG, Mitsubishi Heavy, Samsung), Mir (air conditioners Panasonic, Samsung), Technosila, M Video, as well as the local network Cardinal (air conditioners LG, Panasonic , Samsung).

    According to experts from climate companies, chain stores do not have a significant impact on the market, since they do not provide wide range services. Retail chains create competition for professional climate companies only in the household segment, but even here their market share does not exceed 5-7%, and no tendencies towards its increase are noticeable yet.

    In the field of installation of climate control systems and services, there are currently 141 companies (rating www.rosfirm. ru) 7% are leaders in the field of sales and service of air conditioning equipment, 18% are large companies with their own service center, 45% are medium-sized companies with less than 60 people who do not have their own service center, but provide installation services, 30 % - these are small firms and teams, the service and installation provided by these firms does not meet the requirements of quality standards (Fig. 7).

    2.3.4 Marketing strategy

    First, it is necessary to analyze in what environment the organization will develop, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the company (strengths and weaknesses) and opportunities and threats, thereby identifying the potential of the organization (Table 3).

    Table 3. SWOT analysis



    Increasing market share.

    Entering new market segments.

    Development of new services to meet needs more clients

    Improving the quality of services provided and the speed of response to requests


    Frequent crisis phenomena in the economy can slow down the process of SC development

    Low level of services provided by competitors, lack of professionalism - reduces the level of prices for services, thereby dumping the service market


    Extensive experience in the field of services

    Reputation of a conscientious service provider

    SC has a certificate of SK according to the international SK ISO 9001: 2000

    Team of professionals

    Location in the manufacturing sector with all necessary conditions for production and storage

    Possibility to provide an extended range of services

    Ensuring the urgency of order fulfillment

    Process automation, the ability to speed up and improve all business processes

    Strong position among competitors

    Expansion of production area and warehouse

    Organization of an office in the main production (manageability will increase)

    The number of competitors is constantly growing, and of them new strong competitors

    It is necessary to undergo a new certification of the UK, perhaps it will not be immediately, but this will give an advantage

    Perhaps there will be a "turnover" of personnel associated with the restructuring of the SC - it is necessary to create a good basis for training employees

    Perhaps old clients will "disappear", they need to be constantly informed about new conditions and prices

    There may be a shortage of personnel, it is necessary to work with the labor exchange and recruitment agencies


    Customer dependence

    Dependence on weather conditions

    The need to agree on the access regime for the import and export of materials

    Limited expansion of production

    Equipment upgrade costs

    Insufficient financial capacity

    low salary

    A new marketing strategy - a strategy of concentrated growth will allow you to constantly retain customers, in addition, an established workflow system contributes to quick payment for services provided

    The ability to conclude contracts will prevent seasonality in business

    Low-cost business security (access control)

    Temporary difficulties due to lack of money, in two years there will be an opportunity to expand - opening branches in other cities

    New equipment will allow faster and better service work

    It is necessary to provide support for investors and founders

    Developing a corporate culture will allow us to survive the low wage crisis

    Private crisis phenomena in the economy can slow down the process of SC development, therefore, a transition to other strategies is possible, for example, a reduction strategy

    The emergence of competitors - you need to have time to take the position of a leader in your field

    Insolvency of customers - work more carefully on accounts receivable

    One large unsatisfied customer can ruin the entire reputation of the SC - work with requests and complaints, constantly assess the degree of customer satisfaction

    Strategic priorities.

    The analysis of the consumer market, analysis of the market of competitors, SWOT analysis (Table 3), considered above, give an idea of ​​what is really lacking in the market of services of a quality manufacturer. Real suppliers of HVAC equipment are not interested in expanding services, therefore, they pay little attention to the quality of the services provided. Suppliers of climate technology are mainly aimed at selling wholesale or retail, the profitability in trade is much higher than in services. But in fact, it is necessary to understand, since a large range of services provided will make any business profitable, in the table below we will consider a number of services that the DC KS did not provide before (Table 4).

    Table 4. Expansion of the scope of services

    segment / products

    segment / products

    segment / products




    Manufacturing segment / servicing refrigeration equipment.

    Catering industry, refrigeration equipment trade / service.

    Installation and commissioning of refrigeration equipment, refrigeration furniture, shelving equipment, refrigeration chambers, commissioning / inception phase

    Household segment / refueling refrigerators with freon, refueling car air conditioners / nascent phase




    Industrial segment / systems maintenance, repair

    Semi-industrial segment / systems maintenance, ventilation and air conditioning repair / growth phase

    Household segment / systems maintenance, repair

    ventilation and air conditioning / growth phase

    Table 5. Resources


    which can be obtained



    Available technologies for evacuating ventilation and air conditioning systems,

    Cleaning, diagnostics, refueling, etc.

    Air humidification in refrigerating chambers

    Electrophysical methods in refrigeration engineering and technology

    Vortex Tube Application for Liquid Nitrogen Gasification

    Thermoelectric effect

    Supply (raw materials)

    Available spec. tool, materials, equipment

    Additional equipment for servicing refrigeration units


    Productivity 60%

    Required? 90%


    20 people, including 1 manager, 1 administrator

    2 people - management personnel, 8 people - workers (mechanics and engineers, economist, driver, chief mechanic)

    Marketing opportunities

    It is necessary to implement a new marketing strategy to promote the new service center

    Volume of sales

    (by implementation)

    2008 - 8,000,000 rubles.

    2010 - 18,000,000 rubles.

    2011 - 36,000,000 rubles.

    2012 - 54,000,000 rubles.

    Table 4 shows the new services of the service center for integral expansion in the consumer market and how the new kind services. This type of service was chosen due to the fact that the type of activity remains the same - service maintenance of equipment that produces cold, on the other hand, does not require serious investment, except for training in new technologies. On the other hand, there are already clients in the service of climate systems (ventilation and air conditioning systems), they can be subdivided into industrial, semi-industrial and household segments. This also matters for price categories: industrial - high prices, semi-industrial - average prices, household - low prices.

    Table 5 shows the availability of the necessary resources and the possibilities for their acquisition. According to preliminary estimates, the opening of a new service center, fully staffed with personnel, equipment, tools, requires 3 million rubles.

    So, let's formulate the main goals of the marketing strategy:

    1) leadership in the Ural region in the provision of services for the maintenance of climatic equipment

    2) Capturing the market in the Ural region (first of all, this is Yekaterinburg and the region, then Tyumen) by actively attracting customers.

    3) Expansion of the range of services provided (for example, maintenance of refrigeration equipment).

    4) The service center should act as a partner for other firms and organizations selling HVAC equipment.

    5) Active work with retail chains selling air conditioners.

    Market segmentation.

    The clients of the service center will be:

    1) Household sector - owners of cottages, houses, apartments, small firms with offices less than 100 sq. m;

    2) Semi-industrial sector - retail enterprises, wholesale enterprises with warehouses, catering, leisure and entertainment, firms with offices over 100 sq. m, etc .;

    3) Industrial sector - factories, combines, manufacturing enterprises, the area of ​​which is more than 1000 square meters;

    1) Household sector - individuals who have refrigerators, freezers in everyday life;

    2) Semi-industrial sector - these are retail enterprises, wholesale enterprises with warehouses engaged in the trade of food products, catering, leisure and entertainment (restaurants, cafes);

    3) Industrial sector - these are enterprises that have industrial refrigerating chambers and other high-tech equipment in their assets.


    1) firms specializing in the sale of climatic technology.

    Let us present the calculation of the estimated shares of consumers in the total mass of customers for the maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems and maintenance of refrigeration systems (Table 6).

    Table 6. Calculation of the shares of consumers in the total mass

    The graph "Segmentation of the customer market" (Fig. 8) clearly shows what share in total number customers occupies one segment or another. In general, the shares between the services of HVAC equipment and refrigeration equipment do not differ, as well as in most cases when the service of HVAC equipment and refrigeration equipment is the same, i.e. here it is possible to consider as comprehensive service all equipment. This is a clear advantage for the service center.

    Positioning of the company and services.

    The strategic development of the SC is aimed at aggressively capturing the market for services in the field of climate business. The company's positioning is aimed at shaping the image of a large company-leader in the field of services for the maintenance of HVAC and refrigeration equipment. The image should be formed: firstly, from the first part of the name “DataKrat” is a giant in the field of integrated systems in the field of automation, and secondly, the quality of the services provided should be noticeably different from those of competitors systematic approach and a friendly attitude towards the client. Thirdly, "DataKrat Service Center" is a reliable partner and assistant for firms engaged in the HVAC business.

    Marketing mix development.

    b Production-mix:

    "Product" means "physical product plus". This "plus" will help to create an individual image of the company and make it different from the image of competitors. Here is a list of the services offered by the new SC:

    1) Inspection of the equipment and verification of the correct operation of the equipment.

    2) Equipment diagnostics.

    3) Cleaning the filters of the indoor unit.

    4) Checking the tightness of the refrigerant passage system.

    5) Checking the operation of the drainage system.

    6) Checking for availability mechanical damage nodes and parts.

    7) Checking the condition of cables, drives, electrical contacts.

    8) Cleaning the evaporator of the indoor unit.

    9) Additional training of personnel on the rules of equipment operation.

    10) Repair of climatic equipment.

    11) Delivery of equipment after repair to the client's address.

    13) Installation of air conditioners.

    14) Maintenance of refrigeration equipment.

    15) Carrying out installation and commissioning of refrigeration equipment, refrigeration furniture, rack equipment, refrigeration chambers, commissioning.

    16) Repair and refueling refrigerators with freon.

    As you can see from the list of proposed services - six of them are new. This will attract new clientele.

    b Price-mix:

    The price for the services of the service center in the first year of operation will not stand out much from competitors. To date, the prices of SC DK KS are average in the city, but higher than in small firms and teams. There is no point in raising them now, because the company is now striving to retain as much as possible those customers who were served. This client base has been formed over the years of the company's work. Now they can be lost very quickly due to restructuring, so there is no need to make high prices. The rise in prices is planned only in connection with inflation and a sharp jump in the euro. The prices for service under the contract and for one-time work will not differ, because at the peak of the season, when there is so much work that the teams work overtime, the schedule of work under contracts is performed first of all, and one-time customers are served later. That is, those clients who did not conclude a contract on time are automatically placed "at the end of the queue." So that the customer does not think when he will need to order a service and does not have to call the service center every day, each customer is invited to conclude a service contract. In this regard, the customer receives several advantages at once, firstly, he does not need to worry about calling the service department, and when to call it, the specialists of the SC will call and agree on the time of arrival of the service department. Secondly, according to the contract, the customer can pay for the services after the work has been completed. Thirdly, specialists can come after a working day at the customer's, so as not to disturb anyone.

    It can be said here again that the pricing will be based on an orientation towards the market of average prices. Price differentiation can only be based on the capacity of the serviced equipment. Here it is just possible to divide the industrial, semi-industrial and household segment into segments.

    b Location / distribution-mix:

    Distribution channels have a significant impact on product selection strategy, promotion, and pricing.

    Firstly, all clients of DK KS and DK-E can be sent as advertising by mail or by courier service (for example, with accounting documents) information about the opening of a new service center "DataKrat Service Center" with a list of services provided. Since DataKrat has a very wide circle of clients, it includes almost all segments of the consumer market, the information will be useful for everyone. These are organizations engaged in retail and wholesale trade, catering, catering (cafes, restaurants, clubs, bars), entertainment (cinemas, bowling alleys, gambling establishments), banking, manufacturing sector (heavy and light industry, processing, etc. .), administrative and economic management bodies (administrations of districts, cities), construction firms. As for individuals, the information can be provided as advertising when selling climate control and household appliances in the DomKlimat retail store.

    The location of the service center will be next to the main office of DataKrat KS at Cosmonauts in the manufacturing sector (Kalinin plant). Exactly this comfortable spot for the location of the SC, since there are workshops and warehouses and office premises on the territory of the plant, clients from various organizations they have long known where the DataKrat company is located and they will easily find it. And the access control on the territory of the plant creates additional security for business. For private customers, a convenient option will be provided with delivery before and after the repair of their equipment for a fee. The work will be aimed at the geography of the Sverdlovsk region and the city of Yekaterinburg - for organizations, and for private customers, delivery will be made only within the city.

    b Promotion-mix:

    As already mentioned, informing clients about the creation of a new service center will be through the distribution of leaflets, brochures about the services provided among the clients of DataKrat-E and DataKrat Climatic Systems. In addition, the SC will be presented at the annual exhibitions "Climate World" in Moscow, at exhibitions of climatic equipment in Yekaterinburg. Calling will be provided to attract new customers potential clients, this function is still assigned to the administrator of the SC. Perhaps a special sales center sales manager will be involved. Outdoor advertising should also be used as advertising, for example, a banner across the road on Kosmonavtov Avenue should talk about the opening of a new service center. Advertising on the Internet is a section of the service center on the site www.datakrat- ks. ru and www.datakrat. ru, as well as it is necessary to use banners on other significant sites, for example, on www.e1. ru and on construction sites like www. uralstroyportal. ru and other sites. It is also necessary to place information in all reference systems: telephone directories, electronic reference systems (on disks), Internet directories and printed directories, for example, "All Yekaterinburg", "Yellow Pages".

    The marketing budget is presented in Appendix 2. It can be seen from the marketing budget that 690,600 rubles are allocated per year to promote the service center.

    2.4 Production plan

    In this section, the process of production of SC services and a plan for its organization will be described in detail.

    The process of production of services is as follows: the sales department of projects "DK KS" finishes the full cycle of equipment sale, including installation, then information about the new client (or new equipment from the client) is transferred to the SC for the possibility of concluding a service agreement with him. Or just a new application for the service of climate control equipment arrives. The client is invited to conclude a service agreement, the conditions are explained, the result of negotiations with the client must be consent to the conclusion. After the service contract is concluded, the administrator enters the client into the service schedule. When the time comes for customer service, the administrator calls up the person in charge of the customer in advance and agrees on the time for the arrival of the mechanic team. When all organizational issues resolved, the team does their job (perhaps this is not one day of work), then signs a work order from the person in charge that the work has been completed. After that, a special courier brings to the client accounting documents: acts of work performed and invoices, then a week later he takes the signed documents and hands them over to the economist. Within 5 days, the client must pay the amount specified in the contract.

    Repair work is divided into warranty repairs and post-warranty repairs. Warranty repairs are not paid by the customer, but post-warranty repairs are paid. In cases of warranty repair, payment for repairs is made by the equipment seller, with which an agreement has been concluded for warranty and post-warranty repairs. When calculating repair work, payment includes the cost of diagnostics, the cost of the part to be replaced, app. parts or consumable+ 3% for delivery + cost of repair services, in addition, the customer may pay for the delivery of equipment. The cost of repairs is calculated only after diagnostics. The engineer informs the deputy director of the SC about the results of diagnostics, about the cost of all repairs (including all spare parts), and the deputy director negotiates with the customer to agree on the cost of repairs, about the timing and its further implementation of repairs. After the deputy director of the SC and the customer come to an agreement and the method of payment is found out, the engineer proceeds to repair the equipment. If the spare part is not available in the spare parts warehouse, then the administrator orders it to the supply managers at DK KS. The repair engineer must inform the administrator of the completion of the repair, the administrator informs the customer.

    Development plans.

    The plan for the development of own production is considered in Appendix 3 " Calendar plan launch of production ". Due to the fact that the service center exists on the basis of DataKrat Climatic Systems LLC, it should be noted that the service production process will not be interrupted due to the organization of a new service center, but will operate continuously. This is a big plus for a new venture, as cash receipts will flow in a continuous flow. With only one difference, when it is registered new firm and a current account is opened, all cash receipts will go to it. The acquisition is also planned cash register, so that you can accept payment for services in cash.

    After the new service center opens with its new capacities, it will be possible to plan cash flows, taking into account new resources: an additional two teams of assemblers, an additional team of start-ups and two more repair engineers.

    Starting from March 2010, it is planned to introduce a round-the-clock work schedule of the SC, which means that the terms of work will be halved, at least reduced, and the productivity of the SC work will double. For this, it is planned to recruit two groups of installers, one commissioning group and two repair engineers. This does not require additional space, for which there will be a reserve in time for the selection and training of personnel.

    For management accounting you will need special program for the service center 1C: Service Center, this program has special settings and allows you to quickly and conveniently keep management records with the specifics of the service center.

    All these measures will allow the maximum achievement of high labor productivity, which should lead to an early result of income generation, and this, in turn, will be the most important factor for business turnover.

    Purchase manufacturing enterprise and equipment.

    For normal development services, it is necessary to create good conditions, which means it is necessary to analyze the available resources with the required conditions for development. To locate a production and warehouse complex, the following conditions are required:

    1. Placement of warehouse, production and office premises close to each other

    2. The location of the service center should be within the city of Yekaterinburg, but isolated from the residential complex and close to the main traffic intersections

    3. Production capacity: the ability to connect to power sources up to 50 kW

    4. Plumbing with cold and hot water supply.

    5. Sewerage.

    6. Possibility of redevelopment inside the production building for a warehouse, repair shop, household and office premises

    7. Possibility of access for heavy vehicles (Kamaz, Zil, Gazelle, etc.)

    8. Large gates to the production building for the possibility of unloading bulky cargo

    9. Possibility of installing an exhaust ventilation system, because work involves working with freons.

    10. The warehouse must be closed and have fire-fighting properties for storing freon.

    At the moment, SC "DK KS" has leased warehouses, production facilities and office space... But the company's management plans to purchase a new production and warehouse complex for the placement and development of a service center in it. Table 7 shows the production and office premises available for rent.

    Table 7. Premises for rent

    Table 7 shows that the office, warehouse and production premises for development are too small, in addition, they are far from each other, which complicates the interaction between structural divisions.

    In order to plan production resources, it is necessary to calculate the required area for the functioning of the SC, taking into account the development and expansion (Table 8).

    Table 8. Calculation of the required production, warehouse and office space

    In total, 695 square meters will be required for a new production and storage facility, of which 150 meters are office space, 445 are production and storage areas and 100 sq. meters are household premises for the general use of the service center employees (Table 8).

    Table 9. Calculation of the cost of renting the required space

    The calculations for the lease of the required space are shown in Table 9. The cost of renting premises and utilities will eventually amount to 207,520 rubles.

    Consider the option of purchasing commercial real estate on credit. The loan makes it possible to purchase real estate in installments with an initial payment. As a rule, when lending to small businesses, it is necessary to have a good credit history, the period of activity of the company must be at least 12 months, the reporting of the enterprise - the recipient of the loan, or a business plan for the development of the enterprise must be provided. In our case, you can do two things:

    · To arrange the entire loan for LLC "DataKrat Climatic Systems", thus, it is easier to issue a loan, since the DC KS has been operating since 2007 and this company has a good credit history... In this case, it is possible to conclude an agreement with the founders of the company that the payment for the new premises will be made in a year according to the purchase and sale transaction. Also through a loan.

    · Apply for a loan for a new enterprise, the basis for obtaining a loan will be the business plan of the organization.

    The loan calculation is presented in Appendix 4. The loan term is 120 months, the monthly interest rate is 25%, the amount to be repaid is 12,100,122 rubles, the monthly payment is 100,835 rubles, while the rental amount for the same area is at least 207,000 rubles. (see Table 9).

    Thus, for a business, the acquisition of assets in the form of real estate gives a great advantage: firstly, the liquidity of the business increases, secondly, it increases the creditworthiness of the enterprise, thirdly, the company gains confidence in the future, and fourthly, the loan costs much cheaper than renting premises, or leasing payments for the same area.

    Table 10. Costs for organizing a service center


    Cost, rub.

    Quantity, units

    Amount, rub.

    A set of tools and instruments for mechanics

    Commissioning tool kit

    A set of tools and devices for service engineers

    Specialist. form + CZ

    Transport Gazelle

    Computers (redemption of PCs at residual value)

    SC Director's PC

    Administrator PC

    Deputy Director's PC

    Economist's pc

    Pc mechanic

    Workmaker PC

    Diagnostic laptop

    PC for chief engineer

    PC for the chief mechanic

    Furniture (at residual value)

    New furniture


    Draw-out curbstone

    Round table

    Chairs in the office

    Metal lockers for changing rooms

    Repair of an industrial and warehouse complex

    1000 rubles / sq. m

    Alutech doors with assembly

    Warehouse racks + assembly

    Stationery products

    Installing a multi-line telephone

    Telephone sets

    System apparatus

    Installation local network and the Internet

    Cash register

    1C software + installation

    Ventilation in the production area

    Air conditioning in the office

    As can be seen from table 10, repairs, arrangement of new premises, purchase of fixed assets: the necessary equipment, software, furniture, tools, etc. goes to 2,472,820 rubles.

    Production plan and calculation of services produced.

    Here it is necessary to accurately calculate the plan of all types of work, to correlate this plan with the need for labor, to calculate all production costs. Table 11 shows an approximate work plan for the maintenance of the SVK and cold rooms.

    Table 11. Work plan for the maintenance and repair of the SVK and refrigerating chambers for 2010-2012.

    Service maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems

    Repair of air conditioners and ventilation / warranty

    Prom. systems, pieces

    bunk bed block, pieces

    Gen., bunk bed. block, pieces

    Industrial, pieces

    p / prom, pieces

    Gen., pieces

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    The other day I came up with an idea, albeit not very original, but a profitable business idea for starting my own small business. It all started with the fact that our refrigerator broke down and we called a familiar master. He was able to arrive only towards evening. He did everything very quickly, replaced some part, insulated it and took a lot of money for the work. We got into a conversation and it just dawned on me, why not start your own refrigeration business?

    The master is a little over 30, he already has his own house and a car, which he bought while repairing refrigerators, and recently opened his own shop. He says that there is no end of orders, every day from morning to evening he wanders around the city.

    Well, in general, this is our conversation turned out.

    No, I am not suggesting that you go to study to be a refrigerator, although all professions are important, all professions are good, or as they say. If you go to study to be a refrigerator, it will be the most ordinary job to eat, but we still want to do business and get a lot of money.

    Well, I will not write too much more, but go straight to the idea. The essence of the idea is to organize a refrigerator repair company. I'll make a reservation right away that this idea is suitable the best way small towns, where there are not many service centers and other workshops. Well, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg, where practically at every corner of the service center such a business is difficult to develop, but still possible. It's just that the development will be in the conditions of lively competition.

    But in small town, there are not so many service centers, and not all of them are specialized, they take on everything from a microwave oven to computers.

    To implement the idea, you will need a room, not necessarily in the city center, and not necessarily with euro renovation. Orders will be accepted by phone, and the foreman will go to the site and, if possible, carry out repairs on site as well. If the equipment cannot be repaired on site, then it is transported to a slad-workshop, which we will need instead of an office.

    In addition to this, we need working personnel, 5-7 people will be enough. 4-5 will be on the road, and 1-2 will be doing repairs in the warehouse.

    You also need a means of transportation for workers; any passenger car or cargo gazelle is more suitable, capable, if necessary, of transporting a refrigerator to a warehouse.

    How much can you earn doing such a business?

    The figures are averaged, taken from one of the refrigerator repair companies.

    Premises - two garages converted into a workshop.

    Staff - 3 people

    Transport - one cargo gazelle

    Opening hours - every day except Sunday from 8 to 18

    The cost of a small breakdown, which can be replaced on site - from 500 - 2000

    More serious breakdown with the transportation of equipment to the warehouse - from 3500

    Orders per month - 80 - 150

    Profit - 300,000 rubles / month

    For three people and one gazelle, for a small town this is a lot of money.

    You can ask a question or supplement the article "Refrigerator repair as one of the profitable types of business" through the comments form.

    One of the important conditions for any business is to minimize the initial capital. It is this factor that makes it possible to minimize possible risks. But there are very few such ideas for business, and all of them, as they say, are worth their weight in gold. One of these promising options is the repair of refrigerators. Of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of costs, but there is also no need to invest funds, as when organizing a large engineering company (for example, Ingersoll Rand).

    Initially, you should focus on household refrigerators, as well as refrigeration equipment for small businesses. It is the easiest to maintain and repair, and therefore does not require special knowledge and experience from you (and the specialists you hired). In most cases, refrigerators have a fairly simple design, and therefore repair consists in identifying a malfunction and replacing failed parts with new ones.

    Minor malfunctions can be rectified on site. To do this, you must have with you not only a set of tools, but also several thermostats and temperature sensors for various (most common) models. It is they who most often fail.

    More complex breakdowns can be eliminated only in a workshop, and therefore you need to take care of the premises, part of which may serve as an office. When the level of orders becomes constant, some of the staff will always be employed in the workshop, and some on the road. For a repair company in a small town, 4 people are enough - 2 on the road, 2 - in the workshop.

    In order to organize the delivery of equipment, you will need a transport. One cargo Gazelle will be enough. It can be either a private car or a cargo taxi, with which you enter into an oral (or written) agreement. If the city is small and there are not so many orders (especially large ones), then it is not at all necessary to have a driver in a car in the state.

    It's another matter if you have a large volume of orders, or you cooperate under a contract with authorized services. Then you will have to send part of the equipment that cannot be repaired in your workshop, and this simply requires transport.

    It is quite difficult to make any calculations of profit, but you can quite roughly estimate that with average cost home repairs of 500-700 rubles and repairs in the workshop of 1500-3000 rubles, with the condition of a good number of orders, it is quite possible to receive 200-300 thousand net income per month, which is a lot of money even for 4 personnel and one driver.
    The post was created with the support of, where you can order a high-quality Measurement of insulation resistance in your production at the most favorable price for services for the business budget.

    We present to your attention the project "Construction of a cold storage warehouse".

    The business plan is developed based on the actual data of the operating enterprise.

    Highly qualified employees with experience in the industry took part in the creation of the project.

    The business plan complies with international and Russian standards (UNIDO, TACIS, EBRD, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Agriculture) and will adequately represent your project in Russian and international banks, as well as state structures all levels.

    If necessary, the specialists of our company in a short time will make adjustments to the financial calculations and the descriptive part of the project in order to ensure full compliance of the business plan with your parameters.

    The project is provided in the format of working files, into which you can independently or by qualified employees make changes: a financial model (based on Excel) and a Word file (Powerpoint).

    The main parameters of the project:

    Quantitative indicators: Storage volume: fruits and vegetables - 2 800 tons per month, flowers - 453 tons per month

    Investment size:
    • in dollars 12,938,728
    • in euro 9 819 556
    • in rubles 407 455 000

    Payback period of the project, years: 2,3

    Basic document parameters

    • Number of pages - 114
    • Number of charts - 50
    • Number of tables - 22


    1.1 Goals and objectives of the project

    Project goal: construction of a cold storage warehouse with the functions of a temporary storage warehouse located at XXXX.

    Terminal specialization and estimated monthly volumes of activity:

    • fruits and vegetables - 2 800 tons per month;
    • flowers - 453 tons per month.

    The total area of ​​buildings is 13 thousand square meters. m, including:

    • 10 thousand sq. m - refrigerated warehouse;
    • 2 thousand sq. m - storage facilities;
    • 1 thousand sq. m - office space.

    The terminal will be located on an area of ​​2 hectares. In order to ensure the reliability and uninterrupted operation of the refrigerated warehouse, it will be equipped with its own block-modular boiler room.

    To achieve the set goals, it is required to solve the following tasks:

    • purchase of equipment;
    • construction works;
    • purchase of equipment for precooling;
    • purchase of office equipment and furniture;
    • purchase of other equipment;
    • purchase of a block-modular boiler house with a capacity of 1 MW (BMK-1);
    • financing of organizational costs;
    • financing contingencies;
    • warehouse launch.

    1.2 Project financing

    Need in financial resources and funding structure

    The need for financial resources for the project is 407,455.0 thousand rubles.

    It is planned that the financing of this project will be carried out at the expense of attracted funds, as well as funds from shareholders:

    • attracted funds in the amount of 376,500.0 thousand rubles;
    • own funds in the amount of 30 955.0 thousand rubles.

    Conditions for attracting borrowed funds

    To draw up this business plan, the following conditions for raising funds were adopted: the loan is provided for 12 months (1 year) with the possibility of prolongation up to 5 years, the interest rate on the loan will be 12% per annum.

    The loan is attracted at a time in November XXXX.

    Terms of repayment of borrowed funds

    It is planned to use 100% of free cash flow to repay the loan after payment of operating expenses, taxes and interest on the loan, the repayment period of the loan body will be about 21 months (1.75 years: March XXXX - November XXXX).

    Repayment of interest on a loan

    During the entire period of the project, interest is calculated and paid on the funds used.

    Interest accrued for the past period is paid at the beginning of the next period.

    The amount of accrued interest for the period of using the loan will reach 58,532.1 thousand rubles.

    1.3 Project indicators

    The economic efficiency of the project was confirmed by calculating traditional financial indicators used in project analysis.

    The project calculation horizon is 60 months (5 years). Investment period of the project (until the launch of the project) - 5 months (0.5 years). The working period of the project (from the date of launch) is 55 months (4.6 years).

    style = "text-align: left;">

    1.1 Goals and objectives of the project
    1.2 Project financing
    1.3 Project indicators


    2.1 Classification of storage facilities

    Warehouse premises of class "A +"
    Warehouse premises of class "A"
    Warehouse premises of class "B +"
    Warehouse premises of class "B"
    Warehouse premises of class "C"

    2.2 Activities for the temporary storage of goods
    2.3 Location of a temporary storage warehouse
    2.4 Arrangement of a warehouse for temporary storage
    2.5 Equipment of the temporary storage warehouse


    3.1 Market of warehouses and warehouse complexes

    Supply and demand

    3.2 Warehouse complexes


    3.3 Warehouse rental rates and list of services

    Class A warehouses
    Class B warehouses
    Class C warehouses

    3.4 Services and rates for cargo handling railway stations
    3.5 Conclusions and main trends in the development of the warehouse market
    3.6 Market for industrial refrigeration facilities

    Market structure and capacity
    Service cost and average occupancy

    Optimal storage space characteristics
    Range of services provided


    4.1 Volume and structure of investments
    4.2 Risk assessment


    5.1 Project management (enterprise management)
    5.2 Stages of project implementation
    5.3 Ongoing project management


    6.1 Activities and income-generating products
    6.2 Scope of services

    Project scope of service provision
    Reaching the planned volumes of services


    7.1 Types of income generated by the project
    7.2 Pricing policy
    7.3 Structure and volume of income


    8.1 Fixed costs

    Running costs

    8.2 Variable costs

    Direct costs of providing services

    8.3 Analysis of the project cost structure (revenue distribution)
    8.4 Break-even point analysis

    Breakeven Analysis Assumptions
    Operational break-even
    Break-even analysis for the whole project

    8.5 Analysis of the budget performance of the project


    9.1 Conditions for attracting investment resources
    9.2 Indicators of the cash flow plan
    9.3 Indicators of the plan of profit and loss
    9.4 Financial performance the project


    10.1 Factors affecting the company's activities
    10.2 Quantitative risk analysis (sensitivity analysis)

    Analysis parameters
    NPV sensitivity
    Net profit sensitivity


    11.1 Assumptions

    General assumptions
    Breakeven Analysis Assumptions

    11.2 Project parameters
    11.3 Calculation of project performance criteria
    11.4 Calculation of financial ratios

    Solvency indicators
    Financial soundness indicators
    Indicators of business activity
    Profitability indicators


    12.1 List of tables
    12.2 List of figures



    1.1 List of tables

    Table 1. Financial and investment indicators of the project
    Table 2. Structure of warehouse complexes
    Table 3. Potential competitive advantages (by importance)
    Table 4. Optimal characteristics of a modern cold store
    Table 5. Investment budget
    Table 6. Assessment of the share of investments
    Table 7. Calendar and financial plan (investment development plan)
    Table 8. Staffing table with salaries
    Table 9. Projected volume of services
    Table 10. Service plan (before reaching design capacity)
    Table 11. Tariffs for the provision of services
    Table 12. The structure of income by areas of activity for the period of the project
    Table 13. Income plan (before reaching design capacity)
    Table 14. Fixed costs
    Table 15. Variable costs
    Table 16. Taxes
    Table 17. Analysis of the cost structure (in relation to revenue)
    Table 18. Distribution of tax payments by budget levels
    Table 19. Schedule for obtaining and repaying a loan
    Table 20. Financial and investment indicators of the project
    Table 21. Impact of changes in individual parameters on project performance indicators
    Table 22. Analysis of the sensitivity of the project

    1.2 List of figures

    Figure 1. Planned location of the complex
    Figure 2. Payback of the project, rubles
    Figure 3. Structure of warehouse complexes
    Figure 4. Dynamics of the warehouse space market, mln. Sq. M. m
    Figure 5. Market size of modern (A and B) warehouses, mln. Sq. M. m
    Figure 6. Supply of warehouse space on the market,%
    Figure 7. Structure of warehouse construction (according to customers in XXXX)
    Figure 8. Ratio of volumes of heated areas of large and medium-sized warehouses
    Figure 9. The ratio of volumes of heated and unheated areas of large warehouse complexes
    Figure 10. Ratio of volumes of heated and unheated areas of medium warehouse complexes
    Figure 11. Distribution of the volume of cargo turnover between large and medium-sized warehouse complexes
    Figure 12. Availability of temporary storage warehouse status in the categories of large, medium and small warehouse complexes
    Figure 13. Availability of temporary storage warehouse status in the categories of large, medium and small warehouse complexes
    Figure 14. Rent rates for warehouse space in XXXX (with staff), USD per sq. M. m per year
    Figure 15. Rental rates for warehouse space (without personnel), USD per sq. M. m per year
    Figure 16. Rental rates for space in the XXXX region, USD per sq. M. m per year
    Figure 17. The volume of demand for warehouse complexes, mln. Sq. M. m
    Figure 18. Availability of refrigeration plants capable of accepting a wide range of products for storage
    Figure 19. Structure of industrial refrigerators by type of equipment
    Figure 20. Structure of refrigerated warehouses by area
    Figure 21. Objectives of operation of refrigerated warehouse complexes
    Figure 22. Basic forms of work with tenants
    Figure 23. Structure of warehouses by presence / absence of temporary storage warehouse status
    Figure 24. Structure of warehouses by presence / absence railway tracks
    Figure 25. Specialization of warehouses by type of product
    Figure 26. Changes in the structure of the equipment used (XXXX - XXXX)
    Figure 27. The structure of the supply of refrigeration equipment (primary and secondary market)
    Figure 28. The structure of the supply of refrigeration equipment (the ratio of imported and domestic equipment)
    Figure 29. Structure of equipment supply by refrigeration capacity
    Figure 30. Structure of refrigerating capacities by occupancy
    Figure 31. Structure of investment costs
    Figure 32. Schedule of financing investment costs, rubles
    Figure 33. Schedule of financing investment costs, rubles
    Figure 34. Reaching the planned volumes of services provided by the customs control zone
    Figure 35. The volume of services provided, taking into account the seasonality factor
    Figure 36. Dynamics of revenue, rubles
    Figure 37. Revenue structure
    Figure 38. The structure of fixed costs (to the total amount of fixed costs)
    Figure 39. The ratio of fixed and variable costs
    Figure 40. The structure of tax payments (for the project period)
    Figure 41. The structure of distribution of proceeds from sales to costs and profits
    Figure 42. Break-even point excluding the tax component, rubles
    Figure 43. Break-even point taking into account the tax component, rubles
    Figure 44. Break-even point of the project as a whole, rubles
    Figure 45. The structure of tax revenues of budgets of all levels (for the project period)
    Figure 46. Cash flows for attracting and repaying credit funds, rubles
    Figure 47. Payment of interest accrued in the current month, rubles
    Figure 48. Cash flows for the project, rubles
    Figure 49. Payback of the project, rubles
    Figure 50. Critical deviations of key project factors (in terms of NPV)

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