The right and left sides of a person are not the same. Placing energies in the human body

Emotional health.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, left and right, which have completely different effects on the human body.

People with a dominant left hemisphere are usually logical, rational, speak well, and are quick-witted. They process information sequentially, studying it piece by piece, and only then put the knowledge gained into a coherent picture.

People with a dominant right brain tend to be visionaries who process information intuitively. They first grasp the whole picture and only then go into details. In addition, they are more introverted and sensitive, especially to light, sound and criticism.

Our educational system is geared towards children with advanced left hemispheres because they think in a linear way that is easier to teach. Right-brain children adapt less well, because they are prone to visualization and they need visual images to understand a particular theory. Because of this, they are often diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, or attention deficit disorder. However, such children simply learn the material differently, and when they get such an opportunity, no problems with learning arise.

When brain stem goes into spinal cord- the nerves at the base of the skull, extending from the two hemispheres, intersect. As a result, the right side of our body is associated with the rational, logical part, and the left side with creative qualities and feelings. However, logical abilities have nothing to do with which hand - left or right - dominates. It doesn't seem to matter much. There are quite a few left-handed entertainers, but the proportion of left-handed tennis players is also high!

Left and right side of the body

Many oriental schools describe the distinction between right and left as the difference between feminine and masculine, yin and yang. This is not about gender, but about masculine and feminine qualities that we all possess. If we apply this principle to the language of the thought-body, then inevitably there is a connection between the problems that occur with one side of the body, and an internal conflict related to one or another aspect of the corresponding principle.

The right side of the body in both men and women reflects the masculine principle. She is responsible for the ability to give, dominate and assert themselves. This is the authoritarian and intellectual part of our being, related to the outside world:

  • work,
  • business,
  • competition,
  • social status,
  • politics and power.

In both men and women, the right side of the body represents a connection with the inner masculine principle.

Right-side problems in men can mean conflict related to masculine expression, family responsibilities, competitive pressures at work, lack of self-esteem, or uncertainty about sexual orientation. In women, the right side reflects the conflict between motherhood and career, the difficulty in showing confidence and assertiveness in a position that men usually hold. Some mothers have to intensively develop the masculine side, feed the family and make decisions, which can also lead to internal conflict.

In addition, the right side reflects relationships with men: with a father, brother, loved one, son - and all conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

An example of this is the fate of Ellie, who turned to me with complaints of a slight numbness on the right side of the body, which followed her from adolescence... As a child, she was a real tomboy. In the course of the conversation, it turned out that the numbness appeared shortly after the father expressed an urgent desire that she become a true lady and learn to be a secretary, while the only thing Ellie wanted was to become a military pilot. As a result, she had to cut off her assertiveness or, more precisely, break the connection with this part of her, which caused discomfort, namely, numbness on the right side. To be healed, Ellie had to forgive her father for imposing her will on her, fully believe in herself in order to follow own desires, and to revive in yourself that suppressed, unrecognized part. The last time I saw her, she was studying to be a pilot, although not a military one.

The left side of the body in both men and women reflects the feminine principle. It means the ability to ask for help, accept, obey, feed and care for others, show creativity, artistic ability, listen and trust your own wisdom. This side is associated with the home and the inner world of reflection and intuition.

In men, problems with the left side reflect difficulties in showing concern and sensitivity, the ability to cry and show own feelings, turn to your own creativity, intuition and inner wisdom. Boys have been told since childhood that brave men don't cry, which is why so many adult men never get in touch with their sensitive, empathetic side.

In women, the left side reflects problems with the expression of vulnerability, femininity, the manifestation of caring and maternal feelings, the conflict between sensitivity and responsibility.

In addition, the left side reflects relationships with women: mother, sister, loved one, wife, daughter - and all conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

Here's what a specialist writes therapeutic massage Jenny Britton:

“David came to the massage complaining of lower back pain on the left side. When I started massaging his back, he began to tell me that he recently canceled a wedding, which was supposed to take place in two months. The wedding day had already been appointed, the dress was sewn, and he and the bride even bought a house. David said that he would be happy to continue living with her, but she insisted on a wedding or a complete break. David decided to break up, and it was not easy at all. His back - at the bottom left, in the zone of emotional support / assertion of his rights / connection with women - was tight and tense. He said that he immediately moved from life with his mother to life with a bride, and only now he realized how much he needed to stand on his own feet. "

Left / right side of the body.

For right-handers - right-handed male - activity, action, purposefulness, will. Left - female - passive - relaxation, rest, the ability to feel.

Left side of the body.
Symbolizes receptivity, absorption, feminine energy, women, mother.
I have a wonderful balance of feminine energy.

Right side of the body.
Concession, refusal, masculine energy, men, father.
Easily, effortlessly, I balance my masculine energy.

The left side of the body - symbolizes receptivity, absorption, feminine energy, woman, mother.

The right side of the body - symbolizes masculine energy, man, father.

Do not forget that man is an integral being. Both male and female energy circulates in him. In Eastern philosophy, a lot of attention was paid to the correct circulation and harmony of the energies of the masculine principle - yang and the feminine principle - yin. The exchange of these two types of energies must be balanced. That is, there must be harmony between the masculine and the feminine.

How do you know if there is a balance between masculine and feminine energy in your body? This is very easy to do. Your relationships with women / men in life reflect the interaction of internal energies. Analyze your relationship with the opposite sex. Start with your parents. If you have even the slightest negative thoughts about your parents and the opposite sex, then this means that the balance is disturbed, and this, in turn, leads to all kinds of suffering: scoliosis, diseases of the genital area, and others. Reconsider your attitude towards parents, since the father in the child's life symbolizes the masculine principle of the Universe, and the mother symbolizes the feminine principle. Get rid of negative thoughts in relation to oneself and the opposite sex. In this way, you will balance the masculine and feminine in your life, in your body, left and right.

Everything that hurts on the right is associated with feminine energy. If the right nostril is blocked, take off the grudge against the woman. If something whines on the left - this is due to the attitude towards men. Release negativity with the stronger sex and the pain will disappear.

The right side of the body corresponds to light, objectivity, knowledge, the left - to darkness, subjectivity, intuition. Darkness is primary, it is spiritual (the heart is on the left side), light is secondary, vital, material.

During battles, man fought right hand, and defended (carried a shield) with the left. The right half is for attack and is considered male, and the left half is for defense, female.

The right side of the body in both men and women reflects the masculine principle. She is responsible for the ability to give, dominate and assert themselves. It is the authoritarian and intellectual part of our being that relates to the outside world: work, business, competition, social status, politics and power. In both men and women, the right side of the body represents a connection with the inner masculine principle.

Right-side problems in men can mean conflict related to masculine expression, family responsibilities, competitive pressures at work, lack of self-esteem, or uncertainty about sexual orientation. In women, the right side reflects the conflict between motherhood and career, the difficulty in showing confidence and assertiveness in a position that men usually hold. Some mothers have to intensively develop the masculine side, feed the family and make decisions, which can also lead to internal conflict.

In addition, the right side reflects relationships with men: with a father, brother, loved one, son - and all conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

An example of this is the fate of Ellie, who came to me with complaints of a slight numbness on the right side of the body, which has followed her since adolescence. As a child, she was a real tomboy. In the course of the conversation, it turned out that the numbness appeared shortly after the father expressed an urgent desire that she become a true lady and learn to be a secretary, while the only thing Ellie wanted was to become a military pilot. As a result, she had to cut off her assertiveness or, more precisely, break the connection with this part of her, which caused discomfort, namely, numbness on the right side. To heal, Ellie had to forgive her father for imposing her will on her, fully believe in herself in order to follow her own desires, and revive that repressed, unrecognized part in herself. The last time I saw her, she was studying to be a pilot, although not a military one.

Left and right side of the body. The left side of the body in both men and women reflects the feminine principle. It means the ability to ask for help, accept, obey, feed and care for others, show creativity, artistic ability, listen and trust your own wisdom. This side is associated with the home and the inner world of reflection and intuition.

In men, problems with the left side reflect difficulties in showing concern and sensitivity, the ability to cry and show their own feelings, to turn to their own creative abilities, intuition and inner wisdom. Boys have been told since childhood that brave men don't cry, which is why so many adult men never get in touch with their sensitive, empathetic side.

In women, the left side reflects problems with the expression of vulnerability, femininity, the manifestation of caring and maternal feelings, the conflict between sensitivity and responsibility.

In addition, the left side reflects relationships with women: mother, sister, loved one, wife, daughter - and all conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

Here is what massage therapist Jenny Britton writes: “David came to the massage with complaints of lower back pain on the left side. When I started massaging his back, he began to tell me that he recently canceled a wedding, which was supposed to take place in two months. The wedding day had already been appointed, the dress was sewn, and he and the bride even bought a house. David said that he would be happy to continue living with her, but she insisted on a wedding or a complete break. David decided to break up, and it was not easy at all. His back - at the bottom left, in the zone of emotional support / assertion of his rights / connection with women - was tight and tense. He said that he immediately moved from life with his mother to life with a bride, and only now he realized how much he needed to stand on his own feet. "

In women, the right side reflects the conflict between motherhood and career, the difficulty in showing confidence and assertiveness in a position that men usually hold. Some mothers have to intensively develop the masculine side, feed the family and make decisions, which can also lead to internal conflict.

From myself on this obzat I will add - everything is so with me. Now I have to work hard to provide my son and myself with everything that is needed. I am very worried that I have to leave the child for a long time. Nevertheless, he also needs to show what can be achieved in life when there is no support, to show assertiveness in aspirations. Here it is, I have an internal conflict, that is, on my feet - right leg whines periodically ... This is an example.

Consider one interesting fact! Where do diseases accumulate in your body, left or right? Which half of your body suffers the most?

If you obviously cannot see it, then maybe remember where you have more bruises and injuries, on the left or on the right? Which half of the body suffers more in life, left or right?

We have revealed what lies behind cause of human disease... Let's discuss a little the situation of dependence of a person's diseases on the presence or absence of male and female energies in his life.

If any of you have studied Chinese philosophy then you know that in this philosophy there are two basic concepts on which, in essence, this whole philosophy is built. These concepts are very clearly depicted in the form of the "Great Limit" monad, which is a very accurate graphic illustration of spiritual development.

From the figure it is clear that all the diversity of the world consists of only two principles, black and white, and the entire universe, all events in it arise from the interaction of these two forces.

Each half exists in the Universe only thanks to the other half. They are different, but they strive for unity. There is a constant struggle between them. They weaken, deny, but also support each other. What's this? These are male and female energies - YIN and YANG.

In fact, the entire universe, all the events of the universe arise from the interaction of these two main energies, male and female.

Building relationships with people around we are living through this whole universal situation of interaction of male and female forces.

And we cannot build the right ones family relationships, we cannot find happiness, we are not successful, in fact, in our families because we do not know the laws of male and female power. And this is something deeper than just the skills that a woman should smile more and a man should make more money.

These are deeper patterns that we talked about on the pages of the site, and not only talked about, but also learned all this.

So, female and male energy, female and male strength!

In ancient treatises on yoga, it is mentioned that inside our body, our personality, there are many subtle channels through which internal energy flows. And there are two main channels that run along spinal column, left and right.

So the male energy flows to the right of the spinal column, the flow of female energy to the left of the spinal column.

You ask, what does this have to do with the diseases that we started talking about. Some more information.

If you are in the slightest degree familiar with astrology, then you know that there are two main positive planets that have a powerful influence on our horoscope. What are these two positive planets? This is the sun and, accordingly, the moon. Why did we mention this?

Male energy is an active, expansive energy, energy to achieve something in the world. This is the energy of the Sun. The sun wants to shine, it expands, it gives this warmth, it gives protection, including the protection of your family and patronage of the female mind... Male energy is solar energy. The source of male energy is the Sun.

The source of feminine energy is the moon. Notice the action of the moon is completely different. It does not expand, it softens, it takes some of our problems. Look at the moon at night, and you will immediately feel calm, this is exactly how a woman works, she calms, softens.

This energy is not active, it is not associated with will, it is associated with harmony, to pacify, calm, to give some kind of softness.

Now, what does this have to do with our disease?

The point is that you and I come into this life through our father and mother. Father and mother are karmic gates and through these gates we come to this world. At the same time, through the father, the influence of the sun comes into our life, in other words, male energy, and through the mother, the influence of the moon, female energy, comes into our life.

If you have a broken relationship with your father, if you have any resentment, hatred, rivalry, some kind of displeasure or something else, whether you like it or not, the right half of your body will suffer. Check, please! It doesn't matter who you are, man or woman.

You are severing this subtle karmic channel of interaction with the sun, simply by treating your father incorrectly. The right half of the body will suffer, there will be chronic diseases, there will be bruises and injuries, and when you fall, you will hit life, precisely with the right half.

If you have a broken relationship with your mother, if there are resentments, discontent and everything else, you break, literally block the channel for the entry of female energy. This means that the connection with the source of female energy will simply disappear, which means that diseases will come on the left side of the body.

It is necessary to restore blocked, lost channels through which it enters your life female and male energy... This is possible only through spiritual liberation, only through forgiveness. And the exercises will help us with this " Forgiving yourself», « Forgiving parents"And other exercises of the heading" Meditations, exercises "

But the influence of female and male energy on our life does not end there. What else is manifested in female and male strength? You will learn about in the next article.

In the diagram below, you can find, if you think about it, the approximate cause of the illness of your body:

Left side of the body- male energy, or everything related to father, husband, son, male sex.

Right side of the body- female energy, or everything related to mother, wife, daughter, female sex.

NB! Eastern philosophy teaches the opposite, I know that. Therefore, I tested my knowledge. Of course, I turned to my highest spiritual mentors. Only in case urgent need I am given a short verbal answer. Usually they tell me: "You yourself know everything!" This question was answered by: "This highest level... Why don't you watch yourself? Everything!"

Medium Hilya asked why I see the placement of energies differently than others. Here's what they answered:

"In the copy physical body masculine energy is on the right, feminine is on the left. This is a form of total energy, whose level is already surmountable for a person. Moreover, humanity needs such an overcoming.

For Luule, the revealed form of energy is the highest level of man, without which physical person does not exist. This is a projection of a person as a whole at the level of subtle matter, a whole that never disappears, but incarnates again and again, if there is an order from the Cosmic Register.

Magnetism is a form of spirituality of all living and nonliving unity. It determines the strength of the inevitability of physical unity. And already it expands to the level of gravitational fields.

The essence of magnetic energy is made visible through forgiveness. Using magnetism for healing will enable humanity to survive. "

Lower body- energy associated with the past; the lower, the more distant the past. The closer to the ground, the more material the problem is.

Upper body- energy associated with the future.

Front of the body- the energy of the senses accumulating in the chakras or energy centers:

- I chakra- the energy of life force, or vitality; located on inner surface tailbone;

- II chakra- sexuality, located at the level of the pubic bone;

- III chakra- power and domination, the so-called solar plexus; located at the level of the navel;

- IV chakra- love, located at the level of the heart;

- V chakra- communication, located at the level of the larynx;

- VI chakra- hope or balance of the world of feelings, the so-called third eye; located at the level of the forehead;

- VII chakra- faith located at the crown of the head.

NB! If a person has faith, hope and love, then he has a future. Rear part body- will energy, or willpower.

At the back of the body is the spine. The main energy channel is located in the spinal canal, from which energy moves to the lateral channels and from there to organs, tissues and other parts of the body. The spine plays a critical role in the functioning and performance of the physical body. With a close examination of the spine alone with the third eye, all diseases of the body can be determined.

From each vertebra through the energy channel, energy moves to a specific organ. If the vertebra is damaged, then the corresponding organ gets sick.

No one! the vertebra is not damaged for no reason. All illness is caused by a blockage of energy caused by stress. If the flow of love energy slows down, then everything in life starts to go awry. If the flow of love energy stops, then the person dies. Then even the most powerful resuscitation apparatus will no longer help. The best doctor in the world will not save.

Here I would like to allay the fears of many people with sclerosis regarding the use of eggshells in medicinal purposes... Calcium does not increase, but decreases sclerosis. When the skeleton is strengthened, the inner male side of a person is strengthened. Sclerosis is ossified

uncompromising attitude. Absorbing eggshell You reduce your male grudge as the culprit of the world's economic downfall. This happens even when you do not want to forgive men and do not know how to free yourself from ingrained ideas. The body will help you with this.

The movement of the energy of love is blocked by fear.

When fear attracts bad things, then anger begins to destroy the body.

Modern civilization has accumulated stress within itself over many lifetimes and generations.

Popular literature considers stress as a stressful state of the body, a kind of protective reaction against negative factors... In fact, stress is an invisible energetic connection with bad.

Anything that is bad for a particular person is stressful for him, while for another it is not necessarily stress.

The medical understanding of stress encompasses its physical level - the emerging disease and its probable cause... Both medicine and humans usually understand stress as mental stress followed by illness. In fact, the accumulation of invisible negative energy occurs long before physical illness occurs.

Everyone has seen drawings depicting the human biofield; it is like a wreath of rays. The rays connect a person with the events of his current life, as well as previous lives. Each positive ray - white - is connected with a good event, each negative ray - black - goes back to a bad event that remained uncorrected. It is possible to fix everything, regardless of the time of the event, and fixes forgiveness. Forgiveness alone contains the magical power that unleashes bad things.

Everything that is good for a person is bad learned in previous lives. Anything that is bad has to be learned in this present life. If we do not do this, then we will have a debt of karma, and in the next life it will be more difficult to atone for it - negativity is constantly doing its job.

The place to which the black ray is directed continuously loses its positivity and gradually becomes ill.

Any wrong thought attracts black to itself. If we want life and health to be good, we must break the black tie, or stress.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, left and right, which have completely different effects on the human body. People with a dominant left hemisphere are usually logical, rational, speak well, and are quick-witted. They process information sequentially, studying it piece by piece, and only then put the knowledge gained into a coherent picture. People with a dominant right brain tend to be intuitive. They first grasp the whole picture and only then go into details. In addition, they are more likely to be introverted and sensitive, especially to light, sound and criticism.

Many oriental schools describe the distinction between right and left as the difference between feminine and masculine, yin and yang. This is not about gender, but about masculine and feminine qualities that we all possess. If we apply this principle to the language of the thought-body, then inevitably there is a connection between the problems that occur with one side of the body, and an internal conflict related to one or another aspect of the corresponding principle.

The right side of the body in both men and women reflects the masculine principle.

She is responsible for the ability to give, dominate and assert themselves. It is the authoritarian and intellectual part of our being that relates to the outside world: work, business, competition, social status, politics and power. In both men and women, the right side of the body represents a connection with the inner masculine principle.

Right-side problems in men can mean conflict related to masculine expression, family responsibilities, competitive pressures at work, lack of self-esteem, or uncertainty about sexual orientation. In women, the right side reflects the conflict between motherhood and career, the difficulty in showing confidence and assertiveness in a position that men usually hold. Some mothers have to intensively develop the masculine side, feed the family and make decisions, which can also lead to internal conflict.

In addition, the right side reflects relationships with men: with a father, brother, loved one, son - and all conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

An example of this is the fate of Ellie, who complained of mild numbness on the right side of her body, which had followed her since adolescence. As a child, she was a real tomboy. In the course of the conversation, it turned out that the numbness appeared shortly after the father expressed an urgent desire that she become a true lady and learn to be a secretary, while the only thing Ellie wanted was to become a military pilot. As a result, she had to cut off her assertiveness or, more precisely, break the connection with this part of her, which caused discomfort, namely, numbness on the right side. To heal, Ellie had to forgive her father for imposing her will on her, fully believe in herself in order to follow her own desires, and revive that repressed, unrecognized part in herself. The last time I saw her, she was studying to be a pilot, although not a military one.

The left side of the body in both men and women reflects the feminine principle.

It means the ability to ask for help, accept, obey, feed and care for others, show creativity, artistic ability, listen and trust your own wisdom. This side is associated with the home and the inner world of reflection and intuition.

In men, problems with the left side reflect difficulties in showing concern and sensitivity, the ability to cry and show their own feelings, to turn to their own creative abilities, intuition and inner wisdom. Boys have been told since childhood that brave men don't cry, which is why so many adult men never get in touch with their sensitive, empathetic side.

In women, the left side reflects problems with the expression of vulnerability, femininity, the manifestation of caring and maternal feelings, the conflict between sensitivity and responsibility.

In addition, the left side reflects relationships with women: mother, sister, loved one, wife, daughter - and all conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

Here is what massage therapist Jenny Britton writes: “David came to the massage with complaints of lower back pain on the left side. When I started massaging his back, he began to tell me that he recently canceled a wedding, which was supposed to take place in two months. The wedding day had already been appointed, the dress was sewn, and he and the bride even bought a house. David said that he would be happy to continue living with her, but she insisted on a wedding or a complete break. David decided to break up, and it was not easy at all. His back - at the bottom left, in the zone of emotional support / assertion of his rights / connection with women - was tight and tense. He said that he immediately moved from life with his mother to life with a bride, and only now he realized how much he needed to stand on his own feet. "

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