Natural diuretics or diuretic herbs: a list of plants that eliminate negative symptoms and remove excess fluid from the body. Choosing a diuretic tea that is effective for edema

What causes swelling? Most often - this is fluid retention in certain tissues of the body. The reasons for such processes may be insufficient kidney function, diseases of the cardiovascular system, pregnancy. What to do if the face, legs, hands swell, and the reduction in fluid intake does not bring results? For a long time, to get rid of edema, the most affordable and effective means- diuretic herbs.

Diuretic folk remedies for edema

The wisdom of nature and age-old experience traditional healers provide us with many recipes for decoctions, tinctures and herbal compresses that help get rid of excess fluid and, in fact, edema. Diuretic herbs for edema not only improve kidney function, but also cleanse urinary tract. Some of folk remedies have antibacterial properties, so they have an anti-inflammatory effect, destroying the source of infection. Thus, not only edemas provoked by bad job inflamed kidneys, but also the root cause of the disease. Folk remedies for edema help to cope with allergic problems, as well as with difficulty in removing fluid due to poor circulation. So what to drink with edema? Here are a few folk recipes diuretics:

  1. Mix in equal proportions chopped rose hips, plantain leaves, St. John's wort, bearberry and nettle. Pour 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture 600 ml of boiling water, insist until cool, strain. Take an infusion 3 times a day, 200 ml.
  2. Mix juniper fruits, licorice root and lovage crushed in equal proportions. Pour 1 tbsp. mixture of 200 ml of cool water, insist up to 7 hours. After the infusion, you need to boil for 15 minutes, strain and take 50 ml 4 times a day.
  3. In equal proportions, take chopped greens and parsley root. Pour 1 cup of the resulting mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 12 hours. Add lemon juice from one fruit to the infusion. Take 2 times a day, 70 ml according to the scheme: 2 days of admission, 3 days - a break, and again 2 days of administration. Continue until swelling subsides.
  4. Lingonberry leaf for edema is also used as an excellent diuretic. Crushed lingonberry leaves (1 tsp) brew in 1 cup boiling water. Drink 4 cups of this tea a day.
  5. 3 art. l. crushed burdock root should be added to 1 liter of boiling water. Boil the mixture until half of the liquid has evaporated. Add 2 tbsp to the decoction. l. honey. Take 3 times a day, 200 ml at night.
  6. Dip a handful of rose hips in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. In the cooled broth, you can add honey to taste. In this form, take rose hips during pregnancy from swelling of the legs and arms 3 times a day, 150 ml each.

Edema in heart failure

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are often accompanied by edema. But edema appears gradually over several months, or even years. It is impossible to get rid of such manifestations of the disease without filling heart failure and without compensating for the normal flow of blood to all parts of the body. As a rule, with heart failure, the legs swell first, then the abdomen, buttocks and lower back. Simultaneously with taking the medicines necessary for the treatment of blood vessels and a diseased heart, measures can be taken to remove excess fluid from the body. It is worth remembering that the herbs for edema used in such cases should be quite effective in small quantities, since general reception liquids still need to be limited. One more caveat: getting rid of edema in heart failure, you need to know that some herbs contribute to drastic change blood pressure. Therefore, taking seemingly harmless herbal teas you need to consult with your doctor.

Diuretic herbs: features of folk diuretics and a list of medicinal plants

Various plants have been used in traditional medicine centuries, which made it possible to study their properties thoroughly. This knowledge has remained relevant today, since in many cases even doctors can recommend to their patients not synthetic diuretics, but diuretic herbs that have a much milder effect. The main advantage of diuretic herbs over synthetic diuretics is their harmlessness, provided there are no allergic reactions and certain recommendations are followed (method of preparation, frequency of administration). It is also important to know which diuretic herb is used for specific disease. This will allow, in addition to removing excess fluid from the body, to heal and strengthen the organs affected by the disease, thereby strengthening the body and speeding up the healing process.

Let's see what herbs are diuretic, and what diseases they can treat? Of course, in an attempt to list all the diuretic herbs that exist in the world, the list will turn out to be endless, so we will consider only the main ones that grow in our latitudes:

These diuretic herbs are treated:

Diuretic anti-inflammatory herbs

The most extensive group of pathologies are inflammations, which can affect any organs, be it the heart, lungs, bladder or brain. During inflammation, the tissue in which pathological process, becomes inflamed, increases in size and accumulates fluid in itself.

Taking diuretic and anti-inflammatory herbs allows not only to remove excess fluid from the body, removing inflammation, but also to normalize the functioning of organs and body systems. At the same time, an important role is given to the quality of the raw materials received, especially if the plants are bought from hand. In order for herbs to have the anti-inflammatory effect required of them, they must be free of mold and foreign inclusions, and they must also have a characteristic persistent odor. If the smell is weak or third-party impurities are felt in it, then the collection was not stored correctly and lost most of its useful properties.

Diuretic herb for cystitis

Inflammation of the urinary tract is a very common disease, especially in women. Diuretic herbs for cystitis can alleviate the condition of a woman no worse medications, especially when it comes to chronic form disease that can disturb the patient for several years. The main thing is to know which plants and how to use them. The main folk remedies for combating cystitis are bear's ears, garlic, barosma, corn stigmas, gadrastis and echinacea.

These herbs relieve inflammation of the urinary tract, which allows you to expand their lumen and remove pain when urinating, they fight the virus that caused inflammation and remove excess fluid from the body.

Diuretic herbs for the kidneys

One of the most vulnerable human organs are the kidneys, whose duties include filtering urine. During any kidney disease, it becomes difficult for the body to cope with this function and it needs help. It is for this purpose that it is recommended to drink various diuretic herbs for pyelonephritis. If you do not remove excess fluid from the body with pyelonephritis, then over time the patient will develop a persistent increase in pressure. The main plants taken for pyelonephritis are horsetail and bearberry.

Diuretic herbs help with urolithiasis. In this case, the withdrawal of urine will avoid the precipitation of salts and prevent the formation of new stones. The main medicinal plants that prevent the formation of stones are:

To dissolve already formed stones, you can use the following decoction: parsley, rose hips, lingonberry leaves, strawberries and an infusion of carrot seeds. All this is diluted in a proportion of 1 tbsp. spoon per 250 ml of boiling water during remissions and 1 spoon per 200 ml of boiling water during exacerbations.

Diuretic herbs for hypertension and heart failure

Heart failure and hypertension are two diseases that go hand in hand. Each of these diseases eventually leads to the development of another. So, if you do not take diuretic herbs when intracranial pressure, then the heart will have to experience increased load counteracting and pushing blood into blood vessels, which will certainly lead to a change in the structure of the myocardium and further inflammation heart muscle. There are also opposite situations, when the root cause of pressure is problems from the CCC.

Diuretic herbs for heart failure should not only help remove excess fluid from the body, but also have the ability to regulate vascular tone. Such plants include shepherd's purse, mountain ash, cudweed, barberry, astragalus and arnica.

With hypertension, plants show themselves well, which, in addition to the diuretic effect, also have a calming, as well as vasodilating and regulatory effect. Such plants are: dill, knotweed, birch and others.

Diuretic herbs for children

Treatment with herbal medicine for children has a number of advantages, because in addition to the diuretic effect, plants allow you to fill the child's body with vitamins and help him fight various viruses. Usually, in reasonable dosages, all medicinal plants are harmless, but diuretic herbs should be selected with extreme caution for children prone to allergies. Otherwise, the main thing is to choose a reasonable dosage at which the selected drug can have a moderate diuretic effect with a minimal risk of complications.

In cases where the purchased herbal collection indicates the dosage only for an adult, it is necessary to calculate the optimal concentration for a child on your own. The following formula can help with this:

  • child under 2 years old - 1/12 of the adult dose;
  • 2-4 years - 1/8;
  • 4-6 years - 1/6;
  • 6-8 years - 1/4;
  • 8-10 years - 1/3;
  • 10-14 years old - 1/2;
  • 14-16 years old - 3/4.

Having figured out who, for what diseases and at what concentration, can be used herbal remedies from traditional medicine, let's look at the main diuretic herbs and their uses.

Milk thistle - diuretic

When taking milk thistle, the diuretic effect is mild and short-lived, so decoctions from this medicinal herb should be poured a little every hour during the first days of treatment. However, this inconvenience medicinal plant more than offset by its usefulness and ability not only to increase the excretion of urine from the body, but also to have an antispasmodic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, which is important for many diseases of the liver, kidneys (pyelonephritis, stones) and inflammation of the urinary tract.

A decoction of milk thistle is prepared as follows: 30 g of seeds are thrown into 0.5 liters of water, brought to a boil and left on low heat until ½ of the liquid has evaporated, then infused for 15 minutes and filtered. The decoction is recommended to be taken for 2 weeks 12 times a day, hourly, 1 spoonful. IN preventive purposes- for 6 weeks, 1 spoon twice a day.

thyme - diuretic

In thyme, herbs have a diuretic effect, which are better to collect during the flowering period, carefully cutting them, and not tearing them out. Otherwise, you can damage the root of the plant. Thyme has not only a diuretic, but also an immunostimulating, sedative and analgesic effect.

This folk remedy is used for kidney diseases, atherosclerosis, stomach diseases and in the case when it is necessary to purify the blood. For these purposes, thyme tea is best suited, which is prepared as follows: 15 g of the herbal mixture is steamed in a liter of boiling water and insisted for 15 minutes, then they drink 1 cup three times a day.

This drug should not be taken in case of exacerbation of stomach ulcers and duodenum and also during pregnancy.

Calendula - diuretic

As natural diuretic, calendula is recommended for rickets, scrofula and bladder stones. Very often, calendula flowers are added to various herbal medicinal teas, fees and tinctures.

The tincture is prepared as follows: 25 g of flowers are taken per 100 g of alcohol, infused and taken three times a day, 30 drops each.

Decoctions are done as follows: 10 g of calendula flowers are thrown into 1 cup of boiling water, brought to a boil, defended and drunk 3 tablespoons three times a day.

There is evidence that calendula can cause miscarriage, so it is better to use another diuretic during pregnancy.

horsetail - diuretic

Horsetail as a diuretic plant is good for hypertension, kidney disease, urolithiasis, liver disease, inflammatory processes, lead poisoning. This medicinal plant as a diuretic is well suited for children and the elderly, since it is rich in proteins, silicic acid salts, tannins, fatty oils, alkaloids, organic acids and flavonoids.

Horsetail is used as a folk diuretic as follows: 4 tsp. dry grass is thrown into 400 ml of boiling water, insisted, filtered and drunk for 1 day in small sips at regular intervals a little bit.

Birch sap diuretic

Birch sap and kidneys - diuretics, known to people already a long time ago. Birch sap, in addition to a diuretic effect, can affect the functioning of the stomach, stimulates metabolism, breaks down stones in the kidneys and bladder, removes toxins from the body, helps with different problems with liver and inflammation.

There is no need to tell how to prepare birch sap, but few people know how to make an aqueous infusion from birch buds. To do this, pour 10 g of kidneys with a glass of boiling water, close and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, and then squeeze. Add 200 ml of boiled water to the resulting tincture. Ready infusion is drunk warm before meals.

Linden diuretic

In linden, wood, seeds, bark, leaves and inflorescences have a diuretic effect. Linden contains flavone glycosides, carotene, talicine, tannins, saponins, ascorbic acid And essential oils.

The most common recipe for a diuretic from linden is tea, for the preparation of which 2 tsp is taken. leaves and inflorescences are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 10 minutes, filtered and drunk hot.

Melissa - diuretic

As a diuretic for CCC diseases, a decoction of lemon balm is best, prepared as follows: 10 g of chopped greens per 200 ml of water should be boiled for 10 minutes, then strained and 1 tsp each. take three times a day half an hour before meals.

Both the plant itself and herbal preparations based on lemon balm have a good antispasmodic, diuretic and sedative effect, perfectly reduces blood pressure, and normalizes heart rate.

Melissa should not be used by people with hypotension, as well as by those who work in production where it is required increased attention and a good mental reaction (melissa has a weak hypnotic effect).

St. John's wort diuretic

Therapeutic properties of St. John's wort - diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, hemostatic. This combination of properties is very useful in the treatment various diseases kidneys, including urolithiasis. Thanks to medicinal properties St. John's wort helps to remove stones from the kidneys, and the anti-inflammatory property reduces discomfort associated with this disease.

In case of urolithiasis, the decoction prepared as follows will be most useful: steam 1 s.t. herbs in a glass of boiling water, cool and drink three times a day for 1/3 cup. Every day you need to brew a new infusion.

Flax seeds - diuretic

Flaxseed - diuretic and cholagogue with a long history of use in traditional medicine. This drug helps well with kidney and liver stones, allowing stones and sand to be washed out of the body. However, due to the strong loss of fluid by the body during treatment with this natural diuretic, it is necessary to ensure that the daily volume of fluid consumed is at least two liters. This is especially true for people who decide not to heal with the help of flax, but to use its diuretic effect for weight loss.

Flax seeds can be used different ways, up to the purchase of flour from flax seeds, consuming 1 dessert spoon daily in the morning.

Cinnamon is a diuretic

Cinnamon is a diuretic with interesting and controversial properties. On the one hand, this natural diuretic helps the kidneys remove excess fluid from the body, normalizes blood sugar levels in diabetics, strengthens the cardiovascular system, prevents calcium loss when taking synthetic diuretics, normalizes metabolism, is used as a means for losing weight, on the other hand, cinnamon accelerates heart rate and slightly increases blood pressure. That is, with hypertension and some heart diseases, this spice cannot be used.

It should also be borne in mind that cinnamon is a natural antibiotic and joint application with other drugs, is able to change them. In case of kidney and liver disease, despite the diuretic effect of cinnamon, it is necessary to take it with caution, since this natural diuretic contains toxic coumarin, which can damage these organs in high concentrations.

Valerian - diuretic

Valerian root diuretic is quite weak and recommend it in terms of medicinal product, it is forbidden. Let it go this remedy traditional medicine is in almost every home in the form of tablets or drops, it practical use is doubtful, and the entire effect obtained is mainly due to the “placebo” effect. The point is that the main medicinal substance, which is part of valerian - valepotriates - esters with a sedative effect. But their rapid degradability during drug storage or heat treatment, does not allow to obtain a significant healing effect, even if you take this remedy at a dosage of 800 mg at a time (about 30 tablets).

mother and stepmother - diuretic

A decoction of the mother and stepmother as a diuretic is recommended for kidney diseases, edema. dropsy. Also, this medicinal herb can be used as a means for losing weight, since it normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Preparing a decoction of mother and stepmother is simple. Enamelware is taken, 1 tsp is poured out. collection and pour 200 ml of boiling water, close the lid and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then the broth must be filtered and cooled. Drink 1/3 cup an hour before meals. The finished course of treatment with this diuretic should not exceed one and a half months.

Mother and stepmother should not be drunk by pregnant women, during lactation, children under two years of age and with liver problems.

Sage diuretic

Sage leaves have a diuretic effect, from which a simple decoction is prepared (1 tsp per glass of water, boil for 30 minutes, cool and strain).

Due to the fact that sage leaves contain paradaphenol, uvaol, oleanic and ursolic acids, alkaloids, tannins and essential oils, this medicinal plant can be used not only as a diuretic, but also as a wound healing, astringent, expectorant, hemostatic, antispasmodic, sedative , disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent.

Sage infusion as a diuretic is recommended for diseases of the gallbladder, liver, kidneys, Bladder and with edema.

Juniper - diuretic

Juniper fruits as a natural diuretic are part of many diuretic and choleretic decoctions and infusions. In most cases, to get maximum effect this drug is combined with other plants, such as lovage root or harrow root, with violet, parsley or anise.

This diuretic is most useful for chronic inflammation bladder or kidneys, but acute inflammation or long-term use juniper will harm the kidneys, so you need to be careful with self-medication.

Oregano - diuretic

The diuretic herbs of oregano have long been used in folk medicine as a choleretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. The composition of oregano herbs includes such useful material as phytoncides, flavonoids, thymol, carvacrol and essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Various decoctions and infusions of oregano in folk and official medicine used as a diuretic for problems with intestinal motility and digestive disorders.

Refrain from accepting this medicinal product, should be people with problems of the heart and blood and vessels, as well as a pregnant woman.

motherwort diuretic

Motherwort is part of many therapeutic diuretic teas for the kidneys, in which it has an antispasmodic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. For these purposes, together with motherwort, the following plants are most often used:

Diuretic herbs

Many plants have long been considered diuretic. To date, despite the large selection of synthetic diuretics, the relevance of their use has not diminished at all. Currently, the diuretic properties of many herbs have been proven. clinical research, they are part of modern drugs and are widely accepted. At the same time, they practically did not find any serious side effects.

How diuretic herbs work

The mechanism of the diuretic action of herbs to date has not been fully disclosed. Recent theories suggest that plants are aquatic, that is, they contain components that increase the excretion of water from the body without affecting the excretion of electrolytes (salts). Such herbs can act by expanding small vessels renal glomeruli thus increasing urine filtration. The mechanisms of their action also include a weakening of the reabsorption of water in the nephrons (the part of the kidney responsible for the formation of urine), effects on enzymes and hormones.

Some plants can also influence the excretion of electrolytes by the kidneys. It is known that diuretics are required to lower blood pressure, which also remove sodium, an element that contributes to its increase, from the body. In one study, stinging nettle was shown to lower blood pressure in patients with heart failure. This suggests that diuretic herbs may act in a variety of ways and may be useful in a wide range diseases.

Diuretic herbs are prescribed for a number of diseases urinary system. These include:

  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder),
  • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra),
  • pyelonephritis (inflammation of the renal pelvis),
  • glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidneys)
  • kidney disease,
  • prostatitis,
  • asymptomatic excretion of bacteria in the urine.

Examples of Diuretic Herbs

Many diuretic herbs are used in official medicine. Here are examples of plants approved and recommended by the German Commission E, formed by the government to evaluate the quality of herbs.

The well-known horsetail is the only diuretic herb that Commission E recommends for edema, including traumatic. It is known that diuretic herbs are often contraindicated in edema caused by kidney and heart failure.

The main active ingredients of lovage officinalis are terpenoids and coumarins. He is a relative of celery and parsley, showing the best diuretic properties. It also has a moderate antispasmodic and antimicrobial effect. Commission E approves the use of lovage for urinary tract infections and urolithiasis. To prepare an infusion of lovage, you need to pour 2-3 grams of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes.

Goldenrod has been clinically shown to have good diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is indicated for infections of the urinary system, urolithiasis, the possibility of its use during pregnancy is being studied. 2-4 grams of the plant is poured with a glass of boiled water.

Curly parsley has been considered a good diuretic herb since ancient times. The roots and seeds of the plant are used. Its active ingredients affect enzymes in the kidneys, increasing urine output. This mechanism of action makes it similar to synthetic diuretics, but without their usual side effects. Usually 2 grams of seeds or roots are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes.

Stinging nettle, a common weed, is often used as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the lower urinary tract. In addition, it explores therapeutic effect with prostatic hyperplasia.

Of course, this is far from full list diuretic herbs, the properties of which are scientifically confirmed. Due to its high safety, efficiency and often complex action(antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory), diuretic herbs often become the basis for modern herbal preparations.

Diuretic plants in the composition of the herbal preparation

As part of a comprehensive herbal preparation Canephron H includes extracts of lovage root, rosemary leaves and centaury herb. Thanks to modern technologies number active ingredients plants in the medicine is strictly standardized. This gives a more reliable effect than the use of personally prepared fees. In addition, the high quality of the drug is ensured by careful quality control of the plants used.

Canephron N has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antimicrobial action. It can be used on its own or together with antibacterial drugs which it enhances. The drug is indicated in the treatment of pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis and urolithiasis.

More on the topic

Medicines Kanefron Drops

Hello! A child of three and a half years often more sore throats. Throat swab contains hemolytic streptococcus. Trips to specialists did not help.

Excess fluid in any body can lead to edema, which is clear sign the presence of any disease that is necessary in as soon as possible diagnose and treat. With edema, the doctor usually, in addition to the main treatment, prescribes diuretics, which are sold in excess in pharmacies, but more often advises taking folk diuretics at home, which are no worse at removing excess fluid from the body and for cleansing.

When to Take Diuretics

At home, you can prepare decoctions and infusions that can relieve swelling when various diseases. Indications for the use of diuretics are such diseases:

  • Increased arterial pressure.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Heart disease.
  • Edema.
  • Diseases of the kidneys.
  • Obesity.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

Folk diuretics that can be used at home include not only decoctions and infusions from medicinal herbs, but also plain water, juices, berries, fruits.

Recipes for folk diuretics

Good diuretic natural origin considered cranberries. In order to remove excess fluid from the body, you can use not only berries, but also leaves. Cranberry is a natural diuretic plant. Works great for inflammation of the kidneys. Not only removes fluid, but also relieves the inflammatory process. The berry can be used for hypertension and pregnancy.

  • How to use cranberries

- Berries 2 tbsp. l.

— Water 200 ml.

- Sugar 30 gr.

Place the berries crushed with a blender in a saucepan. Pour in water and add sugar. Boil. Cool and drink several times a day.

Cranberry juice is a very good drink that can be taken by pregnant women. It supplies vitamins to the body and removes excess fluid.

  • Cowberry

One more useful berry which exhibits diuretic properties is lingonberries.

- Leaves and fruits of lingonberries 20 gr.

— Water 200 ml.

Place the fruits and leaves of lingonberries in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Infuse for 1 hour, take a tablespoon three times before lunch, dinner and breakfast. This decoction is choleretic and diuretic. folk medicine, which helps with kidney disease, with edema.

  • A good natural diuretic drink is a mixture of cranberries and lingonberries.

— Cranberry fruits 50 gr

— Cowberry fruits 50 gr.

Grind the berries and pour a glass of hot water. You can add honey to taste and drink three times a day.

  • Strawberries are one of the tastiest homemade diuretics. In season, you can regularly eat this berry. Strawberry vitamin product how a diuretic fights edema and.
  • Watermelon is a very useful and effective diuretic product. With the help of watermelon, you can clean the kidneys and liver. During the ripening period, watermelon should be eaten as often as possible.
  • Sweet cherry is very tasty fragrant and also medicinal berry.

Cherry compotes are an excellent diuretic, they can be used for various edema in hypertensive patients and pregnant women without fear of side effects.

— Cherry 100 gr.

— Water 500 ml.

Place the berries in boiling water, boil for five minutes. Cool and drink in the morning, afternoon and evening.

The drink cleanses the kidneys, is used for hypertension, heart disease.

diuretic juices

Juices, which are used in various combinations, also do an excellent job of removing excess fluid from the body.

  • Birch sap expels salts, fights edema, is harmless during pregnancy, you need to drink it three times a day, 150 ml each.

  • Cranberry and beetroot juice

— Cranberry juice 150 ml.

beetroot juice 100 ml.

Mix fresh ingredients, take 50 ml.

  • Pumpkin

Raw pumpkin has an excellent diuretic effect without irritating the walls of the stomach. The easiest way to drink it is in the form of juice. Every day, the juice should always be fresh, drink in small sips throughout the day, but not more than a glass a day.

Safe Diuretic Fruits and Herbs

  • Rose hip

Gourds melon and watermelon, contributes to good digestion, lower blood pressure, normalize water metabolism in the body.

Cucumbers remove excess fluid, cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful accumulations. Cucumber juice is used as a diuretic.

Diuretic fruits that are used to remove excess fluid and relieve swelling are apricots, mangoes, cherries, raspberries, cranberries, viburnum, apples.

diuretic lemon

The lemon has a large number of vitamin C, which helps to remove excess fluid.

  • The first way - lemon zest

Wash, dry and grind the zest of one lemon. Take half a teaspoon three times a day with plenty of plain clean water.

  • Second recipe

In equal proportions, you need to mix carrot, lemon and cucumber juice. Each need to take 100 ml. Drink the remedy three times a day, diluting warm water in half.

  • The third way is a lemon with horseradish.

- Three lemons with zest.

- One medium-sized horseradish root.

Wash and grind all products in a meat grinder. Take the mixture for 14 days in a teaspoon twice a day before meals.

In any case, before self-administration of folk diuretics, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Hello, friends!

To always have good mood that is not overshadowed by pain, you should be more attentive to your own health.

Waking up in the morning, we often notice swelling on the face or legs. Ka always - we are in a hurry, brushing aside such manifestations, as always, hoping for a "maybe".

If the day before you overate salty, and this is a one-time occurrence, then you can somehow justify such carelessness. But if puffiness constantly accompanies you, then you should definitely think about it.

After all, on early stages such fluid retention in the tissues is easily treatable, and if brushed aside, it is likely to overlook a serious disease.

Treatment in this case will be long and costly. And if on early dates troubleshoot, then you can get rid of the problem using natural and safe remedies - healing herbs.

Let's take a closer look at phytotherapy: what are the features of this technique, what plants to use and how to handle them correctly.

From this article you will learn

How does it manifest itself and what is to blame?

Edema is stagnation, when excess fluid is not excreted by the body, at which time metabolic processes fail.

Most often, this problem manifests itself on the face, under the eyes. You can also see them on the limbs. If it’s the fault that you overate salty and the day before you were “addicted” to alcohol, then you should not raise an “alarm”.

This factor often provokes fluid stagnation and gradually the body will cope with the excess.

During pregnancy, swelling is also a fairly common occurrence. And if these factors are not present, then you should start looking for the cause that provokes moisture retention.

Among the most common reasons are:

  • diseases of the kidneys, bladder, urinary tract;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • metabolic disease;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • problems in the musculoskeletal system.

In order to use correctly medicinal purposes plants, the exact cause should be determined. If the disease is detected on time, then the treatment may be short-lived, and restore health as soon as possible.

Whether you need a doctor's consultation is easy to determine for yourself. Edema can be detected by pressing a finger on the lower parts of the legs.

If after that a dent remains on the skin for some time, then this is definitely an edema. In addition, the surface of the body in such places is cooler and paler when compared with other areas.

In the presence of such symptoms, do not hesitate to visit the doctor. Early contact is the key to success.

How to use herbs correctly?

Today you should not search on your own in the fields and forests essential plants. In any pharmacy in a wide range there is everything you need.

Because most of of them can cause all sorts of side effects, then the doctor will help you choose the type, dose of its intake.

In addition, there are some nuances in herbal medicine: depending on what the reasons are, it depends on which herb should be treated.

Doctors identify two main factors in the occurrence of edema.

  • Cardiovascular edema: treatment

In the treatment of diseases of cardio-vascular system plants should be selected so that, in addition to excess moisture, they fight against the main cause. The most effective in this case is hawthorn.

It is sold ready alcohol tinctures or you can make it as a tea. And, although he does not have the most strong properties diuretic in nature, but perfectly strengthens blood vessels and heart muscle.

If a stronger diuretic effect is needed, then an individual collection is selected for heart diseases. For example, this: take 10 gr. hypericum and leaves horsetail, 5 gr. strawberries, 30 gr. motherwort.

Mix dry ingredients well and place in a dry container. Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and brew in a thermos with a glass of boiling water.

If there is no thermos, wrap it with a warm scarf or scarf and leave to infuse for an hour. Take 1 glass of decoction on an empty stomach: the first in the morning, and the second one an hour before dinner. The course duration is two months.

  • Edema of renal origin

Diuretic herbs for edema help to cope with diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract and reproductive system.

The most important tasks here are to facilitate the process of urination, relieve inflammation, fight the infection that has spread throughout genitourinary system, withdrawal of excess liquid. There is a wide range - choose according to your taste.

And do not forget to check before use if there is an allergic reaction to a certain plant or component of the collection. The lingonberry leaf proved to be excellent.

In addition, effective:

  • bearberry,
  • horsetail,
  • Birch buds,
  • juniper,
  • violet,
  • nettle,
  • chamomile,
  • lovage,
  • centaury.

Also, fees that you can cook yourself “work” perfectly.

Which components, the schedule of administration, the duration of the course are prescribed by the doctor individually, based on the results of tests and studies and other features of your body.

Phytotherapy for children and pregnant women

Therefore, herbal medicine in this case can only be prescribed by a therapist, after consultation with a gynecologist.

For children, the dosage is still very important. At the same time, chamomile and cranberries do not pose any threat.

But lovage, juniper and parsley should not be used.

This rule also applies to mothers after childbirth - here you need to be especially scrupulous in what you take so as not to harm the baby.

How to prevent water imbalance?

Uncontrolled intake of diuretics can lead to dehydration. Before resorting to a group pharmacological preparations, I advise nevertheless to resort to phytotherapy.

Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor. When puffiness is removed, the skin may sag. This is especially true for areas around the eyes.

Since the skin here is thinned, stretching during edema and sagging, after moisture has been removed, can negatively affect the appearance and well-being. To prevent bags and wrinkles, use an anti-aging cream.

It perfectly tightens the skin, improves tone, nourishes and moisturizes. You will be satisfied with the result of its application. Such an ointment that relieves puffiness is favorable for restoring the functionality of the dermis.

Since tea is made up of natural products so even children can use it.

So, friends, it is safe for health and effective at the same time, you can get rid of puffiness.

Tell your loved ones these methods - share the article on social networks. Subscribe to blog updates, be attentive to your own health.

I wish you all the best!

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The healing power of plants is great, it helps people solve health problems without causing harm. individual bodies and systems. Depending on the properties, some plants are used directly for treatment, others - as a prophylaxis in order to prevent diseases. Today we will talk about diuretic herbs, also called herbal diuretics. MirSovetov readers will find out which plants have diuretic properties, when they can be consumed and in what quantity.

How do herbal diuretics work?

Diuretic herbs help remove excess fluid from the body, prevent and relieve swelling. Some plants also have a disinfecting effect, that is, they destroy pathogenic bacteria that have entered the urinary system. At the same time, the inflammatory process is stopped, the urinary tract is cleaned from inflammation products. The mechanism of action of diuretic substances is different. An increase in urine output can occur when the activity of an enzyme such as carbonic anhydrase is suppressed during synthesis in the body. acidic foods, as a result of a change in osmotic pressure, which will weaken the reabsorption processes in the renal tubules. Sometimes the impact occurs directly on hormonal regulation processes of water and salt metabolism.

Indications for the use of diuretic herbs

  • edema associated with renal failure;
  • swelling and shortness of breath that occur with heart failure;
  • prevention of re-formation of calculi in the kidneys after surgery to crush and remove them (lithotripsy);
  • urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and other infections of the urinary system, occurring in both acute and chronic forms;
  • chronic glomerulonephritis (during remission);
  • accompanied by fluid retention;
  • after various poisonings (food, toxic substances), to remove toxins and poisons from the body.

Some rules for taking diuretic herbs

Convenient for many, the scheme for taking infusions or decoctions twice a day (morning and evening) in this case does not fit. Diuretic herbs are best drunk before 4 pm. If you drink herbs later, then there is a risk that the internal “alarm clock” will wake you up from a warm bed all night. Then during the night you will not be able to rest, during the day you will feel overwhelmed and sleepy.

It is necessary to choose the right dose in order to achieve the best result. Mandatory course reception, with interruptions, so that the effect is not weakened and there is no kind of addiction.

With prolonged use of diuretic herbs, potassium also leaves the body, so try to eat avocados, dates, raisins, dried apricots, baked potatoes and other foods rich in this element.

Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, if necessary, take necessary tests do surveys.

At serious illnesses do not stop taking herbs without instructions from a doctor, so as not to worsen your condition.

With nephrosis and nephritis, only those herbs that do not irritate the kidney parenchyma are allowed to be used.

The greatest effect is achieved when applying fees, consisting of several components.

Are there contraindications for diuretic herbs?

I will list the conditions in which it is necessary to limit the intake of diuretics:

  • on herbs;
  • children's age up to six years;
  • caution must be observed in case of urolithiasis, as there is a danger that the stones will start moving and renal colic will occur;
  • lack of potassium in the body;
  • in men to avoid acute delay urine.

In addition to the above, pay attention to other individual contraindications that plants have.

Purchase of medicinal herbs

If you do not have sufficient knowledge or capabilities to independently harvest medicinal plants, then the question arises - where to buy them? Herbs are sold by grandmothers in the market, calling themselves herbalists, many sites are full of ads that they can send to your mailing address herbal remedies. And in every pharmacy there are showcases with packages containing medicinal plants already tested for all required indicators. So where do you buy? Try to protect yourself from low-quality, dubious raw materials, collected and dried with deviations from the rules, as well as fakes. It is better to buy medicinal plants in a pharmacy. If you decide to place an order on sites, then pay attention to the reviews of those who have already taken advantage of this offer.

Examples of Diuretic Herbs

I will list the most commonly prescribed diuretic herbs.

Buds and birch leaves will help relieve even severe edema of renal and cardiovascular origin. An infusion is prepared from the leaves, and a decoction from the kidneys. Just keep in mind that they contain resinous substances that can slightly irritate the kidney tissue.

The dosage and methods of preparing an infusion or decoction are specified by the doctor or on the package, each plant has its own characteristics.


Often on the Internet you can find recipes with diuretic herbs. But be careful, sometimes they have errors in dosage and number of doses. In addition, those diseases in which the plant can be harmful are not indicated. Therefore, before treatment, MirSovetov recommends that its readers consult a phytotherapeutist or treating doctor in order to avoid side effects.

Pregnant women should be even more attentive to their health and brew herbs to prevent edema only with the permission of a doctor who monitors your condition and the course of pregnancy.

puffiness lower extremities occurs quite often, especially in the hot season. Not only people with pathologies face such a problem. lymphatic system but also those who are absolutely healthy.

To alleviate the condition and get rid of edema, take diuretic herbs into service, a list of which you can study below. In this article, we have collected the most effective "gifts of nature", from which teas, collections, herbal medicines are made, and used as an independent therapeutic agent with edema of the lower extremities. But remember, before using this or that herb or collection, be sure to consult your doctor.

Medications are aimed at removing the excess liquid component from the body and eliminating puffiness. Many of them stimulate the kidneys to excrete sodium compounds, along with which excess water. But unlike herbs, they have a lot of side effects, represented by fatigue, cramps, allergic reactions, headache and dizziness.

It is for this reason that it is better to use diuretic herbs that are not inferior chemicals. They also eliminate puffiness well and help improve blood flow. Herbs can be used to make decoctions, infusions, foot baths and teas. All these remedies eliminate lymphostasis and the discomfort associated with it. The following is a list of diuretic herbs.

Dried and fresh parsley. We use this plant as a seasoning for food. But not many people know that it is an excellent diuretic. In addition, it is rich in minerals, chlorophyll and vitamins, without which the body cannot do. Fresh "grass" can be added to various dishes, and dried parsley is perfect for brewing tea to remove the liquid component from the tissues of the lower extremities.

Peppermint. Another plant from which many make tea for nausea and lymphostasis. With it, you can prepare not only teas and decoctions, but also foot baths. It is best if they are in contrast. Take two bowls of water. Pour into one hot water, in another cool one with the addition of a decoction of mint, and alternately keep your legs in them for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times, finishing by immersing the legs in a basin of cool water. If you don't want to bother with the preparation of the decoction, replace it with a few drops of essential oil.

Hibiscus petals. Hibiscus is the same tea that we know as hibiscus. This diuretic tea for edema has pleasant taste slightly sour and very refreshing. You need to drink it several times a day to increase effectiveness.

Leaves and roots of dandelion. Dandelion is a great diuretic. It helps to remove excess fluid and stagnant lymph from the tissues. It can be consumed as a tea, and based on it, preparations are made.

Hawthorn inflorescences. Hawthorn flowers are an effective diuretic. They help not only to eliminate stagnation of fluid and lymph, but also improve heart function and reduce high pressure. Take it as a decoction or infusion.

Horsetail. Horsetail in action can be compared with drug diuretics. Besides, he doesn't have side effects. You can make a tea or decoction from it by adding other diuretic herbs.

Juniper berries. Juniper has long been used as a diuretic in folk medicine. This plant does not remove potassium compounds from the body, as chemical preparations do.

Nettle leaves. This medicinal plant can be found everywhere. It is included in many diuretic preparations, but in order to have an effect, tea from it must be drunk warm. Nettle remarkably cleanses the urinary system, relieves inflammation, eliminates lymphostasis, and removes excess fluid from the tissues of the lower extremities. Nettle teas are also used to treat articular joints.

Bedstraw grass. It is used as a decongestant. In order to prepare a potion, you need to use the stems, leaves and flowers of the plant. Decoctions and infusions from this plant relieve swelling and swelling on the legs. Take the infusion with caution to those who have problems with the heart, kidneys and pressure.

Corn silk. Stigmas, like diuretic herbs, are used to relieve swelling and eliminate kidney or liver diseases. They are rich in potassium, so they are just an ideal diuretic, which not only does not wash it out, but also restores it. They can be used as a tea, both dried and fresh.

Gingo biloba. It is used in Chinese medicine. It improves blood flow and relieves swelling in the lower extremities. When using this plant, be sure to consult a doctor.

Meadowsweet. This herb is used to treat inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract. Meadowsweet also helps relieve swelling of the legs with lymphostasis. For this purpose, it must be taken 1 glass three times a day. In order to effectively eliminate swelling, you can add basil, celery and rosemary to the meadowsweet. These diuretic herbs will enhance the diuretic effect and help you get rid of lymphostasis faster.

Pharmacy chamomile. Many believe that chamomile can only be used to calm down. nervous system, but in fact it is an excellent diuretic that relieves swelling from the lower extremities. But in order for a decoction of chamomile to act as a diuretic, and not as a sedative, it must be prepared in double the concentration. To prepare it, you will need a tablespoon of dried plant inflorescences and a glass of boiling water. After the broth is infused and cooled, it must be filtered and taken in a tablespoon 5 times a day. This medicinal plant has no contraindications, so even expectant mothers can drink it, but even in this safe means you need to know the measure.

Calendula flowers. Calendula helps to cope with stress, itching, blood clotting and blood clots, as well as swelling of the lower extremities. To relieve lymphostasis, you need to take 2 teaspoons of dried flowers, a teaspoon of cornflower inflorescences and pour these herbs with two glasses of water, adding lemon or orange peel to the infusion. It is especially effective in removing edema caused by heavy load wearing tight clothing and high heels.

Seed and inflorescences of flax. Infusions of flowers or flax seeds can almost instantly relieve puffiness. After consuming only 2 tablespoons of flaxseed tea, after about half an hour, a strong diuretic effect is felt, which helps to remove the excess liquid component and relieve swelling in the legs.

When taking all of the above herbs, it should be taken into account that they relieve only episodic puffiness, which is a symptom of serious ailments. Often, swelling is a short-term phenomenon, and with proper treatment, passes. If it appears constantly, you need to see a doctor to determine the cause of lymphedema.

The infusion made does not need to be filtered, as flaxseeds are an excellent scrub for the intestines. It absorbs and removes toxins, simultaneously cleansing it of toxins. To prepare this infusion you will need 3 tablespoons flax seeds and a liter of boiling water. The filled seeds should be left for an hour, and then you can use it. Since the infusion has a bitter taste, it can be "brightened" with honey or lemon juice. After taking this remedy, the diuretic effect will be so pronounced that it is better to stay at home while taking the infusion. If desired, diuretic herbs can be added to flaxseed for greater effectiveness.

Fees and phytotablets

For edema of the lower extremities, various herbal preparations are actively used, which have a diuretic effect. They are most often prescribed for impaired function of the urinary system, when excess fluid is not excreted from the body in full, leading to swelling. A good diuretic effect has an infusion of birch buds, lingonberry leaves, bearberry and juniper berries, which are taken in the amount of one tablespoon and poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water. After the collection is infused, it must be drunk before meals, 5 tablespoons.

Rowan juice has good diuretic properties, which must be taken throughout the day in half a glass during the week. You need to drink it before meals. In addition to fees, doctors can prescribe Phytozelin tablets based on parsley, horsetail, couch grass, birch leaves and knotweed.

Most of the above folk remedies can be purchased at a pharmacy, and some herbs can even be collected independently. The main thing to remember is that before herbal treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Be healthy.

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