Symptoms of poisoning as in alcohol intoxication. Symptoms and signs of alcohol poisoning. Husband drinks continuously

Probably, the assertion that alcohol is a poison for the human body sounds trite. But, perfectly aware of this and agreeing with the correctness of this postulate, our people drink. They drink a lot, without thinking about the consequences and believing that nothing will happen to them personally, because they “control the situation”! But, alas, this is self-deception - one who has drunk even a small fraction of alcohol can no longer be considered adequate, and one who has “fun” from the heart is at risk of getting serious alcohol poisoning. We will discuss the symptoms and treatment of this condition in this article.

Degrees of alcohol poisoning: mild poisoning

In medicine, alcohol intoxication is divided into three degrees: mild, moderate and severe. A mild degree is just the state for which, in fact, drinking is started: spiritual uplift, a feeling of lightness and joyful excitement.

A person highly appreciates his capabilities, he is "knee-deep". But, interestingly, this stage of intoxication still leads to an increase in errors in work and a decrease in mental and physical activity.

Outwardly, alcohol poisoning is manifested by slight reddening of the skin and dilated pupils. The drinker increases sweating and the urge to urinate becomes more frequent.

A drunk person speaks loudly, becomes categorical, however, he expresses his “smart thoughts” incoherently. Movements become sweeping, facial expressions are disturbed, and concentration is difficult. To these symptoms are added hidden experiences and personality traits “rising from the recesses of the soul”, which were controlled in a sober state, but now are not restrained by anything. Usually, given state passes quickly and easily enough.

The average degree of alcohol poisoning

alcohol poisoning medium degree characterized by more serious symptoms: impaired gait (swaying) and coordination of movements, double vision, loss of intelligibility of speech.

This stage of intoxication leads to the fact that the “friend of the green serpent” is no longer able to control his words and actions. Depending on the temperament, the intoxicated person can become boastful and cheeky, or, conversely, touchy, sad, depressed and overly self-critical. For some people, this stage of poisoning leads to aggressiveness and a desire to fight for any reason.

As a rule, after alcohol poisoning moderately "having fun" feels weakness, severe headache, thirst, weakness, nausea and vomiting.

Severe degree of intoxication

If the state of intoxication intensifies, then the speech of a person becomes illegible, indistinct and meaningless, he loses the ability to understand the meaning of what was said. Consciousness becomes clouded, the skin becomes hot, the face turns red, pain sensitivity decreases. By the way, a drinker can inadvertently inflict severe injuries on himself and not detect damage on his body in time.

Severe alcohol poisoning symptoms are very serious. A person suffering from severe intoxication may develop breathing problems. There is also a high risk that an intoxicated person's heart will stop. In some cases, when the amount of alcohol in the blood exceeds 3%, stunning occurs and, as a result, coma begins.

If the dose of alcohol consumed in terms of pure alcohol is 300-400 g, then acute poisoning manifested by convulsions, respiratory failure, profuse salivation and redness of the whites of the eyes due to dilation blood vessels. The life of a person with severe alcohol poisoning is in danger: the victim needs urgent medical care.

What is an alcoholic coma

Separately, we should talk about such a life-threatening condition as an alcoholic coma. Severe alcohol poisoning, the symptoms of which have been described above, can reach the coma stage, so the signs of this condition should be well known.

The main one is loss of consciousness. Sometimes the victim has a slight motor excitation. By the way, in this situation, the eyes of the drunk will be able to tell worried friends or relatives that danger is looming. Be sure to pay attention to them.

  • The pupils of the drunk do not react to light, they do not have a corneal reflex (the eyes do not close if the cornea is gently touched).
  • There is nystagmus (pendulum-like movement of the eyeballs).
  • With the threat of coma, alcohol poisoning is manifested by constriction of the pupils (in medicine this is called “miosis”). Sometimes they either narrow or expand alternately. Often seen at the same time different size pupils in the right and left eyes.

Signs of alcoholic coma from the respiratory and cardiovascular systems

Due to the retraction of the tongue, aspiration (getting into Airways) vomit, bronchorrhea ( copious excretion sputum) and hypersalivation (increased salivation), the victim may have symptoms of respiratory failure. It becomes uneven, intermittent, expressed by wheezing in the lungs and a pale, and sometimes bluish coloration of the face (in medicine, this phenomenon is called "cyanosis").

Signs of alcohol poisoning, threatening coma, is also a violation of work of cardio-vascular system. At the same time, blood pressure drops, the heart rate decreases - this condition gives out a weak, thready pulse.

To the above signs, you can add a decrease in body temperature, the appearance of convulsions, epileptiform seizures, as well as involuntary excretion of urine and feces.

Difficulties in diagnosis

True, it should be borne in mind that it is not always easy to determine alcohol poisoning. Treatment requires accurate diagnosis, since similar symptoms appear during drug use: similar confusion and slurred speech, glitter in the eyes, agitation or drowsiness.

The clinical picture of intoxication is also given by poisoning with alcohol surrogates (denatured alcohol, cologne, polishes, acetone, etc.). Please note that poisoning in such cases is much more difficult due to the presence of methyl sleep in these substances, essential oils, aldehydes, resins and aniline dyes. And among the symptoms, pain in the legs, thirst, headache and visual impairment.

By the way, states resembling intoxication can also occur with a stroke or brain injury.

Diagnosis of coma

As you know, diagnosing a patient who is in a coma causes difficulties in almost all cases, and alcohol poisoning, which caused a coma, is no exception.

In this case, relatives or friends of the patient are required to provide accurate information about what happened before the onset of coma: did the patient abuse alcohol, was he addicted to drugs, did he have diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, head injury. The smell of alcohol from an unconscious patient does not exclude the possibility of developing a stroke or brain injury that occurred while drinking alcohol.

Help with alcohol poisoning that caused a coma

If, according to the signs listed above, you understand that the drunk person has a critical, pre-coma state, then do not delay and call " ambulance". In the meantime, she is going, start rescue activities.

Do not turn the victim on his back! This is dangerous because a person who has lost consciousness can choke on vomit.

Doing a gastric lavage is also impossible. You can only clear his upper respiratory tract of mucus, saliva, etc. To do this, turn the patient on his side, fasten his tongue, for example, with a clothespin wrapped in gauze, and use a napkin to clean oral cavity. A rubber pear will help free the pharynx from vomit.

If necessary, proceed to artificial respiration. For the same purpose, try letting the patient inhale ammonia on a cotton swab. Be sure to open windows and provide the victim with fresh air.

The main assistance for severe poisoning is carried out in a hospital!

Specialized care for severe alcohol poisoning takes the form of intensive care, which involves the subcutaneous administration of atropine (to reduce hypersalivation and bronchorrhea), caffeine (10% solution) and cordiamine (25% solution) 2 ml under the skin. Recommended intravenous administration glucose solution (40%) and ascorbic acid(5%) in a volume of 2 ml.

To combat acidosis, a solution of sodium bicarbonate is dripped into a vein, and additionally prescribed nicotinic acid subcutaneously. Antibiotics are administered to avoid secondary infection. All these measures are taken already during the hospitalization of the patient, and, as a rule, they allow to eliminate even the most severe consequences alcohol intoxication.

How to deal with moderate alcohol poisoning

When the patient does not need specialized care, you can alleviate his condition yourself. First aid for alcohol poisoning is to prevent the absorption of alcohol into the blood. To do this, induce vomiting in the patient: they irritate the root of the tongue with their fingers and give plentiful drink(only warm water!). Do this several times until a clear liquid begins to be expelled from the stomach. If the intoxicated person is unable to rise, they turn his head to one side and lower it slightly.

If, after the procedures, a person feels weak, and his skin has turned pale, wrap him in a blanket, apply a heating pad with hot water. Give the victim hot strong tea to drink.

How do house calls provide help?

Sometimes the condition of the victim requires medical care even though the intoxication was not severe. quality professional help rendered by doctors called to the house. As a rule, they carry out a standard gastric lavage, and if required, they use a special probe.

After cleansing procedures, infusion therapy (dropper) is performed. At home, as well as in a hospital, it contains a glucose solution that helps accelerate the oxidation of alcohol, and vitamin complex, including 5% solutions of vitamins B1 (3-5 ml), B6 ​​(from 5 to 10 ml) and ascorbic acid. They have a detoxifying effect and help normalize metabolic processes.

Why dropper?

Why do doctors prefer drip treatment? The fact is that a dropper in case of poisoning is the only way to quickly deliver the drug to the body to all tissues and organs, bypassing the blood-brain barrier. The drug in this case slowly and gradually penetrates into the blood, thereby ensuring a constant concentration of the drug, and the doctor can monitor the patient's condition, deciding whether the dose of the drug is sufficient, and adjusting it if necessary.

In addition, with a large loss of fluid, and this is exactly what happens with vomiting, which is often accompanied by poisoning, it is the dropper that helps restore the required amount of fluid in the body.

Alcohol poisoning: treatment at home

With the help of home remedies, as you already understood, you can only deal with mild degree intoxication. the main objective such procedures - a cleansing of the body. Such activities are carried out in several stages.

  1. Need to drink as much as possible more water(at least one liter), and then induce vomiting 3-5 times, since most of the alcohol taken orally is absorbed in the stomach.
  2. When the stomach is cleared, you need to drink water again, because alcohol greatly dehydrates the cells. Please note that if you have kidney disease, this advice must be followed very carefully!
  3. Additional purification is carried out using sorbents (activated and white carbon). Alcohol poisoning can also be alleviated with the drug "Enterosgel", which successfully relieves the symptoms of intoxication within an hour.
  4. In order to help the liver, which is heavily damaged by immoderate drinking, you need to take amino acids. These drugs include Glutargin.

The use of folk remedies to alleviate intoxication

Many tips on how to remove alcohol poisoning can be found in folk medicine. Please note that the application folk remedies it is also necessary to start with cleansing the stomach of the victim and eliminating dehydration. traditional healers It is advised to drink strongly brewed black tea, which can be sweetened with honey. To reduce nausea, lemon balm is added to it, which tones and refreshes well.

Helps in such situations and chicory root, or rather, a decoction of it. This drug should be taken in a tablespoon up to four times a day. To reduce the manifestations of poisoning, celery root juice is also useful, which should be taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Categories of people at risk of severe alcohol intoxication

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who has never tried alcohol in his life. And it’s good if acquaintance with this insidious product did not lead to the symptoms of poisoning listed above, and a dropper was not required at home.

By the way, there are groups of people to whom alcohol can cause particularly significant damage and cause symptoms of poisoning.

  • Teenagers. Their body is not designed to properly break down alcohol, so poisoning occurs with almost every attempt to have fun with alcohol. Even a small dose of it leads to serious consequences.
  • Elderly people. They run the risk that their body, due to general weakness, is unable to qualitatively withstand an alcohol attack, which can cause a severe blow to their health.
  • People taking potent medications, among which there may be those that are absolutely incompatible with alcohol.
  • People with a weakened metabolism can react painfully even to a small dose of alcohol, as their body is not able to process it normally.

However, everyone, having drawn conclusions from what has been read above and their own life experience, can come to right decision: if alcohol is so hard and scary affects the mind and consciousness, and the consequences of its use are so dangerous, then maybe you should give up alcohol?

Now it is difficult to find a person who does not take alcoholic beverages at all. At the same time, everyone has information about the dangers and poisonous properties of such products. But often such knowledge is vague and does not reflect the whole picture of what is happening with the body. If we talk about alcohol poisoning, then the very consumption of alcoholic beverages in any quantity is already poisoning. But we talk about poisoning only with an overdose of alcohol or when taking insufficiently high-quality products. Let's talk about what alcohol poisoning is in a little more detail, consider the symptoms and treatment of this condition.

What is alcohol poisoning of the body, what symptoms indicate it?

In the event that the amount of alcohol in the blood does not exceed one and a half ppm, experts speak of the initial stage of alcohol intoxication, which is fraught with only noticeable pain.

If this volume reaches two or three ppm, the turn of the second, moderate stage of alcohol intoxication comes. If the amount of alcohol in the blood exceeds three ppm, this is the third strongest stage of alcohol poisoning. Its consequences are very deplorable and can lead to the development of alcohol anesthesia or even alcoholic coma.

Of course, it is impossible to independently determine the amount of ppm alcohol. Therefore, it is worth focusing on external signs.

In the first and second stages of alcohol intoxication, a person usually develops a pronounced one. He is also bothered by the feeling of nausea and vomiting. Besides pathological processes cause intense thirst, usually in the morning after consuming alcoholic beverages.

The listed symptoms indicate poisoning, which, although it harms the body, is in principle correctable. However, the second stage can go into alcohol anesthesia or into the third stage, which is characterized by several hallmarks.

In this case, the person loses the ability to control his body. He can't walk or even sit at all. On examination, it is noticeable that the pupils of his eyes are noticeably constricted. The victim's skin becomes cool and slightly clammy. There is also a loss of intelligible speech.

It should be emphasized that the onset of the third stage can lead to the development of an alcoholic coma and subsequent death. In the first two stages, it is quite possible to cope with poisoning on your own.

Poisoning by alcoholic surrogates

Various liquids containing alcohol and used in everyday life or industry can be drunk by alcoholics and cause poisoning. Such a violation makes itself felt by nausea, vomiting and severe dizziness. In addition, the patient is disturbed by severe headaches and pain in a stomach.

Consumption of methyl alcohol can lead to redness and drying of the skin, the affected person is worried about calf muscles and double vision. Complications of such poisoning can cause loss of vision, the development of coma and even death.

About how poisoning of the body is corrected (treatment with medicines and first aid)

On the initial stages the development of alcohol poisoning, it is worth taking measures to, as well as to generally optimize the condition - to remove alcohol syndrome.

With a slight hangover, you need to drink more than usual liquids. You can take absorbent medications, for example, activated charcoal or. Under no circumstances should you get drunk. From a headache, you can drink some kind of painkiller, for example, either.

If you are faced with a case of severe alcohol poisoning, you can not do without medical help. In some cases, only doctors will help the victim survive.

First aid for severe poisoning

If a person has developed severe alcohol poisoning, you need to give him first aid. The first step is to take measures to cleanse the stomach of the remnants of alcohol - this will help prevent the development of further intoxication. So you can prepare a cold soda solution for the patient either. He must drink such a liquid, after which he needs to induce vomiting. After releasing the stomach, the victim should be given twenty.

If the state of health of a drunk person is especially bad, and he cannot control his actions at all, it is better for him not to wash his stomach. In this case, you should just call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of the doctors, wrap the victim in a warm blanket and make sure that his tongue does not sink into his throat.

How do doctors eliminate alcohol intoxication?

Doctors can call vomiting reflex by introducing half a milliliter of a one percent solution of apomorphine hydrochloric acid. To protect the victim from a possible collapse, he is given caffeine or cordiamine.

Therapy of alcohol intoxication can be carried out using the method of rapid sobering up. In this case, vitamin B6 is administered intramuscularly to the patient, and after a while he is given a mixture of pheniamin, corazol, and also

The cause of poisoning can be alcohol if it is of poor quality or consumed in large quantities. Other causes of alcohol poisoning - young or elderly age, individual intolerance and pathologies in which alcohol is prohibited.

Alcohol poisoning implies a complex of symptoms of intoxication, when ethyl alcohol and its metabolites act as a toxic substance. If a person has taken a surrogate, then the poisoning ceases to be alcoholic: in alcohol substitutes, in addition to ethyl alcohol contain other poisons (acetone, methyl alcohol, antifreeze, brake fluid).

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

First, understand the effect of alcohol on a person. This will help identify the symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

Intoxication is the result of alcohol consumption. Increased intoxication usually leads to alcohol poisoning.

to the primary signs alcohol poisoning include emotional arousal: the initial state is perceived by a person as inspiration and "omnipotence". A fairly drunk person begins to talk a lot, his sayings are categorical.

to secondary signs include gradual disruption of the central nervous system and brain. As a result, manifestations of disinhibition arise: judgments become bold and illogical, behavior changes to cheeky or aggressive. Body movements acquire clumsiness, incoherence. With an increase in alcohol intoxication, stunning quickly develops: a person does not perceive reality and does not respond to irritation. end result state is coma.

Typical Symptoms varied and depend on the degree of alcohol poisoning (mild, moderate, severe or coma). From the side gastrointestinal tract showing the same symptoms as in food poisoning: diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. Other body systems respond to alcohol intoxication in a different way:

  • impaired attention, speech, motor function;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • decrease in blood pressure and body temperature, increased heart rate;
  • dizziness, weakness;
  • increased urine and;
  • dilated pupils, redness of the face.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

First aid for alcohol poisoning is to clear the stomach of harmful impurities alcohol and disinfect. General recommendations:

  1. Let the victim breathe ammonia. To do this, moisten a cotton pad or gauze with it and bring it to the nose of the poisoned person. This will sober him up a bit or bring him back to consciousness. If a ammonia was not at hand, use any substance with pungent odor(for example, vinegar or horseradish).
  2. If poisoned in the mind, rinse the stomach. Prepare a non-concentrated soda solution (1 teaspoon per liter of water) in an amount of 3-5 liters. Induce vomiting by mechanical action on the root of the tongue. After the procedure, give any adsorbent (

Alcohol is poisonous and harms the body Negative influence on the work of all organs and systems. Even small doses of alcoholic beverages already harm the body and provoke alcohol poisoning (intoxication). The degree of poisoning with outward manifestation- the state of intoxication, by the way, is not connected.

The intensity of intoxication depends on many factors: physiological features body, gender, age and weight of a person, type of alcohol, its combinations, availability of snacks, speed of alcohol consumption, etc. For example, a glass of sparkling wine, drunk slowly on an empty stomach, can intoxicate more than a glass of vodka, overturned in one gulp under a plentiful, fatty snack. But it is unlikely that weak champagne will have the same strong toxic effect on the cells of the body as forty-degree "white".

Doctors distinguish three stages of alcohol intoxication: mild intoxication, moderate and severe, in which signs of alcohol poisoning become visible to the naked eye.

By the way, do not think that the light and medium stages of intoxication are absolutely safe. They cannot be compared with severe intoxication in terms of the degree of harm done to the body, but regular "breakaways" destroy the cells of the body's natural filter - the liver - with toxic decomposition products of alcohol (aldehydes), and chronic alcohol intoxication gradually develops. Aldehydes destroy not only the liver, but also the cells of the central nervous system, which are restored very slowly.

Like any other intoxication, alcohol poisoning has its own characteristic symptoms:

  • Severe headache associated with irritation of nerve endings by the breakdown products of alcohol. The severity of the symptom is individual, and is more related to the composition of alcohol than to its quantity. Sparkling alcohol increases the likelihood of a headache, which is much more actively absorbed into the blood, colored drinks (liqueurs, tinctures) and low-quality drinks made from cheap raw materials.
  • Noise in the ears, flies flickering before the eyes are signs of damage to the autonomic nervous system.
  • Dizziness, impaired coordination of movements indicate damage to the part of the brain responsible for balance - the cerebellum.
  • Nausea and vomiting are protective reactions of the body, which, having felt an excess of toxic substances, seeks to rid the stomach of them as soon as possible and prevent further poisoning.
  • Strong thirst is associated with a decrease in the production of antidiuretic hormone levels under the influence of alcohol breakdown products and an increase in urine output.
  • Loss of consciousness, coma is the result of severe damage to the central nervous system by the breakdown products of alcohol.

Alcohol intoxication is serious danger for the body. A person who has been poisoned by alcohol needs to be helped as soon as possible, in some cases it is impossible to do without calling an ambulance.

You need to call an ambulance:

  1. if a person has lost consciousness;
  2. the skin is very pale or vice versa, it is very reddened, it is covered with sticky cold sweat;
  3. the pulse is weak, rapid, breathing is slow, superficial, irregular;
  4. vomiting is repeated, urine passes involuntarily.

Alcohol poisoning can lead to a sad outcome: lethal dose- 5 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight (in alcoholics, whose body is accustomed to alcohol, the dangerous concentration is usually higher). How faster man receives qualified medical care, the more likely it is that the consequences of “overkill” will not be deplorable.

Alcohol poisoning: treatment

There is no need to sit back and wait for an ambulance. Timely delivery of the first medical care in case of poisoning it is very important, especially since it is indispensable for mild poisoning, when there is no need for an ambulance to arrive. First of all, you need to induce vomiting in order to, if possible, rid the stomach of the remnants of alcohol. The next step is to apply a poisoning gel - a sorbent. It is much more effective than the "classics of the genre" - activated carbon, better absorbs toxins, and removes them from the body without losing them in the intestines, like coal.

Enterosgel can be stirred in a cup of water or given in the form of a gel, from a spoon, half a tube at once, since the situation does not tolerate delay, and even harm from a large number There will be no Enterosgel - the main thing is to drink it well with water, with which a thirsty drunk usually has no problems. To take the gel in time for alcohol poisoning means to accelerate the cleansing of the body and prevent dangerous consequences for internal organs.

If alcohol poisoning is severe, doctors will have to deal with the cleansing of the body from its consequences. They will wash the stomach with a tube, detoxify with sorbents and intravenous infusions and prescribe drugs that support the work of the heart, nervous system and liver.

Prevention of alcohol intoxication is simple: do not drink at all. Of course, absolute sobriety is rare, most still allow themselves to relax at least occasionally: during a holiday, meeting with friends, corporate parties, outdoor recreation. If a “celebration of life” has already happened, then alcohol should be of high quality, you need to drink it in moderate amounts without mixing incompatible drinks. Before, during and after drinking, you need to take half a tube of Enterosgel - this way you can prevent not only alcohol poisoning, but also a morning hangover.

Today we will talk about:

Indulge in alcohol maybe not only the person suffering from, but also the one who took it for the first time. In fact, in order for poisoning to develop in the body, it is enough to consume a large dose of alcohol only once (especially if a person has an individual intolerance to alcohol). About the symptoms and first aid for alcohol poisoning - later in the article.

Alcohol poisoning: the first signs

All symptoms of alcohol poisoning are divided into two subgroups:

1. Symptoms that occur immediately after drinking alcohol (after 1-2 hours).

2. Signs that develop within a few days after the onset of alcohol intoxication in the body.

It is worth noting that the degree of alcohol poisoning for each person is different. This largely depends on weight, gender (men tolerate alcohol better), as well as acceptable dosages of alcohol that a person is used to drinking.

It is important to know that the most vulnerable to alcohol poisoning are young girls and boys who start drinking alcohol for the first time. They still do not have a developed protective reaction of the body, so intoxication, as well as poisoning, occurs very quickly and is extremely difficult.

Alcohol poisoning is possible only when the alcohol content in such drinks is more than twelve percent. According to studies, the dosage of alcohol in the blood from 4 to 15 g / kg is already fatal for a person and can easily cause death.

There are such first signs of alcohol poisoning:

1. A person has an unhealthy gleam in the eyes. Self-esteem is also significantly overestimated, at which he ceases to be shy and can say what he would not allow himself to say in sober(It is for this reason that most quarrels occur with the participation of a person with alcohol intoxication).

2. Due to the rush of blood, there is reddening of the face.

3. Attention and reaction speed decrease.

4. A person begins to speak loudly, sometimes drowsiness occurs.

5. Sweating increases.

6. Personality traits that are not noticeable in a sober state may be aggravated. However, they can be both positive and negative.

After the initial manifestation of alcohol poisoning, the second stage develops. It occurs when taking a large dose of alcohol and is accompanied by such signs:

1. A person develops dizziness and headache.

2. There is muscle weakness and impaired consciousness. There may also be breathing problems.

3. Lachrymation.

5. The patient may be disturbed by fever and hand tremor.

6. If the body reacts to poisoning, then a person may experience nausea and vomiting, a violation of the stool.

It is worth noting that some people perceive alcohol poisoning as common occurrence, which is an error. In fact, this is a rather serious condition that can lead to respiratory paralysis and even coma. It is for this reason that when signs of poisoning appear, a person needs to call a doctor and provide first aid.

The last stage of poisoning is considered the most severe. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

1. The patient may develop convulsions, hallucinations and cold sweats.

2. The person may lose consciousness.

3. Often the patient begins to choke due to respiratory spasm and paralysis.

4. A person in this state does not control himself and cannot assess the situation in which he is.

5. You may experience chills and rise arterial pressure.

In the event that a person has clear signs poisoning with alcohol, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, you should at least slightly stabilize the patient's condition and remove toxins from his body (at least partially).

First aid measures in this case include the following:

1. Examine the person. Ask him how he feels.

2. Rinse the stomach. To do this, you need to induce vomiting in a person by taking them soda solution or water with potassium. This will help flush out toxins from the stomach before they can be absorbed further into the body.
3. Give a person a lot of liquid, but only when his swallowing reflex is working normally.

4. Ensure flow fresh air, unbutton your shirt, loosen the belt on your pants.

5. In case of respiratory arrest, clean the oral cavity and perform artificial respiration.

6. If the patient has a cardiac arrest, then you need to do indirect massage myocardium. This is a very complex procedure that a trained person needs to perform. Otherwise, from such measures, the patient can only get worse.

Also, before the arrival of doctors, it is necessary to measure the patient's pulse and blood pressure in order to provide doctors with more detailed information about the patient's condition.

During first aid, it is important not to harm a person. Therefore, it is forbidden to do the following:

1. You can not induce vomiting, as well as wash the stomach of a person when he is unconscious. The same applies to treating him with pills (before the doctor arrives, it is better not to give the patient any medication at all, except for activated charcoal).

2. You can not leave the patient unattended, because he can get worse at any moment.

3. You can not lay a person on his back, because this way he can choke on vomit.

4. It is forbidden to lift a person, force him to move, take a shower, etc. This will further disrupt thermoregulation and can only worsen the patient's condition.

The treatment of alcohol poisoning largely depends on the symptoms and the overall severity of the patient's condition. Traditional Therapy provides for the following:

1. Taking hepatoprotectors to reduce toxic effects on the liver.

2. Gastric lavage.

3. Sometimes the administration of saline and glucose is prescribed.

4. With damage to the nervous system, antipsychotics can be used.

5. Taking adsorbents to reduce the intoxication of the body. It can be different drugs, but most often Enterosorb, Enterosgel and activated charcoal are prescribed.

6. Appointment of antiemetic drugs.

Further therapy is carried out on the basis of the observed symptoms and emerging complications. With timely first aid and medication, the patient can be cured of alcohol poisoning, even if he was in serious condition.

Prevention of alcohol poisoning

Prevention of alcohol poisoning consists in following the advice of a narcologist:

1. You can not take alcohol on an empty stomach. It is better to eat something hot before this so that it “envelops” the gastric mucosa. So you protect yourself from intoxication of the body and the development of ulcers.

2. Do not drink alcohol in large doses. From a glass of wine will not be anything bad, which can not be said about a whole bottle drunk in one squat.

3. Do not drink alcohol when poor diet, as well as the period of acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol and an ulcer, hepatitis, gastritis and pancreatitis are considered especially dangerous "duo".

4. It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol during the period when a person is being treated by those medicines which, when combined with alcohol, can cause severe adverse reactions in the liver and nervous system. This is an important taboo that applies to almost all strong drugs.

5. Do not take those alcoholic beverages, the quality of which you doubt. Also, you should not buy them in places without a license.

6. In order to prevent poisoning, it is better not to drink alcohol that was prepared at home or does not have a specific place of production at all.

7. After drinking alcohol, it is forbidden to take antidepressants, hypnotics and analgesics.

8. Do not mix drinks of different degrees.

9. After drinking alcohol, you need to eat and drink plenty of fluids to reduce negative impact alcohol on the body.

Moreover, if you want to protect yourself as much as possible from alcohol poisoning and all subsequent complications after that, alcohol should be completely abandoned. This will be the best prevention.
