History Nestle: Buying companies, scandals, legal proceedings. Nestle success story

The site browser has studied the history of Nestle - the world's largest food producer, which controls Nescafe, Nesquik, Aero, Kitkat and many other brands.

Creating Nestle. Combining with Anglo-Swiss and access to the international level

The history of the company begins with a pharmacist named Henri Nestle. He was born in 1814 in Frankfurt in the Gosolovik family. His name was Heinrich, but, learned on the pharmacist and moved to Switzerland, he changed his name to Henri.

About the life of the founder Nestle knows little. It's hard to say for sure when and why he left his homeland. Sources usually lead financial motives and indicate the participation of Nestle in liberal movements, including its speeches against print restrictions.

The next thing is known about Nestle's life, in 1839 in Lausanne, he successfully sued an exam for the post of Assistant Pharmacist and received an official permission to carry out chemical experiments. He found himself a little later in Vevey, where he began to work under the top of the pharmacist Mark Nicole.

Nestle's cooperation and Nicole has long lasted. According to the popular version, in 1843, Nestile lent money from aunt and opened his business. His company was engaged in rapus processing, produced mustard, lemonade, liquor, vinegar, fertilizer and kerosene.

Henri Nestle, 1867

In 1860, Henri Nestle married Clementine Eman, and this coolly changed his life. Eman was a daughter of a doctor - helping his father, she looked at the children's deaths. Clementine knew that one of the causes of child mortality is a problem with food, and convinced her husband to start research in this area.

Also on Nestle influenced friendship with Mark Nicole, who, together with his teacher, Libich also explored the food. It was Lubi in 1860 that created a recipe for the first powder mixture for feeding children. True, it did not bring special dividends to him, and in the end he lost to Nestle's competition.

According to another version, Nestle engaged in research to make business more profitable. This moment in the company's history, many sources are interpreted in different ways. One way or another, in 1867 a mixture of milk, flour and sugar was created, called "Milk Flour Nestle". The main thing in this development was the removal of starch from the product, which children did not fit. Initially, it was positioned simply as a bastard for infants - but, as the legend says, once the products of Nestle saved the life of a premature child.

Earned the sarafined radio, and almost the whole country learned about the mixture of the pharmacist. In 1868, Nestle chose an original logo in the form of a nest with birds for its products, which would have been his family coat of arms.

In 1866, in America, the Charles and George Page brothers have created a company for the production of condensed milk-Swiss Milk Company. Then she began to produce more baby food. She quickly conquered the European market quickly, but in the mid-1870s, it was faced with Nestle.

The company at that time was also sold by milk chocolate, which Daniel Peter invented in 1875. He created a small firm, which later became part of Nestle. In the same year, Henri Nestle sold his company to three partners for five million francs - more founder could not affect the development of the brand. After 15 years, in 1890, he died from a heart attack.

Buyers turned Nestle to a joint-stock partnership and might and main struggled with Anglo-Swiss Company. Both companies were quite successfully integrated into the European market. The rumors appeared several times that companies would unite, but the truth they became only in 1905. There is information that George Page did not want to unite with Nestle, but in 1899 he died and no one prevented negotiations.

The combined company was named Nestle & Anglo-Swiss. She became one of the largest manufacturers of baby food and sweets in the world, owning almost 20 factories in different parts of Europe. Today's Nestle is respected to the Heritage of the Page Brothers, and therefore her official story begins with the date of the founding of Anglo-SWISS.

Bidon arrival with milk at the factory, 1890

In 1906, Nestle became public. Before the beginning of the First World War, it developed quickly quickly, strengthening its position in the market. The beginning of the war also should not be affected by Nestle, which was in neutral Switzerland. In addition, orders for the army often began to enter the company. The problem was in the raw material, namely in a shortage of milk, which went for the needs of the front and for sale in nearby cities and villages.

However, shipments from South America were soon established, and the company even increased turnover, despite the difficult economic situation in Switzerland and in Europe in general. In 1918, when half of the civilized world began to recover after the war, Nestle already belonged to 40 factories.

In 1921, the company began the first crisis in its history. Shareholders trying to save before the successful Nestle, hired banker and experienced leader Louis Dapples. He exercised personnel permutations by appointing talented managers to leadership positions. His will in Switzerland appeared the Nestle research laboratory, which was supposed to create advanced developments.

The company gradually became profitable and increased turnover by committing several acquisitions, including a peter-Cailler-Kohler chocolate manufacturer. The successful period in the life of the company will continue until the end of the 1920s, while almost all entrepreneurs will not begin problems due to the Great Depression.

In the early 1930s, a surplus of coffee beans was formed in Brazil - reached the point that they were used instead of coal in trains. In 1929, the Bank, in which DEPPLS was previously worked, suggested Nestle the transaction. Because of the crisis, the Bank remained a great stock of Brazilian coffee, and the company was asked to begin its processing into soluble for further sale. The offer needed a good implementation, and it was not so simple.

The first instant coffee appeared in 1890, but the technology was not yet perfect. Dr. Max Morgetaler was invited to create a new approach in Nestle. Studies occupied eight years, and in 1938 there was instant coffee Nescafe.

First Packaging Nescafe and Advertising Ad

Looking ahead, it should be noted that Nestle did not stop at what was achieved, and in the 1940s all the famous Nestea drink was created. Before that, in 1934, the company launched Milo chocolate drink. Initially, he appeared on the Australian market, and after quick gaining popularity, sales began in other regions of the world.

In the 1930s, the company actively competed in the chocolate market. In Switzerland, and in the world as a whole, there was no shortage of confectionery companies, and it was not easy to keep leadership. So Nestle has two new chocolate brands: White Chocolate Galak and Chocolate with Rayon Bubbles. In addition, the company has released POLARGON baby powder and a few more new products, among which were vitamin additives.

When the Second World War came, Switzerland remained neutral, but the risk of its occupation existed. It was decided to open an office in the United States in the city of Stamford. In Europe, the company continued to actively work, selling products including armies. True, this business quickly covered in connection with total lesions.

In the meantime, the American branch of Nestle, cut off from Europe, began more active integration into the South America market, which significantly strengthened the position of the brand. In addition, an agreement was concluded with the US government, and the company began to supply the goods of the American army.

Nestle's success emphasized various advertising posters, which argued that the company's products are everywhere with the soldiers. They had to taste and Nescafe, although especially high sales were not observed. Bought it mostly due to low price.

Apparently, soluble coffee has become much more popular already in the post-war time, when it was supplied as humanitarian assistance to the same Japanese. During the war, Nestle earned a great deal thanks to government contracts in the United States, while Europe for the most part was in ruins.

After the end of the war, trade gradually began to come back to normal. Nestle practically did not suffer and even increased the market share, so he continued to produce new items and make acquisitions.

The Swiss company "Nestle" is the largest and most influential manufacturer of food in the world. In addition to the goods for people, it also produces animal feed, and for some time the production of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals includes the production of cosmetics and pharmaceutical preparations. The company's headquarters is located in Switzerland, but the goods are sold in all parts of the planet. The enterprise was founded back in 1866, it was originally produced condensed milk. A year after the launch of the production of Pharmacists, Henri Nestle developed a mixture for feeding babies, which remained without breastfeeding. The goods acquired deafening popularity, it gave the start of the famous trademark. The official website of the company http://www.nestle.ru/.

It is in the city of Vevey, where the main office of the company is located, a milk chocolate was created for the first time - this first production became part of the concern. To the global market, the Swiss enterprise came out at the beginning of the 20th century. Today it produces not only chocolate and baby food, but also soluble coffee, ice cream and many other products. Production facilities are located in different countries, including in Russia.

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To go to work in a large corporation, you need to have experience. For some posts, the presence of a driver's license. The company provides official employment. And although salary information is not published, this company offers payment above average in the market. Transportation costs within the framework of official responsibilities are compensated, and one of the advantages of work specifically in Nestle is the possibilities of career growth.

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Nestle is now a huge corporation that produces a wide variety of products - chocolate, coffee, mineral water, ice cream, baby food, yogurt, animal feed, cosmetics and so on. Product volumes are so great that, perhaps, every average person at least several times bought goods from Nestle. This company is rightfully worthwhile to enter the list of the largest and most successful food manufacturers in the global market.

Birth nestle

Henry Nestle in the specialty was a pharmacist. In the 1860s, he took over the problem of a lack of alternative feeding of infants, and began to conduct experiments with the use of milk, sugar and flour. Many babies for one reason or another cannot be fed up with maternal breast milk, and Henry Nestle wanted to help them by creating another way of nutrition. In addition, at that time, many mother did not know how they did not know how to carefully care for them, so that their breast milk was healthy. As a result, their kids did not receive a sufficient amount of essential substances and just died. Henry Nestle decided this problem by creating the first children's dry mixture called "Milk Flour Nestle".

Interesting fact: to his epoch invention, Henry Nestle was engaged in more trivial things - sold mustard, vinegar and gas for lanterns.

Universal recognition of the Children's mixture Nestle received after this product saved the life of one kid. He was born very weak and his body did not take maternal milk and any other substitutes. He just could die if not the "dairy flour Nestle", which appeared for him literally saving formula. This case was learned in many cities of Europe, and the dairy mixture of Nestle began to enjoy tremendous popularity.

Logo history

Henry Nestle understood that for the success of the trademark, she needs a signature logo that would distinguish her among others. As such a logo, Henry chose an image of the family coat of arms of a kind - nests with chicks. The symbol of the family was exactly this image, since "Nestle" on the Swiss dialect is translated as a "small nest". And although his consultants insisted that another image became the logo - the White Cross, Henry was inexorably in this matter. "The image of the cross everywhere. And many use it. But my family character can only use me, and no one else.

Interesting fact: Initially, the Nestle logo was a nest with three chicks and a bird-mother. In the late 1980s one chick was removed from the image. The company's managers have adopted such a decision based on the fact that in those years in most European countries the average number of children in families has become two, and not three, as it was before.


Founded almost 10 years earlier than Henry, Business Charles and George Paird, called the "Anglo-Swiss company for the production of condensed milk" became the main competitor for Nestle. In the 1970s, this organization began active activities to increase its range, adding all new and new dairy products to it. At that time, Nestle already belonged to Julia Monara and he was not going to give up in front of the opponent. In response, the production of condensed milk under the Nestle brand was launched, which was the level of higher than the level that the paji offered.

In addition to competitors, Nestle and friends were. For example, milk chocolate loved by many sweet fags was invented by another and neighbor Henry Nestle - Daniel Peter. Improving a simple at first glance an idea - add milk to cocoa powder - Peter founded a successful company that beat all records for chocolate sales. Subsequently, this company became part of the Nestle corporation.

Conquest of the world market

Nestle entered the twentieth century already having its manufacturing branches in Germany, Spain, Great Britain and America. And after 5 years, Nestle has united with its aforementioned competitor - "Anglo-Swiss company for the manufacture of condensed milk". The active construction of Nestle branches in many largest cities of the world began, the export of products has grown together with the increase in consumer loyalty. Already in 1907, the market of Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong was mastered.

World War I

The First World War did not best affect the activities of Nestle. The company was forced to sell almost all its milk reserves to the population, as there was a sharp disadvantage of food. However, in those years, Nestle has worked well at the production of condensed and powder milk, since the government of the country made large orders of these products, which were then sent to soldiers and other in need. Because of such an excitement around the condensed milk, Nestle had to open additional factories to satisfy the need for this product. By the end of the war, Nestle had about 40 points of production.

However, the completion of the war was not a good joyful event for Nestle in a commercial plan. Large orders from the government stopped. Freshly milk, though it was on sale, but the population did not particularly buy it, since for the war years it was already accustomed to powder and condensed milk and did not want to return to fresh again. In order to somehow stabilize the situation in the company, the Nestle leadership invited the expert from Switzerland to Louis Dulles. Thanks to his talent and management skills, Nestle was able to reach the optimal ratio of production and sales, and repay all accumulated debts without any problems.

New products

In the 1920s, Nestle began the active introduction of new products in its range. A large bet on chocolate and chocolate products was made. These products have become the second most important products Nestle, of course, after dairy products.

Also appeared for children oriented goods. For example, a powder paste and a drink called "Milo". 1938 became especially legendary - then the world saw the product Nescafe. Nescafe soluble coffee began to conquer the global market with space speed, thanks to a low price, a pleasant taste and competent marketing campaign.

The Second World War

War again brings Nestle losses. In total, the company's revenues decreased from 20 million to 6 million. Due to the fact that Switzerland has become increasingly separated from the rest of the world, products to other countries have been difficult. Part of the production and specialists had to translate to the United States of America. American soldiers chose Nescafe with their main daily drink, and by the middle of war, sales are affecting.

By the year of the end of the war, Nestle reached $ 225 million. The company has become an absolute leader in the production of coffee, chocolate and other products.

Education Holding

After the war, the events in the life of Nestle brought her only positive results. An active expansion of production occurred, sales and popularity of the brand increased. Nestle, Alimentana S.A. And Maggi Company announced their merger. So a holding called Nestle Alimentana Company.

But on this merge Nestle with other companies, it did not end. Exactly in the middle of a century part of Nestle has become Crosse & Blackwell, which produced canned foods. Then joined Findus, which was engaged in the manufacture and sale of frozen vegetables and fruits.

Already in the 1970s, Nestle acquired the production of fruit juices Libby and frozen products Stouffer.

Food Food Exit

Despite the fact that Nestle has always been engaged in the production and sale of exclusively food products, and did it very successfully, she still decided to global expansion. In the mid-1970s, Nestle became the owner of a major stake in the company L'Oreal - a unquestioned leader of cosmetics products.

All in the same 1970s, adverse times began in the history of Nestle. The slowdown in the economic development of many countries, the fall of the currency rate, an increase in oil prices - all this marked the deterioration of the financial situation of Nestle. To somehow improve the situation, Nestle had to reiterate a responsible step - to acquire Shares of Alcon Laboratories Inc., a company that worked in ophthalmology and pharmaceuticals. Why was this step risky? Because the relationship to these industries has not yet had, and to predict how it will affect future activities was quite difficult. However, with cosmetics, and with pharmaceuticals, and with Nestle ophthalmology coped to "Hurray."

In the early 1990s, Nestle began the most favorable band in its activities. All export and trade obstacles that were present before that time were eliminated. The successful development of new markets in Europe and Asia began, which gave Nestle endless opportunities and prospects for development.

What do we have now? Going to any grocery store, you will definitely find on the shelves of products, one way or another related to the company Nestle. Coffee, chocolate, baby food, canned food, drinks, seasonings, other culinary goods - all this Nestle produced and continues to produce. Nestle products come in more than 60 countries in the world, and in many of them it is a sales leader among competitors.

This time, Lifehacking will introduce our readers with the history of Nestle's creation.

1. Swiss Pharmacist Henry

Swiss pharmacist Henry Nestle Puzzled by a child's nutrition. Henry decided to create a product that was exactly repeated maternal milk. Soon the pharmacist creates such a product called Farine Lactee Henry Nestle(Milk Flour Henry Nestle). Dry milk consisted of the most natural ingredients of that time: milk, sugar and wheat flour. Artificial milk turned out no worse than natural maternal. Then Henry decides to create its own company for the production of milk.

Already in 1867.familiar to us Pharmacist creates a company called Nestle (Very selfish). The main purpose of the company was to create a quality product for kids. The first major consumer consumers Nestle Became the baby who did not transfer the maternal and ordinary milk. He began an allergic reaction. The doctor could not help the baby. Then Henry proposed to give him milk of his own preparation, and it did not cause allergies. Thus, the dry flour from Nestle saved the life of a baby. In the future, this case was universal interest, and Nestle products quickly gained popularity throughout Europe. Together with the popularity of the wallet, Henry scored a thickness, because the product brought good earnings for the Nestle family.

In 1886.year ANGLO-SWISS MILK COMPANY Created by two brothers - Charles and George Pagebegan to produce milk for babies. Initially, the American company produced condensed milk. Upon learning of this, Nestle in response launched the production of condensed milk. What a twist! The paji were shocked by such a daring answer Henry!

2. Family coat of arms

The nest with birds is the family coat of arms of the Nestle family, translated from the German Nestle means "small nest". When Henry Nestle was offered to change the logo to the Swiss Cross, he said:

"Unfortunately, but I can't accept your idea to replace the nest with the Swiss cross, since I can't have different trademarks for each country. Someone can use the cross, but no one can use my family coat of arms. "

In 1905, there was a merger of two competing companies and then a new appeared Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Milk Company.At that time, Nestle has already belonged to several factories in the United States, Britain, Spain and in Germany. Already in 1907, the company began to capture the Australian market to increase sales.

At the beginning of the First Worldwide, the company went worse, because the delivery of raw materials slowed down. Delivery paths were cut off, raw materials lacked, then the company was waste all its reserves of fresh milk. However, there were positive moments: the US Army needed condensed milk and dry milk. Nestle has escaped its end thanks to the state order for the army. Military dry soldering included condensed milk and powdered milk. And on the front, the soldiers loved condensed milk. The companies lacked factories, so they bought several more factories in America. By the end of the war, sales doubled compared to the best sales before wartime. Nestle had 40 factories at that time.

3. First chocolate and Nescafe

In 1921. The year the company suffered its first losses, the reason for this was: the rise in prices for raw materials, the fall in the currency rate, full of calm in the economy. Then the Swiss banking expert - Louis Daples appeared in the company. After conducting a number of reforms in the company's work, he managed to normalize production.

also in early 20th century The first chocolate appears, which has become also in demand as condensed milk during the war years. In parallel, the company began to produce soluble chocolate drink, pasta for children and all familiar coffee Nescafe!

During the Second World War Nestle again increased sales. All products of the company were in demand: soluble coffee, condensed milk, chocolate, paste. In 1943. year annual income of the company amounted to 100 million dollars, and to eND 1945. nearly 245 million dollars. The company has brought a soluble coffee Nescafe!

After the war years affected the company in the best way. It was during these periods that the company expanded itself and expanded the range of products. After World War II, the company united with companies Alimentana S.A.producing fast food soups and Maggi.thus formed a new holding Nestle Alimentana Company.

4. Exit to a larger market

Nestle did not stop on companies Alimentana S.A.and Maggi,the following steps of the company's development was the acquisition of a holding producing canned products, Crosse & Blackwell.Then B. 1963 year the company already produces new products of frozen and canned food under the brand Findus.

Over the next eight years, the company has actively redeemed other companies, holdings and brands. So in 1971 year Nestleacquires LIBBY - The company producing natural nectars and juices. Next to enter and brand Stouffer. Nestleit becomes the largest industry of its time.

Further actions of the company bring companies major earnings. Sales Nestle Grow out 4 more times! In 1966, the company has created a new coffee making technology. The technology was the process of low-temperature drying! Thus, Nestle produces a new coffee brand - Taster's Choice.

In 1974. year company buys holding L'OrealCosmetics. Nestlecoming beyond the framework of the food industry!

5. Nestle in our time

IN 1990 the year began the liquidation of the company engaged in the food industry. Such a situation was on hand Nestle. It was during this period that the company began even more violent activities. Competitor products quickly replaced the company's products. New markets appear in China, which allows Nestle to increase its sales.

Nowadays it is difficult to submit a product that would not be made by the company Nestle. After all, Nestle is baby food, culinary products, coffee, chocolate, paste, ready breakfasts, hygiene products and many other things. The company owns a large number of factories around the world. Products Nestle in demand more than in 60 countries of the world!

The first children's products were made Henry NestleAll the rest of the food company developed itself. Children's natural juices are greatly popular in our time, as the best of children. But people do not think that the company had to buy a whole holding and a bunch of rights for its production.

Thanks to the site Lifehackingyou can now boast of your knowledge about Nestle Friends.

A distinctive feature of the development of the corporation is currently holding work on the development and creation of vehicles of the third millennium on the basis of the use of environmentally friendly technologies and the use of engines with increased fuel efficiency.

The Ford Motors Company Corporation in 2003 celebrated the 200th anniversary of its creation.

History of Nestle

Number of company
The basis for the appearance of an enterprise, subsequently grew up to the well-known company Nestlé, became the study of the Swiss pharmacist Henry Nestle, who tried to create a substitute for breast milk for feeding babies. Using milk, wheat flour and sugar, Henry Nestle developed a product called Farine Lactee Henry Nestlé - "Milk Flour Henry Nestle". The company for the production and sale of this product was created in 1867.
His goal, he set the creation of nutrition for babies, which for one reason or another could not be fed up with maternal milk, thereby partially solving the problem of child mortality from insufficient or irregular nutrition.
The first consumer of the new product was the premature little baby, the body of which did not accept neither maternal milk nor the existing substitutes, and the doctors were powerless to help the infant. After the new product was actually saved thanks to the new product, the "dairy flour Nestle" was widely recognized and after a few years successfully sold in most European countries.
In the meantime, the "Anglo-Swiss company for the production of condensed milk", founded in 1886 by the Americans - Charles and George Paid, expanded the range of its products and in the mid-1970s of the XIX century began to produce frons of breast milk. Nestlé, whose owner since 1874, became Jules Monner, took a response step and released their own brand of condensed milk to the market. Companies remained major competitors in this area until their merger occurred in 1905.

The history of the appearance of the logo
Henry Nestle decided to use his family coat of arms - nests with birds - as a trademark. On the Swiss dialect of German Nestlé means a "small nest". One of the trading agents offered to replace the nest on the White Cross of the Swiss Flag, but Nestle refused this idea: "Sorry, but I can not allow the nest to be replaced by the Swiss cross, I can't have different trademarks for each country - anyone can use the cross, but No one can take advantage of my family surname. "

World market
In 1905, a merger occurred, as a result of which the company named Nestlé and Anglo-Swiss Milk Company. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the company owned by factories in the United States, Britain, Germany and Spain.
In 1907, the company began to conquer the Australian market, which allowed haveaving the volume of production. At the same time, warehouses in Singapore, Hong Kong and Bombay were opened to ensure the needs for this production of the rapidly growing Asian market.
Nevertheless, the main production facilities were still located in Europe, and the beginning of the First World War struck a serious blow to the company's activities. Everything is more difficult to get raw materials and distribute finished products. The lack of fresh milk throughout Europe forced the factory to sell almost all reserves to meet the needs of the population.
But despite difficulties, the war has created an invisible demand for dry and condensed milk, mainly due to government orders. To cope with them, Nestlé acquired several factories in the United States. By the end of the war, the company owned 40 factories, and the volume of production compared to 1914 practically doubled.

Appearance of Nescafe
The post-war time brought with him the crisis for Nestlé. Government orders have ceased to enter, and people who are accustomed during the war to the war to dry and condensed milk preferred to return to fresh as soon as it became available again. In 1921, the company suffered damages for the first time. Rising prices for raw materials, post-war calm in the global economy and falling currency courses aggravated the situation.
The Nestlé's management quickly responded to the established position and invited the Swiss banking expert Louis Daples to reorganize the company. Introducing the level of production and sale, as well as reducing uncovered debt, he established the company's work.
In the twenties, Nestlé first went beyond its traditional range. The production of chocolate has become the second largest activity of the company. New products appeared: Milk with malo, soluble Milo drink, powder Pathelom for children and in 1938 - Nescafé. This soluble powder made a global revolution in coffee consumption and rapidly gained popularity.

Global shocks
The beginning of World War II adversely affected the activities of Nestlé. The company's profit has decreased from $ 20 million in 1938 to 6 million in 1939. Neutral Switzerland has become increasingly isolated from covered by the war of Europe, and the company translated a significant part of its employees to Stamford, Connecticut.
Ironically, the Second World War helped accelerate the promotion of the new product of the company - Nescafé. After the United States entered the war, Nescafé became the main drink of American soldiers and officers who served in Europe and Asia. By 1943, the annual production volume reached a million boxes.
As in the period of the First World War, the level of production and sales in the military economy has increased significantly: the total sales jumped from $ 100 million in 1938 to 225 million in 1945. By the end of the war, Nestlé managers unexpectedly discovered that the concern leading in World coffee business, as well as in other traditional products for Nestlé products.

Growth production and expansion of the range
The postwar years have become the most dynamic phase in the history of Nestlé. During this period, the growth of the company was based on expanding the range of food companies produced. Alimentana S.A has joined Nestlé. - Manufacturer of soups and seasonings Maggi. The name was changed to Nestlé Alimentana Company. Then the acquisition of Crosse & Blackwell, the British manufacturer of canned products, as well as Findus companies in 1963 (frozen foods), Libby in 1971 (fruit juices) and Stouffer in 1973 (frozen foods) followed.
Meanwhile, the growth of Nescafé's popularity continued. From 1950 to 1959, the sales of soluble coffee were almost tripled, and from 1960 to 1974 - even four times rose. The company's sales increased four times in 15 years since the end of World War II. The development of a new low-temperature drying technology led to the appearance of a new brand of soluble coffee in 1966 - Taster's Choice.
Finally, the Nestlé leadership came to the decision for the first time to go beyond the framework of the food industry. In 1974, the company became the largest shareholder of the world leader in the production of cosmetics - the company L'Oreal.

Changing positions
In 1974, the Nestlé position began to change the changes. For the first time since 1920, the company's economic situation worsened in connection with the increase in oil prices and the slowdown in the economic growth of industrial countries. In addition, world currencies fell in relation to the Swiss franc. As a result, in the period from 1975 to 1977, coffee prices rose four times, and on cocoa - three times. As in 1921, the company had to respond quickly to a radically changed market situation.
The increase in sales in developing countries partially softened the consequences of the recession on the traditional markets for Nestlé, but at the same time concluded the risk associated with the unstable political and economic situation in these countries. To preserve the balance, Nestlé acquired Alcon Laboratories, Inc., which is not related to the food industry - the American manufacturer of pharmaceutical and ophthalmological products.

Nestlé today and tomorrow
The first half of the nineties became for the Nestlé favorable period: trading barriers were eliminated, and integration processes continued on the world market. The opening of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as China, provided Nestlé new ways to sell their products.
Nestlé began the beginning of the 20th century with a merger with the "Anglo-Swiss company for the production of condensed milk" to increase the range of products and expand the geography of its activities. In the New Millennium, the company enters as a confident food industry leader, with more than 500 factories in 70 countries and annual sales of more than 71 billion Swiss francs.
Since 1996, consolidation processes have reflected in the acquisition of the Italian concern for the production of mineral water San Pellegrino (in 1997), buying the English company Spiller Petfoods (in 1998), as well as in solving to sell the Findus trademark (in 1999) to concentrate Efforts to produce more profitable frozen products. The acquisition of SPILLER PetFoods strengthened Nestlé's position in Europe on the market for pets, to which the company was published back in 1985, acquiring Carnation and its Trademark Friskies. Carnation was acquired from auction for $ 3 billion. At that time she had a lot of weight among American food producers. The merger of enterprises has become one of the largest food industry in the entire history.
The recent decision of Nestlé on the closure of ground coffee enterprises in the United States (Hill Bros, MJB, Chase & Sanborn) will allow the company to focus on the new elite line of Nescafé, the production of which began in September 1999.
The preservation of leading positions in the conditions of a changeable market requires sufficient mobility. The existing product range is complemented, the geography of activity - expands

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