Nursery rhymes and poems for preschool children (Getting ready for bed). Nursery nursery rhymes for sleep Nursery walks nap

Does your child have nightmares at night? Or, on the contrary, insomnia and teething? And so I want to see my son or daughter in the daytime vigorous and with good mood... Yes, and I want to sleep myself.

But there is a way out of such situations. A carefree and strong journey into the kingdom of Morpheus will provide a crumb of nursery rhymes for sleeping presented below. Just read them to a sleeping child, and he will have bright dreams.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie on the edge -
A gray top will come
He will grab the barrel
He will grab the barrel
And drag it into the woods
And drag it into the woods
Under the bush.
You, top, do not come to us,
Don't wake up our Katya!

You have already drunk tea
I ate porridge and played enough,
I found myself, talked about,
So go to sleep now
I sat down on the gate
Talkative magpie:
It's time for the little one to sleep! "
The doves looked out the windows:
"Guli-guli - guli-guli,
The little one needs to sleep
So as not to oversleep the morning. "
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
How I love the child!

The seagulls have arrived.
They began to flap their wings
To put our Katya to sleep.

Bayu-bye, sleep, Katyushka,
My bunny is funny
Close your eyes, bunny,

Bayu-bye, byu-bye,
Grandfather Mamai came to us,
Grandfather Mamai came to us,
Asks: "Give Mashenka back!"
But we won't give Masha,
It will be useful to us ourselves.

Bayu-bye, byu-bye,
Salmon fish, swim!
Salmon fish, swim
Wait for Alexey.
Alexey will grow up
She will go to sea with dad.
He will catch salmon,
He will feed his mother.

Oh, you are my darling
White pillow!
If we live with you amicably,
You don't need to go to the movies!
Lay down, fell asleep, watch a movie,
After all, they will show it all the same!
Oh, you are my darling
White pillow!

Ay, bye, bye, bye,
You are a dog, do not bark!
You cow, don't moo!
You, cock, do not cry!
And our boy will sleep
Will close his eyes.

Ay! Bye Bye,
You little dog, don't bark!
You cow, don't moo!
You, cock, do not cry!
And our boy will sleep
Will close his eyes.

Sleep - sleep, sleep
Close your eyes.
Bayu, bayu, bayu, buy.
Go to sleep soon.
There is a dream on the bench
In a blue shirt.
Bayu, bayu, bayu, buy,
Go to sleep soon.
And sonikha - on the other,
The sundress is blue.
Bayu, bayu, bayu, buy.
Go to sleep soon.

Pretty little girls,
Legs - walkers
Into the mouth - talk
And in the head - clever.
The legs told us today:
“We are so tired today,
We jumped so much today
What we don't want anymore
So that they jerk us again.
We want to lie down, rest,
To set off again tomorrow! "
And the pens said:
“We are very tired too,
We clothed, fed and washed,
And they also drew
Do you know how tired we are? "
And each finger said:
"I am also tired!
I also worked and helped!
And hold the spoon and wash your eyes!
Let us sleep now! "
And the ears suddenly whispered:
“And we are tired too,
We are all day
They listened to everyone attentively,
We have learned so much ...
We would be happy,
If only you slept! "
And the eyes said:
“Oh, how tired we are!
We were so tired that we pinched it.
We saw so much today
And now we want to sleep
Let's close us! "
And his mouth said and gaped:
"I am also tired,
I chewed, I bit and screamed.
Let's get some rest
So that tomorrow again
« good morning" to tell!"
And the tongue babbled:
“And how much I told
Smacked, smacked and growled
I'm very tired too! "
And only the nose said:
“I'm not tired!
You all lie quietly
Rest and sleep
And I will protect you,
Breathe calmly and breathe ... "

The dog bakes pies in the kitchen.
The cat in the corner is crunching crackers.
The cat in the window sews a dress.
A hen in boots sweeps the hut.
I swept out the hut, put the rug:
- Lie down, doormat, under the threshold on the side!

Sleep well, my child,
Close your eyes as soon as possible.
I buy-buy a chick to sleep!
Your mother will rock you
Dad to protect the dream!

Sleep, my baby, sweet and sweet.
Let the chocolate dream.
Or a bunny, or a bear, or a funny monkey.
Sleep, son, go to sleep.
Close your eyes, sweetheart!

The puppy has the whole house - care,
The yard, the porch is his job.
He was chasing the ball
Spun behind the tail,
I drank milk with a kitten,
I nibbled the grass with the kid.
Our puppy got tired
Sleeps soundly without hind legs.

The little kitten sleeps and sees a dream:
As if he became a bird - a gray sparrow,
Jumped onto the window and soared up,
They carried small wings to the sky.
Where the sun, stars, moon and moon are,
Where the clouds float gracefully.
A kitten flew there - a gray sparrow,
And the kitten flew to grow faster.

Ay, lyulenki and lyulenki,
A deer is walking along the mountains.
On his horns he wears a nap,
He brings it into every house.
He puts a nap in the cradle,
Sings a song quietly.

One two Three!
Do not say anything.
One, two!
Head on the pillow ...
Eyes close and ...
Once! Sweet dreams for us ...

(We bend our fingers)
This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger just took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
This one is fast, sound asleep.
Quiet! Hush, do not make noise!
The red sun will rise
The clear morning will come.
The birds will chirp
Fingers will get up!
(fingers unbend)

Undress me
Open me up
Lay me down
Cover me
I'll fall asleep
I myself!

The birch squeak, squeak, my daughter sleeps, sleeps ...
My daughter will fall asleep - her sleep will take away,
Take her to the cage, under the raspberry bush.
And the raspberry will fall, it will fall into the daughter's mouth.
Little baby, sweetheart, sleep, little daughter.
The birch squeak, squeak, and my daughter sleeps, sleeps ...

The Fairy Tale walks home,
Along the high towers,
Wait for her, close your eyes.
Sleep, peephole, Sleep, other
A good fairy tale will come
A good heart will find
Wait for her, close your eyes
Sleep peephole
Sleep, other.

One, two, three, four, five!
All fingers want to sleep.
This finger wants to sleep.
This finger is in bed
This finger took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep,
This finger is fast asleep.
Hush, hush, do not make noise!
You will not wake your fingers.

Does your child have nightmares at night? Or, on the contrary, insomnia and teething? And so I want to see my son or daughter in the daytime vigorous and in a good mood. Yes, and I want to sleep myself.

But there is a way out of such situations. A carefree and strong journey into the kingdom of Morpheus will provide a crumb of nursery rhymes for sleeping from this section. Just read them to a sleeping child, and he will have bright dreams.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie on the edge -
A gray top will come
He will grab the barrel
He will grab the barrel
And drag it into the woods
And drag it into the woods
Under the bush.
You, top, do not come to us,
Don't wake up our Katya!

You have already drunk tea
I ate porridge and played enough,
I found myself, talked about,
So go to sleep now
I sat down on the gate
Talkative magpie:
It's time for the little one to sleep! "
The doves looked out the windows:
"Guli-guli - guli-guli,
The little one needs to sleep
In order not to oversleep the morning. "
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
How I love the child!

The seagulls have arrived.
They began to flap their wings
To put our Katya to sleep.

Bayu-bye, sleep, Katyushka,
My bunny is funny
Close your eyes, bunny,

Bayu-bye, byu-bye,
Grandfather Mamai came to us,
Grandfather Mamai came to us,
Asks: "Give Mashenka back!"
But we won't give Masha,
It will be useful to us ourselves.

Bayu-bye, byu-bye,
Salmon fish, swim!
Salmon fish, swim
Wait for Alexey.
Alexey will grow up
She will go to sea with dad.
He will catch salmon,
He will feed his mother.

Oh, you are my darling
White pillow!
If we live with you amicably,
You don't need to go to the movies!
Lay down, fell asleep, watch a movie,
After all, they will show it all the same!
Oh, you are my darling
White pillow!

Ay, bye, bye, bye,
You are a dog, do not bark!
You cow, don't moo!
You, cock, do not cry!
And our boy will sleep
Will close his eyes.

Ay! Bye Bye,
You little dog, don't bark!
You cow, don't moo!
You, cock, do not cry!
And our boy will sleep
Will close his eyes.

Sleep - sleep, sleep
Close your eyes.
Bayu, bayu, bayu, buy.
Go to sleep soon.
There is a dream on the bench
In a blue shirt.
Bayu, bayu, bayu, buy,
Go to sleep soon.
And sonikha - on the other,
The sundress is blue.
Bayu, bayu, bayu, buy.
Go to sleep soon.

Pretty little girls,
Legs - walkers
Into the mouth - talk
And in the head - clever.

The legs told us today:
“We are so tired today,
We jumped so much today
What we don't want anymore
So that they jerk us again.
We want to lie down, rest,
To set off again tomorrow! "

And the pens said:
“We are very tired too,
We clothed, fed and washed,
And they also drew
Do you know how tired we are? "

And each finger said:
"I am also tired!
I also worked and helped!
And hold the spoon and wash your eyes!
Let us sleep now! "

And the ears suddenly whispered:
“And we are tired too,
We are all day
They listened to everyone attentively,
We have learned so much ...
We would be happy,
If only you slept! "

And the eyes said:
“Oh, how tired we are!
We were so tired that we pinched it.
We saw so much today
And now we want to sleep
Let's close us! "

And his mouth said and gaped:
"I am also tired,
I chewed, I bit and screamed.
Let's get some rest
So that tomorrow again
Say good morning! "

And the tongue babbled:
“And how much I told
Smacked, smacked and growled
I'm very tired too! "

And only the nose said:
“I'm not tired!
You all lie quietly
Rest and sleep
And I will protect you,
Breathe calmly and breathe ... "

The dog bakes pies in the kitchen.
The cat in the corner is crunching crackers.
The cat in the window sews a dress.
A hen in boots sweeps the hut.
I swept out the hut, put the rug:
- Lie down, doormat, under the threshold on the side!

Sleep well, my child,
Close your eyes as soon as possible.
I buy-buy a chick to sleep!
Your mother will rock you
Dad to protect the dream!

Sleep, my baby, sweet and sweet.
Let the chocolate dream.
Or a bunny, or a bear, or a funny monkey.
Sleep, son, go to sleep.
Close your eyes, sweetheart!

Nursery rhymes are great joy for children, so parents can start using them right from the start. early age... For centuries, nursery rhymes have helped parents in various aspects of raising a child. If the child is stubborn and does not want to do something, the nursery rhyme is very helpful in such cases.

Nursery rhymes for babies help to tune in the right mood and make game form what is needed. A nursery rhyme can cheer, comfort, and cheer a child in almost any situation.

Poems are suitable for different age category children. Only change characters and intonation when reading poetry. So, there are funny sayings for newborns, funny stories for the weather and instructive poetic stories for grown-up kids.

Universal nursery rhymes for little ones are suitable for any kind of leisure. They can be used during rest or combined when performing monotonous actions. Legends for walking, characterized by a fabulous plot, are noteworthy. For games, poems with a fast and changeable rhythm are suitable, to which you can make movements or even teach you to dance. Before going for a walk while dressing, simple rhymed phrases with mysterious content will do.

Nursery rituals can become a daily ritual and can be of great help in the repetitive hectic days. So they can and should be actively used for or. We already talked about morning nursery rhymes earlier in Let's talk today about an evening in nursery rhymes.

Nursery rhymes for evening treatments

If you are going to put the baby to sleep in a crib or stroller for newborns, introduce a ritual - reading nursery rhymes. Start reading them while bathing, changing, and going to bed in the evening. After all, the child will be pleased to hear familiar lines from the mother every time.

Nursery rhymes for dressing

Here we have a diaper
For our bunny,
She has bright flowers
For a beautiful daughter (handsome son).

And mushrooms for my daughter (son).
And leaflets for my daughter (son).
Wrapped the bunny
In such a diaper.

* * *

We are on chubby little hands
We put on a shirt
Repeat after me the words:
The pen is one, and the pen is two!
Fasten the clasps
On your clothes:
Buttons and buttons,
Various rivets.

* * *

On the bed,
On the sheet
Not to the edge -
In the middle,
They laid bare
Wrapped up a tough guy!

* * *

Like our bird
Dark eyelashes.
Like our baby
Warm legs.
Like our paw
Marigolds - scratches.
On the bed,
On the sheet
Not to the edge - to the middle
They laid bare
Wrapped up the baby!

* * *

Valya will grow up big
Will walk in gold.
All mothers and nannies
Give gifts.
Old old women - in rags,
Young youths - with ribbons.

* * *

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
I know one girl.
This girl is not sleeping
Maybe something hurts?

No, of course it doesn't hurt,
The girl is just playing naughty.
He wants to sleep, but everything is "aha!"
I'll help her sleep.

I'll sing her a song
"Bayu-byu, ba-bye,
Sleep, dear, go to sleep. "

(Nina Pikuleva)

Nursery rhymes for evening swimming

Bathing nursery rituals are not only a wonderful evening ritual, but also a way to communicate, express your love, and just talk ... During bathing, all the baby's attention is drawn to adults, so why not decorate this attention with a warm look and kind words ...

* * *

Water off a duck
Water from the swan
And from my child
All thinness -
To an empty forest
To the big water,
Under a rotten deck!

* * *

Ay, fret, fret,
We are not afraid of water
We wash cleanly
We smile at the baby.

* * *

Boule, boule, boule, carp.
We wash in a basin.
Nearby are frogs, fish and ducklings.

* * *

The water is flowing
The child is growing fast
Water down,
And the child up!

* * *

Swan geese flew
They flew into the open field,
They found a bathhouse in the field,
Lebedenka was redeemed.

* * *

Who will be the kup-kup here,
For some water - squish-squish?
Quickly into the bath - jump, jump,
In the bath with a foot - jerk, jerk!
The soap will foam
And the dirt will disappear somewhere.

Sleepy nursery rhymes

Sleepy nursery rhymes - can be a special kind of lullaby songs. You can read them, or you can hum with any calm motive. And do not be afraid that you do not have a voice or hearing, for a crumb there is nothing sweeter than the sound of a mother's voice!

See and listen to lullabies in the article "".

The bell rang

The bell rang.
It's time to sleep, flower.
The sun fell asleep
The cloud went to sleep.
And magic Blue bird
Good dreams brought you.
Mommy will hug you tenderly.
Go to sleep, my darling, my joy!


Bayu-bye sleep Katyushka,
My bunny is funny
Close your eyes, bunny,


The seagulls have arrived.
They began to flap their wings
To put our Katya to sleep.

Sleep, my Katyushka,
Sleep, you piggy,
Close your eyes


Cobweb bug
I didn’t sleep for seven nights,
Weaved for Katyusha
A dream about a sun-bell
And about mushroom rain,
And about you and me.
Do you want to wander through the forest in a dream?
Try to close your eyes.

* * *

Oh, you are my darling
White pillow!
If we live with you amicably,
You don't need to go to the movies!

* * *

Seryozhka played all day,
Thank you, let's say, legs.
Thank you, let's say pens.
Every day you are more obedient.
The legs of our earring are being listened to.

Little bunnies

Little bunnies
Wanted bainki
Wanted bainki
Because the bunnies.

We will sleep a little
We'll lie on the back.
We'll lie on the back
And we'll take a little nap.

* * *

The night has come
The darkness has brought
The cockerel dozed off,
The cricket began to sing.
Mom came out
She closed the shutter.
Fall asleep

* * *

We'll rock my daughter
To my chorus
It has the beginning of "Ba" yu-ba "yu!"
And the end is "Bayu" -byu "!"

* * *

Sleep-ko, sleep-ko, bye-bye,
Close your eyes.
Bayu, bayu, bayu, buy.
Go to sleep soon.

Sleep walks on the bench
In a blue shirt.
Bayu, bayu, bayu, buy,
Go to sleep soon.

And Sonikha - on the other,
The sundress is blue.
Bayu, bayu, bayu, buy,
Go to sleep soon.

* * *

Lyuli, lyuli, cradle,
Gulenki gray-haired birds are flying.
Ghouls are flying out, out.
They bring the baby a dream, a dream.
There will be ghouls cooing
The baby will sleep soundly.
The ghouls will speak
What to feed the baby.
They will fly into the woods
And they will find a spikelet there,
They will cook porridge,
They will feed the baby
White porridge with milk
And a ruddy pie.

* * *

Ay! Bye Bye,
You little dog, don't bark!
You cow, don't moo!
You, cock, do not cry!
Our daughter will sleep
Will close his eyes.

* * *

Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet
Tikhon enters our door,
Do not sound, do not shout,
And to lull and swing.
Tikhon sings a song,
He gives out dreams to the guys
“In this dream there is a balloon,
In this dream - the dog Sharik,
In this - doves fly,
This is where the children want to sleep. "
Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet,
Dusk, slumber and peace.
Kids are sleeping. Tikhon leaves
To a quiet house across the river.

Outside the window evening

Outside the window is evening
And there is a month in the sky ...
The baby sleeps in the crib
A horse sleeps in the stall,
The squirrel is in the hollow,
The dog is in the kennel.
Well, the sun will wake up
The baby will smile at his mother.
It will be a fun day.
Grow your baby healthy.

Hey you little eyes

Hey you eyes, hey you ears.
We'll put you on the pillows.
Lie down, lie down
Relax and sleep.


The Fairy Tale walks home,
Along the high towers,
Wait for her, close your eyes.
Sleep peephole
Sleep, another

A good fairy tale will come
A good heart will find
Wait for her, close your eyes
Sleep peephole
Sleep, other.

After talking to your baby a lot during the day, having bathed him, singing lullabies or sleepy nursery rhymes, turn on gentle and calm music before going to bed. Let the baby sleep sweetly and see good dreams!

There are even more nursery rhymes for children in the "" section.

Wish you healthy kids, friends!

With love,

Lyudmila Potsepun.

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"

Sayings-washbasins, kupalochki

Playful sentences


In a hammock

After a delicious lunch
The fidget kitten is sleeping.
Asleep - head on a side.
He fell asleep, and we are silent ...

(V. Stepanov)

Sleepy elephant

Ding-dong. Ding-dong.
An elephant is walking in the alley.
An old, gray, sleepy elephant.
Ding-dong. Ding-dong.
It became dark in the room:
The elephant shields the window.
Or is it a dream?
Ding-dong. Ding-dong.

(I. Tokmakova)

Time to sleep

How to find your way to sleep?
How to find his den?
Maybe the cubes know
Is this a fabulous place? ..

The cat purrs into its mustache
Mom looks at her watch.
Where is she hiding -
This sleepy country?

Maybe about this Mishka
Will you be able to find out in the book?
Maybe in the land of the mirror
Does the dream live shrouded in mystery?

How stranger's paws became,
They do not want to go.
Maybe ask daddy
Where to find the lost dream?

Hush ... It seems like a pillow
Something whispers in my ear:
"Bear, here is your the dream lives on,
He will come to you now. "

(V. Stepanov)

Doze and Yawn

They roamed the city

Doze and Yawn.
Doze ran

into the gates and gates,
Looked through the windows
And the clicks of the doors
And she said to the children:
- Go to bed soon!
A yawn said:
who will go to bed sooner,
To that she, Yawning,
Good night will say!
And if someone does not lie down
Now on the bed
That she will command
Yawn, yawn, yawn!

(S. Marshak)

Time to sleep

The night is falling
You're tired, daughter.
Legs have been running since the morning
It's time for the eyes to sleep.
The crib is waiting for you.
Sleep, daughter, sweet!

(S. Marshak, from P. Voronko)

Evening song

Sweeps outside the window
Evening snow.
Hurry up with a blanket
Take cover, buddy!
Blizzard carousel
Is spinning
Covers with a wing
Hedgehog took cover
An autumn leaf.
Fluffy squirrel -
Warm tail.
And the bear -
With your clubfoot
With your shaggy hair
With a paw.
Bushes and trees
We fell asleep all around
They took refuge
Blue silver.
Only to the gray wolf
Can't sleep
He walks through the forest
And angry.
Do you know, friend,
Why is he angry?
He is looking for the one
Who's not covered yet.
Cover yourself with a blanket
And don't be afraid of the gray wolf.

(V. Orlov)

Zasypalkin book

So that tomorrow at dawn
Sing "ku-ka-re-ku"
Pete needs to go to bed,
Pete the cockerel.

The gray elephant falls asleep
Zebra is watching the first dream.
Kittens and cats are sleeping
The whales and whales are sleeping.

Now the fatty pig
Will lie on the side
And bury itself in the pillow
Khryushkin's piglet.

Everyone is tired, everyone is yawning
All eyes are closed -
To our falling asleep ...

(P. Sinyavsky )


The sun looks into the moon
And the moon is in the window.
Patterned linen
The path splashes.

The day fell asleep. The quiet of the night
Touches eyelashes.
The bear is sleeping. And you are not sleeping.
Why can't you sleep?

The elephant is already flying into your dream
The ears are spread wide.
Let's count to five:
One two three four…

(M. Elkin)

The moon hangs outside the window ...

The moon hangs outside the window
There was silence -
Every rustle is heard
The rustle of cherries is heard ...
Let them whisper
Sleep under their whisper!
For-sy-pai !!!

(I. Demyanov)

Don't rustle, mouse ...

Don't rustle, mouse,
I beg, -
Sleep is suitable for the baby.
Does not carry mushrooms along the path,
And he carries yawns to the basket ...
We yawn sweetly -
And sleep in the crib!

(I. Demyanov)

At night a dream comes to us ...

At night a dream comes to us
He's sweeter chocolates!
And no honey, no sweets -
Sweeter than sleep not in the world.
Lie rather on the side
The night light will light up -
Sleepy light ...
Sleep, sleep, son!

(I. Demyanov)

Sleep grass

The distant forest stands like a wall
And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,
An owl sits on a bitch.
Sleep-grass grows there.
They say sleep-grass
Knows sleepy words;
How she whispers her words
The head goes numb at once.
I have an owl today
I will ask for this herb:
Let you sleep-grass
Say sleepy words.

(I. Tokmakova)

Time to sleep

A month came out.
Time to sleep...
Everyone goes to bed until morning.
Our son is in the bedroom
Caton the heap,
Little bird
in a soft nest,
Sleepy fish
in water.
Cover your eyes.
To all

(V. Khesin)

Need to sleep

The little one watched the cartoon,
The crumb ate, the crumb sang ...
I could get a little tired
The little one needs to sleep!

(N. Kapustyuk )


I'll put you in the crib
On the side.
Let your dream
Will remain sweet
Our cricket!
Chick you are restless
Look at Crumbs
Sleepy-sleepy, -

(N. Kapustyuk )

Do you sleep

There is a clock with a pig on the table:
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Sleep, sleep, my blood
Like this!
The arrows are running fast
Do you sleep.
And in a dream they always grow

(N. Kapustyuk )


Love my ears
Soft pillow.
The eyes fall asleep right away,
The arms and legs are resting
Mouth yawns wide
And sniffs the nose.
Night sings to me: -Byu-bye!
Sleep well and grow up!

(Lika Razumova )

Lullaby to tomboy

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Sleep, my wounded in battle,
Scratched by a cat
Bandaged with a bandage
Three times smeared with iodine,
Punished ten times.

All you are in bumps and bumps.
Sleep, my poor boy,
My favorite bully -
Enough wounds for today!

(N. Radchenko )

Cat, cat, cat

Mila should sleep long ago
She was bored with the game.
Darling will lie in bed,
Let's call the cat:

- Cat, cat Kotofey,
Come to us soon!
You are so affectionate, so good
You can't find a better nanny.
You purr songs
You call sleep and doze.

Shake the cradle -
We will give you a sausage.

(N. Radchenko )

Modern lullaby

Bayu baby go to sleep
They turned off our Wi-fi.
How the iPad doesn't beg -
Barbie cartoon can not be downloaded.
What to do, it turned out like this -
Don't contact you.
Don't bite the computer
Play Monster High.
The doll will quickly get bored
And you will finally fall asleep.
Since my friends do not write to me -
Soon I will go to bed too.
Maybe in the morning it will be heaven
Will they turn on our Wi-fi again?

(Sleep in an embrace.

How the shutters are closed
LIDES near the eyes.
Even though the eyes are closed
But they see now:

They see eyes in a dream
Fairy tales.
And Brovki is a convoy,
Keep them calm.

(Natalie Samoniy )

Firefly lullaby

Bumblebees and braids sleep.
Spiders doze somewhere.
Don't walk over potatoes
Colorado beetles.

Behind the window -
Fine rain
Tramples the leaves in half-sleep.
Sleeping on the river -
Water striders.
Caddisflies sleep at the bottom.

A nimble grasshopper sleeps in the grass,
Woodworm under the bark.
And snails snore in the foliage,
And in the hollow there is a swarm of bees.

Behind the window -
Rare rain
Wandering around with ringing drops.
Bears chomp sleepily
In a burrow dug by the stump.

A butterfly slumbers in the hallway.
The midges fall asleep.
And you, of course, too,
My firefly, it's time to sleep.

Outside the window
The rain subsides
And the moon's eye shines.
Sleep well, bayu-bayu,
May God save us all.

(D. Gerasimova)

Nursery rhymes and poems for children

preschool age

( Preparation for sleep )

Preparation for sleep

What could be better than a nursery rhyme told by your beloved mother before bedtime? Choose the nursery rhyme that you and your baby like best, and let itwill become a mandatory part daily ritual the child's going to bed.


There is a dream at the cradle

Bayu - bye,

Whose eyes here wanted to sleep?

Bayu - bye,

You are not three of their fists,


Sleep rocks the cradle

Go to sleep.

To make the children calm down faster and begin to close their eyes, you can read the nursery rhyme:


Bayu, bayu, bayu, buy,

You don't bark a dog,

You cow, don't moo,

You, cock, do not cry

And our baby will sleep

Will close his eyes.


Little bunnies

Wanted bainki

Wanted bainki

Because the bunnies.

We will sleep a little

We'll lie on the back.

We'll lie on the back

And we'll take a little nap.


Ay, lyuli-lyuli-lyuli!
The cranes have arrived

Upland cranes

We did not find a way, a road.

They sat at the gate
And the gate creak, creak ...
Don't wake Vanya with us,

Vanya sleeps with us, sleeps.


(Z bend our fingers)
This finger wants to sleepThis finger went to bedThis finger just took a nap,This finger has already fallen asleep.This one is fast, sound asleep.Quiet! Hush, do not make noise!The red sun will riseThe clear morning will come.The birds will chirpFingers will get up!( fingers unbend ).


The night is falling

You're tired, daughter.

Legs have been running since the morning

It's time for the eyes to sleep

The crib is waiting for you

Sleep sweetheart.


Bayu, bayu, bayu, buy,

You don't bark a dog,

Whitepaw do not whine

The night is dark, I can't sleep

Our daughter is afraid.


Bayu, bayu, tales,

Seagulls have arrived

They began to flap their wings.

To put our Katya to sleep.


Here lie in the crib

Pink heels

Whose heels are these?

Are they soft and sweet?

The goslings will come running

Pinched by the heels.

Hide soon, don't yawn

Cover with a blanket.


Ay, lyulenki, yes lyulenki,

A deer is walking in the mountains

He wears slumber on his horns,

It brings it into every house,

In the cradle he puts a nap,

Sings a song softly:

(repeat the nursery rhyme)


Bayu-bye sleep Katyushka,

My bunny is funny

Close your eyes, bunny,



Hey you eyes, hey you ears.

We'll put you on the pillows.

Lie down, lie down

Relax and sleep.


Outside the window is evening

And there is a month in the sky ...

The baby sleeps in the crib

A horse sleeps in the stall,

The squirrel is in the hollow,

The dog is in the kennel.

Well, the sun will wake up

The baby will smile at his mother.

It will be a fun day.

Grow your baby healthy.



Cobweb bug

I didn’t sleep for seven nights,

Weaved for Katyusha

A dream about a sun-bell

And about mushroom rain,

And about you and me.

Do you want to wander through the forest in a dream?

Try to close your eyes.


The bell rang.

It's time to sleep, flower.

The sun fell asleep

The cloud went to sleep.

And the magic bluebird

Brought you good dreams.

Mommy will hug you tenderly.

Go to sleep, my darling, my joy!


Wanted bainki

Wanted bainki

Because the bunnies.

We will sleep a little

We'll lie on the back.

We'll lie on the back

And we'll take a little nap.

But such nursery rhymes can be used to wake up after daytime sleep:


We woke up, we woke up.
- Sweetly, sweetly stretched.
- Mom and Dad smiled.

(Instead of "mom and dad", you can call any names of the children)


Here we woke up
Stretched out
Side to side
Turned around!
Where are the toys
You, toy, rattle
Pick up our baby!


Sunshine, sunshine
Look through the window.
Look through the window
Wake up the Earring.
So that the day is a little longer,
So that we know more,
So that the toys do not get bored
And they played with Serezhenka.


In the morning the sun woke up.
He smiled at the children at the windows.
You, Yurasenka, get up,
And fill up the crib.

Pulls, pulls, puffs,
For a child, pretty little
Grow up, baby, healthy,
Like a garden apple tree.
Grow up baby
Like a strong oak tree.


Petyagunyushki, poyagunyushki
(stroking from head to heels)
Across the fat girl

And in the legs - walkers,
(move legs)
And in the hands - grabbing,
(clenching and unclenching fists)
And in the ears - hear,
(show ears)
And in the eyes - peepers,
(show eyes)
And to the nose - sopunyushki,
(show the nose)
And in the mouth - talk,
(show their mouth)
And in the head - a mind!

Fingers will get up
Dress our children.
Fingers stood up - hurray!
It's time for us to get dressed.


Pulls, pulls, puffs,

For a child, pretty little

Grow up, daughter, healthy,

Like a garden apple tree.

Grow up son

Like a strong oak tree.


(we stretch our fingers up as high as possible)

Sip - sip

From toes to crown

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

We will not stay small.

We are already growing

Growing up

We are growing!


Reach out my friend

Turn on your side

Turn on your tummy

Smile tenderly to your mother.

I'll walk along the back

I'll take the little bug,

Grow up okay

Yes, healthy.


The sun walks in the sky

Congratulations on a clear day,

Wake up kids

It's high time to walk!

Get up quickly everyone

And make the beds

Let's dress ourselves

Get ready for a walk.

All the best,

and success in your very necessary and beloved work.

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