New medicine and a systematic approach to working out the emotional and mental causes of illness. New German medicine New German medicine hummer tuberculosis

Olya/ 25.11.2019 Psychosomatics never cancels the treatment of consequences. Especially when they're real serious. Well, the use of reason even more so.

Catherine/ 11/18/2019 I work as a doctor. We now have a patient dying of cancer, who was treated according to New German Medicine, refused the help of doctors for 2.5 years, until it became very bad - the tumor grew to a huge size and began to bleed profusely. Here are the fruits of this terrible "therapy". And as a doctor, I say that Hamer's claims are nonsense.

Tatiana/ 2.09.2019 I have a book in Russian translation, I will sell it, in excellent condition [email protected]

Evgeniy/ 25.06.2019 Hamer, of course, is a fine fellow - he voiced publicly what was known to the Great Chinese medicine for 10,000 years. Much is written in the Book of the Yellow Emperor, published 5,000 years ago. And the materials accumulated, probably, the same. Hamer composed a little different for the juiciness of the presentation and the translation is very confusing, which we did in the first place, but his general doctrine is more or less correct. There is only one BUT - Hamer himself was expelled from everywhere with the thesis that he only greatly scares the public and patients, but does not offer any solution to those problems about which he writes quite reliably. And this is indeed so - neither chemistry, nor homeopathy, nor unscientific shamanism, nor the Hamer centers invented over the past decades by folk medicine, cannot be removed from the brain. Although - the centers are completely destroyed and the consequences of their presence are eliminated - but not by the means listed above. Therefore, all doctors or an active public - Hamer's books must be read. But you will not be able to work on them - just as Hamer himself could not. Therefore, all types of training in his methodology have no real meaning, because Hamer himself never had a solution for the topics he raised. The solution is possible only if the medicine of the future is developed from scratch or if we return to the medicine of the very distant past. Bearing in mind the Chinese thesis that everyone has everything they need to be healthy. It was previously voiced by European authors, but since the beginning of the 20th century, with the development of chemical medicine, the thesis was devalued for understandable reasons.

Yuliya/ 19.02.2019 I believe that 5 laws of Hamer, its discovery is worthy of the Nobel Prize. We are on the brink of a huge change in medicine.

Irina/ 9.02.2019 Hello! Since 2016, I know about Dr. Hamer's GPS. It was like an insight - a complete coincidence: that there are no incurable diseases! It's just that "nobody wanted to strain" ... A lot of things happen in our life under this slogan ... unfortunately. I am very interested in this topic, and as a doctor ... including. I read Irina's post (in the comments) about the translation of Dr. Hamer's books into Russian. Where is it possible to get these books in Russian translation? ..
Someone please tell me. Thanks)

Valeria/ 21.01.2019 Yes, that's right. Errors are gross and fatal. The dabbler won't even notice them

Michael/ 27.12.2018 Good afternoon! Tell me where to buy Dr. Hamer's books?

Irina Malysheva/ 8.12.2018 Hello! Where and how to buy Hamer's books in Russian?

Galina/ 8.11.2018 Hello. Accidentally went to your page about the Hummer. I learned Hammer's methods from Neufeld, and he also has books in Russian. But Neufel provides very little information on the application. I would very much like to purchase these books and work according to his method, it is impossible that his opening has sunk into the summer. After training with Neufeld, I went to a Korean doctor, he also attended this training with Neufeld. The Korean doctor has long been writing works on the connection between the brain and illness on the body, but the most interesting thing is the head as a map of the interactions of emotions and the body, and work with the body. Along the chain of explosion-accumulation-discharge. Perhaps everything is a little different. Alas, we can only find out from his books if they exist, or from his students, if they exist.

Irina/ 9.10.2018 Can you please tell me if it is possible to get a Hammer's book in German for personal use? I'm afraid that I myself will find a non-original edition ...

Alexander/ 24.09.2018 Good time!
I really want to buy a book, in particular: Scientific table of German New Medicine!
How and where can you buy?

inara/ 16.07.2018 I found today in LJ just an offer to buy such a book. Translated from English by a non-professional translator without honey. education. Doubted. So there is already a good translation? And how do you know about it?

Sergey/ 14.01.2018 Why "German" medicine, after all, Dr. Hamer called it "German"!

Irina/ 3.12.2017 Hello, I do not write books about Dr. Hamer. I am translating his books for Dr. Hamer's publishing house.
The Brief Information and the Scientific Table of German New Medicine have already been translated by me and are being processed by the publishing house. The translation of the table, which is currently in circulation in the Russian-speaking space, is not authorized by Dr. English, i.e. German-English-Russian ....). Wait a bit. I hope the translations will be published soon by Dr. Hamer's publishing house. But time is needed - the publishing house is small and poor .. Unfortunately, many, instead of helping this publishing house, scatter their amateurish books (making money on it), telling me that they want to help, instead of really helping .. those. distribute the originals of Dr. Hamer's work. If you want additional information, a link to the book of condolences, as well as to Dr. Hamer's page (which has already been partially translated into Russian and work is already underway to embed the Russian version), then write to me: [email protected]

Galina/ 20.11.2017 How to contact you to purchase a book about Hamer?

agira/ 08/21/2017 I would be grateful for information about the book of Dr. Hamer, I really want to buy it.

rina/ 23.07.2017 On July 2, 2017, the Great Scientist and Physician Dr. Hamer passed away, about whom you probably did not even hear. Unfortunately, in the Russian-speaking space there is very little information about him, and that which is often completely incomplete and erroneous ... well, or just dirt pouring out on him by all sorts of Wikipedia and similar media. In short: he was able to discern how we function and created a medicine that is not symptomatic, but causal. This applies to all diseases, excluding trauma, poisoning and deficiency diseases. But his discovery for cancer patients acquired special significance. Its discovery at the behest of the Chabad Schneerson has been hushed up since 1981, and Dr. Hamer is covered in mud. discovery.

Brief information, interviews with him and correspondence (not all) I translated during his lifetime. And I really hope that this book and documents will soon be published by his publishing house, which is now run by his wife Bona.

I strongly advise everyone to get acquainted with its discovery (take the originals for this, there is information on the internet, but it is often very erroneous). This is just vital information. Irina

I would very much like to ask Eduard Davidovich Khodos if he heard anything about Dr. Hamer, since it is Schneerson and Chabad who are the main instigators of the suppression of this discovery ..

P.S. There are too many errors in the scientific table of German Medicine sold in the Russian-speaking space. At the same time, I'm not talking about grammatical or stylistic mistakes ... These are mistakes in fact .. Do not waste your money on it and recently mislead yourself .. This translation has not been sanctioned - in fact it is stolen (translation German - English - Russian ... what quality can it have?). Wait a bit - a high-quality translation of this table, I hope soon it will be possible to purchase directly from the publishing house of Dr.Hamer

It is a pity that it is impossible to post a link to the book of condolences here ...

From point of view German New Medicine, any disease begins with psychobiological shock or trauma. For hundreds of years, people have believed that the spirit or soul influences the physical body. If the soul breathes life into the body, then any disease not caused by physical injury, poisoning, or malnutrition must have a mental cause. In the course on New Medicine, we will prove this point ... and talk about many myths and truths in medicine.

Why is it worth attending a seminar on German New Medicine?

  • You need a new, understandable model of how the human body works.
  • You need a detailed diagnostic model of the connection between mind and body (mind-body).
  • You want to learn how to maintain ideal health for the rest of your life.
  • You want a structured process for the physiological healing of clients.

After this training program, you are guaranteed to change your point of view on your body, health, ability to heal and prevent disease.

  • The fact that SDH (distress) is an initiating factor for all diseases without exception
  • 2 phases of any disease
  • Connections of soul, mind and body
  • The real role of microbes
  • On the quintessence of New Medicine
  • The 5 Biological Laws of New Medicine, and how they apply to topics such as:
    • breast, lung, prostate, testicular, uterus and ovarian cancer
    • melanoma, dermatitis, acne, age spots, alopecia (hair loss), piebald skin, basalioma, neurofibromatosis, neuroblastoma
    • kidney cancer: Wilms disease, kidney adenosarcoma, kidney stones
    • dialysis - myths and truth
    • bone and lymphatic cancer
    • anemia and leukemia
    • Hodgson's disease and Non-Hodjoson's disease
    • major coronary disorders
    • diabetes I and II angina pectoris and heart attacks
    • blockage of a blood vessel
    • pneumonia
    • bulimia
    • so-called brain tumors and what they really are
    • noise in ears
    • cataracts and glaucoma, blindness and color blindness
    • Down syndrome and genetic disorders
    • AIDS and the "immune system"
    • biopsy, injection and vaccination
    • metastases
    • mental disorders: megalomania (megalomania), depression, manic behavior, psychosis in general, loss of sex drive, hypersexuality (nymphomania), hallucinations, paranoia, schizophrenia
    • about the dangers of medical examinations
    • pregnancy, malformations, birth trauma and hereditary diseases
    • And about a lot more ... in fact, about all diseases known to mankind.

Greetings to my readers,

There have been many blog posts lately with videos / timecodes on the topic of Clear Health. And in January, I taught a small section of the course as part of teaching clinical psychology at the Moscow Psychological and Social University (by the way, the audio from this course will be freely available on my channel, I'm not sorry), where I was also offered to collect and publish a textbook for students on the basis of materials accumulated over the years.

Having said all this, I would like to tell you a little about the background of this publication and, in general, the appearance of this topic in Russia.

One way or another I heard about the "new medicine" of Dr. Hamer for a long time, but it was some scattered data that did not fit well into the general practice of what I was doing (in one of the professions I have been working as a practical and clinical psychologist for many years) ... Nevertheless, since the topic of health is an integral part of the general well-being of any person, I continued to study and dig the topic, and as a result, in 2010, I became the organizer of the first visit to the former USSR of one of Dr. Hamer's students, Harald Baumann. Harald conducted a seminar for a small group in Kiev, which for me personally was quite difficult to understand and did not really clarify the questions about how this can really be applied to people, but from Harald I received a complete set of materials from Hamer - his famous " The Scientific Scheme of the German New Medicine ".

We launched this book into translation and after a while published it in Moscow, together with the organizer of annual conferences on oncopsychology, Sergei Koponev.

As it turned out later, the book itself was rather highly abstract and incomprehensible even for narrow specialists, not to mention those who tried to work with living people with its help.

However, she set off a chain of events that first, in 2013, led me to the hands-on workshops of the Canadian Healing with Memory specialist Gilbert Renaud, a student of Dr. Hamer and Dr. Saba from France. I took Gilbert's full course of seminars, including thematic ones on various specific topics (childhood problems, symbolism, relationships, depression, autism, tools for working out, etc.), and, in addition, became his regular translator, having worked more than at thirty of his seminars on various topics in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in online projects. It is Gilbert, with whom we have been fruitfully cooperating since then, helping people who have come to me - my main gratitude for the opportunity not only to theorize on the topic of studying the causes of diseases, but to really help people.

The human body is an amazing structure that has inherited genetics and tissues from hundreds of different creatures. Whatever tissue you take, it can also be found in much more ancient creatures that lived on this planet. And all these tissues are built according to a strictly defined plan, work in concert under the control of the central and autonomic nervous system, which unites this diverse diversity into a single well-coordinated organism. In fact, whatever one may say, the thing is absolutely amazing if you look at it statistically, especially from the point of view of managing this entire conglomerate of billions of individual cells. How this miracle in general lives and works in this world - for me personally, the subject of endless surprise. :)

By the way, this is not a picture from Hamer, I found it from one manual operator. It fits one to one, although he has never heard of Hamer.

Hamer's roadmap is drawn with fairly careful tracking of how the human body originates, forms and grows. In the book, all this is set out in detail, again, there is no particular point in reproducing it - I can only say that the final classification comes out clear and transparent.

If you flip through the standard Hamer materials, you will see that they are all colored in three colors. This is one way to classify. Endoderm, mesoderm, exoderm - three germinal petals, three types of tissues according to the way they respond to stress, three stress management algorithms. Some organs are "monochrome", some are "multicolored". Diagnostics in GNM is done by organs, by the brain and by symptoms.

Our guide itself is a carefully compiled index, where each tissue in each organ is described in terms of how it responds to stress.

From the point of view of the occurrence and course of the "disease" in GNM certain stages are distinguished. And if you look closely at these stages, you notice that in this medicine there is no concept of "disease" at all, but there is something else - "biologically feasible recovery program"... This is at first very difficult to understand and accept, but as you read the table and understand the patterns of how it works, you begin to realize that yes, this is very similar to the truth.

In a moment of severe shock with a threat of survival (Hamer calls this "Dirk Hamer Syndrome, SDH, in memory of his deceased son, who was shot in a drunken shop at a resort by the Italian crown prince, after which Hamer himself had testicular cancer, which is where his story of cancer research and the fact that he later called "cancer equivalents" - all other "diseases") the complex human organism loses its "central government" to one degree or another, and accordingly, the order is transmitted to the tissues of the body to launch "biological programs of survival", which follow the million-year-old algorithms written in the genes that created this tissue.

The fabric is "saved" in the way it was saved, being a part of the original independent organism, it contains locally all the information necessary for this.

Some tissues grow (in an attempt to strengthen their function by doing so), some tissues temporarily self-destruct, trying to "reset", some tissues temporarily block their functions, and so on.

Man calls it scary words - "cancer", "osteoporosis", "leukemia" and so on. and considers "diseases", failures in "nature", which they, no doubt, are from the point of view of the common human mind and the survival of man as an integral organism. The paradox is that from the point of view of nature, this is just a standard "wired" mechanism for resolving problems, and not a glitch in the program.

Just as we call the emotions "disgust", "fear" or "anger" NEGATIVE, these quite ordinary reactions are labeled DISEASES, and, accordingly, they are tried to "heal". But emotions, as we know, do not need to be "treated", it is necessary to identify and settle the REASONS of these emotions. The idea of ​​processing is based on this, by the way.

We admit honestly: few people can really explain WHY everything that we observe happens to our body. And such treatment is no less pointless than an attempt to suppress or suppress negative emotions. These are just symptoms, they show the presence of a certain PROCESS, and before "treating" it, you must first at least understand what it consists of.

This is exactly what is in our book and laid out on the shelves. Every organ, every conflict and every stage of the course special biological program. This term can be used without any quotation marks - in nature everything has a purpose, although sometimes this purpose violates the canons of human ethics, when, for example, a program is launched to self-destruct an organism due to its non-survival under given conditions.

The key point of inclusion is the moment of shock (Dirk Hamer's syndrome). Active (cold) phase of the conflict. Conflict resolution. Hot phase of recovery. An epileptoid crisis in the middle is an attempt by the body to briefly "reproduce" the conflict and "erase" it from the body (what we consciously do in processing). If there is too much charge (the conflict was very active or lasted for a long time), and you let this matter take its course - you can easily come to an end, the body will not stand it. Nature allows such an option - alas, the rejection of genetic material unsuitable for extension. If you took care of the elaboration in advance, everything will be OK. Completion of the program.

Each organ, tissue, system - does not react to anything and not to any stress, but to certain TYPES of conflicts and ruptures, in accordance with its nature.This, by the way, is what Ayurvedists, lizburbonists, etc., try to endlessly classify. psychosomatists. I have not seen any justification from anyone other than pure "observation experience" (anger in the stomach, envy in the liver, and so on. Such things).

What is the use of all this knowledge for us?

1. "Diseases", from the point of view of nature, do not exist, there are only "response programs". If you understand how they work, then there is no need to poison, cut and burn what nature is trying to do in an attempt to heal us. It is much more comfortable to live when you know what your body or its tissues are doing now, why something is swollen or deflated, than paranoid, googling terrible diagnoses of "similar cases" and reading stories of people who died, perhaps not from the disease itself and oh fear of her or about terrible prediction of doctors.

2. This understanding removes unnecessary secondary shocks from "gruesome diagnoses" and traumatic "treatments." It just becomes unnecessary because a good half of "diseases" are not diseases, even from an everyday point of view - they are programs of recovery. Trivial examples that high fever is not a "disease" at all would not even be worth mentioning here, but I still emphasize that with the help of GNM you can get no less clear explanations of why in many cases people do not die. from the disease, but from the treatment of this disease. We know, for example, recent statistics from Ireland that before the introduction of the national ambulance service in this country, about 7% of people died from heart attacks, and now 30% are dying. And all just because a heart attack is not a disease, and there is no need to "treat" it ...

By the way, you shouldn't underestimate the impact of faith on health. There have been many documented cases showing that sometimes it is a matter of life and death. Read the story by reference, for the sake of interest.

3. With such a handbook at hand, I can quite easily, using the test results and images of the organ, if necessary, determine what kind of conflict could cause such symptoms.

Then everything is straightforward - we remove the original conflict objectively (by changing the environment) or subjectively (by processing), provide the person with psychological support at the stages of recovery, reduce medical etching, cutting and burning to an absolutely inevitable minimum, guide the person through all the stages, letting them learn their lessons .. This, of course, in reality is much more complicated than I just described, but nevertheless it is possible.

And recovery occurs, IF ONLY the person has not panicked and by this time has not corroded, burned out and cut out everything that is possible, and came to you as the last resort. Usually just such stories - people abandoned by official medicine, who are in the last stages of dying, when they have already spent all the money and lost all the time, are cited as examples "blatant deception of charlatans"... How many nerves and energy the poor fellow-patient spent on "officials" called "health care system" is usually modestly silent.

4. The main mission of clinical psychology in the context of the topic we have touched upon is, of course, not treatment, well, that is, NOT IT AT ALL. We do not interfere with medical protocols at all, because work is going on at a different level. In this regard, I do not at all share the views of some followers of GNM, who indiscriminately call all doctors "killers", throw themselves at the embrasures and write that "95% of modern medicine is nonsense." Of course not. Simply medicine, specifically for you personally and for anyone, is, alas, already an extreme measure. It is better to eliminate all these things prophylactically.

Deal with stress. Track your overall well-being. Do not panic when "terrible symptoms" appear - the symptoms will disappear later, and the secondary shock will easily trigger new problems with your body, which will convulsively try to compensate for the glitches of the "central leadership", which temporarily went nuts from the information received and launched a distress signal into the body. The main mission is to understand the nature of our conditions, prevention and awareness. And peace of mind about this. What to be, that cannot be avoided, the human body has many limitations. And do not complicate his tasks with your idiotic mental bells and whistles - the body is TOO responsive to them.

And I wish you great success in applying the information from this guide - and may you be healthy, from now on and forever!

German New Medicine (GNM) is based on medical discoveries made by Rijk Gerd Hamer, M.D.... In the early 1980s, Dr. Hamer discovered five biological laws explaining the causes, the course of development, and the process of natural healing from diseases based on universal biological principles.
According to these biological laws, diseases are not, as previously thought, the result of dysfunctions or malignant processes in the body, but rather "Important special biological programs of nature" (SBP) created by her to provide assistance to the individual during the period of emotional and psychological distress.
All medical theories, official or "alternative", past or present, are based on the concept of diseases as "dysfunctions" of the body. Dr. Hamer's discoveries show that there is nothing “sick” in Nature, but everything is always filled with a deep biological meaning.
The five biological laws on which this truly "New Medicine" is built find a solid foundation in the natural sciences, and at the same time they are in complete harmony with the spiritual laws. Thanks to this truth the Spanish call HHM "La Medicina Sagrada" - Sacred Medicine.
Renowned German oncologist Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer developed cancer in the late 1970s. The disease developed shortly after the death of his son. Thinking like a professional oncologist, Hamer came to the conclusion that there is a direct correlation between the stress associated with the death of his son and the development of the disease.
He later analyzed brain scans from his patients and compared them with corresponding medical and psychological records.

To his surprise, he found a clear connection between shock (stress), blackouts in various areas of the brain damaged by a specific type of shock, and the corresponding organ where cancer developed depending on the type of psychological trauma.

Shock or psychological trauma strikes completely instinctively on the human body, automatically activating deep biological mechanisms, moreover, evolution has specially created these mechanisms to adapt to difficult circumstances.

For example, a woman's mammary glands immediately begin to malign (produce malignant cells) when her baby is injured, enhancing milk production in order to protect the baby.

In the case of refugees, due to the fear and risk of dehydration, bladder cells begin to malign.

Based on more than 40,000 case histories over many years, he developed the theory that a certain type of trauma is the basis of every disease.

SpoilerTarget "> about the book

About the book " Scientific Map of German New Medicine "

In his book on Germanic New Medicine, Reik Hamer reveals some of the ideal moments of illness and self-healing by revealing the PLACEBO process and clearly calls them in his own cartographic scientific terms. This is a real ROADMAP OF PSYCHOSOMATICS! The first, but very powerful breakthrough in the concept of the nature and dynamics of diseases. The first, but convincing step of a new science, a holistic science, is holistic.

Dr. Hamer discovered five biological laws that explain the causes, development and natural healing process of diseases (including cancer), based on universal biological principles. According to these biological laws, oncology is not, as previously believed, the result of dysfunctions or malignant processes in the body, but rather is an expedient biological program of nature, created by it to help an individual during a period of emotional and psychological distress (shock).

The correctness of this approach is confirmed by the latest research. On the basis of these methods, several hundred scientific centers and institutes have already been organized in the world. The German New Medicine method was tested in institutions such as the Universities of Vienna (1986), Duessldorf (1992) and Trnava / Bratislava (1998), where very convincing and impressive results were obtained and it was proposed to take a new look at human diseases from the point of view of the relationship between the mind and the body. Indeed, virtually every physical illness has specific psychological causes.

The theory and practice of R. Hamer allows you to help a person turn from a victim into an active and victorious fighter for his health!

The book is intended for doctors, as well as inquisitive researchers and those who have encountered emotional and psychological situations in their lives, seeks to understand the causes of diseases that have arisen and overcome them using a holistic approach.

Which create disease in the human body are described by the renowned Dr. Rayk Hamer. How did the idea of ​​New Germanic Medicine come about?

The story of Hamer's discoveries begins with the death of his son Dirk.

Professor and MD Rijk Hamer had been practicing for 25 years by the time a mentally ill man shot and killed his 18-year-old son, Dirk, in 1978. After this tragedy, the professor developed testicular cancer within a year. His wife also developed cancer later. Hamer logically assumed that if throughout his life his health was excellent, and after the death of his son, cancer appeared, then this is the result of psychological trauma. Despite the strongest shock, he had the strength to start fighting his own disease and explore all the theories of the onset and development of cancer that were available at that time.

As a professor of medicine, Hamer had access to the case histories of many cancer patients. After examining their lives for stress, the doctor noticed that similar tragic events caused similar illnesses. For example, all patients with ovarian and testicular cancer have experienced tragedy or severe stress associated with their children for one to three years prior to diagnosis.

This prompted the professor to think that the human body launches a certain program in response to a shock event.

Further research by Hamer confirmed his assumption. Every illness begins with a violent shock, acute conflict, or dramatic event that a person experiences alone. Brain-triggered disease, it turns out, is a kind of biological defense, a program aimed at dealing with psychological stress.

The professor analyzed the results of brain scans from his patients and compared them with their medical histories. His discovery was that he found a clear connection between shock (stress), blackouts in certain areas of the brain and the corresponding organ in which cancer developed.

Hamer's noted foci of darkening in the brain were confirmed by later tomographic studies. These areas of induration in the brain have been called Hamer Foci. When a traumatic event occurs in a person's life, emotions arising in response to this event are "concentrated" in a certain area of ​​the brain.

The resulting focus affects the organ in the body corresponding to this zone, there is an increased or decreased tone of muscles and blood vessels. A kind of "closed circuit" appears - the brain acts on the organ, the organ sends a signal to the brain. The system supports itself.

The event that has taken place completely changes life, the reaction of the brain and organ already exists. This supports the disease.

Based on many case histories, years of research, as well as the work of his colleagues who were doing similar research around the same time, Dr. He developed a table of the relationship between shock events, activations of brain regions and diseases, according to which it is possible to accurately find the cause of a particular disease.

Considering that GNM was based not only on his personal experience and research, but also on the work of German, French, Belgian, Dutch doctors, Hamer called the theory "New Germanic Medicine", by analogy with Chinese or Indian.

GNM is, first of all, not so much a treatment as a system of prevention. All that launch an appropriate biological program to deal with stress. The GNM system allows you to identify shock, the cause of the start of the disease and the reaction of the body. If the cause of the disease is known, then the elimination of this cause relieves stress and starts the process of self-healing of the body.

Eliminating the cause of stress can be both real, objective - changing conditions, changing behavior, making a decision. So it is subjective - a change in attitude to stress, situations, memories. A subjective process can be processing - a series of conscious work with a processor, as a result of which a person re-experiences and rethinks the cause that gave rise to the disease. A new perception of the source of stress gives a new experience, a person learns, his body finds a solution outside the biological program, and the disease is no longer required.

All diseases described in medicine are not considered by GNM to be malfunctions of the body or disorders. like a fever is a healing process. Or leukemia is the recovery phase of anemia. According to Hamer's theory, people die not from disease, but from fear and panic, as well as from treatment - drug poisoning, from weakening under the influence of treatment, from surgery, etc.

I don't think it's worth believing the professor 100% and completely abandoning medicine, as he promotes. However, it is useful not only to drown out the symptoms and swallow pills, but to figure out why the body reacted by launching a certain disease, what shock caused such a reaction. And, having re-realized the cause of the onset of the disease, it is very possible to recover, without the participation of medicine, drugs and rough intervention. Of course, diseases are different and some really need to be treated with the help of doctors. But many diseases go away after a change in attitude towards a traumatic situation, accumulated stress, or a solution to an existing problem.

Hamer is not the first and not the only scientist who claims - "all diseases are from the nerves" (in other variations - from sins, living conditions, environment, karma, mental reactions ...). But the idea that the body can heal itself by removing the cause of stress is not new at all. Quite often we hear about happy healing, when people left their usual way of life, or parted with business (and with it stress), changed their attitude to the situation - and the disease left their body. Is this not a positive confirmation of the correctness of the ideas of Hamer and those who develop and continue to support the GNM?

According to some sources, Dr. Hamer has cured more than 6,000 people using his technique. Including myself.

However, not everything is so smooth in the story about GNM.

After the publication of his theory, official medicine took up arms against Hamer. This is not surprising, since he opposed the classical treatment. Raik's revolutionary theory was so hostile to the medical world that he was prosecuted.

In 2004, Rijk Hamer was arrested in Spain, then he was extradited to France. The 70-year-old professor was sentenced to three years in prison. Formally, he was accused of conducting a private medical practice without an appropriate license, in fact, they demanded him to abandon the main provisions of the GNM, accused of causing damage to health and the death of patients who were treated according to his method.

History repeats itself - someone has already been forced to renounce new theories - fortunately, with Hamer everything was done without "burning at the stake."

After his accusation, numerous protests followed in defense of the professor and his method, including from large medical institutions and organizations. The German New Medicine (GNM) method has been tested in institutions such as the Universities of Vienna (1986), Duesseldorf (1992) and Trnava / Bratislava (1998), with very convincing, theory-supporting positive results. Under public pressure, in February 2006, Dr. Reik Hamer was released from prison.

At present, more and more trained followers of Dr. Hamer are appearing in many countries of the world and parallel directions are developing based on the ideas of the German New Medicine. There are more and more successful recovery stories, deeper research and more and more clear interconnection between the work of the brain, body and psyche, which also affects the physical condition of a person.

This is a natural evolutionary process, since the modern rhythm of life requires new methods of recovery. Diseases become more complex due to the fact that the human brain develops, which means that the number of psychological trauma is growing. If before the danger was represented by wild animals, or wars, now any information can affect a person like a shock. With the acceleration of our life, a person receives many psychobiological shocks every day, they are layered one on top of another, the brain does not have time to process them, as a result, it reacts by launching a program of vasoconstriction, compression of internal organs, strengthening or weakening of the endocrine, nervous and other systems, etc. ... But with the development of new diseases, the possibility of self-healing, self-prophylaxis and ways to weaken such causes of stress and restore health develops. And in addressing this issue, the German New Medicine is a vivid positive example of advanced diagnostics and the possibility of healing.

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