Green pages burdock. Burdock (burdock). Aster. Additional material for the lesson

Abstract of observation in nature in the senior group, topic: "Burdock or burdock"


Introduce children to the plant, its features.
To consolidate knowledge about the concept of "weed", "unpretentious plant".
Introduce sayings and signs associated with the plant.
Cultivate curiosity, interest in native nature.

Observation progress:

This plant has several names - burdock, burdock or burdock. It is considered a weedy, unpretentious plant growing near human habitation - along roads, in vegetable gardens, in meadows, in fields. Which plants are called "weeds" or "weeds"? (Answers of children). A weed plant is one that litters crops. And how do you understand the expression "unpretentious plant"? (Answers of children). A plant that is content with the simplest conditions for growth.

This broad-leaved plant received the name "burdock" because in the old days the leaf was called "lop".
In the first year of life, the burdock grows huge leaves, and in the second - a tall stem, which is taller than human height, with small purple flowers. Then the plant dies.

He releases sheets
wide latitude.
Stay on strong stems
One hundred rough, tenacious fruits:
If you do not bypass them -
You can find them all for yourself.

Burdock blooms in summer. Its purple-red crested flowers are quite beautiful. When they fade, round baskets with sharp prickly hooks appear in their place. With the help of these spines, they cling to everything that is nearby. And the plant only needs this: baskets with seeds are carried away on animal hair, human clothes and settled in all possible directions from the mother plant.
After all, another name for burdock is burdock. It is believed that this word came from the East, where it is consonant with the words, the meaning of which is: "grab, rip off, cling." It is clear why such a name is given to burdock baskets?
There is even such a saying: "I clung like a burdock."

It was a long time ago, the French attacked the Russian people. The French were soon expelled. And returning home, French soldiers brought burdock seeds on their clothes. They called these seeds "Russian infection" for their clinging. Since then, the burdock or burdock has settled in France and all neighboring countries.

The scientific name of burdock is "lappa" - from the Greek word for "grasping".

“Burdock,” they sometimes say about someone disparagingly. A fool means a simpleton who is easily deceived. Even all plants with large leaves are called "burdocks" by some. Burdock is considered the most common plant that can be found under any fence and in every ditch. And it seems that there is nothing simpler than burdock. But why hurt the plant? Burdock, aka burdock, is a wonderful plant.
Burdock is even a champion in terms of leaf size!

A tincture is prepared from the leaves of burdock, which is then sprayed on garden plants. Such plants will give a good harvest, because they will not be afraid of caterpillars and other pests.

This is our burdock weed, and in some countries it is grown in vegetable gardens as a valuable food product and used in cooking.

Burdock is very often used in medicine. For the preparation of medicines, the roots are most often used, less often the leaves and fruits. With the help of this plant, they treat diseases, heal wounds, strengthen hair. (You can show the children a bottle of burdock oil). No wonder such sayings appeared: “Burdock - from a hundred ailments”, “Burdock did not stick, it is good when there is little health!”.

Burdock is a good honey plant. Burdock honey is dark and viscous, but very nutritious.

Burdock is an excellent livestock feed. But for sheep, burdock or burdock is harmful - it spoils their wool.

Burdock is said to be able to predict rain. There is such a folk sign: “Before the rain, burdock cones straighten their hooks.”

Burdock is an oil plant. The oil pressed from its seeds is not suitable for eating - it is bitter. They use it for something else - they prepare medicines, drying oil, soap.

"Bear-grass" - so called burdock. The name of this plant has received a long time ago, even in ancient times. Maybe because burdock is big, overweight, strong like a bear. Or maybe because even then people knew the property of burdock: it accumulates nutrients from autumn to winter, as a bear does. Thanks to last year's stocks, in the spring burdock begins to grow by leaps and bounds.

There is a legend that the famous Velcro was invented by the Swiss engineer Georges de Mestral. Once his dog returned from a walk, all covered with burdock. After cleaning the dog's fur, the inventor, out of curiosity, looked at the burdock through a microscope - and found small spines that helped the plant to cling. Then Georges made two ribbons with similar hooks - it turned out to be an excellent clasp. And today we are happy to use Velcro instead of buttons and laces. Are any of you currently wearing Velcro clothing or shoes?

Even such a simple weed plant as burdock, aka burdock, burdock, can bestow, teach, feed, cure. Take care of this green wealth growing under our feet!

Questions to reinforce:

1. Remember the names of the plant we met today?
2. Why did the plant get its names?
3. Why did the saying appear: “clung like a burdock”?
4. Why did such sayings appear: “Burdock - from a hundred ailments”, “Burdock did not stick, it is good when there is little health!”?
5. How does burdock predict rain?
6. Can burdock be called a honey plant? Why?
7. Can burdock be called a medicinal plant? Why?
8. Can burdock be called a fodder plant? Why?
9. Can burdock be called an oil plant? Why?
10. Why is burdock called "bear grass"?
11. What idea did the burdock suggest to the inventor?

Additional material for the lesson:

Proverbs and sayings about burdock (burdock)

You won’t get raspberries from a burdock.
Fleas and burdocks will not be enough.
To slap someone with a burdock, to annoy.
Glad like a rep.

Poems about burdock or burdock


- Hey, burdock,
Where are your
Sticky burrs?

- Three - on the neck of a kid,
Two - on the back of a chicken,
There are three on the tail of Barbos,
Two on the paws of a cat.
The rest - see:
On your clothes...
(Evgeny Novichikhin)


Repe said:
- I am a true friend.
They know about it
all around!
And remember
By the way,
What am I
Very affectionate!
(S. Wheat)


Nobody grows on the mound
Angry, disheveled burdock.
Do not take it in a bouquet,
And he has no grief.
He stands dark-headed,
Until spring among the snows.
But hungry birds
He dreams of a beautiful flower:
There is no better food for them
What a disheveled burdock!
(G. Novitskaya)

Riddle about burdock

Grew up in the field angry and prickly,
Needles in all directions.

The legend about burdock

Like heather, burdock (aka burdock or burdock) is a symbol of Scotland. According to legend, the treacherous Normans, who wanted to subdue the Scots by cunning, decided to sneak up to the army barefoot at dawn, and one of the soldiers pricked himself right on a thorny burdock flower. The warrior could not help shouting and woke up the Scots. After the enemies were expelled, the savior flower was placed on the ancient Scottish coat of arms. The plant represents stamina and strength, invincibility and has the same prickly disposition as many Scots.

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With the help of this book, you will learn about the most daring flowers that are the first to meet spring, meet ants, butterflies and ladybugs, figure out what the strength and courage of an oak tree are, get into the kingdom of mushrooms and lichens, penetrate the secrets of bats, get to know life " king of rodents" - beaver. This book is for younger students, but it will be of interest to both parents and teachers who, together with their child, want to meet the unique world of wildlife.

Bird buckwheat.
When I was little, this weed always puzzled me. I met her on the road, and in the wasteland, and on the banks of the river, but she grew especially densely on our impassable, completely village-looking street. The big mound right in front of the house was completely green from this grass.

She puzzled me because, no matter who I asked, no one knew her name. Wormwood, motherwort, yarrow - all these herbs were known to me. And this one is the most common...
- They call it grass-ant, - the grandmother said. - This is among the people. And I don’t know how scientists christened it.

I "studyed" the mysterious herb with the greatest care. I found out that her root is rather thin and weak, but the stems are strong, resilient, and no matter how much we walked along our hillock, she did not disappear from it. Its leaves are small, and the flowers are tiny and sit at the very stem, as if hiding under the protection of the leaves.

There were always geese grazing on the hillock. I didn't like it when they craned their necks and hissed, so I didn't get close to them. But I saw that they were eating my mysterious weed, and they were eating with an enviable appetite.

WITH content
Green pages of nature book
Page one, which tells about the grass near our house
Bird's buckwheat
From the life of dandelions
Sour but tasty
Burdock, he is a burdock
The most bitter herb
green traveler
wasteland dweller
Make friends with nettles
Page two, where we are talking about the first flowers that welcome spring
The most daring
Giving honey
Hasty Corydalis
Vigorous, fresh, washed
goose bow
dreamlike herb
Keys to summer
Page three, written with the hope that flowers will always bloom on earth
Page four - about trees
About birch and birch sap
The Strength and Weakness of the Oak
Tree Citizen
bold tree
Page five, whose heroes are mosses
Below the grass
From the Arctic to Antarctica
Where does moss start?
living sponge
Kukushkin flax, ostrich feather and others
Page six - about mushrooms
Not plants or animals
Why mushrooms in the forest
His Majesty Borovik
Insidious doubles
Wolf tobacco, hare potato
Going for mushrooms
Page seven, almost fabulous, which invites you to visit the lichens
Dressing room of the forest king
Scale, leafy, bushy
Union of fungus and algae
Reindeer moss
Lichens are leaving the cities
Page eight, the events of which take place in the web kingdom
Page nine, on the complex relationship between humans and insects
Page ten - about dragonflies
big-eyed hunters
life under water
Dragonflies are waiting for help
Page eleven, whose heroes are lacewings, they are also florists
First meeting
Egg on a thin stalk
"Dorty lions" and a running chrysalis
defenseless beauties
Page twelve - about beetles
Who in the world is the most
Maybug and its relatives
beetle on the road
talking beetle
six-legged deer
Big water lover
Without them, the earth would be bored
Page thirteen, almost detective - about a dangerous criminal among insects
Word portrait
His first "case"
He crosses all boundaries
He changes clothes
He hides
Who will win?
Page fourteen, which deals with the extraordinary life of an ordinary ladybug
name on wings
Three lives of a ladybug
deceptive appearance
Migratory ... beetles
Where do cows hibernate
Page fifteen, the most colorful, because it talks about butterflies
140 thousand species
Pollen on variegated wings
How many legs does a caterpillar have?
Unusual duty
The Dangerous Life of an Admiral
Dove in an anthill
Mysterious Hawk Moths
fading rainbow
Page sixteen, which tells how insects hibernate
Page seventeen, whose heroes are insects, and the time of action is spring
First butterflies
Hooray! The flies are awake!
Watch out for bumblebees!
Ants that everyone remembers
Page eighteen, about frogs and toads, which many do not like at all
Their trouble is our fault
What are frogs and toads
Similar but different
A link in an unbreakable chain
Page nineteen, about the life of birds in autumn
Where, how and when?
And who remains?
Help the birds!
Page Twenty, Of Those Birds That Stay With Us In Winter
tap dancing
Page twenty one - about birds in spring
The starlings have arrived
Singing in the blue sky
"Flourish" finch
song thrush
Pied flycatcher
Page twenty-two, which tells about the winter life of animals
City under the snow
Agile Predators
Three hundred cones for lunch
Belyak and Rusak
fox hunting
About the boar and the moose
Page twenty-three, the most mysterious, because its heroes are bats
What the legends say
What Science Says
Caught an echo
Forest ambulance
Like birds and with birds
Do not offend winged animals!
Page twenty-four, which talks about the "rodent king"
"Rodent King"
Miracle one - beaver teeth
Miracle second - beaver coat
Miracle three - beaver tail
Miracles the fourth and fifth - beaver lodges and dams
Sixth miracle - beavers
One hundred squirrels for a beaver
The seventh miracle - the beavers are back!
How many pages are in the book of nature.

We often hear people say: "You screwed up". This expression means that a person hung his ears like burdock leaves, trusted someone and made a mistake, wentof off. Indeed, the leaves of large burdock are huge, they are perhaps the largest among all plants in the European part of Russia. And this feature is readily used by many gardeners.

I myself more than once plucked the largest leaves on burdock plants that grew wildly on the slope of a neighboring reclamation ditch in order to cover with them from the bright sun the seedlings of squash, squash and other plants that had just been planted in the open ground. Of course, everyone knows that it is best to plant tender seedlings in cloudy weather, but if the weather is sunny and the seedlings outgrow, then you still need to plant them. Better to do it in the evening. Everything is extremely simple: plant seedlings, water them abundantly, and then from the south side, from where the bright sun will be scorching at noon, insert a long petiole of a burdock leaf into the soil with a slight slope towards the planted plant (if the earth is dense, then you can make a hole under the diameter with a stick petiole). And a protective green screen will stand next to the seedlings - a burdock leaf. Then a burdock leaf, deprived of nutritious juices, will begin to lose turgor, lean towards the seedlings, covering it with a kind of umbrella. It will only be necessary in the morning to check all these "umbrellas" so that they do not press down the seedlings. After a day or two, when the young plants take root, you can remove this dried shelter.

Here is such a first small benefit that gardeners can derive from the familiar, and sometimes annoying burdock(everyone is familiar with its prickly balls containing achenes, which, after maturation, cling to clothes and are removed after walking in nature only after many efforts). It is no coincidence that the saying among the people appeared: "Hooked like a burdock". In addition, the Latin name for burdock is lappa- means "cling". But burdock is not so simple, he has many others useful properties, which will be discussed.

Plant features

Burdock (Arctium lappa)- This is a biennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Compositae family. Its other names are also known among the people: burdock, burdock, burdock. It grows everywhere in our country, it can be found near housing in villages, on trash cans, along roads, in a garden, in a kitchen garden, along streams, in fields and on edges in forests. In the first year, this plant forms basal leaves on long petioles, and in the second year it expels a high branched stem (up to 120 cm and above). The main feature of burdock is a long tap root, which penetrates the soil to a depth of 60 cm and deeper (depending on the quality and looseness of the soil). Burdock leaves are also noteworthy, especially basal ones - they are large, ovoid up to half a meter long, and the leaves formed on the stem decrease in size as they approach the crown of the plant. From above, they are all green in color, and the lower part of the leaves is gray tomentose. There is pubescence on both stems and branches.

Burdock flowers are tubular, they are collected in large spherical baskets of red-violet color, and placed on peduncles on the stem and branches. Burdock blooms in June-July, seeds ripen in August-September. After maturation, the achenes cling to the clothes of people passing by, to the hair of animals and are transferred to new places, and this is how burdock reproduces. After the seeds ripen in the second year of life, the great burdock dies, and its seeds that have fallen into favorable conditions begin a new two-year life.

Medicinal properties of burdock

Burdock has long been used in folk medicine. Almost all parts of this plant were used for medicinal purposes: they harvested the root, leaves and tops with flowers.

Procurement of raw materials

Root herbalists recommend harvesting plants in the first year of life, then they have the greatest strength. Dig them up in the fall. If you did not have time to dig them up in the fall, then you can do this in the spring - in the second year of the burdock's life, but only before the first leaves appear on it. The roots are dug out carefully, trying not to damage the surface skin, carefully cleaned from the ground (do not wash), cut into pieces and dried at a temperature of 40 ° C in country attics, where the temperature is quite high during the day, or at home. The leaves and the flowering top of the burdock are harvested during flowering and also dried in the shade in a ventilated room.

Generally burdock root used not only as a medicine. It turned out that it is quite applicable in cooking. It was used and is now used in boiled, fried, baked form. Add to borscht and soups instead of potatoes, carrots, parsley. True, the roots can not be taken from any, but only from plants of the first year of life. Used in cooking and young shoots of burdock, peeled, and young leaves - in salads and cabbage soup. It is known that in Japan, whose inhabitants very widely and skillfully use many plants for culinary purposes, now one of the types of burdock is specially grown in the beds.

But the main glory of the burdock brought him medicinal properties. In my younger years, working in the garden, I sometimes got bruised. On the advice of an elderly neighbor, I looked for burdock plants, tore off its leaves and applied them with the lower, felt side, to the bruised place. Then he wrapped it with a cloth and fastened it on his leg with elastic bands or a bandage and walked like this all day or made such a bandage at night. Burdock helped relieve pain and removed swelling. One friend, who had arthritis, made the same dressings for sore joints - on her arms and legs.

A burdock root large used and used for rheumatism of the joints, gout, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, constipation. Preparations from the root help cleanse blood vessels, have diuretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diaphoretic properties, they reduce uric acid in the blood.

Useful properties of burdock large due to its rich and valuable chemical composition. Burdock roots contain mucus, essential oil, fatty oil consisting of palmitic and stearic acids, as well as inulin, tannins and bitter substances, glycosides, alkaloids, resins, protein, starch, sugar, mineral salts, vitamins C, groups B, E, D, carotene. Due to the content of polysaccharides in the plant, the deposition of glycogen in the liver increases and the insulin-forming function of the pancreas improves.

The use of burdock root in official medicine

burdock roots large in the form of decoctions and infusions is taken as a diuretic, choleretic and diaphoretic. Its preparations are also effective for external use in the treatment of seborrhea, acne, eczema, itching and furunculosis.

Burdock root is included in the composition of diaphoretic fees, complex fees for the treatment of gout and metabolic arthritis. Burdock oil is also used in cosmetology - to strengthen hair during baldness.

Decoction of burdock roots

To obtain it, you need to place one tablespoon of dry burdock roots (10 g) in an enamel bowl and pour one glass of boiling water (200 ml). Then close the container with a lid and put in a water bath for half an hour, stirring the liquid often. After removing from heat, cool the broth for 10 minutes, strain, and squeeze out the remaining raw material of the root. Bring the resulting volume of broth with boiled water to the original (200 ml). This decoction can be stored in a cool place for no more than a day.

In folk medicine, the range of application of root preparations and other parts of burdock is much wider.

For example, an infusion of burdock roots is used in the presence of kidney and bladder stones, as well as gastritis, stomach ulcers and some other diseases.

Infusion of burdock roots

To prepare it, one teaspoon (this is about 5 g) of dry crushed root is placed in a thermos and poured with half a liter of boiling water. Insist during the night. Then the resulting infusion is drunk hot during the day. If there is no thermos, a container with a root filled with boiling water must be carefully wrapped up for the night. Only before use, the liquid will have to be heated. Thermos is better though.

Large burdock decoction

It is used for baths and compresses for joint pain, as well as for arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism. Such a decoction is prepared from one tablespoon of dry crushed burdock roots and two glasses of water. The roots are poured with water and boiled over low heat for half an hour, and then filtered.

Women can use this decoction to strengthen hair and improve their appearance. Before going to bed for several months, the decoction should be rubbed into the skin of the hair. They do it in two days. And then the hair will become thicker and silkier

Burdock Seed Infusion

His traditional healers are advised to take with constipation. Seeds are harvested as they ripen, can be stored for three years. To prepare such an infusion, you need to take 20 g of burdock seeds and pour them with a glass of boiling water (200 ml). After that, insist 20 minutes and strain. Take an infusion of 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Burdock juice

It is obtained from burdock leaves picked in May. They are washed, dried and immediately passed through a meat grinder, and then the juice is squeezed through gauze. Take it before meals, one tablespoon. The course of treatment is two weeks with a week break: take juice for one week, and then take a week break and take it again for a week. In chronic hepatitis, an annual course of such treatment is recommended.

Such juice from fresh young leaves, mixed with crushed leaves, is applied to purulent wounds, ulcers, burns, bedsores, tumors, cuts.

Burdock fruit infusion

To obtain an infusion, the fruits of burdock, together with the pericarp, dried in the shade, are ground into powder and then two tablespoons of the powder are poured with half a liter of boiling water and insisted overnight. Drink a glass of infusion in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening - drink the same amount of infusion before meals.

Burdock leaf infusion

It is prepared from two tablespoons of dry crushed burdock leaves. They are placed in a bowl and poured with half a liter of boiling water and insisted overnight. Then the infusion should be filtered and drunk 3/4 cup three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals or an hour after meals.

This infusion is taken in the treatment of hepatic and renal edema, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and kidney stones, as well as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, prostatitis.

Burr oil

It is produced by the industry, and sold in pharmacies and shops. This oil helps with burns, wounds, frostbite, hair loss.

You can also make this oil at home. To do this, you need to insist the crushed burdock roots in olive oil for two weeks.

Burdock ointment

Take 25 g of leaves and 25 g of burdock roots, chop them. Then pour them into a bowl and boil for 20 minutes in 100 ml of water. After carefully grind everything in 100 g of butter. This ointment can be used in the prevention and treatment of baldness, burns, frostbite.


Like many other herbal preparations, it is not recommended to use burdock and preparations from it during pregnancy and lactation. Individual intolerance to this plant is also possible. Consult your doctor.

E. Valentinov

Other names - burdock, burdock. In total, there are 11 types of burdock: this is large burdock, felted burdock (cobweb), small burdock, etc.

Burdock is a rather valuable medicinal plant that treats many intractable diseases, although among the people it is considered a symbol of obsession, due to its characteristic feature of clinging to clothes.

Burdock is hard to miss, it stands out from other plants with its large size and bright pink flowers. The Leningrad artist, Vladimir Saxon, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the revolution presented burdock as a symbol of the revolution, depicting a canvas with burdocks, and said: "I feel the revolution this way."

Burdock is not only a useful and medicinal plant, but, you might be surprised, an edible plant.
In Siberia and the Caucasus, burdock has long been considered a vegetable plant. And in Japan it is grown in the beds and it is called there - dovo. Young leaves and petioles are edible, they are tasty at a tender age.

The burdock root of the first year of life is also edible, it is thick and juicy and after boiling or roasting it is suitable for food. They baked bread from it, made a substitute for coffee, put it in soup.

Burdock (burdock) is a perennial herbaceous plant with a straight, hard, elastic, felt-pubescent stem. In the first year, very large basal leaves are formed on long, straight, succulent petioles.
In the second year - a tall (up to 3 m) straight stem with small red-violet baskets of inflorescences located on the tops of the pedicels.

Blooms in June-August. Grows everywhere: in forests and shrubs, near dwellings, along ditches, in wet wastelands, along roads...

Burdock preparation. For medicinal purposes, the roots, leaves and tops of burdock are used. The roots are harvested in the fall of the first or spring of the second year (before the leaves appear). The best burdock roots are in 1 year old plants. Leaves and tops are harvested during the flowering period. The shelf life of the harvested plant is 2-3 years.

Dry under a canopy or in a slightly heated oven or oven. Burdock rhizome (burdock, burdock) contains essential and fatty oils, tannins, pectin, bitter substances, glycosides, alkaloids, resins, mucus, protein, starch, sugar, inulin, minerals, vitamins C, groups B, E, D, carotene and many other medicinal substances.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of burdock, application. Preparations from the roots of burdock have wound healing, diuretic and diaphoretic properties. They are used for certain skin diseases, inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. The properties of large burdock and felt burdock are very similar and almost do not differ.

The use of burdock herb and its treatment has a beneficial effect on metabolic disorders, improves the function of the pancreas, gallbladder, liver, kidneys, promotes the dissolution and excretion of salts and stones, increases diuresis, has a positive effect on wound healing, acts as an anticarcinogenic and diaphoretic agent, promotes cleansing the blood and removing all metabolic toxins.

Tincture (infusion) of burdock roots: 1 teaspoon (about 5 g) of crushed root is poured into 0.5 liters. boiling water, insist night. Taken hot inside
drink throughout the day. Used in the presence of stones in the kidneys and bladder, with gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Decoctions for compresses are used for dermatoses and itchy skin rashes.

Popularly, burdock is widely known as an effective topical remedy that accelerates hair growth.

A decoction of burdock (for external use) is prepared from 1 tablespoon of chopped root in 2 cups of water, boiled for 30 minutes and filtered. In the evening before going to bed, every 2 days, for 3-4 months, rub a decoction of burdock root (possible with the same amount of decoction of calamus root) into the scalp, and as a result, the hair will become thicker, silkier, fluffier.

A decoction of burdock root is used for baths and compresses for arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, joint pain.

Burdock extract (alcohol infusion) from burdock root is made on vodka in a ratio of 1:10, which is used to lubricate the affected areas.

In a mixture with other plants, burdock root is recommended for gastritis, hemorrhoids, and gout.

A decoction of the root (inside) is taken to regulate carbohydrate metabolism, with rickets, benign and malignant neoplasms, hemorrhages.

It is noted that it has a pronounced ability to delay the growth of tumors.

A decoction of burdock seeds is taken for constipation. For this, 20 g of burdock seeds are boiled in 200 ml of water, insisted for 20 minutes, filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

In the treatment of diabetes mellitus, burdock root is combined with bean pods and blueberry leaves (equally) and such a decoction is taken orally. As a diuretic and purgative, a decoction of burdock root is successfully taken, sometimes in conjunction with plants that have a similar effect.

Burdock for hair. To eliminate hair loss, an ointment is prepared with a thickened decoction of burdock. The decoction is prepared from 15 g of the root and 200 ml of water, boiled in a water bath to half the volume, and then mixed in half with heated internal pork fat.

Kazanok, covered tightly with a lid, put in the oven for several hours. Then, if not all the water has evaporated from this mass, it is drained. The thickened mass is an excellent tool for accelerating hair growth.

Burdock root ointment in combination with chamomile flowers, willow-herb, hoof root, taken equally, has a good therapeutic effect on eczema. A tablespoon of the mixture is boiled in 4 cups of water, then add 1 tablespoon of cow's butter and 2 cups of a strong decoction of hay dust; boil again in a water bath to a thick viscous sticky mass; after filtering and squeezing, mixed with glycerin, equally.

For burns, an ointment is used, prepared from a condensed decoction of burdock root (4 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water), which is taken 1 part to 4 parts of cow butter.

An infusion of burdock roots in almond, vaseline or olive oil called "burdock oil" (pharmaceutical drug) is used as a remedy for hair loss and accelerates hair growth.

Burdock juice is used for liver problems, for the treatment of various hepatitis and other diseases. In the spring in the month of May, it is useful to drink juice from burdock leaves. To do this, pass the burdock leaves through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice out of them.
The juice is very bitter and should be drunk immediately before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon. Take 1 week, then take a 1 week break, and drink again 1 week.
During the season it is desirable to drink 1 liter. juice with a break of 1 week. The treatment is very effective and it is recommended to do it annually.

Also, fresh burdock juice is used to treat purulent wounds, burns, cuts, ulcers; crushed leaves can be used instead of juice.

You can preserve burdock juice with alcohol and honey, or honey alone, and then store it in the refrigerator. The recipe is as follows: for half a liter of burdock juice - 150 ml of alcohol and 150 ml of liquid honey, mix everything, or dilute with honey 1: 1. Take for adults 1-2 tablespoons, 3 times a day before meals.

Green pages of the book of nature-10

Page one, which tells about the grass near our house-11
Bird's buckwheat
From the life of dandelions

Burdock, he is a burdock
The most bitter herb
green traveler
wasteland dweller
Make friends with nettles

Page two, where we are talking about the first flowers that meet spring - 25
The most daring
Giving honey
Vigorous, fresh, washed
dreamlike herb
Keys to summer

Page three, written with the hope that flowers will always bloom on earth - 37

Page four - about trees - 42
About birch and birch sap
The Strength and Weakness of the Oak
Tree Citizen
bold tree

Page five, the heroes of which are mosses - 52
Below the grass
From the Arctic to Antarctica
Where does moss start?
living sponge
Kukushkin flax, ostrich feather and others

Page six - about mushrooms -60
Why mushrooms in the forest

Wolf tobacco, hare potato
Going for mushrooms

Page seven, almost fabulous, which invites you to visit lichens-69
Dressing room of the forest king
Scale, leafy, bushy
Union of fungus and algae
Reindeer moss
Lichens are leaving the cities

Page eight, the events of which take place in the kingdom of the web - 80

Page nine, about the complex relationship between humans and insects -85

Page ten - about dragonflies - 90
big-eyed hunters
life under water
Dragonflies are waiting for help

Page eleven, whose heroes are lacewings, they are also florists - 97
First meeting
Egg on a thin stalk
"Dorty lions" and a running chrysalis
defenseless beauties

Page twelve - about beetles - 104
Who in the world is the most
Maybug and its relatives
beetle on the road
talking beetle
six-legged deer
Big water lover
Without them, the earth would be bored

Page thirteen, almost detective - about a dangerous criminal among insects-117
Word portrait
His first "case"
He crosses all boundaries
He changes clothes
He hides
Who will win?

Page fourteen, which deals with the extraordinary life of an ordinary ladybug - 124
Migratory ... beetles
Where do cows hibernate

Page fifteen, the most colorful, because it talks about butterflies - 134
140 thousand species
Pollen on variegated wings
How many legs does a caterpillar have?
Unusual duty
The Dangerous Life of an Admiral
Dove in an anthill
Mysterious Hawk Moths
fading rainbow

Page sixteen, which tells how insects hibernate - 146

Page seventeen, whose heroes are insects, and the time of action is spring - 150
Hooray! The flies are awake!
Watch out for bumblebees!
Ants that everyone remembers

Page eighteen, about frogs and toads, which many do not like at all - 157
Their trouble is our fault
What are frogs and toads

A link in an unbreakable chain

Page nineteen, about the life of birds in autumn -165
Where, how and when?
And who remains?
Help the birds!

Page twenty, about those birds that stay with us in winter - 173
tap dancing

Page twenty one - about birds in spring -181
The starlings have arrived
Singing in the blue sky
"Flourish" finch
song thrush
Pied flycatcher

Page twenty-two, which tells about the winter life of animals - 192
City under the snow

fox hunting
About the boar and the moose

Page twenty-three, the most mysterious, because its heroes are bats - 201
What the legends say
What Science Says
Caught an echo
Forest ambulance
Like birds and with birds
Do not offend winged animals!

Page twenty-four, which talks about the "rodent king" - 209
"Rodent King"
Miracle one - beaver teeth
Miracle second - beaver coat
Miracle three - beaver tail
Miracles the fourth and fifth - beaver lodges and dams
Sixth miracle - beavers
One hundred squirrels for a beaver
The seventh miracle - the beavers are back!
How many pages are in the book of nature
