Notification of job cuts to an employee. If the employee agrees to the transfer. Last day of work - how long does it take to get fired?

A layoff notice is a mandatory document drawn up for any employee who is downsized. A notice of redundancy is written upon the release of the order for the upcoming reduction, including a list of employees to be dismissed.

Each employee receives a notification in advance to warn about the reduction, contains a list of proposed replacement vacancies in accordance with the level of qualifications, as well as his rights and guarantees in accordance with the Labor Code.

The main function of the document lies in the title - notification and warning of the company's workers about the reduction. In addition to working personnel, the employment service and the trade union are notified of the upcoming reduction.

From what time is the reduction notice considered? Does it have a specific time frame?

The manager does not have the right to lay off an employee earlier than 2 months from the date of receipt of the notification (according to part 2 of article 180 of the Labor Code). Notification must be submitted 2 months in advance before the expected date of reduction, and in the case of massive reduction- in 3 months. Upper bounds deadlines are not designated by law, the decision is made by the employer.

After 2 months, the employment contract is subject to termination. An employment contract can be canceled earlier, but only if the employee concludes a written agreement.

Differences Between Reduction and Notification Between Downsizing and Staffing

Downsizing is mainly a decrease in the number of staff members, that is, a decrease in the number of employees holding one specific position, and a downsizing is a complete elimination of the position as such, which implies the dismissal of all employees who occupy this position.

And in the first and second case the employer is obliged to provide a notice on the reduction against signature personally to each employee according to the established rules. The drafting of notifications in these two cases is not fundamentally different.

What downsizing and staffing notifications look like

The rate cut notification does not have a special form established by the state. However, there are certain principles when compiling it. The notification is drawn up on a regular A4 sheet.

The document must indicate the name of the organization in which the employee is listed... The name and title of the employee to whom this notification is addressed. An order must be indicated in accordance with which the number or staff is reduced. The names of the job to be cut and the exact date from which the cut will be made are indicated.

At the end, the head is signed. The notice is provided in duplicate. The last line contains a free space for the personal signature of the employee to be notified.

In connection with the liquidation

You should adhere to the above principles for drawing up a notice. The reasons for downsizing indicate the liquidation of the organization, employees are also notified no later than 2 months before the downsizing. In this case the employer will not be able to offer another job, a substitute for the position held in this institution.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The compilation principles do not change. In addition to the compiled document, a referral to the military medical commission is attached.

Repeated notification

The notification must be submitted only once. It can be handed over again only in case of gross violations in its preparation or if the first one is not received by the employee for any reason.

Union Notice

The notice is submitted to the trade union, if there is one in the organization, in writing no later than two months before the start of activities to reduce the number or staff of employees.

The notification is made according to the same requirements as the notification for the employee. Instead of personally specifying the job to be cut, for the union indicate full list employees(Name, position) subject to dismissal due to redundancy.

When reorganizing an enterprise

The requirements for drawing up the document do not change, they indicate the reorganization of the enterprise (according to clause 2 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The notice must also be submitted two months before the start of the reorganization. The reorganization date will be the day of dismissal. The employer is also obliged to notify the employee about the availability of replacement positions.

Ideally, the layoff notice needs to be delivered personally to the employee and personally signed.

There is an option of sending by registered mail (service "postage with notification of receipt"), in this case it is required to take a document with the personal signature of the employee... Send such a document by e-mail prohibited, in this case it is not possible to obtain the personal signature of the employee.

If an employee refuses to put a personal signature, an act is drawn up, which is signed by two witnesses working at the enterprise.

If an employee is on sick leave

According to Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer does not have the pre-emptive right to fire an employee if he is at home on sick leave. However, the law does not prohibit sending a notice of layoff to an employee on sick leave.

In this case, you can send notification via mail... The difficulty lies in the fact that an employee may be able to sign a receipt, but it is impossible to draw up an act at home.

You cannot send a notification to an employee who is on sick leave in one case: if it is a pregnant woman. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, pregnant women and those in maternity leave for caring for a child up to three years old.

During all this time, it is impossible to fire the employee.


A layoff notice is a mandatory document used to notify an employee of an impending downsizing or staffing. If the notification is not drawn up correctly or the notification procedure is violated, then there is every reason for legal proceedings.

If the employer changes his mind to lay off the employee, he will send him about this in another article.

Reduction warning 2 months in advance - mandatory step legal procedure reduction of employees at the enterprise. The material presented below explains in detail all the nuances regarding the notification of the employee about the upcoming dismissal in this case.

For how much should you notify about the reduction in the staffing unit or the number of employees?

Know, for how much notify about the reduction, any employer is obliged, since the violation established by law deadline can derail the reduction measures. The general deadline for notification of the reduction is fixed in Part 2 of Art. 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which it cannot be less than 2 months.

However, for some categories of employees, shorter periods are set:

Set shorter deadlines by producing reduction warning, the employer is not entitled, even if the employee himself does not object to this. For example, if employee layoff notice dated 20.12.2016, it is impossible to dismiss him earlier than 21.02.2017, since in this case less than 2 months will pass from the moment of notification. Terminating an employment contract with an employee before the expiration of 2 months from the date of dismissal is possible only if he agrees to early dismissal, but this is possible only with the payment of additional compensation (part 3 of article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

An increase in the period of warning about the upcoming dismissal due to redundancy is allowed.

From what moment does the countdown of 2 months start when the dismissal is warned (explanation by example)?

The period under consideration is associated with the termination of labor relations, therefore, for its calculation, the provisions of Part 2 of Art. 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, the two-month period allotted for notifying the employee about the upcoming organizational staff events begins to flow from the day following the day by which the employee is notified. This is confirmed and jurisprudence(cassation ruling of the Kirov Regional Court of 08.11.2011 in case No. 33-3652). So, if the employee was notified of the reduction on 12/20/2016, the two-month period is calculated from 12/21/2016 and dismissal is possible no earlier than 02/21/2016.

The dates of issuance of the notice and its delivery to the employee for review may not coincide with the actual date of the employee's signature (for example, if on the day of publication of this document he was absent from the workplace). To calculate the deadline, only the date of the employee's actual acquaintance with the document is taken into account. Thus, if the notice is issued on 12/20/2016 and signed by the employee on 12/21/2016, employee layoff warning will take effect only from 22.12.2016. Accordingly, the dismissal will be possible not earlier than 02/22/2017.

What to do in a situation when the employee does not want to sign the notice? The law does not regulate this situation. In practice, in this case, the notification is most often read out to the employee in the presence of at least 2 witnesses, after which an act of refusal to sign is drawn up layoff notices - sample you can see such an act on our website.

Is the cutback warning period interrupted?

The duration of the notice of dismissal is not interrupted, since this is not provided for by labor legislation. That is, even if the laid-off workers go on vacation or sick leave, this does not affect the course of the period under consideration.

The employer is also not limited in the announcement of downtime during the period of the warning about the reduction (part 3 of article 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The purpose of early warning of an employee about a layoff is to give him time to search new job... The introduction of downtime does not interfere with the achievement of this goal and does not violate the rights of the person being reduced. The relevant situations were the subject of litigation, during which the workers' claims to extend work for the period of downtime were found unlawful (for example, the appeal ruling of the Perm Regional Court of 04/10/2013 in case No. 33-3367).

Last day of work - how long does it take to get fired?

The deadline for notification of the reduction is set in months - which means that it will end on the corresponding day (date) of the last month of work (part 3 of article 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the above example, such a number, and, accordingly, the last day of work will be 02/21/2017. If the last day of the term falls on a holiday or weekend, then, guided by Part 4 of Art. 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the last day of work should be recognized as the next working day following the date of the actual expiration of the 2-month period (see the appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court of 12/20/2013 in case No. 11-40290 / 2013).

IMPORTANT! On the day of expiry of the term of the warning about layoff, the employee may be absent from work due to sick leave or vacation. The law expressly prohibits dismissing an employee in such a situation (part 6 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, in this case, the last day of the term will be the day the worker starts to work (see the appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court of December 22, 2015 in case No. 33-48647 / 2015).

What should the employer do if the employee, on the last day indicated in the notice of the upcoming layoff, did not go to work, without being on vacation or sick leave?

The practice of the courts shows that if in this situation an employee is dismissed later than the date specified in the notification, then there is a risk that the court will recognize his dismissal as illegal (see the determination of the Sverdlovsk Regional Court of 12.11.2014 in case No. 33-13739 / 2014). This means that in this case the employee should be fired on the day specified in the notice. There is no need to wait until the employee appears (see the appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court of 05/26/2016 in case No. 33-20462 / 2016).

Notification of the layoff of an employee when he is not at the workplace

At the time the employer issues a notice of dismissal, some of the employees may be on sick leave, and some on vacation. The simplest situation is when an employee is on annual leave. In this case, it is advisable to recall the employee from vacation, informing him about the reduction notice.

In cases where the employee does not agree or is unable to arrive at work during annual leave(for example, due to being on the territory of another state), as well as in other cases of his long absence, the employee can be notified of the reduction in only one way - by sending a letter with a list of attachments and a receipt acknowledgment.

Notice of dismissal due to reduction of staff or number of employees (sample)

Jae, if someone uses sample reduction notice, it is important to take into account as many nuances as possible. The law does not establish specific requirements for the content of the notification, however, taking into account the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and judicial practice, the following points can be highlighted:

  1. It should be clear from the document who it comes from and to whom it is addressed (part 2 of article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a requirement for personal notification of the employee, that is, collective notifications are not allowed).
  2. The basis for the reduction must be indicated in the form of a reference to a specific document (order, protocol), on the basis of which the corresponding organizational staff measures are carried out.
  3. If at the time of delivery of the notification there are vacancies that can be offered to the redundant, they must be indicated. In this case, the employee is usually explained that with his written consent, he can be transferred to the relevant positions, and in case of refusal to transfer, he can be dismissed. If there are no vacancies suitable for the employee, this must also be indicated.
  4. If the employer is interested in dismissing the employee before the expiration of the warning period, the provisions of Part 3 of Art. 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the possibility of early dismissal with the payment of additional compensation.
  5. The notification is signed only by persons authorized to do so, which may be employees who have the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of the employer (if this is enshrined in the charter of the organization) or a person under a power of attorney. Signing the notice by an unauthorized person will make the dismissal unlawful (see definition The Supreme Court RF dated 03.10.2008 No. 89-B08-6).
  6. The notice provides for places for the signature of the abbreviated person and affixing him the date of familiarization with the document, as well as for expressing refusal or consent to the transfer, if other positions were offered.

Do I need to indicate the exact date of dismissal in the notice of employee layoff?

The legislation does not contain requirements for specifying the date of the upcoming dismissal in the notification of upcoming organizational staff events. Established only, how much should they warn about the reduction(the period during which the employee cannot be dismissed after delivery of the notification). The courts note that the requirement for the mandatory indication of the date of dismissal would lead to a violation of the rights of the employer, who in good faith complied with the requirement of the law on the advance warning of the employee about the layoff, and would provide unscrupulous employees with the opportunity to abuse their rights (see the appeal rulings of the Moscow City Court of 18.10.2012 in case No. 11-22044 and 10/28/2013 in case No. 11-35719).

If desired, the employer can designate the last day of work for the employee, however, the risk of difficulties must be taken into account. So, it has already been noted above that in case of dismissal of an employee later than that date, the court may reinstate the employee at work, recognizing the dismissal as illegal.

As you can see, warning about the upcoming reduction is not as simple a procedure as it might seem at first glance. Many dismissals are recognized by the courts as illegal precisely because of non-compliance. To avoid unpleasant consequences, the employer should be extremely careful at this stage and take into account all possible risks.

A reduction notice is a document that is handed to an employee personally against signature 2 months before his dismissal. In addition, it must indicate the vacancies that exist on this moment In the organisation. Otherwise former employee organizations will have the right to apply for protection of their interests to the judicial authorities.


Compliance with the entire procedure for dismissal to reduce staff is a guarantee that the employee does not go to court in order to reinstate his job in his position. That is why the leader needs to correctly arrange this process from start to finish.

As part 2 of article 180 of the labor code says, the boss warns the citizen about the upcoming cutback a couple of months before the upcoming date of dismissal. At the same time, he must offer him all the positions available at the enterprise, even if they do not correspond to the employee's qualifications.

Therefore, the notification of the reduction must be correctly drawn up in compliance with all the rules of the law. Because this document is primary information, which is communicated to the employee personally and against signature.


The reduction notice must be made in writing and must be in duplicate. On one of them, the employee must sign and indicate the date of receipt. If the employee refuses to sign this document, then this must be recorded in a special act. The reduction notice should contain not only information about the upcoming dismissal, but also a list of vacancies that the organization has. In the event that a citizen agrees to another position, then it is necessary to arrange his transfer.

Employee layoff notification. Sample

This document will be a confirmation that the employee knew about the upcoming dismissal and this was not a surprise to him. It is composed as follows:

To ____________ Full name of the employee


Name of the company

Employee layoff notice (sample)

Dear ______________ (full name of the citizen)!

In connection with the reduction in the number of employees, on the basis of clause 2 of part 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code, we notify you that the position ___________ will be removed from the staffing table from _______ (date), based on order No. _______.

In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 81 TC, we offer the following vacancies:


Date ____________ Human Resources Specialist ___________

Acquainted with the notice of reduction ____________ (signature and date)

I refuse the offered positions ____________.

The document must be signed personally by the employee who will be dismissed on this basis. In addition, the main condition here should be the observance of the two-month deadline before the reduction. Otherwise, it will be considered a gross violation of labor laws.

What is required for

A job cut notification, the pattern of which is not defined by law, is a document that warns a person of an alleged dismissal two months before the date of the end of the service relationship.

If, when drawing it up, this period is not taken into account by the employer, then the person has the right to appeal against such actions of the authorities in court. Because the notification of the reduction of the position, a sample of which is given in this article, is considered the first and most important document in the entire procedure for dismissing an employee.

In addition, the HR specialist must remember that not all employees can be terminated on this basis. For example, women who are in a position and are expecting a baby, as well as those who have children under the age of three, cannot be fired due to a layoff. Also, those categories of workers who have the highest labor productivity and are the only able-bodied members in their family have a preferential right.

The timing

A citizen must receive a notice of the reduction of his position in person and strictly two months before the scheduled date of his dismissal. It is drawn up in duplicate. In this case, one remains with the employee, and the second, with his signature, is transferred to the organization. In the event that an employee refuses to receive a notification about the reduction of the position, then a special act is drawn up, which is signed by two other employees and filed into the citizen's personal file.

If an employee is absent from the workplace for some reason, then this document can be sent to him by mail with a mandatory list of attachments. It is advisable to draw up such letters with acknowledgment of receipt.

It should also be noted that a citizen can be dismissed earlier, without waiting for the expiration of two months from the date of notification. At the same time, the head of the organization must pay him on the final day of official activity a remuneration for vacation, if it has not been used, and severance pay.


A layoff notice is not a standard form in labor law. Nevertheless, when compiling it, you must adhere to the following rules:

It must be drawn up on the letterhead of the organization;

Indicate the vacancies that are available at the enterprise at the moment, indicating the salary;

There should be a place for the signature of the employee, as well as for his boss.

In addition, the head of the organization can supplement this document with other points. The notice of staff reduction is signed by a specialist of the personnel department, as well as the head of the enterprise. It is advisable to include in this document a line about the person's consent to take the proposed positions or refuse them. You should also make sure that the employee puts his signature and its decryption on it, as well as the exact date of receipt.

Employment Service

After the notice of the reduction of the employee was handed over to him personally against signature, it is also necessary to notify the center that deals with the employment of the population. In addition, this must be done two months before the upcoming dismissal of one employee on this basis of the Labor Code. Such actions are considered necessary for the employer and are provided for in the Federal Law "On Employment of the Population". In the event that the reduction will be massive, then this service must be notified three months before the implementation of these measures.

Such norms of the law are mandatory for all leaders, and their gross violation can lead to very sad consequences and litigation... Therefore, the notice of the employment center about the reduction of the company's employees must be made within the time specified by the law.


After the notification of the reduction, a sample of which we have already provided, is handed to the employee against signature, then on the same day it is necessary to notify the employment service. In the event that several employees are subject to dismissal on this basis at once, then the notification of the competent authorities must be carried out three months before the scheduled date of termination of contracts.

Since there is no standard form for such a document. You can use our sample. The downsizing notice for the job center is filled out like this:

___________________ (full name of the head of the service)

___________________ (name of body)

___________________ (the address)

Dear _________________ (name and patronymic)!

We inform you that due to the reduction in the number of citizens at the enterprise ______________ (name), no later than _________ (date) employment contracts will be terminated on the basis of Article 81 of the Labor Code with the following employees:

Director of the company __________________ (initials and signature)

Contact phone _____________

Also, the head has the right to indicate the length of service of these citizens and their wages, although these are not mandatory conditions, because after registration with these authorities former employees will have to submit all documents for subsequent employment and a certificate of wages.


In the event that the head of the enterprise has the opportunity to save the jobs of his employees and he does not want their dismissal, then he can issue new order, which will be aimed at canceling the previous one. The reasons for this may be the following:

Improving the economic condition of the organization;

Issuance of an order by an unauthorized person.

An order that was canceled is attached to other documents and cannot be destroyed. In addition, to cancel it, another order is created with a specific number and date, which counteracts the first.

At the same time, positions are retained for citizens, and notifications of upcoming redundancies are considered null and void.

Being on sick leave

Many citizens are interested in the question of whether the manager can carry out the procedure for dismissal in connection with the layoff in the event that the person is temporarily disabled? So, termination of an employment contract with a person who is on sick leave is strictly prohibited by law. In addition, before such events, the person must receive a personal notice of the reduction. In this case, the deadlines must be met. As Art. 180 TC, the employee must be warned about the reduction two months before the upcoming dismissal. If at this moment the person is on sick leave, then the notification must also be handed over to him against signature. This will indicate that the employee has been properly notified of the upcoming dismissal. But the boss has no right to complete the service relationship with him during this period.

If a person has a disability

V in this case the employee will have a greater advantage than other citizens to stay in their workplace. Moreover, if he has a high labor productivity, he has several dependents in his family, who are completely on his support and do not have an independent income. And also in the event that the disability was received by him in the performance of labor duties.

Certain date

Warning citizens about the planned dismissal, the manager indicates in the notification the exact date of termination of the employment relationship. At the initiative of the boss himself, this period can be increased, and then the employee has great chances for subsequent employment and the time for finding a new job increases. If at this time a person falls ill, then the manager terminates service relations with him after the latter leaves sick leave.

The law is on the side of the employee

In most cases, the rights of the employee are always protected to a greater extent than the interests of his boss. It is for this reason that heads of organizations, when reducing staff, need to observe labor legislation... Because an incorrectly conducted procedure for dismissing even one employee on this basis can bring big trouble to his boss.

As a rule, workers who believe that they received insufficient a large number of Money, then turn to the judicial authorities for the protection of their interests. Some executives illegally withhold vacation pay, although this is prohibited in this case. Because the employee is not dismissed on his own initiative, but the organization terminates the employment relationship with him.

In addition, after layoffs, many workers cannot receive benefits from the employer for the third month, even though they submitted a certificate from the employment service confirming that they were registered in due time from the moment of termination of service relations with the enterprise.

In most cases, employers simply take advantage of the legal illiteracy of their subordinates. Therefore, persons who have been laid off must know their rights and protect them, or seek help from professionals.

According to Article 81 of the Russian Labor Code (Part 3), in cases of layoffs, the employer must warn the downsized employee two months before the layoff date (and no later), and he must do this in writing by notification of the layoff.

The employer must also offer the downsized employee some other vacant position. Under the reduction, as stated in the legislation, cannot fall:

  • pregnant women;
  • as well as women who have a child under three years of age.

The employer has the option of dismissing an employee earlier than two months later. This can be done only with the written consent of the downsized employee. In this case, it is necessary to pay the employee compensation in the amount of the average salary, which is calculated in proportion to the remaining time from the two-month period (Article 180 of the Labor Code, part 2).

Employee alert and sample

Within a two-month period, the laid-off employee must be offered for employment all the vacancies that are currently in the organization. The document notifying the reduction, in writing, must be handed over to the employee personally against signature or sent, necessarily with notification.

There is no uniform form for drawing up a notice of redundancy, so the personnel department specialists draw up it in a free form. It is imperative that the notification must indicate the reason for the reduction, and also a link to the article of the Labor Code of Russia is given. The reason may be an order to reduce staffing levels or about changes in staffing table.

Also in the document notifying the reduction, the list of vacant jobs offered to the employee for employment is indicated. At the request of the employer, a proposal for early dismissal, involving the payment of due compensation.

In cases where the dismissed employee does not agree to sign the notification, an act of refusal to familiarize himself must be drawn up. A special journal is kept for registering notifications.

According to Article 650 of the Labor Code, notifications of job cuts must be kept by the employer for 75 years.

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One of the most common grounds for termination employment contract on the initiative of the employer, the reduction of the staff of the enterprise is considered. This term implies the exclusion of certain positions from the staffing table and the mandatory notification of the reduction of each employee of the organization.

Reduction notification is mandatory under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

When an employment contract is terminated by an employer or an organization, it is necessary to comply with the rules provided for in Article 81, paragraph 2 Labor Code... Otherwise, when filing a claim in court by an employee who has been laid off, the organization will be obliged to reinstate him in the appropriate position by a court decision. In order for the termination of the contract to comply with the law, the following requirements of the Labor Code must be strictly followed:

  • staff reduction should not be fictitious - you must have documented evidence of the reduction)
  • it is necessary to offer in writing to the dismissed employee a list of vacancies at the enterprise that can make up an alternative to his reduced position)
  • it is necessary to take into account all the requirements of the law on who is given the advantage of staying in the position)
  • the dismissed employee must be provided on an individual basis, against signature, a corresponding notification within the time limits provided for by law (two months before dismissal))
  • an employment contract terminated without the knowledge of trade union bodies is illegal)
  • the employee is entitled to full payment of the severance pay.

Is it possible to extend the notice of redundancies?

The procedure for terminating an employment contract begins after the submission of written notice on the reduction, with the date and reason for dismissal indicated in it. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the article on the basis of which the dismissal decree was issued.

After the notice has been read and signed by a person, the period for termination of the employment contract specified in it begins. This legislation takes into account the possibility of a one-time notification, subject to compliance with all norms, repeated notification of staff reductions is not provided. The exceptions are cases gross violation standards in registration or non-receipt by the dismissed employee of the first notification.

A further extension of the notice of staff reductions and the postponement of termination at the initiative of the employer is, in principle, possible. For example, this happens in the event of a temporary disability (sick leave) of the dismissed at the time of the expiration of the reduction period. In this case, the dismissal is carried out on the first working day, upon closing the sick leave. At the same time, all payments due to the dismissed employee are made in full.

Withdrawal Notice of Reduction

The extension of the notice in case of redundancies is possible if the employee is valid reasons cannot go to work on the day of dismissal

In the event that the need to terminate the employment contract disappears during the current dismissal period specified in the notice, and the employer expresses a desire to keep the employee in the same position, it is necessary to revoke the notice of redundancy. The review must indicate:

  • data on the order for the reduction,
  • day and month,
  • the reason for the planned reduction,
  • the reason (an increase in the volume of work, an increase in funding, etc.), the number and date of the order refuting the previous one.

Often, an employer has no idea how to withdraw a layoff notice. This can be done using the example below:

“Dear Anastasia Pavlovna Petrakova! By a written document dated 12.12.2012, you were notified of the reduction of your position as a seamstress-cutter from 12.02.2013, on the basis of order No. 85-vn dated 12.12.12. We hereby inform you that this order canceled by order No. 89-vn dated 18.12.12. Due to the increase in orders for sewing duvet covers, there will be no measures to reduce your position. We will be glad to have your consent to occupy this position in the future. Respectfully yours, head of department Ilyin V.I. "

Illegal termination of an employment contract

According to the same article 261 of the Labor Code, termination of an agreement with the following category of citizens is illegal:

  • with pregnant women)
  • with women with children under the age of three)
  • with single mothers who are raising children or one child under the age of 16)
  • with persons raising children of these categories without a mother.

The employer can revoke the notice of layoff

You should also comply with the law on the priority right to the position held, which the following categories of citizens have:

  • employees whose family has two or more disabled people who are dependent on the employee)
  • employees in whose family no one works except themselves)
  • employees who were injured at work at this enterprise)
  • invalids of the Second World War)
  • workers who improve their skills on the job.
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