How to treat lumbar osteochondrosis. Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Eating natural endorphins

Human creek is a "cornerstone" of its spinal column. Everyone knows that the lower the pelvis area, the thicker and massive lumbar vertebrae. It is clear because they have to withstand greater heaviness than, for example, cervical vertebrae.

In addition to their own mass, a person regularly "aghesives" his weight. For example, winter clothes, together with the underwear, with a shopping bag or a backpack behind the shoulders may well have a mass of 10 - 15 kilograms. And most of this weight falls on the lower back.

In addition, the person is peculiar to economic activity. And the transfer of goods, both in the hands and on the shoulder, on the head, causes the load on the lumbar vertebrae. And it does not matter much the duration of the load, as its strength of impact and distribution on a small area, and especially the angular loads.

For example, if sitting on the sofa to plant yourself on the shoulders of the baby and carefully get up with him, holding a back right, harm to the spine will be caused much smaller than when the back of the back of the Block on a slight corner, with the same baby on the shoulders.

Therefore, osteochondrosis of the lumbar and acute states associated with its consequences and complications is the most common cause of back pain with which people turn to doctors - therapists and neurologists.

Lumbar osteochondrosis - what is it?

As already mentioned, osteochondrosis is the process of degeneration and destruction of intervertebral discs - depreciation "pads" located between the vertebrae. In the lumbar disc, the clouds are the thick, but also the weight that they "take over" is also serious.

Distrophy (dysfunction) and subsequent degeneration (destruction) of discs occurs due to increased load during the day, lifting weights, as well as as a result of aging. Osteochondrosis is a completely normal process of deterioration of cartilage tissue, in which it loses elasticity and elasticity due to dehydration.

Therefore, there is nothing terrible in the "peacefully leaking" osteochondrosis. This change in intervertebral disks is the same natural as a change in the person's face from the twenty-year-old to the fifty-year-old age, both in the photo and in reality.

Terrly Other: This process can suddenly begin with an attack of acute back pain, which "cuts out a person" from the rhythm of life and lays it into bed. Another reason for concern arise conduction disorders of sensitivity, under which there is numbness in the leg or motor disorders, when weakness appears in the foot, uncertainty and "slipping" of the foot when gait and the weakness of the muscles.

All this is the signs of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, which manifested themselves in its exacerbation.

The current name of the set of signs of osteochondrosis is, or the "back disease". This definition includes:

  • discogenous disorders (protrusions, hernia);
  • the reaction of adjacent vertebrae (osteophyte development);
  • the effect of muscle tissue (spasm and circulatory disorder);
  • remote disorders of sensitivity and disorders of motion.

All causes of lumbar osteochondrosis are "lying on the surface." Therefore, we will not sharpen on them the attention of readers, and limit ourselves to a simple listing:

  1. The first and most important reason is our walking on two legs - it freed his hands to work and created our civilization, thanks to this fact it became possible to write this article. As a result, the burden on the spine has increased, which the four-legged mammals do not have. It can be said that osteochondrosis is human disease;
  2. Excess weight, obesity. Just "helps" to finish intervertebral discs;
  3. Excessive exercise (weightlifting), lifting and transferring weights in everyday life (digging potatoes, furniture transfer). In this sense, the work of the loader is professionally harmful at risk of development of the disease;
  4. Harmful habits, "sedentary lifestyle."

As already mentioned, Osteochondrosis itself, which flows in a healthy body, does not hinder life. But with a significant destruction of the discs, the reactions of surrounding tissues and nerves occurs a "deployed" picture.

Not necessarily all the symptoms will meet in a particular case, but most coincides with the characteristic picture:

  • Pains in the lower back at osteochondrosis are very often found. There are neurogenic and muscle pain. The intervertebral disc itself does not hurt, because there are no nerves and vessels in the carter. The pain is caused in the case of compression (squeezing) by a destroyed disk of the nervous roaster, leaving the intervertebral hole.

There is a very sharp pain or "striking", Lyumbago. A man with the fucking is enough for the lower back and freezes, afraid to raise. This pain soon acquires the "root" character, since the nervous root swells, and he "does not have enough space."

Our ancestors called this "Winthyman", we call "Lumbago," but the meaning of this does not change. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of sharp pain in the back:

Therefore, the slightest concussion leads to the amplification of the "radiculitis": the shooting pains are provoked by coughing, sneezing, laughter, movement, attempting to fit.

  • The pain also arises due to the involvement of the muscles of the back in the process of edema.

At the same time, the edema is disturbed both the delivery of glucose and oxygen to the large muscles of the back and the outflow of venous fluid with muscle life products.

As a result, the muscle tissue is experiencing a double "stress": chronic oxygen and food starvation, as well as self-determination of non-elected lactic acid, which is formed during muscle work.

At the same time, the muscle answers this in the only way: a reduction that acquires the character of chronic spasm. As a result, stretching back pain arises, a feeling of stiffness, at a considerable distance from the disk, which caused the attack of pain.

  • Conductive disorders matter when chronizing the process. In the event that the destroyed intervertebral disc formed a significant hernial protrusion, then it is already able to put pressure on nervous root.

If earlier the compression was described by swelling, now there is a constant pressure of solid cartilage.

This causes progressive disorders in carrying out a nervous impulse both from the spinal cord to the executive bodies (muscles) and in the opposite direction - from the muscles, the skin to the spinal cord.

Efferent and afferent disorders appear, appear:

  1. Complaints on the change in sensitivity (there is numbness and reduced sensitivity on the side surface of the thigh - in the form of lamps), on pain, which descends from the buttock under the knee and below. Sometimes there is a feeling of "crawling of goosebumps" in the fingers of the foot, sometimes a decrease in the temperature and pain sensitivity in the same zone;
  2. Motor disorders occur with a constant compression of the hernias of centripetal, efferent nerves. There is weakness and uncertainty in the muscles of the leg and foot. Insecurity appears, and the impossibility of standing on socks and heels, the foot begins to "have to have", the hypotrophy of the leg muscles develops on the side of the lesion (the thickness of the caviar decreases).

It is this process in a launched state leads to disability, since a person cannot quickly walk, and even more so run.

It so happened that the most vulnerable place in the lumbar spine is his place of support on the stationary sacriven, located in the middle of the pelvic ring.

This place in the anatomy is denoted by the L5 - S1, that is, the gap between the fifth lumbar (the lowest) and the first sacrum vertebra.

The fact that all sacral vertebrae has a person in one bone is meant. Sometimes, however, there are such anomalies as lumbarization and sacralization.

What is sacroileite, causes of disease development, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment:

In the first case, in the lumbar section of 6 movable vertebrae, due to the separated sacral, and in the second - 4, since the last, the 5th lumbar vertebra loses mobility and grows to the sacral bone.

Also in this place often arises "slipping" of the vertebrae (antelist) or back (retrolistis). All these violations lead to the deterioration of the situation in the back.

The exacerbation of the lumbar osteochondrosis, what to do?

First of all, you need to not bring to the attacks. But the eventually an aggravation of the lumbar osteochondrosis happened, then you need to perform the following appointments on a prefiguration:

  1. Completely eliminate physical exertion;
  2. Lie down in a convenient pose on a rigid surface, eliminating the back sagging;
  3. It is advisable to wear a semi-rigid corset, for prophylaxis from sharp movements and "distortion";
  4. Flexing legs in the knees on the side of the lesion reduces the tension of the nerve trunks and decreases the severity of pain;
  5. At the lower back, we should put a massage pillow with plastic needle mixtures, or take advantage of the Lapco IPpliktor. Keep you need 30 - 40 minutes, 2-3 times a day;
  6. After that, in the lower back, mazi containing the NSAIDs ("long - cream", "fastum gel"), ointment with bee or snake poison ("Natoks, Apizarrtron");
  7. After rubbing on the second day it is possible to wrap the lower back in dry heat, for example, a belt made of dog wool.

Common mistake In the treatment of attacks of lumbar osteochondrosis is warming in the first day. It can be the heater, bath procedures. At the same time, the swelling is only enhanced and pain with it. You can heal only after "the highest point of pain passed. After that, the heat will strengthen the "resorption" of edema. This is usually happening by 2 - 3 days.

Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis - preparations and exercises

The above-described principles of the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis in the first day drug therapy is added, and after improving therapeutic gymnastics and procedures - the LFC complex during osteochondrosis of the lumbar, massage, manual therapy and various physiotherapy techniques.

Medications It is preferable to introduce intramuscularly, especially in the first day of the disease. Apply:

  1. Nonteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for removing edema and inflammation: "Movied", "Kathetonal", "Ksefokam";
  2. Central Miorolaksanta (Middokalm, Sirdalud) - reduce muscle tone and remove tension in muscles;
    Vitamins of the group "B", for example, Milgamma.

The use of chondroprotectors does not change disability and percentage of testimony to surgical treatment, therefore, the effectiveness of their application has not been proven.

Osteochondrosis exercises The lumbar spine should be started carefully, without burdening. Ideally begin the healing physical culture in water, with the "removal" of the load from the spine. This is "therapeutic aquaigimnastics."

With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, an operation is required, during which the destroyed part of the disk is removed, remove the compression of nerve roots, and a small elastic prosthesis is inserted.

Indications for operation are persistent and non-coming pain, as well as the progression of weakness in the foot.

Complications of osteochondrosis of the lumbar department

Above, we described complications in various sections: these are protrusions and hernia, the appearance of acute back pain, the progression of sensitive (pain) and especially motor disorders.

What is sad, often treatment and preventive measures during osteochondrosis begin not among complete health, but only in the presence of complications that have manifested themselves with severe pain and impairment of functions.

Who is Schorl and as a German pathologist in the interval between the first and second world wars described a new type of special hernia:

Prevention of lumbar osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, the symptoms and the treatment of which we described, needs a little to never annoy you:

  • Avoid hypothermia, especially in the autumn - spring period, falls in winter;
  • Do not lift gravity, and cargo we carry only with a straight back, in a backpack;
  • Drink more pure water;
  • Do not get fat, your weight must match growth;
  • Take care of flatfoot, if it is;
  • Do regularly physical gymnastics;
  • Intervertebral discs love when the load is removed from them. It can be a vaccine on the crossbar, or swimming;
  • Regularly (once every five years) you can make x-ray of the lumbar spine in two projections, or to know if the enemy attached ". Then you will think before lifting gravity;


Thanks to lintel, a person has become not only the top of evolution, but also acquired many problems. Because of the unnatural for the mammal position of the body, all weight falls on the spine. The problems of the lumbosacral department are present at each third inhabitant of the planet.

What is osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

The key problem of the spine in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt is that all the load during the day falls on this department. In the complex with the limit mobility, the back is also subject to limit tests. The lumbar spine is destroyed due to dystrophic, deforming changes, the bundling apparatus is weakened and loses its elasticity, the disks are squeezed, the intervertebral distance decreases. In the critical stages of the disease, they begin to face bone cloth, which clamps nerve endings. As a result - pain syndrome.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar department

Symptoms of problems with the lower back manifests itself slowly and for a long period. Often the diagnosis is already on developed forms of the disease, when pronounced periods of exacerbation are present. Therefore, it is very important to be able to distinguish the signs of lumbar osteochondrosis from the accidental malaise or the result of physical exertion. The main symptoms of the disease look like this:

  1. Pain in the lower back. No matter if it is trite, but this coming symptom should make think about the survey. At the primary stages, pain syndrome can appear only after lifting weights, for example, but every time, constantly. As Developed, pain will be constant, and at the time of the attack - unbearable.
  2. The pinching of the nerve endings significantly limits the ability to move in different directions. Top, turns or a simple sedentary position can provoke painful attacks with the transition to the foot throughout the limb to the lower leg (reminds the shock).
  3. The gradual injury to the nerve roots provokes a change in the sensitivity of the legs, while the symptom can be enhanced or weakened. It is characterized by a feeling of burning, numbness, tingling, goosebumps from the sacrum and below. If you ignore this sign of the disease, it will provoke muscle weakness and degradation of tendon reflexes.
  4. Local decrease in the temperature of the skin, their pallor, dryness, dery, soreness.
  5. Increased sweating.
  6. Vertebral syndrome.
  7. In the extreme stages of the disease, sexual dysfunction and urination problems are possible.

Starting stage of osteochondrosis of the lumbar department

To identify the initial stage of the disease is hard due to the irregularity of symptoms that can resemble ordinary fatigue after loads. Signs exclusively orthopedic, but gradually pain in the arrival period will become unbearable, and the manifestations of the disease will no longer relate to physical exertion. With a timely visit, a specialist will take about 2 months and a few more on complete recovery. Primary signs of the disease are:

  • pain in the lumbar department (irritation of nervous roots);
  • pain squeezes in the lower limbs that may occur during walking;
  • characteristic crunch and discomfort, especially often appearing in the morning.

Lumbar osteochondrosis of 2 degrees

According to experts, the explanatory osteochondrosis of the 2 degree became the most common form of the disease among patients, since the first stage rarely notice the patients themselves, and it is difficult to diagnose. The development of the disease provokes new, more pronounced symptoms that accompany the patient for many years before moving to the third stage. The symptoms of the second degree of the disease is as follows:

  • lambalgia and Lumboishalgia;
  • primary mobility of the spine segment;
  • primary destruction of the fibrous ring and nearby tissues;
  • compression of nerve roots;
  • the distance between the vertebrae is reduced;
  • irritation of nervous endings.

Lumbar osteochondrosis of 3 degrees

20 years ago, the degree of intervertebral discs of the third degree was the patient disease over 40 years. Today, the disease is significantly "youth." Osteochondrosis of the lumbar department of 3 degrees is considered an extremely launched stage of the disease, when therapeutic gymnastics, massage already have a minimal impact, and anti-inflammatory and bubbling pains are becoming mandatory. General symptoms of this stage are as follows:

  • ishiygic scoliosis - the decline of the body away from the hearth disease;
  • numbness of the lower extremities;
  • spinal deformation;
  • root syndrome;
  • the formation of intervertebral hernia;
  • the destruction of the fibrous ring;
  • nearby pain with the propagation of the buttocks in the legs (the outer surface of the hips).

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar department 4 degrees

This is the extreme degree of a disease that can develop only with full ignoring symptoms for several decades. It is characterized by complete degradation and destruction of cartilage tissue, degenerative disks deformations. At this stage, the patient may be partially or completely paralyzed or losing mobility due to painful syndrome until the disabilities are settling. The treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar separation 4 degree in most clinical cases is surgical interference with active drug support.

The exacerbation of the lumbar osteochondrosis

With constant symptoms of exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis have a strong pain effect. Acute shooting pain (lumbago) due to the infringement of the nerve roots instantly spreads from the waist down the sciatic nerve. In critical cases, loss of sensitivity to the fingers of the foot is possible. Acute lesions may disrupt the functioning of small pelvis systems (incontinence, sex dysfunction, constipation). It is especially dangerous "horse-tail syndrome", it is completely lost control below the disease.

Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis in women

With all similar symptoms, the signs of lumbar osteochondrosis in women have their own specific specifics. They are determined by the fact that the localization of the disease in the area of \u200b\u200bthe small pelvis has a negative impact on the female reproductive system. After the development of the second degree of the disease, the menstrual cycle is changing (it may even be irregular and directly depend on the exacerbations of osteochondrosis). During pregnancy, the osteochondrosis of the loin can provoke premature childbirth or miscarriage. There is also a seasonality of exacerbations in patients.

How to treat osteochondrosis of the lumbar department

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar department - the process is long and requires an integrated approach. Stripping from the stage of the disease, its characteristics and personal tolerance of the patient, prescribe different types of exposure. Medical treatment is designed only for the relief of pain symptoms, the very disease itself is only impossible to cure drugs. The treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine uses the following techniques:

  • acupuncture to stimulate restorative reactions;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • suppression of pathological processes;
  • all kinds of therapeutic massage;
  • vacuum effect when protruding in the spine, in the presence of hernia.

Treatment scheme

The approach to the combating osteochondrosis of the lower back is radically different depending on the form of the disease. Some manipulations are not allowed during the acute phase, but useful during the remission. Self-treatment in the event of this disease is almost impossible. The exercise complex is selected and is carried out only by a professional massage therapist under the supervision of a specialist.

The diagram of the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar department at the aggravation stage is as follows:

  1. Full tension on the spine. In the ideal situation, to organize exceptionally bedding for the patient. For a larger effect, it is better to use a special orthopedic mattress and rollers under the lower back and neck.
  2. The use of muscle relaxants. Compensation of pathological processes and pain will strengthen the effect of massage and remove the muscle tension. It is important to remember - these drugs have a sedative effect, so do not use them to use whose work requires increased attention.
  3. To relocate the consequences of pinching a large nerve, blockade injections are used based on novocaine or lidocaine.

Stage of remission is treated according to the following scheme:

  1. Normalization of the conductivity of nerve impulses and the restoration of the shell of the nerve end occurs with the help of vitamins of group V.
  2. Vasodilators are used to normalize blood circulation in tissues.
  3. Physiotherapy of various species aimed at preventing exacerbations. Many varieties: Magnetotherapy, special baths, medical massage, acupuncture.
  4. LFK is a mandatory part of reducing therapy. Exercises are selected individually under a specific case of the disease. Such training will help form a muscular corset, reduce regular load and restore natural mobility in the lower back.

First aid for osteochondrosis of the lumbar department

When the patient is able to move independently, the first assistance in osteochondrosis of the lumbar department is to minimize the mobility of the lower back, protect it from supercooling. Preparations can be adopted by pain syndrome, but in moderate dosage, so that the doctor can determine the intensity of the severity of pain syndrome. More, without inspecting a specialist, nothing will happen.

Medical treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

The following drugs are divided into groups by means of exposure.

  • gels, creams and ointments - diclofenac, Diklak, Diklobrena, Dikloberl, Diclovit, Diskonat P, Woltaren (help to eliminate pain);
  • fastened anti-inflammatory drugs - Nurofen, Roofi, Kebrex, Mataren, Meloxica, Meloxico, Meflam, Moviece, Naz, Naltezine, Plumb, Naproxen, Ibufen, Ibuprofen, Suladin, Floran, Flamadex, Cefecon;
  • NSAIDs - Advil, Aulv, Aranaks, Asinak, Aulin, Aceclofenak, Aartal, Nimesil, Nimesulid, Oxycamox, Ortophen, Peda, Pyroxikov, Dexalgin, Decquetoprofen, Brufen, Rheumador, SanaProx, Sanbar;
  • vitamins of group V.


In the acute phase of the disease, any exercises with the load are categorically contraindicated. The LFC, with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, is necessarily coordinated with the doctor and passes under its supervision. Experienced patients can engage independently when they know the permissible limits of their own load. The set of exercises is selected personally, pushing away from the intensity of the disease and localization.


The use of massage in osteochondrosis of the lumbar department remains a mandatory element of the course of treatment, therapy and prevention. Be sure to remember that you need to trust the procedure only to proven professionals after the recommendation of the doctor. You can choose a classic or other type of massage yourself, but it is better to listen to the recommendations of the specialist so that a normal strengthening of the proprietary motor apparatus occurred.

Diet with osteochondrosis of the lumbar department

Just right, balanced nutrition can not cure the disease. Diet with osteochondrosis of the lumbar department becomes an additional tool on the way of recovery. It should be more used in food products with a large volume of group vitamins in, animal proteins, carbohydrates. It is necessary to limit the use of simple carbohydrates, salts, alcohol, coffee (tea), smoked, pickles, seasonings.

Contraindications in osteochondrosis

Any disease has specific limitations that do not allow using different techniques and treatment methods. Contraindications in osteochondrosis are associated with side diseases: dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired psyche, diseases of blood and lungs, ischemic syndrome. In these conditions, active massage and leaf has been categorically prohibited. Exercises are not prescribed if there are injuries, tumors, hematomas and similar formations. It is forbidden to engage in active sports and strengths.

Prevention of osteochondrosis of the lumbar department

It is possible to cure problems with the lower back, but it is better to prevent them from, therefore the prevention of osteochondrosis of the lumbar department will become an excellent alternative to the visit to the doctor. The basic rules are a bit, so take care of the health of the spine is quite simple. Here's what to do, so that the lumbosacious osteochondrosis does not appear:

  • do not overcoat the lower back;
  • with exercise, raise and lower loads without jerks;
  • do not wear shipping by weight;
  • follow posture;
  • regularly change the position and not give the back to the ridge in the same position;
  • do physical education;
  • try not to do hard work in the wrong position and without proper training.

Video: Pains for osteochondrosis of the lumbar department

Attention! The information presented in the article is familiarized. Article materials do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Symptoms and treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

A few more decades ago, pain and discomfort in the lower back were considered the problem of exclusively the elderly, but now the situation has changed significantly. Many diseases, including osteochondrosis, noticeably "grinned", and therefore, the number of appeals to specialists with similar symptoms has increased. Patients in such cases requires drug therapy and special physiotics, but the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis at home and the use of recipes of traditional medicine, the years confirming their effectiveness.

How to recognize the disease?

Osteochondrosis is a chronic inflammatory process and degenerative changes in intervertebral discs. As a result, they become less elastic and provoke the pinching of the nerve endings, causing a sharp pain. Depending on which of the spine departments struck the disease, there is a cervical, thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis, but it is the latter most often - the longer has the greatest load, which means that intervertebral discs in this area are wearing first.

Factors provoking the development of lumbar osteochondrosis, a lot: a passive lifestyle, excess of harmful products in the usual diet, severe physical work, various spinal injuries and even extra pound kilograms. It is impossible to discount and genetic predisposition to the deformation of the spinal disks, which from nature can have a more loose structure. In any case, whatever reasons for the appearance of osteochondrosis, the earlier it will be possible to detect its symptoms and start comprehensive therapy, the higher the chances of the patient for good health and a full life, without constant pain and discomfort.

Typical signs of lumbar osteochondrosis include:

  • a sharp parlor of the lower back, amplifying when walking;
  • difficulty movements;
  • numbness of the limbs, first of all, after a long seating, tingling or feeling crawling goosebumps;
  • cool in the legs.

In addition, there are also pulling pain in osteochondrosis, especially when trying to turn, lean or raise heaviness. And although at an early stage, these manifestations of the disease may not be delivered to a person of particular concern, without proper treatment, they can provoke very serious consequences. Most often we are talking about the development of intervertebral hernia, prostatitis, inflammation of adrenal glands, ovaries, weakening potency in men and even, in particularly severe cases, complete loss of opportunity to move.

Methods of treatment

An explanatory osteochondrosis, especially if it failed to recognize in time, requires a rather long treatment that is not always convenient to pass in the hospital. It is not surprising that patients often prefer to deal with the disease at home, thoroughly observing the prescriptions of the doctor. First of all, we are talking about the admission of special drugs, designed to quickly alleviate the state of the person during the exacerbation of the disease. As a rule, these are common painkillers and anti-inflammatory funds ("ibuprofen", "diclofenac", "nimesulide", "ketoprofen"), but in particularly severe cases for removing pain syndrome during osteochondrosis, glucocorticoids are prescribed ("Dexamezon", "Betamethazone", " Prednisolone ").

In parallel, drugs are prescribed to improve microcirculation in tissues noticeably suffering from osteochondrosis ("Cavinton", "Trental"), muscle relaxants to eliminate muscle spasms and vitamins of group B, first of all, B1, B6 and B12. In some cases, patients with a severe form of lumbar osteochondrosis also need sedatives ("relaignation", "diazepam") and antidepressants ("Trazodon", "Amitriptyline").

But to achieve the desired result, the approach to the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis must be complex - in addition to the reception of pharmacy drugs, special gymnastics, therapeutic baths, compresses are needed, and herbal champs and infusions prepared at home.


The benefits of gymnastics in the fight against osteochondrosis are indisputable - taking the rule for a rule to perform special exercises, patients can achieve significant improvement in well-being and get rid of many symptoms of the disease, slowing down its development. Another important plus of therapeutic physical culture is that it can be at home without any problems, highlighting no more than half an hour at any convenient time.

  1. Hang on the crossbar for a minute.
  2. After putting hands on the hips, perform the slopes alternately in each direction, and then the movement of the pelvis in and counterclockwise (10-15 times).
  3. I put on your knees, move straight hands to the floor and slowly damage the back as much as possible and then down (15 times). This is the so-called "kitty" exercise, efficient and for, and for the entire spine as a whole.
  4. Lying on the stomach, straighten your hands and sneak from the floor (10-15 times).
  5. Lying on the back and bent the legs in the knees, press them to the chest and blends (15 times).
  6. Exercise "Bicycle": lying on the back, lift legs up and "twist pedals" 1-2 minutes.

Considering the physical education, it is extremely important to closely monitor his well-minded - exercises should not strengthen discomfort and pain, otherwise the effect of them will be directly opposite.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Their main appointment is to relieve pain and reduce inflammation - to restore damaged tissue with non-traditional medicine tools is not under power. But at the same time, they are an important part of the complex therapy of lumbar osteochondrosis, effectively coping with its symptoms and practically no side effects and contraindications.

Verified tool with pain and discomfort in the lower back are baths with herbs:

  1. Mix birch leaves, Melisu and mint in equal proportions, 200 g of mixture pour 10 liters of boiling water, put on a slow fire for 2-3 minutes, and then pour into the bath dialed.
  2. Prepare a decoction of 300 g of chamomile and 5 liters of water, insisted it, strain and add to the water for the bath. To achieve the desired result, the procedure is recommended daily at least a week.

The healing bath is better to take no longer than 15-20 minutes at water temperature not higher than 40 ° C.

No less effective with lumbar osteochondrosis and compiled ointments and rubbing:

  1. Mix 100 g of liquid honey, 150 ml of vodka and 50 g of aloe leaves in the meat grinder, shifting the resulting mixture into an opaque container and leave for storage in the refrigerator. The ointment should be rubbed the lower back, and then wrap it with something warm, repeating the procedure before improving well-being.
  2. Prepare a mixture of 100 g of honey and pork fat, add 100 ml of triple cologne and 1 tsp. Spoon of vinegar and put in the refrigerator, shifting into an opaque container. During the exacerbation of osteochondrosis, ointment can be rubbed the lower back 2 times a day, best in the morning and before bedtime.

Also useful in osteochondrosis prepared by medicinal plants of decoction and infusion intakes:

  1. Mix 100 g of pine kidneys, a pinch of sage and 1 t. A spoonful of a dying, pour ½ l hot water, bring to a boil, and then insist hour and a half. The finished remedy for the exacerbation of osteochondrosis to drink in small sips during the day.
  2. Grind in the blender a chabret and plantain, taken in an equal amount, squeeze the juice and drink 3 times a day for 2 hours. Spoons.
  3. Squeeze juice from 100 g of nettle, add 100 ml of alcohol and 2 tbsp. Spoons of honey, and then, periodically bothering, insisted within 10 days in a cool, protected place. The tincture must be taken 1 time per day for 2 hours. Spoons.

And, of course, do not forget about the preventive measures: a healthy lifestyle, refusal of bad habits, moderate physical exertion that are necessary daily, proper nutrition, compliance with drinking regime, as well as buying an orthopedic mattress and improvement courses at least twice in year. Thus, it will be possible not only to avoid frequent exacerbations of the lumbar osteochondrosis and slow down its development, but also to improve the condition of the spine as a whole, confuse itself from serious health problems in the future.

Lumbar osteochondrosis One of the most common diseases of humanity is equally faced with this diagnosis, both men and women. This disease is damage to the cartilage tissue of the entire spine, the intervertebral disks in the lumbar-sacral division, most often people fall into the risk zone after 30 years, but when physical work with a large load on the back, there may be such a problem and very young individuals.

We will analyze, what is the causes of this disease, how is it dangerous and what treatment techniques exist?.

Causes of osteochondrosis of the lumbar department

Degree of osteochondrosis of the lumbar department

The 4 main stages of the disease are distinguished, gradually moving from easier degree into complicated, we will analyze each of them.

1 degree

Weakly pronounced pain in the vertebral, which increases after exercise, is manifested by stupid, muted, tingling pain in the back and in the field of buttocks, can be disturbed by a short time.

2 degree

The distance between the vertebrae is reduced, the fibrous ring and all surrounding fabric begins to collapse, the nerve roots are squeezed. Pains at this stage become sharper and tangible, are given during walking in the buttocks, thigh and shin. With a fit, a person feels relief when flexing in the opposite direction, that is, back, the pain can cause a strong feeling of burning, or the opposite of the cold in the affected place.

3 degree

Fiber rings with such an extent, as a rule, are completely destroyed, as a result of which intervertebral hernias appear. Lumbar vertebrate fabrics are deformed, pain is practically constant, the intensity of which depends on the presence or absence of physical exertion.

4 degree

There is an arrangement of the pathological nature of the vertebrae of the lumbar department, atrophies cartilage, which leads to problems when moving. The pain subsides for a short time, but after that it can be manifested in greater location and with increased intensity, as a result there may be a loss of flexibility, mobility and development of disabilities.

Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis


In 98% of cases, pain occurs pain, it hurts the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back and can be given to the buttocks, the foot along the site of the sedellastic nerve. The pain can be moderate and increase when changing the position of the body, sharp movements, sharp turns, and when the body is tilted forward, a person is simply, may not break back, when lifting a heavy item, it can also close in the same position and starts shooting in the lumbar department.

With such a disease, depending on the degree, pain can appear even when the body vibration during riding in transport, sneezing, cough or deep breath.

Feeling tension

The feeling of tension occurs sharply and also disappears quickly, it happens most often in the process of flexion and extension, the reason for such a manifestation is explained by the fact that, irritated, nerve spine shifts from bone processes.

Wailed sensitivity

As a rule, sensitivity changes occur precisely in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion, not the assist cross parts of the body. These changes may be observed:

  • hyperesthesia (elevated, increased sensitivity);
  • hyptestesia or anesthesia (reduced sensitivity);
  • paresthesia (long-term sensation of goosebumps, or tingling as in injections).

Changes sensitivity, usually occur as a certain, small strip in the focus of inflammation, and can last from 5 minutes to several hours.

Reduced motor activity

With different degrees, the muscle atrophy affects mobility, which can simply weaken movement, or lead to full paralysis. At the same time, the motor activity will deteriorate in a particular location site, where the muscles affected, the accompanying parts of the body will not suffer.

Violations of vegetative function

It does not always occur, it happens more often when cervical osteochondrosis. Lumbar osteochondrosis provokes a decrease in blood circulation in the lower limbs, as a result of this, the legs are always cold, and the skin as a whole becomes pale. Also, it may be a bladder in the risk zone, with an internal pressure (compression) on the horse-tail fiber, there is a possibility of developing acute incontinence of urine, or the opposite of its delay.

Less frequently, a feeling of cold can be observed in the body, though the temperature is lowered, excessive sweating, with a more complicated form there may be sexual dysfunction in men, and the complete lack of libido and intimate lubricant in women.

In men, all the symptoms described appear more often and intensively, due to the fact that they are more severe, physical work, raise more gravity and, accordingly, give a greater load on the back, therefore the stage of development of the disease from one stage to another, they happen The order is faster.

Complications with lumbar osteochondrosis

  1. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve, Ishias.
  2. The degree and rate of destruction of the discs between the vertebrae increases, the curvature of the spine becomes as pronounced as possible.
  3. The unstable vertebra position when the disc stops it fully fixed and the lumbar department at any load, even light, "slides" from the place, from the sacrum. As a result, the functioning and operation of the internal organs of the urogenital system is violated. In men, it leads to potency, in women serious inflammations of uterus, ovaries and appendages.
  4. The appearance of hernia and inflammatory processes, between different vertebral segments.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar drug

Competent drugs and a clear schedule of their admission will have a sufficient, due effect, will remove the inflammatory focus, they will stop the pain attack and prevent the occurrence of remission. Medical treatment must be prescribed exclusively by a specialist doctor, indicating the individual method of receiving a drug and dosing.

Tablets / Capsules

Analgesic Able to quickly eliminate pain for a sufficiently long period, but they still have a temporary effect to relieve, but without a healing effect. These include: Analgin, Spasmalgon, Dexalgin.

Anti-inflammatory Preparations or NSAIDs are often prescribed in an analgesic complex, they increase each other's action, reduce or completely eliminate the focus of inflammation, respectively, when combining two groups, a therapeutic effect will be provided, but still temporary. These include: ibuprofen, diclofenac, nimesulide, ketoprofen.

Chondroprotectors - Make a role, an indispensable vitamin for cartilage and bone tissue, they are also prescribed for a complex reception with an anesthetic group of drugs, their function to protect the tissues and prevent their further destruction. Preparations: Chondroxide complex, artiflex, glucosamine.

Outdoor ointment / gels

The local application of the gels ensure the absorption of the means into the immediate source of pain, which has an additional, longer action, eliminate inflammation and remove the swelling.

Preparations: Doluben, Traumel, Fast Gel, Chondroxide Ointment, Finalgon, Viprosal, Nimid Gel.


Pricks cope with the task of eliminating pain and inflammation faster than other listed ways. Injections are able to stop spasm, feeling of pinching and voltage of lumbar muscles and fibers.

Often, the blockade method is used to achieve the rapid effect, that is, they smash a certain painful area with anesthetic drugs - lidocaine, less often with novocaine, the effect occurs instantly and keeps up to 9 hours.

Injection for pain relief, spasm, inflammation: Dikloberl, Kathetonal, Milgamma, Spasmalgon, in combination with Vitamins of group V.

Trental, pentoxifillalin - preparations for intravenous, drip administration with circulatory disorders. Appointed additionally, with more complicated osteochondrosis stages.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar department by folk remedies

Folk treatments for efficacy are not inferior to drugs, if the treatment start timely and not to launch the inflammatory process. You can also use them together with traditional methods of treatment in the complex, then the chances of speedy recovery are at times multiplied.

Adam root

A 200 gram grated on a shallow grater of the Adam root to pour vodka half-lies in a dark capacity, send to 5 days to appease. Use externally, for the trigger of a sore place, after wondering this part with a warm scarf, do not wash off. Anesthetic and warming effects will be provided.


To withstand the leaves of the burdock for 10 minutes over the ferry, attach them to the location of pain, to post, leaving for 1-1.5 hours. By the same method you can use birch leaves.


With grated Krena, squeeze the juice and mix 1: 1 with vodka or diluted alcohol. Roll up to three times per day the lumbar department, one of which is defined before bedtime, wrapped in a blanket.

Pine bath

A pleasant and efficient way to remove pain and tension, in warm water, put the sprigs of the needles in the amount of 3-4 pieces and add a few drops of the same essential oil.

The duration of the bath is not more than 15 minutes, after which the heat is dressed. The procedure is best done overnight, this method will help to further relax and improve sleep quality.


In a 0.5 liter of water, put the leaves of the lingonberry, sabelnik, videos, bumps of hops of 10 grams, bring to a boil, cover with a lid, leaving for an hour. Straighten, drink three times to in 50 milliliters after meals. Course from one month to six months.

Ointment NO1

Mixed with meat grass, violets, pine buds, burdock root, plantain leaf, chamomile row, crush the mixture to the state of the powder. Three tablespoons, without a slide of crushed collection, pour with 100 milliliters boiling water and boil on low heat for five minutes, continuously stirring, mixed with warm, melted swine fat in the volume of 75 grams, cool and store in the refrigerator, no more than two weeks after cooking.

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