Normal vital functions of the whole human body. What vital processes in the body should we influence? How is this influence expressed? The effect of alcohol on the human body

It was shown above how there is alcohol addiction... And then it is worth considering its consequences for the very drinking person, his family and society. Because the harmful effects of alcohol affect all systems human body(nervous, circulatory, digestive and others). Moreover, doctors of various specialties pay close attention to both the condition internal organs with alcoholism, and those changes in their activities that are caused by moderate alcohol consumption. The role of alcohol in the development of many somatic (affecting the body and not directly related to the psyche) diseases has often remained disguised until now. This significantly reduced the efficiency treatment measures... Even moderate consumption alcohol for various acute and chronic diseases.

Thus, we can observe that most of functional losses are aggravated by age due to insufficient activity of the neuromuscular system, withdrawal and decrease in physical conditioning, identification of complications and debilitating conditions, starvation, malnutrition, anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc. this, in turn, results in immobility, disuse, muscle weakness and weakness, creating a classic vicious circle in geriatrics. 7.

A complete meal

Thus, with the increase in life expectancy, it seems obvious that more attention should be paid to a number of possible states health, with preventive intervention as a priority to improve the quality of life. This intervention demonstrates the need to create new responses from the state, civil society, institutions and, above all, health professionals, in the development of measures that prevent the influence of variables that determine the poor health conditions of the elderly that characterize best quality life.

Decreased intelligence. Alcohol, first of all, is an absolute energy carrier. And our brain is the most active consumer of energy. Meanwhile, alcohol intoxication disrupts the access of oxygen to the neurons of the brain and, in connection with prolonged use of alcohol, the death of brain cells occurs, and alcoholic dementia develops.

Among these actions is practice physical exercise because their benefits are not only limited to the physical-psychological and physical environment of individuals, but also improve functional and social performance, support and promote the independence and autonomy of those who are getting older. 32.

The results of this study highlighted the importance of improving collective exercise practice performed in primary health care services, with greater emphasis on muscle strength, flexibility, and mobility. As this is an expanding public health activity, it is expected that this study will facilitate the planning of other studies with a large number of subjects and the comparison of the application of different protocols. The results should disseminate the use of this practice in an optimized way within health promotion and prevention efforts, guaranteeing higher benefits, minimizing and slowing down the effects of aging, and preserving the independence and health of this population.

Diseases of cardio-vascular system occupy a leading place in the structure of population mortality. Meanwhile, to serious illnesses and increased mortality is caused by damage to the heart muscle, which occurs under the influence of alcohol. An increase in the volume of the heart is detected by X-ray examination. "Alcoholic cardiomyopathy" does not develop in all patients suffering from chronic alcoholism, and at the same time can occur in patients with relatively little alcohol experience. Even in healthy people, after a large dose of alcohol, disorders may appear. heart rate, but gradually they spontaneously disappear. Alcohol abuse contributes to development and progression hypertension, ischemic heart disease, is often the direct cause of heart attacks.

Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. Synthesis of social indicators: an analysis of the living conditions of the Brazilian population. Exercise and physical activity for the elderly. Effect of eight weeks of strength training on flexibility in older adults. Muscle strength training basics.

Correlation between various dimensionless linear methods for assessing joint mobility. The effect of a long-term physical activity program on muscle strength and body flexibility in older women. Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine and Science. Effect of duration of hamstring muscle group stretching to increase range of motion in people aged 65 and over.

Breathing is synonymous with life. Respiratory process consists of four stages, violation of any of them leads to serious respiratory distress. In patients suffering from stage 1 of chronic alcoholism, there is some stimulation of the function external respiration, the minute volume of respiration increases, respiration is rapid.

As the disease progresses, breathing worsens. May occur various diseases, such as Chronical bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, tuberculosis. Alcohol is often combined with tobacco smoking. When these two poisonous factors act simultaneously, then their effect is even greater. Tobacco smoke damages the structure of cells that protect lung tissue from organic and mineral dust, neutralizing microbes and viruses, destroying dead cells.

Engine management: theory and practical application. The importance of strength training in the rehabilitation of muscle function, balance and mobility in older adults. Physical activity for the elderly is analyzed and adapted. American College of Sports Medicine. Recommended amount and quality of exercise for the development and maintenance of cardiorespiratory and muscle fitness and flexibility in healthy adults.

Functional biochemical and nutritional values ​​in fragile individuals are in excess partly dependent on dietary supplements, but not on physical activity... Nutrition, physical activity, and bone health in women. Physical activity and oxidative stress during aging.

Gastrointestinal pathology... Patients with chronic alcoholism often complain of disturbances in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, since the gastric mucosa primarily perceives the toxic effects of alcohol. When examined, they reveal gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum... With the development of alcoholism, the function is impaired salivary glands... Other pathological abnormalities develop.

Checking the clutch, using a dynamometer allows you to adjust the distances in the handle. Sitting and Reaching: Testing the flexibility of the back and legs. Functional coverage: a new clinical measure of balance. Aging, physical activity and health. Geriatric Rehabilitation Guide.

Physical ability, exercise and aging. Torque for knee extensors in women in their 3rd and 7th decades. Izquierdo M, Ibanez J, Gorostaga E, Garrues M, Zunyaga A, Anton A, etc. Maximum power and energy characteristics in isometric and dynamic actions of the upper and lower limbs in middle-aged and older men.

The liver occupies a special position among the organs digestive system... This is the main chemical laboratory of the body, which performs an antitoxic function, participates in all types of metabolism: protein, fat, carbohydrate, water. Under the influence of alcohol, liver function is impaired, which can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. In most patients with alcoholism, renal excretory function is impaired as a result of the destructive effect of alcohol on the delicate renal epithelium.

Flexibility and physical function in the elderly: an overview. Comparison of muscle strategies between two different age groups when moving from seat to table. Determinants of Seated Movement: An Overview. Brasilia: Ministry of Health, 152 pp. Factors Associated with Leisure Sedentarism in Older Persons, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.

Oxygen deficiency, acidosis, oxidative stress, inflammation. The health of the body begins with the health of our cells. Epigenetics, regeneration and reprogramming of cells on the way to prevention. Our cells need more oxygen than our modern life provides.

With alcoholism, not only the central, but also the peripheral nervous system... The manifestations are very diverse: mental abnormalities in the form of hallucinations, numbness of body parts, muscle cramps, sometimes severe weakness in the limbs, like "cotton feet". Often, paralysis of certain muscle groups, mainly of the lower extremities, develops. Alcohol adversely affects immune system human, disrupts the processes of hematopoiesis, reduces the production of lymphocytes. Alcohol contributes to the development of allergies.

We are not aware of this, but we always consume less oxygen in the body with the consequences that we all see today, that is, an exponential increase in cancer, degenerative diseases, Alzheimer's diseases, metabolic disorders, tissue acidity, premature aging, etc. the fact that we are in constant oxygen deficiency is due.

§ Lack of daily exercise. Weight management doesn't count; you need to increase your heart rate and breathing. Thus, we breathe much less oxygen than in the past. § Increased free radicals. Acidic nutrition, electromagnetic fields, stress, heavy metals and chemical residues, viruses, dehydration increase oxidative damage, which consume oxygen exponentially.

Alcohol has a harmful effect on the glands internal secretion and primarily on the pancreas (alcoholic pancreatitis) and gonads. A decrease in sexual function is observed in 1/3 of alcohol abusers and in patients with chronic alcoholism. As a result of "alcoholic impotence", men easily experience various functional disorders of the central nervous system (neuroses, reactive depressions). In women, under the influence of alcohol, menstruation stops early, the ability to bear children decreases, and toxicosis of pregnancy is more often observed.

The lack of sufficient oxygen in the body results in a lack of energy production, so that metabolic waste and environmental letssin from the body will no longer be effectively eliminated. Otto Warburg, laureate of two Nobel Prizes in medicine, said: The main cause of cancer is the replacement of normal respiration in the presence of oxygen in the cells of the body with anaerobic respiration. That is, cancer can only develop in an environment with a low oxygen content. Scientists have discovered the important role of oxygen in maintaining health and promoting disease for several years, and many scientific studies have been published.

Systematic alcohol consumption leads to premature old age, disability; the life expectancy of persons prone to drunkenness is 15-20 years shorter than the average. And at what age do children learn the taste of wine? The teachers of one of the Riga schools were interested in how much awareness of the students in the field of alcoholic beverages is. It turned out that the boys knew the names of almost 100 brands of wines, and the girls - half as many. They began to clarify at what age the introduction to alcohol occurred, and they got an unimportant picture:

“Any pain, suffering or chronic illness caused by insufficient oxygenation at the cellular level. " To correct this condition and all health-related problems, was invented decades ago, a formula of properties that dissolves oxygen, electrolytes, 78 minerals in ionic form, 34 enzymes and 17 amino acids, provides an unrivaled source of oxygen and a nutritional transport system for all cells, cleaning and toning up our body systems throughout the day.

It has been distributed in more than 90 countries around the world for 46 years and has received important international awards such as the award for advanced technology. It can be purchased at all pharmacies, herbalists and specialized points of sale, or online from the Italian distributor's website.

  • for tenth graders it began at the age of 13-14;
  • for eighth graders - at the age of 7-8;
  • and the students fourth grade learned its taste when they were 4-5 years old.

And everyone tasted alcohol for the first time in the family circle: 75% of students in grades 8-10 drink alcohol on holidays and family celebrations. In most cases, the first glass is drunk with the blessing of the family. Thus, cadres of future alcoholics are often trained in the family.

§ Oxygenates, nourishes and detoxifies cells. § Removes heavy metals. § Increase energy levels without artificial stimulation. § Elimination of excess free radicals. § Accelerate the removal of lactic acid for improved athletic performance. § Improve resistance and vitality.

§ Strengthens the immune system. § Weakens allergic manifestations... § Ensures faster recovery from any injury. § Facilitates the post-traumatic healing process. § Improves brain function. § Increase warning status. § Increase the ability to concentrate.

Alcohol, family and offspring. After all that has been said, it is necessary to touch on the "hereditary criteria" and talk about the offspring that a drunkard or a person who abuses alcohol can reproduce. Doctors are well aware of how low the intellect of a sick alcoholic falls. From once capable, attentive and caring, he turns into a burden in production and in the family. Frequent scandals, reproaches, suspicions, threats are combined with sloppiness, filth of soul and body. Where can we talk about the potential of a drunkard as a man? Potency decreases, an erection disappears for a short time, which in the future may be weakly perceptible, and then completely disappear. There comes partial or complete impotence in men or frigidity in women. And the psychological mood of such patients is sharply reduced.

§ Protects the lungs and stimulates respiratory function. Sergio Stagnaro, founder of quantum biophysical seismology: "Until the discourse hits Mitochondria, their importance in physiology and pathology, mitochondrial therapy, cardiovascular disease and cancer will continue to increase in epidemics." Each cell contains a motor, made up of mitochondria that serve for.

This engine needs fuel. When our cells need fuel, they produce a compound rich in oxygen and energy called adenosine triphosphate. § accumulation of toxins in the cell. § the body does not work at its maximum energy, therefore, physical and mental performance deteriorates.

However, the impotence that appears in such patients, in the end, is their own business. As the song says - "Think for yourself, decide for yourself whether to have or not to have" and the purpose of life, and its meaning, and love. The main thing to focus on is the appearance of the so-called "holiday children", "carnival children", children of "one meeting", "children of ecstasy" who were conceived during the period of intoxication of their fathers, or mothers or their future parents together.

§ digestive and metabolic difficulties. Fiber intake has been shown to greatly increase the body's antioxidant capacity and total amount digestion with very positive effect in patients with neurodegenerative diseases.

The results were clear: the analyzes showed changes in hematology and hemoglobin that increase the athletes' ability to carry oxygen through the body to working muscles. The ideal dose according to research for all benefits is 40 drops once a day. It contains absolutely no alloying substances and therefore can be safely taken by athletes. There is evidence of healing or significant improvement in the situation.

It would never occur to anyone to blaspheme completely good products nutrition only because they lead to obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease... We fight overeating, gluttony, but not carbohydrates and fats. And if it may be too late to frighten other alcoholics and drunkards with the consequences of their pernicious passion, then it is necessary to tell about these consequences in advance to healthy and low-drinkers.

§ attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in children. § cholestorol and high blood pressure... § Difficulty concentrating with memory impairments. § Feeling tired or muscle cramps even after a little effort. § Tachycardia with hyperdynamic blood circulation of the heart.

Assimilation, effectiveness and side effects

§ Increased susceptibility to infections. § Slow growth of nails and hair. § Changes in digestion and absorption nutrients... § Possible deterioration of kidney function. § Sluggish eyes and asymmetrical mouth. Once in the circulation, it interacts favorably with the inner coating blood vessels by pouring its active ingredients into the extracellular matrix, which then become available "on demand" to the cells of various tissues of the whole organism.

The Bulgarian physician Georgiy Efremov showed in his research that from 23 chronic alcoholics 15 stillborns and 8 freaks were born. Meanwhile, most people fall ill with alcoholism in adulthood, many have already managed to start a family. But this circumstance does not in the least change the state of affairs. "Pathological information" is transmitted to the fetus not only in chronic alcoholism, but also in completely healthy people, if at the time of conception they were in a state alcoholic intoxication... French scientists on a large statistical material proved that the maximum number of stillbirths was conceived during the period of carnivals and the celebration of the harvest of young wine. This is where the term "children of carnivals" came from. Of course, not all of the parents mentioned here were chronic alcoholics. It's all about "drunken conception" - there is such a term. And the amount of alcohol consumed does not fundamentally matter, because the consequences of conception carried out after taking alcohol are probabilistic and depend not only on this single factor.

When he starts working on cleaning and regenerating, the effects are obvious. It works at a basic level, providing plenty of oxygen to the cells and promoting detoxification and cellular biofeedback. It brings all the benefits that we have described in this article. It should be diluted in mineral water with a small fixed balance.

§ Reduction of pain and inflammation of the ligaments. § Improved skin elasticity. § Improved skin hydration. § Stimulation of education and cellular metabolism. § Slowing down the aging process. § Protecting the functioning and structure of connective tissue. § Anti-inflammatory and disinfectant action.

According to mythology, Vulcan was born lame, as he was conceived by Jupiter when he was drunk. In ancient Sparta, Lycurgus passed a law prohibiting newlyweds from drinking wine on their wedding day. And the Romans said: "Ebrin ebrois gignut", that is, "Drunkards give birth to drunkards." It is said that this phrase belongs to Plutarch. V Ancient rome it was generally forbidden to drink until the age of thirty - that is, until the age when men start families. Plato wanted less - he sought a law according to which it was strictly forbidden to drink until the age of eighteen, i.e. before the maturation of the body. And in Carthage, there was a law prohibiting drinking wine in those days when matrimonial duties were fulfilled.

In families of alcoholics there are often stillbirths, miscarriages occur, children are born with defective anatomical development. With alcoholism of the mother during pregnancy, there are specific manifestations of fetal alcohol syndrome, which is characterized by multiple defects mental and physical development... The main symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome include:

  • growth retardation of the fetus and child;
  • microcephalus (hydrocephalus);
  • muscle hypotension;
  • eye, ear abnormalities and other abnormalities.

Cases when "completely normal" children are born to hard-core alcoholics do not prove the harmlessness of parents' alcoholism, but only indicate that the factor of drunkenness acts in conjunction with a large number of other favorable and unfavorable factors. Researcher V. Dulnev found that only five percent of mentally retarded children studying in so-called auxiliary schools have parents who suffer from chronic alcoholism. The rest of them, according to his information, are practically healthy, but drinkers. A number of researchers have shown that chronic alcoholics can have healthy children only 2-3 years after abstaining from drinking alcohol. Otherwise, even with the most "super sober conception", troubles cannot be avoided.

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that sometimes children are born to chronic alcoholics, without any deviations in mental and physical development. But, as studies have shown, 94% of children weighed down by alcoholic heredity subsequently become drunkards themselves or acquire mental disorders... The French scientist Morrell conducted a unique experiment. He carefully followed the life of 4 generations of patients suffering from chronic alcoholism. "In the first generation - moral depravity, alcoholic excesses: in the second - drunkenness in the full sense of the word: representatives of the third generation suffered from melancholy, were prone to murder: in the fourth - stupidity, idiocy, sterility." That is, in fact, the genus ceased to exist.

The question we are talking about is much more serious than it might seem at first, since it concerns not only those already born, healthy or sick, but also those who will replace ours, or rather, already your generation, we have in mind of our student readers.

Experimental studies have shown that alcohol primarily affects the germ cells, which subsequently carry pathological information to the future fetus. The sex cells, being deformed, develop incorrectly, and subsequently they cannot be "straightened" by any pharmacological means.

The influence of alcoholism on offspring is associated with two main reasons: biological and social. The unfavorable social influence of parents' alcoholism on the development of their children is associated with disturbances in the psychological relationship between them. Any family member living next to an alcoholic is under mental stress. A particularly difficult psychopathic situation arises in a family where the mother is sick with alcoholism. However, the father's alcoholism has an extremely unfavorable effect on the child's mental development. In the process of a child's development, the influence of each parent is important. Without much stress, you can imagine the scene described by the poem "You are coming home"!

You are coming home
Where they are waiting. Where are you - the support
And you go home drunk
And you will not sober up so soon ...

Call. The son clung to you,
And suddenly - his eyes went out:
He realized he was alone again
He knows he waited for you in vain!

You sat down heavily on a stool
And the woman leaned towards you
Almost exhausted. For many years
She even forgot how to cry.

How I forgot how to love,
And only to endure, to suffer for centuries.
How to continue to be, how to continue to live
With a loved one, once, a person ...

Drunk again! And disaster awaits
And again execution from bad news,
After all, you are pushing to the abyss
Her with the children, with her.

With my own hand
You are digging a mass grave
You are for a glass, for alcohol
You change life, love and strength!

Change your mind to a glass
Your house is on the corner in the gateway ...
Stop. For a moment. Bye
There is a thread of life. Now. Today!

Take a look at the past. After all, life
It did not start like that once
It is not over, take a closer look
It just continued for now.

But the sequel is now
Leads into filth and lack of will,
Stop. There is only one goal -
Break with the alcohol habit.

At any cost. Don't be stingy
There is a line. And there is no miracle in the world:
And if you step over, do not blame -
Don't come back from there!

With the father's alcoholism, the mother, trying to compensate for his unfavorable influence, often begins to overly patronize the child. The child suffers from a lack of a calm and welcoming environment in the home.

In adolescents with alcohol syndrome, antisocial behavior and an individually perverse reaction to alcohol intake are often observed. It happens that at birth a child looks normal outwardly, but soon violations in his mental development are revealed. Its shape depends on the severity of damage to the central nervous system. In some cases, this is complete idiocy, in others - oligophrenia of varying degrees, visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech delay, neuroses. Sometimes mental disabilities occur later, in middle and high school, when the child cannot cope with his studies. V primary school he still somehow succeeds, but in middle and high school he becomes completely helpless, and he needs health care and a special institution for further training. Quite often alcohol syndrome the fetus manifests itself as epilepsy, a disease that is still difficult to treat. Childhood epilepsy is often caused by impaired development of the brain during the prenatal period, and among the causes of this disorder, alcohol is one of the first places. Chronic alcoholism, as a rule, is combined with systematic smoking, more frequent drug use and drugs with a narcotic effect.

A study of the children of parents who abuse alcohol or are already suffering from chronic alcoholism has shown that drunkenness of parents, even in the most "harmless" form, has a negative impact on the physical and mental development of the child. Children of alcoholics are characterized by neurotic disorders, psychopathic personality development, and difficulties in social adaptation.

In this regard, the consequences of even a single episode of alcohol consumption by prospective parents during intimacy or by a mother during pregnancy are unpredictable. This case may turn out to be the only drop that makes it possible to manifest a load of unsuccessful heredity or other unfavorable prerequisites for development.

With a huge variety of directions and characters of mental and physical development of children in the conditions of family alcoholism, its general patterns are also revealed. Children of parents suffering from alcoholism, in most cases, are characterized by disorders of their psychophysical development. They are weakened, lagging behind in height and weight compared to their normally developing peers. Sleep dysfunctions are characteristic of these children: they have difficulty falling asleep, they swing for a long time before going to bed, often wake up, cry out in their sleep; sometimes the formula of sleep is perverted, there is anxiety at night and sleepiness during the day. Such children, born in conditions of family alcoholism, are characterized by an increased susceptibility to infectious and colds, allergic reactions.

Unfavorable conditions of upbringing in the family of drinking parents determine the slow formation of the communicative and cognitive activity of children at an early age. As a rule, parents with alcoholism cannot create a favorable atmosphere in the family, and the child experiences a lack of communication.

A characteristic feature children with family alcoholism are poorly developed in their regulation of their own behavior: they can not independently organize their actions in accordance with the task, experience difficulties in planning activities, they do not have access to an adequate assessment of the results of work, play, entertainment. Hence, with family alcoholism, children have pronounced learning difficulties, which are associated, on the one hand, with the pathological state of their nervous system, and on the other hand, with pedagogical neglect.

Behavioral disorders in children with family alcoholism are observed extremely often and are characterized by persistence and great variety. An important role in the appearance of personality deviations in such children is played by conflict experiences that arise under the influence of an unfavorable situation at home. Internal conflict is the result of a collision in the mind of a child of opposing attitudes towards close people.

With family alcoholism, strong experiences arise very often: it can be an ambivalent attitude towards a drinking father or mother, or, in children brought up in orphanages and boarding schools, a combination of resentment and love for parents. Conflict experiences lead to different forms improper behavior in children, primarily to protest reactions. The child seeks to do everything out of spite, does not fulfill the requirements of adults, becomes aggressive, gloomy, unfriendly.

Along with active protest reactions, passive ones are often noted when a child leaves home or school. He tries to avoid meeting his drinking father, hides, is afraid to go home. Against this background, the child easily develops neurotic disorders: sleep disturbance, tearfulness, resentment, sometimes tics, stuttering, urinary incontinence are observed. A sharper manifestation of protest is suicide attempts, which are based on excessive pronounced feeling insults, a desire to take revenge on offenders, to scare them. It is known that children imitate educators, parents, and it follows that they easily imitate such forms of asocial behavior, such as foul language, hooliganism, petty theft, smoking, alcohol and drug use. Characteristic feature behavior of children is motor disinhibition or hyperdynamic syndrome. WITH early age these children are distinguished by motor restlessness, restlessness, lack of purposefulness, impulsivity. In all cases, violations of the concentration of active attention are expressed. These behavioral deviations are usually combined with irritability, a tendency to mood swings, sometimes with aggressiveness and negativism. Attention is drawn to the monotony of their behavior, the inability to complete any business that has been started.

Therefore, the games of these children are disorganized and impulsive. Children are sociable, strive to be in the circle of children, but in general, all their behavior is chaotic and unpredictable. If they refuse to fulfill their requirements, many children experience primitive hysterical reactions. In children of early and preschool age they manifest themselves in the form of motor and somatovegetative disorders. In these cases, a child with loud cry and falls to the floor, crying, banging his head on the floor, and randomly moving his arms and legs.

All of these mental states can be a favorable basis for introducing adolescents to alcohol and drugs. In the absence of medical and psychological correction, pedagogical neglect increases, behavioral disorders increase, and children more and more lose interest in learning at school.

Correction of neuropsychic disorders in children. As a rule, such neglected children should be treated with health-improving and psychological-pedagogical activities. The continuity of the treatment and correction process is ensured by the continuity in the work of various services and institutions in which the child is located: maternity hospitals, specialized hospitals, kindergartens, orphanages, boarding schools and others.

Comprehensive treatment and correction work includes the organization correct regime, good nutrition, physical education, stimulation of mental development, speech therapy work, drug treatment and psychotherapy. All these activities should be individual, taking into account the age, physical and neuropsychic state of the child. There are no trifles here. It is important to properly arrange the room, arrange furniture. Music lessons have a beneficial effect on the mental state of children. Specially selected music calms the child, evokes positive emotions in him, promotes the development of his speech.

The main task of psychological and pedagogical activities is to prevent learning difficulties and behavioral disorders, as well as pathological personality development in this contingent of children and adolescents. All psychological and pedagogical influences are not only preventive, but also therapeutic and corrective. It is important to timely identify an unfavorable family and provide qualified preventive care to children.

My personal methods of healing Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

What life processes in the body should we influence? How is this influence expressed?

The connection of the human body with the external environment is carried out in three worlds (planes): the world of quantum fields and elementary particles; the world of animate and inanimate nature of the planet Earth; the world Solar system, Galaxies, universe. Each of these worlds is governed by its own laws and forces, which specifically affect human life and health. For example, a hologram (energy template) of the human body obeys the laws of the quantum world. It is strongly influenced by information and energy processes occurring in the very consciousness of a person (thoughts, mood, emotions, etc.) and in the Universe as a whole. The physical body of the human body is subject to the laws and processes operating on planet Earth. Climate, nutrition, ecology, social conditions are the main factors influencing it. The entire human body is influenced by the processes taking place in the Cosmos. The change of day and night, the onset of the seasons of the year sets a certain rhythm for life processes. Different arrangement of planets (for example, the lunar cycle), solar activity (flares) significantly affect the life of all organisms that inhabit the Earth.

All these three worlds (planes) - the world of quantum fields, the world of the planet Earth, the world of the Cosmos - are inextricably "welded" in the human body and affect one another. Disruption of communication in one plane (world) immediately affects the entire body. Conversely, the restoration of communication in one of the planes will have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

From the above, a fundamental conclusion can be drawn: a person and his body are part of the environment("Immersed" in the world of quantum fields, the Nature of the planet Earth and Space) and have with it great amount all kinds of connections through which the exchange of information, energy and substances is carried out between them and the environment (we will briefly denote IEE).

The main life processes (or functions) and organs in the human body are the mechanisms that provide these connections and exchange IEE (information, energy and matter) through them.

1. The largest and most important is the connection of the organism with the external environment through the senses, mind and consciousness. The material representative of this connection in the body is head and spinal cord with all the nervous and endocrine systems who agree inner work organism according to changes external environment... The nervous system permeates the entire body and is associated with all its functions.

Communication through consciousness and the nervous system allows a person: to interact with the external environment as with the Reasonable beginning (through religion) and as a driver of biological rhythms (change of day and night, seasons of the year); correctly navigate in space (just move normally); carry out some economic activity(for food, etc.); interact with other people (live in society according to its norms and rules); self-actualize.

Depending on the degree and strength of the violation of this connection, adverse consequences are transmitted to the entire body and can affect in the form of mild health disorders, serious psychosomatic diseases, and bad luck.

2. The next important connection of the body with the external environment will be breath... It is carried out through 146 m 2 of the surface of the lungs. The importance of this connection is evidenced by the fact that without breathing a person dies in 5-10 minutes.

The breathing function runs through the entire human body. It begins in the lungs, reaches every cell of the body (due to transport by blood) and returns to the lungs again. Breathing provides energy (redox reactions with the participation of oxygen) all life processes in the body at the cellular level, and therefore the body as a whole. With the help of respiration, the most favorable environment for the course of life processes is maintained in the body.

Depending on the violation of this connection, a person can get sick with 150 types of diseases (according to K. Buteyko).

3. The third most important connection of the body with the external environment will be fluid intake and digestion... Exchange food substances between the body and the environment is carried out through 9 m 2 (according to other sources, through 40 m 2) surface digestive tract... Without water, a person can live up to 5-10 days. Without food for up to 40-70 days or more, depending on the initial body weight.

The digestive function, like the previous one (breathing), passes through the entire body. It starts in the mouth and continues in the gastrointestinal tract. The broken down substances enter the bloodstream, pass through the liver, are transported through the "jungle" of connective tissue and finally enter the cell, where they are consumed. Waste products from cells with blood flow go to the excretory organs.

Nutrition, in addition to its main purpose - to provide the body " building material", Performs many other necessary and important functions... For example, it adapts the body to the environment, provides immunity. Violation of this connection leads a person to a mass of all kinds of disorders and diseases - from mild vitamin deficiency to oncology.

4. The fourth important connection of the body with the external environment is carried out through skin , which are about 2.5 m 2.

The skin is a unique organ through which many functions of the body are carried out. It protects, regulates the temperature inside the body, breathes, can absorb and release substances, energy, etc. The skin is connected with all internal organs (it is possible, by acting on certain areas of the skin, to purposefully influence the internal organs) and is a mirror of the body's health.

Personally, I believe that through the skin and the acupuncture system located on its surface, the activity of internal organs is synchronized with the processes taking place in the environment. It is through the acupuncture system, which begins in the skin and penetrates the entire body, that the biorhythmological influence is carried out. The main functions of the body work for two hours a day (evacuation of the large intestine from 5 to 7 hours, stomach function from 7 to 9 hours, spleen - pancreas from 9 to 11 hours, etc.).

Disruption of the body's connection with the environment through the skin has a detrimental effect on the life of the whole body (especially extensive skin burns).

Immune protection is present in all surfaces through which IEV exchange with the environment (146 m 2 of the lungs, 9 m 2 or 40 m 2 of the digestive tract, 2.5 m 2 of the skin, 1 m 2 of the urinary, genital tract, paranasal sinuses, eye, etc.). After all, this is a gate for external aggressors and they must be reliably protected. The immune defense is no less powerful in the depths of the body. It is performed by lymphocytes and connective tissue of the body.

6. The sixth most important connection of the organism with the environment is the movement of the organism - movement ( muscular effort). Although it is carried out by the muscles, it involves the entire body.

Movement (manifestation of muscular efforts) makes consciousness and feelings work (it is necessary to calculate the trajectory of movement, carry out this movement and constantly monitor). Breathing is activated - it is necessary to provide the working muscles with energy. Increased energy expenditure during muscular efforts activates digestion and assimilation of substances. During muscular efforts, the body temperature rises when performing movements. In order to prevent overheating of the body, the skin function of thermoregulation is turned on. By sweating, excess heat is transferred to the external environment. With an increase in temperature, immunity is activated, metabolic processes in the connective tissue are better.

Thus, physical activity (muscular effort) is universal remedy, with which you can generally regulate the strength and duration of all connections of the body with the environment. Movement is a universal remedy that activates all previously disassembled.

Ultimately, all of the above connections of the body with the external environment provide the function of moving the body in the external environment due to muscular efforts. Lack of sufficient muscular efforts in the body (hypodynamia) leads to sluggish and insufficient functioning of all the above-analyzed connections of the body. Excessive muscular efforts, without providing them with subsequent rest and nutrition, lead to overstrain and depletion of the body. Reasonable, of sufficient strength and duration, daily muscular efforts make all the body's connections with the environment to work fully, and "exchange surfaces" (feelings, mind, lungs, digestion, skin, immunity and muscles) are kept in perfect order and have increased reserve capabilities.

7. At present, I am inclined to single out another channel through which the human body does not so much connect with the environment as it provides self-regulation. The body is a self-regulating system that creates the most favorable environment for itself for its best development. This is most clearly manifested during intrauterine development. The fetus develops in the mother's body, consuming information and energy from the mother. Passing them through his body, he makes them "his". And in order to additionally surround itself with the most favorable environment for development, the fetus surrounds itself with these energies and information. Due to the fact that energy and information is best perceived by water, the fetus is surrounded by an amniotic membrane, which is constantly replenished due to excretory function kidneys. Thus, we are talking about urine and how to use it to normalize the body's activity. It is in it that all the regulating energies and substances are contained, through which the body has a healing effect on itself. By reapplying our urine, we increase this regulatory effect and achieve a quick cure.

We have found out the seven main links of the exchange of IEI (through human consciousness, respiration, digestion, skin, immunity, muscle tension), which provide life in the body. And immediately we will draw an important conclusion: for each of the indicated connections of the exchange of IEE between the body and the environment, the flow of optimal strength (for each specific person) and harmony must pass. If it is insufficient, then it does not provide the proper amount of vital manifestations in the body. If it is too strong, then it disrupts the work of the body.

Let us explain this with examples.

Human consciousness. If no information (sounds, smells, taste, visual pictures, touches) is entered through the senses, then the person tends to sleep. Conversely, excessive sensory stimuli of sufficient duration (screams, saturated smells, flashes of bright colors, strong taste and touch) cause depression and malfunction of the body.

Breath. Shortness of breath causes oxygen starvation... Excessively strong and frequent leads to spasms and loss of consciousness.

Digestion. Insufficient or unbalanced diet leads to dystrophy. Excessive - overloads the body, leads to its slagging, abundant reproduction of microflora not characteristic of the body.

Skin surface. The skin has a number of different important functions in the body. First, it must resist the harmful effects of the external environment on the body. Heat and cold, moisture and dryness, harmful microbes and others external factors must not destroy it. For this, through reasonable hardening procedures, it is necessary to maintain its performance and functions at a normal level.

Muscular tension (movement). Lack of muscular effort not only leads to muscle weakening, but also contributes to general weakness and atrophy of the body. Conversely, excessive effort without proper recovery period lead to overstrain of the body, depletion of its reserves and destruction.

Let us draw another important conclusion: by changing the various parameters of the exchange flow of the EVI between the organism and the environment, it is possible to purposefully influence the vital activity and achieve best work the human body in each case.

Having made this conclusion, we now know with the help of what and how it is possible to influence own health... Thus, you and I discovered natural healing powers (human consciousness and nervous system, respiration, digestion, skin surface, immunity, muscle tension, urine therapy). Skillfully working with them, we can successfully heal, heal and rejuvenate ourselves!

This is where the methods of working with consciousness, breathing, food intake, various hardening procedures, means of raising immunity, an abundance of physical training and urine therapy came from. Everything turned out to be ingeniously simple and clear. And I am glad that God through me told (for the umpteenth time) about this ingenious simplicity and efficiency to all mankind.

Indirectly from the above, the concept of reserves of the body, or the amount of health. By the reserves (quantity) of health we can mean the possibility of normal functioning of the organism with a power of the IVI-flow that is different from the normal one.

The main reserve abilities of the body include its ability to heal wounds and renew. In youth, they are very large, and sharply decrease by old age.

Additionally, you can point to the root causes of ill health, disease and natural ways their treatment, strengthening the body. All external and internal factors that disrupt the strength and harmony of normal information, energy and material flows between the body and the environment, or contribute to the narrowing and depletion of the body's reserve abilities.

According to the defeat of the "surface" through which this or that type of IVI-exchange is carried out, it is possible to make diagnostics and select health-improving means. And due to the fact that "surfaces" (nervous system, lungs, walls of the digestive system, skin, immunity, muscles) consist mainly of connective tissue ( connective tissue makes up 85% of the total body weight!), then the beneficial effect through one of the "surfaces" will be transmitted to the entire body . This also indicates a feedback - the defeat of any "surface" causes a disease of the whole organism. And I will make one more remark: the body itself regulates and tries to eliminate any malfunction (any disease), releasing the appropriate energies and substances. All of them end up in the urine and reuse can increase this healing action for the whole organism.

Ultimately, any root cause by its effect strikes, destroys connective tissue.

There is a unified, universal approach to treatment, recovery, rejuvenation of the body through a reasonable effect on the connective tissue of the body by regulating the seven connections (consciousness, respiration, digestion, skin, immunity, muscle tension and urine therapy) organism with the environment. This is the universal discovery and the basis of new medicine. As a discovery, I give it a name - medicine for restoring and regulating the connections of the human body with the outside world. I am sure that only she has a humane perspective.

Modern medicine does not want to know an integral approach to the human body, and therefore heals people from more than 23,000 diseases!

Now we can give a clear formulation of health, illness and describe the parameters of a healthy person, which must be equal to and which must be restored and maintained.

Human health- this is a state when there is a normal, harmonious, informational, energetic and material exchange between the human body and Nature (environment), as well as human society. And the reserve capacity of the body is large enough.

Human disease- this is a state in which the normal, harmonious, informational, energetic and material exchange between the human body and Nature, human society is disturbed. And the reserve capacity of the body is reduced or insufficient.

Healthy person parameters:

consciousness- the constant predominance of an upbeat and joyful mood, the absence of strong negative experiences, obsessive thoughts and fatigue, the predominance of curiosity;

breathhealthy person makes five to seven breathing cycles (inhalation, exhalation and pauses between them - this is one breathing cycle) per minute (the less, the healthier the person);

nutrition- saturation with a small amount of natural food, a constant feeling of a slight feeling of hunger (this means that you do not overeat), light, sausage-like stools after each meal (which means the digestive tract is working perfectly);

leather- clean, beautiful, without any flaws and unpleasant odors, heat exchange is perfectly regulated;

immunity- absence of any diseases, fast healing wounds, cuts, burns, etc .;

muscle- elastic, hardy, moderately strong (good flexibility of all ligaments and joints), proportionally developed.

In general, a healthy person has good posture, is proportionally complex, has a small layer of fat, practically does not get tired, is friendly to others, perceives extreme events soberly, reasonably, without excessive emotional coloring.

Unhealthy person's parameters: any change in the activity of consciousness, respiration, nutrition, skin, immunity, muscles in the direction of deterioration indicates one or another degree of ill health or illness:

consciousness- constantly depressed mood, frequent strong feelings, obsessive thoughts, constant feeling of tiredness and indifference to life;

breath- significantly more than seven breathing cycles per minute;

nutrition- saturation with a large amount of thermally processed or unnatural food, lack of hunger, difficulty in stool or its absence during the day;

leather- greasy or dry in cracks, with acne, pimples, with an unpleasant odor;

immunity- the constant presence of any diseases, especially infectious, slow healing of wounds, cuts, burns, etc.;

muscle- weak, lethargic, stiff, disproportionately developed.

In general, a sick person has poor posture, is disproportionately complex, has excess or lack of fat, gets tired quickly, feels discontent or irritated because of trifles, any event for him is stressful with a bright emotional coloring.

We have done an important job - identified the signs of a healthy and sick person, found natural healing powers. Now we just have to learn how to use them.

So, thanks to this excerpt from the "Fundamentals of Health", I introduced you to the holistic perception of the human body, its health. And also answered the question: where did such diversity come from? wellness techniques and what they are for. Of course, applying the above is not easy and requires certain knowledge that each person must master. After all, the main conclusion follows from the above: a person is made unhealthy and sick only by his own way of life... The lifestyle of each individual person consists of three main components: thinking, nutrition, motor activity... You must keep track of these components yourself. The doctor will not do this, he will prefer to withdraw from this process by prescribing pills for you, having a conversation, deleting something, etc. And the person again remains with his own destructive thoughts, improper diet, motor laziness and passivity. Where will his health come from?

Thus, from a height today, I would use health remedies taking into account my own constitution, purposefully stimulating weak information and energy channels in order to achieve and maintain optimal health. After all, it is no secret that, without realizing this, people perform unnecessary and even harmful health work unjustifiably. This "wellness fanaticism" leads to negative health consequences.

During this period of my recovery, I was very much involved in nutrition and its influence not only on health, but also on human consciousness. Nutrition is not an easy thing and performs several functions in the body. I will list the most important ones. With the help of food, the body builds and maintains itself. Nutrition provides the body with energy. With the help of nutrition, the body adapts to the climate and the surrounding area. The taste of food affects not only emotional condition but also on physiological processes... I invite you to get acquainted with my experience on the last issue - the taste of food and its effect on the mind and body of a person. This will help you understand yourself better. I will quote an excerpt from my last work on nutrition "Golden rules of nutrition".

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