How to find out which group you are in. The number of the student's group and the current year are given. Print what year he entered and what faculty he studies at - Turbo Pascal. Don't be afraid to talk about yourself

Here is the back of the school. Passed the final and entrance exams. Yesterday's student became a student. The first of September arrived. Our student, so confused but happy, goes to the university. And he comes back worried. The group's methodologist announced that he would become head girl.

Poor student with quiet shock. What are the responsibilities at the university? Why was he chosen? How to behave with classmates? After all, they didn’t really get to know each other, the guys don’t know what to expect from the headman. And the headman, according to many, is still the same informer.

Don't panic! We will help you deal with your responsibilities.

Who is an elder?

This is a sneaky snitch who smiles in his eyes. And he himself runs with slander to the dean's office, such a scoundrel.

In fact, this answer is false. The headman is the "head" of the group, who is subordinate to the higher leadership. His task is to keep track of order, work together with the dean's office on educational issues, organize educational and active events in the group, and resolve conflict issues.

Why is an elder needed?

We found out what the duties of the head of the group at the university are. Let's look into this in more detail.

    The "head" of the group conducts internal meetings. They are connected with the solution of topical educational and disciplinary issues.

    Keeps a log of visits. This is included in the list of daily duties.

    Collaborates with the dean's office on class disruptions, schedule changes, and other issues.

    He promptly informs the students of his group about the decisions of the dean's office, changes in the curriculum, the beginnings and dates of sessions, and the possibilities to hand over debts.

    Collaborates with the dean's office on violations of the rights of students, conflict situations with teachers.

    Resolves conflicts within the group.

    Actively encourages students to participate in various university events.

    Be sure to attend a meeting of elders, where he raises issues relevant to his group.

Having learned about these duties of the head of the group at the university, one wants to say: "Tanyusha has a lot to do." What are the advantages and disadvantages in the "position" of the headman can be identified? More on this below.


The fattest plus is not even that the head of the group has material allowances for his activities. In addition to the basic scholarship, he is also paid extra for the "position".

The main plus is the ability to be "on a short footing" with the dean's office and most of the teachers. And this gives its advantages:


    Possibility to "get off" in case of missing classes.

    Possibility to ask for this or that student.

    The headman is always aware of the events taking place in the department.

    Communicating with teachers, he knows to whom what "key" can be picked up.


There are pluses and minuses to the duties of the head of the group at the university. And if the first is clear, then the second has yet to be dealt with:

    The attitude of the group to the "boss". It's no secret that classmates don't like elders. However, relationships can be improved. How to do this, consider below.

    You have to keep a log of visits. And many will ask to "cover up" their absenteeism.

    All the bigwigs get elders. They are scolded for poor academic performance and lack of discipline in the group, for not transmitting information on time on a particular issue, for allowing conflicts with teachers. In general, the headman is a "scapegoat".

    You have to be a model of correct behavior. What kind of walks are there? Only absence for valid reasons, documented.

    The headman must study well. And if he is an excellent student, then there is no price for this. Why does education need to be top notch? Because the headman is an example for the rest of the students in the group.

    Who is elected elder?

    What are the duties of a group leader in college and university? We have dealt with this issue. And now about what qualities the "leader" of the group should have:

    • Responsibility first.

      The ability to make decisions.

      Calmness and endurance.

      A sense of tact.

      The ability to convey one's position, to explain.


      The ability to convince.

      Stress resistance.

    If you feel that such a role is not for you, refuse immediately. You yourself will suffer, you will lose contact with your classmates and the dean's office will start to look askance.

    How is an elder chosen?

    It all starts in the dean's office. They study the student's autobiography and, on its basis, draw conclusions about the character of the candidate. The headman is appointed by the dean, and the methodologist of the group informs about the decision. As a rule, this happens in early September.

    The headman is elected for the first six months. After the winter session, students have the right to re-elect the headman on their own. There are cases when the headman was chosen in the first year, but remains in this position until the end of his studies at the university.

    Does he have the right to refuse?

    Prescribed in a special document, the duties of the head of the group at the university. This document is statutory. In each university they are different, according to the charter of a particular educational institution.

    If, after looking at the issued sheet, the student realized that he could not pull up such a high "position", he could refuse it. To do this, you must come to the dean's office, write a statement in writing and state the reasons why the student cannot perform the duties of the headman.

    The main valid reasons are various diseases of the student or his relatives, who need care. Also, good reasons include the student's part-time work after graduation in order to feed himself and his family.

    Character traits that do not correspond to those that the headman should have do not apply to good reasons. But you can explain to the dean that you don't have them. As a rule, the dean's office goes to meet students who have refused the role of headman.

    Relationships in the group

    How to combine the duties of the head of the group at the university and not spoil relations with students?

    It's a difficult question. To solve it, the headman must have charm, willpower, and be able to convey his position kindly. Let's take a look at an example.

    There is a malicious truant in the group. And he constantly asks not to record his absence in the log of visits. The headman fulfilled his requests until he was called to the dean's office. And they didn’t hit the hat for covering a truant. And what's a poor old man to do?

    If you start arguing with a truant, blaming him for all the sins, nothing good will come of it. But to speak kindly, to explain your point of view so that the wicked understand, it is worth a try.

    This truant will come to class, call him aside and say that there is no longer an opportunity to cover him. The dean's office swears, because the teachers complained about the constant absence of this student. They began to check the log of visits, and there they found a surprise.

    And all this with a smile on your face. Complain that they received a hat. Like, I would not mind covering up, but the magazine is being checked, as it turned out.

    Or you can say that the institute is a training ground. Still not work, but no longer school. How will a negligent student skip work? There, no one will cover from the authorities, they will be fired at the moment. All this is said clearly, convincingly, but not aggressively. Please note that this option is more restrictive. And it can cause a response, usually a negative one.


    These are the duties of a group leader in a university. It's not easy, as it turns out. It is one thing to fix omissions in the journal and quite another to be in constant cooperation with teachers and the dean's office. If character allows, take up this business. If you understand that you can’t be a good headman, it’s better not to try.

Posted on 08/07/2013 (6465 reads)

Dear freshmen! Many of you ask questions about your future student life, scholarships, living conditions, terms and procedure for settling in hostels. We answer some of your questions about studying, living in a hostel, etc.

Memo of a freshman student

Dear freshmen! Many of you ask questions about your future student life, scholarships, living conditions, terms and procedure for settling in hostels. We answer some of your questions.

When will we receive a notification of enrollment?

A postcard - a notice of enrollment in 1st year students was sent to you after the order for enrollment was issued to the address that you indicated in the application. It informs about the arrival time at the university for classes .

How can I find out the group number and class schedule?

At a meeting with deans September 1 You will receive student cards . Besides:

· will announce the distribution of groups,

· they will tell you about the procedure for obtaining plastic cards (for transferring scholarships),

· explain how to use the electronic timetable on the TSU website.

· they will explain when and where young men should come for military registration.

· they will get acquainted with how the educational process will take place, the order of living in a hostel and behavior in the educational buildings of the university.

Who is eligible for the scholarship?

academic scholarship in the first year (first semester) all students receive full-time budgetary education. The size of the academic scholarship is about 2000 rubles. The scholarship in the second semester is assigned based on the results of the session.

First-year students who received a result of more than 90 points on the Unified State Examination, as well as winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads enrolled in the university on the basis of benefits provided by the decision of the TSU admissions committee, receive an increased scholarship by the decision of the TSU Academic Council.

social scholarship assigned additionally to persons entitled to receive it. Learn more about the application process and required documents.

Who has the right to live in a hostel? Who gets a place in a hostel?

The student dormitory is intended for non-resident undergraduate and graduate students. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to stay in student dormitories.

How is the settlement in the hostel?

To settle in a hostel for 1st year students, you must:

1. Statement, endorsed by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty and direction for a settlement indicating the number of the hostel and the number of the room. These documents are presented to the commandant of the hostel.

2. Medical certificate . Before settling into a hostel, you must pass a medical examination. (lichen, pediculosis, fluorography). References from polyclinics at the place of residence are not accepted .

3. 3 photos - 3x4 without a corner (for issuing a personal card, a registration sheet and a pass to the hostel).

4. Citizens of the CIS need to pay a state duty . You can get information about the amount of state duty, bank details, travel to the clinic directly from the commandant of the hostel

5. After completing the documents with the commandant, the student receives a set of linen and keys.

Additional Information:

· August 28the dormitories will be ready for freshmen to move in, but the check-in of freshmen from different faculties takes place at different times. The term and procedure for settling in a hostel is determined by the faculty (check with the dean's office of the faculty).

· If you have the opportunity to come only on a day off, you will definitely be accommodated (without a certificate and referral), and on Monday you must go through doctors and get a referral to the hostel.

· You can get a medical examination free of charge only in an interuniversity hospital, in other clinics for money. You cannot have a certificate from your city (except for a certificate of fluorography for 2013), because on the way to .Tomsk you could get sick. Help is done in 1 day.

· There are no "workouts" for first-year students. You may (with your consent) be invited to participate in the improvement of your room.

· The cost of living in a hostel is 3203.20 rubles. per year + payment for the use of electricity.

Do I need to check out from my permanent place of residence to settle in a hostel?

It is not necessary to be discharged from a permanent place of residence to settle in a hostel. Young men need to be removed from the military register.

A student living in a hostel is provided with: furniture, a mattress, a pillow, a blanket, a set of bed linen.

For accommodation in the hostel, you can have with you: your own set of bed linen. Set of dishes

How and by whom are places in the hostel distributed for students of the 2nd and following courses?

The distribution of places is made by the deputy dean for educational work and the chairman of the student council of the faculty in accordance with the submitted applications of students (except for the 1st year). Applications must be submitted no later than May 1 to the chairman of the student council.

Who should I contact if I have questions about living in a hostel?

For all questions related to living in a hostel, as well as to resolve disputes, a student should contact the dean for educational work, the chairman of the student council, the chairman of the trade union bureau of the faculty or the director of the campus.

Where can I find the rules of living in a hostel?

You are obliged to familiarize yourself with the Rules of living in a hostel when you settle in a hostel. For violations of the rules of residence in a hostel, a student may be denied the right to reside, and also reprimanded by order of the dean, up to expulsion. If a student causes material damage, he is obliged to pay a fine in the amount established by the order of the director of the campus.

Does a student have the right to stay in a hostel during the summer holidays?

The student has the right to stay in a hostel for the summer period at the request of the faculty due to employment a student in public work (for example, in the selection committee, the archive of the faculty, in the construction squad, in practice). The remaining students are subject to temporary (summer) eviction: it is necessary to hand over the room and keys to the commandant.

Can relatives or guests who came to visit the student temporarily reside in the hostel?

Accommodation of guests of students living in a hostel is carried out in accordance with the rules, which can be found at the commandant of the hostel. Close relatives have the right to live in a hostel (in agreement with the administration of the campus) subject to availability.

What to do if in the process of studying the student's place of residence, passport data ( for example, surname )?

In case of changes in passport data, the dean's office of the faculty should be immediately informed in writing: write an application for a change of surname with a document confirming it, submit a photocopy of a new passport, marriage certificate, etc.

Medical care for students.

Student Polyclinic and Intercollegiate Hospital serve students of all universities in Tomsk (street Kyiv, 74.). To attach to an interuniversity polyclinic, you must have a medical insurance policy and vaccination card with you.

Dispensary TSU (etc .Lenin, 49), where students can improve their health, heal and relax.

Psychological help (main building of TSU, room 025 a). Psychologisthelps to understand a difficult situation and find ways to solve the problem

For admission to physical education classes, do I need a certificate in form 086-U indicating the medical group?

AT the first week of September at all faculties are held freshman meetings with deputy Dean for sports and mass work, where you will receive answers to your questions. From September 5, a medical examination of all first-year students at the Faculty of Physical Education begins (free of charge). You must have a vaccination card, fluorography results (if any), a medical card (if necessary, if there are special diseases and health deviations) with you. The medical examination takes place in the sports building, 2 days (all doctors are present in the sports building) there is no need to go to hospitals.

How will the relay race be held on the first of September? What should freshmen do?

The traditional relay race is held in 6 stages for boys and girls. It is attended by students of 2-4 courses, as well as first-year students who have a sports category and have expressed a desire to take part in the relay race. Bring sportswear with you (who wants to participate), but first you need to go to the sports building of the FFK dean's office.

Dear freshmen!

For all questions, you should contact the dean's office of your faculty/institute.

10.07.2013 № 000

About the faculty numbering system,

specialties and study groups

In order to ensure code identification of faculties, specialties (specialties), study groups and in connection with the opening of training in new specialties (specialties), as well as the reorganization of faculties


1. Continue using the six-digit numbering of educational student groups with the following meaning of the positions of the numbers:

1 digit - year of receipt (last digit of the year);

2nd digit - faculty code;

3, 4 digits - specialty code;

5th figure - form of education;

6th digit - the number of the study group in the stream.

2. Assign the following codes to the faculties:


Faculty name

The code


Faculty of Computer Design

Faculty of pre-university training and

vocational guidance

3. Fix the identification feature for the form of education in the following designation: daytime education - 0; evening training - 3; distance learning - 4; distance learning - 5; integrated evening education - 6; integrated distance learning - 7, integrated distance learning - 8.

4. Accounting for the numbering of faculties, specialties (directions of specialties) and study groups shall be entrusted to the educational and methodological department.

5. For the numbering of study groups, the educational department should use the codes of faculties and specialties (directions of specialties) in accordance with Appendix 1.

6. The department of methodological support of the educational process to ensure the accounting and registration of curricula in the specialties of the university using the codes of faculties and specialties in accordance with Appendix 1.

7. Order "On the numbering system of faculties, specialties and study groups" is considered invalid.

8. Head of ODO bring this order to the attention of all structural divisions of the university.

Appendix: 1. Numbering of specialties (directions of specialties), faculties of BSUIR.

Rector of the University

Appendix 1 to Order No. 000 dated 01/01/2001.

Code, specialty name

(directions of the specialty)


specialties (directions of specialty)



1Information systems and

technologies (in ensuring industrial safety)

1Design and

1Micro- and nanotechnologies and systems

1Radio engineering

(programmable electronic


(devices and systems)


systems and networks

1Automated systems

12 Electronic computing



technologies (telecommunication systems)

1 Multichannel telecommunication systems

1Engineering and psychological

provision of information technologies


information technologies

1 Electro-optical

systems and technologies

1Radioelectronic systems

1Electronic protection


1Protection of information in


1Radio engineering (technology

digital radio)

1Economy and organization

production (radio electronics and

information Services)

1Artificial intelligence

1Medical electronics

1Industrial electronics

1Computer science

1Metrological support

1- 26Marketing

1Information systems and

technology (in economics)

1Information technology and management in technical systems

1Technical support


1Modeling and computer design of radio electronic equipment

1Quantum information



technologies (digital television and radio broadcasting)

1Radio communication, broadcasting and television systems

1Infocommunication technologies (infocommunication networks)

1Infocommunication networks


technologies (distribution systems

multimedia information)

1 Multimedia distribution systems

1Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials in electronics33


technologies (laser information-measuring systems)

1Laser information-measuring systems

1Computer science and technology


1Information systems and

technology (in logistics)


technologies (telecommunication systems

special purpose)

1Programmable mobile

1E-business economics

1Electronic marketing

1Electronic and information management systems of physical


1Radio engineering

(special radar systems and

radio navigation)

The entrance exams were left behind, and with them all the anxieties and worries regarding the choice of a suitable educational institution were gone. And finally, September 1 has come, and the newly minted student with a beating heart enters an audience full of newcomers like him.

It's no secret that student life for the majority of the population is more associated with fun and carefree days in the company of best friends than with active and intense study that opens the way to a brighter future. If you were often connected with classmates from school only territorially, then at the university, as a rule, people who are closest to you in terms of views, interests and level of education gather. It is among them that there are those who can become the most reliable, close and understanding friends who accompany you all your life. In addition, university acquaintances are also your potential future employers, clients, competitors, as well as just people who can be useful. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the procedure of acquaintance and building relationships with classmates.

How to overcome fear and get to know your classmates?

  • First, you need to remember the most important thing: in the audience there are exactly the same people as you, who know very few people at the university, who have just entered and have not had time to get comfortable. Most of them, with rare exceptions, just want to make a good impression on everyone (including you, yes).
  • Secondly, within the newly created team, at the first stages of study, separate closed societies have not yet emerged, therefore, theoretically, you can approach almost any person you meet. The exceptions are groups of people who recognized each other before entering, from school or from preparatory courses. However, even people already familiar with each other, who have fallen into a new team, are unlikely to behave hostilely.
  • Thirdly, at the university, no one is yet familiar with you and your oddities, because of which, perhaps, you could experience discomfort and receive ridicule at school. Studying at a university is like a blank page, another chance to show yourself as a good (or not so) person, to step over yourself or even radically change the style of communication and life.

In fact, there is nothing easier than making friends in the first courses at the university. At this age, most young people have a desire to communicate, as well as a disposition to make new acquaintances due to the flexibility of their character. Sometimes a fleeting conversation at a desk, in the corridor or on the way home is enough to understand a person and trust him. Therefore, do not hesitate to approach people and talk to them, chat with a random neighbor at a lecture. Even if you didn’t find common topics for conversation in the first days of your acquaintance, you can always discuss the entrance exams and the impressions that came from your studies and teachers.

The age of information technology will also help you meet and network with your classmates. Most of the students of any university can be easily found on popular social networks. Therefore, if at first you are embarrassed to communicate with a person live, write to him via the Internet. As a rule, even the most shy and secretive people support this way of communication.

Below are a few rules, if followed, the chances of winning over new members of the group will increase:

Don't be afraid to experiment

It is rarely possible to predict in advance which of a group of people will understand and support you. Therefore, boldly approach even the most unfriendly characters in your opinion, it is quite possible that a kind, shy and sympathetic person is hiding behind external rudeness and silence. Scary? Then imagine that you are 10 years old and do not yet know what embarrassment and failure are. In any case, even if you do something stupid, it is unlikely that anyone except you will remember it.

Don't miss out on collaborative activities

In no case do not refuse if you are invited to the cinema, cafe, concert or just for a walk. Otherwise, after a couple of weeks, you run the risk of being isolated, since the part of the group that attended these events will become a kind of closed society. But the presence will not only bring you closer to the group, but also allow you to know your surroundings better. In addition, you will have shared memories, and possibly vivid photos. If you are not shy, you can even organize the event yourself, though get ready for the fact that at first it will be up to you to keep the conversation between the participants.

Don't be afraid to talk about yourself

When meeting new people, don't hesitate to talk about yourself. Otherwise, you may be mistaken for a closed, dissatisfied person who is not happy to meet new people. The main thing in this matter is to observe the measure.

be interested in people

All people, with rare exceptions, love to be interested in them. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask about hobbies, interests and opinions - this will put the interlocutor in your favor.

And finally, it is worth noting that the university is the best of the few opportunities in life that make friends. After the release of situations that contribute to the emergence of friendship, it will become less and less, so do not lose such a wonderful chance and enjoy your youth at the university to the fullest.

Gladkova M.P., VolgGTU, PrIn-5 group (2011)
