Oatmeal for the body. About the benefits and dangers of oatmeal, how is oatmeal useful?

About value oatmeal, consumed most often for breakfast, according to many sources of information. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that many are worried about how useful it is for the body and digestion, whether it helps in the fight against extra pounds.

The valuable qualities of oatmeal and cereals became known several centuries ago. At the beginning of the 20th century, doctors recommended a diet with oatmeal to normalize body weight and improve health.

Oatmeal in the diet modern man is an ideal choice for people looking to lose weight and gain extra muscle mass. Observations and Scientific research confirmed unique properties of this product that have a positive effect on health.

Oatmeal is not a low-calorie food. There are 370 to 390 kilocalories per one hundred grams. A substance such as beta-glucan, which is present in this cereal, has a positive effect on weight loss.

This component contributes to the formation of long-term satiety, slowing down the onset of hunger, normalizing blood sugar levels, improving the function of digestion and intestinal microflora. It lowers the concentration of bad cholesterol.

Beta glucan

It is a complex polysaccharide present in lichens, mosses, oats, pearl barley and some other cereals. This substance is fiber, that is alimentary fiber that are not digested when they enter the human stomach.

Due to the presence of beta-glucan, oatmeal and acquires a characteristic viscosity. The main thing is not to confuse it with a substance such as gluten, which also makes foods viscous. Beta glucan is a carbohydrate, and gluten is a protein that is not found in pure barley and oatmeal.

Health value

The presence of beta-glucan in both dry and cooked oatmeal gives this cereal many beneficial qualities proven by a number of studies. Regular use this substance normalizes blood sugar, lowers cholesterol. Recommended daily rate its consumption is not less than 3 grams, which corresponds to 30-40 grams of dry oatmeal.

The most valuable quality of a product is its impact on digestive system... Water-soluble fiber, which is beta-glucan, literally envelops the stomach, while insoluble fiber helps to improve bowel function.

Normalization of bowel function

The immunomodulatory effect of oatmeal, proven in the course of recent studies, is achieved due to the fact that the components of the cereal optimize the work and improve the state of the microflora of the largest immune organ- intestines. This has a positive effect on overall health.

The prebiotic action provided by the beta-glucan in oatmeal activates the production of beneficial bacteria, including bifido, suppresses the development of harmful. Consequently, oatmeal is an affordable product that can replace the costly prebiotics.

How to cook oatmeal properly?

One standard serving is one part of flakes (30 grams) and four or five parts of liquid (120-150 ml). It all depends on the preferred density. Flakes are placed in the liquid brought to a boil, and then simmered for another five or ten minutes. You can cook with water or milk.

To sweeten the porridge, it is not recommended to add jam or sugar. It is better to replace them with fruit. The ideal choice would be a banana that is affordable and suitable for taste. For one serving, finely chopped halves of this fruit are enough.

Is there any harm from oatmeal?

Oat is gluten free. A small amount of this substance can be introduced during the production of flakes. Therefore, those who suffer from gluten (gluten) intolerance should refuse to use this product. Oats contain avegin - protein, allergic even rarer than.

The combination of milk and banana can cause bloating in some people. This is due solely to the combination of these components, is a signal to stop using banana or milk. People with lactose intolerance only need to cook porridge with water.


It is enough to eat 30-40 grams of oatmeal for breakfast to improve health, which is due to the ability of this cereal to lower bad cholesterol, normalize blood sugar, increase protective functions organism due to the growth of the population of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

Mothers, trying to feed their child with porridge, repeat about its amazing benefits. But is it? Let's try to find out everything about porridge: the benefits and harms, which prevails?

Useful properties of porridge

Are cereals good for you? The answer to this question will be positive, because cereals are made from cereals known for their benefits. It is not for nothing that in Russia porridge was a symbol of the prosperity and prosperity of the family.

Porridge has many useful properties:

  • quickly saturate the body, as they are characterized by high content fiber, vitamins, vegetable protein and "slow carbohydrates";
  • at the same time, the calorie content of cereals is low, if you do not eat them with butter and sugar;
  • charge the body with the necessary energy;
  • restore the digestive system;
  • naturally cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • rejuvenate the body;
  • make the skin elastic;
  • reduce the risk of carcinogenic formations by 20%.

The properties of cereals are influenced by the type of cereal and the method of its preparation. Depending on the amount of liquid remaining in the porridge, it can be viscous or crumbly.

What are the best cereals to eat?

Let's try to find out which cereals are good for you?

For the preparation of cereals, refined and unrefined grain is used. But since everyone useful material are in the shell, then the croup freed from it loses all necessary substances... If the cereal is also heavily crushed, then it can supply the body with only unnecessary calories. The most refined and crushed cereal is semolina.

Nutritionists say that milk porridge is absorbed better than boiled in water. But you need to take skim milk so as not to add extra calories.

To make the porridge healthier, sugar is replaced with honey, fruits and berries.

Oatmeal is a cereal made from sown oats. Appearing on the territory of Russia at the end of the first millennium AD, the cereal quickly won the sympathy of the population. Hearty and low in calories, he became the "king" of the daily diet. Modern scientists have proven the unique properties of cereals to support immunity, promote weight loss, stimulate growth muscle mass... How to eat oatmeal for weight loss to get slimmer?

Is it possible to lose weight on oatmeal?

Contradictory properties of oatmeal - cleansing the body of toxins, other "garbage", contributing to weight loss and high nutritional value helping to gain weight by increasing muscle mass - long time were the "bone of contention" among nutritionists and doctors.

The calorie content of whole grain cereals is 342 kcal / 100 g of product. The decisive factor in creating a diet for losing weight with oatmeal was ... reducing the calorie content of porridge cooked in water by 3 times: 100 g of a light and hearty breakfast will cost 102 kcal. At the same time, the feeling of satiety remains for at least 2-3 hours.

Properly cooked oatmeal for weight loss has become the mainstay of diets. Having received a peculiar name "intestinal brush", it perfectly cleans the body from the waste of undigested food accumulating over the years, removing toxins and radionuclides. Express diets with oatmeal help to lose weight by 5 kg per week, and a weight loss course with a balanced diet, counting the calorie content of meals, gives a steady loss extra pounds 1.5-2 in 7 days.

The benefits and harms of taking oatmeal at night and in the morning

Half of the periodic table, contained in oat grain, will enrich the body with phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron. Fat-soluble vitamins of group B and E will give youth and wonderful appearance... Oatmeal is irreplaceable for weight loss: cereal-based dishes accelerate metabolic processes organism.

  • Stimulates the immune system.
  • Contains beta gluten that binds free radicals and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  • Lowers general cholesterol level in blood.
  • It has low glycemic index: When you lose weight, insulin levels rise slowly, leaving you feeling full for a long time.
  • Including oatmeal in the morning menu energizes, cheerfulness by stimulating the production of endorphins, promoting weight loss.
  • Shown oatmeal with diseases Gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, problems with the heart, blood vessels, general slagging of the body.
  • Soft cleans the intestines that plays an important role in losing weight.

Like most products, oatmeal for weight loss has contraindications, and systematic consumption in large quantities (up to 1 kg per day) can have the opposite effect: instead of losing weight, you will gain weight. What are side effects from eating cereal?

  • Categorically contraindicated for weight loss cereals, including oatmeal, people with enteropathy (celiac disease).
  • Sharp renal failure , heart failure are diseases in which the consumption of oatmeal should be minimized, and oatmeal as a way to lose weight should be forgotten.
  • Cereals, intensively cleansing the body of "garbage" in order to lose weight, with constant use contributes to calcium excretion from the body.

Which oatmeal is best for weight loss

When choosing oatmeal that you plan to cook for weight loss, consider the range on the market:

  • Whole grain cereals... Differs in a long cooking period - at least 30 minutes. Obtained by minimal processing of oats - peeling, grinding. Contains the largest number nutrients and vitamins.
  • Crimped steamed groats... It is characterized by grooved grooves obtained by flattening uncrushed whole grains and a shorter cooking time - up to half an hour.
  • Hercules (oatmeal). Heat treated with steam and flattened through smooth rolls, the flakes have a cooking time of 10-15 minutes. Distinguish between large (No. 1), medium (No. 2) and fast food(# 3) oatmeal flakes.

Oatmeal diet recipes

Most useful whole oatmeal for weight loss, which brings invaluable benefits to the intestines and stomach. Choosing porridge fast food- flakes - stop picking on rump No. 1: in terms of properties, it is close to whole grain.

Cold cooked, boiled in milk, baked in the oven with honey - oatmeal is an ideal choice for a diet breakfast or dinner for weight loss. Properly prepared, it stimulates the digestive system, freeing the body from toxins, radionuclides. Contributing to weight loss, oatmeal will give youth, energize and good mood.


Taking a glass or two a day of oatmeal jelly, you can lose weight in a week by 2-3 kg, while getting rid of heartburn, bloating and problems with peristalsis. Ease of preparation, savings in finance and well-being you are provided. For oatmeal jelly when losing weight you need:

  • Oatmeal Hercules - 250 g.
  • Boiled water - 3-4 glasses.

To preserve more vitamins and minerals, pour oatmeal warm water at night. Stir in the morning, squeeze out a thick viscous mass, filtering the liquid. Bring the resulting viscous infusion to a boil, cool to 70⁰C, add cinnamon and honey. Drink 100 ml throughout the day. Slimming with oat jelly provided, the feeling of hunger will simply disappear!


A morning smoothie based on warm milk or natural yogurt with fruit pieces and oatmeal will give you a great mood and energize you for the whole day. The high nutritional value, the presence of slow-digesting carbohydrates will give you a feeling of fullness before lunch, helping to give up high-calorie snacks. Oatmeal Weight Loss Smoothie Recipe:

  • Oatmeal flakes - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Milk (yogurt) - 250 ml.
  • Fresh berries / fruits - 50 g.

Heat milk to 40-50⁰С. Pour milk / yogurt into a blender glass, add a serving of cereals, add berries or fruits. Whisk the ingredients. You can add vanillin (not sugar!) And cinnamon to taste. Pour the finished cocktail into a container and drink after 10-15 minutes. For weight loss, you should use oat smoothie in the morning.

French beauty salad

Oatmeal and fresh fruit salad can help you lose weight by rejuvenating and stimulating your skin with the rich antioxidant content of oatmeal. The absence of sugar, chemical additives will ideally affect weight loss, the results of which will pleasantly surprise you in a month.

To cook tasty, healthy food in the morning oatmeal, you will need:

  • Oatmeal (flakes) - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Water - 6 tbsp. spoons.
  • Green apple - 1 pc.
  • Milk or cream - 3 tbsp spoons.
  • Hazelnuts or cashews - 5-6 pcs.
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • Natural honey.

Recipe for oatmeal-based French beauty salad for weight loss:

  1. Previously, in the evening, it is necessary to pour the oatmeal with water and leave it until the morning.
  2. Heat milk / cream to temperature human body, add to oatmeal.
  3. Cut nuts into small pieces, grate an apple.
  4. Mix the ingredients by adding a teaspoon of honey and the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon. Slimming beauty salad is ready!

Casserole with honey and nuts

The perfect snack for carbohydrate diet will become a casserole based on oatmeal, honey and nuts. The cooking time is 10 minutes of the preparatory process and half an hour in the oven. Ingredients that are necessary in the process of creating homemade muesli for weight loss:

  • The juice of 1 orange is freshly squeezed.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Nuts - 50 g.
  • Sesame / linseed seeds - 50 g.
  • Oatmeal (largest grade # 1) - 200 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

Step-by-step recipe for a casserole for losing weight with oatmeal:

  1. Melt the honey in a saucepan. Add Orange juice, oil and heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring thoroughly.
  2. Combine oatmeal, finely chopped nuts, seeds.
  3. Place in a baking dish, pour the nut-orange mixture over the mixture.
  4. Roasting time - 25-30 minutes at 150⁰С.

Lazy oatmeal in a jar on kefir

You have to get up early every day, and you have no time to cook monumental, albeit healthy, porridge? Make a weight loss dish in the evening, which will help start the mechanisms of cleansing the intestines, relieve hunger for long time. « Lazy oatmeal»With kefir - an ideal breakfast option for always in a hurry young ladies and young people.

For a half-liter jar of oatmeal miracle weight loss products, you will need:

  • Low-fat kefir - 400 g.
  • Oatmeal flakes - 50-100 g.
  • Sesame, flax seed.
  • Sour berries or green apple.

Pour oatmeal into the jar, fill with kefir room temperature... Leave it until morning. Before breakfast, add sesame or flax seeds to the jar, which will saturate the body with useful amino acids, berries / fruits, which give an exquisite and delicate taste to a simple and healthy breakfast.

Recipe video: oatmeal with honey for breakfast

Being long years traditional dish in Russia, in Scotland and England, oatmeal is gradually winning the hearts and ... stomachs of fans around the world. The Americans do not stand aside, who offer to cook hearty, healthy oatmeal for breakfast in milk with honey and fruit mix... To effectively lose weight with such a breakfast, you must have physical activity and an active lifestyle. Cooking secrets delicious dessert for weight loss from oatmeal, find out by watching the video:

How to cook oatmeal for weight loss

The secret of oatmeal for weight loss lies in the way the dish is prepared. In milk, porridge turns out to be tastier, however, fresh oatmeal in water, without salt, oil and other additives, will benefit the figure. Enriching taste with honey, nuts, fruits, remember to mix ready meal with ingredients is necessary after cooling to a temperature of 40⁰С.

On the water

Boil water in a non-stick container. Pour oatmeal into the boiling liquid, adjusting the amount according to the recipe indicated on the label. On average, the proportion of the ratio of water and oatmeal is 2: 1. If you are preparing an uncrushed grain mixture, which is more useful for losing weight, after boiling, we reduce the heat and cook the porridge for another 25-30 minutes. To cook oatmeal flakes, you will spend no more than 15 minutes.


If you don't stick tooatmeal mono-diets , diversify the taste with nuts, dried fruits, honey or herbs and low-fat cottage cheese. These foods will help with weight loss to normalize the balance of calcium lost on an oatmeal diet.

Oatmeal in milk is prepared in a similar way. Porridge will be high-calorie, but taste the dish is superior to the "water" counterpart. Nutritionists recommend eating oatmeal with milk, diluted in half with water. The results of weight loss will be noticeable in a couple of weeks, and you will not experience discomfort and constant feeling hunger.

Oatmeal diet

All "oatmeal" weight loss methods are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Mono diet ... When wondering how to lose weight on oatmeal in a week, opt for this option nutrition. In the presence of many vitamins and minerals, this method of weight loss threatens a lack of calcium, vitamin D, bad mood and a test of willpower. Steaming, boiling in water, cold method (soaking for 12 hours) is allowed. Such a diet is effective for express weight loss, the duration should not exceed 5-7 days. After the first 3 days, you can add one green apple to the diet. Permitted drinks - water, green tea, rosehip decoction, herbal infusions.
  2. Carbohydrate diet on oatmeal with the addition of fruits, vegetables, low-fat fermented milk products to the diet. Duration - 15 days. Based on the calculation of the calorie content of cereal and other products: the daily allowance for effective weight loss should not exceed 1500 kcal. You can cook oatmeal in water, milk, kefir, yogurt. When losing weight, nutritionists recommend limiting yourself to 100 g of dried fruits, 50 g of nuts / seeds, 3 tbsp. spoons of honey in the daily menu.

Oatmeal Stomach and Intestine Scrub

Oat scrub will help to effectively cleanse the body of accumulated "garbage". In the presence of excess weight for weight loss, the duration of the daily intake is 30 days with a two-month break. A scrub is prepared from ground oatmeal or flakes, drenched in water for 12 hours, nuts / sesame seeds, flax, kefir or milk and a teaspoon of honey.

Eat a diet for weight loss in small portions, chewing thoroughly. Eat a serving in the morning on an empty stomach. Drinking liquid - tea, coffee or broth:

  • no earlier than an hour after breakfast based on oatmeal;
  • half an hour before meals.

Fasting day on oatmeal

Having switched to your usual diet, try not to give up the habit of arranging a fasting day for weight loss. Cook the oatmeal with water, adding fresh fruit or nuts to taste. Try to reduce your salt intake on this day, drink liquids up to two liters, give up carbonated drinks. Take a walk, walking 1.5-2 km, go in for sports.

What is better for losing weight - oatmeal or buckwheat?

Any mono-diet for weight loss brings good results - kilograms are melting before our eyes. However, in most cases, the effect is achieved due to the loss of a significant amount of water and the burning of calories not only of the fat layer, but also of muscle mass. Buckwheat is as rich as oatmeal useful microelements and vitamins, however, it does not have the properties of whole grain oats at the same time thoroughly and gently cleanse the body of toxins.

For weight loss, alternating express diets with an interval of a week will be effective, during which try to switch to correct menu rich in protein, fat and carbohydrates, adhering to the principles of a healthy diet.

Many people simply cannot imagine their morning without oatmeal, because it is fast, tasty and healthy.

And in combination with nuts, dried fruits and milk, or in the form of granola with yogurt, it generally guarantees an energy boost before dinner - for sure.

Micro-, macroelements, vitamins and nutrients

Cereals have all the basic nutrients on which they depend normal life person. Consider the composition of 100 g of oatmeal - only 10% it consists of water, most of all carbohydrates - almost 69%, proteins - 16%, 15% fats and 10% dietary fiber.

Did you know? People call porridge« the foremother of bread» .

Oatmeal is rich (,), in it - more than 1 mg per 100 grams, also present,. Almost 41 mg belongs to choline.

Among the macronutrients, phosphorus takes pride of place, there is almost 424 mg of it, also slightly less in quantity in oatmeal, and potassium.

The first place in the number of trace elements is occupied by and (29 and 26 mg, respectively), copper and are also present.

A daily intake of oatmeal helps not only maintain the required amount of nutrients in the body, but also has a positive effect on the digestive processes.

Nutritional value and calorie content

The nutritional value of porridge is great due to the starch that it contains. However, a serving of oatmeal alone will not be a very nutritious breakfast - you will want to eat in a couple of hours.

And all because it is easily and quickly absorbed, so it is better if fruits, nuts and honey are added to the supplement. In general, 100 g of cereals contains almost 350 kcal.

On the water

The calorie content of porridge on the water is much less, it is the best way for those who want to lose weight. Since in such cases it is advisable not to use it even with coffee. 100 g of the finished product will have up to 90 kcal. Therefore, in the fight against overweight such a breakfast would be heavy artillery.


Since childhood, everyone remembers cereals with milk - they are much tastier and sweeter even without added sugar. Here, 100 g of the product will already have 102 kcal. Any cereal cooked in milk is considered a fatty porridge, so you should not get carried away.

Several times a week, oatmeal with milk will not harm the body, but on the contrary will only benefit by adding more calcium to the diet.

Important! Should not be used by people who may have a reaction to milk protein... Also, with caution, you need to give porridge in milk to children.

Beneficial features

Reduce blood cholesterol, cleanse the body and reset excess weight- it's about oatmeal. It is useful in everyone's diet, and always has advantages over other breakfasts.

For kids

It is even better absorbed by children than adults, so oatmeal is a great meal. The vitamin cocktail, which is contained in the porridge, will contribute to the development and growth of the child from young nails.

Thanks to vitamin A, vision will be in order, which is important for children.

Also, the antioxidant properties of porridge will help protect the body from many diseases and viruses.

Thanks to the glucose in the composition, the brains of schoolchildren will work more actively, and their academic performance will be at the proper level. At the same time, attention and memory are improved.
For any illness of the child, when he does not really want to eat, oatmeal will help put him on his feet. She will replenish vitamins and important elements, and does not become a lump in the throat, like heavy food.

It is especially good to give children soups based on oatmeal - they will help digestion and will not put unnecessary stress on the growing body.

For adults

Cholesterol usually does not rise in young people. But the wrong way of life, the constant use of alcohol and nicotine have their effect. Therefore, oatmeal will become a shield of the body against harmful external influences.

If oatmeal is consumed systematically for a long time, cholesterol will decrease by at least 15%.
Oatmeal will be a good salvation from a hangover, from overeating at a holiday, after poisoning or after surgical interventions... Rapid absorption allows you to go in for sports in half an hour after taking oatmeal.

You can also highlight such positive sides porridge:

  • good for teeth, nails and hair;
  • protects against cardiovascular diseases;
  • can eliminate depression and stress;
  • is able to heal from the inside, thanks to her, the risk of developing stomach cancer is reduced;
  • normalizes blood sugar (suitable for diabetics).

Important! It is best to use whole grain oatmeal rather than cereal. Since the latter are already thermally processed, which means they are less useful.

About the use of miracle cereals

Oatmeal is generally a multifunctional product - it can be taken orally, as well as carried out cosmetic procedures... And in each of the options, it will help solve a bunch of problems.

For medicinal purposes

Diets after stomach diseases, also with chronic diseases- pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, help to improve health. Since the porridge envelops the gastric mucosa, inflammation goes away much faster.

It also needs to be taken when you want to cleanse the body of harmful substances, after eating unhealthy or fatty foods.

How to take for medicinal purposes:

  • for constipation or diarrhea, oatmeal should be poured overnight cold water in equal proportions, add yeast on the tip of a knife or a little rye bread, the next day, bring to a boil and use warm;
  • with edema will help oat broth- mix the flakes with water 1 to 4 and cook for 15 minutes, after which you can drink a decoction with the addition of honey;
  • to cleanse the body, a decoction is boiled in the proportions: a glass of cereal for 3 liters of water. Leave it for a day in a thermos, then add a spoonful of honey, the juice of one lemon, boil and drink half a glass on an empty stomach every day.

For weight loss

In order to lose weight, it is enough to include in daily diet oatmeal in water, preferably for breakfast.
You can not add sugar, you can - a teaspoon of honey, provided that there is no more sweets during the day.

It is better to drink porridge herbal infusions(from,), exclude and coffee. There are diets in which the diet for several days consists exclusively of cereals.

This is wrong - the body is under the influence of stress from drastic change diet will store fat. It's better to just make sure that all food is low-fat, without salt, sugar, and cooked in water or steam.

In cosmetology

The most common ways to use oatmeal for beauty purposes are in the form of face masks. Before cooking, pour the oatmeal base for masks with boiling water for a couple of minutes (1 to 1), after which it can be used.

Here are some recipes:

  1. Mix a spoonful of flakes, half a spoonful of honey, half a yolk - keep for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  2. Take a tablespoon of oatmeal, 2 tbsp. l. kefir, 1 tsp. honey - apply the mixture for 10 minutes, rinse.
  3. Mix a teaspoon of cereal with two tablespoons of clay, add lemon juice- leave for 10 minutes and cleanse your face under water.

Such masks are capable of:

  • dry acne;
  • remove black dots;
  • tighten the skin;
  • exfoliate dead cells;
  • add blush.

You can also use flour from this cereal, then the masks will be more delicate.

In cooking

In addition to ready-made cereals, nutritionists advise using oat flour in cooking - this way baking will be less harmful. Suitable for cheesecakes, biscuits, bread.

Cutlets or meatballs can also be cooked not with the addition of a loaf, as is often the case, but with cereals. At the same time, they will be molded no worse, and there will be much less calories in them.

the new kind breakfasts for those who like to sleep longer. We mix whole grains with honey, add dried fruits, nuts - put in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 ° C. We store the finished mixture in a jar.

For breakfast, 6 tablespoons are enough, which can be poured over with yogurt, 3 minutes - and breakfast is ready. It is also good to cook fish soups on this grits - they are dietary, light, healthy and satisfying.

Can oatmeal be harmful?

There are some contraindications for the use of this product: primarily celiac disease (gluten intolerance), heart and kidney failure. In all other cases, it is a useful and irreplaceable product.

Did you know? Oatmeal Cooking Championship is taking place in Britain. The winner receives a prize - a gold stirrer.

About oatmeal

Flakes, unlike whole grains, boil faster and are most often prepared simply by pouring boiling water for a couple of minutes. It's fast and convenient.

But it must be borne in mind that the usefulness in this type of porridge is slightly less due to the fact that from preprocessing the flakes have a reduced content of fiber and protein, which means that the nutritional value is worse.
It is best to take porridge, which is cooked for at least 20 minutes - in such grains, useful substances are much better preserved, and you will want to eat after breakfast much later. And cereals will be healthier.

It doesn't matter for what purpose you decide to use oatmeal - to lose weight or improve overall well-being, the choice will always be the right one. Especially if you make muesli, granola from it, or just add your favorite fruits.

It is believed that oatmeal for breakfast is The best way spend the whole day full of energy and health, so look for an alternative. The British agree with this statement, who cannot think without breakfast oatmeal, but the French and Italians, for example, successfully eat other products in the morning and generally do not like this product too much - but they clearly do not complain about health. Is oatmeal as healthy as we think - in what form is it best to eat and what to combine with?

Not all oatmeal is good for you

Only the oatmeal that is cooked in water or milk from coarsely ground flakes or whole grain cereals can be considered correct. Maybe even with bran - the benefits of oatmeal in the morning are undeniable... Instant oatmeal pouches are about as healthy as instant noodles: they contain great amount sugar, synthetic additives and flavor enhancers. Instead, it's better to eat a banal cheese sandwich for breakfast.

The effect of oatmeal on weight loss

Some people believe that eating oatmeal alone for breakfast can kickstart the weight loss process. This is true, but only partially. The groats should be the coarsest grind, you need to cook such porridge without sugar or its substitutes, milk or cream is also better to exclude. Use a handful of dried fruit with nuts instead. Dietitians with nutritionists emphasize that oatmeal is best for breakfast on days when you have a workout on your schedule. Complex carbohydrates are best absorbed by the body during intense physical activity.

Combining oatmeal with other foods

Upon awakening, the body needs protein in order to start the metabolic processes. For this reason, carbohydrate is perfect as a second breakfast, and in the first meal you can limit yourself to a glass of milk or kefir, a jar of natural yogurt. You can also combine these carbohydrates with cheese cakes, cottage cheese or a slice of good cheese.

The effect of oatmeal on the gastrointestinal tract

To those who are “lucky” owners various diseases gastrointestinal tract, you can't do without oatmeal for breakfast. It has a number of qualities that are beneficial to the stomach - in particular, the enveloping property. This facilitates digestion and helps to actively remove toxins from the body. In this case, it is necessary to properly wipe and boil the grain, since coarse dietary fibers can seriously harm the irritated gastric mucosa.

Oatmeal and blood sugar

Dietary fiber also actively helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels - the benefits of oatmeal in the morning are enormous... except great content fiber in the composition of oatmeal - the most important components for health. These are magnesium and potassium, which are good for the heart, phosphorus, iron and zinc. These substances and minerals help the development and growth of bones and muscle tissue. That is why oatmeal is so recommended for children for breakfast, but everyone else will also be very useful.

Choosing oatmeal for cooking porridge

There are mainly three types of oat products in stores. What is the difference between them and which ones to prefer for purchase in order to cook really healthy porridge for yourself and your household for breakfast?

Whole groats

It is believed that this is the most useful option... In cereals - the highest concentration of vitamins and minerals, and there is the maximum fiber. Cooking grain is the most time consuming, far from everyone is able to afford the luxury of cooking porridge for an hour in the morning. To speed up cooking, whole-grain oatmeal can be soaked in water overnight.

Whole cereal flakes

In this case, the grains are rolled by a press without preliminary heat treatment: it becomes less rigid as a result, but useful qualities cereals are almost completely preserved. They can be steamed under a lid with boiling water and insisted under a towel or cooked over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Some people are very fond of the option of soaking overnight in yogurt or kefir - you can combine them with prunes, dried apricots, nuts, or add chopped fresh fruits to the mixture in the morning - and this the benefits of oatmeal in the morning.

Steamed flakes

This option is considered the fastest and most convenient for making breakfast. Oat grains are not only rolled by a press, but also processed with steam, after which they are dried and additionally crushed. You can simply pour boiling water over them and wait two minutes - or boil them for a short time in hot milk. The hardness of such oatmeal is minimal.

Thermal effects and useful properties of oatmeal

It is believed that the impact high temperatures when cooking, it destroys useful components in the composition of oatmeal. So it is - thermal action really kills some of the valuable substances, and in order to preserve them completely, you should give preference to any method with soaking the flakes. But even during cooking, even for a long time, the most useful substances and trace elements remain safe and sound. It is a natural antioxidant - vitamin E, important minerals- zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, B vitamins.

Mixing different types of flakes

The most delicious and, most importantly, healthy porridge obtained by mixing all types of flakes. When cooked, steamed flakes will give a very delicate creamy base, the structure will be preserved due to the harder rolled flakes, and the bran will give the body a portion of the necessary fiber. It is best to take the mixture in a 2: 2: 1 ratio.

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