Excretory and other functions of the kidneys in the human body. The structure and function of the kidneys in the human body

The functions of the kidneys cannot be overestimated: they are vital organs and participate in many important processes of human life.

Three main functions of the kidneys

  1. Blood filtration. In the human body, the kidneys act as a blood filter, and also remove excess fluid, urea, toxins, and creatinine. For the whole day, approximately 1.5 liters of blood passes through the kidneys and is excreted from 0.5 liters. up to 2 l. urine.
  2. Maintaining balance water-salt balance. The kidneys regulate the content of minerals and salts in the blood. In case of their excess, the kidneys help to remove them from the body.
  3. Production biological substances. The following hormones are produced in the kidneys:
    • Erythropoietin is a hormone that stimulates the uptake of vitamin B12, iron and copper by the bone marrow. An increase in this substance in the blood increases arterial pressure and increases blood viscosity;
    • Thrombopoietin - a protein produced by the liver and kidneys, it stimulates the number of platelets produced by the bone marrow;
    • Calcitriol is a processed form of vitamin D. It acts as a regulator of potassium and phosphate metabolism. A lack of calcitriol production in a child's body can cause rickets.

Also, amino acids and easily digestible vitamin D3 are synthesized in the kidneys from vitamin D. This active form of the vitamin is necessary for the full breakdown and absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract.

Controlling the concentration of sodium in the blood

Within a month, the kidneys are able to compensate daily requirement sodium. This feature is important when it is required to reduce the amount of salt consumed. Therefore, when a salt-free diet is recommended to patients, this does not harm their health in any way (but such a diet should be followed no longer than 40 days and strictly under the supervision of a doctor).

Now you know what the kidneys do. It's also good to know what they look like. Each of the kidneys weighs no more than 200 g. The kidneys are small in size: 10-12 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, and 4 cm thick, similar in shape to beans. The kidneys are located on the right and left sides of the spine, one slightly lower than the other.

Nature has endowed people with such strong kidneys that even if they function at 20%, this will help maintain the vital activity of the body. Our well-being, blood composition, condition depend on the kidneys. bone marrow and the organism as a whole. These small but very important organs need to be protected and preserved for as long as possible.

Kidneys are vital organs of the human body. Thanks to them, the process of filtering the blood and removing metabolic products from the body takes place. To understand how great their role is, you need to study their structure and functionality.

The location of the kidneys in the body

Each of the pair of organs has bean shape. In the adult body, they are located in the lumbar region, surrounding spinal column. In children - a little below the usual level. But, in the process of growth, the location of the kidneys returns to desired level. To visually know their location, you just need to put your palms on your sides, and thumbs point up. On the conditional line between the two fingertips and are the desired organs.

Their feature is the location in relation to each other. Right kidney is below the level of the left. The reason for this is that it is located under the liver, which does not allow the organ to rise higher. Sizes fluctuate 10 to 13 cm long And up to 6.8 cm wide.

The structure of the kidneys

Structural education is represented by the nephron. Man has them more than 800 thousand. Most of located in the cortex. Without nephrons, it would be impossible to imagine the process of formation of both primary and secondary urine, which is finally excreted from the body. One functional unit is represented by a whole complex, which includes:

  • Shumlyansky-Bowman capsule.
  • Kidney glomeruli.
  • tubular system.

Outside, the kidneys are surrounded by layers of adipose and connective tissue, the so-called "kidney pouch". It not only protects against damage, but also guarantees immobility. Organs are covered with parenchyma, consisting of two membranes. The outer shell is represented by a cortical substance dark brown, which is divided into small shares, where are:

  1. renal glomeruli. A complex of capillaries that form a kind of filter through which blood plasma passes into the Bowman's capsule.
  2. Capsule of the renal glomerulus. Has a funnel shape. Filtered fluid passes through it, entering the renal pelvis.
  3. tubular system. It is divided into proximal and distal sections. Fluid from the proximal canal enters the loop of Henle, and then into the distal part. It is in this complex that reabsorption occurs. useful substances and vitamins into the bloodstream.

The inner shell is represented by a light brown medulla, which includes pyramids (up to 12 units).

The blood supply to the kidneys is due to the system of arteries coming from the abdominal aorta. The filtered blood fluid enters the vena cava through the renal vein. It is important to note that the organs themselves contain great amount blood vessels that feed the cell. Regulation of work occurs due to nerve fibers located in the parenchyma.

The main role of the kidneys

The main role of the kidneys in the body is to purify the blood by filtering it. It happens in renal glomeruli. Then it enters the tubule complex, where it is reabsorbed. The secretion process begins in the pelvis and continues in the ureter. Surprising is the fact that more than 220 liters of blood are pumped through the kidneys daily, up to 175 liters of primary urine are formed. And this is an indicator of how important their continuous work is.

Organ functions

The following functions are assigned to the kidneys:

  1. Metabolism. They are an important link in the synthesis of vital proteins, carbohydrates, and also form vitamin D3, which in its original form is produced in the subcutaneous layer when exposed to ultraviolet rays.
  2. Urination. During the day, 170-175 liters of primary urine is formed in the human body, which, after thorough filtration and reabsorption, is excreted in the form of secondary urine with a volume of up to 1.9 liters. This is what helps cleanse the blood of excess fluid, salts, toxic substances such as ammonia, urea. But if this process is disrupted, then poisoning with harmful metabolites can occur.
  3. Maintaining Constancy of Indicators internal environment . There is a regulation of the level of blood and fluid in the body. renal system prevents the accumulation of excess water in the body, and also balances the concentration mineral salts and substances.
  4. Synthesis of hormones. Participate in the production of erythropoietin, renin, prostaglandin. Erythropoietin is the progenitor of blood cells originating in the red bone marrow. As a result of the action of renin, the level of circulating blood is regulated. And prostaglandin controls blood pressure.
  5. Level control blood pressure . This happens not only due to the production of the hormone, but also due to the removal of excess water.
  6. Protection. Such harmful substances as alcohol, ammonia, toxic metabolites are removed from the body.
  7. Stabilization of indicatorspH in blood plasma. This process is characterized by the removal of strong acids and the adjustment pH. When deviating from a level equal to 7.44 units, infection may occur.

How important is the work of the kidneys in the body?

In the process of impaired functioning of the kidneys, the body undergoes poisoning, which causes uremia. This state occurs when large cluster toxic substances, accompanied by a violation of the water-salt balance. It is manifested by edema of the upper and lower extremities.

Health risks can bring urolithiasis disease, which is formed at the moment high concentration insoluble salts. To avoid this, you need to monitor the health of organs and use such types of annual diagnostics as urine and blood tests. It is desirable to carry out ultrasound diagnostics once every 1.5 years.

Prevention of kidney disease

First, you should avoid taking potent medicines and funds based on hormones, pay attention to regular physical activity. To improve the functional activity of organs, it is necessary to consume at least 1.8 liters of water per day.

Herbal drinks are also useful, helping to cleanse the body of harmful metabolites. To avoid dehydration, it is advisable to minimize the amount of alcohol, carbonated and coffee drinks consumed and limit the amount of salt in the diet.

kidneys- a bean-shaped paired organ, they are located outside abdominal cavity, in the lumbar region, on both sides of the spine. The kidney reaches a length of about 12 cm, a width of up to 6 cm, a thickness of up to 4 cm. Approximately the weight of one kidney is 150 g.

A person performs various functions:

  • regulate blood pressure, salt and water balance,
  • take part in the metabolism in the bones of the skeleton,
  • stimulate hematopoiesis,
  • but the most important function of the kidneys is to remove excess fluid (urine),
  • cleansing the body of harmful waste (slag).

And if the kidneys work poorly, then urine and toxins remain in the body. If a toxic process occurs in the body, first of all, we poison the kidneys. And poisoning the kidneys, we poison our appearance, genetics, bones, thermoregulatory function, bone marrow, provoking the appearance of serious diseases.

What do the kidneys do?

The kidneys are the source of energy in the human body. People who have kidney problems have no strength, their legs hurt and they are persecuted. constant pain in the waist. are responsible for the general thermoregulation of the body - we freeze less or more, how poorly we tolerate heat, whether we are shivering or not, i.e. how we adapt to changes in temperature. The kidneys are responsible for the intensity and activity of bone marrow production, which promotes blood formation. Malignant diseases circulatory system most directly related to what happens in the kidneys.

The main function of the kidneys

The most important function of the kidneys is to maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body, i.e. content regulation nutrients, acids, salts and other elements. In addition, the kidneys are involved in such important processes for the body as the production of erythropoietin - a substance that stimulates the formation of erythrocytes - red blood cells. They produce angiotensin, a hormone that raises blood pressure by constricting blood vessels and induces the adrenal glands to produce the hormone aldosterone, a regulator of sodium excretion. kidneys produce prostaglandins that help regulate blood pressure and sodium excretion. The kidneys are able to convert vitamin D into active special form, which controls the processes occurring in the bones of the skeleton. Means, normal work kidney is positively displayed on the strength and density of the bones of the skeleton.

What else do the kidneys do? The kidneys are responsible for hair and teeth. Hearing is the entrance gate of the kidneys. Ear discharge, hearing loss associated. The kidneys contain the energy that parents pass on to us at conception and that we pass on to our children. For the kidneys, so infections are undesirable, disordered sex life, which will definitely lead to the depletion of this energy.

80% of people suffer from kidney pathologies to some extent, kidney disease can not manifest itself for decades, without pain or discomfort.

What are the kidneys responsible for in the body?

The kidneys coordinate the circulation in the body: sweat, tears, saliva, urine, secretions from mucous membranes, synovial fluid, cerebrospinal and seminal (sperm) fluids. The health of the genitourinary and reproductive systems, condition of bones, ears.

Kidney destroys fear , if you really frighten a person, then his kidney will immediately drop or (or two at once) reflex urination may occur. kidneys, make themselves felt, manifesting themselves in the form of phobias and nightmares.

The kidneys accumulate human energy received at the time of conception. A child conceived in a family where there is no love is born with a low energy reserve.

During life, energy is spent, most of the energy is spent on the sexual sphere, with each ejaculation, a man loses energy. A woman loses part of her energy every month.

Symptoms of kidney failure

Swollen face, legs, hands

Disease vascular system, hypotension, hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia. Diseases of the adrenal glands, hyperthyroidism, mastopathy.

Diseases of the urogenital area, prostatitis, frigidity, impotence, gynecological diseases (chronic inflammation appendages).

Urolithiasis disease

cervical osteochondrosis, lumbar osteochondrosis sciatica - inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Osteoporosis, bone destruction

Ear diseases

High or low pressure

Most often, a person has only a few of the listed ailments, but they also manifest secondary symptoms because of the omission of the kidneys (when the left kidney is omitted - arrhythmia, the lowered right one - the gallbladder becomes inflamed).

It is worth remembering that the individual symptoms listed above have their own sequence. Initially, some symptoms appear during the course of the disease, and others are superimposed on them. For example, kidney failure follows her, problems with pressure, then a stroke.

Diagnosis of kidneys at home

Dark, burgundy circles under the eyes, watery eyes when leaving the house on the street

Ringing and noise in the ears, a sign of diseased kidneys

Urine is normally light, without pungent odor, it does not stain due to eating carrots, beets and other vegetables with high level beta carotene. Urine should always be clear and odorless.

Urination should be plentiful, how much you have drunk so much and should come out. Pathology: frequent urination small quantities.

Straighten up, straighten your shoulders, then bend over and try to reach your hands to the floor. If you feel painful tension in the muscles behind your legs, you most likely have a degenerative kidney disorder.

Kidney Treatment

  • Reduce the consumption of psychic energy. Balance emotions. Eaters human energy- metropolitan cities.
  • Men, learn to control sexual energy
  • A sedentary lifestyle negatively affects kidney health. Due to the heavy load on sciatic nerve, kidney damage and bladder.
  • Try to walk more, breathe fresh air and do yoga or simple gymnastics, if the disease is completely overcome, you need to change jobs.
  • To raise the energy of the kidneys, the qigong system is effective.
  • Do not freeze, because the kidneys love heat, go to the bathhouse, do hot foot baths.
  • Reduce your intake of protein and salty foods
  • Follow the daily routine, go to bed early.
  • Chilled water, food and ice cream should be completely abandoned. Cold too overloads the kidneys.
  • Drink Ivan-tea, bearberry infusion, but be careful with bearberry, St. John's wort and horsetail, inflammation of the kidney tissue is possible.

Useful information

The kidneys are important organs, problems with the functioning of which negatively affect the state of the body. In diseases of the urinary system, health worsens, toxins accumulate, harmful salts, causeless weakness appears, immunity decreases.

What are the functions of the kidneys in the body? How to protect important organs from negative impact? How much liquid do you need to drink per day for active cleansing of decay products? What signs indicate the development of renal pathologies? Answers in the article.

The structure of the kidneys

Basic information:

  • paired organs, shape - bean-shaped;
  • in case of kidney failure, forced blood purification is required using a hemodialysis machine, otherwise all toxins will remain in the body, after a while the patient will die;
  • the organs are in the lumbar region, the left is slightly higher: the liver is located above the right;
  • dimensions - 10-12 cm, the right organ is slightly smaller;
  • from outside there is a protective shell, a system is organized inside for the accumulation and removal of fluid;
  • the thickness of the parenchyma, limited by the membrane and connecting base- 15-25 mm;
  • the main structural unit is the nephron, the amount in healthy body- 1-1.3 million. Urine is formed inside the nephron. Depending on the functionality and structure, three types of nephrons are distinguished;
  • the renal tissue has a homogeneous structure, foreign inclusions (sand, stones, tumors) are normally absent;
  • the renal artery delivers blood to the kidney; inside the organ, the vessel branches into arterioles that fill each glomerulus with blood. constant pressure maintains the optimal ratio of arterioles: the efferent arteriole is twice narrower than the afferent one;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure ranging from 100 to 150 mm Hg. Art. does not affect blood flow in the renal tissue. At severe stress, pathological processes, blood loss there is a decrease in blood flow;
  • The large renal calyces form the renal pelvis, which is connected to the bladder by means of the ureters.

Urine formation

The process consists of three stages. Violation of the filtration function, damage to the glomeruli and tubules interferes with the process, provokes fluid stagnation, and leads to the accumulation of toxins.

Main stages:

  • filtration through three layers of glomerular filter;
  • accumulation of primary urine in collecting casks and tubules;
  • tubular secretion - transportation of unnecessary substances from the blood into the urine.

The volume and quality of urine excreted throughout the day is regulated by hormones:

  • adrenaline - reduces the formation of urine;
  • Aldosterone is secreted by the adrenal cortex. An excess of the hormone causes heart failure, edema, an excess - dehydration, a decrease in blood volume;
  • estradiol regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism;
  • Vasopressin is responsible for the absorption of water by the kidneys. The hormone is produced by the hypothalamus. With the defeat of this department, the volume of urine increases sharply - up to five liters;
  • parathyroid hormone is responsible for removing various salts from the body.

On a note! The work of the kidneys is regulated not only by substances produced by the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, hypothalamus, but also sympathetic fibers, vagus nerve.

Functions of paired organs

The main function of the kidneys is that the organs pump all the blood through tiny filters, purify the liquid from microbes, toxins, toxins, poisons, and other harmful components. The filtration capacity of the kidneys is amazing - up to two hundred liters of urine per day! Thanks to the kidneys, the body constantly receives "clean" blood. Waste products, decay products are excreted in the urine through the urethra ( urethra) naturally.

What are the functions of the kidneys:

  • excretory kidney function. Removal from the body of urea, decay products, poisons, creatinine, ammonia, amino acids, glucose, salts. Violation of the excretory function leads to intoxication, deterioration of health;
  • protective. Important organs filter, neutralize dangerous substances ingested: nicotine, alcohol, drug components;
  • metabolic. Participate in carbohydrate, lipid, protein metabolism;
  • homeostatic. Regulate the ionic composition of the intercellular substance and blood, maintain a constant volume of fluid in the body;
  • endocrine kidney function. Nephrons are involved in the synthesis important hormones and substances: prostaglandins (regulate blood pressure), calcitrol (regulates calcium metabolism), erythropoietin (stimulates hematopoiesis), renin (supports optimal blood circulation).

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the kidneys. Most people do not realize how important the work of the bean-shaped organs is until diseases of an inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature develop. Damage to the kidney tissue, problems with the production and excretion of urine adversely affect various parts of the body.

Symptoms of the development of kidney pathologies

The early stages are often almost asymptomatic. People often do not pay attention to slight discomfort in the lumbar region, they believe that the back hurts from overexertion. Only with strong pain syndrome accidental detection of diseases urinary tract with poor urine tests, patients visit a urologist.

Unfortunately, according to the results of urine and blood tests, radiography, the doctor often reveals chronic form pathology. In advanced cases, nephrosis will have a long and often costly treatment.

Go to the address and read information about how to prepare for a retrograde urography and how the procedure works.

It is important to know the main signs of kidney problems:

  • in the mornings, swelling is noticeable under the eyes and on the legs, which after a couple of hours disappear as imperceptibly as they appear;
  • blood pressure often rises. Violation of indicators is a sign not only of hypertension, but also of nephritis, atherosclerosis, diabetes;
  • problems with urination: more or less urine is excreted than usual, although the drinking regimen is approximately the same;
  • discomfort in lumbar. If, then discomfort is heard from one side or the other, sometimes, on both sides of the spine, but not in the central part (along the vertical axis);
  • the shade or transparency of urine changes;
  • "shootings" are periodically heard in the lumbar region, more often, on the one hand. This feature indicates an active inflammatory process or the movement of stones through the ureters;
  • causeless weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, combined with slight discomfort in the lumbar region and high blood pressure should prompt the thought of visiting a urologist. At renal pathologies toxins accumulate in the body, hence the deterioration of the general condition.

Important! If one or more symptoms appear, it is important to visit a nephrologist or urologist without delay, take a urine test, blood test, and do an ultrasound of the kidneys. Often negative symptoms practically absent, but the acidity of urine is higher or lower than normal, erythrocytes and protein appear in urine, the level of leukocytes rises, and other indicators worsen.

What is bad for the kidneys

Pathologies important organs develop under the influence of negative factors:

  • hypothermia, wet feet;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • heat: the kidneys work with increased load, actively process the increased volume of fluid consumed;
  • drafts, cold wind;
  • a lack of motor activity, provoking stagnation of blood and urine;
  • overcrowded bladder: the optimal number of urination is 5-6 times a day. With stagnation of urine, harmful microorganisms actively multiply;
  • sudden weight loss often provokes kidney prolapse due to a decrease in the volume of the protective fatty layer surrounding the bean-shaped organ;
  • frequent use of antibiotics, other potent drugs;
  • the use of too sweet or salty foods, smoked meats, spicy, fried foods adversely affects the state of nephrons, tubules, filtering glomeruli;
  • carbonated drinks with artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners do not benefit the kidneys;
  • mineral water with gas, high content salt puts a strain on the kidneys. It is important to release gas, slightly warm the healing liquid, only after these manipulations use the liquid. It is allowed to drink medicinal mineral waters only in courses, taking into account the nature of the diseases and the composition of the salts;
  • serious physical exercise, overwork, weight lifting, overload during sports competitions;
  • inflammatory processes in various parts of the body. pathogenic microorganisms with blood enter the renal tubules, infection of important organs is possible.

How to reduce the risk of disease

  • hypothermia warning;
  • the use of clean, "soft" water;
  • refusal of the frequent use of acidic juices, citrus fruits, tomatoes;
  • it is useful to drink weak water more often green tea, rosehip broth, infusion of corn stigmas, bearberry, parsley;
  • melon buds, watermelons are washed well. Important point- gourds must contain a minimum amount of nitrates;
  • table mineral water is good for the body, but in reasonable volumes. frequency of use, daily allowance prompts the urologist for a particular patient;
  • do not drink strong alcohol, beer, wine. Special Harm bring carbonated low-alcohol drinks with dozens of chemical compounds;
  • you should not eat stale foods, overload the body with “heavy” food, abuse spices, hot spices;
  • it is important to limit the intake of salt, which provokes the accumulation of fluid in the body, edema, increased stress on the urinary tract;
  • the correct drinking regimen is up to two liters of water per day. This should become the norm for every day, otherwise, over time, toxins will accumulate if the kidneys are not flushed as expected;
  • do not get carried away with offal, veal, mackerel, cod, beef, sorrel, spinach. Strong coffee, chocolate, beer, legumes - items containing purines and oxalates. Frequent consumption of these types of food provokes active deposition of salts, leads to urolithiasis and gout - diseases of the joints.

Proper kidney function is vital to the body. In patients suffering from severe form kidney failure, the quality of life is significantly reduced, immunity weakens. Knowledge about the structure and functioning of important organs helps to understand why it is necessary to protect the kidneys, how to prevent pathologies of an infectious and non-infectious nature.

Video - an anatomy lesson that explains the functions of the urinary system, the structure of the kidneys and the formation of urine:
