How is massage useful for blood circulation? Massage techniques and techniques to improve blood circulation. How to massage the head and neck to improve blood circulation Massage for poor circulation of the head

From this article you will learn: how to improve blood circulation in the brain, in what cases and why it should be done. How poor circulation affects the functioning of the brain, there are several effective ways to improve it.

Date of publication of the article: 07/14/2017

Date of updating the article: 02.06.2019

The brain is responsible for the reactions of inhibition and excitation, regulates the work of all organs and systems of the body. Vascular pathologies (85%) usually become the cause of disturbances in the functioning of the brain, since it is through the vessels that substances (oxygen, vitamins, amino acids) necessary for their growth, division and fulfillment of the inherent functions enter (or do not enter) the cells.

When is it necessary to improve the blood supply to the brain? For any diseases, pathologies and conditions that can provoke a narrowing of the vessels that provide blood supply to the organ.

The cause of vasoconstriction How does it affect blood supply disorders
Arterial hypertension The response of the walls of blood vessels to high blood pressure in the bed becomes a stable spasm and thickening (growth of the layer inward)
Lipid metabolism disorders (hypercholesterolemia) Elevated cholesterol provokes the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the walls of blood vessels, which increase and are capable of completely or partially blocking the bed. Atherosclerosis is one of the most common causes of circulatory disorders
Thrombosis Blood clots form on the inner surfaces of the vascular walls due to damage and cracks, are capable of completely or partially blocking the vessel. Increased blood viscosity promotes the process
Diabetes Elevated plasma glucose levels provoke thickening of the vascular walls
Osteochondrosis The vertebral artery is one of the large blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. With osteochondrosis (changes in cartilage tissue), the vertebral discs shift and squeeze it
Cardiopsychoneurosis Violations of the regulation mechanism of the autonomic nervous system and vascular spasm develop due to a complex of reasons - constant stress, excessive mental and physical exertion, an unbalanced diet, the complex influence of factors (climate, smoking, hormonal disruption)

Why improve cerebral circulation? A constant lack of nutrients and oxygen leads to a gradual "falling asleep" of the brain cells, its tissue becomes "thin", small details seem to "fall out" from it, connections between the controlling departments are broken. In this mode, it is not able to perform its basic functions (transmission and inhibition of nerve impulses), a person's memory gradually weakens, mental stress causes headaches, fatigue and drowsiness, coordination of movements is impaired.

Acute oxygen starvation can provoke massive death of brain cells and the appearance of large or small foci of necrosis. In this case, blood supply disturbances are more acute (slurred speech, paralysis of the organs of movement, etc.).

Even with severe disorders (), measures to restore blood circulation can normalize the patient's condition, restore speech, and lost self-care skills. For healthy people who live and work in a mode of nervous stress, mental and physical stress and eat monotonous food, this is an opportunity to prevent the appearance of pathology, restore sleep, improve memory and brain function.

What can be done to improve blood flow? A set of measures and methods is needed:

  • drugs and biologically active additives that can improve metabolism, enhance glucose utilization, increase the resistance of brain cells in conditions of oxygen starvation;
  • vitamins necessary for metabolism, normal functioning of brain cells and vascular walls;
  • balanced diet and drinking regimen;
  • a set of exercises that will help to enhance metabolism, redox processes, oxygen flow to tissues;
  • a healthy lifestyle (smoking cessation, alcohol).

Some of the methods (vitamins, diet, healthy lifestyle) are also effective for violations of the blood supply to the peripheral (remote from the heart) departments. Some drugs (glycine) and a set of exercises for the neck and head work narrowly.

From medicines, dietary supplements and vitamins, a noticeable result will come within a month or two of regular use. It is impossible to treat severe symptoms and acute cerebrovascular accidents with them, they are effective in the initial stages, with minor manifestations (weakening of memory, fatigue from mental stress), with nervous stress and various "brainstorms".

In fact, the methods that improve the blood supply to any part of the body differ little from each other, the main principle is to prevent vasoconstriction and normalize cell nutrition.

Before using medicinal products and active additives, you should consult a general practitioner.

1. Preparations and dietary supplements

It is best to consult a general practitioner before using medications or dietary supplements.

Name of the medicinal product What effect does
Glycine The drug contains the amino acid glycine, which is actively involved in metabolism, enhances the utilization of glucose in cells, neutralizes the action of toxins, regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition (has a calming effect). Increases the viability and functional activity of brain cells in conditions of oxygen deprivation
Ginkgo biloba Dietary supplement based on herbal extract of the leaves of the Ginkgo plant. Restores the walls of blood vessels, improves their elasticity and reduces permeability, thanks to the presence of bioflavonoids (natural phytohormones). The active substances of the drug reduce the spasm of the vascular walls and thin the blood, preventing thrombus formation. Enhance glucose utilization, increase cell resistance in conditions of oxygen starvation
Omakor The complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and vitamin E, with constant use, normalizes the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in the walls of blood vessels, can slightly lower blood pressure and have a beneficial effect on homeostasis (blood clotting)
Dihydroquercetin Natural bioflavonoid, close to routine (vitamin P), biologically active substance. Normalizes the level of triglycerides and cholesterol, protecting blood vessels from the formation of cholesterol plaques, reduces the permeability of the vascular walls and improves their elasticity

2. Vitamins

Vitamins and vitamin complexes are indispensable for the restoration of damaged vascular walls and brain cells, they are needed for normal life and tissue functioning.

Vitamins What effect do
B vitamins Participate in protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, are necessary for the normal functioning of nerve fibers, stimulate the growth and division of epithelial cells, from which the inner walls of blood vessels are formed
Ascorbic acid (C) It is a strong antioxidant (due to oxidation, useful substances entering the body quickly lose their properties, ascorbic acid delays this process), enhances the effect of vitamin P
Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) In addition to participating in energy metabolism (stimulates the utilization of glucose), it has vasodilating properties (acts on small, peripheral capillaries, improving blood supply and tissue nutrition), regulates the level of lipids in the blood
Rutin Bioflavonoid, a natural phytohormone, strengthens and restores vascular walls, reducing their permeability. The complex contains rutin and ascorbic acid in the preparation "Ascorutin"
Complex of trace elements (phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, zinc) Participate in metabolism, are necessary for the normal functioning and functioning of brain cells

3. Balanced diet

The diet will not immediately improve blood flow and brain function. The effect from a balanced diet is no less pronounced than from taking medications, but it will come after a while.

To correctly determine the dietary nutrition and place the necessary accents (reduce the amount of sugar, salt, reduce the amount of animal fat), you must first:

Based on these indicators, you can adjust the nutrition:

These food products duplicate (amino acid glycine, minerals, vitamins, Omega-3, bioflavonoids) and enhance the effect of pharmaceuticals.

4. Drinking regime

Thrombus formation is one of the most common causes of impaired blood supply to the brain. It is categorically contraindicated to take antiplatelet or anticoagulants without a doctor's prescription, but the situation can be improved: the blood is perfectly thinned by ordinary water without gas. For the desired effect, you need to drink from 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water per day.

5. A set of exercises

The set of exercises should be done slowly and smoothly, without sudden movements, from a standing or sitting position, straightening the spine:

  • looking straight ahead, turn your head to the left and then to the right (45 °);
  • make rotating movements of the head to the left and then to the right;
  • tilt your head forward so that your chin touches your chest, and throw it back so that your chin looks up;
  • tilt your head alternately to the left and right so that the ear touches the shoulder.

Gymnastics relaxes the muscles that compress the vessels and improves the blood supply to the head (including with osteochondrosis), all exercises should be done daily, repeated 10-15 times. With monotonous sedentary work in the office (static body position and head tilt), you can repeat the complex 2-3 times a day.

6. Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle involves:

  • complete cessation of smoking and alcohol (nicotine and alcohol are factors that increase the risk of developing vascular pathologies in 80% of cases);
  • an active lifestyle (movement improves metabolism and blood supply to tissues and organs, including the brain);
  • prevention of diseases that can cause (hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, osteochondrosis).

People often suffer from headaches, muscle stiffness in the cervical region. They usually lead a sedentary lifestyle, work at a computer for a long time, spend many hours in an air-conditioned car. Sitting in front of a monitor has become one of the most serious health problems lately. few people follow the basic rules: do not stay in one position for a long time, stretch often, straighten your back. Care is also needed with the correct position of the head - it is often tilted for a long time. This is a big mistake, the result of which is the stiffness of the neck muscles, leading to headaches. An equally serious problem for people (both men and women) is the deterioration of the condition of the hair due to impaired blood circulation. In both cases, massaging the scalp, neck, face will help. Which head massage is suitable for which purpose? Some options are presented below.

Benefits of massage

What is a head massage for? Its main benefits include:

  • improvement of blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • acceleration of metabolic exchange;
  • normalization of psychophysical balance;
  • stress relief;
  • relaxation, ensuring physical, mental well-being.


There are many methods of scalp massage. The main methods are manual, with the help of vibration massagers, laser.


Massaging the head with your hands is the most common method. It is divided into superficial, deep, plastic, reflex massage. Basic techniques include friction, pressure, rubbing, and head patting.

  • Surface massage is performed with light circular motions of the fingertips.
  • For a deep massage, the procedure is the same as for a superficial one, but with greater intensity (pressure on the scalp).
  • Plastic massage is characterized by alternating intense and light pressure on the scalp.
  • Reflex massage is based on the stimulation of zones, reflex points. The technique and effect is similar to that of acupuncture.

Vibration massagers

There are a number of vibration massagers with comb attachments on the market. Unfortunately, rubber tips are not as sensitive as hands, and therefore are not very common.

The benefits of laser massage are to eliminate excessive hair loss and baldness. The laser beam penetrates the scalp tissue, where it stimulates blood circulation and improves local blood supply. The laser activates cellular metabolism, supports its regenerative capacity.

Massages against headaches and stiffness of the cervical muscles

Eliminating headaches is what a head massage is useful for. They can be used on different parts of the head.

Whiskey and forehead

For headaches due to overexertion or hypothermia, a gentle massage of the temples and forehead will help. Improvement of the effect can be achieved by using essential oil:

  • lavender - if you need to warm up after hypothermia;
  • mint - with a feeling of heat in the head;
  • chamomile - for relaxation.

It is easy to do a head massage correctly. Use the fingers of both hands to massage your forehead and temples lightly. Applying pressure to the skin with your fingertips will relieve facial muscle tension. With the pads of your ring fingers, gently press down on the eye sockets at the root of the nose. Smooth the muscles around the eye sockets under the eyebrows. Gently rub the face along both sides of the nose, move to the jaw (this is often the center of the accumulated tension).

Be careful not to pull your skin downward as this can cause wrinkles.

Neck and shoulders

Stiff, rigid neck muscles suppress the nerves. This is manifested by pain, numbness, visual impairment. Substantial relief will be provided by light pressure on the neck muscles (just below the hairline) - gently massage the neck with your hands on each side.

Self-massage is a movement of the shoulders: lift them, move the shoulder blades, then relax. Repeat 3-4 times.

Use your left hand to massage your right shoulder, squeezing the muscles on the back of your neck and shoulders. With your right hand, do the same on the left side.

With your fingers, grasp the skin on the back of the neck (the so-called collar area), squeeze lightly, moving up. Once you've reached the base of the skull, return to your shoulders.

Grasp your head with your hands (fingers pointing to the crown), move up the neck in a circular motion, applying light pressure.


Japanese shiatsu massage is based on stimulating active points, the correct action on which promotes the flow of energy in the body. This is a good way to relieve headaches, improve the quality of sleep, and eliminate overstrain.

Option number 1:

  • Clench your fists, relax your wrists, and use your finger joints to massage the crown of your head.
  • Massage your forehead from the middle to the sides.
  • Press your fingers to work on the temples.
  • Continue from the temples to the jaw.
  • Massage the jaw from the middle to the sides.
  • Click on the brow area.

Option number 2:

  • Massage your head from your forehead to your temples.
  • Place your fingers on your eyebrows, and lower them with the weight of your head.
  • Use two fingers to squeeze the base of the nose. This will help eliminate eye fatigue.
  • Place two fingers on the top of your nose. Inhale, move your fingers down in a quick motion (besides relieving headaches, this method helps to eliminate nasal congestion).

Option number 3:

  • Massage the head in a circle, including the forehead and neck (this massage maintains blood circulation in the head, in the vessels of the brain, and improves the condition of the hair).
  • Stretch your fingers through your hair several times, as if pulling them up.
  • Use your palm to massage the back of your head, applying light pressure.
  • Rub the muscle fibers at the base of the skull.

All these techniques are easy to perform on your own, at home. When done correctly, shiatsu can help you deal with tension and pain.

Indian massage - pleasant relaxation that improves hair condition

Stress, insomnia, headache are integral parts of today's hectic times. They accompany a person at every step, impair productivity, and impede proper rest. Is it possible to do something about this, to prevent the negative consequences of the "benefits of civilization"? Can! Indian head massage will help in this - one of the oldest methods that promotes relaxation, improves concentration, relieves tension. As a bonus, it will give you shiny, healthy hair and boost its growth.

During the Indian head massage, also known as champi, the massage therapist intensively affects the muscles and skin of the scalp, neck, shoulders, eliminating accumulated tension, reducing the stiffness of these areas.

For massage, you can use oils - coconut, almond. Their use, in addition to relaxing effects, has a beneficial effect on the hair - it helps to strengthen, add shine.

An ancient solution to the problems of our time

Indian massage technique is based on the Ayurvedic system of healing - an alternative medicine dating back more than 5000 years, combining natural therapy, effects on the mind, body, soul.

According to Ayurvedic healers, without health and delight of the soul, thought will not be healthy and satisfying for the body.

This is a principle that more and more people in the Western world are finding their way to. When a person is overwhelmed by the pressure of modernity, he turns to ancient Eastern medicine. And she helps him.

From hair care to soothing the soul and mind

Indian head massage has been a part of the daily life of Indians since ancient times. According to Francesca Gould, author of Indian Head Massage, champi is an everyday ritual for a Hindu mother caring for her baby. In the open air, she holds the baby (already from the age of a baby) on her knees, massaging his head.

Although Champi's original primary purpose is to care for skin and hair damaged by the local dry climate, its effects on the body are broader. The massage soothes the soul, stimulates the mind, relaxes the body.

Relaxation and prevention of diseases

After a long day at work, especially at a computer, few people feel refreshed and well-tuned. The most common result is fatigue, a stiff neck, and headache. A properly performed Indian head massage can deal with all these problems.

It stimulates blood circulation, improves lymph flow, helps relieve insomnia. Its effects far outweigh the physical aspect of health. Champi helps reduce stress, which affects the emotional and mental level. The procedure brings a feeling of mental well-being, inner peace, improves concentration and learning ability.

According to Ayurvedic doctors, Indian head massage not only eliminates stress, but also stimulates the body to heal itself, slowing the progression of diseases. Regular head massage is also a pleasant form of prevention; the procedure strengthens the body, improves its protection.

Home indian massage

Champi is considered one of the most enjoyable massages. In addition, it is not difficult to carry out, you do not need special devices. If you don't want to, there is no need to use oils. Although there are many relaxation rooms, wellness centers offering Indian head massage, it can be done at home. Just follow a few basic guidelines.

There is nothing difficult in doing a champi head massage, no. Sit down, relax, rest your head on a support, arms and legs - free, not tense. Daily stress causes a build-up of tension in the shoulders, the back of the head, so the massage begins on the neck.

Grab the trapezius muscle in the neck area, squeeze it, moving it from the shoulder blade towards the top and forward. Gradually relax the muscles and shoulders with a slight squeeze. The pressure can be increased, but be careful not to feel pain.

For general relaxation, you can combine massage with hair washing. Relaxing effects will be enhanced by meditation music.

Indian VS classic massage

Although champi is based on Eastern teachings and the life of Indians, far from us, this type of massage is becoming more and more popular in the West. It has many advantages over classical European techniques.

The main advantage is, of course, complete freedom. The massage can be tailored to your personal needs. The procedure is easy to carry out anywhere, the only condition is the availability of a seat. Relaxation does not take much time, the whole process takes no more than a few tens of minutes.

Freedom is also present in the choice of massage method. There is no need to take off your clothes, use oils, special devices. All you need are sensitive hands, a quiet place, a comfortable chair.

Although in most cases Indian head massage has a purely positive effect and is a mild form of therapy, it can be harmful for people with certain diseases. It should be avoided by patients with diabetes, epilepsy, osteoporosis, people suffering from high or low blood pressure. This type of relaxation is not intended after a recent operation, head or neck trauma.


Acupressure is an ancient healing art developed by the Chinese over 3000 years ago. This technique is similar to acupuncture, but instead of needles, finger pressure is used against specific hotspots near the meridians.

With a headache, a person automatically places their hands on certain points on the head. In addition to affecting the temples and points at the outer part of the eyebrows, pressure on the areas behind the ears is recommended. For a weather-related headache, press a point in the center of the back of the head.

With regular exposure to points near the wings of the nose at the level of the inner edge of the eyes, facial muscles relax, tone increases, and mental well-being improves. Place your fingertips perpendicular to the points. Start with light pressure, gentle circular motions. Press for 7 seconds. Relieve the pressure, keep your finger at the point for another 5 seconds. Repeat the procedure 3 times. The greatest success can be achieved with maximum relaxation. If you experience any discomfort during acupressure, reduce the pressure or discontinue the acupuncture. Do not massage damaged or inflamed areas, scars. Hands should be warm and clean. Do not exceed the recommended acupressure times.


There are sensitive areas on the head, zones of reflection of various organs. The skin of the face and neck, joints between the neck and head, and the jaw are important sources of information for the brain. The muscles on the face are tiny, but weakening them, for example, in Parkinson's disease, greatly affects the patient's social relations. Every day the face expresses millions of feelings and thoughts. On the contrary, the tension of the facial muscles affects the feelings. The simplest massage is a smile. Even if you smile a little convulsively and artificially, the brain will appreciate the smile as an expression of positive emotion and will begin to adapt to it.

The condition of the face can greatly affect the well-being, the perception of a person by the people around him. And the tension of the neck affects the perception of the world, therefore, the expression on the face. Massage of the face and neck relaxes, provides deep relaxation, pleasant sensations, eliminates the effects of stress. A 45-minute massage on the face, neck, skin under the hair is a great way to enjoy deep soothing. To enhance the effect, a targeted effect on the active points of the reflex zones of the face is used.

The main function of cerebral vessels is to regulate blood flow. With the intensified work of one of the parts of the brain, blood is redirected to it from less loaded parts. Circulatory problems lead to illness, headaches and poor health. You can restore the normal functioning of blood vessels with the help of medicines or simple massage practices. If there are no contraindications, they can be performed at home.

Problems with blood flow occur when the volume of blood is reduced or when vascular patency is impaired. Symptoms of the onset of the disease include:

  • Frequent and severe headaches;
  • Cut in the eyes, appearing in the late afternoon;
  • Frequent and severe dizziness;
  • Attacks of vomiting and nausea;
  • Tinnitus, stuffy feeling;
  • Numbness;
  • Bad sleep;
  • Memory impairment;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Absent-mindedness.

Progressive vascular disease leads to a sharp deterioration in memory, impaired coordination of movement, irritability and depression.

The main danger of poor circulation is the occurrence of Parkinson's syndrome or dementia.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy is a slowly developing vascular lesion of the brain. It often accompanies hypertension and osteochondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia. The increased blood pressure leads to the compaction of the vessel walls up to the complete closure of the lumen. This provokes the development of a cerebral stroke.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using ultrasound or MRI, electrocardiography. The course of medications is prescribed individually, and it is aimed at protecting the neural connection, stimulating metabolic processes and normalizing blood flow.

In addition to drug treatment, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, traditional medicine and special massage are prescribed.

Effectiveness of massage

To improve blood circulation in the brain and reduce pressure, doctors recommend acupressure. After the sessions, the following positive changes are observed:

  • The stress state decreases;
  • Freed from spasms and muscle blocks;
  • Convulsions go away;
  • Sleep is normalized;
  • Headaches go away;
  • Blood circulation improves not only in the brain, but also in other organs;
  • Improves the movement of lymph and metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • Concentration and memory improves;
  • Joint mobility is restored;
  • The feeling of numbness in the limbs disappears;
  • The pressure is normalized;
  • Memory, thinking ability, emotional endurance improves.

The ability to do self-massage allows you not only to improve your well-being, but also to maintain health, avoid serious problems and premature aging.

The mechanism of the effect of massage on the body

Massage of the cervical-collar zone provokes the production of hormones responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. Acting on parts of the brain, they free the organ from excess fluid, which leads to the restoration of lymph flow and blood supply. Massaging this area is a good way to prevent diseases of the joints and spine. Based on the direct impact of the fingers on specific points or muscles.

Irritation of acupuncture points, which are associated with energy channels, leads to the activation of neurons in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. The response is the production of histamine, endorphin, and serotonin. These hormones are responsible for metabolic processes, and for tissue regeneration, and for the removal of toxins from the body.

Indications and contraindications for massage


  • Mental disorders;
  • Heart disease during an exacerbation;
  • Skin diseases and wounds in the area of ​​processing;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Spondylosis
  • Oncology;
  • Acute cerebral stroke;
  • Inflammation of the joints;
  • Blockage of blood vessels.

Massage is not done in case of allergic reactions to one of the components of the cream and in the patient's deranged state (alcohol or drug intoxication). During pregnancy, as well as after previous respiratory diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor before visiting a session.

How often to apply

The massage course is calculated individually based on the indications and the patient's condition. On average, each includes from 10 to 20 sessions, which are carried out every other day or every day.

The duration of the procedure depends on the type of massage: acupressure of the head takes from 3 to 7 minutes, massage of the muscles of the neck area - from 20 minutes to an hour. The sessions are held in the same way for both children and adults. The only exceptions are pregnant women. The peculiarity of the massage for them is the limitation of the duration of the session: no more than 20 minutes.

To maintain the effect, sessions need to be carried out regularly: 2-3 times a week, and acupressure can be performed daily before bedtime.

Massage techniques and techniques

Acupressure - stimulating energy centers or points with your fingers. This technique is simple, and you can master it even at home. The location of reflex points should be familiarized with the help of a special atlas. Their size varies from the state of people: during sleep, the diameter of the point is 1 mm, and during wakefulness it increases to 1 cm.

When pressing on the point, a person may experience pain or tingling, slight numbness, or feel a surge of warmth.

The massage technique includes the following techniques:

  • Pressure, the strength of which increases gradually;
  • Stroking;
  • Kneading;
  • Rotational movements.

The duration of exposure to each point is up to a minute. For greater efficiency, circular motions are alternated with moderate pressure for 5 seconds. Symmetrical points must be massaged at the same time.

To eliminate headaches, use the points located:

  • In the temporal fossa;
  • Above the outer edge of the eyebrows;
  • At the outer corner of the eyes;
  • In the fossa between the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eyes;
  • On the anterior part of the auricle, at the top of the depression of the tragus of the ear;
  • On the temporal bone, above the upper point of the auricle.

The impact should be gentle and with slight pressure - otherwise, bruising and bruising cannot be avoided.

Massage to strengthen memory

To improve blood circulation in the brain, massage the point located in the center of the line running from the frontal part of the head to the neck. The second point for exposure lies just above the upper lip. Massaging should take place with intense pressure, the pad of the thumb or index finger. Working time - from 30 seconds to 1 minute. You can repeat it several times a day.


This simple set of exercises is performed with moderate pressure on the target area. Begin by massaging the back of the ears in a circular motion. Hands are transferred to the temples and squeeze their head. Then repeat this exercise with hands on the forehead and back of the head.

Squeeze your temples with your fingertips and make a few slow circular motions. Fold the palms into the lock, place them on the back of the head and draw them down to the neck and spine. Hands should go as low as possible. Fix the position for 5-10 seconds and, without unhooking the palms, return them to the back of the head.

Massage will quickly get rid of headaches, activate blood circulation, relieve yawning and drowsiness.

Massage the neck and collar zone for headaches and migraines, ringing in the ears. Workout begins with the neck muscles located on the sides and back. Movements are performed with two hands down from the hairline.

The first movements are stroking. After them, they begin rubbing, the activity of which increases over time. Next is kneading. Its essence is warming up and working out of deep muscle layers, saturation of tissues with blood and activation of metabolic processes. The kneading force increases as the skin and muscles adapt.

After kneading, they proceed to tapping and pinching. Finish the massage with calm and deep strokes. After the session, you can cover your neck with a warm towel and give the client 15-25 minutes to rest.

Self-massage of the neck

Before the session, hands must be warmed up, rubbing them against each other, and also lubricated with massage oil or fat cream. Self-massage is done with two hands and begins with stroking the back and side of the neck. Movements are performed smoothly, from hair growth down to the shoulders. The depth and intensity increases gradually. After 3-5 minutes, go to rubbing. It is done with your fingertips and in a circular motion. Direction - from the ears through the hair to the back of the head and down to the shoulders. The subtleties of the procedure lie in the need to massage only the muscles and not touch the vertebrae.

Pinching is done after rubbing. Movements should be short and abrupt, and the skin should be grasped with the subcutaneous fat layer. They start with the muscles of the neck - pinch from bottom to top and top to bottom along the side of the earlobes. Tapping is performed with the edge of the palms, and completes the study of the back of the neck with vigorous strokes.

Then they move on to the anterior muscles of the neck. When stroking, care must be taken that the skin does not stretch. The palms should slide easily and freely. The direction of movement is from the jaw downward and from the center to the lateral line. After stroking, rotary movements are made for the muscle going from the mastoid process to the collarbones. They also finish with stroking.

Self-massage can be performed both with hands and with the help of electric massagers. If osteochondrosis is diagnosed, it is recommended to use warming or anti-inflammatory creams.

At home, exercises to improve blood circulation can be performed from a sitting or standing position, but after the session it is recommended to lie down for 15-30 minutes. During this time, the muscles will have time to rest from working out, blood pressure will return to normal, the skin will calm down.

Acupressure or classic therapeutic massage is an effective way to improve blood circulation in the brain, get rid of migraines and fatigue, symptoms of depression and restore good health without the use of medications. The massage has no age restrictions, and its simplicity allows you to use it even in the workplace.

Well-being is a state of mind and body, which consists in complete harmony, absence of fatigue, lethargy and depression. As a result of excessive stress on the nervous system, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep and stress, cerebral circulation is impaired, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: dizziness, ringing in the ears, noise, darkening of the eyes, impaired coordination of movements.

In the photo - a treatment session

In such a situation, head massage to improve the blood supply to the vessels helps to get rid of discomfort and gives a burst of energy, but the procedure may not always be beneficial. When it is impossible to do the procedure, and how to properly carry it out with benefits for the body - this is our article.

About the benefits of the procedure

Massage of the cervical-collar zone stimulates the production of special tissue hormones responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses to certain parts of the brain. During the massage of the specified area, excess fluid is removed from the cells, as a result of which the lymphatic outflow and blood supply to the tissues are improved.

In addition, the procedure for the vessels of the head provides the following effects:

  • relieves muscle spasms;
  • restores full blood circulation and saturates cells with oxygen;
  • helps to improve movement in the joints;
  • eliminates overwork;
  • relieves headache;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • relieves bad mood and depression;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

The table shows the main types of neck-collar space massage and their effect on the body as a whole:

Important! Massage should not be performed in acute conditions, otherwise the patient may develop significant deterioration and complications.


Massage of the collar zone helps prevent the development of cervical osteochondrosis or reduce its clinical manifestations in case of an existing pathology. With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, infringement of the nerve roots is observed, which reduces the flow of blood to the brain, tissue nutrition and disrupts lymphatic outflow.

Clinically, this condition is manifested by a crunch in the neck when turning the head, severe pain, creaking, headaches and dizziness.

Massage is prescribed for a session of at least 10 procedures. Thanks to them, you can get rid of symptoms such as:

  • neck pain;
  • headache;
  • flashing flies before the eyes;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • ear congestion and ringing;
  • numbness of the upper limbs;
  • chest pain.

Improving blood supply to the brain

This massage is performed daily, the duration of the procedure is only 2-3 minutes, for the effectiveness of the treatment, at least 10 sessions should be performed. The patient is in a relaxed state, lying or sitting (as it is convenient for anyone).


In order for massaging the collar zone to be beneficial, it is important to strictly follow the instructions:

  • the procedure always starts from the lateral surface of the neck, gradually passing to the chest and the surface of the shoulder girdle;
  • movements are carried out in the direction from top to bottom (behind) and from bottom to top (in front) - along the outflow of lymph;
  • the procedure begins with light stroking, gradually moving on to rubbing, pinching, patting.

The main indications for this type of massage are diseases of the central nervous system in remission, circulatory disorders, the period of rehabilitation after suffering injuries of the spine (cervical spine) and simply general recovery.

The result is noticeable after the very first procedure - the patient's general well-being improves, headache disappears, endurance and concentration increase.

For neck pain

Neck pain occurs for various reasons, ranging from an uncomfortable sleeping position and ending with symptoms of diseases of the spine, complications of colds, nervous overstrain. Neck massage helps to eliminate painful sensations and restore muscles, but its first sessions should be gentle, lasting no more than 7-10 minutes.

Important! Before starting the sessions, the patient should be examined by a doctor, it is important to make sure that neck pain is not a symptom of a tumor, an infectious disease, or pathological neoplasms. Otherwise, massage will lead to the opposite effect and the development of serious complications.

The technique of the procedure consists in stroking, which start from the scalp and gradually move to the back of the head and shoulder girdle. All movements are carried out with your fingertips, lightly pressing on the skin. The procedure is repeated 5 times in a row.

The procedure is completed with spiral rubbing movements from ear to ear along the back of the neck along the hairline. To be effective, you should go through at least 10 daily sessions.

Neck massage can be performed not only for therapeutic purposes, but also as a prevention of diseases and pain. The procedure helps to normalize sleep, improves overall health, complexion, and increases stress resistance.

With protrusion of the cervical spine

Protrusion is a serious disorder of the spinal column characterized by a protrusion of the intervertebral disc. Most often, this pathology is observed in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The disease is accompanied by severe sharp pain in the neck, limited movement and stiffness.

Important! Massage during protrusion in the acute period cannot be done, the procedure is prescribed during the period of subsidence of pronounced clinical symptoms and general improvement of the patient's condition.

The position of the patient is sitting or lying on his side. They start with stroking, then move on to tapping, kneading, pinching. All movements are slow and smooth, directed from top to bottom along the back of the head.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 5 minutes. It not only improves the blood supply to the brain, but also strengthens the muscles and promotes the early healing of injuries. Over several sessions, the size of the protrusion is significantly reduced, and the vertebral disc returns to its usual position.

The video in this article shows the basic techniques, but the procedure cannot be carried out independently, without consulting a doctor, since it has a number of contraindications.


Contraindications to massage of the neck and collar area are the following conditions:

  • acute infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • skin diseases, pustular rash;
  • damage to the skin on the neck, open wounds;
  • cerebral stroke in acute form;
  • psychical deviations.

Head massage for children and pregnant women: features of the procedure

During pregnancy, blood circulation in women changes dramatically, since a third circle is added - the placental one. This often leads to an incorrect redistribution of blood through the vessels, resulting in dizziness, flashing flies before the eyes, fainting. Massage of the cervical-collar zone will help to normalize blood flow to the brain and improve lymphatic outflow.

Important! Dizziness and fainting in expectant mothers can be the first symptom of iron deficiency anemia, therefore, before the appointment, it is imperative to check blood tests and consult a gynecologist.

Execution technique

The atmosphere should be supportive. If the pregnant woman does not have allergies, then you can light an aroma lamp with the addition of essential oils, and turn on calm relaxing music in the background.

All movements of the masseur's hands are smooth, light, measured. In no case should the procedure cause any painful sensations.

After the procedure, the expectant mother usually feels a surge of vigor or, conversely, feels like going to bed - this means that the masseur has achieved the desired effect. The result of this massage is an improvement in tissue oxygenation, elimination of fetal hypoxia, maternal headaches and fainting conditions.

Neck and head massage for a child

In pediatric practice, massage is often prescribed during the period of rehabilitation of a child after suffering craniocerebral injuries, for the treatment of torticollis, birth trauma, and cerebral palsy. During the procedure, the child should be calm and disposed towards the masseur.

Screaming, hysterics and crying are the reason for the immediate termination of the procedure, otherwise it will not have the desired therapeutic effect if the baby is nervous.

The duration of the session for pregnant women is 20 minutes, for children no more than 15 minutes. Often, after the procedure, babies in the first year of life fall asleep and sleep soundly for up to 3-4 hours.


Each person can carry out massage of the neck area and head at home, for this it is not at all necessary to take special courses or receive a diploma of a medical worker. However, in order for it to be useful and effective, you should know the technique of its implementation and the basic techniques.


  1. massage of the neck and collar space always begins with stroking- all movements are carried out by the lymph flow. Plane strokes, pincer-like, comb-like, streak-like strokes are used alternately. As soon as the skin in the affected area is slightly reddened, proceed to rubbing.
  2. Trituration- use circular, sawing, intersecting, wavy movements. Each movement is accompanied by light pressure on the skin. The procedure is repeated for about 1 minute exclusively with fingertips, then proceed to kneading.
  3. Kneading- carry out the capture of small areas of the skin with tweaks with pulling to the sides.
  4. Vibrating motion- techniques are applied with tapping with the edge of the palm, patting, rapid pressure with the pads of the fingers.

Important! Sharp movements are strictly not allowed. The transition from technique to technique should be imperceptible, smooth. The patient's chin should always be turned towards the muscle being exercised.

The price of a head and neck massage largely depends on the indications, the duration of the procedure and the techniques used.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that proper massage helps to postpone old age and various diseases of the vessels of the brain and heart for a long time, as well as improper actions can aggravate the patient's condition and lead to serious consequences, so do not self-medicate and be sure to consult a doctor before starting sessions.

Massaging the head and neck to improve blood circulation can be a good solution to the problem without the use of medical aids. Cerebral circulation disorders occur in people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly, so ways to deal with them are invariably relevant.

Signs of circulatory problems are:

  • regular headaches, dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • weakness;
  • dark spots before the eyes, lightheadedness;
  • fainting.

Simple types of massage can act as both therapeutic and prophylactic means.

Benefits and contraindications of massage

Massaging the head and neck to improve circulation has several important properties:

  1. It produces special hormones in the tissues of the body that improve the transmission of impulses through the nervous system.
  2. Removes excess fluid.
  3. Promotes the functioning of the lymphatic system.
  4. Helps improve cardiovascular performance.
  5. Promotes the growth of joint mobility.

The cervical-collar zone of massage, in addition, fights the following problems:

  1. Circulatory disorders.
  2. Muscle spasms.
  3. Muscle tension.

Massage can also defeat migraines, sleep disturbances, the onset of depression (this is also associated with the production of hormones), and has a beneficial effect on blood pressure levels. Nevertheless, there are those for whom head and neck massage is categorically contraindicated.

These are the people:

  • those in the active stage of psychological illness (such massage is not recommended for people in remission, but in this case, exceptions are possible based on individual circumstances);
  • with pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • with skin diseases;
  • suffering from infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • with burns and abrasions on the massaged areas.

It is recommended to thoroughly treat all acute diseases and skin injuries before starting the massage.

Children and pregnant women: features of the massage

In the case when pregnant women or young children need to massage the head and neck, several important rules must be followed:

  • Maximum relaxation of the massaged person.
  • The duration of the massage for children, even if the child is happy with everything, should not exceed 15 minutes.

  • The duration of the massage for a pregnant woman should not exceed 20 minutes.
  • A massage course should not include more than 15 sessions.
  • The child should remain calm throughout the massage. If he suddenly starts screaming, crying, expressing anxiety or impatience, the session must be stopped.
  • A pregnant woman needs to monitor the baby's condition all the time during the massage. If the fetus in the abdomen suddenly begins to move violently or, conversely, abruptly stops moving, the session must also be interrupted.

Compliance with the rules is extremely important. When a safety violation occurs (for example, with insufficient professionalism of massage therapists), then the consequences can be unpredictable, including causing a miscarriage or serious complications. The younger the child, and the earlier the woman is in pregnancy, the more careful one should be.

Massage techniques

Any massage includes a certain set of movements and rules. Even people who are far from the profession of a massage therapist need to know about the main ones. This will help them take care of their safety during the session.

Massage in different parts of the cervical-collar region is carried out as follows:

Rear part front part
Stroking Planar, comb-like, gable-like and sweeping movements With both hands from top to bottom, without sudden movements
Rubbing Sawing, straight, stroke-like, circular motions Fingertips all over the plane
Kneading Gabled, longitudinal and transverse, with shears, pressure and stretching On the sides of the neck, from the earlobes and down. The head is turned in the opposite direction to the flexed muscle
Vibrations Tapping, patting, finger-vibration movements

One of the most popular types of massage is the method of Vladimir Dell. It is similar to the traditional one, but first requires you to remove all metal jewelry and rub your hands with apple cider vinegar or olive oil.

During massage and especially in the process of auto-massage, it is necessary to pay great attention to safety rules.

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