What to do with canned champignons. Delicious and original salads from champignons - Pamper yourself. What can be prepared with canned champignons


Marinated Champignons Closed for WinterAlready for a long time are one of the favorite dishes of many people around the world. Cooked according to our recipe at home, they cannot fail to conquer their exquisite taste and spicy aroma. The beauty of such mushrooms is that they can be stored for quite a long time, although it is unlikely, because the champignons go out so delicious that they are eaten on the first week after marination, and often there is nothing more often for the winter.

The calorie content of this product is rather low, although it often depends on the number of spices you added and seasonings. In general, one hundred grams of marinated mushrooms accounts for only 41 kcal. Consequently, such a dish is ideal for those who dream of a slim figure and carefully plans their diet.

Champignon marinated mushrooms are perfectly combined with meat and fish, they can be easily added to all sorts of salads as completely and slices, and they can also eat them by itself by providing fresh greens and vegetable butter.

Such a kushan enjoys a great popularity for quite a long time. Today, on the shelves of shops and supermarkets, you can find hundreds of a variety of mushrooms closed in large glass jars or small tin (or vice versa). Assortment of pickled and canned mushrooms is more than great. But here anything is clear that champignons marinated by home recipe for the winter are much more tastier and more useful! In addition, an overdue goods can be caught in stores, and its use can cause a lot of unwanted consequences. Therefore, it is much safer and cheaper to prepare such yummy at home. And closing champignons for the winter, you will know that at any time you can open the jar of fragrant fungi and conquer their guests. Make such winter blanks is not at all difficult. Just carefully read the recommendations of our recipe with step-by-step photos - and the preparation of unsurpassed marinated champignons will cease to be a mystery to you!


  • (1.5 kg)

  • (2 l)

  • (200 ml)

  • (2 art. L.)

  • (2 art. L.)



Canned champignons They differ from other winter workpieces in that after cooking you can eat almost immediately, that is, after cooling, they will be completely ready for consumption. Also, the advantage of such mushrooms is that even in conservative form, they can be used to prepare all mushroom dishes. Canned champignons at home can even fry in a pan with potatoes and onions, not to mention the fact that they can still be baked in the oven with chicken, with pork, as well as, with any kind of meat. By the way, many hostesses from such roasted mushrooms manage to create also a good filling for pies.

However, before thinking about the fact that canned mushrooms can be prepared, first need to be very tasty. To do this, use our simple recipe with the photo, which is shown below in the form of a step-by-step instruction. It is not enough to prepare pickled mushrooms at home simply, so preserved for the winter they are still easier. The main thing - during the cooking to adhere to the steps of the preparation of this recipe, so that such important characteristics, as the benefits and shelf life after canning the champignons were most high as possible.

It is also worth noting that the form of mushrooms for marination on this recipe is not fundamental, they can be used both as entire and cut, because on the taste of the mushroom workpiece it does not affect anyway. The main thing is for the preparation of this conservation, do not use expired champignons, even slightly fired mushrooms are already considered such.

Champignons The most common type of mushrooms. They are grown at home, so it is not necessary to go to the forest to the "quiet" hunt. In addition, this variety is completely harmless and affordable at prices. Mushroom itself is very clean - it grows only in dull wood or sawdust. No need to apply many ways to clean: remove the skin, wash several times.

Champignons are used in any form to prepare many dishes. They are fried, boiled, dried and marinate. Especially tasty are champignons marinated fast preparation at home. Ways how to pick up champignons home - a huge amount, everyone can choose the one that is suitable for it.

Also on our site you can find out the recipes so that they like the whole of your family.

  1. Mushrooms are suitable for marinations of any size and age, the main thing is that the plant exhibits a pleasant forest smell. If the copies do not smell at all, then they are better not to use for marinization. Such champignons in the cooking process are not impregnated with brine, so they remain tasteless.
  2. The plant can be marked with whole or cut into pre-pieces. From this, its taste is not completely ruined. The main thing is that all pieces are the same value. Champignons should be well laundering from dirt. Skin can be left, but can be removed before marinating. Champignons are combined with almost all spices, vegetables and greens.

Recipe for marinated champignons for the winter

Marining champignons with pepper is extremely popular on the festive table. This dish ideally looks among the diversity of snacks, as it has an original peculiar view. It is the pepper who brings the paints to the everyday vision of pickled mushrooms.

Main components:

  • Polkilogram of champignons;
  • 2 red or yellow sweet peppers;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • Half of the middle lemon;
  • 4 spoons of salt;
  • dessert spoon of citric acid;
  • 4-5 garlic teeth;
  • Greens;
  • Vegetable oil.

Recipe for marinated fast cooking champignons:

  1. First prepared pepper. The vegetable is cleaned and washed to remove all seeds that are proud. Then the product is cut by straw - strips must be thin and not too long.
  2. In the pan is heated by vegetable oil, where the pepper pepper is saturated. When the vegetable is mild, but not to turn into a cleaner, it can be removed from the fire.
  3. Champignons need to be cleaned and rinsed. It is not necessary to cut them for cooking - they are equipped with integers. After them are placed in a saucepan with water, salt and lemon acid, where they are drunk within 15 minutes.
  4. Water with mushrooms merges, and they themselves should sway from moisture. At this time, the marinade is preparing.
  5. Marinade consists of water (approximately need to take the floor of a glass of liquid), it includes greens, squeezes half of the lemon, salt, sugar and garlic. All ingredients are finely bold and mixed up to a homogeneous mass.
  6. The cooled champignons are stacked in a glass container along with pepper.
  7. Mushrooms in the marinade must be approximately one day. They should be stirred in a cool dark place.
  8. The finished product can be served to instantly eating. The taste of the marinade can be strengthened, additionally adding vegetable oil in small quantities. Using this recipe you can marine mushrooms and to use them in a salad.

After reviewing the recipes of our site, you can also prepare other delicious blanks, such as.

Recipe for marinated champignons at home

Marinated homemade mushrooms possess the salted and spicy harmonious taste, which will allow the use of champignons as an independent snack, as the ingredient for salads, stew, extinguishing and frying with potatoes. This is a standard and easy way to marine champignons, which is distinguished by original, but distinct taste and smell.


  • 1 kilogram of champignons;
  • 100 grams of salt;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 50 g of acetic essence;
  • 100 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 1 garlic head;
  • 1 average bulb;
  • 1 piece of chili pepper;
  • 10 pieces of black peas;
  • 1 teaspoon coriander;
  • 4 layers of the laurel tree;
  • 1 liter of purified water.

Delicious marinated champignons at home:

  1. For this recipe you need to choose miniature mushrooms, as the bigges will have to cut, and this will spoil the type of product.
  2. Champignons are well rinsed, you do not need to shoot the film. The finished product is pouring water and put on the middle fire, where they must boil over 10 minutes. The donkey of this decoction merges, and move the mushrooms to the colander.
  3. While the mushrooms defend the marinade.
  4. Sugar, salt and rings chopped onions, garlic missed through dft, coriander and bay leaf are added to the water container. Marinade boil 1 minute on medium fire. After boiling, remove the marinade from the fire, and then pour the vinegar and vegetable oil there. When the contents have a little cool interferes, sliced \u200b\u200bwith small pepper chili slices.
  5. Boiled mushrooms pour chilled marinade. Best of all, if you make a procedure in a bank. The product must flow within 12 hours in a cold place. Capacity close the plastic lid.
  6. Such champignons are stored for a short time - approximately two weeks. Using such a product is the ability to make a lot of dishes. Snack Snack Snack - Mushrooms alternately with onions are riveted on the skewers.

For stock housewives, we also prepared that not only decorate your dining table, but also become an excellent and delicious addition to your dinner.

Marinated champignon mushrooms at home

This method has many positive factors. Such products can be consumed at any time. Even immediately after marination. Champignons are spicy and juicy.


  • 1 kilogram of mushrooms;
  • 1.5 glasses of purified water;
  • 100 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • 100 milliliters of table vinegar;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 20 grams of salt;
  • 5 sheets of laurel;
  • 5-6 peas of black pepper;
  • 5 pieces of carnations.

How to marine champignons at home fast:

  1. Rinse mushrooms well from dirt and sand under running water. All them cut into small pieces of the same size.
  2. Prepared product to peel within 30 minutes. Cannot add salt.
  3. Preparation of marinade is: in 1.5 glasses of water mix salt, sugar and other spices. This also adds acetic essence and refined oil. Content boil within Yati minutes.
  4. Champignons are declined to banks. If the mushrooms are arched for the winter, then the glass containers must be sterilized, also should be done with the lids.
  5. Banks together with brine are declined to banks, after which they are blocked by covers.
  6. The finished product should be stored in a cold darkened place.

Champignons marked by this recipe, are obtained from everyone without exception. Mushrooms remain whole and well mastered. So they can be stored any lapse of time and do not deteriorate.

How to pick up champignons at home fast

A very fast and high-quality recipe for the marinos of fungi, will be a find in the case when guests are almost on the threshold. This method is very simple, and mushrooms are obtained by such as if they were chosen for a long time before filing.


  • 1 kilogram of fresh mushrooms;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 3 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of refined oil;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • Natural spice for Korean carrots;
  • 100 grams of Korean carrots;
  • 0.5 fresh lemon.

How to pick up mushrooms champignons at home:

  1. Prepare mushrooms. Each fungus cut into small pieces, which will be marinated in the brine.
  2. In a saucepan, pour water where to add refined oil of plant origin, vinegar, sugar, salt and spices for Korean carrots. To bring everything to a boil and only then mushrooms are hung here.
  3. The contents of the container should boil over 20 minutes.
  4. Shoot the cooled mushrooms into banks, after which give one hour the contents of the tank containers.
  5. For an hour, the product fully insisters it can be submitted to the Korean carrot, having previously sprinkling the dish of lemon juice. Onions are chosen here.
  6. The combination of Korean carrots and champignons is perfectly combined as a snack. Moreover, the orphanage decoration is original in its application. Spicy peculiar taste and smell attracts real gourmets.

Marinated champignons are a very tasty recipe

Such mushrooms are sold in stores at fairly high prices, but not always the price corresponds to the quality. Therefore, it is better to pick up champignons on their own without much effort.

Main components:

  • 50 pieces of small mushrooms;
  • 5 peas of black pepper;
  • 5 peas of fragrant pepper;
  • 5 laurel leaves;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • the third part of the glass of vinegar.

Marinated champignons Step-by-step recipe with pictures:

  1. Prepare mushrooms.
  2. Heat the water to a boil, pre-put the salt and sugar into it. Laurel sheet is also stacked here.
  3. Mushrooms are shorter to boiling brines and are prepared in it for 30 minutes.
  4. At the end of the process, pour vinegar into a pan, stirring the contents.
  5. Such mushrooms remain in the brine, where they were previously fed. The finished product is declined to banks, on top of each lie on the pea point indicated in the pepper recipe.
  6. If the product is planned to be used immediately after cooling, it can be sealing it with vegetable oil and sliced \u200b\u200bonion rings.

Such a recipe allows you to use mushrooms immediately after marination. You can make them with any spices and oils, use even vinegar.

All recipes are original, but at the same time are easy to prepare. Champignons can be complemented by other spices and seasonings. Mushrooms are obtained by whole and elastic, so they can be used as an ingredient for many other dishes.

For lovers of winter blanks in our piggy bank, recipes are also available, which can also serve as a separate dish and used for the preparation of salads.

Finding the store is not only beautiful, but also delicious canned champignons - a real problem. They either have one acetic taste, or do not have it at all. Although you will agree, it is very strange for such wonderful fungi like champignons. Spread their exceptionally pleasant taste - This crime! Our recipe offers making mushrooms quickly and very simple. Mushrooms during marination do not lose their characteristic flavor and texture.

Unlike the usual ways to marinen, our champignons are sterilized once - directly when cooking in broth. Bank with mushrooms is not boiled! Champignons coperate in water not 2-3 minutes, as it happens in other recipes, and all 15. And this is enough, so that the lid does not break with the can even months later.
The ingredients needed to marine mushrooms:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh champignons
  • 50 milliliters vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar sand
  • 1 tablespoon of cook salt
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 sheet "Lavrushka"
  • 5 or 6 black bitter peppers peppers
  • 3 or 4 peas of fragrant pepper
  • 2 - 3 carnation boutons

How to preserve champignons:

Champignons - mushrooms clean, so there is no special "compensation" with them. Bought in the supermarket at all is sometimes enough easy to wash under the crane. If you still have something to consider, consider with mushrooms and mine. Large champignons cut in half or a quarter.

We put on the slab a pan with water, bring to a boil, throw champignons into it. Cook a quarter of an hour (15 minutes).

Then we drag the water, the mushrooms are filtering.

Preparing marinade for mushrooms. By the way, they can do the champignons while cooking. For the preparation of the marinade we take a saucepan, pour a liter of water into it. Suck a tablespoon of sugar and as many salts, send the spices there, put on the stove and wait when the water boils. After boiling, we add vinegar, we stir, we remove from the stove.

Mushrooms are shifted into a clean and dry jar. Gently pour hot brine and tighten the cover.

Bank turn over and put cold on the lid.

It must be done to understand how firmly we managed to roll the lid. If the brine began to leak, the bank will have to be twisted, otherwise the mushrooms will soon begin to deteriorate.

Can be kept in the refrigerator or cellar to several months and delight you for a very long time! With roasted potatoes, to the table for a snack - they will save you more than once! Drink on health!

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